#Líf x Reader
lovehotelreservation · 6 months
I Know He's Better Than Me - He Knows He's Better Than Me
Summary: The decision was straightforward. After graduating, you were going to marry your college sweetheart, Alfonse.
And yet, on a night meant to celebrate his accomplishments, you still find yourself straying to the side of someone you shouldn’t.
LÍf is Alfonse’s older brother after all.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Alfonse, Reader/LÍf
[Previous Chapter]
just wanted to get a few more ideas out at last before i close the chapter on this piece!!!
thank u for years of support ; v ;
pls enjoy!!!
Spring was here.
The chills of winter had come and passed, replaced now with afternoons full of warmth and sunshine as budding flowers began to bloom with the new season.
Fitting, as Alfonse was expected to formally announce his official appointment as a member of the family company’s executive board. At last, the time of inheritance of burdensome prestige had arrived.
And with graduation looming around the corner, it would certainly be a miracle for him to have the time to take you out on a proper date.
Still, rather than lament, there was time for levity. Tonight would celebrate his ascension to the company board with a lavish party at the family mansion, helmed by Henriette and Sharena.
Of course, you would be in attendance, as the glittering diamond ring on your left finger would affirm.
With the party set to begin in a couple hours, you were about ready to head down and join Sharena with greeting tonight’s guests. You were adorned in nothing short of your best glamor--whatever you had your eye on, Alfonse was eager to buy on your behalf, even if you insisted on paying for your items yourself. At this point, all you had to do was check yourself over to ensure that you were presented as flawlessly as possible.
An impossible burden for anyone to achieve, let alone your darling Alfonse. But as his lover, you would do all you could to help him shoulder the responsibility that he was primed to bear.
It didn’t matter if you would spend the next few hours checking over your appearance to an excruciating degree–you couldn’t bear the mere idea of disgracing your lover on such an important night. Thus, within the bedroom of your fiancé, you gazed right at your reflection on the mirror of his vanity, making sure that not a smudge or smear of make-up had gone unnoticed.
And then the doorknob that led into the room twisted and turned.
A familiar face emerged within the reflection of the mirror’s vanity.
“Oh, Alfonse…!”
A smile immediately tugged on your lips before you pressed them together to ensure an even coat of lipstick was applied. Turning your head towards him, you continued with a twinkle in your eyes, “...finished with preparing your speech?”
His expression was blank at first.
But as he heard you speak, his eyes closed for a moment.
Alfonse sighed.
A conflicted noise.
“Yeah, about that…”
For a moment, Alfonse’s hand lingered on the doorknob, just moments before he strode on ahead towards you, making sure to leave the door open just slightly ajar.
Why did he even bother showing up here?
Líf sighed, taking a moment to roll up the sleeve of his black button-up shirt as he continued to meander along through the familiar surroundings of his childhood home, his inked arms revealed after once strategically covered upon entering through the mansion foyer. Though, the sight of astonished stares and nervous shifts from annoyingly wealthy rich faces he first received from other party guests made him wish that he tossed formality to the flames and just showed up in a muscle shirt and shorts–anything that would undoubtedly cause stifling rigid tradition to doubletake at his rebellion.
But if there was anything he refused to bear on this evening, it was attention.
That was all meant for his younger brother anyhow, especially since the only attention he cared to capture was yours alone.
And the last thing he wanted was for you to get caught up even further in the moronic politics of the family you would soon be officially a part of–even if the thought of that imminent day when Alfonse would be whisking you away in your wedding whites in matrimonial bliss clawed at his heart.
For now, he would savor every moment he could by your side, while you were still within reach, while your hand could still sneakily grasp onto his own before taking his brother’s for good.
Though he anticipated there wouldn’t be much of an opportunity for you to be alone together much, he still looked forward to seeing you.
As soon as he could find you at least.
While Líf continued onwards, he only had one destination in mind.
Alfonse’s bedroom.
While his reason for being here was mainly for you, he was originally tasked with finding his brother first by none other than Sharena. With Gustav soon set to make his toast in commemoration of his son’s grand ascension, this meant that finding the currently missing Alfonse was of absolute importance.
And Líf couldn’t exactly say no to Sharena literally pushing him on, pouting and huffing over how their brother could be late on such a momentous occasion.
An occasion that at once was originally meant for him, but one he vehemently refused.
And now his younger brother would get to bear the burden of an enforced familial legacy while also getting to marry the love of their lives.
At once a neutral smile, his lips curled down at the thought right as he–at last–finally approached the door that led to Alfonse’s bedroom. 
One tatted hand reached to grab the doorknob when he suddenly heard an all-too familiar whine from within.
Líf immediately froze, his fingers tensing while his stoic expression broke as his eyes widened.
He’d recognize that precious little noise anywhere.
As that same sound repeated–this time breathier in timbre–his lips parted as he was about to call your name while he stepped forward, until the flash of a familiar shade of blue that was akin to his own hair caught his eye and his breath through the crack in the door.
And then he peered further inside, feeling his chest become hollow while his stomach twisted into a maligned knot before plummeting down to the pit of his very being.
He could see Alfonse and he could see you.
Together, with you seated, bouncing on his brother’s lap. Whatever niceties you had planned for the evening was all in utter disarray–your hair let loose, your lipstick smeared from messy kisses, your breasts spilling forth out the front of your dress after it was likely yanked down, your dress’s hem shoved up to reveal the sight of your core swiveling up and down the long length of his cock, your expression hot and red with flustered ecstasy.
All the while Alfonse continued to imprison you within his grasp, one hand guiding you up and down his dick as he continued to squeeze and fondle your breasts with the other hand, his lips leaving a trail of kisses and bites along your neck as a sure means to be an absolute pain to try covering up at the party. Though his expression was just as pleasured, there was a certain intensity to his demeanor–while his kind blue eyes continued to admire the sight of your body rolling against his, there was a furrow to his brow that made his behavior seem more calculating.
Líf would know. He was his older brother.
And such was why he wasn’t all that too surprised by what he heard next.
“Are you just going to stand there, Líf? Can’t you see that I’m trying to have a personal moment with my fiancé?”
Líf immediately darted his eyes on you and you alone through the door’s opening.
Horrified didn’t even begin to describe the look that immediately swept on your face. Your wide eyes, the sudden tensing of your body, the desperate flail of your arms to try and cover yourself
“A-Alfonse…please! Líf’s right there–!”
And yet, you continued to bounce helplessly away upon Alfonse’s cock–how could you not, what with the commanding grip he had on your hip.
Whereas he simply guided you through the rhythm, it was at your response that his teeth suddenly clenched tight together as his arms then wrapped around you from behind in a tight vice, locking you further in place against him as he began to pummel away into you with a surge of vicious fervor.
“So protecting his feelings is what you care for most?!” Alfonse exclaimed just moments before he buried his face in your neck, the stern look on his features breaking with the muffled sob he then let out. “You’re really choosing the man who’s been trying to steal you away from me?”
You gasped with a vehement shake of your head. “No, that’s not–!”
“I won’t stand for it!” Alfonse lifted his head right as he grasped your chin, turning your head so you were made to look right into his tearful eyes as he declared, “I’ll never stand for it! I love you more than anything else and I’ll prove it to you right here and now…!”
And as Alfonse slammed into you even harder, so did his bedroom door shut, shoved shut with such intense fury that the hinges groaned from tremendous strain.
Yet Líf’s fist remained firmly curled at his side as he stormed away.
Too many emotions swirled within him, a tempest of fury and anguish that he had done all he could to quell over the years but was quickly spilling forth.
This damned day, this damned family, this damned life–his brother could have it all and more.
Everything except you.
Selfish guilt be damned.
The next time he saw you, those condoms were going to be trashed.
You’ve always been so damn indecisive–as you continued to leave your choice up in the air, he would gladly and vengefully make it for you.
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avisteliterature · 2 years
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Líf (Fire Emblem) x Reader
RATING: General
GENRES: Fluff/ Drama(?)
SUMMARY: You like the rain. Líf likes it too for a specific reason.
Líf watches on with a melancholic look on his face as you stare out the window, seemingly in a daze. It's raining outside with the sky a dark grey, but despite the gloomy appearance of the world right now, you seem rather calm and content.
The former general of the dead knows full well how much you love the rain. If he closes his eyes, he can still remember those precious times in which the iteration of yourself from his world would mischievously pull him out into the rain with child-like glee to play around in. He remembers the moments in which he would kiss you underneath the pouring rain and feel you melt against him.
Perhaps it's because he longed to see that smile once more that he approaches you, gently taking you by the hand. You pull your eyes away from the window to look at him with a questioning tilt of your head. Líf doesn't say anything, merely giving your hand a small tug, wordlessly prompting you to follow him.
Surprisingly enough, the castle is mostly quiet, many of the inhabitants having locked themselves away in their rooms or are otherwise scattered quietly throughout various places around the castle. Líf leads you outside with nothing to shield the both of you from the rain.
"Líf—?!" You're confused by his behaviour.
He doesn't say anything, continuing to drag you along until you both arrive at your favourite spot—the garden. He turns to face you, the two of you getting more and more soaked from the downpour, but it seems like neither of you particularly mind it. You stare up at him, half-expecting an explanation. He doesn't provide one. Instead, he takes your face into his hands and leans down to gently rest his forehead against yours.
"Líf, what's wrong?" You whisper in the small space between you two, feeling concerned for him.
"Nothing," he answers. "I simply thought that you might... enjoy being out here."
You peer up at him, your eyes searching his face for any hidden meaning behind his words and actions, but you aren't able to find any. "...I do," you answer him, a small but genuine smile upon your lips. "I... really like the rain. It's extremely calming. It feels like the whole world just stops, and everything goes quiet."
You pause for a moment.
"What about you?" You ask, curious. "Do you like the rain?"
"...In a way," Líf answers vaguely. "...I suppose I do."
Though his reasons for liking the gloomy weather isn't as poetic as yours. He likes it only simply because it can make you, the one he loves, smile.
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sherbet-shark · 2 years
The ghost of you
Mini Drabble
Author’s note: I’m trying my hand at writing for another fandom/ and the idea of making this blog a multifandom one is invading my mind asdjkl. Do not interact if you don’t want spoilers for this game. Fire Emblem Heroes. I can’t believe I’m being dragged back into the fandom AGAIN,,
Summary: Líf sees the ghost of you every time he every time sees the summoner of this Askr. You have the same face, mannerisms, and beautiful smile that would’ve made his heart skip a beat. If only…
Trigger Warnings: Character Death, FE: Heroes spoilers, War, Angst
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Líf loathed admitting how similar you were to his summoner. After you summoned him to the Order’s side, all he could see was the ghost of you in them. Every little thing, the undead general saw you. Líf knew even though he was undoubtedly in an alternate universe where death won. It stabbed his heart with jealousy and malice towards every peaceful interaction you shared with him.
Stop looking at him like that. Stop asking how he was doing after every battle. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop trying to make his already dead heart beat with love for someone that was already gone…
Why did he have to suffer the horror of losing the love of his life, his family, and the war against Embla while the younger version of himself can revel in your affection, the constant victories, and his remaining family alive? Deep down, Líf knew that for your world to win. His world had to lose, but in that painful, horrific moment. A small piece of his sanity and heart died as his summoner drew their last breath by Eir’s dagger.
That was only the tip of the iceberg, as his Order’s Heroes dropped like flies. It made everyone anxious seeing their beloved Summoner dead by an ally’s hand. Soon after, everyone perished. The taste of defeat and death sat bitterly upon the dead man’s tongue as he held Sökkvabekkr. The metal file in his armored hand tightens as he sharpens his sword. To sheer away unwanted memories, clean away the dried blood of his enemies. To clean away the ghost of you, as his glowing red eyes stared into the blade. What would you say now seeing his damned soul like this?
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lucinalu219 · 5 years
Imagine you and Eir scouting the area but then Líf appears
(A/N): It would be cool if Líf is actually Older Alfonse in disguise. In this imagine, he is Alfonse from the future. So many questions I wanted to ask!!! GIMME THE NEXT CHAPTER FEH!
(A/N/N): This was posted before the next chapter revealed Líf is Alfonse.
Update: Had to repost this again since it won’t let me edit this. Tumblr mobile is being stupid for me. Sorry for the inconvenience!
There’s no way.
How did the General of Hel find you and Eir?
Why was he by himself?
Maybe this is some kind of trap.
You checked that you two weren’t being followed.
Eir: “Líf.”
The first king approaches the both of you slowly.
You: “No. There’s no way.”
You know that you need Alfonse and the others to be here.
Camp was only a few miles away. You didn’t want Líf to chase you both down. You didn’t want him to know where you guys are staying.
You might get some answers from this man while waiting for assistance.
You didn’t want him to escape or to hurt him.
You just wanted to interrogate him.
You: “Eir, I need you to go get help while I deal with this guy.”
Eir: “What? I’m not leaving you. We need you alive Summoner.”
You: “Eir, I know what I’m saying sounds stupid but I need you to go get help!”
Luckily, you have enough orbs to summon. You held Breidablik tightly. Hearing the sound of Eir’s pegasus flying further made you feel anxious.
Here you were facing against Líf. The last time you encountered the general of an army by yourself was with Veronica. You mentally winced at the thought of her popping your head off like a doll.
And now you were prepared to be in that same situation again.
Waiting for the man to strike you down anytime
What you heard was a chuckle from the man.
Is he making fun of me?
It was soft since his mouth is covered by his mask.
The way the blue-haired man spoke doesn’t sound like he’s underestimating you.
It sounded like..he was happy. Maybe relieved?
The former Askr king chuckled and his eyes softened, looking at you.
Líf: “You’re still intelligent and reckless just as I remembered.”
Just as he remembered?
Have you two really met somewhere?
It couldn’t be.
He wasn’t very talkative when you and the others met him.
Why was he now?
To you of all people.
You: “What do you know about me? We never met. You’re working for Hel.”
You pointed your divine weapon towards him.
You: “I may not know how to fight with a weapon but I can still summon heroes to defeat you.”
Líf: “I know you more than you think.”
You: “No! Just stop!”
You bombarded him with questions about Hel, hoping to find the solution of defeating her. All he did was stand there, not saying a single word to you.
The next thing he did made you shocked. The undead general held Sökkvabekkr and threw it aside, raising his hands up in surrender.
Líf: “I will not lay my weapon on my beloved.”
That’s what Alfonse calls you when you two are alone.
You: “Don’t call me that! The only person who does is…!”
You: “Stay away from me!”
You started to feel hesitant but kept your grip on Breidablik. Finger on the trigger.
You: “I’m warning you!”
He slowly walks to you with his hands up still.
Líf: “ You were very mysterious when I met you.I remember you telling me stories about your world that I felt so intrigued by you.”
He takes another step.
Your hands were shaking.
Another step happens.
Líf: “After losing Zacharias, I told myself that I wouldn’t get attached to anyone. Particularly you.”
Your mind couldn’t process of what he just said.
You were confused.
You didn’t know what to do or what to say.
You looked down.
Líf: “The more I’ve gotten to know you, the more I fell in love with you.”
You felt an armored hand on cheek, lifting your head up to view him. While the other one slowly lowered your hands that are still holding onto your weapon.
You: “I…..”
You froze.
You were still speechless.
The red-eyed man took off his mask and looked into your eyes.
Líf revealed his face to you.
He looks like Alfonse but older and the way he looks is as if he been through something traumatic.
Before asking if he is actually the Askr Prince, Líf dips his head low and feverently presses his lips against yours.
Your senses went crazy.
This is Alfonse!
You recognized how the way he held you face when you both steal kisses from each other.
You know how his kisses felt soft but passionate.
He pulls himself away from you, his hand still on your cheek.
You: “Alfonse….”
You gave him a sweet smile.
You: “It really is you.”
Líf nodded his head.
A blush tinges on his cheeks. He returns you with a small smile while rubbing your soft cheek with his thumb.
Líf: “How I missed you. ______”
He gave you a loving kiss, holding you close. Not wanting to let go.
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sleeeeepytea · 5 years
Yikes I'm so sorry if this seems like too much, but what what about #13 #41 and #47 collectively for something with Líf? Maybe the summoner gets lost in Hel and has absolutely no idea as to where they are, lo and behold the chivalrous undead knight comes to their rescue. I understand if this is too much, or if you'd like to take some stuff off (I just thought these specific prompts fit well!) whatever you do I'll understand and support! Thank you very much for your time, have a great day!💜
hey anon!! sorry this took a while,, I've been kinda busy & your half-finished fic was one of the ones that disappeared ;; I really hope this is okay!! oTL I decided to like use all three because you're right - they do suit!!
no. 13; I won't let anyone hurt you.
Frankly speaking, you were fucked.
There was no light to guide you, no path to lead you home. You stood in the middle of what once was a forest, trees stripped to the bone with arms stretched out above you, looking up at the empty sky. There was a certain finality to the area, with the eerie feeling of impending doom following your heels everywhere you went. In retrospect, it was an incredibly stupid idea to split up and investigate the area; with no real weapon by your side, your chances of survival were slim to none if a sudden ambush of hostile troops were to appear.
The thought of being cornered terrified you, and you didn't realise just how scared of being alone you truly were until this all hit you. The fear spread through your body like some infectious disease, rendering you almost unable to think straight. Ah yes, thank you amygdala, your late action was most welcome in such a crucial time.
Footsteps seemed to come from an area behind you, slow and deliberate, and you find yourself beginning to tremble. As much as you normally were able to hide such physical reactions, the prospect of dying here wasn't exactly a fear you could quell as easily as others.
"Who's there?" You ask, voice rushed and (loathe you admit it) slightly higher than usual. "I'm able to take you on! Don't-"
"Calm down." A voice comes, now closer to you than you first anticipated. It was gruff and curt, yet somewhat reassuring. There was no hostility present nor any other cautionary signs of evil intention. You spin on your heal to face a... interesting fellow, taller than you and looking as confused as you were. You couldn't help but stare at the sight of his see-through chest, glowing dimly - not the weirdest thing you've seen, but it was concerning.
"Don't be afraid." He says after a beat, now staring at you intensely. Feeling quite scrutinized under the male's gaze, you shuffle back slightly with an attempted glare.
"I- I'm not scared! Surprised, yes, but not afraid." He continues to stare, brows now furrowed. Well, you never were the best liar. "I'm just. Lost? A little over my head. Kinda concerned for my longevity in this place."
He nods and while you didn't physically see his chest rise and fall, you hear a sigh. "I'll... take you back. To your own world." He eventually says, extending a hand to you. "Líf."
You blink a few times, examining his hand before placing your own into his palm. He squeezes it and you notice how cold his skin is, almost to the point of freezing. Líf must have sensed your apprehension of the entire situation as he gently tugged your arm closer to his side.
"I won't let anyone hurt you," he assures you in a hushed tone, beginning to walk in the same way you came. "you're safe with me."
His voice felt familiar, especially that soft tone of his, but you chose to ignore it in favour of following Líf silently. You whisper a gentle 'thank you', squeezing his hand and moving closer to his side. He tenses, but squeezes your hand in return nonetheless. At least you'll be safe this time.
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avi-stella · 5 years
Unfeeling Warmth | Líf x Reader
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》 RATING: Teen | GENRE: Drama(?) | 334 words 》 SUMMARY: Death does not fear you. 》 A/N: Originally written as a Líf x OC ficlet to accompany this.
The General of the real of the dead holds Sökkvabekkr to your unflinching face, its sharp edge of the blade breaking the skin of your cheek. Blood forms from the wound before it drips down your cheek in small droplets. Asides from the uncomfortable grimace of pain, your face remains neutral, almost apathetic.
Líf stares down at you, and neither of you two speak for a moment. He should kill her, he thinks vaguely to himself. His "Queen" had ordered it, but for a reason unknown to him, he pauses. "...You."
A beat passes before he continues with a question, "Are you not afraid?"
"No," you breathe out. You almost didn't hesitate with your response. With a subtle movement, you tilt your head to the side, an action akin to that of a curious child. "...Should I be?"
"You will die," Líf answers. For a moment, he thinks that perhaps you do not realize the gravity of your situation. In truth, though, he doesn't know why he still hasn't taken your life yet.
Although Líf's expression remains unchanged, he does feel something akin to surprise as your nonchalant answer. You then take a few steps closer to him, and the man stops himself from taking a step back. To retreat now would be an embarrassment.
With an unchanging expression, you lift your hand up to his face, or rather, the small patch of skin of what's left of it. You stroke the mask upon his mouth, brushing aside dull strands of hair. It's... warm. You, who has such dead eyes but is still very much alive... feel warm. It is a feeling that the progenitor of Askr has long since forgotten.
When you are met with nothing but silence, you decide to speak once more. "So you're the first king of Askr that Alfonse has told me stories about. If you don’t mind me asking, if you are a king so highly praised in legends and history, then why are you in Hel?”
Thank you for reading! If you liked this work, you can help support me by liking/reblogging. You can also commission me or donate to my ko-fi(.com/avistella)! Masterlist
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thedragonkween · 2 years
líf and the summoner are such a beautiful tragedy - you will have to pry this ship from my cold dead hands.
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It’s wrong. Líf knows it’s wrong.
You’re Spring. You’re Life.  
You’re as beautiful and warm as the early morning sun, as gentle as the soft autumn breeze.
He is Death. He is everything that is rotten in this world.
You should recoil in his presence. You should push him away, like he so desperately tries to do with you. 
And yet, you let him stay by your side. And he cannot find it in himself to avoid gravitating towards you, like the tides with the moon.
He places his giant fur cape on your shoulders when you shiver. The fabric is soft, but cold - the body of its wearer lacks the warmth to infuse it with - yet the weight of the cape is comforting nonetheless. It reminds you that you’re safe with Líf, that he will not let anyone or anything touch you. 
He hovers behind you like a shadow, clawed hand resting on Sökkvabekkr’s hilt, ready to glare at anyone who is foolish enough not to show you the respect you deserve. 
With you, he can taste hope: it’s sweet and always leaves him wanting more, just  like your lips. You let him kiss you in the secrecy of your room, your bodies basked in silver moonlight as the stars above witness this thing that has bloomed between you, despite all odds and against all reason. 
You don’t know how this will work. You don’t know whether the bond you share is destined to rot or to blossom. 
Yet, as his red eyes soften every time you sigh in bliss, it does not matter.
Dead or not, he will continue to protect you.
For you’re his Moon, and he is the loyal wolf who will worship it until the end of times.
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silversouls · 4 years
your house (alfonse x reader)
note: modern au!!! you and alfonse video chat and reminisce on past memories and talk about the things you and alfonse would do when the pandemic is over
SORRY FOR THIS BEING SUPER SHORT i was writing this in a popeyes drive through sbcjsnm
song that inspired this writing: the migraine aura - your house
you take out your laptop and set it on your bed, excited and nervous. there’s nothing to be nervous about, you think to yourself. you’ve done this plenty of times. you click on alfonse’s number, clicking the button to video chat.
despite the solid fact alfonse is your loving boyfriend, you still find you get butterflies nonetheless.
taking a deep breath, alfonse’s profile is showing on your screen.
it’s a picture of you and him.
a few rings go by until he picks up, a big smile on his and your face.
“hey, i miss you!” alfonse said, waving at you.
“you always do.” you said, waving back at him.
“how was your day?” alfonse said, resting his face in his hands.
you sighed. “nothing much, did the usual. wake up, eat, do homework.”
“if you need help with homework, i can always help you with it. besides, it gives me an excuse to see you more.”
alfonse said, a soft blush on his face.
“you’re too kind,” you said, a soft smile on your face. “thank you.”
“of course. i just can’t wait to see you again, i miss being around you.” alfonse pouted.
“i know, me too.” you sighed.
“hey, remember when you tried kissing me on your porch but líf was looking through the window?” you laughed.
alfonse’s cheeks grew bright red. “h-hey, that wasn’t funny!” he sighed. “i love líf, but i swear one of these days he’ll be the death of me.”
“aw, cut your brother some slack, alfie. after all, you were late by a few minutes.”
alfonse sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “yeah...líf can be a stickler for punctuation.. wish he would cut me some slack though.”
you hear a knock on alfonse’s door, alfonse turning around. “probably sharena,” he said. he walked over to open his door.
you see alfonse talking with someone. upon closer examination, you see it’s alfonse’s older brother líf.
him and alfonse exchange a few words before alfonse comes and sits back down.
“líf was just telling me he made dinner. made lasagna.”
“that sounds really good.” you laughed with a smile.
“yeah, líf’s cooking is amazing. speaking of lasagna, i’m gonna go eat some. call you back after i’m done?” alfonse questioned.
“of course, alfie.” you smiled.
“alright!” alfonse grinned. “see you then, i love you.” alfonse waved goodbye at you.
“i love you too.”
you waved back at him, exiting out of the chat.
you smiled to yourself, happy you got to spend time with alfonse even if it was through the screen of your laptop.
maybe things aren’t so bad.
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theflowerbabyy · 5 years
Líf x Summoner! Reader
Prompt: Summoner let’s Líf relax for once
The summoner goes outside and finds something very unexpected.
You had left the castle, for no reason actually. Today was a lovely day, the skies were painted with a wonderful baby blue and from what you could tell, there wasn’t a single cloud in sight.
You look around and inhale, taking in the fresh cool air and exhale. For a world that was at war it felt peaceful here in this small secluded area.
You pushed back your hood, your (h/c) hair bounced gently as you smiled. Sometimes you wished that you could have more relaxing days like this. Free from all your worries and troubles. Not having to stress about the predicaments of war.
As you stood, basking in the sun and letting your thoughts wander, there were heavy footsteps coming from behind that startled those wistful imaginations.
Turning your head, your eyes widen as you were met with someone that you would never expect to see here in Askr. You quickly stumbled back as a light gasp escaped it’s way out of your throat.
You were standing face to face with Líf, one of Hel’s greatest generals. Gripping your Breidablik, you weren’t sure what to do in this situation. You watched with quick and focused eyes as his body stood still.
Once his body was still he gripped his chest plate. And without saying a word he fell to the ground on his knees with a thud.
You pulled yourself closer to him, biting your lip, your eyebrows gently furrow into a knot of confusion as you study him. What had just happened? You leaned forward, but kept your hands close to you, as to not touch him. He was breathing.
A sigh left your lips and you kneeled down. Your arm now gently touching his shoulder as you brush some of his hair from out of eyes. They were closed, you took note of this and looked around to see if anyone was near. You quickly walked behind him and checked again for any nearby allies. And with all the strength you could muster up, you pulled him from his knees and pulled him over to a tree.
You gasped out and wheezed, laying his back against the tree trunk, you sat next to him for a moment to catch your breath. Your eyes closed as you gripped the ground below you. You weren’t very athletic and it showed.
Once you regained your composure and stood, you walked over in front of Líf again and kneeled. He had held onto his chest before he fell. Did someone hurt him there? Your hands moving to his chest as you inspected his armor. Sure enough, there was a slash mark that edged itself into his chest plate. He didn’t seem hurt though, the weapon had only cut against his armor and nothing else from what you saw. Why did he suddenly pass out?
A groan of discomfort made its way to your ears and you quickly pulled back from him and stood up, fumbling a bit as you inhaled sharply. Your hands clutched onto either side of your cloak tightly.
You watched as Líf mumbled to himself, rubbing his head and slowly pulling his it up only to find you standing a little ways in front of him. He seemed to realize the situation quickly and he stood up, only to fall on one of his knees again. He let out an agonizing cry of pain.
Taking a step back you chewed on your lip. What was wrong with him? You watched him inhale and exhale slowly as he put his head down. His chest heaved heavily with each breath he took. He was and looked exhausted.
You began to pick with the hem of your shirt as you stared at him. Not sure what to do, or what to say for that matter. The both of you stood in silence.
But that silence was quickly interrupted when Líf unsheathed his Sökkvabekkr. He let out some sort of animalistic growl as he pushed himself forward and swung at you.
In a dazed panic you moved yourself away from his sword, tumbling a bit before pulling yourself back up from the ground. Your head turned to face him as he stumbled for a moment.
With shaky hands he gripped his sword, not facing you as he groaned again. Once he shook his head he turned around slowly and began to saunter his way over to you, the click of his boots easily heard as you took a step away from him.
Red, crimson like eyes bore into your (e/c) ones. They were full of hatred and despair. You could sympathize with those eyes, you thought as your back touched the skin of a tree, your hands shakily gripped the bark that was born onto it. Your breath hitched as you blinked.
Líf now stood in front of you, his hand gripped tightly to Sökkvabekkr. Without saying a word, he raised his sword.
“W-wait! Please!” Finally you spoke up, but your voice cracked as you gripped your eyes shut. Your hands dug deep into the bark now.
The male stopped for a moment, the tip of his blade touching the tree as he stood, waiting as you so delicately said.
(E/c) eyes slowly opened to the bright vivid glow of purple and blue. It almost burned being so close to that sword of his. Your body now trembling as you spoke again out of fear.
“I just want you to rest please!” You didn’t meant to say that, but yet you did. You almost smacked yourself for saying it too. But you continued nonetheless.
“Y...You’re hurt, yes? You passed out when I saw you...there’s a deep scratch on your armor—”
“Quiet you!” He barked, his voice was deep and threatening. “Rest?” He then spoke again, leaning in, his body hovered over yours. “I am dead, I do not rest, I kill, that is what I’m bound to.” He spoke coldly, you could hear him grip his sword tighter.
You shut your eyes again, only to look back up at him, your breath was rapid. “But you’re not in Hel right now,” you stared at him again thinking of things to say, “Please, no one has to know of this...you can just rest here…You look worn out...like I said you collapsed just a moment ago…”. What were you even saying? It wasn’t like this man was going to listen to you. He was long gone.
“(Y/n)...” Your heart skipped a beat when he spoke, causing you to jump. Your mouth gently hung open momentarily before you closed it.
That’s right. You reminded yourself. He knew you, this was the Alfonse that knew you, even if you didn’t know this one. The Alfonse of your Askr knew you well, you both called each other partners for heavens sake. He was your other half. You cared for him.
The sound of sword hitting the soft grass woke you up from your lost thoughts again. You flinched as it did and you looked back at Líf.
He unnervingly stared at you.
“You always did...care for my well being…(Y/n)...” He closed his eyes, unknowingly he wrapped his arms around you.
A small gasp uncontrollably burst from your mouth, it was a soft one, but still audible enough that he could hear it. Your cheeks that were once a (s/c) was now a light pink. You hadn’t felt this much contact in a while. It was strange.
You stood there engulfed in the warmth that radiated off of his chest and stomach. Your hands continued to tightly grip onto the trip and shook with fear. You blinked and looked up at him slightly. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be a peace.
He then lost his grip on your waist and slumped against you. It was almost like he was asleep—
He had passed out again.
Whatever had hurt him had been causing these things, the passing out and waking up, along with the pain he must have felt.
And then it hit you. You had been thinking it was from a sword slash because of the scratch on his armor. But these were the signs that someone used magic on him, strong magic. But who could have done it? Maybe a unit from your team had attacked him with magic. But this damage seemed recent. You didn’t think magic had lasting effects but what did you know? You came from a world that doesn’t even have magic. You weren’t quite sure how this stuff worked.
You were thankful you had this tree behind you, because if you didn’t. The both of you would be on the ground in what some would call a compromising situation. You shook your head as you gently pushed him forward, not letting him fall over. But letting the two of you have space.
Another sigh left your lips. It was strange how you ended up in such weird predicaments.
You decided it would be best to let him wake up, instead of trying to do anything for yourself, not bothering him would be the best option to not dying. But in reality you were actually just too afraid to move to do anything really.
But you were so close to him. It made your heart race, and you couldn’t lie to yourself. He was attractive. But he was also Alfonse. So of course he was attractive.
You shook your head at these thoughts. You shouldn’t be thinking those, you thought to yourself as your eyes wandered to look at him again.
He seemed to be waking up again as he began to mumble and move his arms back to the sides of the tree to hold himself up again. Effectively also trapping you again.
“I don’t like this…” he mumbled groggily and opened his eyes. He remembered what had happened and what he did. He glared at you harshly.
“Neither do I…” You spoke under your breath and stared at him. “Líf…” You bit your lip and waiting for him to fully wake up. He was silent but listening.
“Let me...take you back to the castle...there’s a back way we can go though and it’ll take us up to my quarters, please let me help you…” You must have sounded so stupid to him. But he continued to stay silent.
“Do what you must to rid me of this...pain...if anyone catches you, I will leave immediately.” Your eyes widen. He actually went through with it. You nodded quickly and watched as he took a step back and sheathed his sword back into its pouch. You could tell he was trying not to pass out again. But you quickly rushed to his side and held onto him.
Slowly but surely, the two of you made it to the back way and entered the castle quietly. The both of you, but mostly you, checked around and made it up to your room.
Once you were there you opened the door and let him in, quickly closing it and locking it, to make sure no one entered at random. You thought for a moment. Your actions felt wrong. Why did you feel the need to help him? He was technically your enemy. But deep inside you felt intrigued about it. You wanted to know more about this Alfonse.
You turned around and saw that he was already sitting on the bed. His Sökkvabekkr was put on a table so he wouldn’t hurt you. You smiled gently now, making your way over to him. “I thought at first only a sword had scratched you— and one did, but I didn’t realize you had been hit with magic as well…” You watched as he looked down and held a hand to his chest.
“You are correct…” He spoke quietly, his voice was low but still rough. “One of your allies had struck me and I quickly escaped from them only to end up finding myself in this Askr…” He closed his eyes and dropped his hand down to his side, he let out an exhausted sigh.
“Well I’m not too sure on how to mend magic wounds myself...I assume you need a healer to do that...and I’m not a healer.” Your furrowed your brows and crossed your arms. You sighed, “And you can’t drink a stamina potion…” Your eyes wander back to him. His hand is grasping the mask that concealed his mouth.
The both of them focus on his mask. She remembered he was dead. So even if he could drink the potion would it even work?
A small smile graced your lips. “Well, since you can’t do either of those things I suggest you rest either way. The pain will wear off soon and I have a guess the magic will as well.”
He nodded, “Magic doesn’t last forever...that pain too will go away…” He closed his eyes again and shifted.
You watched as he moved himself to lay on the bed, his head now resting on a pillow. Pulling up a chair next to him you sat down beside him to keep check.
One of his hands moved over to yours now, slowly clasping them together as he spoke. “I missed you (Y/n)...I missed you a lot…”.
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mecharlie-fox · 4 years
Haha I'm screwed. Lif x Summoner/Reader prompt.
I said prompt but it ended as a one shot. Haha. Screw me.
I was listening to "Until the End" from RWBY Vol. 7, now I'm not in the fandom anymore but there are still some scenes and songs worth listening/watching. Ozpin's final monologue from that volume is the dialogue I used for my Lif tribute because it fits him. How fear has consumed him even after his said failure, it just goes deeper and deeper the more he struggles to be free from the gods and the more determined he becomes to bringing his loved ones back. It's the same with Thrasir.
But what of the Summoner? The person who has the sole ability of controlling worlds with a single relic.
For unknown reasons, you survived. You don't recall anything but the void, as if you were sleep walking and you didn't know how to wake up. You remembered the void and only the void. The beings around you were nothing more than strangers, 'Summoner' they called you before addressing your name. There was more than one summoner across the realms, and each summoner was different. From the relics, personality, bonds, life — each had their own contracts, some had their own relationships. Others served Embla, there were even some who are sworn into other worlds like Muspell and even Nifl. But you remembered nothing.
And when you finally did, all you could do was cry.
You cried when Sharena died.
You cried as Alfonse told you to run.
You cried when Anna died protecting you.
Hel was about to claim your soul, after all, you were the one who was cursed to die for nine days. Alfonse made a dangerous water, you put your trust in him but in the end, he lost. Hel won that gruesome day.
On a last ditch effort, after sending your heroes home — as Anna and the order fought outside of the library where you barecaded yourself, you made a ritual circle. It as if by instinct, you knew what to do. Or unknowingly, someone was telling you to do.
You cried as you know what you were about to do.
You cried because it was the only way to escape Hel.
You cried because you know that you will never come back the same.
When the door bursted open, Hel was standing before you, smirking at her own success. The Summoner of the realms will be hers to control, such power, such genius, it was no wonder the gods were willing to wage war over you. You wreck havoc wherever you go, destruction awaits to those who stood by you. Alfonse and the rest... were proof of that.
A dagger was all you had in your hand. You know you could kill Hel with a single blast of your relic, Breidablik. But a voice told you that... that wasn't your destiny. It was for someone else. Silently you obliged the will of the voice.
You cried because you didn't want to be a weapon. Not again.
You cried because you didn't want to go back to that dark place called Nidevillr.
You cried because you broke a promise to them. To Alfonse. To Sharena. To Anna. And to Eir... yes... Especially Eir who you promised she'll have a home after this war.
But then you came to realize that this is what he would want out of you. Fear.
He wanted fear to break you to obedience.
He wanted fear to break your will.
He wanted fear to make you a weapon.
"There is no escaping this time, Summoner." Hel's voice was cold and merciless. Ready to kill you as she killed Sharena. "Alfador demands your soul."
You stood on the circle you drew, removing your glove as you held the dagger on the other hand. You'd rather be a lost soul than be a Summoner without a will. To be alive and be treated as a weapon... That's not living anymore.
"If he wants it," you replied, pressing the dagger against your neck as you looked into Hel's shocked golden eyes. "Tell him to come get it himself."
He cried when Sharena died.
He cried when Anna died.
He cried when his actions caused you to kill yourself.
Alfonse... No, Líf's greatest regret was giving you no choice but to kill yourself rather than to be caught by the enemy. In his case, he made a contract with Hel to bring you back. To bring everyone back. As if nothing happened.
But unknowingly, you were alive. Somewhere, across the void in which you feel no pain. A void in which you desperately want to see the light, but instead of hope, you feel nothing but grief whenever you see the sun.
You feel grief whenever Alfonse would come and accompany you to patrols.
You would feel grief whenever Sharena asked you to come with her to the village.
You would feel grief whenever you face Commander Anna at the war table.
You feel grief as you looked into Eir's eyes, as she remembered the tragedy that fell upon you.
But you felt hope when you saw this... Other Summoner. This Summoner was different from name to personality. They were nothing like you, but similar in a sense of determination.
In this world. You were bound to the Summoner as a Hero, but you wondered which part of you is even a Hero. You know that outlanders like you and this other Summoner, do not belong in worlds like this.
You had a war with destiny and there was no sign of it ending. Not yet.
You saw Lif in the battlefield and immediately knew he was your Alfonse. You knew that fate had different plans with you both. As he was bound to the gods, you were bound to the Summoner. You had the Summoner fight this one, as you merely watched from the shadows and be useful in silence.
Fate will have you reunited again. But not here. Not now. You knew that you will meet at this journey's end. Once the dust has settled. And then one day, he will understand .
After all, you promised that you will be there until the end.
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Can we get Cage With Líf
Pairing: Yandere! Lif x reader
Prompt: “I will protect you from everything”
Description: All you could really remember was a raging storm of white. If not for Lif, you may not have survived it; you’re worried for your allies but it seems Lif is more worried about you...
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 878
Notes: Lmao this is the prompt that I accidentally wrote two pieces for so... happy Lif content! For the second one I’m just gonna find another prompt to put in it too lolol bc I’m just a little bit of a dumb ass. Nothing like a bunch of Lif content to get me back into writing though!
He could hardly believe what he had done but Lif was too far gone to be regretting things now. How soundlessly you slept, sweet and serene in your trust and him. And he betrayed that. But the more he thought about it… this was the only way it could be, the only way he could keep you safe.
“Lif…?” His name was a murmur on your lips as your eyes slowly opened, trying to take in the dark room. Your gaze found Lif, still, confused, and focused solely on his glowing eyes. He didn’t want to speak, lest he ruin this moment. “Where… are we?” All to soon, your eyes left his, going to do a slow scan of your surroundings. “My… head hurts a little… what happened?” You went to sit up but with a gentle push he coaxed you back to where your head lay in his lap.
“Don’t be rash, you’re safe with me.” Seeing you visible calm down at his words softened him, a gentle smile coming to rest on his lips, concealed by his mask. “Don’t you remember? We.. we’re attacked while traveling...” His voice was soft, his hand gently carding through your hair.
“Attacked…?” Your voice was low, the cogs in your head working overtime to try and remember anything. “I… really don’t actually. Where is everyone else…?” You were starting to awaken more now, trying to stay calm since Lif was here. Everything would be alright since he was here with you…
“We got separated from them… It was too dangerous for me to try and take you back to our main force.” How easily the lies flowed through his lips. It was disgusting how easy this was. Why did you trust him so much? Why wouldn’t you question him?
“Oh….” This time, Lif let you sit up fully, trying to act normal as you leaned on him for support. How could things be going so well for him now, when he had done something terribly wrong? “Do you know where we ended up?” You looked around more now, seeing the two of you in a homely little cabin. There was one other room than the one you shared now with Lif. There could have been more beyond it but you weren’t sure, the doors were closed. The supposed bedroom you were in was nice, though.
“I’m… unfamiliar with the area. You’ve been out for a while now… I had to stay and watch over you.” You nodded, sighing then as you sat back against the headboard.
“A while, huh? I must have been a burden on you, sorry Lif…” You shook your head. “Hopefully, now that I’m awake we can make up a game plan. Though.. if I’ve been out for as long as you claim its possible our forces are farther than we may anticipate…” You frowned, already trying to figure how to get the two of you out of this. You wouldn’t, though, not if Lif could help it. Not for a while, anyways… just long enough for you to realize who you belonged with. And perhaps just a little after that… You moved to stand and bring yourself out of bed but as soon as your food hit the ground, pain shot through it and your leg. Lif was instantly there to support you, slowly lowering you to down to the bed again and letting you lean on him for support. “Ow…” You breathed through your teeth, trying to calm down and still your beating heart.
“You need to be careful… While we were attacked you got hurt badly. It’s possible your ankle is even broken.” Lif knew it was broken, actually. It was something he regretted doing but he couldn’t say he hated the outcome-- especially with the way you whimpered softly and looked at your swollen ankle.
“What will we do now? I-I can’t go out in this weather in this condition…” You sighed and shook your head, already leaning further into Lif, appreciating his touch during this troubling moment.
“Shh… it’s alright.” Lif gently carded his fingers though your hair, helping to calm you down more. “I will protect you from everything… you don’t have to worry.” Lif fully moved you into his lap now, wrapping his free hand around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“L-Lif?” Your voice raised in pitch just a little from the fluster you felt. Lif only wished he could see the blush that was one your face. “I um… thank you, for everything.” You tried to calm down, just wanting to enjoy the rare affection he was showing you. “For saving me, taking care of me… even comforting me now. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” Oh, if only you knew… what he’s done, what he’s willing to do for you ____…
“Don’t mention it.” Lif dared to press a soft kiss to the nape of your neck, reveling in the little gasp you let out. “It’s my pleasure…” Loving you, protecting you, seeing you happy and content… Lif would do it all and more. You were the only thing in this new life of his that he cared for-- he would see to it that you stayed by his side no matter what.
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avisteliterature · 4 years
Let the World Burn for All I Care | Líf x Reader
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RATING: Teen ◇ GENRE: Hurt/ Comfort ◇  686 words SUMMARY: Líf makes sure no one can see you in your moment of weakness. [If you enjoy my writing, consider supporting me by ordering a writing commission or donating via ko-fi!]
Líf comes from a future in which he's seen all the good and bad sides of you. He has seen you at your best, and he has seen you at your absolute worst. And so, that is why he stands guard outside your door to make sure that others don't bear witness to this side of the Summoner they've never seen before. ...Because he knows how much you hate this side of you.
"Let me through, Líf," Alfonse growls at his older counterpart, his hand on the tilt of his sword in a threatening manner. Even if the former General of the Dead is now a member of the Order, Alfonse will not hesitate to draw his weapon at an ally if they get in the way of ensuring your safety.
"..." Líf doesn't answer, finding it unnecessary. He too rests his hand upon the sword strapped to his waist, sharing the same resolve as the young Askran prince.
From behind him, loud sounds can be heard coming from within your room. Although the closed door muffles what could possibly be happening inside, the sounds that blled through the walls and cracks are enough to cause concern. Alfonse can hear dull thuds, almost as though things were being thrown around. He could have sworn he heard some shattering, the sound of things being broken, coming from inside the room as well, but that isn't what he's worried about.
He can hear you. Although it's barely audible, Alfonse can hear your frustrated shouts and cries. He doesn't know what happened, but he can't bear it. He needs to see you and check if you're okay. He needs and wants to comfort you if that's what you need, but Líf stands in the way.
"Leave," Líf orders him, eyes narrowed. "They do not wish for you to see them as they are right now."
"They need me," the prince argues.
"No. They need time alone. Let them have this. I will take full responsibility for whatever happens to them."
It doesn't look like Líf will be backing out of this, and Alfonse knows when he's outmatched. Although it's frustrating, he accepts defeat, his shoulders sagging. He opens his mouth to say something but decides against it in the end. He glares at the former general as though threatening to hold him through on his word before turning on his heel and leaving with a huff.
Líf watches him leave and brings his attention back to your room. It's all quiet now, he notes to himself. Have you calmed down now? Líf takes a deep breath before opening the door. The room is in complete disarray. The sheets and pillows have been thrown and abandoned on the floor. The hair has been pushed down to its side. The contents of the small work desk and bedside drawer have all been scattered around. Pieces of glass litter the room, an undeniable hazard for whoever enters the room.
And in the middle of that chaotic scene is none other than you, knelt beside your bed. Your body is slump against the mattress, your breathing coming out deep and even. It looks like you passed out after your meltdown, the fatigue finally catching up with you. Líf's eyes grow soft, his chest aching at the sight as he tenderly wipes away with the back of his fingers the fresh tears on your face.
Careful not to rouse you from your slumber, Líf lífts you up into the air before easing you back down onto your bed. He retrieves the pillows and sheets, placing them back in their appropriate places so that you can rest comfortably. He watches over you for a moment before proceeding to turn his attention towards the mess in the room.
Without being prompted, Líf begins to clean up the area. When you wake up, he wants you to be greeted with a decent room. You don't need to bear witness to the aftermath of what happened when you let your emotions get the better of you. You don't need any other reason to self-criticize more than you already do.
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fe-husband-heaven · 5 years
Yours and Mine - Líf/Reader
Líf x Reader commission! Thank you @sapphicbarbie for commissioning me and for your patience! ((And for letting me write for a babe like Líf djfjdn))
They requested it for everyone to be able to read so its a general reader!💖💕 Very sweet of them djfjfj
Requested Word Count: 1,000
Final Word Count: 1,895
[895 Free of charge]
Humming, you couldn't help the pleased smile that rose to your lips as you decorated confections in the castle's kitchen.
Bowls of various mixtures littered the countertop, the sleeves of your gold and white Summoner's robe were pushed up to your elbow in an effort to keep them clean. Sugared treats from chocolates to miniature cakes were lining the walls and overtaking the tables behind you.
It was the Love Abounds Festival, couple's from every corner of the world were gathering to celebrate their affection. And others who were as unfortunate to not have found a partner yet, were buddying up with a couple kegs of beer and bottles of whatever wine they could get their hands on.
Musing over your own situation, you wondered where on the spectrum you lied. Your relationship with Líf was...a strange one to say the least.
You weren't exactly sure what you were, he seemed to be in a limbo between wariness of getting too close and being the most overprotective man in the entire army.
The latter more often than the former, you were starting to think he just couldn't say no to you. You once asked him to go on a walk together and when he had turned away and said "No.", the kicked puppy look that took on your features was enough to have him backtrack. 
It's quite cute and endearing, actually.
Setting down a piping bag, you admired your work, nearly screaming when you realized someone huge was looming over you.
"Líf! You scared me…!!..I didn't realize someone so built could be so quiet…"
Líf stood a little straighter and you laughed quietly at the thought that he might have taken the "built" part to heart.
He stared at you, saying nothing but expectant. By this point, you've come to realize what his looks mean. Right now, he was curious, a silent "What are you doing?" hanging in the air.
You smiled at him, "I'm making treats for our heroes! They work extremely hard..I thought it would be nice to show some gratitude towards them."
His eyes softened a bit, he thought it was very much like you. Turning towards a table behind him, he stared pointedly at a pile of gift wrapped candy, roses, cakes, letters, and the like. The pile was quite large and threatening to spill over the edge of the table.
You followed his gaze, "Oh! Yes! Some of the heroes also wished to do the same, and gave me some thank you gifts as well!" You smiled happily, the army returned your sentiments and it brought you joy to be accepted and appreciated like this.
Líf stepped up to the table and scanned the mountain in front of him. His eyes caught a note attached to a bag of sweets. 
'I love you, Summoner. More than anyone else in the world!'
You watched curiously as Líf tensed, wondering what had put him on edge. 
"Lí-" Interrupted by the sound of the oven giving out a small ding! you clapped your hands excitedly.
"It's done!"
Grabbing a pair of oven mitts and slipping them on, you reached into the oven and pulled out a tray. Atop it sat another pan in the shape of a heart.
You hummed, "My cake...It looks so good, honestly, what can't I do??" 
You couldn't help but gloat, especially whenever your antics would have Líf huffing softly, the closest thing to a laugh from him. But he didn't seem to be paying attention.
Taking off the mittens after placing the tray down, you focused back on him.
"Líf?" He was still stuck on that note from before, frowning at it before he scanned the rest of the jumble for similar ones. He found a few, each troubling him more than the last.
You started frowning as well, before it dawned on you. A smile broke out onto your lips,
"Hmmm..some heroes are a little too interested, huh?" He looked away when you moved to stand next to him.
"It's a real shame I don't return their feelings…" You purposefully let the words drawl out from your lips, for emphasis. His shoulders relaxed a bit and you stifled a laugh. 
Líf was attached to your hip, regardless of what he said or believed. Everywhere you went, he went. You had tossed all his "Keep your distance." mumbo jumbo out the moment he arrived in Askr, you had plenty of experience dealing with it, the Alfonse of this world had tried the same thing.
You'd think he'd have known how it'd work out.
Regardless, it was commonly known around the army by now that you do not separate Líf and the Summoner, nor do you approach Líf if neither Sharena or the Summoner are present. 
It's not that he was a terrible person on his own, he kept to himself, and some heroes had even spotted Líf patting the heads of passing children, but he just appeared to be in a much more agreeable mood when you were by his side.
Prancing back to the baked, undecorated cake you had just prided over, you fanned a hand at it.
"I have to decorate this, but it'll all melt off when it's this hot...gahhhh but I don't want to wait!"
Líf, having lost interest in the mountain of sweets, stood next to you.
"This one is special, it's for one hero only! My favorite one in fact, the one I like more than anyone else."
This seemed to have Líf on high alert, his hand for whatever reason, moved to the hilt of Sökkvabekkr, gripping it tightly.
Putting both shoulders on the counter, you held your face in your hands and sighed dreamily, making a show of your words.
"He's handsome, strong, smart, caring, protective, he'd never let anyone hurt me, and I love having him around. He makes me happy!"
Líf looked down at the cake, he let his hand drop from his sword, looking down at the cake with a saddened expression, he quietly asked,
"...For who..?"
You laughed, you didn't think you could be anymore obvious. 
Tugging his arm gently, you got him to turn to you. Snaking your arms around his waist in a hug, you rested your chin on his chest and smiled up at him.
"I told you." Your eyes gazed up at him adoringly, admiring the surprised expression on his face. 
"It's for the handsomest, strongest, smartest hero. The hero who makes me happy. The hero I want around all the time. My hero."
His eyes took on a shine, and he scanned your face for the smallest of lies, finding nothing but unending affection, a strange feeling welled up around his chest.
Looking back at the cake, he whispered,
Laughing softly, you wondered if you'd have to spell it all out,
Looking back down at you, he felt a sudden urge to protect you again. From what, he had no idea. But he felt compelled to protect you from everything, anything, he felt nothing but the absolute need to have you close.
Tentatively, his arms found their way around you as well. Humming blissfully, you nuzzled a bit into him, wondering what having Líf's cape wrapped around you would feel like. Probably soft.
Líf himself felt another wave of warmth run through him at the innocent action. With you looking like a pleased pup, content with being hugged, and his mind repeating everything you had said to him, he was being overloaded from all sides by your adoration.
He liked it.
The both of you quietly enjoyed the moment, Líf for a brief moment considered once again building that distance, for your sake, but when he thought about how downtrodden you might look, the idea was snuffed out immediately.
Unfortunately, Hinata thought his grand entrance into the kitchen was perfect for this exact moment.
"Hey! It smells good in here!"
From where he'd come in, Líf's cape hid the view of you latching onto Líf so you couldn't exactly blame him. Letting go, you smiled at the samurai and welcomed him.
"Hey! Just baking a little!" 
You tried not to laugh at the look on Líf's face, he really did not appreciate being interrupted, his red eyes almost seemed to be glowing maniacally. 
Hinata, completely oblivious to the burning glare from Líf, patted the swordsman's back.
"Wow, Líf, didn't take ya for a baker!" Hinata looked at the heart shaped cake beside the two of you and whistled, "Looks good though! Bet it's real tasty!"
You watched in slight mortification as Líf unsheathed Sökkvabekkr,
"It belongs to me." He stated, a clear declaration of what would happen to anyone who touched the gift you'd given him.
Hinata however, didn't realize it was the cake he was referring to,
"Ahh wow! Neat blade! The ones in Hoshido are way different than this one! Where'd you get it?"
You smiled at Hinata's good nature, but you figured you should probably save Líf from this situation, he could still use a little more work on social interaction.
"Well Hinata, if you're hungry, I've got plenty of treats up for grabs on that table over there!" You pointed to the table beside the one with all the heroes's gifts, a table for general thank you gifts you made for the army, 
"Take your pick!"
As Hinata went through the sweets with a smile, you giggled softly, and reached out to hold Líf's hand. Squeezing it gently, you shot him a placating look, you knew he just wanted to be alone with you.
Once Hinata had given his thanks and ran off with a couple snacks, you turned back to your cake.
"Time to decorate! It should be cool enough now."
Líf looked at you and back to the cake,
"I..will treasure it.." 
You grinned at him, it was a very sweet sentiment, you grabbed a piping bag full of frosting before you put it back down when you realized what his statement meant.
"Líf, you have to eat it! That's the point of cake!"
Líf frowned at you, 
"But then..it will be gone."
Putting your hands on your hips, you shook your head,
"Letting it go stale is such a pity, though! And it's never really gone if you remember it."
You nodded in agreement with yourself but Líf seemed unconvinced. He frowned down at the cake. He really wanted to keep it, it was his, you made it for him. It would be a shame for it to be used simply for rations. 
He wanted to treasure it, your feelings.
You couldn't help but melt a little though, it was really cute of him, maybe you were a little biased but he was very good at making you swoon.
You offered a compromise,
"It has to be eaten but...", Líf turned to you, and you took the chance to latch yourself to his waist again. 
"Why don't we share it together?"
Your grin grew bigger as his eyes gleamed a bit at "together".
Even better than keeping it to himself, would be sharing it with you, something that belonged to just the two of you, only the two of you.
Not Hinata.
His chest felt strange, but it felt light.
It was warm, like you were, he sighed softly at the feeling.
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pokemagines · 5 years
breaking. (líf x reader)
a/n: no one asked for this i know but kjdhsjkd GOD am i really feeling this one,,, i luv one (1) blueberry boy --mod touko
   askr’s castle grounds at night are the closest thing that one could get to peace during the time of war. even the most rowdiest of heroes seemed to wind down as the night breeze started to blow in, the stars painting themselves in the sky. you loved the nighttime more than anything; all of your duties were done for the day and you could sit out and marvel at the stars.
   more often than not, though, you would doze off, the hard work of the day finally catching up to you.
   despite usually being a light sleeper (something you weren’t until you came to askr), líf’s footsteps are almost silent as he watches you from afar. the scene before him is familiar, in his world he would always find you asleep after reading against the same tree. 
   when you were alive that is.
   he didn’t mean to come here, he had told himself he wouldn’t come close to this askr’s version of you, and yet as if unconsciously, his feet led him here. perhaps some of his old softness was still there after all, much as he hated to admit it. 
    líf was going to leave, seeing you once made all the feelings he had repressed for so long bubble back up to the surface. but it wasn’t enough, your face was hooded by your cloak, and he longed for the real thing. your soft lips, delicate face, sparkling eyes -- now they were just memory, one that slipped farther away with each day. maybe seeing your face yet again could set him back on track to do what he needed to do. for his sister, for his kingdom, for you.
   again, he feels himself moving forward despite everything in him screaming to stop. the closer he gets the more he feels dread well up in his chest. his hand reaches out to your hood and pulls it off your face. líf smiles under his mask, you were so much more beautiful than he remembered. your soft features only made more beautiful by the bright, glowing moon hanging above. 
   he can’t help but brush your face with the pads of his fingers, making sure he doesn’t scratch you with his gloves. you let out a soft exhale, eyes fluttering open at feeling the soft touch from your lover. 
   “...alfonse?” you coo softly, until you realize that it’s not alfonse but líf looking down at you, his cold, red eyes staring at you almost in shock. as soon as he realizes that you’re awake he turns to leave quickly, but before he can, your voice cuts through him. “wait!”
   he shouldn’t have overstepped. he shouldn’t be here. he was being too selfish.
   “líf, please, wait!” again, you beg him to stay. had it been anyone else, he would’ve been gone by now. but your voice stops him in his tracks, and for a second he hesitates. “i-i’ve been meaning to ask you this... are you really alfonse?”
   líf is silent.
   “you don’t have to tell me, i know the answer.” you step closer, and líf steps back on instinct. “might i see for myself?” again, he doesn’t answer. “can i...?” you motion to his mask and he stills, eyes darting away. he knows he shouldn’t be here, but once you put your hands on his cheeks, he’s done for. he nods slowly, letting you take off his mask. there’s no mistaking it once his whole face is in view. it’s alfonse, his face a little more grey and sad-looking, but it was him. you tear up, wondering what could have made the prince this way, you can’t imagine your boyfriend looking as miserable as the man before you did. you set his mask down, hands going to feel his face.
   “i can’t believe it.” you rub your thumbs against his cheeks, his cold skin meeting your warm hands. your touch was addicting, and he wants more, but he is quick to restrain himself. “what happened to you?” 
   “i lost everything,” his rough voice answers, letting you continue to stroke his face. “i lost you.”
   “i can’t imagine what you’ve lost... the pain you had to endure in your world but...” you pull him down to lean your forehead against his, “i’m here for you now. whatever it is you need... i’m here.” lif hesitates for a moment as you throw your arms around him in an embrace, but once your words wash over him he shatters, crumbling into your arms and letting out all the emotion he had held in for so long. he pulls you closer to his cold, glowing body with his strong arms. he needs more of your warmth, craves it -- it reminds him so much of his version of you. 
   his forehead rests against yours as he silently sobs, your hand running up along his chest. it was an odd feeling, firm but squishy, and it seemed to suck the warmth out of you. you wonder if he can feel you. after a few quiet moments, líf pulls himself back slowly, this time he leans down to kiss you on the forehead sweetly, eyes closed as he prays silently for the first time in a long time for your safety. 
   “i have to go,” he says abruptly, seeing the light of a torch in the distance. líf knows who it was, because he knows himself. he would always come looking for you. the prince bends down to scoop his mask off the ground, and he attaches it back over his mouth.
   “please, take care of yourself.” you call after him as he turns to leave. 
   “no, you stay alive. for m... for alfonse. i beg of you.” his eyes flit away for a second to the figure in the distance, and then he adds, “i know how much he cares for you, so please.” 
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lucinalu219 · 5 years
Damn. You guys like my Líf x reader. Just wanna thanks.
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avi-stella · 6 years
I'm could hear more of Líf being reminded of someone from his past by hanging out with the summoner? Please?
The Order of Heroes was surprised by the fact that you had summoned Líf, but they were even more surprised when they saw the way he treated you, so gentle and sweet, a sharp contrast to his hardened look and aloof nature with everybody else.
Líf understood that you were not the same person he was thinking of, but the more time he spent with you, the more his memories of the past came back to him. Your laughter even sounded the same as what he remembered.
He remembered how his most precious person would always stay by his side. The first time you looked at him with such worried eyes, he recalled seeing that very same expression when he made a name for himself by forming a pact with the dragon god, Askr.
When Líf lingered by your side at night to accompany you on your castle rounds, he was reminded of nights of passion when his body was still that of a healthy young man as opposed to the corpse he was now. How he longed for that warmth and connection once more. How he longed for your face to look at him so tenderly like it did so long ago.
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