For the fic ask game may I ask for ✄ DVD BONUS for Let's All Assume the Worst please and thank you and please 🙏
- TesIsAMess
Deleted scene for Let's all assume the worst.
Post credit scene with Lawrence, because I am in love with him.
Only cowards hide out in their rooms for more than a few hours. So, after a day of hiding out, Perry ventured back into the house. Making eye contact with anyone (except Phineas) was awkward, because they all looked at him like they knew his darkest secrets now.
Every time someone's eyes trailed to the vague remains of the bruises on his neck, Perry had a strong urge to rub at them.
The boys were in bed, Candace was playing the ducky m(o)mo-rpg in her bedroom, Linda was at after-dark-cooking-class (he still wasn't sure what that meant,) and Lawrence was chilling on the couch, watching whatever movie was playing on channel 5.
It couldn't be awkward between them, Perry would rather die than be awkward around Lawrence. So he pulled up his socks and sank into the couch beside him.
For twenty-three seconds they watched the movie in silence.
"Do you remember, when I said you could tell me everything?" Lawrence asked as he struggled himself into a less skewed position. He was halfway between lying down and leaning on his side. It was amazing because this pose did the impossible: Lawrence was perpetually chinless, but in this pose, he somehow had a double chin anyway.
Perry nodded as he recalled the exact moment Lawrence alluded to.
"And then you signed I can't tell you anything. I'm mute Lawrence, don't be rude." Lawrence grumbled in the deep voice he used to impersonate Perry, as Perry half-assed the same signs just like he'd done all those years ago.
Lawrence turned his head and looked at him with a lopsided smile. "I didn't mean it. Please don't tell me everything."
Perry chuckled a little and stuck his feet under Lawrence's back, just to bully him.
「There is so much you don't know,」 Perry signed with a smile that threatened to tell him more, even if he had no intentions of telling Lawrence about his recreational interests.
"Perry stop now, please."
「I was tied up just a few days ago.」 Not a lie, but context really made a big difference.
"Perry!" Lawrence repeated, this time more desperately.
「Nice and tight,」 Perry signed with snappy movement.
"Perry, please you're killing me."
With the heel of his socked foot, Perry pressed into Lawrence's thigh. 「I'm joking. But. We're both adults, right?」
"We are."
「So it's no big deal.」 Perry hoped this might end it.
"It kinda is when you walk around with a bruise like that."
Perry huffed, resettled so he could look at Lawrence directly, and leaned in close, almost menacingly.
「I did not pretend to be mute and deaf when you started dating again, for you to be this weird about this now.」 And Perry gestured at his neck.
On the other end of the couch, Lawrence was suddenly a little pale and a little sweaty. "You heard us?"
「Sure did Daddy.」
Lawrence groaned and sank into the couch cushions as if wanted them to swallow him as Perry barked out laughter like an elderly hyena.
They didn't hear the front door opening, so they were caught off guard when Linda's voice sounded behind them.
"Now what are you two laughing about?"
They both whipped their heads around in surprise. Perry recovered first, and he climbed up on the backrest of the couch to try and sign, but Lawrence was almost as quick, and he wrapped both hands around Perry's waist and pulled him backwards.
Perry was now unable to sign because his arms were helicoptered wildly to try and stay upright. When he failed, both men tumbled to the floor, where they lay in a giggling heap.
Near the front door, Linda sighed and mumbled "boys will be boys," in a fond voice. She let them be.
On the floor, the two men tried to stop laughing, but every time they made eye contact they started up again.
Eventually, they returned to the couch, had a drink, and fought over the remote.
Perry insisted they watch myth busters, but before the first episode ended he had fallen asleep on Lawrence's shoulder.
Things were no longer awkward.
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s-guacamolearts · 1 year
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So I've been trying to figure out the lore of ace attourney and in the mean time I'll offer this as my first contribution
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pretty-ds · 1 year
This could be fun!
NSFW ASKS. Give me the number of the questions you are curious about. I will give you asks in return if you would like. 🌸💗🌸
1: Kitchen Counter, Couch, or on top of the dryer?
All of them
2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:
By myself 2 days ago. It was great because i know me and what i like.
3: A fictional person that you think would be good in bed:
Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.
4: Something that never fails to make you horny:
Fingers in my mouth. I am a very oral girl and a Doms hands just do it for me. Not just any Dom, someone i have chosen.
5: Where is one place you would never have sex:
On top of a fire ant hill
6: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny:
Watching a man playing with his ring
7: How are you after a really good f$%k?
Depends on the type of f$%k but overall, relaxed
8: Have you ever got so wet in the night that you wake up wanting some sexual activity?
9: Tell me your wettest dream?
I could make something up but in all honesty, i don't remember
10: Top or bottom?
Bottom in my role as a sub. Both as in positions
11: What body attracts you the most, men or women?
men in a physical manner, women in an artistic viewpoint
12: Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
13: Home alone and you’re bored. What do you do?
Log on to Tumblr, of course
14: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
Adult toys
15: Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you:
I was once in a relationship with a historian and he called my breasts Osgood and Farley because of WWII bunkers located on the California coast. This was the ultimate in compliments from that guy
16: Are you a touchy feely person?
17: If you were/are a lesbian, would you go for the women/girls who act like men, or the ones who act like girls?
I suppose it would be to whom i was attracted. I admit i find girly girls very attractive but i have also seen a few hot boy-girls (for lack of a better term)
18: Does a massage get you wet?
That depends where on my body the massage was given and who is the person massaging
19: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:
Yes. Long term, monogamous relationships and those trying to conceive
20: If there’s one place a girl/guy should touch you to make you instantly horny, where is that
my mouth or neck. But if i am highly attracted to the person, any place would do it
21: Has a guy/girl even touched you or discreetly groped you while clubbing or in a crowded place?
22: Ever left the house without wearing any underwear?
Yes. Very intentionally
23: What do you wear when you go to bed?
Depends on the weather, if it is cold i wear cute pajamas. In the hot summer months i wear a t-shirt and panties
24: Biggest turn on:
25: Worst possible time to get horny:
In church
26: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans:
27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:
I don't recall but i am sure than have been a few
28: How much fapping is too much fapping:
If said fapping causes injury
29: Best sexual complement you ever got:
I taste like peach juice
30: What do you think you and/or the opposite sex looks the sexiest in?
31: Have you ever been called a tease?
In my year book, i was class flirt so it's about the same thing. Apparently, I flirted but did not follow through. I thought i was being friendly. Who knew?
32: Fill in the blanks: “If they ____________, we are ****in”
If they bring a nice wine, we are drinkin.
33: What your favorite part of your body:
I suppose my face and my chest
34: Love (>,<, or =) Sex For those of us who don’t remember our math thats “greater than, less than, or equal to]
Love is > sex
35: What do you wear to bed?
See #23
36: When was the last time you masturbated:
See #2
37: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
I have nudes. Not for public consumption
38: Have/would you ever have sex outside?
39: Have/would you ever masturbate at work?
I have
40: Have/would you ever have sex on a plane?
If it were comfortable and legal, yes
41: What is one song you’d like to have sex to?
Powerful by Ellie Goulding and Major Lazer. String of Pearls by the Glen Miller Orchestra for soft and slow lovemaking
42: Has anyone ever posted nude pictures of you online?
Not that i am aware of
43: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
If i am interested in them then obviously i'm alright with tattoos
44: Does size really matter to you?
No. Confidence and intelligence matter to me
45: Is there anything you do on the internet that you would not like your significant other to see?
46: Do you own any sex toys? (what is it? (how long have you had it?)
I have quite a few toys and a few BDsm toys. They are different ages going as far back to 2017
47: Would you give your significant other access to your internet history?
If my future Dom asked me, yes
48: Would you be offended if your significant other suggested you get plastic surgery?
No. I am my own worst enemy and focus on imagined faults. No one can be better at that than me
49: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
Prostitute in the high-class escort kind of way. But it would never happen
50: Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?
My husband. Yes, It means he loves me
51: Do you like to have phone sex?
Sometimes but it takes a lot to get me there
52: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
No. But i have and probably will again
53: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
Depends on whether i am able to breathe or not
54: Booty or Boobs?
55: If you had a penis, what would you name it?
Mr Winky
56: Have you ever been on an official date?
Seriously? Yes
57: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
Yes. I have exclusive tastes that are not understood by many. People into D/s can relate
58: Have you had sex with someone of the same sex?
59: Have you had sex with more than one person simultaneously?
60: Have you ever been to a strip club?
61: Name one naughty act you have done in a public place?
Blow job
62: Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
With the right person, yes ;)
63: Shower or bath while having sex?
64: Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
If you haven't been able to tell by now, aggressive, but that does not mean I want all sexual encounters to be aggressive
65: Love or Money?
Love, with enough money to go out and have a nice time. I would expect my partner to want that from me as well
66: Have you been caught having sex?
67: Does anyone have naughty pics of you?
68: Do you like wild sex or romantic sex?
Both. but i generally get more release and relief from wild sex
69: Do you consider hair pulling sexy?
70: What should a guy first do when about to have sex with you?
71: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
Intelligent conversation, depth, and confidence
72: Favorite sexual things a guy/girl does to you that's not sex?
Putting his fingers in my mouth while talking aggressively sexy to me
73: What do you wear to seduce the opposite sex?
Perfume and a smile
74: Have you ever paid for sex?
Haven't we all in one way or another? With actual money, no
75: Do you like kissing in public?
Yes as long as it's not tongues out, panting, and making out
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Are Ben & Ismelda meant to be boyfriend & girlfriend now or something? I mean someone said they saw a Gryffindor & Slytherin kissing at the dance, but I have no idea if that was referring to those two, it very well might not have been. But Ben canonly has a crush on Ismelda either way even if they aren’t officially together. I genuinely don’t know how to feel rn. 😕
Gail's going to be so mad.
No but for real, I can see Luca's jaw just hitting the floor, before they laugh it off and decide it's cute. But Gail is furious. Ben is her foster brother and she has never, ever liked Ismelda. It'll take time and a lot of it for her to accept this.
I don't recall seeing them kiss either, at least not when I played it. I still need to watch Akemi's video though, maybe I'll notice something there. When you say "someone" saw it, are you referring to a player or an NPC? If you mean an NPC, in like flavor text or something, I didn't catch that either - but if that dialogue exists, I think that's meant to be a clear indication that yes, a kiss happened, even if it's not direct confirmation. If you mean a player, then you may want to ask them to elaborate. Since never mind their outfits, it was very clearly Ben and Ismelda dancing together, not just a "Gryffindor and Slytherin" y'know?
Hah, this almost reminds me of Hermione's kiss with Krum which may or may not have happened. (But totally did.)
Either way, you're right. Ben and Ismelda are getting ship-teased a lot and honestly...like, wow. It's so surreal to me. Two years ago, I would have expected a scene like this to eventually appear in the game for an entirely different pairing. Remember when they used to drop hints like crazy that Jae and Chiara were close? If this had been the two of them, prior to their addition to the roster of love interests...I feel like people wouldn't be nearly as shocked. As it is, Ben and Ismelda are certainly an odd couple, but I dunno, I kind of dig it?
Ismelda is someone who likely doesn't think of herself as being attractive. So for someone to express interest in her, which I don't believe has ever happened before, how can she not jump on that chance? Ben is also a good guy, despite his flaws, and I think she could definitely start to see herself fancying and/or dating him. As for Ben crushing on her? It's certainly a surprise, but I dunno. We've never really had any indications or hints about Ben's type before. Ismelda could definitely be someone he falls for. There's a neat bit of irony in it, considering how the two of them each embody the stereotypes of their Houses (before deconstructing them) and said Houses have always been rivals.
The only real issue here is once again, the Hogwarts Mystery timeline, and how once again, the writers have made it more confusing. They write quests out of chronological order, but this doesn't stop them from writing the character arcs in a chronological order, if that makes sense. Ismelda has come a long way since her introduction, for instance, and that seems to be true in all the new quests no matter when they're placed. But in particular, I have questions about Ben, and what this crush means for him, where he currently is in his character arc. Is this "New" Ben? It would make more sense, but...no, apparently, this is a Year 5 quest. Hold on, if this is Year 5, doesn't Ismelda still have a crush on Barnaby? Even if you do this quest post-Crushed, it still doesn't make a lot of sense, because she explicitly stated that she now wants someone less innocent. Which does suit "New" Ben, but it sure doesn't suit "Old" Ben.
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mrthoughtbubbles · 22 days
Today is an okay day for me, so far. Although my sister and mother had to talk me out of my paranoid thoughts twice today, I still feel happy that I got the chance to be with them. We talked about what we want to do in the future: sing karaoke, try bowling, hope to watch a circus or a play, or visit places we would like to visit.
Listening to the sound of rainfall for a couple of minutes helped me be calm, for a moment, and my sister told me that that should be my normal/default mode, since my normal mode for a very long time would be to be anxious and to try and cut the worst-case scenario/Deja vu dreams of mine from happening. We also talked about heartbreaks, parasocial relationships, and focus more on myself for now. We talked about what triggers my anxiety and paranoia, debunked them, and finally, we talked about Telegram, debunked why seeing about it a lot is triggering my paranoia. I don't know if I recovered my account, but I still have the same number and I used my usual e-mail. At first, I don't know why it wasn't listed in my accounts file, but I think it's probably because I created one before I created the file and used it a handful of times. I tried using either on 2022 or last year to listen to news from Uk*aine but I wasn't able to because my phone couldn't update anymore, and I couldn't use the app. I saw some of the news, but I couldn't open the videos of the fight nor could I scroll on the updates from previous days. That's what I can recall about it.
On another note, I tried studying the accounting book again and I finished the current chapter I'm in, and I just took a rest before continuing with my notes for the said chapter. There are times wherein I worry if I'm absorbing the process/steps taken by the writer of the book, but I'm hoping that I do... I'm okay with memorizing stuff, but when it comes to computing, that's where I really get anxious because I dread that I won't get the right answer, just like when I took my engineering degree and I felt that I couldn't get any right answers on any subject that has to compute for something, especially the calculus subjects or the electric current one... I remember that whenever I took the electric current tests, the professor would give you 5 pts if you wrote something in the said qustion and he'd give out 3 questions all the time. One time I only got 10 because I was spacing out with the load I took on that last term...
Reflecting on the reasons why I took engineering, I wanted to follow in my sister's footsteps. I look up to her on that regard, but I guess I should've chose a business-related course instead, if I had the chance of doing so. I'm not as detail-oriented like my sister and she has the patience to read stuff 3-5 times... However, that's life and I just have to live with my decision. I'm still grateful that I got to study the subjects I took, and hopefully, I'll still be able to use them in the future.
Reflecting more on who I was before and who I am now, I was someone who was angry and harboring a lot of hate whilst I was still really young, but when I was straightened out by a parent of a busmate of mine, I changed and instead of harboring hate, I tried to be friendly with everyone. High school was the happiest time in my life, so far, because I was friends with almost everyone and I was always laughing, nobody's shouting at me at home, and life's good. When college came, I became more cautious with befriending people because once they knew where I came from, they'd berate me and be passive-aggressive towards me, and up to this day, I still haven't gotten over that... After having my paranoid bout a couple of years ago, I'm trying not to get angry or to harbor hate because I'm already paranoid, nervous, and anxious and adding anger and hate to the mix isn't good for me... Looking back, although I don't like my current situation wherein I'm normally nervous, anxious, stressed and paranoid, trying to see it on a positive light, I'm not angry nor harboring hate as I used to before. I have a long way to go, but I hope that I'll be better.
With the things I'm grateful for today, I am grateful that my family is always there when I'm having a bout. I am grateful for the rain, even though I understand that a lot of my fellow countrymen/women are having a hard time right now... I am grateful for the knowledge I'm absorbing. I am grateful for the food, the utilities, and the roof on top of our head. I am grateful that even though there are trials and tribulations in life, I still pray to God to take care of everyone and to thank Him for everything around us. Although I don't go to mass, I pray every night to Him and talking to Him like I'm talking to a friend. Somehow, after praying, I feel lighter and I feel happy.
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tranquilspot · 1 year
John: Examine GameBro Magazine.
CW: toxic masculinity, in-text misogyny, mention of someone getting hurt, stairs
Oh boy, the first long block of text I am mandatorily obliged to read for the sake of this reread.
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I know that it's a parody, a joke both for the magazine writers and the author themselves, but this dude should be fired. You know, a GOOD reviewer would try to leave their confort zone and be curious of any kind a video genre. I like simulation, point n click adventures, puzzles, and action adventure games. Indies are the best! But you know what? I get interested by horror, rogue-like, turn-based strategy, first person shooters, heck I even played GTA and watched a bit of Yakuza. But that's not my favourite thing. And despite it all, I learned to be at least a minimum intrigued by other genre. So while it's fiction, it's shameful and disappointing that this dude played like, 5-10 minutes at the very most of Sburb and decided that it was lame and not worth his time.
His reason?
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Because he didn't get to destroy stuff. Not only it's dumb and unrealistic to expect every single game to have destruction as part of the gameplay, if not the main gimmick if his attitude is to be trusted, but his impatience turned on him. Because you get to destroy things. TT did it (on purpose), GG did it (by accident). And he could get what he wanted if he didn't judge the book, rather the game here, by its cover and continued to play with his friend at Sburb.
It reminds me of a good article about masculinity in video games and its community. Go give it a shot if you're interested, it's in french but you can put the article in a translator. 'Video games have been parasitized by masculinist imaginary' End of the aside, let's dig into the article properly.
John: Read article.
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Non native english speakers when they want to make transitions x)
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"cats"? That's a lame way to designate people.*quick research* Hmm I was convinced he was specifically narrowing it to women players, cause I would have translating it to 'minettes' in french. But 'cats' in this context is 'guy'. But as in 'men' or 'people' in general? It's 2009, and the golden age of let's play is 2012, so it's tricky to pin out exactly if it's still a stereotyped period or if the game industry is more open to other genders (read as: cisgender girls, not a lot of neutrality or lgbt+ content during that time). What was I playing, raised as a cis girl in 2009? I checked and the Sims 3 was released that year but I barely discovered the series so I was playing the Sims 2. I mean, nobody forcing you to write anyway, dude.
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I hate that he's fakely open-minded. "Like yeah to each their own, but breaking stuff is actually the real shit ". It irks me.
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I'm glad he would be booed nowadays. You can't unironically write stuff like that and not expecting some backlash. He probably doesn't care, he won't suffer any consequences.
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When in doubt, my buddy Urban dictionary is here to the rescue! Ok so 'wicked up' is being wasted, but how does 'ins' come into it?
*more research* Hmmm o.kay. Man bro slang can be difficult to decipher. Don't get my started with "the hook" and "pirouette off the handle" and all that. With the whole Strider lingo, there's still trouble to come..
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What? What about my mom? She could murder you with words, you know. She isn't one to be stepped on and I'm proud of her <3 You gave 1.5 hats because I'm pretty sure you have to give a mandatory minimum note to a game. I mean, I don't really care. You'll be dead with the rest of humanity in a few hours. Really played yourself here.
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I'll allow it, this article is terrible and going nowhere so at this point, who cares?
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Oh fuck yeah! I saw it in theaters when it came out. I don't remember much of it cause it was more than 10 years ago, but I remember liking it. I saw it with my brother, and maybe my mom. Idk too far to recall.
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oh nooo!
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May Dennis have a prompt and good recovery.
Also, 'huge useless tool against wet grass' would be so confusing for someone who doesn't quite master the english language. If we took it at face value, it's like rubber screwdriver dripping in morning dew. That's.. quite cute and poetic actually. A forgotten toy caressed by the grass and water.
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What a shame indeed. *quick translation* Wow what an advanced word to use all of the sudden. 'girth' ooh boy I'm so glad to learn so many new words, and I will totally not forget them the next morning /sarcasm /half-joke
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At least he's nice enough to wait and try again to watch it. Wait, is 'Brotel Rwanda' his name? Or at the very least his pen name. Rwanda is a country in Africa, and the first name got 'bro' in it. It sounds fake, gonna be the latter.
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This article too, was perfectly wasted. That was boring yet I manage to deliver a whole-ass post.
Alright, let's go back to John's shenanigans, shall we? —>
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chaosnightmare · 3 years
The Stanley Parable iceberg explained in simple short words and not a video because god....
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A while ago I made this iceberg and said I would explain it in a video. I lied. Had like 5 major technical fuckups with it and then completely lost access to that hard drive so that plan flew out the window, but hey! I can try to explain it simply and quickly here. At least. It's nothing as in-depth as I think it should be, but it'll do as far as basic rundowns go.
Broom Closet - A very popular part of the game. Head through the left door and just before the stairs there will be a room marked "Broom Closet" that you can enter. Que funny dialogue.
The End Is Never - An infinitely loopable sentence that can sometimes display on the loading screen instead of "Loading Loading Loading".
Go Outside - An achievement acquired by not playing the game for 5 years. I'm never gonna get this one.
Out Of Bounds - "Ending" you can get by climbing on an employee desk, crouching, moving onto the desk right next to it, and jumping out the window. No I don't remember what number the desk is but it's the one with the pulled chair right beside the window in the first room outside Stanley's office.
Baby Game - In the Blue Door Ending, The Narrator has you play a game where you continuously press a button to stop a cardboard cutout of a baby from going up in flames. The Narrator says you should play it for about 4 hours, which you can actually do and get a separate Ending.
8 - Refers to a lot of things. Typically an edited voice clip of I think Davey Wreden saying "EIGHT". First showed up to my knowledge in the demo. The achievement in the full game if I recall correctly is acquired by just pushing "8888" into the keypad behind the desk repeatedly.
Random Rooms - The rooms you travel through in between important game content are randomized. Pretty sure William Pugh says it's to make the player feel like the game's more complicated or smarter than it actually is.
Input Received - An ending you get by finding computers in the office that say "awaiting input", pressing them, restarting, and doing it over and over until you end up in button heaven.
TM - If you check the game's captions, The Line™️ always has that "TM" after every reference to It™️. Weird gender.
The Beginner's Guide - Another game by Davey Wreden. Has some fanbase overlap with TSP. Very very good but doesn't have anything to do with TSP outside of a mention at the start of the game.
Demo - Game's got one. The whole thing's basically a big gag. The Narrator spends the whole demo trying to get the ACTUAL demo to start but it keeps going wrong and he keeps getting upset because without a proper demo, the player has no idea what they're getting into if they buy the game. The joke being that the demo is literally a perfect gateway into the full game.
Unused Dialogue Room - I'm always a whore for the unused dialogue. In the Museum Ending, there's a room you can visit with faint cut bits of narration for you to listen to. Technically a monologue. NOT EDITING THE PICTURE AGAIN
Raphael - An allegedly real man who allegedly really emailed the fictional character of The Narrator to tell him how bad he thought the original game was. Email was read and parodied in a trailer for the HD Remake. You should watch it it's very very funny.
Portal Assets - The game uses some. You can even spawn in companion cubes using the dev console and I think also get a portal gun.
Unachievable - An achievement in the game. You can actually get it but every time someone thinks they've figured out how the devs change how you get it. Sometimes awarded randomly.
Once You Go Secret - You Never Go Becret. A dumb phrase used throughout a few secrets in the game.
Serious Room - A room The Narrator will teleport you to if the game catches you trying to activate server cheats. The Narrator scolds you for trying to break the game. If you do it a second time you get more dialogue but after that it's not much until you restart.
3 Minutes Song - A song by Tim Minchin. There's a corner of the red screen that pops up when you turn on the mind control that has the end of a YouTube URL for this song. Joke is that the Explosion Ending lasts about 3 minutes.
Bark - Command you can enter into the console that changes all button press sounds to barking.
Bathroom Wall Writing - Sometimes the game will let you into the bathroom in the bosses office. The writing on the wall in there is randomized.
Aperture Experiment Theory - A theory that looks at the game through the lens of Portal canon and explains the game as a psychological experiment by Aperture Science.
Explosion Ending Buttons - Some buttons you can find in the Explosion Ending are references to other games.
Facepunch - Type this out at any point during the game (without pausing) and the game will swap most textures out with the Facepunch logo.
Whiteboard Ending - In one of the random rooms, you can open an employee door and enter the "Whiteboard Ending". Not an actual ending, just a room.
Clippy CCTV - On one of the CCTV monitors, Clippy makes a cameo. You can't really see it in game, but you can see it in the game files.
Monolith - For a while the very last part of the Baby Game Ending featured a strange, Kubrickeqsue black monolith. This was a glitch in the way the game displayed a door and has since been patched.
Vinh - Typing this during the credits triggers a weird easter egg that I'm pretty sure is probably an inside joke.
Alt. Escape Pod - A fan-modded alternate escape pod ending. Featuring the real Kevan Brighting!
Chell's Body - A glitch that can occur if you stand juuuust right (er. just wrong?) in a certain doorway. Allows you to see yourself in 3rd person, revealing that the playermodel is actually a glitched model of Chell.
Choice Video Changes - In the Not Stanley Ending, you'll encounter a video presentation about choice. You're introduced to a hypothetical real person named "Steven", and told he could either help or set fire to orphans and citizens of impoverished 3rd world nations. Originally, it featured him lighting an orphan's cigarette and then setting him on fire, but this was changed to be more subtle after a schoolteacher complained that the joke was insensitive and Davey Wreden agreed.
CCTV Room Pit - There is a large pit at the bottom of the CCTV room that you can actually jump into by climbing up on a chair. This is unintentional, so there's nothing down there.
Actual Unused Dialogue - I don't remember what this is referring to.
Second Stanley - Exiting the first part of the office fast enough will sometimes let you see a second Stanley walking his own path through a window. Some people theorize that this is actually another employee.
432 - Said other employee. Has a lot of very mysterious references to them throughout easter eggs and whatnot. Thought to have escaped before Stanley.
Demonstation - A typo the team accidentally made during the making of the demo, but they thought it was so funny that it stuck.
Dallas's Mask - An easter egg you can find in the Confusion Ending.
The Narrator And Stanley Are The Same Person - A theory about the game basically stating that The Narrator only exists as a part of Stanley's imagination, and is therefore Stanley himself.
Dr. Langeskov - A very similar (although shorter) game that William had a part in making. If you play both this and The Beginner's Guide, it'll give you a little insight into what parts of TSP were Davey's writing, and what parts were William's.
Hidden Dev Text - There's hidden dev comments and jokes in the game files. Particularly, there's a cup texture that features a full unseen rant from one of the texture artists.
1947 - Code to the keypad in the original version of the game. Putting it into the keypad in the HD version will trigger the old dialogue to play.
Purgatory Theory - Theory that Stanley is trapped in purgatory after having died.
The Narrator Hums In The Elevator - In the bosses office, there's a room that will sometimes open that features an elevator you can really walk into, though it doesn't go anywhere. If you stay here long enough, you can hear The Narrator hum along to the music and comment that he's getting bored.
Narrator Letter - A letter from The Narrator in the Collectors Edition guide book. Features his signature! I really recommend finding the book online and giving it a quick read it's great. Everything about this game is lovely.
Canceled Mobile Game - The Stanley Parable had a mobile game in the works that got canned because Davey Wreden didn't sense any passion or love for the project from the team working on it.
DOTA 2 - There's a Narrator announcer pack for this game. You can find the full pack on YouTube and it's very charming and funny.
Broken Short Start - A glitch that can occur at any time but is known to occur on fresh installs of the game. Activated by getting the shortest randomized office, (the one that's just a hallway) standing in the doorway just before the two doors room and just kind of moving wrong. It'll lock you inside the office until you restart. As you could maybe tell, the game doesn't load doorways very gracefully.
Octodad - If you look up at the ceiling during that part of the demo where everything's going to hell in a handbasket, you can see Octodad. I don't know why!
Maladaptive Daydream Theory - Maladaptive Daydreaming is a psychological condition wherein the sufferer daydreams so often and for such incredible periods of time that it becomes detrimental to their daily life. This can escalate to the point that the person starts to have trouble distinguishing memories of daydreams with memories of things that happened in reality. This is explored a little bit in the game, where in one ending, the game is revealed to be an elaborate daydream Stanley is having that is bleeding into his home and work life so much that it's ruining him.
Narrator Loudspeaker - All Narrator dialogue is actually coming from a loudspeaker aways just out of bounds in each map. This likely has nothing to do with game canon and is just the easy way to get dialogue to play with the engine the devs used.
Collectors Edition - A limited edition physical copy of the game distributed by Indiebox. Came with a lot of limited merch.
Soundtrack Titles - Refering to the idea that all of the titles for the game's soundtrack are from The Narrator's perspective.
Franz - A guy who existed? Who maybe died? It's very weird. You can find more info about it on the TSP Wiki.
Demo Surveys - Though hard to see, there are papers lying about in the demo waiting room that feature surveys filled out by Davey and William.
Workplace Harassment In Menu Audio - There's audio of a busy office workplace constantly playing on the main menu. A few people noticed that you can hear a guy being scolded by his boss in the background and some people say it sounds like he's being let off the hook for workplace harassment. There was an Oddheader video that featured this discovery and he pulled a classic YouTuber move and asked "why on earth they'd put this in the game" but I think it was probably stock audio thrown in last minute that nobody cared to check and the guy who made it just recorded his office for a while to sell for a quick buck.
Reddit AMA - Held by Davey, William, and Kevan one day. You can still find the full post. Has a lot of funny moments.
Hi Timmy! - A weird text file you can find in the game.
4 Jokes - Okay so during a talk William Pugh did on stealing ideas and masking uncleverness he told the story of a game called "4 Jokes". It's a ridiculous, hilarious, and very obviously fictional story, but I have no idea if the game it was based on actually existed. As far as I know, it didn't.
NA NA N AN ANA NA - A strange bit of unused/placeholder text for the Baby Game Ending.
Lost Mobile Content - By way of the game being canceled, we have no idea what a lot of the content looked like, but when the cancelation announcement was made on the now defunct blog for Galactic Cafe, Davey released some interesting clips of Narrator lines that would never see the light of day. Because these were never archived by the wayback machine, unless someone has them archived personally, these previews are lost to time.
ui\office_soundscape.wav - A "glitch" in the game that causes the whole game to lock up and not start if it detects a problem with the file "ui\office_soundscape.wav". This is actually caused by the game failing a Steam validity check. Though Davey claims that he has no idea how this happened, it's thought by many to be an attempt at DRM. It doesn't work very well, if that's the case, because it's known to trigger on legitimate copies of the game. It happened on my copy just by me not being on the internet for a bit too long (about a year).
And that's it! There's probably gonna be more when Ultra Deluxe comes out, but that's for another time. Thanks for reading
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haechanokeh · 4 years
I’m right for you [pt. 3]
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[teaser] [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 2 ]
(you can play Die For You by The Weeknd while reading this 😌)
pairing: popular college! mark x average! reader
genre: romance, smut, angst, series.
warning: corruption, oral sex (both receiving and giving), cream pie, rough sex, mention of religion, rough sex, self-esteem, psychology, public sex, sub! reader, sex toys. possessive mark two-faced mark
I think I’m right for you, babe. You know what I’m thinking, see it in your eyes. You hate that you want me, hate it when you cry. It ain’t workin’ ‘cause you’re perfect and I know that you’re worth it I can’t walk away. (Die for you by The Weeknd)
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today is you case presentation with mark. you were deeply affected of what happened in the cubicle but mark seemed unbothered because he was greeting you as usual. it wasn’t weird, he always greets everyone but what was really weird was your classmates. they were looking at you and it made you felt conscious, they were not saying anything but sometimes you catch them glancing at you but you brushed it off and focus on your brainstorming with mark.
yes you do dislike mark but you thank god that he's your partner. he never missed a question from your professor during case study on the other hand you're just standing beside him dumbly. you only understand the question AND the answer once mark responded. well, mark a very kind person he was, despite of answering it alone he made sure that you're included in the case saying base in y/n and my research, even lied that some are from my own research but of course not. plus, for some odd reason, your classmates' eyes were literally made you uncomfortable to the point you were having a hard time to breathe or your social anxiety attacking you. however, at the very moment, you want to give mark a tight hug for making your life easy.
the whole presentation ended. you were putting your things back to your back while standing while mark scrolling in his phone because his dad texted him asking if he could buy him some new pen. you gasped when an arm was on your shoulder, and that caught mark's attention but he hid his annoyance. 
"hey, y/n, i heard you like someone ha?" his brows were playfully raising. it was lucas, he gave mark a meaningful glance but mark smiled confusingly.
"what?" you didn't have any idea what he's telling you. 
"i heard someone saw-"
"mark!" mina suddenly appeared calling mark's name a little too loud which made lucas stop from talking. "we're going to a milk tea house, do you want to come with us?"
“y/n, come with us.” lucas pulled you closer to his body. mark was taring at lucas arm around your shoulder. you weren’t aware of mark’s expression because your mind was thinking ways to breakthrough from lucas. 
“no!” mina exclaimed. he caught everyone’s attention, and she became flustered. “i mean, we will only make her feel uncomfortable and lucas please remove your arms to y/n, she doesn’t look comfortable.” she mumbled. lucas did remove his arms from you. 
“milk tea? can we also come with you?” then the people started to surround mark. it became noisy, knowing you who’s allergic to people and noise sneaked out from the circle and left the room.
mark turned his head to look at you but you’re nowhere to be found. he sighed and forced himself to interact with his classmates.
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your mother texted you that he will be away for one week because of their excursion. she left you an allowance good for one week including your meals for the whole day and transportation. you already had your dinner outside. right now you were just laying down on your favorite long sofa in your living room, watching NCT 2020 funny moments. suddenly, mark's name popped. mark is your class representative, he has access to class contacts and it wasn't that mark called you because you're always late in the class so for almost past 3 years he's the one you always contact just to inform the class that you're just late. 
wait, did i miss an announcement? you quickly left the class maybe something came up.
"hello, was there an announcement?" you directly asked
"none, just checking you. we haven't had a proper conversation awhile ago unless it's case related." 
you heart melted, he's very kind and sweet... that scares you.
"ah okay." you simply answered. it wasn't because you want to talk to him, well you really don't want to talk to him but it wasn't that he's annoying or anything- it was just you hate phone calls. you hate talking with someone in general unless it's your mom. 
"well, have you eaten yet?" he tried to save the conversation, he wanted to hear your voice longer.
"yes." it was a one-word reply. 
mark was slightly shattered because you don't seem to want to talk to him. he just thought that maybe you were tired.
"okay, goodnight."
"yeah." then you hang up. 
you returned watching youtube until you drifted into your dreamland... no it wasn't your dreamland.
you gasped and sat up as you woke from another perverted dream with mark. your chest was rising aggressively and you look down as you felt the wetness between your thighs. you raked your hands over your hair as you felt frustration and guilt. this was your second time that you dreamt of mark doing erotic things. you looked at the digital clock it was already 2 am. you groaned and stood up, you want to wash your body because the stickiness just made you feel more guilty if it stays there longer.
you entered your room and stripped, walking directly into your bathroom. you opened a warm shower and as the water trickled on your body, hands unconsciously trailing to the south. your dream was so hot, you can't lie about that. it was in the same cubicle but instead of his digits, it was his dick inside you. 
your eyes closed as you rubbed your bead slow while recalling your dream. you squeezed your left breast and imagining it was mark's squeezing it. you want something to fill your womanhood so you inserted your two fingers and thrust it. your lungs felt like being suppressed by pressure, your thrust became furious. 
"oh my- mark fuck." you moaned his name and you have never been so ashamed. it was so wrong but the feeling was so good that you weren't able to stop yourself from moaning. you felt the tension in your thighs. you knelt down and the hand that squeezing your breast was now on your clit rubbing it furiously. 
"mark! fuck right there." you felt the tension in your abdomen and your legs started to shake. your body just gave in, bending down, cheek shoved against the wet tiles while the warm water splashed on your body.
you screamed erotically, eyes rolling and lashes flickering. your legs were shaking as you reached your high.
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 mark hasn't slept yet, it's okay for him because there are no classes. he was staring at the ceiling and mind preoccupied by you.
he was trying to understand why do you keep pushing him away even though you clearly wanted him too. mark did remember where you say he's very different from you, and so? what's wrong with it? what he didn't like is the thought of changing just for a single person but...
"shall i?" he chuckled bitterly. he was really close to his insanity. he feared that this affection will grow into something that is uncontrollable- like an obsession.  
he checked the time through his phone. it's 5 in the morning. he decided to jog outside, so, he took a quick shower and wore his tracksuit and running shoes. maybe if tiredness hits him, he will feel sleepy. mark already went to your house and he didn't tell you that his house is just a few blocks away from you, instead of going to his normal route, he changed it, jogging in your house direction.
when he was closed to your street, he was surprised to see you outside. he stood and admire your naturalness from afar. your hair was disheveled, your eyes weren't completely closed yet, and your face was a little puffy but it doesn't take away your beauty. plus, your cute teddy bear pajamas made him smile. he sends his gratitude to god because he created a masterpiece. 
yeah, mark is deeply in love and he thinks there's no way out of this feeling. 
you were actually waiting for your breakfast, your pancakes from mcdonalds and a warm chocolate drink. when the delivery arrived, you paid and gave him a tip for being quick. you were about to go back inside when you heard a VERY familiar voice which was owned by the person who sleep deprived you 
"Y/N!" his voice was loud, it even cracked. 
"what are you doing here?" you asked.
"morning jog, and good morning to you." he replied and greeted at the same time.
"jog.." you paused and gasped. "from your condo to here?!" you exclaimed in disbelief. mark laughed at your reaction. of course it'll shock you because you already been in his condo and if he jogged it from there to here, he was supposed to be passing out right now.
"no, my family house is actually a few blocks away from here."  he said.
WHAT?! this is not good. you thought. the more he gets closer the more he has access to your mind and body. you masked your displeased face and just nodded.
"okay, ahm. i'm heading back now. bye." you pointed at your house door and awkwardly turned your back walking towards your door.
you expected him to do something because he always do that but to your disappointment he didn't. you looked back to check if he was stil there but he was no longer standing there but you saw him jogging away from your direction. you sighed in disappoinment that made you mentally slap yourself for feeling very contradicting .
you ate miserably your affordable and favorite pancake.
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mark took a bathe and go down to eat breakfast together with his parents. they prayed before eating. the cooked food by his mom made him question why your ordered delivery food for breakfast.
"how's school?" mark's dad asked him.
"good, still the same." he replied.
"your father will lead a service, you can invite your classmates. oh mina, you can invite her, she's very sweet girl." his mom said but she doesn't have any motive. she knew mark have not interest in romantic relationship as of the moment, her child was so focus in maintaining his grades and scholarship. at least, that's what he though.. if she only knew.
"i'll try." he forced a smile but behind it was growing tiredness. he knew that his classmates doesn't really want to praise but because they were so fond of mark and they just love to hang out. it defeated the purpose of going to church.
after the breakfast, mark's parent left for their work. he washed the dishes and went up stairs and stayed in his room with his music and guitar. it helped to detach his mind from thinking of you, but it was just temporary as he saw you name appeared in his phone. he almost threw his guitar just to answer your call very quick.
"y/n? why?" he sound so excited.
"ahm, mark... well.. perhaps, do you ahm, have notes from yesterdays discussion? i mean in all cases, not just ours?" you were very stuttering because of shyness. your class have long test about the cases but you're notes are everywhere and you can't understand your writings.
"yes." he said. he knew where this is going. he quickly get out from his bed and go straight to his closet, choosing shirt to wear. "do you need it? i can bring it to you."
"no, no. ahm, you do digital notes right? mind if you could send it through gdrive?" you really don't want to bother him... nah lies. you're just preventing things from happening.
mark paused for a moment and was a little hurt, he understood your statement as if you don't want to see him. but mark will not having any of that.
"it was handwritten though." he faked sorry. he hoped you didn't notice what he did there, hoping that you received it as if it was literally handwritten like directly to paper since he sounded apologetic.
"oh... i see. well, ahm, can you drop by in the house?"
mark still not satisfied by just dropping by.
"how about we study together? we can review together."
you translated it like 'the smartest in your class can help you'and that's very tempting. you can't easily study 8 cases and you need him. you used his diuretics notes in lecture, you almost aced it. now, your lab needs him.
"then, pizza is okay for you?" you whisoered from the other end.
mark secretly fist pump and grinned in triumph.
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you spayed air freshener in your living room and changed your shirt to another shirt? you only have tees just in different colors, you changed your short into black sweatpants. you made sure that your hair was far different from the hair he saw this morning. you already ordered the pizza.
the doorbell rang. your quickly opened the door for him. mark was standing, carrying his ipad and his other hand holding a two milk teas in a cup holder. he's wearing dark blue t-shirt and gray sweatpants. you smiled awkwardly and let him in. you scanned his body, looking for paper or at least a piece of paper but you didn't see any of it. mark was looking down at you, watching you observing him.
"where's your notes?" you curiously asked.
"here." he lifted his ipad. your jaw dropped.
"i thought you did not do digital notes?"
"i don't recalling telling you i didn't, i just said it was handwritten and when i saif that handwritten in my ipad." he reasoned. taht made you think later realizing that he was right and that made you dumb.
you sighed in defeat.
"by the way, bought you milk tea since you missed it yesterday." he said, you acually don't care if you missed it or not.
you walked towards the single couch and patted it.
"you can seat here." you said.
he quickly sat down and put the milk teas on top of your living room's table. he confusingly watched you when you sat on the long couch and it was the end of it. you were too far from him.
you noticed his sulking face.
"mr. mark lee, what's with your long face?" you chuckled teasingly.
"why are you too far from me?" he pouted.
"damage control." you replied shortly and get your case 3 notes which is very illegible to read. "can i borrow your case 3?"
"why? what did i do?" mark asked was clueless. he did not pay attention to your question
"mark, being alone with you is not healthy anymore." you directly answered him.
"orgasm is healthy, what do you mean?" mark didn't get your.
"mark, that's not what i mean. we're like horny teenagers doing unappropriate things."
"we're already passed in that phase in life, we're both adults." he rebutted.
you mentally face palmed yourself in frustration. why is he so smart and dumb at the same time.
"mark, that's not why i mean. we're being to touchy, every time we are left alone the next thing we knew we're touching each other. do you know how scary was that to me? it only happened twice but i am already longing for more! when i don't feel your touches i go craaazy! i even touched myself for freaking 2-" you froze when you realize what you were telling him you stared blankly at him.
on the other hand, mark was very pleased hearing you exploded from frustration as you became honest for the first time.
"you touched yourself? what 2?" he smirked and lifted his brows.
you cleared your throat.
"can i borrow your ipad? i need your case 3." you murmured and look anywhere but him your face heat up. you want to be swallowed by your favorite sofa.
"then get it."
you look at his ipad sitting on his manly wide spread apart thighs. your eyes stared at the mark that makes your knees weak and wet pussy. his fiery eyes looking directly toyou while he was sitting comfortably on the couch and arms are both in each side of the armrest.
"mark lee, i need it." you tried to use your stern voice but failed because your voice was too small.
"i told you, you can get it.. here." he glanced at his ipad.
you gulped and the living room's air became thick. your submissive self switched on and you just found yourself walking towards him. your hands felt cold as you reached for his ipad. when you lifted it, his bulge forming in his gray sweatpants made you almost drool. you were reminded how fucking hot it was.
you want to touch it and do anything you can possibly could but your single rational braincells keeping you in the light.
"you don't seem sure of what you really wanted to do." he snapped you from overthinking. "should i make you choices?"
"what?" you asked confusingly but your voice was shaking.
"you bring that ipad with you and go back to where you were sitting, or..." he looked up to you with his dark eyes, leaning a little forward you trace the side of your hips with his palm..
"put the ipad on the table and sit in my lap."
mark knew that you can never say no at this state. if you could only see how your body shivered and how defeated your face was, he knew you already gave in.
and his was right.
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the original draft was deleted because of my stupidity 😭 idk think this is good as the original draft.
hello, some of you asked me if i have a tag list, i will be creating one.
✨if you want to be added in I'm Right For You Tag List, you can DM or Ask me so i can add you ✨
Tag List:
anyways, i would like to say thank you for supporting this story. i did not expect some of you will like it. i also want to thanks people who leaving message through dms and ask praising this story. also to those nctzens hearting it 🥺🤗
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inknopewetrust · 3 years
In Another Universe Part 4 (Marcus Moreno x Reader)
Summary: The reunion you've both been waiting forever for.
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Fem!Reader (We Can Be Heroes/MCU Crossover)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: None.
A/N: This is it! Thank you all for showing interest in this series and being so enthusiastic about it. @jupitersmooneuropa, this is for you! You're idea was so wonderful, I just couldn't resist making it into a mini-series and I hope I did you proud. Requests are currently CLOSED but will be open again soon. Check out my MASTERLIST for all other works!
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Being a hero meant a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some loved the fame, the recognition, the money that sometimes came with, while some just wanted to be helpful and loved for their work. But one quality heroes had in common was that they were able to calm their nerves in the most crucial moments.
For Marcus Moreno, that crucial moment was now, and he could barely contain his nerves.
Clint could feel the anxiety radiating off the man. Marcus tried to play it cool because he had everything that made him seem cool: the swords, the tactical gear, his stoic face, but it wasn't enough to mask emotions from a world-class spy. Though Clint was able to sense it, he wasn't sure what exactly to say. He had only heard about Marcus through you, he only knew what little you told him, and that was how he determined Marcus wasn't some alien but the man you've been waiting for.
It was an awkward silence. One filled with the quiet roaring of the engines and every now and again, the sound of alerts from the computers around them. Clint kept his eyes on the sky while Marcus took peaks at the landscape below. The world looked so much like his own... just not as technically advanced as his own. The clouds swallowed the sip and his eyes drifted forward again as he took in a deep breath and exhaled.
"Nervous?" Clint managed to crack Marcus a smile and glanced at the man sitting to his right. Marcus chuckled, nodding his head with a nonchalance.
"You could say that."
"There's no reason for you to be."
"There's always a chance for something to go wrong."
Clint shrugged and flipped some switches as the quinjet began to descend.
"Are we there already?"
"Almost. About 5 minutes out."
Another uneasy silence fell over them but Clint wasn't contributing to it. Marcus just wanted everything to be like it was before. You, Missy, and himself in a home that felt like home. He couldn't have asked for a better partner in life and work, and it was taken away from him just like your life was taken away from you, but he wasn't going to say his life was better without you because it wasn't. Marcus just feared that maybe this life here was better than the one you had built with him. No one's reassurance except your own could tell him otherwise.
"Can I ask you a question?" Marcus glanced at Clint before returning to look forward again, a little embarrassed to be talking about you with someone he didn't know. But he knew you loved Clint like a brother, just as Natasha had been a sister, so he understood there was a level of trust there. Clint mumbled a 'go ahead' but his attention wasn't entirely on Marcus.
"Is she happy here?"
'Loaded question, but alright Mr. other world.' Clint thought before answering with the only truthful answer that could be given. He has watched the progression of a quiet depression become one of reclusiveness and a bitter happiness. You weren't happy here, in this world, with him or any of the Avengers. Natasha was gone, Steve was gone, Wanda was MIA, Bucky and Sam were on their own adventures. No one was here except him and that wasn't nearly enough to support someone who lost everything and then some because of a greedy man with glowing stones. This wasn't your home anymore.
"Was. She was at one time. I don't think this is where her heart is anymore."
Clint gave him a flat smile but Marcus did not return it. The thought alone of you avoiding social contact because happiness was ripped away from you in every direction was heart-wrenching. He never wanted to bring you any pain and a part of him couldn't help but believe that if he tried harder, if he hadn't wasted time being upset with your arrival years ago, things may have been different.
"We're here."
The announcement sent shockwaves through him. A thunderbolt of pure, unexplainable fear and anticipation of seeing you again struck his core. This was it; this was his endgame and the farm that slowly made itself clear out the window was the destination.
"Let me go in and see them first, make sure they're home, and then I'll come back. Is that alright?"
Marcus could only nod and watch the man grab his bags and bow and leave the jet. Marcus unbuckled himself because there was no point in staying in the seat. The back was left open and while Clint had told him to stay, he couldn't help but walk down the ramp and stand just to the side of the jet. He ran his hand over the side of the matte gray finish, slightly impressed by the time it took to get there. It was faster than he thought even if it felt like an eternity.
The house was a nice weathered white. It had seen better days and as Clint approached the door, he noted all the fixes needed. The rusted door handle, the broken pot in the corner, an abundance of yard toys and broken bicycle parts laid around him. He managed to open the door with limited squeaking, but Laura heard it and so did Lila. The boys weren't home because if they were, they would have tackled him to the ground the moment they heard the ship land in the yard.
"Clint!? What are you doing here? I thought you weren't supposed to be back for two weeks." Laura said as soon as she came around the corner from the kitchen. Lila was right behind her with a smile and hug for him–which he gladly accepted.
"Emergency. Where is Y/n? I have something I think she'd want to see."
Laura furrowed her eyebrows and moved to the window. Outside, beside the jet, stood a man who could have been a new Avenger for all she knew. She turned back to Clint, moving away from the window so Lila could sneak a glance too.
"What is it? Who is that man out there?"
"That man is Marcus. That Marcus. He just appeared at the compound looking for her. They apparently have been trying to find a way to bring her back and whatever he did, it worked."
Laura let out an audible gasp, returning to the window and looking at the man. Slowly, just as Clint had hours before, she began to piece together the man before her eyes from the stories you had told her about.
"Oh my God! OH MY GOD!" She almost yelled so loudly the neighbors two blocks away could hear her. Clint shushed her but she couldn't keep the smile off her face. Laura ran to the staircase and yelled up it.
"Y/n! Get down here!"
"Oh my God, Clint! She had a great day today and wow-I just can't believe it."
You had heard Laura's loud enthusiasm from the room you had been staying in. You thought you'd leave her be until her voice trailed up the stairs again and she called out to you. It wasn't like you had any idea of what was going on. You heard the quinjet, figured Clint was back, and it was around dinner time so maybe it was time to eat? It was the first time in a long time that your thoughts hadn't been cluttered with death or sadness, but those feelings lingered. You exited the room, walked down the stairs and smiling at Clint when you saw his face.
"How's the girl?" Kate Bishop.
"She's a real hero." Clint replied and you nodded your head in reply. Doing so, you managed to turn toward the window from your place on the second to last step. Outside sat the quinjet that had taken so many of you and your friends on missions that could have well been your last. But it wasn't the vehicle that caught your undivided attention, but the body beside it. Standing tall in black.
Your eyes had to have been deceiving you.
"What is going on?" Your voice was barely a whisper, but Laura caught it, smiling and grabbing your hand. Your attention never left the window. The man was pacing slightly, a nervous tick you were sure you knew.
"Go and see for yourself, Y/n." Her voice was quiet too but reassuring and warm, like a mothers should be. The man outside didn't know what was going on, but he left your sight because you descended the rest of the steps and ran out the door.
The door squeaked loudly this time and with a bang, fell shut. You barely made it to the steps before you stopped on the gravel. about 20 yards away, the man heard the door and turned.
Even if the entire world was watching the scene unfold on Clint's lawn, many could not recall who moved first. Laura would say Marcus because that's who she could see, but you were slightly convinced it was your own feet. Nevertheless, after the door had slammed and the two of you met again, the universe drew you together like magnets. You ran, he ran, and with the collision, you both wrapped your arms around each other and soon your feet were off the ground.
You could barely say a word with your blubbering tears, and he wasn't about to make his obvious either so instead of talking, he just pulled away enough to look you in the face. Your eyes the same, your nose the same, your lips still perfect to him. Your hands moved from around his neck to his face. You gently held his face in your hands as you tried to control yourself.
"You're really here?" It was a broken ask but he managed a smile and moved a piece of hair out of your face.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"I missed you s-so much." Marcus couldn't help but grin at the admission. It was everything and more than he wanted to hear.
"I love you. I love you so damn much." His hand rested on the back of your neck and he pulled you to him. His lips were just as you remembered.
Perfectly him and as if they were made for your own.
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Reunions were sentimental and good. But they were followed with a series of questions that were often difficult to hear. Marcus had held you for a long time. You weren't sure how long and you weren't exactly complaining either, but there was a linger question: how did he get here and how in the world are you getting back?
You had been adamant in telling him 'yes' the moment Marcus asked you the question about returning to his world. That was the plan for you. There were no other options because life with Marcus and Missy was your life now and whoever was left that loved you like family had to accept that. Marcus had explained the machine built to travel through worlds over dinner with Clint because perhaps he could be the one to help. He had travelled through time before so what is traveling through universes, right?
But later that night, when the reunion had settled and everyone had gone to bed, Marcus sat on the edge of an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room with a woman he loves. Clint could help you, but he needed time. So, he left with the jet while you stayed with the family and Marcus. He went to go see Stephen Strange because he managed to pick up the phone late that night.
"Do you think they'll be able to get us back? I don't want to leave Missy there all alone." Marcus voiced his worry with a sad reflection. You sat up from your reclined position and waddled over to him, running your hands up his back and then around his shoulders before he gently took them and tugged them around him. He missed your touch so much.
"You've never seen Dr. Stephen Strange do his 'magic' so I think there's a chance."
"Are you sure this is what you want?" He turned his head just enough so he could look at your face. You may have been a spy, but your eyes never lied to him. He knew you better than any interrogator could ever wish to have known you.
"Yes, I want to be with you and Missy and all those heroes with weird names." You laughed for the first time in a long time and it was music to his ears. He smiled to where his eyes crinkled in the corners as your fingers played with the nape of his neck where his loose hair sat.
"I just want you to be happy, Y/n. Your happiness means everything to me."
"I am happy with you. I am happy in our home. This makes me happy."
That was enough for him. The next day you both waited... and waited... and waited for even one word from Clint, but nothing came. Sometime in the afternoon, the heavy engine of the quinjet could be heard in the yard so you dropped the puzzle pieces on the table beside Lila, grabbed Marcus' hand and ran out the door. Clint had a small smile on his face, but it was the sharply dressed Doctor that you focused your attention on.
"I trust there is a way home if you're here. You wouldn't come all this way to bare bad news."
"Your skills on reading people alarm me, though I would expect nothing less from an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D."
Stephen nodded and then extended his hand to Marcus who shook it in return. They introduced themselves to one another and Stephen put a gold bar on his fingers before extending his hand to the wide landscape of the farm.
"What are you doing?" You asked with a furrowed brow. This wasn't the way Marcus had come, they were supposed to fix the control pad he had on his arm.
"Do you really think the Sorcerer Supreme can't open portals to other universes? There are so many worlds you don't know, but you found the one you were meant to be in, so let me get you both home."
With a circular movement of his fingers, Stephen opened a yellow portal that slowly became an image of a world you had known before. A house, perfectly structured in the suburbs was on the other side. The grass perfectly mowed and the bushes trimmed, the mail box accidentally left open which you knew was Missy's fault. The curtains were open and the sun shone brightly into the home. Marcus grabbed you hand, squeezing it tightly as you took in the sight. Months had gone by where you dreamed of this moment, of that house and all its residents. Your dream was here now with the man holding your hand to support you.
"Y/n." Clint called out to you, breaking your stare. You turned around and he approached with his family in tow. He held out a small envelope which contained a note from them and a series of pictures that you would later cry over, but it was a final goodbye from your life here on this Earth.
You hugged them all with tears in your eyes but when Marcus re-took your hand, it felt like it meant something more than just running off into the sunset together. It felt normal and needed and necessary to move forward in your life.
"Are you ready?" Marcus asked you to which you could only reply with one word:
Tag list for series: (thanks for the support!!)
@pasckles @jupitersmooneuropa @agingerindenial @karnita-mexicana @mcueveryday @shadowolf993 @computeringturtle @roxypeanut
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silverrstarrr · 4 years
Normal girl (2)
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Note: i just edit this chapter a bit and added more dialog. Someone messaged me and helped me out with a few things, thank you!
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Chapter 2:
Walking side by side down the stairs, you took a sip of your coffee and place your herd of keys the side of your book bag. yume was scrolling through her phone on tik tok, drinking from her coconut Carmel ice coffee. You didn't understand why she was drinking ice coffee in mid February, it was cold. It was surprising their wasn't any snow.
Grinning like an idiot, she shaked your shoulder, positioning her phone in front of you–you both watched the tik tok. You didn't laugh at first only smiling, yume kept gesturing you to keep watching, waiting for the punchline. Finally it came up and you both started laughing, you slowly shaked your head placing your hand over your mouth.
"NOOO, nooo. That was so wrong, yall are going to hellll" you whined out.
Yume wiped the tears from her face and continued down the last step. She opened up the door and slid out, you trialing behind her. You both proceeded to walk down the street, where all the park cars were out.
"We riding in rich today girlie, jump in," she lifted up her arm that held her drink, her other reached into her purse and grabbed her car keys.
"I thought we were gonna walk there? It's only 10 minutes." You headed towards her car as she unlocked it and sat in the driver's seat. She had a 2018 dark Grey Nissan altima. You remember her having this ever since junior year, you recalled her talking about getting a newer model since this one was old. Like girl what? Old your ass, if the car still functioning there ain't no problem. White people shit, man.
"Well, it's the first day of sweet college life," she dragged out the last few words, adding a sarcastic tone. Yume tossed her bag in the backseat through the open space from the front, She dropped her drink in the little cup holder as well. Catching up with her, you open the backseat's door and chucked your bag in there–immediately closing it after. You pull the passengers door open and sat down, closing it behind you. Yume did the same–letting out a large sigh as she used her long sleeve to rub her legs, which were freezing.
"Bruh, you were just cold. Shouldn't have wore that skirt knowing it was this cold. Your mother would be disappointed," you moved your head side ways, pretending to be disappointed. You dropped your dunkin' drink in the other cup holder next to hers.
"Y/n, shut upp." Rolling her eyes jokingly, She grabbed the buckled next to her seat and puts it on. You placed your seat belt on too. Automatically, her phone connected to the car, you check over at the screen in the middle. It had the time, the degrees outside and all that other fancy things.
"Wanna play something?" she inserted the keys into the ignition and started the car.
"Yeah, I'll type it in,"
You grabbed her phone, showing the screen to her to unlock it, automatically recognizing her face– the lock screen slid up, revealing all her apps. You went to spotify and played "C U Girl" by Steve lacy.
"OKAAYYY, MS. INDIE TIK TOKER." Yume said nodding her, jamming to song. It was only going to be a 5 minute drive, or 7 if you guys couldn't find parking. She swerved to the left, leaving her parking space and pulling off. You whipped out your phone and paused your music, rapidly switching to snapchat–you heard yume's loud singing.
"I WANNA SEE YOU GUURRLL, I WANNA PLEASE YOU GIRL....GO AHEAD AND BE YOUR GIRL," This girl was jamming her out heart out, steve lacy was her favorite along with Brent faiyaz and many others.
In response, you started cackling as you hit the record button—swiftly turning over it to the driver. Her black ponytail moving as she sang and motioning her head in all different directions. Eyeing towards your direction she sees the phone and leans towards the camera flashing a smile, moving her head side to side—still singing through the lyrics. Yume returned back to the road as she lightly taps the steering, avoiding the horn of course.
Once the quick little vid was done, you added a caption,
"I swear if we crash😭😭💕"
Your thumb jolted between posting it on your private or public. You decided to post on the public story because why not? The song was over pretty quickly as the next one played.
"Who knew white people had rhythm?!" It was obviously sarcasm. You knew she was half Asian but it was fun always calling out her white side.
"Naaahh, white people don't have any rhythm. What you saw there was my miki matsubara pop out". She eases down her breaks– the traffic light turns red. Miki Matsubara? Oh yeah, it's that woman who sung "stay with me". It was a good song, you were obsessed with the chorus mostly. 
You giggled a bit at her remark, you checked your socials once again.
"If this light doesn-" Yume sentence was cut off by the light turning green. She pressed her foot on the gas and carried on with attending class.
Pulling up to the parking lot, yume leaned towards her wheel, searching for a place to park. She slowly went down each isle searching for a vacant lot she could snag. You had your drink in between your lips, you took the last sip and shook the plastic cup trying to get a little more. All you heard was ice rattling against one another, dropping the cup back in the holder. You peer out the window looking at the campus, there were a ton of kids, like a lot. Anxiety began spiking up through your veins, this really is the college life, huh? Maria University. It was a school for literally anything, it was one of the biggest universities in the country as well being highly diverse. Yume would be allll the way on the other side of campus while you're slightly in the middle.
"Uggghhh! I regret not leaving earlier, I don't see any open slots." She whined. This was her 2nd time driving around the parking lot looking for a space.
"I said we should walk but nahhh, you wanted to be lazy and take the car." You rolled your eyes as yume, exaggerating, throwing your hands in the air. But you weren't going to be late on the first day. As the generous queen you are, you aided your roomie with looking a space to park. After analyzing for a few moments, you spotted a space and immediately tapped at the window, pointing towards it. Yume car swerved to the left, sliding right into the parking. Taking her keys out the hole, she grabbed her drink and headed out.
"No leaving trash in my car, miss L/n!"
You grabbed your plastic cup and opened the passenger door.
"Yes ma'am," you opened the backseat and grabbed the two bags and closed the door. Beep yume locked her car. She was sipping her coffee but gave a bitter expression when her sweet drink was watered down because of the ice. You looked at your phone, checking the time:
                             8:38 am
                 Monday, February 18th
                                                               38m ago
Kittykiller27, prettygirlnene liked your photo
                                                               45m ago
[Andyhas]: CRONA BECK started following you and 48 others.
Your phone was blowing up from insta notifications. It was time for class and you weren't sure how long it'll even take you to find your classroom. Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you handed yume her own, which she grabbed. You both were speed walking, despite her coffee being ruined she still continued to drink it. It was for the caffeine you guessed. Reaching the sidewalks, it was time to part ways. Yume turned her face towards yours pouting.
"We're leaving each other nooww," she stuck out her bottom lip staring at you. You grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to you. Her arms slithered around your waist, resting her chin on your shoulder–giving you a warm hug. You returned the hug by grunting and holding her tightly.
She started giggling and patted your back a few times, you released your grip and she started to jog in the other direction while looking back, waving at you. You waved back hollering a "BYEEEE!" A trash can was next to you so you dumped your empty dunkin' there.
It was now time for your own adventure, to find this damn classroom. You click the play button on your phone's lock screen, "baby powder by Jenevieve began playing. (Play the song whores👩🏾‍💻)
Walking downwards to the left side of campus, you searched for a pair of doors to go inside of. At this moment, you regretted not going to orientation. That day you were busy setting up your website for your makeup line. You haven't released any products yet, but you had plentiful of ideas and themes you wanted to do. Since it was black history month, maybe you'll drop something as simple as a face cream to help clear and brighten up the skin. But you discarded that thought because you weren't anywhere near ready to start your own small business. Plus, you had bigger things to worry about.
Standing in front of double doors, you grab the handles and pulled it back, you stepped inside while students behind you did the same. You came in slowly, admiring the interior. It was hella spacy with paintings and photos hanging along the walls. Students were roaming the hallways going back and forth from classrooms. Most of the students seemed to be in some sort of costume, or they were dressed fairly well like they were models. You didn't know the directions to your designated class, so you took up the courage to ask someone. You turned to search for someone who didn't seem busy, since most people were rushing to class. Finally you laid eyes on q girl leaning against the wall, typing on her phone. She had long pink acrylic nails, her blonde hair tied into a low ponytail, which complimented her pale skin tone. She had a gold nose piercing on the right nostril.
She seemed nice enough, so you decided to approach her.
"Um excuse me, do you know where Mr. Fargo's class is at?"
The blonde girl averted her eyes from her phone, now focusing on you.
"I'm not really sure—um, I believe it's down that way." She pointed to the right of her.
"Mr. Fargo, he's teaches cosmetic right?"
"Yeah," you replied
"Then I think it should be down there." She scrunched her face in a confusing manner, meaning not to take her word for granted. But you couldn't care less, it was worth a try.
"Ight, thank you." You bid her goodbye. Oop. You accidentally switched your lingo. You were used to speaking in AAVE but you knew how to change your tone and wordplay around others who weren't African American. The girl didn't seen to notice so you just continued down the hall.
"Down... here right..? Yeah this is the way," you murmured to yourself while you strut down the hall. Then turned left as the lady told you. You were now at a hall with multiple doors. Out of all them, you forget the most important, class started in five minutes. You looked to the left as your braids swayed with your movement, then searched to the right. You walked down the hallway, stopping at the fifth door on the left. You were hesitant with grabbing the door, you didn't want to make a fool of yourself walking into the wrong room as all eyes are on you. You pulled out your phone and texted yume.
(I did a different message format just in the previous was confusing)
                 colonizer but times 2🧑🏻‍🦲
                        I'm so lost, this is embarrassing.
Lost? What happened
                               Idk where my class is
                             & its starting in a few
You don't know where?? Bruh
Ask someone, im sure they'll help you
                              I did...but she didn't tell me
                                    which class it was😭 all.
she said was "down the hall"
Just open the door you think it is😋       
                      UH- HUH🧏🏾‍♀️ YOU SETTING ME
                               UP FOR FAILURE.
       Imagine going into the wrong class and
                 all you see are eyes 👁👁
Girl, half of the people won't even see you again on campus👩🏻‍🏫
If you don't recognize the teacher, try to ask a student close to the door for direction
         Okay, im blaming you if I make a fool.    
                           outta myself 😟
                        Read at 8:43 am
(Play quicksand by SZA rq 👩🏾‍💻)
You decided to take your roomie's advice and pick a class, which you already did.
You dropped your phone back into your jacket pocket and swung open the door–you were prepared for the stares. The classroom was vacant, not even a teacher in sight. Just a bunch of stools and white pull down screens. You saw a few cameras standing in front of these screens. "Was this the photography class or sum?" You mumbled to yourself.
And well, eyes were on you but it wasn't a herd as you expected, just one. Sitting on one of the stools in front of the door, was pale skin boy with long brown hair. It rested at his shoulders, some of it covering his face even. He seemed around 6ft, or 6 ft 2? You couldn't really tell since he was sitting.
He had on some black jeans with a black long sleeve sweatshirt as well with a beige greenish short sleeve unbutton shirt rested on top of it– a long golden key necklace dangled from his chest. His hands were sitting between his lap, you noticed sliver rings on them.(his outfit for people who need help visualizing) The teal eyed boy was also rocking black & white air Jordan 1 retro, literally the same as you.
You screamed internally at how fine this man looked and he had shoe gang? Uggghh. Class been started and you were going to be late on your first because this OBVIOUSLY wasn't your class. You decided to break the awkward silence and speak,
"Hey, um, is this Mr. Fargos class?" You stepped more into the classroom for the brunette male to hear you.
"Wrong one, babe. His class is in a totally different building." A different building?! You wanted to die right there and then, especially after hearing him laugh after his statement. Not just the wrong class but the wrong building? Bye–you're so stupid. His eyes scanned your body, his eyes lingered a bit longer at your shoes–it seems he noticed. A smirk appeared on his lips after finishing his quick outfit interrogation–wait, did he just call you-? I-, yes he did. You tried your best to hide your smile and not react.
"O-ooo, I got it. Thanks" Eren released a small chuckled seeing your reaction, he could tell you were caught up with the little pet name.
"I'll walk you over there." He got off his stool and walked towards your direction.
"I-, nah it's good, I got it." You said in defense not wanting to bother him. He didn't respond and just passed by you, exiting the classroom. He held onto the door, looking at you.
"You coming or no?" He was so nonchalant with it everything. You smiled a bit and walked out the class alongside with him. He released his grip once you were out and started trialing behind you.
You paused for a moment because you didn't know where you were going. You turned back to look at him, he caught on and let out an "ah". He quickly got in front of you as you proceeded behind him.
"So," he said.
"What?" You replied. Why did he start a sentence and not finish it? Was he expecting you to start the conversation, weirdo. You just wanted to get to class l.
"Oo, sassy are we?" He raised a brow.
"What—? boy, say what you wanna say."
Once again, he let out a chuckle, flashing you a small. God, was his laugh attractive.
"You're into makeup and stuff?" He questioned.
"Yeah, I'm into 'makeup and stuff' " You said the last few words in the mocking tone, referring to what he called cosmology.
"That's good, at least I'll be seeing you often."
"Often? Oh, are you in that major also?" You said.
"No...Do you really not know anything?" He made you feel dumb by his response. How were you suppose to know what he meant? You clicked your teeth and started walking ahead. You pushed back the door that lead to another hallway and walked towards the end to push the second door that lead to another building.
The brunette boy watched as you left him behind in the dirt, waiting for the moment you'll turn the wrong corner—so he could tease you about it then correct you.
It wasn't too long till you reached your destination, you both stopped in front of the class's door.
"Well, see you. I hope you don't make snarky remarks to every girl you meet."
"Nah, only you princess." He had a smirk on his face, ooo! You wanted to wipe it off.
You glanced at him and his eyes were already on you, you broke eye contact and reached for the handle.
"Wait–" you whipped your heard back.
He cleared his throat
"Name's Eren," you let out a small giggle, did he really just stop you to say his name? Puhleasee. Hearing your laugh, his face brightened up and kept his eyes on you.
"Okay, Eren~. Thank you for walking me, I gotten get to class now."
You opened the door and stepped inside. Eren didn't even get a chance to ask your name. Luckily for him, your major mingled a lot with his own, he could only hope to see you again around campus.
Authors note: UGHHH, I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT FOR THIS just to pass out a few hours before school started. 🥲 I wasn't even paying attention in English and math class, but hope yall enjoyed <3.
Pt 3
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emcon-imagines · 3 years
also, i guess this is for telling you *our* most paranormal experience, but because I don't have any: 🌒 what's *your* most paranormal experience? I love paranormal stories a lot, so don't hold back.
OMG ok Clara I have to admit I’ve had a lot of paranormal experiences since I was a kid so I’m going to keep it as brief as possible but...
I grew up living right by the most haunted woods I’ve ever known in my life. My house abutted them and those woods and another set of woods covered a lot of our town/neighborhood. We liked to play in there, building forts, hiding from the older kids, sometimes using it as a cut-home from the middle school when it was getting dark.
When I was six, I was walking my dog by the woods, a little after dark, when my dog stopped walking and started sniffing the air before going completely stiff and staring into the dark. So I turned and saw the silhouette of this massive skinny creature standing on two legs and we STARED at each other for a good moment before it took OFF and I grabbed my dog and ran all the way back to my house. I thought it could be a deer on two legs, but the proportions were all off, and the head shape was all off. Also, I don’t recall it running away on four legs. The eyes were fuckin weird too. Ever since I’ve just referred to it as “the shapeshifter” and it’s the reason why if I’m hanging around those woods late at night, I still don’t like to look too closely into the dark or shine a flashlight in, because I’m afraid of what I’ll see haha
Umm and then when we were like 12 we were playing in the snow behind my neighbor’s house one evening when we saw these two lights in the woods. So, of course, we ran, until the lights emerged from the woods and we saw they were flashlights being carried by two little kids (maybe 5 and 7 y/o?). They were dressed in like winter clothes like from A Christmas Story haha. Anyways, we asked them “where did you come from? where are your parents?” and they said NOTHING and eventually turned around and walked back into the woods, their lights just kind of disappearing.
My roommate just told me “wait tell them about the deaths” and I really don’t wanna get into those, but we have it on good faith that those woods were cursed, both the woods themselves and the people who spent too long in them. I remember coming home from school to see police cars everywhere and a bunch of K-9s and they ended up finding a body where we would play. The other major one is too recent and I can’t get into it but one of the guys that used to be A Character in all of our childhood adventures made national headlines a few years ago for what he did.
There was also a haunted farmhouse near us (it was like two hundred years old) and when the original owner died, no one moved in, so it’s been sitting abandoned for the last 10 years. We used to sneak in there and explore, especially dare each other to go down to the basement, which had this like... face on the wall? In white? It was like the wall decayed Just So and it freaked us out that it sent us running out of the basement one time. When we played manhunt in the summer, hiding in that house/under the porch was a PRIME location because not many other kids wanted to go NEAR the place. Sometimes, at night, we’d see smoke coming out of the chimney, and there was a face we’d see in the window on the right of the front door. Looked like those masks that the death eaters wore in the Harry Potter movies. That house gives me the willies man.
Weird shit used to happen in those woods. We’d build a fort using massive logs it took all of us to raise and set up, and the next day it would be completely disassembled, all the logs in a neat pile. You’d always hear strange noises, and have the feeling that you were being watched, especially the closer it got to dark (we bailed the minute the sun started to go down). It was also a prime spot for partying teens and was a drop spot for drug dealers, so we had a LOT of odd encounters with people in there.
There were always strange lights in those woods. and OMG I just remembered the black helicopter that used to circle sometimes and would freak out my mom (now THAT’S some Stranger Things shit)
umm God one time we were playing and encountered these two pasty white guys who looked identical and were both bald and they stared us down from their car and we were like ??? hello????
OH MY GOD I FORGOT THIS ONE but we had this legend of a guy we called “Flashlight Jimmy” and the legends said that you would see him riding a bike around at night with a flashlight and if he got close to you, he’d ask to look down your throat and wouldn’t take no for an answer. We even had a game called “Flashlight Jimmy Tag” which was like flashlight tag but with the added local flair. so one night we were playing and my brother and I got chased by someone with a flashlight so we ran into our neighbor’s house which was deemed the “base” and everyone was sitting there watching a movie and it turns out we MISSED THE GAME ENDING SO WHO THE FUCK CHASED US
other general paranormal (non-woods related things)
the DREAMS we used to have the most WACK dreams (me especially, that could be a whole ‘nother post) but my brother and I shared the same dream in the same night once or twice. apparently, I used to scare people because I’d have these things they called “spells”? where I would wake up in the middle of the night and act possessed, (like screaming and making faces and shit and then not remember it in the morning LMAO)
I’ve stayed in several haunted houses? One was a house with no service and no clocks and an attic door in my room that opened during the night and the creepiest portrait of this fancy lady on the stairs. another I fondly call the “Jesus house” because my first night there I was going to bed and then realized the owners had crucifixes EVERYWHERE like every decoration had some like hidden Jesus motif.
I saw a UFO with my grandmother when I was ten? Bright, bright ball of light in the sky, we thought it was a helicopter but when we got outside it was completely silent, so we thought it was a really close meteor but then it made a right turn
Lots of paranormal stories were called into my old radio show, some of those definitely had me on my toes when I walked home after my show that night phew
anyways I know there are definitely more but those are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head? ahfakjdhf as you can see I LOVE talking paranormal shit
fireside chat to celebrate 700!
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siriuslystargazing · 4 years
Chapter 2 ~ Domestic bliss
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<< Chapter 1 - Masterlist - Chapter 3 >>
“It's okay, I'm here, you're safe with me,” Remus held onto Sirius as he continued to shake and sob into his shoulder. It was a good ten minutes before Sirius composed himself, he pulled away from remus looking into his worryful eyes
“There was a woman she-”
“You don't need to tell me, come, let's get you cleaned up. I'll make a start on some breakfast” Remus offered a smile, Sirius let out a shaky sigh before getting up and heading to one of the bathrooms. Sirius led the way as Remus followed making sure he got there okay, the bathroom wasn't as bad as the men expected, sure there were a few spider webs floating around and dead bluebottles on the windowsill but it was useable.
“You wouldn't have brought any towles and clean clothes would you moons?”
“Don't worry my case is downstairs I'll go grab them, and i apologise in advance I burned a lot of your stuff after… well yeah”
Sirius cracked a smile as he sat on the toilet seat he didn't dare lift the lid in fear of what he would find, remus brushed past him towards the shower/bath combo he looked into the tub grimacing at the orange rust stains along the porcelain.
“I dont know whats dirtier, you or the bathtub” Remus turned the hot tap a few times wondering where the water was, the house let out a handful of groans and brown water erupted from the shower head drenching remus in the foul liquid, Remus yelped gagging at the smell while sirius howled with uncontainable laughter.
“It's not funny Sirius” Remus whined flicking the water at him, “Ugh it smells worse than that time you swam in the lake as padfoot, i think something has died in the water tank or something”
“Remus the house doesn't have a water tank, besides it runs clear after 2 minuets it always has, it's probably the pipes they were always like this, just be glad it wasn't the black sludge again…” Sirius sighed nonchalantly as he began peeling off his Azkaban uniform stepping into the tub. Remus was going to ask but thought it best to head downstairs for his case,
“ right.. Well I'll go grab my bags. I have some shampoo and conditioner you can use..” Remus said quietly his voice but a whisper, Remus left the bathroom closing the door behind him. He left sirius to clean himself up and headed downstairs for his bags, he passed the doorway where he saw the figure stopping to look at the brass nameplate on the door ‘R.A.B’, Remus pushed the open door wider peering into the room
“Master Regulus is sleeping” kreacher sneered behind Remus who jumped back in fear
“Kreacher, Regulus is dead” Remus looked at the house elf who ignored him in reply closing the door with a click of his fingers and returning to his chores.
Remus shuddered again he sensed he was being watched by someone but could tell who, he didn't particularly want to walk pass walburger again so he drew his wand waving it “Accio bags” with the spell muttered his suitcases shot up the staircase landing in front of him, he picked them up and walked back to sirius room. Remus pushed the door open with his back to the room. At that moment it felt as though someone was watching him, he looked up and around the room no one was in there but it felt as though a mother was weeping in the room.
There was no reply, Remus was relieved but he couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching him as he plopped his bags on the bed grabbing his wash bag and towels from inside and heading back to the bathroom.
“Ugh i can’t believe we did that in there Remus it's disgusting” sirius whined flopping into a seat at the grand oak table in the kitchen
“Shut up, you were practically begging me and it was no picnic for me anyway, head up” remus moved behind Sirius beginning to brush his hair, sirius let out a low moan, oh how he missed it when Remus brushed his hair, he wasn't quite happy at the length after Remus battled with the matted curls he decided the best thing to do was cut it off and start a new.
“Calm down dog boy, your mother is only in the stairwell” Remus jokes
“Don't remind me… the moment we figure out how to remove that blasted thing the better” Sirius sighed once more.
With the morning nearly over and breakfast going down well the two men began work on cleaning the house, Sirius suggested his room and the bathroom first and Remus agreed they needed somewhere to sleep and the place that keeps you clean should be clean. It took a while but they finally got into the rhythm of things with a mix of muggle cleaning products that Remus swore by and magic by 4:30 sirius bedroom was clean and dust free and the bathroom looked brand new. Remus left the bathroom dragging out the mop and bucket his gaze fixated on the floor. He noticed a trail of muddy footprints leading to 3rd floor, without hesitation Remus decided to follow the footprints, they looked practically fresh then he noticed puddles of water along the stairs.
“Moony?” Sirius called from his bedroom but there was no reply.
Remus continued up the stairs it felt as though someone was leading him up there, he found himself on the 3rd floor landing it was a lot brighter thanks to the larger windows on either side of the landing Remus walked over to his right continuing to follow the footprints he looked outside the large window that overlooked a lake.
“Rem?” sirius called walking up the stairs, he didn't like going up to the third floor he remembered when he was little he ran up there away from his mother and heard crying coming from the grand bedroom he never truly believed what he saw in that room but he never went into it again.
“Sirius look… i never knew this lake was here it's beautiful ” Remus waved over to sirius his attention fixated on the lake outside
“Yeah its starfell lake, it smells horrific though” sirius replied
“But how is it here in london?”
“Oh well the house is kind of like frankenstein's monster”
“How so?”
“You see how its so narrow and yet the rooms are huge, well a few hundred years ago the Black family didn't want to leave the grimmauld estate to rot so they merged it with the town house in london that's why you can see parts of the estate and london through the windows. Its old magic. I remember my uncle Alphrad said the house was possessed like it was living or something...” He explained, Remus looked at him his face going slack as if he saw someone standing behind Sirius
“What?” sirius smiled, looking behind him he wasn't a big fan of the upper floors to the house weird things happen up there
“Oh nothing..” remus lied.
“If you say so, I'm going to make a start in the kitchen you coming?” remus Nodded the thought of following the muddy footprints tucked away in the back of mind that was an adventure for a different day they needed to clean the house.
Once more the kitchen looked liveable remus managed to fix the ice box and Kreacher made an effort to help, a constant narration of curses flowed from the stairwell much to the wizards dismay.
“Shes getting rather creative with those insults” Remus mused leaning against the kitchen counter stirring his hot chocolate, Sirius didn't reply but a ghostly smile played on his face
“What time is it?” was all he asked
“Oh its 7:56 why?”
“We have to go to sleep now…” sirius said, no emotion in his voice it sounded as if he was possessed
“Sirius? What are you on about … your not in azkaban anymore you can stay up later-” remus didn't get chance to finish as Sirius grabbed his arm, the house began to moan as a cold wind rushed through the house a grandfather clock began its chimes
“We have to go upstairs where it's safe… he's going to come again and again…. He won't leave until it's broken…” Sirius mumbled
“Sirius you're not making any sense- Ah- stop your hurting me” Remus panicked as he was being pulled up the stairs, he managed to break free at the foot of the staircase when he saw a man in the cDrawing room dressed in elegant clothing 18th century if Remus recalled correctly but the scariest thing was his face, it looked as if he was made of porcelain. The Gentlemans right eye was missing from what Remus could see but he didn't wish to linger as the clock chimes its 5 chime Remus grabbed Sirius and ran up the stairs and into his room. The two men listened to the eighth and final chime of the clock…
“Sirius What's happening?”
“I don't know.. When did we go to my room?”
“You don't remember what you said you were talking in riddles about a man and a curse or some shit”
“Sorry i don't know, it's just.. We never stay up past eight that's all, i told you the house is possessed”
Remus looked at the man in front of him watching as he wrecked his brain for answers, he contemplated telling Sirius about the man in the drawing room but resisted.
“We can talk about his tomorrow lets just go to sleep” sirius didn't object he looked over to the window expecting to see the faceless woman again but nothing, he sighed with relief.
Enjoyed the story ?? Check out the rest below!! you can also check it out on my wattpad or AO3 first !! please leave a comment or like your feedback is greatly aprecated !! please dont hesitate to send me questions about the story :) love JJx
<< Chapter 1 - Masterlist - Chapter 3 >>
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enigmaticmaki · 4 years
A Stor Mo Chroi
In which our character will miss a certain Senpai as his graduation looms near. Reblogs are appreciated! Enjoy!
A/N: My OC's name is Fulnis, but feel free to imagine your character as well lol
"Would you play a song for me?"
Johann looks over at you in surprise, fingers pausing their motion on the cello's bridge, bow suspended as the music halted into a quiet.
"Wasn't I already?" He asks, golden eyes squinted in confusion.
You run your hands across the velvet plush seats, aligned in rows extending towards the back of the auditorium, with the abrupt urge to dig your nails into them.
You were here with Johann Chu to hear him practice his piece for the opening ceremony in honor of the incoming freshmen. A whole year has passed, and your senpai had one final year in Cassell College before officially being a dragonslayer. One final year before he is forced into the path fate deemed him suitable. It somehow made your gut wrench, and your lips quirk into an emotionless smile wondering if you'd miss him.
You probably will. Terribly.
Gods you still had a year, why were you so emotional? If anything, he'd probably go with a bang. Caesar would throw Johann's farewell party himself just to spite him, despite having already graduated this year.
The thought lightened your mood a bit.
You whirled around to meet his eyes, and answered "No, none of that classical shit you're playing. Besides, you seem more of a Brahms instead of a Bach."
Johann somehow took offense in this, though he had no idea what you meant. Seeing the appalled look on his face, you shrugged and came over to the stage where he sat by his lonesome; footsteps echoing through the haunting silence of the empty auditorium.
"You said you liked Irish folk songs, didn't you?" You asked, moving past him and settling yourself on the piano.
"I seem to recall having said so, yes," Johann replied, turning over to watch you run your fingers across black and white keys. The song was more suited to a harp but you supposed a piano would do.
"Are you familiar with A Stor Mo Chroi?"
Johann's eyebrows raise in surprise, before closing his eyes in contemplation.
"I think I remember the notes to it, yes."
"Play it with me."
You raise your fingers towards the keys, and begin playing the opening notes knowing Johann will follow along the melody on his cello.
Once you hear him start playing, you softly sing the words.
A stor mo chroi when you're far away
From the home you will soon be leaving
It's many's the time by night and by day
When your heart will be sorely grieving
For the stranger's land may be bright and fair
Rich in its treasures golden
But you'll pine I know for days long long ago
And the love that is never olden
A stor mo chroi in the stranger's land
There is plenty of wealth and wailing
Where gems adorn the great and the grand
Where the faces with hunger paling
To your surprise, you hear him join along for the second verse; voice carrying over well across the empty hall.
Damn, this wasn't fair, he was athletic, smart, musically inclined and he could sing??
His baritone blended with your alto, creating a harmony that carried the somber mood of the song well.
When the road it is tiresome and hard to tread
And the lights of their cities blind you
Oh turn a stor to Erin's shore
And the one that you leave behind you
A stor mo chroi when the evening mist
Over mountain and sea is falling
Oh turn a stor and then you list
And maybe you will hear me calling
For the sound of a voice you will surely miss
Somebody speedily returning
A run a run won't you come back soon
To the one that will always love you
You lift your hands from the piano as the last notes recede and the song ends, looking towards Johann. You slightly jump in your seat as you find he was already looking at you, golden eyes boring into you like they were fire.
"Is there something you'd like to say to me?"
You flinch, surprised by his instinct and taken aback at his rather straightforward question.
"None at all," you lie, averting your eyes to the empty seats as if an audience had magically appeared, "I just heard the song somewhere and thought it would be nice to share with you."
"Mmhhmm," Johann hums, slightly amused by your expression. "And I don't suppose this has to do with me graduating this year and leaving you behind?"
Damn it, when did he get so perceptive...?
You turn to him in a huff, deciding to just be honest and get it over with. You hated beating around the bush.
"And so what if I am? You're leaving in less than a year then it's probably off to the Japan Division where you get to slay dragons and attract Japanese women, not that I care."
Johann sets down his bow and cello, putting them away gently in their case and turns to you. You continue your rambling, unaware of a small smile forming on his face.
"I'm just mad they still wouldn't give me that extra credit class when you took like, three! I could be a year ahead by now as well but noooo, Professor Manstein had to be a prude and keep me in my own batch--"
"Not to mention I'll have no one to spar or train with. Luminous is there sure, but he'd rather rot in his room than go out training-"
"Hey, Fulnis."
"And this is definitely not because I'm sulking. What is there to sulk about anyway? The fact that you're going away without even addressing this thing we have between us? Was there even a thing? Ugh I don't even know why I'd call it a 'thing' when-"
You gasp and promptly choke on air when you see Johann's face hovering not 5 inches away from yours, his hands firm on your shoulders in an attempt to gain your attention.
In your ramblings, your eyes have screwed shut in an attempt to block out the severe headache that was coming on, and partly because of embarassment, and thus, have failed to notice that Johann had stood up to shake you out of your stupor.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you stare at his eyes. They really were ethereal, and you thanked Raja he didn't wear contacts today.
Fuck you fell hard, didn't you? You silently mused.
"Fulnis, are you alright?" Johann asks, bemusement lying under notes of concern.
"...A stor mo chroi." You whispered, after a moment's pause.
"I'm sorry?" He asks, not having heard you clearly.
"You. You're my stor mo chroi."
Golden eyes widen as Johann processes your words. You curse yourself silently for confessing in the manner that you did, and the heat on your cheeks has evolved into a full blown blush.
A few seconds of agonizing silence passes, and just when you were sure your heart felt heavy enough as it is, you felt a pair of hands softly take yours.
"I may be graduating, but that doesn't mean I'm leaving you behind," Johann says, pulling you up to stand in front of him. You feel his fingers dance on your knuckles, your hands impossibly tiny in his.
"The Johann Chu you got to know isn't someone who leaves the ones he loves behind. The Johann Chu you know is more than the A-grader, basketball player, and celloist. Your Johann Chu is the one who likes Pony and Friends, is scared to go on extreme rides, and listens to Irish Folk songs."
He takes ahold of your chin, guiding your head to look up at him; you were holding back unwelcome tears by schooling your expression into a blank one. But your body betrayed your facade, as your shoulders visibly shook.
"That Johann Chu is yours."
Yours. He said yours. Johann Chu was yours?
You stare at him speechless. There was a ringing in your ears growing louder with each passing second, and you feel Johann clasp your hands in worry as you failed to respond.
The ringing stops and your hands escape his, only to find themselves framing his face and pulling him in for a kiss.
The silence in the auditorium had never been louder, but even that seemed muffled when you feel him reciprocate; his hands on your waist and kissing you back with such a gentleness that your heart ached.
And in the back of your mind, the Irish folk song echoed:
A run a run won't you come back soon, to the one that will always love you.
I did an angst fic, now have a kinda soft one!
A Stor Mo Chroi is a traditional Irish folk song about love and loss, and I got inspired to write this while listening to it.
The direct translation to the title is 'Darling of my Heart'.
Have a listen here!
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zukoshotleafjuice · 4 years
The funniest thing about june teasing katara and zuko about being a couple is that she just sees a pretty girl and an attractive guy, both looking almost the same age which immediately makes her go "you two must be a couple" and it just reminds me of zvtara shippers, you know what i mean? I'm convinced one of the reasons a lot of ppl ship them is bc of their looks. katara being the female protagonist and also a pretty, smart and powerful girl & zuko, despite not being the male protagonist, being the most attractive guy in the gaang. Boom, a "bomb ass ship". It is worth to recall that "people ship zutara bc they projected onto katara and had a crush on zuko". And if they say they don't ship them for that reason, then it's bc they read too much between the lines in every interaction they have. So, back to june, she didn't even care if they had chemistry or if they were friends or anything, she just straight up teased them about being a couple lmao. Because in all honesty zvtara can be an appealing ship in anyone's eyes but THAT'S IT, it doesn't go further than that. I can be testimony of that😅Before even watching the show i was like june, one day i saw a zk fanart and was like "wow aren't those zuko and katara from atla? They look so good, she's gorgeous and he's hot" i already knew kataang was endgame and that mai was zuko's love interest but seeing zuko and katara together was pleasing to my eyes. However once i watched the show for the first time (2 months ago i think) i realized there was really no romantic chemistry between them, nothing, literally nothing, i mean, i wasn't even waiting for the zvtara content in the show that made ppl ship them so much, i was actually very neutral about ships, i couldn't care less about them, but i still realized nothing was happenig between them and that it was obvious since book 1 ep 1 that kataang was endgame. Zuko and katara were two teenagers from opposite sides of a war that tried to kill each other multiple times and when zuko changed sides they developed a completely platonic relationship. As i said, people either ship them because it's an appealing and aesthetically pleasing ship (water/fire, enemies to lovers, opposites attract, the common red & blue ship) or they just love reading too much between the lines, OR BOTH, because they were so thirsty about it they ended up convincing themselves there was romantic tension between them, that they liked each other and that zvtara was scrapped when it was never planned in the first place. Not to mention the reasons why they claim zvtara should've been endgame are based only on symbolism and things they have in common that are just so ??? Random. e.g. (i saw these on a post on facebook and the comment section was hilarious, it was full of ppl being sarcastic about it & making fun of it) saying they should've been canon bc:
1. "They both lost their mothers at a young age" (?)
2. "katara was good but had rage in her heart and zuko was bad but had good in his heart so it was like yin and yang, and that was the main purpose/topic of the show" (?)
3. "they both had alter egos (painted lady and blue spirit)" (???) this one sounds like saying maiko was canon bc zuko worked in a tea shop and mai worked in a flower shop😂
4. "Zuko was the only one who supported katara in taking revenge on her mom's assassin" (?) if you ask me, that just proves zuko is not right for katara, he led her to do something she was gonna regret later (not trying to hate on zuko, i love him, and since i love him i acknowledge his flaws. I understand why he thought it was the best thing to do, he's an impulsive and resentful boy (he would've done the same if it was his mom) and he noticed how thirsty katara was for revenge, ofc he wanted to help her + he wanted her to accept him and thought it was the right thing to do in order to gain her trust, but it wasn't) unlike zuko, aang tried to make katara come to her senses and do the thing that was best for her: forgive and let go, and it was basically what she did at the end. She didn't do what zuko expected her to do. She did what aang expected her to do. She didn't forgive her mom's assassin, but she forgave zuko, and she didn't do THAT thing she (and aang) knew would regret later. Aang knew katara and what was the best thing for her to do.
5. and the most ridiculous one, "they both saved each other's lives in the final agni kai"(???????) and the funniest part is that it was followed by "WHAT MORE PROOFS DO YOU WANT???". Honestly wtf did ppl expect? Did they expect zuko to stand there and watch katara die? Did they expect katara to just stand there and watch zuko lay on the floor & die? And this has been said a million times and i am going to join and say it once again: zuko would've done that for ANYONE from the gaang, he would've done the same for toph, sokka, suki and aang. Because he learned to care about them. As for katara, she would've done that for anyone too wtf she healed aang once too and even brought him back to life. (I wouldn't be surprised if zk shippers used that as a parallel for romantic zvtara proof bc they're just like that💀)
There were more "reasons" but they're just so stupid and taken out of context like "they care for each other" & "katara was the one who encouraged him to talk to his uncle" like yeah that's what friends do. Basically all zvtara shippers do is REACH.
Also, i just can't see it happening. I like the enemies to lovers trope, maybe if the writers really intended to make it canon, i would have been down for the ship, it would've been interesting to see how it developed, but,, they didn't, and later i came to the realization that if it would've really happened, it would've been so... weird. Time to bring up the "colonized and colonizer ship" and how some ppl feel uncomfortable about it. Besides the fact that a relationship between zuko and katara wouldn't have worked (they're incompatible af, katara is a girl with a strong character and zuko is a guy with anger issues that takes everything personal, they'd be at each other's throats 99% of the time) it's just weird to think that katara would choose to marry a man from the fire nation, the nation that caused a big war that traumatized her, the nation that took her mother away from her. Imagine katara ruling along with zuko a nation she despised for years. Fire lady katara doesn't sit right with me, and i'm sure it doesn't sit right with a lot of ppl as well. I don't see katara doing that, and yes, i know she forgave zuko, but still, she would've never done that 🤦🏽‍♀️ i think it would've been so OOC tbh.
Another thing i laugh my ass off at is when they say "zuko should've chosen katara instead of mai" as if they were ever in a relationship for zuko to say "ok imma choose katara i wanna be with her". As if katara was EVER an option for him. They never showed interest in each other, what's not clicking?????? And zuko only had eyes for mai, not to mention that despite zuko and mai had a rough relationship, no girl would've dealed with zuko's bs better than mai. Can you imagine katara dealing with zuko blowing up over everything? Because i can't. Also people saying things like "zuko deserves someone who is always there for him and listens to him" (and ofc they're talking about katara) like, ok, you hate that katara is aang's "therapist" but you want her to be zuko's therapist. Logic? Where? And I do remember mai being a supportive gf and trying to cheer him up multiple times. Did they watch the same show as me?
Zvtarians try to play the victims about how they were "robbed" bc some voice actors shipped them and from what i've read people who worked for the show suggested to go for zk, but that's stupid, it doesn't count as "they planned it but scrapped it, we were robbed". The only word that counts are the creators' voice and they have stated they were always rooting for kataang, so no, you were not robbed.
People are just so in love with the idea of zuko and katara together they really convinced themselves it was likely to happen. Honestly zvtara it's a fine ship as fanon but ppl ruined it for me and what i hate the most is when they ship it and hate on aang and mai at the same time and make them look SO bad to invalidate kataang and maiko. Saying aang is abusive and mai is toxic is complete ✨bullshit✨ and lastly, it's ridiculous when they say the creators were cowards for not making it canon. They're cowards for not fulfilling your greatest childhood wish? Something they never planned? It is THEIR show. If you hate sm how things turned out then quit atla once and for all and go find another show that you know is gonna give you what you expect,,, it's tiring that they've been crying about it for 15 yrs , like, i joined the fandom recently but i can imagine how tired old atla fans must be of this.
OK so I have a lot of thoughts about this and firstly,,,anon I appreciate the dedication that it took for you to write  this, and I agree with many of your points. However, the attitude I have on this blog towards Avatar ships is far more neutral than what you’re saying.
Ultimately, romance is not and never was the focus of Avatar. Romantic development was always secondary or tertiary plot, and the entire show was far more focused on platonic relationship development. My attitude towards shippers on here - including Zutara shippers - is that people can ship what they want, as long as they’re respectful of each other and of the other characters that “interfere” with their ship. End of the day, shipping is irrelevant to the core of the show. 
People shipping something because they find it aesthetically appealing is honestly,,,fine. Personally, I think it’s reductionist, but I don’t care if you do because everyone has the right to enjoy media however they want to. 
That being said, we absolutely should call out racist or problematic tropes that we see, including ‘fire lady katara”. I also agree that it’s upsetting when people bash other characters in order to further their ship, as much of the bashing is also pretty racist and/or misogynistic. Calling that out, however, is separate from calling out every single person who happens to enjoy certain ships. 
“She didn't do what zuko expected her to do. She did what aang expected her to do. She didn't forgive her mom's assassin, but she forgave zuko, and she didn't do THAT thing she (and aang) knew would regret later. Aang knew katara and what was the best thing for her to do.”
I understand where you’re coming from, but I honestly disagree with this take. Both Aang and Zuko were approaching the situations from their own life experiences, but Katara didn’t do what either of the boys wanted. She chose her own path, by both sparing Yon Rha’s life but also refusing to forgive him. The episode is about Katara and her personal trauma and its focus should not be on her relationships with either Zuko or Aang. 
When I make posts such as this, it’s less about hating Z*tara and more about how this fandom focuses all its attention on romance and shipping, to the point where if you acknowledge a relationship’s importance it’s assumed you pair the two romantically. I don’t read Zuko and Katara’s relationship as romantic (for reasons that it would take too long to explain here), but their relationship development is extremely important, the two of them share tons of parallels and the final Agni Kai marks the culmination of both of their character arcs. Yes, Zuko would have taken the lightning for any of the characters, but it’s thematically important that it was Katara. None of this inherently means it’s romantic, but refusing to acknowledge the significance of the relationship between them is equally reductionist. 
This isn’t an attack on you, anon, and you’re 100% allowed to have negative feelings about a ship. But at the end of the day, it’s not worth getting this worked up over. If I were you I’d focus more on creating/consuming content for a ship you like than bashing ships you don’t!
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lichtweh · 6 years
Hai~ for the prompts~ J-"So, how did you two meet?" 5-"Don't just stand there, run!" 31-"I did?"
this is.. a 2.6k drabble. ok,,,
here’s yoonkook, some confusion, and some fraud (ao3)
“so, how did you two meet?”
the smile on the woman’s face is saccharine sweet, polite, straight teeth and red lipstick. she has a pleasant face, aged elegantly, maybe in her 50s but not quite looking it. her hair is put up immaculately, glimmering accessories in shiny black locks, pearl earrings dangling with the interested tilt of her head.
yoongi thinks of his post on that admittedly questionable site. finding someone willing had been easy— finding the right person, someone who met all requirements, hadn’t.
“our friends—”
“in a bar—”
“our mutual friends introduced us when we were out, at a bar.”
yoongi recalls agreeing on a friendly get-together, but maybe it’s the nerves now getting it mixed up, it’s alright for the first time. still, yoongi shifts his weight on his other foot, lets his shoulder subtly touch the other’s. the boy next to him quickly jumps on it, nodding his agreement.
“right, through our friends.”
yoongi can’t remember who this woman is. probably someone’s mother, or someone’s aunt, or someone’s brother’s neighbor’s wife. she’s not a direct member of the bride’s or groom’s family, the names were different, but beyond that, yoongi has no idea. he thinks her name started with h. maybe j. this conversation has been going on too long.
“ah, that’s lovely, mutual friends—” she smiles genuinely, then lets it falter a bit to knit her eyebrows together. “excuse me if i remember wrong, jihoon-ssi— you were… hyojong’s senior…?”
“hyojong’s, right,” yoongi nods pleasantly, waves his hand around to play it down, “we weren’t too close, really, obviously he wouldn’t mention everyone he knows. he’s doing so well now, isn’t he? we haven’t talked to him yet, we should definitely take the time.” he looks over to his companion, catches the boy’s pretty, big eyes, who nods enthusiastically.
the woman glances between them, smile twitching but still so very polite. yoongi has a weird feeling about it. she doesn’t let up, though, directs her attention away from yoongi.
“and you two have been together how long?”
“four years.”
the boy’s voice sounds airy, almost timid in nature; or maybe it’s that he’s barely spoken all evening, fortunately for yoongi. he has to backtrack.
“four already?” yoongi curls his lips into a smirk, snakes a hand around the boy’s back to let it rest on his waist. he’s dressed well, dress shirt tucked into his slacks, leather belt on display. it’s warm in the crowded hall, so his suit jacket is hanging around his arm. his waist is— thin, his overall shape slender, but body toned, athletic, a sporty type. he’s been drawing attention all night. yoongi’s, too, if he were honest. he’s not blind.
yoongi catches the guy’s eyes, smile teasing, fingers pressing into his side, “i didn’t realize it’s been that long,” leans in close, suggestively, “it still feels like the first day.”
which may be the first true statement yoongi’s made in hours.
the boy does well; bashfully lowers his gaze, bites down a smile. there’s a bit of pink high on his cheeks, his nose. it’s charming. effective.
yoongi hears the woman’s quiet oh, but turns his head a bit further back, somewhere beyond his date’s shoulder.
“hey, isn’t that hyojong? we should go over and say hello,” yoongi inclines his head towards the lady apologetically, pushes them both away from her. “if you would excuse us— it was a pleasure talking to you.”
yoongi navigates them through the crowd, out of her sight. the reception is big enough that they don’t really stand out among the horde of people in their fancy suits and gowns, talking, laughing, halfway to tipsy with the free champagne. he grabs two glasses, offers one to the boy on his heels.
“still nervous?”
yoongi snorts quietly as the other downs the drink at once, grabs another from a waiter hurrying past. downs that one, too, as yoongi watches in amusement.
“it’s a bit,” he starts breathlessly, looks yoongi up and down out of the corner of his eyes; clears his throat, “different from theory.”
finding him had taken a while: yoongi had needed someone spontaneous, witty, low morals but up for a challenge and a whole lot of fun. most importantly though, yoongi had needed someone… “you look good.” —fitting.
finding jungkook was a stroke of luck.
jungkook’s pretty eyes widen a bit at the compliment, his whole body seems to tense a bit. he drops his gaze, although he tries his best not to. he’s beautiful, endearing; it’s easy, like this.
“you too,” jungkook breathes with a certain edge to it, and yoongi feels the hair raise on his skin. too easy.
he steps closer, closer, toes to toes so he can lower his voice, “you claimed you couldn’t act.”
jungkook’s eyes are half-lidded, low on yoongi’s mouth when he speaks, not backing away, “i did?”
“you did,” yoongi hums thoughtfully, touches one hand back to jungkook’s waist again. “but you’re playing your part well.”
jungkook wets his lips, meets yoongi’s eyes meaningfully. “you too.”
yoongi had tried doing this alone, which wasn’t nearly as fun as this: he’d been caught up in too many conversations, disbelieving chuckles, flirty looks, demands to dance anyway. he’d tried going with a female friend, but that had been a lot of awkward fumbling, weak smiles and unnatural touches. some painful reminders of him faking his way through high school like that. so.
yoongi had needed someone who’d make behaving like a couple with each other easier, and none of his friends had qualified. it would’ve required either an actor, a con artist, or— well, someone with whom the mutual attraction thing maybe didn’t take quite as much acting.
jungkook is slowly snaking a hand up along yoongi’s button-up to thumb at the collar, yoongi’s attention drawn to it. “who’s hyojong?”
“who knows?”
jungkook’s smile is pretty; boyish, infectious, lips a cotton candy pink. there’s that tempting mole beneath them that had immediately caught yoongi’s attention in the pictures. jungkook in front of him is much more beautiful than in pictures though, his voice sweeter than over the phone, his body— nothing had prepared yoongi for jungkook’s toned body. in formal wear.
“hyung,” yoongi had wanted someone his age, but jungkook murmuring that word hesitantly, teasingly, has a certain heat flare in yoongi’s gut. “dance with me.”
yoongi huffs goodnaturedly, means to step back from the boy a little, but jungkook’s fingers close around his lapel.
“we’re here for the free food and alcohol, not to make a fool out of me.”
“you attend weddings as a pastime and want to tell me you can’t dance?”
jungkook pulls, pulls, with his fingers and voice and his eyes glinting mischievously. “i want to dance, jihoon-ssi.”
yoongi bites the inside of his cheek, feels his stomach do some kind of weird flip. jungkook said he’d never done anything like this before, but suddenly seems way too confident with this specific part right here.
yoongi really only wanted the buffet, and a slice of stupidly pricey wedding cake. there’s something bubbling up in his chest, warm, but he’s only had one champagne some hours ago so that can’t be it. he swallows hard.
he thinks it’s a terrible idea to have their bodies this close for even longer, but—
“can’t say no to my boyfriend, can i,” and yoongi squeezes jungkook’s waist reproachfully, moves them towards the dance area with a soft gasp from jungkook’s lips, “soonyoung-ah?”
jungkook giggles, his nose scrunching up cutely. cutely. yoongi thinks it’s a bit unfair. a bit— more than he bargained for.
slow dancing with jungkook seems easy enough. yoongi knows the motions, has gone through them more often than he cares to remember; his partners usually shorter, more petite; long hair, lipstick, high heels yoongi’s feet remember as dangerous. jungkook is— not as petite, not as soft beneath his grip. it’s difficult in a slightly different way.
jungkook has his hands on yoongi’s shoulders first, yoongi could swear it’s where they were, but they seem to wander; the ghost of a touch at his nape, fingers playing at his collar, and then jungkook is too close, arms locked around yoongi’s neck. yoongi can’t remember whether this is that kind of event.
they’re swaying gently with their steps, jungkook graceful on his feet, and it’s not clear who’s leading at all. yoongi’s stomach swoops pleasantly.
then jungkook brushes their hips together, eyes sparkling playfully, and yoongi kind of chokes on air. that is more— much more than he’d expected.
“j— darling,” yoongi raises his brows in question, one corner of his mouth in interest, “i don’t think this is the right time for that.”
jungkook wets his lips, raises his chin, looks down in challenge like that. “but later is fine, is what you’re saying?”
yoongi swallows, mouth dry. well. he hadn’t intended that, but—
he glances around them quickly, but nobody seems to be paying attention to what they’re doing. nobody— except that older lady who’d questioned them for too long.
she’s standing some ways off to the side, clearly looking at them— brows furrowed, whispering to a couple of men. they all look towards yoongi and jungkook, and yoongi knows they have to go.
he pretends not to have noticed, grabs jungkook by the hand. “time to leave, play it cool.”
yoongi pulls jungkook through the dancing couples, past the groups of inebriated siblings, friends, singles. he spots the exit with his eyes when jungkook speaks up.
“my jacket—” he stops, turning to look to where they’d left his suit jacket on a chair, “i forgot to—”
“i got it, wait outside.”
yoongi curses internally but goes back for it when the group of men, persistent woman in tow, enter his sight again. he grabs the damn thing, turns on his heel and hurries towards the doors, jungkook hopefully waiting for him outside.
he spots jungkook at the buffet to his side.
“what are you—” yoongi whispers as he comes up next to him, hands trying to push the boy into motion. jungkook’s quickly stuffing his face with some of the bite-sized expensive chocolate desserts. it’s— kind of cute, kind of dumb as shit.
“excuse us, jihoon-ssi, soonyoung-ssi?”
yoongi shoves the entire plate into jungkook’s hands, turns him around forcibly; hisses, “don’t just stand there, run!”
he half-heartedly waves without looking, “i’m very sorry, but he isn’t well, so if you would excuse us!”
yoongi doesn’t wait to hear the rest of it, hurries out of the banquet hall after jungkook, who keeps glancing back at him, scandalized voices fading behind them. they all but run once outside, yoongi taking the lead, around corners and down hallways, out into the cool night— and then further, push past other guests smoking in the alley to the side, further, jungkook’s hand back in his, until they can slip into the throng of people filling the main street.
they slow down, breathe, but don’t stop until yoongi’s lead them to his car, parked in a side street a block away. yoongi leans against the passenger door, exhaling heavily, and jungkook’s still holding onto the stolen plate of calorie bombs, which he carefully places on top of the car’s roof when he remembers.
then they burst out laughing, jungkook all but doubling over.
“that was—” he starts, but doesn’t make it through the sentence, giggling breathlessly.
“i’m not even sure why we ran, i mean—” yoongi’s smile is wide, wider than ever, heart loud in his ears. he can’t remember the last time he had this much fun.
“what could they have done except kick us out?” jungkook’s bright laugh is stunning, beautiful, all joy and wild youth. breathtaking, kind of; yoongi’s out of breath.
jungkook bounces on his heels, excitement visible, giggles around one of the snacks he pops into his mouth. then he steps closer, takes another one— daringly reaches up to press it to yoongi’s. and yoongi— yoongi’s mouth is dry, heart and lungs still going too fast, still or again, he doesn’t know— he opens up, slowly, watches jungkook’s eyes on his own mouth as he licks the chocolate piece in, jungkook’s fingers catching on his bottom lip. jungkook inhales sharply, lashes fluttering as he tries to tear his gaze away.
“hyung,” he breathes, out of air, too much tension, and he sways, sways closer until yoongi catches him; curls a hand around his neck, a finger around his belt, lets him stand between his legs.
yoongi pulls him in when he closes his eyes, presses his lips to jungkook’s hesitantly first. they’re soft, warm, feel like what jungkook looks like— and then jungkook presses back, bold, parts his lips to fit yoongi’s between them. yoongi feels a hand slide up his chest, under his jacket, press into his side.
“i got your jacket,” yoongi mumbles between them, said piece of clothing still slung around his arm.
“thanks,” jungkook mumbles back, gently runs his teeth over yoongi’s bottom lip.
yoongi pulls back to look, but it’s kind of a bad choice. jungkook’s carefully parted hair is now somewhat messy, a flush to his cheeks, lips slick and red. jungkook looks at him questioningly, looks like he’s going to say something self-conscious, unsure of himself. yoongi leans back in.
jungkook gasps softly and yoongi licks into his mouth, swallows his whimper, combs his fingers through his dark hair.
“we can try talking it out next time?” yoongi’s muttering into the corner of jungkook’s mouth, kissing along his bottom lip, the mole beneath.
jungkook laughs shakily, “next time?” just some shallow puffs of air, “isn’t this here like half the fun?”
“mhm,” yoongi hums, licks back into his mouth, slides his tongue against his, “you’ve done well,” arousal and hope in his gut, “so if you want—”
jungkook shivers obviously, lets something of a tiny moan slip, digging his fingers into yoongi’s clothes. then he presses his hips against yoongi’s, in between his legs, pushing him against the car.
“is it later now?”
yoongi’s brain is all over the place, all over jungkook, so he needs a bit to remember. he remembers their dance.
yoongi bites jungkook’s lip with a smirk, bucks his hips into the boy’s.
“wanna come to my place and debrief?”
jungkook tries to chuckle but kind of whimpers with yoongi moving up against him, paying him back for the teasing before.
“is that the codeword we’re using?”
jungkook dives back in to kiss yoongi again, again, until yoongi has to stop them from doing anything more out on a public street slumped against his car.
yoongi can’t believe what kind of stroke of luck that was. jungkook was, is.
“i was trying to be subtle.”
“not very subtle, hyung,” jungkook’s eyes are hot on yoongi’s mouth, jaw, somewhere beneath his belt; yoongi has to push him off, has to breathe, just a bit. he offers jungkook his jacket back, opens the passenger’s door in invitation.
jungkook throws him a last suggestive glance before he gets in, biting down on a grin. yoongi hands him the plate of stolen sugary goods before he hurries to get behind the wheel and away from here. jungkook’s strapped in, cheeks full of chocolate again, and, alright— it’s cute as fuck, and maybe something stirs in yoongi’s chest. but yoongi won’t tell him that yet.
maybe next time, or the next, or the one after that, or— some day far in the future. yoongi has a feeling they’ll have more opportunities to work out the specifics.
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me-on-set · 6 years
Harrowingly Strange
When was the last time you had to face a moral dilemma? I am still reeling. I actually just got home. I think I invented a new selfie style. I wanted to take a photo of my makeup on and off.
As I currently write this, I am not an actor but instead have been doing background work for the past year. I've occasionally been a featured extra and was a body double once.
It's fascinating, seeing and doing the work that embodies being on set.
A couple of days ago, I received a message from a casting agency that had my headshot asking to submit my photo for a featured non-speaking role with a local production company. It was a one or two day shoot at $200 per day. I said yes and I got the gig.
When you are cast, you get an email the night before with details about the set location, start time, special instructions, and wardrobe. This show I booked was for a reenactment TV series about real world events. The exciting news was that this particular episode revolved around a crisis that occurred in my parents' homeland. I was to play someone at home seeing the news on television, and then in a second scene complain to police of their incompetence. I was asked to bring leisure clothing one would wear at home.
When I first started being an extra, I would bring my clothes in a backpack, trying really hard not to care too much. That behavior did not last. I found my interest stumbling forward into a natural evolution. I started taking luggage to neatly carry my wardrobe options. I found that I would mostly get cast as a mid-30's businessman. This led me to comfortably bring my outfits in a garment bag. It's funny how familiarity can grow your views.
For today, I packed shorts, sweatpants, t-shirts, a hoodie, a pair of runners, and a pair of flip flops. I got these flip flops during my last vacation with my mom overseas in her hometown. I also brought some henley shirts and arrived on set in khakis and a short-sleeved polo because there was also a mention of button-ups being an option.
The majority of work involved as an extra is waiting. It's a good idea to bring a book, although in this day and age, occupying oneself with a smart phone is a much more fulfilling time killer. I didn't end up using any of the clothes I had brought except for my belt and my runners. After my hair and makeup were done I decided to satisfy my curiosity by searching keywords of this specific production. I searched the name of the character I was to reenact. Adding quotations to strict strings of words, I had soon discovered the event I was going to portray. This was when my moral dilemma began.
I was born and raised in North America by immigrant parents who arrived in their early 20's. The typical experiences had by people of color paint a relatively positive mural that represents my upbringing. Having visited my ethnic country many times throughout my life, I felt, and still feel, a deep connection to the motherland. This connection is common for others like myself, powered by identity in a time where life will sometimes present it as a limitation. Conversely, this only strengthens cultural pride.
The role I was to play was an international representing their countrymen against the very country I identify with. Pangs of uneasiness flooded my body. There was another featured role performer who had an earlier call time. We sat together in the holding area. He was cast to play the part of a family member learning the news of the event. What surprised me more was the fact that he was a recent immigrant from my country of ethnicity. Us both, cast in roles of coincidental conflict of interest?
When it comes to acting, the only other time I recall having feelings of apprehension was during a big budget movie filmed in a church. I was a church goer among a sea of church goers seated in church pews. We were instructed to portray the enjoyment of a church service. Some of us were selected to stand and sway to the Christian music. Some had their eyes closed, head tilted to the ceiling, palms facing up to the heavens. As easy a physical task that is, I instead opted to clap along to the band and pretend to really feel the sounds of my favorite music. I know it's just acting but I was driven by the thought of my mom seeing me do anything other than that on camera. So, I coursed the music through my veins. I know the history of the band members, the albums, this music moves me, pretend.
I received my paperwork and read it over a cup of coffee from craft services. It was standard paperwork that I've filled out over a dozen times before. I looked at the inviting exit door. I was parked right outside. This is not that big of a deal, is it? I imagined this TV episode making its way to the news overseas, the citizens all over the world deeming me a traitor for perpetuating a negative image, not merely through action but through representation against them. Against us. Am I selling out? For two hundred bucks?
I thought about getting up and leaving. I thought about all of the hard work that people have put into this specific production. If you haven't been behind the scenes before, it is quite the trip. An assortment of heavy duty cables line the floors, taped in place. Racks of props in designated areas. The backstage crew zip around in sync, bursting with walkie-talkie sounds and hollers of instruction. There is a commonality in the many interactions, their minds tuned into the goal meant to be achieved. This is their career.
This is my hobby. I am a prop. Would leaving this put a blemish on my record in the local film community, or the film industry as a whole, because I wasted everyone's time being sensitive? As I languished, I get a message from my best friend and I tell him I'm on set. I tell him:
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For some reason, that makes me feel better. I just might be able to work with that mentality. The other guy has finished. He returns his wardrobe and collects his belongings. I ask him if he knows what this show is about. We speak in our language among the English-speakers. I ask him if he thinks people back home are going to be mad at us. I ask him if he knew we were going to be doing this. He seems ok with it all. He said he was there during the actual event. He's new to the industry. We laugh about how we can pass as different races. This is his first time being on camera. He said he enjoyed the experience. I ask him if he'll continue. He said yes. I hope he does.
Finally, wardrobe is set and I am wearing a navy blue golf shirt and some gray slacks. I want to feel good, like the other times I've worked. How can I get that feeling? They're calling me on set. They adjust the lighting while I sit in front of the camera. A fog machine fills the mock living room belonging to my character. When the camera rolls, there is a fake TV in front of me that I am to watch casually at first and then grow increasingly interested as the live footage I am pretending to watch unfolds. I am supposed to build up into a frustration with the host country. My country. As I understand it, the real guy is being interviewed and I am the reenactment; the illustration of his side of the story. I do the scene. Twice. Filming took less than 5 minutes total. The whole time I was thinking about my mom. I can remember it still, a few hours ago today, the director describing the gradual transpiring of the footage to guide me. To help me see a reason to be frustrated on camera. It wasn't helping. It's not his fault. I don't think it's anyone's fault. I don't think they even knew why I would be uncomfortable. I don't think they knew much about the countries involved in the event. They even spelled the city name wrong. I don't even think the takes were that bad.
I wish it wasn't about my country. If it were different, I feel like I could have given more - like I had done at the church.
It's unsettling to perform make-believe, but for myself I have managed to apply a mental exercise that immerses me into a character; to actually be the person. The trick is to relate. To tie the emotion to a real memory and relive it. If it had only been about another country, I'm sure I would have enjoyed the process a lot more.
I'm writing this and I was hoping it would help me shake away this dread. Thoughts of regret imagining if I had only researched the keywords sooner. Maybe I would have cancelled. But that wouldn't have been better. I would be blacklisted and never cast as another role again. Or maybe I'm being dramatic. Hey, that's good for this line of work, right?
I honestly hope the final cut looks great. This is the biggest role I've ever been in. They gelled my hair funny like a nerd, I had on large framed glasses, just like the portrayed, and they put makeup on my upper lip to hide my dark, clean-shaven stubble.
When I got home, before I washed my makeup off, I took a before and after mirror selfie because my face looked comedically smooth. Taking the pictures reminded me of when I was sipping coffee in the holding area. I had taken pictures of my paperwork. I remember my mind racing. The feeling was like gathering license plates and insurance information after a collision. You know, just in case I have to stand trial, my cultural membership in jeopardy. I can review my situation with a lawyer to see what I can and can not say during a variety show interview that is getting my side of the story after viral, captioned screenshots of me flood the internet with embarrassing memes, stamped into history. Jesus Christ, that would be the worst. Here I go again with extreme maybes. It's an entertaining curse that I will forever be engulfed in my own hypothetical torture.
Anyway, here's that selfie I invented:
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Yeah my bathroom mirrors are dirty.
I can't wait for my next job that I can cleanse my palate with. I really hope I can accept today as purely an actor's portrayal, and not a turncoat betrayal. This can't be my last go at acting. I ate some of my country's food for supper. I feel a bit better. I'm wearing a shirt that is emblazoned with our country's sports hero.
I have always been excited to see the final release of a production I am in, except for this one now. Uncontrollably, my perverse curiosity into the film world is only strengthening, so I don't think even the worst thoughts can slow my future participation. The silver lining is that the uncomfortable bar is set to a new level. I could reenact a murderous deviant now without batting a moral eyelash, I like to think. All for the sake of film.
- WSS, February 8, 2019
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