#Killua proposed
mariposahxh · 1 year
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look they even got married at the end of greed island
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this is getting a little too gay for me wooo ur a goat togashi
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megu-meow · 5 months
family ties - gojo satoru
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gojo x fem. reader
Summary: Satoru takes you to meet the in-laws.
The Gojo family members mentioned are named after the Zoldyk family, cuz Satoru is the grown-up version Killua. Argue with a wall on that one. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one!
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"Please, sweetheart! I've been begging you for four years, it's time..." Gojo implores, running after you in the hallways of Jujutsu Tech like a lost puppy.
"I told you already, Satoru, I don't want to do it. You said it was ok if I didn't because you don't care what they think anyway."
"I know, but now that I proposed to you, my family wants to see you. Especially Ojiisan, he wants to meet the woman who charmed his favorite grandson." he whines as the two of you stop in front of your classroom.
"Toru, you said it yourself, all of your clan members are obsessed with you marrying someone from the big clans. We both know they will not accept a nobody like me." you explain as you rub your forehead. It wasn't that you didn't want to meet Satoru's family, but he was the one to refuse to introduce you to them in the first place. He didn't like the way they treated outsiders and he didn't want you to experience how old-fashioned and downright disgusting their beliefs and traditions were. You were better off without ever crossing paths with them, you were sure of that. However, as soon as he proposed to you, his clan members started pushing the matter, because being Satoru's wife would mean that you would get your own responsibilities in the clan, like attending meetings representing Satoru, when he was away, you would get your own vote in different matters, and lastly, the one you refused to take into consideration, you would become clan head if Satoru would ever be unable to fulfill his duties as such. It was normal for them to wish to meet you, but that didn't make it any easier.
"You will only have to meet my mom, my dad, and my grandparents. They don't care about how you are or what powers you hold as long as you love me. They will not make you feel miserable, I promise." he looks at you with those cerulean orbs that shine like rhinestones, ones you cannot say no to.
"You pinky-promise?"
"Of course, sweetheart." he says and he shows you his pinky, waiting for you to link it with yours. And you do.
The day finally arrives, a sunny Friday in April, as the Sakura blossoms. Ijichi picked up the two of you from your shared apartment early in the morning to begin your hour-long drive to the Gojo estate in suburban Tokyo.
"So your father's name is Silva?" you ask your fiance as you observe the landscape around you.
"Yes. He's kinda scary at first glance, but he would do anything to make me happy."
"Your mom's name is Kykio, right?"
"Yes, good job sweetheart! She's a kind-hearted woman, she's gonna love you for sure."
"Okay, I think I know enough about your family tree." you sigh, you really want these people to like you. You don't exactly know why, Satoru said he doesn't care what they say, he's gonna marry you anyway, but you know he loves his parents and his grandparents. Contrary to popular belief, he grew up in a loving family, he was spoiled rotten by everyone, hence his insufferable personality. However, despite how Satoru claims his family not liking you wouldn't affect him, you know it would. These people are important to him, whether he admits it or not. So you're not going to screw this up by not knowing their given names. Or by anything else.
You get dropped off in front of a massive gate that Satoru opens with ease and you're met with a pebbled road lined with Sakura trees. They are in perfect blossom, there is a sea of pink in front of you. Satoru grabs your hand in his and starts walking down the road, leading you toward where you assume the Minka is.
"Three, two, ..." you hear Satoru count back under his nose and you look at him with confusion, but as you look back to the road ahead of you a person appears, bowing in front of your fiance.
"Gojo-san, welcome back!"
"Amane, long time no see! How are you holding up?" he asks joyfully and you remember him mentioning his name before. Amane was Satoru's best friend at the estate, his cousin on his mother's side of the family.
"I'm doing good. You didn't announce your arrival, the clan is in a meeting right now."
"I know." he smirks. He timed this perfectly and you take a note to yourself to scold him for slacking off. "By the way, this is my fiance, y/n."
"Hajimemashite, y/n-san! Welcome to the Gojo Estate."
"Nice to meet you too, Amane. Please leave the honorifics, makes me feel old."
"As you wish. Please do not hesitate to call for me if you need anything. I will make sure to prepare Gojo-san's bedroom for the two of you." Amane disappears right after finishing his sentence, you couldn't even thank him for his help.
"GOJO SATORU!" you hear a deep voice shouting from afar and you feel goosebumps covering your entire body. Whoever that voice belongs to is frightening as hell. "Not only do you not show your face to a clan meeting, but you have the audacity to not announce me about my daughter-in-law coming to meet me?" you observe the tall, muscular man in front of you as he approaches with inhumane speed. He has long, wavy hair with bangs, the color identical to Satoru's, and icy blue eyes. It is Gojo Silva, Satoru's father. The cursed energy around him has a crazy strong presence, similar to Satoru's when he lets his unleash, but this one feels rougher, slightly colder.
First, he steps to his son, yanking his left ear, which results in Satoru whining like a little kid. The whole ordeal is comical, you know that his father is just messing around. After that, he looks at his son with disapproving eyes, calls him a menace and turns towards you.
"Y/n, yoroshiku! I am Gojo Silva, Satoru's father. You can call me otousan." he bows and you return the gesture with a blush on your cheeks. Satoru giggles, enjoying his father's antics. Despite being a seemingly intimidating person, Silva seems to be just as much of a goofball as Satoru. He asks you silly questions like what is your favorite dessert, how much you can eat and whether you discipline his son when he acts like an idiot. The last one causes Satoru to chirp back at his father, claiming that he called him the other night to 'change the Google logo back to the original'. As you observe the dynamic between the two you have to remind yourself that you're in the presence of the heads of the Strongest Clan in Jujutsu history.
You finally arrive in front of the house and you are greeted by a beautiful woman with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. She looks welcoming in her flowery dress and with her wide smile. Her smile resembles Satoru's, it reaches her ears and it's vibrant, like there is nothing wrong in this world. Her cursed energy is low, even lower than yours, and you're not sure if it's because she is limiting it or if she simply doesn't have much to begin with. Her aura is stronger, it is familiar and welcoming.
"Kaachan!" Satoru exclaims as he walks up to her, embracing the petite woman in a warm hug. She pats her son on the back, her eyes sparkling with the motherly love she reserves for him.
"I'm glad you're finally home, sunshine! Please don't give your father any more headaches while you're here."
"I will not, mother!" he says curtly and he suddenly snakes his arms around your hips, bringing you close to his side "By the way, this is my fiance, y/n!" he introduces you and you bow in front of his mother politely.
"I am glad to finally meet you, Kykio-san!"
"Oh, please, sweetheart, leave the honorifics. You are family, you can call me Okaasan or whatever you prefer." she says with her warm smile.
They all walk you to the family dining room, claiming that you arrived in time for supper. You're being presented with a variety of traditional Japanese dishes and you're more than excited to try everything that you like. Satoru's parents are extremely nice and calm. They ask you questions about your family, your upbringing, about Jujutsu and your time in high school. They claim they already know about every single detail of your relationship with Satoru, apparently, you're one of his favorite topics to mention when he is back home. They tell you stories about their son, how he was while growing up, what he liked and disliked, and how much of a troublemaker he was. You listen carefully to these stories, you want to remember them, to cherish them for a long time. After you finish the dishes, they are serving desserts, a whole lot of them in different assortments.
"Satoru has got a sweet tooth his whole life. His grandmother likes to prepare all kinds of deserts, even western ones so he grew up eating a copious amount of sugar." Kykio explains.
"Y/n bakes too! She makes cookies for me all the time!"
"That's not true, Toru! I've been trying to reduce his sugar intake, so now I only bake once a week." you explain and his parents look at each other knowingly, as they start laughing. You look at Satoru in confusion, but he just shakes his head, signaling that he doesn't get it either.
"Sweetheart, Satoru has been teleporting back home every week to eat desserts from his Sobo." his mother explains and you look at your fiance in disbelief. He acts like he's innocent, smiling at you widely, mouthing 'i love you'. You roll your eyes, but mouth the words back, because otherwise he would throw a fit in front of everyone.
"Where is that grandson on mine? Always causing trouble." you hear a male voice from the hallway and a pair of footsteps. The cursed energy coming from their direction is unpaired, it exceeds Silva's, maybe not Satoru's, but it still makes you uncomfortable.
"Have some decorum, Zeno. That boy has done nothing wrong in his life." a woman's voice is heard and the male grunts in disbelief.
"Typical Sobo Gojo, she always thinks Satoru is perfect." Silva explains and he lets out an obnoxious laugh, very similar to Satoru's. Now you understand where he got it from.
The doors open and you observe the cute elderly woman and the man with hair pointing toward the ceiling on her side. What is it with Gojo men and their gravity-resistant hair?!
"Satoru, do you have any idea how long it took me to convince the clan geezers to let your lady off the hook this time?" Zeno questions and looks at his grandson with an authoritative gaze.
"I'm sorry you had to do that, Ojiisan. I promise that next time, y/n will meet them as well."
"Good! Now come here, my child. I wanna see if my grandson was telling the truth about you being the most gorgeous woman to walk on this earth." he says as he gestures for you to walk up to him. You oblige as he takes your hands into his, analyzing them carefully. "Huh, truly beautiful. Your cursed energy flows nicely and you have a lot of it. You are strong, I like that." he says, drops your hands, and walks towards the table. After that, you are greeted by his grandmother, who scolds you for trying to limit her beloved grandson's insane sugar intake. However, she compliments you on your looks and politeness.
You sit back down at the table afterward, enjoying the moment of being surrounded by the Gojo family. Despite their reputation, they are all nice people. The three generations of men keep teasing each other, grandpa Zeno is a savage, making fun of both his son and grandson, he has absolutely no mercy. They keep telling you stories about Satoru like the time his grandfather shot him in the eye with a Nerf gun despite aiming at his butt. Or the time he was playing hockey inside while his parents were out and he broke the glass on his mother's favorite painting. Luckily for him, Sobo was home and she had the glass fixed before his parents even got home.
You tell them about the time he encountered a cleaning curse and how he smelled like detergent for two weeks. Or the time he wanted to pick you flowers from the forest near Jujutsu Tech, but fell into poison ivy.
The night goes by like that, filled with laughter and family stories. Despite having your doubts about meeting Satoru's family, he observes how you fit right in. How everyone loves you and they accept you for who you are because the love you have for him is evident. As it should be. And he swears that his love for you skyrockets even more that night, despite him knowing that it's nearly impossible.
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hopesangelsprite · 11 months
♡ Mine ♡
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Illumi x black!chubby!reader
Summary: Illumi's tired of worrying about losing you... so he decides it's time to change that forever.
Warnings: language, lighthearted murder threats; other than those it's pretty domestic.
"We should get married."
Any traces of fatigue in your body vanished after those words fell upon your previously resting ears. You stayed still, waiting for any indication that what you'd heard was a mistake on your part. There was nothing but silence and the barely audible sound of your lover's breathing. Then that silence was broken once again.
"What do you think?", Illumi questioned from his spot draped across your stomach. What'd you think... what did you think? Well, you were wondering what had brought such a question about and how random its utterance was. Before he'd spoken, the two of you had been cuddling for about 3 hours prior. Technically, Illumi had come in unannounced and sprawled across you unceremoniously before shimmying down so that his head could rest on your abdomen. Occasionally he'd poke or pinch you out of boredom, now and then he'd nibble at you just because he could, and you wouldn't do anything about it.
The atmosphere had been comfortable. Nothing in the air alluded to the impromptu proposal that had just been made. "I'm just wondering where that question came from honestly.", you finally spoke while sitting up to peer down at Illumi. He simply hummed at repositioned himself so that he was practically sitting in your lap, which you'd be sure to tease him about later. "We've been seeing each other for about a year now, and my parents somewhat approve of you. It's time we make it official that you're mine.", he stated matter-of-factly. You blinked at him, and he blinked back.
He wasn't wrong. Your one-year anniversary would be coming up in a month and neither of you had any intentions of leaving each other whether it be in the near future or otherwise. It was true that Silva and Kikyo liked you enough not to kill you, it'd taken Killua a while to warm up to you but once he had he considered you as his older sister. He'd even gone as far as to warn Illumi never to hurt you "or else", which you both found adorable. The thought of marrying Illumi didn't sound bad at all, in fact, it filled your heart with that warm fuzzy feeling people sang about in love songs. Still, you were in a silly goofy mood and felt like pulling his chain.
"And what if I said no?", you questioned. Illumi stopped separating your curls to glare at you softly. "I'd kill someone.", he answered after a beat of silence. You smirked and rested your hands on his waist before tilting your head. It was a vague answer yet one you'd expected. "Who?", you pressed further prompting him to think for a moment. "One of those idol singers you like so much, maybe (insert fave idol name).", he replied while fluffing up your hair like a pillow. You scoffed, offended at his words as well as his blatant attack on one of your favorite humans.
"You wouldn't."
"Fuck around and find out."
Illumi rolled his eyes and released your hair to lean back on his palms. His change in posture offered you a wonderful view of his abdomen, toned muscles littered with barely visible scars and lipstick stains from earlier. "Where's all this attitude coming from, mister?", you inquired earning another eye roll. "Don't play with me. It's so not worth it, bro.", he warned. You gawked, thoroughly shocked at his use of your favorite phrases against you. He was in a silly goofy mood too it seemed. A chuckle escaped you as you shook your head. This was going to be a very long and entertaining marriage. "I'm gagged.", you muttered under your breath forgetting how heightened Illumi's sense of hearing was.
"Not as much as you should be... but that's fixable.", he sighed painting another shocked expression across your face. You shook your head vehemently while throwing yourself back onto your pillows. "Nope, I'm done. No way I'm marrying a man sassier than I am, there's simply no way.", you huffed out. Before you could say anything else, Illumi caged you in with his arms now straddling you properly. His hair fell around you two to create a dark, silky veil. "How about now?", he asked while gesturing to his left hand. You tilted your head to see an open ring box.
The ring inside it pushed all thoughts of where he could've been hiding the box from your head. Bands of expertly crafted and delicate silver had been woven to encircle the biggest emerald diamond you'd ever seen. It was a thing of true beauty, nothing like you'd ever seen or would ever see again anywhere else in the world. "I've changed my mind, when's the wedding date, pretty boy!", you cooed while wrapping your arms around your future husband's neck.
Illumi dealt you another eye-roll before pressing a kiss to your lips. You smiled into his cool lips and tucked some of his hair behind his ears while reciprocating the kiss. The kiss broke after a few breathless moments and Illumi rolled off of you to cuddle into your side. Gently, he took your hand and slipped the ring onto your awaiting finger. It fit perfectly.
You beamed brightly and tucked your face into the crook of his neck. "Crazy that I had to show you a diamond to convince you to marry me.", he spoke into your hair earning a lighthearted smack to his arm. "Shut up, you already knew I would marry you because I love you. Unlike you who's marrying me for my good looks and backside.", you teased. Silence followed your statement, yet you could practically hear the smirk on his face.
"Language, my love."
Yeah, agreeing to marry this idiot would probably be the greatest mistake of your life, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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anime-fan-05 · 1 year
Started: 10th September 2023
Last update: 17th September 2024
Total works: 77
My rules are here. Please, read them before asking me.
♥️: fluff
⚡: angst (my angst are never too violent or sad and they usually have a happy ending)
Sailor Moon
Nothing yet
Inazuma Eleven
With a reader like Roxy (Endou, Gouenji, Kidou, Kazemaru and Fubuki) ♥️
Mermaid Melody
Nothing yet
Hunter x Hunter
Nicknames (Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio) ♥️
Sweet (KilluGon) ♥️
Boyfriend headcanons: Shin ♥️, Nobu ♥️, Ren ♥️, Takumi ♥️, Nobu and Shin part 2 ♥️, Yasu ♥️
With a legendary singer who's very connected with her singing partner (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
Jealousy (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Cuddling (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
With their crush (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Boat's capsizing during your cruise (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With an idol reader (Nana) ♥️
With a professional dancer (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With a J-pop idol reader (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With Nana's younger sibling but totally different from her (1st part) (Shin) ♥️
With a very famous singer and dancer, chill and kinda flirty in public but actually shy and sweet reader (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Wait, you're what?! (2nd part) (Shin) ♥️
Blindness (Takagi Yasushi x reader) ♥️
My Hero Academia
Receiving a kiss on the cheek from their crush as thanks (Midoriya, Bakugo, Shoto, Mirio, Tamaki and Hawks) ♥️
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Calling them 'handsome' 1st part (Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya and Yoriichi) ♥️
Calling them 'handsome' 2nd part (Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
Calling them 'handsome' 3rd part (Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza and Gyutaro) ♥️
With a reader like Stitch (Muzan, Kokushibo and Akaza) ♥️
Calling them by their first name 1st part (Tanjiro, Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
Calling them by their first name 2nd part (Obanai and Tengen) ♥️
Boyfriend headcanons: Muzan ♥️
With a young admirer (Obanai) ♥️
Cheater? (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza) ♥️⚡
Assassination Classroom
With a VKei singer reader (Karma and Itona) ♥️
Sick (Isogai Yuuma x reader) ♥️
Fullmetal Alchemist
Nothing yet
Break up prank (Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Sawamura, Sugawara and Azumane) ♥️
Getting a girlfriend (Kenma) ♥️
Proposal and marriage (Kenma) ♥️
With a short reader 1st part (Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Nishinoya) ♥️
With a short reader 2nd part (Oikawa, Kuroo, Lev, Tendou, Goshiki and Atsumu) ♥️
Is that my jersey? (Kageyama, Sugawara, Oikawa, Kenma and Akaashi) ♥️
Akatsuki no Yona
Cupping their cheeks (Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno) ♥️
SFW alphabet: Hak ♥️
Sleeping together 1st part (Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno) ♥️
Sleeping together 2nd part (Hak, Yoon and Soo-Won) ♥️
Together (Shin-Ah x reader) ♥️
You weren't the right one (Hak x reader) ♥️⚡
Yu Yu Hakusho
Calling them 'handsome' (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a reader who thinks they're funny (Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a very feminine reader (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama, Hiei and Koenma) ♥️
Three times (Jin x reader) ♥️
Big proposal (Jin x reader) ♥️
Terrible day... but maybe not that much! (Jin x reader) ♥️
Attack on Titan
With a small reader (Eren, Armin, Levi and Jean) ♥️
Hugging them for the first time (Reiner, Bertholdt, Porko, Zeke, Colt and Falco) ♥️
General headcanons with OCs: 1 ♥️, 2 ♥️, 3 ♥️, 4 ♥️, 5 ♥️, 6 ♥️, 7 ♥️
Sweet domestic life's scene (Eren, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt and Falco) ♥️
My children are titan shifters?! (Eren, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt and Falco) ♥️
Kamisama Kiss
Nothing yet
Code Geass
First kiss (Lelouch, Suzaku, male Kallen and male Cornelia) ♥️
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Finding out their crush is being bullied by their fans (Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey and Mori) ♥️
First kiss 1st part (Naruto, Sasuke, Sai and Shikamaru) ♥️
First kiss 2nd part (Gaara, Kakashi, Obito and Itachi) ♥️
Forever (Madara x reader) ♥️⚡
I'll always stay with you (Naruto x reader) ♥️⚡
Death Note
Nothing yet
Blue Lock
Nothing yet
Nanatsu no Taizai
Nothing yet
Jujutsu Kaisen
Being called 'darling' by their crush 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
Being called 'darling' by their crush 2nd part (male Maki, male Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
Playing with their hair 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
Playing with their hair 2nd part (male Maki, male Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
Cat called? Not when I'm around! (Inumaki x reader) ♥️
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
With a sweet, shy and awkward reader who has difficulty communicating (male Miyo, Kiyoka, Kouji, Kazushi and Arata): crush ♥️ and boyfriend headcanons ♥️
Marriage (Arata) ♥️
Children (Arata) ♥️
Pharaoh's Concubine
Nothing yet
Sabaku no Harem
Nothing yet
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i-heart-hxh · 6 months
Hi so i was thinking,is it really a shinju is gon didnt consent to it? U need two people for it to be a shinju, and i have a feeling killua was half joking when he said he wouldnt commit shinju w gon, because he wanted it but gon didnt,its not a shinju if both didnt consent to it, and therefore does it mean it has no implications?
Hi! It's true that if Gon wasn't aware of it, it wouldn't be a shinjuu (lovers suicide). However, it's possible Killua planned to propose this to Gon at the last minute if it became clear they weren't (or Gon wasn't) going to survive, but he was keeping that possibility as a last resort.
I also think Killua was framing it in this way as a form of comforting himself. If they couldn't be together in this lifetime, he was hoping maybe they could be together in the afterlife/next life. And I'm sure he couldn't stand the thought of Gon dying without him, so this was the best Plan B he could think of if all else failed. I bet the thought of whether Gon would even agree to it if it came down to it weighed on him heavily, with his concerns about whether Gon even saw him as a teammate or a friend at the time, but it's not like he had another possibility to fall back on in that case--he just desperately wanted to be with Gon no matter what it took, even to the point being willing to die with him rather than live in a world without him.
Regardless of Gon's probable lack of awareness that Killua was thinking this way, I think it's very, very telling of the nature of Killua's feelings that he framed the potential for them both dying in this way rather than describing it any other way.
On a more meta level, it's also very, very telling that Togashi chose to have Killua use this word, because he certainly knows what the implications of it are. It would have been easy to phrase it differently (like the English translations did...) if he didn't intend for it to have the romantic implications that it does, and, as usual, when you consider how much romantic subtext already exists between Gon and Killua, there's definitely no way he unknowingly chose this word.
So, Gon's probable lack of awareness doesn't remove any of the implications, really.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Feitan x Reader Route
Part 1
part 2
warning: brief mention of human trafficking, brief torture scene, Feitan masturbates at the end
taglist: @tsukilover11 @sxyriii @shidoni-san @living4tomrua @lemonslut @honeylunalove @sugarrushdaydream @canthebest1 @whorermoviestar @fabitheraven @ashdownunderscorebeloved @astresoleil @smuttysammie22 @yandere-enthusiast @lostsomewhereinthegarden @sketchy-owl @bekahtaylorgriggs @zanzie @dabisimp21
if you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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(Name) dropped her suitcase off at Leorio’s before making her way to the location Phinks and Feitan provided in her note. Apparently, Machi would be waiting for her, and would take the console so it would be safe while (Name) ventured into Greed Island.
The pink haired woman looked up just in time to catch the girl crashing into her. “H-hey! Don’t you know what personal space is?”
She pushed (Name) back a bit, huffing. “Haha, sorry. I’m just happy to see you’re safe! Fei told me… what happened with Paku…”
Machi sighed, ruffling the girls hair. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Come on, let’s get you into the game. Fei’s probably worried sick.”
‘Ah, she’s dense.’
Machi didn’t answer, leading her towards their hideout. “Fei requested that I stay to make sure you got into the game safely.”
(Name) giggled, holding a hand to her cheek. “Aww, that’s so sweet of him.”
(Name) gasped when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. “(Nnaaammeee)~ you’re here!”
Shalnark laughed, giving her a good squeeze before Machi sent him a look. “If Fei knew what you were doing right now…”
Shalnark stuck his tongue out at her. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. So…”
He seemed different, his hands holding onto her waist as he leaned forward. “Who was that dark haired man you saw when Feitan told you to stay put?”
(Name) tilted her head. “Dark haired man… you mean Illumi? He’s a friend.”
“Do you typically make out with your friends?”
This caused the girl to pause. “First of all, that’s none of your business, secondly, how do you know that?”
Shalnark sat her down, smiling. “Aww, but I asked first! What is your relationship with that man?”
(Name) sighed. “Again, he’s a friend, the assassin that kidnapped me. Feitan is aware of that, but…”
She twiddled her thumbs. “He kind of proposed to me at dinner.”
“Yes… I met with him to discuss why we left off on bad terms, and possibly continue our friendship. However…”
She scratched the back of her head. “He um… proposed to me. I’m still not sure how to feel about it.”
Shalnark hummed. From the camera he placed at her front door and room, he’d seen several… things. Thankfully for (Name), he removed the camera before she and Kurapika enjoyed their night together.
“I see.”
“Now answer my question, Shalnark. How did you know that?”
The blonde only shrugged. “Dunno!”
Knowing she wouldn’t be getting an answer from him, the girl only sighed and pulled out the cookies she’d brought. “There’s at least two for everyone, and…”
She stepped forward, towards the coffin covered in flowers. The lingering troupe members watched as she placed an offering of freshly baked goods on top. “I hope you like these, Paku. They’re cat cookies. I… I really wanted you to meet my kitties one day…”
Shalnark stepped forward to comfort the crying girl. “She would of loved those, (Name). Thank you…”
He held her as she cried, patting her back.
(Name) looked over the cast green field after walking out of the small tower. “So, this is greed island… Killua and Gon are supposed to be here, along with Fei and Phinks. Hmm…”
The girl stepped out, twirling around. “Hmm… they said to wait after I got here… so I guess I’ll just…”
She sat under the tower, pulling her knees to her chest. It had only been a few minutes, but she was already growing bored. “Did he say how long it would take? I can’t remember…”
“Did. Second line of note.”
(Name) jumped at the voice sounding next to her, her eyes lighting up immediately. “Fei!”
Feitan grunted when she jumped into his arms, his hands moving down to her hips immediately. “Took longer than thought.” he said, pinching her hip.
(Name) pouted, half heartedly swatting his hand away. “I… I was busy with a friend.”
He nodded, quickly pulling his hands away when a low whistle resounded next to him. “I see you’ve got your girl back now, Fei.”
Feitan had long since given up on correcting his fellow Troupe members on the relationship he had with (Name). Part of him didn’t want to, he truly did see her as his woman.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t get embarrassed, especially when (Name) was in war shot. “Your girl?” (Name) asked, tilting her head.
Feitan waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t listen to Phinks. Stupid.”
“Stupid and smell like cheap cologne. Stinks.”
“Oh you little bastard!”
She watched as the two glared at each other, giggling into her hand. “Oh, stop it. No need for all of that. SOO…”
She leaned her head against Feitan’s shoulder, causing the man to stiffen, then relax. “What’s our plans?”
The two glanced at each other before looking back to her. “About that, (Name)…” Phinks said softly, scratching the back of his head.
“You go back.”
(Name) blinked, looking at Feitan with a raised eyebrow. “Go back? What do you mean, I just got here.”
Phinks sighed, taking over. “Listen, there’s been a lot of player deaths recently…”
‘Aside from the ones we’ve caused.’ Phinks thoight, keeping it to himself.
“And we think it’s better if you go back home and wait for us to come get you.” he finished, patting her shoulder.
(Name) looked between the two, eyes starting to get a bit watery. “Fei… I can handle myself. You’re underestimating me again…”
The dark haired man began to panic at the sight of tears streaming down her cheeks. “No, no cry. Not underestimating. Just…”
He took a deep breath, leaning against one of the pillars supporting the tower. “Just worried.”
(Name) sniffled a little, wiping at her tears. “Worried? You’re worried… about me?”
He nodded slowly, glad that his coat was covering his slowly turning pink cheeks.
(Name) looked at him before leaning forward to plant a kiss on his cheek. “That’s sweet, Fei. Thank you.”
He could barely control the urge to pin her against the column and take her right there. (Name) was always so sweet, so cute. He felt the tip of his ears turn red, quickly turning away from her.
Phinks noticed this, snickering lightly. “Okay lovebirds, let’s get (Name) back to the hideout.”
Phinks pulled out a Leave card, holding it out to (Name) and instructing her on how to use it. Before she did, she looked to Feitan, here eyes softening.
He stepped toward her, leaning into her touch when she cupped his cheek. He was embarrassingly weak to her touch, unable to keep himself from pulling away. “Yes?”
Her lips hovered over his, before she pulled away with warm cheeks. “I’ll see you l-later?”
And with that she was gone, leaving Feitan red as a tomato, reaching out to the empty spot in front of him.
“She almost…”
“She was about to kiss you. Man, aren’t you lucky?”
Feitan snapped out of his daze her presence had him in, turning on his heels. “Let’s go. Have work to do.”
(Name) fell onto the floor of their hideout, rubbing her ass and cursing. “Shit…”
Shalnark and Machi were in fighting stances in front of her, relaxing when her familiar aura reached them. “Oh, it’s just you.” Machi said, sitting back down.
Shalnark helped (Name) up, brushing off her skirt for her. “You took quite the tumble, huh? Why are you back so early?”
(Name) frowned at that, folding her arms over her chest. “Feitan and Phinks said it was too dangerous and I should go back. Apparently a lot of players have been dying lately.”
Shalnark nodded, tapping a finger against his chin. ‘It must be a real problem if Feitan sent (Name) back. He seemed so eager to her again.’
“Hmm… I see. Well, what are your plans now?”
(Name) sat down, pouting. “I’m not sure… I was hoping to spend more time with Fei, but… I guess I won’t be able to if he’s gonna be busy.”
Shalnark’s eyes softened ever so slightly, the man plopping down next to her. “Hey, no need to pout. I’m sure Fei will call you as soon as he’s able to. He…”
He trailed off, smiling. “He really does care about you, ya know? You’re… kind of his everything.”
This made (Name)’s face heat up. She playfully smacked Shalnark’s arm, giggling. “Oh don’t tease me. I…”
The blonde looked completely serious, putting a hand on her shoulder. “(Name), I don’t say this lightly, but your safety and happiness is Fei’s biggest priority. Your nen is incredibly useful, if he didn’t care about you he would have kept you in greed island despite the danger.”
She couldn’t argue with him, looking down at her lap. “Really..?”
She wasn’t asking because she didn’t believe him, she just needed that confirmation. “Really.”
Machi huffed, pushing herself off of the concrete slap she’d been sitting on. “We should get moving soon, considering those kids knew of our hideout.”
‘She means Gon and Killua.’ (Name) thought, a little sad she wouldn’t get to see them in Greed Island.
“Where did they say to meet them again?” Shalnark asked, pulling out his phone.
Machi listed out a location, making (Name) blink. “Oh, that’s really close to my home!l
Shalnark flicked her forehead. “You shouldn’t blurt things like that out, (Name). We’re criminals, remember?”
The girl poured, rubbing her forehead. “But… but you’re Feitan’s friends. I trust you!”
This caused the two to pause. It wasn’t often that they heard those words from anyone outside of the Troupe.
“It’s stupid to trust people you barely know.” Machi said, giving her a flick to the forehead as well, but it was halfhearted. It felt nice to be treated as a person, not like the cold hearted thieves they were.
But were they really all that cold hearted, when (Name)’s words warmed their chests so?
Shalnark suddenly perked up, grinning. “If where we’re heading is close to your home, we can accompany you there!”
“Shal.” Machi warned, raising an eyebrow. They both knew just how protective Feitan was of (Name), how he hadn’t even planned on most of them meeting her.
Shalnark shook his finger. “Ah, ah, ah! I’m sure Fei would prefer (Name) getting home safe and sound. Traveling alone is dangerous after all, especially after…”
A silence filled the air as Shalnark’s sentence trailed off. “After what?” (Name) asked, tilting her head.
‘After you’ve been associated with us.’ Shalnark thought. They’d been careful to conceal her identity, but a skilled nen user would be able to pick up on faint traces of the phantom troupes aura on her. It put a target on her back, and Feitan’s infrequent visits were probably to protect her.
“Nothing, nothing. The others are in town grabbing supplies right now, and we’ll be leaving after. You said you dropped your suitcase off with a friend, yeah?”
She nodded, and Shalnark smiled. “I’ll take you into town to grab it. And don’t worry, I have my own business to take care of so I won’t snoop.”
“I haven’t even said yes to going with you all.” (Name) said with a laugh.
“Oh? Do you not want us at your home? How cruel!” Shalnark teased, holding an arm over his face. She giggled, removing his arm to look at him.
“I didn’t say that, silly. You’re all welcome.”
He didn’t expect his heart to thump against his chest like it did when she began pulling him away. “Let’s get going then, before my friend mails my suitcase off!”
Leorio handed her suitcase, giving her a hug before she was off again. Shalnark was waiting by a boba shop, holding two cups.
“Here, I got you one.”
She gasped, taking it. “Oh, thank you!”
The two left, but not heading towards the hideout. Instead they showed up at the airport, where the others were waiting. Shizuku, Franklin, and Kortopi.
“Oh, hey (Name).” Franklin said, waving at you with his large hand. She waved back, Shizuku tilting her head at her.
“(Name)? Isn’t that Feitan’s girlfriend?”
Franklin grasped Shizuku’s head. “You’re not supposed to say that part out loud, Shizuku.”
“Oh. Sorry. Hello (Name)!”
Said girl stood there with her face growing hot. “Hello… and hi Kortopi.”
The small… person waved.
Shalnark helped (Name) onto the airship, Franklin carrying her suitcase. “Let’s get seated. It’s going to be a long ride.”
As the day turned into night, (Name) ended up falling asleep on Shalnark’s shoulder. Out of the bunch of them, he was the least intimidating.
“Ooo, if Feitan saw he would be pissed.” Shizuku said, pointing to the two.
“Bleh, what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.”
Shalnark gently ran his hand over her hair. ‘Fei better treat her right. She’s special, truly.’
It took a few days for the group to reach (Name)’s home, and once they were walking down the path to her house, she started getting excited.
“I can’t wait for you all to meet my cats!”
Shizuku nodded, walking alongside her. It seemed the dark haired girl subconsciously stuck near (Name). Maybe it was her soothing presence, maybe it was because she was the only other girl in the group, but she felt pulled towards her. “Pakunoda liked cats.”
A silence fell over the group, (Name)’s smile fading. “Yeah…”
The awkward silence of was broken when Franklin breathed in, his eyebrows furrowing.
“Is that…”
He pushed between (Name) and Shizuku, walking forward. “Smoke.”
(Name) blinked, tilting her head. “Smoke? Why would there be smoke? Maybe one of my neighbors is burning leaves or something…”
Shalnark and Franklin glanced at each other as they continued walking.
As they drew closer to (Name)’s home, the smell of smoke became more intense. At some point, (Name)’s walk became a jog, before she started straight up sprinting.
“No… no it can’t be!”
Her home, or at least what was left of it came into view. Shalnark was running after her, attempting to grab her arm to pull her away but she moved too quick.
“Tammy! Missy!” she screamed out. Her home was in ashes, the surrounding fruit trees burnt to a crisp. (Name)’s eyes filled with tears, stepping over what once used to be the threshold of her home.
Shalnark pulled her back by the waist, causing the girl to kick and scream. “No, let me go! I have to search for my cats! I c-“
“Use Gyo!”
She paused, focusing her aura into her eyes.
She scanned the rubble of her home, seeing no aura. “See? They aren’t here. Even if they were… killed in the fire, there would still be a faint aura lingering for a few days at least.”
She relaxed, taking in a few breaths before turning on her heels. “Their cat sitter… I told her she could take them to her house if she was too busy. She must have them!”
Shalnark nodded, gesturing for her to call her cat sitter. She walked off to speak to the cat sitter as the others inspected her home.
Shizuku shrugged. “It’s possible something caught fire inside. Maybe the cat sitter left the stove on.”
“No, it reeks of gasoline.” Franklin said with a shake of his head.
“Who would do this? (Name) doesn’t have any enemies, she’s-“
Shalnark paused, taking a better look at the scorched doorframe. There was something etched into the wood, his eyes widening in anger.
It was a star, with an eye in the middle.
“That’s… the symbol of the human traffickers that hurt (Name).” Shalnark said, just loud enough for the others to hear him, but quiet enough that it didn’t reach (Name).
Shalnark took a picture of the mark. “I’m glad we came with her. There’s no telling what could of happened had she been alone.”
Shizuku left the others, again wandering towards (Name). The girl gave Shizuku a smile, causing her to tilt her head.
(Name) came walking back with Shizuku in tow, a smile on her face. “She has my cats, so they’re safe.”
“That’s great news, (Name).” Shalnark said, giving her the best smile he could. His mind was racing, trying to sort everything out. ‘Are they back? Why would they burn her home down? It doesn’t make sense… at least we have a confirmation that the organization is indeed still active.’
(Name) sighed, sitting down on the remnants of her porch. “I guess this means that I’m homeless. Again.” she huffed, Shizuku sitting next to her.
“Hey, (Name)?”
She looked to see Shalnark standing before her. He was smiling, but it was strained. “Yes?”
The blonde took a moment to respond, picking his words carefully. “I… think it’s best if you come with us.”
“… I mean I’m not against it, but why?”
Shalnark bit his lip. He didn’t want to bring up the painful memories of her past. He knew full well that her mood would be soured, and she didn’t have Feitan to clingy to for comfort right now. “We’re going to see Fei.”
This was a detail they’d left out. “You’re… what? Why didn’t you tell me before?”
He looked away, rubbing his neck. “We figured he would prefer if you didn’t come, considering how dangerous it was on Greed Island. But…”
The image of the mark on the doorframe flashed in his head. “Things have changed. We aren’t exactly traveling to meet him anyways, we were just getting ready for when he came back through the console. That and get as close as we can to greed island.”
“But… greed island is a game, is it not?”
As Shalnark explained that, the sun started to go down. “Ah, we should get a hotel for the night.”
The next morning, (Name) woke up the the sound of arguing. Her and Shizuku had shared a room for the night, the girl stirring in the other bed.
“It’s too early in the morning for them to be fighting.” Shizuku groaned, covering her head with a pillow. (Name) patted her back.
“I’ll go talk to them. You rest.”
Shizuku peeked from under her pillow as (Name) left the room, feeling fuzzy. She couldn’t deny that it felt nice to have someone worry about such an insignificant thing as her getting to sleep in. ‘She’s nice…’
(Name) knocked on the boys hotel room. “Hey, why are you arguing s-“
The door swung open, revealing a disgruntled Feitan. “Fei!”
She tackled him in a hug, sending them both sprawling to the floor. The man yelped, and the rest of the men stared wide eyed. They’d never heard him make that sound before.
He stared up at her, cupping her cheek as gently as he could. Feitan was conflicted. He was excited to see her again, but when Shalnark informed him of what happened… he felt his blood pressure rise.
“I missed you…” (Name) said softly, leaning into his touch. It was hard for him not to cave and pull her in, to press kisses into her soft cheeks, but he held back.
He didn’t want the others to think he was weak, after all.
“Just saw me few days ago.” he said in a hushed voice, helping her stand up. She pouted, putting her hands on her hips.
“I always miss you, Fei. Even if it’s only been a few days.”
She always knew how to make his heart race with just a few words. The dark haired man didn’t answer her, instead sitting on one of the beds.
“So, we’re going to be visiting greed island, yeah? When do we leave?” (Name) asked, plopping down onto the bed. Feitan shrugged.
“Want to do soon as possible.”
As they spoke about their plans, (Name) leaned her head against Feitan’s shoulder, still tired. It was only 7 am, and they’d gone to bed late due to Shizukus ramblings.
As she dozed off, Feitan allowed her to lie her head in his lap instead. “Always falling asleep.” he said, running his hand over her hair. “Should be more alert.”
She hummed softly. “When I’m around you, I know I can let my guard down for a bit…”
Feitan’s hand trembled ever so slightly as he continued to run his hand over her hair. Once she was asleep, the conversation shifted. “Said you found mark of human trafficking?” Feitan asked, his hand trembling for an entirely different reason now.
Shalnark nodded, leaning against the wall as he pulled up the picture on his phone. “Yep, clear as day. I assume they had some part in burning down her house.”
Feitan cursed, gritting his teeth. “Bastards. What more they want from her? Haven’t taken enough?”
Franklin grunted. “One of the last orders from the Boss was to get as much information on that organization as possible.”
“Yeah.” Feitan said, looking down at (Name). She looked so peaceful in her sleep, despite all the horror she’d been through, despite the fact her house had been burned to a crisp.
“What are we gonna do about the girl?” Kortopi asked, pointing a finger in (Name)’s direction.
“Well we can’t just leave her alone. They’re obviously after her, for some reason or another.” Shalnark pointed out.
“And she’s the only link we have to the organization that was taking Meteor City kids.” Franklin said, looking down at the girl.
“She stay with me.” Feitan answered, placing a hand on her back and rubbing soothingly. “My woman. Need her to be safe.”
Phinks walked in then, carrying a few takeout bags with Shizuku in tow. “Hey, I got breakfast.”
After breakfast, (Name) left to go change into some new clothes. She was happy she overpacked, considering all the clothes she left behind in her home were now gone.
Feitan accompanied her, not wanting to let the girl out of his sight. “Hurry up.” he grumbled, waiting on her bed.
She walked out of the bathroom wearing a pair of jean overalls and a pink turtleneck underneath. There was a cute bunny stitched into the chest pocket, Feitan finding her adorable.
“I thought this would be warm and cute. What do you think, Fei?”
He stared at her for a moment before answering. “Warm definitely.”
She giggled, slipping into her sneakers. “Fei~”
“… yes?”
She leaned forward, giving him a hug. “I wasn’t joking when I said I missed you. The last few days have been tough, and…”
He could her her choking up, and it broke his heart. He shushed her with a squeeze to her thigh, causing the girl to yelp. “I’m here now. Protect you.”
She nodded, nuzzling into his shoulder. “Thank you, Fei…”
He held her close, the thought of her returning home alone and possibly being hurt by the people who caused her so much pain as a child made his blood boil. Feitan couldn’t let her be alone, now that he knew they were after her.
They left the hotel at 8:30 am, and got on a boat to sail towards green island at around 10 am.
By the time they reach it, it was nearly sunset. (Name) was being carried by Feitan after falling asleep again, and their interaction with Razor after breaking into Greed Island sent them back to the nearest shoreline.
“Fuck, that was just a huge waste of time!” Phinks groaned out, kicking the nearest tree. It toppled over, nearly crushing Franklin.
“Hey, quiet. She sleeps.” Feitan hissed out, holding (Name) close. Phinks huffed, marching away to let some steam off.
“Guess we’ll get back in the “legal” way next.” Shalnark said, keeping his voice low.
Feitan didn’t like this idea. Bringing (Name) back into Greed Island posed more risks to her safety, but there was no way he’d leave her alone without someone he trusted to watch over her.
“Have to make quick. Can’t let her be alone too long. Risky.”
(Name) stirred in his arms, the man patting her back to help her ease back into a more restful sleep.
The group returned to the game, seeing Chrollo’s name had been registered there. Unfortunately it wasn’t Chrollo’s but Hisoka.
The good news was, there was an exorcist that could remove Kurapika’s nen blade in Chrollo’s heart.
As plans were carried and deals were made, (Name) was kept distracted by Shizuku, who had plenty to talk about, even if most of her rambles were idle chat that didn’t mean much. (Name) listened intently though, occasionally butting in to share her opinion.
This seemed to make Shizuku quite happy. Not many people listened to her rants, and she finally had an outlet.
The two turned to see Feitan returning, looking tired. (Name) jumped up from her seat on a stump, walking over.
“We leaving.”
He handed her and Shizuku a leave card each.
(Name) sat on the old sofa of an abandoned house, occasionally sneezing. It was dusty and cold, but not that awful. At least there was a roof over her head.
The group made the abandoned house their temporary hideout as they discussed certain matters.
“It’ll take the exorcist at least a few months to find and help Chrollo. It’s best we go our separate ways and rest until we get word from them.”
(Name) frowned at this. The past few days she’s been so busy moving place to place that she hadn’t even had the time to grieve the loss of her home, or form any plans on what she’d do about it.
‘I could return to my parents house, but it’s already crowded there, and it will just worry mom and dad…’ she thought, sighing into the apple juice box Feitan had stolen for her.
“What’s wrong?” Shalnark asked, noticing (Name)’s sad sighs. “You’ve been sighing for the better part of two hours.”
“What doesn’t she have to be sad about? Her house burnt down.” Shizuku pointed out, causing (Name) to sigh again.
“Do you have somewhere to stay?”
(Name) looked up to see Phinks standing over her. She had always found him to be a bit intimidating, but now his voice was soft and caring.
“No… I mean yes, but… I could stay with my parents but they have a lot to deal with already and I don’t want to worry them.”
Feitan held onto her hand. “… could stay with me.”
(Name) looked up, her cheeks warm. “W-what?”
“Yeah!” Shalnark agreed enthusiastically. “Fei, Phinks, and I are all roommates! There’s a spare bedroom we use for…”
He wanted to say the room they used to keep Feitan’s victims in before being taken down to the basement, but he was quick to clear his throat. “We use for storage. You can stay there while you get your affairs in order!”
She began to tear up, causing all three of the usually cold hearted men to tense up. “Thats so sweet of you to say… I really don’t want to be a burden…”
“No. Not burden.”
Feitan held onto her hand tightly, not caring that the others were looking at him. “Important.”
Nobunaga leaned against the wall, nodding. “Not only did Uvo and Paku adore you, but the boss said treat you as our own, and we don’t leave our comrades out on the street.”
Feitan swiped away her tears with his calloused fingers. “You take care of me, I take care of you.”
This was what sent (Name) over the edge. She began openly sobbing, leaning her head against Feitan’s chest. “Th-thank you Fei! I love you…”
He wrapped his arms around his, feeling his face turn red. “… we leave in morning. Make sure you packed up.”
They reached Feitan’s shared home a few days later. (Name) was exhausted from the constant travel, and just wanted to collapse into the guest bedrooms bed.
However, when she tried to open the door, she was blocked by Shalnark. “Woah, uh, you can’t go in there yet. We still have to… clear things out.”
She raised an eyebrow, but was too tired to question it. Instead, she plopped down onto the couch to nap, before she fell asleep, she noticed how filthy the home was.
There were fruit flies everywhere, dirty dishes in the sink, dirty clothes strewn across the floor. ‘I have my work cut out for me…’ (Name) thought as she drifted off to sleep, pulling the throw blanket over herself.
She woke up a few hours later, feeling refreshed yet exhausted at the same time. The house reeked like rotting food, sweat, and dirty laundry.
“Okay boys.”
She stood before the three, who she’d called into the living room. “We got your room cleared out!” Shalnark said cheerily.
“Good boy. Anyways-“
Shalnark’s jaw dropped as she continued talking, having to cross his legs to hide his boner.
“This house is a wreck. I say this with love, truly, BUT HOW DO YOU LIVE LIKE THIS?? I saw a dirty sock in the fridge!!”
“It’s not dirty, I like to keep my socks cold.” Phinks said, shrugging.
“Okay if you want to keep your socks in the fridge at least put it in a ziplock bag. Our food is in there.”
“We don’t have ziplock bags.”
“And that ties into my next point. There’s like nothing here! If you told me this house was abandoned I would believe you. There’s no rags, no oven mitts, no silverware.”
Feitan shrugged. “None can cook. Eat out.”
She groaned. “Fei, sweetheart, that’s not sustainable.”
“Still alive.” He countered.
(Name) rubbed her temple. “Okay, I see that talking this out is useless. I’m going to town and getting the essentials, then I’ll be cleaning this house so living here will be tolerable.”
‘She ain’t even been here a day and she’s already acting like she owns the place.’ Phinks thought, amused.
She begin to pull out her wallet, but Feitan snatched it out of her hand. “Hey!”
“What you doing??”
She huffed, reaching for her wallet. “I was seeing what my budget would be for shopping.”
He raised an eyebrow. “We give you money for that. Don’t spend your own.”
Feitan placed her wallet in his pocket. “Stolen money, don’t worry.”
She pursed her lips. ‘That doesn’t help anything.’ she thought, pulling her backpack on.
“I’m going into town. I’ll be back in an hour.”
Feitan was about to offer to accompany her, but Shalnark pulled him back. “Hey, we need to talk over some things.”
He glanced at (Name), who was walking out the door before signing. “Wear mask on face. Keeps you from being recognized.” he called out after her.
They waited for her to fade close the before her before speaking.
“When she was sleeping at the hotel, I found a tracking device on her.”
Feitan’s casual grip on the wall next to him turned into a tight grip, small cracks forming in it. “What?”
Shalnark nodded. “It was pretty advanced tech, it took me nearly 30 minutes to remove it. I ended up driving a good ways away from the hotel and leaving it in a trash can in the next town. Hopefully that will get whoever has been tracking her off her trail.”
Feitan could barely hear him, he was panicking. ‘Who would want to track her!?’
Phinks put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, man, it’s going to be alright. He removed the tracker, so no one will know she’s here.”
Feitan nodded slowly, moving to sit on the couch.
(Name) grunted, struggling to carry the groceries and essential items she bought for the house. It was as much as she could get in one trip, she’d have to go with the others the next day for more.
“I’m home!”
Shalnark was quick to run to the door and help her with the bags she was carrying in. “Woah, you sure got a lot.”
She nodded, gesturing for him to walk towards the kitchen. Shalnark followed behind her, putting things up as she took things out. “I saw there were no cleaning supplies besides a broom, mop, and bleach, so I went ahead and got all the essentials!”
She began unloading cleaning supplies, pulling on a pair of gloves. “Shalnark, please vacate the area. I need to get into the zone.”
He stifled a laugh at how serious she looked, just giving her a nod before leaving the kitchen. Once he was out of earshot, (Name) turned on her phone and started playing pop music as she got to work.
Shalnark glanced back at the kitchen before walking down the basement stairs, the sounds of muscle tearing and blood dripping barely fazing him. “Hey, Fei?”
The dark haired man looked up from his victim, eyes narrowed. “What? Busy.”
“Please… help…”
Shalnark ignored the poor bastard on the table. His rib cage was exposed, Feitan occasionally snapping a rib then chuckling.
“I just wanted to tell you (Name) is home, so try to be more quiet.”
Fei perked up at that, dropping his pliers onto the man’s chest before pulling off his blue rubber gloves. “She home? When she get back?”
“Just a few minutes ago, and she’s on a cleaning spree.”
Feitan snorted, walking over to the deep stainless steel sink to wash his hands and upper arms. “Would do that.”
He followed Shalnark upstairs, stopping when they reached the kitchen door. The sound of some love song was playing behind it, with (Name) singing along.
They looked at each other before entering.
“Holy shit.”
In the fifteen minutes Shalnark had been gone, she’s nearly transformed the place from a pigsty to a functional kitchen.
There was something cooking on the stove, steam rising from a large pot they hadn’t had before. It smelled amazing, causing Shalnark to sigh contentedly.
She placed the last dish they had, which was not many, onto a towel she was using to let them dry. (Name) looked up, giving them a smile. “Hey, boys, I was just finishing up with the kitchen. I’m making some stew for dinner, it should be ready in an hour or so.”
Shalnark fell at her feet, wrapping his arms around her legs and nuzzling against her thighs. “You’re an angel, sent from above!”
Feitan was quick to scoot Shalnark out of the way with his food, growling lowly as he pulled (Name) into his arms. He didn’t like others touching what was his, especially not someone like Shalnark who was good with women.
“Aww, Fei, what’s wrong?”
(Name) cupped his cheek, giving him a concerned look. “He’s just jealous.” Shalnark blurred out before running away from Feitan.
She shook her head at the two, getting back to work.
By the time dinner was ready, she finished throwing away all of the old food and picking up the laundry strewn across the living room. The house was far from clean, but it certainly looked better.
“This is delicious!” Shalnark explained, wolfing down the stew (Name) prepared. She blushed, waving her hand dismissively.
“It’s just a simple stew, nothing special.”
“Still, it’s quite tasty.” Phinks said, taking another bite.
Feitan ate silently, but he too was enjoying his meal. It reminded him of the days he spent living with (Name), and his heart fluttered when he remembered that those days would be able to continue, considering she lived with them now.
“Tomorrow I’m going grocery shopping again. It was hard to carry it all back alone so could one of you come with me?”
Although Feitan wanted to volunteer, his hands were tied. Phinks raised his hand. “I’ll go. I’m not busy tomorrow.”
With that, the group finished dinner and went their separate ways for bed.
(Name) entered what would be her room for the first time, sighing softly. The room was plain, with a queen size bed, ratty gray comforter, and a desk next to it. She huffed when she plopped down onto the bed.
“It’ll keep me warm tonight at least, but I’ll have to add a comforter to the list for tomorrow.”
A knock at the door made her jump. “Come in?”
Feitan opened the door, peeking in. “(Name).”
The dark haired man approached her, sitting on the bed. “Doing alright?”
(Name) sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. “I guess. It’s all a lot to handle. The last week has been exhausting.”
Feitan nodded slowly, his finger rubbing circles into the back of her hand. “Understandable. Lost home.”
She turned to him suddenly, smiling. “I’m just glad I have you, Fei. Without you, I would have…”
She stopped, her eyes half lidded as she looked at him. They were so close, noses nearly touching. Feitan swallowed, feeling his heart begin to race.
He took a moment to answer, his eyes on her lips. “Yes?”
She leaned forward, inching ever closer. “Would it… would it be okay if I kissed you right now?”
She didn’t receive an audible answer, instead, Feitan’s hand shot out and pulled her in by the front of her shirt, crashing his lips into hers.
His arms wrapped around her, pulling her as close as possible as he kissed her. She relaxed into the kiss, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair, mewling into his mouth when his tongue began to dance with hers.
He pulled away, panting as he stared at her. “Wanted… wanted to do that for long time.”
Her face was hot, the girl nodding slowly. “Me too…”
Although Feitan wanted to pin her down and take her now, he knew she was exhausted. So the man stood, planting a kiss on the top of her head. “Goodnight (Name).”
She pulled him down for another kiss, causing the dark haired man to melt. When she pulled away, he was staring at her with the softest eyes she’d ever seen him make. “Goodnight, Fei.”
Feitan sunk onto his bed, stroking his cock to the feeling of her lips on his that still lingered. He wanted nothing more than to have her pussy sinking onto his cock, to hear her little moans and whimpers, but…
He came, staring up at the ceiling.
Feitan wouldn’t be able to wait for her much longer.
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Ao3 Tags: Modern AU, Aged Up Characters, Marriage Proposal, Childhood Friends
Word count: 1,794
“Killua?” Gon rubs soothing circles in the space between Killua’s shoulder blades as he continues to wheeze. “Are you alright?” “I—I’m f-fine. I’m just…” Watery, blue eyes turn to Gon. “What did you just say?” “I asked if you were alright.” “Be—” cough, “—Before that.” “Oh. I said ‘Killua, let’s get married’.” Killua stares at him. Gon stares back. He stares at pale skin blushing pink, at white eyelashes that flutter with every blink, at soft lips faintly stained with too-sweet chocolate— “Gon,” Killua rasps, forcing Gon to focus back to the matter at hand. “We started dating a month ago.”
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apollodarling-writes · 11 months
I've being wondering about this for a while. I didn't think it, but turns out silva and kikyo do actually love each other. So killua probably grew up seeing those expressions of "love" and thinking that's normal for a relationship. How do you think that would affect his relationship with reader? And if it isn't too much, how do you think his overall experience with his family effects it? Because I highly doubt after everything he's gone through that his relationship with the reader would be perfectly normal. What're your thoughts?
before i delve into killua’s experiences, i wanna go into the psychology of a developing brain. especially during the most critical stages — from birth to five years old. according to vygotsky’s theory of child development, a child’s environment and external factors play a huge role in how a child develops as a person. he proposed that as a child, your brain is continuously learning and soaking up information. for example, right from wrong, how to treat other people, whats socially acceptable, etc etc. essentially, vygotsky believes that this stage of development is critical for how your brain functions as an adult, and that external influences play the biggest role.
now that we have that mini psychology lesson out of the way, let’s hop into how i think killua’s environment and seeing how his family treated each other affected him.
i dont know much about kiyoko and silva’s marriage so i can’t really speak on that, but based on the fact that they love each other and their kids, i can assume and speak on a few things.
firstly, killua grew up in an assassin family. he was trained from a very, very young age — most likely from when he could walk — and was required to develop an immunity to all poisons and be able to complete missions quickly and efficiently. from that, i can gather that he was trained very harshly and most likely learned to associate love with pain of some sort. i have no doubt that developing an immunity to all poisons was painful and extremely distressing for a child. this would likely shut down some pathways and cognitive processing that a child in a normal household would have.
i would also like to take illumi and kiyoko’s influence in killua’s life into consideration. illumi was extremely overprotective and manipulative, and even placed a needle in killua to control him. kiyoko was overbearing with her love for killua and, to my knowledge, always had an eye on him in some form.
now that we’ve taken developmental psychology into account, his family’s influence and behavior, and his assassin training, i can now go into how it affects him in his love life.
it has definitely affected him in some form, but also he now has gon to show him whats healthy. killua very clearly has expressed his distaste for his family, but i think that this is so deeply rooted in his brain that it would affect him for the rest of his life. and even if he did realize that it was wrong, i don’t think he would want to stop — self-indulgence at its finest. i think he rationalizes it as “my family did it this way so why would it be that bad” and “different people have different tatses”.
as for how it affects his relationship with the reader, he would be completely out of reach. both on a physical scale and a psychological scale. as an assassin, hes immune to all poisons and the reader has no chance of physically overpowering him — the only option would be to run but even then you wouldn’t be able to forever. you also have no hopes of “fixing” him. theres a very clear distinction, depending on how the reader was raised and their own tastes for love, between his views on love and theirs. at that point, you would have to live with his overbearing, self indulgent, over protective, and manipulative behavior. you’d honestly be trapped. just hope stockholm syndrome kicks in fast.
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
🏹~ i have finally returned! however, i have lost quite a few followers unfortunately, lmao, which makes me unhappy because you all know i have been away due to health issues, and i did wind up in the hospital again:// however, many of you have stuck around and wished me well, and to those people, i really appreciate you and love you so much. <33
without further ado, here are some hxh headcanons to start us back up! enjoy <3
fluffy mostly except for Hisoka’s and maybe some parts of the other adult trio men, fem!reader
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 <𝟑𝟑
ft. kurapika, leorio, hisoka, illumi, chrollo
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♡❀˖⁺. ༶ 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐤𝐚 ⋆˙⊹❀♡
『kurapika would take you to a beautiful restaurant where you first went out on a date and rent the whole place out just so you two could have the place to yourselves. he would wear his very best suit and jewelry and buy you any formal outfit you wanted so you could wear it for tonight. at the restaurant, he’d have the booth where you both sat all decked out in roses (he recruited killua and gon to help decorate, which at least gon was thrilled to do). he’ll order your favorite dish and let you order any dessert you want, while you’re sitting there wondering why he’s being so romantic. kurapika will go on and on about how stunning you look and reminisce about your first date with his face aglow, then getting distracted talking about how he felt when he first met you and talking about all of your good and bad memories together, detailing how much of a dark place he was in before meeting you. and how imagine him just reaching over and putting a rose in your hair all tender and shit, and brushing your hair from your face as he does. then he’ll get up from the booth sort of abruptly, probably, making you wonder where he’s going- at least until he kneels down in front of you, his eyes locked on yours. when Kurapika opens his mouth to speak, his voice is slightly quivery, but his words are absolute.
“my love… will you marry me?”
he’s visibly nervous, but kurapika doesn’t waver. and when you say yes with the biggest smile on your face, it’s like all the tension just evaporates from his body. he kind of pauses, like caught off guard that you said yes, and then he’ll just take you into his arms, dropping the ring on the floor as he does. Kurapika finally feels like he’s getting a new start and another family, and he absolutely could not be happier.』ღ
-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ 𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐨 ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
✧*̥˚ does it fully on the spur of the moment. unlike kurapika, who meticulously planned every detail and got his ring specially engraved, leorio is not at all prepared for a proper proposal (whoa tongue twister). you two are probably just on a regular old date while he’s just completely lost thinking about how stunning you are, how perfect for him you are, and how much he just adores being around you, how you accept his flaws , and how you don’t judge him based on past decisions. leorio’s completely lost track of time while you’re just awkwardly sitting there wondering why he’s looking at you like that with shiny doe eyes and next thing he knows he’s on one knee, stumbling through his words, but you understand.
“look, i know this is kind of on a whim and i don’t have a ring or anything- i swear i’ll get one- but you make me really happy and you’d make me even happier if you’d marry me.”
you’re absolutely stunned into silence, gaping and heart pounding- but leorio isn’t having it. “look, will you say yes already, damn it?!”
you burst into laughter and manage a yes through your giggles as leorio realizes that was probably a completely inappropriate outburst given that he was trying to propose to you. to tell the truth, though, you really don’t mind. <33 *̥˚✧
┌──❀* 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐤𝐚 ❀*̥˚─┐
**✿❀ hisoka? proposing? yeah fucking right. but because i haven’t posted in a while and i owe it to you guys, i will let y’all be delusional for the time being and act like this is at all realistic./j
let me tell you that hisoka does not marry because he wants someone to love or because he genuinely loves you. he marries for possession. you two are probably not doing anything special, maybe just walking down the street or something when, let’s say you encounter an old friend who you haven’t seen in a while. obviously you’re happy to see them, so you ask hisoka to wait and you two just chat and are clearly having a good time catching up when hisoka abruptly cuts you off, telling your friend rather coldly that you both need to go. so you’re forced to say a rushed goodbye. later that night, you ask hisoka about what happened, and he tells you darkly that you were being overly “friendly” earlier ❀✿**
ᥫ᭡ the “proposal” will hardly be a question. hisoka also doesn’t bother with any sentiment. he simply realizes that he doesn’t want anyone else to touch you or be with you, sort of like that one time he got angry with illumi for saying that he would kill gon at the hunter exam, but not in a fighting way, in an actual possessive “love” type way. he tells you that you’ll simply have no choice but to marry him because it’s the only way he can keep you to himself. hisoka won’t care much whether you like it or not.
“mmm… now we can’t just have people coming up to you left and right, now, can we? you’ll just have to marry me, i suppose- it’ll be a surefire way to keep you all to myself, sweetheart.”
─•~❉᯽❉~•─ 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐢 ─•~❉᯽❉~•─
♡̩̥̩♡̩̩̥͙♡̩͙ˊˎ﹤ illumi would be content to do the whole fancy date night thing and the get down on one knee bit purely because it’s tradition. he doesn’t really know how else to do it, and he refuses to consult his mother because she would never get off his case about it.
however, poor illumi who isn’t great with intimacy or social cues, just straight up asks you where you’d want to be if he were to propose to you. it just makes his intentions obvious, but you play along.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ at least illumi had the sense to surprise you with the ring instead of physically taking you to the jewelry store and having you pick out your own ring and ruining the surprise. it will absolutely, definitely be the most extravagant, expensive ring you’ve ever seen in your life.
💚⛪️illumi isn’t a romantic, so when the night is almost over, he’ll promptly get down and propose to you. there’s no long speech about all the things he loves about you or how you’d make him the happiest man in the world. it’s just simply,
“will you marry me?”
to be honest, it wouldn’t matter if you said yes or no, you’re marrying him regardless. illumi doesn’t really take no for an answer. 🪦📺
☆.。.:* 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨 ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
🕰💚📺🍀⛪️ chrollo may be the ruthless leader of the most feared group of murderous thieves in the world- but when it comes to romance, he just melts. with all the literature he reads, he can’t help but be a hopeless romantic- he believes in fairy tales, love at first sight, everything. so when he finally decides he wants to marry you, he doesn’t take it lightly- he plans literal months in advance.
chrollo will book a vacation spot for you two far away, where you two will be all alone in a cottage in a beautiful field filled with trees and other foliage. flowers are a classic but romantic way to show someone you love them, so this will be where he’ll propose. he’ll surprise you with the plane tickets one night, maybe just before bed, so you’ll have something to look forward to in the morning.
the day chrollo proposes will be the same date as the day you first met. that morning, you’ll wake up alone in your vacation cottage, wondering where chrollo went and why he didn’t inform you that he was going out. at first, you think maybe his duties as a spider called for him, but then you remember that he was the one who booked this vacation, and it would be highly unlikely he’d leave you for something like that. so now you’re even more perplexed- and it only adds to your confusion when you find a red dress on the nightstand beside the bed with a scribbled note telling you to wear it. it’s a new dress, one you’ve never seen before, so you assume chrollo must have gotten it for you.
after getting dressed, you step out the door, wondering if maybe you can find chrollo wandering in the field so where- it wasn’t uncommon for you to discover him alone in the mornings with a thoughtful expression on his face, staring into nothing. but you don’t see chrollo. instead, you almost step on a dark red rose- and as you move out of its way, you nearly step on a second one. confused, you finally look up and see a long trail of roses stretching all throughout the field from the door of the cottage. it’s a very irregular trail, the flowers zigzagging all over the place and only staying in straight lines for a little while. clearly, they were arranged there, waiting for you to follow them. so follow you did- the same trail of vibrant red roses throughout the whole field. while following the roses, you notice a growing number of pure white flowers surrounding the roses- petunias, daisies, lilies, and even white roses- creating such an obvious contrast you know for sure now chrollo has something planned. however, you can’t deny that the sight is absolutely stunning.
after much walking, you finally reach the end of the trail, at which sits a very tall, thick tree, white flowers flowing from its branches. at the foot of the tree is chrollo, standing there with his face aglow and in a white suit. behind him, clinging to the tree’s trunk is a ladder, nailed to the bark. when you ask what’s going on, chrollo simply asks you to follow him up the ladder. despite your apprehension about the stability of the ladder, you join him in climbing up, jokingly telling him that the dress he for you isn’t quite suited for tree-climbing. he tells you to just wait.
you two finally reach the top, and in the thick branches there is a gathering of vines- thick enough to hold you both. chrollo helps you into the bundle of plants; it’s almost like a bowl; and with a beaming smile he asks you to look out over the field you just crossed. wondering what in the world he is up to, you oblige- and finally see that the trail of roses you followed across the field spells out “will you marry me?”
when you turn back around in complete shock to stare at chrollo, he’s on one knee with a hopeful, genuine smile on his face, and he simply asks you the same question the roses spell out for you. needless to say, it’s a yes from you. 🍃🍂🌳🕸🪦
(i definitely went overboard with chrollo’s😭😭)
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 9 months
A/n: the kids adore their grandfather, Ash, in every way. The family adores him, despite the challenges he faces everyday. But they will not tolerate people trying to disrupt his quiet life.
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It was a slow night, most residents of the mansion were either out for work or asleep. The butlers were finishing their task.
Nighttime was always a beautiful time to walk on the premises, breathing in that crispy air, enjoying the few moments his body allowed this. He closed his eyes, feeling the gentle breeze passing through his locks.
He felt a presence, he knew who that was. He simply smiled, not turning back. He watched the moon,full and white, shining an almost ethereal light on the woods below.
He felt alive.
He continued his walk, appreciating these moments even more. He had everything he needed: a loving family, a loving husband and a good house. He couldn't complain, well he could but he chose to cherish the time he had.
It wouldn't do him any good to fall back onto the past. Brutal as it was.
But, he did it for his family, and he would do it again in a heartbeat.
The corridors were almost deserted. He found relief in the stillness of the night. Sitting down in their massive king size bed, he got ready, putting on his night mask. The medications working to keep his pains at bay.
Well, until he saw a familiar face back in the mansion. He knew his husband had a meeting with a client, but he didn't expect that particular person to appear.
Fear seized control of his body. He couldn't stop, he couldn't breathe. Especially now that he had been seen. That smirk, that harrowing smile that had haunted him for years to come after that dreadful encounter.
Running away was extremely hard, after all the tortures he'd been through. His body was so exhausted, in pain and frail. But he ran and ran and ran. He made it far and far away. But he was so far away from home. Gosh, Zeno and the kids must have been worried sick.
They were, they had been searching above and beyond. But nothing.
He managed to find a phone booth, but it was just a fleeting moment before he was back on the run. He couldn't continue no more. He was so tired.
He was so close to the gate. But he knew he couldn't open them. Non in his condition. He fell to his knees, breath so worryingly erratic and shallow. He was losing consciousness. A face, black hair. Ill...
Killua was passing by, when he noticed his Pop standing still, shaking. Until he noticed it: the client his grandfather was supposed to meet. "Pop, breathe. We're here for you" said Killua, keeping his trembling hand in his. The client was slowly inching closer and closer, but Killua's murderous glare was enough to keep them at bay.
"I'm just here for business. But I thought I could catch up with your grandfather over there. It has been quite some time since we last saw each other. The circumstances were a bit... different " they said. But they looked maliciously amused by the situation.
Ash was even paler than his usual complexion. Killua, catching sight of his older brother, motioned for him to come closer. "Well, my grandfather is a little busy at the moment, why don't you talk about business with my brother Illumi" said Killua, not needing to tell hid big brother any word.
Killua swiftly took his Pop far away, but the shaking never ceased. Gosh, he must have been exhausted now. His eyes were vacantly staring at nothing. Taking matters into his hands, he called a butler, telling him to fetch his grandpa Zeno urgently.
"We'll take care of it, Pop, don't worry. Breathe deep with me. You're safe here" he said, while doing some breathing exercises with his Pop. Gradually, Ash calmed down, but he was so drained and achy.
Zeno came rushing. Concerned etched into his face. Killua, while keeping a steady hand on his Pop, explained the situation. Zeno listened intently, cataloguing each information. Well, he was about to discuss a business proposal, but scums didn't deserve his time. Not if they were the one who almost took away his pride and joy.
"I'll let Silva and Illumi know to take care of this" he said, voice tinted with an edge of bloodlust.
Killua, seemingly satisfied with the conversation, hugged his Pop before going out.
Grabbing his ringed hand, he kneeled down, drawing small circles with his thumb. "It's okay, you're safe here" he said, before gently guiding him to their bedroom.
What Ash needed was a quiet place, away from anyone. They sat silently on the bed, Ash burrowed under a heavy quilt. His stare still vacant. But he stopped shaking, while gradually lying down.
Zeno took the cue to start reading a book out loud, filling the silence with his low steady voice.
He was glad he had chosen this part of the mansion, far away from the lower levels.
The screams wouldn't be heard. And his husband could sleep soundly and safely, knowing that nothing would come close to him.
A bit of blood never hurt anyone.
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mariposahxh · 1 year
KilluGon Propaganda Directory
(all my killugon proof links)
1. Togashi made a killugon reference in the Succession War Arc
2. Killua gave Gon the Rainbow Diamond (proposal card)
3. Togashi used the main romantic pair from his romcom as inspo for Gon and Killua (Ten De Shōwaru Cupid)
4. Killua has a gay moment in the city of love
5. Hisoka says that Gon is Killua’s “most beloved”
6. Togashi possibly used a gay character from Patalliro! (one of his fav gay boy love mangas) as inspiration for Killua
7. Romantic pairs that parallel/inspire/relate to killugon
8. Gon and Killua use romantic dialect with each other (I love you)
9. They added a girl into the plot of the hxh movie then made Gon and Killua GAYER (Phantom Rouge)
10. The anime suspiciously left out the scene of Killua giving Gon the Rainbow Diamond proposal card
11. Out of context killugon manga panels (hxh shojo elements)
12. Mariya Ise (Killua’s 2011 anime VA) says that Killua is romantically in love with Gon
13. Palm dyed her hair silver in the manga for her and Gon’s date to look like Killua ( /hj /hsrs )
14. Gon and Killua influenced a lesbian relationship in Bloom Into You
15. CAA parallels mini web
16. Palm and Killua acting like typical shojo romantic rivals over Gon
17. Killugon CAA parallels with Palm/Knov, Meurem/Komugi, importance, and love
18. Redditor spits fire under the “is killua gay?” discussion
19. Togashi possibly used Itsuki/Sensui from YYH as an inspo for Gon/Killua
20. The commissioned 1999 anime song lyrics are very gay (so gay that the English translators tried hiding it!)
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aloralika · 2 months
Main four X Shinobu reader
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Hi ! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)It's my first to publish on Tumblr so I'm quite nervous (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠) I take critical but please be nice,hope that you will like my writing! English is not my first language so I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes. (⁠・ั⁠ω⁠・ั⁠)
Gon (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ
★When he first met you he was intrigued by your unusual appearance but he quickly warmed up to you.
★The first time you show him your katana and how it's work he was quick to ask you a LOT of questions about it.
★When you finally told him about the demons slayer corps and that you're a Hashira his eyes would shine from admiration and you HAVE to explain to him the fonctionnement of the demon slayer corps.
★If you talk about your old sister Kanae and the fact that you're hiding your true personality,he would try to comfort you the best he can and tell you that you don't need to hide your true personality from him.Now that he knows that,he expect from you to be completely honest.
★Overall he would be your'r 1#fan,even if sometimes he's a little scared of you..He would be even more happy if you proposed him to meet the other butterfly sisters.
Killua (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)
‡He would suspect from the start that your personality is fake. Even if he's not going to pay much attention to it at first.
‡But when he sees your fighting style and the way you poison your enemy,he will want to know more about you.
‡At the beginning of your relationship he was very shy and every time you were giving him your iconic smile he couldn't help but blush and turn his head away.
‡He wants you to be honest with him, he would tell you to drop the act and tell the true.
‡He would listen to you carefully when you talk about your older sister and the demon slayer corps.Sometimes he will ask you to accompany you while you ��work” and he would look at all your movements.
‡If you want him to meet the other butterfly sisters he would do it,even if he would probably not talk a lot at first.
Kurapika (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
★ One thing he loves about you is the ease with which you can handle a delicate situation.
★ Your calm and thoughtful nature is what attracted him to you.But the more you start hanging out the more he sees that something is wrong.
★When he confronts you later about that and you explain that you took your sister's personality after she died he tried to comfort you the best he can.
★He now the sensation of losing a loved one and he would try to cheer you up.But he would also tell you that you're not your sister and that he doesn't want you to act like someone you aren't. For him the communication is primordial and he wants you to be honest.
★He would try his best to be liked by the butterfly sister,he tries to talk to each of them.
Leorio ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
‡The first time he saw you,he was IN LOVE with you.The way you talk,the way you speak and the way you move gracefully.
‡You two often talk about medicine and frequently share your medical knowledge with you.
‡From time to time you show him the new poisons that you have contacted and you explain to him its effects.
‡When you talk about your past he would slowly rub you back and tell you soothing words.
‡He would be super serious about meeting your sisters and he would do his best to impress them.
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byah-freecs · 2 months
Kalluto would get along with Gon because he is similar to him. They never really talked, it's a shame.
I say they are similar because I was rewatching episode 97 of hxh, in which the troupe goes to defend the meteor city from the chimera ants, and Kalluto seemed to be dedicating himself to getting stronger and recovering his brother (Killua, probably). He says things like “I’m still very weak”, “I’m still inferior to all of them”, and “I need to do everything I can to get my brother back”. (I watched it in portuguese so maybe it's a little different in english, you might not remember these words because I made a literal translation).
Anyway, you see? Gon also felt weak many times along his path and worked hard to become stronger and find Ging.
Despite being an assassin, Kalluto seems to have that feeling of camaraderie that Gon shows he values several times in the series, he proposes helping Feitan defeat Zazan ("shouldn't we help him?"), he even got a little indignant when the troupe's response was "if Feitan loses, the next one will go".
They are both trying hard to reach someone and that's why I think they would understand each other.
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p1nk-matter · 5 months
...debunking PT did it
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So let me preface this by saying this was 100% inspired by a tiktok comment in a hxh phantom troupe's religious symbolism video back in 2021 (:/). The person who commented made such an impact I screenshotted their comments which unfortunately are not in correct order and messaged them this year (i just know they think im weird) but they never responded. I'd give their @ but its their government name (I take it) so msg me for deets. All credit goes to them as I'm just polishing and tidying these thoughts.
First op talks about Meteor City, a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. People who live there do not exist on any official records and are treated horribly from the outside, people are taken from Meteor City for crimes, prostitution, slavery and no one's doing a thing to stop it. People go outside and face racism, like the one guy accused of a crime he didnt commit and when the truth is shown no one does anything (think op meant The Bum Incident, vol 11, Chapter 102). These people get no justice, they're just used and this is where the duality of Chrollo comes in, he is a demon to the outside world because he is challenging the gods but also a Jesus figure for the underprivileged Meteor City. Even his reverse St Peters Cross on his jacket means that he feels unworthy to be crucified in the same manner as Jesus. Thats his way of saying he doesnt see himself as worthy of savior. His priority is the Troupe so they can together be seen to the outside world, they are literally a troupe of phantoms, trying to be recognized. This is why when he asks Neon if she believes in ghosts and she says no, she is the oppressor that doesn't understand the one hurt.
If you read the story with this idea in mind you start to observe that the Troupe only attacks people hazardous for the City (mafia, ants) or when they want revenge for one of them killed so its weird they are presented in a positive almost heroic light. Only exception that sticks out to the story? Kurta massacre.
The og commenter wondered why it was that the Troupe was always presented in a positive light. We've known the Phantom Troupe does acts of good alongside the bad but we also haven't seen anything entirely "evil" commited by any of them yet. Most of the legends surrounding them are hearsay. And though they could have easily killed Gon and Killua, they don't, twice. Also, Uvogin when taken by mafia/Kurapika says if freed, they wouldn't hurt them as they are not the target.
Op comments on how narrative should be filtered as its being commented via Gon- a non objective source, they claim that the 1st arc feels like a kid show whereas chimera arc feels dark, thats not to say it is actually like that but as Gon's perspective changes so does the narration. At first when innocent people die, he doesnt really care but in chimera we need a narrator to explain as Gon is too biased at that point. Regarding the massacre we only have Kurapika's word but what we are being told/shown about the Troupe is different. The characters talk about the Kurta massacre, how horrible and brutal it was but the narrative is keen and favors the Troupe, it paints them in a favorable light and why should the narrative do that, they don't become better people like the Ants after all.
From the moment they appear on screen, the narrative wants us to see them as underprivileged, both in York New and in the ship, even when they're fighting in Meteor City, they're fighting for injustice or when somebody hurts them. Then why justify their actions everytime they appear on screen if they massacred the Kurta Clan? If they are responsible for this why make them the underprivileged representation? Both Kurta and Troupe says the op are ostracized by the outside and seen less from people.
Say they did it. 3 ideas were proposed as to why.
1. for the eyes (Chrollo likes the eyes, like Hisoka said but Hisoka is a liar and also Chrollo has never shown interest in the show for them. For someone who steals things he likes, why make an exception and murder here?)
2. for money (that's not correct, we are told multiple times they don't care about it, neither money nor fame, they want to be recognized by the world but how would that work by killing a clan that's been hidden for 100 years, they dont get anything out of it.)
3. for revenge: Revenge for what? Kurta are a peaceful clan that hide for years. We know the Troupe left a note that is the motto of Meteor City (I'm adding here what op referred to: "we reject no one so take nothing from us"). Op says note means they serve justice to their city, when someone takes things away from them so what did Kurta take? From the thematic and narrative point they are not set up to have done it, op thinks thats 100% intentional.
Like said above, BOTH have the thematic of oppression from the outside world, they are a commodity for the rich and powerful (gods) but why is Phantom Troupe put in the light of both, the oppressor and the oppressed? Why would an oppressed group oppress another one for NO good reason? The Troupe doesn't kill innocent people if not necessary, they do NOT care about money or fame and the revenge aspect doesnt work because the Kurta were isolated from the outside.
If we look back at the York New Arc they never state the massacre, they simply suggest it and of course from a Kurapika POV they are guilty but if you look again you have to ask..are they really?
this took ages for me to coherently formulate and ik it goes back and forth but bless op's heart because it changed my perspective completely (more than any yt analysis found online) !
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i-heart-hxh · 7 months
Is there really a married couple dynamic between Killua and Gon? If so, any examples of similarities to other couples in the anime?
The director of the 2011 anime thinks so!
I agree with what he said, although of course there's a limited degree to which this comparison applies because we are talking about two young boys (who aren't even in an actual romantic relationship yet), after all. :p The ways they resemble a married couple in my opinion include, but are certainly not limited to:
Extreme trust between and reliance on one another
Being synchronized in their actions and thoughts in many cases (as if they've been together a long time)
They have a good understanding of each other and insight into how the other thinks
They bicker over silly things, but quickly go back to getting along after disputes
They essentially lived together in the around two years they were together. They were with each other almost constantly during that time, and there's a degree of domesticity and closeness/comfort to their relationship as a result
They talk to each other almost non-stop, to a point where we see them chattering away in the background frequently
They work together towards common goals by default and generally only compete for fun
To quote Hiroshi Koujina (from the post linked above), "Gon is the free-spirited husband, and Killua is the wife who silently supports him" <- I think this is a good summary of their dynamic within this context, LOL
It's hard to compare them to many couples in the series because honestly, HxH doesn't have many actual romantic couples to begin with. Togashi tends to kill one half or more of the romantic couples he sets up, often before they get to have a good life together. Think Squala and Eliza, Pokkle and Ponzu...
However, Meruem and Komugi are parallels to Gon and Killua, and that's essentially undeniable with how many layers of parallel/similarity exist between the two pairs. That's a topic for a whole other post (I could go on and on, and it's hard to summarize), but the way Meruem and Komugi's relationship develops is also telling of Gon and Killua's dynamic because the two are intended to exist in comparison with each other and reflect each other.
One of Komugi's final lines to Meruem was essentially an old-fashioned way to accept a marriage proposal ("I may not be much, but please, let me accompany you"), and Meruem and Komugi complete a lovers suicide (like Killua was considering doing with Gon). Obviously these character pairs are separate, and it's not as though I think Gon and Killua will suffer the same fate, but I do think it's very meaningful (especially in conjunction with the loads of other subtext present in the series) that Togashi chose another pair with obvious romantic subtext to mirror Gon and Killua, and that that relationship ended with "marriage" in an abstract sense.
Even Komugi's phrase I mentioned above has similarities with Gon and Killua, with Killua's, "Gon. You are light. Sometimes you shine so brightly, I must look away. But even so, is it still okay if I stay at your side?" It's essentially saying the same thing as Komugi's phrase.
I'd argue there's also some degree of parallels with Ging and Kite, Knuckle and Shoot, Kacho and Fugetsu, Kurapika and Pairo, and most likely others, though of course those aren't romantic in nature. I do think the fact that there are so many points of comparison is interesting, though, it reinforces the themes of the series that Gon and Killua exemplify.
Also, just a silly little sidenote, but Nagareboshi Kirari from the 2011 anime does have wedding bells in it. Take that as you will!
I hope that's helpful!
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trashsketch · 5 months
ATTENTION! Please leave your ideal marriage proposal for killugon ✋
tbh anon i’ve always envisioned Gon proposing to Killua on whale island, on a quiet moment at night after a nice date together ;w;
it wouldn’t be a conventional proposal for sure (i dont envision engagement rings, but i envision a strong promise), but gon would bring up how he and killua said to travel the world together years ago, and how they had separate goals before (gon looking for his dad, killua finding what he wants to do while accompanying gon), but now gon would muster all his courage to ask killua if he would like to go on endless adventures together with him ;w;
it’d all have to depend on killua’s goals in the moment! at the very least gon would ask if he could follow killua this time, as killua pursues what he wants to do :)
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