kellyinawheeliebin · 1 year
Spotted an inaccuracy in the new Ahsoka trailer, but I’ve fixed it
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cozylittleartblog · 10 months
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random note about king on that animation, i got really lucky with how simple his animation was and how clean my sketches were to begin with that i was able to do very minimal cleanup on what i had sketched (and add back. his horn. it's supposed to take place just after echoes of the past, Oops) and call it done that way instead of having to redraw the entire thing like i had to on his dad
first sketch > line cleanup > nearly final animation (i'd added slight eye movements last-second but otherwise that's the final)
#toh#the owl house#animation#gif#king clawthorne#the lineart slightly flickers on his one paw where i had to erase the tag and i thought it would bother me a lot more#but most people seem to use the internet on their phones - coupled with the darker palette and color of his fur#it basically completely hides it#based on feedback i don't think a lot of people realize i made that and it's not a gif from the show lmfao#BUT ITS STILL REALLY NICE THAT PEOPLE THINK IT IS!!!! I AM NOT AN ANIMATOR I AM JUST A HOBBYIST...#i animate like once a year... shits hard man.... but apparently when i do animate. its extremely good :) proud of that#even if i have an extremely unhinged way of animating#i don't have an animation program i draw everything individually frame by frame in photoshop#each character had their own psd file with the same background and every frame was its own group. twice. one for sketch one for colors#i do test takes with gifcam (there are literally 55 WIP gifs in my documents folder rn) by switching between layers and taking a 'frame'#and i compile in blender's video editor and to move things separately i save each character's frame in its own .png 'cel'#so luz was her own 'cel'. king was his own 'cel.' etc. and then i have to manually slide the lengths of the frames around#to match the right framerate. traditionally animation is animated at 24 FPS on 2's - so 12 frames a second. i go on 3s. 4 to slow down#anime-ass framerate. i'm insane apparently but its what i like to do#i dont understand real animation programs they have too many pieces but i DO understand photoshop and my funny brushes#imagine having Digital Programs and Still basically doing ye olde traditional animation method just in the computer#if im Just making a gif then i only use gifcam and switch between layers. like digital stop motion. somethings wrong with me
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essektheylyss · 7 months
Okay but for real, please download Merlin, the Cornell-based bird-logging app. It is so great. It will tell you about birds in your area. It will make you so insufferable on hikes and outings. It doesn't have any comments section so if this site gets nuked do NOT try to find me there but know that that's where I'm hanging. Having a great time birdwatching. Logging the bluejay that bullies my cats. Helping researchers track where birds are for climate change-related population monitoring. 10/10, highly recommend getting a life and doing some silly birdwatching.
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arisatohamuko · 3 months
here is a list of fictional characters that my father has unironically compared me to/said reminded him of me and here is a copy of that list in case you accidentally throw it into the garbage:
dee reynolds (its always sunny)
ashley mizuki robbins (trace memory)
that's it. just those two. ever.
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moe-broey · 1 year
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Whaogh did you guys see the new Emblems...... so cool...
LMFAO this wasn't meant to be an April Fools thing, but it might be funny. I am just always rotating them in my brain...
Also it took me WAY too long to design the bracelet, and like. Idk if it's even good LMFAO, but the thoughts behind it were two wings, Askr motifs (ofc), opalite gemstone that resembles how orbs look, and two sapphires one blue one pink (REALIZING. I'VE MADE AN ERROR. I got zodiacs and birthstones mixed up. Oh well. Well at least it looks nice!) (<- Also sidenote all that info is based in the fanon August 30th bday for them lmfao!)
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damnation-if · 11 months
on today's episode of Hashing Out Concepts Theatre, i spent a while today while waiting for my new fridge/freezer to be installed after my previous one died and i lost all my food hashing out a bunch of concepts for another game idea i have. (rest assured i'm not actually working on it as a game yet i just like to bash out a framework for things every now and then to make my brain do happy chemicals lmao)
putting all of this stuff under a cut since it's a bunch of images and also in case people aren't interested XD
i am regrettably a huge fan of comic books (mostly DC) and i've seen a couple of comic book inspired IFs popping up lately, though when it comes to my own interest, i'm definitely more into a straight interpretation of a comic book universe than a more. the boys-style universe - i'm into the camp lol, not so much the grim and gritty stuff. (though that's just my own personal preference)
anyway the idea behind That's Just Super is something that i really like about certain comics - giving the villains more of a purpose and rounded existence than just existing to be in somebody's rogue's gallery. the joker's angry defence of the batfamily from various other DC evil forces, lex luthor's furious resistance against brainiac alongside superman because it's His planet, damn it, DOOM throwing in with the heroes in every second marvel event comic... i really like stories where villains and evil characters don't always make the Most Evil choice just Because, but have clear and explainable motivations that sometimes bring them into what we'd consider a 'good' alignment because unlike in d&d, there's no real such thing as a concrete moral alignment.
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(this is my banner design for it)
the basic idea is that an inexplicable cosmic event removes all of the superheroes from the planet, leaving it vulnerable to attack by evil mindflayer style aliens - unless the supervillains who remain are able to band together despite their more unpredictable, less cooperative natures and save the planet in the heroes' absence. after all... if aliens take over the earth, the villains can't take it over themselves.
here's my fun little UI design idea lmao...
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the other major thing about That's Just Super that i've been hashing out is the pc. the basic idea is that you pick your villain identity from a list but you get to customise their like. birth name and secret identity, while the villain identity comes with its own name, costume, and set history (including occasionally past romantic encounters). i like playing around with the way that IF works with the idea of mcs and customisable mcs so i just thought it'd be a fun twist... it also allows me to create nice drama by having set occurrences in the past lol.
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so i did some profiles for the nine villain options - three each of the DC triad of tech/metahuman/magic origin. they're all based on a specific kind of villain archetype, and i really tried to limit myself to ones where i could definitely pin down more than one specific influence so it didn't end up like me just making too many analogues haha... even if some of the influences are probably pretty obvious.
weirdly i haven't even Thought about ROs yet since i've been so focussed on the pc... maybe i'll play around with the partially set background idea even more and only have 1 possible RO for each villain choice or something. maybe a couple that you can romance as anybody... not sure. (talionis could definitely have a messy broken romance with his superhero for example)
apologies that readability isn't great but these are mostly just made for me lmao
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rileyav · 17 days
You're so cool! I love your art, and think you're a fantastic person! Hope things sail smoothly for you.
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thank you...
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mattodore · 8 months
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scrapped pose from theo's birthday edit
little koala 🐨
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anotherpapercut · 9 months
sorry if this is extraordinarily pretentious but I do think it's wild that lobe piercings count as piercings in the same way a lip piercing does. it feels wrong. I have never thought of ear piercings as real piercings it seems like you should just be born with those right like they should be just in there naturally
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cubeberries · 2 months
shoutout to that one friend i had in school who stumbled upon me reading harrymort fanfics in class. she was so scandalised XD
she was actually freaking out it was so funny, and when i asked her to read a part of it, she declined, and when i asked why, instead of stating Obvious Reasons,
she goes, "i'm scared i'll like it."
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settsu-hyodo · 10 months
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another silly edit because this is exactly how i see them interacting w/ each other when renji used to be part of the 11th division… Apple's Bee
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trans-axolotl · 11 months
having a lot of thoughts about eating disorders + how some of us end up developing chronic illnesses directly because of the physical effects of our eating disorders and how Cruel doctors can be about that and just trying to untangle so much shame and blame from that experience rn
#personal#vent#eating disorder tw#disability#idk. i don't quite have the words for this right now but#had another meeting with my doctor where they said yeah its your fault that you are now physically disabled for life#(literally i was chronically ill and physically disabled before i even developed an eating disorder because of CAH and comorbidities but#(they love to ignore that !)#which is like. i do not tie any morality to health and it should just be#a completely neutral statement. that my eating disorder caused other physical complications#they said i'm going to have orthostatic problems the rest of my life.#'since your gastroparesis was caused by your eating disorder that means there is no point in treating it'#which is so funny bc literally every time i see her my dietitan wants me to get a feeding tube! lmfao!!!!#i am actually doing pretty well in recovery in terms of meeting my energy needs through food. but i stopped being able to orally supplement#so my dietitan wants a tube for ARFID nutrient reasons. supplemental nutrition etc etc. and she thinks it will help gastroparesis symptoms#they also think i have osteoporosis and want to test me for that#when i had to use forearm crutches/ wheelchair because of physical ed complications doctors were SO fucking rude even though they were#the ones PRESCRIBING IT!!! like!!! you all are the ones telling me i HAVE to do this!#idk i also have a friend with permanent brain damage. from seizures in the refeeding process#and her doctors are so fucking rude to her all the time.#it makes me so mad
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essektheylyss · 2 years
We have no idea where in Exandria Essek is. He could be at the outpost, or he could be gone and therefore anywhere else. And that information exists somewhere, and we don't know it yet, because it has not been specified on stream, and even any information said outside of the stream could potentially change in game. Or maybe we'll never observe it, and won't ever be able to say with certainty.
Really what I'm saying is.....
Schrödinger's Hot Boi.
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obessivedork · 5 months
Buddy what in fuck are two Russian dudes doing in Boston 200 years after shit popped off in the Fallout timeline??? People haven't even properly rebuilt society yet apparently, there's no way they have inter continent travel!
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moe-broey · 2 months
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Three of them
#fire emblem#feh#DIRECTLY INSPIRED by how sometimes i like to cheat in heroes journey and bring duo al/sharena LMFAOO#two of them and some other guy. idk when it happened it just integrated here.#world is a fuck born to tag along. this applies to BOTH moe and sharena i think.#it is so funny and so important to me actually that 'sometimes there's a third one' applies to both of them#anyways please please PLEASE read into the characterization in the poses bc i'm going to throw up. and cry#like fuck i'll do it for you actually LMFAO like moe is just silly. nosferatu ass. why do you sleep like that.#it doesn't like being touched a whole lot though. it's extremely picky about it. it's easier to hold a stuffed animal instead.#alfonse has a higher tolerance for touch but it's still situational. but when he touches he clings.#also. one hand gripping the plush goat ear. an acknowledgement of moe's boundaries.#and the other hand. lightly subconsciously holding on to a tuft of sharena's hair.#sharena has grown out of being super cuddly w alfonse but she will take any and every opportunity to 'steal body warmth'#she also directly mirrors him.#also i think whenever she shares a bed/sleeping area w someone she's a bed hog. she is pushing you off that thang#if you're not Willing to be smooshed by her. also. which is why alfonse is acting as a barrier here too LMFAO#like it's just a tiny doodle esp cause i didn't have the energy to do more but it made me ache so bad#that i threw up and exploded and died. badly.#fe alfonse#sharena#moe tag#summoner oc#my art
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sirenium · 10 months
Guys I've struck gold
⚠️Trigger warning: mspec lesbian exclusion (though this is funny to me it still may be a trigger for somebody)⚠️
This is fucking hilarious
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[ID: some human Trixie x Starlight Glimmer fanart is in the background. Red text with a white outline that reads 'literally heart broken i loved this art just to find out the creator supports mspec lesbians' followed by a sad face emoji. End ID]
How pathetic do you have to be to be 'heart broken' about the fact that an artist supports someone's identity? 'Wah I can't believe this person supports an identity that my single braincell can't comprehend!' Like imagine you see some cute art, and then you see that the person doesn't scream at people for using comfortable labels and then you're like 'my day is ruined' 💀💀💀
Also TikTok sucks lmfao, at least when it comes to stuff like this; I highly recommend not going on there in hopes of good mspec les/gay content because I swear to fuck most of it was just people whining about our existence in the 'mspec lesbian' tag. I mean, you will find gems like this, so if you want to torture yourself I can't stop ya.
Oh, and if somebody knows the artist, can you send me their way? I love their art style sm./srs /nf
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[Banner ID: DNI system/queer exclusiomists, TERFs/SWERFs, truscum/transmeds, anti recovery for harmful paraphilia, anti otherkin, pro-lifers, anti xenogender. A more detailed DNI is in my pinned post. End ID]
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