#Krakoan era
dardisblue · 5 days
Yet again I am crying over Krakoan era's Cherik.
So much delicious angst and feelings.
The talk between Storm and Charles about (Spoiler)
The talk between Charles and Erik after (Spoiler)
Heavy spoilers ahead:
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--- Charles saddens about not knowing "Max"
When they are reunited, Magento feels that his "new" name only feels natural coming out of Charles's mouth..
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My heart is in so much agony.
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fionapplespiano · 4 months
I’m forever going to be pissed that the Krakoa era didn’t take the opportunity to resurrect Jean Grey’s family
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In case you don’t know, Chris Claremont intended for Jean’s sister, Sara, to be a latent mutant with her powers making her a walking cerebro; Sara’s children, Gailyn and Joey WERE mutants. Sara was killed by Cameron Hodge in the 90s, and her twins were killed by Shi’ar Death Commandos in the 2000s.
So, with all that in mind, they could have been resurrected by The Five on Krakoa, and we could have had a really interesting storyline with Jean dealing with that. But nope! X-Office doesn’t want Jean to have any connections or development outside of her family with Scott. Hell, she barely acknowledged the fact that her family was annihilated while she was dead.
Such a missed opportunity, I hope Jean can get revenge for their deaths during the Phoenix series. Or maybe they can find another way to resurrect them.
(Side note, if Gailyn is resurrected soon, can we give her a new name? Because Gailyn…is a bit dated.)
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vertigoartgore · 3 months
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Dark Web: X-Men #2 variant cover by artist David Baldeón (2022).
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maedelin · 4 months
Krakoa was for Lovers - A So Long, Thank You, And We Love You.
I Love You Too
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This shirt, worn by a proud, beautiful, visible mutant means so many levels for the character within the comic. And for us outside of it.
This reads to me, this is not only in this defiant, proud moment to remember the First Age of Krakoa. This is also a final wave from all the X-Men Office. A last "We did this because we love you. We love you for loving these merry mutants. Thanks for going on this ride. We survived the experience."
Everything worked out in the end. Narratively, everyone's returned who needs to, story wise. We did it, folks. Jonathan Hickman was reported to say "They [the fans] need a win."
We got the win. Thank you.
And especially in this final comic, one more time: Thank you for the Chris Claremont Adler-Darkholme-Wagner Family Reunion. A delight of 10 pages. It was everything I needed it to be. I look forward to the stories that come from it.
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iconuk01 · 10 months
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Ty Romsa has been doing some LOVELY New Mutants images over on his Instagram (along with other Marvel) and having seen this extremely handsome take on Doug, I HAD to share
But there's more, look at the left side of the image, and it's clear this is just the first half of a two part image, and who could THAT possibly mean I wonder? ;)
I'll share the other half when he posts it, but let's just enjoy this for what it is... DELIGHTFUL!
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l-egionaire · 1 year
I submit this challenge to all fans of Sophia Sanduval (because I've already thought of it ana would love to see others ideas on it): What do you think Sophia's Hellfire Gala outfit would look like?
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villainspo · 2 years
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The source of human ingenuity is deeply amoral, which is why we need humanities programs in addition to STEM education.
Source: S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #2, by Al Ewing (writer), Valerio Schiti (line art), Marte Gracia (colors), and Ariana Maher (lettering and production).
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jaymber · 24 days
Step-dad!Wade canon moments (ꈍ ᴗ ꈍ)
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[ Source : New Mutants (2019) #30 ]
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ndscottsummers · 3 months
we need a scottwarren renaissance
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folansstuff · 11 months
Although I do definitely like somber, darker Illyana (i think it fits her considering her backstory and all) and her roles in the 2009 run and turning her brother into the Juggernaut to prove a point is amazing characterization, I do like it when the writers make her just that tiny bit goofy. Vita Ayala I think did a really good job at finding a balance, especially with the Limbo arc, but even the artists/writers in the 80's and 90's did stuff like this
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like this girl is still kinda of a dork. And she's so much more interesting to read when she's able to transition between the two modes, rather than going from one book as a evil jerk to a book where she's acting like a looney tunes character. It's also a good sign that she's growing as a character! the krakoan era (mostly, less so when she was on the main x-men team) has her more comfortable with others and being social, and that kind of clear growth is what makes the long, windy timelines of comics characters actually feel worth it.
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emmalovesfitzloved · 3 months
An Essay on X-Men’s Krakoa Era
Reflecting on the Krakoan Era, it's challenging to express my overall feelings, especially considering its anticlimactic conclusion. Nevertheless, documenting my thoughts now might help me see if my perspective changes in the future.
Few comics have thrilled me like HoX/PoX did. Each issue was a whirlwind of excitement, and the peak moments remain unmatched within the era. While I have favorite individual issues, such as S.W.O.R.D. #3, Hickman's introduction to the Krakoan Era stands out as a near-unparalleled body of work.
Dawn of X was inconsistent. Despite high hopes for Hickman's solo run, there were significant highs and lows. Issues like X-Men #4, #7, and #11 stood out, but others, like X-Men #3, were disappointing. Hickman's run mainly laid groundwork for other writers, which, though not bad, wasn't what I anticipated.
Brisson’s New Mutants was forgettable, only serving to introduce the Goblin Queen, who later became vital in Ayala’s run. Hill's Fallen Angels had high concepts but lacked character depth, leading to its early cancellation, though it did set the stage for Wells’ Hellions.
Howard’s Excalibur, mainly setting up the X of Swords crossover, felt like it was biding time until the event. Duggan’s Marauders, especially post-issue #21, also failed to impress. Percy’s X-Force and Wolverine, spanning the entire era, suffered from a lack of editorial direction, though they might be viewed more favorably in the future.
The six initial titles were serviceable but often underwhelming. The collaborative effort behind the launch masked many of their weaknesses. In the second wave, Duggan’s Cable, William’s X-Factor, and Wells’ Hellions were standout titles, making the loss of X-Factor particularly disappointing.
Reign of X felt like a reset post-X of Swords, with Ewing's S.W.O.R.D. launching strong despite crossover disruptions. Ayala’s New Mutants consistently delivered, but her Children of the Atom was lackluster. Spurrier’s contributions were solid and crucial to the era.
Howard’s post-crossover work lost my interest, and her X-Corp series failed to captivate. The first Hellfire Gala was a storytelling highlight, while Ewing’s Guardians of the Galaxy crossover added value to the era’s narrative.
The lead-up to Hickman’s Inferno saw cancellations like William’s X-Factor for the Trial of Magneto, which didn’t align with Inferno as intended. Inferno itself was a fitting end to Hickman’s run, setting the stage for Gillen’s rise.
Gillen’s Immortal, Ewing’s Red, and LaValle’s Sabretooth series were post-Hickman highlights. Gillen’s Immortal distilled his earlier work, while Ewing and Spurrier continued building on their respective stories.
Duggan’s era was mixed; his Cable run was excellent, and early X-Men issues were strong, but later work suffered due to crossover interruptions and inconsistent quality. The A.X.E. event, while a capstone to Gillen’s Eternals, disrupted Duggan’s X-Men narrative with little to no consequences to the Krakoan Era.
The final phase, Fall of X, included many filler issues but also some gems. Spurrier’s work with Kurt and Ewing’s strong finish stood out. Overall, despite the bloat, 61% of the nearly 725 issues from the Krakoan Era remain cherished.
In terms of the overall lore and mythos of Krakoa, it's still dubious whether it had a significant impact. Few characters really stood out, as the era was driven more by plot than by character development. Historically, the X-Men have thrived on rich character narratives that created a soap opera effect. However, this era focused more on showcasing what characters could do rather than exploring their interpersonal relationships, which were deeply underdeveloped.
Standout characters like Professor X, Destiny, Emma Frost, and Magneto, primarily members of the Quiet Council, were given prominence, while 90% of the rest of the X-Men were underutilized. This is disappointing, as the era's format seemed perfect for deep character-driven stories. Characters like Jean Grey, Hellion, Cyclops, and Legion, among others, had opportunities for development that fell flat. The era lacked consistent and balanced character narration and plot development that made earlier X-Men stories compelling, marking one of its weakest points.
As we move forward to the next era, "From the Ashes," the general sentiment I believe is emblimised across the fandom is mixed cautious, optimism and excitement. Fans hope for a return to the tight, cohesive storytelling that characterized the best of the Krakoan Era, with a renewed focus on character development and innovative plots. The hope is that the lessons learned from the highs and lows of the past years will guide the creative teams to deliver stories that resonate deeply with the readers, balancing epic narratives with intimate character moments.
Krakoa Forever.
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dardisblue · 5 days
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Cherik shippers, if you have not read the Krakoan Era comics. Do it now. Much Angst and Feels.
Full list of all related comics listed below
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fionapplespiano · 4 months
I, personally, am a big Jeanscott enjoyer, and they're my favorite x-couple. But I can also understand some of the criticism of their current relationship (although I still maintain that they're over hated). I've noticed that the consensus of them has been mixed across various platforms, so I wanted to see what x-tumblr thinks of them.
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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2024's X-Men Vol.6 #35/Uncanny X-Men Vol.1 #700 variant cover by David Marquez (pencils) and Rachelle Rosenberg (inks and colors). An homage to the cover of House of X #1 by Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia (released 5 years ago today on July 24, 2019).
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iselenris · 2 months
Reasons why Krakoa was never going to work
1. The quiet council, good bloody lord what were they thinking having sinister, shaw, mystique, exodus in powers of positions
There were more bad guys who were still very much bad guys on that council than there were good and true . I know building a nation means there’s gonna be stickiness and moral greyness but at this point in time the seasoned xmen had a way better balance of that then Nathaniel Bloody Essex
2. For being adamant on not being like man/human they immediately put creed in krakoan prison right after saying theres no prisons on th island… like okay.. when you man decided to have the entire of mutantdom on one island after Genosha, San Francisco, Madripoor, Utopia, the bloody morlock tunnels.. no one thought of a way to deal with the more villlanous mutants you know other than putting them in positins of power
3. At this point Charles Xavier has made it abundantly clear he is not a good man. He has a good dream, its arguable he has good and true intentions but his actions dont always match that.. do I even need to explain Magneto
4. this is mainly something thats been on my mind since i read #35 (latest and finale to the krakoan era). Apocalypse. if you’ve read the comic u can guess where im going with this. I dont want to spoil anything for anyone just yet. just..
5. I remember the first time I read about the crucible and I was incredibly confused and then I talked about it on twt with my xmen mutuals and erm yeah that shit ws fucked to me again i can promise now that I know a little bit more about the world it’s gonna be a lot more fucked for me now (cant wait to get to that point!)
if you’ve read this far, then wow i hope i made sense and please discuss with me on whether you believe the krakoan era could’ve worked
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racefortheironthrone · 10 months
Now that the fall of x is well underway and the nation state of Krakoa has crumbled (whether or not it’ll resurge in a better image is to be seen), where do you think they went wrong? Some would say from start go, but I’d disagree (idk how people can still think of them as an “unlikeable cult” ) esp since they formed their nation on uninhabited territories with partnership with the land itself. To quote wolverine “it bothers you because it’s something you can’t have.” But there are definitley seeds that sprouted their downfall - a lack of govermental transparency, compromises with evil actors / actions like Sinister or keeping Destiny dead, not as hands on w X Force, etc. What do you think did it ?
Come back and ask me this again once Fall of X and Fall of the House of X/Rise of the Powers of X/X-Men Forever wrap up. If I'm going to do a comprehensive retrospective on the Krakoan Era, I think I really need all the data on hand.
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