#what an insane amount of work HAHAHA
inkykeiji · 1 year
waaah happy first day of october everyone!!! 👻
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moonstruckme · 3 months
first of all, CONGRATS on 6k??? I can't imagine anyone more deserving tbh, your talent is truly unmatched and it has been a pleasure getting to read all of ur works (even for the fandom's I'm not in 😩 )
I was hoping to play "mae rambles ; send me a character + a concept and I'll write some headcanons" if that's alright??
I wonder what Sirius Black would be like with a black cat!reader? maybe as he's trying to woo her hahaha
Okay I have to share that when I first read this I thought you meant a cat animagus reader and I was like "oh he'd def put catnip in his pockets" hahahah butttt moving on thank you!!! I'm curious which fandoms you're not in!! I know you as a marauders account but are you not in any other fandoms/have you not seen stranger things, criminal minds, etc.? Might be a silly question but I just find myself curious
Anyway, Sirius with a black cat!reader
he genuinely is in awe of you, he thinks you're so badass
that said, as soon as there's a crack in the veneer he's exploiting it with insane amounts of teasing
much, much more affectionate than you, and esp in public (he likes to kiss your lipstick messy or get you ruffled in any obvious way so you're walking around all stone-faced but very obviously his, it's a bit silly)
i think he would tap into an even more exuberant energy to balance you out, he will absolutely be your cheerleader, your spokesperson, whatever you need
in private, he will nettle you into tapping into your softer energy in turn (though he'd never make you do it in public)
talks to you in the sweetest voice, never shuts up about how perfect you are, just totally showers you in this excess of positive energy that he's more or less giving you in hopes that you'll also start to give it to yourself
and yet. when you do give in, he teases you relentlessly. yes, it's working against his own aims (and he'll realize this belatedly) but he can't help himself <3
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filmofhybe · 11 months
hii!! can i request how enha would accidentally reveal their relationship with idol!reader?
enhypen accidentally revealing their relationship
pairing : ot7! x reader genre : fan x Idol , fluff 793 words warning : none really
a/n : I have skl next week again so imma try clearing up all my request by Sunday and Monday 😭
> masterlist of my other works
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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정원 jungwon + 희 승 heeseung
The ones that will try to keep it professional. But they can’t contain their blushing and they just want to punch themselves in the face. Covering their red face or even their red ears as the interviewer is also shocked by the news. Since the interview was live, everyone than took it to social media immediately to spread love and support to both of you. But he made a big promise on the interview which made everyone melt.
“So jungwon / heeseung who do you love the most in your life.”
“Besides my family, I really love my girlfriend, y/n y/l/n- wait. Omg.Wait.Is this live?”
“omg I didn’t mean to reveal it..”
“oh my goodness this just caught me so off guard.”
“everyone is saying stop covering your cute blushing face hahaha!!”
“Guys I didn’t mean to reveal it but please show us lots of support we are trying our best thank you so much.”
“I will take care of my dear y/n so her fans don’t have to worry!”
“Ahh young love these days are so cute wishing you both the best! Let’s move on to another question!”
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박종성 Park Jeongseong + 심재윤 Sim Jaeyun +성훈 Sunghoon
The ones that didn’t even realize they said it out loud and also the ones that doesn’t care if they revealed it or not🙃 had to pause and process did they just revealed your relationship to the internet. But they didn’t care and continued to show you off, even pictures of you both on dates and your daily dog walks😭
“so how’s life been for you?”
“Is been so good I’m living with my girlfriend and our dog-”
“wait what your dating? Dating who?”
“y/n y/l/n, is it not- oh shit I’m sorry I didn’t realize. I got too ahead of myself anyways..”
“we have been doing so well. She’s really sweet and recently I got her a promise ring which is the one she’s currently wearing in this picture. And this is her walking our dog. And this is a recent picture we took at her brother’s wedding.” (Bro was so proud)
“bro just exposed his own relationship before his own company?” The interviewed was like 😦😅
“The company is taking the piss they make me go insane I’ll be so real with you.”
fans was laughing at his comment about the company but also super nice about your relationship and they are glad he found someone to take good care of him.
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선우 Sunoo + にしむら りき Nishimura Riki
the clueless ones. The ones that tries to cover up. Saying you are just his celebrity crush but obviously fans knows is not true from the amounts of obvious interaction between you both on Music Award Shows as well as the vlogs. Fans would be shock cuz you both are literally opposite of each other (the sunshine x midnight duo😝). But they are all so happy you guys are together because you fit each other so well. It was just an unexpected duo.
“So who is your celebrity crush?”
“My girlfriend- I mean my crush is y/n y/l/n. Her style and personality is really cute- I’m sorry haha..”
“Oop I guess we know what’s going on right?”
“ah… didn’t mean to reveal that much…” he was now covering his face from embarrassment
“Is okay! Wishing you both the best!”
Comes home and whines how everyone knows now but at least he gets to show you off!!
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series taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids @amymyli @in-somnias-world @okjaeminn @nonotwice1 @thinkmyg @blubbfsh
Reblog , comment or dm to be on my perm taglist !
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thana-topsy · 9 months
Ok I gotta come out and say it. I envy you. Like, to a painful extent. The amount of people you get interested in your characters, how you're incredibly skilled in both visual art AND writing, how readers your fics have. I absolutely adore your work, but seeing it fills me with so much envy it's honestly ridiculous.
Did you deal with similar feelings towards other creators when you started writing fic by any chance? If so, how did you deal with those feelings? I feel genuinely stuck feeling worthless about my fics. I'm not as verbose with my language despite over 10 years of writing under my belt and it seems as though my plots don't interest people as much either. So I feel like there's just nothing of worth about any of my work.
I know that this is a lot to dump on you, but I felt like I would burst keeping this all in. Much love to you and I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Hey there my friend, I've been sitting with this all day trying to decide how I want to answer you. I genuinely appreciate your honesty, because I know this is a familiar feeling for a lot of people, myself included.
I remember when I first rejoined Tumblr in early 2019, desperately trying to find anyone to talk to about TES, I would look at all these blogs gettings asks about their OCs like they were little celebrities and feel envy and longing. Now, when these feelings start to bubble up, I force myself to take a break from sharing my work, be it art or writing, if only to remind myself why I'm creating it and who I'm creating it for: myself. I know it sounds cheesy, and I probably sound like a broken record, but genuinely I just do this because it's bursting out of my skull. But I won't lie and say the engagement and the support doesn't have a big impact on my motivation. I love sharing with people and getting an enthusiastic response.
I think something people might not realize, or maybe they just forget, is that I used to write a lot of smut. Like...a lot of smut. (I still do). Hahaha and it doesn't get a lot of comments or engagement, but it does draw a lot of eyes. Once my smut stories started taking on heavier plotlines, a comment I'd get a lot was "came for the porn, stayed for the plot." And I wasn't writing smut because I thought it would get me an audience, I was just horny LMAO. But it encouraged me to branch out and experiment with the types of stories I was telling.
Anyways, art is another big part of it, yes. But that also didn't get a lot of engagement in the beginning, and my skills were rusty as hell. I was getting maybe 15 notes on here, 30 likes on instagram. But that didn't really matter to me, I was just insane with inspiration. I'd reach out to people and ask to do art trades, got ghosted a lot, made some good friends, (some people who are still my good friends to this day!). But it took a lot of risks, and I made a lot of accidental enemies and learned a lot of hard lessons. But having visuals to go with the stories I'm writing is like advertisement in its own way. I'm just lucky enough to hyperfixate on this shit like it's my lifeblood. I've always obsessively drawn my favorite characters, ever since I was a wee bab. Long before social media was a factor or the words "content creator" even existed.
And I think that's what it all comes back to. Above all else, do what you do with unbridled joy. If someone else finds joy alongside you, all the better! Even if it's just one person. Take risks, make friends, make enemies, draw that blorbo unapologetically and with wild abandon. Love what you create, even when it's bad. Even when it makes you cringe years later, don't delete it. Even when people try to find every reason to hate what you do and who you are. Don't stop.
Every act of creation is bringing something into the world that didn't exist before you made it. And that alone gives it worth.
Happy New Year!
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mezmer · 10 months
Here I will explain why my blog banner describes me as an anti sugar activist. I try to be as "scientific" as my brain and heart allow, but I value my experience over scientific studies even if they support my view, huge ridiculous autist sugar post incoming
Sugar is highly addictive for most people. The problem is way more dire than we act like it is. Added to foods you wouldn't even think to include sugar. The link between sugar and obesity, endocrine disruption, general inflammation and malaise, disease, diabetes, your teeth rotting out, and even cancer, is undeniable no matter what articles or studies you try to dig up. not many people want to admit how bad it is. People who enjoy sugar, who might say "you only live once! It's not like I'm shooting heroin" suffer weird problems and assume it's something else. Children set up for a lifetime of failure because their parents don't pay attention to their sugar intake at all. I have a very drastic example of this I won't go into much detail about, but a set of parents close to me are feeding their daughter extreme amounts of sugar. She has a learning disability and is a very intense child. I've hinted at the sugar link and everyone is in denial.
I have baby sat this child and gotten her to eat organic wheat bread PB and J with a no sugar added, all fruit jam.. happily told her parents who did not care at all. It was such a feat to me. Everyone knows a picky child. It's worse than you think. This is a gateway drug and I'm totally serious. I said I would not go into great detail... I too was raised on welch's fruit snacks, "pancake syrup", sprite, Kool aid, and worst of all I was allowed to put as much sugar that I wanted into my tea. My parents were wonderful, they just didn't think or know how bad it was to do this
I've struggled with a sugar addiction before and since getting clean from drugs and seen the effects of it firsthand. The most obvious to be seen from the outside that I can make people believe is my struggle with acne. We know bacteria feeds off of sugar. This is why people who drink sugary drinks are at risk for UTIs. If bacteria enters their bladder, sugar makes it grow. Well no amount of washing my face, bentonite clay masks, washing my pillow cases, wearing a bonnet, would make the acne go away. Recently I tried to only eat a certain pint of ice cream thinking less sugar would help. It didn't and I'm over two weeks off of all sugar that isn't naturally occuring in honey and fruit. Crazy how natural sugar does not feed the bacteria and hormonal disruption. I've been in this cycle more than once. Not only does the acne go away, my face appears radiant every time. Breakouts as soon as I relapse. Maybe you are thinking, this is a bunch of hogwash and I eat little cakes often without a problem. That's fine. I know addicts who have used meth for 30 years and you wouldnt wonder much about them. Smokers who lived to 80. Sugar doesn't do me any good at all.
Neither my mom, who was just put on a medication with awful side effects because she is developing diabetes. Her doctor (doctor she's had for decades who is a total piece of garbage and prescribes dangerous cocktails of conflicting medications !! That's a whole other post!!!! Put my grandma on pills which nearly killed her! Plus other people HAHAHA) saw her coming up with high blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol without thinking to suggest a diet change first. My mom is overweight and likes to eat sweets. My mom told me, I can still eat sweets, I just have to eat less. I did tell her that didn't work for me. I quit because I don't want to end up sick this way. Diabetes runs in our family. The prescription is making my mom nauseous and dizzy. Insane to me right?
Why aren't the dangers of sugar recognized? Why am I the only advocate I know? I would shut the fuck up if the dangers were believed by more people. Is it Because Sugar Taste good? Not seen as a vice. We accept that corn syrup is not so good. Canola oil pretty bad. Dyes in food causing children to develop ADHD and autism, or whatever. Is there no risk in consuming sugar? Many health professionals don't want to admit it? I feel strongly. I feel sick when I eat sugar but I can't find myself able to stop unless I truly try. We are all convinced that it's just a danger to your teeth if you don't brush enough. MIL is a sugar addict who buys birthday cakes on clearance and clears the whole cake in a few days, a twice daily flosser and brusher, who has lost over half of her teeth to extractions, sees the link, and has no intention to quit.
Finally, I bake yummy dessert recipes excluding half the sugar while using honey, maple syrup, brown sugar for what is left (which is slightly better than white sugar from my understanding) and I have never made a baked good that is ruined by doing this. You can't even tell that I've excluded sugar and the foods have more flavor because sugar doesn't overpower the dish. They don't make your teeth hurt. You can eat more cookies because there is less sugar and they taste better. The texture is the same. Bakers will tell you this isn't true and you need to use the whole amount of sugar so the cookies and cakes arent ruined. Yes, you need torched sugar on creme brulee. Fine.
Do you ever find yourself scraping icing off of a cake? I have baked more than one birthday cake for loved ones excluding sugar and adding natural alternatives (NOT stevia or monkfruit which taste like shit and suck) and ive gotten nothing but compliments. My brown sugar maple cake with cream cheese icing using very little sugar was a hit for my partners birthday that everyone probably ate too much of. This isn't a brag, it's an idea for anyone who bakes to try and change your recipes. It hasn't failed for me. Ok SOrry
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celestie0 · 4 months
🪷 CTFUUUUUU your gojo and reader sex tape post was so hilarious omg. Ngl to me they don't give the vibes of a couple that make one (I don't mean this as an insult omfg now that I wrote it it sounds rude as hell) but the type who are professional phone fuckers.
Doja cat's Cyber sex is their national anthem I just know it I had a little locker room talk with reader she told me 😙. And yeah what you said abt gojo's schedule being all over the place as a player I'd thought that too, which is why phone sex is 🔛🔝 for these two. Just two freaky frogs omg I know that dude sluts her out bad and she doesn't want it any other way
He's a player (the *other* type of player) too so ofc he'd have expertise in the area of tasteful nudes but reader's learning curve will be so exponential gojo would be left in the dust in a short amount of time😁 RIP BOZO‼️
Imagine a little roleplay scenario where reader dresses up as a cheerleader for gojo after he returns from winning some final match as a victory treat. That dong goes up at an angle of elevation so steep you could make a mean trigonometric question off of it. I need him BAD I need him esp when he's sweaty after a gym or practice session I'd climb that man like jack was climbing that beanstalk.
Anyway I hope you've been doing well sweets! Thanks for being so nice to me in your last ask and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us I wanna see that horndog be his authentic slutty self around reader finally 🗣️🗣️
Imagine a little roleplay scenario where reader dresses up as a cheerleader for gojo after he returns from winning some final match as a victory treat.
oh dear sweet baby jesus the scream i SCRUMPT AT THIS…HOW HAVE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT oh mygooodd that’d be so fuckin hot 😩😩😩 i ran to add that to my notes LOL my head is in my hands i need to write that so fucking bad. HIM RAILING HER WHILE SHE’s WEARING A SKIMPY LIL CHEERLEADER COSTUME AFTER HE JUST PLAYED AN INTENSE GAME babe u cooked w this ty
HAHAHA i feel like they would make a sex tape but they obv wouldnt post it or anything lol it’d just be something they’d do when they’re both drunk asf while on vacation in their hotel room n then they freak out once they get home n realize they lost the flashdrive n someone out there in barcelona is now jerking off to their amateur avante garde porno
And yeah what you said abt gojo's schedule being all over the place as a player I'd thought that too, which is why phone sex is 🔛🔝 for these two. Just two freaky frogs omg I know that dude sluts her out bad and she doesn't want it any other way
okay you’re so right ab cyber sex being (at least post grad) kickoff couple’s anthem 🤧 that “i wish u were here rn” yup. but also LMFAO THATS SO TRUE AB THE SLUTTIN HER OUT he’d have her so downbad she’s flashing her titties at the webcam just cuz she wants to see him cum all over his stomach while he’s jerking himself off to her pixels ✋🏼😩 i was not anticipating to start this day off so horny LOL
idk i like to think all the nudes kickoff gojo has received in his life have been raunchy asf so when he’s so desperate to get a glimpse of kickoff reader while he’s away for work n is like “babe send me a pic please” for the first time n she sends something that’s genuinely really tasteful n artistic n subtle but sexy n leaves a bit to the imagination i feel like that wld drive him more insane than any explicit nude ever would HAHAHAHA
THE DONG GOIN UP YOU COULD PERFORM TRIG ON IT IM CRYING babe i wish to be half as funny as you are some day 🤣🤣
thanks my lovee omg im so happy you’re looking forward to it :””) 💕 you’re my honeybunch sugarplum pumpyumpyumpkin i love yaaa
- ellie 🐸
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keepyourpantsongohan · 4 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Cherry Magic S1
For anyone who doesn't know the premise of this series, it is about developing touch telepathy from 30 years of virginity. Believe it or not, at least in live action, it is a much more sincere, kind and lovely show than that premise might lead you to believe
"It's not a very useful power, and it's hell while commuting on the train." Anime Adachi is a bit more sombre than I expected. Grumpy little man
Interesting that the anime actually immediately confirms bisexuality for Adachi in a way that the live action only implies
"This is my colleague, Kurosawa. He's handsome, good at his job, friendly to gloomy plebs like me." Ah, the original Colleague Adachi Thinks About Such A Normal Amount
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"You better have a crap personality." HAHAHAHA Adachi, please
"He's so close. He's so cute. I love him so much." I do love the visual representation of Kurosawa's thoughts going a mile a minute
"I thought I gained magic powers, but what if I imagined all of it?" I've said this so many times before, but it is INCREDIBLE that Adachi was fully willing to believe that he had magical telepathy until he learned his coworker had a crush on him and he was like, 'Unrealistic. Blocked.'
I gotta say, the flirting is so far not as cute in the anime as in the live action. Timing, perhaps? Tone? Not sure
"Maybe, I'll have you thank me with your body next time." This is an INSANE way to ask your colleague to dinner, Kurosawa!!!!
I do appreciate the consistency in Kurosawa only having nice thoughts. Also the pajama fantasies continue to be funny
"His place is dripping with popular guy vibes." At least in this version, Adachi says this about Kurosawa's bachelor apartment with FOUR houseplants instead of one. That's growth!
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[Thinking about Kurosawa with this shirt half-open] "Would this have been simpler if one of us were a woman?" As a fellow bisexual Adachi: No, probably not
"Kurosawa likes me, right? So why didn't he make a move?" [Blushes, thinking about Kurosawa leaning over him] "That makes it sound like I was hoping he'd try something." Oh, Adachi, you're in it now
The way they both can't sleep through the night because they're too nervous thinking about each other is very sweet
"Try to get along, boys," said the director, as he set them up on a little thank-you barbecue date
"This is actually kinda fun. Kurosawa seems to be having fun too. This is pretty fun." Adachi is having such a good time the barbecue date he had to say it in three different ways
Adachi feeling guilty about wanting to leave things as they are... kind, sweet man
"It's not like I can reciprocate Kurosawa's feelings," said Adachi, like he doesn't compliment Kurosawa in every other thought and mentally flashback to him with his shirt unbuttoned
"It sounds like he's being nice to you. Why not use it to your advantage?" "What? I can't do that." Tsuge has absolutely NONE of the moral reservations that Adachi has about imposing on Kurosawa's kindness
"This is why you're unpopular. Too earnest, too awkward, too dense," Anime Tsuge handsome, but a hater
Also Tsuge, babygirl, your only other friend is your cat. WHO ARE YOU CALLING UNPOPULAR
Also, I looove Udon the cat sleeping in the bookcase. Babyyyyy
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"Instead of worrying about what you should do, maybe you should think about how you feel about him." That's actually really solid advice. Good job, Tsuge!
"I bet he'd be really nice if we dated." HAHAHA it didn't take Adachi long to start fantasizing himself!!
Fujisaki first spotted!! I can't wait for more of her as well
"At first, I wondered why I had to get such a stupid power. This is the first time I've been glad to have it." I LOOOOVE that the first time Adachi sees an advantage in having his powers is for him to rescue Kurosawa from work trouble. It is so sweet!
Lmaoooo the gendered alcohol is so funny. Why are men only allowed to drink beer and women only allowed to drink wine
Kurosawa giving a Adachi forehead kiss while mentally saying "Sorry," for them being roped into the King's Game dare also gets me in the heart every time
"I'm sorry, Adachi, for falling in love with you." KUROSAWAAAAA
Adachi clarifying that he doesn't mind that Kurosawa kissed him is perhaps the flirtiest thing he's done yet
"For the first time, I want to get to know him better," said Adachi, while Kurosawa swerved into him ready for Kiss #2
"What were you two doing?" "Nothing!" HAHAHAHA I take it back, the flirting is fun. Also this is just as, if not more suspicious, than standing 1cm apart:
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"I think I might've gotten ahead of myself." Realistic Rooftop Romance Re-Evaluation
"I was glad to hear he didn't dislike me, but I rushed things. I don't want to bother him, so I'll act normal at the office." Kurosawa is sooooo attuned to Adachi's needs
Every time they show them from behind I keep being distracted by what an ass Kurosawa has. Baby got back!
Also also also. The Yaoi Hands proportions of it all hahahah. On one hand, Kurosawa is also very tall in the JDrama. On the other, Adachi wasn't this short or slight of frame in it
"I hope it ends soon," said Adachi, only a little bit talking about karaoke, and otherwise mostly thinking of the women flirting with Kurosawa:
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"It's Rokkaku, the recent graduate!" I also love Rokkaku. He's Valentina, an ally. Also the IRE in Adachi's voice
"You're surprisingly considerate, Ando-san." "It's Adachi." HAHAHA I now understand why the ire
Wild that Rokkaku's main characteristic is being a playboy. I guess everybody needs a trope
"Frustrated the words that came to mind were 'what a handsome face.'" I LOVE the text interjections about what the characters are thinking. A new angle only the anime could provide. Also LOL Adachi
"It'd be hilarious if someone so handsome were tone-deaf. I really want to hear." Shockingly mischievous of Adachi hahaha
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"Why would someone so handsome sit next to me?" Because he loves you, stupid
"If someone like [Fujisaki] liked me... No, nothing that convenient would ever happen." I think it would be too much to ask to have TWO of your coworkers in love with you
It's interesting to see how the JDrama really tried to ground them in every day work tasks but instead the anime (and presumably the source material) has the Punks Bother Fujisaki all as part of a Karaoke Confrontation. They have such a busy post-work social life!
"D-do you think you could stop?" You tell 'em, Adachi!
"I had no idea I was so narrow-minded," thought Kurosawa, like jealousy wasn't a normal human emotion that we all feel sometimes
"Until now, I thought Kurosawa was perfect and always composed. But he actually isn't. He worries and gets anxious too... Just like me." Hot Coworkers: They're Just Like Us
Also Adachi working himself up into getting annoyed at Kurosawa for being perfect and then liking him more because he ISN'T perfect is really a 'Congratulations, you played yourself' moment
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Awwwww I love them sneaking off to get ice cream, very cute
Ah, the sauna adventure that made it into the Thai adaptation but not the JDrama. Let the embarrassment commence!
In the anime tiddy debate, Cherry Magic says: Men DO have nipples
"I know Adachi isn't interested in my body, though." Give him a second, he'll get there, Kurosawa
"I like Adachi, and I've fantasized about him, but I've only ever dated women before." Honestly I have never really given Kurosawa's sexuality much thought, he just seemed like he was pretty settled in his feelings regardless
"[Adachi's stomach] probably feels really nice. No, it definitely does." "'Steam conducts excessively strong thoughts.'" CRAZY WORLD-BUILDING. Tell me more
Kurosawa's tragic backstory being that he's too handsome is still the funniest explanation for inner turmoil I've ever seen. Sweet angel, I want to study you:
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"Adachi. He doesn't know how how to brush off people like that because he lacks tact." Kurosawa said: I like them tactless and tense!
Kurosawa falling in love with Adachi because he sees him as an individual with flaws is sooooooooooooooo. They are the blueprint for Park Bench Romance:
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"I never thought I'd experience what feels like a first love at my age." <3 We love finding yourself in your 30s
Also I have also said this many times but: I love love love that Kurosawa's feelings far predate the powers. The powers give Adachi some confidence to reach out to Kurosawa, but they are NOT what brought on the feelings
"If I said it felt like magic, would Adachi laugh at me?" Only out of extreme nervousness that you can also read minds
So engrossed was I in the love story of Adachi and Kurosawa, I didn't even think about the fact there's really been no Tsuge B-plot in these first three episodes.
Udon the Cat may in fact be my favourite side character. I hope Tsuge gets to read HER mind
"I thought he was a just a shut-in, but he's a good guy after all." Hey now, Party Boy Minato, you can be a shut-in AND a good person
Tsuge feels SOOOO normal through the lens of anime LOL. This show can never match the energy of "what emotion does this image make you feel" "lust"
"Would you like to like to come again some time? Udon seems to miss you." OKAY TSUGE, SMOOTH
THAT'S MORE LIKE IT. This is the slightly off-putting vibe I expect from Tsuge:
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"In fact, [Kurosawa] completely overshadowed me." "And yet you seemed to have enjoyed it." Hee hee, I love how Kurosawa brings out a more sociable side to Adachi
"Damn it. I always end up thinking about Kurosawa's face." Adachi starts to admit that Kurosawa perhaps is a colleague thinks about more than a normal amount
"Of course he's got an ex or two. I should've known. [Gasp] Why am I so shocked by that? I don't understand." Adachi experiences romantic jealousy for the first time
HAHAHA not Adachi reliving all his romantic traumas after seeing Kurosawa talk to one pretty girl. Connect the dots, my love
LOOOOL it's funny how in the JDrama they had Adachi get sick at work and THEN Kurosawa takes him home (reasonable), as opposed to the anime where he just shows up out of nowhere on Adachi's sick day (much less reasonable, how do u know where he even lives).
"It means they'll be your first, right? I think that would make [who you end up dating] really happy." [Silently] If it were me, I'd be really happy. KUROSAWAAAAAA, I love how what Adachi sees as a flaw, Kurosawa sees as something to love
"It makes me feel like I wouldn't mind experiencing all my firsts with him." Adachi recognizing his feelings <3333333
I thought Adachi might actually kiss him until the interruption
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SCREAM KUROSAWA HAVING TWO INNER KUROSAWAS FIGHTING BETWEEN REASON AND DESIRE? I guess that's more realistic than him never thinking lustful thoughts
"No wait, Adachi's getting over a cold. I shouldn't be getting happy over this. But we're so close." [Quiet laugh] I'm amazed none of that ever shows on his face. Adachi is SOOO endeared by Kurosawa's thoughts
Adachi blushing through their train chat is adorable as hell
HAHAHA I also never tire of Adachi inviting Rokkaku to ALSO stay with him to avoid the romantic consequences of his situationship
[Internally, in a sea of mental flames] "You're not ready to try to win over Adachi with food." The energy of this was SO threatening I genuinely had to look up if Kurosawa was ALSO the VA for Sukuna from JJK. He isn't!
"He's such an idiot. He can't eat spicy food, but he will for my sake." The prophecy of the spicy true love chocolate returns <3
"It won't kill him." HAHAHAHA not Kurosawa making the spicy food challenge lustful in his mind and Adachi abandoning his plan to help as punishment for his spicy thoughts
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[Rokkaku, internally] "I still dream about it sometimes. Aw, man. I'm still not over it. That's so lame." [Adachi, aloud] "Why not?" "What?" "You got good enough to compete in a tournament, right? Why not dance sometimes?" I absolutely love when Adachi uses what he learns to comfort people. That is what makes him so loveable. Not that he can know what others are thinking, but the desire and ability to help them with that knowledge
"I thought he was just some shallow playboy, but he seems kinda cute to me now." Bold move to call your coworker cute in front of your situationship
"What were you going to say last night before my sister showed up?" Kurosawa said: I will hold my silence on our romantic tension no longer!!
NOT Rokakku and Kurosawa experiencing the "there was only one futon" trope LMAO I love a romantic trope turned comedic
OH NOOOOOO not Fujisaki fetishizing for her coworkers. I miss when she was their ace homie being a confidante for their office romance
"Maybe it's not that I fell in love with Kurosawa, but I'm just happy that somebody likes me." This is a valid question for Adachi to ask himself
"I love you. Not as a colleague or friend." Kurosawa said: While we're defining our feelings, I have some to share
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Extremely fair of Adachi to need to ask himself if his romantic interest in Kurosawa is about Kurosawa's feelings or his own
"I don't know much about her personality, but she's earnest." Maybe it's good for you to know less about Fujisaki, Adachi
Adachi only hearing the first half of every thought Fujisaki has is killing me. If you're GOING to eavesdrop, eavesdrop fully!!
"Does she really have feelings for me?" No, she doesn't, she just wants Kurosawa to rail you
"Dating him would probably be a pain." While true, not dating him won't unbisexualize you, Adachi
Awwww, I kind of like that Adachi doesn't know Fujisaki doesn't like him, because it means even when presented with other romantic options, he chooses Kurosawa
[Internally] "It would probably be easier to remain coworkers. But, I... No one's been able to touch Kurosawa's heart before... and I want to know more. Kurosawa said he'd treasure all of me, and now I want to treasure him too." ADACHI GOT THERE EVENTUALLY
"Me too. I'm in love with you too." YEAHHHHHHHH ADACHI!
"But perhaps I became a wizard in order to touch Kurosawa's heart." I will never tire of this line. He touched Kurosawa's heart much before this, but to be grateful to a power you once spurned because it opened the door to you deepening your relationship. To believe the universe has brought you together. It's such a nice way to reflect on falling in love:
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HAHAHAHAH them both having the realization about the PDA at the same time
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Hahahahaha Adachi shoving Kurosawa away at the speed of light so they don't get caught canoodling by Colleague Asahina
"People who engage in office romances are crazy," said Adachi, tits deep in office romance
"Damn it, stop thinking about him." Adachi's brain has left the building and now lives in Kurosawa Town
Adachi feels guilty about feelings Fujisaki doesn't even have
"For some reason, these two have been spending a lot of time together recently." Oh, I cannot wait for Detective Rokkaku to try and piece this one together
"Kurosawa-san and Adachi-san are... working together to use a carrot-and-stick method to help me improve! They must really love me!" HAHAHAHA gets me every time. Rokkaku at their wedding: I can't believe you're going to mentor me together for the rest of your lives <3
Also the fact that Rokkaku's inner monologue has Adachi's name correct implies that he messes it up on purpose. Incredible!
HGKJHGKJHGKJHG Tsuge just ordering deliveries to see his deliveryman every day without once questioning himself on what motivates him to do so
You know, I'm so used to calling him Flashy Minato (or in the case of the anime, Party Boy Minato), I did not remember that Tsuge doesn't know what the fuck Minato's name is:
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LOL, Tsuge considering buying a How-To Book for romance. Valid! He needs the help
"Worrying you're wasting your time, anxiety about the future, doubting your own abilities, and fear of being an outcast are all feelings I know well. However, you don't rue want to give up yet, do you?" "How do you know that?" "You wouldn't practice until your shoes were falling apart if you actually want to stop." Wow, Tsuge can be emotionally AND physically observant! Good for him
"I knew I'd lost my mind when I realized I wanted to buy him all the shoes he wanted." That's love, Tsuge
Adachi and Tsuge having meltdowns at the same time in different places is true friendship
"His voice is scary hot. His face is distractingly handsome, but not being able to see it makes me nervous, too." I love Adachi's Loverboy era
HAHAHAHA did they Eren Jaegerize Adachi's date outfit for just a second? I feel like they did. They were like 'we're releasing at the same time, gotta get our jokes in while we can'
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Adachi worrying that Kurosawa is out of his league and Kurosawa immediately unintentionally comforting him by thinking of how cute he is and how he loves that their hoodies match. GOD
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"The lyrics are insane, but he sings them so well." This is the man you have chosen to love, Adachi <3
Adachi doesn't need to mind read, Kurosawa wears his heart on his sleeve and his thoughts on his face
"When a man gives someone clothes, it's because he wants to undress them." Bold take, shopkeeper, tell me more!
Adachi shocked that on his and Kurosawa's date people can perceive that they are on a date
"A walk, like I said. In the sky, that is." Insane way to ask someone to join you on helicopter ride, Kurosawa????
[Kurosawa, aloud] "I wanted to talk privately." [Adachi, internally] "That's not the problem, here! What is this, a trendy Showa-era drama? This isn't something 30-year-old men should be doing! To be honest, helicopters scare me, and I can't hear what he's saying because it's so dang loud!" REAL LMAO. Except for the 30-year-old men thing, what's the problem with an adult man taking a helicopter ride?
"I really like your smile." The helicopter pilot also on the same radio channel hearing what Kurosawa is saying into his headset 👁👄👁
Hahahahaha I see how they translated this into an amusement park ride in the JDrama. Much more grounded, same result of Adachi not being able to stomach the date activity
"Next time, I need to tell Kurosawa how I feel." Maybe I don't watch enough romance anime, but I feel like Adachi is the only anime protagonist I've ever seen to realize the solution to dealing with your relationship problems is communicating your feelings
I looooove Adachi taking Kurosawa to read manga they both like and to a dinner spot where he's comfortable so they can relax with each other. He is so good at acting on his feelings
"There's no point in going on a date unless you have fun, too." [Soft gasp] It's kind of heartbreaking that Adachi has to TELL Kurosawa explicitly that his feelings matter. Baby boy, how have you been living?
"It doesn't matter others think or if I know what I'm doing or not. I just want to have fun with you." ADACHIIIIII
I truly do love the visual representations of Kurosawa's thoughts:
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[Kurosawa, internally] "'The moon is beautiful tonight.' I wonder if Adachi's familiar with the romantic meaning of that statement." [Adachi, aloud] "I know that one." The Psychic Boyfriend Ball begins to drop
"I'll be 262 days older than him. For some reason, that excites me." "What, why?" Hahahah Adachi's aware that his boyfriend is a little weird
"There's no way he can dance. He's not that kind of guy." I hope this leads into a High School Musical-esque I Don't Dance Number
It DID lead to a (brief) dance interlude, and now Tsuge has twisted his ankle HA
I do actually like the Minato/Tsuge better in the anime. Maybe it's that their age difference feels less apparent (or rather, Tsuge specifically looked older than 30 to me in the JDrama) or something about the smiles and nice animation:
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"I don't know much about dancing, but I thought your dancing was beautiful." Awww that's sweet, Tsuge
"When he takes off his glasses, he's actually kind of hot." HAHAHA, what is this, a 90s teen movie Minato?
I'm really curious what the hell Adachi and Kurosawa's company actually does. They were a stationery company in the JDrama, but now they are doing customer panels for exercise equipment? Are they broadly like a consulting/consumer data collection firm?
"I guess normies have normie friends." I haven't really talked about this but every so often Adachi thinks something vaguely spiteful about 'normies.' Is this just because he likes manga/is an otaku? Seems a bit of an extreme divide? I have friends who like anime and friend who do not
Also. Kurosawa likes manga ALSO. What is your normie definition, Adachi? Handsome guys? People with relationship experience?
[Internally] "'He's our top salesman and my boyfriend. 'I could never say that." Being in an office romance is tough
Distracted by the fact Adachi AND Kurosawa's ties change colour for their close-up. Animation error or colourblindness error?
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"So that's the odd man who's in love with Adachi." That's right. I hope that one day this is his contact name in Tsuge's phone
"I can't help it. Love has made a fool out of me, too." "Love?! Wait, were we just having a conversation?" (Subtitle: Wizards can communicate telepathically.) HAHAHAHA what a way for Adachi to find out
"Be more confident in yourself. You're nice and actually pretty good-looking." Pot-kettle, Adachi!
"I've never seen Adachi smile like that when he's with me." He is distracted by your hotness and many thoughts, Kurosawa, both of which make him nervous and embarrassed but also very happy
I do absolutely understand why Kurosawa would be worried about their relationship given both Tsuge and Adachi staring at each other (talking telepathically) and the overheard mention of love
"I've been reading your thoughts the whole time. Since before you told me how you felt, like how you think I'm cute, how you love me, how my stomach looks like a shiratama, or how you bought pajamas that would look good on me." HAHAH Adachi, while it's good you're being honest, I don't know if you should be THIS specific
Also I can't believe they're having this whole conversation in an office supply closet!
"You reallize how I felt because of that, right? Then, I'm glad." Kurosawa takes the Psychic Boyfriend news better than anyone could expect
"Does that mean the more you touch me, the more you know how I feel?" Kurosawa said: I have already figured out the positive for this situation!! He's not top salesman for nothing
I cannot believe we are macking in the office supply closet. New Office Romance Achievement Unlocked
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Good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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JDrama Kurodachi Elevator Kiss Found Dead on Scene; No Witnesses
[Mentally, to Adachi] "I'll show you all your good qualities." Kurosawa has immediately found multiple benefits to having a telepathic boyfriend
I do like that Tsuge's mind-reading is now starting to come up in a different way as well with him finding out why Rokkaku and Minato are avoiding each other. I hope like Adachi, he gets the chance to help them through it
"Where have you been? I already started cleaning up!" Macking in the office supply closet
"Maybe they're just friends now, but he's more likely to get along with someone who isn't almost eight years older than him! I needn't help rivals." HAHAHAHA once again Tsuge proves his moral compass is a little more floppy than Adachi's
"We can still make friends as adults, but college friends you can speak frankly with are hard to come by. Both for you and him." Awww Tsuge, you couldn't help but help
"I feel safe around him, like he's my dad." BRUTAL review for Tsuge who was worried about being a 30-year-old with this 23-year-old Minato
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"We'll be sending a few veteran employees to the new branch in Nagasaki." Awwww, not the Nagasaki Long Distance Relationship
HAHAHAHA Adachi getting jealous because Kurosawa as better at using Adachi's magic power situation than him
"I can't imagine leaving Kurosawa." It's tough having to choose between your career growth and your boyfriend!
Maybe I'm just Canadian and used to being in a huge country, but I think he and Kurosawa should just fly to see each other. Like yes maybe it's 10 hours by train but it's a two hour flight and some of the flights cost less than Adachi's jacket purchase on their date!
"I get anxious when I can't see his face, because he's good at pretending to be perfect." AWWWW that's so sweet, wanting his powers because he wants to understand Kurosawa
Honestly although it's ultimately Adachi's decision whether he denies the transfer or not, I appreciate that Kurosawa wants Adachi to 1) not miss out on this opportunity for him and 2) be willing to discuss it with him instead of handling what involves a relationship decision all by himself
"Unlike you, I don't know what you're thinking unless you tell me." Extremely valid, Kurosawa, this must feel very one-sided
"Without an audience, writing is meaningless nonsense." Disagree Tsuge, you can write for the joy of writing
I do enjoy Tsuge and Minato's chat about their respective passions
"He can't read your mind, unlike us." "You're right." Adachi had to hear it twice for it to stick
"Even if I can read Kurosawa's mind, I'll never get anywhere unless I tell him how I truly feel." YEAHHHHH ADACHI
"I figured this was God telling me to give up." Wow, Minato, bleak
Minato and Tsuge's story is sooo much more well-developed in the anime, going to the focus group together, repairing Minato's relationship with Rokkaku, Tsuge helping him get to his audition, no ex-boyfriend, the push-and-pull of Minato's dance dream vs. the office job opportunity
"Why are you so nice to me?" He looooooves you
"Because... I have ulterior motives." HAHAHA wild way to start telling someone you love them
HAHAHAHA is Minato MIA because he's trapped into an idol no-dating contract?
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"Even if we're dating, I have no right to dictate Adachi's choices." That's a healthy perspective, Kurosawa. You get an opinion, not a vote
A letter is a nice way to communicate. Good advice Tsuge!
"But there's one thing I hope you believe. I love you so much that being away from you makes me anxious." Adachi, you romantic bastard
Awwww Tsuge unable to write about Minato because he cares about him too much (it's such a "If I loved you less, I'd be able to talk about it more," moment AHH)
"I wasn't sure how I felt about it, so I couldn't text you." Actually an incredibly reasonable reaction from Minato
"I resolved my feelings by writing books about the people I fell for." I think this makes a lot of sense for Tsuge. Also. NEW TSUGE LORE UNLOCKED!
Also also. Tsuge: Actually all of my protagonists are self-insert OCs
"No story compares to the real you. Minato. I'm in love with you." TSUGE, you're good at this!! 10/10 confession
"Oh, come on, can't you figure it out?! You're a romance novelist?!" HAHAHA they left out the 'baka' in the translation. Also I love Minato just like, implying repeatedly that he loves Tsuge rather than saying it aloud
I can't imagine what it was like for someone who read the manga and whose favourite couple was Minatsuge having to watch the JDrama first, because the energy here is LEAGUES different. My god, this is romantic. Giggling and kicking my feet:
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"Your eyelashes are really long, Kurosawa. I thought you were handsome since I started working here, but I'm amazed that I find you even more handsome now. It's cool that you don't let on how much reasearch you do, or how hard you work for your job. I've never heard you speak poorly of anyone either. Also, even though you're normally calm, your thoughts are so excited. I thought you were a perfect person, but surprisingly your expressions show on your face, and you have a narrow-minded and jealous streak. And sometimes when you're trying hard to act cool, you end up looking lame instead. I think it's cute." Adachi sharing every single thing he likes about Kurosawa, even things Kurosawa doesn't like about himself. THIS IS SO SWEET
Adachi kissing Kurosawa because he can't express how he feels in words alone <3
[ProZD voice] Oh, they fuckin'
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"We finally did it! I could hear his thoughts the whole time." OH MY GODDDDDD I've had this thought before, I can't believe Adachi is confirming it
"I thought I became a wizard because I was still a virgin when I turned 30, but... was I wrong? Is my definition of virginity wrong?" HAHAHA not Kurosawa making coffee in the background while Adachi has a crisis over the logistics of Virginity Magic
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"It wasn't your magic power that first touched my heart. It was your words." YEAH IT WAS <333333333333
"But now, if I ever get anxious, I'll use my words. I know we can touch and be touched to confirm how the other feels. That's it. I finally figured it out. It's because I felt like I'd be okay with you even without my power. That must be why I lost my power!" The way that Adachi orients the rules of the universe around his feelings for Kurosawa is the most romantic thing in the world
"When I'm around you, I'm incapable of being perfect. But for some reason, I don't hate that version of myself." Kurosawa learning to love his imperfections through Adachi!!!
"I think I'd go crazy if I fell anymore in love with you." [Seriously] We can't have you acting any crazier." HAHAHA ADACHI. Honestly fair, Kurosawa's got a lot going on mentally
I do love Adachi going for the transfer <3 He really has such a growth in his interests and capacity at work
HAHAHAHA Tsuge accidentally finding out Adachi lost his Virginity Magic by accident, because he hasn't yet (clearly this version of Minato isn't so fuck forward LMAO)
I really do love Kurosawa and Adachi navigating their long-distance and trying to trust that if there's something to know, the other one will tell them
"There are things that can't be conveyed with words. But some things have to be conveyed with words." <3 COMMUNICATION
"Why are you here? I was on my way Nagasaki." HAHAH I predicted this for the movie (that they'd both try to visit each other at the same time), they didn't lean into the trope though. But I was right, after a fashion!
"When I finish the job in Nagasaki and return to Tokyo, I want to live with you!" Adachi moving the forward as a couple by clearly sharing his desires. That's growth, baybeeeee
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I LOOOOOVE HOW AT THE END OF ALL OF CHERRY MAGIC MEDIA THEY GO 'YEAH, THEY GET MARRIED. LEGALIZE GAY MARRIAGE. MARRIAGE 4 ALL JAPAN!!' I wish I could kiss all of the people who made Cherry Magic on the mouth. It is such a gorgeous, kind show that deserves every good thing that has ever been said about it. Both the JDrama and anime have carved their own places in my heart:
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yuri-is-online · 2 years
Twisted Time Loops (CH. 6/7 Spoilers)
I have been going insane while reading chapter 6 for... several reasons, but mostly because literally everything I read convinces me some sort of time travel/looping going on here, and that it's probably Malleus's fault. Screenshots and ramble under the cut.
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"1,000 years will pass in a blink of an eye." is what Malleus promises us in the pv for his chapter, but that's not the first time this specific amount of time has been mentioned in TWST. It has appeared twice in chapter 6 so far, first when Idia is measuring Grim's blot level:
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And second pretty much immediately afterwords when Idia and Ortho are talking about the phantoms trapped in Tartarus:
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What Vil says here is extremely important to me. "Living as a hate filled monster for over a millennium." We don't know if 1,000 years will actually pass in chapter 7 yet, but if it does, based off everything said here, Malleus could still be alive and suffering on a level unlike any of the previous overblots we've seen before. The main issue would be whether or not the phantom that exists 1,000 years from now is still Malleus. Idia and Ortho make it pretty clear, in my opinion at least, that the phantom an overblot produces starts as a separate entity to the mage. After a while the phantom consumes and replaces the mage, but it's unclear how much of the mage's personality remains. Will there be anything left of Malleus to reason with when we wake up? Or will he just be a mindless phantom trying desperately to keep his "paradise" alive?
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To be honest I don't think any of this is groundbreaking news. It just means that twst is pretty good at foreshadowing things. What's really confusing, to me at least, is when you start trying to fit Grim and Yu into this puzzle.
It's pretty much accepted that Grim has something to do with the Chimera we fight in the prologue, even if that isn't something the game has outright confirmed (yet). What I initially focused on the first time I read this chapter was Idia saying Grim was "a magical fusion of a direbeast and some kind of animal..." and "a direbeast with high blot density." Mostly because A) hahaha sucks to be you Grim you really are a cat and B) what the hell is a direbeast? A chimera is a fictional beast created by fusing more than one creature together, so it makes sense that Grim could be labeled a chimera given this description, but again, what is a direbeast in Twisted Wonderland? Direbeast puts me in the mind of direwolves, which in fiction are typically portrayed as highly intelligent wolves, sometimes capable of human speech. They are almost always portrayed as un-repentantly evil, and occasionally working with evil aligned races, Tolkien's orcs immediately come to mind for me. But that's Tolkien and this is a very well researched Disney game, so while the concept is likely similar there's still a lot we don't know about monsters in Twisted Wonderland, in fact the only things we do know for certain come from the start of chapter 6: they attack human villages and their default nature is seen as violent. I would add screenshots here but I am reaching my limit, but Ace is the one who tells us monsters attacks humans (he is apparently capable of watching the news) and Crowley is the one who suggests Grim attacking us might simply be his true nature as a monster shining through. Because he isn't sketchy enough, clearly.
So monsters regularly attack human settlements, and we can assume that they can accumulate blot based off what Idia says about direbeats, but that just raises the question of why anyone would create Grim in the first place. Is the spell Idia found traces of on Grim, the "thousand year old primeval magic," responsible for his creation, or something else entirely? Assuming there really is a time loop going on, I think it's safe to assume that what we see at the start of the game with the forced loss to the chimera is what happens during the "bad end," maybe the end of the previous loop. So why would I say this is all Malleus's fault if we are loosing to a chimera?
If there really is a time loop going on, there needs to be an original timeline. Malleus overblotting honestly seems like an unavoidable event, Lilia was always going to leave him eventually and (as important as Yu is to him) this is clearly what has triggered him going off of the deep end. As much as I like Lilia, he is not exactly... the best parent. If he leaves with the same abruptness in every timeline I just cannot see things going any other way. So let's suppose Mallues overblots, locks everyone in a sleep for 1,000 years and now we are stuck in a loop trying to undo that. Did the other boys overblot in the original timeline too? I don't know. Idia says he finds it hard to believe Vil, Jamil, or Leona would overblot under normal circumstances, and while I am unsure if I agree about Jamil I don't think saying he has a point about Leona is remotely controversial. If an outside force is causing these particular overblots in the first place, then that sort of pokes holes in Malleus being solely responsible for this theory, but then we need to ask why. Who benefits from these overblots? The answer appears to be no one, or at least no one we have met.
The two most likely theories that I have seen are A) the whole game is a dream we are having while asleep under Malleus's spell and a side effect of trying to wake up, and B) just that we are re-setting time. I don't think these two theories are mutually exclusive exactly, we could just be re-setting a dream as opposed to time, but the question of how we got here remains. So here are my theories:
The spell Idia senses was cast on Grim by Malleus for some unknown reason. The only real evidence I have to support this is that A) he cannot tell if it is a blessing or a curse, Malleus' signature spell is a blessing that sounds like a curse B) Ortho says the only real difference between the two is intent anyway so there is no real reason to think Malleus could not use his magic to do either. The age of the spell could be a misdirection, it is 1,000 years old and it is ancient magic but that is because Grim was created 1,000 years in the future in a timeline that no longer exists. The flaw in this theory is that I don't think there is any concrete evidence Malleus knows how to cast "primeval magic." Sure he knows how to read ancient texts, but he says he is not as powerful or knowledgeable as his grandma and balks at being compared to the thorn fairy. Seeing as he isn't exactly humble I am sure we would know if he could.
The spell Idia senses has something to do with the direbeast used in Grim's creation. My logic for this is that we don't have any evidence to say that the direbeast used in Grim's creation wasn't the Chimera we see at the start of the game. Maybe that direbeast has been around since the age of the gods, which is apparently only around 1,000 years ago since that's the time period Idia gives for both primeval magic and as the age of the oldest phantoms (as of ch. 44 , so that's subject to change.) We don't know anything about how monsters age, use magic, or behave in their natural habitat so anything is possible as far as this is concerned. Maybe he was sensing Grim's signature spell for all we know.
Mickey says that he has had the same dream three times already, but immediately after that he says "There are always living cards and a dancing music box, too... But your voice gets clearer and clearer every time." People tend to gloss over that, but now that I think about it? I assume this refers to Ace and Deuce (the living cards) and Ortho (the dancing music box). He ends his little speech by asking if we maybe aren't a dream, which is what most people focus on in addition to the fact that he can see Silver. I have no idea what this means other than confirming Ace, Deuce, and Ortho are always a part of this timeline somehow. Maybe they are always friends with Yu? Who knows but good for them.
This is mostly just for laughs, but originally I was kicking around Yu not being present for the original timeline. My thought process was that maybe they got summoned to be Malleus's friend so he would have someone to rely on once Lilia left but that back fired because Yu wants to go home and also has no magic. I don't really think that anymore, Yu's presence probably has more to do with the creation of Grim. While theory 1 sounds much more plausible to me, I am kind of rooting for Grim and Yu to be 1,000 year old leftovers from some sort of attempt to contain blot that went terribly wrong that Crowley decided to dig out of some sketchy storage unit somewhere to try and fix his problem children. I think Yu deserves to be the FFXIV Azem of this story, which isn't something you should google if you intend to play that game.
Anyway that's all I have got, feel free to reblog and add your theories I am curious as to what other smarter people noticed. Just remember to tag appropriately.
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mino-diabolik · 2 months
DARK FATE — Mystic 「Dark 10」 [CG]
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[ Dark 09 ]
[ Location: Entrance — Banmaden ]
A wolf trudges into the Banmaden. Kazuha slowly dismounts from its back, but continues to heavily lean against it, holding her head in discomfort.
Kazuha: Forgive me, uncle... I caused you trouble.
Shin: Don't sweat it. I couldn't very much leave you behind.
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The wolf is gone and Shin stands on its place. He continues to hold out his arm for Kazuha to hold onto.
Shin: Damn. What even was that?
Kazuha: A ripple of magic. It's an attack that can be used as either defensive or offensive. Depending on the amount of power input, it should be able to disorient the opposition.
It was used to gain territory over the enemy during the war.
Shin: ... ... Of course. I knew that.
Kazuha: I don't understand...
Why would that damn moron—
Footsteps approach. DJ and Carla emerge.
Kazuha: ... ...!
DJ: You're back!
Did you...— ah...
DJ looks around. When she realizes they are on their own, her expression deflates.
Carla: ... ... ...
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Kazuha: ... ... Father.
Carla: Shin.
Shin: What is it, brother?
Carla: Why did you accompany Kazuha?
Shin: Why, you ask? It was an order from you, was it not?
Kazuha: ... ... ...
Carla: Kazuha, come here.
Kazuha is still dizzy as she steadies herself back on her feet. She walks closer, stopping in front of Carla.
Carla: Defying my orders is one thing... but making up lies to drag others alongside you is absolutely reprehensible.
Shin: What?! Kazuha, you——!
Kazuha: ... ... Yes, I defied your orders, sir. And yes, I deceived my uncle.
But, father...! I was so close to retrieving that woman's heart. I basically had it in my hands. If only those damn Vampires hadn't interfered, then for sure I would have—
Carla: Enough!
How old are you now, to act so mindlessly? Are you not aware of the conflicts that you could have caused? Have you learned nothing from the history of our clan?
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Kazuha's expression remains rigid. She closes her eyes, but the impact she readies herself for never comes.
Kazuha: ... ...
Carla: ... ... ... Sigh.
Kneel in the courtyard. I do not care whether it rains or if the animals begin picking at your skin. You are not to stand until I allow it.
Kazuha: ... ... Understood, your majesty.
Kazuha offers her father a short reverence. She leaves.
Shin: Brother, don't you think you're being a little too—
Carla: Not one more word out of you. To be so easily deceived...
How shameful.
Carla leaves.
Shin: Goodness...
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DJ: ... Please don't pour anymore fuel over the matter, Shin. Master Carla is agitated enough. You'll end up catching the blunt of it all.
Shin: Ah-ahh... enough with the nagging. I've had enough for today. I'm off to take a bath.
DJ: Right, of course. I'll get that prepared for you right away——
Shin: Oi, oi. Your enthusiasm is nice, but you can stop acting like you're still working for the castle. Have some pride as the wife of a First Blood, would you?
DJ: "Wife"—?! We aren't married...!
Shin tosses DJ his sword.
DJ: Uff!
Shin: Heh... What're ya getting all red for?
Sigh, just help me put that away for now. I'll come find you after I'm done.
DJ: Alright… then I’ll—
DJ falls silent. She gazes down at the sword. The emotion in her eyes dulls with abruptness.
DJ: ... ... Did you... fight Mystic?
Shin: Huh? Ah, yeah. That kid's tougher than he looks. He kept writhing about even after I got him right between the ribs.
Tumblr media
DJ: You... what?
Shin: That's the only reason Kazuha took me with her. To keep him busy while she took care of——
Shin: Guh...
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DJ: Hah...
... My son... you dared lay hands... on your own flesh and blood.
And yet you...
Shin: De—Des... you—!! Khh...!
DJ: You take so much pride in your lineage... but do not care for the boy that shall carry the legacy to your name?
Seriously... hahaha... your own son...
... Insane— Are you insane?!
Shin: Ugh—!
DJ: Damn... damn it! Perhaps you can walk something like this off... but he... he could die! He could die—!! Damn it, damn it...! Have you gone mad?!
DJ suddenly stands. She races down the hallway and escapes out the front door. Her rapid footfalls echo into the night. Shin yanks the sword out of his collarbone and rolls onto his stomach.
Shin: Shit...! Get her! Don’t let her get away!
... I’m not letting you... disappear on my again!
A group of wolves chase after DJ as she disappears into the wilderness.
「 Dark 10 — End 」
[ Dark Epilogue ]
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pleaseholdfor5hours · 4 months
The different sides of Ikari
Normal Ikari
Is rational and reasonable
Responsible as well
Tries to negotiate
Works at a normal pace
Gives some playful sass
Super kind and nice to people and patients
Always gives people second chances
Applies zero bs policy in his day to day work
Will not kill
Does feel pain
Uses his ability when he needs to
Depressed Ikari
More quiet
Less social interaction
Blends into the background
Stays up playing video games all night
Desperately tries to negotiate
Still rational and responsible
Uses his ability more than he needs to
Hides his pain
Talks back
Childish Ikari
The part of him that still feels 12
Will be lazy
Watches anime a lot
Whines a lot
Over dramatic
Will cry about pain
Very sassy
Does childish things
Sleeps a lot
Serious Ikari
Is very blunt
Heavily applies Zero BS policy
Will call out on other people's behavior
Sympathy is slightly there
Very serious and will get things done
Slightly doesn't care what people will think about him afterwards
Still rational
Will beat people to their senses
Still kind afterwards
Stands his ground
Gives much more well thought out responses
Snapped Ikari
Will kill and beat people, not stopping at all
Negotiation is no longer a option
Cannot feel pain, once he has snapped no amount of pain can stop him
Will insanely laugh like this "HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA"
Gives the most crazy look in his eyes
Will swear like crazy
Yell facts and insults
Is unrational
No more chances
His own ability wouldn't work on himself anymore
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
bit of a weird ask but I saw a twitter post saying they were 'devastated' over what frank said in an interview about performing/writing in ls dunes compared to some other bands (theyre assuming that the 'other bands' means mcr because they cant think of the 20+ other bands that hes been in) and after reading it a second time it doesn't even seem that negative?? it just talks about different processes and his excitement for dunes, but I still feel down anyway now because of that reaction, and it really makes me doubt that part of the fandom's faith in the band and its members im kinda close to quitting the fandom because of this and idk how the tumblr/twitter gang here survives it y'all are troopers, im unsure how to avoid that kind of doomposting
sorry i totally forgot to answer this the other day, i hope you see this!
but yeah, i see the same thing and it is. pretty irritating haha. it speaks to the unrealistic traits and behaviours fandom has applied to these ppl over the years/decades - which are harmless enough on the surface, but left unchecked you end up with doomposting or disproportionate levels of discourse when one of them doesn't behave the way their textpostified personalities would have you believe hahaha. if frank isn't anything but reverential towards mcr then he must hate it. if gerard puts time and work into his artistic and career pursuits that aren't related to mcr he must be giving up on the band like he supposedly did in 2012. if ray, who hasn't done a single interview since 2016, isn't on stage showing frank public affection or admiring him on twitter, he must be bossy and arrogantly taking all the glory for mcr's guitar parts and musicality. if mikey does anything it's gotta have something to do with gerard or mcr because obvs he doesn't exist outside the band etc etc. again none of these things are like. problematic or bad**, just kind of. annoying to engage with as an adult in the space i go to enjoy myself hahaha.
but this specific discussion abt frank implicitly dissing mcr also cropped up after that podcast frank did with travis, where he discussed writing music with ls dunes vs every other band/project he's been involved in. which, let's remember, is a fucking lot. how many albums has frank made or been part of? too many to easily count. only about four or five of those were with my chemical romance. ls dunes is only set apart from the rest because they're currently active after mcr's huge reunion, and they're a supergroup so they're getting a lot of press attention. people have never batted an eye in the past when frank has discussed how great it is to be working with this or that musician on this or that album - it's just the timing of ls dunes and our own high hopes for new mcr music that make people take this one in particular so personally.
on top of that... we've always known mcr has a fraught and stressful writing process??? that is like. a major part of the lore? we're all compelled by the insane amount of unlikely success mcr achieved in their careers, and by the fact that they were always controversial. we reblog quotes about gerard saying mcr's purpose was always to be against something, to undermine expectations, to infiltrate, contaminate etc. i thought this was something we were all drawn to about mcr? so i'll never understand the shock and disappointment when frank makes the simple statement that writing with ls dunes is easier, less stressful, and more lighthearted than writing with mcr. like...duh it is? mcr have always been open about how much they put into writing albums - and also about how they're proud of what they created, and that they consider each other cherished family.
the most annoying part for me is when people take quotes about frank working with travis and twist them into some kind of dig at/criticism of ray. i can only assume these people aren't used to working with others in a creative capacity, especially long term, because i just totally can't understand where it comes from lol. as someone who's read/watched every guitar-related mcr interview i've ever been able to get my hands on: ray and frank have literally never been anything other than fully complimentary of, respectful to, and affectionate with one another. ray was far from the first guitarist frank ever worked with and leagues from the only one. also, creative partnerships are extremely complex and every one is completely unique, with it's own strengths and difficulties. if ray and frank didn't love playing with each other they wouldn't have done it for years and years. that doesn't mean frank can't vocally love playing with other guitarists??? these things are not contradictory and appreciating aspects of one creative partnership is not equivalent to bad-mouthing a different one? like that is just not how it works skdkdjd
anyway i think a lot of it comes down to the fact that, for us, we see these people as parts of my chemical romance. naturally, because that's the reason we know they exist! but all of these people live rich and full and complex lives like any other person. the only parts of those lives that we generally see much of are the my chemical romance parts. we look for mcr in everything they say, which is understandable but unrealistic. all we need to do it keep that in mind imo
**(tho ppl's tendency to pit ray and frank against each other for some reason, which used to be a way common but is unfortunately a sentiment i'm starting to see crop up again in some places, definitely can get. suspicious and uncomfortable. especially considering that frank is the fan favourite so these pointless comparisons tend to err in his favour, and in either direction they tend to be very shallow and uninformed anyway. but that's a separate conversation)
wow i literally did not intend to turn this into a giant essay im so sorry. kudos if you made it this far lol. and i feel you anon, it's discouraging and puts a bad taste in my mouth when i come to this fandom for fun and fulfillment. i wish i had better advice because im feeling a little similar but just try to remind yourself that other people's opinions are just that. i find it helps if you can curate your own dash/feed or make friends in more discussion-friendly spaces like dms or gcs or discord servers. or even a priv twitter account with a few like-minded mutuals where you can vent ur shared frustrations over things without making it a whole big deal HAHAHA. the less time you spend scrolling thru ppl's public posts and the more time you spend diving into interviews, podcasts, videos, the web archive etc to detach yourself a little from group fandom-think the better you'll probably feel about mcr tbh! also long as you have friends or close mutuals that's all that matters imo <3
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longeyelashedtragedy · 9 months
Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 
By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
sure! uh, i think this is not what people would expect, but there's this fic i want to write that would be rated G, and yet when I sat down to write it (i have a couple pages in draft) it felt weirdly scandalous and i'm not sure why?
long story short, it's a "frankenstein AU," based on the fact that there's this particular footballer who's very tall and imposing and a bit unique looking and runs very fast and has these periods where he bangs in insane amounts of goals--and lives a sort of funky lifestyle to enable this--so a lot of people call him a "robot" or use otherwise nonhuman terms to describe him (for those of you football people reading this--haaland hahaha)
so, kind of based on real life events, the background of the fic is that there's this norwegian guy who's a professional footballer with a good career, a wife and two kids, but then he has a career-ending injury (after this is where we deviate from irl) and falls into a depression etc and his wife takes the two kids and leaves him.
devastated, this guy goes a bit crazy and decides he wants to create a son of his own--the perfect footballer, who will be better than he ever was, whose career he can live through (if you guys know anything about alfie and erling i think this seems accurate to their irl relationship), and who will never leave him because he'll rely on him. so he and his bestie go to great lengths to "create" this strange looking very tall "son," teach him to talk, walk, score goals, etc, create a backstory for why he appeared out of nowhere and why he seems a bit developmentally behind his "peers" in some ways...over time, he does become a brilliant world renowned footballer, but in gaining more sentience, power, and global respect, he also gets a glimpse of what autonomy feels like, and--
the "and" is what i haven't figured out, it obviously will need a sad and or weird ending and one thing i have confidence in is my ability to land a sad/weird ending. i just don't know what it would be, and also when i sat down to write this, something about it felt very creepy and i don't know what? but i wish i could write it because i think it'd be an interesting addition to football ao3.
i answered the next one here!
By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.” oof. who actually improved as a writer? no, what i'd like is "that author who figured out how to write slightly off-putting fic about frank lampard but in a mature way with very high quality writing and themes."
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jolapeno · 9 months
Hello! I finally finished reading Late Night Texts (late) last night, and I needed to come here and let you know how much I LOVED the story. I’ve not read very many Peña stories (a crime of its own, really), but this one was INSANELY good.
Just the right amount of angsty thoughts about his life in Colombia (and at different points of the story involving reader also), and the perfect amount of happiness/fluff for him. I loved the idea of him grinning uncontrollably, almost giddy. We never seen that side to Peña and sometimes I feel like it’s hard to nail that feeling for that particular character, but my god you did it so well.
I didn’t realise just how much I was relying on Peña getting a happy ending. I always say he deserves one but I was SO dependent on it by the end of the story 😂
Thank you so much for putting your time and effort into writing and sharing this story! I can’t wait to read some more of your works!
I hope you’re having a great day! 🥰
okay, i saw this come in, and i grinned so large i got asked by my husband what i was smiling it, and then i had to be selfish and save it, so i hope you don't mind that i'm slow at responding to it. but, THANK YOU so much for giving LNT a chance :D
also, grinning javi is all i ever want (it's on my christmas list, honestly hahaha) and i'm so glad you found it the perfect amount <3 cause it was such a different territory writing him in that way for me.
omg all i want to do is give that man a happy ending (not in that way, even if sometimes i do) because he just looked so downtrodden when we see him at the end of season three, i just wanted to give him something to smile about.
thank you so much for reading, for reaching out and blessing me with this lovely ask. you don't know how much this made me grin. i appreciate you so so so much!!!
i hope you have a fab day and weekend. ily <3
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gokartkid · 2 years
maxiel + reality tv headcanons (like love island or something equally insane hahaha) ? if you’re doing them!!
omfg love this!!!
everyone knows you go on reality dating shows for the pr, and to get your name out there, EVERYONE. max, is not actually a contestant, he's an assistant reality director - which is a fancy word for someone who tells people where to be and only kind of what to say. he really wants to break into movies and producing and directign, but this is the strongest avenue he's got, even if he hates it. daniel's a contestant, and he's banking heavily on that australian charm, which to be fair, does work. audiences love him, he says g'day, etc. max doesn't think he will get along with any of these, to him, vapid buff hot 20 somethings
him and the other writers agree that daniel is definitely going to make it in the show, so they have to start constructing a compelling storyline from him. this means max pulling him aside for heartstring pulling interviews about leaving his family in australia to pursue acting, how difficult its been not being able to see them, how he's just looking for the one. max is feeding him lines occasionally, and he puts his weird feelings down to a purely physical crush on a guy who is being paid to be hot
at one point daniel starts talking about how inauthentic he feels the process is and max rolls his eyes and says something mean about why he's here in the first place then, and daniel with a remarkable amount of insight compares their two situations - desperately fighting for a 1% chance at making it. max is mollified.
daniel gets along well with almost all the contestants, and max again, studiously ignores the weird feeling he gets when charles and daniel are flirting (they are a power couple for the audience, charles is very good at pulling off batting-eyelashes-naive-stupid and daniel pokes fun at him in a nice way.) they do set up a plotline for them to be alone on one of the dinner nights, but instead of confessing any feelings, daniel starts talking about this guy (?!!??! wrench in the plans) that he likes and charles is nodding along and being very sympathetic and nice and they hug (people do go crazy for it on twitter but definitely not in the way the production team is wanting. seeing brotp next to their couples tag means the drawing board gets scrapped)
a lot of things happen too much for five bullet points but basically daniel sabotages himself from being very much in the lead and max catches him after the main bulk of the shoot and is like what are you doing partly because it's really annoying now they had the confessions and everything planned for the next coming days and daniels messed all that up but ALSO because max knows him now, properly, and knows what the money would do for him, he's been seeing his instagram blow up more and more by the day and- he never thought he'd be rooting for anyone but he is rooting for daniel and he takes maxs hands and says listen, if i won, i'd have to date george for a bit otherwise i'd look like a complete dick, and i'd be fine with doing it but the thing is max i'd be thinking about you. and max is like ??!?!?!!??! because he isn't stupid he knows that he's had feelings for daniel for a good bulk of this process now but he just thought maybe that's how daniel was because his job WAS to flirt with the islanders and maybe he just was that way to his friends, and then they get together and at some point daniel posts max to his instagram and somebody digs up max's imdb and posts a photo of his production credits for love island and it's a bit of a moment
bonus: lewis is the production director and does on purpose schedule max to assist daniel a lot of the time. also he himself is trying to woo director of cinematography (if you can call it cinematography) seb. background plot.
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dracomeir · 3 months
I've been reading your series funkin adventures and I was wondering how you wrote something that long. Over 300k is an insane amount I can only dream of doing.
omg thank you for reading whatever you read so far. :D
tl;dr of how I did so is basically to not care about being judged by others. As long as you laugh, cry, get mad, or whatever other emotion is felt while reading what you write, then it's good enough. It doesn't have to be perfect, or on the same level as a best selling author. Just do you.
Long explanation below
For better context, I didn't start posting weekly for Funkin' Adventures until I was almost finished writing chapter 15 of the Hell's Dynasty arc. That's 34 chapters with no one besides me giggling, kicking my feet, crying, and laughing at my story. 135,289/347,522 words for the series at the time. (Yes, I checked the word count for that point. lmao) I wrote for myself, and no one else. That's the main reason why I was able to write such a long story with multiple arcs to it. I didn't let the fear of no one else enjoying the story prevent me from writing. As long as I loved reading it, then that was good enough. As long as I laughed and cried at the points where I hope others will too, then it's good enough. You have to settle with good enough because striving for perfection will only lead you to disappointment. Aiming for perfection will lead you to an endless cycle of this isn't good enough, I have to redo it, this is trash, no one will like it, etc, and you'll quickly find yourself unable to post anything at all.
Another reason I'm able to write so much is that I don't let others dictate what I should write. Every story I've written is me venting whether the reader realizes it or not. I write what I want to write, not what others wishes for me to write. It's my story after all, not theirs. I've seen writers take the neat idea of a commenter, work it into their story, and end up hating what the fic has become to the point they give up on their narrative. The story ends up something they no longer wanted it to be, and that's something I try to avoid. I love the ideas others have when it comes to my fics, and it's great if we end up having the same thoughts, but I never let their comments affect my narrative. It's my story to tell. Stories based on my life experiences that I want to tell others in the hopes that maybe they'll learn something from me.
Which brings me to my next point, use what you experienced so far in life to help you write your story. You don't have to create something entirely unique and original. That's impossible to do in this day and age with how many people there are in this world. The reader doesn't have to know if the story is based on your life somehow. I only say things like that in fics like Cyber Connection (based on my experiences as an autistic/selectively mute person), or Drowning in Ecstasy (based on my experience as a paranoid individual with trust issues) since I'm comfortable with others knowing that. The point of creating fanfiction for me is to make something for others to look forward to. As someone who's been dealing with Persistent Depressive Disorder for over a decade of my life, having that weekly or so chapter to look forward to can be enough to keep someone going. That's my purpose in life at this point. (Oh, look. One of the themes in my current on-going fic. Hahaha...)
This is getting long at this point, and it's probably not the answer you were seeking at all, so I'll end it with this. Try not to care so much about the numbers. Some people read something, and forget to hit kudos. (I do this sometimes, and I'm sorry. 😭) Some people don't have the courage to post a comment. Some people are simply lurkers enjoying their fandom, and that's perfectly fine. I used to be like that. Now I'm a part of the fandom I'm in, and I honestly don't see it changing anytime soon.
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longroadstonowhere · 11 months
some initial thoughts about heaven's vault (now that i've played more than, like, two minutes of it)
i'm very intrigued by the art style - the scenery is absolutely beautiful, but the people are all, like, stop motion or just low animation frame water color? it's a fascinating contrast and i appreciate how it gets across the important elements of what's going on without (presumably) being too difficult/expensive to create
there must be an absolutely insane amount of dialogue in this game, considering that the option to talk to my robot dude (i'd call it a friend or buddy but uh i get the feeling the player character doesn't actually care about robots, which is an alien feeling for me) comes up every like three seconds, and there are so many different options for shaping how the conversation goes
in fact, it feels like there's just slightly too many options so the dialogue didn't get polished for ultimate smoothness all the time (sometimes people respond in a way that i squint at because it would make way more sense to have been a response to a different dialogue choice than the one i actually chose), but honestly this feels like an extremely big game dialogue-wise so, you know, i'll take an incredibly small amount of unpolished feeling
the language bit is fun so far - i already have assumptions about how certain symbols work, and i like that you can go back and change your translations until everything lines up correctly, plus i don't know if i just got it right in one and if i would've been given another chance to translate it if i'd gotten it wrong, but i already got 'holy emperor' from the brooch at the beginning, so i'm able to extrapolate a decent amount about other words i've run into
i really gotta change out joycons, though, the one i have is definitely making me move weirdly and making it hard to do translations smoothly, plus i had a very weird moment when i was trying to leave the rice moon where i went down a path, the camera zoomed way out to show off some pigs for a long time, and then it came back to me walking the opposite direction of what i'd been doing, so, you know, tech issues are fun
definitely a game that has longer, slower pacing than chants of sennaar, but now's the time for me to bite into a game like that so i'm having a good time
(oh! also sailing is fun, even if i still find myself instinctively trying to move with a joystick instead of shoulder buttons - you know, all of the one time i have sailed so far, obviously i should have the muscle memory instantly, hahaha)
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