#Kou made them lol
wool-string · 2 years
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akkivee · 2 months
the latest camping event in ARB sounds really interesting! May I ask for a brief summary of what exactly happens? 🥺
sure lol
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so the bros are on summer vacay let’s goooooo lol!!!!!!!! school’s out for jiro and saburo and ichiro’s elected to take a week off so they can take a trip!!!! ofc jiro and saburo can’t agree where they should go lol jiro wants to go to mountains and saburo wants to do an escape room but ichiro finds a nice middle ground by suggesting they do both; they’ll camp in the mountains and then hit up an escape room on the way back home 🤗
on bat minus kuukou’s end, the three of them had intended to go camping together but kuukou got held up by shakku lmao. while out fishing for their meal, jyushi was jumpscared by ramuda!!! turns out ramuda was in the area for inspiration for a fashion collection!!! hitoya’s not the happiest about the straggler but he lets it slide lol
we see the bros work together to whip up a fire curry, and afterwards they head out to see a nearby lake!!! thing is tho, something about the lake is kinda giving ichiro and saburo bad vibes 😕 jiro happens to see a shrine for what the bros assume is in reverence for a minor god, despite the creepy look its got going for it. someone suddenly shouts at them from across the way and!!!
it’s ramuda with jyushi and hitoya in tow!!!! crazy coincidence lol
the six of them spend time bonding at the lake; jiro saburo jyushi and ramuda were in the water, splashing each other (saburo was grouchy about it tho, saying this was childish and jyushi caught strays tbh lol), while hitoya and ichiro talked camping out on the shore. their fun was interrupted by the locals demanding them to stop disturbing the sacred land. ichiro apologised on their behalf but as the villagers left, hitoya overheard them muttering something about being fine for sacrifice???? but all that playing around makes people hungry so ramuda proposes they all eat together!!!! so the bros, jyushi and hitoya cook up bbq and pizza!!!! ramuda was mostly there to look cute lmao (ichiro chewed him out lol, saying he needs to do his part) bellies full, their day ends playing some games saburo brought over and fireworks jiro probably brought 😌
the new day dawns and we start with bb’s camp, ichiro’s got some morning tea ready. jiro wakes up and questions where saburo went, to which ichiro responds he was already gone by the time ichiro got up so he assumed saburo’s on a walk somewhere. a little weird for saburo but that’s cool except ramuda and hitoya suddenly run up to their camp asking if they’ve seen jyushi since he wasn’t at their camp when they woke up and he wasn’t answering his phone
that’s when they know something’s wrong
the four of them scour the forest and eventually hit up the village and the place looks as creepy as the that shrine does. hitoya ran up to a local, phone pic in hand and asked if they’d seen saburo and jyushi. the villager replied he hadn’t and warns them to steer clear of the village since it’s an important day for them (hitoya: …??), but jiro calls the fcker out bc the guy’s wearing the wristband saburo was wearing. jiro demands to know where they got it from, and the villager says they bought it. y’know like a liar, bc that was a special edition wristband saburo won in a game tournament. the villager escapes but that lie tips ichiro and jiro off that they need to search the village
we cut to a run down house where jyushi is frantically trying to wake saburo up. he’s slow to awake but when he does, despite initial confusion over where tf they are, he keeps a level head assessing the situation. which is good, jyushi’s panicking bc they’ve been kidnapped lol. saburo suggests the others will be searching for them so the best they can do is use a spare firework he had in the fire place as a smoke signal. tragically, they were found out by the villagers, and ichiro, jiro, hitoya and ramuda were too late. jyushi tho, left behind one of his rings to let hitoya know that they had been here. hitoya finally puts two and two together and deduces the villagers intend to use saburo and jyushi as sacrifices. they remember that creepy asf shrine and in a panic jiro starts off for the shrine, the others not far behind
they arrive just as saburo and jyushi learn they’re to be human sacrifices and the villagers explain that every year they bring a sacrifice for jyajyakou-sama (the name consists of primarily the kanji for snake) in order to stave off disaster. it’s a honour they say. but obviously we not letting saburo and jyushi be sacrifices so ichiro jiro hitoya and ramuda break out the mics and rap them into submission. with the villagers down, they’re able to free saburo and jyushi from their constraints but it turns out the villagers were still able to move. they begin to call out to their god, chanting about the cost for life and no matter how many bars the six of them throw, the villagers get back up as if they’re undead. finally, the six decide to run away
a little while later, back at yorozuya yamada, we hear from ichiro that hitoya sent the cops after that village. turns out tho.
there was never any village. no people, no records of it, nothing.
hitoya called bullshit so he went with the cops out to that village himself and there really was nothing there
and the bros are stunned to silence
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erregiulydraws · 1 year
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“Let’s go on and on together forever“
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pedi-bug · 11 months
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azurentinex · 11 months
Hi! I read the tbhk having a nightmare, and the dazai x reader who committed suicide, and the writing was so wonderful! I was wondering if you could write tbhk men with a reader who really liked physical touch. Like she would randomly grab their hand and rub patterns on it, or hold onto their arm when they walked. Just harmless little touches (not in the weird way lol)
Anyways, you can ignore this request if you want, but please be sure to take care of yourself!
aaaaaah thank you so much! i’m so glad you enjoyed them :3 thank you for being so nice ^^ i hope you enjoy this as well <33 please make sure to take care of yourself too!! i tried a bit of a different formatting style (just the white borders), and lmk through discord if you want me to change anything! it’ll be in my bio from now on <3 and i’m sorry i could write tsukasa well, i can’t remember anything about him other than his insane bits. mitsuba isn’t really up to par either but i got kind of tired by then so i might rework it tomorrow:3
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cw: fluff, (slight) manga spoilers, slight crack in Tsukasa’s part (i’m sorry i wrote this really early in the morning)
and featuring: hanako, tsukasa, kou and mitsuba!
My Masterlists
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tbhk men with an s/o who really likes physical touch
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He was so confused at first, watching you rub circles onto his palm.
But he sort of just let you roll with it and didn’t ask any questions. I don’t even think he would tease you for it.
In fact, he even started to like it. The way your warm skin feels against his, and the sweet smile that appeared on your face.
Hanako would occasionally put out his hand for you, so you could play around with it, a slight blush on his face.
”Here, you like playing with it, right?”
It really just made him feel happy when he saw the way your face lit up every time.
So for now,
before he would have to go,
he would just enjoy the small moments like these with you.
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Tsukasa (badly written)
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Just like literally any tbhk x reader headcannons, Tsukasa teases you a lot for (literally anything) your love of physical touch.
BUT IM NOT GONNA DO THAT (i’m gonna do it)
Ok, so you really enjoy patting his head and playing with his hair. And he moves around a lot, which really frustrates you.
I’m not saying he doesn’t like it, but he’s just really hard to control.
So you get Sakura to help pin him down while you mess with his hair.
You’ll be getting a lot of complaints from him, I’m sure.
He occasionally teases you for it, but not as often as you might expect.
And it’s probably because he just likes the feeling of it.
(crack) i think he would just grab your hand and bite it
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Kou Minamoto
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Kou would get flustered when you suddenly cling onto his arm like that!
He won’t say anything about it but he’s feeling really embarrassed.
But that also sort of makes him feel important, like he’s protecting you from something by staying in that position.
Although you clutching onto his arm became a regular occurrence, he would still freeze up when you touched him.
I guess he’s just embarrassed :)
But he’ll still reach out for your hand either way.
Because to him, you’re the most precious person in the world.
And one day, he’ll make sure he’s strong enough to protect you for real.
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Sousuke Mitsuba
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Hugging him from behind!
He would jump high like a cat the first time you did it. He gets used to it, but he still jolts a little whenever you take him by surprise.
”A-are you being weird right now, y/n?!”
He says that jokingly (of course).
He would hesitantly return your hugs, his face red with embarrassment, and you would just stand there with Mitsuba’s arms around you for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth.
Mitsuba is also an enjoyer of physical touch!
I think he would constantly play with your body parts, with or without permission.
As long as you get to do it, he does too!
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witch--btch · 4 months
Discussing Negai no Astro - Chapter 4
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Religion - Buddhism/Asura
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Both Kuran and Kou have half of Asura tattooed on their forearms. The Sanmenroppi security branch’s logo and Ikebukuro headquarters are also a resemblance of the demigod.
I did some research, and came across this line of text I find very interesting, regarding Kou, and the inferiority he feels when compared to others.
In the earliest Vedic literature, all supernatural beings are called Devas and Asuras. Each Asura and Deva emerges from the same father, share the same residence, eat together the same food and drinks, and have innate potential, knowledge and special powers in Hindu mythology; the only thing that distinguishes "Asura who become Deva" from "Asura who remain Asura" is intent, action and choices they make in their mythic lives.
"Asuras who remain Asura" share the character of powerful beings obsessed with their craving for wealth, ego, anger, unprincipled nature, force, and violence. Further, in Hindu mythology, when they lose, miss, or don't get what they want (because they were distracted by their cravings) the "Asuras who remain Asuras" question, challenge, and attack the "Asuras who became Devas" to loot a portion of what the Devas have and the Asuras do not.
In Buddhist mythology, the Asuras are said to experience a much more pleasurable life than humans, but they are plagued by envy for the Devas, whom they can see just as animals perceive humans.
Take that text of information as you will. I hope you can understand my point without me having to explain further than this lol.
Does Kuran have a Astro?
Personally, I’m thinking he either does not have an Astro, or he doesn’t want to admit he has one.
Astros are given to people who held onto something precious, and made a wish. Kuran doesn’t really seem like the type of person who makes wishes, or gives into sentimental notions like that.
If he does have an Astro, he’s probably keeping it a secret so he doesn’t have to use it on Kou. When Kou challenged Kuran to fight for branch leader, had he known Kuran also had an Astro, he would surely make him use it so he could win in a ‘fair fight’.
I definitely think Kuran let Kou win for multiple reasons. 1, he doesn’t want to seriously hurt his younger brother, he’s too kind for that. 2, as an older brother, he’s kind of just letting Kou do and have whatever he wants for the time being. More below lol.
Relationship between Kou/Kuran
As a big brother, I think Kuran feels it’s his role to support his younger brothers, not fight with them.
He doesn’t think it’s right to ‘put them in their place’ or anything like that. Instead, he thinks it’s better if he supports them, forgives their misdeeds, and protects them if they get in over their heads. Even when Kou says dehumanizing things, like calling Kuran “my little security robot.”/ treating him like a winnable object; Kuran doesn’t take it personally, since Kou finally has confidence in himself …
I think Kuran might spoil Kou because he knows how insecure Kou is in being the youngest sibling, with nothing to his name.
Kuran understands that Kou is becoming power hungry, but he doesn’t see a harm in it as long as he is still around to pick up after the messes.
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The Lighter that Kou made his wish with. This can be speculated as headcanon now, but I think Kuran gave Kou this lighter, encouraging him not to give up on becoming stronger, even if he feels weak now. It just seems like a good older brother thing that Kuran would say to ease his little brother’s insecurities.
And just as he said, Kou did become stronger. So to encourage Kou into realizing he isn’t the same weakling he was before, Kuran purposefully lost to him. Beating Kou would only crush his confidence and put Kou right back to square one:( as a supportive older brother, Kuran simply can’t do that.
That was pretty much the bulk of what I wanted to say about the most recent chapter; if anyone would like to add anything, go ahead! ^.^
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musicalmoritz · 3 days
What are your thoughts on the chapter 118? MitsuKou fans are eating GOOD I can say that much
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My thoughts on the best chapter thus far of the current arc? I’m glad you asked
I must say this chapter launched me into a full blown Mitsukou/Soukou brainrot. I have like a million fic ideas for both of them now and there’s no way I can possibly write all of them AND complete my requests so I just have to be sad. But omg, what a chapter!! I’m still stuck on the “smothered him with attention” line, that sounds like some shit I’d write. And ofc Kou being “captivated by that loser.” Ugh they’re so in love. I am now fully convinced that Sousuke had a crush on Kou in the former timeline when he was alive, you literally cannot convince me otherwise
The fact that if Kou’s mother hadn’t died and his father wasn’t neglectful, he would’ve used his free time to befriend Sousuke…and him being the one to save Sousuke’s life in the new timeline…oh I’m ill. The finger scene. Kou’s little blush. MITSUBA TEACHING KOU HOW TO USE A CAMERA BY STANDING BEHIND HIM AND GUIDING HIS HANDS. This was their cheesy romcom moment. The dead wife montage in an action movie
I love how their former selves are trying to reach out to them. No.3 was so unhappy with his existence to the point of wanting to die, and he wanted Sousuke’s life so badly but now that he’s lost it all he wants it back. Kou learned during the Red House arc that it’s okay if life is complicated, it’s okay if he’s stressed and doesn’t have everything he wants, and now he has to see a version of himself live in blissful ignorance. I don’t understand how people can say this timeline is better unless they’re fluff addicts, them staying in this timeline would do nothing for their character arcs and the overall narrative themes of growing up and facing reality. This life may be easier, but it robs each of them of their natural growth. I understand people are gonna have different preferences but the conflict of the old timeline MADE the story, do ppl rly want all of that to be thrown away for some “and then it never happened” ending?? Do you genuinely think it would be better writing if we never saw No.3 Mitsuba again and his arc ended with another shock value death???
Sorry for the rant lol, I couldn’t help myself. Absolutely no offense to anyone who prefers this timeline, it’s not like the fans are writing the story anyways so these opinions are harmless
I love how every version of Mitsuba wants to be someone else, they each perceive themselves as the “fake one” (excluding OG Sousuke) and feel disconnected from their existence. When I get around to writing my character analyses for TBHK I WILL talk abt all the queer allegories that go along with Mitsuba’s character but for now I’ll hold my tongue. All ik is this chapter made me love Sousuke sm more
Oh, and adult Amane…jump scare of the century. I can’t wait to see what his role is in this new timeline, I have a feeling it may be similar to Baby Tsukasa in the previous one. I love whenever the Yugi twins interact with Mitsuba (yes even the angst with Tsukasa) so that scene made me cheer. Also Kou saved his boyfriend!! Yippee!!
Sousuke and Kou wanting to run away together gave me major Picture Perfect Amanene vibes. Also HKOTO vibes, pls bring back the yaoi kidnapping🙏🏻
I think that’s all I have to say, Mitsukou fans were well fed this chapter. I’m eager to see the next one, still manifesting that Kou villain arc
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mari-writes · 2 months
It is Bokuto Koutarou’s straight spike, his famous “beam” that secures an important win for Japan at the Paris Olympics. 
He’s so happy, so excited, with so much adrenaline pumping through his body after realizing he’d just helped them get to the semi-finals. And so he runs and leaps into the stands, pulling himself up over the barrier to where Akaashi is watching. 
Akaashi doesn’t even get a word in before his boyfriend is smashing their lips together, dipping him low with frenzied passion. Fans squeal, cameras flash, and the Olympic broadcast has to switch to another view as the scene becomes a bit too hot for TV.
“Koutarou!” Akaashi gasps, trying to catch his breath. He slaps the other man’s arms in a weak attempt to be freed. Bokuto just laughs as he pulls Akaashi into a tight hug, lifting him off the floor.
“Sorry Keiji!” He laughs, but doesn’t seem very apologetic. He has to be literally dragged back onto the court by Atsumu and Captain Meian; all the way he is blowing kisses to his man.
Later, when the two meet up (Iwaizumi had pulled some strings to sneak Akaashi into the dorms), Bokuto admits something.
“It’s like my feet had a mind of their own,” he chuckles. “Actually, it was more like my heart had a mind of its own!”
“What do you mean?” Akaashi blinks. They’re sitting face to face on Bokuto’s small bed, knees bumping. 
Bokuto smiles. “When I made that point, the one that got us to the semi-finals… all I could think about was you. All I could think was, 'Keiji is why I'm here! Keiji is why I can experience this amazing moment!'" He grins, taking Akaashi's hands in his own. "I would have never gotten here without you.”
Keiji blinks furiously, determined not to cry. He shakes his head. "You've always been a star," he insists. "You were always going to make it here. But... I'm so glad I could be with you on the way."
Bokuto nods. "Yeah." And then, to Akaashi's surprise, he reaches into his jacket pocket. He removes something, palm slowly unfurling to reveal a small velvet box. 
Akaashi blanches. "K-Koutarou, is that…”
"I wanted to ask you then.” Bokuto giggles nervously. "But I'd already embarrassed you enough. I know you're a private person. You'd rather this just be between us." Carefully, he opens the box.
Between his watery eyes and Koutarou's hands shaking, Akaashi can't get a very clear view of the ring. But he can see that it's silver, with a small golden accent in the middle. "Koutarou,” he repeats, absolutely stunned.
"We're in France," Bokuto states, and at first, Akaashi is confused at him stating such a random, mundane fact. And then he realizes— 
"So we can actually, you know…” Bokuto swallows nervously. "That is, if you want to—mmph!"
Akaashi's lips are on his boyfriend's once again. He pushes Bokuto onto his back, the cardboard bed creaking dangerously under their combined weight. But he doesn't care. "Yes," he pants between kisses. "Yes, Kou, Yes!"
Team Japan does well in Paris. By the end, they make their friends, family and country proud. Bokuto returns home feeling satisfied by his athletic performance.
But him finally getting to marry Akaashi Keiji?
Bokuto thinks that is worth more than gold.
Earlier today I wrote the first version of this on Twitter on the fly. 😅 I had a spark of inspiration and thought I'd challenge myself to some "improv" writing. It was so stressful lol. This version for Tumblr is a bit more polished. Please comment and share if you enjoyed! 🥰
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yuikomorii · 9 months
Don’t know about Azusa but as someone who’s favourite boy is Subaru, I can confirm that he’s no better than any of his brothers in terms of respecting women lol. Even in a fairly new game like lost eden, where all of them are intended to be nicer, he harasses Yui in Kou’s route and forces himself on her, despite her telling him "no".
I don’t see any point in playing moral police here. Rejet will always let them keep some 🚩 no matter how many games pass. No one has to excuse their behaviour, just enjoy this series of games in peace.
// Yup, I agree.
Moreover, you made me remember that LE scene, and I’m sorry, I know it’s not supposed to be funny but I always find it so UNCOMFORTABLY hilarious.
So many things happen in such a short scene and Subaru’s “behave!” made me imagine Yui as a disobedient dog, lol.
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tainbocuailnge · 9 months
TBH with how bad FGO actually is as a game, but how much money it made, and how popular it is/was, I think as a Type Moon Gamer we can only hope that we will get more guys like Shibusawa Kou who just desperately want their own Type Moon game with their favorite FGO servant lmao. Or start making our own Fangames like the Touhou Gamers
people have been making TM fangames for decades, though not many of them make it to the west for the obvious reasons. type moon copyright policy is pretty lenient with what doujin books and games are allowed to do. fate/empire of dirt did get an english translation if you're interested, though ive heard that one also has garbage gameplay lol
shibusawa really was a stroke of incredible luck though especially for us western type moon gamers since evidence points towards him being the reason our visual novels are getting localised at all
hopefully samurai remnant not completely sucking as a musou means nasu finally scratched that itch and can stop insisting on musou as genre for every single fate game
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hoshi-y · 9 months
Hello again, I just want to thank you for writing my request that made me very happy and I absolutely adored reading it. I was wondering if I could make another request, for a flirty Hanako-Kun x flirty female reader lime. I imagine the reader as Hanako's assistant, Hanako acts like his usual flirty self but gets caught off guard when the reader flirts back harder. They both end up getting into a flirt 'war' due to the fact Hanako-Kun refuses to get out-flirted, but it ends up going a little 'overboard'. I also feel like Yashiro and or Kou would accidentally walk in the bathroom at the very worst time lol.
~ Anon <3
Fluff | Hanako x Fem!Reader
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"Mm.. Aren't you getting bold?~"
It was a day like no other.. No like seriously. Its been 2 weeks straight since Hanako has been flirting and pestering you. It was getting on your nerves! You have put up quite the, shy and innocent girl face with him. So he wouldn't think you'd flirt back, right?
You're practically what they call the 'Rizz Lord' But of course Hanako doesn't need to know that, nor do you need to pull up your ultimate weapon.
"[F/N] ~" The choppy haired ghost cooed as he floated around you, watching you mop the floor with a flirtatious look on his face. "Your lips look so lonely.. Want them to meet mine?~" He flirted as he floated down to your eye level, gently placing his pointer finger on your chin to make you look at him. He had the grin on his face.
"Why not, pretty boy?" What was that? Did you just flirtback? Hanako flinched in surprise. As he backed up, a small blush crept onto his cheeks. But soon chuckled and crossed his arms.
"My~ And here I thought you were just being shy, what else am I not aware of? Hmm?~" Hanako had this flirtatious glint in his eyes.
"Why not take me out, and get to know me better, yeah?" You said setting the mop down. He was flabbergasted, he didn't think you, out of everyone, woyld flirt back with him. "What do you say Hanako? Me, You, On the rooftop" You smiled innocently.
"Desperate, are we?" He chuckled.
"Desperate to kiss those lips, yeah I am" You florted back, snickering at his flushed face. What was going on?!
Hanako chuckled, as he set himself down onto the floor. "Mmm.. What has gotten into you, my lovely assistant.." His face was up close your face, but you didn't move away.
"Wouldn't you want to know? Let's go to my house, you'll know there~" You winked at him.
"Oh my, how bold. Well since its your home, I should hold your hand so I wouldn't get lost on the way"
"Mmh.. I'll hold your hand, if you can hold me for the rest of my life aswell"
"If I'm gonna do that.. I'd better mark you as mine.."
"Do it then, mark me so everyone can know I'm yours.."
"Erm.. What are you two doing.." Yashiro muttered as she looked at the both of you. Hanako had you against the wsll, wrists gently pinned down.
"OI. YOU PERVERT LET GO OF SENPAI" Kou barked as he held onto his staff tightly waving it around Hanako.
He didn't care as he continued to flirt with you, and you gave him the exact same energy back. Yashiro and Kou were in the background getting hit by imaginary hearts, as you and Hanako giggled and teased each other all day.
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....I write to keep myself sane...
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mcverse · 1 year
Please, give us, Starved Mukami stans, the Mukami version of this post, greatest author
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Ask and you shall receive!
Pairing: Yui! Reader x a Mukami Brother
Type: Scenario
Word count: 1.8k
Warning: Jealousy, Possessive, Yandere-ish??, mentions of knife play, blood (forgot that in the first ask lol), degration, not spell checked or proof read
Side bar: Same shit different family, just less killing 😭 it’s okay to no be okay, I swear RUKI wasn’t hinting at that
Dialover M.List
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
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Yui! Reader dating anyone but a Mukamki brother
Ruki Mukami
One little disagreement, if you can even call it that because you were clearly in the wrong, and this is what you do? Ruki wasn't surprised; he had seen this kind of behavior from humans before. He had watched as they made irrational decisions and acted out of spite, often with little consideration for the consequences.
Ruki had been around long enough to understand your motivations.
He knew you didn't like the guy you agreed to go on the date with, and you only did it to get back at him. But in the end, it was just another example of how you didn't understand your place in the world.
As livestock, you were nothing more than a meal ticket that could be discarded at any time. Ruki had hoped that after spending time with the Mukami family, you would have learned that lesson. But it seemed that you still felt too welcomed and didn't understand the true nature of your existence.
He couldn't completely blame you, though. Ruki knew that he was partly responsible for your behavior. He had grown a soft spot for you, although he couldn't pinpoint when it had happened. He found that you had become more tolerable once he had taught you how to behave properly. The Sakamaki brothers hadn't done a very good job in that regard.
But now, as you approached him with a hurried excuse and missed the heated glare he sent back towards the school, Ruki realized that he needed to remind you of your place once again.
Upon entering the mansion, Ruki wasted no time in barking orders to his brothers and cornering you against the front door by your throat. His eyes burned into yours with a heated glare as he spoke, his voice low and dangerous. "Did you really think I wouldn't hear the rumors? I don't know what I dislike more, the fact that you're a filthy whore or that you thought you wouldn't be punished.”
As Ruki's grip on your throat tightened, you gasped for air, feeling your heart pounding in your chest, “Don’t bother lying. You can use your filthy tongue for something else. On your knees.”
You wanted to protest, to tell him that you couldn't do it, that it was too degrading, but the fear in his eyes made it clear that he wouldn't accept anything less than complete obedience.
Kou Mukami
Kou loved to playfully tease you and watch as you blushed and pouted in response. He found it amusing and endearing how easily flustered you became around him. In his mind, your relationship was something unique and special compared to the bland and superficial interactions you had with others, especially the Sakamaki brothers.
Simply being around you brought him an unexpected sense of joy. However, that pleasant feeling quickly dissipated when he overheard your name being mentioned at a nearby table in the lunchroom.
As far as Kou knew, only two families were close enough to you to speak about you. The fact that this group of guys were discussing something that didn't belong to them left a bitter taste in his mouth. He couldn't help but wonder what they were up to.
Putting on a fake smile, Kou excused himself from the girls and walked over to the table where the guys were sitting. "Hey, I overheard you guys talking about Yui," he casually brought up. "She's cute, isn't she?"
One of the boys, whose name Kou couldn't even be bothered to remember, grinned up at him proudly. "You bet she is, and I scored a date with her," he boasted. The comment earned cheers from around the table, but Kou couldn't believe it.
How could you be dating him when she wasn’t his to begin with? He wasn't even worth looking at. He had nothing on Kou. Nothing. "Really?" Kou asked, trying to sound congratulatory. He quickly left the table after, walked past his fan group, and went to look for you.
It didn’t long to find you, walking around the hall carrying a heavy box. You didn’t notice him until the box is snatched out your hand and Kou is smiling at you innocently, “Let me help with that. Where to?”
"Kou… the supply closet." You told him, holding up the key.
His smile widened, pleased with how the situation was unfolding. Although he hadn't planned on being alone with you right off of meeting, he was determined to make the most of it. The perfect opportunity fell right into his hands. Kou grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you to the closet, where he snatched the key from you to unlock the door.
Once inside, Kou looked around and said, "I can't seem to find where to put it," as he set the box down on the floor.
"I'll help," you offered, walking towards the box. Suddenly, your face was slammed into the wall, causing you to yelp in pain. Kou had a death grip on your hair, his body pressed against your back, and he leaned down towards your neck.
"M Neko-chan, you're so mean," Kou hissed, pressing down harder on your head and tilting it further. "One little fight and you go running to another man. If you wanted to be treated like a slut, all you had to do was ask," he snarled, biting down hard on your neck and tearing the skin, blood gushing on your clothes, the wall and him.
He pulled away, "I'll make you unrecognizable, M Neko-chan. The next time you try to run away, you won't even know who you are," Kou threatened, “but I’m sure you’ll like that, wouldn’t you?” His other hand slipped under your shirt, traveling up your back to the front, “Of course you would.”
Azuma Mukami
Azusa had a penchant for physical pain, more so than the average person, but this time he deeply regretted his actions. Emotional pain was never his intention.
He would have apologized in a heartbeat if you hadn't stormed away. The feeling of guilt crept up on him like a slimy worm, and he punished himself for what he had done.
He knew he was in the wrong and deserved to be punished. You were right; you should be punishing him right now. But no amount of self-punishment could alleviate the feeling of regret that plagued him.
As he sat at the dinner table, Kou brought up a rumor he had heard at school that day. Usually, Azusa paid little attention to rumors, but this one was about you, and he quickly became attentive. His stomach turned uncontrollably as he looked across the table at you, who didn't return his gaze.
“Supposedly, she accepted a date from someone but that can’t be right, hm, M Neko-chan?”
Kou's words stung as he spoke them, his smirk betraying his cruel intentions. Azusa sat at the table, his eyes cast down to his plate, visibly trembling in disbelief. He knew that this was just one fight of many, but he never expected it to drive you away like this. He was hurt, and it was the worst kind of hurt.
Without a word, Azusa got up from the table and retreated to his room. You felt guilty, knowing that you were the cause of his pain. You asked Ruki if you could be excused, and he noticed Azusa's behavior and allowed it. You made your way to Azusa's door and knocked, watching as it opened slightly on its own.
As you entered, you saw Azusa standing in front of his knife display, picking one out. He heard you come in and turned to you with a sad smile.
"I...don't like...that kind of...pain," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked down in thought, then raised the knife and sliced his arm. "This is...the best…kind," he continued. "I hurt you...but…you didn't...like that...so you clearly...like mine."
You felt your heart break as you watched watch him walk over to you, smiling innocent, because what he was about to do was something he truly believed you wanted.
To be happy, right?
Yuma Mukami
Yuma knew he had a problem with his temper, but he didn't care. He felt like people were just too sensitive and couldn't handle the truth. And you, you knew this about him, yet you still pushed his buttons. It was almost like you hadn't learned anything from living in the Sakamaki and Mukami mansions. You were still in denial about your worth and the fact that you had no choice in your circumstances.
So when Yuma finally lost it and bit you, it was no surprise to him. But what annoyed him was how you stormed off, looking sad. He had to fight the urge to chase after you and comfort you, even though he knew he had hurt you. The guilt that came with that feeling was infuriating to him.
He couldn't help but think, "Fuck you." He wouldn't be feeling this way if it weren't for you. He would much rather figure out his own life than constantly worry about how you fit into it. You drove him crazy and he wanted you to leave, but he knew that he would hunt you down if you did.
And now, he was seeking you out, not because he missed your dumb face, but because he had heard a rumor that had his blood boiling. There was no way you could be that gullible and stupid to accept a date from some half-assed dude. But then again, it sounded exactly like something you would do.
Yuma couldn't wait to clear the air with you, but his anger was palpable. He saw red at the possibility of the rumor being true. When he finally got his hands on you, he hoped the rumor was just that - a rumor. Otherwise, he might just do something he would regret.
He spotted you talking to someone. His stomach dropped as he realized it could be the same guy he had heard rumors about. What the hell was wrong with you? Did you not understand the severity of your situation?
He waited until the guy had walked away before approaching you, his fists clenched at his sides. Without a word, he grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulders and dragged you into the closest empty classroom. Once inside, he slammed you against the wall, his hand around your throat and the other pressed against the wall beside your head. His eyes blazed with rage as he looked down at you.
"You must be a fucking idiot, sow, to really think that would work," he sneered. "I mean, you only made your situation worse."
You tried to speak, but he silenced you by slamming his hand against the wall beside your head. You whimpered in fear as he tightened his grip around your throat.
"You can't leave, sow," he spat, his voice low and menacing. "The only way you leave is if you're dead." With that, he sank his teeth into your neck, eliciting a scream from your lips. He covered your mouth with his hand to stifle the sound.
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cozymoko · 2 years
Hi! I just found your blog, and I love your stuff♡♡ Could I ask for domestic headcanons for the mukami family? As in how would living with them (separately) be as their partner. Thank you!
Note: Hello~! I've been seeing you all over my feed lol, I'm glad you like it. I'm making them married if that's okay. Enjoy! (゚▽^*)☆
Pairing: Domestic! Mukami brothers x gn! reader
Format: Headcanons
WARNING(S): none
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It's almost like you're living with a prince. So perfect, not skipping a beat when it's time to assist you, (on a good day). One would think he's a mind reader with the way he reads you. It's as though you are a book brimming with such unimaginable intricacy, one he has studied word for word until it's engraved in the depths of his memory.
If he wanted to he could take care of all the household chores within a sheer blink of an eye. But what's the fun in that? Ruki cares for you, however, he will not do your chores for you.
As adults, the two of you have several things to tend to throughout the day but there's no excuse for falling behind on house maintenance. So unless you are on the brink of collapsing or he grows weary of watching you struggle, it's best not to anticipate too much from him, Geez, what a clean freak!
"You look rather tired this evening. Are you overworking yourself? Do not lie to me, this will only make it harder for not just you but me as well."
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Your living situation is a secret between the two of you. Now being away from that secluded manor, he'd hate it if his new home was bombarded by paparazzi and deranged fans.
Kou isn't the greatest at cooking but he'll try his best. After living under the same roof as Ruki and Yuma, the skills he can provide are just as worthless as you'd think: Very. They made everything for him. And don't get me started on his cleaning...
The man's a sucker for surprises, no matter how big or small. It could be as simple as completing his portion of the chores or preparing a warm meal for him to come home to. It makes his heart race. Fret not because in this world the things you bestow upon others are bound to return to you.
"Hehe, you made all this for me? Wah~, I really am the luckiest man alive. Don't worry honey, I'll be sure to return the favor very soon~!"
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Upon the moment you moved in, Yuma had grown more protective of you. If you hadn't known any better, you'd think he's your shadow. A very large, imposing one, to say the least. Yuma fears that you'll injure yourself whenever you leave his sight, hence why he tends to hover over you quite often. At times like these, he reminds you of a mother with his seemingly endless nagging.
Yuma would be the perfect housewife — "house husband" for better wording. He can cook, clean, and is pleasant to be around the more you get to know him.
Life with Yuma is a whirlpool of emotions within itself as you never knew what was to come of you. Gardening alongside the man you cherished, lazing around 'til your heart's content, spending several late nights baking for the pleasure of it. You've done it all, it seems. But you know this is solely the beginning.
"Oi, sow, don't cut the fruit like that damn it. Are you tryna' hurt yourself or somethin'? Pfft, I wouldn't put it past ya'."
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You may as well call him your "number one supporter" because ultimately that's all he's good at. Azusa does his best to aid you in your day-to-day tasks even if he's not up to par. Yet somehow his efforts were helpful in their own ways.
He is a great listener if you need him to be. After a long day of work, stressed and exhausted. what could be more tempting than a listening ear? Scream at the top of your lungs about all the things you dislike; kick and scream about your boss's irksome behavior. (Kick him, we all know he'd like it.)
Azusa is up your ass every waking moment. Whether you're cooking or even showering, he will be there. With cold hands lingering along the line of your waist, bodies pressed flush against one another. It will never be enough to soothe his shivering heart, which longed for you when you aren't near. It's unfortunate, truly.
"I missed you...so much...I hate when you leave me to go to work....just...stay, can't you? I promise...It'll be a lot of....fun..."
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thelunarfairy · 5 months
I was rereading tbhk and got reminded of the mermaid scale curse between Yashiro and Hanako, I wonder if in the new timeline they are still bound by the fate?
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Or maybe this is completely disregarded in the new timeline because technically it never happened lol... But I kinda hope this scale thing could be some kind of key as to return to the old timeline, because the mermaid scale is the start of their bond (and reason why Yashiro got involved in the supernatural world further)
You know, I've been thinking about this for a long time, ever since they went back in time.
Because, following the logic, Nene wasn't supposed to have any more ties with Hanako, but the story made such a point of saying over and over again that it's a very strong bond between the destinies that I can't imagine it being severed.
Furthermore, it is linked to "destiny" and destiny has a direct connection with time.
If Amane's destiny is to be a teacher, then in the future he would grow up to become one.
Furthermore, it is reinforced that it is a bond "across the world of the living and the dead". That is, even if one or both of them were dead, the bond would continue.
Maybe this bond hasn't been broken, because even with Severance, it continued to exist.
But, we are talking about time. In this case, we saw that time can have "flaws" and one of them is Tsukasa, Hanako meeting Nene is a flaw, because Hanako only killed Tsukasa because Tsukasa came back, and Tsukasa only came back because Nene and Kou spoke to him.
This is how the temporal paradox was created, the clock keepers are trying to fix the paradox, we don't know what they changed, nor what Amane did to Tsukasa, but you can see that there are flaws here.
Since the fact that people can remember another reality is a loophole, how would people remember things that didn't happen?
Can you understand? If they can remember the other reality, then it may be that some things have remained, beyond the memories.
And one of them is the mermaid bond, the bond was made in the other reality, but it may have been strong enough to have continued in the current reality, just like the memories.
It is a bond that goes beyond life and death, and is directly linked to destiny, if the destiny of one of them changes, that of the other changes too, but they do not lose the bond.
Another thing, I still have serious doubts about the objects. Does Nene still have Amane's keys?
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Well, if I had to make a guess, I think the bond still exists, maybe it's weak, but it must exist. I'm not sure, I still have many doubts about its veracity, but at least we still managed to fit the hypothesis into current reality.
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ngmn2002 · 8 months
Ch 110: Random Thoughts
Ok, let's go...
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ooooh, what a cool face, Tsukasa! ♡ You're so beautiful. Always so enchanting. Captivating boy! ✨
So he was referring to Akane after all.
Uh, strong words coming from Akane to say he will put Tsukasa to justice. Hmm. Nice.
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How cheeky. How smug. So full of yourself, huh? ~ What a reallllly good mood you're in. Well, regarding the situation, you're so pleased. Almost getting to finish what you've been after for so long. ~ those who tell Tsukasa to follow their rules have it hard. Not remembering old No.3. lol
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I'm done talking about his super speed and powerful SHARP hands. His hands are a weapon alone. OH!
He is wasting no time, right into business at full force. How admirable.
But seriously... the words... oh! He's been growing really smug since ch 91, 92 and now... woooh... one time playing with puzzle pieces and throwing them in the air all gracefully and the other Kaku's gears... this side of his... easy on me...! I get it everything is in the palm of your hand. I get it you're pleased you're almost at the finish line and enjoying your success on getting what you've been working hard and patiently on for long. BUT!! OH! ... even that Tsukasa art with the clock. oh. should I be calling you Mr. cool smug Tsu? ♡ it's impossible not to remember him! OH!
Uhhh... just thinking of Kou threatening little Tsukasa to get at him one day is sooooo funny at this point. You sure you can pull that off? lol
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LOVE how this boy aged. From an innocent hum to a REALLY smug, fully in charge and capable one. UH! you want to go after Tsukasa after the scary 'hmm' face he showed you before and after what he did to you after showing it? Have to say you're brave. ~
Speaking of you, shouldn't you really be after someone else by now? If we were to assume Tsukasa hurt your friend, which is a big No-No to you, no one touches your dear friend and gets away with it, after what nat did, how will you react? Go at full force at him, kay? ~ Not to add, that's also the fake 'senpai' who used you in a really ugly way to get what he wants and left you with nothing before. Get a much called for 'revenge' on an ugly target. ~ Let me see you going. ~
You're still on the safe side. You still have time to reconsider, Kou. For your own sake. ^^
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Here we go again...
Love how this boy changes from cheerful, playful, carefree… to being deadly serious and focused in like a split moment. He just keeps on switching between the 2 sides. A thing to admire about him. ~
Ahem, he is 'playing' with you Akane. ^^ seriously, he cut Akane's side with his pare hand and drew blood out of him, he crushes metal with them, punches a whole through metal or whatever... his HANDS! what are they made of?! even though I said I won't talk much about his hands.. here we are...
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He is having fun. He is enjoying himself. Little smug foxie. ~
The amount of self confidence he has always impresses me. My goodness it's limitless… but this chapter is on another whole level. SO SMUG! I love that mood of his. oooooh SO COOL!!!
To go on and take out parts of Kaku to throw them at Akane. AHAHAHA Wha a cool move! ~ It's hilarious. What a reallllly good mood you're in. do you have a thing against kaku? you're treating him like ruins of the clock.
The punch he gave to Akane's chin, it reminded me of the one Hanako gave to Kou in the pilot. The twins share some moves. cool.
Later on he moved to give Akane a nice spin around, how fun! I hope Akane enjoyed the ride! twister no.4 seems to have given Tsu a fun idea during their chase lol Again, Akane's reaction. Same as the one Hanako made when Teru destroyed the ceiling of the far shore train. Hilarious. Hilarious.
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One of Tsukasa's coolest signature moves!!!!! Hits with an iron fist!!!!!
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Unbothered Tsuuuu!!!!!! unbudging Tsu!!!! Amazing Tsu!!!!!!
Wooh, I think I need to stop on Akane's words to give Kou some kind of credit.
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His unbothered side! Hmm. Even though that happened when Tsukasa was letting his guard down and all... it still counts in a way. The only one to 'graze' almighty Tsukasa so far.
Hmm, wonder if Tsukasa wanted to, he could use Kokujoudai regardless of what Akane did, the one not to be really affected by Mirai's seal, rules in boundaries don't seem to apply to him, hmm...
Who is distracted Akane? Tsukasa wasted no time to go with his signature move while you weren't paying attention to him. He just switches between going easy to serious that's all.
And once more, another Tsukasa signature move. Smashing heads into things. The ground, table, wall..... he is still more gentle than No.6 on the head smashing regard.
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It's again, funny, the guys going to call Tsukasa guilty and voice to want to bring him to justice were brought to justice by him on their very court table. One with Tsukasa stepping on it and punching a hole through his chest, the other getting crushed into it. woooh. Tsukasa shows no mercy I see. What a fun court. ~
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Seriously, he gave Akane no room to prove himself. It was a one-sided fight. Was it a fight? Half of it Tsukasa was playing.........
Again, he is so fascinated by the insides of other things. Why not tell us what's on the inside of you, Tsukasa? We're fascinated by that, too. Come on. you want to show us that once you're destroyed? while I'm a sobbing mess? How can i see with my sight blurry? ........
Anyway, the insides of Akane is flesh, Tsukasa. So, it's a relief he survived your attack. didn't you notice the blood when you hit his side?
Having Akane freeing Mirai and asking her to run (both for her safety and because she holds the yorishiro, I assume he knows it's there. Even if he didn't before, it's just a fact at that point with Kaku down and him knowing it's not within him), then for her to throw herself in front of him to get the hit instead and protect him with a selfless act. They do care for each other after all. How sweet, despite Akane going they tricked him and he hates supernaturals. He seemed taken aback by what happened to her... falling to his knees checking on her closely maybe?
Even though I don't really care for either Kaku or Mirai so far, I like her gesture with Akane. It was nice to see.
Love how Tsukasa still kept his logo of 'gentle with girls' so far. He got her not on purpose, and the time they fought before too. Still, I assume if he failed with Akane, he will be going for her. Uh......... if that happened I was going to say goodbye to gentle with girls Tsukasa. It was nice to know you. haha.
So, I was thinking for a whole month before the chapter will I go counting triple kill on Tsukasa's list when the chapter is out? It's fun to get it. Even if none of them is really 'over'. I was also hoping to see Tsukasa bloody like the time with No.3, he looked cool back then. Uh, for that to happen it had to be Akane's or Teru's? blood... since the others are just made of gears. But of course, I wouldn't want for Akane to reach that point of being badly wounded... I would be satisfied with a small amount... like if the cut to his side left a bit on Tsukasa's hand... uh... I would pay to be in Hanako's, Nene's, Teru's place or the owls and watch Tsukasa in action and going -far shore No.6 mode but X1000 COOLER like they were doing. Ahahaha, their reactions were so fun. even Teru's was funny.
Turned out the yorishiro is...
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Within Mirai like I guessed. ~
And some people go saying Tsukasa killes for fun. Yeah, once his purpose is done, he didn't walk back to Akane, despite his comment on wanting to know what's on the inside of him.
Still, Tsukasa didn't go with the pattern I mentioned. If he did... we wouldn't have had all that fight so... makes sense. and I would have said goodbye to that thing
And, Tsukasa finally got his hands on the yorishiro. Mission accomplished. A yorishiro holding another. No.7's holding No.1's. Amusing. Tsukasa. ~
Though, from all the things, it turned out to be a "key"? I'm so sensitive to that. Come on.
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Hmm... what meaning could that hold?
I can't help but to go back to the time Tsukasa had Nene going back in time to get Amane's key. And, now we see him holding a key. Something feels fishy. What purpose might the 2? keys serve?
Why did he want Nene to get Amane's key? What purpose does it hold? At this stage with his plan on its final stogies shouldn't what he meant to do with making that happen come to play... with what he meant for Nene to do? What he meant for her to have? Does she still have the key with her at the moment? like... if she was brought back to normal, will it be there in her uniform pocket? Will we finally see it in use?
Hmm, I do wonder what all that Tea-party-Nene plan Tsukasa came with serves.
she seemed to help him together with her servant carry it. So? Did Tsukasa just come to them and told them "hey, we'll do this for a thing I want, nothing on your benefit." and the 2 just agreed? They were active parts of the plan. If it doesn't serve them, if it doesn't mean anything to them, if it even stands in her way if what Nene is supposed to do will turn out to be an obstacle in her way, would she have agreed to help and make her servant help? That feels so unlikely for a supposedly 'careful' evil person as her. What did they want out of that, too?
Did she just go with "it will be my chance to get the naive girl's trust so I can manipulate her easily all I want later on? Sending her servant with her to be her guide and lead her in the nowhere, and maybe to get something out of it... what did it hold?
Was she oblivious to Tsukasa's purpose out of that deal and just carried out with it for her to get the Nene trust thing and for nat to achieve something maybe? .........
Were the 3 working together or did they have goals of their own in there? Are they opposing to the point what Tsukasa wants might step in her and servant's way? Hmmmmmmmmmm..............
Everything in the tea party arc is questionable at this point. Everything in it is just tricky, full of lies, ACTING.
What kind of 'trust' do they have in each other? What a 'trio'. Funny. Really funny.
How NOT to be a trio. Hahaha, they aren't together at all. Never have been. ~
Hmm... having this...
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What do these smirks hold behind them? What is he after? What are they (SHE) after? Ha, she is even dancing and waving her dress around in there, what is it that really pleasing thing she can't wait to get?
In No.6's case I think it was her want to get rid of Sumire together with setting the stage of getting rid of Tsukasa, too. Someone doesn't seem to have a whole lot of patience. Now, she wants No.1, No.7, No.3 out of the way in one go. How funny. How funny. This rush storm inside of you doesn't show on your face little thing. ~
Uhhhh, what a fake you are. ~ Hmm... even that whole show of "I can't disobey him" you put, is it for real? ~ you've been going your way since the very start and until now. ~ what a thing you are. ~
I wonder... can snakes have the color green? ~
A 'careful' thing like her needs to really be as careful when facing Tsukasa. ~ He is not one to mess with easily. I hope she gets that with her 'he can't see me' or 'things are over now. a "betrayal" is so easy.' ~
Tsukasa dear, you happened to comment on being proud of seeing her going her way back in No.6's case. Do you, also, feel the same way on the other cases? Like now for example? What a magical being you are. ~
He asked her about if she is happy with hurting others and she responded yes, her actions right after that chapter with Nene, Sumire-No.6, this arc with the whole school and Mit 2.0. Clearly she is more than happy. She is going at full force. What a thing. ~ What a thing. ~
Snakes and cats... hmm... has to be the cat to outshine at the end, huh? I just can't wait to see how her deal with Tsukasa will come to an end, especially with little koku being in the mix. I'm so sorry I committed a crime on your side in the past, Tsukasa. I hope you can forgive me.
Seriously, the 4 are funny now. a cat, a green snake, a dog and a puppy. Let me take the cat and puppy and take my leave. ~
Ok, enough of that. Lots of other things to focus on. With the 2 going their (her) way.
So, her dog can wonder around, is it because of her lame gift or because he is special? Not that I care. Nor that I care for his show off in ch 92 or even him in the cover of vol 19. so booooooring.
Uhh, so Nagisa and Tiara are frozen, huh?
That's senpai to you. Who would care to call you that? What a waste. Out of the rare times I wished Mit 2.0 will go with his "you're lame attitude" regarding him and the gift, I didn't get it.
Ok, so he doesn't use his blood ability unless it's really needed as he voiced out before, because it's it makes him feel gross. You already are with or without it, don't be so sad. ~
His speech to Mit 2.0, I wonder if they made that clear to him before or not? From his reaction he feels oblivious to the whole deal. If that was the case, then scolding him like that when you didn't tell him a thing is called hypocrisy, you so lame so UNcool hypocrite.
Ok, so he wouldn't do that to Mit 2.0 without a clear purpose. Is it to force him to create a yorishiro so they can destroy next by putting him in a life threatening situation?
Still gross, considering they only want to destroy it, regardless. Forcing Mit 2.0 to have a thing to care about more than anything, only to destroy it. Meaning they use him like some kind of toy from start to end. They will keep it around until its deal is done to them just to throw it away when it's over. Oh.... wait a sec... a toy...?
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Yep, go at the right person at full force, Kou. Go ahead and show me what the whole of "my purpose" speech you gave while looking at Mit's photos mean. Show me where you stand now.
Mit 2.0, I really don't get him or Kou or their deal. At a moment he is all "I gave up, end me" then the other "ok, let's go to the festival"....... both forgot the main issue, the main problem, Mit 2.0's unstable existence. A part of what Mit 2.0/they reached now lies within his/ their ignorance of the situation they are in. So, despite nat's speech being trash, it have a bit of truth within it. Mit 2.0 and Kou could have done better if they just gave things what they are worth, instead of leaving them for who knows when.
So now, Mit 2.0 is in a real 'dying' situation. That will really show his real desire, and prove if his want to "be gone" is really that strong or not. A chance to be gone came to you, Mit 2.0.. will you accept it or resist it? Or will you go "if I'm gone, I want Kou to finish me" like you told him before? Will you end up creating a yorishiro at that point? What might it be? A thing to be your living line and at the same time so precious to you?
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As Mit 2.0 peeked into all of his "old self" memories using his mirrors, a thing to be important to his old self, together with him, it's a picture of Kou, might end up becoming his yorishiro? It's in Kou's house though... if we needed a thing within the school, maybe even No.3's boundary... Hmm...
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Again, it holds a meaning for both him and his "old self". Kou gave it to him and he held into it thinking of the hell of a time I went with reviewing the chapter, it keeps on showing in his arms then disappearing at a later shot repeatedly!. A moon rock, scissors, skitch book... it holds a potential of having this " 'first' precious gift" in it. The Penguin chain sadly got destroyed so... can it be repaired if he wanted? hmm...
Can it become Kou's lame traffic earing? For fun, both Mit kept commenting on it, it's from Kou, they called him referring to it, old Mit died in a car accident, we got an event of Kou gifting him a traffic earing... and were told in an early chapter it's something 'improtant' to Kou. Imagine that one will be the case. It'll be so funny.
I'm left with these options, I don't really think Mit 2.0 is capable of creating a human yorishiro (make Kou his yorishiro), that seems to be one specific task with specific circumstances I see Mit 2.0 to lack.
Now, thinking of old No.3's yorishiro that's still there. Do we need it or is it just worthless and forgettable like its owner? Seriously, the only character in this story to lack everything including an "existence" is that bird.
Hmm, looking back at Tsukasa's deal with making Mit 2.0 No.3... his speech all along was only directed to that, it's Hanako who went for the "old" yorsirho. .......
From what we heard from nat, it doesn't connect to Mit 2.0 at all.
Uhhh, thinking about Tsukasa making Mit 2.0 and making him stay by making him No.3 and then feeding him so he can keep regenerating, after that Tsukasa? What did you have in mind to do after that? You told him he can become human, he can have his wish, he's kept on living on that hope until his life became hell and jsut wanted to be gone, then kept going once more, you don't lie, right? How do you plan to grant his wish? Take responsibility, Tsukasa. He is not a toy you made to be played with by others. He is a being with feelings, wants and wishes. Either be as responsible to grant his wish, or I don't know.. try to do anything for him for him to reach a stable piece of mind and being. you can't leave him at the middle of the road. I'm sure you won't leave any of your work undone.
So, once Mit 2.0 is a full mystery will he take a new 'complete' form? not that I hold a thing against it but I feel his design in there is a symbolism of many things. some might be Tsukasa codded, even when his yorishiro is destroyed, he'll just lose authority over the boundary... would that mean he is a step toward becoming "human"? From what was said, it seems so. Uh, I see all that thing in lots of ways, one of Mit 2.0 might end up just accepting what he is, now having a stable existence, and give up on that wish. Why did he want to become human to begin with? If he can have that in his life already, is there a need for him to become "human" anymore?
On Tsukasa's side of the wish thing, having Mit crossing to become a full mystery, if we assumed he still wanted to be human, maybe once all Yorishiros are destroyed, if what she said is true..... looking at it in another way than all will be gone... if we reduced this all to the "lines" between life and death... if we assumed the world will be rewritten so the living, the dead (ghosts), supernaturals are equal and can live together... that means Mit 2.0's wish is granted along the way? He can have the life he wants without necessarily becoming human. Is that what he has in mind?
Also, if what she said is really going to happen, will Tsukasa be as pleased to go with it? I mean he goes about the rules, not the beings. It's like he is after rewriting the rules of the world to create and new one where all can be free to be whatever they want, not to blow away everything. How would that be possible with him wanting to grant Amane's wish? In saving Nene's life? And living a real life with her? what wish could he have while gone?
Uh, the whole Nene will die once the yorishiros are destroyed deal too... it feels like once he is gone, she is gone too. 2 in 1. brace yourself Amane. The DOUBLE PIAN you'll get if that were to happen! Boy............. we're similar huh
I mean from what we got so far, Tsukasa doesn't care for his own being, but Nene's life is a part of the deal. A part of Amane's wish. We need to change her fate, don't we? You going this way is clearly the wrong path, Tsukasa. Unless........ you have other things in mind. Regarding Nene's life and the world (maybe even your complicated situation). Things Amane, her and us are oblivious to. I trust you.
You're just playing with our minds and feelings, dear. But I can go with 'wait and see'. Amaze me. ♡
Ok, moving on...
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The face of "it's over". ♡ Thanks for all you hard work so far. KEEP it up. *coughing* to hear... Tsukasa referring to himself as "Amane's" yorishiro for the first time ever... uh....
Unlike the time he talked with her... there is a whole 180 between her and Amane's reaction. See who cares for you, dear Tsu. Even when you want to be gone, there are people? not to care and use your want as an easy to achieve step in their happiness plan, and there are people! who can't live without you, ready to pin you down, keep a strong hold around you so you won't leave, you precious boy!
Don't go I want to be gone based on fake illusions in your head. Please realize how much worthy you are. Please unleash this want to stay with Amane you have deep down within you. Please... Amane.... I'm begging you to prove to this boy how irreplicable and precious he is. How your world is just dull without him there. Please Tsukasa... this time get it. Understand him, please.
Nene, please help them both get over this miscommunication issue they have! Help them understand each other! Be the hand to bring them together!
I can't with that...... I just can't.....
Hmm... now.. what am I supposed to get from his talk? Mit 2.0 will make a yorishiro? Won't and that leaves us with No.1's and him? Is he on board with what the 2 went to do with Mit 2.0? ...
It seems they want the 7 yorishiros gone, not only 6. And, it looks like he knows that, too. Hmm...
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Well, yes, she said 7. They need to forse Mit 2.0 to make one. It's clear now.
Uhh, now I started to see Tsukasa this arc, no in the entire story as someone trying to live the moment to its fullest before he says his last goodbye. When little, before he got killed, and now... he wanted to do something special before he is gone for good, change Amane's life for the better, give him happiness. A thing to remember him 'foundly' with maybe? Having him wanting to end things with his own hands this arc...... with the last yorishiro.... Amane... Nene... all he did along the way from the very start till now.....
How could he be that good of an actor... or so collected let's say... shows nothing on him... in their birthday before he left... the time he spent after he came back waiting to be killed (not sure about his last year though) ... now... he plays and signs and... oh... how are you doing on the inside, Tsukasa?
If I went please don't leave Tsukasa, will you grant that wish for me?
Teru's internal monologue,
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Poor Nene, looking at Akane, keepers having a hard time.
Hmm... I don't get him. At the start of the story he kept on going on how much the 7 mysteries are evil and dangerous, then kept going after evil Hanako, and then... he tells Akane they are needed to 'support' the school and they will be needing No.1 to stand up for 'Tsukasa' turned out Amane took his leave at the end or...? , looking forward to see No.1 really in real action. Having him voicing if the Yorishiros are gone the land? I assume the one of the school will fall down... kinda reminds me of vol. 19's cover... would that be what happens?
The pillars he had at mind almost took the shape of those surrounding the hole in No.6's boundary under the school as I recall it, would it be like... the core of the destruction to come? The hole that links to the far shore as I recall it? Hmm... can we see No.6 in action once more? maybe even all the 7 in one place when that time comes? each pillar looks like this one in Sumire's... uh... sacred shrines... sacrifices... yorishiros... unseating pits of powers to return to an original form of theirs... what a huge thing...
With Nene's supposed 'sealed' fate this thing is doomed to happen......
Speaking of that, how did Teru know Nene's life span and death is directly linked to the yorishiros? Hmm...
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The Minamotos have lots of things under their sleeves. while he was talking in depth about No.1, he didn't seem to know much about Tsukasa's position and not to pay attention to her being mentioned before… hmm…
Following the origin of the school, was it built on that same land Sumire's village lies on?
It seems… that land… the red house… school… are all linked.
I mean, we have No.6's boundary being under the school, the hole there that he used to sacrifice Aoi once she fell into it can be linked to that original cliff, having the same thing of: Supernaturals are coming in and attacking the place, let's sacrifice a girl to stop that agenda in Sumire's village, the same thing happened in the school, therefore had No.6 who is an "expert" in dealing with that, used the same agenda. We dealt with the situation the same way. Had the severance happening, similar to the thing in the village, again, with supernaturals stopping coming out for a while. The mess happened out of having almost half of the yorishros gone, the protectors to keep the land safe from that happening.
We see the supernaturals coming from that hole, in No.6's boundary in general, also there in the red house, which is directly linked to the kannagi place.
A 'sealed' well near the 'red house' and Teru saying there is water and all under it… having it connecting to the far shore.
It makes since we're in the same place, land and all.
Having that nat saying to Kou "This guy's been a real thorn in our side. He is been stopping just about every single supernatural that tries to make it to the mortal world... before they even get the chance to wreak havoc there."
Hmm, feels legit connecting it to his old rule, that he still takes on himself as No.6, taking care of the hole/cliff and its supernaturals crossing in.
Hmm, now maybe his disappearance makes sense? He did his last job, got over his duty... he is free to go wherever.
Since he is told the whole system is not needed anymore to protect the mortal world, his rule is over... he'll do just that.
So yes, the school seven mystries - yorishrio system, Sumire's village system... are 2 sides of the same coin, deal with the same thing. One just evolved from the other.
After all, that makes sense why the school is full of supernaturals and all, Mit, etc end up within it.
Talking about the keepers...
Could their uselessness come from the destruction of their clock as he put it before lol? Could it be that they don't care to defend their yorishiro or if it's destroyed? Could it be they can't use their time power for some reason? And that feels to not be it for the most part, since Mirai used her time power on Tsukasa and it didn't work, Kaku was taken by surprise and was down, Akane couldn't even turn his head around, the moment he did he was done. Tsukasa is not an opponent to be underestimated.
Their time power seems to take a little time for them to activate once they decide to used, even.
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Could they hold up before his speed even for a few seconds just enough for them to activate it? Did they fight knowing it's a lost call? I mean he showed to be faster than the 3 of them to react.
Talking a little more about it,
With Mirai's case, she promised to move his time until he is 'dust', if she had succeeded, that will give a whole different story from how the situation developed. was Amane sure nothing will happen to Tsukasa so he didn't step in? Feels so. He wasn't scared Tsukasa will get it hard once he called his name, it's the opposite. He didn't make a move until Tsukasa said that "me" of his.
Thing is, when Mirai moved Tsukasa's time, did she really touch only the handcuffs and moved their time only or was it something else that its time moved? Hmm... when she moves the time of a 'being' no matter what she touches on them, it will be their time that will move together with these things. With Nene, with Kou he grew up completely in appearance, powers, not only his clothes. Tsukasa... assuming she only touched the handcuffs, they should be the only thing to age but...
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Oh? now I see why she is shocked and why he only smirked. Missing with a being of 'his own time' are we? Hmm, it's amazing how there seemed to a somewhat of explosion, a huge flow of power to feel "reflected" once she tried moving his time. Unlike any other case she moved time forward within before, even with Kou it was a small smoke cloud nothing much.
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The mystery of the red house... the thing of its own time, own space, own rules, connected to the kannagi place... it was hilarious how Nene came out of one on the taps
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Hmm... what's on the inside of you, Tsukasa-kun?
Anyway, so Mirai's power of moving time don't work on him, Akane's of stopping time don't feel to work, the clock didn't affect him how about Akane, and Kaku... if he turned back time without Tsukasa noticing any moment that would feel to work somehow.
Are the keepers just trying to go with the flow so they will "observe", see how things will play out before Kaku finally turns back time so then they can finally get serious? Knowing how things ordinally developed? That feels smart.
Thing is... turning time don't erase the memories of those powerful supernaturals so... Tsukasa will also remember how things went and time was brought back...
... what do the keepers have in mind? It would feel only legit they have something they are plotting.
A thing of wait and see...
Would what Teru mentioned to Akane about Kou come to play soon?
We're dealing a lot with 'time' this arc.
And finally...
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Mr. ^_^.
Recalling it, Tsukasa... she never agreed to anything let alone promised anything, you came up with the game and didn't let her even finish her line of "I didn't agree to th-". ^^
Ok... that moment....
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Uh, have to say it feels cute how Tsukasa was going on a rampage up until it's Amane he's facing. He is just too gentle and "Amane?" ... oh...
And, sure enough, they are back in position, with the knife. What a complete setting.
Seriously, Tsukasa... he loves going and leaving him behind. Yeah, Amane... you have to pin him down to the ground and keep him in place. Nail him with a knife, take a tight grip of his hands, make sure he doesn't escape. Go ahead and be as selfish to even keep him locked in your boundary like a prisoner. Keep a ring around his ankle so he doesn't go far away. If you don't do this, he will keep disappearing because of some illusions in his head.
Uh, just thinking how the rooftop scene summarizes the twins' deal, with Tsukasa being gone for some time, reappearing back suddenly in Amane's life, then after sometime leaves him behind. "See you later". What a game, Tsukasa. Now I see why he pinned Nene down. "Stop leaving me behind. That's enough already. I can't take anymore." Then... the way he ended up against the door, or even the time Akane gave him a speech about what he did... Tsukasa had him hard with his act of "disappearing" to leave him all alone and broken, regardless of how hard he tries to prevent it from happening. ........
"Without you, the world is empty, meaningless. It's just hell."
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Take turns. How does it feel? not that I think you didn't take her turn in your past. but still made the decision anyway despite you getting the feeling of being left behind. Just thinking she will forget someday and find happiness in other things. and then got angry at her for doing just the same as you did in your past. Tsukasa's comment was needed, you did the same as her, you gave up on your future and life to supposedly stay with me regardless of me agreeing or not. Even if I wanted you to keep living and chase your dreams and have a future. why can't she do the same as you did. too? you won't accept her noble sacrifice? You're unfair. Amane. You just go with things your way. So selfish. Tsukasa, sorry but... in your case this time I want him to be as selfish. Hold you down and prevent you from sacrificing yourself. Maybe the same also goes for the other one in your past.
Uh, to think that he went to try his best to voice his feelings out to Tsukasa yet all he got was a "so?" ........... 💢
Tsukasa doesn't get his feelings, doesn't want to be saved........
The time Hanako saved him together with Nene, Tsukasa asked about it. Mr. can't talk gave a cold answer, to receive a cold "so" later. Ehhh, who started the mess...
"You were there, too. So might as well save you." - "I won't be able to save you." now imagine how much effort it took him to voice that out after he failed the other time. and Tsukasa... not any of Amane's tries to 'save' you reached you....
Explain yourself, Amane.
In connection to the 3-loop...
It's twisted how this "what about what a person wants" plays with Tsukasa.
The first time he left Amane without "asking him what he wants", he assumed hearing Amane's speech that's his want/wish and tried making it come true for him. Amane didn't include him in there, so if he is gone it's fine, Amane is happy. In a way, that felt like what Amane wants (unlike Nene who Amane was sure not to want him to 'save' her the way he went).
Then, when 12... I assume influenced by Kou's speech, he made sure to ask Amane to voice what he wants. To choose if he wanted him to stay or disappear. But, Amane stayed silent it seems, making Tsukasa take action. Who knows, maybe once again Amane's lack of answer had him assuming he is "whatever" just like he got when little. He doesn't need him there to be happy. Him coming back home brought Amane misfortune, so he is better off without him. His unworthy little brother. He can be happy having his dreams and future without any care for him, after all... isn't that the reason Tsukasa sacrificed himself in the first place? Until Amane gave up on all that, did what he did so they can be together. Was that what Tsukasa wanted at that point? Or did he want the opposite for Amane? He wanted him to live? Amane went and decided for them both how they will end either way. Uh. Regardless, now it feels Tsukasa at least appropriates Amane's efforts in there? At least he doesn't show to be offended by what happened, he shows to love it? Even when he doesn't understand the message? I don't really follow him there. Maybe it's the fact of he saw Amane not holding back in general and that had him pleased. It's a logo of his. And, he accepted whatever Amane decided with open arms.
And now, it's the same. Tsukasa went with "that's what you want".
He makes decisions based on a "part" of what Amane wants. But, what he really wants is there inside of him. He needs to voice it out for Tsukasa to finally understand it.
Amane tried explaining he doesn't want a wish if it meant he'll disappear... but was met with a "so?" his feelings not reaching his little brother. It seems Tsukasa is still stuck in here... and just had a lag, can't move past that.
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So, Tsukasa needs him to say it clearly. "I love you. I don't want you to disappear. I want you to say by my side."
If Amane did... would he reconsider....?
Will Amane's feelings finally reach him? Will they get past their miscommunication issue? Will they finally start to understand each other a little?
Hmm... from what does Amane really want to save Tsukasa??? What does he have in mind??? If I were to tell him to take a first step in saving him, it would be to start with Tsukasa himself, save him from himself, save him from the illusions inside his head, save him from his self-doubt, worth issues that come from within him. Then, move on to the surroundings.
Why can't Tsukasa really see your love or understand any of your efforts? A part lies within your lack of putting your feelings into words and maybe also, it comes from deep within Tsukasa himself. He is so self-defeated, fast to give up on himself, he doesn't see how amazing or precious he his. He is fast to see himself in the wrong image. Which is so saaaaad. How is he supposed to believe someone really loves him? For what? You love worthless me? Can't be. Why? If anything, you must be in love with a false image you made of me. I'm not how you see me. You care for me because you're my older brother. It's a given. It's like a duty. You care for little brother. Do you care for 'Tsukasa'?
I see before Tsukasa gets to understand the love of anyone else, he needs to love himself first. How are you supposed to see the love of others when you lack self-love? When you're full of self-doubts?
Save him from that, Amane.
Before you ask even though he doesn't really, he is that selfless. if Amane hates him it's fine what matters is that he loves him and ready to do anything for him and his wishes and happiness for anyone's love, you need to start with loving yourself, accept yourself. Do you do, Tsukasa? If you don't, how is it possible for you to see, accept other's love or even understand it?
Before Hanako or even Nene try to help you, the change starts from within you. Start with changing the way you see yourself and feel about things, so you can move a step forward. Otherwise you'll keep stuck in the same place.
How do you see yourself Tsukasa? How do you feel about yourself? Please show me.
Goodness, doesn't this issue exist within both twins? Amane, too... struggles with accepting love and has self-respect issues. Both of them need help. Both need to be saved. Nene, too... at times... anyone to love me is fine..... I just want to feel loved......... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
Their story is just tragic. One sees himself as really unwanted by whoever, not important in his twin's life and he is happy without him, even if he wanted to be with him he lacks the courage to do so, seeing he won't do right by his side, therefore keeps going with 'disappearing' from his life not finding the reason to stay anyway, can't get any signal his twin sends him to show the opposite, he wants to hear him tell his feelings, what he really wants, while the other struggles with that specific thing. Both are suffering. The one who rejects and the one who is rejected.
Tsukasa is miserable, Amane is miserable. Both are miserable. How many tears will they have me shed until they are happy?
One insists on leaving, the other tries with all his might to keep him in place.
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Uhhh... how does it feel trying with all your might to have your moon not to disappear beyond the clouds so you can see him always?
Your beautiful unreachable moon... a thing to gaze at the grace of from afar, try so hard to catch. Make it all your. Your purpose. Steal the moon, Amane. Never let it go. You can do it.
How does it feel for you to be looking at your most precious moon in the eye, only to tell him I hate you. Oh...
A "I hate you" that holds I hate how you always go this way, how you're so fast to decide to give up on yourself, on us, disappear from my life to fill it with darkness and shatter my heart then come back to it to give it a light of hope and give my aching heat a chance of healing by having you close, then try to leave me again and again. It's painful to be left behind over and over again. I can't keep living with that. No matter how hard I try to keep you with me you insist on leaving, my feelings can't reach you no matter what I do. You keep rejecting all my efforts, refuse to understand my feelings. I don't get you. Stupid Tsukasa. You're so unfair. This side of yours, the way you decide things in this matter, this repetitive attitude of yours. I hate it so much. I don't want to play this game of hide and seek any longer. I hate it.
- let's play together like we used to? You said?
I don't want to play that kind of game. I'm sick of it.
If you love me, stop disappearing and leaving me behind. I don't want that. I love you, that's why I want to be with you. I want you here, with me. Always. Forever and ever.
How can Tsukasa see and understand Mitsuba's wish, his deal with Kou, if you're alike you can stay together forever, that's just a copy paste from his and Amane's, but can't understand theirs? Tsukasa.........
Why not shout all these out loud Amane? Might help you both.
He believes with the path he is taking, he is doing the right thing for your sake. Prove the opposite to him so finally we can have the 2 of you shine together.
All there is between you is pure love. Give it the chance to come out and see the light of day. Starting with gentle words coming out from deep down your hearts.
With the right amount of courage, determination, it will shine brighter the stars in the sky one day.
The twins. They are a lot. One powerful force.
May they reach their happy solvation.
What a chapter...
As per usual, I might be adding more stuff later.
Thanks for reading.
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kirisakiss · 6 months
⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Blog introduction
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— Hi guys ! I’m Maru and I made this blog to post about diabolik lovers and my oc Hikari! I’ll do a proper introduction post to her, but to tell you a little about her:
Hikari is an 18 years old girl that's sent to the Sakamaki mansion by Karlheinz, with the mission of charming everyone in the house.
— Some of her lore
Hikari is one of the multiple experiments of Karlheinz, a magic modified human being. She was adopted alongside the Mukami brothers from the orphanage, but was kept locked in Rotigenberg for a long time as Karlheinz experimented with her.
Thanks to Karlheinz experiments, Hikari developed enhanced senses, a perfect health and an "immortality" close to that of a turned vampire, that meaning she doesn't age or die as long as she doesn't get killed.
Due to the nature of her existence, Hikari is considered to be one of the first prototypes of an "Eve" and is nicknamed "Lilith" by Karl because of that.
— Some facts / headcanons / ideas I have
She coexists with Yui, and she would appear in More Blood as a rival at the start of some routes due to her mission, and as an ally / alleged love interest in some endings. In the next games, Hikari would become another love interest for Yui :) I also think it would be cool if after finishing the games, you had an option to play as her and unlock more of her lore.
Hikari doesn't really have a defined love interest; she has a love-hate relationship with Laito, and definitely has a crush on Shu, but I feel like she could have really interesting dynamics with the other characters.
She's 167cm tall (so, taller than Kanato and shorter than Azusa), and her birthday is on January 25th, a few days before Kou's.
She was created in like 2015 and started as a self insert, but then I made her an OC lol.
In the orphanage, Hikari became very close with the Mukami brothers and the day they decided to run away, she tried serving as a distraction.
Like Kou, Hikari was exploited in the orphanage and sold for profit, this made them bond and become very close friends.
And that's it for now guys, enjoy that little CG edit I drew of Shu and Hikari :), have a nice day!
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