axewchao · 2 months
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Roy's not sure if he can make it through his day in one piece, especially with a kid as stupid strong as Dusty carrying him around!!
Dusty sees strong folks like Roy and Boom Boom as wrestler-material, and he's determined to be just like them one day. And you can't chase that dream without some good old fashioned training!
...At least Roy isn't about to be thrown around like a ragdoll this time =w="
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dusty-sketchbook · 1 year
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Looks like Kamek saw some pretty ladies.
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
Good day Factual! Hope you're starting to feel a bit better- colds that just refuse to go away are the worst! Glad you've been having some fun playing and drawing Pokemon in the meantime though- and thanks a million for giving us all that great art of Grimace! Him and Sylvester definitely have a wholesome, brotherly bond, and it would be sweet to see some more of them someday, though as always, draw whatever you wish! In the meantime, as a little side Ask- could you tell us how you met them perhaps? Both in game and in "story"? Did you catch them like usual Pokemon, or did they join willingly?
And as for my main Ask- I thought I'd inquire about two of my favorite lesser known Mario enemies, and their places in your AU- starting with the fire spitting, three horned menaces, the Reznors!
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Despite them essentially just being chibified triceratops, I've always liked their designs, their pack mentality, and the goofy noises they make! Sadly, Nintendo hasn't used them for much other than a couple gimmicky mini bosses, but I figure if the Bowser of your AU had a few, he'd put them to much better use! Just spitballing here, but you've come up with some cool ideas of how the Koopas use various other creatures- what if they used tamed Reznors as battle mounts, like how humans have used elephants! Imagine the Koopas armoring them up, loading troops on to their backs, and then charging into battle, bullet bills a-blazing! ( Just my idea- what do you think? )
And then the other enemy I wanted to mention, is the rarely remembered, deadly dino from w 1-1 of Super Mario World- the Rex!
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They were powerful, speedy critters with a nasty bite- and while Nintendo rarely makes use of them nowadays, many fans still hold them and their lore implications close to their hearts- due to their uncanny resemblance to Yoshis... Because of this, many have theorized they share a common Ancestor- though others fear that perhaps a form of evil magic was involved- which, I think would be a perfect fit for your AU! Since your Kamek has showcased powerful, corruptive magics in the past- what if he created the Rexs, either by mutating captured Yoshis, or enchanting stolen Yoshi eggs before they hatched!? Either way, id imagine they would be just as large and aggressive as your yoshis- and serve the Koopas well as guard dogs, or perhaps as alternative mounts- being weaker, but more nimble and agile than a Reznor. But what's your take? Would either of these guys make the cut? Or not be included at all- ( which would be fine too, I just wanted to ask, and pitch some ideas! )
(Grimace and Sylvester art in question)
Hey there! Unfortunately I'm going downhill a bit, I think my cold is really startin to take me down. Which is just wonderful 🥲 at least I have Pokemon Scarlet to keep my mind busy!
Speaking of Pokemon, Grimace and Sylvester actually do have a story to them..
Starting with Grimace, I actually kinda got him on accident due to a 3 day long brain fart. Let me explain- <XD
So picture this. It's early in the game and I spot a Duskull. I think "Oh cool! Dusknoir is my favorite pokemon! I gotta catch one so he'll eventually evolve into a Dusknoir! :D" So I catch one and name him Dusty.
I ran around with Dusty, training him, loving him, feeding him sandwiches, the works, for 3 days or so. 3. Real life. Days.
It's only when I'm a about to go to bed and I'm thinking about him that I realized..
Dusty is a Gastly. Not a Duskull. He will eventually turn into a Gengar. Not a Dusknoir.
I still can't figure out how I looked at a Gastly and had my brain go "catch one! It'll turn into a Dusknoir! :DD"
So anyways, I didn't really want a Gengar.. but by the time I had noticed my mistake, I had already gotten attached to the big guy. So I accepted defeat, renamed him Grimace and gave up on my dreams of having a Dusknoir. I'll get a Dusknoir in legends Arceus anyways it's fine- <XD
Now Sylvester...
I knew right when I started the game that I wanted a female Sylveon. That was a big goal of mine. And I knew of a place early on in the game where there was a chance for Eevee to spawn. So I ate a sandwich that increased my normal type spawn rate and hunted for a while.
It was quite the drag since Eevees we're still a rare spawn.. but I was able to find some and catch them all. Though there was one peoblem. Every single Eevee I encountered was male! I wanted a female eevee!
It was a few hours into Eevee hunting that I went and Googled the female to male ratio on Eevees. Females have like a 12% spawn rate... Whoops. Looks like I'm not gonna find a female eevee this early on in the game....
But I still wanted a Sylveon.. 🥺
So I did some thinking. I imagined my trainer as a character. I picture them catching a male Eevee and loving him just the way he is. Saying that he doesn't have to evolve for them. Classic Eevee/trailer relationship. And I imagined the Eevee being so happy with this trainer and loving his team so much, that he evolved into a Sylveon. And he's not ashamed at all! His form is the ultimate expression of his love for his friends and his trainer!
I also pictured tweaking Sylvester's body type to make him apear more masculine. Changing the shape of his bows and ears to look sharper. Making his eyes a bit smaller and making his paws pointier.
Point is, the story I built in my head and all the drawing ideas this gave me... Plus my inability to catch a female eevee.. resulted in me adopting one of the male Eevees and evolving him into a Sylveon XD
Anyways XD as for your Mario questions...
I'm actually unfamiliar with those enemies <:0 though having a little more diversity in the Koopa kingdom would be good.. perhaps I could look into the Reznors a bit more and incorporate them somehow.. like you said, making them battle mounts or something similar..
Now the Rex, what an odd critter.. definitely haven't seen that guy before- :00 he really does look a lot like a Yoshi.. I'd have to look into those guys a bit too before I decided what to do with them.. but I'm liking your ideas! Kamek corrupting Yoshi eggs or something similar to make more mindless drones.. that's something he would do! 😅 But I'd probably takes away the Rex wings.. Yoshis can't fly! ☝️
Aaaanywho, thank you as always for the ask and interest! :}} This distraction came at a very good time 🥹💔
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captain-sharkie · 3 months
(old repost from my main account @l0cal-cl0wn )
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Ludwig von Koopa how you are simply my favorite Mario character
I keep forgetting I made Dusty for a Mario au. Speaking of I need to finish their new ref WHOOPS
since im also working on artfight things, ill probably post a few things from my main over here just to pile it all up LMAO
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gachawolfiebloom · 5 months
A Grumpy Troll and A Prince
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Chapter 3: The Adventure Begins
Tags: Comedy, action, adventure, and romance
With the kingdom safely hidden, prince Four set off to rescue his friends with the utmost confidence he would make it to Bergen Town on his own. That was until he was face to face with the cunning Mr Puzzles. He tried to fight back, but his head got ripped off and the remaining corpse laid dead on the ground. He failed. He had...
"Snap out of it Four!"
He backed out of the intrusive thoughts that had put him in a trance and looked down at his journal, filled with memes. The scenarios that played in his head were all that filled the page. Back in reality, he was following the footsteps of those dusty, respectable-like shoes that the TV man was wearing.
"I totally got this. It's not like he is taking your friends to their impending doom where they will all be eaten..." He nervously told himself, trying to hope for the best. No, that was exactly Mr Puzzles was doing...and he knew it. Taking a breath, the troll forced himself to carry along and make it all the way in one piece.
"I really hope I can do it because they're all depending on me."
He had just left the Mushroom Kingdom and was now standing on the flower petal that looked over and colorful field of the Flower Kingdom.
"I know that I must leave the only home I've ever known and brave the dangers of the forest, saving them before they're eaten. I mean how hard can that-"
He then heard a snapping sound and looked down to find the petal he was standing on had broke.
He was falling to the ground, but caught himself just in time. Once his feet were safely back on the ground, he dusted himself off and thought it might help to look at the more positive side of things.
"There's a sunny sky that's shiny and blue."
A butterfly flew past him and thought that maybe this journey wouldn't be as scary as he thought. That idea was thrown out the window when some kind of spotted, four-legged creature caught the bug with its tongue, a clear, speckled one ate him, buzzards flew past, eating skin, leaving nothing but bones, and then a fire flower burned it to ashes. Four was left standing with his mouth agape when the flower turned to him. He waved nervously when the flower asked "I wonder what Gombas taste like?" Four thought "What the actual heck..." and slowly backed away.
"It's gonna be a fantastic day..."
He made it to the Koopa kingdom where volcanos were puffing everywhere and he bounced along rocks under a river of lava.
"Such marvelousness this is gonna bring. Iv'e got so many songs that I wanna sing. And I'm ready to take on anything. Yippee!"
He got launched so hard that he made it up to a castle, but a giant turtle stomped in front of him. Bowser was certainly not happy as he started to chase the poor troll. He couldn't give up as he kept running and running, jumping off a ledge just before Bowser's fire breath roasted him to a crisp.
"So many fun surprises around each corner. Just ride along a rainbow, gonna be okay. Hey! I'm not giving up today. There's nothing getting in my way and if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again."
He couldn't tell which kingdom he was falling into next, but then saw a giant bird heading his way. Trying to duck out of the way just made him get eaten in one fell swoop and the Cookatiel took him back to her soup bowl in the Luncheon Kingdom.
"If something goes a little wrong well you can go ahead and bring it on."
The Cookatiel spat him back out into the soup bowl, water bubbling until Four popped out, gasping for air.
"Because if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again!"
He managed to escape the bird on a piece of carrot and felt relived watching the furious bird over the boiling pot of stew. Whatever kingdom next would surely be better, that is until he saw a bunch of spikes up ahead.
"Oh crap..."
He was marching through the rainy New Donk City, overheated in the Sand Kingdom, almost a block of ice in the Snow Kingdom, swimming through the Lake Kingdom till that giant eel swallowed him, now traveling through his intestines, and pushing through the Windy Kingdom.
"I'm marching along, iv'e got confidence, I'm cooler than a pack of peppermints, and I haven't been this excited since...I CAN'T REMEMBER WHEN!"
He began stomping and jumping along flying Koopa's until when they ran out, he found he was high up in the air, falling once again. (Is this a habit of his?)
"I'm off on this remarkable adventure. Just ridding along a rainbow!"
He opened his eyes to find a piranha plant, shutting it's mouth tightly. God that hurt. Was he..
"What if this is all a big mistake? What if it's more than I can take?"
He pried open the piranha plant and kept going. As long as he reminded himself of his friends, he would surely still stand.
"I can't think that way because I know that I'm really going to be-"
Till a chain chomp came out of nowhere and ate him. Going out by that retractable dog was not how he wanted to go.
"Okay! Hey! I'm not giving up today. There's nothing getting in my way because if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again."
He managed to escape the jags of teeth in its mouth, wondering why so many thing wanted to eat him. Even the place he was searching for was filled with creatures, ready to get their hands on him.
"If something goes a little wrong, well you can go ahead and bring it on. Because if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up again."
He tore through several giant spider webs and collapsed on the ground, stuck in webbing. No problem. Just got to get out of this web.
"And if you knock, knock me over, I will....get....back......up.....again......."
What was wrong? His spirit was still persistent on going, but his body was giving up. He could feel his heartbeat slowly decrease and his eyes closing. No. Not now. You can't give up now. He soon passed out and everything went black.
Hours had passed, but someone had finally found him. Four eyes had caught sight of the poor troll. It turns out that a bunch os spiders had found their next meal and slowly descended from their webs to feast on what they saw as food. They opened their mouths wide, ready to take a bite when all of a sudden, someone grabbed Four just in the knick of time. The spiders turned to find that what you might think would be the least expected troll to come. That's right. Three had saved the prince, but the spiders didn't care. More food for them anyway.
They started to crawl towards him as he backed up, but then Three took out a bomb and tossed it at one's face. The explosion barely startled them as they paused for a few seconds...and then got back to dinner. Uneasiness began to take hold of Three, but he stood his ground and as it turns out, he had the same kinds of abilities with his hair that Four did.
Using his hair like a whip, he sent the spiders packing back into the mouth of some creature that swallowed them up and went to rest. He breathed a heavy sigh and finally it was quiet. Quiet? He looked back to see that the prince was still passed out, not making a sound. That wasn't normal for him. Three became panicked as he rushed over to the blacked out troll.
He kneeled down to the spider web that encased him and leaned close for any signs of life. No heartbeat. "Hang on Four!" He grabbed a sharp petal from a Spider Mum flower (yes I googled that) and two glowing bugs. He used the flower petal to cut open the web containment and rubbed the two bugs together like AED to restore the prince's heartbeat.
Concern was expressed in his eyes as he hoped he wasn't too late. Four's eyes shot open as he sat up. He saw Three standing next to him and his expression turned more smug. "Three! You are right on time!" Three went back from his strange, caring side into his immodest, grumpy self. "Oh sure...Like you knew I was coming." Four actually did know he was coming because he had set him up. "Yep. I figured after the third hug time, you'd realize being eaten by a Bergen wouldn't be so bad."
Three shot back "And I figured there was no way you could do this by yourself. Looks like we were both right." He returned the smug grin and crossed his arms while Four just dismissed it and carried on. "Okay then onward!" He started walking off and Three ran after him. "Oi! Don't ignore me!"
"Sooner we can rescue everybody and make it home safely." Three pushed through some plants and asked "Wait! What's your plan?" Four turned back to him and gave him a look that said "We're you even listening."
"I just told you. To rescue everyone and make it home safely." Three sighed and told him "That's not a plan. That's a wishlist."
"OHHHH I suppose you have a plan."
Three nodded and cleared his throat before speaking. "First, we'll get to the edge of Bergen Town without being spotted. Then, we get inside by sneaking through the old escape tunnels which will then lead us to the Troll Tree, right before we get caught, AND SUFFER A MISERABLE DEATH AT THE HANDS OF A HORRIBLE, BLOODTHIRSTY BERGEN!" Three was just trying to scare Four into reconsidering, but it didn't work because what he saw next was...
"Hold on a second! Are you memeing my plan!" Four enthusiastically nodded as he held up a meme that had them and all of their friends cheering "We did it!" and dancing along to that cringey Dora song. Once again, glitter got shot into Three's unimpressed face. He scowled at Four and said "There will be no more...memes..." Four sighed sadly and the two continued on.
They began walking along a huge tree trunk that had conveniently fallen on top of a river, making it the perfect bridge to get across. Four tried to lighten the mood by dancing and humming along the trunk. Three did not appreciate it though.
"Do you have to do that?"
"I always dance and hum when I'm in a good mood."
"Do you have to be in a good mood?"
"Why wouldn't I be? By this time tomorrow, I'll be back with all my friends!"
He pondered to himself on how they were doing and said "I wonder what they're doing right now!" Three thew some sarcasm into his answer with by replying "Probably being digested." Four looked at him seriously and strictly told him "They're alive. I know it." Three then stopped in his tracks and faced Four coldly.
"You don't know anything Four. And I can't wait to see the look on your face when you realize that the world isn't all fun and laughter, cause it isn't! Bad things happen and their's nothing you can do about it!" He pouted to himself and walked off.
Four could tell something was up with Three, but pushed it aside for not being shown up like that. "Hey! I know that it isn't all fun and laughter, but I would rather go through my life thinking that it mostly is instead of being like you. You don't sing, dance, and so grumpy all the time. Seriously, what happened to you? Three didn't want to talk about it so he stuck a finger over the prince's mouth and shushed him.
Concern started to melt into Four's mind as he squeaked out "A Bergen?" Three slowly removed his finger and whispered "Maybe..." Four looked around in fear, but then squinted his eyes. He sighed and said "There's no Bergen is there.? You just said that so I would stop talking!"
"Yeah. And?" He continued walking as Four rolled his eyes. They realized it was getting late, so it seemed like a good idea to find a spot to camp and resume the journey in the morning. They had found a quiet spot in the forest to sleep, except they weren't sleeping. Three was angrily covering himself in the covers while Four was unable to sleep.
He took out a picture of all of them together and lied it in the grass in front of him. "They're all so special. Good night Meggy. Good night Boopkins. Good night Tari. Good night Melony. Good night Mario. Good night Bob. Good night Luigi." He chuckled a bit on the last one with a smile and playfully said "Good night Tag6. Boop."  as he laid his finger on Tag6's nose in the picture.
"AND GOOD NIGHT FOUR." Three sternly said, wanting sleep. Four sighed and looked up at the start night sky with the full moon out. It was perfectly placed to be seen through the trees. That ding sound signifying the special time had gone off on his bracelet. He sat up and looked over at Three. "Don't...even...think about it." Four rolled his eyes again and mouthed "Muh muh muh." to tease Three's demented attitude.
Back to looking up at the sky. You know what this needed. A song. "Stars shinning bright above you-" Three sat up, fully awake and looked at Four like he was joking. "Really? Seriously? More singing?"
"Yes seriously! Singing helps me relax. Maybe you should try it." Three was really started to get fed up with this. How hard was it to get his way of living life into Four's mind? "I don't sing and I don't relax! This is the way I am and I like it! I would also like a little SILENCE!"
He tried to fall back asleep, but then heard the sound of a soft Ukulele playing. What the hell!? He whipped his head around to see Four, playing the instrument and looking at him in an arrogant manner.
"Hello darkness, my old friend. Iv'e come to talk with you again."
Creatures began flying around and singing along while Three looked confused and speechless. A small spider came up next to him and whispered "Hello..."
"Because a vision softly creeping."
Three flicked the spider off his arm without breaking eye contact with Four.
"Left its seeds while I was sleeping."
"And the vision that was planted in my brain."
"Still remains."
"Within the sound....of silence."
All the creatures disappeared just as mysteriously from when they arrived and Four strummed one last time on the Ukulele. Three got up and softly asked "May I?" Four smiled and gave him the instrument. Three instantly threw it into the fire and he went back to sleep while Four watched his Ukulele burn, mouth agape. This was going to be a long adventure...
Chapter 4: Welcome to Bergen Town
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duckapus · 6 months
Squid Memes Squidbeak Splatoon (part 2)
Part 1 Here
More Harbor because he gave me Brain Worms
Born and Raised in Littol Beeg Bluff (yes the same Littol Beeg Bluff from "The Ballad of Dusty Grumpton" in the Factory Reset AU. I'm allowed to re-use my own ideas if I damn well please)
Comes from a blended family, and his stepmom and younger siblings (twin boy and girl around eight) are actually Koopa Troopas of all things.
The only playable Agent to both know and like his parents
Seriously Habor's moms are fucking awesome. Everybody in the NSS loves Harbor's moms
About 80% Humboldt Squid (aka Jumbo Flying Squid), which is why he's so fucking tall. It also means that he's really fast in swim form, to the point that he could probably outswim someone who'd filled all the slots on a piece of gear with Swim Speed Up without any Swim Speed Up investment of his own. (this is inspired by Lucky, another, very different version of Agent 4 made by EikaPrime on Ao3)
Yes she just goes by Eight. She was a little self-conscious about it at first but then she found out about SMG4 and the other SM64 Blooper Youtubers and no longer gives a shit
If she remembers her old name yet she's not mentioned it
Obviously doesn't remember her parents, but given the Domes are the kind of place where you can Start Training to Become an Advanced Military Hardware Engineer and Elite Soldier at Fucking Nine Years Old, I imagine she wouldn't have many memories of them even without the Amnesia
Contrary to popular fanon, my version of Eight doesn't have a scar from the Test Failed Bomb. This is because Respawn Pads (as long as they're fully functional) completely erase whatever the fatal injury was, leaving no trace apart from maybe some phantom pains if it was particularly nasty
She does, however, have plenty of scars from all the other shit she went through in that hellhole
Managed to complete every single test before she escaped
My version of Eight is a single year younger than Marina canonically is when they meet so I'm not going the Off the Hook Adoption route for this one (maybe in another AU with a more lose interpretation of Canon, but given this AU is specifically meant to adhere to Splatoon Canon as much as possible we're out'a luck this time), though she does still become very close friends with them
She's got Craig literally right there for any potential adoption attempts anyway
Very rarely speaks, but is expressive enough that most people can tell what she means anyway (you know Ferb? It's the exact same thing as what Ferb does)
Doesn't have a weapon preference. She's comfortable with any weapon she gets her hands on
Except Splatanas
She fucking hates Splatanas and everything they stand for
Configuring Frye's Palette in the Memverse was legitimately harder than dealing with her own Palette's stupid "Hacks or Chips, you can't have both" Gimmick Bullshit
Andi Finn
Has no fucking idea who her parents were and does not care
Actual supergenius who could probably build a functioning replica of Grizz's rocket out of scrap metal from just her memory of fighting on top of it. Never learned how to read before the NSS got ahold of her because she lived alone in the desert
Swears more than Bob
Can't remember where she learned Salmonid from
Somehow even the homeless kid has better hygiene than Paige
Made up her last name on the spot when she was signing up for a Turfing License (if you're wondering how she managed to sign up for a Turfing License when she couldn't read; With Great Difficulty)
Figures she probably isn't a full Inkling given her weird beartrap beak but doesn't give enough of a shit to take a DNA test about it
Paige dragged her home to their apartment almost immediately after the final battle against Mr. Grizz and she never left. It's not an official adoption but that's only because Paige is a bit oblivious to their own feelings on the matter and Andi doesn't know that paperwork is supposed to be involved
Almost exclusively calls Paige "Cap" even when they're out of uniform. I mean, she can't very well call them "Mom" or "Dad" since they're nonbinary, now can she? Paige has no idea that's what she means by it and just thinks it's a nickname because Andi gives everybody nicknames. Usually as insults
It took her 333 tries to get through "Splitting Crosshairs" (I legitimately Cannot beat that stupid kettle no matter how hard I try and want her to share my frustration but also want all four agents to have 100%ed their respective adventures so I'm just having it take her a comically long time to do)
Mains Explosher because it's the closest she can get to a Turf-Legal grenade launcher (for now...)
The Eternal Hunger, Devourer of the Bear
Is fine with people using Crabcake instead
Uses It/Its exclusively
Officially designated Agent 5 I will die on that hill
Was "The Eternal Hunger, Stabber of Ankles" before going through Return of the Mammalians
Will stab anyone who points out that it didn't actually eat Mr. Gizz, he just exploded
Extremely eloquent, but most people can't speak Salmonid so it just sounds like it's making the same gurgley noises as every other Smallfry
Once looked Marie dead in the eyes and said "No one will ever believe you" in perfect Inklish while they were alone. Has never said anything else in anything other than Salmonid where someone can hear it
Andi and Crabcake fucking hated each-other for the first third of their adventure before bonding over kicking Frye's ass and now they're inseparable
Actually gets its own uniform after everything's said and done. It consists of a little high-rez safety vest (like the one on Paige's field uniform), an earpiece (suction-cupped in place since it doesn't have external ears) in the same style as Andi's headset, and a clean black-with-thin-yellow-racing-stripes-on-the-sides pants...wrap...thing
It also got a new switchblade from Sheldon (the old one got lost in the space battle after it turned into Hugefry) with the same kind of black-with-blue-LEDs aesthetic as Paige's gear and a blade made of Sardinium
Also thinks that it and Andi are already adopted by Paige but that's for Salmonid Culture Reasons instead of Not Having an Education Reasons
Got separated from its swarm during a Run a few months before Return of the Mammalians. It wasn't too fussed about it and figured it could handle itself in the desert for a while and then either reunite with that swarm if it ran into them or join a new one if it happened to come across one. Because Salmonid Culture
Considers the NSS its current swarm
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useless19 · 8 months
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After a very busy winter (not quite out of it just yet), I'm finally getting a chance to chip away at a Koopa Capers remake. This is one of the puzzles and I'm curious if anyone can help me solve it, because I've been struggling to come up with a solid answer.
Luigi inspects the block. Carved into is are four circles with odd designs in them. There's also a poem, which goes like this:
If one of these is odd man out, Run away without a doubt. If all four circles make a match, Then jump and see what you can catch.
"Hmm," Luigi says, inspecting the dusty circles. "Tricky! Switch Blocks often uncover hidden treasures or secret doors, but they can just as easily deliver a nasty surprise. What should I do?"
-Look carefully at the four circles. All four have some things in common. But one of them may not share all of the characteristics of the other three.
I'd appreciate it if you could put your reasoning in a reply or tags, ta.
(To be clear, neither option leads to instant death, so I haven't been able to work backwards from there).
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freakattack · 1 year
I really want everyone to be playable in wario party (mario party but fast) but i also want everyone to have a wario party board. I want to have it all
Everything past this point is diagnostic info for my doctor↓
Orbulon: a space world obviously but you can get ate by the giant planet in warioware twisted and lose your coins or maybe a star if you suck bad enough. This one would be fucked up compared to the other boards in some way, maybe upside down, maybe in 5/4 time. I dont know. Shops are run by alien bunnies.
Mona: pizza world. Sorry girl but i am typecasting you as pizza. At first i thoguht it should be like koopas tycoon town where the more pizzas you sell the more star you get, or something, but no. You walk on a giant pizza. The spaces are pepperonis. Its what she would have wanted
Jimmy T- Club sugar everything is DANCING THEMED and if you land on a special space then you have to do a dance off where you move the switch/wiimote/whatever like its just dance in the correct formation or else you lose everything. Dance fucker dance like you never had a chance.
9-volt: Awww fuck. Th
INTERMISSION: i cant stop saying Aw fuck i got the meat sweats in the fucked up meatwad voice vinny uses in his warioware dubs. Sorry if this affects my communication in any way.
e obvious answer would be making it inside a giant gameboy, or Gamecube, remember the mario kart battle track/nintendogs house that was just a giant DS? This. But its also like, you're shrunk real tiny and inside someones house, on their giant gamecube. Theres nintendo references everywhere natch and all of the sound effects are changed to become chiptunes. You can get punched out by Punch-Out from Punch-Out.
Ashley: Its a haunted house. Whaddaya want.
Dr. Crygor: so the obvious thing to do here is to make it be themed around his laboratory but SIKE, pennys got the lab, instead Dr Crygor is leaning into the "tropical deserted island" theme that surrounds his laboratory and you get to be eaten by a giant plant! Yaaay
I kinda wanna have this be like a survivor style total drama thing where you can get voted off the island somehow
Kat and ana: This one would be really somber and depressing for no reason.
Dribblenspitz: They should get a dusty route 66 desert highway filled with drag racers and whatnot, like whatever they are doing in warioware diy wii version. Orbulon took the space theme but it would be mean to just plop them in diamond city so its only fair.
wario: It would be a treasure land, packed with music boxes and golden pyramids and such so that the wario land people dont get on my case. Instead of stars your goal is to get as many coins as possible and there are so many ways to steal coins from people that it is impossible to keep the lead for more than 2 seconds.
Kat and ana: I changed my mind i want to explain this one for real now anyways it would be a ninja land obviously and there would be like, ninjas appearing and disappearing in places.....like you could teleport across the board and the game would be like oh its a ninja thing. You know? Lots of trickery afoot.
Waluigi: Secret level. The boss level actually. Hes pissed off that you didnt invite him to the wario party. You have to shoot him in the nose
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spikedsoul · 1 year
Imagine the Koopalings getting older, and reader being there for milestones. Like their horns growing in, becoming as big and strong as their papa, etc. Flextape would most definitely comment how Jr. "has gotten as big and strong as his father" and "could defeat Mario with one arm tied behind his back". Maybe she helps Wendy style her newly sprouted mane, or decorate her newly grown horns. It'd be pretty funny if Lemmy and any of the other smaller Koopalings got really tall later on in age. Kamek, the dusty old coot, is still hobbling around, I'm sure.
But, this brings up another question. Turtles are known to live around/over double the life expectancy of a human, depending on the species I'm sure. What about koopa life spans? (Huehue, family fluff to angst-)
Fluff first: Hammy would absolutely be the sort to hype her kids up (bc at that point they are her kids) but instead of making them feel embarrassed, she's able to actually boost their confidence about their looks. For some reason I feel like Lemmy and Iggy would grow up to be lanky sumbitches, not quite as full as their siblings or dad but because of Hamtaro they're not self conscious about it. Kamek is still around.
Angst next: technically speaking, both Queen Mom and Spitfire would both have shorter lifespans than any of the koopas (if we're including Lil Red in this scenario.) I'd expect the koopas to live probably 200+ years, and they probably know that one day their beloved human family members will pass, and they'll have to live without them.
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axewchao · 23 days
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Dusty's long since learned the rule to never blindly trust pipes. If it's one you've never used before, you've got no idea what could be lying in wait, both inside and on the other end.
And this unlucky piranha plant has also learned a lesson: Beware of boomerangs XD
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madamejenjennette · 2 months
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King Joakim and Princess Jane in the Mario Cartoon style? Doing 2 released comics and working on another behind the scenes gets boring. And I like to study styles, so I wanted to do one cartoon I still have on a dusty shelf, and I own a lot of those Super Mario Bros Cartoons. Mainly the one that was made for the 3rd game, I do have one from World and two from Super Show. Now this was challenging, usually what I do with studying styles is I learn from people that was making it. But this is Dic, these Mario cartoons are like 35 years old. So that was difficult to try figure it out myself as best as I could. Mainly what I learn from the animators of these styles, is how did they think design wise making these characters, why did they do this and that? That explains why they look a bit different, consider the time it was when these came out.
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I also use these characters for a fan comic of mine called Komodeko's Under Threat. It is about this neighbor kingdom of the Koopas, that have distant themselves from having any conversations with the Mushroom Kingdom. In fear if they keep doing it, they will be over thrown to the Koopas. But that distant seems to delay the fate for them?
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atdusk · 1 year
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                            it’s  absent,  the  way  in  which  she  threads  her  fingers  through  the  beast’s  mane.  letting  her  claws  ghost  over  the  koopa’s  rough  skin  in  a  means  to  soothe.  to  offer  comfort  as  she  calls  upon  her  magic.  letting  it  encircle  the  antagonistic  ruler’s  withered  limb  ;  wisps  of  her  own  hair,  aglow,  acting  as  a  countermeasure;  rejuvenating  the  succumbing  appendage.  it  wouldn’t  last.  nor,  would  it  do  much  in  alleviating  symptoms  long  term  —-  her  core  much  too  similar  to  the  encroaching  gloom.  even  still,  her  own  self-preservation  currently  relied  on  his  survival  &  thus,  keeping  him  mostly  intact  was  a  priority.  
                            her  hand  twitches  at  the  order,  a  reaction  she  was  sure  wouldn’t  go  unnoticed  by  the  king  of  koopas  given  the  fact  that  her  palm  was  currently  slotted  over  his  skull.  her  attention  shifts;  meeting  the  other’s  gaze  head  on.  a  pause  &  then,  a  sneer  that’s  more  teeth  than  lips  cracks  her  jaw.  she  raises  up.  letting  her  tiny  heels  dig  into  his  the  base  of  his  crown,  nestled  easily  between  the  crux  of  his  horns.
                              imbued  with  very  power  her  ancestors  had  been  exiled  for  arcing  across  her  lithe  frame.  there’s  no  hesitance  in  her  wrath.  a  hand  of  her  own  forming,  large  &  imposing  amidst  the  strands  of  her  hair.  elongating.  cracking  at  the  would-be  joints.  a  mimicry  of  the  remnant  beneath  her.
                             it  heralds  no  mercy  as  it  slams  them  flat  into  the  earth.  pinning  the  smaller  hands  undertow.  giving  them  no  berth  to  struggle  before  opening  a  field  of  energy  that  stuns  them  in  place.  in  this  short  respite,  she  can  feel  it.  see  his  fragment  lingering  just  beyond  the  cusp.  waiting  in  the  lurch  to  be  released.  
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                            midna  pivots  with  a  cackle.  her  sights  turning  on  bowser  &  lunges.  snatching  him  up  with  the  very  same  limb,  engulfing  him  entirely  within  the  palm  of  her  hand.  viciously  warping  him  from  the  dusty  fields  of  hyrule  before  promptly  depositing  him  at  the  far  reaches  of  the  darklands.  she’s  quick  to  reclaim  her  spot  within  the  plush  of  his  red  tufts.  
                            “this  isn’t  much  of  a  reprieve,  you  know.”  she  starts,  patting  at  his  forehead.  “they’ve  locked  their  sights  on  you.  it’s  only  a  matter  of  time  before  they  sprout  here  too.    hee  hee  hee.”  
@koopzilla , continued. 
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koopzilla · 1 year
@simiansmoke cont.
Ferocious antics would easily demolish another kong. However, these traitors had been banished for their adoration of battle. Dread is a war machine. Each kick damages as much as it invigorates! The madness in the kong's eyes gleams all the brighter. A worthy desperate opponent pumps blood through his veins!! Especially when it is Donkey Kong.
In a frozen moment of time, Dread Kong demonstrates that sickness which has their kind forsaken. Canines glimmered in the beating flame as he puffed his chest forward, enduring each kick! His skin is bruised and burned; it is a devastating beating. Yet, through it, his own fist rises. "No..." his punch swooped around the flames and dug deep into Donkey's chin. "YOU SUCK!" Childhood banter, but with the intention of dragging one another to the GRAVE. Right after he gets him to the temple...!
Revived rivalry may blind both kongs to the interloping of the third party. Donkey's collar crackles around his neck, shimmering its ever-imposing green. There is no saving pull for the kong prince though; today it works for Bowser! Magnetism reversed, King Koopa skis through dirt and foliage, whipped through the jungle by ceaseless magic. His bulk demolishes trees and forces boulders to their side! From the right, a dusty trail grows more violent by the second!
Donkey's feet have burned their imprint into Dread's pecs. Likewise, impressions of Dread's knuckles scar Donkey's cheek. Somewhere, the larger kong had broken into crazed laughter. Even if he falls here, ruining the prince of that backstabbing kingdom is SO worth it. The others would see him as a HERO. He dove in close, robbing what little space his opponent would have to prepare another kick. "It's been real, Little Donkey. But now, I gotta end ya." In the most ruthless way possible! Once more, his fangs show. In one quick thrust, the kong moved in for Donkey's jugular!!
Until one mighty crash launched the kong into the stratosphere-- turning him into a spec in the sky.
In his place was Bowser: in a brief blur, in hunched charging position, horns first! The missile of a monster blares past, several more trees buckling to him as he skids to a halt...! He wears a great deal of the jungle: branches and leaves clung to his scales and bangles. Crushed fruits dirties his toes. He spat a banana to the floor and shook off the residue like a dog... before waddling back and replacing Dread.
"You look like trash." Is King Koopa for 'found you'. The moment is a blur to the kremling substitute. A brief investigation judges the damage: fire ruins the forest around them, and his pet has obviously suffered some serious abuse. "Where's stupider you?..."
That should be his priority! Bowser does not even stall long to await the answer though. Peaking past Donkey Kong unveils a glorious sight: a giant green statue in the shape of a great gorilla. Housed in its mouth is a cold green rock... worthless to some, but an ode to the crystal coconut to the wise. The temple is close! Sometimes, aimless reckless throwing is really the way to go.
The koopa mashes start and entirely skips the victory screen. He pried Donkey off the tree like a dirty bandage and lugged him over his shoulder. He is stampeding them right to the temple. "Wait ten seconds before you die, Idiot. I need you to punch the door."
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zetawilk · 2 years
I put up an outline of the trailer for the Super Mario Bros. movie, guys:
[Scene opens on a dusty desert, the wind blowing. A figure steps into frame, wearing denim overalls. We see hints of a red sleeve and a white-gloved hand clenched into a fist.]
VOICEOVER: Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, eh Luigi?
[Fade to black. We see a sped-up close up of some ordinary mushrooms blooming in the wild.]
VOICEOVER: I hope she made lotsa spaghetti!
[Fade to black. Open on a castle interior, showing us a high 3/4 overhead view. BOWSER sits hunched over a desk with a quill and parchment. We see a fire in a fireplace behind him. Outside a window, we see a volcano and a sea of lava.]
VOICEOVER: "Dear pesky plumbers..."
[Close-up on LUIGI's face from the brim of his hat to the top of his mustache. He is glaring angrily at the screen in a dramatic sort of movie trailer fashion.]
VOICEOVER: [That weird Luigi noise when he gets hit by a red shell in Mario Kart 64.]
[Cut to a science lab full of science. A WOMAN with BREASTS walks into view, wearing a lab coat and wielding brass knuckles. This is PRINCESS PEACH.]
VOICEOVER: [some bollocks about what you think is the first plot point of the movie but is, regrettably, a spoiler for the disappointing last act.]
[Various scenes of cartoon violence flash by too fast for anything to be made out unless you download the video from Youtube and try to freeze frame it, and even then it looks just like blurs of blue, red, and green.]
[A half-second clip of a CGI KOOPA TROOPA leaps down from the top of the frame.]
[Music swells, then stops. We see MARIO patting the shoulder of an off-screen LUIGI.]
MARIO: "Luigi...all toasters toast toast."
[Cut to preliminary title graphic, followed by a bunch of that gibberish tiny text nobody ever reads so why do they bother, also the rating is shown on-screen and is PG even though there's at least two gratuitous swears in the film and references to memes that no child should know.]
VOICEOVER: Coming [insert date of theatrical release except the actual theatrical release will be the very next day].
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dusty-sketchbook · 5 years
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Some whiteboard fun.
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duckapus · 1 year
The Balad of Dusty Grumpton
On a trip to the (actual for real this time) Wild West, the crew encounter the somehow still alive Admiral Sergeant Swipe and his new posse of waddle dee gunslingers hunting what looks like a Legally Distinct Sumo Bro, which Boopkins quickly identifies as a Grumpton, the desert-dwelling counterparts of the Boopkins. After they help him get away from the hunters, he introduces himself as Dusty Grumpton, deputy-in-training to the Sheriff of Littol Beeg Bluff. They decide to help him get back to town, where they meet Dusty's boss Sheriff Koopster (just a normal Koopa Troopa with a cowboy outfit, sheriff's badge, and mustache), who explains the situation the town is currently in.
It turns out that before A.S.Swipe showed up, his waddle dee gang had already been low level troublemakers, but nothing Koopster and Dusty couldn't handle. But then a few months ago Swipe took over, using the promise of big payouts to shift their goals from simple banditry to the poaching of rare creatures that he's more used to, and between the gang's knowledge of the area and current target (not to mention their sheer numbers), and the Admiral's resources, experience and leadership, they've become a force to be reconned with, even managing to capture Dusty's baby sister Gabble, which is why they'd found Dusty getting chased by them; he'd tried to save his sister on his own and got overwhelmed.
The crew offer to help save Gabble and get rid of Swipe and his gang, with Boopkins being especially gung-ho about it.
(that's it that's all I got. this was all just to make a counterpart character to Boopkins and I didn't come up with an ending.)
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