#Kids Jumping Castle Hire
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months
Wanna play mermaids?
Barbie dolls: jegulus x reader (James, regulus, you)
Words: 3.4k ish
Summary: you and regulus work as mermaids at the renaissance fair and shockingly a lot of dads hit on you guys but what if one of them was hot?????? OH GOD PLEASE RELASE ME I WANT PEACE PLEASE GOD PLEASE
Warnings: your mermaid name is meryn, I personally think mermaid is a gn term but I understand why you wouldn't view it that way I was a mermaid kid so all I did was read books on them so to me personally I just feel like they wouldnt care about gender norms or gendered language BUT I UNDERSTAND so you and regulus are referred to as mermaids but there is no other gendered language, morden au, marylily is real, regulus is trans with stars around his top surgery scars and he's a tad insecure about the scars but it's cool, that's all.
You and your boyfriend, Regulus, loved working at fairs. You both had spent a very long time honing your costumes and characters. So when the biggest fair in your area hired you both, you were giddy. After you hung up, you and Regulus both screamed and jumped around the kitchen, holding onto each other. After waiting and picking at the fine details, the fair had finally opened again.
Every summer for about three months the fair on the outskirts of town was open. People dressed up, fairies, witches, queens, knights, regular old Renaissance peasants, came from all over to join in the festivities. Behind the large, fake, castle gates was a massive amount of care and love. People worked to fill their booths with handmade products. People spoke with old accents, calling out to thou to payeth for a large pretzel with your Chime credit card. You loved it. All the costumes, all the activities, all the love people put in, seeing the joy in children's eyes as they met real life mermaids. Even if it was just you and your  dumbass boyfriend in costume, it was real to them. You were even more excited to go to the one in town, you had seen how their mermaid tank was set up.
For quests they had to find the building with the painted mermaids all over it. It was open concept mostly, as most things at the fair were, no ac, all wood, and still beautiful. The building was mainly there for the gift shop, if the people wanted to see the real mermaids they'd have to follow the small stone path. Through a small arched gate, vines climbing up it, was a small winding garden path. Stunning flowers and vines growing around them as they made their way down the line. Eventually they'd turn the corner and see it. The large tank of water, usually with a mermaid inside. Around the tank were large fake rocks, making it look less like a tank and more like a tiny cave. Inbeaded in the rocks were gold dabloons and seashells. False seaweed twisting around the rocks. It was convincing enough for a child. Then there was another small path that led the guests out of the garden and back to the gift shop.
For the mermaids however, the path was different. You entered in through the gift shop, an employee showing you behind the beaded curtain in the back. Through there you found two doors, both painted teal that was now peeling and dim. Through the door on the left was a bathroom aka changing room. Through the door on the right was a small pool, the half of the tank that wasn't visible to the public. On two of the walls there was a space to walk, sidewalk wide. There were regular old swimming pool steps off in the corner, a lovely space to sit and take a break in your opinion. Then across from the door was an entryway. It started at the bottom of the tank and raised all the way up to just above the water. You entered the tank for the children to see you by getting into the pool and then swimming through the entry. It was most definitely one of the nicer set ups. There was one time where you showed up and found a troft waiting for you.
You and Regulus had gotten dressed, slid into your tails, and flipped yourselves into the pool all within an hour. You still had about thirty minutes to waste before you were needed outside. You had noticed that Regulus was quieter than usual but you just assumed he was tired. It was early in the morning and he was more of a night owl. Though now as you were both sitting on the steps, passing time in silence, you felt worried. You nudged his shoulder with yours. You asked him if he was alright and he seemed to sink. He shrugged. There a moment of silence before be started whispering to you.
"I'm just worried someone might say something." You raised an eyebrow at him.
"About?" Regulus rolled his eyes and gestured at his chest. He had scars, but so did millions of people. Regulus once vented to Sirius about his insecurities over his scars and Sirius offered the solution of tattoos. Of course he would. Regulus took it though. He went and got stars littered around them. Regulus was definitely more confident in them when you were alone or with friends but he always seemed to get a little antsy before working. You shrugged.
"Has anyone said anything before?" You already knew the answer. You just needed to remind him of it. Regulus pinched his lips together, shaking his head. "Then why would anyone say something now? What makes this job any different?" Regulus sighed and dropped his head on your shoulder.
"I have no real merit behind my anxieties." You nodded. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, glad he finally came to a proper conclusion. You slipped off the step, dropping to your shoulders in  the water. Regulus soon joined you. You swam through the opening. The outside part of the tank was much nicer than the inside. It was still early in the morning, the fair opening accnoucment started at 7:40 but no one really entered the fair until 8 ish. If you looked to the side you could see the sunrise. Regulus' head popped up out of the water next to you. You smiled at him. There were two small false rocks with flat tops in the two corners at the front.
You loved how Regulus looked in this lighting. He glanced over at you when he noticed you staring at him. Regulus rolled his eyes and made his way over to the corner across from you. He plopped himself down on the rock and rested his arm over the edge of the tank.
His tail was purple. You were there when he got his inspiration. You and Regulus were shopping for Luna's third birthday present when a little girl ran up to him holding up her Barbie doll. She kept pointing at them both. You saw the similarities instantly. It was a little mermaid doll with short black hair and a purple and blue tail. After her mother came running around the corner apologizing a million times and throwing the girl over her shoulder. Regulus turned to you. You shrugged and looked back to the dinosaurs. Luna was going through a dinosaur phase. She only wanted dinosaurs. Dinosaur chicken nuggets, dinosaur socks, dinosaur cereal, if it wasn't dinosaurs she wasn't having it. Regulus sniffed. You looked over at him. He was wiping at his eyes. You wanted to laugh a little. He was crying over a Barbie. All things considered though you've done the same so you hugged him and cooed.
Now he really was a spitting image of the doll. Your tail was orange. For no other reason than you thought it looked cool. You kept flapping your tail over Regulus'. He looked away from the garden to glare at you. A man in full peasant garb came around the corner, scrolling on his phone. He turned it off and shoved it into his leather pouch attached to his belt. He smiled at you two.
"Hey you guys, I'm John. I'm basically going to be right by you guys at all times if you need anything, if anyone gets weird. And also so I can direct people towards the exit but majority I'm here to support you." You both nodded at John. You shook his hand, introducing yourself and Regulus with both your names and mermaid names. Regulus gave John a short wave before looking back out at the garden.
"Yeah we're already having a line build up out there, your first meeting time is at 8:30, that's when the gate opens. Then the second meeting time starts at 9:30. And then so on and so forth, but after 11:30 that's it until 1:30 so we all have lunch time then." John explain, pulling his phone out the scroll down the schedule. You didn't have the heart to tell him you already knew the schedule.
After Regulus had celebrated with you for the first 5 minutes of finding your new job he was pulling out his laptop and reaserching everything. He took notes. Color coordinated notes. Regulus then helped you memorize everything. From the schedule to the blueprints to the faux accents people put on. He even went over your characters' lore with you again.
However you appreciated John's kindness to explain the schedule to you anyways. So you thanked him. You decided if he didn't run off to have lunch with his other peasant friends you'd find a way to get your lunch outside and eat with John. John notified you when the other workers opened the gate.
Quickly after that the first family was rounding the corner, jumping over the vines. Regulus fixed his posture, sitting up straight and smiling wide at the little boy. He was clutching onto a cloth mermaid doll like it was his lifeline. He squealed when you both waved at him. he was quickly advancing on you two, leaving his loser family behind. He was more interested in Regulus than he was you. The little boy told Regulus his favorite color was actually blue. He also explained siren lore to Regulus. Regulus smiled and nodded along. The boy asked Regulus what his name was. Regulus pressed his finger to his lips before pointing to you.
"His name is Llyrrick." You said, smiling at the boy. He pouted looking back to Regulus. Regulus had quickly realized after your first few jobs, talking to people for that long, masking for that long really, was extremely tiring. So you both adapted. Suddenly Llyrrick just didn't talk and Meryn, you, was talking double time.
"Do you not talk?" The little boy asked, tilting his head to the side at Regulus. Regulus pinched his lips together, shaking his head no. The boy's smile grew, letting out an excited squeal. He quickly ran back to his family, who was standing awkwardly next to the tank. He latched onto what looked to be his older sister. She looked to be only a few years older than him. He dragged her over to Regulus.
"This is my sister, she doesn't talk either. So sometimes I talk for her at restaurants and stuff, like you." He said smiling at you. Regulus smiled brightly, waving at them both. The girl looked more than giddy to meet a mermaid who was like her, her smiling biting back at her cheeks. Regulus held up his finger before flopping himself off his rock seat. He quickly swam back through the opening. Both the kids looked back to you, with sad looks, scared he was running away from them.
"Llyrrick is getting you two presents. Hey do you two where we merfolk keep our money?" They both shook their heads at you. "At the riverbank." You giggled at your own joke, even though you didn't really find it funny. Both the kids chuckled at your joke. You kept running off puns to keep them entertained. Regulus was back in few more seconds. He pulled himself back into his rock seat. Regulus reached into his now soaking cloth bag. It was small but it held a lot of false mermaid coins. Regulus reached into the bag and pulled out two, dropping one in each of the children's hands. You both waved them off as John pointed them to their way out of the garden.
You and Regulus gave each kid a coin before they left. Some of them spent more time talking to you, some talking to Regulus more, and some just stared at you both in silence. As the hours passed you started looking more and more to your lunch. You loved watching the childrens' excitement at seeing real life mermaids, but it was still tiring. Lunch was quickly approaching, you were already at the end of your 11:30 line.
"Sorry, he doesn't know how to flirt. He just kinda stares with his mouth open." She whispered to you, trying not to disturb Harry The Number One Mermaid Fan and Llyrrick's conversation. You shrugged.
The last family was rounding the corner. A small boy and three adults following after him. The boy was in jorts, light up lighting McQueen sneakers, a red shirt with a cartoon mermaid plastered on the front, and glasses too big for his face. He looked to be 7 or so. He was holding onto what was most definitely his father's hand. They looked like carbon copies, even in matching glasses.
Behind them both were two beautiful women.  One was in all green, with long red hair and the other was in as many bright colors you could imagine, her curly hair pulled into two buns. If you didn't already think it was the hottest set of parents you most certainly did now.
The man had a mustache that could truly only be described as a pornstache. Even worse, he made it hot. His muscles were large. You felt sympathy for his tshirt sleeves. You slowly turned your head to stare at Regulus. He gave you the exact 'you seeing this?' look you were giving him. You smiled and turned back to them as they got closer.
The little boy was dragging his father to the edge of your tank, his two mums following behind them. You thought they were the hottest throuple you ever did see. If you were the mirror mirror on the wall and they asked you who was the finest of them all you'd consider death. It'd be easier than picking. The boy smiled at you two as his father froze at the edge of the tank. You said hello to the boy as Regulus waved. He introduced himself as Harry, The Number One Mermaid Fan. You smiled at him. He talked to you both. Regulus gave him encouraging looks. Regulus crossed his arms over the edge of the tank, dropping his chin on his forearms.
You noticed the father was staring at you both. It unfortuently wasn't as uncommon as you wished it was.  A lot of people would stare, most of them making you uncomfortable. You glanced over at him. His jaw was slack and his shoulders slumped, making him look like a child salivating at a candy store window. You stared back, raising an eyebrow at him. The red headed woman came up from behind him, giving you a smile.
"I'm not flirting with your husband. I'm actually just sitting in a tank. Us merfolk don't flirt we give each other seaweed bouquets for courtship." You stated blankly. It wasnt the first time a partner of someone has chewed you out for looking at their loved one. Apperantly an orange fish tail was quite flirtatious.
"Oh gross no. I'm married to her, not him. Anyways just give us a second." She pulled the man away, over toward the other woman. They both gave you a small smile before gripping onto the man's shoulders. You continued to talk to Harry The Number One Mermaid Fan and ignored them entirely. As Harry started to ask Regulus more questions about sea life, all of which Regulus answered, the father came back up to you clutching his phone tightly. He had shinked into himself, looking as small as a buff as shit dude could.
"Excuse me, sorry I don't mean to be irritating, but do you think it's possible I could get both your numbers?" He was muttering so quietly you barely even heard him. You looked over to Regulus. He was already staring at you. Regulus gave you a light nod before answering Harry's question on the economy system with his hands, John stepped over to him, pressing his hand to the father's chest, giving him a light shove.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." John whispered. You reached out and tugged on the edge of John's shirt.
"Thank you, John. It's alright." John looked back at you to check a second time that you were speaking and not clone. You nodded. John looked back to the father, looking him up and down with the stink eye before moving away.
As John shut the exit gate you looked at Regulus. He groaned and slumped lowing into the water. You nodded, understanding completely. Regulus stared at you, you could see his admiration simmering under his gaze. You gave him a knowing look as he continued to slip lower and lower under the surface of the water. You rolled your eyes as his head disappeared under the water before popping up next to you again. Regulus pushed him up next to you on your rock seat, dropping his head on your shoulder and interlocking your elbows.
"Well I can't give you my cell phone number but i can give you my Shell-phone number" Your smile grew as you said your own pun. The man started laughing at your joke as he opened his contacts. You warmed, most people ignored your puns. Who would've thought a dad would enjoy your dad jokes?
You quietly whispered your number and real name to him. He was giddily smiling the whole time, giggling as he entered in the numbers. When you were done you looked over to Regulus, silently asking if he was sure you can gave his number away. Regulus sent you a wink and pulled his hand out from under the water, a shell in his palm.
On occasion, you genuinely wondered if he was a mermaid because you never packed shells but he always had pulled some out from nowhere. You turned back to the man listing off Regulus' number and his real name. The man was bouncing on his heels. He looked to be fighting off the urge to do a jig in celebration.
Just as you were finishing handing off Regulus' number, Regulus was dropping two coins into Harry's hands. The man thanked you a million times before lifting the boy off his feet with ease and throwing him over his shoulder. The boy squealed and laughed as the four of them left. Both of the women sent you two bright smiles.
"He was hot." Regulus whispered against the skin of your wet shoulder.
"Fuck, I know. Jeez Louise." Regulus nodded understanding your exasperation. He gently kissed your shoulder, sitting up. He looked back at John.
"Thanks, John." John stared at Regulus with wide eyes. You looked over your shoulder to smile at John.
"Right well, I'm going to go to pop over to the food court. I'm going to wander around a bit but I'll be back before 1:00, okay?" John said. You both gave him a nod. He left through the garden.
You and Regulus ate lunch in the inside tank. After that you both continued to meet more children and families. As the Fair closed for the day, you were slightly ashamed to say you glad. You and Regulus were out of your tails, not bothering to wipe off the painted scales on your faces. All the guests had left, you both leaned on each other as you left through the faux castle walls. Staying in a pool all day and being exhausted made your legs slightly wobbly.
"Mm bath, dinner, bed?" Regulus muttered, his voice slightly hoarse from not using it all day.
"Would you still love me if I said, A bath is too much energy?" You really weren't sure if you could last another second in water. Regulus hummed.
"Okay, Dinner, stinky bed time?" You nodded against his arm. He dropped a kiss to your forehead as he lead you through the parking lot.
"Glad we got that sorted, now the question is what are we having for dinner?" You groaned at Regulus asking you so many questions.
"Hey maybe that guy from earlier will be up for coming over. I'm entirely positive he won't mind being dinner, he was jumping up and down getting your number." You offered. Thinking about real answers was too hard.
"Really? I was thinking noodles." Regulus muttered, his tone flat. You lifted your head off his shoulder and smiled at him, lightly pecking his cheek.
“Noodles work.” Regulus nodded, pulling you off towards your car.
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ohanny · 6 months
KentaKim royalty AU!
(screw “five fun facts” i have never been good with rules, @le-trash-prince hope you don't mind)
once upon a time, in a land far, far away tony is king and also a giant, sexist dick. he rules his kingdom with an iron fist, over-taxes the poor, believes alphas are the shit and omegas are only good for breeding and has made being the royal gardener into the most perilous position in the land (he beheaded four gardeners last year alone for over watering his bonsais and one for looking at them with “malice in his eyes”). but even a grand monarch like tony must have allies - and since everyone thinks he's a raging asshole, he actually desperately needs them which is why he resorts to the oldest royal scheme of them all: MARRIAGE.
enter kim. kim is the royal omega from an extremely wealthy kingdom just across some ocean stretch and sails into town, set to marry tony’s eldest son babe. (well, currently eldest. tony does not have a great track record when it comes to keeping custody.) babe is not very enthusiastic about this situation since he is carrying a secret affair with the castle archivist, charlie. (and by secret i mean pretty much everyone except tony knows but since they like babe, they just pretend babe actually is that passionate of a reader behind closed doors.)
but babe also has a conscience and really feels bad for kim who seems like such a nice young man so when they stroll in the gardens, arm in arm, far enough from their chaperones for an illusion of privacy but in their sight so nothing uncouth could happen, babe apologetically whispers that he finds kim bewitching indeed but alas his heart belongs to another. to which kim says “oh thank fuck, i would rather jump off a cliff than let you knot me”
babe: well that’s a bit harsh.
kim: also your dad’s shit.
babe: i mean -
kim: and i am here to kill him
babe: um -
kim: by the way, pete says hi!
and oh pete, tony’s original eldest son who years ago sadly perished (was banished) because he fell off a horse (because he dared to do something as leftist as write poetry to the stable boy way). it was actually kim’s family who sheltered pete and recognized him as a way better option for tony’s throne and kim is in cahoots with him, going undercover. in return of a proper alliance and the liberation of tony’s people, kim’s family will get rid of tony - plan a being an assassination, plan b an outright invasion.
plan a is proving to be quite tricky due to tony being a paranoid motherfucker, but kim is patient. of course something has to throw a spanner into his plans and that something is someone: namely kenta, tony’s secret bastard son most loyal knight. it starts when kenta is sent to summon kim to afternoon tea and sneaks up to him so quietly that he startles kim and suddenly finds himself slammed against a statue with a knife against his neck - oh how the turns have tabled!
kim: oh shit.
kenta: …
kim: i mean oh no, you scared me kind sir!
the knife disappears in the blink of an eye and kim let’s out this ditzy little giggle and offers his arm all “isn’t it time for tea! how lovely!” steadfastly ignoring kenta’s disbelieving are-you-fucking-kidding-me eyes. and well, kenta does escort kim to have his lovely afternoon tea with the other palace omegas. and then keeps escorting kim everywhere. no matter where kim tries to sneak off to, kenta somehow always finds him and it takes everything he has in him to not snap and scream because it is infuriating.
and then the ball happens. because of course there has to be a ball to celebrate the fortuitous engagement full of fancy dresses and foods and wine and palace plots! kim wants to take the opportunity of all the chaos and security being centered around the throne room where tony holds court to sneak but this time it is not kenta who catches him first. this time it is just your regular assassin hired by your regular jealous local omega noble who had their eye on babe and are now pissed they missed out on the royal wedding special. kim is honestly a bit shocked because “seriously?!?” but then kenta, once again, appears out of nowhere and steps in front of kim to shield him as the assassin attacks.
kenta kills the assassin but gets rather seriously hurt in the process. they’re alone in an empty hallway and kim is applying pressure on kenta’s stab wound, cursing up a storm, just letting it all out because what’s the point of hiding anymore? he goes on an epic, totally not panicked, rant about his fuckass skirt and who the fuck wears this many frilly layers, it is the most impractical shit ever and how he totally could have dealt with the assassin on his own if it weren’t for these damn petticoats! “see this is what's wrong with your entire society!” kim hisses as he drags kenta towards the sick bay. “obviously your omegas cannot do anything because who fucking could wearing all this crap! i am a person, not a cupcake!”
kenta stares up at kim in awe. he should probably have more questions but… wow. at least he can blame it all on blood loss.
so anyway, kim dumps kenta outside the sick bay and then runs off before anyone can see him and his blood stained clothes. he enters his room, sends a maid to the party to tell them he suddenly felt ill and retired early, and then spends the rest of the night pacing, pretty sure he fucked up and should be fashioning a rope out of his sheets to scale the tower and disappear. but nothing happens. he hears there was an attack, of course, and sir kenta got hurt but when questioned, kenta looked tony straight in the eye and said he must have hit his head because he cannot remember anything.
kim really could have done this without catching feelings but fuck.
so the next time he and babe have their little garden stroll, kim lowers his voice and insists they will add kenta to the list of people who will be protected at all costs. when babe sceptically exclaims kenta is tony’s right hand man, kim stares him down with a “he goes on the list or you can kiss me and my armies goodbye.” that is one thing dealt with. the next is actually avoiding getting knotted by babe because tony would love to have them married by the end of the month and that cannot happen. so kim starts delaying by any means necessary - he insists his religious beliefs demand they be wed when the stars are aligned a certain way and oh, he simply must have pink gardenias in his ceremony! it has been his dream ever since he was a little pup but alas it is november so they must wait until gardenias are in full bloom!
kim in the council meeting in his cupcake dress:
Tumblr media
tony, gritting his teeth: of course. we don't want that.
but the longer kim delays, the more tony suspects something is off. kim is cagey and his mask is wearing increasingly thin. there are rumblings of soldiers making moves and gathering in kim’s kingdom. fuck, even kenta is being shady with his head injury and insisting he keep an eye on kim and then come back with shit like “he complained the tea wasn’t sweet enough and then accompanied babe to the library to read poetry.” absolutely useless, that one. the horror.
of course this will all come to an end when tony, sick of kim’s antics, invites him into a totally non-threatening family dinner in the privacy of his quarters. babe is there, as is kenta, guarding the door. it is the tensest consuming of roasted quail the kingdom has ever experienced with buttholes all across the land clenching for seemingly no reason. for dessert tony serves kim tea with a side of hair yank and knife to a throat with a “you will marry my son in three days time or take a dive off the tallest tower, you filthy fucking -”
aaaaaand he has a knife in his back. it's unclear who looks more shocked: tony or kenta himself who kind of acted on instinct when he saw his kim threatened and about to be married off to someone else. he is about to just go full catatonic because oh, what has he done when kim grabs his face and kisses him. “wow. the plot twists just keep on coming” babe says to absolutely no one but if he has leaned one thing from charlie, it is that someone needs to narrate things for the record.
(of course it isn't as easy as simply getting rid of tony but it is a great start. they will have to weed out loyalists and find out who they can trust and then rework the whole damn constituion but hey, no tony! pete and way will ride in with an army at their backs only to meet open gates and a very smug kim (happily wearing pants) stating “i told you my ass was irresistible enough to get the job done!”)
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avatar-anna · 1 year
can we have some content of the twins relationship with each other?
sure!! maybe i can do a profile on all of the styles children
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader
Julian and Maeve for sure give off that unhinged, middle child energy.
Y/n loved dressing them up in matching clothes when they were babies like this, this, or this. But as they get older, she lets them develop their own style, as is the Styles family way. And for no other reason than to make their parents heads spin, Maeve and Jules switch clothes from time to time—shoes, jackets, shirts, etc.
Maeve is the first one to call Julian JuJu.
Simone loves playing dress up with the twins and painting their nails. And when she's old enough to drive, she picks them and Collette up from school to get ice cream right after she gets her license.
The first time they join Harry on tour, they wreak havoc. They run around during rehearsals, sometimes in just a shirt and a pull-up, or whatever Y/n was able to finagle them into before giving up and tossing clothes at Harry when she sees them and says, "Good luck," before walking off with the rest of her kids.
Harry holds Maeve and Julian on either side when they go to the beach. The water is a little choppy and cold and they're afraid to go in, but Harry holds them and jumps with each wave and lets them down when they feel better. Then he helps them dig for crabs and shells and build sand castles.
And then they bury him in sand.
When Harry comes home from the separation, the twins are little (about two) and he takes it upon himself to be Superdad™️. One of the things he does is sing to the twins every night before bed (he reads to Simone and Collette). And it's usually the same song, so when they're old enough they sing along with him.
For their seventh birthday, the twins desperately want a trip to Disneyland with the whole family. Harry and Y/n of course are unsure because that's just asking for trouble. They have to sit down with the twins and tell them that Daddy can't go because too many people would crowd them and it wouldn't be safe. Jules and Maeve are obviously upset, but Harry promises that they can have whatever they want at Disneyland and even though he can't go, he takes the day off so he can call and FaceTime the entire day. It's not perfect, but it's the best they can do, and the twins grow to appreciate how Harry did so much for them with their unique situation.
Maeve definitely gets sent home from school one time for punching a kid that was teasing Julian.
The twins are also unironically fans of One Direction, and they beg Harry and their uncles for a reunion. They are spearheading the movement for the reunion tour.
Speaking of 1D, Y/n sends an invite to the twins' baby shower. She's already done the "just girls" party and thinks it's a load of crap because it should be a party for both parents and all that. 2/4 come (I'll let you pick who went).
After the documentary comes out, the world obviously knows that Harry has a family, which means a lot of press. One time they're all out as a family, and they use their usual tactics to hide their whereabouts, but everyone is on high alert to see Harry Styles out with his wife and kids. And there's a big crowd when they leave a restaurant and the twins are terrified and since Y/n is dealing with shielding Natalia and Geneva, so Harry tells Simone and Collette to hold hands while he picks up Julian and hugs Maeve close to his side.
It's safe to say after that incident Harry hires security for whenever they go out as a family, or just for when Y/n and the kids go anywhere. They have a family bodyguard, who the twins love to make laugh. Or try to, anyway. He's very big and very stone-faced, but Maeve and Julian make him play with their stuffed animals and wear princess crowns and hold their hands when he walks with them.
The twins have separate rooms at home, but sometimes (especially when they're little) they have sleepovers in each other's rooms).
Julian is the first person Maeve tells anything, and he's the same. She tells him when she has her first crush, who she got for Styles Family Secret Santa, when she fails a test and she's scared to tell their parents, when she kisses a boy for the first time, when she kisses a girl for the first time. Everything, they tell each other everything.
All they ever need is each other, and sometimes Y/n and Harry worry that their other kids feel left out, and sometimes they do, but all the Styles kids have different relationships with each other, like all siblings do.
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Can I have skeletons going for the first time ever to the beach? How chaotic would that go?
Undertale Sans - He's nervous. Sans is a creature of habit. He likes when things are normal, he likes his little routine going from Grillby to his job to his home. He doesn't like his brother pretending they're going home but in fact they're going for a two hours trip to somewhere he doesn't know and he doesn't want to know. When he sees the sand and all this water, Sans is very, very unsure about this. Papyrus has to argue for an entire hour for him to put a feet in the sand, then, since Sans is very stubborn and it's not working, yeet him in a pile of sand. Sans is very surprised when the sand is actually not killing him but is quite nice. He will relax. Slowly. But let him do things how he wants to do them or he's going to be difficult.
Undertale Papyrus - He is so excited! Finally! He read so many things about the beach. He runs straight for the water, not expecting one second that the sea would so suddenly attack him with a massive wave that threw him back on the sand, because he's so light. He gasps, offended. Did the sea just refused him?! That won't do! You don't say no to Papyrus! He screams "WELL THAT WAS REALLY RUDE MOTHER NATURE" and stomps back in to show it he's not impressed. He's going to do that a lot of times as the sea is strong this day and just will refuse his love. But he's never giving up!
Underswap Sans - He was very excited to try new sports on the water, but then he saw that big wave, three times his size, and suddenly he was not too sure about this. The sport coach he hires is explaining how to surf and he's nodding and all, but yeah, his bones are rattling like hell. He will never tell how scared he is right now. It's only temporary though. As soon as he's doing it, he wants to do only this for the rest of the trip and will throw a tantrum when his brother has to drag him out.
Underswap Papyrus - It's big. It's scary. There's hundred of people just staring at him because that's the first time they see monsters. At least he has his dogs with him. Seeing how they quickly start to have fun calms him down and he's just focusing on that. He's having fun with his dogs and cheers as they're playing in the water. Then some asshole came at him and screams that the dogs are not authorised on the beach and Honey got anxious again, before Blue jumps at his face screaming they are service dogs, the man keeps screaming he will call the police and Blue screamed back he is the police. After that short incident, things are calm again and Honey resumed to play with his dogs. It's a pretty good day.
Underfell Sans - He doesn't trust this. It doesn't look safe. He's holding to a pole like a koala while his brother is trying to drag him towards the beach, screaming that he's ridiculous right now and that if there's a thousand humans on the beach, it means it won't kill him. Red hisses like an enraged animal. He doesn't want to go! He saw those movies with this quicksand bullshit. He doesn't want to get absorb to the middle of the Earth. At least he still has a survival instinct! But Edge is too strong for him and drags him along. Red holds to his brother for dear life, begging him to not put him there, that he will do all the chores in the house and even feed Doomfanger for six months. Edge puts him in the sand. ... Oh. He's not dead.
Underfell Papyrus - He's not sure what the interest of staying for hours on the sand sleeping but everyone around him is doing it so he doesn't want to feel exclude. He just does it. For like five minutes. He's sighing every ten seconds or so, bored to death, before deciding to join a bunch of kids who are making piles of sand and calls that a castle. Edge is offended. You call that a castle? He's going to show them what a real castle is. He maybe got too far when he set hole traps all around it with living medusas in, and it actually works so well people keep falling in. But since the children got the blame, he really doesn't care. He even screams at the children himself so he doesn't have any problem lol.
Horrortale Sans - He's not sure he's liking it. The sun is kinda nice on his bones and he would have love to just sleep in there all day long if there was not so much fricking sand everywhere! It's going everywhere in his skull and his sockets and it's itching so bad he's losing it. Willow said it wouldn't happened if he was wearing that stupid pool hat he bought for him. Oak found it ugly and destroyed it as soon as they arrived so Willow can't force him to wear it. That's also why he's not complaining outloud.
Horrortale Papyrus - He likes the sea, it's easing his back problem so much he spend most of the day just swimming happily. He's just very uneasy with all these humans staring at him because he is tall and a bit scary. He tries to not care about shitty humans not so discretly dragging their kids away from him and focus on the water, but it's harder as the day passes. He goes back to join his brother and Toriel on the sand so he can divert himself by talking to his family.
Horrorswap Sans - He's having a lot of fun actually. He loves traveling and he can't do that alone because of his disabilities so it's a welcome changed. He wants to try everything and stuffs himself full of ice cream until he gets sick. Though he will get mad when after this nice day he will have to clean his prosthetic leg and arm because there's sand everywhere in it and he hates it. Fun first, regrets later.
Horrorswap Papyrus - He finds shelter in the nearest video games store he can find and stays there all day. The noise of the sea scares him and there's just too many people around. He prefers to hide somewhere he feels safe until his brother notices he's gone and comes to pick him up to go home.
Horrorfell Sans - He's a bit more brave than Red, but he's still jumping everytime he's stepping in sand, like the sand is going to eat him alive. He's not too fond either of the sand in his artificial leg.
Horrorfell Papyrus - He prefers to go shopping after seeing his brother struggling with the sand. As a cleaning maniac, he doesn't want any sand in his wheelchair and will scream if he eats something suspiciously crunchy. He's a princess.
Swapfell Sans - He's having an intense voley ball session with Alphys. They both may have changed the rules so they can throw the ball in each other's face at full force. Nox lost two teeth so far and Alphys has two black eyes. In the end, there's not even a ball anymore, they're just fistfighting in the sand screeching at each other and trying to reach each other throat. Undyne is cheering her girlfriend.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's running in circle, screaming. He just wanted to eat his sandwich, when suddenly twenty seagulls wanted his sandwich as well. They won't let go of him, chasing him on miles, and more and more seagulls keep coming, wondering what's going on. He jumps in the water hoping they won't follow. That's where he noticed a sign saying "The water is infestated with medusas. Don't go in." When Rus joins his brother later that day, he's covered with stings, and he lost his sandwich in the battle. Next time, they're going to the mountain. He hates the sea.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He was bored until someone screams there's a shark in the water and he decided it was his moment of glory. He jumps in the water to fight the shark bare hands. He beats him, not living him a chance, before he meets three pairs of shocked eyes as he just beat the father of three kids who was pretending to be a shark to mess with them. ... Hum... Well, that's awkward.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He was working of the best sandcastle of his life when some mean kids comes, stomps it to dust and leaves, calling him a loser. Coffee is frozen in shock and disgust. He's going back to his spot, curls up on his beach towel and refuses to move for the rest of the afternoon. He's pouting.
Disbelief Papyrus - He's with Asgore, looking the sun disapearing behind the sea, and he is so emotional for some reason. He wishes his family was there to enjoy this with him. He's just sad and nostalgic. Asgore crushes him in his fur, covered with sand, for a hug. Delta tries to act thankful and not like he's choking on all the sand that suddenly entered his eye sockets and mouth. At least he's not focusing on crying anymore.
Dustale Sans - Balls. Frisbees. Moving things. Everywhere. His mind goes blank and he's going full zoomies on the beach, running after every ball he can find to destroy it. Everyone is scared of him as he's running back and forth and in circles like some crazy husky. He can't stop. He's too excited. Killer came with him and pretends like he doesn't know him, so embarrassed.
Killer Sans - He's wearing a bright pink bikini and high heels and he's parading on the beach. Every time some antimonster gets mad at his, he's shaking his booty at him seductively to embarrass them. That's his definition of having fun: bullying racists shits until they ragequit and leave.
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tealeafgrimm · 2 years
hii againn!! if requests are still open, could i have a adult neville longbottom and adult reader (theyre both professors) who start out disliking each other but gradually fall in love?? and the students love to tease them about the other all the time and its hilarious?? plus points if neville is confident and smirky bcs most fics potray him as nervous and all?? Thanks!!
Prof!Neville Longbottom x Prof!Reader
Words: 1.6k
A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long. I had great difficulty with this one and to be honest it isn't my best work, but I hope you still enjoy it. Also I started a new job about a month ago and my time to write is very limited. So just know, that if you request something I will eventually get to it, but I can't promise you it will be anytime soon.
It felt strange to walk down the empty corridors. You had never been here before the start of the new school year. The castle seemed even bigger than usual, the silence almost oppressive. You had hesitated when McGonagall had asked you if you wanted to take the job as Herbology teacher, but now that you were finally here, you could hardly wait. Professor Sprout had truly earned her retirement.
You stopped in front of the statue, behind which you knew the stairway to the headmaster's office was hidden. You gave the password and began to climb the stone steps.
"Come in," the familiar voice sounded and you entered the large office.
"Hello Professor I wanted to...", you paused in your sentence "...report for duty." You were not alone. Next to Professor McGonagall stood a young man, whom you could only identify as Neville Longbottom after a closer look.
You hadn't seen Neville since you left school. Surprised, you looked from one to the other, not sure what exactly to say or do.
"Ah Y/N, I've been waiting for you. As I explained to Neville here as well, there was a bit of an overlap, I'm afraid. One of the owls was so late that I sent a second one out. And...then you both accepted, so you were both hired as Herbology professors." You had never seen Professor McGonagall so distraught. She was blushing and you could see how uncomfortable she was with the whole situation.
"I thought...you might be able to share classes. This year we are expecting more new students than ever before. The classes will be unusually full, so it won't hurt to have two professors in one lesson. Especially if the position is newly filled." You didn't know what to say to that. And neither, it seemed, did Neville. Professor McGonagall knew how to take advantage of your speechlessness. She clapped her hands, looked from one to the other and smiled.
"Great, now that that's settled, I'll let you go. Get your offices and rooms set up and I'll see you at the Welcoming Feast tomorrow." With that she gently but firmly pushed you both out of her office. Wordlessly you descended the stairs.
You didn't know what to think, what to feel or what to say. Holding class with Neville Longbottom was the last thing you wanted to do.
Normally you would say that you were a very nice, sociable and open-minded person. And you got on well with most of the people in your life. Neville was not one of them. Quite the opposite. There was an abysmal mutual dislike between you that had begun in your third year.
You couldn't say exactly when or why. You just didn't like each other. Probably it had something to do with the fact that you had been the two best in your year in Herbology, which had sparked off a real competition between you.
On the other hand, you were both older now and wasn't it time to leave the past and the old feelings behind you?
"I can't wait to hear the kids say that my teaching is a hundred times better." This statement snapped you abruptly out of your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, what?" Had you heard right? Neville looked at you with a sneer.
"Oh come on, we both know which one of us will do the better lessons. Me."
Your blood began to boil. Had you really considered jumping over your shadow for even a second?
"Well, we'll see about that. But don't be sad if none of the students will listen to you or talk to you. It's only because they'll be more focused on MY lessons," you replied, hissing, turning and walking towards your assigned chambers, robes billowing.
If you thought teaching together with Longbottom would be hell, you weren't mistaken. It was an absolute nightmare. From the first second, your old competition was reignited. Only now it was no longer about which of you got the better grade, but about who taught the children more and which of them was better liked.
Moreover, you had started blaming each other for everything that went wrong in class.
"And make sure your earmuffs are on properly. I don't want to carry anyone to the hospital wing." You rolled your eyes at Neville's comment. In a way that only he could see you had, of course.
It didn't take long. Already on the second Mandrake, one of the Slytherins toppled over backwards.
"You did a great job Longbottom," you grumbled as you rushed past him to the boy.
"Why is this my fault now? You're just as responsible for the children," he whispered in a heated tone as he knelt beside you to help the boy.
"This was your lesson, so it's your responsibility to make sure they have their earmuffs on properly before it starts."
"As far as I know, this is YOUR class too, and you don't seem to have noticed either!"
With a final death glare, you summoned a cot to take the still fainting student to Madam Pomfrey.
But if you thought that was the worst of it, you didn't reckon with your students. They quickly realised that you and Neville didn't like each other very much, and they had fun egging you on.
"But Professor Longbottom told us to do it this way," a Hufflepuff fifth year complained in one of your lessons. You had to pull yourself together not to roll your eyes at her. Half a year had passed since the start of school. Even though you had come to terms with your situation, you were still not friendly with each other. At least it seemed that way, because every time you thought you were making progress, there was some comment that set you off.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Neville stifle a laugh. How you wished you could wipe that smirk off his face. And to make matters worse, by now you had to admit to yourself that you found him attractive. Time and time again you found yourself unconsciously staring after him or thinking about him. Just like now!
"Well, then perhaps Professor Longbottom should look at his book again too. Anyone who can read would see that you do it the way I just showed you. Try it and you'll see it works much better." With these words you went to the next student. To your amusement, you saw the grin disappear from Longbottom's face.
"Don't worry about it, maybe you'll learn someday," you smiled sweetly at him as you walked past him.
How he hated you! Your stupid smile that gave you little dimples. Your sparkling eyes that narrowed as your smile took over your entire face. Your hair that flowed around your face. What was he thinking? He hated you. Abysmally. Most of the time, at least. Much of the time. Sometimes. Admittedly, it got less, but that didn't matter.
The longer you worked together, the more you had to admit to each other that the other was not quite as bad as you had thought at the beginning. The school year was almost over and your lessons were running more smoothly than ever.
It was the second to last week and Professor McGonagall had called you both in to discuss the next steps to be taken.
"Thank you for coming. As you know, I want to discuss the next steps for the next school year with you. I know that it was not easy for you to structure the lessons in this way. But I must say that your students' grades speak for themselves. We haven't had as many outstanding Herbology students as we have this year for a long time."
"Thank you very much Professor. I think we were able to complement each other quite well after all," you replied to her and Neville beside you nodded in agreement.
"So? We have the following options: Either we leave it at this constellation next year, or we have to decide which of you will give up the job. Professor Binn's class, could also do with a bit of fresh air. If I remember correctly, you Y/N were always very good at History of Magic too?"
"Oh..ehm..yes, but admittedly, I would hate to change jobs. I think our students have become so good because we complement each other well Professor." You had only ever been good at History  of Magic, because you had the ability to memorise things quickly, not because you found it particularly interesting.
"I agree with Y/N. I think we should leave it at that. The students are used to us now and when I remember how hard it was for us to get a new defence teacher every year, I think it would only hurt progress after all."
"All right, if you're so united, I won't interfere." And with that, surprisingly, you were dismissed quicker than you thought.
On the spiral staircase, Neville turned to you.
"You know I saved your neck in there, don't you? She was going to ditch you. You might not be as good as me after all."
"Oh yeah? If it wasn't for me, the class would have been a disaster. Maybe half the students wouldn't have made it to the exams at all because they would have died beforehand. You should thank ME," you replied.
"Would a meal at the Three Broomsticks be thanks enough?"
You stopped abruptly on the bottom landing. Had you really just heard what you thought you had heard?
" Pardon?" you asked him, your eyes wide open.
"I asked if dinner would be enough of a thank you? Tonight?" You hadn't seen Neville blush like that in a long time. Suddenly he reminded you much more of the boy you knew from your school days.
"For a start, perhaps. Eight o'clock and be on time. And don't you dare get dirt on your clothes." With that you strode past him and disappeared around the corner with an idiotic grin.
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chibifox2002 · 1 year
A Huddle Reunion
(this takes place in the krbay spinoff au, because I REALLY need to start separating these au's from each other...)
To say King Dedede was upset was quite the understatement.
Like... don't get him wrong, when he found out that he had a living biological family member, of course he was initially happy!
But that happiness was quickly drowned out by the anger and confusion of the realization that the family member not only started as a monster he ordered back when N.M.E was around, but then disguised themselves as a traveling man after they were turned back and... Y'know.... was actually his MOTHER of all things... Who wouldn't be riled up about this situation?!
Wouldn't his mother WANT to be in his life?! Wouldn't she immediately run to him and... I don't know, hug him or something?! Kiss him on the forehead?! Whatever things moms are SUPPOSED to do?!
Regardless of all that, he was talked into having an open mind about this and letting her explain herself before popping his lid at her. Apparently Connie, Kirby, and the other kids had met her beforehand and claimed that she was a sweet woman. Even Manny, his newest hire as the castle's new custodian and fellow hothead, said that she was nice and deserved a chance.
So here King Dedede was, walking to a part of the beach that was far from Cappy Town, a spot his mother had chosen so nobody would watch their conversation go down, alone so they could resolve this as a "family"... If they even end up as one by the end of the conversation.
As he approached the meeting spot, he could make out a figure sitting on the sand and so close to the water that he'd guess that their feet were just barely in it. It had to be his mother, nobody else is usually this far from town at this time in the evening.
The closer he got, he started to notice some details about her. Well, the back of her anyways. She had curly feathers on her head, with a streak of silver curling and looping down to the tips of said feathers, she was wearing a white backless dress of sorts, although it started to look like a sheet that she tied into a dress as he was getting closer, and her feet were indeed, in the water, the water reaching right where her toes ended. But what really caught him attention were the three massive scars on the woman's back. He couldn't tell if they were left by claws or a weapon, and he'll admit, that left a nasty feeling in his stomach.
He stood practically behind her now. Looking at her as she looked out to the ocean, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.
He cleared his throat to get her attention.
She jumped slightly at the sudden noise, but then turned to look at him.
She stared, appearing almost shocked that he showed up. Her eyes glanced behind him then back to his face. Double checking to see if he came alone, fair, she'd seen that he wasn't the most trustworthy guy in the past. Both as a monster and as the man she pretended to be.
She then took a deep breath before speaking with a sad smile on her face.
"Hi-" *ahem* "Hello d'ere..." She uttered out, voice slightly cracking.
"...Hey." The king responded, sitting down next to her.
They sat there in silence, staring out in front of them for what felt like hours before Dedede's mother broke that silence.
"So... I'm sure ya have questions..." She started. "And I'll be more than happy to answer 'em all the best I can." She said as she turned her head to look at Dedede again, truth seeping out with her words.
He knew he should've at least asked her what her name was first, but he had another question that was making his chest ache for the past few weeks.
A question he had to know the answer to NOW.
"Why'd ya leave me alone for all deez years?"
His mother's eyes widened, eyebrows creased in saddened shock.
Alright, maybe he could've worded that better. But he HAD to know. What was her reasoning for this? Why did she hide herself from him? Did she even love him? Why did she-
"I-I'm sorry... I couldn't... I wasn't..." Her eyes are watering.
"I wasn't strong enough..." She's crying.
She had her face half buried in her arms and knees, her right hand up holding the head slightly up, and she was crying.
"It... was a long time ago, you were still jus' a lil chick..."
Dedede leaned closer to his mother as she spoke.
"We were walkin' back home from playing in da snow... I had ya in my hands-" She held out her slightly shaking hands in front of her as she spoke.
"We were close to a ravine an' it was blizzarding like crazy at the moment, but I didn't think anythin' 'bout it... Which was my first mistake. I wasn't aware that there was someone else out d'ere wit' us..."
The penguin lady paused, and took a deep shakey breath. Dedede noticed that the water around her feet was starting to freeze, the story clearly stressful for her to remember. A part of him wanted to tell her to stop. But he had asked for this, and she was gonna give him his answer, whether he still wanted it or not...
"It was a man that I had a bit of a... "falling out" wit', he had tackled me and knocked ya outta my arms. I couldn't pick myself up before he started attacking me." She placed a hand on her left shoulder, where the massive scar started. "I won't go into detail 'bout that. But I guess that wasn't enough for him... Because then he went and picked ya up but yer leg and started walkin' t'wards the ravine..."
Dedede's mother paused again, holding back her cries and taking another breath before continuing.
"I knew what he was gonna do... And I tried- I really REALLY tried to get to you as fast as I could... But the wounds were slowin' me down and... but... But I was SO CLOSE to saving you... But he dropped ya down the ravine and I didn't dive in to save ya in time... And... A-and I just... don't want to disappoint you again..."
The woman began to silently cry harder, clearly reaching her limit with remembering such a traumatic event. And Dedede was left speechless. He never expected this...
As he stared at his mother, his heart began to ache again, but this time for a different reason. He didn't like seeing her like this, nor did he like that she had gone through so much. If he could take on the guy who jumped his mother all those years ago, he'd do it without hesitation.
But right now all the king wanted to do is comfort his dear, sweet mother.
He scooted closer to her and gently placed a hand on her back. When she looked up at him, he hugged her.
"None o' dat was yer fault... Ya did everything ya could do, Ma..."
His mother began to sob at his words, leaning into his hug and moving her arms under his to hug him in return. Although it felt less like a hug and more like she was grabbing him as if he was a life preserver that was thrown to her to save her from drowning... Like one slip of her hands and he'll disappear from her sight.
But then again, considering what she had gone through that might not be too far off...
He began to rock her as she cried, which helped calm her down. They were like that for hours, in each other's arms as the sun began to set. The sky begining to turn into a beautiful starry night.
Dedede's mother was looking at the ocean's waves again, her face still wet from her tears as her son held her. She was surprised at how much he had grown, it seemed like yesterday he could perfectly fit in one of her hands!
As she continued to watch the waves, she felt her son turn his head sideways onto hers. His cheek against her curly feathers, and she sensed that something else was on his mind.
"Is d'ere something else you'd like to ask me?"
Dedede was silent for a few seconds, then spoke.
"What's yer name?... I feel like I shoulda asked ya that first... Also I really wanna know, even though I'mma jus' keep callin' ya "Ma"..." Dedede had a small smirk on his face as he spoke.
His mother hummed, she hasn't told anyone her name in years besides her late husband. It always felt too personal of information, given her younger years... But this was her son. Her precious baby, and she wasn't going to lie to him anymore.
"...My name is Frozha!" She answered calmly. "But I'd prefer if ya referred to me as something else when officially introducing me to yer kingdom."
"Alrighty then!" Dedede responded. "How about I refer to ya as my "Mama D" then? That way we'll match!" He explained with a big smile on his face.
Mama D giggled softly, looking up at her son.
"I'd love that, my lil chick..."
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evelynmlewis · 11 months
The Boy in the Castle Chapter 5
Previous chapter
Chapter 5
That morning, Anatoliy had visited Ilya for the first time since his capture. The acting-commander of the fortress finally came down to check on his prisoner, and Ilya felt immense gratitude when the man ordered the chains to be lengthened enough for him to freely sit, stand, and move about a little.
Taking them off simply wasn’t an option when the tunnels were every which way, he understood, but it was nice to be more comfortable, and Anatoliy had ordered some fresh straw, and then it was rye bread, which was dry, but sufficient at least. He still wished they would have given him a bedroom like Olga, but things were looking up.
Just after he finished eating, Alexei popped out quickly enough to startle him.
“Guess what?” the boy asked.
Ilya jumped, then went blank. “Guess…” he blinked.
True, it was not safe for the boy to be about. But at least the guards would probably not be coming back for a while, seeing as they had just gone.
           “I’ve seen Mama!”
           This was better news than expected. “You have?”
           “Yes, sir! Anatoliy let her visit me for a bit.”
           “Has she told them anything?” Ilya asked, almost as curious to know for what mission he was rotting away in a Coalition dungeon as the Coalition probably was.
           “She’s trying to help you,” said Alexei. “She told them that you’re only a hired driver.”
           That was true enough. He got the sense that Olga was doing politics upstairs, furiously negotiating.
           He couldn’t see how this would end well for any of them. Olga would soon be proven a spy. Her papers had been captured along with her, and Anatoliy could only withhold them from examination until his superior came along, at which point a judgment would be made. If Olga was found to be a spy, that was the end for her, and likely him as well, assuming none of them were wanted for information, which was even worse. And then what would happen to Alexei?
           “That’s good,” he said. He had no desire to talk about death and such unpleasant things, not in front of the child. There was no point in worrying him with any of that.
“What’s going to happen to you, sir?” Alexei asked, approaching with some concern.
“To me?”
The boy must have seen the worry on his face. Ilya was momentarily at a loss. “I… I don’t know.”
Alexei looked troubled.
“Now, stop it. I don’t want you worrying about me. I’m a grown-up, I can take care of myself.”
“I’m almost grown up too. Mama says I’m almost grown up.”
“Ha!” Ilya laughed out loud.
The boy took a few steps backward, a look of hurt in his eyes.
“You’re a kid.”
“A kid,” Alexei repeated.
“You don’t like me, do you?”
“What? I didn’t say that.”
“You said it like it’s bad. And yesterday you sent me away.”
He made a wry face. “Well…” Was it he who had never liked children, or children who didn’t like him? The children knew who he was, somehow. The boys stood in the vacant lot and threw rocks at him when he walked by, shouting names.
But if Alexei was judging him for anything, he didn’t show it. He was too young, anyway, younger than those boys.
Alexei had already started to retreat off toward the corner, the one with the secret tunnel.
Ilya half stood up and then sat back down. “No, no, it’s fine. I do like you. I’m sorry.”
Alexei seemed uncertain.
He could comprehend how pathetic and desperate for human company he must be right now, as he knew it wasn’t for the child, but for himself that he patted the rock beside him. “Please, don’t leave. Come on, sit down.”
Slowly Alexei came back over. He sat down cross-legged a safe distance away, just beyond where Ilya could reach with the chains. He seemed almost glum, though, and started to play with the little rocks on the floor.
“You know I only sent you away because I was worried the soldiers will come in here.”
Alexei looked at the door, and then back at the ground.
“You have to promise that if you ever hear something at the door, you will go back into your tunnel right away. And if I ever tell you to go, you must go immediately.”
The child looked at the door, back at Ilya, then back at the door. “I think I can do that.”
“Good.” Now his conscience was at least somewhat at ease.
“You don’t want the bad men to catch me.”
“No, I don’t.”
“What if they did? Am I safe upstairs?”
“More safe,” said Ilya, trying to sound more confident than he felt. “Anatoliy is helping you, and I’m sure that he will get you out of here as soon as he is able.”
“And then what?”
Yes, of course, that was a natural question to ask, although he was surprised at the child’s forethought.
“Go to the King,” said Ilya. “I suppose. Well, ask your mother if you can, but I’d assume you must go to the King.”
“That’s –” Alexei crinkled his mouth.
“Well, I know he’s very important and you might not get to see him personally, but you make sure and find somebody who works for him.”
“But…” Alexei trailed off, and this time Ilya didn’t interrupt him. Finally he said, “Why? Why go to him, I mean? What will he do?”
It was clear this question had been the result of some thought. Ilya wasn’t sure how much the boy could understand or knew about the mission, but he tried. “Well, you’re the King’s people, aren’t you?” he interrupted himself. “Don’t answer that. I know that your mother serves him. He will protect you. He has a responsibility to his subjects.”
“What responsibility?” asked Alexei with some apprehension.
“A king has to protect his subjects, you know. If he’s a good king, anyway. He would definitely help you if you needed it.”
“Would he save Mother, too?”
“Yes, I’m sure that he will,” Ilya said, trying to be reassuring. “If he can.” He didn’t want to oversell it.
“I hope he can,” said Alexei uncertainly. “And you, too.”
Ilya didn’t meet his eyes, but stared at the other wall. “Haha.” He laughed drily. “I’m not so sure about me. But you, yes.”
“What!” the boy scrambled closer to him. “Why not you?”
“Well, it’s not like they’ll let me go now that I know where their headquarters are.” It was something he had been thinking about.
The boy’s eyes widened. “You can’t just give up, sir!”
Giving up. Aye, it was true. Perhaps he did give up too easily. Still…
“Well…” he argued. “I don’t think that the King likes me very much.”
“What?!” Alexei demanded again. “I thought you said he was good. Why wouldn’t he like you?”
Ilya hunched his shoulders in embarrassment, having backed himself into a corner. “It’s not that he’s not good. He is. It’s me who’s not very good.”
“Oh.” The child sat back, seeming somewhat bewildered. “What do you mean? You’re not like the bad men upstairs, are you?” He tilted his head. “I don’t think you are.”
Ilya made a wry face. “I may have done some crimes.”
“Like smuggling.”
Ah, so the boy knew a little.
“Not just that. I’m a deserter from the King’s Army.”
“Oh.” Alexei seemed nonplussed.
“So, as I said, he wouldn’t like me very much.”
Alexei put his chin up defiantly. “I think that if he met you then he would like you.”
Ilya felt a smile break over his lips against his well. “Ha. That’s very cute.”
“I mean it, though.”
“All right.”
At that moment, the door handle rattled.
Alexei jumped away like a rabbit. Ilya’s heart pounded, but he needn’t have worried. The boy was invisible in a second. As the door swung open, he dropped his head, went limp, and tried to resume a dejected posture.
It was not Anatoliy this time. “Coachman,” said the soldier, “prepare yourself. General Boris will arrive within two days.”
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misfit-one · 2 years
FFF184 Set the Stage for @flashfictionfridayofficial​
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word count: 856
Content warnings: none I think Setting: DnD, Castle Ravenloft, 
“My lord?” I glared at the tall dusk elf that peaked in the door. Did he even knock? Probably. He knows my thoughts have been easily distracted since I bumped into the burgomaster’s daughter the other day. Fate that plumb little kid had grown into a beautiful young lady. “There are new adventures in our realm.” “Yes.” Maybe I can fly down to the village tonight and confirm my suspicion. Nothing like the taste, just a tiny sip, to be certain. Much to my disappointment, he spoke again. “Shall I invite them for dinner?” “Dinner? Oh, dinner - yes, yes of cause. Let’s see what they are made of. Where are they now?” “The Inn at the village.” “Barovia?” I jumped to my feet. “I shall invite them myself.” And visit the burgomaster’s daughter on the way back. “My lord, do you think that is wise?” How dare he? I am not old and weak. In fact, I have not felt more invigorated for years, not since her last death. My eyes darted to the painting of Tatyana, still as radiant as it had been over four centuries ago when she posed for it. “Ah, you hope to meet Irina.” “It’s Tatyana, you know it.” I hissed the words to my chamberlain, the only being that had stayed faithful throughout the centuries. The only person I trust, except for Tatyana. Yes, I may be a bit obsessed with her. Rahadin offered a vague smile. “And you know what happens every time you pursue her like that. You take a nip and the dark forces take her from you. You have no restraint. You play the exact same game every time and you lose her. Every time.” No one else would have dared to speak to me like that. No one else would have survived. I flopped back into the soft chair. “What do you suggest, then? That I give up - that is not within my control.” “I know. I suggest you set the stage right this time. Allow her to know you. Show her, that time has changed you into a much wiser man.” Difficult to argue with that reasoning. I sighed. Rahadin was always a much wiser man than me when it comes to women, not that I would ever admit it. “Well then what do you suggest?” “Send Escher.” “What?” “The boy needs to prove his loyalty. Send him, let him sing them the songs of your beautiful valley. Let him invite them and Irina.” “And why would she come with them? How is that not suspicious? How is that better, than what I have done before? It’s not like her soul hates me.” There must be something he has not told me. “Her brother saw you.” “Fuck!” I hammered my hand onto the tea table and it cracked. Fuck indeed. “My lord!” Rahadin rolled his eyes, waved a hand and mended the crack before I got my wits together. “You can be very difficult at times. But if I may continue? Her brother saw you and hired the newcomers to escort her to Vallaki.” “Great. So her brother has warned her about me.” “Well, pretty much everyone has warned her about you. That is why you must do better. Charm her… no! Not by magic. Fates you are hopeless. No, invite them, and ask how you can help. If they need silvered weapons, give them some that are slightly better. Be their friend. Show them that it is not you, that is the problem in Barovia. Then hire them to crush the dark powers if they are able - not for you, but for Barovia” “Crush the… yes, that may work. Capture the bastard in a block of amber where he belongs. And then I can have Tatyana.” At least I hoped so. “Then Barovia will be free.” Free? What does that even mean? Will we return to the world we came from and leave this plane of mist, mountains and misery? With my luck we will probably turn to dust. I smiled sourly. Two hundred years ago I might have hoped we could break the curse that has kept us apart, me and my Tatyana, but free? It sounded downright terrifying. Rahadin must have read my mind. “Yes free. Don’t you want that? Don’t you want to end the endless circle of joy, grief and depressions?” I stared at Tatyanas portrait once again. “I will do it for her.” “Good.” Rahadin shone. “We send Escher. He will invite them and our new friends will free us from this curse or die trying.” “She may die trying.” “Then teach her.” “What?” “Teach her some of your arcane magic. Make her able to defend herself.” That sounded like the perfect excuse to see her and keep her here. “No you have to let her go questing with the others.” Did he read my mind? “Are you mad? Let her go questing, she will be killed.” “That my friend is entirely up to your teachings, will we try this my lord?” “Yes.” I stared at the webcovered ceiling. “Yes, very well then. The stage has been set.”
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supremepartyrentals · 2 years
Things to Remember before Hiring Bouncy castle rental in Brantford
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A bouncy castle is indispensable in gatherings with little children and birthday parties. As for kids, there is nothing more enjoyable than a bouncy castle. Not even your little ones but children of different ages like to jump and play in a bouncy castle.
This plaything is now also popular in occasions like wedding receptions, christenings, and many more. Though it is a good way to entertain children, you still need to remember several things before hiring a bouncy castle rental in Brantford.
Things to remember
Let us discuss a few things that you should remember while hiring a bouncy castle rental in Brantford.
1. Know the theme of the party
Though a bouncy castle itself is enjoyable, you can still make it more entertaining for your child if you can match it to the theme of the party or occasion. Many event companies update their current bouncy menu of pirates, vehicles, monsters, aliens, and castles with the latest theme or pre-teen heartthrob. For example, Elsa fans can have their own Frozen-themed castle.
2. You should make the right choice
You should select the bouncy castle for your party with care. The instructions regarding weight matter a lot when talking about them. There can also arise issues with the size of the bouncy according to the number of kids and available space. Therefore, before hiring a bouncy castle rental in Brantford, you should take care of these things carefully.
3. Trust only a reputable company
Immaterial of the kind of bouncy castle you hire, you need to vet it for quality, durability, and even certified safe for use. A bouncy castle of commercial grade is safe to use and can ensure that all your little ones can enjoy the party fully. Remember to check the credentials of your supplier and go through their websites for videos and photographs regarding the bouncy action. Also, remember to look at the review section as well. Moreover, you can even specify important things by trusting a reputable and professional bouncy hiring company.
4. Bouncy castles are not just for jumping
If your bouncy castle has climbing walls, double-lane slides, or other specific things, it can serve as a beautiful castle. It will allow your kids to show off their combat fitness by thinking of the castle as an imaginary fort. So, you can say that some additional features work as added attractions for children who love to do something more than just bounce around.
5. Placement and venue
Before hiring a bouncy castle, share all information regarding your party venue with your supplier. A bouncy castle is a bulky and large piece of equipment wheeled to its spot. Before installing a bouncy, make sure to check your electrical connections carefully to prevent last-minute glitches.
Placement is another important thing to take care of. Due to inflation through motorized fans, and bouncing castles, they usually generate a lot of noise. Thus, do it in a certain place where the noise will not disturb the party.
Hence, if you need to create a wonderful party night for the kids, just hire a bouncy castle rental in Brantford after considering the tips mentioned above.
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Inflatable games hire
Your Complete Guide to Hiring Jumping Castles in Sydney
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Planning a special event can be overwhelming, but selecting a jumping castle hire in Sydney can turn it into an unforgettable experience. Whether you're looking for Jumping Castle Hire Sydney, this guide will assist you in navigating the process smoothly.
Why Select Jumping Castle Hire for Your Next Occasion?
Jumping castles are not just fun; they are a great way to ensure your guests have a blast. They provide a safe and controlled environment where young ones of all ages can have fun and stay active. From young children to older kids, there's something exciting about leaping in a castle that transcends age.
Choosing the Ideal Jumping Castle for Your Sydney Celebration - Tips for Choosing the Ideal Jumping Castle for Your Event in Sydney
When it comes to selecting the perfect jumping castle, think about the age group of your guests and the theme of your event.
Tips for a Successful Jumping Castle Experience
To ensure your jumping castle experience is successful, follow these tips: Make sure to monitor the children using the castle to minimize accidents, implement rules for use, and pick a level, clear space for setup. Additionally, take into account the weather forecast and prepare for alternatives in case of inclement weather. Lastly, speak with your jumping castle hire service about delivery times to ensure everything runs seamlessly on the day of the event.
Securing the well-being of all guests is crucial when renting a jumping castle for any event. It's crucial to select a provider who adheres to the highest safety standards and whose equipment meets national safety guidelines. This includes proper anchoring to minimize accidents. For comprehensive guidelines on the safety measures of amusement devices, including jumping castles, check out SafeWork NSW. Staying informed about these safety measures can help ensure a fun and safe experience for everyone involved.
https://inflatablegameshire324.blogspot.com/2024/09/inflatable-games-hire.html Jumping Castle Hire Sydney Kids Jumping Castle Hire All Ages Jumping Castles for Hire All Ages Jumping Castle hire Sydney All Ages Jumping Castles for Hire https://westminsterpersianrugcleaning257.blogspot.com/ https://sanclementepersianrugrepair713.blogspot.com/2024/09/westminster-persian-rug-cleaning.html https://www.tumblr.com/gerardgallagherlot/762377288372387840 https://termitecontrolcarlsbad460.blogspot.com/ https://www.tumblr.com/juliannacastroverde/761423085892206592
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Fun-Filled Adventures with Paw Patrol, Pink, Princess, and Superhero Bouncy Castle Hire
Bouncy castles have long been a staple at children's parties, creating unforgettable memories with their bright colors, fun themes, and endless energy. When it comes to planning the perfect event, whether it’s a birthday party or a family gathering, the choice of bouncy castle can make all the difference. From Paw Patrol Bouncy Castle Hire to superhero-themed inflatables, the options are diverse, catering to different interests and preferences. If you're looking to add an exciting element to your event, here's everything you need to know about hiring the perfect bouncy castle.
Paw Patrol Bouncy Castle Hire: Adventure Awaits!
If your little one loves the Paw Patrol characters, then aPaw Patrol Bouncy Castle Hire is the perfect addition to their special day. Children can bounce around with their favorite characters, including Chase, Marshall, and Skye, as they dive into a world of adventure. With bright colors, bold designs, and familiar faces, this bouncy castle theme not only looks fantastic but also keeps the kids entertained for hours. This option is ideal for preschoolers and young children who can’t get enough of the action-packed missions from their favorite show. The best part? It allows children to unleash their imagination while getting some healthy exercise.
Pink Bouncy Castle Hire: Bright and Fun
Looking to throw a fabulous party for your little princess or perhaps a fun event with a pretty pink theme? Then a Pink Bouncy Castle Hire is a fantastic choice. Pink castles provide an enchanting space where children can jump and play in a world full of brightness and joy. Whether it’s for a girl’s birthday or a special occasion where pink is the order of the day, these castles provide a fun-filled activity that kids will absolutely love. Pink bouncy castles are often designed with soft, appealing visuals that suit a variety of themes, from princess parties to garden celebrations. The castle becomes the focal point of the party, offering not just entertainment but a picture-perfect backdrop for unforgettable moments.
Princess Bouncy Castle Hire: A Royal Experience
Every child dreams of stepping into a fairy tale, and a Princess Bouncy Castle Hire can make that dream a reality. Adorned with magical designs and fairy tale elements, these castles transport children to a kingdom of fun and imagination. Whether your child dreams of being Cinderella, Belle, or any other beloved princess, this themed bouncy castle offers an immersive experience where they can reign over their kingdom for the day. The enchanting visuals and vibrant colors help create an unforgettable experience, making it a popular choice for birthday parties and princess-themed events. Not only does it provide hours of entertainment, but it also lets the little ones live out their royal fantasies in a safe and exciting environment.
Superhero Bouncy Castle Hire: For the Action Lovers
For children who admire superheroes and love action-packed fun, a Superhero Bouncy Castle Hire is the ultimate addition to their party. Whether it’s Spider-Man swinging into action or Batman protecting Gotham, these bouncy castles are filled with dynamic graphics and vibrant colors that captivate any young hero. Kids can bounce, leap, and imagine themselves saving the day just like their favorite superheroes. This choice is perfect for energetic children who love the thrill of pretend-play and for parents looking to add a touch of excitement to the celebration. Plus, it encourages physical activity and creative play, making it a winning choice for boys and girls alike.
How to Choose the Right Bouncy Castle for Your Event
When it comes to choosing the right bouncy castle for your event, it’s important to consider the theme of your party and the interests of your child. Whether you're leaning towards a Paw Patrol Bouncy Castle Hire, a Pink Bouncy Castle Hire, a Princess Bouncy Castle Hire, or a Superhero Bouncy Castle Hire, each offers unique experiences tailored to different tastes. Additionally, make sure to select a bouncy castle that fits the available space and adheres to safety regulations. Most importantly, the bouncy castle should provide fun and enjoyment, turning any occasion into a day to remember.
Bouncy castles are a brilliant way to add fun and excitement to any children's party. With so many themes to choose from, including Paw Patrol Bouncy Castle Hire, Pink Bouncy Castle Hire, Princess Bouncy Castle Hire, and Superhero Bouncy Castle Hire, you're sure to find something that suits your event perfectly. These inflatable wonders keep children entertained, allowing them to explore their imagination and burn off energy in a safe and playful environment. Whether it’s for a themed birthday party, a community event, or a family gathering, the right bouncy castle can make all the difference, ensuring a day filled with laughter and memories.
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jumping-rascals · 4 days
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ymabouncycastles · 14 days
Boosting Health with Bouncing: The Benefits of Hiring a Bouncy Castle
We all remember the excitement and joy of playing in a bouncy castle as children. The feeling of weightlessness as you jump up and down, the thrill of bouncing higher and higher, and the laughter shared with friends are all cherished memories.
However, a bouncy castle is not only a source of fun but also offers incredible health benefits. In this blog post, we are going to jump right into the top 7 health benefits of playing on bouncy castles, from improving physical fitness to boosting mental well-being.
Whether you’re planning a kid’s party, a corporate event, or just seeking a fun family activity, considering bouncy castles for hire is an excellent choice for making your event an example. Here is My Google Map: Visit
Health Benefits of Playing on Bouncy Castles
1. Physical Exercise
In today’s world, where kids spend a lot of time looking at screens, it’s really important to get them moving. Bouncy castle hire for a party or a family gathering is a fun way to get kids active and playing outside. Jumping on a bouncy castle is a great way to exercise the whole body and use many different muscles. When you jump, bounce, and run on a soft surface, it helps make the muscles in the legs, tummy, and upper body stronger. This is really good for children because it helps them get better at moving, coordinating their movements, and keeping their balance.
2. Cardiovascular Exercise
Bouncing on a bouncy castle is not only super fun but also great for making the heart strong. It can help lower blood pressure, maintain a healthy weight, and keep the heart and lungs working well. A strong heart and lungs are key to reducing heart problems and maintaining overall health. So, when you’re planning a fun and healthy activity for your kids, don’t forget to check out bouncy castles and other inflatable rentals.
3. Stress Relief
Playing on a bouncy castle is not just physically beneficial but also great for mental well-being. The act of jumping and bouncing helps to release endorphins, the feel-good hormones that reduce stress and anxiety. In a world where children increasingly face stress and pressure, providing opportunities for stress relief is crucial. Hiring a bouncy castle for a party or event is a fun and healthy way for children to let off steam and relax.
4. Social Interaction
Interacting with others is very important for a child’s growth and happiness. It helps build confidence, get better at talking and listening, and understand how others feel. Renting a bouncy castle for a party or event is an excellent way for children to interact and play with others. It encourages them to communicate, share the space, and make new friends, all crucial for developing good social skills. It’s a fun way for children to learn how to get along with others and make friends.
5. Creativity and Imagination
Themed bouncy castles are always a favorite among kids because they offer a fun and exciting backdrop for imaginative play. Whether it’s an inflatable princess castle or a pirate ship, these themed bouncy castles add an extra dash of enjoyment to any event. They inspire children to create their own games, engage in role-playing, and invent new and exciting ways to bounce and play. This kind of imaginative play is not only entertaining but also really important for a child’s brain development. It helps them get better at solving problems, thinking creatively, and seeing things from different angles.
6. Sensory Development
The soft, bouncy surface of a castle offers a unique sensory experience crucial for enhancing a child’s sensory skills. This is vital for a child’s physical and mental development as it aids coordination, movement skills, and spatial awareness. For children with sensory processing challenges or autism, soft play equipment hire or bouncy castle hire can be particularly beneficial. These inflatables provide a safe, controlled environment for them to explore various sensations and improve their sensory skills, making it an excellent activity for all children.
7. Improved Sleep
Physical activity and exercise are essential for a good night’s sleep. Playing on a bouncy castle is an effective way to tire out your children and ensure they get restful sleep. Adequate sleep is crucial for a child’s development and overall health.
The health benefits of bouncy castles are numerous. They offer more than just fun for children; they boost physical and mental well-being. They also help to enhance social interaction and confidence. For these reasons, bouncy castle hire is a smart choice for promoting wellness at your next event.
Consider YMA Bouncy Castles if you are looking for premium bouncy castles for hire in North London, West London, Essex, Enfield, and other surrounding areas. We offer a wide range of party inflatable rentals and soft play equipment hire to cater to your event needs. Our bouncy castle rental prices are affordable, and we offer a variety of themes and sizes to suit your preferences.
Check out our exclusive bouncy castle collection and Contact us to book your party Inflatable rentals. Experience the health benefits of bouncy castles and make your event a fun-filled occasion. For more better information: click here
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imagine-gen · 21 days
Kids Jumping Castles for Hire
Jumping Castle Hire in Sydney: A Comprehensive Guide
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Planning a special event can be daunting, but selecting a jumping castle hire in Sydney can turn it into an unforgettable experience. Whether you're looking for Toddler Jumping Castles for Hire Sydney, this guide will aid you through the process smoothly.
Why Choose Jumping Castle Hire for Your Next Event?
Jumping castles are not just exciting; they are a great way to make sure your party is a hit. They present a safe and fun environment where young ones of all ages can play and stay active. From toddlers to older kids, there's something enjoyable about jumping in a castle that transcends age.
Choosing the Right Jumping Castle for Your Sydney Event
When it comes to choosing the perfect jumping castle, take into account the age group of your participants and the theme of your event. All Ages Jumping Castles for Hire in Sydney offers a wide range of options, from princess-themed castles to slide combos that are ideal for older children. For younger children, Toddler Jumping Castles for Hire in Sydney provides more secure options with lower heights to make sure their protection.
Benefits of Hiring a Jumping Castle in Sydney
Choosing a jumping castle for your event provides a multitude of benefits. It's a cost-effective way to provide entertainment, minimize the need for other forms of entertainment, and secure that your celebration is talked about. Additionally, professional jumping castle hire services in Sydney offer high-quality equipment that adheres to all safety standards, ensuring safety.
How to Book Your Jumping Castle Hire in Sydney
Booking a jumping castle in Sydney is simple. First, decide on the date of your event and the size of the castle you need. Then, reach out to a reliable provider of Toddler Jumping Castles for Hire Sydney to check availability. Ensure to ask about their safety policies and review customer reviews to make sure you're choosing the best provider for your needs.
Tips for a Successful Jumping Castle Experience
To make sure your jumping castle experience is enjoyable, follow these tips: Always supervise the children playing to avoid accidents, implement rules for use, and pick a safe location for setup. Additionally, think about the weather forecast and have a backup plan in case of bad weather. In conclusion, speak with your jumping castle hire provider about setup requirements to make sure everything runs smoothly on the day of the event.
Ensuring the well-being of all guests is essential when choosing a jumping castle for any occasion. It's vital to choose a provider who follows the most rigorous safety standards and whose equipment follows national safety regulations. This includes regular inspections to avoid injuries. For extensive guidelines on the safety measures of amusement devices, including jumping castles, check out SafeWork NSW. Keeping informed about these safety measures can help secure a fun and accident-free experience for everyone involved.
Jumping castle hire in Sydney is an fantastic choice for any event, offering hours of entertainment for kids of all ages. Whether you're planning a corporate event, selecting the right jumping castle can transform your celebration. With the proper planning and a reliable hire service, you can create an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.
not finished Inflatable games hire Kids Jumping Castles for Hire Toddler Jumping Castles for Hire Sydney Toddler Jumping Castles for Hire Sydney Toddler Jumping Castles for Hire Sydney https://www.tumblr.com/lonniesbusinessworld12798/760473809582194688 https://kidsjumpingcastlesforhire320.blogspot.com/ https://carlsbaddentalimplantsnearme644.blogspot.com/ https://www.tumblr.com/buddytbusinessblogs/756306218930307072 https://cypresspersianrugrestoration112.blogspot.com/2024/07/orange-persian-rug-repair.html
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