saetoshis · 2 years
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ohh my gosh coloring bllk panels is so fun !
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pinkinsect · 2 months
looking at the official art again. VITAMINS! VITAMINS FOR ALL OF THEM!!
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azulock · 11 months
More mildly annoying habits, because why not?
Is a morning person. The rise and shine type, waking up at six in the morning full of life and energy. Don't even need ten minutes to be out of bed and fully awake. Disgusting, disrespectful, downright disturbing if you ask me, but at least you have someone to make you breakfast without complaining.
Impossible to wake up in the morning. You gave up, pretty much. He has like five alarms, and they are loud. And he sleeps so deeply that the house could fall on his head and he wouldn't wake up. Also not a morning person at all, so when he does wake up, he is grumpy as fuck.
NAGI, Karasu, Otoya, Chigiri, Shidou
Somehow manages to hit his foot on every piece of furniture in the house - cue the cursing and groaning. How can a man whose entire job is moving his body in space not be able to move his body in space properly? Who knows, some furniture even have dents on them.
NAGI, Shidou, Lavinho, Ness, Nikko
Takes the longest showers ever. Not, not even a bath, but a shower. Will stay in there for so long you start worrying he just dissolved in the water. No use complain either cause while in there he has no notion of time. May or may not sing - can't guarantee the singing will be good either.
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milaisreading · 1 year
The manager has a type?!
Pairings: Blue lock x manager!Reader
Warnings ⚠️: reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
'Today is a nice day.' Kurona hummed as he was in particularly good mood. The reason? Ego wasn't as nasty with the training as he usually was. He had his favorite food for breakfast and (Y/n) complimented one of his passes. Yeah, today is a nice day.
"He is so dreamy~" Kurona stopped in his tracks as he walked past the medical office as he heard (Y/n)'s voice from the inside.
'Who? Is she talking about one of us?' Kurona gulped as he leaned against the door to listen in.
"Who? He? I didn't think you would be still into footballers after having to manage a whole group." Anri's voice was heard as she chuckled.
"I can't help it. He is so handsome and tall. Also talented."
'Tall? Handsome? We do have tall people but that's about it.' Kurona thought, a few players already coming to his mind.
"Now that I think of it, you never told me if you have a type or not?"
"A type... hmmm" Kurona was now all ears, he needed to know who it could be out of them all.
"I think someone expressive and free spirited! Strong willed too! Maybe even that he is into dancing with blonde hair..."
'Blonde hair?!' Kurona thought as he touched his pink one.
"Now you are straight up describing Lavinho. I never expected him to be your celebrity crush."
"Stop saying it like that! You make me feel embarrassed! Also he is so good looking and talented~"
Kurona's face paled at that revelation and he felt his whole world crush then and there.
'No way does she like that obnoxious man?! He is so ugly and old! First that Ness guy and now Lavinho?! My poor manager!' Kurona thought as if he was told someone is dying.
'Do I have to dye my hair now?'
"Kurona, you have been pretty quiet the whole day. Did something happen?" Hiori asked the same night as the boys were getting ready to sleep.
"Yeah, you were looking at (Y/n) like she is about to disappear, too." Gagamaru said sounding annoyed.
"Leave him alone, maybe he is just tired." Rin said, knowing good and well that even he was annoyed with Kurona today.
"Ah..." The boy started speaking after a whole day of complete silence.
"He finally found his voice!" Karasu teased.
"You look and sound like someone ran you over." Otoya chuckled.
"Let him breath, it was a long day." Isagi defended with Bachira laughing.
"You would feel the same if you heard your own manager say she has a crush on Lavinho." Kurona finally spoke up, like he was in a trance. The room fell eerily silent as the boys looked at him in disbelief.
"Hold up! What did you just say?!" Chigiri and Reo shrieked as Nagi got up from his bed.
"You better be lying, shark teeth." Baro warned, grabbing Kurona by his collar. Kunigami quickly intervened and separated the two.
"Calm down, Baro. I am sure Kurona got the wrong idea." The orange-haired boy said, trying to convince himself more than anyone else.
"Yeah! There is no way that loud guy could be someone our sweet manager likes." Aryu added.
"Yeah, I am sure (Y/n) would like peace and quiet more. She sure wouldn't like the opposite." Gagamaru agreed.
"I know what I heard! She was talking about it with Teieri-san and she admitted to it! Plus that guy dances and has blonde hair, we lost." Kurona said as one part of the group went into complete frenzy and the other tried to keep calm.
"Hold up! Panicking won't help us! Bachira let go of Chigiri's hair!" Yukimiya said, clapping his hands as Niko spoke up.
"How are we supposed to keep calm when that bastard is all (Y/n) thinks of apparently!" The blue-eyed boy questioned, knowing well that he couldn't keep up with someone like Lavinho.
"Reo, could you get him banned from playing football?" Nagi asked the already annoyed boy.
"How am I supposed to do that?!"
"I don't know, you are the rich one!"
"SILENCE!" The group froze and they turned to look at Rin, who looked like he was about to kill someone.
"So what's the plan, under lashes junior?" Baro asked, turning his attention away from Isagi and Kunigami. Ignoring the last part, the younger Itoshi sighed and thought it over for a moment.
"The best way we can get rid of this little crush of hers is by making her realize she actually doesn't like him, but someone else."
The room fell silent as they tried to figure out how her falling for someone else will help them.
"And as the captain, I will take the burden of her falling for me." Rin said dramatically.
"Eh?! No way, you and your eyelashes stay away from her! (Y/n) would much rather be with me! We shared food!" Isagi immediately yelled, followed by Baro.
"And what is there to fall for by you? Brother issues?!"
"You two are not any better, one is a wannabe striker and the other one scares the shit out of anyone who approaches him!" Rin argued back.
"I think I would be a much better choice. After all, Lavinho and I are similar. Her falling for me is more realistic." Bachira said, earning a disapproving look from Kunigami and Hiori.
"No way! You are too wild for her. (Y/n) needs someone calmer and who can protect her."
"You go into your emo phases, Kunigami. You are not that reliable either." Hiori protested.
"You guys are too ordinary for her, what she needs is someone spontaneous, someone who cab knock her off her feet... someone-"
"Someone like me! Thank you for seeing it my way, Karasu."
"Shut it, Otoya! You are like a watered down version of Oliver!"
"So now we are insulting, Yukimiya?! And your blind ass is somehow better?"
"Of course!" The boy yelled back.
"I think (Y/n) would much rather be with me. I am calm, a gentleman and fun to be around. Also I have great hair." Aryu said, causing Chigiri to butt in.
"Long hair doesn't equal better. After all, (Y/n) braids mine more often than yours."
"I think (Y/n) would fit better with me. She is always so calm and we do have a lot of common topics. Plus she does like nature." Gagamaru said, earning a looks from Niko and Nagi.
"You are too bland for her, Gagamaru. A wild moment here and there never hurt anyone."
"Then the same goes for me, except that I have money." Nagi told Niko.
"You do?"
"Of course." Nagi said, pointing at Reo.
"Excuse you! Why would I give money to you! I will spoil (Y/n), not you!"
'I hate it here.' Kurona thought to himself.
"Why is your face red?" Anri questioned (Y/n) as she walked into Ego's office.
"I told her Chris and Lavinho will be here next week to train with the guys." Ego answered, confused as to what he even said wrong. Anri's expression turned into a teasing one and she started nagging the teen, who was on the brink of fainting.
'Why did I have to say anything?!'
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maochira · 11 months
hiii can i req the father figure coaches with a usually cold and distant male reader who suddenly asked for a hug one day :3? tyty i love ur writing
Thank you! I ended up writing this as gn instead of male (I tried male, but the scenario wasn't that related to reader's gender so without intention it ended up gn!)
Father figure coaches masterlist - taglist sign-up
Tags: gn!reader
Noel Noa
-personality-wise, you're pretty much a copy of Noa. You're so similar, people think you're his biological child
-the only physical affection Noa has ever expressed towards you were headpats, and you never showed any physical affection towards him
-when you ask for a hug, Noa is super confused. He just looks at you for a moment, then says "alright" and opens his arms for a hug
-he doesn't talk about that moment, but it keeps being stuck in his brain. Hugging you felt nice, so secretly he hopes you'll ask for hugs more often
Chris Prince
-he's always been fairly physically affectionate towards you with random hugs and headpats, but he always makes sure you're comfortable with the amount of affection he gives you that way
-he's used to being the one to initiate that, and he doesn't mind. He mainly becomes physically affectionate when he praises you for the goals you scored anyway
-but when you suddenly ask for a hug, he's so surprised, that he just looks at you in confusion. For a moment, he's wondering if you actually said that or if he imagined that
-but of course, he happily gives you a long hug!
-sometimes he's physically affectionate, sometimes he's not. But he loves ruffling your hair and messing it up as much as possible
-when you asked for a hug, you didn't know what you got yourself into. Because Lavinho immediately used that opportunity to give you the best hug he could. After all, he doesn't know when you're going to ask for one again
-not only does Lavinho hug you so tight, you don't even know how you still manage to breathe, but he also ruffles your hair and turns it into a mess. But you're used to that already
-he refuses to let you go, which makes you laugh a bit. That's also a rare sight, so it only encourages Lavinho more to keep the hug a bit longer
Marc Snuffy
-he's not really physically affectionate towards you, but only because he's afraid of making you uncomfortable with it
-when you ask for a hug, he immediately says yes and pulls you into the longest hug you've ever experienced. He almost doesn't want to let go
-even though you've had enough after a few seconds, you don't push Snuffy away yet because you notice how happy he feels about the hug
-after that, you ask for hugs every now and then. Not really because you want them, but because you know it makes Snuffy happy. And him being happy makes you happy
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decapitatedrathead · 3 months
DAD!Lavinho HCs
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♡!A/N!♡: I DID IT!!! I ACTUALLY DID ITTT. But I'm telling yall I'm a certified Snuffy simp, and he's next faceriding🔛🔝
♡!TW!♡: Lavinho has a wifey ig. Otherwise none! Js a cool dad😎
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This man probably made it so extra when he came to pick you up from school
With the glasses and all, yelling at the front gate for you to hurry
Like, EVERY kid knew who your dad is
You were probably popular thx to him
Ice cream everyday after school when it's sunny
Definitely the dad who will buy a trampoline for you, and then it's him who ends up jumping on it more than you
He's just cool like that 😎😎😎
Competitive parent, most of your school projects were made by him cause in his head it's the other kids dad's also doing it for them
Also competitive when it comes to your mom, always trying to one-up her so you like him more(not in a toxic way!!!)
Always there for you type of parent!
When you get older that's where he shines the most tho
Laid back as a dad of a teen, letting you do stuff cause 'it's best to experience things in your teen years'
Left "the talk" to your mom though, ain't no way he's explaining all that to you
If you're afab, he doesn't understand periods, and if you tell him to buy you a specific brand of pads or tampons he just buys everything from the store
Type of parent to let you have a sip of alcohol, pours you like a half of glass saying "Don't tell mom, kay?"
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Aaand I ran out of ideas. BTW this is pretty much Lavinho
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I saw the first two somewhere already? So credits to the og posters
*grandma/pa is mom/dad
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~Posted on July 4th, 2024~
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hiorintruther · 2 years
Given that Blue Lock is an in-universe reality show with (apparently) millions of worldwide fans, that implies the theoretical existence of a Blue Lock fandom and, by extension, Blue Lock fanfic.
What kind of mischaracterisations do you think in-universe fans have of the various members of Blue Lock? Which ships would be popular? This is an rpf situation so what sort of drama goes on surrounding the very existence of bllk fanfic? Does the fandom have pockets which behave like other rpf fandoms such as Kpop and streamers? How much does Reddit fucking hate the stans? I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!
Firstly, the fandoms tagged in fics would be a mix of: Football RPF — all media types, Blue Lock (Football RPF), Neo Egoist League (Football RPF) and BLTV (Football RPF).
Common fandom-specific tags include: ‘Referenced Professional Footballers’, ‘No Beta We Die Like Kunigami Rensuke’s Ratings’, ‘Not Safe For Ego Jinpachi’s eyes’ and ‘Author Uses Football Not Soccer’.
Platonic relationships are pretty common in the fandom, with the most popular ones being ‘Michael Kaiser & Alexis Ness’, ‘Meguru Bachira & Lavinho’, ‘Yoichi Isagi & Noel Noa’ and ‘Yoichi Isagi & Rensuke Kunigami’.
Personally I think the most popular ships (as of right now) would be Kaisagi, Kainess, Reonagi and Ryurin. Bachisagi would be practically nonexistent because fans wouldn’t have seen them interact much. Only old fans know they were basically unstoppable together during the U-20 match. Most fans joined during the NEL, after the show started streaming.
Noel Noa gets shipped with Lavinho but only because he’s always the dad in fics who needs emotional support. In these fics, Isagi and Bachira are always the gremlin step brothers who scheme their not-dads into getting together.
There’s a ship war going on between the kaisagi and the kainess shippers. There’s also a third party which is against real-person shipping but is fine with rpf in general so Bastard Munchen for them is a hodge-podge, falling apart at the seams found family trope. The same goes for all the other teams but the Bastard Family TM is the most popular one.
 THERE ARE SO MANY FOUND FAMILY AUs. Popular tags include: “Noel Noa Is A Tired Dad”, “Isagi And Kunigami Are Brothers”, “Kaiser Is The Rich Cousin” and “They’re A Family Of Bastards Your Honour”.
There’s definitely fandom drama around the ethics of reading and writing fanfic. General consensus seems to end up being that non-ship fics are technically fine. Shippers still do their thing though because they’re impossible to get rid of.
The fandom ‘cinnamon rolls’ are definitely Bachira and Ness. Ness especially get mischaracterised as an ‘innocent, fragile flower’ that Kaiser has to protect. Bachira is most;y just characterised as Lavinho’s protege who is a happy lil sunshine with no flaws. Nagi also nearly falls into the ‘cinnamon roll’ category because he’s quiet and gives off ‘uwu’ energy (according to his stans) but slightly less so.
Rin gets the most x readers written about him. He beats everyone else except maybe Kunigami, who is a close second. They’re always characterised as the ‘bad boys’ and are the kings of Wattpad.
Sae gets inserted into Rin fics all the time purely because they’re brothers. Because he doesn’t appear in the NEL, his fandom interpretation is COMPLETELY off. Fans have basically turned him into a completely new, fictional character, he’s that different. He’s always dating Shidou though — Ryusae is a rare ‘it’s probably okay to ship this’ ship because literally everyone is convinced they’re actually dating irl.
If Kaiser is in the fic, his tattoo is usually brought up either as some kind of trauma-related thing or, in fantasy AUs, as a cursed mark. Fans have written whole ass essays about the symbolic meaning of his tattoo and how it can relate to fics.
Some of the more popular fics in the fandom, by kudos, include:
the obligatory fantasy AU where all the teams are kingdoms — 240k words, major character death, hurt no comfort (one of the fandom’s ‘cinnamon rolls’ dies in the third act).
the obligatory university/college AU where for some reason the university uses the US system despite none of the characters being American, each team is a different frat house and the fic is 25/? chapters, 32k words.
A Fluff And Angst, completely unrealistic found family “they all live in one house” fic where Noa adopts Isagi and it’s tooth-rottingly sweet but it’s clear that the author has been through some shit and is drawing from personal experience when writing. All the kids from Blue Lock and Bastard Munchen are like 10 years old. Noa is shipped with Lavinho and people choose to either ignore it and enjoy the fluff or are active shippers — 56k words, 19/22 chapters, hurt/comfort, implied/referenced child abuse, Noel Noa Is A Tired Dad.
Several one-shots involving the ‘brothers/cousins’ Isagi, Kunigami, Kaiser and Ness all doing random shit together. Usually the fics are either from Isagi or Kaiser’s perspective and you can tell which authors prefer the Blue Lockers and which ones prefer the German players — usually 3-6k words each.
A long-distance relationship Kaisagi AU named after a Glass Animals song that gets so popular it crashes AO3 twice- (sry I’ll stop, that would be rancid).
A Manshine City found family AU where Reo and Nagi are characterised as brothers to the nth degree, Chigiri is the golden child and Chris Prince is the uncle who didn’t want to take them in but had to and slowly grows to love them as if they were his own kids. The grown-up mentors all have weekly brunch down at the local diner where they talk like gossiping aunts — 19k words, 5/? chapters, Manshine Triplets, Reo And Nagi Are Twins, Chigiri is also there tho!!! Give Chris Prince A Break.
The aforementioned AU where Bachira and Isagi trick their not-dads into getting together — 16k words, 4/10 chapters, Fluff And Angst, Slow Burn.
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Im in love with ur "she's a pro series"
Yena telling kunigami like "Uhm, eyes up here buddy" type of vibe. While with bastard muenchen, Yena starts trying to help Ness "Blossom" like the rose he is. 🤪💅
And while doing so, Kaiser is there like "NAH, HE MY SIDEKICK✋"
And MAYBE, Karasu, otoya and aiku ( the goofiest trio ) were spying on Yena and saw how kunigami was a perv and now are all " OOOOO, SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH" And kunigami's reaction i guess?
Sorry that this was long😅 i might have imagined a LIL too much💀
Thx!! Love and kisses💋❤️🤪💅 byebye!!
"Yo, she's a pro." ...part four
part one , part two , part three, ... , part five
Aw thanks, I'm glad you like it! Also about that blossoming, I had to think about Oliver's past and Kaiser's tattoo, so yeah lol
Bro your idea is LIT, and who am I to ignore you, my love? Also my friend wanted the reader to dance with Lavinho I guess? so yea
Your name: Yena Hideyo
Warnings/summary: you are a love-sick fool and don't act like your cool self at all, the trio teases Kunigami, you kick Kaiser between his legs this time, you touch Ness' lips, you dance with Lavinho, bachira has slutty hips, Rin smiles
Word count: 4.9 k 💀
It was truly embarrassment at it's finest. You didn't know that the cameras were everywhere, and your and blue lock's fans saw your interaction with Kunigami. Luckily they couldn't hear what Kunigami whispered in your ear. But, they could think, and your fanbase didn't exactly have the cleanest minds.
And much more unfortunately, A certain trio you had electrocuted a few hours prior saw your interaction with Kunigami. However, you didn't know about that...yet.
(you threw away the dress and shoes and all the makeup and jewellery as soon as they got off of your body.)
And, well, Chris Prince was the nosiest coach, closely followed by Lavinho, who were both taking pictures, laughing and cooing at your (cute) pouting face while they asked you about Kunigami.
You were just a blushing mess as you told them that "There's nothing to worry about! I just tripped and he held me close! That's all!", but did the two men believe you?
no <3.
It actually took you a while to recover from what Kunigami said to you yesterday as you were waiting in the operation room. Melody would get new fangs today.
you were anxious, to say the least. But, to your rescue came Reo, Nagi and Bachira. But, you were confused upon their arrival. "Shouldn't you guys be training?"
Bachira raised his hands excitedly. "We're here for your emotional support! Lavinho gave me permission to come as well! And here's a carton box of choccy milk!", the boy cheered, handing you over an under 500 ml milf box. You thanked him.
"Prince allowed us to leave as well when we told him you were a close friend of ours.", Reo explained, and Bachira plopped down next to you. Nagi and Reo stood there before they played scissors-paper-rock against each other.
Reo yelled in victory before sitting himself beside you. "The only game where I'm always a loser...", Nagi muttered before taking out his phone next to Reo.
you sighed, but you still smiled at them. "You guys didn't really have to do that, really. You should rather train... But thanks, I appreciate it."
Bachira grinned at you. "I want to stay close to Melody! She's so cool! ...So, how long are we waiting?"
"Four hours.", you stated. Nagi yawned, and Reo chuckled at Bachira's startled expression. "Also you didn't have to pay for Melody's surgery, Reo...I have plenty of money myself, you know?", you said as you turned to your left where Reo sat.
He only smiled down at you sweetly. "But I love Melody as well, Yena."
Reo actually nearly said you, but luckily he caught himself.
You huffed in amusement, but the orange or light brown?(->the sole) heels of your black converse shoes were tapping rapidly against the floor, and your right knee bounced pretty fast as well.
"Hey, Yena...", Bachira spoke softly, before glancing at Reo and Nagi. He wanted to calm your nerves by making you talk about something other than the surgery which was being proceeded right behind your back.
"How do you even know these guys?", he asked. You pondered for a moment. "I dunno..."
"What? C'mon, Yena. Us meeting for the first time was the funniest thing, remember??"
"Huh...Ah! No, please don't-"
"It was a long, long time ago, Bachira...", Reo began.
The classroom was particularly loud one day, making Nagi wake up from his slumber. "What's with the noise...?", he murmured sleepily. Reo snickered. "We're going to have a new transfer student today, did you already forget?"
"hm...don't care..", the white albino haired boy muttered before he closed his eyes again.
"...s Ye...deyo...!", he faintly heard his teacher introduce you.
"My name is Yena Hideyo. I am the first female Japanese soccer protégé.", you exclaimed loudly, and Nagi's eyes snapped open.
The whole classroom "oooooohhhhh~"ed at that.
But, they widened even more when he saw how you looked. Remember when I once said that you were a goth at heart? Well, the white uniform which had to be worn normally was black in your case, with chains sprouting everywhere. Your blazer was open, and it reveiled a dark red corset with black embroidments on it, and black bones.
Underneath that corset was a white bouse, and the tie was also shorter. Instead of the normal school skirt, yours was black with ruffles, and it...actually looked pretty good. You also wore black platform boots (Black Mamba from Megamind...yk what I mean? if not nvm), and Nagi and Reo were surprised that you were even allowed to wear something like that.
But, now that he thought about it, your skirt was reaching down to the upperside of your knees, where the normal school skirts reached mid-thigh. Also your boots were reaching up to your knees, and your thigh highs weren't really visible. You actually showed less skin than normal highschool girls.
"Does any of you guys know how to play soccer?", you asked as you looked at the stunned faces. Nagi raised his hand, and so did Reo. "Let's become buddies.", you said with a small smile, and they nodded.
Reo never thought that he'd have an academic rival until he met you. At every question the teacher made, you always raised your hand first. Whenever there would be a question the teachers didn't even know themselves, you and Reo would battle for the first tight answer, and then get into arguments when the answers were not the same.
Also, Nagi laughed his ass off when you cried after you collided against a classmate which resulted in your chocolate milk spashing to the ground. Reo gave you his chocolate milk. you three grew inseperable ever since.
Well, until your father got a job with better salary.
You had to leave the next day.
"And that's why, to this day, I still don't forgive your father!"
"Reo...he apologized to you everytime you called me...", you muttered.
"Huh, so you three are like, highschool friends?", Bachira asked as he hummed in thought. You nodded.
"Someone had to lower Reo's ego in school, and I also had to crush Nagi's pride in all the challenges of the games he played."
"It was hell when you defeated me in bed wars, Yena.", Negi grumbled when he had to think about the way you blew up his team's bed right after he landed on your territory.
"Never have I ever had such a mental breakdown like the time you told me the difference between active and passive beauty. Philosophy was an absolute warzone.", Reo shuddered when he thought about the dark ages.
You snickered. "Well, it was fun."
"For you!", Reo and Nagi yelled in unison.
Bachira laughed. "And, Bachira? Why are you in Blue Lock? If it's a too personal question, you can also say no. Wouldn't want to force you.", you asked, trying to be formal around Bachira. He was the one Melody loved the most out of all the boys in this facility.
"there's this monster I always see. Since I was young, I could see it, and always played with it..and then I saw the monster's moves in Isagi, and you. you and Isagi would be the players I'd like to pass to and play with.", he grinned. "You know, I can understand if you don't know what I'm talking about-"
"But I do.", you said, with a serious expression. Bachira's eyes widened. 'what do you mean-'
"If I could share a personal secret, my next book is about my type in men. In this facility, it is interesting to see all the different boys, but they all have their charms, however, it's only ever a fragment, a piece form the whole perfect man in my head.
I got asked from my fans to interact with many of them and find out that way how'd they be in a relationship.", you spoke, putting a hand under your chin in thought.
"But I can't understand why they'd like to see Oliver and some other guys I wouldn't choose personally. Oliver looks like a divorced man who can't get shit together, even though he's only 18? or 19?
Shidou Ryusei, as polite as he was to me, might kill people on the daily or make an onlyfans, and, well, then there's also Isagi."
You were glad the fans didn't bring Kunigami up though. (Yes, they did, you're just not online yet, and they will hold you at gunpoint for that whole you-stumbling-into-Kunigami-thing.)
Reo, Nagi and Bachira listened intently to what you said. But when reo and Nagi heard the name "Isagi", they "hah?!"ed at the same time again.
"Why do the fans like Isagi!?", Reo exclaimed in anger, mad at the fact that you didn't say his name.
"Yeah, what's so special about him...?!", Nagi muttered annoyedly.
You snorted. "Jealous?" "..." "Pretty much.", you remarked as you sighed.
"Remember what Noa said? The fans like Isagi, because he scored a goal in the world cup. He's been out in the field practically only for fanservice."
"Only because he scored a goal? Hmpf..!", Nagi grumbled. You sighed.
"Well...but what about your type, Yena?", Reo asked, trying to find out what you saw in the perfect man. He also thought aboout copying that personality if it meant for you to fall for him. He didn't have to act as a chameleon only on the field, right?
"My type...?", you thought loudly. Only Kunigami came to mind, actually.
You could only think about his cool eyes, or his spicky orange hair, and gosh, let's rather not talk about the body..! you thought about his voice, a deep vibration, which you'd like to feel against your skin as he embraced you with his big, strong arms, his nice scent filling your lungs as you gasped-
"Ah- I-I don't really have a type, ahahhahaahha!", you yelled as you stood up suddenly and laughed like a maniac. Bachira, Nagi and Reo shared concerned glances behind your back.
'Gosh, I nearly said Kunigami!!!', your mind raced. But, you took a deep breath. "Sorry, I was just thinking about a particular character form a book I really liked. But about my type...I'd say he's a little mysterious, has good manners, is polite, has a great, well-trained body -not that I'm bodyshaming anyone, heheh- and just...a smooth voice? Also, I like it when he has pretty eyes.."
Reo and Nagi looked at each other, their rivalry going unnoticed by you, but Bachira snorted at the flying sparks between the two.
"Is there any resemblance to...me?", Reo asked hopefully, and you snickered. "You? Hm...your hair is purple, that's a plus.", you said in a positive voice.
Nagi pointed to his hair. "Mine's white, so I'm a rarity, Yena.", he muttered with a blush as he gave you a little smile.
However, you made it fall in an instant. "Yeah, albino hair is pretty rare, but having naturally purple hair? I think nobody can top that."
Reo blushed furiously at your statement and he grinned as he looked down on his hands which rested on his lap. Nagi grumbled under his breath.
"Hey, Yena! Do I have cool hair too?! My hair is dark in the front, but light at the back! Isn't it cool?!", Bachira exclaimed, pointing towards his hair. he wanted to feel included as well.
You smiled softly at Bachira. He truly felt like a little brother to you, even though he was an inch taller than you. "yes, your hair's pretty cool too, Bachira."
Kunigami had just stepped into the gym when Otoya, Oliver and Karasu stepped in as well and strolled over to where Kunigami wanted to do his sets. Kunigami was about to bench press 80 kg/176 lbs. They snickered to themselves with a mischievous grin before Oliver started talking.
"So...we saw somethin', dude.", the heterochromia (dual coloured eyes) having boy started, going in front of the metal to "spot" Kunigami in case the ginger wouldn't be able to lift anymore.
Otoya looked at the weight. "You sure you can lift that?"
Kunigami thought back to you. You must've weighted between 60 and 80 kg's, no? So...he wanted to train using the maximum of your body weight. He blushed slightly, but he frowned. "Yes, it's warm up weight."
"Mind if we join?", Karasu asked with a smirk, as he used some dumbbells.
"So, back to what we saw...you were being a lil goody-goody with Yena...", Oliver pondered, grinning at Kunigami holding the bar over his head, and stopped a second too long.
"So what."
"Well...we were just wondering...", Oliver murmured as he did some push-ups, giving up on trying to spot Kunigami. "do you maybe like her?"
Kunigami let the weight fall slowly to him. He breathed out. "Doesn't everyone like her?", he asked as he lifted it again, frowning deeply and wondering where the conversation might lead him. He knew that all the boys who interacted with you had their hearts captivated by you, and he was honestly a little insecure about himself. He also didn't think you'd be interested in him, because he didn't really look like a nice guy. (But that boutta change bro)
"Yes, of course, it's just, you must be having a crush on her~!", Otoya teased, but he flinched at the sound of the weight Kunigami let fall down carelessly, as Kuniagmi went up to Otoya, and Otoya was only 177 cm (5'9'') whereas Kunagi towered over him, being 188 cm (6'2'') tall. Otoya stumbled back with wide eyes, and Oliver and Karasu quickly joined to ease the tension.
"So what if I do? And you should be ashamed of yourselves for what you did with Yena in the sauna. I'm glad that she electrocuted you guys."
The three boys looked down in embarrassment. So she told Kunigami about what happened. Still, Oliver had the biggest ego out of those three, as well as the biggest mouth, and he was also two centimeters bigger than Kunigami.
"Hey, no need to point fingers now, right?"
"You guys started it."
"Ah, guilty. Sorry 'bout that. But hey, now we now that our little wildcard here has a crush on Yena!", and with that, the trio chuckled as they left. Once the door slid closed, Kunigami sighed, a deep blush covering his cheeks.
'fucking idiots...!', he thought before he kept going with his training.
You didn't know how long you've been chatting with Bachira and your two highschool friends, but the door to the surgery suddenly opened. The doctor stepped out, a handsome older male as he groaned in exhaustion.
"Is Melody alright? How did the procedure go? Can I see her?", you asked worriedly after you stood up the moment you heard the door unlock.
"Melody is fine, miss Hideyo. Her fangs are suiting her well. You can come see her, but she is a little drugged with pollen. It might take her a few minutes to fully wake up, but she'll enjoy a few headscratches, I think.", you hugged the surgeon with tears in your eyes.
"Thank you...thank you so much!", you cried, and the surgeon stood there, startled by your over-affectionate gesture before he smiled fondly and patted your head.
"It was no problem. And now, I'll need to go."
You quickly let go of him, bidding him farewell as he went back to his chamber. Then, you took a deep breath before going to Melody. She was laying on that hospital bed, and you slowly apporached her.
"Hey baby...how are you?", you asked softly before you let a finger massage her head. She opened her eyes, registering your presence before yawning, and her silver fangs shined in the hospital light.
you gushed. "Whoah...", you and Bachira made, as he crouched down next to you. You gently picked her up, with her tangling her body in your arm as Bachira put the long snake-blanket on her.
"Her fangs are so cool...!", Bachira gushed as you four went back to your room. Kaiser, Ness and Hiori stood there as they conversed with each other.
You frowned. "what are you guys doing here?", you whispered, your Melody sleeping safe and sound in your arm.
Kaiser "tch"ed before strutting towards you. "You think you can-", but he held his groin in pain when you kicked him. Ness whimpered as he held his hands in front of his crotch, taking a step away from you in fear.
"Melody had surgery just now, so can you, like, maybe not?", you grumbled as you kicked him to the side before Reo opened the door for you.
Ness looked after Kaiser who gritted his teeth and Hiori stared at the two germans for a moment before going inside as well.
You put Melody in a capsule which was custom-made. She slept inside her "nest". You looked at Hiori.
"The player-switch?", you asked, and Hiori nodded, taking the choccy milk from you which you distributed towards your friends. "I saw you stressing at the banks, Hiori. I knew that you had a way better vision on what they had to do in order to score a goal, and I couldn't do much since I was a defender, so I let you in. and, well, you made it. Because of you, you, Ness, Isagi and Kurona managed for a goal."
"But...weren't Raichi or Igarashi a better option?"
"They are both idiots."
Hiori hummed while the others snorted. Ness knocked this time, before stepping inside. He had a busted lip, and you grew alarmed.
"Yo, what happened??", you asked as you placed a finger on his lip which started to blood slightly. "Ah...n-nothing..!", Ness stuttered when he felt your cold finger on his hot underlip. It felt soothing
You frowned at him before taking a special balm form your drawer and opened it. The whole room started smelling after peppermint in just a few seconds.
You motioned for him to sit down as you applied some on his wound, and his lip quivered a little from the pain and the cold sensation. Maybe also because you started to apply it on the rest of his lip as well, your finger brushing against his lip again and again. He blushed furiously as he stared into your focused glare with wide eyes.
"So, that should be good for now. What I gave you was a lip balm which closes the wound faster, and it is also like regular lip balm because you had chapped lips. You can keep the balm.", you explained as you reached out your hand with the balm for him to take.
He muttered a soft "Th-thank you...!" before he took the balm, your fingers touching, sending him a slight shock as your and his fingers brushed against each other, and he finally had the balm in his hand.
He examined it, but it was actually just .. some kind of balm in a tube?
"Where are the inprints? Like ingredients, or from what company?", he asked, puzzled for a moment as he kept looking at the naked dark red tube.
"I made it myself.", you just said before you leaned against your table. Ness looked at you for a moment before nodding, and then he asked a question he's been meaning to ask.
"Are you really going to Lavinho?"
You nodded and Bachira quickly side-hugged you. "Yep! And she'll be teaching me how to dribble like she did! aww, I'm so excited!"
You huffed in amusement before taking Bachiras head, putting him in a headlock and ruffling his hair aggressively. "But I won't go easy on you!", you whisper-yelled.
He tried breaking free form your grasp, but to no avail.
Reo and Nagi only glared at Ness and Bachira. they also wanted you to touch their lips and ruffle their hair.
"Whoah! you actually really suck at this, Otoya!", you bullied him wholeheartedly as you "passed" the ball to him. You were actually shredding the ball in his direction, and he mosten-times slipped and fell down.
Yeah, you were still mad at him for what he, Oliver and Karasu did.
Bachira and Lavinho were having the time of their lives when you three were dribbling. Then, Lavinho had the (bad) idea of turning on some latina music and reached out his right hand to you, his left foot placed on the ball.
"Let's show them what dribbling really means, Yena!", he exclaimed and you sighed. "Do I have a choice?"
"Nope, the fans wanted this!", he cheered before he started dancing to the intro.
you huffed before raising your arms and strutting towards him. Now, you two held each other's arms while dancing to the steps. It was a fluent dance, and the ball swirled around between you two.
Even though you had to stay on your tippy toes, it wasn't as bad as you thought. Lavinho was a great guy to dance with, actually.
While you two were moving around, the cameras followed, an so did everyones' elses gaze. Bachira found himself captivated by the harmonization of you and his trainer dancing like you two did forever, but it was actually the first time you and Lavinho danced with each other.
As soon as the music came to a stop, you and Lavinho swerved your hips before youleft foot and his right one touched the ball and you two scored a goal.
Everyone clapped in applause.
"So, what did you guys see?", Lavinho asked as you forked a ball.
"Well, the ball just--stayed between your feet, not going anywhere!", Bachira exclaimed.
Otoya laid there after you shredded his leg again. "Yena looked sex-ACK!"
You shredded his face. And you didn't care if you got in trouble for that. Also...your time was slowly running out. You wondered where Rin went.
"Exactly! Now, try to do it as well!", Lavinho yelled as he turned the music on again. You only raised an eyebrow when he shook his hips to the rythm, but both your eyebrows were raised when Bachira extended his hand to you.
"Let's dance, Yena!"
"..huh?", you made, suddenly aware that all the other boys had balls and were looking at you expectingly.
Yeah, you had to dance with every single one of them. But you refused Otoya's request to dance with you.
You had the most fun with dancing with Bachira. You wanted to dance again with him. "Bachira, would you mind if we danced again? I really enjoyed it.", you spoke.
Bachira blushed a little, but he was also very cheeful. "Sure!"
As the next song started, you two swayed your hips before you started dancing. You made actual dance steps and bachira just--well, he dribbled with the ball. It turned form a friendly dance to a competition of who could take the ball from the other person.
It was your steps against his dribbling.
Suddenly, your eyes wandered. Your gaze was locked on his eyes as he looked right back at you, then to the yellow hair at his nape and neck, then down to his arms, and when you were having your eyes nearly shut, Bachira thought you were just, well, closing your eyes and feeling the moment.
Never would he have guessed that you were looking at his hips though. they were hypnotizing in their own way, and you couldn't help but blush and pant by the way they were swaying. 'stop these dirty thoughts...dammit bachira, why are you so hot!?', you thought as you tried taking the ball from him again and again.
Still, you were occasionally looking up at him, and he grinned at you. You flushed and averted your eyes. The music kept playing. 'Just how long is this song...and why does Bachira have those, slim, slutty and sexy hips?! This isn't fair...!'
And just like that, you two danced until the last second of the last song ended. You two were panting when you were done. the ball stood between your and Bachira's feet. "Say...how come you're such a great dancer?", the boy asked, out of breath.
You gave him your waterbottle after you opened it. He drank from it. "I used to be a ballroom dancer. And, well, I still use dancing steps, even in football. It just became a habit of mine."
"Aww...I wish I went ballroom dancing...did you go to any competitions?"
"Just a few."
"Did you win any prizes? Did you win first place?"
"Always.", you answered with a smirk.
Bachira's eyes lit up. "Jeez, you're so cool Yena! I'm so jealous!"
You only huffed in amusement. "Nah, you just flatter me too much. C'mon, let's eat dinner, before everyone eats everything away.", you said as you gave him your hand to take because he was sitting.
Rin suddenly took you aside, holding your wrist tightly. "What the hell was that??", he asked in an irritated tone and you snatched your hands away from him.
"Okay, so first off; don't touch me. Second, I was just dancing.", you spoke as you put your hands on your hips.
You didn't want this to lead to an argument. But Rin looked like he did. Oh well.
"That didn't look like 'just dancing' to me.", he grumbled as he sztared down at you.
"And? So what?"
"Hmpf...let's go train."
"I didn't eat anything since breakfast, can I-" "I made you some homemade Spaghetti." "How did you manage to go into the kitchen?"
Rin huffed in frustration. "Okay I didn't go to the kitchen, I ordered takeout for us. Now come."
"I don't like the tone."
"...", Rin licked his lips, his eyes never leaving yours. He sighed. "Sorry. Would you like to go train with me after we eat something?", he asked softly- no, shyly, and his eyes were even downcast as he had a pout on his face.
You stretched before nodding. "You could've gone on your knees for that plea, but meh. Let's go, I don't want the spaghetti getting cold."
Rin sighed in relief that you didn't turn him down. You followed him to his room and he already had the table set, where his laptop would normally rest.
As you two ate the spaghetti, Rin spoke up. "How's Melody? You told me she got new fangs today?"
You nodded as you slurped up the delicious noodles, and Rin did the same. No need to eat formal when you're eating with a close friend, right? "Yep, the doctor said she'd be fine by now, and that she's very tired. And high."
Rin huffed in amusement. "Maybe she needed drugs?"
"The doctor had Malody inhale pollen, which is the same as drugs. But enough of her. How is your training going? And your self meditation?"
Rin blushed at the questions you asked, which were about him. "Great. Although I'd like it more if we'd spend a little more time together. Like...instead of one hour with you, I'd like to have you to myself the whole day."
You looked at him for a moment, mouth full of spaghetti. Rin then realized what he said when you raised your eyebrows and started chewing quickly.
"Wait- no- th-that's not what I meant-"
But he knew there'd be no end in sight after you swallowed your bite.
"Daymmm~ where did you learn to be so smooth, Rin?", you teased and Rin sighed with rosy cheeks as he frowned at you.
"Please, Yena, I didn't want it to come out like this."
"So you don't wanna spend time with me? Hm, sad. I actually did."
"I-I did too!", Rin quickly yelled right after your sentence ended.
"Then why are you taking it back?", you asked the dark haired boy. He looked down at his half-eaten spaghetti box.
"Well, because it was embarrassing of me to say...", he muttered, and you placed your box down as well.
"hmm...embarrassing, you say? I remember how you told me to not be embarrassed when I was scared to go to my first ballroom dancing competition. You told me to not be embarrassed. And that made my whole day.", you spoke, and you opened a cola can, happy that it didn't shake during the delivery time.
"Rin, please don't be embarrassed for your needs. You're one of my best friends. If it weren't for you, Sae, Nagi and Reo, I'd be somewhere in a villa, having to hear my family blabber about some unimportant business shit.
But you helped me, Rin. You saved me. And for that, I'm always grateful.", you took a sip from the can as Rin stared at you with his mouth agape in shock.
'I saved you...? But...you saved me!'
Before Rin could say anything else, a female voice rang through the corridors. "The curfew is approaching in ten minutes, please go back to your dorms."
"Ah, looks like I'll have to go...bye Rin. Goodnight.", you said softly before you hugged him.
He hugged you back as tight as you could. "when...when will you leave Blue Lock?"
"I don't know. Ego said he'd think about it, because he was the one who wanted me to be here. I don't know if my presence has improved any of you guys, but I hope it did.", you joked as you went to the door.
Rin sat on his bed.
"Hm?", you turned around, and then you saw it.
Rin smiled.
He looked etheral when he smiled. Like out of a painting. You loved it.
"Thank you."
You had tears flowing quickly in your eyes as you smiled back.
"Anytime, Rin."
Wow now I have tears in my eyes lol. I hope you guys liked this part <3
Also sorry that I didn't really include Kaiser in this, I just hate hate HATE this boy with a burning passion idk why though
Also I wanna put in Niko, cuz he cute as FUCK, I just want Yena to shamelessly flirt with him and make him blush and stutter...
Also I have no idea what took over me when I wrote you dancing with Bachira...
Anyways, you guys can choose what happens in the next part, okay?
Read you guys in the next post!
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pparadiselost · 2 years
Lottie!!! You!!! *grips* You are the driving force behind the Milf agenda and I am here for every damn second of it! I’m not the previous anon but holy smokes that Noa x Milf!Reader fic was a solid 10/10. Currently sat here frothing at the mouth because you write breeding kink so well. *bites my entire fucking fist* Primal but also tender.
I’ve always thought that Noa screamed DILF/Daddy (that dick was made for breeding, don’t @ me on this because I just know it is 110% CANON 🥵). Got me over here kicking my feet and squealing smh. 😤 Hope you are having a fantastic day/night and pls keep up the great work (but don’t overwork yourself). - Shy Anon 💜
omg yayyyyy im really happy to see that people are enjoying the noa fic!! just . UGHGHGHGHHGHGHG noa is the perfect guy to fall for his next door neighbor...
like!!! he, of all people, knows best how ephemeral fame and all the glamor are... he's seen the way celebrities hop from one relationship to the other, caring more for image and prestige than actual love... he's seen it from being lavinho's colleague (and friend), watching him with some pretty instagram model wrapped around his arm one day and a hot socialite the next...
noa wants someone that he can come home to. someone that he can pamper and be all sweet with, someone that allows him to be calm more than some mindless monster chasing his next high... this isn't to say he can't be zealous too—once he falls in love with just the right person, he's invested wholly into them. JUST.... i know he'd be a great dad. he's so sweet towards isagi and doesn't have any issues challenging bastard munchen when he thinks they're growing too comfortable, and i knowwwwwww his dick is fat n big n like u said made for breeding aaaaaa
i love kinky mindless sex as much as the next person but romantic vanilla sex rlly does hit in a way nothing else does!!! call me a bit basic but sometimes all we rlly need is to get railed lovingly by our sweethearts and have them tell us they love us!!!!
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alabluh · 2 years
right i know everyone calls the coaches on blue lock everyones soccer dads but while reading i was thinking they sorta DO fit into the 4 main parenting styles??? like
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what im thinking is
authoritarian - ???
authoritative - prince
permissive - lavinho
neglectful - noel noa lmao
i can elaborate later why i think each one fits into which but like,, just wanted to see if yall are seeing what im seeing yknow 👀
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maozne18 · 3 years
Imagine us trying to break up lavinoa but also in love with lavinoa
Oh the conflict
Not really cause in my brain I really want LaviNoa to be canon with their 20+ kids
As much as I love Lavinho I know he would make me d e s p a i r and he would def make me cry
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saetoshis · 2 years
Bite my thighs all u want 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ilu also Lavinho is so pretty 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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•••~♥︎♥︎What's in my ask box♥︎♥︎~•••
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(requested)Isagi x yandere fem reader:I Will Catch You Before You Know(title).Theres nothing wrong with be attached to your lover.Theres nothing wrong with having their location on your phone,Your just taking processions.There's nothing wrong with eliminating thoes you think will take them away hurt them,you should always protect your man. There's nothing wrong with wanting to know who he's texting,you can't trust these hoes. There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep your lover safe even if it mean to lock him in atic.
(requested)Noa x girly girl reader:Noel Noa's Pretty Little Bitch(Title):Your the girly type,Starbucks coffee at hand,nail appointment every three weeks, pink contact lenses,pink floaty dresses, hair appointments,glitter pen,mini skirts n lipgloss,new hand bag every week, pink Lambo,you like doing makeup and crafty things,preppy and he pays for it all,He does a lot of stuff for you despite your bratty personality. That includes paying for all your appointments and weekly new hand bags.
(requested)Playboy Oliver x innocent reader:You knew who he was,everyone did. Hes known for being an amazing football player,That you knew,But he's also known for leaving a trail of broken hearts were ever he step foot,Now that you didn't know.And you figured that out but you still took a chance your not exactly sure why you'd be any different form the rest of the girls,who were much prettier then you.Maybe you thought you could fix him. No,no wait it wasn't your fault. It was his,for being so damn perfect,he came up to you knowing you wer fresh out the boat,You were so shy and cute and easy to manipulate. And the fact that you weren't from around here!,Sheesh bonus point for him.He knew how to sweet talk you and what buttons to press.It started off small like he would wait for you by your locker or classroom. Then he'd carry your stuff. Then he'd walk you home. Hed ask you to tutor him.Hed spend his money on you to make you feel special.He knows what to do to get to a girls heart no matter how empty she is. He's been around the block,he knows the drill.Oliver Aiku a natural at manipulating stupid and naive little girls,quite like yourself,Love wasn't as sweet as you thought it would be huh?. Sweet Gasoline (title).
(requested)Rin x bimbo reader:Damn you were so annoying.Cant you find someone else to bother.You were so happy and energetic,So why would you wanna be friends with him. Your classmates warned you about Rin itosi and how cold and overly rude. But you really wanted to be his friend and maybe a little more then that . You were determined to be his friend not matter what!. Sweet as sugar as cold as ice (title).
lavinho x a tsundere reader where she acts like she hates/ finds him annoying but shes actually is just a tsundere. Gets super jealous when she see his fangirls getting to comfortable. But what can she do, it's not like he belongs to her , she has no right to be angery. "Well it's not like I want to be with him, anyway!".
Barou x reader whos a soft girl.
Dating Nagi is as complicated as it looked form when he dating others girls. But you gave it a shot!. He just needs someone who is patient with him... But not too patient.
Julian Loki x a "Basic white girl".(As requester puts it)You two probably met at some young up coming stars ceremony thingy. I mean how was he gonna ignore the girl who was bouncing around the room taking selfies of herself and every fancy looking food that was for the invited.
This is just a glimpse of what I'm working on .
Hope you guys like these.
reblogs are highly appreciated.
Of course more will be added. And If u dont see your request up there it just means that I'm still working on it.
Good night💝💝💝💝 💤💤💤
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azulock · 11 months
Could we get nsfw headcanons for Chris Prince and Lavinho, please?
Ugh I miss those two already, good times when one match didn't last six months. Also when the coaches were hot, sorry Snuffy girlies, he ugly. Anyway here you go anon!
Chris Prince NSFW Headcanons
⟳ the himbo coach, this man is mostly muscle and he is big too, so hope you have a size kink and like being manhandled cause that's what you getting.
⟳ since he is so tall and built like a brick house he is pretty much guaranteed to be bigger than most anyone around. can probably hold both of your wrists in one hand easy, and he for sure will make use of that.
⟳ big on praise and body worship, both giving and recieving. will have those massive hands all over your body while he says the most filthy praise in your ear.
⟳ hope you like bruises cause he is gonna be groping, and holding and pulling on you so hard you gonna be left with finger shaped purple marks all over
⟳ also hope you have a hand kink cause he likes how big they look on you, and in you. he's gonna be shoving his fingers anywhere he can reach, but especially loves shoving them in your mouth and watching as he presses your tongue
⟳ favorite position is gonna be up against a wall, a counter, a table, anywhere he can either hold you up or push you against something. you gonna end up with bruises from the edge of the table or whatever but again, what's one more bruise, right?
⟳ that dick is big, not the longest but still longer than average, tho the real kicker is the girth, extra thick, get ready for a stretch. it's thicker in the middle and pretty veiny too.
Lavinho NSFW Headcanons
⟳ I'm biased towards this man cause he is clearly a citizen of my country, Rio de Janeiro. that said, smooth motherfucker, fun, great dancer, fantastic fuck. you'll have a great time on that date, please never try to see him again, it's for the best, let it be a one time thing.
⟳ he is touchy, it's a cultural thing, he likes physical displays of affection - both platonic and sexual by the way. hope you like pda, cause we are far for lenient with how we define pda.
⟳ not the most serious guy in bed, he is here to have fun and getting goofy ain't out of the menu. so if you want the dark, brooding and menacing treatment, look elsewhere
⟳ kinky guy, the "will try anything once" kind. his is a kinky slut looking for kinky slut type deal, he doesn't find innocence that sexy and ain't in the market to teach anyone shit. his type would be someone on the same wavelength as him so they can keep up.
⟳ is a switch. as a dom he's into teasing, edging, orgasm denial and overstimulation. will edge you for centuries while teasing about it, then when he finally gives you release, will go straight to overstim, and tease you about that too. as a sub he is a fucking brat.
⟳ ass man. loves a nice juicy ass, big supporter or booty shorts, tight pants and tiny skirts. will have a hand on your ass whenever possible, like a stress ball for him.
⟳ talk about booty shorts, he likes to show you off. let the others look and envy him. also like I said, man's clearly from Rio, we ain't afraid of showing a little skin, we don't call it shorts unless you got 2/3 of your thighs out, so if you like showing skin, that's your man.
⟳ now, statistically speaking, this is the man with the biggest dick in the cast of the manga. don't believe me? google average dick size per country, look at where brazil at. this man is huge, real big and with a proeminent curve upwards. not the thickest, but thick enough to look good with the length. also veiny, but not extremely so.
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Chapter 160 Spoilers
Ok, so, spoilers for chapter 160 of Blue Lock are out and they can be found here below:
Why am I not bothered, you may ask & the answer is simple: BECAUSE THIS CHAPTER IS ALL BACHIRA.
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(Does this also mean that Kunigami’s flashbacks are going to follow in tandem? This gives me hope they might.)
First of all, I don’t know Japanese, so any understanding of what’s happening in these spoilers comes from either Google Translate or my intuition… aided by Google Translate, so let’s keep that in mind.😅
Now, in the begining, we see Bachira mentioning BPM, “beats per minute”, which, as far as I know, refers to the rate at which the heart beats, so… we’re either going to see some Demon Slayer level movements… or Bachira dance.
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Next, we have Bachira vibing with his coach; couldn’t have asked for anything better! 😂👍🏻❤️😂👍🏻❤️😂👍🏻❤️
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Another important part is when Lavinho starts talking about, what I presume, is his philosophy.
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Now, the translation from Google here seems to be, for the most part, pretty decent, so I’m going to share it will you all:
“Okay kid. No matter who says what, I'm the best in the world. [Inside of me, I have one, the best in the world -this part I am unsure of]. It doesn't belong to anyone. It ’s just my imagination”
Here, you can see something light up inside Bachira and you all know what it is: THE KNOWLEDGE THAT LAVINHO IS TALKING ABOUT THE MONSTER.
On another note, regarding the artwork… SOMEONE, PLEASE, PLEASE COLOUR THIS PANEL!!!
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Back to the story, look at Bachira go!😆❤️❤️❤️
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Devoting himself to his training, I love that he works hard for what he wants and isn’t afraid to try out everything he can to improve himself:
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And this following part, really gets to me, for many different reasons, one of them being because it’s mirroring Isagi’s conversation with Noel Noa from chapter 158, which is something that we often see with Bachira and Isagi and in my pov, this creates an even stronger link between them. And when they’re not mirroring eachother, they have such a strong connection, they think about the same things and see the same sceneries.
They inspire
each other.
BACHIRA: I believed in you, so I won.
ISAGI: I believed in you, Bachira.
BACHIRA: You too, have a monster inside of you, Isagi.
ISAGI: I want to know more about the monster inside of me.
BACHIRA: If it’s just the two of us, I think we might score a goal. Wanna go?
ISAGI: Let’s go!
ISAGI: I didn’t know the ball was going to be there, but I was hoping, so I just ran.
BACHIRA: I saw you, Isagi, that’s why I passed it to you.
ISAGI: My goal?
BACHIRA: That’s right, remember your goal, Isagi.
ISAGI: You can’t change others, so you have to change yourself.
BACHIRA: In this whole wide world, the only one who can rescue me, is myself.
BACHIRA: Both the U-20 Team and this field will fall to the two of us!
ISAGI: Our football can break through even the U-20 Team!
ISAGI: Let’s see what you’ve got, Monster!
BACHIRA: Outta my way, Egoist!
And now, we have this:
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Bachira is asking what he can do to become even better and though the translations are wonkly and incomplete at this part, I get the feeling that Lavinho is telling him to take it to the next stage by using his imagination, which, may sound different from what Noel Noa told Isagi, however, I believe this is not the kind of imagination where one becomes a knight battling dragons, but more of a visualization where one envisions what they must do in order to reach a new evolution.
So, what 2 coaches with apparently different approaches and temperaments are telling their 2 different students, is, at least in my opinion, the same:
(Going off on a bit of a tanget, but if Noel Noa and Lavinho turn out to be the kind of friends that Isagi and Bachira are, then I’m gonna LOSE IT.)
From this point on, Bachira pulls the kind of moves that only he can pull, which I think maybe Isagi is analyzing? I’m not too sure, but anyway, the last panel we arrive at is the one waaaaay above, Bachira VS Kunigami. Unfortunately, I’ve reached the limit of how many images can be inserted in a post, so I can’t post those here, but the link is at the very top, so you can see them if you access it.
Now, all that’s left is to look forward to the next chapter while gushing over Bachir-, I mean, this chapter! (But no, seriously, Bachira!!!)😉😆❤️❤️❤️ Bye! 😄👋🏻
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maochira · 1 year
Heya! I was just wondering if I can request young teen reader (about 13-15) with the father figure coaches (mostly requesting for Snuffy and Noa) meeting their team? It can be headcannons or scenarios I don't mind^^ Take ur time as always, ty in advance!!
This request took me so long to actually start I'm sorry😭😭 (I received the request over a month ago shndns) Also I think you mean their Blue Lock teams? So I'm doing that! (in the series, reader went along to Blue Lock anyways)
Tags: gn!reader, shy!reader in Lavinho's part, just for context: reader is in a team of the same club as well (but one for younger players)
Noel Noa + Bastard München
-you already met most of the German Bastard München players before you went to Blue Lock with them, but never had a proper conversation with any of them
-you travelled to Japan with them but you didn't sit next to any of them in the plane, so you didn't talk to them there either
-Gesner has tried to talk to you on multiple occasions but was held back by his teammates
-the first time you get to meet the entire team, including the Blue Lock players, is on the second day of the Neo Egoist League
-at first, everyone was kind of confused why you're there and what your position is, so they were unsure if they should talk to you
-Kaiser says something mean about you, then Isagi starts defending you (despite not knowing you at all) and basically everyone else defends you as well
-and that concludes your first meeting with the entire team. It was just everyone yelling at Kaiser
Chris Prince + Manshine City
-you already met the English players tons of times and have talked to them every now and then, so the flight to Japan was mainly you and them getting to know each other properly
-the first Blue Lock player you met was Nagi, and he wasn't really interested in actually talking to you. You picked that up as him disliking you so you avoided him and the other Blue Lock players for a week
-but at some point, Reo gets curious about you so he approaches you. You have a short conversation with him and he also clears up your misunderstanding from Nagi
-it doesn't take much longer until you start talking to Chigiri as well and after a bit, you're pretty much besties with the entire team
-even Nagi says talking to you isn't a bother and he feels a little bad for giving you a wrong impression at first
Lavinho + FC Barcha
-because you're so shy, Lavinho already knew it would take a while until you get used to having so many new people around you
-before going to Blue Lock, he introduced the Spanish players to you, and then in Blue Lock he introduced the Japanese players to you
-to his surprise, as soon as you meet Bachira, you lose a part of your shyness and warm up to him pretty quickly. A lot quicker than you did to anyone else
-Bachira becomes your big brother figure in the span of two hours
-in general, FC Barcha is just a big chaotic family and being there is fun every day
Marc Snuffy + Ubers
-this team screams "found family" in every way possible
-you were already very close with the Italian players before coming to Blue Lock, so only the Japanese players are new to you
-Barou shows zero interest in talking to you at first, but you quickly become friends with Niko (mainly due to being very close in age) and then Aryu, Oliver and Sendou
-all of them try to get Barou to give you a chance as well, but he's stubborn. Then the Italian players start bothering as well so he finally gives in
-Barou really wants to deny it, but you remind him of his younger sisters (regardless of your gender) so he kind of treats you that way as well. He will deny it every time someone asks him about it, though
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