#KiCk i is definitely one of my fav kicks...what a line up of songs...starts off with Nonbinary..... bjork and shygirl features. LORD!
softwarmfur · 1 year
actually you know what im gonna start talking about riquiqui too. great fucking song. real slapper. real banger. the way it starts off with arca like. gently crooning una rosa blanca de metal and then immediately turns into super fast paced like. chanting about sucking dick. switching in and out of spanish and english. and of course Regenerated girl degenerate to generate heat in the light love in the face of fear fear in the face of god thinking it would never end or break off. then back to spanish. that little verse she always sings but riquiqui is THE song... TE PONGO LA MAYONESA FRESCA BLANCA EN LA MESA....etc etc. then it goes all glitchy with ever shifting overlapping waves of sounds and words. and then in like the last thirty seconds the beat goes completely flat and just. COMO UNA GATA! for a little bit and then the song ends. LMAO
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 5)
uh ohh, part 5 baby! im quite enjoying this story so far and i have some fun things planned for it, so i hope you’ll stay with me for them! in today’s part, our fav new celeb couple takes it all the way, though i chose not to include the actual sex part, however im still treating you all with some dirty stuff so enjoy!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 4.6k
warning: NSFW content
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New couple alert?
Harry Styles and Y/N Y/L/N have been spotted having lunch and grabbing coffee several times in the course of the past few weeks. All the outings looked casual and friendly, they gladly stopped for fans that approached them and the word has it that they’ve been getting closer to each other, though neither of them confirmed anything.
Harry Styles has been known to be single for a while now, only faint rumors swirling up sometimes, but none of them were proven to be true, the young actress is the first woman he has been linked to in a long time. Y/N Y/L/N has been focusing on her blooming career and has been single since her split from long time exboyfriend and fellow actor, Levi Hudson. The pair dated all through 2018, splitting in the beginning of 2019. Hudson has admitted their hectic schedules made it impossible to maintain their relationship while Y/N did not confirm anything.
Styles is going on his world-wide tour soon, while Y/L/N is currently between two projects. The young celebs seem to be enjoying each other’s company and fans have been quick to jump into speculations about their alleged romance, however there is no evidence as of right now.
“Thank you so much for your time, it was a pleasure to talk to you,” the young interviewer smiles at you, holding her hand out and you shake it with a warm smile.
“Thank you for having me! And I really like your shoes, by the way,” you point down at her electric blue pumps that you’ve been eyeing since the start of the interview.
“Oh, thank you! Got them from a vintage store,” she beams, a slight blush playing on her cheeks clearly a little starstruck from your compliment.
“Love those little stores.”
“Me too,” she giggles collecting her papers and notes. “Someone will contact you and your team soon about the photoshoot and I’ll email you a draft of the interview in about a week.”
“That’s perfect, thank you so much,” you nod at her grabbing your purse from the side table next to you. Grabbing your phone from the depth of it you smile to yourself upon seeing the text from Harry.
“Call me when you’re done with the interview Xx.”
You say your goodbye to everyone before heading out of the building. Lawrence is at the front waiting for you in the car and he greets you with a warm smile when you sit into the backseat. As he starts the car and heads back to your home, you call Harry, who picks it up after the second ring.
“Hey! How was the interview?” he beams brightly, his voice immediately making you smile.
“Great! This young girl did it and she had some exciting questions.”
“Sounds lovely. Can’t wait to buy a Cosmopolitan with you on the cover soon,” he says and you can hear the grin through his voice.
“Will look good in your hands for sure,” you chuckle.
“Right. So I have a question for you.”
“Go for it.”
“I’m doing this very small show at Beacon Theater this weekend, kind of a practice before the real tour begins and I was wondering if you’d be up to come. Would love to have you there.”
“When is it exactly?”
“Saturday at nine. I know it’s a short notice and I get it if you have something else going on, just wanted to ask.”
“I think I can make it work,” you smile, thinking back at what your day looks like on Saturday. “Can I bring someone?”
“Of course! Just let me know how many people so I can have the tickets sent over to you.”
“Thank you. It’s sweet of you to think about me.”
“You know I always think about you,” he murmurs and his voice sends a shiver down your spine. Crazy to think how much he can affect you with just his words, he just has a special spell on you, it seems.
“Still such a flirt, I see,” you chuckle, feeling your cheeks heating up as you hear his soft laugh on the other end of the line.
“For you, always.”
“Alright. I’ll text you about the tickets and thank you again. Can’t wait to see you perform finally.”
“It’s been due for a while now, right? Kind of promised you some tickets on Ellen, if I remember correctly.”
“You did!” you laugh thinking back at the time you met him. How funny that just one short game on a talk show led the two of you here. You have to thank Ellen though.
“Now I’m finally keeping my promise. Talk to you later then, Love. Have a great day.”
“You too, Harry.”
 You manage to convince Sydney to join you for the concert, she sounds excited when you ask if she had anything to do on Saturday. Seeing Harry perform before his tour kicks off is a thrill for her she wouldn’t pass on for anything, so she is really grateful that you thought of her as your plus one.
Harry has your passes sent over to your place on Friday and it comes with a bouquet of flowers as well as a card.
“Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. What’s your favorite song? I’ll make sure to perform it just for you. –H”
He never fails to make you feel like the only woman on the planet and you can definitely see why so many fall for him even without meeting him. The man has all the power to charm anyone with just a smile.
You put the flowers into a vase and leave them on your dining table before grabbing your phone and sending him a quick text.
“It’s Only Angel,” you simply write, hoping he’ll get it why you just wrote that. Luckily, he does.
“Straight to the setlist. Dedicated to You.”
 Finishing up the last touches to your makeup you bop your head to the song blasting through the stereo. It’s Only Angel, of course. You’ve had it on repeat all afternoon and now you can’t wait to actually see Harry perform it live.
Just as you are about to get changed, Syd arrives so you let her in with a beaming smile and when she hears the music upon walking into your place she cheers in excitement.
“Yes! This is such a jam!” she smirks, doing a little dance as you lock the door behind her.
“You look fantastic, Syd,” you tell her. The black short dress looks amazing paired with the lilac oversized blazer. Her makeup matches the same color and you are obsessed with the fishnet tights. She will surely make men wish she was into them.
“Thank you! Spent two hours figuring out what to wear, so I hope I look fantastic,” she giggles.
She helps you put together your outfit as well. Wide legged flaming red pants that make your waist look snatched, a black sheer top tucked into it with just a black bralette underneath. You already know Harry will be a fan of the skin you’re showing, you can’t wait to see his face when he finally spots you.
You quickly pack your essentials into a black Chanel purse along with stuff you need for a possible sleepover if things might take a pleasant turn, and you finish with everything just when the doorman calls up through the intercom that Lawrence has arrived.
“So, what’s the deal with you and him, if I may ask?” Syd questions in the car, not in a nosy way, more like a curious, friendly way.
“We are… getting close,” you say, tasting the word on your tongue. You haven’t labeled whatever you have going on with Harry, nor do you really know what it should be called. You’ve been trying hard to make time for each other as much as possible, making small lunch and coffee dates a regular thing. He came over to your place one evening for a movie and that’s the only time you were able to be alone with him, though nothing sexual happened. Yet. The real deal is yet to happen and if you are being honest you are running short on patience. It’s getting harder to hold yourself back and keep your hands to yourself as well when you are out with him, but you agreed to keep it lowkey out in the public.
Tonight, however, you have a feeling what you’ve been waiting for so long might actually happen and you can only hope Harry is planning the same thing. You are absolutely ready to bluntly ask if he wants to spend the night at your place.
“But you’re heading… somewhere, right?”
“I hope so,” you smile shyly.
“That’s amazing. I think you two are a match,” Syd smirks at you.
By the time you arrive to the venue the gates have been opened so people are busy getting inside, giving you the chance to walk inside through the backdoors without any fuss.
“Miss, Harry requested me to usher you to his dressing room when you arrive,” the girl at the door smiles at you with a clipboard in her hands and a headset covering her ears.
“Oh, alright,” you nod, turning to Syd. “You go ahead and get us a good place,” you tell her and she nods walking away with a wave as she heads up to the second floor that’s fully reserved for friends and family.
Following the girl down the hallway you are led to a room that has Harry’s name on it. She gently knocks on the door and a few moments later it flies open, revealing Harry in a colorful suit and a simple white button-down shirt. He looks breathtaking, hair fixed perfectly and the wide grin stretching across his lips when he sees you standing there.
“You’re here!” he breathes out, grabbing your hand and pulling inside, snatching you away from the preying eyes. Once the door clicks closed behind you, he is quick to press his lips to yours in a sweet welcoming kiss. Ever since your first official date he hasn’t passed on any chance to kiss you whenever you had the luxury of privacy to yourselves, which hasn’t happened too much, leaving you both with a growing hunger for each other every time you meet.
“Mm of course I am,” you smile against his lips before pecking them one last time and leaning back. “Looking great, Mr. Styles,” you grin, taking your time to wander your eyes down on him.
“Yeah? Like the suit?”
“Well, I love your outfit as well. M’gonna have a hard time not thinking about you on the stage.”
“Please think about me,” you breathe out with a coy smile.
“Don’t fucking say that to me, you are giving me a hard time,” he groans and you just chuckle at the tortured look on his face.
“Sorry,” you mumble, but your face doesn’t meet your words. He squeezes your waist gently, pecking your lips in a rush before he lets go of you.
“I need to go over a few things before we start, so just go ahead and join Syd. Meet me here after the show?”
“Yeah, perfect,” you nod smiling. “Good luck out there,” you wink and he grins at you with bright eyes. His hands grab onto yours before you head out, pulling you in for one last kiss before you leave.
You feel flustered and you take a few deep breaths on your way up to the gallery to find Syd who managed to get an amazing spot at the front on the left side.
They offer everyone up on the gallery some champagne before the show starts and looking around you see a few familiar faces, but no one you specifically know. You stick with Sydney who is over the moon about the show and you are kind of sharing her excitement.
When the lights go down and the music finally starts, you can’t help but join in with the screams that fill the theater.
You’ve seen videos of him performing, in One Direction and solo as well. You’ve seen pictures and you’ve heard the words about how amazing he is on stage, but none of those live up to the actual experience. The sensation that takes over you just by seeing him appear on the stage as the whole theater chants his name as one, it completely sweeps you off your feet and for a second you wonder how you could live a life without this experience.
When his voice starts to flow through the massive speakers you need to take a deep breath, a shiver runs down your spine and you chug down the rest of your champagne so you could get rid of the glass and hold onto the railing with both hands because you feel like you need to ground yourself before you shoot into the sky.
Song after song, he performs perfectly, bringing every single person in the audience to that euphoric state they’ve been probably seeking their whole life. The experience is surely one of a kind, something you’ll definitely be thinking about for a long time.
Time seems to stop, though it cruelly carries on even when you forget about it completely. The concert is nearing its end and Harry takes a breather as he places his guitar to the stand behind him. You watch his every move as he walks back to the microphone, his gaze moving up to the gallery, roaming through the people until they find you.
“This last song is dedicated… to my Only Angel,” he murmurs into the microphone as the audience erupts, blows up at once and your heart skips a beat when his eyes linger over you for a little longer before the music starts to play.
You faintly hear Syd screaming next to you, probably aware that the dedication was addressed to you, but you can’t tear your eyes off of the man on the stage.
He nails it perfectly, looking like an absolute rockstar that he truly is and for a moment you can’t believe you have his attention and interest. How can such a precious and unbelievably talented man be in your reach?
Because I deserve great things in life, you tell yourself, a little mantra you’ve gotten around to repeat every time you found yourself doubting your success and happiness.
The concert eventually ends and though no one in the room desires the end of it, Harry leaves and you are abruptly brought back to reality.
“That was… something else truly,” Syd breathes out as the two of you linger around a little longer, trying to come down from the high you just experienced.
“Yeah. He is so fucking talented it’s almost unfair,” you chuckle running a hand through your hair.
“This tour will kill thousands of people all around the world,” she muses and for a moment, reality sets in and you realize that Harry will leave for his worldwide tour very soon, leaving you behind.
You get rid of the thought, not wanting to stress over something that’s not relevant just yet and you don’t want to ruin the evening either. Fears and stress can wait a little longer.
The two of you make your way backstage, walking into a bit of a chaos as all close friends and family want to congratulate to Harry and the band as well. Standing at the side you let everyone have their time, barely even seeing Harry in the sea of people in the spacious green room. Syd keeps you company as you wait and about thirty minutes later it seems like the crowd is starting to loosen up.
Harry spots you and excuses himself immediately from his conversation with a couple, heading in your direction with the widest grin you’ve ever seen on his pretty face.
“Congrats, that was mind-blowing,” you smirk as he reaches you, a hand curling around your waist as he leans down and places a kiss to your cheek, keeping it as moderate as possible, though you both just want to jump at each other.
“Thank you, Love,” he nods, a blush tinting his cheeks from your words. “Hello Sydney, so great to see you again,” he greets the girl next to you and they share a short hug.
“Hi! Loved the show so much!” she giggles in excitement.
“Thank you for coming.”
The three of you chat for a while before Sydney says she is gonna call herself an Uber, so after saying her goodbye she leaves you alone with Harry, as much as you can be alone with a bunch of other people around.
“I wanted to ask you something,” he clears his throat as his hand finds its way back to the small of your back.
“Go for it.”
“We are gonna grab a drink at some bar, but nothing over the top and I wanted to ask if you would want to join.”
“Sounds good,” you smile, feeling a little disappointed. This is not exactly what you wanted him to ask. Luckily, he is not done with his questions.
“Also… I-If it’s cool by you, I thought that… maybe you could come over?”
“Mmm, go over and do what?” you tease him, your smile stretching wider with each passing moment.
“I have plenty of ideas, Love,” he breathes out, making you laugh. “We could drop by your place if you need anything to stay over.”
“No need. Packed a bag,” you slyly grin at him, taking him by surprise clearly, but it’s surely a pleasant one.
“Always a step ahead of me, huh?” he smirks, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
It takes some time to actually leave the venue and head off to the bar with a close group of friends of him and the band. A secluded area was already reserved for you that has its own bar, so you could enjoy the evening without worrying about preying eyes of strangers or fans. You really weren’t in the mood to keep your distance from Harry, this way at least you were able to touch each other in a more intimate way without speculations swirling up immediately.
You get to know his band and some of his friends, they are all genuinely amazing people, but you weren’t expecting anything else. You figured he only surrounds himself with people like him. His hands often find your waist and he doesn’t shy away from kissing your cheek or giving your hips a gentle squeeze, just letting you know you have his attention and he appreciates that you’re there.
It’s nearing one am when the guests start leaving and soon enough you find yourself in the back of your car with Harry, heading to his place, while you try your best to keep your hands away from him. You wouldn’t put Lawrence through the trauma of having to see or hear something he shouldn’t.
But that doesn’t stop you from kissing, something you’ve been dying to do all night. Your hand rests on his thigh while he has an arm curled around your shoulders, keeping you tight by his side, delicately brushing his nose against your hair every time your lips are not connected.
“Thank you, Lawrence. I’ll call myself a taxi in the morning, have the day off,” you tell your driver who smiles in your way thankfully while Harry grabs your and his bags from the back of the car.
“Thank you, Miss. Enjoy your night,” he nods in your way as you shut the door closed.
You try to take your duffel bag from Harry, but he insists to carry it as the two of you walk inside his house.
“Want something to drink? Water, tea or something?” he asks, setting the bags down near his giant, comfortable looking couch. Your thoughts immediately wander to a dirty field, picturing him sitting on that very couch as you kneel in front of him, pleasuring him so good that his eyes roll back…
“Yeah, water please,” you say clearing your throat. Some hydration will come handy after the drinks you chugged down at the bar.
You follow him as he shuffles into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and a bottled water from the fridge for you, pouring some into the glass before handing it to you.
“Thank you. You have a nice place for yourself,” you tell him, looking around in his home.
“Thanks. Been working on it for a while,” he chuckles softly. “Feels a bit too big for just myself though.”
You finish the water and set your eyes at him, feeling your hunger for him grow with each passing moment. Placing the empty glass to the marble counter you take a step closer to him.
“You feel lonely often?” you question in a low voice. His eyes return to you and you are happy to see the same lust in them.
“Would say so, yes,” he nods, running his tongue over his pink lips before he reaches out and grabbing you by your hips, he draws you close to him. Leaning down his lips brush against the shell of your ear, a shiver runs down your spine when you hear his whisper in it. “Hope it’ll change soon.”
At a loss of patience, you grab his face and angle it perfectly so you can kiss him hard. And by hard, you mean real hard. He stumbles back from the force, but manages to keep his balance, returning the kiss just as vehemently as he receives it, a tug of war starting between the two of you.
His hands work fast on the sheer fabric of your shirt, pulling it out from the waistband of your pants, getting rid of it eagerly as his lips wander down on your neck, collarbones and chest. He easily turns the two of you around so you are pushed against the edge of the countertop, his hips pushed against you and it’s clearer that daylight just how excited he is to have you here tonight. Your eyes flicker over to the couch again and the desire to please him with your mouth just bursts, you can’t hold yourself back anymore.
So you push him away from you, grabbing his wrist and yanking him after you, heading towards the couch. You push him down and his lustful eyes follow every move of yours as you kneel in front of him and he realizes what you are about to do. He doesn’t stop you when you work to unbutton his pants, but his hand finds your chin and he pulls you up for a swift, but passionate kiss.
Once you successfully undid his pants he lifts his hips and you spare some time and energy, pulling them down along with his underwear, leaving him only in his vintage printed t-shirt as his cock springs free. You push your thighs together just at the sight of him, the way his eyes burn down on you, how his lips part when your gazes meet and the way he sucks on his breath when your fingers dig into his thighs near his crotch as you situate yourself closer.
“I believe I owe you an orgasm, don’t I?” you ask with a cheeky smirk before wrapping your left hand around the base of his shaft, giving it a gentle squeeze, just enough to get him even more excited. A whimpered moan slips from his lips and you lean closer, giving his cock a lick from bottom to top, wrapping your lips around the head as you swirl your tongue around it.
“Fuck hell!” he breathes out, clearly enjoying himself, hands fisting the cushion next to him, but you bet they’ll be buried in your hair soon.
You’re not an expert in the field of blowjobs, but it’s been your thing to come barging right through the door and jump the easy teasing whenever you were on your knees for a man. So with your hands fixed on his beautiful face, you sink down on him, his cock gliding into your mouth right until the tip reaches the back of your throat, earning the loudest moan you’ve heard from him. Shutting your eyes closed you keep him like that for a second until the urge to gag starts to set in, so you slide him out, your saliva dripping down his erection as your eyes meet his and you can tell you shocked him with your bold first move.
“Do that one more time and I won’t last for a minute,” he warns breathing heavily and you just smirk up at him before going into action again, this time only taking a smaller portion of him, pumping the base to make up for the lack of deep throating, but it appears that he enjoys just the simple part of it equally. As you keep bobbing your head, taking as much of him as you can without gagging, his right hand flies to your hair, taking a handful of it as he gently guides your head, keeping it in the rhythm that works the best for him and you happily let him do whatever makes him feel good.
When your free hand goes to gently massage his balls your name erupts from him in the most voluptuous way you’ve heard him call out for you. As if he just cried out for God himself.
“Y/N, fuck, I won’t last long,” he warns you, but that’s all you want. You need to see him come undone under your touch, you want to be the reason his breath hitches. Picking up your pace you see him whimper some more, head falling backwards to the back of the couch. It’s a heavenly view and you wish you could take a picture of his beauty as he enjoys himself on this intimate level. You’ve never wanted to please a man more than him and just seeing him in this blissful state makes you wet through your underwear.
When his breathing starts to get uneven, chest heaving wildly, you take all of him again, his head poking the back of your throat and you push your tongue against his length as you slide him out, picking up the same pace that you kept before, both hands working hard on him.
“Fuck! I-I’m gonna cum!” he warns again and just a few seconds later, you feel the evidence of his satisfaction spurt into the back of your throat, eyes falling on you as you give him one last lick before swallowing everything that’s in your mouth.
“Holy shit,” he breathes out pulling you up, eagerly kissing you without a second thought, his hands cupping your cheeks to keep you in place. “You surely know how to kill a man, yea?” he huffs making you chuckle.
“Think you can go for a second one?” you sheepishly ask, blinking up at him from under your long lashes.
“I’ll have enough time to recover while I eat you out like you’re my last meal,” he bluntly replies, and a moan almost slips from your lips.
“Show me what you got, Styles,” you challenge him and he doesn’t need more, he easily picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he heads straight to the bedroom.
“As you wish, Angel,” he mumbles against your skin, peppering your neck and shoulder with featherlike kisses along his way until he throws you to his bed, ruthlessly tearing the remaining of your clothes off your body.
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Listening to DSH from start to finish for the FIRST TIME EVER
It's midnight here so this is all going to be intelligible
Take What You Want- It's literally OTTN/HND + Euphoria + kinky dilfs and I'm just ARRRRHHGHGHHGHHHHHHH it's a very Joe + Sav song
Kick- I'm literally addicted to this song the lyrics are so sexy I can't take it it's so glam i just gffregerrerergffgr at this point it's my fav song from the album out of the 3 I've heard already and idk how they're gonna top it but I know they will somehow
Fire It Up- IT'S SLANG IT'S SLANG IT'S SLANG IT'S SLANG IT'S SLANG IT'S SLANG Joe can fuck me up with a low register any day ESPECIALLY when it's borderline rapping and I just feel like it's a Leppard song we've been waiting for for a long time and never knew it
This Guitar- I was 2 years old when this song was written it sounds like Unbelievable gone country it's a VERY un-Leppard song and you get whiplash from it after a very Leppard song like Fire it Up but Joe's voice was totally MADE FOR THIS SONG and Alison Krauss' voice was made to be with Joe's?? CAN WE HAVE JOE HARMONIZING WITH A FEMALE VOCALIST MORE OFTEN?????
SOS Emergency- A very self titled song if I do say so myself- reminds me of Dangerous more than anything also 'turn me on just turn me on' Joe be careful what you wish for
Liquid Dust- Right off the bat Slang/X vibes like Pearl of Euphoria meets Gravity and Torn to Shreds and it feels like this song needs to be played as a thunderstorm approaches or something also did I mention I'm a big fan of the drums on this album
U Rok Mi- THAT UKULELE TRANSITION OH FUCK YEAH. UNH. This one is definitely high on my list rn idk there's just something about it maybe it's the A CAPPELLA IDK mAYBE IT'S JOE'S SEXY GRAVELY VOICE IN THIS IDK MAYBE
Goodbye For Good This Time- Ah yes there's the piano we were promised. Also this is straight up Walking to Babylon by Down N Outz at least it is to me. This is another very un-Leppard song imo but that acoustic tho like hoooooooo I kinda hope we get a music video for this and I can't explain why maybe it's bc I want dramatic sad soap opera Joe maybe
All We Need- i got a sense of impending doom when this song started don't ask me why. it's 12:30am and I'm starving. This one also gives me X vibes? "this ain't no bedtime story" well it is for me Joe. I hope there's another good vibes song soon. is it bad i like the outro of this better than the whole song?
Open Your Eyes- LET'S HEAR IT FOR RICHARD ELIZABETH SAVAGE. This is Pearl of Euphoria 2022. This one is an orchestra itself and definitely near the top of my list, too. It's very un-leppard in a few VERY good ways.
Gimme a Kiss- oh FUCK YEA. As soon as this song began I went "uh oh- I have a bad feeling this is the one I'm gonna love more than Kick..." yeah I REALLY like this one totally not making me blush or anything 👁//👄//👁 hoohooheehooo this one is the competitor for my #1 spot with Kick WHEN THE KISS NOISE HAPPENED AT THE END I LITERALLY SAID "EXCUSE ME??????????" OUT LOUD IN MY DEAD QUIET HOUSE AT 12:43AM FUCK YOU JOE STOPPPPPPPP I literally did not pause this album since I started playing it EXCEPT WHEN JOE SMACKED HIS LIPS
Angels (Can't Help You Now)- another Down N Outz-esque song and I'm starting to fall asleep so my comments are running thin- it sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it? also that ending IS Aladdin Sane well done boys you finally did it
Lifeless- SHE'S BAAAAAAACK! holy shit i just wanna give Joe a hug after hearing this and that ending ;-; also gives me early 00's sad pop vibes
Unbreakable- DEADASS THOUGHT THIS WAS 10538 OVERTURE. The room started spinning. This is an odd combo of X + self titled that WORKS. the line "it's unmistakably love" made me :#{} I never want it to end but I'm starving and about to pass out so I also want it to end ALSO ALL THESE A CAPPELLA ENDINGS ARE THE DEATH OF ME
From Here to Eternity- unmistakably Sav. Kings of the World. Creepy waltz. I could've listened to just the instrumentals for 20 hours straight
and so ends the first of thousands of listens for the rest of my life
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youshouldbemanic · 5 years
It’s been a week since Manic and I wanted to get this up a few days ago so I’m just going to post the track claims I have received 
Reviews and reactions of Manic ✨
ASHLEY: ok so I really liked ashley especially as an opening track because it deals with a subject that's tricky for both halsey and fans; when fame becomes too tough or if halsey falls out of love with it, what will happen? i really liked the lyrics, especially the line about bursting into flames, because a lot of people can identify with that feeling. I loved the sound of the song, the production was so good!! it's one of my top favs from the album :) - @halseylockscreens
CLEMENTINE: "Clementine" exemplifies so much of what makes Manic interesting - the lyrics are sad and introspective, while the tone is playful and almost whimsical. It's inspires nostalgia and hope all at once. The way Halsey embraces the contradictions in herself - not needing anyone, but also needing everyone - is something that so many people, myself included, can relate to. It's sweet, sharp, and cathartic - especially the final "and then some" she belts in the background. It's in my top five for Manic! - @manic-nightmare
GRAVEYARD: I’ve said it before but Graveyard was the song that I heard and knew that this would be my favorite album. I think the use of guitars in the album is really pretty and really sells that it’s Ashley. Halsey singles are usually fast past and flashy but Graveyard feel so personal. Even the upbeat parts remind me of a heart beat after running for a while and you’re trying to catch your breath. The first time I heard it I thought that it was about G-eazy and abusive relationships but the more I listen to it and the music video makes me think it’s also about her relationship with herself. Ashely and Halsey are two different people Halsey represents all the bad and good of mental illness she’s loud,speaks her mind,gets angry, she feels everything so intensely and Ashley is in the background trying to keep up. The gasp is one of my favorite parts of the whole song, one thing she’s always done and has perfected on this album is whispers/talking in songs that makes it feel like she’s talking to you. I think I love Halsey so much because a lot of her songs feel like a friend telling you all their secrets and thoughts.- @leocaitelin 
YOU SHOULD BE SAD: You Should Be Sad is a very strong fourth track on Manic with a country influence to what is an angry pop song. Lyrically, the song has a nice flow to it that is complimented by the upbeat guitar. As Halsey stated in a tweet this is the “after he cheats” song; as she looks back at her relationship with an ex. Sure, this is not the poppunk song we all expected from the original snippet of the bridge that is “hey hey hey hey” and not “yeah yeah yeah yeah” but the anger soaks through her lyrics and into her words that it coats how you feel. By the end the song becomes sad, almost remorseful and finishes with a soft harmony. All in all, not a bad song.- @hunterthewriterworld
FOREVER...(IS A LONG TIME): Let me tell you right now that even though this isn’t in my top tracks of the album, I was destined to claim it as my track simply because of the rain sounds in the background... rain is my favourite thing and the second I heard it I knew it was a sign. I love how it starts sounding all cute and then at the ‘just right’ part it sounds like doubt is starting to creep into her mind and then the song takes a complete turn. I think Forever... is one of the most interesting songs on the album and I love how it goes into Dominic’s interlude! - @youshouldbemanic 
I HATE EVERYBODY: Alright “I Hate Everybody” is so fucking good musically and lyrically speaking. This one blew our minds because halsey is so fucking honest about how she let someone elses opinion about her have a bigger impact or effect on her than just being enough on her own. She´s so self reflective on her behavior in this song it´s almost as if she´s discussing it to get a clear pattern or picture about it for herself - she´s analyzing her previous behavior to state the point that SHE is important - not anyone else in this context. There seems to be a shift in her self perception. We immediately fell in love with this song because it is so relatable in our opinion. We immediately understood that feeling and could relate to it in some way or another. This song kinda feels like sitting down with halsey to talk about what is going on superficially speaking and then internally speaking because both those aspects often differ a lot from each other (e.g. how your friends, your partner etc. sees you or thinks you´re feeling vs. what is going on inside your head). We also loooove how the music is pretty tender and it seems as if the persona halsey is kind of telling a story very calmly and then when it comes to the chorus it seems as if ashley is coming through - this is when the music and the lyrics become more dynamic in a way. And we don´t know if it´s just our perception but we love how the music is giving the song a kind of sarcastic tone that adds to halsey´s criticism of herself. -@twinzmoon
WITHOUT ME: I've seen a lot of people say that they are tired of this song. That it came out too long ago. That it doesn't belong on Manic, etc. I get it, but I don't agree. I will say that I love the live performances of this song better than the album version. I think more emotion and more pain come out in her vocals when she sings this live. Most of the lyrics are talking about helping and supporting the other person and only a little about the hurt and anger of being betrayed. It's what goes along with that, what goes on in your head after being cheated on that gives this song a place on Manic. Having been cheated on myself in a previous relationship, I feel all of that extra, unstated in the lyrics turmoil everytime I hear this song. The why wasn't I enough? What did I do or not do that they needed someone else? Am I lacking something that they needed? Is it something about the way I look? The way I act? The way I talk? The self doubt, self loathing and distrust when you start a new relationship. I got lucky and I have a wonderful, amazing girlfriend now, but it's taken me a while to be able to trust in this relationship after being cheated on in the previous one. I both love and hate this song. I love it because maybe not in the exact way, but I've had this happen to me. I got through it and I'm in a better place now. I hate it because I feel all of the confusion, anger, doubt and self loathing everytime I hear it. Either way, it's a powerful, emotional song. - @anf-stuff 
KILLING BOYS: I had to listen to this song a few times through before I was truly able to appreciate it, mostly because it wasn't really what I was expecting. With the title "killing boys," and the obvious allusion to the movie Jennifer's Body, I guess I was expecting something angrier, more violent and aggressive, maybe more "Nightmare"-esque. And there's definitely a lot of anger in there, but it's not so loud and hostile and combative; it's all tempered by this kind of reflective, retrospective, "over it" attitude that you see throughout the album. She describes these bitter and vengeful actions like kicking in doors and keying cars and breaking windows in the verses, but they're all followed by a lot of "not anymores" and "never agains" in the chorus. And even the music itself gives the same effect; the whole song has that kickass percussion running under it, but the melodies aren't very harsh, and her voice is soft and almost somber. I love this song because I feel like this is the song on the album that fully embodies, both lyrically and musically, what Ashley said about setting out to write "dark and angry" music and realizing she simply wasn't angry anymore. -@gaygirlslove1d
SUGA’S INTERLUDE: I have to admit that I kinda put this song aside for a little while. I only listened to this song once when it was first released. It was released the same day as Finally // Beautiful Stranger and I was a little obsessed with that song.  Obsessed enough to change the words a little so I could sing it to my girlfriend. But enough about that, on to my review. After listening to Suga's Interlude more, I like the song a lot. It's not one of my top favorites from Manic, but it's really good. Halsey's voice is interesting on her part. Sweet with a hint of sadness. Suga has a very nice flow in this song. I had to look up the English translation for his part. I have seen several interpretations about the meaning of the song, but to me it's finding out that just because you reach your goal or are living out your dream, it doesn't mean it'll bring you happiness. The song fits really well on Manic in my opinion. So maybe not the best song that Manic has to offer, but still a very good song.- @anf-stuff
MORE: This is a deeply personal song. I had mentioned this yesterday, I feel personally attacked for having picked this song. As a mother of two boys, I feel like I can say that. “Wooden floors, little feet.” “Little screen, photograph.” “When you decide it’s your time to arrive, I’ve loved you for all of my life.” It’s a known fact that Ashley has endometriosis. It makes it hard to get pregnant. It’s also been mentioned that she suffered  miscarriages—not only that, she was performing on stage while going through at least one of them. Ashley has always been open about reproductive health and her story with it. It hits hard at special place—whether you want to be a mother or not. The lullaby, like off a mobile over a crib. The end that sounds like a sonogram, before you were to hear a baby’s heartbeat. How the audio is muffled as if you were listening from inside the womb. I was crying by the end of it, let me tell you. It is one of my favorite tracks, by far. The soft ones always are. It is a song of hope and heartache. Anger and longing. It is filled with truth that is Ashley’s, but so many can relate to. - @stopitchris
STILL LEARNING: I loved it, it’s not one of my favourites but it was fun and has a really good message!!!!And it’s also something I’m still working on myself; learning to love myself. It’s a hard journey but its achievable. The beat and lyrics were moving and deep and overall enjoyable!!!! -@pinklemongay
929: First impressions- cool strumming, OH NO HOSPITAL BEEP I AM GONNA CRY, OK GOOD ITS HER TALKING HER KITGLE LAUGH I LOVF JER SO MHCJ FUCKKKK SHES SO CUTE 🥺🥺, can’t remember half the time i’ve been alive, don’t meet ur heroes 🥺, THE FEATURE FUCKING LINE!!!! okgbn!!!!!, I wANT TO THORW UO, I HACE NEVER CRIED HARDER, AHHH, I CANT EVEN PROCESS IT SORRY, no lyrics to say bc i cant breathe properly, I KNOW DONT KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF 🥺🥺🥺🥺, sorry i need to listen to this again, MY MORAL COMPASS IS ON A VACATION, big coming of age movie vibes, this will be my Special Song i can feel it 🥺, i have felt every emotion. -@wreckageofmylife
WIPE YOUR TEARS: Wipe your tears is a very airy song that is almost reminiscent of the room 93 era. It has a twinkly aspect and deals with much darker themes. Yet it is also reminiscent of nightmare in the sense that it sounds more like a poem put to music. This song is also one of what the fans would call a “bi-anthem” as Halsey is talking about a girl which is very nice to hear. Personally I’m glad that this is only a bonus track as it is really short and does not fit the theme of the album. Yet it is still a bop and the better of the two bonus tracks. -@hunterthewriterworld
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Think of a movie and now give me that movie title: random Elvira: Mistress of the Dark 
Quote a line from that movie:
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Name a song: random MARUV & Boosin — I Want You 
What’s a line from that song? Baby turn me, turn me on All night long What’s the last word spelled backwords of that line? GNOL XD Whats the relationship between you and the last person you texted? my fiancee What would your name be if you replaced T’s with S’s & A’s with E’s? Zuzenne Would you ever legally change you name to that? nah Your boyfriend/girlfriend say they can’t hang out & it’s been two weeks. You? ok How often do you think about death? all the time Where were you when you had your first sleepover? Your house or a friends’? friend’s - P.W.
Are you hungry?: thirsty
What did you buy last time you went to the store?: food? bread not food? trinkets - for example - two books and a tiny stuffed dog
Do you think stained glass windows are pretty?: I don’t know tbh
Are you a chocoholic?: not at all
Have you ever been carded when buying something? : not even when I was buying cigarettes
Do you have a favorite highlighter color?: yellow
Do you have a flashlight?: I do
Do you like watermelon?: nah
Has anyone ever walked in on you while you were on the toilet?: obvi, many times but usually just family members
Do you like a lot of ice in your drinks?: noooo
Have you ever painted a room?: bathroom Have you ever petted a donkey? from what I remember
Out of all 24 hours, which one is your favourite? hmm... Have you ever been in a lighthouse? nope
What time are you planning on going to bed tonight? no idea Have you ever been bit by an animal? yeah Did it rain today? kinda What was the name of the last dog you pet? it was my dog - Łasuch Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? sure Are you constantly judging people? could say so Have you ever had anything stolen from you? sorta Which would you rather, a snowy day, sunny day, rainy day or cloudy day?: cloudy or sunny maybe rainy but definitely not snowy How long have you ever spent away from home? month? Has your luggage ever been lost at the airport? Did you get it back? - About how many times during the night do you wake up from your sleep? few Are there any air fresheners in your house? What kinds? no What scent of candle do you burn the most? we don’t For what reason did you last cry? ugh... What kind of surveys do you wish there were more of? deep
Last time you were attacked by an animal? this summer? Are you paranoid all the time or just during the night? more often during the day actually  Have you ever dated someone without knowing their name? last name, not first, I was a stupid kid and was dating a guy online once and several boys at camp just to show off somebody likes me that way even tho I wasn’t really interested nor knew anything about those matters
If you go to an all-you-can-eat buffet, how much do you really eat? a tiny bit If you need to ask a question in class do you raise your hand? of course How many times have you been engaged (if any at all)? once, currently Do you have to see something to really believe it? jak niewierny Tomasz - często Have you ever gotten so dehydrated that you passed out? I’m surprised that I didn’t :x If your friend was being cheated on, would you tell them? absolutely Do you always assume the worst? that me indeed Are you sick and tired of life? sadly Have you ever been busted for under age drinking? I wasn’t drinking underage, I still don’t drink  Do you have a picture of you and your lover kissing? 1 and a tik tok Have you witnessed a fight at school? bunch
What is your favorite time of day to run? when I’m late for the bus lmfao
When was the last time you talked to your mom? recently Do your parents crush your dreams? sometimes Did you sleep in today? I didn’t Do you hate sleeping in? I love sleeping in  How late do you consider too late to sleep in? noon, 11am is already late  How long have you had a smartphone? less than 5 years Do you keep lists of names that you like? even tho I don’t want kids :P Have you ever butt-dialed someone? it happened
First letter of the names of everyone you have kissed, like *that*; M.
Do you like going to school sports games? eww, boring Have you ever worn your boyfriend’s clothes? guy from camp gave me his cap for a day Have you ever stolen your sibling’s clothes? I had to wear them when she was growing up, gross Have you ever loved someone and HATED it? later? Do you like Starbucks or would you rather just have water or something? just water lol Have you ever walked into a door before? po maturze zapomniałam, że woźny zamknął drzwi, które się same otwierały i walnęłam w nie, raz przytrzepałam sie w futrynę bo za szybko skręciłam w nocy do pokoju, mama uderzyła mnie drzwiami jak byłam mała i stałam za blisko wejścia dzwoniąc do domu więc spadłam ze schodów, a ojciec stuknął mnie tymi dworcowymi przy wiadukcie i wylałam na siebie sok - to chyba wszystkie przypadki Do you know anyone who’s like, psycho-religious? fanatic? my uncle is one of those Have you ever been stuck on a ski lift? luckily never been there to begin with Do you know who Nancy Sinatra is? ain’t this the gal who sings “those boots were made for walking” or smth like that? Have you ever bought anything from an airport? I wasn’t there so... If I asked you who you were gonna marry a year ago, you would say; omg Do you snore, talk, sleepwalk, or drool? drool at times, sorry also roll/kick around and fart ^^” When you woke up this morning, what was your first thought? I was wondering why Nat fronted If you could start completely over knowing what you do now, would you? possibly
If you drink coffee, do you have a favorite flavor & brand? If so, what? not applicable Have you ever personally known a pair of Conjoined twins? woah What is your first thought when you see people kissing in public? "get a room” Would you ever consider being a professional stunt-person? I have no abilities/skills/health etc for that kind of job and it’s really sad actors get prizes for stunt-ppl’s work
How about a Mailman? my father was and that ruined his body so I doubt it (Besides Hello kitty) Do you have a favorite Sanrio character? If so, Who? Hello Kitty is evil Do you flinch when strangers touch you? don’t touch me! Can you remember the first time you went to a movie theater? I believe Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it? I have strange interests... Do you actually like the taste of Diet Soda? didn’t try and don’t plan to What brand of toliet paper do you normally use? I don’t give a shit ;) Do the Charmin bears make you feel uncomfortable? xD fact that they’re red makes me uneasy On average, how many cans of soda would you say you drink daily? zero Did/do you ever stick your chewed -up gum under tables? I spat it on grass when I was younger and had stuck it in my hair years before as well but every other gum I trashed properly Can you remember the last thing you watched on the news that upset you? that’s why I avoid news How do you feel about red lipstick, is it whorish? it’s my fav but I no longer use makeup What is your definition of feminism? fighting for equal rights between women and men like pay in workplaces Are you comfortable in shorts? am not So, have you watched that Bob’s Burgers show? Do you like it? fragments 
Do you ever get the feeling you dont belong? always Do you believe actions speak louder than words? good actors will use both ways to lie
If your friend tried to commit suicide infront of you how would you react? how, why, who, when etc. Ever had a rumour spread about you? plenty Have you ever tried to impress someone before? majority of my life and I hate myself for that If someone jumped on your back what would you do? die? If you had a child and they turned out just like you would you be happy? poor kid... If you could choose the gender of your child what gender would you choose? not that I want kids but girl
Name three people you want to meet in Heaven. from those who died or are alive rn?
What could be the theme song of your life? I was taking a quiz today and they gave me Kero Kero Bonito - I'd Rather Sleep
Do you have any embarrassing health issues? :( Who do you wish you could talk to? grandma and/or brother Do you lose or misplace things a lot? very rarely lose, misplace more often but still usually same item like my scissors What was the name of the street you grew up on (if you don’t live there now) I live here! Does it still feel like summer where you live? it’s too cold for that Do you have a Paypal account? I wish Have you ever had a brand or company reach out to you on Instagram? polyvore What is the last thing you purchased from Etsy? I have no bank account to be able to buy stuff there Do you sell on Etsy? I’d like to someday Do you have a favorite aunt, and if so, who is it? aunt Alice Who is your favorite cousin? no one Have you bought next year’s calendar yet? yup What year did/will you turn 30? 2022 What’s a food that you like, but it makes you feel sick? no comment Do you like the name Addison? sounds like a shoe Is there anything that you regret getting rid of? ... Have you ever stood up to a bully? couple of times Do you own striped tights? nude and transparent Have you ever made your own Halloween costume out of clothes from ur closet? yep When was the last time you received a hug? this day Do you have anyone who hugs you regularly? dad? Would you rather have the bottom bunk or top bunk? bottom Window seat or aisle seat? window, aisle if in church  Have you ever thrown up on an airplane? that’s one of the reasons I won’t fly Have you ever seen anyone else throw up on an airplane? that’s another... Have you ever gotten sick in the car? almost Do you still wear clothes from the children’s section? whoops you got me What color is your watch? I need to buy watch for Nat... What color was the last pair of flip-flops you wore? last time I was wearing flip flops was before middle school and they were pink I suppose Were you born in your favorite season? in the worst! Have you eaten oatmeal lately? regularly... Do you enjoy editing photos? if not a snapchat filter selfie then I prefer them “natural” What is your favorite app on your phone? Choices forever! lately I begun playing The arcana and it’s pretty good, Lisa downloaded Addams family mystery mansion or smth but it’s not that cool and I used to play the detective story which was awesome <3  Do you answer your phone every time it rings? hell no Do you like to decoupage things? scrapbooks/collages are way better How many tabs are open on your browser right now? 9 with this one but I forgot to close the background music 
How many times have you had sex within the past two years? Guesstimate? personal How many times in a month do you go to the movies? How much do you spend? not at all
When was the last time you heard thunder? Where were you at anyway? this month? home When was the last time you were in trouble with your parents? If so. it’s complicated Do you know anyone who claims to have the ability to see the future? I have dreams that come true and my parents do, also my gf When you go to the movies, do you actually watch the movies or not? ... what else would I do in the cinema? oh, you mean kiss and such? waste of money Do you love or loathe the Eurovision? I don’t mind it Have you ever wielded a sword? wanna try :D If you were famous would you want a statue or a building names after you? what for Can you erect a tent? hope I didn’t forgot How tall is the tallest person you know? didn’t ask Have you ever ridden a camel? might try What’s your opinion on rats? cute
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Hercules is Bursting At the Seams With Potential
or, It’s Roger Bart’s World and We’re Just Living In It
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Short Version: Right now it’s good but not great HOWEVER with some work this could be really spectacular
Long Version:
The production of Hercules presented by Public Works did exactly what it was meant to do. It brought in crowds, put the entirety of the Public Works community (all 200 of them) onstage and showed producers this is a viable project worth pursuing, be it on Broadway, a Disney park/cruise ship or simply available for licensing. 
In all, I liked it. But I didn’t love it, which was a little disappointing to be honest, especially because Hercules is my all time favorite Disney movie. But it is easily (easily!) fixable and could be amazing if they put the work into it.
I’m gonna divide this review/commentary/whatever into three parts:
1. The Good
2. The Bad
3. What I Think They Should Do Moving Forward 
So here we go. And I guess I should say there’s going to be a bunch of spoilers here, but if you’re reading this I’m assuming you’ve seen/loved the movie so you already know the plot. 
1. The Good
Every moment of this show is filled with an extraordinary amount of heart. You can tell everyone involved with this production loves the source material and wants it to soar. You can tell the entire cast is having a blast and loves being there. The material itself is full of heart because that’s exactly how it was written. The leader of Public Works made a speech at the beginning saying how Hercules is about what it means to be a hero and she’s exactly right. That message is the beating heart of the show.
The length of the show was also pretty nice. My problem with a lot of these film adaptations, Disney ones especially, is that they take a relatively short film and fill it with filler songs/moments in order to fill a 2.5 hour show. Frozen suffered from this. It didn’t need to be that long. However, Hercules was only 90 minutes with no intermission! There was little to no filler! The story, while at times a bit clunky in the beginning, doesn’t take any scenic routes to fill time. This kept the plot moving at a mostly good pace and I was never bored or looking at the song list to see how much longer we had left. I could focus completely on the cast and show without feeling like it was dragging on forever.
And the cast was so good too. Krysta Rodriguez has always been a fav of mine and I was thrilled to see her playing this role. She was fun and spunky and was in great voice. If anything, she didn’t have too much to work with. 
Jelani Alladin was FANTASTIC. He was the perfect Hercules. If producers decide to move forward with this show and take it to Broadway, Alladin better stay. He was charming and fun and funny and sang the hell out of “Go the Distance.” But what really impressed me about him was the dramatic moments and how personal and impactful they felt. There’s this great moment when Hercules talks to Zeus and Hera after becoming the hero of Thebes where he breaks down and has his wonderful moment with Phil and that whole scene was so good. He really lets you see Hercules’ insecurities at that moment and the way he was able to be subtle but still project to an outdoor audience of over a thousand was remarkable.
James Monroe Iglehart was great as Phil, as was Jeff Hiller and Nelson Chimilio as Panic and Pain respectively. 
The costumes were really cool (with one glaring exception but we’ll get to that later). I especially enjoyed Hades/the gods costumes, because they looked enough like their movie counterparts while still being unique to the show. The way they did Hades’ makeup was super cool, like they pulled him right into the real world. Likewise, the Muses had some really cool costume changes throughout and they all looked amazing. 
One of the more impressive aspects of the show was the puppetry and special effects, which felt grounded in a more Greek theatre kind of style and I thought it worked very well. The puppetry of the monsters specifically was super cool. The Hydra looked fantastic, as well as the three Titans. This production of course wasn’t given a lot of money, but much like The Lightning Thief, they worked with it. They were in these cool pieces that different actors held and when they came together they looked great. They were bright and bold and drew on older theatre techniques which I liked a lot. The special effects, especially in the latter half, were also good. How they did the Underworld was simple but effective and made a wonderful stage picture, especially the moment when Hercules saves Meg from Hades. How they made his life string turn gold looked really cool as well. 
In terms of musical numbers, what worked best was the songs we all know and love. “Go the Distance” was simply staged, which made the emotion of the song far more effective. “Zero to Hero” was a blast and took all the best parts from the movie and put them on stage. “I Won’t Say (I’m In Love)” was divine, just as I expected it to be. “A Star Is Born” was genuinely uplifting and joyous, since they brought out all 200 members of the cast and everyone was so happy to be there and it was the perfect way to end the show. 
There were 5 new songs, and while I wasn’t a fan of most of them, I really really liked “Bolts of Thunder” and thought it was a fun way to musicalize the big fight scenes with the Titans towards the end. The Muses also wore these incredible 90s girl group inspired jumpsuits that were spectacular. 
Speaking of 90s girl group Muses, there were two moments when they heavily channeled this vibe and I wish they did more of it. “Bolts of Thunder” with the jump suits and the reprise of “Gospel Truth” after “One Last Hope” where they wore these late 80s/early 90s workout video outfits. Those moments were artistically bold and really emphasized what worked in the original movie, but I’m gonna talk more about that later in part 3. 
Of course my favorite part of this production was Roger Bart. He stole the entire show. Whenever Hades is on stage he has the best lines and the funniest moments and he just has a way of making every line feel both biting and passive aggressive. He was absolutely incredible and the perfect choice for Hades. This production gave us more Hades than the original movie, but I wanted even more Hades. Bart has always been an actor near and dear to my heart (Young Frankenstein was my jam) and I was so glad to see him onstage again. 
2. The Bad
Unfortunately, a good portion of the show feels clunky, both stylistically and in content. The book was perfectly serviceable, taking a good portion of its lines from the films. But it felt too slow in the first half and too fast in the second, which was also when things got more interesting. For example, there’s a whole song about Hercules not feeling accepted at the Agora and there’s a long scene after that song but later on when Hercules defeats Hades, that takes literally 2 seconds. Likewise, the show over explains certain exposition points (and is not subtle in any way, shape or form) and doesn’t explain other things. Though really there isn’t much exposition at all, as this show assumes you’ve watched the movie dozens of times. 
That doesn’t always work well.
I went with a friend who hadn’t seen it in a while and afterwards he asked about what happened to Meg that made her sign her soul over to Hades. I knew because I’ve seen the movie so many times, but the show kind of brushes right over it. If you’ve never seen the movie before, which will definitely be the case with some people, it might be a little difficult to keep up with. 
Stylistically, this show was all over the place. 
In my opinion, Public Works presented three versions of Hercules:
1. The gospel version
2. The 90s nostalgia version
3. The Greek inspired version
I’m going to go more into this later, but these three versions would have worked if they could have seamlessly blended into each other. As of now, it’s incredibly jarring and distracting and would sometimes take me right out of the show.
For example! Hercules wore a traditional toga. Meg wore this
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Yes this is Mal from Disney’s Descendants and yes Meg wore basically this but she had shorter hair and purple heel boots instead of gray. Hercules’ toga and this together looked almost absurd to be honest. 
And side note: Disney has been on a kick recently where they think pants equals feminism? Someone needs to tell Disney that women can wear dresses and still be feminist
The choreography was pretty basic, but it’s hard to fault them this when the choreography is meant to be for a crowd of 200 people with ages varying from 5 - 80. There were a lot of step touch and wave moments. There was one really cool dance break in “Zero to Hero” that made me think about how cool some of these big production numbers could be if they got some good dancers in there. 
I wish the Muses were better. They were so low energy during “Gospel Truth,” which made the evening start off on a lower note than it should have. 
The pop culture references were really weird and out of place, mostly because of their specificity. The pop culture references in the movie are purposely vague and more “modern” references than pop culture, which makes the movie timeless. The pop culture references here might date the show in the future. There’s two that stood out specifically, one being when Hercules says “I know the Wobble!” before doing it, the other when Panic starts doing the Hercules Mulligan rap (you know the one) from Hamilton when Hades asks him if he knows Hercules. 
The rest of the new songs weren’t great either, and I’m gonna talk about each of them separately
“To Be Human” - This one definitely felt like a first draft of “Go the Distance.” Interestingly enough, I feel that an edited version of “Proud of Your Boy” from the Alladin musical (also written by Alan Menken) would have worked a lot better. 
“Uniquely Greek Town Square” - bad
“Forget About It” - I’m all for giving Meg more songs, but this was decent at best
“A Cool Day In Hell” - I desperately want Hades to have a solo, but not this. It was cheesy and felt out of place. Roger Bart sold the hell out of it, but of course he did cause he’s Roger Bart and incredible and amazing
“Uniquely Greek Tough Town” - not to be confused with “Uniquely Greek Town Square,” this song didn’t feel uniquely Greek at all and was, well, bad
“To Be Human (Reprise” - fine, I guess. Jelani Alladin made it good but the lyrics weren’t great. They rhymed “fail” with “frail.” 
3. What I Think They Should Do Moving Forward
Like I said before, this show has so much potential! I think it could be so good! This is my favorite Disney movie so I really want it to go to Broadway! If they do, there’s a couple things I think they could benefit from.
The best Disney Theatricals productions draw heavily from the culture/country the story takes place in. The Lion King, which draw heavily from Kenyan culture and reinvents the source material is the best example of this. I think drawing on Greek theatre conventions/styles would work well here, especially if Disney threw some of that good Disney money at it. I’d also like to see them lean into the Greek myth aspect of it a bit more. 
However, what also made the original Hercules movie so fun was its modern flair that felt both timeless and very 90s, which was fun. In this way I think the Muses and all the supernatural characters should draw more on this 90s flair while the mortals draw more on the Greek theatre conventions. I think with incorporating some Greek into the 90s and some 90s into the Greek, this could work really well. During “One Last Hope,” all the ensemble members wore those fun workout video outfits. I think it would have been fun if they wore togas still, but with sweatbands and leg warmers. Something like that to blend them together more. A theatrical beauty blender, if you will. 
In all honesty, I just want something bold and inspired. Give me something interesting! 
The show would also benefit from heavy edits to the newer songs and a good troupe of dancers, but that would of course happen in a possible commercial transfer. 
Lastly, as with just about anything, throw some Disney money at it! Make it shine! 
Normally I’d end this with a “Go see it!” or a “Don’t waste your time on it!” but this run is already sold out and lottery winners have been predetermined. So if you’ve won the lottery and are going, you’re in for a treat! The show is so fun and so enjoyable. I only critique it so heavily because I love the movie so much and have been wanting a musical adaptation for a while now. But I also know it’s Public Works and it’s free and it’s in the park and it’s fun and you can eat ice cream while watching it. If you didn’t win but live in NYC, give the lottery a go! I saw the lottery crowd waiting for winners to be drawn and it was incredibly crowded, so be aware of that. 
Or, if you didn’t win the lottery/don’t win standby lottery, go over to the Belvedere Castle and you can listen in on the show. You’re only seeing their backs, but I saw a bunch of people there watching/listening the whole time! 
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tfw-no-tennis · 5 years
One Piece Readthru
heyo ive decided its time for me to catch up on the one piece manga finally!! i last read it uhhh sometime late 2018?? MAYBE early 2019....anyways ill be liveblogging it, basically for myself but if anyone is interested then enjoy lol
so w.out further ado hers 927-931 hya 
uh ok i left off kinda in the middle of the wano arc, so im scanning thru some stuff to see what i remember.....i dont really remember what the deal is with that ginger (?) pompadour guy lmao. theres a lot of new characters and intricate politics in this arc from what i remember. 
i havent really gotten spoiled for anything....i know that something bad happens to kid & killer, somethins up w/sabo (but we dont know what), luffy fights kaido (more than once i think?) uhhhhh we get roger flashbacks and hear the yonkous bounties....thats abt all i really know. so im hype to find out what else has gone on....
im gonna start around 927, i defs read this but i want a refresher 
wow its amazing how sanji can oscillate so fast from being unbearable and annoying to like one of my favs
i loveeee the panels where those dudes start trashing sanjis soba stand and usopps like lol lets back up yall we KNOW sanjis boutta kick some righteous ass....YESSS
franky supplexing a guy....ily franky 
toko!!! i forgot abt her!!! cute kid, whats her deal? iirc she works at the uhhh wherever komurasaki works and she almost gets murderized later
sanji and little kids is so cute ;_; more of that and less stuff of him being gross w/women 
ok exposition....i do remember a lot of this
928, i feel like i remember this stuff so ill kinda blow thru it 
oh yeah i remember luffy n the prison shennanigans....good times
and kidds here too, talkin abt how he lost his arm trying to fight shanks...lol dude 
dude is really like oh i couldnt take down shanks, so ill aim for a different yonkou, im sure this will go much better a second time (and down an arm)
omfg i forgot abt this dude who apparently sold his FAMILY to get money for komurasaki....
i think we’re supposed to feel bad for this dude and think komurasaki is cruel or w/e but man honestly i just respect the hustle. girl knows whats up
HVBJSDKFBDS I FORGOT THE HILARIOUS LINE WHERE SHES LIKE ‘I HATE POOR PEOPLE <3′ IM....its literally like a weird twitter shitpost lmaooo
they cut immediately from komurasaki to tama asking momo if he has a sister....LMAO SUBTLE......
i dont even remember if that twist was spoiled for me, but either way it was my like immediate thought upon komurasakis intro lmao 
ok 929!
omg kanjuro selling some-drawn fish lol
OUGHHH CARROT AND THE OTHER MINKS....i miss carrot sm i hope she shows up more :( i really wish she would join the crew....
lmao that guy calling zoro a pretty boy and saying girls are probably all over him....zoros like uh ew no im gay 
OOOH PLOT SHITTTTT....caesar and doflamingo name drops...
VEGAPUNK HM [eyes emojiey]
orochis defs gonna get fucked up at some point. his design reminds me of wapol and other like corrupt king archetypes 
oguhfdbsjkgjdfbh laws head basket i forgot abt that. also i love when people call him traffy thats weirdly cute 
oh right the other supernovas who became kaidous bitches are here to fight...i recall that fight somewhat 
920 time! 
oh yeah the weird place where all the poor starving people laugh constantly...inch resting
OHH YEAH BIG MOM!!! man i definitely read a lot further than this lmao. w/e i was SO fucking hype when she showed up, imo the whole amnesia thing is pretty lame. we’ll see where it goes tho 
the art here is just so good oh man. the panel of big moms ship charging up the waterfall while she laughs? fantastic 
EPIC arrival. i hope big mom gets to do cool stuff even despite the impending amnesia
i ALSO hope her kids get to do cool shit too. im still holding out for a zoro vs amande battle (if shes even there? i dont see her, but thatd be such a waste)...and smoothie vs robin....
and she wants zeus back....NAMI FIGHT??? PLEASE???
oh its bdsm dinosaur guy....hmm never thought id type that
LMAOOOO law is like Dont You Dare Fucking Snitch On Us and usopp is like uh luffy pls come pick me up this guy is too hardcore
FINAL BATTLE thats so dramatic law please
sanji saying he’ll protect usopp omfg
oooh theyre destorying all the soba shops....here comes sanji to bring the PAIN
OMFG THE RAID SUIT i forgot he busts that out....hilariously quickly all things considered
931! ok but first my obligatory thots on how sad i am abt how the women of op look nowadays lmao revisiting old one piece just makes it all the more obvious how ridiculous its gotten....like nami and robin dont even look human, its insane, and the sameface has gotten so bad...idk i miss when op women used to look normal and could just exist without being Sexy Women bc that was a thing at the beginning and i really loved that...now its just like wow all titty no waist legs are 100x longer than normal....not to mention the writing for women in op has gone way downhill...ugh. ANYWAYS onward 
ofc as soon as i say that theres a rlly cute and p normal looking cover w/nami...i love her sm shes my fav character thats part of the reason this bothers me so much lol 
i miss her short hair tho...the long hair is pretty and i like her different hairstyles but i defs prefer the short spunky look. i wish she wouldve gotten a cool bellmere-esque haircut after the timeskip at least
ok im p sure i didnt read this...? i dont remember hgbvhjaksdfk
GERMA THEME SONG HBVJSDUIFJBSF are you telling me that the raid suit activation process involves a THEME SONG....please i need to hear this. thats so fuckign funny
i think we saw this w/his siblings during whole cake but i forget lmao
of course franky and usopp are like OOOH FUCK YEAH 
HHBDSJKFJSB the implications of law knowing Exactly who that is....like i really need to see an omake of a campy power rangers/sentai/whatever-esque show/comic with all these germa personas omfgggggggg
and law having read the comics is SO funny 
also. sanjis hair is SO unfortunate lmaooo
germa was the bad guy group in the comics....good lmao 
law was defs a fan he knows ALL the lore LMAOOO
A BABY SANJI....and then sanji being weird. skip! 
ironic hows theyre like oh shit gotta challenge this dude so he doesnt destroy the town and their fight is gonna level the place anyways lmao 
oh i did read this i think cause i remember all those ninja busting robin for sneaking around
which ok theyre ninja but robin could grow eyes for surveillance so it doesnt make much sense that shed be caught so easily...alas
oh yeah then big mom washes up w/amnesia lmao. i hope that plotline doesnt suck, i dont have too much hope...normally i really like amnesia plotlines and honestly i think itd be cool to explore w/like one of the strawhats but in this case it just seems kinda like a lazy way to take big mom out of the game :/ my prediction is she’ll get her memory back at a certain time thats convenient to the plot, just in time for like an all out war w/kaidou and the straw hats and the yakuza maybe? we shall see (possibly) 
ok its past 6 am so its bedtime. more later! 
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sizzleitupwithmaria · 5 years
here you go @baura-bear (i’ve also definitely done these before but i know i’ve changed so)
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
i’m kind of a hoarder so all of them?? but mostly mugs and water bottles
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy
cotton candy slaps
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
very shy but a good learner
5. do you prefer to drink soda from cans, bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
soda sounds really unappealing right now so none?
6. pastel, boho, tomboys, preppy, goth, grunge, formal, or sportswear?
a combo of boho tomboy and grunge
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
i don’t have the patience for either, podcasts are superior
9. favorite smell in the summer?
i walked by this couple yesterday who had ice cream and just... the smell of sugared cream and waffle cones.... delicious
10. game you were best at in pe?
volleyball maybe, but i still wasn’t good at that
11. what do you have for breakfast on an average day?
a granola bar, which sucks bc my first period is choir this year so i won’t be able to eat first period!!
12. name of your favorite playlist?
“oh boy i’m pining for someone”
13. lanyard or keyring?
my keychain is so heavy that wearing a lanyard would slowly break my neck
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
15. favorite book you’ve read as a school assignment?
either romeo and juliet, to kill a mockingbird, or and then there were none
16. most comfortable position to sit in
i like legs crossed but i also like just the ideal Leg Bounce position
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
my grey converse high tops
18. ideal weather?
like... 60 degrees and mildly cloudy
19. sleeping position?
on my side or occasionally on my stomach
20. preferred place to write?
in a notebook, writing on my laptop gets old after a while
21. obsession from childhood?
MAGIC TREE HOUSE or dolls in general
22. role model?
eva fucking noblezada
23. strange habits?
i like to shake my foot when i see something i like (is this stimming? probably and i kind of like it)
24. favorite crystal
emerald but just bc it’s my birthstone
25. first song you remember hearing?
probably something off of rumors by fleetwood mac
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
i hate warm weather but i like shopping
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather
go to school?? i kind of feel like my outfits are the coolest in winter and that gets me a lot of compliments
28. five songs that describe you?
just pick five random queen songs and it’ll probably be pretty accurate
29. best way to bond with you?
literally just talk to me. i can ramble for hours about shit you probably don’t care about
30. places that you find sacred?
my bedroom and the two giant woods in my hometown 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
basically just blue jeans a flannel and a black tank top. not very cool but i feel nice in it
32. top five favorite vines
all i can think of rn is i’m gonna munch i’m gonna crunch so there’s that (stream revolution lover)
33. most used phrase in your phone?
fdhslfhdjslkfdk or any other keyspam
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
i have adblock lmao
35. average time you fall asleep
like 12:30 now that it’s summer
36. what is the first meme you remember seeing?
ehrmagerd or however you spell it
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
duffel bag 
38. lemonade or tea
both, including when they’re combined (arnold palmers slap)
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school
high school: this past year’s senior prank which did give me a mental breakdown but it was kind of hilarious 
middle school: The Smell
41. last person you texted?
my dad
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
pants, i always feel like shit will fall out of my jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket, or bomber jacket?
hoodie and cardigan, Maximum Coze
44. favorite soap scent?
i kind of like dessert scents
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy, or superhero?
none of them??
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
my fav flannel which is very soft and underwear
47. favorite type of cheese?
the one that comes on pizza
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
....... a watermelon? i look pretty appealing from the outside but i’m actually 92% water
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
andre deshields’ three rules to longevity from the tonys :,)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
i can’t remember but i’ve definitely peed myself laughing in like... elementary school
51. current stresses?
“am i waiting too long to snap back my crush” and “OH SHIT I HAVEN’T STARTED ANY OF MY ESSAYS”
52. favorite font?
helvetica or comic sans if i’m in the mood
53. what is the current state of your hands?
i last washed them like 30 mins ago, my left hand’s nails are painted black, and my right pointer finger is bleeding
54. what did you learn from your first job?
i haven’t had one yet lol
55. favorite fairy tale?
i have no idea
56. favorite tradition?
i don’t really have any noteworthy ones
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
That Time In October 2017, The Week Of May 6 2019, and The Week Of Mamma Mia Auditions And The Week After (those are the official titles in my brain lmao)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
i have a good fashion sense, people tend to like my art?? i’m good in a choir?? and i guess i’m a bit naturally smart
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
something like “i’m gay”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
some combination of yuri on ice and ouran high school host club
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc?
i particularly like that one dude in hp and the sorcerer’s stone that was described as a toothless walnut
62. seven characters you relate to?
uhh my mind is really drawing a blank rn
63. five songs that would play in your club?
like... a combination of 70′s queen, cousin simple, and memes that’ll make people go buckwild
64. favorite website from your childhoos?
65. any permanent scars?
(small tw) i have a scar on my left middle finger from when i tried to change razor blades and i just noticed today i have one single self harm scar left on my left leg and nnnnnnnhhhhhhh
66. favorite flowers?
roses and ik ferns don’t count but ferns are v pretty
67. good luck charms?
i have the shittiest luck lmao
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
i’m infamous for never trying new foods
69. a fun fact you don’t know how you learned?
idk, pretty much every fun fact ever?
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
like.... stripes of any kind make me look fatter than i am
72. worst subject
physical science, but it’s all bc of my shitty teacher
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
uhhhh fries and a wendy’s frosty?? or sometimes i squeeze a lemon into my coke
74. at what pain level out of ten do you have to be at before you take a pill?
hahahahahahaha i can’t swallow pills so i suffer
75. when did you lose your first tooth
i have no fuckin clue
76. what’s your favorite potato food?
fries!!!!! good!!
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
ferns or cacti
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
my school id but only bc i don’t have a license yet lmao
80. earth or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
pc?? although all i play on is my laptop which isn’t technically a pc
83. writing or drawing?
neither rn, i’m feeling uninspired
84. podcasts or talk radio?
P O D C A S T S 
85. barbie or polly pocket?
neither, i was a liv doll kid
86. fairy tales or mythology?
mythology but i can also dig some like... brothers grimm shit
87. cookies or cupcakes?
both but it depends on my mood (i could really go for a cookie rn)
88. your greatest fear?
experiencing eternal blackness after death
89. your greatest wish?
move into an apartment with my soulmate and act for a living
90. who would you put before everyone else?
nobody really rn
91. luckiest mistake?
coming out to my parents maybe? although it wasn’t a mistake, i would defo be in a bad place if i was closested at home
92. boxes or bags?
i have no clue
93. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight, or fairy lights?
fairy lights!!
94. nicknames?
none but if any future partners can come up with one for me i will marry them instantly
95. favorite season?
fall or spring
96. favorite app on your phone?
instagram or tik tok (KILL ME)
97. desktop background?
a nice landscape one of my fav artists painted
98. how many phone numbers have you memorized?
just my own lmao
99. favorite historical era?
60′s/70′s (i hate to be that bitch but that’s when music was at its peak)
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aratanaruu · 5 years
wow I finished episode prompto and I have a lot of Feels
first things first, all the songs in episode prompto are a goddamned BANGER like I could not stop dancing along to all the songs. I love how fitting the trance-ish (or is it techno?) music is-- computer-generated music / sounds for an MT :>
(I’m going to be rambling about the scenes below and it’s all based on memory. I have a terrible memory)
hOLY SHIT his episode starts off strong. Gotta love how, when babey Prompto is talking about how he wishes he could belong and make friends, they put Ignis and Gladio there on-screen too. Prompto’s friendship with Noct is always emphasized and yeah, that’s his role, the prince’s bf(f), but Ignis! and! gladio! love! prompto! too!
and i almost yelled when Ardyn welcomed Prompto back “home” just hnnnghhgh the constant lines about home and family really rubbed in how Prompto’s never had either. His family in Insomnia were neglectful and his “family” in Niflheim consisted of a megalomaniac scientist who turned into a worm.
prom’s feelings were so,,, delicate and unlike episode gladio, we were able to actually see and hear what Prompto was thinking. we saw how much he hated himself and we see his thought process go from “what the fuck’s going on what am I” to “holy SHIT I’m an MT”
and AKHSGKSH his voice when he goes “I can’t take this anymore” OH MY GOD THE VOICE ACTING IN EPISODE PROM IS SO GODLIKE prom sounded so hopeless and sad and somebody get this boy some Milk like his sCREAM when he shot Vers was amazing and horrifying and i may have screamed along with him
Oh!! another one of my fav scenes was when he fucking shot the MT. oh boy I was terrified that the game was going to make me choose between shooting it or not or giving me a button prompt to fire the gun. it didn’t, but I don’t think that made it any better and I love how empathetic Prompto is and he’s crying when he does it but he still does and asAHKSGSHH I HAVE FEELINGS this boy has a BIG HEART
aranea was also the perfect person to work with Prom. She has that no nonsense, fuck this shit attitude that Prompto needed. She had to kick some sense into him and make him realize that he deserved to have something too and he deserved to want things and
my fav part is definitely when prompto tried to burn his barcode like. He started scratching on it and when he grabbed the burning log I just--
me: oh haha they’ll never actually show prompto hurting himself like that, it could be too graphic me: but also i love seeing Pain so lemme choose “burn it” :) prompto: actually burns himself me: hOLY FUFKCING SHIT
like WOW before I noticed a lot of people spoke about Prom self-harming and shit like that and I loved that interpretation of him but those fics where Prom hurts himself and shit like that makes. a lot more sense now. oh lord.
and also somebody pointed out that in that scene, the player was given two options. “Burn [the barcode]” or “Give up.” Not “Burn it” and “Not burn it” but give up.
hOLY SHIT square i might just forgive you for fucking up gladio’s character writing for being able to so accurately portray self harm and prompto’s insecurities and hatred and fears and holyy shit episode prompto kicked my ass and left me in an alleyway to rot
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wyattvsmusic · 6 years
Anderson .Paak - Oxnard ALBUM REVIEW
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Anderson .Paak put out two albums in one year and they were two of the best albums of 2016. The first was his second album, Malibu. Malibu showed Anderson .Paak’s versatility and how he can blend so many different sounds into one amazing body of work. The second was a collab album with producer Knxwledge as NxWorries called Yes Lawd!. This album was a more cohesive album where Anderson .Paak played this slick pimp role and sounded incredible over the smooth production. Since dropping 2 amazing albums, Anderson has been on a role with his guest features. His third studio album Oxnard is his official major label debut on Dr. Dre’s Aftermath. Anderson .Paak popped up on most people’s radars when he appeared on 6 tracks on Dr. Dre’s last album. I heard Anderson .Paak for the first time through Knxwledge when they put out Suede as a single. Earlier this year, he put out two singles, Til It’s Over and Bubblin which are both amazing. I’m glad they aren’t on this album because they wouldn’t have fit anywhere. Bubblin might be the hardest song I’ve heard this year. Oxnard is more of a followup to Malibu because Yes Lawd! is more of a side project. This album is similar to Malibu sonically but I think it’s okay because no one sounds like him and there is a lot of variety on this album. The Chase was a perfect way to start the album. That song sounded like the best soundtrack to an opening credits scene. For some reason, the song Headlow reminded me of Miguel’s Caramelo Duro even though they are about very different things. The lead single, Tints was interesting to me because the song talks about Anderson not wanting people to see the “bad bitch in [his] whip.” A lot of artists want to show off to people the attractive women that they’re with but Anderson needs his windows tinted so people can’t see. Kendrick Lamar’s guest verses always go with the content of the song that he’s featured on and his verse tied the song together nicely. The following track Who R U? was very enjoyable but it did resemble a few other songs on the album like Mansa Musa and Left To Right. All three of those songs are good but that’s just something I keep noticing every time I listen to this album. Anderson .Paak doing a politically charged track was something I didn’t expect especially coming off of Yes Lawd! but I really liked what he was saying on 6 Summers. With all the politically charged songs coming out these days, artists need to find an interesting approach and Anderson does that too. I think Malibu had some shifts in production on certain songs but there are many seamless beat shifts on a bunch of songs on Oxnard. The one on Smile/Petty really stands out. That shit was so funky and it gave me some Awaken, My Love!/George Clinton vibes. Pusha T was the perfect feature to get on Brother’s Keeper. Everything Pusha T has touched this year has been incredible and this song is no different. Push really tied the idea of “brother’s keeper” into the song with how his verse shows him rapping about his brother, No Malice (for those who don’t know they were a duo together called Clipse). Every single line on that verse was fantastic. In my Malibu review, I talked about good basslines and Anywhere has such a great bassline. Snoop Dogg kicked off the song and it’s the best he’s sounded in years. He sounded so comfortable on the track. This song is definitely one of my favorites. Anderson sounds so soulful on it too. My favorite track was easily Cheers with Q-Tip. That shit is so funky. The beat switch on it is dope and I liked Q-Tip’s verse a lot. I thought Trippy with J. Cole was a good song but it could’ve been better. Every time Anderson .Paak and BJ The Chicago Kid have collaborated, it’s been fire so I already knew Sweet Chick would be dope. I really don’t have too many complaints about this album. The production is stellar, the features do a good job, and Anderson is so talented. There’s a whole lot of diversity in sound but it still is enjoyable. It’s not super different from anything he’s done before but this is one of the best albums I’ve heard this year.
Fav Tracks: Tints, Smile/Petty, Brother’s Keeper, Anywhere, Cheers
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thisismyroaring20s · 6 years
My track-by-track review of Pray for the Wicked (spoilers)
and by review I mean literally just my stream of consciousness while listening to the songs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If that interests you feel free to read on. (Update: the ratings are based on other Panic songs, not just songs in general)
1. (Fuck A) Silver Lining
I think this was the first song I listened to off of the new album, loved it then, still love it now "Out of the old, and into the new, we dedicate, this song to you" GREAT INTRO TO AN ALBUM, felt very We're So Starving-esque, except instead of 'don't worry we're still the same' it's 'we're different but it's fine' (you know what maybe it's more 'swear to shake it up if you swear to listen') and then you get slammed with FUCK A. SILVER LINING. heck yes fuck it up Bren. I like how he's like 'silver isn't good enough, we aiming higher dammit' Shoutout to 'Yonce. The bleep part at like 2:07 reminds me of the radio edit of Raise Your Glass by P!nk. This song is just a little too repetitive for me tbh 5/10
2. Say Amen (Saturday Night)
Does anyone know wtf the intro is saying? What language is that? Is it a language or is it gibberish? Someone help. I hear "ah-deh-jah". Chorus makes me wanna smash stuff, but that may be because of the mv. Again, what are these words? "mah-key-key-yeah" I need answers. Vocals are amazing, obvi. I like this song a lot, and it's my boyfriend's fav as of rn. Saturday, SATurday, SATURDAYEEEEE. YES. incredible tbh. 9/10
3. Hey Look Ma, I Made It
Wasn't sold on the intro at first, sounded boring compared to the others. "i'm a hooker selling songs and my pimps a record label" I love it, great line, was the first thing that I liked about this song. I really like the sound of the pre-chorus. "IF YOU LOSE BOO HOO, HEY LOOK MA I MADE IT" 😂😂😂 I screeched honestly. Chorus is super fun. "if it’s a dream, don't wake me" reminded me of Stay Frosty (shoutout to FOB, love ya 😘) "see it, I want it, I take it" reminded me of two things: 1. Emperor's New Clothes, lbr, "see what's mine and take it" and 2. Fireball by Pitbull "I came, I saw, I conquered or should I say I saw, I conquered, I came" IDK WHY DON'T ASK i hate myself for thinking of that too lmao. I really like the way the song ends, idk why, just sounds cool. As for the music video, honestly wtf. It just reminded me of glee and Ed Sheeran. lmao. I loved it though. Anyways, great song, fun as all get out 8.5/10
4. High Hopes
Yes that brass! 🎺 "didn't have a dime but I always had a vision" "I was gonna be that one in a million" A++ lines. I also live-tweeted/tumbld this song when it was released.
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And I did this:
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and Panic retweeted me nbd. Honestly I love this song sm, and I relate to it a lot because people are always like "you're never gonna make it (and I'm like "I don't wanna make it. I just. wanna. *guitar riff*" jk lmao) but my mom is like my biggest fan and believes in me a lot and I love her a lot. And I always feel like I do have high hopes for everything, and it doesn't always work out but like... you gotta try for what you want in life. And you gotta be you unapologetically. Okay, sappy time over. The stripped back part that starts at like 2:20 with just his vocals and the background vocals. I've ascended, that part is amazing and then the drums kick in and you feel it building 😍 YES. 9.5/10
5. Roaring 20s
Holy shit I love this song so much. Perfect anthem for the summer I turn 21. The sound of the band at first and then the piano joins in?! Hell yes. "the oddest of summers" would you say it's.. pretty odd?👀👀 lmao I'll see myself out. The line "maybe I'll medicate, maybe inebriate" really stuck with me for some reason, like I like it, but it also kinda concerns me. "Maybe I'll smile a bit, maybe the opposite" I just really like the way this sounds. "My telltale heart's a hammer in my chest" ya girl's an english major and we just studied this last semester, love it. ROLL ME LIKE A BLUNT CAUSE I WANNA GO HOME lmao. Super peppy, makes me wanna dance kinda chorus. "Oscars and Emmys and Grammys, everyone here is a trophy" honestly? Tea ☕. "Hallucinations only mean that your brain is on fire" I just like this line and wanted to point it out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The slowed down chorus is incredible, This. Is. My. ROARING. Roaring 20s. Can you tell this is one of my absolute favs on the album? Incredible. 10/10 👏👏👏
6. Dancing's Not a Crime
Started strong. Could tell from the first second this was gonna be catchy af. Shoutout to MJ, amirite? Lots of rhyming. Marauders. Harry Potter. "Dancing's not a crime unless you do it without me" adorable omg Bren ily. "Don't be throwin shade now"
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Lmao, no but really, got a little repetitive tbh but adorable anyway. Honestly don't have much to say about this song, it was okay 4/10
7. One of the Drunks
Love the beginning. "orange juice" reminded me of 400 Lux by Lorde and I started laughing. I love the way he pronounces words in this song (esp "times" and "remedy") 😍 "Damn it's all good... I guess" relatable af. "high as the sun, uncomfortably numb" I just like this. The speaking at the end omgggg 😂😂"I SAW YOU FUCKIN LIFT THAT SAX UP TOWARD THE MICROPHONE! AND I FELL IN LOVE" i cried 😂 8/10
8. The Overpass
Um??...yes 😍 that big band opening? hell yea. "sorry to get sentimental tonight" but sentimental boy is his nomme de plume tho. "Someone still loves you" 👀 The song is super fkn catchy, i love it. "sketchy girls and lipstick boys" upgrade from testosterone boys and harlequin girls or nah? I think nah. The mere mention of perfume by panic will always make me think of nearly witches, sorry not sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ THIS SLOW PART IS AMAZING I’M IN LOVE. "down to your blood type" a lil creepy but okay Bren cute. 9/10
9. King of the Clouds
Starts kinda abruptly tbh, but I like it. interesting lyrically imo, and I really like the emphasis he puts on parts of words. music is stellar. lyric video looks really cool w/the song. (Side note: Does anyone know what the symbols in the video that aren't hieroglyphics are? I wanna know, hmu if you know.) Not too crazy about the fast-forward-y high pitched part at about a minute in, it was a choice. "some only live to die, I'm alive to fly high-er than angels in outfields, inside of my mind" I love this line a lot tbh "I'm lost but I better find it alone" made me real sad bruh please you don't gotta be alone 😭 7/10
10. Old Fashioned
Very, very beginning, like first 5 seconds, gave me like Right Where You Want Me/Beautiful Soul era Jesse McCartney vibes. And then the intro went into cellphone/car commercial territory. Then the vocals started and it felt less commercial-y. Love the beat, it's real fun. Verse vocals felt like they didn't quite fit with the music. "seventeen's so gone" "remember your youth...they were the best of times" i'm cryign 😭. "always tip your bartenders" "get boozy" just made me laugh and the rest of the song made me sad. I live for parts of songs when like a chorus of people sing a line together, like gives you hell and the last chorus of this (esp the "pour out some liquor, make it an old-fashioned") #fuckmeup. The very end felt like it should have gone into a peppier iteration of the chorus, felt like it shouldn't have ended there. 7/10
11. Dying in LA
So pretty at the start. VOCALS OMG. "Stars are on the ground" walk of fame? "Every face along the boulevard is a dreamer just like you" I WALK THIS LONELY ROAD. "when ya DYin in la" 😂 Is this just a continuation of LA Devotee? Is this what happens to LA Devotees? Wow the instruments in this song are so pretty. I wouldn't say it fades into WTDMTN like someone said, but it definitely sounds similar, it's just the choice of instruments. That was such a beautiful song. ❤️❤️❤️ Wow. 9/10 
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ts-autumns-world · 3 years
Episode 1: “Autumn you are a crazy fucked up host” - Giraffez
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Omg! first day and im placed on the Eener tribe <3 love the way it sounds like an alarm so much ! xo love the tribe divisions and love my tribe mates! super excited to get to know them more, and reconnect with others :)
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it’s the way i keep putting my birthday as the date...as if this is a doctors office and not autumns world...I DONT NEED NO DOCTOR THO I AM CURED IN AUTUMNS WORLD ‼️‼️‼️ anyways manifesting a jinx win 🕯 hi my name is jinx and i am the winner of tumblr survivor 103: autumns world. i keep telling myself that. it’s okay to be hungry for the win like i am this time. i can’t let it blind me but it’s okay! it’s okay to say i’m gonna win! if i fail, it’s not smth i haven’t done before. but. im taking a page from autumns book and speaking it into existence. my name is jinx clementine and i WILL BE the winner of tumblr survivor 103: autumns world. *uptown funk vc* don’t believe me just WATCH ‼️
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It feels absolutely insane to be back. I feel like I’m a bit oversaturated tbh
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I can’t believe this cast. Packed with icons. So many people from Kilimanjaro?? I’m just like??? I’m just so excited to play and hope that our team does great. I just don’t want to lose cause I really don’t want to vote any of these other people out! 
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when i’m the annoying overactive player... i keep putting my birthday as the month/day/year 😭 so watch out for that. anyways, important announcement: the only song i ever listen to is potential breakup song by aly & aj. i never listen to anything else. if i feel like listening to music that’s what i listen to. it’s been on repeat since 2007. my itunes consists of 1 song, potential breakup song by aly & aj, and the play count is somewhere around 50,000 plays. if you ever see me listening to music, don’t even ask what song i’m listening to, because you know it’s potential breakup song by aly & aj, so why would you even ask
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I don't give one fucks, two fucks, red fucks, or blue fucks, I'm gonna put all my effort and energy into this season. I have a point to prove, not to just myself, but to every person who has doubted me in any way. The biggest concern I have is meta gaming, alot of it but its going to be okay. Chris and Jinx? Vibing. Mikki and Captain? that group chat was made 5 minutes into the game. Monty and Lily C are gonna be vibing since they're winners. Lily O and I played fr*nce, but that's... no good. I'm going to just let go and have a great time. This is Autumn's World, and sometimes, we all need to just relax and let nature take its course
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Autumn you are a crazy fucked up host....... Legit i was like oh come in have some fun then BOOM FUCKING MESOPOTAMIA FLASH BACK OUT THE GATE so sevice to say I'm nervous as hell about this challenge i so don't want to get voted out first .....or on the same challenge as before so even if we do have to go to tribal hopefully the winning tribe will take pitty on me and you know give me safety
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autumn not letting me in the game at first bc i’m mixed. i can hear my ancestors screaming
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Yknow I’m not exactly thrilled that the song decision was made without everyone being present but like my stupid night shifts make it completely understandable at the same time. On that topic, though. Party in the USA for our music video, hmm. Not even bleach is that basic.
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good morning it’s day 2 in autumn’s world and i don’t feel any better about the whites. ps. daily i love monty 
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My tribe has a varying amount of timezones which makes it harder to connect with them socially as I cannot PM them as much as I would like to. Additionally, I am finding it difficult to message them because I have to work from 8 to 5 everyday of the week. This sucks because I know I can at least make people like me in the per-merge enough to keep me. However, I can no longer reliably use this strategy. I just have to hope others are way more inactive than me and that my tribe somehow wins immunity. On that note, I am really liking that Mikki and Benj took a leadership role in the tribe. So, they are definitely people I want to keep on this tribe. It would have to be Blake or Khalid that gets the target from me. We'll see how talking to them goes before results.
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I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!! Ok so starting with my tribe:
Mikki - ABSOLUTELY THE FAV!!! We got along right away on day 1 and are def the closest in timezones which is so great to have someone like that. Sooo fun and easy to talk to really wanna be #1 allies. I know shes amazing at orgs and won and probs is getting along well with everyone but who cares i wanna play w her!!!! The main thing is too have fun and i just know it will be with Mikki
Captain - Also amazing!!! Super active in helping with the challenge and great personally love that hes gonna do english teaching which is smth i was looking into and also in a closer time zone to me and had fun discussing stuff w him so far!!
Blake - We played Kili together!! Shoutout Autumn for getting 4 Kilis back omg. I was on a tribe with Blake and Autumn together for like 2 rounds and we did vote together once so have some positive history at least hes a bit more quiet compared to the others but hes cool and i think we could do good!
Raffy - Iconic parts in the video challenge and also fun so far!! Havent talked as much as the above 3 but still feeling good about him!
Khalid - Seems nice and friendly but we havent messaged yet and no clue if he will do his lines in the music video :O we'll see But overall love my tribe and the overall cast. LILY THE KILI WINNER QUEEN???????? Cant believe shes back would be so awesome to play w her again since last time we were mainly on opposite sides. JINX MY ONE MONTE FRIEND??? YES!! SO excited i hope we get to tribe swap together since in Monte we werent that close and i voted them off i know such a disgrace but since then we have become more friends so would love to play together!! Also played w Chips in Kili and were sort of friends! Chris we are hosting a season together but i think itll be cancelled tbh no ones applying and we dont know each other at all outside of that but i loved his intro and just started getting into agatha christie literally ordered 2 of her books a few  weeks ago sdhksa cant believe he mentioned her in his intro so super excited to properly meet him. Joey we are sorta friends but i voted him out recently in other game so dunno how he feels abt me!! Everyone else i dont really know but will meet some soon surely WOOO AUTUMNS WORLD
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SO THE GAME JUST STARTED so there's not really that much to spill right now but I do really enjoy my tribe. I have my bestie captain who I will protect as much as I possibly can. and I've spent all day yesterday and today talking to benj who I LOVE so so so much. I feel so good with him. SO UM ASAHJSHSJAJHASHJAS IM ON THE SAME TRIBE AS RAFFY WHO UM ASHJSAHASHJ I played with once before where I was super chaotic and I literally fought him (playfully) and it was so messy and chaotic and stupid BUT I DIDN'T RECOGNISE HIM AND HE DIDN'T REMEMBER ME SO WE JSUT WERE LIKE "nice to meet you" and I didn't realise until later and idk if he knows yet and I am not bringing it up COS LIKE IDK I DON'T WANT IT TO GET WEIRD AND MAYBE HE DOESN'T REMEMBER BUT MAYBE HE DOES IDK but besides that I love him a lot he's so fun and his videos for our music video are AMAZING he's so full of life. Khalid hasn't been on much but I really enjoy his energy when he is. he's so cool and lovely. Blake is nice!!!!! but I can't help but feel my instincts being like WATCH HIM. like something inside me is saying beware of this white man.LIKE IDK WHAT IT IS but I just get instincts in games with people sometimes where I just feel like unsettled??? and that's how I feel right now. we're all in different timezones so socialising is the opposite of overwhelming. I've never had a game so quiet in the beginning like this before. but I've never played survivor either. I think I might be okay??? if we went to tribal but I really don't want us to go to tribal pls....
JINX IS OVER ON THE TUA TRIBE BTW and I'm sitting here with grabby hands. I wanna play with them so bad and just get to have our redemption arc because we didn't play on the same side the first time we played so LET ME HAVE THIS I just wanna play with them and have fun with them but they are so far away :((((
I'm so excited overall tho the whole cast looks amazing and I'm having fun so far. this challenge has been a blast and. a great way to bond with everyone. I feel so close to benj already. I really love him a lot. so I'm having a good time yes ashjshajjahs YAY
oh and I also did my tarot and idk where things are going to go exactly but I'm very :eyes: raffy got the tower and Khalid got the devil....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
also I wanna play with women at some point PLS PLS I haven't been this surrounded by men since I was a closeted 15 year old surrounded by posters of Robert Pattinson and Taylor lautner
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Benj just submitted his version of the music video and it is..... bad. I don't know why Mikki filmed vertically? Like, I feel like that's the first rule of music videos? You have to always film horizontally. Also, some of these people's energies were not giving at all. The beginning waking up part was cute though. It's just.... these people aren't giving what they think they're giving is all I'm saying. And Benj put this weird filter on all my videos that makes it hard to see what's actually going on tbh. Anyways, time to kick the socializing into high gear so as to not get voted out! Or pray that Mikki's version of the video is better
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hello autumn's world.. this is captain's speaking. sorry i'm one day late to this confessional booth stuff but i'm here and i'm ready to give u some tea. *ahem* thanks jarod for these questions.
1. How do you feel about your starting team? Anyone you are happy/upset to see? OOOOH i feel like my team is very CUTE! like i didn't think autumn was gonna put me and mikki in the same tribe lmao .. i thought it was gonna be divided from ur race and u know mikki is white and i'm not. ANYWAYS, im happy to see mikki in my team of course. thats my ride or die and i know i'm gonna have someone i can 100% trust no matter what for sure. but blake knows for sure that mikki and i are very close so thats gonna be interesting. which leads to the next part, i'm kinda eh with blake in my tribe thats only because our previous experience in CoW so i just hope that its gonna be better here this time *prays*.. for others, i don't know them before so i'm excited to get to know them!!!
2. Who are you most excited to play with on the cast? Most afraid of? oh of course mikki for sure and another person is geekoffilm cause u know we're like besties besties and i love both of them so much. most afraid of... probably monty tbh. they tried to gun for me/mikki(/cora) in jarod's mini so i think they know that mikki and i are gonna be tight so i'm just gonna have to keep an eyes on them cause they are a great player.
3. What are your first impressions of everyone based on this first challenge? OH GOD. i love benj!! benj is very organized so we started off pretty well. i threw out lush life randomly and then we decided to go with lush life, how cute!!! but yea, benj and mikki have done lots of works and i love THEM. RAFFY ALSO DID AMAZING in his parts!!! like he has PROPS and his camp is sooooo summery and AHH he's so great. blake.. ahem if blake didn't look at his lyrics at the first part, it would've been a bit better. and idk about khalid. i'm very worried cause khalid hasn't sent any of his parts yet. and like he seems inactive??? so idk but i don't wanna lose the points for full team participation :oooooh: I DIDNT JUST SHOW ANYONE I CANT DANCE TO LOSE AND I DIDNT HAVE TO DANCE AND MAKE MY LEGS ACHE JUST TO LOSE!!! SOBS!! but that is a sign that tells me i should exercise more x ANYWAYS!!!! its just interesting point to add x
4. What is your strategy going into the first portion of the game? trying to lay low and build some connections with ppl from my tribe. benj and raffy for sure. i rlly like their vibes so i need to stick with them. and just try not to lose challenges cause its gonna be suck voting one of them out. also, if we somehow win, i want to send someone who i can trust moving forward to exiled island.. but we'll see. its gonna be a lot of thinking and convincing people.
5. How do you want other people in the game to view you in the early stages of the game? as someone who they can trust and talk to and someone who always puts effort into challenges cause thats what most important in the first stage of the game.. i'll come back here after results x
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HELLO AUTUMNS WORLD IM PISSED! not about raffy getting sent to the outback. its what raffy deserved. i like raffy so thats fine i just need to work on my relationship with him after he comes back. BUT KHALID. GOD. he just doesnt care about the challenge AT ALL. he was inactive. he didnt even talk about the challenge. and then coming to the chat and telling us SORRY after we have submitted… god thats BS. we literally all put our effort into this. and for someone who just dont care about the pandemic (idk about the uk but i guess they allow partying now) and go out and party. GOD i mean he’s going back to bahrain anyways WELL GUESS WHAT, HERE IS ANOTHER PLANE TICKET HOME. take that and sashay away babe
cause thats just FUCKED UP. everyone put their efforts in. benj — his leg is HURTING he cant move much btut he still did his parts and helped us with the editing. RAFFY — he literally worked 8 to 5 but he still found time to just shoot his parts and like more random parts. blake — well even though he didnt study the song much, he still did it and he is a team player. MIKKI — well u know i love mikki and ik how much shes in her head for this challenge but every scene she is on, i smile watching her because she just did it SO WELL PLUS she stayed up late for khalid and her health is not good. fucked up khalid u done fucked up enough. hope u enjoyed ur short time at autumns world.
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First challenge, done, middle of the road WOOOOOOOOOOOOO, absolutely love that my music video streak has been continuing! Coming into this game, I felt absolutely nervous as hell about playing with 2 winners on my team, but in all honesty, I’m gonna take the Jinx approach- Embrace it, you don’t get another opportunity like this. I love the fact that I’m being more engaged than before and that’s what I want to be, especially in confessionals. I’m always trying to be better, and how can I better myself I HATE THE WAY MARV ALBERT PRONOUNCES PARENTHESES, YOU DON’T SAY IT LIKE “THE C’s”? JESUS MARV ITS GONNA BE YOUR LAST GAME YOU CALL IN YOUR CAREER COME ON MAN.
I hate to be called Joestradamus, but when Captain or Mikki get voted out first because of how tight knit they are, don’t @ me
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re khalid missing the challenge: no everyone in our team worked rlly hard on that except khalid who went out fucking partying then he lied about going to send the vid soon cause you know what if he already filmed his parts, looking for a vid and click send are not that hard he fucking told us he was about to send ASAP and then disappeared and then had the NERVE to tell us AFTER THE DEADLINE that he's so SORRY OH PLS
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This tribe name is Autumn's last name backwards! https://thumbs.gfycat.com/VigorousBiodegradableIrishterrier-size_restricted.gif  
Now that that is out of the way, let me list my tribemates... Giraffez Joey Lily C Lily O Monty. Something is incredibly amusing about how there is a tribe with someone named Chips and someone named Giraffez. What is not amusing is that I get a "I don't like/want to speak to/etc." vibe from Giraffez? I could just be a delicate and annoying flower but our conversations have been short and dry. Joey has some great high energy and excitement and I love that he loves being part of this game. He is also pretty fun to talk to. Hoping that we can keep an open dialogue and that perhaps I can rope him into a future alliance of sorts. Lily C is a sweetheart truly and I adore her personality so much. She is such a go-getter and goes to bat for those with who she feels can be loyal. I'm hoping that we can build loyalty and trust together. Lily O has been busy with work at a bowling alley. That's actually really cool because when I was a child that was my dream job. Not even joking... my parents were in leagues when I was growing up and my brother and I entered ones designed for children. It was a big thing in my family and I thought that I would love to be in that "atmosphere" all the time. Anyway, we haven't spoken until after the results were announced so honestly if I had to guess I was their intended target if we had had tribal council and they were mine?? (perhaps...) It has been really nice getting to connect with Monty and really cool finding out that they are beginning job searching after college and thinking of pursuing education as a career. I have a soft spot in my heart for all educators.
Okay so I'm just going to say this now. Autumn needs to simplify the twists to more like Blue's Clues with an OBVIOUS large blue paw prints where I'm supposed to look. I have no idea what that announcement was about war rooming someone into the game and feel like I"m fifty million steps behind these big-brained people who figured it out. https://media2.giphy.com/media/m59avtxDzXeiQ/200.gif
I think that I missed the message about what we do with tickets or I'm still just as clueless as previously stated but I am intrigued nonetheless. I think even if I knew what to do with them I would just hoard them like I would Chuck E. Cheese tickets in case something else came along. Hope they're not like Fire Tokens and let you buy like Peanut Butter and Idols because I am anti- fire token. https://media.tenor.com/images/d7de1f75f2c43f8e044e958b964430fa/tenor.gif
On a side note, I'm paranoid when I see people on calls because even if they're not talking about me or plotting they are potentially aligning with each other and that does not include me. I don't really know much about how calls work on Discord as I am a pretty big noob generally speaking with the platform but it did say that Joey and Giraffez were on a call earlier?? I'm stressed. https://media0.giphy.com/media/3o7TKRwpns23QMNNiE/200.gif --- http://www.purplerockpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/survivor-pearlislands-lillian-morris-post-savage-blindside.gif
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Ok.....so after talking to Joey a little ive learned a few things mikki is a bit of a beast Benj is well......social to and everyone despised Mesopotamia........which i get from the stuff that pumped me up to 16th place that season but I'm mostly hoping that i can make it to the end this time....... So far I've talked to pretty much everyone Lilly and Joey and monty not sure which one really but the one whose discord is 13survivirgirl13 so hopefully soon i can work out some kind of an alliance with them and if we swap or merge from three to two either next week or the week after (probably the week after honestly) i feel i can maybe set us up as one and us four can really rule the roost for a moment....hopefully.....who knows i could just he a delusional old queen whose doomed to be nothing more then premerge every time i play tumblr survivor......or maybe I'm just crazy *shrugs* either way it should be a damn good hoot
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we won the first challenge, god bless. which brings up something funky i realized: that the best part about winning immunity is having the day off. and also…idk something just doesn’t sit right…the way autumn was emphasizing that someone would be eliminated from the game…like….hm……….idk….never trust a bitch named after a season!
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omg we lost AHHHH but thankfully we have an easy boot sorry khalid im glad i dont have to vote mikki captain or blake eeek pls lets win the next one
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I'm totally pumped for this game! Like when I saw my tribe and Jinx is on it I screamed! I want us to have the same success of being together at ftc!! Jude honestly is great to me and I'm enjoying getting to know her a lot, Ricky I remember from HvV4 but we both say no to that and start anew! Bryan I am hopeful to talk more since its been dry and that is okay. Sucks we ended losing Michelle early but I am sure it was for the best! We WILL reign successful
Yesterday was so stressful to me like editing I have no problem with but I thought my biggest worry was that I needed Bryan to submit stuff late-ish. But turns out an hour before due time thd program wanted to stop working 🙃🥲 and I felt so close to wanting to forfeit- which is something I never do but I just felt hopeless and guilty and even imagined getting voted out. So I had to call Jinx who assured me something could be salvaged and they'd make sure I would stay (rip Bryan) but after the extension by cool hosts I found encouragement and did my magic stuff. SOMEHOW we won and to be honest I dont think anything will top that feeling of relief in the org (give me 3 days) but man what a ride yesterday was for me!
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I got a Super Idol! Well, at least I now know that I can fuck around in this game a little bit more since I have this extra insurance in my back pocket which guarantees I stay around in the long run. I want to start getting into alliances because being a solo person with not much time on their hands is definitely a scary position to be in. Preferably, I want an alliance with Nikki and Benj (though I suspect that they already have an alliance with at least one other person on the tribe). It does suck that I am not at tribal considering that it will help build my bonds even stronger. I guess I just have to suffer for the time being
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i think this is gonna be an easy vote cause khalid needs to go. but idk you can never feel safe in survivor :/ but so far everyone has been telling me they're voting khalid so lets pray
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Omg that immunity was so hard, I literally did not know what I was doing and I think out of everyone I was a bit lackluster. I will say on the tribe I have not really talked to all of them but I will say I trust Jinx the most and we have talked a lot and I think that moving forward we will have each others back. All I need to do is talk to the rest of the tribe and form bonds that will last me to a swap or merge. 
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khalid babe this ones for you 🥺 https://youtu.be/QX2boYNUbxw
0 notes
hadi-sama · 7 years
Super Late Kalafina 10th Anniversary Live Report!
This was my first Kala live ever, basically a dream come true and I couldn't contain my happiness and nervousness! (Special thanks to @putschki1969 for all her tutorials, this wouldn't have been possible for me without her!) I arrived at the venue around 3 pm (3 hrs before the live, 1 hr after the goods sale has started), and my god, THAT QUEUE!! I've never seen such a queue in my entire life.. at this point I wondered if I could make it on time.. but I queued anyway, and I ended up buying for some of my friends too. Anyway, my turn finally came and it was 6:15 pm.. I freaked out and the fact that most of the things I wanted was sold out already did not help at all lol, so I ended up pointing at stuff to the salesperson like a maniac and my hands were shaking when i tried to get out my money xD Now less than 10 mins are left!! I ran to the first floor and thankfully some staff guided me to my seat. The view was great and my seat was the first in the line so there were just stairs to my right, meaning I had extra space to jump around. The lights started dimming, music started playing, and I started shaking xD The girls came up on stage on a platform and I clapped and screamed like a maniac. Now to the actual concert: 01.ring your bell: Hikaru and Keiko started out okay, Wakana joined and was flat AF xD I was like noooo Wakana please don't continue like this, and thankfully she adjusted and became perfect. Wakana actually sounded so good I was quite surprised, and her 2nd high "beeeeeell" sounded great and perfectly pitched, much better than their other live releases. I don't like this song, but was a good warm up for them I guess.. 02.未来: Almost everyone in the venue stood up and got excited for this. 03.lirica: This was extremely unexpected for me, I remember dropping my jaw when Keiko announced it in the MC, and I also remember hearing ppl around me saying huuuh in surprise.. My god, was this a perfect performance in every way.. Wakana was pitch-perfect and sounded SO GOOD in her verses!!! Keiko harmonized perfectly too, and Wakana's high chorus was great too, and Hikaru's harmonization was so good. Now to the Kajiurago bridge.. KEIKO KILLED IT!!! Was so deep and filled Budokan!! I really wanted to jump/scream/clap after her solo, but wouldn't be appropriate for this kind of song lol. Great great great performance. Bonus thoughts: The strings in the verses were great, and it was so fun to look at the band picking their strings in this part! I hope they show some footage of them in the release! 04.満天: YES!! MANTEN!! was a nice follow-up to Lirica. Wakana sounded great (at this point I realised that Wakana will dominate this live) Hikaru was fine. Keiko was good in her solo, but I really miss the way she used to sing it in 2012-2013 with some vibrato to "deshoooou", but it sounded good anyway. 05.屋根の向こうに: I have only heard this song once or twice in my life lol, was quite surprised to see it make an appearance! I didn't know it was popular at all! 06.光の旋律: I know this song is overplayed, but I really enjoy it, and was happy to see it. Hikaru was good in her verses, much like 9+one. Wakana was great, Keiko was great too (but kinda loud and screaming at times) and her solo was good also. Hikaru's high harmonies were great (a few flats here and there, so those of you who think that her high harmonies in this song are always playback, they are NOT playback). Bonus thoughts: The flute was so good, I'm so happy that Akagi-san was there, 07.storia: Eh.. I don't like this song, but they were good. 08.夏の林檎: WHAT?!!! NATSU NO RINGO?!?! At this point I wondered if this was real xD Too many surprise appearances so far!! And they performed it the way they did in Red Day, with Wakana and Hikaru switching parts. 09.serenato: So.. the accordion started.. and I definitely realised it was Serenato (there were minor hints in the solo). I KNEW they'd perform this! My happiness could not be contained!! THAT PERCUSSION THO!! They started with their kajiurago, THEY ALL KILLED IT!! Hikaru sang using her falsetto, and it was on point, provided a more calming atmosphere to the song than her old regular voice singing (tho way less fierce). Wakana was on fiiiiiirrrrrreeeeeeeeee!! It was obvious that she was enjoying this song!! Keiko was great in her harmonies, and Hikaru as well. I REALLY can't wait for the live release!! 10.ARIA: Oh shit.. The moment of truth.. My heart started pounding so hard..  This is one of my absolute fav songs and I have a strong emotional connection to it! The song started in a lower key, as expected (one key lower). Hikaru started singing.. HER VERSES WERE SO GOOD!! The lower key really suits the song and makes it sound way more tragic, sad and lonely. She sang in a very very very sad and broken way, and you can actually see all those feelings in her face :( Wakana and Keiko were also great with their harmonies. Wakana sang her chorus lines beautifully. Solid performance overall, my favorite ARIA ever. Bonus thoughts: I really love this new ARIA, and prefer Hikaru's way of singing here and this key over the old one, it suits the lyrics way more, It brought tears to my eyes and made me cry like a baby. The cello was more present, and really added to the song’s atmosphere. Percussion was very very very good, it's good to finally see this song with percussion!! 11.sprinter: wait what Sprinter NOW this early in the setlist why xD?!?! Hikaru did good (I especially LOVE how she sang the “Kaze ni..” verse. Keiko was on point, a bit loud at times tho. Wakana was great. 12.oblivious: Of course, wouldn't be an anniversary live without it. Hikaru started in falsetto (like 9+one), she was so good. Wakana and Keiko were great, and their "itsuka kimi to.." part was very emotional. Solid performance. 13.傷跡: Another surprise appearance!! Was a great performance by all three, Hikaru was great with her high harmonies, Wakana and Keiko also great with their solos and harmonies. This live can't get any better; I thought to myself. 14.君が光に変えて行く:��YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!! MY FAV SONG UGH SOMEONE HELP I CAN'T!! But then.. Keiko sings with her cutesy voice. Someone needs to tell Keiko to stop using that voice forever, please. Wakana DELIVERED!! Aaaaah Wakana was so good!! :(((  Hikaru’s harmonies were on point. Great performance EXCEPT WHEN KEIKO WAS USING THAT CUTESY VOICE. Sorry I'm still mad about it and can't get over it. 15.カンタンカタン: This is too much, at this point I got overwhelmed by the amount of good songs in this live. Wakana sounded MUCH BETTER than the studio version!! Hikaru's solo was nice. Keiko AGAIN used her fake cutesy voice for her solo :((( to me, that's basically the highlight of the song, so I was very disappointed, even though she hit her notes perfectly. I know in the studio version there are hints of cutesy in her solo, but it didn't matter much. Anyway, solid performance overall and Wakana sounded kinda more sad. 16.symphonia: Not a fan of this song, didn't pay much attention. 17.red moon: YeeeeY finally a song I voted for! I was so excited and scared at the same time, cuz their last performance of this song (arena) was so dead. Hikaru and Keiko's kajiurago start was perfect, Wakana started singing and.. was kinda lacking energy.. Keiko's harmonising was SO GOOD throughout the whole song. Hikaru sounded kinda tired but was doing her best. Keiko's final solo was great and gave me goosebumps. Wakana's delivery lacked energy overall, but she hit all her highs and lows perfectly. 18.adore: What? Is this AE Live xD? Was a nice performance overall. 19.to the beginning: I like this song, I know it's overplayed but it was my introduction to Kalafina, so it has a special place in my heart. Was a solid performance for such a hard song.
20.progressive: I also knew this would be performed, the stage got lit in rainbow colors, was so cool. A solid performance by all three! Hikaru was able to perform this song and did so well! I enjoyed this performance. 21.音楽: Of course, wouldn't be a Kalafina Live without Ongaku xD Was a nice performance with a MAJOR WaKei moment <3333 Keiko ran to Wakana right before her solo and jumped on her and hugged her so hard xD was super cute!! All 3 were great, and my god this is my fav Wakana-Ongaku ever!! Her solo WAS SO GOOD! The band introductions this time were nice, not as boring as they were before.
 Bonus thoughts: Wakana was REALLY having fun, dancing so hard and jumping around.. I've never seen her this excited before.
22.heavenly blue:  A solid performance. 23.into the world: I can't get myself to like this song. Solid performance by all three tho. 24.君の銀の庭 Accordion solo ver. ~ nightmare ballet (inst): I'm sorry but I took this chance to run to the restroom xD (sorry if this sounded disrespectful but I REALLY had to go :’(  25.ひかりふる: Started with a piano solo, and the girls came in with wedding dresses.. I was like WTF why the wedding dresses xD they were nice anyway and fit the song. The song started with just Wakana and the piano.. was absolutely wonderful and breathtaking :(((( they all sounded more emotional! The drums and the whole band kicked in together right before Hikaru's "hakanasugite.."!! WAS SO GOOD!! Major goosebumps! Keiko's "mabushii asaaaaaaaa.." was great, but I think she held it longer in the Arena Live. Beautiful beautiful performance. 26.百火撩乱: So Akagi-san came, and started playing a flute solo, very Japanese-sounding, so I knew what the next song would be. The girls started taking off some parts of their wedding dresses to reveal their "real dresses" under lol. I still laugh at how Hikaru was throwing away her wedding dress like a piece of trash xD Anyway, the instrumental part started, and the stage was illuminated in red. Keiko started her lines (Wakana didn't harmonise "yume wo miteeeeee"), Keiko was nice.. but I prefer how she sang in the studio version :/ I don't know how to explain it, but in the studio version, she sang like "naitaaa, omottaaa, kittooo, yoru nooo", but here in this live she ended them very abruptly and suddenly, like "naiTa, omoTTa, kiTTo, yoru No". In other words, the last syllables of those words were 3 three times shorter than the studio version, and that annoyed me so much, made the verses sound less powerful. (I hope someone actually understood what I meant xD). Hikaru sounded nice. Wakana, sang wonderfully, and took less breaths in the chorus, which sounded better for the song. Keiko's "yaibaaaaa" was much better and longer than the studio version. (Forgive my super picky and detailed review of this performance, but HR one of my favs and I spent a long time to cover this song so I know pretty much everything about this song in detail.) Bonus thoughts: The flute was super good. 27.アレルヤ: A perfect ending song to the concert. Was a very emotional performance, and all three delivered beautifully, and the WaHi harmonies were great this time. I also like Hikaru in this song. Keiko really did sing well here too. My fav Alleliua performance ever. So the concert ended, and the girls looked super duper emotional and moved, Wakana cried in her speech, Keiko took a few deep breaths before her speech and spoke with a super shaky voice then turned her face away and cried, Hikaru was smiling and waving to the audience section by section. Overall, a very solid concert, I am so happy I got to experience such a concert, solid setlist, solid performance, and more songs than usual. Highlights: ARIA, Serenato, Lirica, KantanKatan, Kimi ga, Natsu no Ringo. General Notes: - For such an event, I expected way more in terms of stage production and crowd involvement, but oh well they made up for that with the extra squeezed in songs. - Wakana was on fire pretty much the whole concert, she literally dominated, and was having a good time and dancing around and having fun. I really couldn't take my eyes off her. I hope they show more of her in the live release. - Keiko was great too, she harmonised perfectly and delivered her solo lines greatly (except for when she used her FAKE CUTESY voice). Was sometimes screaming and singing loudly tho. - Hikaru sounded good on some songs and tired on some, but you could definitely see that she was doing her best. (It was really cold that day and I’m almost sure she had a cold) - The first dresses were nice, though Wakana's dress was my personal favorite, it looked much much much much much better in real life than in pics, it was sparkly and elegant, it fit her perfectly. Keiko's dress was okay, nothing special in my opinion but the colors were super nice, reminded me of their 2014 tour dresses. Hikaru's dress was very very nice, but I didn’t like the baggy sleeve, would've looked much better if it was fitted. - I don't know what to think of the wedding dresses, a part of me likes them and the other part thinks they're over the top and unnecessary. They made more sense when they took them off, Wakana looked so weird though with her long skirt lol, the other two were very nice. - I was sure they'd play Marchen in its REAL version with the flute this time, but nope I was wrong. I'm too disappointed, I really wanted to see it live and it's a recent song and has only been performed in one tour while INTO THE WORLD has been performed way more. Also no Magia or Destination Unknown made me sad, I really wanted to see Hikaru sing them live :( - Budokan is such a beautiful venue inside-out! I imagined it to be MUCH MUCH bigger inside but it turned out to be way smaller than I imagined xD. - The percussion added A LOT of depths to some songs! Percussion should really be a staple in their tours.
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A Definitely Incomplete List Of My Favorite Moments From The Lightning Thief (book), because I'm having Feelings
Percy very causally mentioning times he accidentally hit a school bus with a canon or dropped fifth graders into shark-infested water
Grover Underwood
Just everything he’s ever done
Percy running an illegal candy ring out of his dorm room 
“I was worried they found out I got my essay on Tom Sawyer from the internet and were going to take away my grade. Or worse, they were going to make me read the book.”
When Percy thought Grover was going to give him some deep, meaningful commentary on life to make him feel better but Grover just wanted Percy’s lunch
Percy tried so hard to do well on his Latin final and Chiron somehow thinks it’s a good idea to tell him he’s ‘not normal’ in front of the class my poor boy
That one part where Percy essentially went “Oh hey mom’s home!!! Better reschedule this panic attack I was having!!” 
When Percy did that weird hand sign (that was never explained) and the door slammed on Gabe so hard he flew up the steps
The fact that when Grover finally tracked Percy down he wasn’t wearing any pants. Like, there was literally no reason for him to not have the fake feet and the jeans on. No actual reason for him to be free balling it. Percy just needed a shock apparently. Showing up in the middle of a hurricane with no pants, dramatic ass satyr I love him. 
The SATISFYING DEATH of Gabe’s Camaro + Sally apparently learned bullfighting just in case because she truly is the best mom
Percy killing the minotaur with its own horn
Percy dragging Grover over the camp line while crying for his mom literally end me
“You drool when you sleep.” could we get more iconic here
Percy teasing Annabeth about her crush on Luke
When Luke stole some toiletries for Percy and he got a little choked up because it was apparently the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him
The fact that Chiron basically told Annabeth that Percy was her destiny
The fact that a recovering alcoholic god of wine who hates children was deemed fit to run a camp for children
Not so fun: Percy, upon meeting Mr. D, immediately recognizing the signs of an alcoholic and going out of his way to sit far away from him ‘just in case’
The fact that everyone just expected him to hear ‘the greek gods are real’ and move on?? why would no one let this boy be in shock omg
Zeus apparently had a thing for the fluffy 80′s hairstyles
“the real world is where the monsters are” 
The fact that Poseidon could have claimed Percy at literally any moment but he apparently decided he really needed that dramatic reveal during capture the flag.
When Zeus was feeling Extra Dramatic(tm) after Percy’s claiming so he started making it rain inside the camp boarders and everyone was lowkey freaking out
When Annabeth pulls off her invisible cap and declares she’s going on the quest with him and Percy was like, beyond unsurprised that she was there and didn’t even attempt to fight her 
Chiron forgot to give Percy a sword from his father for like, an entire month. 
Grover with those freaking flying shoes oh my God
Annabeth blushing literally any time Luke talks to her 
lmao when Percy and Annabeth start bickering about something and Argus just winks at Percy because he knows
When they were playing hackey sack with an apple but it got too close to Grover’s mouth and he just ate the whole thing
The entire bus scene oh my God
“I was about to become the ADHD Poster Child of the Year” as he’s CRASHING A BUS
Annabeth on a fury’s back 
the explosion. just. all gr8. 
When Grover tries to play a path finder song and Percy just immediately slams into a tree. Also the fact that the path finder song was actually just a Hillary Duff number. 
“You two are giving me a migraine, and satyr's don’t even get migraines!” 
Percy actually, truly trying to sell the story that the three of them are circus orphans who got separated from their ringleader 
Grover: hey guys this place is REALLY SHADY and we need to leave
Annabeth and Percy: but f o o d
Can you imagine walking into a store and finding your dead uncle’s body on display? Like????
When Medusa revealed herself and Annabeth’s running around invisible, Percy’s swinging a sword blindly and Grover’s flying around screaming and trying to whack her with a stick: everyone here is a MESS
When Annabeth was overly annoyed with Percy after that ordeal??? Sweetheart you fell for the trick too
Name something more iconic than 12 year old Percy Jackson mailing the decapitated head of Medusa to the gods on Mt. Olympus in an act of sheer pettiness. I dare you. 
When Percy was insisting on taking first watch while the others slept and Grover was basically like “hey kiddo listen to this” and played a song that immediately knocked him out so he could sleep all night 
“Percy. Say hello to the poodle.”
Percy seeing all the Greek creatures from the train window 
When Annabeth was dragging the boys to the St. Louis Arch and Percy’s claustrophobic ass Did Not Want To Get In That Tiny Elevator but he went anyway because he wanted Annabeth to be happy. That boy has had it bad since the start. 
“I am Echidna!”
“Isn’t...isn’t that a type of anteater?”
How many times has Percy actually been poisoned throughout all the series I literally want a count 
‘Lemme just, uh....jump off the fucking St. Louis Arch and hope I don’t die when I hit the water.’
There is just something very aesthetic about Percy lighting a fire in the bottom of a river 
Percy’s got so much pent-up rage that he’s just immediately ready to wreck Ares upon meeting him omfg
Annabeth getting so worked up and flustered over going down there with Percy because it’s a love ride and Percy’s just like “you literally do not have to make this a Thing” lmao
Annabeth wouldn’t let Percy touch Aphrodite’s scarf because she didn’t want him getting infected by love magic but then...touched it herself lol
The entire sequence with the mechanical spiders and the cameras and the ride itself 
Percy’s plan to get off the ride!!!! He’s so smart okay can people stop calling him stupid!!! 
Grover trying to catch them both in mid-air but they‘re too heavy so the three of them just kind of slowly crash into one of those face-cut-out posters lol
Percy, turning to the camera’s broadcasting this shit on Olympus: “Show’s over! Thank You! Goodnight!” 
Everything about that scene omg. The animals they had to help. Trying to convince Grover of how great he is. The baby percabeth. my h e a r t
“What if it does line up like the Trojan War? Athena versus Poseidon?”
“I don’t know what my mom will do. I just know I’ll be fighting next to you.”
“Because you’re my friend, Seaweed Brain, any more stupid questions?”
Do you hear that sound? That’s me, ages 13-21(+) sobbing uncontrollably oh my God I love them so much
‘let’s just set a fucking lion loose in Las Vegas’ 
“I put a Blessing of the Wild on them, so they’ll safely find food and shelter wherever they go.”
“Why can’t you put on of those on us?”
“It only works on wild animals.”
“So it would only effect Percy...”
When they get to the Lotus hotel and Grover starts playing that game where the deer shoot the hunters azxjhnhdjx
Percy physically having to drag his friends out of there once he realized it was the lair of the lotus eaters
When Annabeth gave the taxi driver her lotus credit card and he started calling her “Your Highness” lmao
Every time in this book Percy comes close to uncovering a Dark Truth the people around him are just like “let’s not worry about that :) “ and my polite boy actually shuts up it’s so wild because I would just keep going lol
Listen that entire scene has lowkey always been one of my Favs and I’m not even sure why but Percy chopping his head off was g r e a t
The entrance to the Underworld is DOA Recording Studios and I love it
“We, uh...all drowned in a bathtub.”
Poor Charon just wants his Italian suits he doesn’t need all this bullshit 
Grover almost getting dragged into Tartarus: not good. very bad. bad shit. 
Annabeth getting emotionally attached to Cerberus in the span of 3 minutes: RELATABLE 
‘huh my backpack that I thought I got rid of five days ago is getting weirdly heavy, that’s not suspicious though, right?’ 
When Hades just starts monologue-ing about all the shit he has to put up with
“what kind of awful things do you have to do to get sewn into Hades underwear?” p e r c y
when Percy realizes the Master Bolt is in his backpack and he’s just like. tell me why. why. I’m a good person. what did I DO. 
When Percy has to sacrifice his mom to get Annabeth and Grover out of there I Cri Evey Tiem 
My cute lil’ baby yelling around on a beach to get Ares to show up 
ahdbsjznx when Grover gives Percy a crushed, half eaten tin can for good like and Percy is just like “Grover...I don’t know what to say.” I LOVE HIM
My sweet son kicking the god of war’s ass. bless. blessed on this day. 
The news crews who suddenly started backtracking and writing Percy as a hero 
Percy, choking back tears, giving Gabe’s store’s phone number out on national television and promising everyone free appliances IM STILL CACKLING I LOVE THIS BOY SO MUCH HE’S ICONIC 
Hades actually releasing Sally because he’s Not As Big Of A Dick As He Could Have Been 
Percy: hey I think there’s a really good chance that Kronos was behind this whole mess-
Poseidon rolling his eyes at literally everything Zeus says and does
Poseidon and Percy’s whole talk omg my sweet boy just wants his dad to love him and Poseidon’s trying to figure out how to show affection when he basically signed this kid’s death sentence I’m crying 
A man will never satisfy me as much or in the same way as Sally Jackson murdering Gabe Ugliano did 
Percy was spending months of summer stressing over who the friend that’s supposed to betray him was but like...Sweetie you had exactly three (3) friends and you knew two of them weren’t gonna hurt you
ahbdjsnx when Percy and Luke were having their conversation in the woods and like Luke’s acting shady af the whole time but it’s literally not until he litters that Percy is like “something...is Wrong.” this boy I s2g
Percy getting bit by a scorpion is Not A Favorite Moment but the nymphs helping him out was 
Percy making his Official Decision to go home for the school year only after Annabeth reveals that he actually did talk her into trying again with her family 
I didn’t mean to write out a summary of the whole damn book it’s six am listen I’m just feeling nostalgia for the original series in this chili’s tonight 
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soul-maps · 6 years
My long rambling feelings
Ok, it took my forever. Here is my track by track ramble. Cut for the safety of your dash.
1. Singularity - This song is just so V. It has a similar vibe to Stigma (being neo-soul), but it's amped up and a much better quality song in terms of production and melody. There is a wispy, delicateness to it that is so audibly pleasing. And it offsets so well with the melody lingering longer on the lower parts of Tae's range. It makes those moments when he just tosses his voice up into falsetto feel just that much lighter. RM's lyrics here are interesting and complicated. And a perfect set up for the theme of this album. I remember talking about Her and how the end of the album focused on masks/hiding. This album pays off that Outro. Also, THE MV! Aesthetically pleasing. Inventive choreo. Tae absolutely slayed it. It's soooooooooo sultry. I'm a singer. So, this song and the Aoki track are the ones I plaintively and over emotionally sing alone in my room. My one music theory note is that Rolling Stone said this song was in 6/8, and I disagree. I think it's a slow 12/8. It's definitely in 8 because you hear the subdivision of three, but the line of the song goes in sections of 4 and not 2. So, I say 12/8. I'm curious what the right answer is, but I feel right. lol
2. FAKE LOVE - I think BST is still my favorite title track based solely on initial impact, but I think this is a better produced song with better vocal writing. The synth tones with slightly ambiguous pitch (used again by JK in Magic Shop) are so reminiscent of RM to me and Reflection which seems appropriate given the content. The prechorus/chorus of this has such a great impact, and the visuals of the explosions the first time we get to the chorus set it up perfectly. This song uses a lot of vocal doubling. As in, voices singing in octaves which I really like. It's most obvious with the vmin bit at the end, but it happens throughout. It adds a lot of texture and depth in a song that has a pretty highly pitched beat (and twangy guitar) which is nice and balanced. I love RM's verse in this. Particularly the one beginning with 'why you sad?' I CANNOT wait to see the full choreo for this. The bits we do see are really intricate, and I love all the mirroring.
3. The Truth Untold - Let me tell you. I cried the first time I heard this song. Vocal line sings this with such sincerity. I like how Tae trails off and almost breaks at the end of his first line. All four of them sound so beautiful on this. So unexpected. Again, this song utilizes the lower register more than usual which I think is necessary to offset the delicate high parts. I love the bit that begins with Jin singing much lower than I'm used to hearing bleeding into Jimin's light, plaintive tenor. Leading then into Tae's part. That "I'm so afraid" gets me every time. "But I still want you...." starts letting a beat actually bleed in after all this just quiet instrumentation. And then we build with drums. Such an UNEXPECTED song not only from Bangtan but from Steve Aoki. I love when the voices finally all come together here. It's all been one vocal line divided between the four of them. Then it swells to a mix. That playout of "but I still want you..." honestly makes me emotional every time I hear it. Jimin ending it is so appropriate to me, too because he has the lightest voice. It makes the plea that much sadder.
4. 134340 - I LOVE EVERYTHING. This is some kinda bossa nova/Serge Gainsbourg 60s shit, and I am 100% here for it. I joked when Serendipity came out that RM is a metaphysical poet because he likes using the stars and galaxies to express things, and this is such a great culmination of that lmao. I love the vibe of this so much. The rap verses are so even, sulty, and speech-like (hence my Serge Gainsbourg comparison). We get a whispered "suga" and a squeaky solchiki from Yoongi which killed me. His verse is my favorite if only for the conversational bit. "ah ah ... annyeong?" I live. Also, j-hope king of taking on the beat switch up section with aplomb and making it work.
5. Paradise - Another track I adore. The lyrics to this one are so, so important. I remember being so moved when Yoongi made the comment over New Year's about how it's ok not to have a dream you're chasing. It's ok to take a break and walk instead of run. Focus on you and being happy. That can be your dream. Happiness. I like this beat a lot. It has a sexy vibe to it (particularly the switch up that happens when Jimin first comes in). another whispered 'Suga' in this one. The transition between yoongi and jhope's verses is so nice here. I almost didn't even notice it happened other than punctuating the split with a jhope sound effect. I like the unison playout which then has a layered Jimin harmony a top of it.
6. Love Maze - I like all the tracks on this album, but Love Maze is the first of the ones that didn't end my life but just thoroughly pleased me. lol. RM's verse is so great in this, tho. It's so quick and dissolves into some vocal mon. "Let them be them. Let us be us." I love it. I like the usage of Vocal line to do a verse on this track too and not just pre-chorus/chorus connecting the rap verses. Ah the beginning of main vocal min yoongi on this album. HE DID SO MUCH SINGING THIS ALBUM. I like that his verse has a similar vibe to RM's but in reverse. It starts with him singing then ends with a punctuated, quick rap verse. Then we get jhope doing something completely different. It's a sing-song patter. Love it.
7. Magic Shop - JUNGKOOK!!!!!! I'm so happy to see him get his first production credit since Love is Not Over. The lyrics to this song are so, so sweet. What a kind fan song. =( This isn't my favorite genre of music so it doesn't grab me the same as the others, but I like the synth style he went with here. Like I mentioned in Fake Love, there are some nice ambiguously pitched/pitch bending synth parts here. RM bringing back that tweet "I do believe in your galaxy" got me right in the heart. J-hope sang the bridge between the chorus and yoongi's verse I believe. Then whispered "suga" and his verse. Yoongi's flow here was so unexpected. He really switched things up more than I've heard him on any album. It feels so playful. And I think it's j-hope singing the outro of yoongi's verse again. Main vocal j-hope, too since he has no rap bits just that singing wow weird, but I'm into it.
8. Airplane Pt. 2 - Talk about unexpected... this latin track WHAT. First of all the part of j-hope's verse from his mixtape was my favorite part of that song, and Airplane is my fav track on the mixtape. So, A+++ lol. I like the shady ass lyrics in this song, too. lol. More yoongi singing! What is happening on this album. He's singing with himself. Like his own voice is layered in octaves singing?? I live.
9. Anpanman - Listen I love the shit out of this song. This feels like old bangtan like in the ilk of Boyz with Fun or Rise of Bangtan. Any time a song name drops "bangtan" it's an auto-fav. This song is so fun, and I am incapable of not bopping when I hear it. I love that V always does atypical vocalizations when they need a vocal affectation. Like in Go Go he again does that type of vocal here.
10. So What - This is a good song, but it's not my genre at all. But it's an A+ dancing in the club type of bop. More octaves. Sounds like yoongi singing again in the low octave, then someone in a middle octave (jhope?), and another above of a high voiced jimin. Whispered "suga" for his verse, and a squawk. I'm kinda living for the return of all the "suga"s on this album ngl lol. I love how clear it is that ADORA loves House music and EDM tho lol. This is her just like Outro: Wings was. Long may ADORA reign! Also, Jimin's vocal outro "somebody call me right now.." was weirdly sensual.
11. Outro: Tear - Outro: Her was my favorite song on Love Yourself: Her, and the same may end up being true for Love Yourself: Tear. This is an outstanding track. Using the highlight reels score is inventive and dramatic. There is a theatrical aspect to the track because that music was cinematic on purpose (as a score to the visuals), and it recalls memories of the highlight reels while listening. RM spits all over the beat. Then steps on it and kicks it for good measure. Good lord he went hard. It offsets the 'you're my tear' chorus. Yoonseok vocal pre-chorus?! What. I love this. So much versatility. Another tiny whispered 'suga'. The autotune pre-verse bit of yoongi's is so effectively done. Again, I'm shocked at the amount of singing he does in this. The "this is the real you. this is the real me" part took me 100% surprise. I LOVE that switch up and his loooooooow voice. Other people have said he went full 21 savage on that part, and they're not wrong lmao. Then a sugamon sung pre-chorus! My vocal kings. lol. Yoongi vocals again?? To intro j-hope? Then j-hope just drives it home. I adore the aggressive repetition of the syllable 'geol geol geol'. Anyway, this song ended my existence.
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geminimdma-blog · 8 years
That one time @CrushAZ2k16
TLDR; Attended a rave on three tabs of a research chemical that had some crazy effects compared to real Lsd. The adderall accelerated the comeup, and the molly caused me to feel a lot more vibes and energy than I knew even existed. I ended up being escorted to an ambulance where, as jumpman was played through the radio, I was tranquilized and strapped down, thus removing me from the rave and into a hospital. During the hospital encounter I had some awesome hallucinations that were quite honestly life-changing but when I woke up I was very angry that I wasn’t at a rave. The end.
For starts, I was an 18 yo male at the time with a bit of experience with psychedelics. A year before this I had my first roll at a rave and a few other rolls that followed as well. Mdma is my fav. Lsd however showed me some darker corners of my imagination that I don’t necessarily like seeing. Fuck research chemicals btw. Those dumb things cause me to loose my shit apparently. The first trip I ever had wasn’t too long after my first roll in the spring of 2015. Mind you, it was also a few weeks after suffering from a severe fracture to the skull playing a bit of smash-mouth Rugby. Fuckn luv that sport m8.
Anyhow, later that fall I had made quite the connection to some really pure mdma and lsd as well, so I was able to have some much better suited experiences at some dope concerts I attended.(That pure lsd hookup eventually moved, so I had to resort to some dumbass highschooler selling some other shit he had no idea about)
Btw I love Edm. #mellogang
So skipping to the day of my “crushing” experience I had been anticipating this night for a long time. Seeing that it was the middle of february and I hadn't been raving since NYE i was really excited to get back into another event. Quite frankly after my previous psychedelic encounters I was ready to see some shit. At the time I felt like I was only scratching the surface of this unforscene world that is my imagination. Boy lemme tell ya, this trip was quite the wake-up call to what the mind really has to offer us.
Getting to the come-up I pre gamed a bit with some homies playing some casual BP and having a couple brews. (Mabey alcohol isn't a good mix with this stuff? Haha fuck it!)
During the car-ride to the event we all popd the mollys. It was supposed to be synchronized but my tabs had been in my mouth for an hour at that point. I was ready to get this candyflip started and my dudes were taking forever.
(All three inserted at once, yes they were bitter, but I ain’t no quitter [This may or may not have fucked me over])
By the time we were close enough to the event my group and I attempted the synchronized pop for the mollys(not that it mattered) and I ofc dropped it early and fucked it up for them haha
Getting into the parking lot we decided to elect someone as the group banana. We had a banana suit, yes, and naturally I was best suited to be the banana. I wore that shit like a champ.
Getting into line, I realized I forgot my drawstring bag, this could be considered the point I start to loose my shit. I had to make two separate trips back and forth to our car because apparently I didn't have all my shit together. First it was the whole bag, then it was the entry ticket.
I finally get into the event and that's when the effects start to kick in. The adderall had also been taken around the same time as the 100mg of mdma so my body was having a wonderful time trying to process the multitude of psychoactives that were all still in their come-up. Walking through the grass lawn trying to get to the stage I started feeling a really heavy burden in my stomach. As if my body wasn’t ready for the load it was carrying i kept bending over into trash-cans that I saw and couldn’t stop feeling like I was gonna throw it all up. Never threw up, and fortunately enough that vibe didn’t last and my crew brought me inside to the main stage where the rave was taking place.
Genius crew btw, they take a motherfucker dressed up as a banana about to trip balls straight into the middle of the goddamn crowd of this big ass rave. and what do ya know, my shit starts kicking in with the power of a freight train driving through a nitroglycerin plant. (If you get that reference I LOVE YOU) Think of this part as a very accelerated come-up for the mdma and RC’s together, the candy-flip was definitely happening. I was dancing, moshing, having a fuckn blast. Tripping the fuck out i was also waving my arms into other people's space tagging them without knowing, I really felt bad about that after I realized what I was doing.
This was the fun part, we start moshing and dancing, headbanging our brains into eternity and really feeling the music. Also the effects definitely started to kick in for me at a much faster rate than anticipated. My body temperature was definitely rising and I was seriously exhausting myself quite quickly. Hydration was also an issue.. Never go to a rave without a camelback. That is fucking rave law. You will fuck yourself over sooooo hard if you don’t stay hydrated throughout a roll or any other experience that requires energy for you to continue going.
Looking around I was seeing layers of the atmosphere as if there were different phases of existence I could walk through. If thought patterns and vibrations are actually real, I was able to see those strange lines and geoglyphs crystal clear. At that point my senses were in a tangle, especially since the mdma was sluggishly making things almost too fun to handle. The roll had been engaged at this point too.
I was looking at the animations and stage-craft at one point and I kid you not, it was literally growing, not like a slow poke flower or anything. I seriously saw the stage expanding and as the music progressively got more intense, at the same rhythm of the songs that were being played. That stage was becoming a fucking entity, and my hallucinogenic-state-of-mind was telling me that it was a “vibe-war”.  As if to say the totems, props hanging from the ceiling, and everything else there was vibrating off of each other and exchanging energy. And I was witnessing that exchange between EVERYTHING. Now this is where I lose my shit, I was dancing really really fucking hard and I eventually danced my pants off. Literally. There was a moment where my shorts that I was wearing were around my ankles and I had a complete boner expanding through the compressions I was wearing. If there was one banana that didn’t give a fuck, it was definitely yours truly.
I got to see fucking sound. Sound has got to be the most beautiful thing in existence, because not only are you automatically able to hear it as a human, but seeing the movement of music as it traveled amongst the headliners of a crowd of ravers had to be one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. Imagine it as a wave from the ocean, except that wave is colorful, fluid, and transparent. Sound was going through everything. It was bouncing from head to head, totem to totem, body to body, wall to wall. The sounds of this rave became the rave, and my mind was only able to grasp it as it was. It was fucking beautiful lemme tell ya. That my friends, is sound.
The vibration and drum of the bass and electronic fuzz’s, wuzz’s, and wips and snares were really having their way with me. My mind reached a point where it just couldn’t keep up with everything. Trying to fathom the rave and looking at totems that I could relate to(especially one with stewie from family guy trying to sell his shirt for a grilled cheese)[That was a beautiful totem btw] was really becoming a struggle. I literally started to get bored with reality. My mind was starting its journey into a deeper and darker corner of existence. Things started to get fuzzy. My imagination was urging me to let it become reality, and what do ya know, I gave into the experience. I sort of stopped giving a fuck about what was happening in the outside world and went onto this expedition of my soul. And that was only the beginning. I decided at one point to remove the banana suit, that could essentially be considered my game over in a sense, however I would have just put it back on if it wasn’t such a heavy trip. Removing that banana suit for me was a figurative gesture of my trip, as if to remove the condom to my soul allowing my energy to just splooge into the entire environment. No I was not a bomb, but for a minute during my trip I definitely thought my energy was condensed beneath that suit and when I removed it ya may as well consider it a splooge. Weird, but non-existent. It literally had no affect to reality, but in my mind I thought I did some dope shit. Who knows.
After my friends noticed me continuously dancing with my pants around my ankles they definitely knew I was tripping out harder than I could control. The boner may have given it away..
My buddies helped me out by giving me a major wedgie from the rear literally lifting me into the air by pulling my pants back on. I was seriously in such a heavy trip at this point that not only did I consider that a new phase of existence, but I couldn't even button up my own fucking pants.
One of my crew at the time helped me out by escorting me to a grass area. This is where i definitely went down hill. Its honestly tough to think about this part because of how lame it got from this point on. I literally stopped considering reality real and felt as if that my trip mattered more than anything in the universe. Not only was I still dancing around and waving my hands at this point vibing the fuck out but I was even being confronted by old classmates from high school I didn’t even recognize because I was too deep within my own spirit to consider them relevant or even real. At this point my actions were a direct result of what I was experiencing in my mind. My mind was literally absorbing the environment and relating EVERYTHING to my own life. That rave was me. That scene was real because of my energy and that energy was so pure and so positive that if there was ever a party to be considered a party, it would be complete SHIT without my presence and vibes. That’s how selfish my hallucinations and thoughts became. For a moment while i was sitting in the grass, I had actually thought that I turned into an engine that provided the rave with positive energy that people could feed off of if they made connections with me.  Everything that I thought I knew became this weird sense of reality that caused me to think I was a GOD. Eventually ground control found my trippy ass fuckn around in the dirt with my friend who had no idea what to do with me. They tried to calm my shit down but my mind was more or less doing circles around these people. The addy molly and three tabs were in their full effect. I was gooooone. Like, reality was meaningless at that point. Whatever happened was happening because it was happening. They had no idea how to approach me. It was as if I was dumber than a fifth grader. From this point my mind had taken me to a place where I had a bird's eye view of my entire life. From the point i was born and to the present moment. Don’t get me wrong, none of us can remember what the moment of our birth was like because of how underdeveloped our brains were at the time, but my mind was racing so fast that I was having memories return to me from when I was in elementary school. I was watching a slide-show of events and memories of my life that had a lot to do with that moment and more so of recent events. I didn’t even realise it, but there was a group of about 4 EMT gentlemen escorting me to an ambulance. I don’t really have many details of this period of time since time became an essence, and not a feeling in that memory. But I apparently had a very difficult time being strapped into the chair where they were gonna tranquilize me. There were multiple attempts on their part to inject me with an IV and by the time I was strapped in I was definitely feeling a bad sense of urgency to get back to reality. That was out of the question though. There was no going back to the rave for the banana who took off it’s peel. The ambulance had already engulfed me, and Jumpman was blasting in the cabin. That was my only sense of pleasure at that point, hearing Drake and Future through the radio was actually calming me down. And the tranquilizer hit around that moment too so there was no question about it that I was done raving for the night. FML.
The hallucinating continued however, except it took on a more nightmarish nature once the opiates of the benzos mixed in with my already rolling face took me into a different perspective of my imagination. The ambulance ride was more or less a hallucination that I was aboard a submarine. That was weird. Then once we got to the hospital itself I couldn’t stop seeing my soul. It was like a transparent ball of life that my mind was seeing as a sphere of water, except the water had a darkness within it like a corruption of the soul. It moved and breathed as if it was representative of all of the negative things I’ve done in life. Now that I’m actually typing a trip report on these events I’m very concerned for the well-being of our planet. What we consider to be good/bad in life is completely perspective and opinion.. Being able to dive that deep into my imagination was something that changes people's lives. I for one found it as an inspiration. Whatever the negativity in my soul represented is only something that society would consider evil. I hardly remember anything else from the events of the hospital since I was knocked out not too long after they checked me into ICu, but the lessons I learned because of that experience are something that I will surely take with me for the rest of my life. Quite frankly, I have a greater sense of respect for the things that people within the medical field put up with and do for safety of our future. That adderall and molly would have done some serious damage to me if they hadn’t taken me into the hospital, and some people even were speculating that I was going to overdose because of that experience and maybe even die. Honestly though, waking up at 3am asking if i could be taken back to the rave was really a buzz-kill. My friend brought back my gear and other items that were left at the time when I was removed from the rave. Then the best thing happened to me. I checked my pocket to find a still-full baggie of mollys and couple tabs of acid. Nobody had fucked with it or thrown it out. I immediately put that shit back in my pocket and continued my journey onto the next rave.
If there’s a lesson to be learned from me, it's hydration. I would not have lost control if I had my camelback had been with me and full of water. My honest theory is that my body was overheating at a rate that wasn’t being compensated for with the use of water. H20 is our friend you guys. And there’s only so much of it on this planet that is safe to drink. Take care of your water, and don’t waste it. Countries go to fucking war over that shit. People die because of the lack of water in some nations of our planet. Water is the best thing in our fucking cosmos right now, it is the job of every human being to have a sense of respect for such a beautiful thing like water. And other than mars and a few other moons in our solar system, I don’t think there’s a whole heck of a lot of water near our planet in case we run this shit dry....Don’t waste that shit. Don’t spit in that shit, don’t piss in that shit unless it's a goddamn urinal. And please, for the love of god and his almighty domain we inhabit, SHARE that fucking shit!!!!!!!! I love all of you who have the courage and focus to read all of what I’ve just posted. I apologize if some of this doesn’t make sense. Psychedelics usually don’t make much sense anyways because of how different people are. Individualism is real whether we like it or not. Lsd and other research chemicals have completely different effects on each and every individual soul in existence. The things I experienced are not something to go out and obtain for yourself. This was merely an event that took place in my life that I have decided to share with you for the common sharing of knowledge and experience. Don’t drop 3 tabs of acid, a molly, and an adderall. Subtract the adderall from this equation and I guarantee you I would have had a much different experience. My heart rate was fucked all night because of that amphetamine. The things I was being forced to see within myself were not at all entertaining or pleasant in my sober opinion right now. Mdma is all you need. Please heed my warning about mixing substances with research chemicals such as 25i-nbome. That was not pure lsd I took that night, and an estimate of 200ug of that shit is more than enough to cause some dangerous neurotoxic effects to our minds. The brain is a very powerful tool in our existence and is constantly firing millions of neurons without you even controlling it. Respect your mind. Respect your body, and respect the world in which you inhabit. Go make a difference, and give back to your reality somehow. Each and every one of us has a certain array of talents and skillsets that are unique to our character as we have developed over the course of our lives. And if you think you can just freeload off of this godly existence we all share in, your wrong. If you haven’t discovered the meaning of PLUR. You have much to learn in these cosmos you inhabit. Don’t take these words for granted. The shit that you experience in life will only lead you on the track of life that you choose to create. We all make our decisions. Yet in the end, our decisions make us. Live life in the moments that still exist and enjoy them for the respective value they contain. Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. That's all you fucking need to get along with any goddamn soul in existence. I love you, now go spread some more of that love, the world is in short supply as of lately. AND DON’T FORGET TO FUCKING HYDRATE YOU FILTHY ANIMALS. The end. 0
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