coladaminx · 10 months
You can't make this up my guy woke up from a nap and once deku was mentioned the rest of the world just disappears 😭 kacchan!
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bubblepopsims · 9 months
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lazorbeanz · 6 months
Sonamy Headcanons because I’m deprived and extremely delulu 🙃
🩷 Sonic has like- telepathic senses that tell him whenever Amy is in potential danger
“My Amy Senses are tingling..” 🤣
if you’ve watched Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse, you’ll get it lololol
💙 Sonamy road trips roles
Amy: driver, trip organiser, checklists checklist checklists, “DONT EAT THOSE THEY’RE FOR THE TRIP!!”, carpool karaoke *whips out her inner Ariana Grande*, “eughhh Sonic did you fart?!”
Sonic: passenger princess, DJ, snacc provider (and eater), sleeping beauty, “couldn’t we just use my speed to get there?”, argues with the GPS because he knows a faster route (one not requiring the road)
🩷 Sonic and Amy playing table tennis:
Amy: sonic, serve
Sonic: *💁‍♂️🕺*
Amy: no- serve the BALL xD
💙 Person: “are you two dating?”
Sonic and Amy: *while holding hands* “no”
🩷 Though he doesn’t admit it, Sonic also loves his quills massaged. Sometimes when Sonic and Amy are chilling under a tree together, and he ends up dozing off, Amy will rest his head on her lap and stroke her hand through his quills, resulting in a few faint purrs from the hedgehog, which she secretly gushes over about
💙 They could be arguing for 5 minutes straight and after be like:
🩷 Amy finds shopping twice as fun with Sonic because he will just sit her in the shopping cart, as they zip up and down the aisles whilst grabbing the items on the list…getting it all done in 2 minutes tops. They call it the Operation: S^2 (Speed Shopping)
💙 Sonic and Amy could already be years into marriage but will still do or say things that’ll make the other flustered, like the times when they were dating.
🩷 Amy knows that if Sonic is being really flirty with her, he usually wants something.
💙 If Sonic and Amy are both sick one day, they will tell off each other, insisting they should be at home resting.
It results in both of them at Amy’s house, snuggled up on the couch binging movies.
🩷 As much as Amy likes sharing the goss with rouge and the girls, there’s nothing like sharing it with her bf because he goes all “omg gurl no wayyy! 💅” or he starts spilling his own tea with her lmao “omg bestie you won’t believe who I saw the other day…”
💙 Sonic plans secret meet ups with Cream, who teaches him how to make her signature flower crowns…he hopes to master it so he can make Amy one, one day…
🩷 (this following hc was an idea from a comic I believe..don’t know who made it but if u do pls let me know for credit purposes ig kajsjwidj)
Amy knows how Sonic can sometimes struggle to speak his feelings and is often an action over words type of guy. So she came up with this thing that anytime Sonic wants to tell Amy he loves her, without verbally saying it, all he needs to do is squeeze her hand 3 times; I. Love. you.
💙 When Amy told Sonic she wanted to go dancing with him, she didn’t expect it to be just dance…anyways she had tons of fun!
🩷 If they have sleepovers, it’s a tradition that they wear matching onesies (guys comment what they should be hehe)
💙 Amy uses Sonic as the makeup tester. He ends up looking ready for the circus afterwards but he honestly doesn’t mind this because he gets tons of kissies when she’s trying out the lipsticks
🩷 Walks along the beach are nice and romantic until Sonic decides to be a lil shh and kick sand in Amy’s shoes *cue her dragging her naughty bf towards the ocean*
💙 Amy’s a sucker for old school romance; love letters, flowers, fancy dates…and Sonic knows this. (Well EVERYONE does actually…) So one day, despite how inexperienced he is in the whole romance department, sets aside time to work on writing a letter, buying flowers and arranging somewhere nice to take Amy out for her to fulfil her romance fantasies. She’ll even get to dress up for this occasion
🩷 Sonic helping out Amy in the kitchen be like:
“A-Amy…I burnt the water…”
“Sonic how TF did you BURN the water?!”
💙 Amy is having a downer and is very clingy…so here is Sonic running his gf’s errands, with his gf clinging onto him. People will see this unusual phenomenon and he just gives them all the stare…nothing to see here! I mean it ain’t the first time he’s had to cart a pink hedgehog round the place
🩷 For the longest time, Amy has had a box sitting aside in her closet, containing a new special swim shirt, arm floaties, and a swimming kickboard, for when Sonic decides to finally learn how to swim. She can’t see the day any of the contents will be used but she could only hope.
💙 Sonic keeps an umbrella on standby for future “need to share an umbrella” emergencies
🩷 In the winter, they’re practically inseparable, using each other desperately to warm up. Because of this Tails had to design them jackets with instant heating, but they still end up back together even though they aren’t freezing anymore
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saintobio · 1 month
hello saint! i hope you’re doing well, lots of love to you 💞
i know , i have talked in lengths about GojoY/N in every other ask, but as much as we don’t approve of some of her actions, i hope Akemi gets to have her happy ending too!
i was so sad to know how she’s struggling too and that with cancer. it must be so hard for her, but maybe this is the chance where Nanami will play her knight in shining armour (i’m delulu).
with akemi, i believe pain and loneliness makes you do terrible things that you wouldn’t otherwise, love in that mix makes you toxic. i think that is what happened to her, because i remember she is also the same woman who let go of her ex-boyfriend because she couldn’t conceive a child. it is not easy to let go of a man you love; akemi is brave for pulling that off. wanting to be a mother, and not being able is tough i reckon. i have witnessed women go insane when being unable to conceive, it’s interesting to see she’d go to unusual lengths of insanity and delusion for it.
nothing can justify her betraying her best friend the way she did, but she got her karma when she received similar actions back. nobody is a saint here (xD) but like everyone, she too deserves another chance. because let’s be honest, all of these characters are flawed in their own capacity. akemi tends to receive the brunt of it more.
that being said, i loved the treatment momjo received. like, pleese you had once willingly walked out on your son, do not expect another woman to be like you, a woman who had fixed your relationship with your son on her own expense. like? where did being grateful for good deeds go?
i adore your works, they are so dangerously human, they make me bawl. also so intriguing, it’s like watching a show 💗
aww hi flower!! it’s always nice to hear your perspective on akemi’s situation bcos not everyone will see it the way you do. honestly with yn’s empathetic character, this is how she would most likely see the situation too. but of course, as readers, we’d tend to focus on the aspect of betrayal in yn and akemi’s friendship bcos we’re reading through yn’s pov. i understand both sides (and i technically can’t be biased since i’m the writer hahah). but thank youuu so much for tuning in :’) i’m happy to know i’m able to evoke those emotions out of you. truly. sending you all the love!!
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hungnitan · 6 months
Penacony TB 2.1 Impression
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Contains heavy spoiler and mostly a rant so don't read it if you still not finish the story (lol)
Before unto the stories, I must say I kinda get the reasons why hoyo put Acheron in first banner and Aventurine in second half after read TB 2.1. For Acheron, I think her identity as emenator nihility is the key lore to expose before 2.1 began so there's need to expose it at trailer (despite her reasoning coming to Penacony still unknown somehow lol). While for Aventurine, this is kinda delulu on my side but there's possibility we might know the things happened to him after 2.1 from his daily message.
Onto stories, I only say one line... IT'S VERY HONKAI VIBE ! Telling one person stories from they born into the one we know now with angsty vibe of course lol. You know, the things I scare when hoyo release Acheron trailer and myriad celestial is how Aventurine past can beat that honkai queen and (un)fortunately I was wrong (lol)
IT'S FULL BLOW OF AVENTURINE DARK PAST and yeah hoyo score a full mark with it !
For composition I think it's 80% Aventurine PoV and 20% others which is unsuprisingly since I'm pretty sure he will not appear again for future Penacony chapter but what I'm suprise is so far Astral Express basically can't do anything much in Penacony so yeah Xianzhou Luofu TB back again.
Despite that, I'm very happy with TB 2.1 like this is what Honkai story should do ! Up until now, I always thought HSR still not show their full equipment and pretty weak with their story, Tingyun only snapping some head isn't near those previous Honkai heels you know (lol).
I'm going to talk a long rant on 80% since hoyo decided to love him with his so well written stories and I love him too (XD)
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The things with Aventurine and Ratio, I guess this what we would called "same mind don't need talk much". They're bickering so well, even acted betray each others without any communication and smooth enough to fool Sunday
But sorry I'm not getting fool (I know they're soulmate lol), the reason is I found one hole in Sunday Ratio convo here
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Ratio saying about cornerstone is so precious to ten stonehearts but the box contain can be opened by other than them ? If that's true, I can't believe someone like Aventurine would risk someone like that participate in his grand scheme without reasons... plus Ratio doesn't strike me as someone who sells his teammate or what he called him lol no matter how iritatting he is especially only for pursuing knowledge, since it sounds so idiocy.
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Suprising fact, he even try kill himself few times at dreamscape ! Like is that something you can try out of fun even If knowing you can't die ? Well yeah, in first place he doesn't mind to die anytime but doing it yourself and passive talk are two different things you know...
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two question I thought Aventurine never answer directly which is pretty related. First of all, different than Sunday which I think he's type of "I will kill everyone and then myself if they hurt my sister" but he's already at own limit to think for his own survival + he doesn't have anyone to get revenge for. Elation still have some excitement when saw someone in despair but I don't think Aventurine (at that time) could feels same, well we don't know things after 2.1 since his past chains severed by Acheron, maybe he will open a new leaf (I hope so, let him live happily ever after with Ratio or Elation or even Trailblazing with us sounds good too lol)
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It stabilize the fact that Aventurine and Ratio are good friends despite their talk, voiceline, and teammate voiceline at least from Ratio side which is the vital point Aventurine still alive as now. I really skeptic on his dead or alive status at 2.1 livestream, well mostly I can't believe any Shaoji said that time (plus the fact Gallagher is just a normal bartender lol)
TB 2.1 conclude with opening a new terrain with dreamscape's secrets, the Family and Watchmaker aren't same side, IPC will added another ten stonehearts member to game, a mysterious voice will join the fray. Penacony story so far so good, even their newest branch stories execute nicely but I don't have any excitement anymore now knowing Aventurine not gonna show up anymore (XD).
Now with Aventurine closed his screentime, I think Acheron (her past and purpose coming to Penacony still not reveal much), Firefly Sam (SH motive and she need to pursuading TB), Jade and/or Topaz (replacing Aventurine role) will play a bigger parts for future version
Put aside that, my 220 pull still on waiting for Aven banner ! I kinda had bad feelings about his banner pull, even my relics planar farming still not done even after I started doing it from BlackSwan banner...
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alyeecoffee · 11 months
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A drawing that is based on the special episode ending except I'm delulu 🥴 oh well- just let me be lol XD
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thegamingcatmom · 1 month
Hello <3 Listen I've started playing re8 and i've had my first encounter with the Dimitrescu family and I am here wondering why the hell didn't I play this sooner so I could obsess over this even sooner, but oh well. So I know you're cooking up a story where they meet the Denalis and I was like walking through the castle and my mind started asking questions. So ofc I imagine you don't wanna give away details of your story because then you wouldn't be able to tease us with lil spoilers and where's the fun in that, right? ;P So instead lemme write down what came to my mind and ask your opinion on that, let's dive into my delulu-land vision XD Tbh is nothing like super elaborated bc you know just rnadom throughts that came to mind so bear with me bc it probably makes 0 sense ok? SO it made me think like in a more kind of "modern" set up, where the Denalis are already vegetarians, they've lived a veeery long life, yk kind of like things are in the Twilight movies/books. In my mind it was like for X reason they were moving from Denali to another place to live, be because the Volturi, bc they had been exposed and therefore they need to gtfo before shit hits the fan (I blame the drones if that's the reason tho) IDK it could be literally any reason, it is unimportant. They somehow end up finding the castle, they meet this vampires who are like super different from them (In my mind I think is cool they can eat human food and sleep and shit eve n though perhaps they don't need it so I'd probs keep that for all vamps in any possible story but that's out of the question XD) and they ofc live very differently from them, the castle ofc doesn't mantain itself, so they have ppl working there for them and they probs dispose of them as soon as they stop being useful, they drink human blood, they make a game out of their hunts and seem to enjoy the pain they inflict before actually drinking the blood. Meanwhile the Denalis started drinking animal blood to stop killing the humans they slept with (With other reasons in the mix too but in the end it was to rpeserve human life) and they've lived away from humans, living in secret and all that shit, like is two complete different worlds they live in. Now all that to make this questions: Say Lady D offered them a place to stay in the castle for reasons unknown bc I hadn't actually thought about it tbh, I don't think she'd mind if they kept their boring vegetarian lifestyle, but they have a choice now to keep it or instead go back to human blood, which honestly seems more tasty and the better option, do you think they'd take it? Would they agree and stay in the castle? Would they leave? Idk f there would be any consequences if they decide to leave though, and in case of staying what about the coven itself? I mean Tanya's the leader, but it matters little I think her title in the castle bc I am not sure if Lady D gives a duck about it honestly, it's her castle after all(?) And final question I promise: How do you think they would adapt to this "new life" in the case they accept Lady D's offer of staying? You think someone might have more of a hard time with it? Will they talk/argue about it among themselves? Consider their options? I have a feeling that Tanya would not take any offer without speaking first to her coven, they are family after all and whatever they do will affect all of them, so yeah. Also this probably makes no sense as I stated before, it was a bunch of random thoughts that I poorly put together so yk don't feel like you gotta answer to all that nonsense XD And I still have not finished the game, just barely started it so idk, perhaps I'm missing some important lore, or something is inadequate, anyway thanks for reading my delulu-bible and for recommending me to go play the game <3 <3 Have a nice day :D
We´re simping for both camps now?
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I love how, after having only just reached their section (apparently), this is the result. As in: The Dimis got their sickles hooked in you alright, LMAO.
Can´t say I´m surprised. *cough cough*
(Simping starts in 3...2...1...)
This was ALL of us when the game was only just coming out and Lady D was revealed in the Maiden Demo. It was madness, lemme tell you. The memes, the art, the fics my god-
The fics were smt else. And they just kept coming. They still do. Lady D destroyed the internet like no other video game character before. People kept dying in game just so they could stick around Castle Dimitrescu for a bit longer (preferably forever).
Like, this was the majority of ppl playing the game:
Lady D: *begins stalking you*
Ethan (you): *heart-eyes*
Lady D: *stalks closer*
Ethan (you): *heart-eyes*
Lady D: *unsheathes her claws*
Ethan (you): *dreamy smile*
Lady D: *takes one giant swipe at you that nearly beheads you*
Ethan (you), barely alive: "...F-Fancy stepping on me too?"
It was truly a time to be alive.
(You should check out some reactions to Lady D on Youtube, especially Markiplier. 💀)
I mean, LISTEN-
I dunno what Capcom was trying to accomplish with The Dimitrescus (they knew exactly what they were doing), but being stalked and hunted down by feral goth ladies and their equally as feral Momma because they thirst for your blood (and hopefully mayhaps other things) is pretty much a dream come true for most ppl. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Capcom, were you even trying? Honestly.
Okay anyhow-
I love your thoughts on this. Especially because it´s a lot more serious than what I originally came up with, lmao. Like, this thing I got cooking rn is pretty much a total crack fic (for now). Yknow, stuff like portals and time travel and whatnot seems entirely possible there, but I haven´t reached that part yet (the explaining part), so it´s still rather unclear how they got to the castle.
Like, it never occured to me that the Denalis might just find the "real" village in Romania (which is where the game is set). But now that I´m reading your thoughts on it, this seems pretty plausible to me. Defo something I can see happening. With that said:
Lemme start by giving some canon info (which hopefully won´t spoil anything for you):
the Dimis aren´t actual vampires
they are what they are because of a parasite aka The Cadou
they need to sustain themselves on human flesh and blood because of it (for survival & to maintain their powers)
Lady D will grow to the point she mutates out of control if she doesn´t (I´ve read that somewhere)
the Daughters are made entirely of flies
those flies will die if exposed to the cold (yet another thing that´s entirely different from Twilight vampires, who can only be fully destroyed through fire)
Lady D has no such "weakness"
the pain they inflict upon their victims is not necessary for feeding
they just enjoy being cruel
they turn their staff into wine at some point
or use them for experiments ("Moroaicǎ")
With all of that said: I totally agree that it´s a clash of two entirely different worlds. But that´s what makes it so interesting.
I also kinda HC that The Dimis see vampires as some kind of role models? In a way? Like, they clearly enjoy this lifestyle (a bit too much), so I feel like meeting some actual vampires - the real deal - would be like meeting a popstar or smt. At least to the daughters. (Dani would swoon.)
Lady D would be a lot more skeptical about it ofc, but there´s no way she would be able to hide her curiosity. I mean, how many beings pose an actual threat to them? Not that many. Which means Lady D would be quite hostile at first. She got her daughters to think of as well, after all. There would be the usual threats of "slice you to ribbons" and such, until she realizes-
There are no ribbons. And there won´t be. Because her claws are actually kinda useless against them.
As are the flies the daughters are made of. There´s no piercing that skin.
That´s never happened before.
That´s when it dawns on them that whatever they´re up against isn´t entirely human. The fact they (the Denalis) lack a heartbeat or the usual warmth is kinda telling as well.
In fact, the Daughters don´t enjoy being near them at all. They´re so cold!
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But, you see-
The Daughters might keep their distance (for now).
But Lady D is more than intrigued at this point.
Listen, that woman is a sucker for power. That´s why she´s got the hots for Mother Miranda (MM), after all.
Well that, and because MM is fine af, obv.
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(I don´t blame you, Alci.)
If she saw the Denalis wielding their vampiric powers and, yknow, posing an actual challenge for her in terms of brute strength because it´s not every day she meets someone who´s actually able to lift her- (can you imagine?)
Ofc she´s gonna want to get to the bottom of it all. Because she´s also a bit of a nerd, you see. Just like Momma. (They both fine af.) She´s gonna want to study them, write down every little detail in that notebook of hers.
Kate´s power is gonna fill page upon page as Lady D goes completely mad scribbling it all down like-
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With that said:
Yes, I defo think Lady D would demand invite them to stay. She´s nothing if not a gracious hostess to those she deems worthy.
As for the Denalis-
Tanya would never make decisions without discussing it with her coven first. Not those that could be life-altering, at least. They'd only stay if everyone agreed to it. And, even then, I'm not sure it would be a permanent stay. I mean-
It's difficult.
I'd say it depends "which" Denalis we're talking. If we take the more deranged ones from my story (The Sisters) then I can defo see them agreeing to a permanent stay in the castle. Human life means next to nothing to them, aside from being their food source ofc. And while they might not agree with everything that's happening in the castle (some of the things going down in the cellar are...tough, even for them), they'd never judge the Dimis for their lifestyle, seeing how they're far from being saints themselves. One as corrupted as the other, I´d say.
If we take the veggie/modern Denalis, on the other hand-
I mean, the sisters killed ppl before. Loads of them probs. Therefore, the Dimis sustaining themselves on human blood and flesh isn't as appalling to them as it would be to your usual human. But it's how they do it (torturing their victims and basically getting the most out of it before they deliver the final blow) that makes them feel...conflicted. Most of their kind (as in: actual vampires) usually don´t draw it out longer than necessary. Mainly because they´ll succumb to their bloodlust almost immediately, sucking their victim dry in a matter of seconds. That (thankfully) doesn´t leave much room for any kind of torture.
With that said-
It´s still difficult, lmao.
I feel like our modern Denalis would defo be intrigued by the Dimitrescus. Then they´d be appalled. Then Lady D comes in with all that charm of hers, laying it on real thick yknow, basically downplaying the things that are happening in that castle full of blood and death. Then the daughters come in with their buzzing personalities. Then the Denalis would be intrigued again. And so on-
And before you know it, years have passed.
That´s the only way I can see our modern Denalis stay in that castle over an extended time period. Cause time works just differently for vampires, yknow. Years are like seconds to them. All one and the same. Doesn´t really matter. Not when you got eternity anyway.
Now, that was pretty much me rambling and fangirling without any kind of order, lol. So lemme try and give some more direct answers:
Would the Denalis switch to human blood during that time?
I think that´s entirely possible. That castle is pretty much filled with human blood - it´s everywhere: In the cellar, in the kitchen, in the storage rooms, in the wine glasses, etc. It lurks around every corner, constantly putting our sisters to the test. It´s like waving a piece (more like a bar) of chocolate in front of someone who´s been living on dry toast. Resisting becomes almost impossible under such conditions.
And the Dimis know that.
Am I suggesting that Lady D and her unruly daughters might try and seduce the Denalis back to human blood by deliberately leaving it out in the open, ripe for the taking?
Why yes, yes I am. That´s totally something the Dimis would do in order to gain numbers (and other things).
Would there be any consequences if the Denalis decided to leave?
As I said before, the Denalis pose an actual threat/challenge to Lady D. Neither her nor her daughters could do much to stop them from leaving, if they decided to do so. Doesn´t mean they wouldn´t try though. Lady D is a narcissist and rejection isn´t something she handles well. Her daughters share that sentiment.
"So you don´t love me?!"
Yup. That´s totally smt Dani would say in that situation. The poor baby.
The Dimis would probs try to stop them because rolling over just isn´t in their nature. But I´d like to think one of the following things would happen then:
A) The Denalis use their vampiric charm to convince the Dimis to let them go without a fight.
B) Lady D puts a stop to things herself once she realizes the only ones to get hurt during this would be her daughters and herself. (She´d never admit that openly ofc.)
To sum it up:
Even if there were consequences, it´s highly unlikely the Denalis would be affected by them.
Would the Denalis adapt well to their new life? Would they struggle at all?
I think my fangirling pretty much answered that, lmao.
Unhinged Denalis: No problem with adapting. (More like they cba as long as they get their fill.)
Normal (modern) Denalis: Depends on the Dimis´ efforts I´d say. There´d defo be times of struggle and self-doubt. But then there´d also be times of "yknow what, why tf not". It´s a constant back and forth and it really depends on how well the Dimitrescus play their cards.
As for who might struggle the most:
Lemme start by saying Kate would struggle the least. I mean, the struggle would still be there, but she´s never been one to back down from a challenge. She´s also not one to shy away from the unknown - on the contrary: Out of the three of them, Kate is probs the one most likely to go "only one way to find out", YKNOW?? No risk, no fun, and all that. That´s why Cass and her get along so well. Whenever the two of them are together, the whole castle holds its breath.
Tanya would probs feel quite torn because, above all else, she has a duty to fulfill: ensuring the best possible outcome for her coven. So there´d be this constant nagging, telling her that all of this is kinda wrong and that, just mayhaps, it´d be better to haul ass. But then there´s time where she´s actually enjoying herself when she´s having "wine" with Bela, giving each other some advice on how to best handle their younger sibllings and such. That nagging fades for a while then. Until it´s back. But so is Bela. And that nagging fades again. And so on.
Irina would spend most of her time with Dani probs, gushing about finding true love and such. She sees a lot of herself in the youngest Dimitrescu daughter, albeit a lot more...unhinged, lol. They get each other, as crazy as it sounds. It also really helps taking her mind off things, makes her forget what´s going on in that castle. For a while, at least. Until the doubts start creeping back in. Dani notices though, she always does. And she´s always there to manipulate cheer her bestest friend up.
I hope I´ve managed to cover everything. Tbh, that was just me rambling most of the time, hoping it all would make sense along the way, lmao.
...Come to think of it, that´s pretty much my writing style. 💀
Thanks a lot for your ask! I really, really enjoyed that mashup. 🥰💋
Have a great day as well! ❤️
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apurpledust · 8 months
more napjuno rambles sorry please just ignore me january is napjuno month
so i read this two-part rpf story called "the strange passion of junot" with my very, very poor french reading comprehension (with translating help) a while back on gallica and @laurentouttan has kindly helped me with some translation on the preface so ty!!!🫶
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i'll be paraphrasing here and if I'm incorrect on anything pls let me know
The author of this novel, Suzanne de Callias, mentions she used a lot Laure's and Thiébault's memoirs but also based on the oral memories (unpublished documents?) left by "Monsieur Vial", who had been a friend of the author's grandfather. This M. Vial had been close with the Junot family and even met Junot in 1813 just before he succumbed to his illness.
-> I always thought it just used their memoirs as a backdrop but I guess it's based on family lore as well o_O
(not shown in the pic) She writes how nature is not always clear and that some people have so many feelings that they mistake friendship for love just like Junot did for Napoleon. Friendship can also be à burning passion just like love which is absolutely true in the case of Junot. IMO I don't think Junot even knows the true nature of his affections .
just before the novel begins:
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The yellow highlighted part:
Junot, duc d'Abrantès, who loved Napoléon like no woman has ever loved him , far from it (bien loin de là), and died for his love...
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The author wrote that Junot loves slapping people in the buttocks looool but it's a semi-fictional account I'm going take it with thousands grain of salt but I see him actually doing that ? 😭 please note I'm aware this a very dubious source and I'm sharing this for the funsies. If some of the OTT romantic language used in the story is true, I find it funny how Junot's passion for Naps was noted by so many people and passed on over generations. XD i'm not completely delulu
that's it for my ted talk thanks for reading if you did :3
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Writer Interview Game
Thank you so much for tagging me @infernalrusalka! This was a lot of fun to reflect upon and type out. :)
No pressure tagging: @morelikeravenbore @ravenwind-75 @myokk @moongurl95 and honestly anyone else who wants to join in. I love reading about other writers' processes <3
When did you start writing?
Fanfic? When I was a young teen (roughly age 13/14). I wrote Star Wars (Anakin/Padme) fanfics on FanFiction.net.
Writing in general? When I was around 5. I used to "write books" (that is: take construction paper, bind it, and create little stories with pictures when I was bored at home, alone). Only child syndrome; am I right, or am I right? Haha.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I enjoy reading angst, but I don't (typically) write it. I also read a lot of published nonfiction for fun, but I hated writing essays in school. I was more of a creative writing gal.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
You know, I've never actually thought about this, probably because I like to write for myself. I think it would be odd to be compared to another writer, even a famous one. I also read oodles, so it's difficult for me to choose an author I'd want to emulate. I suppose if I were forced at gunpoint to choose, I'd say John Steinbeck. He had a way with words; he turned phrases beautifully and his books have really stuck with me over the years, especially East of Eden.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
My office, which my husband recently renovated for me. It's Hogwarts: Legacy themed, naturally. My husband is the best; he loves to encourage my "Sebastian and Damien delulu," my words, but he would definitely agree and approve. XD
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Hmm, good question. I don't know if I have one actually, unless setting a writing schedule counts? I write every morning, rain or shine, for one hour before work. If I'm in the middle of writing a long-fic, I also write during my lunch break. I don't typically take days off either. So...I dunno? I do like to write while drinking coffee. Maybe that helps. Yes, let's say that.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I tend to prefer writing morally gray characters that eventually have a redemption arc. Not sure what that says about me, but I don't mind it. Haha.
What is your reason for writing?
It's a type of therapy for me. It's the only time of the day that I get to myself. I work full-time and I'm a mom, and as thankful as I am for that, I have my own desires and passions outside of those two things that I don't want to lose. Writing is my way of keeping that part of myself alive.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I love all types of comments, but I will worship the ground you walk upon if you're the kind of person who does reaction comments with quotes included. I try to comment this way too on other writers' fics to encourage more of this style of commenting because it's the best!
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
If someone reads anything I've written and comes away with the sense of joy that I felt while writing it, I'd be absolutely thrilled.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I have a few that I'm proud of. Dialogue, particularly banter. Push-pull dynamics in relationships, especially in established ones. Morally gray characters. Foreshadowing and twists. I'll even it out by saying I'm not as confident in my description-writing abilities, which is partially my fault. I tend to skim descriptions in published books because they more often than not bore the hell out of me. LMAO. So...that's my bad. Interestingly, I really enjoy reading descriptions in fanfics, possibly because they tend to be more unique. Descriptions in published books are often very cookie-cutter and I feel like I've read them a million times before. Oh well.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Some days I love it, other days I think my writing is the worst, but I'm finding that's pretty normal when it comes to creators. We are very critical of our own work. I try to be kind to myself on days when I'm in a negative headspace because I know the feeling will pass. <3
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yumethefrostypanda · 1 year
I have three questions regarding our Favorite Ghost
1. Why do you think Ghost wears the mask . Do you think in future Games he will take off the mask and just be Simon
2. What do you think ghost will be like in a relationship
And lastly 3 . Why do you think Ghost join the SAS and why did John pick him to be on Task Force 141
Side note : I love love your blog keep up the good content and keep on blessing us with COD Content 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Hey! First off, thank you for your sweet side note and for asking my thoughts *-* Let's do this (gonna be a long one)
If we look at the Ghost comics it tells us how Simon became the "Ghost". For reboot Ghost i think the reason(s) are somewhat align with the comic story, though the specifics may ofc differ. I do think the reason he started to wear his mask/prefers to be covered up is due to severe loss and torture (as in the comics). And as his bio stated;
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Will he take is mask off (again) but now we see his face? Hmmm, it feels 50/50 to me. I don't mind either way. But they already teased us with Simon taking of his mask in the MWII campaign (whilst we gasping in the back of his head :')). So maybee if the story/game(s) comes to an end (which i hope is gonna take yearss *delulu*) we MIGHT just see his face :3 I will be satisfied with him lifting up his mask just halfway tho 😇 And if he will continue to be 'Simon instead of Ghost' in the field is a good and hard question. In the campaign Soap seemed to loosen Ghost up a bit and Alejandro's trust let Simon reveal his face (in short). Soo if they all would be so kind and keep being awesome Simon might fully return 🥹 But still, he is Ghost for most of his career, it's a (big) part of him. Seems hard to let go off.
2. If Ghost would (ever) be in a relationship i would think of him as gentle, careful (not to hurt you) whilst you see him 'struggle' to let you in and fully trust you. I'd like to think for his "reticence" persona, he is more talkative around you but also can enjoy (your presence) in silence. I feel like there is alot more to it or to say about it, i just can't really find the words rn XD Cause what also comes to mind is; has he ever been in a (serious) relationship before? IF not (or it was before the loss and torture) he might need to 're-learn' a thing or two on how to relationship ;P i feel like. And i don't mean it in a twink way but in a way he has to (re)discover these kind of feelings(etc) -where you come in and sorta guide him (by also being just you) :3 (Not that CoD is gonna give us that kind of lore anyway😭) 3. Please know i'm not too familiar with the military and everything revolving around it. What first comes to mind to Price wanting Ghost in his team is because of his skillset and probably mindset. Price is a "uncanny instincts and unchecked determination."(-CoD Wiki) kind of guy. John fights for the greater good. I also believe that for Ghost (and Gaz-as we've seen in 2019, and Soap-as i've seen in his persona). You do want some align thinking minds in your unit if you wanna get the job done, imo :) For Ghost to join the SAS feels like it happened because of his skills("The mental and physical resilience of these guys are what stands out."-SAS article) and i also think Ghost gets some kind of 'freedom' in how he wants/gets to operate, he is in a elite force after all. Who knows Ghost also sees this as an achievement for his hard work and determination in the army. Just for him, to maybe be proud of this achievement if the military is kind of his life. Since he only seems to 'brag' about his skills in a jokingly/uplifting(someone) way.
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phaerlax · 9 months
The GaruKaru to-do list
My most important notes.
Characters I've contrived into fucking Karu
Morvay (sucked his brains out through his cocklet after refusing to let Karu top in a size queen moment)
Edmond (receives a blowjob after getting a dose of devious sex pollen poison meant for Eiden)
Olivine (gets dry-humped after curing his food poisoning)
Quincy (plows his ass after healing it from Garu's offscreen ass-plowing session the night before)
Kuya (flogs him in magical chastity until he cums on release)
Eiden (gets ass eaten in heat until he begs for cock)
A sparrow yokai (ass beaten with a switch, figged, fingerblasted, tail-stroked)
Characters I must contrive into fucking Karu
Aster. I can easily come up with Aster/Karu 'punishment' scenarios, but I'm usually more interested in Karu coping with the aftermath. I must find something interesting that Aster would want to do himself, and maybe make it a bit more sexual than strictly punishing. Just to give Karu a break from all the mistreatment I always have in store.
Yakumo. Easier to come up with Yakumo/Garu. There might be potential in Karu's 'apprentice' delulu, though. And I think it would be fun if Karu was very offended by Yakumo's crushing anxiety about his dick being too big for him XD
Blade. This one is easy, I have more than one concept lol (nosy Blade embarrassingly prodding Karu in the aftermath of an Aster/Karu punishment; Blade giving Karu and Garu the full belly rub special after they give him a cute birthday present)
Dante. God as my witness I will have Dante go OOC and wrestle overpower and spank Karu's spirit out over petty tsun bullshit. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings + check notes.
Rei. Need a bit more canon info but I love the concept of Rei letting Karu top out of guilt, being unsure of how to handle the novel feeling of caring a lot about his partner's pleasure, and giving Karu pointers. I also love the image of Karu fucking Rei and burying his face onto him as he angrily vents about stuff that is stressing him out and Rei is like there there. Idk.
Rin. Need a LOT more canon info to make this more than generic noncon.
Characters I've contrived into fucking Garu
Aster (bullied him a little, bit his ass, and then more)
Morvay (fucked him with enthusiastic consent as part two of a birthday present after Karu's balls were empty)
Blade (gave him a handjob while they were both missing Eiden)
Eiden (bath sex after some teasing, right after Howling Cyclone room 2)
Characters I must contrive into fucking Garu
Yakumo. This feels like a gimme, I can think of infinite scenarios in which horny Garu initiates and Yakumo is like okay... ;~; and then awooga. The challenge is in picking one that doesn't feel bland tbh.
Edmond. I actually have a "Garu is working as a K9 officer to sniff out drugs with Edmond and the knights but oh no sex pollen" premise, I hope someone else writes it for me but I might do it myself eventually.
Olivine. Okay this is probably the hardest... I got nothing. I do have images of Garu and Karu being really into booba for pubby reasons, but that doth not a fic make... or doth it?
Quincy. The reference in my Karu/Quincy does not count, it needs to be onscreen! I can easily think of situations in which these two would be alone in the forest. All it would take is some essence shenanigans to get things going.
Kuya. My kuyaru fixation mostly lies in Kuya/Karu so this is harder than it may seem... it would probably begin as Garu broaching the topic of Kuya/Karu. I also like the idea of Kuya giving him a condescending bath, but again, I'd rather do that for Kuya/Karu.
Dante. I think the dynamic would work quite well, because I like to write Dante as being weak to cute things, and he would probably appreciate and praise Garu's obedience, which would really do it for Garu. The problem lies only in a good premise...
Rei. I prefer the potential I see in Rei/Karu, but maybe a simple concept of Rei having an 'episode' and Garu being the only one around to help. Or Garu getting himself into a Predicament that needs a sexual solution (these mushrooms will only leave your system once you cum six times-)
Rin. See above.
Also a more direct Garu/Karu needs to happen of course...
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runawaydr3amerao3 · 7 months
hi! how are you?? i hope you are having a good day! (im sorry if this message sounds a lot like a corporate email hahaha im at work watching tumblr xDDD)
i just wanted to ask you if you have a podcast??, i think i read that somewhere (or maybe i imagined that (i mean... it's totally possible 'cause im delulu)) if the podcast exists, can you send me the link? Thank you in advance!! p.d. i apologize if i made any mistakes! english is not my native language :) p.d.2 i love your tumblr!! p.d.3 im sorry for using so many exclamation points, im a millenial xD
First of all, never apologise for your English! As someone who only speaks English, you will never understand how impressive most of us find you and your fellow bi- or multi-linguals, let alone those of you who are bi- or multi-literate as well! 💐🥹
Secondly, don't apologise for your enthusiasm either! I'm a chronic exclamation-mark overuser. Also a Millennial. Is that a thing, the correlation? I'm an emoji tragic, too. I just accept these things about myself now. 🙃
Thirdly, you're so sweet! Thank you for liking my Tumblr! It's really just me gleefully hoarding and sharing all the cool things other people share, but if you're enjoying my curation, I'm super glad. 🥰
Lastly, you were close! I don't have a podcast myself, but my wonderful friends @talltalesandbedtimestories and @sam-is-my-safe-word do! It's the Idling In the Impala podcast (@idlingintheimpalapodcast), and it's all about SPN, the fandom, and the fanfiction. They had me on for an interview recently, which is what you might be thinking of. 🥲 There'll be a part two out in a few weeks, I think, where I sound much more chill and together (as much as I ever do. 🤭) after Sandra and Kasey helped me overcome some of my nerves about the whole thing. 💖
The entire podcast is wonderful, so I recommend it to everyone! I AM A SHILL FOR MY FRIENDS AND I REGRET NOTHING. Wait, we call it 'hyping' now, I think. Anyway. There are fanwork author/artist interviews, fic recs and dissections, podfics by Sandra, convention run-downs, fandom discourse, show meta, trope discussions, lubrication lessons from the Agent of Chaos and Kink, and so much more. 🥰 Check it out!
Thank you again for your lovely message. You made my day.
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maysrinn · 8 months
Hi! here New follower, I found your profile just a few hours ago and I LOVE your work! It's really really good 💖💖
But it seemed strange to me that I couldn't find any links. Do you publish your AUs on any platform in written form or is it just what's here? Because if you do, I'm really interested in reading the District AU and I would really appreciate it if you could tell me how to find it
By the way, English is not my first language so I'm sorry if this is not understood very well.
Hi! Welcome to the ✨delulu is the solulu✨ snowbaird blog XD
Unfortunately I have to disappoint you, I don��t have any social medias where the AU is written out, I’m not much of a writer but more of an artist ^^’ because of that I’m not the best with words or sentences yet, tho I do have plans to write it down on AO3 at some point mainly the district AU…but for that that happen definitely need a beta reader or even writer to fix my horrendous grammar and overall sentence structures T^T
If it ever comes to this I’ll definitely let you guys know qwq 🥀
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askfelix-neverland · 4 months
Okay tate a whole group of kids is a little much xD 4 kids would be max. But honestly, two sounds nice too, im just mega delulu. And since felix always ignored the Children name/gender questions im gonna decide it. A girl would be Hazel or Willow and a Boy would be Hunter or Aspen.
And i do not care if you like the names or not Felix🙄 let me be delulu
-depressed one
I support being delusional from time to time, so I suppose I’ll let it slide.
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hailtheorigamiking · 9 months
ur delulu. olly would never like u let alone love you XD he told me boy hates ur ass after we fucked… freak. leave him alone he hates you XDDDD
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eiseryn · 9 months
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Today is not only the first day of 2024, but also the the birthday to best boi Vail. I drew him some soft uwu art because he is a soft uwu boy. Well, he is to Lei LOL. I would not say he's soft and uwu to anyone he has killed.
This outfit is based off the one I designed for Lei and her friends way back! I'm planning to redesign it XD cuz it's concept art for a series of illustrations I want to draw... I have so many WIPs both in sketches and in my brain it's kind of painful... cri... Anyways this outfit is more modern and I didn't change too much for Vail's design but I did add some patterns into his parka -- the cat face and some of his signature V's! The blue plaid inner lining is actually one of my fave parts of his whole outfit! :3 Cuz the theme in that series was their theme colour + plaid... man I really like that series 🥺🥺🥺 I want to draw that concept art so bad.
I think he turned out pretty cute here! I especially like how his hair turned out~ His blue gradient hair is one of my fave parts of his design, after all!
So what did he receive on his birthday as gifts? In my headcanons, not sure what Lexi would have given him tbh... but she's a rich girl so I imagine a previous gift was the red bike he uses XD Zoey's gift to him would be some nice alcohol or maybe one of the masks from her stash. Keeper's gift to him would definitely be something SHE personally finds cool... which probably happened to be a shiny holographic card from her personal collection. Possibly of a cat because they both like cats. Rose's gift? I'm not really sure. In my headcanons, Rose usually is the one who buys Vail cake since Rose knows of Vail's sweet tooth (specifically strawberry shortcake!). For dad vibes I imagine Rose often gets Vail some clothing as well xD Maybe fuzzy socks this year? :3 Maybe accessories some years? (Ex: like those silver chains he's wearing. In my design of Rose I gave him gold chains XD #drip).
As for Lei? Oh boy buckle up. It went something like this (this may be copium delulu and not canon but that's okay):
After already seeing his friends throughout the day, Vail sat on the couch of his apartment and waited for Lei to come home. She had asked him specifically to wait toward the evening as she apparently had a special surprise for him.
He was petting their cat Meng, a cat he had technically got for her during her last birthday, when he heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Meng let out a loud meow and leapt out of his lap and ran toward the door, being the loyal and affectionate cat she was. Vail followed suit.
Lei scooped Meng into her arms and gave the cat little pets and scratches on the chin and head. Meng purred as she always did, flopping over in Lei's arms and wiggling around.
She then turned to Vail with a smile and kissed his cheek, while still holding Meng in her arms. "I'm home~ Did you miss me?"
"Yeah." Vail replied honestly. He kissed her back. "I did."
Lei hummed happily and went to the kitchen table, placing the cat on there as she began to rummage through the multiple bags she had brought home.
"I heard Rose already got you a cake but I had already placed the order so you'll get two." She was saying, as she pulled out a cake box and placed it into the fridge. There was already a strawberry shortcake sitting in the fridge, so she seemed to struggle to place it on another shelf. Ever since she had moved in with him, there was considerably more food in the fridge.
"Do you want to have dinner first or are we having cake for dinner today?" She asked as she turned back to face him.
Vail smiled at her cheekily. "Depends on what kind of cake."
It seemed to take her some time to process his words because she first furrowed her eyebrow, looking at him with confusion, before a blush crept on her face. But she leaned in anyways to whisper, her breath hot in his ear, "You can have whatever cake you desire~ You're the birthday boy, after all~"
He barely resisted the urge to throw her over his shoulder and do as he pleased with her, but luckily she stepped back to the table to go through her other bags so this thought passed.
"Before that, though, let me give you your gift." Lei said, as she pulled out what looked to be a leather collar. It was dyed a light blue, similar to the colour of his hair and had a silver buckle. There was a silver tag on it, and when he flipped it over, the words "Belongs to Lei" were inscribed in the back. "Since you've been a good boy and all." She smiled mischeviously at him.
Looking at such a cute smile, he felt like there was no choice but to take the collar, which was soft and supple, and he started to put it around his neck, right above the turtleneck underlayer he always wore.
Lei seemed to be much more hesitant and less confident now. "You don't have to actually wear it..." She said, her voice trailing off. "This one was actually a joke and your real gift is in this other bag." She tapped another bag and there was a solid knocking sound.
"Of course I do." He said with a smile, showing off the sharp canine teeth she liked so much. "It's a gift from you, after all."
She looked at him then, biting her lip a little, as she raised the green eyes he liked so much to meet his. "I do have to say, it's a good look for you~" She reached out and slid a finger under the collar, gently pulling him closer to her. "I have good taste, if I do say so myself~"
He went with her willingly, as he always did. It was near impossible for him to resist what she wanted. "Is part of my gift the same as the one from Christmas?" He asked with a little smile.
She smiled back at him. "But of course~ You can take that part of your gift whenever you'd like."
"I'm looking forward to that~" He said. "After we have dinner. You're going to need the energy."
But he couldn't help but give her a few hungry kisses. They were appetizers for the main course after all.
[insert suspicious line break]
Later, when she had fallen asleep, he gently twirled a piece of her hair in his fingers. It had gotten longer and the green underdye had shifted in position. She had asked him once if he preferred long hair or short hair, but he had told her honestly that he would like whatever length of hair she had. It wasn't so much the hair that mattered, but the person who that hair belonged to.
Months before if you had asked him if he planned to find a lover he would have scoffed and said no. It would be a bad choice for any runner who could die at any moment. And at the time, there was no one he could imagine liking him in such a way. Although there was someone who came into mind when Rose had asked him. The smug bastard probably already knew what was in store for him.
When that same person he had thought about at the time asked him if they could be more than friends... he couldn't help but give into such a dream. The dream of being loved and loving someone.
He was already relatively content with what he had: He was good at his job as a runner if you could call it that; he had people who he could talk to and understood him as they had gone through the same things as he did. They had taken away his ability to dream at night, but it didn't stop him from daydreaming. As his parents had told him -- or perhaps warned him -- long ago, he was a dreamer who always wanted to dream of more.
He still dreamed for himself. But he now also dreamed for others; wanting others to have their dreams fulfilled. It was only fair, when some of his dreams had come true.
He took the sedative he needed to fall asleep. Lei always looked so sad when she saw him take sleeping pills, so now he always waited until she was asleep before he did. After all, he needed to sleep, as there would be another day he'd have to get through when the morning broke again.
Wrapping his arm around her, he let himself daydream a little longer, thinking of sunshine and a future where his friends and loved ones were safe and happy. He was still thinking of these happy things when the sleeping pill took affect and darkness claimed him.
Yeah so the collar was a gag gift but u know I write these two as very horny so uhmm... things had to happen.
The actual gift she got him was a bike helmet that is made of out of sturdier material which matches his red bike! He broke the last helmet he had in the campaign LOL + I imagine the bike helmet she got was a cat eared one! Also hopefully from the same vendor / store Maric buys his helmets from cuz that shark boy has never revealed his face XD
BUT I MEAN I THINK THE ENDING IS KINDA GOOD XD Soft hours and some hurt with comfort thoughts you know
I love them so much 🥺🥺🥺 My OC OTP.
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