possamble · 3 months
Do you have any plan to make some kind of bonus chapter or oneshot about marcille's perspective in little creature? It's not like I'm asking you for it ofc!! it's just that i think it'll be interesting to read, and especially since you had those tags about marcille after her fight/outburst with falin and how you couldn't add it to the fic because the fic is from falin's perspective
Probably not about anything that happens during a little creature, but maybe something before or after? Sometimes I do like to do "the other character thinking back to events while doing stuff in a sequel" oneshot type thing, but we'll see how it shakes out!
#asks#a little creature#i will say#Marcille was firmly in denial and just Not Thinking About Her Feelings#the dinner scene was the first crack in her self delusion but it was still there#then the last chapter was it finally shattering as she saw Falin kissing someone else and experienced Elf Shrimp Emotions#just insane intensity furor and jealousy#she was about to fucking blow up#and then the confrontation happens and shes literally in shambles#cant think everything hurts#just barely scraping enough braincells to thank kiki inbetween enormous hiccups and sobs that shake her entire body#sees laios. slaps him. collapses into his arms sobbing and apologizing again#he cant actually understand what shes saying through the blubbering but hes doing his best to comfort her#to be perfectly honest im not 100% she even has the space to process 'i have feelings for falin' in full clarity#the 'why did seeing her kissing someone else make me feel like i wanted to die or kill someone' doesnt like... click#not until she gets over the mess of 'how could she say that to me didnt i do enough'#'didnt i love her enough does she care so little for me that she cant even bother to think about how i feel'#'does she care so little for me that she doesnt know that i would die for her i HAVE died for her and killed for her'#'how could she not know that she was nothing less than my whole reason for living for so long'#... i guess thats what shes blubbering at laios but it just comes out as like#'howcouldnbwhebwsbebwbendoesbdhemotbbwkowbblblbllvlbl'#snotting into laios's shirt#its ok. she'll be ok. like laios has to carry her back to her room because she latched on and didn't let go until she literally like#cried herself to exhaustion and passed out.#but she'll be okay. after maybe another day of moping she finally has her White Woman Moment of looking at herself in the mirror#and admitting that she's in love with falin and has been for a while
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
25 asks :00000
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@ocinstituterep (Posts in question)
The cooling suits they wear at the beach are the same ones they wear under their uniforms :00 And it doesn't necessarily reflect the sun,, its just a battery powered suit that keeps them cool :}
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I wasn't pressured into drawing the art exactly,, but all the questions about it did push me a little into looking into the series more.. That's not really a bad thing though, I did enjoy drawing those pictures soooo-
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I get this question a lot <XD When I was first designing my sona I wanted to add something to their hands. At the time my hands were covered in Band-Aids from dry skin and cat scratches. So I thought "Hey! Bandaged/bloody hands would be cool and edgy :DD" So I added them <XDD
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Oh yeah, that episode was a bit odd huh? XD I think in my version of Octonauts they didn't go all the way down to its stomach- maybe just into the mouth and got the Puffer fish out.
Now the REAL episode that I basically 100% cut is the cone snail episode. You know why? Cone snails are estimated to have poison strong enough to kill 700 people! And there's NO antidote!! NO ONE would have survived being stung. Not even the Captain. They all would have died and left Peso abandoned on a ship full of the bodies of his friends in the middle of the ocean... :x pretty dark huh-
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Thank you! :DD
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XD I was getting tired of Gregory being a little snot. In game and in the fandom. So once again I made a character good out of spite! XDD
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The basis for my Kirby Anime AU is I just found a way to add all the Metaknights to the story. You know, Axe knight, Mace night, Javelin Knight,,, etc.
This is obviously a SUPER angsty AU. For example, Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower and best friend. But then he sacrificed himself to save Metaknight. Thinking he failed his soul was restless and he now wanders the galaxy fighting Monsters and honoring Metaknights name.. Not knowing that Metaknight survived. Its a REALLY long story that I should ramble about sometime XDD
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I would advise against it,, there are plenty of good reaction images out there to find! I should know, I have 996 of them saved! I'm almost at 1000! XDD
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Thank you! And not at the moment no- but I might draw him again someday :}}
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Noooooothingggg... :}}}
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I think its because the poor guy probably doesn't have enough free time to practice consistently. Being the Captain he likely has so much to do all the time.. and when he can finally sit down and indulge in hobbies,, he likely would just rather relax and read a book instead. :( Poor fella
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Ah, sorry. I don't know of any. <:/
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I have actually! :DD I did not sleep good that night :}}}
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Thank you so much!!!! :DD
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Thank you so much! And as for the memes.. ehh, I'd say just to be safe, don't make em. Comments are more than enough. The first thing I do when I wake up is check Tumblr and see if anyone left a comment on my posts. Literally! Comments are the best thing you can give me!
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Heck yeah, that's the best part! <XDDD
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It definitely depends on my mood, I'm split 50/50 on which one I enjoy more :000
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:DDD Thank you so much!! That means a lot!
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
<XD Thankfully no, Jangles is not an iPad kid. He was just playing on my phone because Bibi and I were conked out and he was bored XDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I don't care what's canon or not. I wont be drawing any lovey-dovey/shippy content unless its with my own original characters. Its just not my thing man, 🤷‍♂️
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Thank you! And yeah if I were you I'd ditch pinterest. Any time I have been browsing artwork on google and clicked the link, It always took me to some stolen artwork on pinterest. I'd just rather people never found me then have found me through stolen art on pinterest..
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I have not :0 sounds thrilling though! :D
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wolven91 · 5 months
Drifting - Part 12
“Drop zone approaching. Get ready.” Called the dropship’s pilot from far up in a cockpit somewhere. Casper’s body was encased in his own pilot casket and felt none of the violent shaking and sudden drops as the craft rapidly dropped into the atmosphere, heating its belly until it glowed a brilliant orange. 
However, the rig that the young man was piloting, still shook and rattled in its clamps. Thanks to the fearless sensations of piloting such a sturdy piece of machinery, unlike his body that was fallible; he never felt worry or fear from these worrying judders.The optics of the mech were already online and scanning the bay carefully. He’d zoomed in on the only other creature, a geckin, that was in sight too many times to count already. Casper shut off the optics as the geckin, unaware it was being observed, picked its nose before happily consuming the prize it had retrieved. 
[Grim.] Casper sent, mildly annoyed that emotions never came across in the text-like messages the two pilots could exchange without speaking. 
{What?} Qik returned, in a separate craft that likewise, was dropping into the combat area.
[Our benefactors. Just watched one put their whole ass hand up one nostril.]
{Yummy. Looked like your breakfast, didn’t it?}
The nutrient slop, or ‘slurry’ as they oh so appetisingly called it, was what Casper had to eat both in the morning and at night if he wanted to maintain his already drastically lowered weight. It had the consistency of the word ‘goop’ and, now it had been pointed out to him, the colour of geckin snot. 
[I am literally never going to eat again.]
Casper didn’t get a reply, but clicked his optics with the feeling that Qik was laughing or grinning in her own rig at his words. They remained in silence for a minute more before the geckin Casper was watching touched a hand to his own ear before making his way to the exit. 
“Inbound! Ten seconds!”
The digging geckin fled the room as moments later the floor beneath Casper’s feet opened and a roaring wind blasted up and into the space. The young pilot couldn’t tilt his body down, so most of his view was obscured by his own body, but he could see a dark, grey landscape far below what would be his dangling feet. 
{I’m dropping after you, my original LZ is no good. Get eyes on the operation area, don’t approach yet.}
[Yes ma’am.]
{You’re going to make a fine merc.}
Despite not ‘having’ a stomach, Casper still felt a phantom one fall out from beneath him as the sturdy metal clamps that had held his rig steady during the transport, released him as one. Gravity took hold of him, along with inertia and both he and his rig were launched from the dropship at great speed toward an infinite ground. As soon as the mech was cleared, the craft did a sharp upward swing, arcing into the clouds and away from any danger that lurked below.
Casper kept himself upright as he fell despite feeling himself tilt forwards and backwards. Blue streaks of his boosters fired in short, sharp bursts, righting himself perfectly as he threatened to tumble. As he careened toward the pockmarked terrain at speed, the man checked he was coming in at an angle, roughly forty five degrees to ensure he could slide to a stop, bleeding his speed without pummelling the ground at full force. 
It wasn’t a danger to do that, but he wasn’t specifically built for that.Some rigs could dramatically enter like that, and it was overall better for them to punch straight down, some even incorporating an air burst landing deployment, igniting the surrounding area of the drop point in an explosion that would merely liquidise the internals of anything organic in the area. Those rigs were super heavies, designed for ‘hot’ drops. 
But that wasn’t Casper. He’d never wanted that style of machine. Zeet and he, along with Qik, had chosen from a wide selection of parts to create the mech that ‘felt’ closest to what he would be, if ‘he’, Casper, were a mech and not merely piloting one.
The result? As he fell, he felt light, like he could almost glide down if he wanted to. He felt as if one arrange twitch of his shoulder would get the same from his metal body. 
He felt ‘right’. 
It took a scant few seconds before his legs hit the terrain with such force it sent rocks and dirt flying all around in a great cloud that obscured him from suddenly awake and watching eyes in the distance for a moment. A fraction of a second later, those eyes watched a dark grey machine fly out of the dust cloud on skis, trailing smoke and dirt in its wake that followed it like vapour trails from a jet. 
The mech skidded to a halt a hundred metres away from its landing site, its legs bracing into the skid and a series of three large blue cones of fire slowing him to a halt. It remained still, its two optic ports, scanning and watching the city where the unseen eyes watched it back, undetected by the interloper. The long blade in its hand was not ignored, the machine held it out to one side, the metal perfectly flat. The rain that hadn’t ceased in three weeks, merely pinged and beaded along the perfect edge. 
The fisheye lens that was watching, clicked its aperture beforing zooming in rapidly and reading the stencilled text across the interloper’s chest, reporting it to its absent masters. 
Meanwhile, Casper kept low. He used one hand to brace the front of his mech against the ground as he lowered himself further. Chances were, if there was anyone in the bombed out mega city in the distance, they would have noticed the giant walking mech falling from the sky and causing the same size dust cloud as a building falling over would.
Then again, they also could have dismissed his landing as another shell fired from the distant geckin artillery that had peppered the city with a sustained bombardment before he and Qik arrived for the last forty eight hours. The enemy wouldn’t know when the bombardment would stop, they could use this ignorance to gain a brief element of surprise. 
{Spectre, I’m down and inbound. Anything?}
A friendly ‘blip’ began to grow in Casper’s perception. The motion radar, or ‘MR’, along with both ‘friendly’ signals still felt strange to Casper, but it was one of the aspects he had demanded from Zeet. A low profile for himself, but a more sensitive sensor suite for him. He wanted to see the enemy, but not have them see him. 
What it meant was, he could ‘tell’ where something was, without needing to look away at a radar readout, or even flick his eyes to a compass with markers. A tiny advantage, but one that had already served him well, way back when he had first fought Qik. 
At this time, there was no movement from the dead city.
[Negative Scrub. No one is moving.]
A red mech appeared at Casper’s side, its recon unit briefly turning his way, nodding before turning back. Qik’s mech, compared to Casper’s, felt clunky to the human now. It had none of the articulation his has. When he turned her way to nod back at her, his shoulder pulled back, his arm dropped a fraction. He was fluid. Her whole torso turned, her ‘head’ bobbed, then her whole frame twisted back. It wasn’t her fault, but now the man knew what to look for, he had access to whole other level of movement compared to hers. 
She knelt, her body remaining upright, while he stayed low, his legs supporting him, but his whole body brought low by his efforts. His profile was far lower than hers. Still, she knew combat better than him.
He’d seen her in a fight through several of their training sessions. It was one thing to be able to move out of the way of incoming shots, it was another not to expose oneself in the first place.
Casper, or rather, ‘Spectre’ as was his code name on mission, focused up.
The pair of them began to systematically scan the seemingly dead city. Spires and towers were burnt out, some having toppled over. There were ssypno forces in the area, the geckin intel had explained that. Since ssypno equipment was high end and dangerous, it was harder for them to replace it.
Their job was to make this planet expensive for the noble conducting this battle. It was the only language that kind of person understood. 
[Scrub, I got a question.]
{Go on.}
[Why ‘Scrub’ of all things?]
When Qik had offhandedly told Casper that her own callsign was ‘Scrub’ she was offended and confused when he barked a single coughing laugh before getting a reign on it. She was deadly serious and rather proud of her callsign. The young man, besides an errant comment, had left it there, but now felt as good a time as any to ask; why ‘Scrub’ of all things?
{Because I scour the battlefield clean. My ops are always described as the cleanest, unless I'm working with someone. They’re always the messy ones.}
[I’m just saying, humans might interpret it differently.]
{You said, but I didn’t spend my career building a name for myself to just change it on a whim. You read?}
[Aye aye Scrub.]
{Right, let's get this done and then we can get paid and you can get a taste of the good life. You ready?}
[When you are.] 
Casper urged himself forward as he felt Qik’s ‘blip’ move away to the west, taking a wide route around the edge of the city itself. His ‘feet’ were elongated, turning them into skis that glided across the terrain with amazing ease. His spinal mount, a dedicated jetpack pushed him forwards with vents that could open and close in an instant, allowing him to adjust and change direction with a single thought. He could still walk and run, if he wanted to, but the idea was the ability to lean into the slide and ‘skate’ across the landscape, pushing against the ground with the side of his feet.
The speed at which the city approached and became large, imposing buildings that suddenly dwarfed him, was alarming. He slowed and dropped into  a run, then walk, as he made it into the city proper, using the wide streets to fit his mech between the buildings with ease. He kept his blade held low, in both hands, ready to bring it up and swing at a moment’s notice. 
Before reaching this planet, Casper had never held a weapon before, but now, with copious amounts of software all feeding him instincts and knowledge that wasn’t his, there was a vague sense of longing for a long range weapon, instead of being limited to the length of his blade. 
That said, there was nothing for him to attack. He raised the blade to step around another building before lowering out and ready down the next street, but it was just, yet another, empty thoroughfare. 
He didn’t need military software to tell when something felt… off.
[Scrub, do you read?]
{Loud and clear Spectre, what's the situation?}
[Zero contacts. MR isn’t picking anything up and there's nothing in the streets. No sign of any mechanised forces. Are we sure we’re in the right place? Are we getting played?]
Casper couldn’t help but think of the contract the geckins had forced him into. In a desperate need to get something more from the human and his unprecedented lack of drifting when mentally piloting a machine, the geckins had not taken it well when he had expressed he wanted to leave. So much so, the only way for him to ‘win’ his freedom, was to complete the op, without getting disabled. If he wasn’t able to walk away from the op, then the geckins, or more specifically, one of their corpo-nations would *own* Casper outright, changing his designation from a person, to a ‘thing’. 
Whilst the geckins hated the ssypno with a passion, a trick or trap to retain access to Casper, might not be outside their morals.
{I wouldn’t put it past the geckins to try something, but if the op is a wash, then they still have to pay us and we’re free and clear. They wouldn’t have fed us bad intel for us to go out here for nothing.}
The Spectre mech peered down street after street, holding the blade out, ready to cut anything that moved or scuttled in half, yet each time; it was devoid of life until he found himself, quite deep into the city. 
Closing his optics for a moment, Casper willed himself to send a ping out, searching for *anything* that might show where his enemy was hiding. All he needed as a fraction of movement. 
He focused, his mind mentally tuning the sensitiveity of his radar, it sensed the rain, a beehive of noise that was too much, so with an errant twitch of his head, he tuned out the rain. He sensed himself, receiving false reports of a mech, but it was only him. He removed that too. Blind to the outside world, he stayed in place, reaching out with invisible hands, groping blindly for anything. 
There were creatures, things that scuttled and things that moved. Living organic creatures of small size. They reminded him of rats, but no rats survived the destruction of Earth to his knowledge. The things were squidgits, vermin if left unchecked, cattle if desired. They scurried and hid in the sewers far beneath Casper’s mech’s feet. Oddly, whilst plenty of the buildings still had these creatures inside, several, were *devoid* of movement. Not a single living thing could be felt by his sensitive suites. 
The optics snapped open, and clicked again. Turning his head towards the nearest towering building, he leaned forwards, trying to peer through the destroyed structure to the otherside, but found it dark and unable to see the whole way. This was only one of the nearby buildings that the squidgits avoided for some reason. The building was a husk, burnt out from some unchecked fire, most likely caused by the geckin shelling. The inside was too dark to see anything.
With a mere thought, a floodlight attached to Casper’s head, winked on and bathed the building and its bombed out floors in a brilliant white light. 
The sea of cyclops eyes constricted to tiny points as the sea of fisheye lenses reacted to the sudden wash of bright light. In turn, the countless laser cannons strapped to their spines whined as electricity suddenly washed through them. 
The MR was suddenly bombarded with with a crowd of movement as the buildings all around Casper came to life.Casper merely ducked as the space his mech had occupied only moments before was dissected by no less than seven beams, all wishing to decapitate him in one fell swoop. 
[They’re in the buildings!] He sent frantically, as a wave of scuttling mechanised bots surged from the building and landed on his mech. 
Not wanting them on him for a single second, Casper brought his arm up to protect himself and braced his shoulder. Spectre’s main booster, sitting firmly in the dead centre of his back, roared to life and launched the human’s rig into the building and out the other side in a shower of destroyed rebar and materials. The smaller multi-legged technicals were sent flying in all directions, having no hope of holding onto the mech as it punched through a building. 
[Jesus!] Casper exclaimed as he turned his head back and  watched the buildings suddenly come alive as each floor seemed to disgorge multiples of the round, bulbous, skittering machines in a manner that reminded the man of infestations from Earth. If his rig had skin, the young man was certain it would be crawling.
Remembering his sword, Casper swung it in a downward swipe along the edge of one of the buildings, cutting clean through two with zero feedback as his sword found zero resistance. The metal hulls sparked and fizzled before burning brightly as they fell despite the rain even as they hit the street below. 
Bright lines of light lit up the air between the buildings and scorched down the front of Casper’s mech, leaving deep valleys of burnt metal in their wake. Gritting his teeth,a side vent snapped open and a gout of blue flames pushed his mech sideways by pure instinct, breaking line of sight with the swarm and preventing further damage. 
{Spectre, report.}
[Contacts! Lots of contacts!]
{I see them, locking on but I need to see more. Just keep moving!}
[They’re crowding me, how are they this organised?!]
{They’re computers, no living crew. They seem smart, but it’s just a swarm. Stick to the plan!}
Casper barely made it to the next intersection where his rig could fit before he saw the bright yellow lines of the spider tank’s weapons cutting into the concrete like material of the surrounding buildings. He practically dove down the next street and picked up the speed again. 
As he glided down the road, he saw yet more of the machines breaking through the exterior walls of the buildings and began crawling down towards the ground. 
{Head west; towards me. Try and get as many as you can in one long line.}
[Wilco. One conga line, coming up!]
East, North, East, North, South. 
Casper used his boosters to jump from corner to corner, flitting from side to side, avoiding and evading the growing crowd that was mere feet behind him. Any building, or even corner of a building that was in his way was destroyed. He felt like a cannonball, fired from its home and would merely bust through anything foolish enough to get in his way. 
The bright streaks of line that burnt and destroyed the concrete around him only served to remind him that the enemy was still on his tail. Despite his confidence, he couldn’t let his guard down. Overconfidence would mean his and Qik’s destruction. 
West, North, East, North, West. 
When he turned down what had to have been a main artery for the destroyed city in the past, Casper could feel that Qik was roughly in front of him in the far distance, she was just on the very edges of his sensor suite’s range. Firing his boosters, his skis slid him down the road until the spider tanks began to pour onto the main thoroughfare from either side. 
Using his sword in an upwards sweeping motion, he cut several through their centre mass, but it was a mere handful out of the seemingly endless hoard that was following. He speared several more on the tips themselves, not slowing his escape in the slightest. 
From the distance, Casper watched as countless red lights suddenly appeared on the horizon in a beautiful dazzling sunburst. They hung there for a second before the lights turned into red streaks that raced up into the rainy sky, leaving behind white trails of smoke. They then seemingly paused before Casper’s entire early warning system lit up that he was in the direct path of this bombardment, his fiddling with his sensor suite had left him blind to such threats and had him duck in the very last second as they screamed towards their true targets.
They hadn’t been pausing in the sky, they were arcing towards him. 
Spectre leaned forward, nearly toppling forwards, and willed itself onwards, increasing its speed until it began to pull away from the amazingly agile spider tanks. 
Moments later, Casper could see the bright flashes of explosions somewhere behind him illuminate the surrounding buildings for a brief second. That didn’t matter. If it was behind him, it wasn’t hitting *him*. Relief washed over him as several of the moving, angry ‘blips’ that had been racing after him winked out of existence. 
{Brilliant! Just got a few to mop up, but that was excellent!} Qik sent, as Casper rapidly approached where she waited at the city’s edge. From her bulky torso, several flaps opened as he approached and yet more of the red lights were launched from her. The lights were the burners for the rockets that streaked into the sky before taking a harsh turn and streaking into the city, where Casper suspected that they would rapidly meet some of the creepy, crawling tanks. 
The Spectre mech shuddered as one, its various metal parts and hydraulics complaining with a loud crash. Scrub ponderous turned to face Spectre expectantly as the remaining targets seemed reluctant to approach, having had their numbers vastly cut down.
[I hate those things!]
{Yeah, MGUs or AATMGUs to be correct. Automated, all terrain mechanised guard units. Nobody likes them, they’re annoying to get out of an area because you have to expose yourself.}
The two machines stood there a moment, facing the city, scanning for any of the MGUs that decided to pop their head out. Whilst they were constantly scuttling, demanding both of their attention, they were staying out of sight for the moment. 
{Thanks for being bait.} Qik sent without prompting. Having Casper’s head turn to face her. 
[No worries, I knew you had my back.] 
Casper was turning to look back into the city and question if they were going to have to mop up the remaining MGU when there was a flicker of a ‘blip’ in his mind’s eye. He had messed with so much of the sensor suite’s settings and was so focused on the city that he couldn’t make out what he was perceiving straight away. 
He didn’t even get a chance to send the [What was that?] as a long missile streaked into the side of Qik’s mech, forcibly sending the rig into the buildings and launching Casper backwards with the force of the blast. He rolled in the air, having his legs go over his head, supported by the jets as they turned him rapidly until the bottom of his skis slapped against the ground again. Sparks and debris flew up into the air as his optics searched for the threat, all the while his sensors pinged Scrub. 
Casper watched as a new machine, undetected by his own system until now, flew in from the sky. It had solid wings that jutted out of its back, but before he could even observe more of the aircraft, it flew low, close to the ground before it unfolded into a mech, skidding to a halt at the city’s outskirts. 
Two study legs slammed into the asphalt of the landscape. Its arms unfurled and without saying a word or even hesitating for a moment, the two arms opened fire with a rain of flashing lasers that peppered the surrounding buildings and Casper’s mech with hits. 
The strikes were damaging, several connections and wires were burnt and fused instantly, forcing Casper to reroute connections and energy as he spun away from the gunfire and slipped into the city. Pressing his back against the building that weathered the new storm from the new threat. 
He turned his head and saw the smoking remains of Scrub, the mech that contained Qik. Her legs were missing and the torso portion was scorched all along one side. She had been through into a now collapsed building. She didn’t move.
[Qik?] He sent, dumbfounded as laserfire continued over the sound of sizzling rain.
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forthechubbies · 2 years
Dirty Hands// Cho Gue Sung Imagine 🔞 Ex! Chubby Reader ♡
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How did you get here? You hate sports...You hate exercise in general-you, like your thickness, and that's that's. Moving away from your self-love for a second, If memory serves me right, You were dragged here by you're fit friend, Sumi.
Speaking of, she's looking at you in disappointment right now. Time to tune back in-
Sumi clicked her tongue, obviously annoyed by your space-out expression. "Are you high or something? Why are you not cheering or at least stand up when I do." One might say you're being selfish, but you refused to take fake interest in this stupid sport (no offense just for the story).
Your silent protest stuck out like a sore thumb...and your well hot in his eyes.
He admired your boredom and actually found it rather amusing. You could sit still if your life depended on it; He watches you bunch up your dress just to ensure you didn't step in anything.
Possibly food or not...You never know with hundred year old bleachers.
She's so snobby. He thought with a slightly playful grin. I guess that is my fault.
Sumi noticed the flower player ogling her friend; she gasped, alerting you in the process. " Shit, Do you think he likes you? Soccer player, sugar daddy?"
"As if, " You scoffed. " I can smell him from here."
Sumi beamed. " If you don't want him. Can I have him, please?"
Your plans for today didn't involve waiting thirty minutes for Sumi, who decided to run to the bathroom at the last second, leaving you alone to stay put in the entrance tunnel-
"This tunnel is disgusting.." You cleared your throat in an attempt not the dry heave at the used condom flung aside like a snot rag. "I'm gonna died here."
" You're so dramatic." A man's voice nagged behind your head.
You sighed, rolling your eyes. " And you're so domestic, Watching me like a little puppy." You turned towards your ex-husband.
Gurl, Did I forget to tell you he was your hot ex-husband who blew his chances with you after a sexual/emotionally draining physical altercation between the two of you took place in public?! Oops! The tea is hot today.
What a mighty mouse you are, mouthing off to a man who has you, trump, in literally everything strength, speed, you name it.
You step back, not favoriting his sweaty smell. "You kinda smell like a wet dog -" You fanned yourself. " It suits you."
"If I'm a dog then you must be a bitch in heat for coming to my game-"Gue Sung exclaimed, nudging her forehead back with his finger.
She retaliated by smacking his heavy hand out of her face. " If you ever put your filthy fingers near me again-And, for your information, You pompous little-your not the only player on your team!" She roared in his face, stretching her heels to their maximum limit due to the size difference.
The cheeky bastard met your face halfway, tapping the tip of her nose with his; his hazel eyes gazed into hers. "Why else would you be watching for? " He was even daring enough to take two steps forward to feel you on him. "You hate sports, and you think men are stupid-"
"Not all of them, but I'm truly doubtful when it comes to you-." Yn rudely interrupted, sassing him with her eyes.
The joke was harmless, to say the least, yet a large hand shot up to her neck, gripping it into a tight squeeze between his large fingers.
She gasped but wasn't surprised; this wasn't the first time Gue Sung had let his temper control his actions.
Gue Sung clicks his tongue. "Wah unbelievable, that mouth of yours." He stared at your beautifully painted lips, weighing his next decision; he said, "Ah, Fuck it." before completely dominating your lips.
"Mmm!" You yanked at his hair; pulling away from his lips just to be brought back in. "Mmph! Im gon-mm gonna kill you."
You fought well, but god, he's ripped-Honesty, you didn't stand a chance in the first place.
Gue sung kept you flushed against his chest so tight your plump breasts pushed up to escape his squeeze.
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astranite · 4 months
Exactly As You Are
Shadowrose for lesbian day of @thunder-pride!!!
A Kayo/Penelope sick fic with lots of fluff. Kayo takes care of a sick Penny and comes to a few realisations she manages to say aloud.
“I brought you some tea,” Kayo said softly. 
She held out the mug to the miserable pile of blankets and snotty tissues on the chaise lounge. 
Her only answer was a sneeze as a pale hand fished around for another tissue and grabbed the first one it found. The nearest, balled up, guaranteed at least lightly used one.
Kayo grimaced and nudged the box of fresh tissues closer. 
Somewhere beneath the blankets was Penny, where she had been alternating between dramatically draping herself over the whole lounge and curling up in a ball, cocooned within the soft furnishings.
Currently, it was cocoon time. A blanket burrito, a Penelope roll. Kayo resisted the urge to giggle or worse, stand there fondly, helplessly smiling. Though it was a bit late for that.
A pile of frazzled blonde hair was partially visible, along with a foot coated in an incredibly fluffy pink sock. 
The hand reached out once again, making a grabbing gesture towards the tea. When the fingers clicked together in demand, Kayo let forth a short laugh. 
“Coming, coming. You might want to sit up a bit, it’s hot.” 
“You’re hot.” 
Kayo rolled her eyes fondly. Her girlfriend was a real smooth talker. 
“Glad you noticed,” she replied.
Kayo might’ve preened a little at the compliment but no one had to know. 
“But shuffle, you don’t want to spill it.” She was also used to dealing with stubborn brothers. 
The mass of blankets grumbled and shifted around until Penny emerged. 
Kayo couldn’t exactly say she was beautiful right now, when the combination of red, runny nose, not so designer eye bags and sickness dulled expression didn’t do favours for anyone, but she was Penelope and Kayo— Oh god, she loved her, didn’t she? 
Kayo took the opportunity to press the back of her hand to Penny’s forehead, totally not a double excuse touch Penelope and avoid her own in too deep, head over heels emotions. 
The fever was a little better than before, but still, “No, you’re the hot one.” 
Penny snorted a snot filled laugh, which was exactly Kayo’s intention. Okay, minus the mucus. But her laugh, Kayo couldn't help wanting to be the cause of it so she could listen to her forever. 
Moving blankets around and tidying away the serious biohazard of tissues, Kayo folded herself down to sit next to Penny, passing over the mug. At least Kayo had already fought through the latest bug to go around Tracy Island, though she grimaced at the thought of where Penny had gotten it from. 
“Lemon and ginger, with extra honey,” Kayo presented. 
She’d called John when she ducked into the kitchen to gather intel on what was the correct type of tea and preparation method for the situation, in hopes of finding something to soothe Penny’s sore throat. 
Her brother had thoughtfully contemplated for a moment before giving her her answer. He seemed to have the different types all memorised in addition to his research skills being unparalleled. 
“And John sends his greetings and wishes you to get well soon,” Kayo added. 
The word greetings had been used, literally because this was John, but there was never any less warmth or concern when he used words most people wouldn’t expect. 
Penny smiled, cupping the mug between her hands. 
Her eyes found Kayo’s, and she uttered a soft, slightly scratchy, “Thank you, Tanusha.”
Kayo couldn’t help the smile spreading across her own lips. 
She rearranged the blankets to tuck them closer around Penny then affectionately bumped her head into Penelope’s blanket clad shoulder, cat like. It was partially to hide her sappy expression but mostly just because. 
Penny took slow sips of her tea, frequently sniffling, head hanging low in a way Kayo read as miserable in addition to sick. 
“You want to watch a movie or something?” Kayo suggested. 
Now was a good time for distraction from feeling awful. 
They put on one of Penny’s period romances, or rather Kayo set up the holoprojector to Penny’s increasingly vague directions largely consisting of “Nooo not that one.” 
Kayo was beginning to truly appreciate the genre, soaking up Penny’s obvious enjoyment of it, but not to the degree that she could tell apart one floofily dressed protagonist from the next from the title images. 
The events of the show of the hour played out across the holoscreen, of colourful garden parties, historical fashion, love affairs ranging from romantic to doomed and just the right amount of societal scheming complete with spy to spy style back stabbing to keep them both invested. 
Though Kayo had to admit they weren’t all that drew her attention. Not when there was Penelope here right next to her, warm against her side where Kayo had found herself with an arm looped around Penny’s shoulders to snuggle closer. She'd sprawled out once again, her legs now draped across Kayo's own. 
Only months ago, it had been glances, made undetected out of the corners of her eyes, taken in flashes to memorise the way Penny laughed or the elegant line of her neck in a low cut gown or the exact shade of her hair in the sunlight, a spy’s way of looking but not being seen. But Penny had seen. Had understood, had reciprocated in a way Kayo had never expected she’d have for herself.
Now Kayo watched openly, just because she could. Because this was Penelope.
Penny had tucked her fingers into the sleeves of the oversized hoodie she wore. A theft from John, Kayo would bet given Penny’s fashion tastes didn’t usually run to scientifically accurate diagrams of the solar system plastered across the chest. Or else to the plain, black leggings, far too worn and baggy. 
Kayo’s own, she recognised. The set she’d relegated to pyjamas when she couldn’t bring herself to let them go, they were so damn comfortable. Which she’d worn last night and left on Penny’s bed when she’d gotten dressed this morning. 
Her heart did a weird squishing thing in her chest. Like it was being squeezed through a hydraulic press. This was the swooping, soaring sensation she felt every time she pulled Shadow out of a dive: that they trusted her, that the skies were hers and she had a Thunderbird of her own that no one would take away from her. 
It also just felt warm. Quiet. Comforting with none of the adrenaline rush because she was here to stay.
She swallowed and pressed her body closer to Penelope, resting her chin on her head. The heroine on screen snuck out of her bedroom window in a rather impractical nightgown to go visit the daughter of the lord feuding with her father.
Penny was still sniffling while seeming to sink into herself further and further as the episode went on. If not for the periodic honking as she blew her nose, Kayo would worry she was about to disappear. 
She reached out to give her more fresh tissues which Penny snatched from her hand in frustration. 
"You okay, Pen?" Kayo asked.
Penny remained focused on the shouting match between the heroine and her father. She pulled away from Kayo's touch.
"You know you are not obligated to stay, right?"
Where had Penny gotten the idea that Kayo wouldn't rather be here than anywhere else in the wide world? She opened her mouth to set her straight. 
Penny cut her off, speaking softly, “Sorry, I know I’m absolutely awful when I’m sick.”
Kayo caught the waver in Penelope’s voice, the genuine vulnerability that both of them rarely showed. Except with each other. This relationship blooming between them was one of the best things in Kayo's life, it was the love she thought was for children and fools and other people, the one she never thought she'd get to have too.
Kayo would not let her hurt stand without a fight. She gently cupped Penny’s face and smoothed a thumb over a flushed, raw cheek, channelling all her ruthless steel into the edge of care she was learning how to let show. 
"I love you, exactly as you are."
She took a deep breath. The world didn't implode.
"I'm here to stay, I'm not running from this anymore."
Penny's eyes widened, the red rims revealing yet more icy blue.
Kayo had never seen Penny lost for words before, not even when they'd kissed each other silly and Kayo sure was.
"I love you too." The words were simple, nothing hidden behind the fancy, snarled up phrases she'd use with other people. They were honest.
Kayo had this. They both had this. 
She was about to lean in closer to Penelope before Penny suddenly gasped. Once. Then again. 
Then she sneezed. Everywhere.
Kayo winced in sympathy as Penny wiped the strands of snot off of her face. A strand of blonde hair caught in the tissue as Penny made a dejected noise. 
"You sure you still love me?" she asked.
Tangled, long, blonde hair had fallen across Pen's eyes as she peered up at Kayo, something fragile barely concealed there.
Kayo tucked it back behind her ears, pressing a kiss to Penelope's forehead. 
"Exactly as you are, I love you. Of course I do. You're you."
"And you are youreself too, Tanusha."
Kayo smiled softly, eyes slipping shut to remember this moment in amongst what all the world would throw at them in the future. She opened them again to see Penny. Her hair had made its way back to her face so Kayo brushed it away then gently twisted a curl around her fingers.
"Would you like me to braid it for you?" she offered. Penny nodded slowly, shifting to curl into Kayo for a moment.
"You love me." It wasn't a question.
Their on screen heroine got the girl in the end too.
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joyfullyacat · 2 years
i've been stewing on this idea for a little while doing house projects, lets see where it takes us
cw: hurt into comfort??? the mental health of robots yes i had a detroit become human phase how could you tell word count: 1.5k (not beta'd and loosely edited i apologize)
It was never exactly on your schedule to become a criminal quite literally overnight but, then again, when did life ever go to schedule?
Robots, androids, animatronics, what-have-you had just become their own sort-of people with rights being debated as of you waking upon this very day and you had just staged a wonderful breakout of some creations meant children's entertainment with the help of a child and his definitely-not-an-animatronic-bear father.
So, all in all, it was a pretty productive morning and subsequent afternoon you had.
Now in the quiet of the night, tucked away in a - hopefully abandoned - lodge that was a fair distance outside city limits and ideally far enough that any authorities searching for you would call it quits for the temporary time being. It was Sun, mini Music Man, and you currently. Gregory and Freddy took the rest somewhere else and deemed it best you took care of the daycare attendant in these times.
Except it seemed like you were the least qualified person to manage this task at this point in time.
Sun was just about to pace a hole into the carpet, mutterings coming from his voice module that were unintelligible though you could occasionally make out friend and purpose.
You could only hazard some guess to what he was actually saying but you knew this was essentially a breakdown. The closest you've seen him come to it at least. He had never gotten even halfway to this point on the daycare's busiest days of snot-nosed children and flu season.
The only reason he hadn't switched yet was probably because he, as the very first thing, had turned on just about every light in the living room upon arrival and it seemed to be just enough.
Though he needed rest.
He needed a break from being at the front of the stage.
"Sun...?" You began warily, removing the mini Music Man from your lap and tucking him off to the side on the couch you were currently sat on. Standing up after and approaching the attendant.
Drawn by either your voice or your movements, blinding eye-lights snapped to you then. Optics impossibly wide and it almost seemed like he held a grimace.
A differing emotion from one quite literally forged onto him was... Frightening.
And incredibly sobering.
"Hey... Look at me, you see me, right?"
A single nod was all he offered you, the mutterings having quieted down now as you had his attention.
"Right, you see my hand?"
His head tilted down a slight, looking over your outstretched invitation and accepting it almost immediately after. Taking your hand into his with a grateful squeeze and then he nodded in affirmation.
"Good, could we sit down?"
Another nod.
You guided him carefully over to the couch, the animatronic landing on a cushion unceremoniously with an almost comedic fwump as his weight settled.
"Okay... I'm gonna be right here with you but I'm gonna have Triple-M here turn off the lights alright? I think you need a bit of rest."
Sun busied himself with messing with your hand he had hostage, offering the most smallest "Okay." That you had ever heard from him yet.
The scuttling pitter-patter of the little robot was all you needed as indicator that your plan was in action, offering silent thank you to the sweet companion as you kept your focus on Sun.
One by one, the lights went off.
Bit by bit, the tension that he held in his form began to ease and by the time the final light as clicked, he looked to you with almost sleepy relief. Eyes lidded downwards and that smile no longer seeming strained.
One final squeeze of your hand before he relinquished the hold so he wouldn't accidentally crush the limb again in the transformation sequence.
A painful lesson both him and you had learned the hard way, though that was fine.
For these two? Any way was good for you.
The rays of his head descended in a wave, a typical nightcap popping up shortly after with a flourish and a little jingle of the bell that rested in the pompom at the end. The pants were replaced by another pair that shot down his legs from the hip.
Day turned into night quite literally before your very eyes and it wasn't long until an ambient red hue filled the room.
Moon looked up to you momentarily with that burning gaze before he dropped his head with a crackly sigh, taking a moment to loosen up in the body after being pent up for so long.
At least that's what you assumed, you weren't too sure how the inner machinations worked between them.
"Thank you for that, Starbright." He offered after a few moments of silence, when you had just began to pull away to give him some privacy.
You didn't think an animatronic of any sort could sound as exhausted as he did in that moment, brows knitting towards the center as you couldn't stifle the concern you felt. Moon had the energy of someone who had been too strong for too long and finally just got to decompress but wouldn't let themselves fall down too far just yet.
"You... Alright there?" You treaded the territory carefully, the two had always been a bit prickly when it came to their own needs and wants, it had taken much cajoling to get them to admit a number of simple things.
Cleanings, privacy, comfort, etcetera.
...Thinking on it now, no wonder the other company figured you'd be good to handle the intertwined duo. You had already been fighting for their own piece of mind for a bit now.
For a moment, there was nothing.
Then all at once he grappled onto you, uncaring for your startled yelp as he clutched you close by your waist and hid his faceplate along your stomach, lengthy limbs encompassing you fully in a bodily embrace. Just sat there.
When no further action was made, you simply rested a hand on the edge of his hat, your thumb idly petting in small circles along what would be his temple.
You had always let them take the pace, even if that pace was a slow-burning candle or a roaring pyre.
Currently? It seemed the candle burning was steady after the initial burning of the wick as Moon spoke up.
"Sun is confused on why you did what you did... As am I. You've done much for us and you... Still find ways to do more."
The comment stumped you at first, your little soothing motions coming to a stop before they continued when you found your words.
"I think I've confused you before with my actions, haven't I?"
He nodded, not missing a beat.
"I know you've got a super memory in there, two in fact..." You teased kindly, leaning into him to lightly hug about his head. "What have I told you before, hm? I think I've given you many reasons."
"...You've apologized for liking us." It wasn't said unkindly, matter-of-fact and something you'd never quite live down it seemed as the very light jest was made.
"Yes I have and perhaps those two things are intertwined, if that's what you're trying to figure out. Though I'd do this for you even if I did not hold romantic interest - simply because it'd be the right thing to do."
Moon bit out with a withheld growl, "You've thrown away everything for us."
"I have but life never goes on a straight path - or at least you're often forced to make-do. You'll take wrong turns and go off trail. You'll come across holes in the way that you have to fill in by whatever means necessary."
"...So in this tangle of passageways. Where do we lie?"
You chuckled as Moon seemed to perk up at the use of metaphors, many night shifts you had spent with similar discussions. Always supplying much food for thought from your end and their own.
"I believe you are the beginning of a new path. I know not where it'll lead or what is in the way of that path but I will head down it with you all the same."
His hold momentarily tightened around you before he relaxed entirely.
"What was that thing you told us about caring, way back when."
Your brows furrowed involuntarily, immediately wracking your brain for thought.
"...When you begin to care for something, it'll tire you out in ways? But it is never regretted."
"That's right... I think Sun and I finally understand that now. You worry us but we care for you. We want the best of your health and safety and it is... Reciprocated?"
"Without a doubt." You quipped on the spot.
"Caring is a tiresome emotion but it is... A nice one. Is love the same?"
"It falls hand-in-hand with caring sometimes. It can be invigorating but draining... It is just as tangled as life I would argue."
"We'll have much unknotting to do."
You finally dropped the hug with an unbecoming snort at the joke, peering down to Moon who had finally peeled himself away to look up at you with that familiar impish air returning.
"I suppose we will, for now, let's take things one step at a time, yeah?"
trying to pin how i wanna write the two is a fun challenge
this is also a fun,,,maybe au to explore
i hope you enjoyed!!
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girlfromthecrypt · 1 year
Can't come down
TW/summary: Two friends get shitfaced and one of them gets a panic attack (?). Characters from a nosleep series I'm rewriting. This isn't gonna be in the actual story.
"Look… look, I found some dirt…"
Rocco was at my shoulder, couldn't string two sentences together. Drooling on my shirt. I burst out laughing as he raised a fistful of dirt into my face before letting it rain onto my chest. The bottle we'd shared rolled around discarded at our feet. I gave it another kick.
This couldn't have been a good idea. I think I knew that going in.
"Not sure anymore…"
"'Bout what?" Rocco asked, not lifting his head from my upper arm. He only craned his neck slightly, turning big round eyes my way. 
Something in my mind clicked and I raised a finger. "I got it. My Dad's black Labrador. That's who you remind me of." The alcohol sloshed around in my stomach as I tried to sit up. The inner warmth paired with the heat of the afternoon sun made me feel like I was lying on a giant stove.
"Hey, so… are you feeling alright? 'Cause you look super queasy…"
"You don't look so good neither," I said, taking in his bleary gaze and flushed cheeks.
"It's fine," he slurred, unloading another string of saliva onto the fabric of my top. "Hey, hey, look…" He picked up a small pebble. "Found a rock."
This finding-random-things-game had gotten rather old, so I only gave him a small grin. Rocco shoved the pebble up his nostril, then proceeded to snort it out again. I lost myself in a fit of giggles once again. “Crap… uh, let’s maybe move out of the sun a little…”
“Right, and go where?” he wheezed, making a sweeping gesture at our surroundings. “There’s, like, literally nothing!”
He was slurring intensely, and part of me might have seen the onslaught coming, but I still let out a gasp when he broke into tears. He was howling like an injured puppy, snot running from his nose and mixing with the salty trickles streaming down his cheeks. His hand flew to my shoulder, fingers clamping down tightly. I tried to get him to sit up, but he was holding on for dear life, dragging me down in the process. The ground had turned harsher somehow, and I was growing distinctly uncomfortable—like I was lying on a bed of needles. 
The heat of the midday sun had gone from unpleasant to punishing. I could practically feel it searing away at my skin, blisters budding on my skin. “We need to get inside,” I mumbled. “Shit, we could die out here… we could die out here.”
Rocco fell silent, bloodshot eyes meeting mine. “Well, I’ll be damned,” he whispered.
I started cackling. “You sound like Leslie!”
“Right? Right?”
“But for real, Rocco, we could fucking die out here, we need to get outta the sun…”
“I ain’t going back! Les is gonna be mad I’m wasted…”
“Rocco, we need to—”
He cut me off with another swell of tears. “I ain’t going back! Don’t make me go back!”
“To… to Les?”
“To the fucking basement, I don’t wanna go back to the basement, please! Don’t make me!”
“Rocco... It’s okay, there’s no basement! There’s nothing here!” I pulled him up, his weight like a sack of wet sand. He was sobbing uncontrollably, bunching his worn old shirt up in his fists. The grating sound of ripping fabric made me recoil. I wrapped my arms around him in a loose embrace, and he clasped my wrists in an attempt to pull me even closer, like he wanted us to fuse, to merge for just a second. “It’s okay,” I repeated, speaking softly into his ear. “It’s okay.” Again and again. 
His chest stopped heaving after a while, his sniffles turned lower and the tears stopped running. 
“There’s nothing here,” I whispered, biting back the bile rising in my throat.
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Here have this unedited mess of the heart-to-heart with Cayde I wish was there in The Final Shape.
Set while Salvation's edge takes place. Fallon (my Guardian) receives Still Hunt.
“Hey Crow, mind giving me and the Guardian a moment?” Cayde asked causing Fallon to turn and look over their camp. Crow looked at the two of them to get a vibe of the air before pushing up.
“I’ll go see if I can get a wiff of dark Ether or…something,” he said knowing he wouldn’t find much before transmitting away.
Cayde waited a beat before he was convinced Crow actually left and moved to sit next to Fallon.
“Been talking with your crew,” he said with a slight emphasis on their crew. The same crew he had.
“Yeah, they regale you on my many stupid ideas like getting blown out of a Canon, and continuously handling magma despite Vega hating it?” they asked trying to add a lightness to their voice.
“Nah, your Ghost and the recordings you shared did that enough. No I uh…I asked about what kind of Guardian you’ve become.”
Cayde gave a forced chuckle.
“What’s with that face? They didn’t say anything bad. Hell, even Hunter couldn’t stop singing you praises and that’s a hard mark.” He used his shoulder and nudged theirs.
“I’m proud of you.”
Fallon froze.
They blinked a few times and looked at him. Despite his exo face being made as expressive as they could be, Fallon sometimes had a hard time reading them – don’t tell Rhys. Cayde's face was soft, he was being genuine.
The one thing they’d kill to hear, was said. The tension Fallon was holding g melted off as their lip trembled.
“Hey hey hey! None of that now,” Cayde said pulling them into a hug. They melted into the embrace and hugged him back tightly. “Not going to lie, not the reaction I was expecting.”
“Oh shut up, you’ve seen the hole you left,” Fallon said sniffling and wiping away snot with the back of their hand.
“I have…sort of. You have been tight-lipped on how you’ve felt. To my face at least.” There was a pause. “You don’t have to be strong all the time ya know. It’s okay to let others carry the weight. I saw the look you gave Ediz when he told you that you were benched.”
“This is my Op.”
“Look me in the face and tell me you’re in a good mental spot with Vega in the state’s he’s in.”
There was silence.
Fallon knew they were hanging on by a thread. Whether that was a literal Strand one, or the metaphorical one they still weren’t sure.
“I would probably get killed going in,” they admitted. Cayde nodded not surprised, not judging them.
“You lead us here. That’s something to be proud, but you did it by shouldering all the work. ‘s why I’m not asking you to be Hunter Vanguard.”
Fallon paused and looked at him confused.
“That’s what this is about?”
“No! I mean kind of, wanted to tell you I’m giving the job to Crow, wanted your thoughts but mostly…ah I’m no good at this you know but…”
Fallon waited until it was clear he wasn’t going to finish his thought before they looked out into the misty void in front of them. They squinted before shifting and pulling out a handcanon, checking their ammo.
“Floating can about 140 meters at 11 o'clock.” They buffed their gun before taking the shot. The open can of beans spun showing the clean shot off. They looked at Cayde waiting for the agreement when they had their shoot-offs.
Cayde scoffed and shook his head fondly. “The thought that in a way I made you. The Guardian you look up to, strive to be is me? Come-on kid you can do better.”
“Like Ikora? Or Zavala?” Fallon asked. “Cayde,” they scoffed at the thought and shook their head as they kicked their feet. “I’m not the kind of person who clicks well with them. I can, but they wouldn’t do…this.” They gestured around them. “Besides Oryx wouldn’t have happened without some Hunter ingenuity.”
“Getting here was Hunter Ingenuity.” Fallon shrugged.
“It was nothing.”
Cayde looked out. “Same can, right under your shot.” He shifted and pulled out his Ace of Spades. He hit and turned toward Fallon.
They sighed and pouted.
“I have been working tirelessly trying to be a Hunter you’d be proud of. Every action had a ‘What would Cayde do?’ question. Even if I did the opposite because I saw it wouldn’t work. Me taking charge of the coalition, me getting on Ikora and Zavala's case out here…that’s me doing what you’ve inspired me go be.”
“You don’t have to. In fact, I think you should quit. Hang up my cloak. You’ve fulfilled your promise years ago. Before I even died. Was always proud of you. It’s time you become the Guardian you want to be. Not the one they expect you to be, or the Guardian you think I want you to be. Let Crow shoulder the Vanguard gig. You... you take time off. Travel Sol, get into some shit that isn’t Vanguard Business. This isn’t an order, a suggestion from a friend.”
“Not my mentor?”
The question was asked with a hint of teasing to it.
Cayde pointed out into the void. “that stop sign embedded into that island.” He twirled his gun on his finger and shot. The sound of the hit rang out into the nothingness. “You really call me your mentor?”
Fallon shrugged. “Not until Ediz said you were a couple years ago. Realized he was right. Been using it sense.”
Cayde hummed in thought.
“Random highway Sign. Same island.”
“Does it bother you?”
Cayde considered his words.
“Its…not what I was expecting. The Big Amazing Guardian looks at the fuck up Hunter Vanguard as inspiration. Ikora is who I’d look up to. Not…not me.”
“You’re not a fuck up. You’re a Hunter. We don’t do rules, or meetings, or ‘by the book'. We fuck around and find out. The only place you’ve fucked up is going down that pit without your fireteam. Lecture me on always stick with your fireteam and he goes out that way.” Despite the bitter truth, their tone was full of sarcasm. The wall of awkwardness seemed to melt off as they found their old rhythm.
“Hey in my defense I have always said ‘do as I say, not as I do’. Case and point.” He scoffed. “Look at you now, lecturing me.”
“I have had to give Crow that lecture so many times. He still doesn’t listen.”
“So he wasn’t kidding, you have taken him under your wing? The Guardian who sees a ball of fire and just carries it like it’s nothing.”
“Hey I tell him not to do that. It takes forever for Vega to heal my hands when I do it.”
“Then why do you keep doing it?”
“I’m open to other methods of transporting big balls of fire.”
The two of them melted into laughter.
It was like they never stopped, like Cayde had never died and completely missed out watching Fallon go from young, immature, and always going in guns blazing with only 2 plans (Plan A. Shoot at what’s shooting me and Plan B. Blow shit up) to a Guardian who at least had an escape plan planned out, still went in guns blazing but had definitely mellowed out. Neither would admit it, but the “mature" Fallon that had ran into Cayde felt like a chasm had been opened up between them, and everything Fallon did while in charge only served to deepen that chasm. Taking time to just talk and catch up, it was nice.
They both knew it wasn’t going to last. They kept it unsaid. It wad easier. Fallon thought the catch was Cayde wouldn’t be able to leave the Pale Heart, that the way he was brought back, the Light leaking out of his eyes and the cracks in his version of the Ace of Spades made his form too unstable outside the Traveler. Cayde knew that something was going to happen to cause him to give himself up so Fallon could keep going, and he was happy that would be the very last thing he did.
“Hey I, uh did something. Was going to wait until I gave Crow his Vanguard Cloak but you got me all caught up in…well us. The past. Ya know.” He held out his hand and a very Cayde-style rifle materialized in his hand.
Fallon laughed as they picked it up and inspected it.
“Is that a flamethrower nozzle?”
“You have to have a flamethrower nozzle! It’s a part of the aesthetic. Look you’re still Killer with a handcanon, but you need to expand your range. So, I’m expanding it.” He gestured toward the rifle. “Now I know it looks like it’s just a really long Hand Canon. Because it is, that’s the base I used, keep something familiar. But that’s where it ends. This is a-"
“Sniper rifle? Holy shit.”  They looked through the scope and fired a test shot to get a feel for it.
“Yeah. Would you shut up and let me explain.”
Fallon smiled and nodded as they lowered the gun to rest in their lap.
“Now I did…ya know not quite sure what I did to achieve this…not important. The think is, you kill enough baddies with it, you get a second Golden Gun. A Golden Rifle. Called the Rifle Still Hunt.”
“Because I’m Still Huntin'"
“I meant you were learning to be still but that works too.” There was a beat as a rumble of Thunder came from the Wittness' monolith.
“Hey Kid…Fallon. Listen, whatever happens I meant it. I’m proud of you. You never needed to make that promise to me. You’d always be a Hunter I’m proud of.”
“I know.”
“Good because who knows what’ll happen when we get up there.”
“We unmake the Witness, probably cry, and then maybe a sandwich?”
Cayde patted their shoulder. “Make it a double.”
Guardian? If you’re hearing this… ah, look, I hate goodbyes. I never was good at ‘em, so… this ain’t that. This is me saying thanks. To you, and Ikora, and Zavala… and Crow. Yeah, I’ll deal him in here. Kid deserves a seat at the table. But, uh… thank you. For being the best friends a fella could hope for. The best fireteam I didn’t want, and… the best bet I ever lost.
I know folks’ll miss me; I’m sorry. Never wanted to open up more hurt, but I don’t think I can just head on back to the Tower. I’m being held together by Light and wishes, and it feels like I’m here for a good time, but not a long time, get me?
So while it lasts… I need this life to have a reason. I need it to mean something. And if you’re hearing this… it did. I wanna make everybody proud. Nah, even better — I wanna make ME proud. [sighs] I hope I got it right this time. See you around, Guardian.
Fallon sniffed as the recording finished. “Asshole. Needed to have the last word. Wouldn’t let my ‘Thank-you' be the end.” They let out a pained laugh and hugged the Rifle he’d gifted them only a few days prior. “I hope you got it right. Because you did on my end. See you around Cayde…”
0 notes
leopoldainter · 22 days
Has intdn viti doze rtini
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Airport booked all day
Well did you test with the dip or the stik
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Good they only had Urbel. BAOLYS Urbel its flush with the table
I can't get that in my thermos. I added coffee mate french Vanilla idont worry hot plastic food poison. If I think something was really bad I brush my teeth after I gemin8 yet
So Gramercy sploded. We dont accept that you don't need the help we're a snkylzin sequels with stopwatch usanamwrican film hero on mountain side all night long
Then you should skip the dishes and ski for the thrill of ths chase. See ski lifts on belkacapri get to the shopping and restaurants quickly weave this harbor traditional customs transit ferry of about what a coach can carry worth of hungover teens it's Naples. The good one. See. Garbage bags rubbish port. Garbage cru8se strike till they cancel the gatba piled yup here's what happened tram got stuck so they gave up. Pope urban.
I am as involved as I can be I assure you an ms clinton.
Sure looks busy effectively wear it all thrown on so that. And senator, cabinet,desk retard. Do I feel faint we got a cement block to booty no time.
Sliding doors no that's normal
Hasty uncredited m.Cary remember Drewk Canread
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Also, Mr. GUERTin loath of vibrant action of polishedsidearm started claiming A tenant B whose pet snake can get around let said snake eat his cat. It was hard on the twins Mel and Laura.
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They literally look like when Job Steams his mom's face with Adobe Free 1-click then iconic selecting which row on the desktop.WECRUN RAID it's super fast.
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No I know it's cooked now I'm wantbove smoke so sovot and flame
Somer luvuh
It's spark street but hey did yoy see where some ants go
So many people interested in getting to the bottom of this colony
So this summer this sidesidewalk stayed closed the whole Tumblr. At this point there's fencing at corner no we work on this side you walk on yhar
Porta potty
Parked a few cement blocks in the road
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Well run or
Walk overpress
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When will I need a jizzball
This is a promilotiona acc.s given to stubborn at theaters in america. Leave it on display.
He doesn't need anything more to hold.
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At this point nothing to lose just some thing to choose
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All of it I would one drainskims into net it's what does den Noosi.teo
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Broccoli in the two step fearmar.
0 notes
bylertruther · 2 years
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emmyrosee · 2 years
baby!tsumu who gets jealous when uncle!samu starts bringing by the person hes been seeing :((
lol now we’re besties but N E WAYS-
but she just doesn’t understand what this new person is doing with uncle osamu, why they’re hanging around his shoulders like she used to, or why they get to steal bites from his food like she used to, or what makes them so great that uncle Samu has to replace baby miya with them.
and it’s bad enough she’s had to hang out with another babysitter for a while, because uncle Samu’s just been too busy to watch huff, but all that does is come together in baby miya’s mind that he just… doesn’t love her anymore, and this is his new bestest friend.
she’s honestly so hurt, she starts to throw tantrums and cry when Atsumu drops her off to be babysat by osamu, clinging to his leg and pleading him to not leave her with her uncle, and honestly, neither twin can pinpoint a cause for the change.
It absolutely destroys Osamu, he has no clue what he did or could’ve done to change his niece’s mind, but the way she’s screaming and wailing for Atsumu to stay -not so different from the way she used to scream and wail to stay with Osamu- tears his heart up to utter shreds.
She literally wants nothing to do with him. For the past week and a half, she’s stomping her feet, disobeying him petulantly, and when Atsumu calls to check in, she’s sniffling and mumbling little ‘wanna come home, daddy’’s. When Osamu buckles her into her little car seat and leans in for a kiss to bring her back to his apartment, she whines and turns away, and Osamu is at his breaking point. After a car ride of silence, he needs to know what the hell is going on. She doesn’t want him to hold her, so he settles for holding her hand to get her up the stairs, and when he unlocks the door, she’s trying to make a break away from him.
“Ah, ah, ah, hold on squirt,” he says, and his heart breaks when his refusal to release her hand causes baby miya to whine in distress, but it’s what he needs to do. She can’t stand him right now, and he can’t stand that fact.
He walks them both to the couch, sitting down on the cushions and plopping her down on his thigh. She does, thankfully, rest her head against his chest, and he nearly cries at the affection.
“How come you don’t want to play with me anymore, hm?” He asks, his cheek resting on her head and thick fingers gently playing with her messy hair. “Do you want to tell me what happened? Or if I can fix it… please?” She sniffles and wipes her nose on his shirt, and when her hiccuping cries only get louder, he rocks them both soothingly. “C’mon munchkin,” he encourages, shushing her softly. “You don’t need to cry, don’t be upset...”
“Y-you’ve been m-mean to me,” she wails out, and the signals in his brain cross sharply at her answer. But he tries to keep his cool, though his thick brows furrow at the toddler’s words.
That was absolutely not what he was expecting, and the mere idea makes bile rise in his throat. “I’m… I’m sorry baby, what do you mean?”
Once again, she wipes her nose on his shirt, and Osamu gently kisses her head to comfort her. “Y-You don’t want m-me anymore,” she mumbles sadly. “‘N that’s why you’ve been seein’ that other mean person… ‘cause they’re gonna take you from me…” her tiny fingers curl in the collar of his shirt, “n’ you don’t like me anymore… so I don’t like you anymore.”
And he tries, god he tries so hard to understand what she’s talking about, but finally, with the words and timeline replaying quickly in his head, it clicks- his jaw slacks and he pulls away quickly from the crying child, whose honey-colored eyes are swollen from tears, and nose dribbling with snot.
“Baby,” he says, voice cracking in saddened relief. “Oh god, baby, no,” he tugs her back to his chest, screwing his eyes shut. “That’s not… that’s not what that means. That’s not going to happen-“
“It did happen!” She pouts, trying to get out of her uncle’s hold. “‘N they get my uncle kissies ‘n they get to play with you ‘n I don’t!” There’s betrayal in her eyes, and he can’t believe neither himself nor Atsumu realized sooner.
“And that’s my fault, sweetheart,” he explains, once again trying to soothe her. “And thank you for using your big girl words, okay? Thank you for explaining to me what made you so upset.” At his praise, she stops squirming and wipes her nose with the back of her hand, blinking up at him. “Listen… listen, I’m sorry, okay?” He begins, hooking a lock of hair behind her ear. “I haven’t been able to spend as much time with you, and it isn’t fair that I brought another person to play with when you thought it would be just us- especially if you thought it was meant to make you sad on purpose.”
“But,” he continues, wiping a teardrop from her puffy cheeks. “That absolutely, 1000% does not mean that I don’t love you with every itty-bitty part of my heart, okay?” Her bottom lip wobbles again, and Osamu slowly rocks his body once more to try and calm them both down. “Me being a big, dumb-dummy doesn’t mean that I ever stopped loving you more than anything, okay?” He sniffs sharply, which catches the attention of baby miya, whose eyes are now wide as saucers. “And I’m so sorry, pumpkin.. that you thought that… that I didn’t w-want you anymore.” He hates that his voice cracks, and he hates that now, his five year old niece is trying to comfort him.
“Don’t cry uncle!” She whines, tiny arms tossing around his neck and squeezing to the point where Osamu can’t breathe all that easy, but he can’t bring himself to stop her. “‘S okay! Don’t wanna make you cry! ‘M sorry!”
“Don’t be sorry, lovey-girl,” he says shakily, pulling her arms down and having her sit back on his knee. “I’m just sad that I made you feel that way. I’m proud of you for telling me, okay?”
She gives him a weak nod. He nudges her softly. “Do… you wanna meet them? Just the three of us can have a play date one day, if you’d like?” She pauses for a minute before she shakes her head shyly, and Osamu nods as he hugs her close and rests his cheek back on her head to envelope her entire frame against his chest. “That’s okay, lovey-girl, you don’t have to yet… thank you for being honest with me.”
“Mkay,” she mumbles, curling her fingers back into his collar.
“…love you, uncle ‘Samu.”
“I love you more, angel.”
And when Atsumu finally makes his way into Osamu’s house to pick up baby miya, there’s a stillness in the air, and when he goes to search for his brother and daughter, he doesn’t have to look far to find them; on the couch, she’s fallen asleep in her uncle’s warm arms, against his broad chest in an attempt to be as close as possible, her fingers gripping his collar, and an episode of paw patrol playing softly in the background. Osamu’s big hands gently pat her bottom and cradle her to him, and he does nothing but blink up at Atsumu with sleepy, yet joyful, eyes.
“So… this is a 180 from the past few days,” Atsumu chuckles, reaching out for his child to be passed to him.
“Just… give me one more minute with her,” osamu hums, nuzzling his nose into her hair and pressing some soft kisses to her scalp, his own eyes closing in contentment. Atsumu rolls his eyes, “great, now I gotta deal with this again-“
But Osamu can’t even care for his brothers jokes; not when his bestest friend in the whole world is curled against his chest and sleeping soundly, like he’s needed for days now.
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angel-ixily · 2 years
The Scars You Bleed
Pairings: Nick Nelson x male!Reader
Pronouns: He/Him
POVs: First & Third
Fandom: Heartstopper
Requested by: @coffinheartz
Warnings: Mentions of self-harm, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, snot/mucus, B*n H*pe, H*rry Gr*en
Summary: After what feels like a lovely day with his boyfriend, Nick sees something concerning on Y/N's wrist and is conflicted of whether to bring it up with him or not.
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“It’s freezing out here.” I said, running my hands up and down my arms. My boyfriend, Nick Nelson looked over and glanced up and down at me. He scoffed in amusement.
“You have got to be joking. It’s 73 out here today and you are literally wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. It can’t be that cold.” He replied, a light smile tugging at his lips. I shrugged.
“I don’t know about you, sir. But you are a walking furnace. You’re always warm.” I made sure to make the ‘always’ stand out. Nick shook his head.
“And you’re always cold. Last week it was almost in the 80’s and you were complaining about it being so cold that you went inside and wrapped yourself in your electric blanket!” Nick picked up a random small purple flower from the grass and stuck it behind my ear. It stuck out through my hair, and I giggled.
“Thanks Nick. I wish I could see how it looks in my hair. I don’t want it to fall out.” I told him, reaching around my head. He pulled out his phone and lifted it up so that we would both fit in the frame. I looked at the camera above us and began to fix the flower so it wouldn’t fall out. Nick stayed silent for a moment, just staring at the camera.
“You look so cute. That flower looks so pretty in your hair.” He spoke. I smiled and looked over to him. I heard a click of the phone camera and I looked up. Nick had a look of ‘oh shit’ written all over his face.
“Delete that.” I ordered him.
“I didn’t mean for the photo to make a sound.” He said quickly as he tried pulling his phone closer to him. I began to try to reach for it. He pulled it closer and tried pushing me away.
I rolled over so my head was leaning over his chest. “Come on Nicholas! Delete it!” I said with a smile. He just shook his head as he pulled the phone up and over him. I reached up to grab it, my sleeve coming down.
It took me a moment to notice the scars, and at that point, Nick was staring right at my arm. I quickly pulled it down. Nick just stared off to space for a moment before biting his lip. My heart began to race nervously. A smile returned to his face.
“Given up, huh?” He asked. I felt relief come to my heart. I crossed my arms to make sure the scars would stay hidden.
“You’re just really impossible in moments like these.” I fake-complained. He scoffed.
“Impossible? What do you mean by impossible?” He asked. I just shrugged.
“Just making up insults, I guess.” I said, turning away from him stubbornly. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and spoke.
“If you really want me to delete the photo, I will.” He mumbled into my ear. I turned my head towards him.
“If you want to keep it, that’s okay. Just don’t show it to anyone else. I looked dumb.” I chuckled nervously. He shook his head in disagreement.
“You never look dumb. I only see that cute face of yours.” He complimented before rolling us both over so that I was on top of him.
*3rd person POV*
Nick sat in his bedroom, biting his lip. The image played over in his mind.
The scars on Y/N’s arm.
He just bit his lip, staring off in space. When he finally zoned back in, he looked to his laptop on the left of him. He thought for a moment before picking it up and placing it on his lap.
He went to Google but nothing was in his mind. It was blank. He didn’t even know where to start. He clicked on the search engine, watching the curser blink.
Nick began to type.
'What does it mean if you see scars on someone’s wrist?'
Nick pressed ‘enter’ and links popped up, the first one reading “How To Respond To Self Harm.”
Nick’s heart almost stopped. He had hoped that it wouldn’t be that. That maybe Y/N’s puppy had just scratched him. Maybe even bit him.
Nick slowly clicked on the link. Reading through the passage. The list being; show compassion, respect what the person is telling you, listen, encourage. Things like that. He just pressed his lips together. He felt tears coming to his eyes but he just went back to the search engine.
‘Self-harm scars’
‘Why do people self-harm?’
‘How to help people with depression’
‘Are people with depression always cold’
‘Signs of eating disorders’
‘Why do people have eating disorders?’
‘Is depression curable’
‘How to get rid of depression’
‘How to help my boyfriend with depression’
Were the multiple questions he asked Google. His heart broke with every question he searched.
Nick slammed the laptop shut and cried into his hands. He couldn’t take it. Y/N had mentioned the fact that, yes, he had anxiety. But he had never mentioned his other mental illnesses. He had never mentioned anything about his scars or battle with self-harm. But a part of Nick knew that if you battled with that stuff, you don’t really tell anyone.
That’s what hurt Nick, though. Y/N knew that he could tell Nick everything, right? Right?
Nick just laid down, grasping onto his pillow, and sobbing harder. He cared for Y/N more than anything else in the world. He should have seen that something was wrong. He should have known that something was wrong. He was his boyfriend! He should have done something. Maybe confronted him about it when he saw them.
He didn’t know what to do at this point. He didn’t want to confront Y/N about it and scare him. He didn’t want to make his lover nervous or anxious. He wanted Y/N to be happy. And Y/N wasn’t happy.
But all those thoughts led Nick to a conclusion. He felt as if it were all his fault.
*Y/N point of view*
I woke up to that stupid alarm. The alarm that always made me want to kill myself. Not literally, only on some days it did. But those were the days that I hadn’t been doing so well.
I laid in bed for a few more moments, letting myself wake up a bit. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and checked the weather. Another day in the 70's. I checked my messages. No new texts from Nick. I pressed my lips into a thin line.
I looked at my dresser, trying to figure out whether or not I had already washed my school uniform. I didn't want to get up, but I decided I wouldn't want to miss out on my form with Nick.
I sat on the edge of my bed and walked over to my dresser. Surprise surprise! I had already worn my school uniform, so I just grabbed some Lysol from the bathroom across the hall, and sprayed it on them so it would smell halfway decent.
I began to take off my shirt and I took another look at my scars. Some days, like right now, I regretted ever making them. I looked at them and just felt pain. Why would I ever do that to myself? Other days...I just felt like I deserved them. I stared at them a bit longer before I put my arm down.
I put on the uniform, grabbed some sneakers, and fixed my tie, before walking down the stairs and greeting my older brother, a university student. He was munching on a piece of toast with some Australian spread that his girlfriend had gotten him obsessed with.
"It's Pride Month, Y/N." He said, swallowing a large piece of the toast. I looked over to him, just blinking.
"And what do you expect I do? Spray-paint my uniform rainbow, get on a rainbow clown wig, tattoo "I love Men" on my shoulder, and start skipping down my street happily to Lil Nas X while wearing drag makeup and stilettos?" I asked him. My brother just smiled, reaching for the class cup beside him to get a swig of his water.
"I mean, I'm not entirely sure how this gay thing works. But that's definitely not what I would be expecting you to do. But tell me if you ever decide to do that, because I need to take photos." He put the glass down and came over to me.
"Have a good day at Truham, bro. Love you." He ruffled my hair a bit, going up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and scoffed amusingly before I walked towards the living room and walked out the door.
Truham wasn't that far from my house, so I just walked. The neighborhood smelled of dampness and the dew spread over the grass. Girls heading towards Higgs passed and waved at me. One girl took it as far as to winking at me. I just gave an awkward smile and kept walking my merry way to Truham.
When I got to the gate, Nick was leaning on the fence, possibly waiting for me. I smiled brightly. He seemed lost in thought. He looked like he had barely gotten any sleep that night. His eyes looked puffier, and he looked truly exhausted. My smile slowly faded. He looked up at me, his face going from the lost puppy look, to a more neutral face. But at the same time, he looked completely heartbroken. Had I done something?
I walked over.
"I need to talk to you."
I went wide eyed. My heart rate slowly began to increase. My eyes switched between both of his, unsure where to look. He stopped leaning on the fence, walking over to me slowly.
"Uh sure...what about?" I asked. I stopped looking in his eyes and began to shuffle my feet. I felt intimidated. I looked to the ground our feet.
"Not here...Just...meet me in the practice rooms after school. The room that locks you in if you close the door." That's all he explained. He just stood there for a moment, before he turned around and walked towards the school. I stayed there. Just looking at him walking to the school. I looked around me, watching people pass or walk around.
I finally walked towards the school after the first bell.
Throughout the day, thoughts would appear in my head.
Was Nick going to break up with me?
Did he love me anymore? I mean he loved me yesterday...at least it looked like he did...
What if this was all a plan for Nick to just lock me in the practice rooms?
Hell, not even in form did Nick even bat an eye at what he was going to say after school. He would just talk about whatever. At least that soothes my thoughts a little bit. But they were still there.
I just picked at the skin where my scars were. I stopped when I accidentally re-opened one. The blood soaked my wrist and sleeve, but I just held my sleeve closer to my wrist, hoping it would hide the fact of what I accidentally did.
It got worst during the last hour, anxiety and thoughts swirling my head. My leg bounced. I picked at my other wrist. I didn't pay attention to anything the professor talked about during class. I just looked out the window. Hell, I didn't even talk to any of my friends. It felt like I was alone. Like there had been nobody else in that room but me.
I would sometimes look back and forth from the clock. It went from an hour. To 50, to 40, to 30, to 20, to 10, to 5 minutes. The clock struck down to seconds. And finally, the bell rang. I packed all my stuff into my bag, and made my way down the hallway.
I felt as if everyone was looking at me. I felt as if they were all muttering about me. I picked up the pace and walked into the music section. I walked through the gymnasium where the concerts took place, hearing my footsteps echo and bounce on the walls. I opened a large double door, walking into where the practice rooms would be.
The hallway leading to the practice room Nick would be in, felt extra long. And when I caught sight of the door, time seemed to slow. I was now in the doorway, and Nick had been sitting on the floor, messing with a pillow that had been sat against the wall.
I cleared my throat.
Nick looked up. He gave me a soft smile. One that said, "I've been waiting for you." His face fell again. He stood up and walked to me. He looked into my eyes, opening his mouth to say something. Nothing came out. He looked down at my chest, closing his mouth and swallowing some saliva. He looked back up and opened his mouth again.
Once more, nothing came out.
"Nick," I paused, looking to the left of the doorway. I gathered my thoughts. "Are you breaking up with me?" I asked him, a nervous look on my face. My heart was thumping, a shallow pain within every other beat.
Nick immediately looked up, shock in his face. "What? No! No, no, no! Why would you ever think that? Did I make it seem as if I was going to do that?" He asked, a concerned and sad glint laying in his eyes. His hands trailed up to my face, cupping my cheeks. My heart was calming down now. My face softened. But there was still some nervousness in my heart. If Nick wasn't going to break up with me, then what was he going to say?
Nick lay his forehead on mine. His hands still, and carefully, placed on my face. He sighed. "I'm sorry. This is just...so hard for me to say. I don't even know where to start." He mumbled softly. I bit my lip for a moment and grabbed his wrists lightly.
"Take your time. We have all the time in the world. Use it." I mumbled back. Nick giggled and the smile that lay on his face afterwards was enough to make my heart jump.
We stood there for a while. Nothing but silence and our breathing accompanying us. Sometimes a cloud would move in the way of the sun, and the rays coming through the window would go dark. My thumb was caressing his arm softly. His eyes were closed. If I were high, I would have thought that he was asleep.
He opened his eyes and took his hands off my cheeks. I went to go remove my hands from his wrists, but he stopped me. Instead, he grabbed my hands and just held them. It's as if he were admiring them for a moment before his hands began to etch up the fabric of my sleeves, moving them up a little. My heart sped up.
Immediately, I moved my hands away, guarding my wrists from Nick. I took a few steps back. He looked up at me, shocked at the sudden movement. I pulled my hands closer to my chest and just shook my head. Fear overtook me.
Nick nodded. "It's okay. You don't have to show me. I just..." He went quiet, putting a hand through his hair and looking everywhere but me. When he began to speak, he looked back up. I saw tears pricking his eyes. "I saw them yesterday. In the fields. You went to go grab my phone and your sleeve came down. I saw them. At first I didn't know what they were. I hoped that it wasn't that but something about them just bothered me all day until I searched it up." Tears were now trickling down his cheeks. His breathing becoming uneven.
I felt a lump in my throat. A lump that you would feel when you're about to cry. I held back my tears and I looked to the right of the room. My left hand held my right backpack strap tightly. The other hand lay underneath the left arm.
My voice quivered as I began to speak. "I don't want to talk about it, Nick..." I uttered. A tear or two started falling out of my eyes. I began picking at the skin on my left arm. My left-hand nails began scratching into the strap.
"And you don't have to. You don't have to talk about it...I just," Nick took a step closer to me, more tears falling down his face. My wrists tensed. Nick had his hands out in front of him. "I just want to let you know that I'm here. I'll always be here. I care and love you so, so much and I don't want to see you hurt. I especially don't want to see you hurting yourself. You're way too important to me. Hell, you're the best thing that's possibly ever happened to me. There's so many amazing things that have happened to me and you're the best one. You're handsome, cute, kind, caring, loving. I want you to see that about yourself. I want you to see that you can talk and tell me everything you need to. Please, I want you to know that. God, I just don't want anything to happen to you." At this point, Nick was begging me. His voice was cracking, his face was pale and red from crying, and he was trying to prevent snot from coming down his nose.
Me, well there were 1 of two things happening. 1. I was crying as well. Tear after tear fell from my eyes and down my clothes. Some even landing on the floor. And 2. Nick Nelson had just told me that he loved me. That was the first, 'I love you.' I stood there, heartbroken from seeing the boy I love crying. Yet shocked, because he told me he loved me.
"I...you love me?" I asked, my voice breaking more than Nick's had been. Nick, who was now less than 3 inches away, nodded rapidly. My hands untensed and I stopped picking at the skin on my left arm.
"Yes, I love you so much. And I know it hurts you so much when you do that to yourself but seeing those on you just hurts me. I couldn't help but think that it was my fault. If I had noticed those in the first pla-" I cut Nick off. Now it was my turn for my hands to be on his cheeks. The tears that had been threatening to come out of my eyes, now falling. Hearing Nick blame himself was the most painful thing I had ever heard.
"Don't you ever blame yourself for my scars. None of these are your fault. None of my mental illness, is your fault. Whenever I'm with you, it's as if they all go away. It's as if I don't suffer from the depression, or the thoughts, or the anxiety. It's as if I'm free from the pain. You make it better. you make me better," I looked into his eyes, my right thumb caressing his cheek. "It's nobody's fault but mine. I cut myself. I drew them. It's been a rough few years. But Nicholas Nelson, never blame yourself for my regrets ever again. I might have to tell you that I love you or something if you do." I threatened. My voice and body shaking. I couldn't believe that those thoughts had been in Nick's head all throughout the day. Thinking of it just made my heart hurt worse.
A slight smile began to form on Nick's face. he looked into my eyes lovingly. "You love me too?" He asked. I scoffed, amused.
"Of course I love you as well." I whispered. I connected our lips. Both of our mouths were wet from the tears, but we didn't seem to care. It was just us.
We had to pull away faster than we normally would've had to, due to the fact that our noses were clogged with snot, and we couldn't breathe. But we still looked at each other lovingly.
Nick grabbed my hands again. He looked down at my covered wrists. He wasn't even going to try to pull up my sleeves.
"This is the last thing I'm going to say because I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but please...next time tell me when you feel like you're going to hurt yourself. I will run through the wind, the snow, the rain, the ice, the heat. I'll run through Ben and Harry to get to you. Do you understand?" He asked sweetly. I nodded. He smiled and grabbed my hand.
"Let's get of here before the door slams on us and we're trapped until the janitor finds our bones." He joked. I laughed and followed him out of the building.
I don't think the sun had ever shone brighter before.
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cuuno-moved · 2 years
Losing Dogs
jimmy goes to hermitcraft to apologize (a ranchers fic) (@the-fate-of-aspen-fall)
Jimmy came back to life with a scream and a bang.
He could have stayed in Double Life for just a bit longer, just to see what became of the others, but as soon as he realized what he’d done, what he’d failed to do, he quit, snapping out of the universe and back into his own bed.
It wasn’t an easy respawn, his chest sewing itself back together, his broken ribs clicking into place, and when it was done, he vomited, from pain and grief and guilt, and then he lay in that puddle for a while, just… rotting.
He felt awful.
No, that was an understatement- he usually felt awful, now he felt like the worst man alive.
Tango had been so hopeful, so kind- the only person who ever managed to make Jimmy forget about his goddamn curse for more than a minute, the only person to look past his horrible yellow wings and unending stupidity and irredeemable clumsiness and see someone, not to ridicule, but to love. Tango had given so much to Jimmy, and Jimmy had repayed him by getting their hearts torn out- literally.
Jimmy’s wings ached, and he whimpered lamely as he dug his nails in to the floor, gnawing on his tongue. It felt nice, being able to hurt without worrying about Tango, and without Tango worrying about him.
He was sobbing like a baby, still, sniffling and whimpering, snot getting in his beard and drool dripping down his chin, but he couldn’t stop, couldn’t just get up and man up.
He wasn’t sure how long he laid there before he ran out of tears, but he eventually moved, pried his aching body off the floor and stumbled to the bathroom to take a shower. It was ice cold- he didn’t have the energy to change it to warm, and it took him another hour to get out.
He hated himself. He really, really hated himself, and his stupid curse, and his stupid wings, and his stupid, goddamn self.
He must have laid in bed for a day, maybe two, because it was noon when Pixl knocked on the door, letting himself in without an invitation.
“Jimmy,” The Watcher said, calmly, evenly. “I’m not letting you do this to yourself.”
“Mng,” Jimmy moaned. “Hhr.”
“I know,” Pixl responded, pulling the blanket from Jimmy’s pale, aching body. “I saw what happened.”
Jimmy wrinkled his nose. He knew that the older man had the ability to see into other universes, but that didn’t mean he liked the idea. Nothing was sacred, nothing was private from Pixl’s eyes. Granted, he wasn’t a creep, and he was definitely a lot nicer about it than a certain other Watcher that Jimmy could name, so perhaps he shouldn’t complain.
Pixl tugged lightly on Jimmy’s wing, trying to get him to stand up, and Jimmy whined again before rolling out of bed, landing on his chest on the floor with a humph. Pixl sighed, kneeling beside him and tilting his head to try to look him in the eye.
“Jimmy, I swear to you Tango isn’t mad,” Pixl said, gently. “Not at you.”
“He should be,” Jimmy choked out. “I got us killed. I betrayed him-”
“You didn’t betray anyone-”
“-I betrayed him and I made him lose,” Jimmy sniffed. “And if he’s not mad, he’s a fool.”
He turned his head away from Pixl, glaring at the dust bunnies under his bed. He absolutely refused to cry about this, not in front of Pixl. He respected the older man too much to do that to him.
Pixl sighed, standing up. "I'm going to go get Gem. Don't…"
He left that sentence go unfinished: "Don't move," "Don't kill yourself," "Don't fuck this up somehow."
Jimmy felt sick.
It took Pixl about an hour to return, and in that time, Jimmy finally summoned the strength to sit up, leaning against the side of his bed wearily. The Watcher was closely followed by Gem, who was twisting her hands together anxiously.
"Hey Jimmy," She said, like she was talking to a nervous horse. "You wanna tell me what's up?"
"Lost a game," Jimmy said, and that sounded so ridiculous that he had to laugh. "Made someone I love lose it too."
He heard Pixl explain it to her, quietly, heard her hum in thought. She sat down across from him, crossing her legs.
"You know," She started. "I know Tango. He's a nice guy."
Jimmy whimpered. "I know."
Gem went quiet and Jimmy took the time to bury his head in his arms, trying to hide himself from view. They didn't understand, he knew. They didn't understand and they never would.
"...Jimmy, can you look at me?"
Jimmy shook his head, curling up a little tighter. He didn't want to see the pity on their faces, see the disappointment that he was back so soon, while Joel and Scott were still gone.
"Okay, that's fine, but I need you to listen to me, okay? This wasn't your fault. None of this was your fault," Gem said, her sweet voice gentle and calm. "No one blames you."
"You've been in bed for two days," Pix said, grimly. "You can't keep punishing yourself for this."
"He died because of me. Because of my curse," Jimmy choked out, weakly. "I killed Tango."
"You did no such thing," Gem said, sharply. "You made a mistake, as we all do, and now you're home, safe. And so is he."
Jimmy didn't respond, just squeezed his eyes shut so tightly that he saw colors and shapes dance across his vision.
"Jimmy…" Pix trailed off, before sighing. "Would you like to see him?"
Jimmy's head snapped up at that, and he stared at the two in front of him. Gem's long ears were held to her head, her big green eyes full of pity. Pix's arms were crossed, his glasses slipping down his nose. Neither of them looked like they were playing some cruel joke on him, but…
"Can I… can I really?"
"I can ask Xisuma," Gem said, softly. "And I doubt he'd say no to a short visit…"
Jimmy shivered at the thought of it, the idea of standing in Hermitcraft with Tango, like they'd always whispered about late at night.
Hermit were god-like figures, powerful and dangerous and ancient, and Hermitcraft was the source of all their strength. Once they entered their server, their power increased tenfold. Jimmy had always wondered what it was like, to stand under their castles and bridges and master builds and feel the power settle into his bones.
Pix described it once as a breath of fresh air you didn't know you needed, and Jimmy was sick of feeling like he was in a coalmine.
Besides, this gave him the chance to apologize, to beg Tango for forgiveness, to swear his life over to the man.
"Okay," Jimmy croaked. "Okay, yeah. I'd like that."
It took a week and a half for word to get back from Xisuma, and at that point, Joel and Scott had gotten back.
The three of them all got together to talk about it.
"Pearl and I won," Scott bragged. "But I let her take home the trophy, so to speak."
"I, um, I was the reason Tango and I died," Jimmy confessed. It felt easier to say it now, although the wounds still felt fresh. "Enderman."
Joel cleared his throat, tugging the corner of his tunic. "Etho and I… we burnt. In lava."
"Together?" Jimmy asked.
Joel's eyes met his, and he could see his pain reflected in him, the way his old friend-turned-rival pressed his lips in a line. "Yeah. Together."
Scott didn't understand, although he said he did. He mocked Jimmy for dying to something so simple, and laughed at Joel for not dying in combat, but both of them knew it was more complicated than that.
"I'm going to see him," Jimmy told Joel, late one night. Sausage was nearby, but he was preoccupied with Hermes, and didn't seem to hear. "Tango, I mean."
"You are?" Joel asked, his voice softer than any tone he'd ever used in front of Jimmy before. "Can you give Etho a message?"
"Of course."
"Tell him I loved him. And I'm sorry he didn't get to be red longer, he was really looking forward to that."
Jimmy smiled at him. "I will."
They left the next morning. Jimmy, False and Gem, all packed up for the long journey to Hermitcraft. They said their goodbyes, stepped through the End Portal, and were off.
Travelling through the End wasn't a very comfortable method of travel. Floating over the abyss for hours on end, only passing an island right when you've given up hope- it was tedious, and nerve wracking. But it was also the only way to get between servers.
Finally, they reached the Hermitcraft main island and landed, rubbing their sore shoulders. Gem went through the portal first, followed closely by False, leaving Jimmy to stand there for a moment, staring at the portal.
Was this a mistake?
Of course, he knew Tango would hate him, that was a given, but he wanted to make sure that he was given the chance to apologize. He would never be able to make it up to him, not really, but he was sick of running from his problems.
He stepped through the portal.
The Hermitcraft spawn was beautiful in a way nothing else was. Everything, from the massive trees around them to the nether portal to his back, everything felt like it had been embedded with magic, and it probably was.
False hurried off, something about seeing Ren, and left the other two alone.
"Come on," Gem said, softly, "I think Tango's in the nether."
Jimmy swallowed thickly, nodding and following her.
His hands were shaking, he realized, shaking violently enough that he had to shove them in his jean pockets. His wings felt too heavy, too big, the scarred patches where he'd torn out feathers in panic and disgust too cold and dry. He felt like the ground itself was swallowing him whole.
Tango was, in fact, in the nether. More specifically, in the nether hub, a beautiful room that Jimmy would have loved to have looked at if he wasn't so focused on the man before him.
He hadn't noticed them yet, he was too preoccupied with something in chat, grinning in amusement. His wings, cicada-like and beautiful, were held gingerly behind him, his long, thin tail thrashing on the ground.
He was dressed different now too, no longer in the body armor and athletic gear of Double Life, now just clad in a soft red sweater and black jeans, his combat boots replaced by a pair of soft looking tennis shoes. There was a pair of rose tinted glasses on his crooked nose, and a bandage plastered to his cheek where one of the enderman's claws had caught Jimmy's face. He looked so domestic, so at home, that Jimmy almost threw up.
Why was he doing this? Was it not enough that he killed Tango? Did he have to come to his home to rub it in? Tango was clearly happy here, he was clearly over Double Life, he didn't need closure, but he absolutely didn't need Jimmy to appear and act like they had been something.
Why did he think this was a good idea?
Jimmy took a step back, then another, but before he could flee completely, Gem's hand snapped out and grabbed him by the upper arm.
"Tango," She said, loudly and clearly. "You've got a visitor."
Tango's head snapped up. It was impossible to see where his eyes landed due to his lack of pupils, but something told Jimmy that they went straight to him.
They both stood there frozen, before Jimmy choked out a weak sob, going red immediately in embarrassment. He was not the one who should be upset by this, he was the one who needed to apologize.
"I'm sorry," He blurted. "I know you must hate me so much, I know I ruined everything, I know I messed it all up for you, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-"
"Jim," Tango said, and Jimmy's mouth snapped shut. He had moved a bit, turned to more fully face them, and his face was twisted with something unreadable. "What… happened?"
"There was an enderman," Jimmy choked out. "It was really stupid because I don't think I even looked at him- at least I don't remember looking at him- and I know it's so so stupid but I just- I'm so so sorry."
"Are you okay?"
Jimmy froze, staring at him.
Tango's face hadn't changed, but he'd moved forward, until he stood on the other side of the bridge as Jimmy, only thirty feet or so away.
"I'm… Yeah, I'm okay- That doesn't matter, I got you killed-"
Tango surged forward and Jimmy flinched, but even as Gem let go, he held still, not moving away. He deserved this- whatever this was.
Tango stopped only feet away, his eyes wide, his breaths coming hard. His hands fluttered around Jimmy's upper arms as if searching for a place to land.
"Can I- can I touch you?"
Jimmy shivered, confused and afraid and so so lonely and he nodded.
Tango's hands landed on his arms, pulling him closer, his forehead brushing against his. "I'm so so glad you're okay."
All of Jimmy's breath left in a rush and he crumpled forward, collapsing into Tango's arms. Tango stumbled a bit under the weight of the taller man, but held firm, his long, nimble fingers tracing Jimmy's spine.
"I killed you," Jimmy gasped, pressing his face into Tango's shoulder. "It was all my fault, I'm so sorry-"
"I don't blame you," Tango murmured. "It's okay, I don't blame you-"
"Why not? Everyone- Joel, Scott, Grian, Martyn, they all blame me for everything, even things I didn't do-"
"And they're in the wrong for it. They… you need better friends, man."
Jimmy choked as he broke down again, clinging to Tango for dear life. By the time he could breathe again, Tango had led them both to lay down against the tree, his arms wrapped around Jimmy protectively.
Gem had left a while back, leaving them to sit in silence.
After a pause, Jimmy shifted to move off of Tango's lap, rubbing his snotty face clean.
"Sorry," He said for the thousandth time that day. "That was gross."
Tango chuckled weakly. "It's okay, I'm glad you got it out. Sometimes all you need is a good cry."
"Coming from the guy who 'hasn't cried in years,'" Jimmy huffed, nudging him. "Or were you bluffing?"
"I may have been lying a little bit," Tango said softly, pressing his chin to Jimmy's shoulder. "Especially when it came to Double Life. Cried a lot when you weren't around."
"I'd cry too," Jimmy muttered. "You were bound to the Canary."
"I was teamed with Jimmy Solidarity," Tango corrected gently. "Better than being stuck with Etho."
"Oh-" Jimmy sat up abruptly. "Joel wanted me to pass on a message. To Etho, I mean."
"Are you… are you sure you want to see him? He's the reason we became reds, you know," Tango said, and he didn't sound like he was doubting Jimmy, only like he was concerned. "I don't… I don't want you to push yourself-"
"I have to see Scott for every day for the rest of my life," Jimmy said, tiredly. "I can handle talking to a man who I hardly know."
"Alright. I'll take you to him."
Etho was apparently living in Ren and Bdubs basement, which was something that Jimmy found really funny as Tango led him down the narrow, musty stairs and into the dusty stone room.
Etho was hunched over some chests in the back, his tail swishing back and forth behind him. He too looked different, softer, his hair up in a messy bun on top of his head, a pair of rectangular glasses slipping down his nose. He was dressed in a black hoodie and a pair of shorts, his bandana replaced with a hard plastic shiny headband.
"Hey, Etho," Tango cleared his throat. "Look who came to see you."
Etho looked up. He wasn't wearing his eye patch and his dull reddened eye stared into the distance. "Hello Solidarity."
"Hi Etho," Jimmy said, trying very hard not to be afraid. "I have a message from Joel."
Etho stood up, and Oh End he was so tall. "Oh?"
"He said, um," Jimmy paused. "He said he loved you and was sorry you weren't red any longer."
Etho's eyes crinkled. Jimmy suddenly realized he had never seen the other man smile. He wasn't really intimidating up close, wearing what looked to be a hoodie with Bdubs' face on it.
"Huh. You know, I didn't really mind not being red for long as much as he thought. He really values being dangerous and unhinged, doesn't he?"
"I guess so," Jimmy smiled. "Lizzie's got her hands full with him."
"I'd imagine so," Etho leaned against a chest. "So… no hard feelings?"
"No hard feelings."
"Sweet. Hey, have you gotten a tour yet?"
"Uh, not really," Jimmy glanced at Tango, who had started grinning. "I kinda was just planning on leaving-"
"Leaving?!" Tango's eyes widened as he grabbed onto Jimmy's upper arm. "No, you've got to stay, at least for dinner- oh my god, Ren's going to be so excited to see you- and Bdubs-!"
"Okay!! I'll stay!" Jimmy laughed. "Alright… just for the night."
"Yippee," Etho stood up, stretching his arms over his head and jogging past them. "I'm gonna let them know you're here."
"Thank you," Jimmy smiled weakly. "Sorry for-"
"-Don't apologize," Tango said, sharply, then, quieter. "No one's mad at you."
"Okay…" Jimmy smiled, listening to Etho's footsteps fade. "You know… you weren't joking when you said this place felt like power."
"Told you," Tango slung his arm over Jimmy's shoulders. "Now, come on, you need to meet Zedaph, you guys will get along great."
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mimi-cee-hq · 3 years
Blowing Raspberries - Suna x f!reader
Summary: Suna is feeding your infant in a high chair.
Genre, etc.: funny, domestic fluff, slice of life, banter, cute, dad!Suna
Words: 0.7k
Notes: I know a lot of my followers are from other parts of the world. So in case some people don't know, blowing raspberries means to make that vibrating/spluttering noise when you stick your tongue out between your lips and blow.
I've had this idea for a while but only thought of all the witty banter today. lol. Inspiration just comes out of nowhere.
Your son sits in front of you in a high chair as you scrape the bottom of the bowl with the soft-tip spoon.
"Rin," you call him from the kitchen. "Could you get another jar of baby food?"
Suna checks the upper kitchen cabinet next to the fridge, jars lined up on the bottom shelf. "Organic raspberries? With mangoes?" he raises his brow with a jar in his hand. "Your child eats better than I do."
You roll your eyes. He says that as if they weren't samples his sister got from the local convention center.
The pot on the stove starts to boil, so you hand the baby's spoon and bowl to him. But he's not fast enough because his infant child starts to babble at him, complaining he's still hungry.
"Atsumu called," you told Suna as you poured the noodles into the pot. "Birthday gifts for his so-called favorite person."
"He shouldn't say that anymore."
"That's what I told him too," you reply. "I guess he wants to see the baby in person first before 'deciding'."
Suna continues to feed him, making weird expressions with his mouth, as if it'll help the baby get the food from his bottom lip.
"I still can't believe you're a dad," you tell him.
"I still can't believe you're married," he replies. To him of course, but he leaves that bit out because he thinks he's funny.
The years are short and the days are long. You feel like you've been married forever but it was never like what you had imagined. You thought you'd be different people after getting married and having kids, which was true in some sense, because you've both grown more mature.
But some things don't change.
Your husband's sticking his tongue out, blowing raspberries at the baby.
"You're gonna regret that."
"What? He likes it," he replies. The baby giggles which just encourages him to do it again.
Suna scoops up another blob of food from the bowl and plops it in his son's mouth.
The baby blows raspberries back at him.
Raspberry goop is all over your husband's face and you bend over laughing. One blob is above an eyebrow, one on his left cheek, and another one just under his right nostil, about to fall off as if it were snot.
"Your child just created a masterpiece," you laugh.
"It comes from my side of the family."
"You draw stick people, Rin."
He stares at you with a deadpan expression on his face, but you know what he's thinking. He gets up, arms in front, showing he wants to hug you, all with a straight face. You step back, pointing the ladle at him, knowing full well he wants to rub his food-covered cheek against yours as if it were the most normal thing to do.
"I just want to share this masterpiece with you."
"Rin, I swear if you–"
A lovely sound comes from the high chair.
And an even lovelier smell.
"Not it!" you both say at the same time.
Suna only stares back at you. He unbuckles the baby, picks him up, and dangles his butt in front of your face for you to smell him.
"Don't make me stab you," you say holding up a pair of chopsticks in front of you.
"That's fine," he shrugs and proceeds closer. "I don't need my kidney to play volleyball. I couldn't care less."
"Hurry up and change his diaper already. It's going to leak!"
"A kiss might help."
"Ugh! Rin!" You press your lips together into a straight line as you stare back at him. You scrunch your nose. There's still food on his face.
You wet a paper towel, wipe his cheek and give him a quick peck.
"That's it?"
"What more do you want me to do?"
Your daughter is at the doorway with your phone, wearing a face as if she were a teenager with an attitude problem.
She's three.
Twenty more clicks come from your phone and she returns to the living room as if nothing happened.
"She gets it from your side of the family," you say.
"Yeah. I know."
Edit: Bonus paragraph because of a comment lol
Suna shifts his eyes back to you before bending over to give you a smooch. Just when you were about to lean into the kiss, he takes a step back, slings the infant over his shoulder and carries him to the baby room.
I hope you liked it.
I was working on the last chapter of my Suna series but thought of this instead. lol. Anyway check out my other stories if you enjoyed this one. I have an Osamu one-shot/ drabble that has a similar feel to this one. (That I wrote a year ago. 😳)
Edit: Adding my Google form taglist in case people are interested.
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babalynn · 3 years
Hq boys taking care of you when your sick
Tumblr media
Tsukishima, Sakusa, Atsumu, Sugawara, Oikawa, Kuroo
He actually is surprised when he sees you sick
You were literally just fine the night before?!
this man will help you because he cares for u
He will still call you a dumbass tho
“Morning shortass you sleep well?”
He looks up from his bowl of cereal to see you with red eyes, runny nose, cracked lips and a flush on your face. Grumbling at his words you walk towards the kitchen to make yourself a drink which of course he follows you and turns you around so he can feel your forehead which is not surprising that it’s burning hot.
“Kei what are you-“
“Shut up you are quite clearly sick”
Your voice is a little hoarse as you shrug at him “it will go I’m fine” before you coughed like your lungs where about to fall out. “Yeah anyway did you eat all the cereal?” He literally looks at you with a dead face like are you denying your sickness.
Before you know it he picks you up and places you back into the bed and quickly pecking you on the head before telling you that your not allowed to leave the bed unless for the bathroom.
He takes care of you until your back to your normal self, he cooks healthy meals for you and makes you drink a lot of fluids.
“You can’t just deny your sickness yerno”
“Well I’m not anymore if your gonna treat me like this”
“I hope for the both of us that won’t be for a very long time”
My dude is literally like are u shitting me
Honestly freaks out on the inside everytime you cough
Pretends like he knows what he’s doing but hasn’t got a fucking clue
“Koshi I don’t feel well enough to go out”
His head literally spins to look at you and it is quite clear 1) by your appearance 2) your voice 3) your attitude that you are sick.
He walks up to you and cups your cheek which he feels your temperature. “Okay sugar we won’t go, how about you go take a nice bath and I’ll make some soup hm? That sound okay?”
You nodded before waddling off to the bathroom and when he hears the door click his face drops. How ?? To ?? Take ?? Care ?? Of ?? You ?? Literally freaking out, bloody runs to the kitchen to start on that soup which he makes to perfection out of sheer worry.
Once he sees you walk into the kitchen he immediately brings you to sit on the couch with a blanket over you before bringing over his soup which he watched you eat. Low-key was your slave while you were sick and he didn’t mind it.
Everytime you coughed though he panicked a bit inside. Like is this just a cold?? Do I need to take them to the hospital?? However as you sleep with your head on his shoulder he didn’t mind the fact you drooled over him because you couldn’t breath through your nose and he fact your snot was also getting over him he just wanted you to get better fast.
He is shocked that your sick
s h o c k e d
Like the house is always clean and so are you so how are you sick??
However just because he isn’t fond of germs he will still take care of you
It wasn’t until he had come home he noticed how unwell you looked. He stayed by the door as you noticed him but before you could say anything you were sneezing like mad into the tissue you had just got for yourself.
“Hay fever am I right heh” you said walking away to put the tissue into the bin and wash your hands. Hay fever? In December? He walked into the kitchen and immediately felt your forehead which was boiling. He grabbed your arm and walked you back into the bedroom while telling you to relax and he was going to take care of you.
“Omi it’s fine I’ll look after myself I do-“
“No I’m looking after you because I love you now relax”
Although he did try to cater your every needs, this guy called a week off of work and he was cleaning the house spotless. He wanted to get rid of all the sick germs you mightve spread about.
“I’m sorry omi I know you hate this stuff”
“Hey shh it’s not your fault you didn’t ask for this, I mean if you did that’s pretty weird”
Causing a laugh from you which made him smile and hug you tighter. “Come on now I’ll help you take a bath”
Dude Google’s EVERYTHING
Now he’s convinced you have cancer : |
You and Osamu have to convince him it’s just a cold
Osamu was around because you knew for life Atsumu couldn’t cook shit
“Babe tell me ALL your symptoms”
You rolled your eyes before listing your symptoms, his eyes widen and begin to gloss with tears.
“Babe we have to go to the hospital, I’m pretty sure you have cancer”
You literally smack him the head “tsu it’s literally a cold it’s December” he sighs and hugs you before laughing “I know its probably just a cold but you make me worry when your sick, I’ll go make some food for you”
“I already called osamu he’s on his way”
Literally looks at you like 😀 like my brother? That’s low, is ‘offended’ but knows deep down his cooking belongs in hell it’s that bad. So when osamu shows up with the food and asks how you are doing before atsumu shoved him out the door.
He does try and help but he doesn’t really know what he’s supposed to do, just feels like a melon but at the end of the day when he gets into bed with you and brings you close to him is when he really feels like he’s helped you.
“Thank you tsumi I don’t know what I’d do without you” smiling he kisses your forehead
“I’ll always look after you beautiful”
Great king over here is like my sweetheart is sick I’ll help you <3
Motherfucker gets sick himself
He pretends he’s not until he sneezes in your face
So.. I guess your sick together
“Sweetheart you look sick are you okay?”
“I think I’m starting to get sick”
He sits you down on the bed and makes you tell him what’s wrong, pecking your lips he reassures you that he will help you. Brings you water and is out in the kitchen cooking food until he feels that sense of sickness in his head which he tries to shrug off, bringing you the food he sets it down beside you and while turning to you he sneezes in your face and your like “get away from me” he apologises while he wipes your face making you both burst and laughing, once your finished you both fall asleep in each other’s arms. The next morning you look at each other groaning before realising your both sick, slightly laughing because it happens everytime one of you is sick.
But then again it means you get to hang out with each other all day for a couple of days. You both order food, takes baths and showers together, stay in bed and in the comfort of each other. Oikawa kinda loves it because he gets to be with you.
You both always google remedies to see if they work, like how to get rid of a blocked nose, and it just consists of you two with your head over a bowl of hot boiling water letting the steam unclog your nose.
“Yerno i think this will be good for our skin I read somewhere steam is good”
“Really? We have to add this to our skin care night”
Cancels all his plans for you
Work? He’s off. Plans with kenma? Rescheduled
Takes care of his love with passion
“I can hear your stuffy nose from the kitchen” he chuckles while placing the tray of healthy food on your lap before kissing your cheek.
“Thank you tetsu” he smiles before tying your hair back and letting you eat to go run you a nice bath, which consists of bath salts, rose petals and candles on the sides. Helps you get unchanged and into the bath where he gives you soft gentle kisses before letting you relax.
Once he notices your out of the bath and in some comfy pyjamas he brings you to the bed and gives you some water to get your fluids up. The room is dark to stop you getting headaches and he holds you close while he hums and strokes your arms sending you to sleep. Definitely takes some photos of you while you slept.
While you do sleep he keeps his phone on quiet while he watches stuff, mainly like kenmas streams or YouTube. But when your wake up in your sleep coughing he quickly grabs your drink before leaving to get you some strepsils to ease your throat.
“Shhh go back to sleep you will feel better in the morning babe I’m right here”
I have like zero clue what’s up with me but I’m sick and during summer as well however everyone is atm. I’m really excited for Christmas for some reason that’s why I set this in December pahah
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sweet-bella-donna · 3 years
Honestly i will never forgive aizawa for putting them together to WOrKOuT for the exams and that too against WHO allmight THE FUCKING NUMBER ONE HERO you think they would workout with that atitude of bakugo who constanstly bully him pysicly emotionly as if he thinks its midoriya job to be friend with his bully,then punish midoriya for not handling his quirk when hes not ever gonna tell bakugo to know his limits,when he has similer past too IS HE EXPECting him to suddenly get better at his quirk-
Honestly, the first epode we meet Aizawa set the tone for me for the rest of the series. I hate him. Period Point Blank. That was the dumbest thing I've seen an anime teacher do and I watched Naruto where they sent like...an 8 y/o to war. It was stupid to me two random students fight a powerhouse like All Might like that was so stupid. If the kids HAD to fight All Might it should have been like how they fought Mirio. A group effort to humble them, or teach them their limits. He was fighting them way too seriously. He knows that they're children AND THAT IZUKU ONLY HAD HIS QUIRK FOR LIKE 4 MONTHS ATP.
Like I love All Might, don't get me wrong but they were too hasty to make him a teacher. He should have worked at the schools but mainly as a lecturer of sorts where he taught the students details of hero work. He could've shared experiences and been like... a career counselor. But they made him a hands-on teacher and he defiantly shouldn't have been doing ANY physical contact exercises with these children. Like, what's not clicking??? WHO thought it was a good idea for them to do that??? like the more I think about it Into should've pulled Izuku out o that school. Because that's gross neglect.
All Might needs a lot of work but Aizawa??? he's so full of himself and picks and chooses when to be kind with children, teenagers, whatever you want to call them. He is so fake I swear. He's angry with and mean to Izuku because he... has a strong quirk? Like mf if you don't get over yourself. It's crazy, why is he so understanding of his most hostile student who often has a strong quirk. Bakugou is Literally what he first believed Izuku to be. Then we see him get to know Izuku and see Izuku's personality he would immediately learn he's not like that. So why do we never see him expand on his initial treatment and impression of Izuku and see him admit he was wrong. His impression was wrong and his handling of the "incident" on the first day of class was wrong too. It was so gross like he's attacking this kid for no reason and he was just ok with that? The child who is in pain with two or more broken limbs is the one he reprimands? No medical attention but a scolding because he can't control his extremely powerful quirk? Make it make sense man I thought you were a teacher.
Aizawa babied the shit out of this snot-nosed, arrogant little brat to the point of delirium. During that press conference, he was really trying to convince himself of all of his initial impressions of Bakugo. Nothing was true about anything he said during that conference, it was insane. A "hard worker"? He can't work with a single one of his classmates. He's trying his hardest? How can you tell? you barely even evaluate him, you spend your entire time scolding Midoriya just for showing up to class. Like I could make a whole rant series about Aizawa because I DO NOT like that man and I can spend a lot of time ranting about things I don't like. It's called self-care.
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