inkykeiji · 1 year
waaah happy first day of october everyone!!! 👻
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dantesunbreaker · 1 year
Scary Movie Night with the Papas(Headcanons)
No warnings just spooooooky season!!!
Prefers the old black and white classic films(Frankestein, House on a Haunted Hill, The Invisible Man, etc.)
If you prefer more modern horror, Primo of course will still sit with you. But honestly, finds movies like Saw that rely on gore or shock factor to be a bit boring and lacking creativity
Try avoiding anything with extreme and constant jumpscares, unless you want to try giving the old man a heart attack
Doesn’t find them scary, but he can be startled 
Will let you cozy up to him on the couch wrapped up in either his robes or blankets with snacks
Makes brownies with some of his own “special” grown plants to make the night extra fun and relaxing
Comforts you and lets you curl into his side if you ever get scared, softly reassuring you that it isn’t real. He would never allow any monsters to hurt you
Primo always falls asleep halfway through the second or third movie, every single time without fail. Doesn’t matter how many times he reassures you that he won’t this time, he will get too comfy and fall right asleep. His soft snoring is cute and comforting however.
Movie night always ends up with you both sleeping on the couch wrapped up together.
Takes movie night VERY serious
Also tends to prefer the more classic movies, but Secondo is willing to watch anything at least once
Thinks of himself as a movie critic, so be prepared to listen to his complaints or criticism throughout the movie if he doesn’t like it
Only allows snacks that you would typically find at a movie theater such as candy or popcorn. Even went as far as to get his own popcorn machine to make it feel extra authentic
Secondo will tease you if you ever get scared, but pulls you into his side and lets you bury your face. Laughs at the idea that he would ever let anything hurt you, so you should have nothing to fear
It is one of his favorite things though, when you nestle yourself up against him seeking his comfort and protection. Emotionally constipated, this man craves any sort of positive reinforcement. So the fact that he makes you feel safe gives him a bit of a warm fuzzy feeling that he hates to acknowledge
But Secondo totally also gets spooked sometimes by some of the more suspenseful films, just would rather die than ever admit that to you
You always fall asleep first. Depending on how he feels, Secondo either will situate you both to sleep comfortably on the couch, or he will carry you back to bed
Always being extra, Terzo turns every movie night into a big extravagant event
Gathers the finest blankets and pillows for the couch
Along with the stereotypical snacks of popcorn and candy, he also has the ghouls on catering duty. Hungry for a steak in the middle of the movie? Say less.
Has no particular preference for the films, so it is entirely your choice for what to watch
Just know that Terzo will scream
Both of you will end up comforting each other when the movie gets too scary. Holding each other tight, taking turns of who hides their face and who watches to say when it is safe to watch again
Loves movies that are a little more on the silly side, such as Cabin Fever or Evil Dead. Together you love to mock the characters for making dumb choices or being oblivious and how unrealistic the effects are
Most of the time you both end up falling asleep together on the couch in a bit of a food coma. Omega sometimes comes into the room with the random food you requested only to find you both passed out. The ghoul will throw you each over one of his shoulders and carry you to bed, neither of you ever wake up as he does this somehow.
Terzo has specific fuzzy socks and matching pajama sets reserved only for scary movie night
Absolutely one of Copia’s favorite things to do together and makes it a very regular occurrence
Open to all types of horror movies, but still has his preferences. Comedy horror is definitely top of the list
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, Tremors, and Cabin in the Woods are among his most commonly picked
Movie talker for sure! Gets really excited and into the film and constantly will comment on things that are happening on screen. It is kind of adorable
Will let the rats join you for part of the night. They love to cuddle in your laps with their own special bowl of plain unflavored popcorn
Copia is more likely to be the one that gets spooked by the movie, so be ready for him to have a death grip on your hand
Regularly changes who passes out first, but generally it is Copia. With how hard he works, you can’t really blame him. But if he is out, that generally means the end of movie night. Dude snores like a chainsaw. 
Both of you end up sleeping on the couch in weird positions that generally would not be considered comfortable, but by some miracle you never wake up with aches and pains
The morning after is always spent with a warm full course breakfast
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inventors-fair · 1 year
Dead Lucky
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It's Spooooooky month! And 'tis I, @naban-dean-of-irritation, here to kick it off with a most auspicious contest. After all, to a group of nerds who spend their time playing a game that involves rigourous math, what could be more scary...
than NUMBERS! Muahahahahaha!
This week's contest: design a card that uses BOTH the numbers seven and thirteen.
Uses? What does that mean? Well, I'm not gonna let you get cheeky here. No collector's number, artist credit, number of syllables in the flavor text... the numbers must be in the name, mana cost, power/toughness, or rules text. Nothing else, nothing more! Savvy?
A couple corner cases to be aware of:
Both numerals and number words are good! Make sure you follow proper Magic templating, but seven and thirteen are just as good as 7 and 13! Hell, you wanna use roman numerals? Go nuts! (Though that probably only works in the name, but have fun anyways.)
Derivatives of the words are fine! If you need to say "seventh" or the like, that's fair game.
Both mana value and generic mana symbols count for this contest! So a mana cost of {4}{U}{U}{U} counts since it has an mv of 7, but a mana cost of {13}{R}{B} counts as well since it has the numeral 13 in it.
I think that's all there is to this contest, but of course if you have any questions, you know where to find me!
Now I shall return to my evil duties of... stitching hands to a giant drum? Man, that art is gross.
Come walk under a ladder to join our discord! And if you're feeling lucky, punk, submit here!
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deva-arts · 11 months
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Ooooh spooooooky sketchy work
Have some more hiatus doodles and drafts. Let's hope I get my tablet soon before I accidentally spill lore or something
Want to know more about this little oc world? feel free to send an ask!
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troublesome-trio-au · 11 months
whats the typical day for running the theater?
A few hours have passed since Remus opened up the ask blog and it was time to lock the drive in up for the night.
With all of the concessions stand and ticket booth cleaned up and money safely in Patton's possession, it was time to turn off all the lights.
"Virge, can you fly up there and turn them off please?" Patton asks politely.
Virgil salutes without a word and goes to do what was asked of him.
"Well what better time to answer this question when closing up!" Patton says and continues "I'm usually the first one here even though Virgil is the one who technically lives in this forest, he usually comes in right before the first showing, the sun bothers him."
"Yeah cause he's a vampire!" Remus jokes while picking up garbage with his bare hands.
Roman lightly shoves him "don't go starting rumors now, people might not take too kind to that one love."
Remus shoves him back a little and Roman recoils from the garbage hands giving out an undignified yelp.
Patton giggles but goes back to the question at hand.
"So I get here at around three in the afternoon, to check if everything has gone alright since the night before, and then I do my half of some boring office stuff before we need to start letting people park, by then these two sillies-" he motions to the twins who're still goofing around "-are here and opening the cash registers at the ticket stand and the snack hut."
He watches as Remus goes to hug Roman, garbage hands wiggling out to him but Roman stops him by the wrists and tries to get him to stop.
Patton calls over to them "c'mon guys once the lights turn out-" he says as the lights go out "-we're out of here..." his voice trails off at the end as he looks to the general direction of where the light switches are and gives it a deadpan look, knowing Virgil will see him.
The twins come sauntering up to Patton, garbage bags in hand.
Patton continues to answer as they throw out the trash and walk to their cars.
"So we start up the kitchen after that, so we're ready to go on fryers and stuff, and the rest is mostly normal customer service work, except a lot of our customers are, well..."
"Otherworldly and spooooooky~" Remus chimes in with wiggling fingers and ghost noises.
Patton chuckles "yeah that, and closing is basically what you just saw here, there's a whole lot of goofing around and just plain playing, we have fun."
"Yeah we do" Remus and Roman say at the same time in the same seductive tone then high five.
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jimmyaquino · 2 years
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Comic News Insider Episode 1345 - Happy Halloweenies!
Comic News Insider: Episode 1345 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes! 
Reviews: Damn Them All #1, Fear the Funhouse One-Shot, Leonide the Vampyr: Miracle at the Crow's Head #1, Night of the Ghoul #1, Cabinet of Curiosities, Reginald the Vampire, Halloween Ends
What's this? A regular format podcast? Yes, we've had massive convention/review specials since around June and Jimmy is certainly hoping you are enjoying all of the coverage. Back to reviews and news for a hot minute before heading off to the UK for Thought Bubble Festival! You got it. More convention coverage and he can not wait. As usual, Jimmy recruits some of his favorite audio reviewers again. Thanks to Ashley, Melissa, Ricky, Jon, Therese, Courtney and Marta! Always such insightful and great reviews and the powers that be at CNI appreciate them so much. Let us know if you've read and/or watched what we reviewed and send us your thoughts! And...since it's Halloween, we've kept the reviews spooooooky for you! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!
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andsheloved · 3 years
keep your head down.
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pairing ~ dark!loki x f!reader, loki x f!reader
summary ~ an ancient asgardian ritual has you seeing double and there is nothing you can do to stop it. all you can do now, is keep your head down.
word count ~ 4.3k
warnings ~ heavy angst, horror elements, chasing, bad norwegian, implied mind reading, the tiniest reference to polytheism, reader breaks through a window, mild description of blood and injury, slight suicidal ideation, implied major character death
a/n ~ happy halloween everyone! (or happy whenever your reading this!) i was planning on doing a spoOooOoky story to get into the spooky mood, but i very much did not think it would be for loki?? but also, when is anything not for loki over here. this is kind of my first time writing any type of horror/thriller thing so feel free to let me know what you think! i don't think these types of stories will become a full time thing for me (as you may have noticed, i am an absolute fiend when it comes to fluff) but i wanted to join in on some halloween fun! i hope you all enjoy! so get a blanket, maybe a hot chocolate, and turn all your lights off, cus things are about to get very spooky!
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This was not your Loki, that much you knew.
Your Loki was warm and kind, always having a slight glimmer in his eye when he spoke. Your Loki loved you.
This was not your Loki.
"Hiding from me, are we?... Dove"
The utterance of his pet name for you had you almost pausing in your tracks, almost.
You had to keep moving. You didn't know why, though the little voice that whispered in the corner of your mind continued to berate you. You had to keep moving.
And you had no intention of finding out what would happen if you didn't.
You recalled the time when your Loki had told you about this, or more specifically, the possibility of this happening.
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Förlater. The Leaving.
He explained it to you, his eyes never meeting your own as he did.
“I remember when I had first witnessed it myself, my fa- Odin, had told Thor and I, that it had been a tradition, a ritual, for centuries. That it was simply a part of our lives, as it had been a part of the lives of so many before us, and would continue to be long after we’re gone.”
You held his hand as he spoke, you didn’t think you had ever seen him like this. Of course he had spoken to you about his family and his past before, but when you looked into his eyes, you almost didn’t recognize him. It looked as if he were staring straight through you, gazing at a point in the wall that seemed a thousand miles away. He was scared, no, haunted. His eyes were glassy, it seemed that if he were to even blink, the tears threatening to spill onto his cheeks would never cease.
“It’s supposed to act as a sort of… cleanse, every millennium or so. Our two selves separate, The Leaving. There’s us, and then the manifestation of our-” He swallowed, taking a deep breath to steady himself before continuing. “Our hate, our anger, our venom, pain, it leaves us, manifesting itself into a physical form… It dissipates after a while, though, some lock themselves in their chambers, some try to sleep through it so they don’t have to see.. it. But Odin, he didn’t care”
You could see the discomfort in his eyes, though there was something else hidden deep beneath it, anger. A seething, growing outrage that bloomed more and more with every word he spoke about the instance.
“It was free. And he just slept in his room with our mother” he almost spat, “and let it wreak whatever havoc it wanted to around the palace. He had the luxury of never having to see what it could do, what it did do. But Thor and I-” He shook his head, as if trying to shake the memory out all together, “We were there, we saw… I just- I want you to be safe. I don’t want to hurt you. I can’t. I don’t know how I could live with myself if I did. Please” He begged, “Don’t let me hurt you.”
Now here he was, or rather, here was some demented version of him, chasing you through the very castle he had promised you’d be safe in.
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When you awoke earlier that night, the balcony doors were opened, causing you to pull the blanket tighter around you as the chilled breeze rushed around the room. You grumbled his name softly, drawing out every syllable as you stretched. When you found the other side of the bed empty, you figured that he had maybe stepped out onto the balcony for some air, begrudgingly tearing yourself from the warmth of the bed to search for him. He rarely slept anyway, and it wasn’t uncommon for him to venture out of your shared bed in the middle of the night, but you knew tonight would be especially hard for him.
“Loki?” You called, wrapping yourself in a thin blanket as you stepped into the chilled night air. The curtains billowed behind you as a biting wind blew through, a chill running through you as it did. You knew Loki could withstand the mildly-freezing temperatures, but you just didn’t want him to be alone, not tonight.
You huffed, turning back into the bedroom, your heart rate began to speed up as you wondered where he could possibly be.
“Do not, under any circumstances, leave this room.” He had said to you, his tone was stern, but his eyes were so deeply laced with concern and pleading.
You knew it was a bad idea. That as long as you remained behind the locked door of the bedroom, you would be safe, nothing would happen to you.
But where was he?
Your heart ached as the thoughts came flooding in, was he just wandering around the palace? Alone? From what he had told you, simply being outside was a danger while this thing was about. Or could it have gotten to him already? You screwed your eyes shut, trying to push the thought from your mind. Had it lured him out of the bedroom? Had it threatened you? Had he just been trying to protect you? Was he-
No. You refused to let yourself spiral before you even knew where he was. You had to stay focused, if you were going to venture out from behind that door, you needed to stay calm, you needed to be prepared.
The silky fabric that was wrapped around you fell to the floor as you reached out in front of you. The door was surprisingly quiet for how large it was, the golden hinges barely making a sound as you slowly opened it. You felt another shiver creep up your spine, realizing just how easily it could have been for someone to sneak in and out of your room and take whatever, or whoever they wanted.
You slowly closed the door behind you, being careful to shut it just as quietly as-
No. It couldn’t have.
You pulled on the large golden handle with both hands, shaking it, no, no, no, no.
If you weren’t scared before. Now, you were terrified.
Loki hadn’t given you any keys to your room, nor any of the other rooms in the palace. Why would he? He didn’t expect you to even leave your bed, so why would you need them?
You closed your eyes as you took a deep breath. You had no idea what this thing was capable of, in truth, you really had no idea what this thing even was, for all you knew, you could have nothing to worry about, it could just be wandering around the golden hallways, smashing vases and ripping up flowers, only to fade away into thin air by morning.
But you knew Loki had a dark side to him, you had always known that, but he had gotten so much better the past few years, whatever anger and hostility that he had held within him couldn’t be as bad as it was all those years ago, surely not.
You almost felt dizzy from the speed at which you spun your head to find him.
“Loki…” You sighed, practically running over to him, your bare feet barely making a sound on the marble floors.
You threw your arms around him, melting into his touch.
“I’m so sorry” You managed to sputter against his chest, tears beginning to fall. “I just- I didn’t know where you were, and I went out to go look for you and-”
“Shh, you’re alright, it’s okay” He cooed, tracing nonsensical patterns onto your back as he comforted you.
“You’re… Not mad?” Your brows furrowed, he had been so insistent on you staying put, continuously pleading with you to stay behind that door for the night, and you had done the exact opposite, how could he be so calm with you right now?
“No my love, actually, quite the opposite…”
You tilted your head slightly, his tone was not dis-similar to the one he often used during his usual moments of mischief, but there was something else laced within his voice that felt… wrong. It had your stomach turning in a way that probably should have alarmed you, but you managed to push the thought aside for a moment when Loki’s hands shifted to hold your own. You’re probably still just a little shaken from before, it’s nothing to worry about.
“I’m glad you’re here” He smiled, and you felt your heart grow warm, despite the growing feeling of utter confusion in the back of your consciousness. “I’d actually like to show you something”
“But you said-”
“Forget what I said.” His voice was much deeper now, almost growling out his words. His features grew cold, similar to how he looked when he had first told you about tonight, but somehow less sad. Now, he just looked furious.
“Loki, I’m sorry, I know-”
“Stop that.” He snapped, and just as suddenly, his hand was gently brushing over your skin as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, as if nothing had happened. “I said, I’m glad you’re here. Don’t apologize, my sweet.”
Something about the way he said it, my sweet. It almost seemed forced, like merely just saying the words pained him.
“Now, I’d really love to show you something…” He fully grasped your hand now with a frighteningly strong grip, slowly leading you… somewhere.
The palace was dark. The shimmering hallways you had been enchanted with during the day now looked grim, with nothing but the dim glow of the few torches that lined the walls to illuminate your path and cast perverted shadows across the castle’s flooring. The hallway looked as if it stretched on forever, and you wondered for how much longer he would be silent on your journey, hoping he would break the silence, too scared yourself to say anything after his outburst.
A small door began to finally come into view and you felt yourself let out a small sigh of relief at the thought of your walk nearly coming to an end. You turned to look at Loki, and you suddenly wished you hadn’t.
He chuckled, almost like he knew what you were thinking, the beginnings of a smirk began to pull at his lips. What were you even thinking? Of course this was Loki, you had no reason to be so worried.
“That’s right,” He uttered, his tone mocking, barely above a whisper. Maybe if the hallway wasn’t so silent you wouldn’t have heard him. But you did.
The feeling of alleviation you had first felt at the sight of the door quickly turned to dread. Only now you began to realize that you still had no idea where he was taking you, and just as quickly, you realized you did not need to find out.
All at once, every small voice in your mind, every pacing thought, seemed to meld into one chorus, all now screaming in unison, ‘RUN.’
So you did.
You could hear his irritated growl echo through the never ending corridor as you ripped yourself from his hold, though you couldn’t tell if he had said anything else after that, the beating of your own thundering heartbeat sounding in your ears.
Another terrifying realization hit you even harder than the last as you finally reached the end of the corridor, you didn’t know this place.
Loki had given you a quick tour of some of the larger rooms when he had first brought you to the palace a day ago, and maybe you would be able to navigate your way to the throne room given how big and grand it was, but other than that, you truly had no clue where you were.
You silently cursed yourself for not paying more attention to where you were going when Loki- when that thing started leading you through the palace.
He called your name, almost singing it, and you wanted so badly to stop and turn to him. To run into his arms just as you did before, but you knew you couldn’t, it wasn’t him, as much as it looked and felt like the man you loved, it wasn’t him.
You had to keep moving. You decided that it really didn’t matter where you were going, you just had to keep turning and hope that your unpredictability would throw him off your trail. Yet every time you believed you had finally lost him, you would look to find him, sauntering slowly behind you.
“Oh… Pet, it’s so late, wouldn’t you rather be resting?” He teased. His voice surrounded you, bouncing off of every surface. The words that would normally feel so warm and affectionate suddenly felt so cold. You understood that his idea of rest was most likely very different from your own.
You knew he could easily use his magic to project some sort of barrier to stop you from running, or even trip you, why wasn’t he? You turned quickly to look behind you, pausing as you tried to find another corridor. He was practically meandering through the castle while you could barely catch your breath, yet he was always behind you. This was never a chase for him, it was a game, he was just playing with his food at this point, with his prey, and as much as it hurt you to admit it, you almost wanted him to catch you.
This was a nightmare, and you knew it wouldn’t end with you going back to your room, that door closed, both literally and figuratively, the moment you decided to leave the safety of your bed to find Loki. Where was he?
All of a sudden, you found yourself attempting to muffle the scream that escaped your lips with your hand as another dark figure pulled you into a shadowed alcove.
Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you did your best in regulating your breathing. This was it. Your final seconds. You let out a quiet sob at the thought, you just wished you could have seen him, the real one, a final time.
“Are you hurt?” You heard a familiar voice question.
As your eyes adjusted to the almost pitch-black darkness, you scanned his face, his eyes were frantic and wild and not half as cold as the Loki that had been following you all this time. His pale skin was stained with tears, and as you felt his hands blindly reach for your own, he was shaking, no, trembling.
“Loki?” You asked quietly, still doing your best not to alert your pursuer of your position.
He let out a shaky breath, but before he could respond to you, you found yourself pressing your cold lips to his, weaving your hands through the hair at the base of his neck, pulling him closer as you did. You still didn’t know if this was your Loki, and in the moment it didn’t seem to matter. You didn’t care if these were your last moments, if you were going to die tonight, if you were going to die only seconds after you kissed him, it wouldn’t matter, you would at least have felt the warmth of his lips one last time.
Though, when he pulled you closer to him, grabbing you by your waist with a force that threatened to leave bruises, you knew.
“Loki.” You sighed breathlessly as he pulled away, a sad smile on your face as he did.
“Did he hurt you?” His change in pace almost making you jump with the juxtaposition from the unhurried passion you had just shared, hands wildly searching your body for any sign of injury.
“No, no he didn’t” You whispered
“I told you not to leave” He looked up at you, tears streaming down his face once again. Though he didn’t seem mad, just concerned, desperate, almost guilty.
“I know, I’m so sorry-” You began to cry, doing your best to stifle your sniffles from being too loud.
“No I’m sorry” He began to place soft kisses all over your face, like he was trying to memorize every inch of your skin as if it were the last time he would ever feel you. “I should never have brought you here, I shouldn’t have been so selfish”
“Loki, I wanted to be here for you.” You felt your own heart rate slow, like simply being in his presence, no matter the circumstance, calmed you.
You wondered how long it would be until the other one found you two, he was only a few feet behind you when you had been pulled into this nook, he had to have seen where you went.
“I love you. I love you.” He repeated, placing his hand on your cheek. “I will always love you. No matter what happens-”
“You have to leave this place.”
Just as you were about to fight back, to protest with all you could, to argue that you could leave together, he continued.
“I can’t leave until this is done.”
It wasn’t until just then you noticed the glinting metal tucked in his waistband, didn’t he say that thing would just disappear on its own?
“Something’s gone wrong, my love.”
Yeah. That much you figured.
“Loki, I won’t leave without you” You insisted, your tone growing more frantic.
“You must. Please. I can’t-” He looked away from you for a moment, like he was gathering the courage to finish his sentence “I can’t lose you.”
“I love you.” You whispered, there was no use hiding the shake in your voice. You had no idea if this would be the last time you would ever see him again, at least this version of him. You couldn’t tell if you were thankful or resentful as you looked back at the beginning of your night, leaving your chambers in search of the man you loved. Only the Gods knew if you would have ever seen each other again if you hadn't had snuck out.
You squeezed his hand, pressing your forehead against his, barely able to see his face as you let your tears flow freely now.
“We’ll meet again.” He said, his voice heart-wrenchingly broken, “I promise.”
You refused to acknowledge that as goodbye, so you simply nodded, closing your eyes as you finally left him. Holding onto his hand as long as you possibly could before speeding up again. You couldn’t bear to turn around and see his form fade into the darkness behind you, bleeding into obscurity with the twisted shadows cast from the branches of the trees just beyond the windows.
You had no idea where you were. You didn’t have any idea where any other door was, with exception from the one you were led to before, though you had a feeling that it was not an exit. This could be your only chance, as unfortunate as this chance was, you had to take it.
Breathe, You thought to yourself as you turned abruptly, starting in the opposite direction. Just breathe. You clumsily wiped the remains of the tears from your eyes, doing your best to only look forward, no matter how tempted you were to look to your side.
You could hear him, them, exchanging fighting grunts and growls. He told you to leave. You were not going to go against him again, not after what happened after the first time.
You braced yourself, folding your arms to cover your face
‘I love you’
And you jumped, throwing yourself through the glass. It was surprisingly thin for what you had suspected a palace window to be, but the pain was nothing less than expected.
You groaned as you rolled into the grass, hissing when you turned your arms to steady yourself on the ground, thin scratches already beginning to raise and leak thin traces of red. It wasn’t much of a fall, seeing as you were on the ground floor of the palace, but the tumble you took as you unceremoniously surged through the glass pane began to exhibit its damage on you all the same.
Keep moving. Doing your best to mute the cry that threatened to break the already quite shattered peace of the night, you found yourself sinking your teeth into your bottom lip as you began to stand. Great. A twisted ankle was just what you needed right now. That didn’t matter now though, you were out, that’s what mattered, as long as you kept moving, no matter the pace, you’d be safe. Right?
So you began to walk- limp, as best you could through the gardens. At a different time, maybe you would have stopped and admired the care that had been taken while trimming and maintaining each flower and bush, maybe you would have sat on the small stone bench and discussed your future with the man you loved.
Maybe you wouldn’t be in this nightmare at all if you just hadn't left your room.
Maybe that imposter would have found you regardless of if you had stayed within the confines of your room. Slaughtering you in your sleep, only to have Loki awake to your lifeless body in the morning, a bloody reminder of the darkness that would always possess him.
Or maybe things would be different.
That was all behind you now though. You turned, giving a final look at the shadowed back side of the once grand palace which had now so quickly become a hell for you.
“LOKI!” You cried, picking up your pace as much as you could, you couldn’t even seem to bring yourself to care enough to give a second thought as to how you may be drawing attention to yourself. The layout of the gardens began to feel even more puzzling than the relentless aisles of the palace, the blazing illumination brought by the occasional flash of lightning now acting as your only guidance through the maze of green. You found yourself almost whimpering his name, repeating it like a prayer as you continued to turn, left - right - left - left - right. You weren’t sure when your eyes began to flutter shut, but they did, and even so, you continued, the monotonous twists of the labyrinth beginning to come to you like a second nature.
If you never opened your eyes again after these moments, that would be fine by you. But if you did, you hoped it would be when you awakened from this abominable dream.
Suddenly, you were dropping to the ground with a soft ‘oomf’. Unsure if it was from pain or exhaustion, you just couldn't bring yourself to continue anymore. Not when you looked beyond, only to face a night so dark, you could barely imagine seeing the light again.
What was even the point of standing, if it wasn’t him you were doing it for.
You slammed your fists against the grass, raising and hurling your hands back into the ground in anger, using the only fight and energy you had left to curse into the skies. The roar of thunder resounded around you, and you couldn’t help but think of Thor. You assumed a similar thing was happening to him, but was it like this?
It was then when you noticed the mud caked up on the underside of your fists, looking around to notice how hard it had been raining. You couldn’t tell what was blood and what was dirt as you examined your night clothes, and the darkness of your surroundings didn’t assist in your vision either. You prayed that the slight dizziness was only a result of your constant change of course and not from immense blood loss, but one could only hope now.
You didn’t have enough energy to quiet your shocked scream as you heard him, it could be either one, still, you cautiously lifted your gaze to meet his own, noting how distraught he looked.
Within the flashes of light, you could make out the trails of wetness that stained his cheeks, his hair tossed around and out of place. He slowly released a bloodied dagger from his hand, reaching out to you with softly trembling hands.
“What happened?” You rasped, voice raw from screaming.
“It’s done.” He refused to look at you as he spoke, similar to how he was the night he had first explained this whole ordeal to you.
A soft, sad smile graced your face, placing your hand in his as he assisted you upright.
Without any further hesitation, his lips were slotted on yours the moment you stood. “It’s done.” He breathed, pulling you flush against him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, you were almost certain you would collapse if you didn’t. You still felt so weak, it felt the longer you were standing, the more your energy was slowly drained from you, knees buckling as you continued to lean on him for support. Maybe you were better off just crawling back.
“I need to-” You groaned as you attempted to put your full weight on your ankle again, “I need to lie down.” Your tone heavy with exhaustion as he slung your arm around his shoulder, supporting you as he began trudging slowly through the garden. You wondered how he had found you so quickly, though you promptly reminded yourself that he was indeed raised here and probably knew this palace and its gardens better than anyone, with all the secret passageways and hidden doorways you had presumed would be in a palace so large. “Thank you” You whispered, though it was barely enough to express your gratitude, in truth, you didn’t think you had the energy for anything else, simple words would have to do for now.
He only hummed in response, still continuing to look forward as he practically pulled you through the mud.
“Yes my love.” His timbre was now surprisingly calm and collected from how it was just moments ago, he couldn’t have gotten over all this so quickly.
“What happened?” You repeated
He paused, gently turning his face to look at you. What you couldn’t make out before, you could see now up close. His eyes were dark, almost black, the blue-green of his iris now reduced to a thin line around his pupil. His lips began to turn, but as his smile grew, it seemed to become less of a smile, eventually forming into a twisted, wicked grin.
This was not your Loki. That much you knew.
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holy cow! what a ride! i hope you all enjoyed this very spooky time! i know i had a blast writing it! feel free to hop into my asks anytime to let me know what you thought (or just share your general nerdy thoughts!) as always, likes, comments, and reblogs are always much appreciated! i hope you all have a very fun (and safe) spooky time this halloween! mwauh!
want more loki? check out my masterlist! and thank you so so so much for reading!
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fanfictionwr1tin · 3 years
Paring: Gibbs x reader
Request: @wolviesbabes
“i was thinking about an au where reader has a secret relationship with gibbs and then she exposes themselves in front of the team by accident and the team is like what? U guys are dating?”
Note: I changed it a little, I hope that’s okay.
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You and Jethro had been together for five years. Two years longer than you’d been working at ncis. You worked for the fbi previously and after working there for six years, you moved to ncis. But here’s the thing, it’s hard enough to hide a relationship between you guys but hiding a marriage? It was like picking a needle from a haystack, in other words? Hard.
You and Jethro had serval incidents where you were almost caught, but you never told anyone. Well, never told anyone on the team. Ducky knew but that was because he could keep secrets and because he was both you and Jethro’s best friend.
Tonight was one of the lucky nights where Jethro didn’t stay at the office until four in the morning. The case had been rubbing everyone the wrong way so everyone agreed to go home and worry about it in the morning. Once you both got home Jethro immediately retreated to the basement after putting on his usmc hoodie. You flopped on the couch and lied there to collect your thoughts. After a while, you ran upstairs and put on a more comfortable outfit before heading to the top of the basement steps.
“Jethro?” You asked.
“Hm?” He questioned.
“Come cuddle with me, please.”
“Not right now. In a bit.”
“Jethro,” you whined. “Can we at least watch a movie?”
“Fine.” He sighed, getting down his tools. You smiled and headed over to the couch has he made his way up the stairs. After what felt like forever to you, with ‘Get the popcorn.’ And the argument of what to watch you finally started the movie.
That night you feel asleep, on the couch, in each other’s arms.
“What the hell is going on?!” Tony shouted. You awoke, startled.
“Shit.” You muttered. You looked back at Jethro, shaking his arm. “Jethro.” You whispered. “Jethro.”
He groaned before sitting up.
“Boss, I’m sorry. You weren’t answering your phone and neither was y/n so we came to get you and-“ Tim stuttered out.
“McGee, just stop.” You said, “All your doing is digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole.” Gibbs put his arm around your waist. “Can I tell them?”
“Mhm.” He said. He’d grown impatient with the sneaking around, so when you offered to tell them, he was more than willing.
“Jethro and I are married.” You said, showing them your wedding band.
“Finally!” Tony shouted.
“You knew?!” You exclaimed.
“Y/n, I’m a trained investigator. It’s my job to know.”
“Well, I’m glad you guys know now.” You said. Jethro tugged at your shirt pulling you into a kiss. You hear a gag come from one of them and you smiled, and let out a small chuckle. At that moment Gibbs knew that you were going to be his forever.
And now I can finally sleep. Good night. 😴 I’ve decided to post it on Friday the 13 at the witching hour. Spooooooky 😂
Tags: @nerdyfangirl67 @hi-i-1
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Can I ask for DV3 boys X Actress!Reader
I don't know why I felt like I wrote this before but I didn't. Spooooooky
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V3 boys with Actress!Reader
Ryoma Hoshi
What can he say other than that he admires your skills.
He shows you support when you need it but he also is aware that you might have to deal with crazy fans so he always watches over you just in case.
Of course he is lowkey jealous when you have to play someone's love interest but he knows that you picked him as you're true love so he tries to push his anxiety away.
There was that one time when he said something about you and another actor looking like real couple and asked if you "changed your mind about dating him" but from the way he said it (chuckling and obviously not being serious) and the look on his face once he realized it was out of place comment (the "Oh shit that probably wasn't comfortable situation for you") you knew he didn't mean it.
Gonta Gokuhara
Absolutely amazed by you each time he sees you act. Literally. He is your biggest fan.
He is just stunned by the way you speak and move when you act, just like you are someone else entirely.
Whenever you need help practicing your lines he'd be so happy to help. In fact he's going to try and act too for you when he reads the other lines.
He's not the best at it but he certainly tries his best. He sometimes has to take a little more time to prepare.
And he loves to do it. It's just so fun and he's also helping you out! It's definitely a win-win.
He thinks it's super cool and looks up to your performances.
He often gets invested in the story and sometimes ends up forgetting that you are part of this movie/play.
So he has this problem where he wants to help you but he also doesn't want to spoil himself.
Of course in the end he picks helping you out whenever possible sine he is going to support you no matter what.
Still he gets ever so slightly jealous whenever you... You know... Have to be someone's love interest.
And he didn't even hide it either. His sass was wild when he got jealous. But he quickly understood that he's being rude to you for no reason so he'd end up apologizing.
Kaito Momota
No matter what you do (that DOESN’T harm you in any way) this man will give you all support in the world.
If you'd let him he'd just follow you anywhere possible. You need something to drink? He'd fetch it for you. Maybe you need some word of encouragement? Or perhaps you just want to see your boyfriend and cheer yourself up before you go out there and give it your all? You've got it all. Sometimes you two would stay up very late doing something stupid while trying to help you remember your lines. But when you gotta preform next day Kaito would make triple sure you get enough sleep.
Shuichi Saihara
He might not look too interested in your job. It's not that he doesn't care but... Well he just has bad experience with actors (definitely not talking about his parents wdym-) and he's lowkey scared that you'd abandon him once you get big.
Does that mean that he won't try to help you if he's able to? Definitely not he's still going to help you proceed with your career.
You understand why he feels the way he does so while you appreciate his support you always make sure that he won't feel lonely because of how much time you'd spend on your work.
He's very good at seeing things from point of view of other people so he'd often could help you understand your character better.
Rantaro Amami
Honestly he doesn't pay much attention to it. He definitely thinks it's nice but in the end it doesn't have much impact on you two.
But still after your performance you must celebrate- or it's just an excuse to take you out. You'd have to find this out for yourself haha.
Whenever you sign up for auditions you can count on Rantaro helping you calm down if you feel anxious. His voice is just making you ever so slightly less nervous.
Kokichi Ouma
Acting is basically the same as lies right? Well that's what he thought until you started talking about your work more often.
You always need to put so much effort to it memorizing lines, movements, always being prepared for anything that may happen last second.
Although he is still pretty good at mimicking emotions true acting takes more skill than that. But he's still nice to practice with though.
Be prepared becouse he's always going to pretend to be jealous and mad at you when you are having romance scenes with someone.
He's letting it go quickly though. He doesn't see any reason behind staying mad (even though he wasn't mad in the first place)
Korekiyo Shinguji
He thinks it's rather interesting job you've got and he's definitely going to see how you work out of curiosity.
Seeing you practice your lines though often makes him feel a little soft since he gets to see so many sides of you it's just beautiful.
Even though the many sides are fake just seeing you express emotions is truly wonderful.
So you often wouldn't be even aware that he's watching you. If you get embarrassed or upset by the fact he'd just say "I told you I was coming in" but that's a lie he never actually does so since he simply forgets to.
(If you are a stage actress) He knows a lot about old performances and sometimes when the two of you are bored you'd just act those out together.
~Mod Angie
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jungshookz · 4 years
CHAPTER TWO; A cry for help.
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chapter one 
                             Player has chosen: [A] Open the door. 
the doorknob is being tugged at so aggressively that you’re worried it’ll just pop right out
“y/n, we could die-!” jungkook warns once again and pulls you back  
it’s only when you hear taehyung let out another desperate cry for help that you make your decision
“oh, for christ’s sakes-” you shove jungkook’s hand off of you as you stumble towards the door
you know you’re going to regret it if you don’t let taehyung in
and you know he’d do the same for you!
anD if you don’t open the door right now, you don’t want to have to open the door later only to have to step over his mutilated corpse, so there’s that, too
you unlock it hastily and mentally prepare yourself to swing your bat at whoever’s out there hurting taehyung and-
your heart sinks to your stomach 
there’s no one there.
you immediately slam the door shut before pressing your back right up against it and looking at jungkook with wide eyes, “that… can’t be good, right?”
“see?! what’d i tell you?!” jungkook groans, throwing his hands up into the air before beginning to pace back and forth out of stress, “i-i told you not to open the door because i said something shady was going on here, a-and you didn’t listen to me because you had to play the hero and-”
“are you seriously blaming me right now?!” you scoff, “i-i thought- i thought taehyung was- was in trouble s-so i opened the door and- and-and-and no one was there but-”
you’re understandably in shock because what the hell just happened?!
well, at least you know one thing for sure:
this… doesn’t seem like it’s a regular old house.
and once again, the only weapon you have is an old baseball bat.
are baseball bats effective against evil spirits and demonic beings??
“there has to be another way out of here, right?” jungkook rushes towards the boarded up windows before shining a light on the planks
he tucks his fingers behind one of them and gives it a pull but it doesn’t budge
they’re nailed into the walls pretty securely…
“you’re right! you’re right, we can just- w-we can just jump out through the windows, it’ll be fine!” you stammer, reaching down to lock the door again before joining jungkook by the window, “we can- we can tie our clothes together or something if we’re on a higher level, and then we’ll just climb down, and then we’ll be totally fine, and-”
jungkook grunts to himself as he manages only to break a little shard of wood off, creating a hole just big enough for someone to look through it with one eye
he hurries to look outside, opening his eyes as wide as they can possibly go as if that’ll somehow help him see things clearer
“what do you see?” you ask, getting up on your tip-toes to try to peek through the hole over his shoulder
“i… i don’t think we can leave through the window.” jungkook pulls away slowly before turning to look at you, “i think we’re underestimating just how huge this place is.”
“what are you talking about?” 
jungkook moves out of the way so that you can look through the hole yourself
you feel the blood drain from your face when you look through only to see that you guys are… high… high above the ground
two sweaters and two pairs of jeans certainly aren’t going to be enough to get you down on the ground safely
and don’t you have a slight (very large, very intense) fear of heights? 
how big is this place?!
when you look off into the distance, all you can see is that you guys - this place - is surrounded by nothing but trees
and not even the nice looking trees!
all the branches are thick and gnarly and twisted around each other and instead of being a nice oaky shade of brown, they all look... black from here 
you probably wouldn’t feel any safer being in the woods compared to being trapped in this house
“what do we do?” jungkook asks quietly and you chew on your bottom lip anxiously as you try to come up with some kind of a decent plan
“okay. this is the plan.” you step away from the window before turning on your heel to face jungkook, “we- we have to leave this room, jungkook. from the looks of it, we’re maybe on the fifth? sixth level of this house? if we jump out, we’re... well, we’re going to die.”
“if we leave this room, we’re going to die!” jungkook argues before shoving you out of the way so he can start tugging at the planks again, “can’t you just use your bat to smash the boards or something? we can call for help!”
“and attract attention to us? so that we’ll be killed by whatever’s out there? i don’t think so!” you whisper-yell before grabbing jungkook’s arm to try to get him to stop pulling at the boards, “jungkook, it’s no use! i don’t think there’s anyone out here for miles! we’re surrounded by nothing but trees! we just need to leave this place and then we’ll figure the rest of the plan out later!”
jungkook shoves the flashlight into your hand and re-hooks his fingers under the planks 
he is NOT leaving this room 
he lifts his leg before pressing his foot up against the wall, his face scrunching tightly as he pulls back as hard as he can
“-!” it’s only a second later that jungkook ends up tumbling backwards and falling flat on his ass and you resist the urge to tell him that you told him so
you told him so! 
unless a hammer suddenly appears out of thin air, there’s pretty much no way of getting the planks off the walls
“ow.” jungkook mutters to himself, frowning in discomfort as he pulls a thin splinter out of his finger
he flicks it aside before looking up at you, “…we… have no choice but to leave this room, don’t we?”
you nod slowly before giving him a helpless shrug, “it’s gonna be fine. we’ll be fine!”
at this point, it seems as though you’re trying to convince yourself that everything will be fine instead of convincing jungkook that everything will be fine
but you can’t let him know that you’re scared shitless because then he’s going to get even moRE jumpy and you really don’t have the energy to take his anxiety and plunk it on top of your already growing anxiety
“front doors are easy to find, right?” jungkook asks, dusting his bum off after getting up off the ground, “we’ll just keep going down the stairs until we find a door that’s obviously a front door.”
“right!” you nod enthusiastically, the both of you turning to look at the door that now seems to look a little more menacing than it did a while ago, “and this place is obviously a mansion, so the front door will probably look super fancy-”
“exactly!” jungkook grips the back of your arm as the two of you slowly approach the door, obviously not wanting to leave the safety of this dusty old bedroom, “we just have to run down the stairs and then run out the door, and then run out into the woods-”
“okay, you are not helping right now-”
“i’m sorry!! i’m nervous!!” jungkook’s hand trembles as he points the flashlight towards the door and you wince when you feel his nails digging into your arm even through the thick material of your sweater
you squeeze your eyes shut as you blindly reach for the doorknob, jungkook cowering down behind you
the metal feels cold underneath your palm as you wrap your fingers around the knob, twisting it to the right with a trembling hand  
your heart is practically pounding out of your chest at this point and you’re just waiting for something to trigger your fight or flight 
the hinges on the door creak lowly as you pull it open - just open enough for you and jungkook to slip through but also just closed enough for you to slam the door shut in case any demons decide that this is the moment they want to attack you guys
you peel open one of your eyes and wait for a second before opening the other one
everything’s fine!
“see?” you breathe out, your shoulders dropping in relief, “i-”
taehyung and jimin both suddenly jump out from either side of the door and you and kook immediately let out ear-piercing screams (you’re pretty sure his scream is at a higher pitch compared to yours)
jungkook wraps his arms around you from behind to use you as a human shield and the baseball bat falls from your hand and clatters to the ground before rolling towards the door
“what the fuck is wrong with you two?!” you roar, pressing your hand against your chest to try to get your heart to calm down before you actually get a heart attack, “why would you joke around like that??”
“i hate it here, i hate it here-” jungkook wheezes as he continues to cling to you, crouched over with his face pressed into your back, “i think that just took ten years off of my life-”
“you should’ve seen your faces!” jimin chortles, throwing his head back in obnoxiously joyous laughter, “i wish i’d taken a picture or somethi-”
“you two suck!” you snap, gently pushing a clearly traumatized jungkook away from you before going over to smack the living hell out of taehyung and jimin
if you were still holding your bat, you would’ve knocked all their pretty teeth out three seconds ago 
“oh my-” taehyung dodges your slaps and holds both his arms out to defend himself, “will you relax, please?? jesus, what is your problem??”
“my problem is that y-you clowns decided it’d be a good idea to pull a stunt like that-”
“oOoOoh, is y/n scared of the spooOOoOky ghost house?“ jimin teases, holding his hands up above his head and wiggling his fingers, “spooky ooky-”
“shut up. shut up!” you bend down to pick up the bat before letting out a huff, “let’s just go- do you guys know where everyone else is?”
“well, we thought that they were in here with you…” taehyung purses his lips before reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, “are they not?”
you turn around to kick the door wide open so that you guys get a full view of the clearly empty room, “no. they are not.”
“oh. well, it’s fine. they’re probably here somewhere… this is a pretty big house.”
at this point, your eyes have pretty much gotten used to the dark so it’s a little easier to navigate
and it helps that you can see light at the end of the hallway (moonlight streaming in through the cracks in the roof, but it’s better than nothing)
“so, where did you guys wake up?” you ask, turning to glance at tae over your shoulder as you approach the top of the staircase
“in the room down the hall.”
“how’d you find us?” jungkook chimes in, pausing for a second to whack the flashlight against his palm again when it flickers
“the walls are, like, super thin.” jimin points out, “so it wasn’t hard to hear you two bickering with each other.”
“we weren’t bickering with each other-”
“oH, by the way-“ taehyung stops in the middle of going down the stairs to turn and jab a finger into jungkook’s chest, “did you seriously tell y/n to NOT open the door for me?? when i was clearly in trouble??”
jungkook opens his mouth to speak but,.,.
he can’t really defend himself here because he diD tell you to not open the door for taehyung lmao
“uh, can you blame me?” jungkook shakes his head, “i didn’t wanna die!”
“we totally would’ve opened the door for you!” jimin scoffs and stops on the stairs as well and you immediately roll your eyes when you realise that this is going to become a thing
you let out a sigh before turning and leaning against the railing so you can look up at the boys, “do you people have to do this right now?”
“okay, lemme explain my thought process before you freak out on me-” jungkook clears his throat, the three of them too caught up in this conversation to pay an ounce of attention to you, “i… didn’t wanna die. that’s it! i just didn’t wanna die! is that so wrong? to want to save my own life?!”
“yeah, well, that’s a selfish decision!” taehyung barks, “do you think we wanna die?? if y/n didn’t step up and open the door, then we would be dead!”
“no, you- how?!” jungkook flings his arms up into the air and lets out a scoff of disbelief, “no one was after you! this was your dumb prank!”
“we’re just saying we would hypothetically be dead, so you should hypothetically be feeling VERY guilty right no-“
“okay, okay, okay!” you tuck the bat underneath your arm before trudging back up the stairs, “we can talk about hypothetical deaths and hypothetical guilt and hypothetical hoeur d’oeuvres served at hypothetical funerals after we find everyone and get out of here, alright??”
you use the tip of the bat to nudge everyone down the stairs and you let out a little huff of frustration as they continue to argue with one another
boys are so dumb sometimes
and that’s when you notice... something peculiar
just as you’re about to descend the stairs yourself, you catch a brief flash of movement in the corner of your eye
you quickly turn your head so you can look back down the long hallway that you guys just came from
your eyes narrow suspiciously as you look all the way at the very back of the hallway - the darkest part of it 
it’s weird 
the movement almost seemed like it was someone… leaping? from one room to the other
a particularly large particle of dust floats past your face and you reach up to wave it away 
it was probably just dust 
by the time you guys make it down the main floor, taehyung and jimin have fully forgiven jungkook for not wanting to open the door for them
it’s so weird how boys can get over issues so quickly
all they have to do is fist-bump each other and then call it a day
“so! do we have a plan or something?” taehyung places his hands on his hips and looks up towards the large glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling
you glance up at it as well and watch as the crystals twinkle slightly 
“the first part of our plan was just to leave the room, and now that we’ve done that… well.” jungkook shrugs, “i dunno.”
“oh. the first part of our plan was also to leave our room. so… what should we do now?”
“beats me.”
“i need to take a leak. do you guys think i can get away with pissing in the corner of the room? maybe there’s a dead plant in here that needs watering?”
you look around at everyone in disbelief
boys are?? literally SO dumb
“the… next part of the plan would be to find everyone else…?” you point out as if it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world (because it is) and the boys immediately hum in agreement, “and if you need to pee, just… i’m sure there’s a bathroom here someone. don’t urinate in the corner of the main floor-”
“okay, well - we should probably split up, then!” taehyung claps his hands together, “the sooner we find everyone, the sooner we can get out of here.”
“mhm. i agree!” jimin nods, “i call dibs on this floor because i am not going back up all those stairs again. my calves are killing me.”
“wait- you guys wanna split up?” jungkook gawks, “why would- why would we do that?? it’s creepy as hell in here!” he frowns, instinctively stepping behind you again
“oh, please. it’s just a dusty old house, jungkook. and you’re the one with the flashlight, so you should be fine.” jimin raises a brow before crossing his arms, “don’t tell me you’re actually scared.”
“you saw the way they freaked out when we jumped out,” taehyung snickers before nudging jimin’s side, “the two of them are scaredy-cats-”
“we’re not scared.” you narrow your eyes at taehyung and your grip tightens around your baseball bat, “well, i can’t speak for jungkook, but i’m definitely not scared-”
“okay, if you’re not scared, then you’re okay with us splitting up to find the rest of the gang, right?” taehyung tilts his head before raising a brow
you swallow thickly 
what do you want to do?
> [A]: Split up! Taehyung has a point… the sooner you find everyone, the sooner you can get the hell out of here! And you’d really like to get the hell out of here.
> [B]: Stay as a group! You’re stronger together. Plus, Jungkook’s shaking like a leaf behind you. You can’t leave the poor guy alone.
Place your vote here.
You have one hour.
Good luck.
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hayleycassatt · 3 years
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Let’s get spooooooky! #halloweenweek (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVdnMlQP1AI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
I just realized... mutes and humans that live on the surface probably have no idea what HALLOWEEN is. And Kipo possibly does, as she lived in a burrow, and they most likely carried out old human traditions.... IMAGINE KIPO TEACHING EVERYONE ABOUT HALLOWEEN
Yes yes yes yes I actually plan to draw the underfrogs in costumes at some point—
But Kipo excitedly telling everyone about Halloween and they’re like “oh cool the children dress up and get candy? I’m sure our kids would love it!” And everyone slowly caves and starts making costumes for their kids (and themselves.)
But also in casual conversation say like Jamack’s asking what she dressed up as a kid to get ideas and she starts rambling off
“Oh well one year I was teacher, another an angel, a ghost, went through a couple years dressing up as animals-“
“Yea! I was a black cat one year because Yknow SpOoOoOoKy~”
“What’s so spooky-“
“A frog another year- actually I’m pretty sure that was the year after the cat. Or was that after I dressed up as a giant spider??? I dunno I was a frog at some point, it was cute. That costume was absolutely adorable!! I think my dad has pictures!”
“*stage whisper* Should I be offended?? Is this weird??? What??”
“Nah it was in good fun. Also I was young and I just really liked animals. Funny how that works out actually.”
As for Halloween proper, mostly everyone is dressed up and let the kids go door to door in Las Vistas getting candy and other treats. The humans show the mutes how to decorate everything all spooky, the mutes show the humans how to make bonfires (cuz I’m sure they probably didn’t do that in the burrow all the often), s’mores are eaten, it’s really fun!
I imagine the Newton wolves set up their projectors and work the humans to have a scary movie night for the teens/adults. Humans and timbercats tell old scary stories around a bonfire. Everyone keeps an ear out for the children running around but the Hummingbombers mostly take care of them because can fly and locate whoever’s run off easily. I imagine it’s really good fun.
The candy corn debate happens. (The correct answer is that they look pretty but taste like crap.)
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ladyyatexel · 4 years
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Day 5 is ‘Spiritual Manifestation’ 
I have a weird relationship to the concept of ghosts, now, I think, especially as a ‘oooooo spooooooky~~’ kind of thing.  I don’t believe in them and they feel kind of bad to me now under most ‘let’s make things scary’ circumstances.  I like them vengeful, mostly, and there of their own will rather than something like ‘religious ritual not performed properly due to technicality’ or whatever.  I want ‘I’m here to destroy the person who abused me’ ghosts, not women named Elizabeth who got influenza in that one hotel room and now she’s there forever.  Since I’ve done all this research into old family history and have been to several colonial cemeteries by now, it is hard for me to see anyone as just a generic spirit for a story and not as a person who had connections.  I can’t not imagine all their siblings and cousins sitting in the enormous family reunion photos I have.  Seeing stories and photos just makes people less ‘and then they became the cold spot in the hallway’ for me.   
In my quests for graves of relatives, I searched for videos of relevant cemeteries on YouTube, and since I come from a bunch of Revolutionary War folks,  the places where they are buried are typically the most visited by people who just want to see Ye Olde Spooky Graveyard Shit,   But I’ve got much closer and more recent family in the same cemeteries, too, and people going out and sitting among them and trying to ‘communicate with the spirits~~~’ just makes me so mad.  It’s easy to just see rows of names and not think about it, I guess.  Or easy to think that there’s no one left who feels that people buried 200 years ago are relevant, but now that i know how tightly woven I am to nearly every cemetery in the county in which I grew up, I feel very protective of everyone, even if they’re like a second cousin four times removed or something.  
That all said, I based this image loosely on a girl in a century old photo found among my family things who I haven’t identified.  Her environment is based on photos of my several greats grandparents’ living rooms.  Long flowing tatter sleeves didn’t work super well, but ah well.  I started this with the full intent of this just being the sketch, but I ended up just getting in the zone and filling it out more and more, so it’s much smaller in real life than all the others and is just pencil.  Pencil felt more ghosty than ink anyhow.
Anyway, here’s my turn of the (last) century ghost girl.  In my mind she’s here to right an injustice she was killed trying to right in life and she’s going to get shit done.  She’s not tortured or miserable, she’s orchestrating.  
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz- Playing House
Leave a request!
Life has been treating you better than you could imagine. Having moved in with Oscar after your parents kicked you out not too long ago was the best thing that’s ever happened, considering the circumstances, your boyfriend keeping his word and taking care of you. He was making sure you had everything you needed and then some.
School had just let out for the day, you and your group of friends walking out of the building together chitchatting away until you spot Oscar’s famous red car. You give a quick goodbye to each of them, hurrying over to the car and sliding in all the way to the middle of the large seat to be up against him,”Hi.” You smile and give him a kiss on his cheek,”Are we picking up Cesar today?” You ask him after he greets you back with a kiss of his own, opting for your lips instead. The engine starting up, Oscar wasting no time in speeding down the road.
“Nah, he wanted to walk home today with his friends.” He answers, keeping one hand on the wheel, his other arm snaking around your shoulders,”So did your mom call you today?”
You sigh and nod solemnly,”Just for a few minutes before first period started. It’s still kind of awkward between us, she also said my dads mood is just getting worse everyday.” You inform him, getting quiet for a few moments before continuing,”I’m glad we’re attempting to talk more though...I do miss her.” You admit,”I know she said some horrible things about you in the past, so I’d understand if you’re upset that I’m talking to her again.”
“I’m not upset Y/N, she’s your mom so I understand. If you feel the need to have her in your life I’m not going to stop you or be angry about it.” He defends,”You do what you feel is best for you mami.” He answers truthfully, causing your heart to swell with how amazing he is and how he cared so much about your happiness.
“Thank you...for being so understanding. I love you.” You grin and scoot yourself on to his lap. Your feet on the seat and your back now leaning against the drivers side door, Oscar protesting for you to stop,”You can’t be sweet and expect me not to love on you.” You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck,as he strains to see the road. You playfully place quick sloppy kisses on the side of his face, ear, and neck, Oscar finally caving in and laughing at your antics.
“We’re going to crash and your going to fly through my windshield and then I’m not going to be so sweet any more.” He chuckles as you continue your assault on his face, his free hand gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter.
“Fine, fine.” You laugh moments later and carefully remove yourself from him, sitting back down in your original position,”I can’t help myself baby, you’re just so cute.” You tease and lightly pinch his cheeks, Oscar rolling his eyes and stopping your actions with his hands.
“Aye nena, por que estas asi conmigo?”(Aye babygirl, why are you like this with me?)
“Shut up, you love it.” You say with your own eye roll and playful scoff.
“Hmh, you think I love it.” He says, glancing at you before shaking his head and chuckling in defeat as he turns on to your guy’s street.
“See? I was right.” You smile, Oscar not replying, a smile of his own resting on his face.
After pulling into the driveway minutes later, you pick up your bag and head inside, going straight into the bedroom to get out of your clothes.
“Can we order pizza tonight babe? A meat supreme with extra cheese from Giovanni’s sounds so good right now.” You suggest to Oscar who followed you in,”Please.” You add, pulling off your jeans and tossing them into the hamper.
“Yeah, we can do that.” He agrees as he leans against the doorframe with crossed arms,”You wanna go ahead and order it? Cesar can pick it up on his way home.” He says watching as you tug on a pair of shorts.
“Yeah, I’ll call right now.” You agree, pulling on one of Oscar’s too big t-shirts. Feeling comfortable you grab your phone and call the familiar number that you order from all the time,”Hey Dina! It’s Y/N...yeah our usual order.” You laugh as she cuts you off,”15 minutes? That’s fine, Cesar is going to swing by and grab it. Just use the card on file and charge it since I’m not sure if he has any cash on him...Okay, thanks!” You say and hang up excitedly,”Oh my god I can’t wait, it’s going to be so amazing.” You squeal and clap your hands in delight.
“Chill out baby. It’s just food.” Oscar laughs amusingly as you walk by to head into the living room, giving your butt a hard smack.
“You, chill out.” Jumping in surprise when you feel his hand land against you, a squeeze followed after.
“I just can’t help it, you’re so cute.” He says smugly, copying your words from earlier as he pulls out his phone to text Cesar about the food.
“You’re so hilarious.” You reply dryly, your butt slightly stinging as you plop your self down on to the couch to lay in front of the squeaking fan. If there was one thing you missed about your house it would surely be central ac. It wasn’t so bad here, the small widow units helping out to keep the house from turning into a sauna.
“Don’t be greedy with the fan.” Oscar says as he picks up your feet and sits down, letting them fall into his lap.
“It’s not being greedy if I was here first.” You say softly hitting him with your foot.
“Exactly, you were here first so you decided to hog up the whole fucking couch and air.” He replies pulling on your toe in return.
“Ow!” You yelp,”You know I hate when you do that.” You complain and pull your feet back quickly.
“Then don’t hit me with your big ass feet.” He laughs and grabs your legs to place them back on top of his,”Fair is fair mamas.”
The playful banter doesn’t stop until Cesar comes in with the food a bit later,”Sorry! There is a piece already missing. I ran into one of my classmates on the way back. She was going on and on about Ruby and helped herself.” He explains and puts the box on top of the coffee table in front of you and Oscar.
“That’s kind of weird but whatever...was it that Jasmine chick you told us about last time?” You ask curiously as you sit up and reach forward to open the box, Cesar nodding yes to your question as you grab a slice.
“You just let her take it?”Oscar laughs and grabs his own slice,”Man up hermano.”(brother)
“Leave him alone, what was he going to do? Steal it back? It’s a slice of pizza. Not that big of a deal.” You defend the younger Diaz brother, folding the cheesy goodness before taking a bite.
“I would have.” Oscar shrugs, beginning to eat his own slice, Cesar offering you a sad smile,”Ain’t no one taking shit off my plate.”
“Trust me, we know you would Spooooooky.” You smirk, drawing out his name in a amusing tone, trying to ease the bad vibe that formed.
“I’m just gonna take this to my room. I gotta finish up my homework. That cool?” Cesar asks, standing up with two pieces of pizza in his hand. Oscar nods and waves him off, not bothering to look up as he eats.
“He’s not like you, and you know that.” You sigh softly,”It’s okay for Cesar to be the ‘nice’ boy. He doesn’t have to be hard or tough.” You tell Oscar before taking another bite.
“Nice boy ain’t going to get him anything around these parts except for beat up. He’s lucky he’s still a kid, but all that’s going to change in a couple of years when he starts growing up.” Oscar says, putting down his slice to look at you,”Don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re not wrong but just let him be a kid. Let him be the nice little boy that he is. Let him hang out with his little misfit friends and let a random girl take a slice of pizza from him. Freeridge is going to make him grow up soon enough, that’s inevitable, but don’t help speed up the process.” You explain,”That’s all I’m trying to say baby. I get it, he’s your brother and your trying to do what you think is best for him in the long run but just try to see my point of view.” You explain to him, finishing off your slice before going over to straddle his lap,”You’re a good brother and you’re so good to me and the people you care about, but you had to grow up way to fast Ozzy. I just want him to be him for a little while longer.” You say, looking deep into his eyes as you wrap your arms around him,”I know I don’t have much of a say here but I just wanted to give my input.”
“As long as you’re my girl, which will be always mamas, you’re always going to have a say in what goes on in this house. You are a part of this family.” Oscar tells you with a deep sigh,”I get what your saying, but I still can’t help but worry. What if something happens to me? I’m not going to be around to protect him or even you.”
“What’s wrong with you? Don’t say stuff like that, nothing is going to happen to you.” You say interjecting,”Ever.” Wrapping your arms around him tighter and burying your face into his neck.
“I’m not trying to make you upset Y/N...we just gotta be real here. We both know what I do and what it can lead too.”
“Stop. Please. This is about Cesar, not you and what if’s.” You mumble into his skin.
“Aight, let’s just move on from both subjects completely. Yeah?” He says, his hands moving up and down your back comfortingly.
You sniffle and blink back a few tears that wanted to fall, not moving from your position as you nod your head in agreement.
“I promise that I won’t let anything take me away from you bebé.” Oscar says, even though he knew deep down that his words were likely going to be broken, he just wanted to comfort you right now.
You don’t respond and just let him hold you for a while until you regain your composure,”I’m gonna finish eating.” You tell him with a deep breath,”Go talk to Cesar.”
Oscar nods and scoots you off his lap before leaning down to press his lips to yours lovingly,”Be right back.”
You smile and give him one final peck before reaching for a new slice, it was a bit cold by now but you didn’t mind. As you sit there and eat, all these thoughts run through your head about how today went. Your phone call with your mom, loving moments with Oscar, the playful fighting, the whole conversation about Cesar which led to Oscar’s lifestyle choices. It was just crazy to think that this would be your new normal for forever now. You couldn’t even be a real teenager yourself, because you had grew this strong attachment to both Diaz brother’s causing you to become a mom, wife, and girlfriend all in one. In all honestly you kind of liked it this way, because no matter what the day brung you would always have this house and two boys to come home to.
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postpunkindustrial · 4 years
Is Bela Lugosi too well known a song for you to admit you like?
No it is a bad song whose persistence over the years has made it impossible for me to escape.
Lets face it. There are lots of bad songs out there, (or at least songs I really don’t like) but usually those songs go away, mostly. (Bryan Adams - Summer of 69 being an extreme exception.) But not Bela Lugosi’s Dead. It stays there clogging mixtapes, Dance floors and the first 3 minutes of the Hunger...forever.
It mostly owes it existence to its Gothymcgothgoth #aesthetic and they fact you don’t need the slightest iota of dancing ability to... Sway?  Undulate? Flail? Rock Back and Forth? Look Disinterested While Holding a Cigarette Over Your Head. Whatever.  to it on the dancefloor.
 I’d be lying to say if the flailing etc. didn’t work for some people but there were better songs to do it to, Like the entire Dead Can Dance catalog (With the exception of The Ubiquitous Mr Lovegrove which is the Bela Lugosi’s Dead of Dead Can Dance songs)
Well anyway the song is boring and not representative of Bauhaus’ work as a whole that only gets name checked because it is so spooooooky. And I wish it would die and go away. But it is most likely that I will die and go away first.
But I suppose you are correct in a greater sense. 
Who am I to shit on people’s favorite songs?
Enjoy what you like. 
And I’ll keep opinions such as The Beatles are Boomer trash who over half their output isn’t bland or unremarkable but actual unlistenable garbage like You Won’t See Me or Julia or any number of their songs to myself.
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
A title like...House of Smoke and Rivers
Ohhhh spooooooky! 
I just get a feeling of like, one of the boys going on a world trip to like, find themselves or something totally cliche (Ya know, because let’s be honest I ain’t about the original idea life XD) and so they head out to like, debunk old myths or legends of areas. Let’s pick Mini because that seems like some weird shit he’d do. And so then he goes to this town in...er....Belgium? And it’s got a legend of like, a house where four rivers make a diamond around it. There’s this myth that nobody can enter the house, despite there being no locks or anything inside the house (from peering in the windows around it). And Mini’s like ‘okay well Ive gotta try this’ which he totally finds the place, and he enters the house without really any issues cept a weird tickle over his heart. 
Or, well, he thinks he enters the house, but kinda like the wardrobe in C.S. Lewis’s story, him entering the doorway actually thrusts him out of the house and into a land full of mystical arts and creatures. The rivers that surrounded the house flow in the opposite direction, and Mini’s a bit freaked out because when he tries to go back into the house to go the fuck home, he cant. The doors locked up with a weird looking padlock, and he’s completely on his own. 
Which is when a griffin swoops down to try and eat him, and Mini’s basically running for his life screaming bloody murder (but still taping because this is Mini, come on) and hes only saved when a mountain of a man jumps from the trees and beheads the griffin (not to save mini, but cause he’s hungry and griffin meat is ‘rare’). Mini meet the Wildcat, a man with terrible social skills, a murder glare, and a huge problem with any human touch. He’s been outcasted from the four kingdoms (each one’s lands separated by the rivers, and the house in the middle being the one unclaimed ground) for reasons grumpy cat won’t tell, though he gets very serious when he hears where Mini came from. 
Then Wildcat pins Mini to the forest floor (which I mean, Mini’s seen uglier guys but this guys terrifying!) and yanks his shirt down to show...a very big diamond marking over Craig’s heart. One that 100% was not there the day before.
And one that makes Wildcat’s eyes flash with fear that Mini has a feeling isn’t a good sign at all. 
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