#Kurokawa hana
mochidoodle · 11 months
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I gave high school Hibari a haircut and now he’s a delinquent heartthrob 💕 🐥 🏫
(We never saw the gang go to high school so I made them brand new uniforms, too)
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yarrayora · 5 months
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flame traits headcanon
examples of other clouds having their own "organization": iris from millefiore, kikyo as the leader of funeral wreaths, and of course, hibari himself. you can argue the simon is skull's but lbr it's the other way around.
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ao3screenshotss · 1 month
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khr-guilded-cage · 1 month
Hana: If Sawada jumped off a cliff-
Yamamoto: Yes.
Hana: ....
Hana: I should have expected this.
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heavenly-knight · 9 months
Kyoko: I did not sleep al all last night.
Hana: You know what they say if you can't sleep, it's because someone else is thinking about you.
Kyoko: Who'd be thinking about me at 3AM?
Tsuna: [Panicked silence]
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lovelyextreme · 5 months
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kazemon15 · 9 days
Some of the best lines in the Reborn dub...
The dub was a little miss for me, Tsuna and Reborn were great, the rest of the guardian cast, not so much, but these lines by Mochida and Hana were great lol...
To buy the dub and series:
Special disc with few dubbed episodes and OVA:
To buy complete series subtitled on BD: https://tinyurl.com/rebornpart01
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 months
kurokawa hana + third prompt (headcanon meme) — 2nd bullet point
Yay! I love excuses to write for Hana, because she’s such a great character who is often forgotten. It was really interesting to sit and think about this in regard to her and I hope you’ll enjoy my thoughts!
Hana actually really does enjoy second-hand stores. She’s not so much into antiquing, though her mother drags her to antique shops more than she’d like. But second-hand shops? That’s always a blast for Hana, especially since her allowance doesn’t always stretch as far as she would like it to.
Hana has a lot of luck at thrift stores too. She’s patient and methodical when it comes to searching through them and it’s very rare that she doesn’t find some sort of hidden treasure.
While she doesn’t often search for her clothing there, as she likes to be up to date on the latest fashion trends (at least the ones that she thinks are cute), she’ll sometimes luck out and find something in style, like a cute top or dress. However, if she’s with her girlfriends, they have fun finding the weirdest clothes and having little fashion show moments with them, just to amuse themselves.
Mostly though, because her mother really rules the rest of the house with an iron fist when it comes to décor, and has even tried to push that into Hana’s room and failed miserably each time, she’s often looking for cute things for her room, which is the only real space she feels like she has that she can be completely herself in.
Hana also got into the habit of collecting and listening to vinyl music from an older cousin of hers, so she’s always got to check to see if she can find vinyl and if any of it is in good shape and from artists she thinks it might be interesting to try out, or ones she already likes.
Because books can be expensive, and again, her allowance only stretches so far, Hana also insists on checking to see if the shop is selling second-hand books. Those are always treasures and she’ll walk away from a shop happy if all she finds is a decent copy of a book that she hasn’t read but looks really interesting. She gets a lot of her terrible, vaguely erotic romance novels from there and sneaks them into the house, because her mother doesn’t allow her to read such things.
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ravensilversea · 3 months
Title: You can take them out of the mafia (but that doesn't make them civilians)
Author: Raven_Silversea
Rating: T
Pairing: Hibari Kyoya/Kurokawa Hana/Sasagawa Ryohei
Prompt: Rain Day: Retired Assassins AU / Opposites Attract
Tags/Warnings: Post-Canon, Retired Assassins AU, Established Relationship, Attempted Break-In, Fights, Attempt at Humor
Summary: In their defense, the guy chose the wrong house to break into.
There's a moment where they're all looking at each other. Ryohei holding a plate that he's in the middle of drying, Kyoya elbow-deep in the kitchen sink washing dishes, and the man dressed in black who just broke the window in the breakfast nook and is currently perched on the windowsill. 
“Wao,” Kyoya says. A bloodthirsty smile slowly spreads across his face as he turns off the water and reaches a hand towards Ryohei.
Ryohei hands Kyoya the towel and sets the plate on the counter. It's one of the nice plates with a yellow flower design along the edges, and Hana would be very disappointed with them if they broke yet another piece of the set. He cracks his knuckles, grinning broadly at the man still frozen in the window. “You EXTREMELY chose the wrong house,” Ryohei says.
In the intruder’s defense, he very quickly attempts to back out of the window and run. Unfortunately for him, Ryohei is much faster and grabs him by the shirt collar, yanking him out of the window and sending him skidding across the floor.
Before the man can stand, Kyoya slams a tonfa into his face. There’s a crack! and bright red blood spurts from the man’s nose. He reaches up to staunch the blood with one hand, the other reaching for the countertop as he begins to stand.
This time it’s Ryohei sending a left hook directly to the man’s ribcage, and he falls flat on his face with an “Oof!”
The pattern continues. Intruder attempts to stand and escape, maybe retaliate against the unending attacks. Kyoya and Ryohei smack him back down with increasingly strong attacks. At some point, the yellow flowered plate is thrown at Kyoya, who dodges, and the fight stops long enough for them all to watch as the plate shatters against the wall.
The man attempts to inch his way across the floor to the broken window while Ryohei and Kyoya examine the plate shards. Then Kyoya turns. “For your crimes,” he says slowly, “you will be bitten to death.”
Before the man can do more than whimper, Kyoya slams a tonfa down on his head. The man slumps.
Kyoya and Ryohei stare down at the broken, bleeding man unconscious on their kitchen tile. The wind blows in through the broken window, lilac curtains billowing out. Throwing knives stick out from the lemon wallpaper, a blood trail spans across much of the floor, and the yellow flowered plate is only one of the piles of glass shards needing to be swept up. Not even the cabinets escaped the fight with one door hanging on by a single screw and squeaking in the wind.
A key turns in the lock, and the front door opens. There’s a moment when they’re all looking at each other. Ryohei holding a frying pan ready to swing, Kyoya with his tonfa held loosely in his hand, and Hana, who had just come home from a business trip to Italy, still carrying her suitcase. 
“You. Are. RETIRED!” Hana yells, slamming the door shut behind her. “Why can I not leave the two of you home by yourselves for a week?!”
The intruder groans, and Ryohei smacks him back into silence with the frying pan. Hana pinches her nose with a heavy sigh. “Take him out the back and drop him in front of the police station,” she says. “I’ll make sure there’s a warrant for him in their system.”
Kyoya hums appreciably and picks the man up by his shoulders while Ryohei gives Hana a thumbs up. “Right on! You can tells us all about your EXTREME trip when we get back! Welcome home!” He picks up the man’s legs and together they shuffle towards the back door.
Hana waves a hand dismissively as she pulls her laptop out and settles down on the couch. “Yeah yeah, good to be back. Hurry home, menaces, I want some cuddle time before bed.” The shuffling sounds increase as her partners pick up their pace. She shakes her head with a soft smile, preparing the warrant as promised. 
The back door slams shut, and Hana props her feet up on the coffee table. Ah, it’s good to be home, even if she has to deal with her menaces’ mess. Again.
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nerewrites · 6 months
La traduzione italiana di "If You Can't Beat 'Em" di @metisket è finalmente disponibile! :)
A voi i link!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54916540
EFP: https://efpfanfic.net/viewstory.php?sid=4079276&i=1
Avrei dovuto postare già la settimana scorsa, ma è stato proprio quel giorno che ao3 ha deciso di esplodere, quindi... rieccomi dalle "vacanze" di Pasqua, con un'altra meravigliosa fic da consigliarvi! :)
Questa volta sono senza beta - e purtroppo credo che lo sarò per il prevedibile futuro. Se qualche bilingue con esperienze da beta reader volesse farmi un fischio per accelerare la frequenza degli update, sono tutta orecchie!
Un ringraziamento a metisket per aver concepito e postato questo stupendo lavoro e, ovviamente, per avermi permesso di tradurlo ^^
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what-the-fuck-khr · 1 year
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april twentieth
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ao3screenshotss · 12 days
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yamsfan · 1 month
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MORIO + learning about Yukiko's poor vision
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animefeminist · 4 months
The Villain Edit: Dissecting how Oshi no Ko evokes real-life tragedy in its depictions of harassment and reality TV culture
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Content warning: suicide, self-harm, racism, online harassment
Spoilers for Oshi no Ko Season 1
With the speed at which internet culture evolves, it’s only natural that fictional media often has trouble capturing things like social media usage and online community in a way that feels authentic and believable. So when a series is able to go above and beyond by creating and effectively depicting an internet that even sometimes seems to truly mirror the real world, it’s a rare and fascinating thing that has the potential to deliver some truly powerful messages at their fullest impact. And a common nominee for the short list of titles that’ve managed to achieve this is one of the biggest smash hits to come out of 2023: Oshi no Ko (OnK).
The overarching plot of the series revolves around a “teenager” (who was previously a fully adult doctor who was reborn after his unexpected death) named Aqua seeking to find and kill his (post-rebirth) mother’s stalker/murderer—his mother, Ai, having been a widely beloved idol with more secrets than frills in her costumes. With the goal of finding people who could help him to uncover the many obscured details of Ai’s personal life, Aqua enters the entertainment industry. This is where the meat and potatoes of the series lies: as an exploration into the dark, two-faced nature of the world of pop idols and celebrities. Relevant to this article, this includes a brief stint where Aqua joins the cast of a reality dating show.
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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dreamieparadise · 9 days
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Does a comic!? Based on a tumblr post I'll add below. Once again didn't feel like rendering. Lol @mimiruku
Comm me!
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khr-guilded-cage · 4 months
Hana: Why are you following me?
Ryohei: Because we’re dating now
Hana: Okay… what about Yamamoto?
Yamamoto: We’re a package deal
Ryohei: Buy one idiot, get one free
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