#Kids Science Experiment
science-bastard · 3 months
*lowers clipboard* ugh fine, you can kiss the other test subject for the 26th time. but just know that i’m dedicating an entire section of the research paper to this, and i’m gonna make it weird.
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
As part of my rabbit hole into Jttw, I've been looking at more and more monkey-related articles and science topics. I am an irl biology undergrad. It's my thing.
And I noticed a lot of focus in the LMK fandom on Macaque's scarf.
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In the Harry Harlow monkey experiments (tw for distressing stuff) one trait that would frequently occur is that "orphan" macaques would become emotionally attached to pieces of cloth/towels. Even with the presence of a "wire mother" that provided endless food, the baby macaques would cling to bundles of cloth to simulate being held by their mothers. In experiments where the baby was provided a "cloth mother" that had no milk to give, they would still cling even if it meant starvation. If the researchers attempted to remove the cloths, the babies would panic and lash out. Those whose cloth was removed actually died from grief. The reason is simple; it was literally their security blanket.
Btw; These experiments weren't done out of cruelty. There was a really damaging parenting belief during the 1950s that believed that babies should be held as little as possible, less they become "spoiled" from too much contact. Harlow's team was able to prove that yes, you need frequent positive physical contact to survive/thrive as a baby.
The cloth-clinging can also be seen in macaques raised by humans that don't understand their instinctual need to cling. Even when dumped in the wild, former "pets" will cling to their security blanket like their life depends on it. Because it really does.
SO I had a thought;
What if Macaque's red scarf is his security blanket? His "cloth mother"? It being one of the few comforts he had as a baby monkey? Or even the only memento of a life before the Brotherhood? A simple piece of cloth that holds more value to him than all the treasures of Heaven?
I've seen ideas/headcanons that the handkerchief he wears on his armour in the Brotherhood-era is actually his trademarked scarf, and that he began wearing it more loosely because Wukong hasn't been adjusting it for him. Since we don't see an earlier form of Macaque, he is literally almost never seen without his red scarf, save for glamours and at the beach in S4.
Macaque, who tries his best to be a self-sufficient loner, getting panicked when he can't find his scarf or when it becomes damaged. Wukong learned a long time ago not to touch the scarf without permission, and was only allowed to interact with it when Mac was in a good mood.
And you know who else is a monkey with a piece of red cloth that they're never seen without?
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You touch MK's bandana - you die. I believe it was likely Tang and/or Pigsy who used the cloth to keep the hair out of the baby's face, and MK psychologically attached to it as a form of comfort. He's not evne sure why he's so attached to it.
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jackyjackdraws · 1 year
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I recently watched that TikTok of someone building what's supposed to be a particle accelerator out of Hot Wheels track pieces
And at first I thought about actually making it work, but then I thought about those comments saying stuff like "Imagine how painful it is if it flung out of the track"
And of course I thought about Science Dad Au cause it tickles my brain and I love it as a concept so much
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crustyfloor · 27 days
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Till's piece from the event is a very honest depiction, but I want to examine it in more detail since it looks so interesting.
For one, I find the headpiece confusing, I was hesitant on this point in the last post I made covering this I assumed the headpiece Till is wearing (separate from the headphones) was this device.
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There isn't even a name for that device, but it's been theorized that it serves a similar function have the collars pet humans have, but affects the pet humans in some way.
I believe it's a behavioral management device since there is an emphasis on the brain when it's shown. And just based on the design itself. I think the purpose of it is similar to a shock collar.
Till in this environment looks familiar, he has that focused expression that he always has when he's writing music, like he's in a daze. Since this is a practice in a controlled environment I think he might actually be handling an instrument this time around (hence the headphones). Till has a natural passion for music, the environment of Anakt Garden also appears more calm than what he goes through with Urak so he looks very much in his element.
But despite how calm, and focused he looks outwardly, his collar shows orange.
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Till is giving with his expressions even around the aliens, so if he was feeling bad (I would suspect as much seeing the fresh experiment patches..) I believe it would look more obvious, but the difference threw me off a bit. I could be reaching (definitely) But given how unruly his behavior can be, and how much effort the aliens are putting into finding ways to subdue him I think they used that device to mellow him out so that they could properly monitor him.
The collar being orange gives me the impression that he's not as calm as he looks but the headpiece is keeping him in a 'sedated' state(?)
Red - Condition in the negatives, energy depleted, feeling bad. overall horrible state.
Orange, yellow - to a lesser extent, more like if you're feeling skittish, nervous, (think of this mode as feeling under the weather)
Green - Good, calm, happy, normal and a healthy mode.
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(Translation by kh47uo on Twitter)
This behavior could also show desensitization, as he had likely been conditioned to not be phased nor show weakness in front of the aliens even if he feels bad, a way of tolerating. But this is just me trying to make sense of whatever that head gear was... he could've also been sedated beforehand (banging my head against the concrete)
Also interesting to me that we weren't shown Till doing other things, like dancing, or singing. I think it's a testament to Anakt's (And Urak's) priorities as they have Till build on his music skills, his strongest skill. It's probably because that's all he has to offer is his music (His grades in every other subject are a mess.). So building that to its greatest potential before anything is important. But it's a reminder of the situation, he's not so intense about his craft because of his inclination to it. He doesn't make music simply because he likes it, he does it because it's what he has to do to survive. Despite doing what he is naturally driven to do, he looks like he has had his life drained out of him.
Urak (the bastard) knows that for sure. Appearances, and 'decent' skills can get you far but overwhelming passion and skill can put you farther above all the rest, it's exactly why Luka is the best in his league, and why Urak pushes Till to his limits to surpass that even with such destructive means.
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cryptidcola · 3 months
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he cares
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devondespresso · 1 year
i love the concept of Robin having one sided beef with almost everyone. like. she hated Steve Harrington because he ate bagels messy specifically (and was a dick but like. you think she'd use an example of dickery and not something mildly annoying) she absolutely had a grudge against Eddie stepping on tables and being loud. She's like the go-to friend to vent to because she'll take your side IMMEDIATELY and probably offer to key their car
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friezaglasiencold · 8 months
‘Smouldering coals’ my ass, you clearly adore Kuriza. Emotionally repressed man who cannot comprehend that he loves his child unconditionally because his own father was awful my beloved and detested.
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My father was a rat of a man, but that’s hardly relevant. I never said I didn’t care for my child.
And to think… here I was, being so vulnerable with my feelings. Shame on you, and shame on me for trying.
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askblueandviolet · 5 months
Have you ever tried dating Syntax?
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jgracie · 4 months
just thinking about baby jason if he had a normal childhood idk crying a lil thought i’d share
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STOPPP ANON IM CRYING TOO NOW I CANT 😭😭😭 rip jason u would’ve loved having a childhood ☹️ i feel like little kid jason would’ve ADORED lego sets like he’d beg his parent(s) (i’m not sure if we’re going w a mortal au where he has good normal parents or what 😭😭) for them ALLLL the time and thalia would help build but he’d get mad at her for trying to do her own thing and not following the instructions in the manual (inspired by me and my sister building legos w that girl had me spiraling at age 9) 😣
little kid jason would’ve also loved bill nye the science guy UGH 😫😫😫 crying over jason’s lost childhood now
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notetaeker · 4 months
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museofthepyre · 9 months
your art really fits your appearance... are you the real life sydney sargent? i'd be freaking out if you were sydney sargent ahh
Well, yes.
I could explain my multi-year spanning selfhood/ ID situation in depth… buuuut we would be here for hours. Short answer for all intents and purposes is: yes.
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yangjeongin · 2 years
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HYUNJIN | 221021 • CASE 143 @ MUSIC BANK
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insomnianoctem · 4 months
No more Savannah Woodham, give me a game where we get to talk to John Grey even as just a phone contact
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youdelight-itolerate · 5 months
I couldn't find this MST3K clip anywhere, and I NEED it when I'm feeling steady as a goat and flying over trout. And I hope it will show up in searches for the dozens of us, I'm sure, who search for it.
"He is really good!" "Good? He's the BEST!"
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simptasia · 5 months
being gay or a lesbian doesn't shut down the reproductive organs, y'all lining up with 90s era homophobes with your "Gay People Don't Breed" bullshit
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hazardsoflove · 9 months
thinking about social worker percy again
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