#Kim Chang-Wan
korelist · 2 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,9 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: One Spring Night (English title) / Spring Night (literal title)
Hangul: 봄밤
Director: An Pan-Seok
Writer: Kim Eun
Date: 2019
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Han Ji-Min, Jung Hae-In, Kim Joon-Han, Joo Min-Kyung, Kim Jung-Young, Seo Jung-Yeon, Kim Chang-Wan
2019 MBC Drama Awards - December 30, 2019
Best Actor (Jung Hae-In)
Best Actress (Han Ji-Min)
Bu dizi ile ilgili çok fazla sosyal medyada linç varmış. Diziyi izlemeyi bırakanlar, böyle şey izlemem diyenler, izleyip yerenler… uçsuz bucaksız bir mevzuymuş meğerse. Şimdi dizimiz kütüphanede çalışan sessiz sakin kendi halinde yaşan ve uzun bir ilişkisi olan hanım kızımız Lee Jeong-In(Han Ji-Min)’in bir gün alışveriş yaptığı eczanede, eczacı çocuk Yu Ji-Ho(Jung Hae-In)’dan etkilenmesi ile başlıyor. Aslında Yu Ji-Ho kızımızdan daha çok etkileniyor. İki tarafta ilk başta bunu kabul etmese de ilk kendinden emin olan kişi Yu Ji-Ho oluyor. Ama kızımızın sevgilisi olmasından dolayı bir adım atmıyor. Adım atmamasının ikinci nedeni ise bekar bir baba olması. Lee Jeong-In ise dediğim gibi uzun bir ilişki içerisinde. Erkek arkadaşı Kwon Gi-Seok(Kim Joon-Han) ile aralarındaki ilişki monotonluk ile sıkıcılık arasında gidip geliyor. Her ne kadar böyle yorucu bir ilişki içinde olsa da kızımızda eczacıda uzak durmaya çalışıyor. Önünde sonunda içinde bulunduğu durumu analiz edip, erkek arkadaşından ayrılıp duygularını kabulleniyor.
Şimdi tam bu noktada herkesler ayaklanmış işte. Vay efendim bu aldatmakmış. Böyle bir ahlaksızlığı izleyemezlermiş. Allah aşkına neler izlediniz de bir şey olmadı buna mı tepki veriyorsunuz. “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo” diyorum. 8.prens karısının üstüne bunu da ikinciye alayım yanıma diye kıza hallendi de hallendi. Kızda kuzeninin kocasına iş atıp durdu. O okeydi bu mu ahlaksızlık. “Don't Dare to Dream” dizisinde kız hangi adamı seçeceğine karar veremediği için hadi aynı evde üçümüz yaşayalım dediğinde waov ne kadar çağdaş diye düşündünüz de bura da kadının duyguları değişip başka birinden hoşlandı diye mideniz mi aldırmıyor. Vallahi anlam veremedim. Yine ben bu ortam dedikodularını bir diziyi yazmaya karar verince öğrendiğim için pırıl pırıl bir kafayla izledim. Açıkçası da oldukça beğendim.
Öncelikle bu durumun aldatma olduğuna katılmıyorum. Eğer çok ısrar ediliyorsa da kabul edilebilir olduğunu savunurum. Uzun süreli ilişkilerde bir noktadan sonra tarafların ikisi de kendisini o alışkanlığın pençesine bırakabiliyor. Böyle olunca da içinde bulunduğu dururumu görmesi çok daha zor oluyor. Bunu fark etmesi için tetikleyici bir şey yaşaması gerekiyor. O alışkanlığın aslında onu mutsuz eden şey olduğunu kabul etmek çok kolay bir durum değil. Ayrıca da dizide anlatılan ilişkide Kwon Gi-Seok daha öncesinde ayrılmak istemiş ama o kadar alışılmış bir durum varmış ki ayrılamamışlar. Kızımız farkındalığını kucağına alıp ayrılmak isteyince ise, kıymete biniyor. Gurur meselesi haline geliyor. Ondan sonra vay efendim aldatmalı dizi pis kaka.
Bu kadar doğal bir süreci bu kadar abartmaları bana biraz manasız geldiği için bir miktar yükseldim. Buradaki konuya gelene kadar “Marriage contract” dizisinde böbrek için evlenmeye çalışılıyordu. Romance is a bonus book, Do do sol sol la la sol ve Something in the rain gibi dizilerde kendinden çok küçük erkeklere aşık kadınlar vardı. Forecasting love & weather dizisinde ise mevzu eş değiştirme tesadüfüne kadar gidiyordu. Bütün bu dizilerin çılgın bir hayran kitlesi var. Tepkiyse bunlara da tepki olmalıydı. Saydığım diziler ile ilgili yorumlarımı zaten yazmıştım, tekrar etmeyeceğim. Something in the rain dizisi ile bu dizi arasında çok fazla benzerlik bulduğumu eklemeliyim. İkisinin de başrolünün aynı erkek olması bir etken tabi ama iki kadın oyuncunun da aynı enerjiyi vermesi ikisinin de çok başarılı kadınlar olması da bir diğer etken. Sanırım bu diziyi daha çok sevdim ama ikisi de güzeldi.
Bana kalırsa dizi tam olarak sonbahar tadındaydı. Something in the rain’den farklı olarak karakterler yaşıttılar. Büyük kadın krizi yoktu. Her ne kadar oyuncu olarak aralarındaki yaş farklı diğer dizideki gibi olsa da karakterler yaşıt denildi, bize bir şey söylemek düşmez. Han Ji-Min bence şahane bir oyuncu. Çok kötü dayanamadığım dizisini de izledim, orada bile şahaneydi. Olumsuz söylenecek hiçbir şey yok. Jung Hae-In ise arkadaşlarımla aramızda “güzel seven çocuk” olarak biliniyor. Çok güzel seviyor. Rolüne öyle güzel giriyor, partnerine öyle güzel bakıyor ki… insan izlerken onun sevdiğini sevesi geliyor. Aman hiç üzülmesin istiyor. Bu dizide de bir sahnede kızımız ona sevdiğini söylediğinde ağlamaya başlaması şahane bir detaydı. Bütün o sevgiye ne kadar aç olduğunu daha önce ne kadar özlemini çekmiş olduğunu bütün çıplaklığı ile izleyiciye geçirdi.
Son olarak eski sevgili krizine de parmak basıp kapatıyorum. Bir insan bu kadar açık ve net bir şekilde reddedilmesine rağmen nasıl bu kadar yüzsüz olabilir aklım almadı. Hele ikisinin de babaları… Biz ayrıldık dedikçe düğün planı yaptılar. Tam cinnet geçirmelikdi. Ben diziyi beğendim. Farklı duygularla, karakterleri anlayarak, sakince izledim. Tavsiye ederim.
Rachael Yamagata - No Direction
Raven Melus
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musicmags · 6 months
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everyfilmisaw · 1 year
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닥터 (Doctor) by Kim Sung-hong, 2013
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biggayenergypod · 3 months
Idolfactory sure loves scentuality
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drunkonluv · 2 years
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I've always liked to play with fire
-  Sam Tinnesz
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kpoptimeout · 10 months
K-Pop Debuts and Comebacks for the 4th Week of November (Nov 20 - Nov 26 2023)
Nov 20
Performance-oriented boy band THE BOYZ is back again with powerful vocals and choreography!
J.Y. Park X Kim Wan Sun - Changed Man
JYP founder and top soloist J.Y. Park is back in a collab with 80s K-Pop legend Kim Wan Sun in this retro bop!
Ryeowook - It's okay
Super Junior's main vocal Ryeowook serenades the audience in this delicate track.
Nov 21
VIXX - Amnesia
King of concepts VIXX return with 3 members in this mesmerising performance!
Nov 22
BOM - I ft. DAWN
2NE1's main vocal Park Bom returns with another heartwrenching pop-ballad!
Dreamcatcher - OOTD
Concept queens Dreamcatcher revisits their cyberpunk side in this comeback!
Talented Top Media boy band makes their first comeback in over a year in this strong performance!
Nov 23
Bang Yedam - Only One
TREASURE's former main vocal Bang Yedam debuts solo in this sweet track!
FANTASY BOYS - Get it on
FANTASY BOYS survival program winners return with a catchy and bright song!
Nov 24
No releases.
Nov 25
No releases.
Nov 26
CSR - HBD To You
CSR celebrates the birth of its fan club in this sweet bubble-gum pop song!
What is your favourite song of the week?
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
sometimes i think about this trend in adventure time's later seasons that were like "your dad is flawed and you won't get a proper father figure out of him now, but it's not your job to change him and that's ok"
real shit, but what was that about...
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namjhyun · 1 year
MOVIE REVIEW | Dream (2023)
In this film about broken dreams and second chances, a professional football player finds himself in a difficult position due to a mix of bad decisions and bad luck. He also has no real support system in his mother (who is on the run for scamming people) and his agency wants him to quit the sport to become a celebrity.
Is in this moment of his life that to rehabilitate his image he is forced to become the coach of a football team conformed by homeless men that will compete on a charity tournament.
Reluctantly, he learns the reasons why these men found themselves living in the streets. Addiction, bad decisions, abandonment, grief, among other motives. What they all have in common is that through this tournament they are looking to become a better version of themselves.
To record every moment of their journey, a documentary director (deep in student debt and stress) needs to find the right angle to have this film be a success for her and them.
It’s through teamwork and sharing their problems, that this team of odd men out find -perhaps for the first time in their lives- a real support system and even a family.
Dream is a solid comedy with really touching moments that brought some tears to my eyes. The film tries to shed some light on current social issues in South Korea through the housing problem these men are going through.
Park Seo Joon gives a good performance going from disheartened to finding a new dream and people to fight for. His chemistry with IU is hilarious to watch as they play entirely platonic teammates throwing jabs at each other, even long after they start to get along.
IU’s character as the documentary director who is forced to believe in herself into success is both fun and oh, so real.
The heart of the film, however, is Heo Joon Seok, whose character never lost hope and fought from beginning to end so the team could achieve their dream. The rest of the actors bring some emotions though the respective stories that makes the comedy more grounded.
Overall, I enjoyed this film.
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8,6 Benim puanım: 10
Drama: It’s Okay to Not Be Okay / Psycho But It's Okay
Hangul: 사이코지만 괜찮아
Director: Park Shin-Woo
Writer: Jo Yong
Episodes: 16
Date: 2020
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast : Kim Soo-Hyun , Seo Ye-Ji, Oh Jung-Se , Park Gyu-Young, Kim Ju-Hun, Jang Young-Nam, Kim Mi-Kyung, Kim Chang-Wan, Kang Ki-Doong
 2021 (57th) BaekSang Arts Awards - May 13, 2021
Best Supporting Actor (Oh Jung-Se)
Art Award
 Uzun zamandır listemde olmasına rağmen sığ ve bunalım bir aşk hikayesini anlattığını düşündüğüm için izlemeye elim gitmiyordu. Oylanma oranı ve puanı yüksek olduğu için listemden çıkartmaya da kıyamıyordum. Diğer yandan başroldeki Kim Soo Hyun 'un Kore sinemasında bu kadar ünlü bir oyuncu olmasına da pek anlam veremiyordum. Sonuç olarak bir şekilde diziye başladım.
İtiraf etmeliyim ki kelimenin tam anlamı ile büyülendim. 1. bölümün sonunda, neden olduğunu bilmediğim şekilde dizinin hikayesine kolumu, bacağımı, kendimi kaptırmış gibi hissettim.  Sanki bir masal dünyasına izinsiz adım atmış gibiydim. Karakterlerin her biri Tim Burton'a el sallayarak sahneye çıkıyorlardı. Her birinde coşkulu ve ölçülü bir aura vardı. Asla nedenini anlayamadığım bir heyecanla izlemeye devam ettim.
Dizide üç yalnız insanın yollarının kesişmesi masal gibi anlatılıyor. Ko Mun Yeong (Seo Yea Ji); İnsanlardan bağımsız yaşayan, gotik havası ile herkesin çekindiği bir çocuk kitabı yazarı. Moon Kang Tae (Kim Soo Hyun), 10 yıl içerisinde 15 hastane değiştirmiş psikiyatri kliniğinde hasta bakıcı. Moon Sang Tae (Oh Jung Se), Kang tae'nin zihinsel engelli abisi. Bu üçünün bir arada olduğu sahnelerin birçoğu tablo gibiydi. Çekimler ve hikâye anlatımı ise o kadar lezzetliydi ki, diziyi izlerken doyduğumu hissettim.
Her bölüm klasik olarak bildiğimiz peri masalları ile başlayıp, farklı yorumlanması ile tamamlandı. Bir masal dünyasının kapısından içeri adımımı attım ve kendimi Charlie'nin çikolata fabrikasına ilk kez adım atan bir çocuk gibi hissettim. Masalların ve hikayelerin dizinin içinde yorumlanışları, karakterlerin hikayelerden çıkarımları ve izleyiciye yansıtma şekilleri muazzamdı. İlk başta dizinin sığ ve bunalım olduğunu düşündüğüm için kendime çok kızdım. Bütün romantik detaylar bile o kadar incelikle işlenmiş ki, klasik Kore dizilerinden fersah fersah sıyrılıyor.
Sadece ana karakterler değil dizideki bütün karakterler için hikayeler incelikle yazılmış. Her karakterin kendi travması ile yüzleşmesi ve üzerinden gelme çabasını çok başarılı anlatıyor. Hiçbir oyuncu ve karakter diziye fazla ya da abartı değildi. Oyuncuların içtenliği ve profesyonelliği su götürmezdi. Oyuncuların yanı sıra, yönetmenden senariste bütün ekip çok başarılıydı. Dizinin çekimleri, kullanılan mekanlar, kıyafet seçimleri, diyaloglar gerçekten beni büyüledi.
Dizinin konusu için bir iyileşme yolculuğu diyebiliriz. Karakterlerin birbirlerinin yaralarını sarmasını, kendi travmalarını fark etmelerini izleyiciye çok doğal aktarmışlar. Özellikle Moon Sang Tae karakterini canlandıran Oh Jung Se, inanılmaz bir performans sergiledi. Kesinlikle önünde eğiliyorum. Ko Mun Yeong karakterinin insan hislerini hiç öğrenmemiş bir çocuk olması ve her yeni duyguda teyit etmek istemesi çok tatlı bir detaydı. Onunla; birini sevmenin ne demek olduğunu öğrenmesini gözlerim dolarak izledim.
Hikaye boyunca karakter gelişimlerini parmakla gösterebilirim. Hiçbir tutarsızlık yoktu. İlk saniyede izleyiciye verdikleri dark hava ve grotesk atmosfer son bölüme kadar havasını hiç bozmadı. Sezon boyunca dizi yalnızlıktan beslenerek ve doyarak noktayı koydu. Benim en çok hoşuma giden şeylerden biri de Moon Mang Tae ismini verdikleri bez bebek oldu. Yükledikleri anlam gerçekten güzeldi.
Eleştirmem gerekiyor ise, beni rahatsız eden yalnızca iki nokta oldu. Birincisi, Ko Mun Yeong karakterinin bütün sezon boyunca makyajının bozulmamış olmasıydı. Yağmurda, çamurda, uyurken, ağlarken hep porselen bebek gibiydi. En azından 1-2 kere de olsa keşke makyajsız görseydik. İkincisi ise, Ko Mun Yeong'un annesinin hikayesi. Ölmediğini ve hikayeye bir yerinden dahil olacağını bekliyorduk ama gösterdikleri o ölüm sahnesinden nasıl kurtulduğunu hiç anlatmadı. O durumdan kurtulabilmesi çok mantıklı değildi.
Yine de sonuç olarak, izlediğim şeyden o kadar memnun kaldım ve beni o kadar tatmin etti ki, mantıksız bulduğum bu iki noktanın da üzerinde hiç durmadım. Dizi bittiği için resmen içim burkuldu. Ama söylemeden de geçemeyeceğim, izlediğim onca Kore dizisi arasında gerçekten tatmin edici sona sahip tek dizi olabilir. Başından sonuna kadar hikayesinin arkasında durup gereksiz detaylar ile izleyiciyi hiç boğmadı.
İmza etkinliğinde Ko Moon-Young'un korumacı tavrı, abinin karavan almak isteme sebebi, birbirlerini hatırladıklarını itiraf ettikleri sahne, Ko Moon-Young'un kabus görüp ağlaması, Moon Mang Tae için kavga ettikleri sahne, Ko Moon-Young'un doğum gününde dizilerin kadrolu annesi Kang Soon-Duk'tan yosun çorbası istemesi, Ko Moon-Young'un Moon Sang Tae'den onunda abisi olmasını istemesi diziden sonra uzunca bir süre aklımdan çıkmayacak sahneler arasında olacak. Abi her ne kadar otizmli olsa da kardeşinin ve  Ko Moon-Young’un ona gerçekten bir abiye ihtiyaç duyarak yaklaşmaları çok derin düşünülmüş detaylardı. Engelli olmasından dolayı onu eylemiyor, gerçekten içlerindeki abi ihtiyacını onunla dolduruyorlardı.
Ayrıca dizi içinde geçen masallar ve hikayeler hem konuyu hem karakterleri çok güzel tamamlıyordu. Bence en güzeli Yalancı Çoban hikayesini anlatma sahnesiydi. Bütün herkesin sımsıkı sarıldığı yalnızlıklarını nokta atışı özetliyordu.
Sonuç olarak; oyuncuların birbirine çok yakıştığı, hikayesi doldu dolu, anlatmak istediğini izleyiciye geçiren bir dizi olmuş. Bu kadar övgüyü ve puanı kesinlikle sonuna kadar hakkediyor.
Janet Suhh - In Silence
Janet Suhh - Lighting up your world
Raven Melus
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Whisper. / Gwitsotmal 7
Story: 6
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: Stranger (kdrama); Punch (kdrama); Cruel City (kdrama)
Going into this you’re going to have to sort of switch your moral brain off, especially if you’re watching for the romance. Everyone is a total asshat, especially the main male lead. The chemistry between both main leads are beyond excellent, just morally questionable. I mean the only sort of decent moral compass character is the female lead, even though she does some black mailing herself, to the male lead. To me the the male lead, Lee Sang Yoon’s character, was a total scumbag. Especially throughout the first half. Essentially the whole drama is about who can betray who the most. I can’t count how many times each character double crossed each one another. Was it entertaining, yeah. I quite enjoyed it. I did however fast forward through some scenes.
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Lee Mu-Jin said, "Surgery No, everyone is Misunderstood.
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passionforfiction · 9 months
Dream | Official Trailer | Netflix
A soccer player that falls out of grace becomes the coach of a group of homeless men training for the Homeless World Cup that will be held in England. Is the over used plot of the underdog, we know what to expect and it doesn’t disappoint.
I liked the film even when it touches in a very superficial way how people see the homeless. Each men has a story of love and struggle and I like to see that the tournament helped them finds out and kept them together as a support system.
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absolutebl · 9 months
47 BLs Announced for 2024
Here are the BLs I have logged on the Spreadsheet of Doom (TM) as announced for 2024 (with supporting evidence, so not just options or acquisitions) as of the beginning of the year. Bold are the ones I'm most intrigued by .
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
From YTV releasing 1/11 about Soga, who, after a divorce and relocation to Osaka, seeks solace in dining at 26-year-old Sakae's restaurant. Unbeknownst to Soga, Sakae sees him as more than just a regular customer.
Ossan's Love Season 2
Five years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan, so probubly not. More here.
Perfect Propose
Fuji TV (the Pornographer series) adapting Mayo Tsurakame’s manga, production team includes Tadaaki Horai (My Love Mix-Up!) and Takeshi Miyamoto (scriptwriter for “Old Fashion Cupcake”). Hiro’s so stressed at work he barely has time to eat so he passes out on the sidewalk. An unfamiliar face saves him and insists that they once promised to marry each other.
Love For Love's Sake
Based on the Manhwa Love Supremacy Zone by Hwacha, this will star actors Lee Tae Vin, Cha Jun Wan, Oh Min Su and Cha Woon Ki. The plot of the drama is based on Tae Myung Ha, a young man who is dropped into a game based off of a novel that he knows. His mission is to make another player, Cha Yeo Woon happy. Cha Yeo Woon is Myung-Has favourite character in the novel. But then the game starts going completely different from the novel.
Love in the Big City
Movie adaptation of Booker nominated famous coming of age novel ‘Love in The Big City’ by Park Sang-Young. A cynical yet fun loving student writer name Young pinballs from home, to class, to Tinder matches. He and Jaehee, his female best friend and roommate, frequent nearby bars where they push away their worries about life, love, and money with soju and Marlboros. But as time passes Jaehee settles down and leaves Young to face his problems on his own, finding comfort in the arms of the series of men, including one whose handsomeness is matched by his coldness and another who might be the great love of his life. Not really BL. To star Kim Go-eun (The King: Eternal Monarch), Noh Sang-hyun (aka Steve Sanghyun as Young) and Nam Yoon Su (The King’s Affection). More here.
Anti Reset AKA Anti-Reset AKA Antireset
From Vidol to air on 2/2/2024 about a human and robot find love.
1000 Years Old
From Feel Good Bangkok this is one of many gay vampire BLs coming in 2024. Stars Shane (My Engineer) and fresh face Opal, directed by Champ (2gether). More here.
A Secretly Love
Khonprot, a third-year head hazer of the engineering faculty, has a secret crush on Pluem, a tsundere fourth-year head hazer. Over the years, he's seen Pluem cycle through many girlfriends. Recently, after a public breakup, however, Khonprot thinks things may be different.
Addicted Heroin (Thai version)
From the producers of Love Stage!!
Bad Guy My Boss
Assistant to a player boss who is in love with his boss decides to quit to save himself. The boos then makes a move. (A gay "What's up with Secretary Kim"?)
Born to be Y
announced 9/23
City of Stars AKA Fueangnakorn
Star Hunter started filming this 12/23 about an actor falls in love with a programmer and the narrative intends to “explore the ramifications of being public figure in the social network era who must endure critics, bullying, and defamation.” Looks like another Lovely Writer, Call It What You Want sort of thing.
Four Ever You Project AKA Fourever You Project
Sampler pack BL series from Wabi Sabi stars Bas (Gen Y), Earth (UWMA, 12%). Four stories, four couples, all adapted under the Fourever You Project.
I Saw You in My Dream
DeeHupHouse for WeTV based on the novel of the same name by Afterday. The story portrays Aya, a young man who has prophetic dreams. Everything he dreams always comes true. He doesn’t have a problem with it until he starts to dream of dating the guy next door. But the guy next door is in a serious relationship with a girl he’s known since high school.
Iridescent Love
Got nothing.
Harikarn Solution (the Chains of Heart people - boo) stars Gun (Khom in Unforgotten Night) opposite fresh face but cast includes familiar faces from other pulps. Ordinary office worker kinda recluse dork but who at night however, has an only fans account. Then he meets the guy next door.
Jack & Joker (YinWar)
DeHup brings us be gay, do crimes. Yin, War, Mark and a few other familiar faces doing Leverage but gayer. Yes, thank you, I will have that.
GMMTV Ohm Pawat is back but there is some question over whether this is BL or not.
Knock-Knock Boys
Kongthup for WeTV airing 4/2024 Four college friends who conspire to help their friend lose his virginity. stars Seng Wichai, Best Vittswin, Nokia Chinnawat and Jaonine Jiraphat.
Lost On The River
Another Sammon story
Love Sea (FortPeat)
MAME warning, stars same couple as LITA2, but new characters to the Mameverse. While travelling a writer has a one night stand with a very irritating man.
Love Sick AKA Lovesick remake
Remake of the original. No thank you.
Love Upon a Time (NetJames)
Domundi announced for 6/7/2023 then delayed to 2024. NetJames in a historical BL! Also feat Tonnam(Dr Sing from Triage).
Lovely Addict
9NAA brings us a hotel set, high heat, features same pair as Venus In Sky.
Lover Merman
Fantasy BL about a man who falls in love with a merman.
Me and Who
Domundi for WeTV brings this adaptation of Wickedwish’s novel of the same name. it depicts a young man who dies and is reborn into the body of a billionaire heir. The heir happens to be engaged to a handsome man.
Monster Next Door
WeTV Adapted from the novel Godzilla Next Door by Jiwinil. It portrays an introvert who lives mostly in his room, until an extrovert moves in next door. He is loud, frantic and annoying. Do opposites really attract? Will they find a way to get along?
My Golden Blood
GMMTV. Okay, I do find Joss very watchable but this looks very bad and also very like Kissable Lips. But at least land is finally giving us the trashy gay vampires we richly deserve?
My Love Mix-Up Thai Remake (GemniForth)
GMMTV. Hum, well I do love this pair and I did like the original and maybe this time these characters will actually kiss? I'm actually fine with this pick-up. I kind of enjoy seeing different countries remake the same IP. Especially if it's IP I'm mostly unfazed by.
My Stand-In AKA My Stand In
Chinese IP ALERT! Adapted from the novel Professional Body Double (职业替身) by Shui Qiang Cheng (水千丞) stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please).
OMG Vampire AKA OMG! Vampire (LeeFrank)
Frank and Lee Long Shi are back only vampires now. So many vampires.
Only Boo!
New main pair in an idol romance about a boy who dances good and a food stand vendor. Other side of the tracks, grumpy/sunshine pair who fall deeply in love but, of course, to become an idol baby boy can't date. Boyband but from GMMTV? Control your singing and I'm game.
Ossan‘s Love Thai Remake (EarthMix
Ugh, why?!?!
Red Peafowl
More Thai mafia stuffs.
Spare Me Your Mercy
Increased rates of deaths in terminal patients has a police captain investigating the palliative care doctor with whom he's fallen in love. Their relationship deepens but the mystery persists, driven by mistrust. Adapted from the novel Euthanasia by Sammon (Triage, Manner of Death) stars some old guard BL actors: Tor Thanapob from Hormones as the doctor and (fuck me YES) Jaylerr from Great Men Academy and goddamn Grean Fictions as the captain!
Spirit Reborn AKA Kemjira Will Survive
Star Hunter (of all studios) adapting supposedly the scariest BL. Khem is born cursed. A daughter would be safe but a son dies at 20 so Khem’s mother cleverly gives him a girl’s name, Khemjira “forever safe.” But Knem is baout to turn 20 and he doesn't think it's working so he seeks the help of a cursebreaker, turns out to be his great love from a prvious life.
Star Scope
Wabi Sabi trailer here. Looks sad, one of them is terminally ill, abandons his bf in high school them meet again in uni.
The Boy Next World (BossNoeul)
Same couple as LITA, this is the backstory of Cirrus & Phugun from TharnType 2 played by different actors.
The Hell Guards AKA Hey Don't Mess With My Heart
Boy wakes up from a coma and becomes a messenger between grim reapers and the underworld. Oh will it be... bureaucratic? I think it WILL.
The Hidden Moon
Casting happened 9/23. This is a supernatural romance (my ghost boyfriend trope) ‘เดือนพราง’ by Violet Rain. A Bangkok writer is hired to write an article about an old mansion in Chiang Mai which is being converted into a café. He gets into an accident and nearly dies on his way there. After that, he sees the ghosts of people who died at the mansion, one boy catches his attention. Stars Benjamin Brasier (2 Moons 2) and Folk Touch Inthirat from Brothers. Trailer here.
The Next Prince (ZeeNew)
Domundi brings us more ZeeNew in a fantasy/historical set in a palace where Zee plays a knight and Nu a prince - FUCK YES PLEASE. I did not expect this pair to stick so I really hope this happens. Trailer here.
The Rebound (MeenPing)
VIU Basketball based romance staring Meen (a national basketball player, so yay for that).
The Trainee (OffGun)
GMMTV Office set, may not be BL. Trailer here.
Time the series
MFlow Entertainment for Gaga, WeTV, Channel 3 trailer here. Airs 1/9 After witnessing the death of his beloved Chris from a gunshot wound, the heartbroken actor Foam is given a pocket watch that allows him to go back in time and discover the truth… Can Foam take the chance to set things right and bring Chris back from the brink of death? Only time will tell…
To Be Continued
High school sweethearts who had a bad break up reunite when both of them have full times jobs but coming out is still a problem. Trailer here.
Vampire Project (BounPrem)
Wabi Sabi's My Broccoli only now... vampires.
Wandee Godday
GMMTV and AllThis Entertainment producing a very pulp offering for GMMTV with new pair GreatInn doing high heat Boxer meets surgeon. It features a one night stand, fake relationship, and all the cheesiest of tropes. Also features Drake, Podd, and Thor+ pretty boy (be still my heart). This is totally my kind of BL even if it actually isn't GMMTV's style of BL, so I'm intrigued. Trailer here.
We Are (PondPhuwin)
GMMTV's university friendship Bl featuring PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawin - basically ALL in the good kind of messy friendship group (so more My Engineer and less Only Friends). Looks a bit like the Kiss series but everyone is gay. I'm IN! Trailer here.
A reminder we had c. 136 BLs release in 2023 but c. 55 that did not get made.
That seems about right.
Of those announced we seem to get about 2/3 actually released for the year we are told they'll release in.
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citrinekay · 8 months
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Ji Chang Wook as Yoon Gyeo Re
Episode 1, If You Wish Upon Me (당신이 소원을 말하면) 2022, dir. Kim Yong Wan
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miss0atae · 2 months
Dreams and love connection in recent Thai QL Series :
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I've recently started watching I Saw You In My Dream and the premise of the story is about a young man called Ai who acquire the power of prophetic dreams. With these dreams he can see what will happen the next day. This new power is going to change the dynamic of his relationship with his neighbor, Yu. There is indeed a recurring character in his dreams and that's Yu. These dreams will create a change in how Ai is viewing his relationship with Yu.
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I Saw You In My Dream isn’t the only recent Thai QL series I’ve watched with dreams as a literary/cinematographic device. The GL series, My Marvellous Dream is You has also use it, too. Wan has always been able to see her best friend now lover, Kim, in her dreams. I felt like the Dream Land, as I called it, has always been a representation of Wan’s mental health and a tool for her to navigate her relationship with Kim.
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Also, If you're watching Century of Love, you may have noticed how San always get wet dreams of Vee . It is used to reveal how he is unconsciously having feelings for Vee, despite rejecting him in real life because he doesn't look like the woman he fell in love a 100-year ago. Are the dreams only something coming from his subconscious or is it a dream send by the goddess to guide him… it's up to the viewer to make their own choice.
There are probably other recent Thai QL series using dreams as a literary/cinematographic device. However, I decided to focus only on these three for several reasons: I'm currently watching them, they are the ones that inspired this post and they fit one specific criteria. I want to develop the idea of dreams as a “magical” tool. It's useful to know I'm usually drawn to fantasy setting in stories. I especially like when the fantasy aspect produces a form of hesitation between the supernatural and the natural, the possible and the impossible, and sometimes between the logical and the illogical (not my words, I quoted Tzvetan Todorov). I believe the uses of dreams in the Thai QL series I mentioned, fall into this category.
Why is it fascinating when a work of fiction uses dreams? I think it's because they are a part of every-day life for most of us. Dreams have always been a source of inspiration or reflection. Traditionally they have been considered as a way of freeing oneself of time or space, to be able to talk to supernatural creatures or ancestors, a tool to heal or to access knowledge. There is also a more rational and scientific view of dreams. However, there is still this wish to know the meaning of the dream or why they exist and to what purposes. That's why it is always interesting to add dreams in work of fiction. They serve different purposes and can add so much more in a stories.
The way they are represented in work of fiction depends on the characters who get to have dreams and how it affects them. Here I'm going to solely focus on Ai, Wan and San.
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Ai has prophetic dreams that focus on his neighbor Yu. Usually prophetic dreams provide foreshadowing. In this situation they are also going to influence Ai's reaction around his neighbor. Ai and Yu doesn't have the best relationship. Ai is often teased by Yu and he doesn't like it that much. The synopsis of the series also describe them as “star-crossed haters since childhood”. I found that it was a bit too much because I didn't feel like Ai really hated Yu. He hated his actions maybe, but Yu was an every-day part of his life. He was often at his home and they did so many things together. Anyway, it's only been two episodes, but Ai made several dreams of Yu. They are usually about an incident that would happen to Yu: he gets injured by using a knife, he gets hit by a car or he is hurt by a knife blow. Ai won't believe that these dreams will be real until Yu get injured by the knife almost like in his dreams. Then, he will try to prevent the terrible incidents that could happen to Yu. His dreams force him to care about Yu and to spend a lot of time with him when he previously avoided him. However, his dreams are not only about bad events his neighbor may have, he also gets a dream where he is kissed by him. In his dreams he gets to experience to feel like he is on cloud nine. It's a scenario he never imagined and it influences his reaction around Yu. The synopsis made us feel like all the care he will provide to Yu will make Ai see him differently. Also, as he is also experiencing love in his dreams he may feel the drive to feel it in reality too. Dreams here are a driven force and essential part of the story.
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Wan is more a dreamy sort of person than Ai. When he rejected at first the possibility of his dreams to be true, she just rolls with them. She accepted that they are a part of her that she can use to get connected to Kim. In her dream she has her own land where she can escape reality and be free from the decorum of society in real life, but also she can be herself. I always felt like Wan has some sort of internalized homophobia and that's why she never tried to express her strong feelings to Kim. I imagine it was because of her personal life story as her dad abandoned her mom and her to be with a man. Her mother reacted really badly and she may have feared about coming out. It was only in her dreams that Wan could do all the things she wanted with Kim. That's why she was so casual about them. When she was talking to her friend about how she always used them, you could see how she accepted the power of her dreams and never really questioned why her or why she was having them. You have to know that, she seems to have a certain control of her dreams as her actions on her Dream Land have a repercussion in real life. However, in her series Wan isn't really using her dreams that much. They always felt disconnected from the story of the series which I always found quite disappointing because they were the reasons why I was so hyped by the series at first. It was used quite a lot in the series, but it was never the plot device I thought it would be. The story could have worked without them, but they were one of my favorite parts of the story.
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San is a hard-nosed character who feels like he is a very prudish person who’s disturbed by the most erotic dreams of Vee. It doesn’t sit well with San, at first, because he strongly rejects the idea that Vee could be the reincarnation of the woman he considered as the love of his life. He has been living for 100 years suffering each night to get the chance to find her again after she was killed. To be able to stay alive and young looking until he finds her, he made a deal with a goddess to cherish and love the reincarnation of his previous lover. Vee is supposed to be this reincarnation (I still believe it would be great if it’s the case) but he is no woman and he is not a copy carbon of how Vad / Wat was acting in the past. That’s why San reject him. However, in his dreams his reluctance to accept Vee are not to be seen. Even if Vee isn’t his previous lover, he is still having erotic dreams of him. It’s really Vee and not Vad / Wat that San imagine in his dreams. The overwhelming pleasure he gets isn’t induced by an oneiric Vad / Wat. He sees only Vee. The first dream is an erotic dream free from the old conception of life San may have. In the second dream, Vee is represented has a nine-tailed fox, a mythical fox from Chinese mythology. A nine-tailed fox possesses magic powers and are usually mischievous, tricking other people, with the ability to disguise themselves as a beautiful man or woman. This time Vee is the temptation San is trying to avoid. This dream shows him that he is struggling in vain. He already has feeling for Vee even if he can’t really understand them, yet. Dreams in this series show something about a character they aren’t aware of. One of them is also showing symbolism. As for now, the series didn’t go overboard with them.
I may have to update this post later when I’ll get the new episodes of these series.
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I highly relate to the stupid lesbians in thai Gls. I want a stupid lesbian in every Gl. I need the chaos and the love.
Sam, Wan, Earn...I have a connection to them, how stupid they are, either in an oblivious way or in a genuinely dumb way. They're so in love, ready to do anything ! And they are SO DEVOTED ! Sam and the way she managed to change and grow into a better person out of love, the way she is ready to get on her knees to apologize or beg her to stay....Beautiful.
And Wan ? Wan is absurdly in love with Kim. And it goes both ways for them, very equally I think, but there's just something in the way Wan looks at her in their soft moments that screams devotion (fay's acting >>>>>>>). Even ep 11, she's still so oblivious and so amazed at the fact that it's finally real...That was too cute
And Earn ? Earn is the biggest idiot out of the three. And she's doing everything wrong to get her ex back, and yet I can only admire the dedication she puts into it !
In conclusion : they are adorably stupid, and extremely loyal and devoted which means they are golden retriever coded and I relate to them on a soul level.
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