#Key Realty
upperpeninsulahomes · 2 years
Business Opportunity in Powers!
Business Opportunity in Powers!
Great opportunity to own your own business! This building was previously an Auto Repair business and is set up to be used for a similar business or a new business you would like to start. Features include: Highway frontage, Repair shop with 2 bays for servicing vehicles, loft upstairs for storage as well as an office, restroom, engine hoist, hydraulic lift, brake/rotor lathe, air compressor and…
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pegafin · 1 month
Ai Generated McMansions: Key West Dreams
As a wholesome treat in honor of Mother's Day, I asked my mom for a prompt for this McMansion. She said "Key West." Key West is a very special place for me and my family. It is a truly amazing place, full of rich, exciting history and culture, and art, six toed cats, and wild-living chickens everywhere you go. Only once you have experienced Key West can you truly experience the depth of today's abomination...✨🏝️🍹
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Built by a couple who always dreamed of living in Key West, all attempts to build the home in Key West itself ended in suspected arson and historical protesting (as in, myriad characters from the island's long storied history rose form their above-ground-graves in the Historic Key West Cemetery to protest construction).
Now happily located in Sadslot Beach, FL, this home is a true Key West dream. Discover a charming bar around every corner. Bask in a cacophony of color and craftsmanship. Plus, all artwork is included, and load bearing!
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The atrium-style foyer boasts quintuple grand staircases and a charming water feature, full of native mosquitos.
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Did you think the craftsmanship stopped at just two stories? Think again! This foyer goes all the way up.
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The triple-decker living room (left) and the bar & lounge (right)
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Live like vacation all year round with a kitchen that's only bars!
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Slide into the formal dining room...
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...and crash into the game room!
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No game room is complete without a functional home sports bar.
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Master Suite
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Two Story Atrium Suite
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Two Story Atrium Guest Room
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Guest Bath, with his, hers, and theirs sinks, and his and hers toilets!
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Entryway to the master bath, with master bath bar.
Two-Story Atrium Master Bath:
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Last but certainly not least… 🌟Indoor Pool & Tennis Complex!🌟
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Call now to book your tour today! ☎️📞🤳🏝️
Behind the Scenes:
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mommydearestella · 1 year
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eamour · 3 months
emotions do not matter.
! this post was highly inspired by former loa blogger aphrodite apprentice !
emotions and feelings, the way neville coins these words, are of different nature. when speaking of emotions, we are speaking of unconscious emotional experiences. feelings, however, are a conscious act and usually a reaction to our emotions — which, according to neville, are the secret to help us manifest.
emotions vs feelings.
an emotion is an immediate reaction to your emotional state of mind, whereas a feeling remains a lot longer and is felt for a longer period of time. emotions could be joy, fear, anger, lust or sadness. the counterparts in feelings would then be happiness, anxiety, bitterness, love or depression. if something unpleasant happens in your life, you will react to it emotionally first. only later, you will be able to form a feeling. as you can see, an emotion is a lot more intense and often manifests in a physical reaction (ex. facial expressions), not based on any reasoning while in contrast your feeling is based on logical reasoning. you could say a feeling is a way of explaining an emotion with thoughts which you have felt due to external experiences. this also means that not every feeling will always be accurate enough to explain an emotion and how you actually feel emotionally.
emotions cannot manifest ...
once again, a feeling isn’t the emotion itself. your feeling has nothing to do with our emotional state of mind but rather your mental state of mind. that means that your feelings, longterm, are more concerned with what you feel to be true or false, right or wrong and real or unreal.
mental · relates to the mind; thinking process.
emotional · relates to emotions; feeling process.
... only feelings can.
especially because a feeling does not necessarily have to correlate to an emotion, it is entirely up to you to define your feeling. you could replace feeling with what you accept, know or believe to be true. it's a thought. and an emotion isn't. you may not help the way you emotionally feel — and you shouldn’t! you should never suppress an emotion and feel sad, angry, etc. — but you can make the conscious decision to define your feeling. and since a feeling is a state, after all, you can manifest anything you'd like while feeling like you are at your lowest (or highest). your emotions will not manifest!
emotions arise.
as i was saying, an emotion is a pretty much sudden response. you may lose something and feel bad about it, maybe you had a fight with your friend or perhaps you were told some unsettling news. whatever it is, you will always feel some intense type of way from time to time.
emotions fade away.
the thing is, emotions come and go. you may feel super joyful one minute and then feel super sad the next. that’s totally normal, and we are definitely not trying to fix our wonderful human nature in any way.
emotional responses.
emotions are a response. when manifesting, when changing your feeling, you might also experience emotions of some sort. you may feel euphoric of manifesting something that has always felt very prestigious or hardly available to you.
but the same way, you could not feel anything at all. some manifestations aren’t going to move you the way some manifestations do, but that’s not an issue! the premise is, you don’t HAVE to feel excited. you don’t have to jump out of happiness whenever you think about how you manifested to find your keys you had lost the other day. remember, emotions come naturally. you don’t have to force them.
accepting and persisting.
the only thing you really have to do is to accept your desire as yours and persist in that assumption. feel it to be true, to be real, to be factual. that’s what feeling the wish fulfilled means. the feeling of your assumption to be realty.
with love, ella.
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wosoamazing · 5 months
First Camp
Summary: Its your first day at Matilda's camp
Warnings: None (I don't think - slight swearing but like maybe 1 word)
A/N: I can't decide whether I like this or not, but decided to post anyway, hope you like it.
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As you stepped closer to the door, Steph placed her hands on your shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze something, she did quite often, something that worked every time. Kyra, Caitlin, and Sam had gone ahead, so it was just you and Steph, standing on the drive as you prepared yourself to walk into your first camp. “Steph. Y/N. Hi,” you and Steph both turned your heads to where the voice was coming from, it was Tony he was making his way over to you. “Hi Tony,” you said as you shook his hand.
“It’s great to see you Y/N, I am so excited to have you on camp, and I’m sure you will love it and all the girls will love you, we have made some adjustments to hopefully make the ease into camp easier for you” you nodded at what he is saying and smiled, he continued talking but you zoned out slightly, he was more directing his words at Steph anyway so it didn’t really matter. You were brought back to realty when you heard a phone ring, Tony got his phone from his pocket and looked down to it. “I’m sorry girls, I’ve got to take this, I look forward to talking with you more”.
“Bye Tony,” Steph said as he walked off.
You followed Steph as she walked up to the doors, she opened the doors and you walked through, the foyer was large, the back wall of the room had “Till It’s Done” plastered on it, surrounded by photos of past and present Matildas captains and vice captains, you smiled at the sight of Steph’s photo hanging on the wall. You suddenly walked into the back of Steph not realising she had stopped at a table in the middle of the room. “Oh Sorry,” you apologised to Steph after the impact.
“Don’t worry it’s all good, here take these” she handed you a pass which you assumed was your room key and a lanyard, which had your name and a photo of you on it. “Come on let’s go unpack and then we can go meet the girls” you nodded following her, she had some pieces of paper in her hand, you didn’t know what they were, but she didn’t hand any to you, so they must’ve been important captain things. The elevator ride was only a short one, and you were pleased to find that your room wasn’t too far from it. You looked at your door and then at the other doors, yours had two name plaques on it, the rest only had one.
“Um, Steph, why does this room have two names and the rest only have one?” you asked her.
“Well, we thought you wouldn’t want to be alone, and rather than you sleeping in someone’s bed with them every night because you couldn’t sleep, we decided you could share with me” she answered.
“We?” you looked at her curiously.
“Leah,” of course your sister knew you better than anyone, but you were glad that her and Steph had done this for you.
“Thank you,” you said as you gave her a cheesy grin.
“It’s all good.” She said ruffling your hair, which was a mistake as you spent the next 10 minutes redoing it rather than unpacking, but you probably would’ve redone it anyway as you had to get changed into your training kit which messed your hair up even more.
You were just about finished redoing your hair when there was a knock at the door, you turned to Steph who just sighed out “Come in, its open”.
The door opened and in walked Sam “Oh, we have another hair model I see” the girls chuckled at Sam’s joke, which must’ve been an inside joke, as Steph stuck the bits of paper she had previously been carrying up on the wall just near the door, turns out they were just the daily timetable and the camp schedule along with some other pieces of information. After you finished tying your ribbon you looked at the two older girls.
“Good to go?” they asked. “Yep,” you were about to walk out of the door when you remembered you needed something “Hang on,” you said ducking under Steph’s arm, and going back into the room, only a few seconds later you re-emerged.
“Lucky you remembered that because I totally forgot” Steph said surprised you were the one to remember something.
“What is it?” Sam asked.
“It’s my Epi-Pen, I was told I had to give it to Dave at the start of my first training session, I have another one in my bag though, and apparently the medics have some too” you explained. You’ve never actually had to use your Epi-Pens before the only reaction you had was the first one but as it was severe it had been drilled into you since you were little that you must always have them with you and make sure others knew where they were, so now informing others had just become habit. “I’m allergic to bees, and also maybe wasps, but we don’t know that because I’ve never been stung by one” you continued, both girls amused by the fact you were happily talking to Sam.
“Let’s keep it that way, hey” Sam said as you nodded.
You were sat in the dining room between Steph and Sam. Alanna, Macca, Caitlin, and Hayley were also sat at the same table as you. You listened to the conversation the girls were having, every now and then you spoke, but you mostly sat there, listening, and eating. It was all quite peaceful and calm until Steph had a realisation. “Shit did you bring your computer and school stuff?” she blurted out, panic painted all over her face. You had indeed brought your school stuff knowing Leah would kill you if you didn’t, but you decided you wanted to have some fun, so instead of answering her with a yes, you turned to face her, your mouth sat slightly open as you held a mixed facial expression trying to combine deer in the headlights, worried and shocked. Much to your amusement she fell for it, “Fuck, Leah is going to kill me, that was like the number one thing on her list, in big bold letters.”
“She gave you a list?” you said trying to hold it all together, but you could no longer hide it and burst out laughing.
“Oh, you little menace. If you keep that up, you won’t be the favourite anymore”. Steph uttered as she jokingly hit you on the arm.
“Ha! told you I was the favourite Kyra,” you shouted across the room. “Steph you lied” Kyra cried back in response.
“That was a good one,” Sam said as the two of you high fived.
“Wait, you’re still in school?” Macca questioned, you nodded.
“How old are you?” Hayley asked “Um, 16”, your answer was followed by a few gasps and wows.
“Your good, like I knew you were good, we’ve played you in the WSL and stuff, but that means you’re really good, like player of the generation good.” You blushed at Alanna’s comment.
“Yeah, I know, she was on fire last night, had more attempts than me, somehow managed to get pass Millie more times than I got pass her sister. I told her in the airport that if I wasn’t careful, she might take my spot in the starting line-up” Sam replied, as the room goes silent due to Tony’s presences up the font. Once she realised, she quickly shut up and faced Tony.
“Thank you Sam” He said just like every teacher you ever meet had said when someone got caught for talking before he continued “Hello everyone and welcome back to camp, glad to see it is as chaotic as always, I can see some of you have already meet our new face and are allowing her to settle in quite well but I’d officially like to welcome and introduce Y/F/N Williamson to you all, and yes she did choose us over the Lionesses and we are very grateful for that but please no further questions surrounding that. I just wanted to let you know that since we have Y/N joining us and it has been a while since our last one, we will be doing fitness testing tomorrow which I know you all love” everyone groaned except for you who let out a little yay.
“Did I just hear a yay?” one of the training staff stood up as he said it.
“It came from this one,” Sam said as she pointed at you, rolling her eyes.
“Oh, well I already like you.” He replied giving you a kind smile.
Tony continued talking for a little while, once he had finished all the girls went out to train but as you, Sam, Kyra, Caitlin, and Steph had only just arrived this morning you were allowed to relax the whole day, some of the staff came over to introduce themselves to you and you chatted with them before lunch. After lunch you sat in the gym watching the girls train as you chatted some of their ears off, before they all had to leave to have showers, but they quickly re-joined you and the others in the dining room for diner where you continued to talk to all of them. After dinner you sat in the common room hanging out with all the girls and before you knew it you were lying in your bed saying “Good Night” to Steph.
“So did you like your first day?” Steph questioned, as she walked out of the bathroom and climbed into her bed.
“Yes, it was amazing” you said, nodding eagerly with a gigantic grin on your face.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Night, see you in the morning” Steph said whilst she turned the lamp off, and no more than five minutes later you were out like a light, still grinning from your amazing day.
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miniwheat77 · 8 months
Lime Green. (Soap.)
!CW! NSFW, fluff, flirting, babiessss (sorry if I missed any.)
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Lime Green is the mix of apple flavored liquor that sat in your glass, it was sweet, almost too sweet. His eyes have been drawn to you since you came inside the bar. He’s been eyeing you all night. It takes a good buzz for him to finally approach you, needing the liquid courage. You’re sat at the bar with your friends when he comes up to you, and the flirty smile you give him as he comes over tells him everything he needs to know already.
Lime Green is the color of marker you’d written your number on his hand with. He sees it the next morning, waking up with a pounding headache. You weren’t the type of girl to take someone home on the first night but didn’t hesitate to give him your number. He waited until mid day to call you, which caught you off guard. You figured he’d text you. He talked sweet over the phone, convincing you to go on another date with him. This was going to be the first of many dates, but you didn’t know it yet.
Lime Green is the color of your fluffy socks he’d bought you. They’d come in a pack of 5, all different neon colors. They were meant to be a joke but you actually wore them. Not knowing just how much it meant to Johnny. Although, your tone of voice when you called him over had him worrying, rushing to get to you. Only to find you standing in the doorway, tears streaming down your face. Grief too much to handle after having lost someone close to you. Johnny was there by your side for every single second of healing. Picking you up and bringing you up to your bedroom so you could cry it out with him there.
Lime Green is the bright keychain attached to the keys of your new house, the realty company printed in bold white text over the green. The countless hours of moving the both of your houses into one, starting your lives together officially. You’ll never forget the way he picked you up and spun you around in the empty living room. Excitement too much to handle for him. “This is so amazing.” He smiles, looking around. “Yeah, it really is. I can’t believe this is happening.” You laugh.
Lime Green is the color of that dreadful maternity shirt his mum had gotten you to wear for your baby shower, hearing Johnny complaining about how his shirts are always dirty because none of your own clothes fit you. You cried when you put it on. He tried not to laugh, it doesn’t look bad, but you think it does. After the baby shower, you stood in the mirror, picking apart your outfit. “Come here, lass.” He rolls his eyes, sitting at the end of your bed. You waddle your way over to him. “I think you look perfect. You could wear the most awful color out there and still pull it off.” He smiles. You roll your eyes. “You’re so full of shit Johnny.” You sigh. He pulls you in close, running his hands down your pregnant belly. “You look beautiful. I mean I prefer you in nothing, but..” he laughs when you punch his shoulder.
Lime Green is the color of the Halloween Costume your son sprints around in, you’re sweaty and tired. You’ve got a baby on your hip and a little boy that keeps tripping you up, leaving toys all over the house. “Johnny! Come on! We have to take him by your mums house or she’ll be upset.” You yell out to him, he emerges from the stairs, wearing a costume similar to your sons. “Dad!” He yells, slamming right into Johnny’s leg. “Steamin’ Jesus, you’re gonna take out a knee my boy.” He laughs, lifting him up. You turn away to finish dressing your daughter. When you turn back, you hear your son laughing hysterically and Johnny is holding him by his ankles upside down. “Good god, you’re gonna kill him.” You roll your eyes. He sets him down. “No, but. Look at you.” He smiles, taking your daughter out of your hands and looking at her. “Look at you, my little princess.” He smiles, rubbing his nose over hers, hearing her giggle. “A lil ladybug hm?” He smiles, setting her down. She waddles off, your son nearly knocking her over. You sigh. “You look beautiful too.” He smiles. “Thank you, you look.. amazing.” You poke his toned stomach through his superhero costume. “Yeah right. I gotta be doing something right, no way we’d have two of these little ones running around if it wasn’t true.” He winks, seeing you roll your eyes. “Oh yeah. The costume just does it for me.” You roll your eyes. And actually.. I think you mean three.” You laugh, looking down. It takes him a second. “Wait… what?” He asks. “Are you serious?” He moves closer, seeing you nod. He pulls you in for a kiss, rubbing a hand over your stomach. “We should be the incredibles next year.” He smiles. “Oh my god Johnny!” You roll your eyes.
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #24)
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FEB24: Gift Giving
Christmas morning came early. John had woken you up with his kisses and his warmth, and begged you to come sit under the tree with him. You giggled, groggy and exhausted, yawning in your robe, still half-asleep. 
“John,” you sighed, “I thought we said no presents this year?”
“Sure,” he chuckled, “Is that why there are nearly ten boxes down here with my name across them?”
You blushed, shaking your head, 
“I’m sure you already know what those are. Besides, one of them is socks!”
“Sit, missus. Santa insists.”
You followed him to the floor, snuggling against him, 
“Alright, Mr. Claus. What is so urgent?”
He lifted a small box from the low branches of the tree, careful not to disturb the glittering glass ornaments, and handed it to you. It was light, but there was something sturdy about the structure of the container. You eyed him carefully,
“What did you do?”
He smiled, petting you lovingly along your back and shoulders,
“Heard your wish, and I made it come true.”
You ripped off the wrapping and cracked open the box to reveal a shining gold key. There was a green paper tag on the ring that read: 2323 Birdsong Street.
Suddenly, you realized what he had done. 
Ever since he had come home, you and John had been pitching the idea about officially moving into a house together just outside of Bethesda. You’d shared homes back and forth on all the realty apps, and you’d even looked at a few apartments, just in case the housing situation fell through. But, you’d fallen in love with one that was decidedly outside of your price range. 
You shouldn’t have even been looking at it. John had told you bits and pieces about his finances, but you were shocked when he sent you this one as a recommendation, thinking no one would have enough money for it — not even a decorated military captain. There was no way you could afford a five bedroom that sat on two acres along the Potomac. It was insane to even consider it.
2323 Birdsong was a remodeled Colonial, but other than updating the necessities and fixing what was broken, the owners had done an incredible job of keeping it as original as possible. The dark woodwork and crown molding made each room feel cozy and homey, and you could just imagine spending the holidays there with John and all of your friends. He opined about fishing in the river, and you fantasized about all of the fun you might have together in front of the fireplace. It was just a dream.
And now, it was yours. 
“John! We can’t… I know I told you that I loved the house, but I can’t afford it. I don’t know how…”
He grabbed your neck gently in his big, warm hand and put your forehead on his. Then, he kissed you, keeping your words from pouring out. He whispered softly, 
“Got it for you, love. You don’t owe me anything. I’ve decided to hang up my hat for good, and now that I’m retired, I’m yours to command. Proper house husband, ready for his honey-do lists.”
“I don’t know what to say,” you gasped, reeling from the shock. 
He chuckled, kissing you again,
“Wanna go see it? Maybe we can give the bedroom a test run.”
You laughed, nodding your head, nearly racing to get dressed. You weren’t sure if you were looking forward to the house, or to John’s idea of a test run, but you were eager for both to be yours.
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voskhozhdeniye · 24 days
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To raise enough cash to make the deal happen, Golden Gate sold off Red Lobster's real estate to another entity — in this case, a company called American Realty Capital Properties — and then immediately leased the restaurants back. The next year, Red Lobster bought back some sites, but many of its restaurants were suddenly strapped with added rent expenses. Even if Darden had kept Red Lobster, it's not clear it would have taken a different route: A press release from the time says it had contacted buyers to explore such a transaction. But in Maze's view, the sale of the real estate was sort of an original sin for Red Lobster's current troubles. He compared it to throwing out a spare parachute — chances are, you'll be OK, but if the first parachute fails, you're in deep trouble. "The thing that private equity does is just unload assets and monetize assets. And so they effectively paid for the purchase of Red Lobster by selling the real estate," he said. "It'll probably be fine, generally, but there's going to come a time in which your sales fall, your profitability is challenged, and your debt looks too bad, and then suddenly those leases are going to look awfully ugly." That time, according to recent reporting, is now. With struggling sales and operational losses, the leases are an added headache that is helping push the company to the brink, though bankruptcy may help Red Lobster get some wiggle room on them. Eileen Appelbaum, a codirector of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a progressive think tank, and a longtime private-equity critic, said in 2014 that private equity wouldn't be the solution to Red Lobster's ills. She isn't surprised about how this is all turning out. "Once they sell the real estate, then the private-equity company is golden, and they've made their money back and probably more than what they paid," she said, noting that this was a common theme in other restaurants and retailers and adding: "The retail apocalypse is all about having your real estate sold out from under you so that you have to pay the rent in good times and in bad." After the real estate move, Golden Gate sold 25% of the company in 2016 to Thai Union, a Thailand seafood company, for $575 million and unloaded the rest of the company to an investor group called the Seafood Alliance, of which Thai Union was a part, in 2020. Golden Gate likely came out ahead, but the same can't be said for Thai Union, which also controls the Chicken of the Sea brand. It is now looking to get out of its stake in Red Lobster and took a one-time charge of $530 million on its investment in the fourth quarter of last year. In 2021, Red Lobster refinanced its debt, with one of its new lenders being Fortress Investment Group, an investment-management group and private-equity firm. According to Bloomberg, it's one of the "key lenders" involved in debt negotiations now.
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jamelavieblog · 7 months
„How to manifest your dream life?”
Hello! Long time no see, today I’m going to speak about something that is very easy to do but most of the time people don’t wanna listen, shall we begin?
It’s as simple as breathing
It really is, you just don’t allow that thought to become the realty. It only takes a few steps but the right mindset is the key, just allow yourself to know that you have this and that’s it. But before we go any further I want to say that these are just methods, they are working for me, and they will work for you also, but the right way of thinking is the key.
1. Journaling
Take your diary, journal, notebook, a piece of paper, anything you want and start writing your dream life like it’s already yours. You want a Porsche? Fine, just write like it’s already yours AND accept the fact that it’s yours and you already have it. Of course it doesn’t have to be a Porsche, it doesn’t even have to be a car. It can be anything you want, the thing is, if you want something, write this thing/person/anything you want, explain how it looks like, when did you got it, how did you got, how does it smell like? Just write like it’s yours.
2. Pinterest boards.
I will never shut up about this, visualizing with Pinterest boards is so easy, simple, and comfortable, that it will be wrong if I would gatekeep this. In general visualization in manifestation process is amazing, it’s the easiest way to get yourself, your mindset, and your energy into the energy of the things you want. If you don’t have Pinterest, or don’t use it, and you are manifesting something, please start using it. This is how my boards look like:
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If I have to explain, you simply make a board and add photos. Thats it, while looking at the photos in the boards, play some music, look at the picture and visualize yourself walking in your dream house, or working at the job you really want, or something else, just whatever you want, visualizing like that is really effective.
3. Subliminals
My favorite thing, but also not. First things first, please be careful while looking for subliminals to listen to, not all of them have good affirmations and good intentions put in them. You don’t have to listen to them for hours, just one listen is enough, if you believe that they will work in one listen, then they will, if not, then they won’t work. In general I like subliminals, but sometimes I’m to lazy to listen to them, but if you want to listen then be careful, if you don’t know what subliminals are then here are some photos explaining:
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4. Affirmations
The last thing, there are many ways how you can “do” affirmations, you can write them down in your journal, you can speak them, (in your mind or out loud), or even listen to them, (you can record your voice saying affirmations of your choice, and then listen to it). The most important thing is that you have to speak like you already have it, for example “I have a Porsche”, “I have the most gorgeous and caring boyfriend”. It’s that simple!
It feels like I have written an essay, hope this helps, and remember, your believes can help you, universe or god are always on your side.
xoxo, hana 💋
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catherinetcjd · 10 months
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Bella Key
~ A Coastal Map For You To Customize ~
This relatively small map was inspired by several little towns along the Florida coast, hence the name Bella Key. (We like to call small islands "Keys" around here.) 😉
This map is designed to work best with smaller lot sizes - like 3X3 or smaller, lots. I made sure that beach lots will place easily along all of the water-side roads (of which there are a LOT!)
See more »
Cross-posted to MTS.
Made by CatherineTCJD of Sims 2 Virtual Realty.
Enjoy! 🦚
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sixzeroes · 7 months
(teaser) boundaries.
summary | love knows no bounds—but the truth is, love needs to learn when to not cross the boundary and when to just let go.
information | alpha!mark x beta!reader(f); friends-to-strangers?-to-friends-to-lovers, a/b/o au, tba; profanity, tba; 0.7k words for teaser.
status | still writing.
warning!! the actual fic is going to contain renhyuck (typical abo dynamic) and a hint of jeno x karina (both betas), so if you do not like it when idols are paired together, i suggest steering clear of this fic! thank u 🫶🫶 also, currently at ~5k words but i'm projecting this to be ard ~7k at most lol !
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mark lee: You busy?
The next time you see Mark, it’s two days later on a Friday evening. 
“Hey, sorry for texting you so late.” His voice is warm, contrary to the cool autumn breeze. It’s nearing ten p.m. but annoyance is the last thing on your mind. “What were you up to?”
You stick your hands into your sweater pockets. “Nothing much. Doing some readings. You?” 
Mark brushes his bangs back. “A dinner party with the BCSA execs. I managed to leave before they headed out for round two at someone’s house.” 
“You didn’t feel like going?”
“Nah.” He shakes his head. “I’d rather be hanging out with you.”
Okay. You don’t ask about Renjun. 
Neither you nor Mark say anything for the first few minutes of the walk, simply following the main path on campus. It’s serene, with a few students here and there, and several raccoons hiding out near the garbage bins. The streetlights dimly illuminate the route but it’s enough to wade through the darkness. You can hear Mark humming the tune to a song you don’t know. 
“This reminds me of middle school,” says Mark. “I remember walking you home one night, after a bunch of us decided to go to the beach.” 
You remember as well. “Yeah, and then you ended up sleeping over because it was one in the morning.” A soft snort leaves your nose. “My dad was shocked to see you on the couch the next day.” 
Mark chuckles at the fond memory. “Are your parents well? I know our mothers contact each other from time to time, but I haven’t seen them in ages.” 
You lightly massage your nape. “They’re doing good, I guess. My mom’s still working as an anchor for CBC, but my dad switched companies recently. He’s working at some well-established realty firm now.” The two of you turn left. “How about yours?”
“Mm, they’re good too.” Mark grins. “They’re still working at the same law firm. I think they’re dead set on staying until their retirements.” 
“That’s cool,” is all you can think of. 
“Yeah. Hey, want some ice cream? My treat.”
You spot CCOMAZ, the reputable ice cream brand everyone is always raving about. The last time you had it was in first year and frankly, you don’t remember how it tasted. “Sure, but I can pay for my own.” 
Mark holds the door open for you. “It’s okay. My treat since you agreed to hangout with me at ten p.m.” 
Your lips quirk into a small smile. 
You end up getting the lavender honey flavour, while Mark goes for the caramel one. It’s a little pricey, considering it’s a small, family-owned brand, but it tastes good nonetheless. 
“Oh, I gotta go.” says Mark, reading a text from his phone. “Renjun forgot his keys and Chenle is at a retreat, so I need to let him in.” 
The omega is mentioned briefly but something in you churns. A thorn pricks the corner of your heart; feels like guilt, although you’re not sure why. It’s not like you have a crush on Mark or anything, so Renjun shouldn’t feel threatened. 
Whoa. You stop yourself for a second. What’s with the escalation?
“Y/N? You good?” 
You glance at Mark, whose face is painted with worry. You breathe out a response. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry, got a brain freeze. I’ll, uh, see you in CLST, I guess?” 
Mark frowns. “No, let me walk you home first.”
“But Renjun?” 
“Renjun can wait in the lobby,” he shrugs. 
You’re a little concerned at Mark’s comment but choose to not dwell on it. Instead, you jokingly push him towards the bus stops. “Just go, Mark. I live on campus, so I’ll be fine. You shouldn’t keep him waiting.” 
The frown never leaves Mark’s face, but he relents and nods. “I’ll see you on Monday, then. Get home safe. Text me when you’re home.” 
“Okay mom,” you tease. “Thanks for the ice cream!”
Mark beams from afar. The imagery blends in with the numerous memories you have of teenager Mark, dressed in his school uniform, bidding you goodbye after dropping you off at home. For the first time in years, you wonder what it would’ve been like if the two of you never grew apart.
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cannibal-nightmares · 1 month
okay ghost story time. im not even prefacing this as "grain of salt: im psychotic" cause this is not that. and if it is, well, fuck, it's entirely out of my realm.
a month or so ago I had vaguely made a light-hearted and goofy one-off post about how hard it is to write out a check while hallucinating. I had gone to a realty office to put down a deposit on an apartment, but as I got into the lobby, things were kind of distorted in a way I can't articulate accurately. There was a sort of frequency racing through my head that was making it hard to focus; I thought I was just anxious taking the leap in signing moving paperwork, etc, and when I was writing the check, I was hallucinating so bad I had to redo it three times. I kept seeing colors and lines and energy in the lobby, idk, it's difficult to explain, but these are also the auras I get before it rains, so I really didn't consider much of it.
Today, I went to that office to pick up my move-in keys. Hooray! One step into the lobby and... Same thing. Instant feeling of something. The edges of the walls and the countertops frayed. Etc. Still, I didn't immediately think anything of it, I mean, I'm literally about to move, how nerve-wracking. I was told by a representative to go into the other room and wait for her there while she gathered paperwork; I did, and glanced out into the lobby to prepare for her, and there was a tall-ish white man with big khaki pants, a dark navy cardigan or windbreaker, and a light dress shirt. And, of course, he fizzled into thin air and glitched out of existence. "Great." I thought. "That's just great." I knew it was getting bad, but I didn't realize it was that bad already. But then... I considered... I didn't feel scared or doubtful... The representative came in and sat down and I thought, fuck it, I'm a bit manic, I hate small talk, let's just cut to the chase: "Are there ghosts here?" The change in her eyes. "...Why do you ask?" I wasn't about to tell this lady that I was hallucinating, so I just said something along the lines of, "The energy is different..." and also, "The energy was different in the same way last time I was here, too." She chuffed and told me, "It's funny you should mention that..." and she proceeded to tell me about how someone had recently passed and that they kept hearing strange noises while alone in the office, that the energy was off ever since, that they kept hearing swishy-ish pants walk down the hallway. She continued to tell me that her, herself, worked in some sort of organization in finding... missing people? and that she could feel presences sometimes? She tried to prod for more details from me, but I was being vague in the same way she wanted me to be specific, neither of us wanted to put ideas in the other's head.
This isn't the first time this has happened. Another namely instance includes when I had one of my major episodes of psychosis while I still lived with my parents. Long story, but I was going through it, and going through it hard, and at this time i still had no idea what was happening in my head, so I didn't have the resources to make sense of it. The short of some of the more surface-level details included feeling like I was being watched, that there was someone in the room, etc. I am not going to get into further specifics for the safety of my audience. But... What didn't help is that my dog at the time would randomly get up in the middle of the night to stand in the middle of the living room to bark at nothing. I never made note of what times he would do this, but maybe I should have. I eventually moved out and, with time, that episode finally subsided for a while. A couple years later, I visited my parents for Thanksgiving dinner, and they had invited their next door neighbor over. She was chatting about the tenants who had previously lived in our house before us and how it was an older couple, how the husband was brought home from hospice in a hospital bed in the middle of the living room where he then passed...
Too, I had helped my friend's parents move into a new house, except I kept seeing a little dog dip around corners. I didn't make outward note of it because I'm literally schizophrenic. Some time later, their mom mentioned stories about seeing a "ghost dog."
I used to visit another friend of mine in which I always felt a presence near the ceiling of his living room. I didn't say anything about it. He moved apartments, and, still, every time I visit, there's the presence, un-moving and high up near the ceiling. One day, he told me he had been seeing a spiritual therapist who said that he had someone from his family looking over him, but that he didn't believe it...
At work, some of our electrical sensors go off randomly. My co-workers have joked that there's a ghost in our building, and I thought it was silly-funny, too, but... Sometimes when I'm standing in a specific part of the main room, there's always someone who approaches me from the right, to the center of my vision, then disappears. I haven't given it too much thought since my head has been so fuzzy lately, but, long story, we've been having temporary out-of-town management come in to run the store. I can't remember why I brought it up, but I asked the manager at the time if she believed in ghosts, followed by the often, "...Why do you ask?" I told her about the person I kept seeing and she about collapsed with relief and said, "Thank god you've said something, I thought I was losing my mind hearing and seeing stuff in this place."
So, now, what do I do with this information? And then what does that make of all of my other delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia? (/mostly rhetorical) And, too... What do I make of it now that it's raining out? The icing on this cake, to interject, is that my grandmother on my dad's side was a medium.
This stuff is slippery. Here's a short comic by grendel-menz that I resonate with regarding schizophrenia and the blurred erasure of spirituality. Huzzaahhh
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karikarasuno · 1 year
sonder ch. i
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Pairing: Erwin Smith x Fem!Reader x Levi Ackerman
Rating: Mature
Warnings/Tags: Angst, Character Introductions, Setting Descriptions, Fun Little Friendship Development
Word Count: 6.3k
song(s) for the chapter: left side by eloise, let me go by ogi
a/n: today snuck up on me, so please enjoy if you decide to read. this chapter is mainly just a lot of establishing this little world i worked to create. also, each chapter will be accompanied by a few songs bc i curated a very lengthy playlist for this bad boy. have fun and thank you<3
masterlist | chapter i | chapter ii
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It was a matter of principle. A finite decision that you shouldn’t regret, but couldn’t help to. Goodbyes were abstract. Conceptual. But they held enough weight to drag your shoulders to the earth and your body ached. From head to toe. 
It was a matter of principle. But maybe it shouldn’t be yours. Even so, it was much too late to turn back now. 
The bricks were a burnt red. Stacked tightly on top of each other to present to you your new home. The metal stairs leading up to the door were rusted, slightly corroded from decades of being exposed to the elements, and the matching gate was really in no better shape. The rest of the block looked identical. A row of Victorian brownstones, historically standing on the west end of the city. Surviving a century of life, love, and bullshit. 
Your palm was sticky where it met the plastic handle of your suitcase. The sun beared down with the pressure of impending war, but the light breeze that cut through the valleys of the tall buildings provided you with some relief. The key was buried somewhere in the bottom of your purse, having fallen there semi-forgotten as you lugged only a quarter of your belongings from home. Or what used to be home. Because you were staring at your new home. The pit in your chest dropping to your stomach with the realization. 
The latch on the small gate was stuck when you pulled on it, the metal rusted enough not to allow it to remove itself seamlessly. And sweat started to gather at your brow and right between your shoulder blades. A single droplet slipped its way down the curve of your spine and frustration started to build when your damp fingers slid over the rough, orange metal. You bent your body forward, using whatever upper body strength you had and finally pulled away the latch with a squeaky screech from the gate. 
Since it was midday during the week, there weren’t many people on the street to witness your embarrassing stunt. Just you and the sun. Which seemed to be taunting you with the way your body rose in temperature and your cheeks overheated. Your luggage clinked against each step as you made your way to your door, your purse falling from its place on your shoulder and finding solace in the crook of your elbow. Where you could hear the keychain jingle with every slap the bag made against your calf. You were really starting to regret just tossing the keys in your purse after you picked them up from the realty office on the opposite side of the city. Your hands doing nothing, but fumbling around the contents of your purse in vain. 
The train passed your area somewhere in the distance. The sound was so loud it resembled a sudden downpour or white noise. Your fingers looped through the keychain, a puff of relief falling from your lips as you yanked it from your purse, a loose chapstick flying out and landing with a silent thump in the dried out garden. You suppressed an eye roll, this move had been less than ideal and it didn’t help that you haven’t slept in a week. You pushed the memories from back home to the furthest corner of your mind, the ache in your chest flaring with the thought and you fought the nausea that’s been swirling around your stomach as you stuck the key in the lock and twisted. 
It was humid inside. The house obviously closed up for a few months before now. You slid your luggage around the empty living room as you looked around and it was unsettling. The idea of building something from scratch on your own. 
You left your family behind. Friends, too. But the disgusting ache in your gut had more to do with your empty ring finger. A thin line lighter than the rest of your complexion served as the only reminder of what you lost. 
With the house so empty, the only thing that accompanied you was the echo of your footfalls as you walked around. You hadn’t been alone in years, not that you were afraid of it. It was just too quiet, too uncomfortable. And items you purchased to fill the space hadn’t arrived yet, your mattress supposedly being delivered later that day, so you would at least have something to sleep on. 
You started your new job on Monday. The job of your dreams. And the only reason you moved halfway across the country with nothing but a large suitcase, a purse, and the idea of feeling whole again. The phone in the back pocket of your jeans vibrated, probably your mother messaging you to ask if you made it okay. But not without the undertone of disappointment for leaving the way you did. 
Admittedly it was abrupt. You had a fiancé, a house together, a cat that you shared, and enough of a perceived reality of what your future would be like to have been happy. You should’ve felt like you had everything and more. But as he followed his dreams, every day it felt more and more like you were leaving yours somewhere in your past. 
You went around and tested all the lights, the space brightening as you made your way through the property. You were pleasantly surprised. Buying a house without touring it first was risky. A decision you made last minute when you couldn’t justify the price of rent being just as much as a mortgage. If not more. 
And you always dreamt of living in a brownstone. It was so different from the cookie cutter suburban neighborhoods you were used to. Something you grew tired of quicker than you’d cared to admit.
But you were oddly starting to miss that familiarity. Especially since you had no boxes, no belongings. Nothing. A sharp loneliness trickled into your bloodstream. Pumping in and out of your heart, and you briefly wondered when the aches would fade. Or if this was a burden you’d have to carry for the rest of your life. 
You unpacked what little belongings you had. Grateful for the hangers left behind by the old owners and the dresser made of thick and sturdy wood pressed into the far corner of the master bedroom. You then decided to stop at the store to buy cleaning supplies from the supermarket a few blocks from your place. And when you arrived home it wasn’t without the company of a sticky sweat and heated cheeks. But you slipped the gloves on anyway, laying out your sprays and scrubs on the kitchen island as you surveyed what you should clean first. 
You started with the bathroom. Already anticipating the shower you’d be taking when all of this was over. And sometime between you scrubbing the grout of the bathroom tile, packages began arriving. Your mattress and some sheets, at first. Then a vacuum you didn’t remember ordering. And much later, a silverware set. The same exact one that had been on your bridal registry. You were positive you didn’t order it because that would be a special kind of torture. And the only person who knew your new address was your mom. So when you pulled it out from inside of the box, a small gift note fluttered out alongside it. 
For when you find someone to eat with again. xo, Mom.
The burn of tears started in the back of your throat. You cleared it to no avail and the burn traveled to your lash line. Wet and stinging. You didn’t want to cry. Not on your first day away from home. You swore you were stronger than this. More resilient. But when a tear spilled over onto your cheek, hot and unexpected, you choked on a sob. Your head fell into your hands and your breathing stuttered from your nose. The note in your hand crumpled where you gripped it, the white card stock darkening when stray tears dotted it as they fell. She meant well and you knew that. But you couldn’t help the bite behind her words that nipped at your skin, digging into the wounds of your heart that you alone created. 
You decided to call it a night. The sun had already set and your home was lit only by artificial light. The shower was cold at first since you didn’t wait long enough for the water to heat up, but you stood beneath the stream anyway— subconsciously doing your nightly routine as if your world was as it’s always been.
Belatedly, you realized that you didn’t have a pillow, or even a real blanket to sleep with. Just a top sheet and a crumpled up ball of clothes. It was humbling, honestly. Going from having almost everything you could’ve dreamt of to an empty house and an emptier heart. But tomorrow you would begin to fill one of those things. The other is disregarded until time proved it really did heal. 
Monday arrived far quicker than you expected it to. The days that led up to it were also busy with errands and organizing and shopping. Your closet was now filled with work appropriate clothing organized by color and type— although you weren’t sure how long that would last. The house was still pretty bare but it was starting to feel more like a home instead of the shell of one. You spent hours building your bed frame, the headboard nearly knocking your head clean off when it tipped over because you didn’t screw it in correctly. The kitchen cabinets had a few dishes in them, your mother’s gift still in the box and shoved into the back corner of the pantry. You had ended up buying your own, feeling too odd and unsteady unpacking the ones from your registry and organizing them into the drawer by the stove. The living room still lacked a couch though, figuring that you could do some online browsing for one whenever you had the time. 
For now, you pulled the train routes up on your phone, your bag strap sitting snugly on your shoulder as you tried to differentiate the color of the lines and their respective destinations. You left your car at your parents’ place, figuring you wouldn’t need it since you didn’t intend on leaving the city much. And traveling by train and Uber seemed so much easier. You kicked at the pavement outside of your little gate as you zoomed into the stops, trying and forgetting the street your office was on. You’d only been there once before you got the position. It was the interview you didn’t tell Onyankopon about. The one that eventually ended your engagement. 
“You lost?” There was a deep voice from your right, friendly sounding yet still scaring the shit out of you. Your shoulders jumped to your ears, your head whipping in the direction of the voice, only to be met with golden blonde hair, a broad chest, and startling blue eyes. His smile was kind. And you weren't sure how a man as large as him was able to sneak up on you.
You were hesitant to answer, not entirely sure you wanted to admit to a stranger that you were new to the area while standing outside of your home. He seemed to notice it though, the brief suspicion that flashed in your eyes because he held out his hand— palm up in invitation.
“Sorry, I should introduce myself,” he chuckled, familiar as if he already knew you. “I’m Erwin, your neighbor.” He pointed with his other hand to the brownstone right beside yours. And unlike yours, that garden was flourishing. Brilliant colors danced in the subtle breeze and you were jealous just looking at it. 
You took his hand in yours, and his grip was firm but not forceful. Warm but not overwhelming in this heat. You gave him your name and a small close lipped smile, but not offering much else. And you didn’t really remember when you became so awkward.
“I can help,” he pointed to your phone where the map was still open where you had zoomed in. “I’ve lived here for long enough, it would be embarrassing if I couldn’t.”
You smiled warmly, tilting the phone in his direction before saying, “I’m trying to get to downtown, but I can’t find which stop takes me closest to First St.”
“Oh, I take the same route every morning too,” he said, zooming in and pointing to the green line. The one that dropped you off on Fourth Avenue. “I work at the university which isn’t too far from First. I can walk with you, if you’d like.” 
The nerves that had been building in your chest all morning started to subside with his offer. He seemed genuine enough. And not like he’d lead you to some dark alley to murder you. Your intuition said to trust him, no alarm bells sirening in the back of your mind either. 
“I’d appreciate that, actually.” You hiked your bag up your shoulder, adjusting the strap to keep it from slipping as you fell into step beside him. 
“There’s also this really good coffee shop as soon as we get off the train. The best Americano I’ve had anywhere.” He talked with his hands, fingers closing against his thumb when he said ‘best’. “I can show you where that is too. It’s called The Brewhouse. They switch up their menu seasonally so it’s nice if you like trying new stuff now and again.”
He also talked a lot. An easy confidence where you could tell that he was used to speaking in front of people, captivating a room naturally. But instead of taking him up on the coffee offer, you gestured towards the mug sitting in the side holder of your bag, “I have coffee for today, so maybe another time.”
“Of course,” he beamed, teeth straight and white. And you wondered if you’ve seen him in a magazine somewhere, his clean cut, boyish charm belonging in some catalog to sell men’s watches or something.
“Are you new to the city or just the area?” He asked as you stepped on the crowded platform to wait for the next northbound train. 
“New to the city,” you said, looking over your phone again to check the time, nervous that you’d be late on your first day. “I just moved from the west coast about a week ago.”
“What made you move?” His question was simple and casual, but a burn rose in your chest anyway. You swallowed to appease it, but it was no use. The feeling only lifted to your throat when you sucked in a small breath. 
“Work,” you nodded, looking down the tracks when you heard the train from afar. “My dream job, actually. A position opened up earlier this year so I applied.”
“Congratulations,” he smiled at you when you met his gaze. And it was genuine. Not at all like the half-baked ones you received back home. All of them underlined with pity and questioning that you were never in the mood to indulge. So when you returned his smile, it was real. For the first time since everything went up in flames, there was a semblance of comfort in the decision you had made. 
“Thank you.” 
Erwin ended up walking you all the way to the glass doors of the building’s lobby. When you told him you started at the publishing company, he grinned as if he knew something you didn’t, saying that he knew exactly where that was. You didn’t question the glint of mischief in his eyes, only waving your goodbye when he continued up and around the block. 
The flurries of anxiety were back, though. Butterflies fluttered around your stomach as you squeezed the metal handle to open the deceptively heavy door. According to the email you received from HR a few days before, your office was on the twenty-second floor, so after nodding to the security guard to your left you got into the elevator and hit the button. You were to meet with the head of HR from 9am to 11am before doing a tour until noon when you’d break for lunch. The schedule had been perfectly outlined in the email and you were grateful for that, hoping that the day would go smoothly and that you wouldn’t encounter any awkward lulls before your day ended at five. 
When the doors slid open to your floor, you were greeted with an expansive reception area. The floor to ceiling windows should’ve made the area warm, but there was a kick of air conditioning that had you tightening your cardigan around your torso. The receptionist at the elongated wooden desk was young, early twenties probably as she spoke with a gentle tone with someone over the phone. 
You waved when you approached the desk, lying your palms against the glass top and nodding when she mouthed for you to give her a moment. 
“Sorry about that,” she apologized, shaking her head as she transferred the call. “The phones haven’t stopped this morning.” 
“That’s okay,” you smiled, taking in her blue eyes and blonde hair. You thought back to Erwin, and how nice it was of him to show you the way around the city. Very neighborly. Something you didn’t recall if you’ve ever experienced. 
“You must be our new publisher,” she gathered some papers from inside of a folder by her keyboard, holding them out for you to take. “I’m Historia. I can walk you over to Pixis’ office since he should be ready for you.”
“Thanks,” you said softly, walking through glass double doors to an open space with cubicles in the middle and offices lining the back wall. The large windows extended into this area too with the early morning rays warm against your cheek as you followed Historia to the office in the furthest left corner. She knocked on the door twice before letting herself in. Only to be greeted by a man standing behind his desk, monitors lifted to his eye level while sipping a hot drink from his mug. Coffee, you guessed, from the smell combing through his work space. 
His eyes lifted to the two of you in his doorway, eyebrows rising almost in question as he registered that you must’ve been the new hire. His face was stern, but his eyes were welcoming. They contradicted his features in a near alarming way, until his lips turned upwards in a small smile, thick mustache moving with them. 
“Dot Pixis,” he set down his mug as he sidestepped the length of his desk, “CFO and temporary head of Human Resources.” He held out his hand, yours grabbing his in a firm shake as you introduced yourself. 
“You’re early.” He glanced down at his watch to check the time. “That’s good.”
You smiled and laughed through your nose. “I had some help getting here, if not the train system would’ve been a challenge.”
“Happy to know the city isn’t stripped of its humanity,” Pixis said, motioning for you to sit in the chair in front of his desk. “Now if you’d like, we can get started.”
The following hours were filled with paperwork and videos and more paperwork. All of the required training, Pixis had scheduled one after the other which made for a not so entertaining morning. But when he showed you where your office was, you decided you couldn’t complain. It was in the opposite corner of his, nearly mimicking his exact layout except smaller. Cozier. The furniture was a deep cherry wood, the desk large but not imposing like it should’ve been. There was a small couch pressed into the wall in front of your desk, and beside that was a bookcase. Cherry wood as well, but worn, almost antique looking. And you were obsessed. You were content with the space, already envisioning a future in the office. One of long hours that consisted of early mornings and late evenings. Neither of which seemed like too much to complain about. Given the drastic change of pace your life has taken in less than a month. 
Next stop on your tour was the breakroom. It was nicely located in front of the cubicles in the middle of the office space, and much bigger than you would’ve imagined. There was a long table running down one side of the room with a bench pressed into the wall and chairs lining the other side. Pixis was attempting to show you the mechanics of the coffee machine, which seemed intricate enough with an espresso attachment as well as a milk frother. Not to mention the myriad of buttons that adorned the top. Suffice to say, he was struggling. 
“Boss, there’s no water in it,” said a voice from behind the two of you. He sounded amused and when you turned to look at him he was of average height and build with an overwhelmingly friendly face. He wore a small smile as his eyes flicked over to you and he set down his lunchbox. 
“I’m Moblit Berner,” he held out his hand to you, much like everyone else this morning. “I run the marketing department.”
Pixis allowed Moblit to take over the coffee machine tutorial with a disgruntled noise in the back of his throat. Already grumbling something under his breath as the machine made a sputtering noise before coming to life with blinking lights. “The mugs are in the cupboard up here and we keep sugar packets right down here.” Moblit pointed to the cabinet above the machine as well as the drawer beneath it, opening both to show you the wide array of cups and sugar. And even a disturbing variety of creamer flavors. 
“If you have a preference on coffee or creamer flavor, just let us know and we can add it to our next order. Historia usually takes stock for us,” he added, stepping away from you and towards the microwave. Before you could introduce yourself there was a shrill ringtone that interrupted the small batch of silence, loud enough to pierce your eardrums but not seeming to phase Pixis whatsoever when he brought the cell to his ear and waved with two fingers to excuse himself from the kitchen. 
“How’s your first day going?” Moblit asked, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned on the counter behind him. 
“Not too bad. A little course heavy with all the videos required by HR, but,” you shrugged, letting the rest of your sentence drop off when the microwave signaled his food was ready. 
“Oh, those are the worst. How many you got left?”
“None, thankfully. I just completed the sexual harassment module,” you grimaced, remembering the cringey acting and off putting scenarios. 
“And just in time for lunch,” he smiled, hissing suddenly when he burnt his fingertip on the edge of his glass food container. “Did you bring anything?” 
Moblit looked you over, then swept his eyes over the countertops in search of a lunchbox. “I kinda forgot. I packed it last night and then left it on my counter in my rush to find the closest train stop.” 
“Well,” he started, rummaging through his own lunchbox to dig out what looked like three lunches for one day. “You’re in luck. I pack my lunch every night to avoid this, but my partner always finds a way to sneak in more food than I will ever need.” 
“That’s sweet, though,” you laughed, eyeing one of the wraps enclosed in saran wrap. 
“Hange is a big believer in keeping the people fed and drunk.” Moblit pulled out one of those tiny bottles of fireball from the bottom of his mini cooler. “I don’t know why and how they keep dropping this in here.” 
You grinned at his expression, confusion and distaste written plainly on his features as he dropped the bottle back into his bag. He gestured to the array of food on the counter, silently offering you any to choose from. 
“I’m fine, really,” you waved your hand to say no, not wanting to overstep any boundaries on your first day. He was being friendly, and you could tell his offer was coming from a place of sincerity, but you were still settling into this new life. You didn’t want to create relationships so quickly when you weren’t in a place to pull yourself together if they ended badly. 
“I insist,” he urged, pushing the food closer to you. “Because if you don’t it’s just going to end up going bad. And we wouldn’t want that, would we?” 
There was a hint of playful maliciousness in his tone, his eyebrow arched and eyes expectant as he waited for what he knew to be a yes. Because you conceded easily, grabbing the wrap from the countertop holding it securely between both of your palms. “Happy?”
The routine that followed so easily after that alarmed you. You were introduced to everyone in the office the following day. And were even assigned your own intern. His name was Marco, a rather shy, college student who would often remain in his cubicle conversing with the marketing intern, Jean. You managed to decorate the majority of the bookshelf in your office as the days bled into the other. And you found remnants of what felt like home littering the desk. A globe in the center shelf, worn books your mom had mailed you after you requested them, and a crocheted granny square blanket thrown over the arm of the couch. 
Lunches with Moblit had also persisted. This time with you remembering your own or even wandering down to the cafe around the block from the office. Train rides with Erwin had also become a new normal. Most mornings he’d wait outside your gate, leaning against it usually on his phone as you always left your place just a few moments after he left his. You hadn’t met his partner, Levi, yet, though. One morning questioning if he even existed after so many days of just missing him.
“He can be quite elusive,” Erwin explained, “and not the best around new people.”
“So he’s avoiding me,” you teased, the insecure truth hidden somewhere beneath that statement and you just hoped Erwin wouldn’t catch it. Because if you were being a little bit honest, it stung not having met him yet. Especially when he lived a wall away and you ran into his other half so often. 
“No, he’s just busy,” Erwin tried, his lips downturning slightly, not disguising his uncertainty whatsoever. Though he tried. 
“Right,” you replied with a chuckle and an eye roll, stepping off the train and onto the bustling platform. Spring was pretty quickly disappearing into a sweltering summer. The days only grew hotter as the summer solstice drew nearer. You considered ordering an uber some days because the walk to and from the stop had you sweating by the time you stepped through the cool doors of your office lobby. 
“Listen,” Erwin defended, stepping around someone’s discarded breakfast in what you deemed as a very tragic start to their morning. “The life of a physical therapist can be very demanding.”
“I don’t doubt that,” you replied, shifting your bag to the opposite shoulder once you felt your shirt stick uncomfortably to your skin. “And I’m just joking with you, Erwin. I know he exists, I’ve seen the photos.”
He rolled his eyes, nudging you with his elbow when you reached a crosswalk and waited for it to signal that you two could keep walking. The Brewhouse was in your line of sight, which was a new favorite of yours. The barista managed to memorize your order, since you’ve been there nearly every day since starting your job. And since you always walked in with Erwin it helped because you were convinced she was into him. 
“She has the fattest crush on you, y’know,” you grinned against the straw of your drink, your gloss staining the plastic when you both continued your usual route to your workplace. 
“If that’s true, explain to me why my coffee is never free,” he said as he tipped his americano your way. 
“Because you always insist on paying,” you argued, “and you also tip handsomely, which is why she has the fattest crush on you.”
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Two large pieces of furniture delivered on the same day at your doorstep was not an ideal situation. One being you couldn’t possibly bring them in alone. And two, you didn't have the tools to put together a sectional and a rather tall bookcase on your own either. You stood on the last of your steps, arms crossed over your chest as you stared down at three boxes all perched against your weak metal gate. Which has managed to increase your frustration because how could they deliver this here without you signing off on it? When you explicitly put that in the delivery instructions. Not that it matters much now. Now that you still have three heavy boxes and no way to get them inside. 
“Looks like you could use some help,” a gravelly voice said from just outside the gate beside yours. Short, dark-haired, and slim but lean. He was in a set of black scrubs and a small duffel bag propped on his shoulder. Levi, you determined. The Levi. Erwin’s Levi. 
“It sure does look like that.” 
“Let me put this down and I can give you a hand,” he said, reaching his door quicker than your mind could process and slipping his key into the lock.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” you waved your hand at him and shook your head to decline, not wanting to inconvenience him since it seems like he just got off of work. “I’ll figure something out.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he scoffed, one foot over his threshold and his eyes narrowed at you. “I’ll grab some tools we have stored somewhere around here and be right out.”
Before you could argue again, the wooden door slammed shut behind him and you stayed put on the front step. Oddly, you waited for him, not sure how long he would take, but not going back inside your home either. 
“Alright, let’s get this done,” he said, having quickly changed into gym shorts and a fitted t-shirt. He leaned over the gate that separated your properties, handing you a tool bag as he made his way down his stairs through his gate door and beside the boxes in front of your home in no time. He surveyed the dilemma you were having, hands on his hips and brows furrowed in concentration. 
“Where’s Erwin?” You stepped down the final step, walking closer to Levi and noticing that even when his brows weren’t furrowed there was still a wrinkle between them. 
“Monthly meet up with his dad,” he answered, reaching over to grab one of the baskets and tugging it towards him. “I think today they’re golfing.”
He grunted when the box stood upright, unlocking your gate and swinging it open. You took that as your cue to step in. The edges of the box were secure, but there was a dent in one side and a tear in the other. Large red stickers with the word ‘heavy’ printed on them were scattered across the surface. 
“That’s sweet,” you squeezed out between a wheezing breath when Levi let go of the box and you realized how much weight he had actually been holding. You propped some of it onto your chest, stabilizing your feet as you adjusted the weight to be more comfortable in your arms.
“Mmm,” was his only response and also the only noise of warning when he lifted the opposite end nearly knocking you back if you hadn't prepared yourself and steadied your knees. You staggered backwards to accommodate for the length of the box, meeting his gaze on the other end. 
“Ready?” He asked, not looking as winded as you were positive you looked, a sweat already developing on your temple. You walked backwards, eyes glancing over your shoulder and then down between your feet so you wouldn’t miss a step and then eat shit in front of your elusive and busy neighbor. 
The two of you managed to bring in the other two boxes and laid them out in various positions in your living room. You grabbed two water bottles from your fridge, your throat dry from the unexpected exertion. Levi caught your eye when you shut the door behind you with your hip, and you shook the bottle at him in offering. He held out his hand, which you assumed meant yes and you tossed it over to him. The rest of the afternoon followed in a similar fashion, wordless cues as you both built your sofa. He was so different from Erwin it was difficult to imagine them together. Where Erwin chatted and filled every empty space in conversation, Levi seemed to be most comfortable in those empty spaces. And interestingly, you found a gratefulness in that. No wondering questions or pressure to impress someone you were meeting for the first time. He was stoic in his approach, only prompting conversation when it was to ask for a tool or an additional set of hands. 
He was also quite the perfectionist, incessantly tightening screws and testing the integrity of the foundation. He claimed it was so he wasn’t “at fault for being the one to cause harm to Erwin’s train buddy.”
“No way does he call me his train buddy,” you snorted, slightly embarrassed by the nickname. “I refuse to believe that.”
“He’s a dork,” Levi supplied, one corner of his lips turning upwards as he glanced your way. “So, yes he does.”
You grimaced, which earned you a surprising chuckle. Or moreso, an amused breath through his nose. Another hour passed and you and Levi were struggling to lift the bookcase into the corner of your living room. Height a point of contention in your current issue. You stifled a laugh when both of you lost your grip again.
“Don’t laugh,” he huffed, obvious irritation in his voice.
“I’m not. It’s just,” you coughed behind another laugh, helping lay the bookcase back on the ground. “I’m delirious from hunger and we’re…having a hard time.”
“We still have to anchor this to the wall.”
“Mhmm,” you said, wiping your forehead with the edge of your shirt. You didn’t want to instigate him, his glower was frightening so you swallowed down your giggle when you made eye contact. 
“How do you not have a damn step ladder?” His eyes narrowed and the genuine frustration was enough to press your lips together around another amused noise bubbling up your throat.
“Do you have a step ladder?” And his lack of response was enough of an answer for you. Instead, his phone vibrated from his pocket before you could hear the snarky retort that was about to fall from his lips. His eyes scanned his phone screen, stuffing it back in his pocket when he was done.
There was a knock on the door soon after and before you made a move to answer it, Levi took three easy strides towards it revealing Erwin as the door swung open. 
“Well what do we have here?” He was still wearing his golf polo, tucked into a pair of well fitting khakis and a proud grin. One that you didn’t understand until you caught the eyebrow raise he sent Levi, and the head tilt you assumed was in reference to you. Levi grumbled something under his breath, something that you could determine was not nice, but didn’t cause that stupid grin to waver from Erwin’s face when he stepped into your home. 
He walked in like he’d been there a million times. He crossed into your kitchen, propped open your fridge and grabbed a water bottle while he was at it too. You stared with a mixture of shock, confusion, and amusement. While Levi glared in disgust, distaste, and disdain. This could be fun, watching the pair of them interact in an openly intimate and familiar way. Until it caused a sharp twist of something that resembled yearning tug through your chest. A flash of Onyankopon fluttered through your mind, an almost identical scene to this. You missed him. And you haven’t allowed yourself to do that in weeks. 
You missed him. And it burned. 
“Levi was nice enough to help me build my furniture. We’re almost done, actually,” you smiled, knowing it didn’t reach your eyes, but trying to disguise it nonetheless. 
“You need an extra set of hands?” Erwin asked, chugging down half the water bottle as you answered yes, while Levi gave a very stern no. You and Levi turned to each other at the same time and you were once again faced with his scrunched, irritated features. 
“We do,” you said towards Erwin, but answering the expression on Levi’s face. You were expecting him to argue it, expecting a back and forth until one of you conceded and you were feeling stubborn at the moment. But he didn’t. He turned away from the two of you silently with tension in his shoulders while Erwin laughed under his breath at his partner’s theatrics. 
The moment they left, the silence that wrapped around your home was astonishing. You convinced yourself you had become accustomed to the quiet. To just your noises like the shuffling of your socked feet on the rug or the drip of coffee that remained steady for most of the morning. But your noises, and yours alone, started to become frighteningly lonely. You spent hours surrounded by laughter, bickering, and sarcasm. You slipped into a familiar version of yourself that you nearly forgot about. The person before the engagement. The person you sure as hell hadn’t seen since you broke said engagement off. 
The ache you pushed aside into a single chamber of your heart began to bloom. Painful and digging deeply into the veins that surrounded it. You needed a distraction. One that would fill the empty space that was beginning to be intrusive. Suffocating. But you weren’t sure exactly how.
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".2. Visualize your desired outcome: Close your eyes and imagine that your desired outcome has already manifested in your life. See it in as much detail as possible, using all your senses. How does it look, feel, smell, and sound? Really try to immerse yourself in this scene and feel the emotions associated with it."
quick question about this part.
since I'm planning on entering the void and manifesting my life through there.
should i visualize entering the void and being in there affirming or do i visualize my life AFTER i entered the void (if you get what i mean 😭😭😭)
It’s up to you babe! But I like to imagine my life after the void rather than darkness because the thought of nothing brings me no feelings, but my desires do.
As for the visualization part, I think that sometimes we confuse daydreaming with visualization. Anyone can daydream but not everyone can incorporate their 5 senses into those images which is what turns them into reality. If you want to work on that you can do a simple exercise.
I would imagine myself eating an apple. Im sure we can all imagine what what an apple looks like but could your hear the crunch if you imagined yourself eating it. Or could you taste it and feel it on your mouth etc etc. this really helped me to clarify what visualization really is.
You can also take a scene from your desired life, and repeat the same process. For Example, waking up in your desired room, how does you bed feel, what position are you in, can you taste anything in your mouth like morning breath? Does your room have a google scent, are any good smelling candles burning? Do you have air fresheners? what does your room look like waking up? can you hear anything? or is it quiet? do you have any pets, and can you feel their fur? Etc etc…just repeat each sense (sight, smell, taste, hear, touch) in whatever order you like until you fall asleep. That really helped me feel more in my realties when I was shifting and I assume would be the same with your void state goals!
Fortunately if this isn’t your forte that’s totally fine.You can also visualize while doing something that helps you feel the same emotions, e.g using music to visualize. You’re releasing dopamine when you’re listening to your favorite song, so if you visualize and affirm while that’s occurring, your mind won’t know it’s coming from the music rather than the fact you think you have your desires which is key.
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3. "Are you cooking *morphine* in there?!"
LOCKED DOOR - "Oh, come on!" There's a pause, before you hear the door being unlocked.
KIM KITSURAGI - "That was smart," the lieutenant says, nodding toward the unlocked door.
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Looks like a fine mattress.
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REAL ESTATE AGENT - "Satisfied? My name is Marielle Charpentier and I'm an agent with Martinaise Realty Associates. I am *not* breaking in, as I have every *right* to be here. The keys, see?" She jingles a set of keys in her hand.
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - Her voice is really cheerful despite her obviously *hating* you.
REAL ESTATE AGENT - "Do you want to see my ID as well? You can't *legally* ask for it, but why not? Want to see my residence permit, too?" She fumbles through her purse, fishing out a light paper-clad passport.
Inspect the passport.
"I don't need to see your ID, I just need to ask you some questions."
REAL ESTATE AGENT - It feels flimsy in hand, with the words 'Revachol Zone of Control' written under a nondescript municipal logo. There's a picture of her with shorter hair inside, along with all her personal details.
SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - Be friendly.
"Nice haircut." (Hand back the passport.)
"Everything seem to be in order." (Hand back the passport.)
REAL ESTATE AGENT - "Thank you." She slips the passport back in her purse. "Do you have any questions? I need to be back in midtown in an hour."
"What are you doing here?"
"Who lived in the foreclosed apartment down the hallway?"
"That's all, thank you." [Leave.]
REAL ESTATE AGENT - She sighs and looks around. "I need to get it ready for the next lease, but as you can see, the previous tenant completely trashed the place."
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sunblonderealtors · 1 month
Top Up-and-Coming Neighborhoods in Mumbai
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As We Know South Mumbai Is Know For The Epitome of Posh Living, Neighbourhoods Like Central Of Mumbai i.e Ghatkopar, Vikhroli, Kurla & Chembur are gaining popularity, with Thane and Mulund emerging as a prime spot for affordable property sales. Here We are Sorted Key Factors For Upcoming Emerging Zones Of Mumbai.
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Areas that are expected to see significant growth in the coming years
Ghatkopar emerges as a thriving location, primarily due to the introduction of metro lines.
Santacruz West is a suburban neighborhood in the heart of Mumbai that offers great investment opportunities in real estate. It's close to important commercial hubs like Bandra-Kurla Complex & Andheri and has easy access to the Western Express Highway.
superior connectivity and sound infrastructure, the properties in Thane & Mulund have also shown a steady increase in the past few years.
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Why these areas are becoming popular
Malabar Hill Nestled atop Mumbai’s southern tip, Malabar Hill reigns supreme as India’s most exclusive residential address. With sprawling mansions, opulent condos, and panoramic sea views, this enclave exudes sophistication at every turn.
Cuffe Parade Home to Mumbai’s elite, this waterfront enclave boasts upscale boutiques, gourmet restaurants, and stunning waterfront promenades. Stroll along the historic Colaba Causeway, unwind at the iconic Taj Mahal Palace, and experience the pulse of Mumbai’s cultural heart.
Worli Worli offers a seamless blend of luxury living and urban convenience. Indulge in world-class shopping at Palladium Mall, dine at acclaimed restaurants overlooking the Arabian Sea, and experience the cosmopolitan vibe of this vibrant enclave.
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The types of properties available in these areas
Residential Properties Primarily designed as living spaces, In Mumbai We Can See Luxury To Affordable Segments Of Residential Projects With Convenience to Carpet area as We Wish.
Commercial Properties Used For Businesses To Investments Purpose, Mumai Commercial Property's Demand Touching Sky Level For Current Time.
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The potential for investment in these areas
As We Think Of Investment We Start To Calculate Higher Returns On Investment. From Worli To End Of South Mumbai & Growing Suburbs Like Ghatkopar To Kurla has potential projects & Supply Of Services Which Can Show Green Line Of Stonks In Your Investment Chart.
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