faultyvessel · 1 year
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See now, in countless terrifying hues…
I am but a simple thing with the simple need to draw Jonathan Sims with long flowing hair and in dresses. Not really sure why I opted for the yellow, but I was worried the Magnus green might muddy the colours too much. It’s still a little blurry, but I’m a sucker for the result. God he gives me such brainrot I CANT
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lucidlivi · 1 year
Chosen For Pleasure (VIII)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Tag List: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33 @little-x-wolf @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @lessons-of-red @jamerlynn @deans-baby-momma @willow-sages @ritz-hell-hotel @perpetualabsurdity @mhessellund @itzabbyxx @chriszgirl92 @abbybarnesstuff @larrem88 @commonsenseishard @impalaspixie @notsogoofyjelly @hzllxhoundxx @taylortots-world (there’s so many of you now 🥹 thank you so much ya’ll don’t realize how much you hype me up! If you want to be added please send me a message or an ask so I can keep track of everyone!)
switching point of view, I will indicate the switch with italics
just a little fyi the secret of who leaked the information won’t be revealed yet so don’t come for me lol but to make up for it, Jensen’s story will be revealed…
Also I don’t know if I have to explain it but I will anyways my little ******* line indicates a time jump, I’m just too lazy to write up to that time…oops!
Anyhoo I’ll be quiet now, here’s the content you came for…
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I brought the bottle to my lips, chugging.
I was working on my seventh bottle of whiskey this week.
I don’t know why I care this much.
She isn’t the first girl I’ve ended things with.
Why did it feel so crappy this time?
“If I walk out this door I’m not coming back.”
Her words replayed in my head, cutting in to me like knives.
And she didn’t.
Not that I expected her too.
I messed up.
I brought the bottle back to my lips, collapsing on the couch. I heard the door open, but I didn’t care enough to check who it was. It’s probably Cole checking on me for the hundredth time this week.
“I want to be left alone Cole.” I growled taking a swig of whiskey.
“well too damn bad.”
I sat up meeting eyes with my towering best friend.
“how’d you know?”
“Genevieve, uh they talk, and then I saw the stuff online.” Jared said rubbing his neck.
“why didn’t you tell me?” He added, hurt crossing his features.
“I didn’t think I would feel this bad about it. Why do I feel this bad?” I asked setting down the whiskey bottle.
“it’s called heartbreak J, there’s about a million songs written about it… perhaps you cared a little more than you thought you did.” Jared said sitting down next to me, picking up the bottle of whiskey and taking a sip.
I huffed grabbing the bottle from him.
Jared grabbed the bottle back immediately before I could take a sip.
“Jensen we’ve been friends for years so I feel like I can tell you this. You need to stop living in the past, okay? Not every girl is going to be Elle. You’ve got to stop self-sabotaging. I’m sorry that the women in your life have consistently let you down, and that fucking sucks, but dude you have to move on from it. I can’t stand to see you lose a good thing in your life. Dude that girl was perfect for you. She was crazy about you, you could see it in her eyes. I don’t know if she leaked anything, but if she did I know sure as shit it wasn’t to intentionally hurt you. God damn Jensen the only one hurting you, is you, and I’m sorry but if you keep this up you’re going to end up miserable and all alone. ” Jared said taking the whiskey and dumping it in the sink.
Hearing her name made me tense.
That’s why I don’t say it. Don’t talk about it.
miserable and all alone.
Exactly how I was feeling now.
God he was right. I was just miserable and all alone.
I sighed.
She’s not Elle, she was the furthest thing from Elle.
And I ruined it all.
“It doesn’t even matter now, I fucked up Jar, and I don’t think you can talk my way out of it this time.” I said putting my head in my hands.
“No I can’t. But maybe you can.” He said moving my hands away from my head.
“I doubt she’d even listen to anything I’d have to say. I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
“how about two words you’ve never said to anyone… I’m sorry.”
“and then tell her how you feel, how you actually feel.” He added.
“I feel like I’m falling in love with her, and it scares me.” I said feeling the tears brim my eyes.
“Jensen love is scary, god I was so scared to talk to Gen at first, don’t you remember? But I knew that she was my future, everything I had ever wanted, so I swallowed my fear and I went for it.”
“and what if she doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore?”
“then at least you can say you tried.”
It was silent for a moment as I mulled over his words in my head.
“ also I just might happen to know where she’s going to be tonight.” Jared smirked.
I stood up smiling at Jared.
I’m going to get my girl back.
I don’t know what happened.
Ok I do.
I just don’t know how.
Stella was there to catch me as I collapsed.
She held me as I sobbed. Once I caught my breath, the words poured from my lips.
“I’ll kill him.” Stella said standing up.
I grabbed her hand pulling her back down to the couch. I needed her right now.
His words replayed in my head in a continuous loop.
this was never a relationship
It felt like one to me. I see now just how one sided that was.
I would never leak his information. I signed a non-disclosure. I wouldn’t be that stupid to go against it. Stella is the only other person who knew.
“you never talked to anyone about me and Jensen did you?” I asked hesitantly.
“you know I would never do that.”
I knew she was telling the truth. She would never do that to me.
“look we’ll find out who did this, but in the meantime…” she said escaping from the living room quickly.
She came back seconds later pulling out a carton of ice cream and two spoons.
“I’m not going to eat my feelings Stella.” I smiled just a little bit.
“Even if they’re chocolate chip cookie dough flavored?”
I sighed taking a spoon. Her smile grew as she opened the carton. We sat eating the entire carton, as I cried silently.
If I thought that was bad, work the next day was hell.
As soon as Stella and I walked in all eyes were on us… well me.
I could hear the murmurs of gossip about my love life. I could feel my breath becoming shallow and quick. Everyone was staring at me.
I turned around to run out but crashed right into Gray.
“hey what’s the matter?” He asked grabbing my hand to pull me up.
I couldn’t control my erratic breathing. I was feeling a panic attack coming on.
He pulled me in to his office offering me a glass of water. I silently thanked him sipping it while trying to regain a normal breathing rhythm.
“I’m assuming this is about the paper.” Gray asked tossing thee paper on his desk.
Oh great of course he’s seen it too.
Unease filled me staring at the picture of Jensen and I on the front.
“Gray.. I” I started to defend myself but he cut me off.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to explain it to me, so you’re having a fling with him, who cares what other people think right?”
“I’m uh not, not anymore.” I said biting my lip to stop the tears.
“Follow me.” Gray said grabbing my hand and pulling me back out of his office.
He stood in the middle of the office, I went over and cowered behind Stella.
“Excuse me, it has come to my attention that there has been some unprofessional conduct in this office, if I hear anyone talking about certain situations, you will be reprimanded. Thank you.” Gray said offering me a small smile.
I think that just made it worse.
I rested my head on my desk debating on banging it off it a few thousand times.
Fuck my life.
“don’t worry, it’ll die down in a day or two, look I’m sure Taylor Swift will do something new and exciting and people won’t even think about you.” Stella said.
I raised my head sending her a glare.
“right not helping.” She said.
Stella was right.
By day two it had died down.
By day three it was a few murmurs.
Day four it completely disappeared. 
Now a week later I was back to being a nobody.
Except to Gray.
It was strange. He brought me coffee every morning, checking in on my well being. Today was no different.
“how are you this morning?” Gray asked handing me a mug of coffee.
“better thank you.” I said smiling.
It was true.
Each day that passed it was getting better.
I realized I didn’t deserve any of that.
Jensen had some deeply rooted issues and that wasn’t my fault, yet I was the one paying for them. It wasn’t fair.
Stella and I weren’t any closer to finding out who leaked the information either, so that was incredibly frustrating.
“I have a surprise for you, follow me.” Gray said laughing.
I glanced at Stella before following Gray in to his office.
“close your eyes.”
I sighed hesitantly shutting my eyes. I felt something being placed in my hands.
“okay open them.”
I opened them seeing a ticket in my hand.
“uh it’s for an auction, I uh offered up two of your landscape photos, you’re incredibly talented and I think other people should see it too, who knows they might go for a lot of money.” Gray said smiling.
This is what I had always wanted. My pictures to be seen by more people. I smiled and before I realized what I was doing I wrapped my arms around Gray giving him a hug. He was caught off guard at first but immediately hugged back.
“Uh thanks Gray, you have no idea how much I appreciate this.” I said pulling back.
“No problem, I’ll uh see you there.” He smiled.
Wait what was this?
Did I just accidentally agree to a date with my boss?
He must’ve of noticed my confusion.
“I’m uh one of the organizers.” He added with a laugh.
“Oh right of course.” I said embarrassed.
“Not that I wouldn’t like a date with you.” He said moving a little closer.
I felt the air getting caught in my throat. He was my boss. It felt wrong.
“I should um get back to work, thanks for this again, I’ll uh see you tonight.” I said rushing out of his office.
It was weird wasn’t it?
Why was he being this nice to me? I know it certainly wasn’t because Jensen dumped me. I was hesitant to go tonight.
What’s the worst that could happen though?
I stood off to the side sipping on a glass of red wine. A little black dress hugged my body as I looked around at the people in expensive suits and even more expensive gowns.
I was totally out of place.
I took a seat as the auction began. There were a lot of art pieces and photographs being auctioned off.
I looked at the pictures Gray chose. It was true they were some of my best, but I definitely didn’t think they should be up there, compared to the other pieces. Especially since the last piece just sold for 25,000 dollars. I was zoning out when Gray’s voice snapped me out of my trance.
“Our next two pieces come as a set. These beautiful photographs were taking by the beautiful (F/N) (L/N). I’ll start the bidding at 1,000.”
“1,000.” a man said holding up his paddle.
Holy shit. Someone wants to pay one thousand dollars for my photographs!
“5,000.” A feminine voice called.
Someone pinch me!
Oh my god. I’m hyperventilating.
If anyone bids any higher they’re going to have to pick me up from this floor.
My entire world came to a pause at that moment.
I know that voice.
“40,000 going once, 40,000 going twice. Sold to Mr. Ackles for 40,000.” Gray grumbled.
I stood up quickly fleeing for the exit. I kept my head down, not wanting to see him. Of course as fate would have it, he caught up to me.
“(y/n) please stop.” Jensen said grabbing my hand.
I quickly rip my hand out of his grasp.
I finally look up meeting his eyes.
He looks like he hasn’t slept in days, big dark circles lay under his eyes making them look lifeless. I felt kind of bad.
Hold up.
Why should I feel bad?
He didn’t feel bad as he screamed at me and kicked me out of his house.
“What are you doing here Jensen? Are you here to scream at me some more? Want to accuse me of anything else?”
I felt the venom dripping off of each word. He looked as if I slapped him in the face.
“I just uh, I want to talk.” He said fumbling over his words.
“Oh now you wanna have a conversation? Jensen you really hurt me.. you don’t get to do things just when it’s convenient for you.”
“I know I hurt you and I’m…. I’m sorry.”
In the time that we were together, even when we fought before, I’m sorry has never left Jensen’s lips.
“You’re sorry?”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for yelling at you. I’m sorry for scaring you. I’m sorry for accusing you. I’m sorry for all of it. God I know I’m probably the worst person in the world and the last thing you want to do is talk to me but all I’m asking for all I’m begging for is one conversation. Please just come to dinner with me and let’s talk.” He pleaded.
I sighed looking at him.
He looked like hell.
“Fine… I’ll go to dinner with you. But only because I’m hungry.” I huffed crossing my arms.
He smiled, putting his hand on the small of my back to lead me out. I quickly pulled away from him.
“oh no Ackles, you don’t have that privilege.” I said.
He holds his hands up in surrender, giving me a flirty smile. He opened the door for us to step out.
“(y/n) wait!”
I turned around to see Gray running towards us. As he got close, I didn’t miss the glare he sent Jensen. He stood in between me and Jensen blocking him from me.
“are you okay?” He asked grabbing my hand.
“yeah you know what I think I got it from here.” Jensen growled placing a hand on Grays shoulder to move him.
Gray shoved his hand off turning around to stare him down. They were the same height and their builds matched up pretty well too. This could be bad.
“I wasn’t asking you.” Gray spit.
“(y/n) come on let’s go.” Jensen said grabbing my arm and pulling me to him.
“don’t tell her what to do.” Gray shot back grabbing my other arm.
“STOP BOTH OF YOU! I’m not some possession to be won.” I yelled ripping my arms away from both men.
“I’m sorry.” Jensen quickly spoke up.
“I’m fine Gray, let’s just go.” I said nodding at Jensen.
Jensen glared at Gray one more time before leading me out. I once again pulled my hand away from him. I was furious!
“I can’t believe you talked to him that way… he’s my boss, you’re going to get me fired.” I growled stopping in the middle of the parking lot.
“yeah well he wants whats mine.”
“ha, whats yours? last time I checked you were the one that said this was never a relationship.” I sneered pointing between us.
“well I was wrong, I want to try again… for real this time… because I’m uh I’m falling in love you, and I never cared about any of this stuff until I met you. Fuck I just want to be with you.” Jensen said.
It was as if the walls he built were crumbling down.
“I want to believe you.. I do but, Jensen I can’t keep waiting around for you to let me in. It’s not fair how you get to shut down and push me away. You said some really hurtful things and now you want to pretend like it didn’t happen.”
He was silent as he stared at me.
Of course, shutting down like always.
I sighed and turned to walk away when his voice caught me off guard.
“there were two names.”
I quickly pivoted back around giving him a confused look.
“you asked me what was her name, the one that did this to me… there were two. Elle and my mother.” He spilled.
“come on Jensen not here.” I said pulling him to the car.
I pulled open the door to the back seat, sliding in with Jensen following me. I sat quietly hoping he would continue.
“Uh ok when I was young my dad decided he didn’t want to be a dad anymore and he left. I thought that it was all my fault. It really hurt my mother. Instead of coping with it, she turned to drugs, heroin for one. I didn’t know about it at first but then she started missing baseball games and picking me up from school. Dinner started to come from a box every night and it got to the point where I had to make my own. I fell down at baseball and broke my arm. I cried for my mom but she was too busy getting high that she didn’t notice. My baseball coach took me to the ER and when they couldn’t get in touch with my mom they sent police to my house. They found her with a needle in her arm. I was immediately taken from her custody, and placed with my aunt. I thought that once Mom got clean, she’d come for me… but she never did. Turns out she blamed me too. When I needed her the most, she wasn’t there. I desperately just wanted her attention and never got it. I guess that’s why I looked for that attention elsewhere. That’s when I met Elle. She made me feel like I mattered, like I meant something. I fell in love with her quickly, shared all of my firsts with her. I was so in love with her, I even proposed. I thought I was going to share my life with this girl. Now supernatural was just getting popular at this time. All of a sudden horrible things started coming out about me. I didn’t know where the tabloids were getting this information but none of it was true. It got so bad that they thought about recasting me in the show. One day I noticed Elle left her phone on the stand. I went through it and saw that she had been selling stories about me to the tabloids for money. She was also seeing someone else behind my back. She never loved me. She just pretended. I was heart broken. I felt like I lost everything. I swore from that day forward I’d never give a woman that power over me again, and that’s why I don’t kiss anyone cause then that means it’s real. And I’ve stuck to my word….up until now.”
I let Jensen’s words sink in.
No wonder he was the way he was. He’d been hurt badly by two women who were supposed to love and take care of him.
I didn’t noticed how long I sat there in silence until he spoke up.
“say something to me please.” He pleaded.
I looked in his eyes and saw they were misty with tears.
I didn’t say anything.
Instead I pulled his head to my chest, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. He quickly wrapped his arms around me as silent sobs escaped his lips.
We sat there in silence for a moment while we both collected ourselves.
“thank you for telling me that.. I’m sorry that people made you feel like that. I’m sorry that the person who was supposed to love you and support you didn’t, but Jensen not everyone is going to be that way. I know getting close to people is scary. I’m scared too.” I admitted.
Jensen picked his head up looking me in the eyes.
“I’m falling in love with you (F/N) (L/N).” Jensen whispered, leaning his forehead against mine.
“I’m falling in love with you too, Jensen Ackles.” I whispered back.
“can we please try again? I promise to be more open, I promise to work on my intimacy issues. I promise I will never hurt you that way again.” He pleaded.
“okay but one condition.”
“what’s that?”
“we take it slow.”
Author Note:
Awwe poor boy! who do you think leaked the information if not Stella? What’s going on with Gray? Hmm guess you’ll just have to come back for more!
Part (IX)
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i-eat-so-much-grass · 6 months
Hark! An intro!
Name: Flynn
Pronouns: they/them
Occupation: schoolchild (yes I’m a minor so DNI any NSFW blogs please)
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A small tidbit of information for your amusement: never committed a crime ever. Not even one. Not even a teensy-weensie its-bitsy tiny little murder. So feel safe :D
Favorite color: oh shit this is hard uhhh green? or maybe deep purple? or red? or gold/silver if I'm feeling fancy... ooh or brown but like a pretty brown have I already said green? idk
Favorite food: grass duh can’t you read
Favorite song: one of them probably
Favorite podcast: the Magnus Archives
Favorite book: the Mirror Visitor series or Six of Crows
Hobbies: writing, horse riding, crochet, calligraphy, and reading
MBTI: intj
My DNI list: what you’d expect ig except also plz don’t send me anything political. I mean anything. Sometimes I MAY post smth abt politics but that’s not how I wanna interact with this platform ty
Also please feel free to send an ask or DM me anytime! I love to chat :)
I have a couple of side blogs that are possible to find and connect back to me so if you wanna try that hard it’s a treasure hunt!
A warning: I am absolute shit at pronouns and names. I’m so sorry. Your boomer grandma is probably better. I pretty much just think of everyone on here as a genderless entity named with their username, but I will try really hard to correct myself when I mess up. Also, plz just lmk if I’ve missed anything and plz be patient lol
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My incredible moots:
@fairyycoffin @that-dam-heartstopper-fan @bleep-bloop-boo @dracosleftarsecheek @tarantulaluv @kennetea @calsoutghosthunting @cactus-with-boobs @touslin @honeii-puff @the-official-failure @acewithobsessions @gooseonthetable @workplacefire @thecrazyalchemist @homocidalpotat @boba-pearl @k-is-for-potassium @the-stars-ar3-with-us @supermilkshakebanana @loki-god-of-mischief-13 @eddiotaszarfej @mun-urufu @dragonerd8224 @sketchy-potato
I love yall sm even if we never interact <3
If I missed anyone, or anyone wants to get removed/added just lmk!
Now @fairyycoffin can stalk all my moots with maximum efficiency
Tag list: here
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Credits: Heart divider by @vysleix, idk where the snail one is from :( pfp and divider from google stock photos of grass lmao
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mushroommushy · 2 years
Please please tell me your ideas I will be so normal about it I am not at all desparate for Broken Masquerade content
Boy I have so many ideas I actually need to put this in a draft to list all of the brainrot things I’ve had circling in my head!! This does include some negative things so feel free for me to ask to tag.
All of the colleges (Particularly Harvard) adding Thaumaturgy to their classes is extremely cool in the canon and I think there should be many more schools
Site-43 College beloved I want to go there so badly please be real c’mon :[
Those Facebook mom groups…oh boy there’s so much drama
Lord help all the poor kids with minor anomalous power
Segregation with schools, even restaurants
A lot of anomalies end up in homeless shelters because not many jobs are willing to take the backlash of anomalous employees
Shitty parents faking their kid having a dangerous anomaly so they can send them away
Because they think the foundation would just kill them because of all the propaganda
You know that the cults are gonna take advantage of this to try and grow their numbers
Chaos Insurgency propaganda against the foundation
A flag that shows your support for the foundation, GOC, anomalies hanging outside your home
New Genders from the tumblrinas like us
Twitter DNI’s are a genuine hell
‘Block me if you call anomalies SCP’s that’s a slur’
Speaking of slurs there’s probably a lot more
COTBG members constantly calling the Nälkan’s Sarkics just to piss them off
And Maxwellium members getting real pressed over internet drama
Someone trying to make the nicknames the Serpents Hand has into a slur
Dr. Glass walking down the street and just has someone scream ‘JAILER’ at him and he is desperately trying to not commit a crime
Also Twitter being Twitter
‘Is it wrong to kin SCP-076-2? I’d murder too if I was under the ocean.’
Extremely dangerous TikTok trends involving anomalies that makes both the GOC and SCP have collective heart attacks
Some girl posts a video from a foundation site doing Macarena during a breach and is just immediately cancelled on every platform
You know there’s gonna be dumbass teenagers trying to find some real dangerous shit to seem cool
‘Oh a lake full of bodies that makes you enter through mind control??? Sounds cool and not totally dangerous I’m gonna find it and go swimming’
Gonna readmore this it’s getting long lol
Five missing teens later the foundations getting slandered even though they did nothing
Articles with the ‘How to tell if ‘X’ is an anomaly’
Of course they’re bullshit and usually offensive
Charities to support anomalies
An actual cult around 2662 that didn’t spawn anomalously
You fucking know that the Christian’s will either take 343 well or absolutely horrifically
There’s also two sides of people when it comes to Cain and Able
The ones who hate Cain and think Able is reasonable and the people who think the opposite
Cain’s also not allowed to leave site-17 for more than just the fact he’d kill plant life it’s for his own safety tbh
Meri does get chances to wander the woods! Just..not in public because they rampage that would happen with the amount of broken phones and cars would be horrible
Iris gets to go home because she deserves it
I feel like Gerald would become a meme in general and people pay his hospital bills for him lmao
Parents keeping their kids out of school and switching to online or homeschooling to keep them away from anomalies
Conversion camps to send your kid to so people can ‘release them from their curse’
Those got the serpents hand real heated
Speaking of them they have the snarkiest Twitter account ever and just roast the living hell out of every word that comes out of the foundations mouth
So many fucking podcasts
There already is a writing on the broken masquerade hub of the foundation making a video with outdated slang to appeal to kids
But I think Dr. Gears should just stare at a camera and say swag with a straight face it would be beautiful
Kondraki, Clef and Gears get called dilfs and not a single one of them knows what it means
‘Kain’s the goodest boy’ even though he’s morally corrupt as fuck is very common
But he will Fuckin run if you even try to touch him he does not need his fur messes up
Ok I don’t want this to be a mile long so I’ll stop here but!!!
If you want more dm me so we can talk 👀👀👀 I need SCP friends
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phyrestartr · 3 months
Good evening! Hope you’re doing well and everything is good and sexxxyy~
I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and have been meaning to send a message for the l o n g e s t time, but sadly, it was finals season for me at my uni 🫠 (I survived and passed my shit but jfc).
N e ways, you are an amazing M/GN reader x character author and your writing, style, and seamless grasp of drama x tension x romance x smut is absolutely scrumdiddlyumptious 🤌🏼 😙 like gurl, I started with your Divine Favor series and I was in the trenches. And your MIGUEL O’ HARA STUFF?! (Immediately followed you). I hadn’t even watched JJK prior to this (only passively engaging thx to the hot anime men), but you pushed me to finally watch it.
I wanted to inquire about 3 things:
1) I saw this being done with your anon ask posts, but may I please be added to the list w a 🚂 pls 🙏🏼😣?
2) I have a tendency to listen to music as I read x reader fics and I was wondering for Divine Favor (or your other Sukuna/Miggy fics) if you had specific songs that helped set the vibe? Personally I thought Generous Palmstroke and Losss by Björk were rlly fitting! Highly recommend and lmk what u think
3) Lastly I’m unsure if you’re taking requests (esp for Toji 👀) but if it’s not much to ask, may I ask for a Toji x shy (downbad) m reader whose incredibly powerful despite his personality. I like the trope of an unassuming character no one expects to be anything managing to surprise/put others in awe or in their place at their prowess and talents. Toji seems like the guy who’d become pleasantly surprised (and a little smitten) with those of strength of equal caliber, so maybe this can take place during a mission against a rather difficult curse or enemy. I’ll give you the liberty to see if it progresses to impromptu smut or maybe a sweet date. For reader’s cursed sorcerer weapon, let’s make it a whip! (Kinky)
This was hella long so have a good evening!
- 🚂
Yo yo! Firstly, I'm glad you survived your finals!! CONGRATULATIONS LET'S GO RISE UP UNI GANG YEEHAW EDUMICATED I remember when I did my finals and I was truly withering away o(--( granted I went to animation school so at least I got to draw ig LOL. BUT WELL DONE, I HOPE YOU CAN REST EASY FOR A BIT!!
YES you are officially dubbed 🚂!
2. YES I listen to music a lot when I write tbh, and sometimes a specific song will influence the entire vibe of a piece/the entire plot. One of my favourite fics I've written (Your Godly Path Leads Back to Him) was inspired by "Western Nights" by Ethel Cain and I could deadass only write that fic when I had that song on lol... For Icarus, I listen to Isabel LaRosa (favorite, older in particular), keshi, Dove Cameron (We Go Down Together), NBSPLV (The Lost Soul Down). Lots of sensual vibe songs mixed with some very quiet romance-y songs at the same time. Those are for the base story at least, but other drabbles I just listen to whatever fits the vibe. I'll check out them song recs too, tysm for the suggestions!! 👀
Tysm again for the support my dude!! IT'S VERY APPRECIATED ASJDKLFJASLKDJF
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ray-writes-n-shit · 4 months
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DONT FORGET YOUR DAILY CLICKS (this intro serves as a BYF, I heavily implore you at least skim through this to know what kind of content you will see on my blog!)
✮ hi! I’m just an emo guy with a love for writing and this is my blog for that stuff
✮ my blog is 14+
✮ my main account which is mostly saw brainrot and personal shenanigans is @coffin-hopping so you can check that blog out for stuff like my fandoms and other interests also!
✮ about my writing, I write mostly angst and just a lot of dark shit essentially, but my current work that I want to post and talk about does have a lot of potentially triggering content that I will talk more specifically about in my writing section below, so if that concerns you or if you’re curious I highly suggest reading further for both more information about me and about my work, thank you!
✮ my many names are ray, gage, adam, coal, dirt, + more to be added if I find them cool enough to put in my collection
✮ I am transgender and nonbinary
✮ I am bisexual and aromantic as well as aceflux
✮ proudly emo since I was ten years old and first discovered mcr
✮ my pronouns are they/he/it (though I mostly prefer they/them)
✮ I am mexican-american
✮ keep in mind that I am a minor! I don’t mind adults being on my blog, just be respectful
✮ I’m also agnostic!
✮ this is pretty much the entire reason I made this blog lol
✮ I started writing when I was a little kid and had too many thoughts in my brain that I needed to put down on paper
✮ my favorite genres are mystery, thriller, drama-comedy, and general horror
✮ I write: thriller, realistic(ish) fiction, psychological horror, trip horror, drama, fanfiction, original fiction
✮ I do not write: romance, high fantasy, smut, rpf, slasher horror (this is not meant to say I don’t like these genres, I simply don’t write about them and don’t see myself writing about them any time soon)
✮ I currently have TWO WIPs which are still in their early stages by the name of Blessed (og work) and Cleanse Thy Soiled Hands (tlou fanfic). I hold both so dearly to my heart so please do not hesitate to send asks about them if you’re interested!
✮ Blessed is a multi-chapter drama about trauma and family, but i think I’ll give this story it’s own post
— triggering content! I like to read and writing stories with darker themes and elements, but I understand not everybody likes those same things. so here is a list of warnings to keep in mind before interacting with Blessed:
— trigger warnings: major themes of rape, child abuse (sexual, physical, emotional), grooming, addiction and substance abuse, pedophilia, incest, familial/spousal abuse, general harm towards minors and other young adult characters, general themes of abuse
— other content warnings: blood and injury, suicidal ideation and attempts, self-harm, queerphobia, general violence, depictions of mental illness
✮ Cleanse Thy Soiled Hands is a multi-chapter TLOU fanfic about the aftermath of Silver Lake and how Joel struggles with the memories of Sarah coming back to him as he and Ellie reunite and get closer over the span of winter, basically a time-fill fic that closes the gap between episodes eight and nine, strongly canon compliant
✮ here are the links to the fic on: ao3 and my masterlist (coming soon!)
— triggering content! I write generally with a lot of the same themes (such as abuse), so here are some warnings to keep in mind:
— trigger warnings: attempted/refrenced sexual assault, pedophilia, cults and cult-like behavior, grief, general harm towards minors and adult characters
— other content warnings: blood and injury, death/killing, graphic violence, guns, religious themes, cannibalism, general violence
(if you may find any of these triggering or otherwise upsetting, I advise proceeding my content with caution or not interacting with it, your mental health matters)
✮ queerphobia is NOT tolerated
✮ racism is NOT tolerated
✮ ableism is NOT tolerated
✮ harassment, bullying, being an asshole, etc. is NOT tolerated
✮ DNI self proclaimed “proshippers” AND “antishippers” i don’t like either of yall sorry
✮ like I said, I’m a minor. do not be fucking weird, have some decorum
✮ this blog is a safe space, so please respectfully with love and peace go fuck yourself if you hold bigoted views or plan on being an annoying asshole
I stand with Palestine .
fuck all cops .
love yourself .
encourage recovery for others, and take your time within your own battles .
thank you for your time, please like if you’ve read this far!🖤
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thefreaksrunthisshow · 11 months
Saw your request for NPMD prompts, so here's a concept that's been nagging at me. Post-Max, Pete (to Steph who has complicated feeling about her late father) "You say that shooting me makes you no better than your father, but..."
Fucking Pizza
Peter Spankoffski x Stephanie Lauter
A/N: Thank you so much for sending me this request! It’s short and the title is a bit weird but trust me just read it and it makes sense lol. But anyway I had so much fun writing this and I hope you enjoy it and that I did it justice! 😊
Warnings: language, bit of angst but mostly fluff, AU where Pete and Steph get tf out of Hatchetfield
“Steph,” Peter started, his voice unsure and high-pitched. He didn’t know how to approach the subject or even what to say but he had to say something. Stephanie was more distant lately than usual and he couldn’t really blame her. They’d lost two friends, his brother, and her father as well. They were doing the best they could with their fucked up lives seemingly falling apart at the seams. The only good thing that had come out of all of it was the comfort they had found in each other. He was hoping to put it all behind them and move on together.
“I don’t want to hear it, Pete! Can’t we just forget about it!” Stephanie huffed. “Just eat your fucking pizza, goddamn it!” she slurred through a mouthful of her own fucking pizza, pepperoni to be exact. Pete had to eat that horrid abomination — pineapple pizza and she refused to try it. It was sacrilegious to the pizza gods to even think about adding fruit to their holy concoction.
He sighed and chewed his fucking pizza. It was tasteless and bland, a cheap one from the convenience store down the road, but it fulfilled the job of filling their stomachs and providing a cheap date night which was something they rarely got to do. Between all the shit they’d been through with undead Max, the Lords in Black, and all the other weird things going on in Hatchetfield they got as far away as they could as soon as they graduated high school.
Pete was enrolled in a good university studying to be… something. He still had no idea who he was or what he wanted out of life, but he was slowly figuring it out. And Stephanie? She never was one for school but she’d found something she could do and that was art. She focused all her feelings, attention, and time on creating. It’d been her outlet to process all they’d been through and she’d managed to sell a few pieces so far. Between the occasional artwork sold and Pete’s part-time job at the university library, they made it work. Things were hard, but at least they had each other.
“You can talk to me about it, Steph. Please, I’m here for you.” He moved closer to her on the tiny second hand couch and grasped her hand, catching a whiff of stale cat piss and cigarettes. They’d found the couch on the side of the road and even though it had been cleaned to the best of their ability it still slightly smelled no matter how much they scrubbed it. It was tacky, red and green plaid with yellow swirls, but much like everything else they owned it was functional, at least for the time being. Finding a new couch was at the top of his to do list and he’d sneakily been checking thrift stores trying to find one for some time now to surprise Stephanie with. So far he’d had no luck.
“You’ll never understand,” she sighed. “For god's sake, I pulled the trigger! If not for that undead bastard you would be dead! I shot you and that’s exactly what those sneaky Lords in Black wanted! They played us and… and I’m just like my father!” she cried, her facade finally breaking, tears flowing down her cheeks.
“You say that shooting me makes you no better than your father, but… it actually makes you better,” he said finally.
“What on earth could that possibly mean, Pete? How does shooting you make me better than him? It surely seems like something he would do.”
He knew his next words were of the utmost importance but how could he say what he truly meant when the thoughts wouldn’t form coherent sentences? They tumbled in his now empty brain, bouncing around like a game of pin-ball. At last the ball fell through the gap but with it came the clarity to communicate what he needed.
“Your father… He did everything for power, to further himself, right? What did you have to gain from shooting me? Did you do it for power? No, you and the rest of the world would get to go on and yet you would have gone every day full of regret. Why live with that same regret when I’m alive and sitting here beside you?”
“That’s not — ”
“No,” he interrupted. “I’m being fucking serious. Why put yourself through that when I lived? Steph, I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
“Pete, please stop.”
“No, I…I love you,” Pete confessed. It was the first time he’d actually said those words out loud to her. Before now, he’d been too scared, too worried that she wouldn’t say it back but at this very moment he didn’t care about that anymore and he meant every syllable of those three words with every fiber of his being. “You need to know that, okay? I fucking love you and I hate to see you put yourself through all this torture when we both lived! We got out of there all that is in the past now!”
Stephanie sighed and collapsed into his arms. “You ass,” she sniffled. “I love you too, you know.”
“I know,” he replied, kissing the top of her head. “Now let’s finish our fucking pizza or it’s gonna get cold.”
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anarcho-puppy · 3 months
hiya! welcome to my blog! i mostly just rb or post for myself soooo... don't expect much in terms of consistency lol.
my pronouns are he/him/his, xe/xem/xers, or it/it's; if you misgender me on purpose, you will be blocked >:P
alive but gay
i rb a lost of fandom stuff (basically just whatever media i'm currently hyperfixating on), but these are my favourite media:
DC (mostly batfam)
BBC Sherlock
ATLA (also kinda TLOK, but not as much)
Good Omens
Marvel (debatable, not the new stuff, mostly just AOS)
Jesus Christ Superstar (shut up, i’m a theatre kid)
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (in relation to JCS)
The Dragon Prince
Amulet (i’m allowed to be a kid, okay)
Bluey (…very much allowed to be a kid)
probs more, i just have a shit memory lmao
pls pls talk to me about my interests! send me asks!
just spent two hours organizing my blog so that i can actually find stuff... so here's a guide:
#puppy barks = og text posts, rants, etc. (basically just everything other than rbs, except threads i’ve added to and wanted to save)
#anarcho puppy (duh) = anarchist and an-com shit
#geo nerd puppy = history-related stuff (one of my SPINs)
#pub trans puppy = public transit-related stuff (another SPIN)
#puppy puppy = feral (sometimes) dog boy me
#poet puppy = started out as poetry but now it’s basically just me writing things
#arty puppy = my art and art rbs
#disabled puppy = disability stuff
#neurodivergent puppy = autism/ADHD shit
#nom nom puppy = baking/cooking/food stuff
#conlang puppy = conlang shit
#little puppy = agere/little me stuff
#faggot shit = uhm uhhhhh… yeah…
#mutual aid/gofundme = self explanatory (please donate or reblog!)
#my polls = polls (obviously /s)
#me = pics of me
#ask = my asks
#hehe = ...yeah i'm not doing so hot (memory loss, trauma, etc.)
#dc = self explanatory (#B, #NW, #RH, #RR, #R, #O, #steph, #cass, #duke, #alfred, #clark, #kon, #jon, #talia, #bernard)
#hozier = my MAN
#atla = avatar the last airbender (and spin-offs)
#sherlock = self explanatory
#tdp = the dragon prince
#hannibal = self explanatory
#go = good omens
#ninjago = self explanatory
#sense8 = self explanatory
#assortment of religious hyperfixations = jesus christ superstar, the last days of judas iscariot, etc.
#i’m gonna be a lawyer bitch = my latest hyperfixation; law, specifically landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities (an actually practical hyperfixation?? crazy… /s)
#covid safety = self explanatory and also really important
#L = iykyk
shut up, i know that there’s a shit tons of tags but it’s not for you; i don’t expect y’all to need a tagging system bc you’re probably not doing a deep dive on my blog, but i need to be able to find things, hence the excessive tagging system :)
self-described liberal
biden supporter
transids/whatever the fuck you’re calling yourselves
yes, i know that dni lists won’t stop dirty, disgusting people from interacting, but it makes me feel better when i set clear boundaries.
and remember kids, i block LIBERALLY >:P
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mikelogan · 17 days
4, 30, 43 ✨
there's a ton, but usually something like bridesmaids or step brothers or dodgeball lol. ooh, or super troopers!
please allow me to share with you my letterboxd list that i'm constantly adding to entitled: foaming at the mouth waiting for these, which ccontains new or upcoming releases that i haven't gotten around to or been able to watch yet! some of the ones i'm really hyped for are heretic, the conjuring: last rites, the life of chuck, beetlejuice beetlejuice, the black phone 2, talk to me 2, the talk to me prequel, they follow, whatever the fuck jordan peele is cooking up, him, and there's a horror/thriller that monkeypaw is producing that i've got my eyes on even though there aren't any details yet
unsurprisingly, it's mostly the ones i listed in the first question! my family and i quote a shit load of movies, so in addition to those above, the silence of the lambs (oh wait, was she a great big fat person?; that's jim pembry, dammit! talk to him!; lotion; toughened your nipples, didn't it?; et fucking cetera), moulin rouge (she doesn't love you! h-him. she doesn't love him; he's got a huge talent!; etc.), chicago (the defense rests!; and that's showbiz, kid; basically all the songs), national lampoon's christmas vacation (like. the entire movie, i shit you negative), hairspray (i left my iron on; knights in armor don't come any shinier than you), this is 40 (again, the whole movie basically), deadpool 1 and 2 bc we haven't seen the newest one yet, sweeney todd, the austin powers trilogy (SO much), dumb & dumber, and literally so many more lmao
send me asks from this list!
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wellgoslowly · 1 year
NOTICE: i am still writing but requests will be coming very slowly as i am a social work college student and i have so much shit to do all the time lol. requests are not closed they are just coming slowly!
you heard that right folks! linnie is finally making a masterlist! I've been meaning to make one for a while I just haven't had the time/motivation to do so until now!! i've been getting a lot more requests (which i love!!!) so I figured it was about time :) also! this layout was highly inspired by @tangledinlove 's layout!!! just wanted to give credit where credit is due :)
all of my writing can also be found under the tag linnifer writes !
if you want to make a request: i currently write mostly for lockwood x reader, lucy x reader, and george x reader! i have a list of my current media interests in my bio, and i am open to writing ship and x reader prompts for most of them! if you have any x reader or ship prompts that you want me to write for any of those fandoms, please send me a dm or an ask!!
No nsfw pls!! I don't shame smut readers/writers but I am on the ace spectrum and I don't really feel super comfortable writing that sort of stuff! there are plenty of writers who are, and I'm sure they'd love a request from you! ❤️
if you're requesting, please specify what pronouns you'd like me to use! Most of the time I can infer based on the request, but it would be really helpful if you could tell me preferred pronouns or if you'd like fem/gn/masc reader! I write for any gender identity, I just need to know :) [no hate to any of you who requested before I put this rule in, you're all fine! I'm just adding this to make it a lil bit easier for me]
pls be aware that most of my requests at this time are fairly short- however, I do write multi part requests!
if you don't want your request to be multi part, pls let me know!
please note that i am anti pro-shipping so i will not be writing for any ships or people that i find problematic or have issues with. i do have right to deny requests!!
anthony lockwood x reader
ain't a life a many splendored thing?
1.4k words. no warnings
part one / part two coming soon
you are a new hire at lockwood and co. despite being the complete opposite of your new boss, anthony lockwood can't help but fall for you.
nearly witches (ever since we met)
1.6k words. no warnings
lockwood comes home early from a job to find you dancing in the kitchen in your underwear and one of his shirts. obviously, the most sensible thing for you to do was to ask him to dance.
bookstore girl
3.3k words. no warnings
caught in an intense rainstorm, lockwood stumbles into the small bookstore you run with your best friend and your boxer, Bruce. you two hit it off and lockwood leaves a newly-dedicated customer.
lucy carlyle x reader
none [so far ;)]
george karim x reader
none [so far ;)]
lucy carlyle x anthony lockwood (all on ao3)
shall we look at the moon, my little loon
2k words. 1/1 chapters. no warnings
Anthony Lockwood says something stupid, again.
This is how Lucy Carlyle ends up on Montagu Barnes's doorstep at 11:00 at night, soaked to the skin.
OR: Montagu Barnes is a parental figure for two traumatized teens trying to figure out what they mean to each other.
let me live (or let me love you)
10k words. 5/5 chapters. warnings: canon typical violence, fleeting sexual imagery.
In which Lockwood & Co. get put in a sticky situation at yet another relic auction, and the only way to get out of it is for Lucy Carlyle to kiss her best friend.
jealousy is a song that only your heart can hear
1.5k words. 1/5 chapters (ongoing). no warnings.
5 times that Anthony Lockwood was jealous, and one time that he didn't have to be.
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alltimefail · 1 month
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Hi! Welcome to my page!
➪ My name is V (she/her) and I’m 27 years old. I'm very bad at writing "about me" blurbs and I'm slow to respond to DMs, but if you send me an ask/private message I promise I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner! 🖤
➪ I really LOVE Dead Boy Detectives. Help me save Dead Boy Detectives by streaming it on Netflix and by signing our renewal petition HERE. 💜💀🔎
➪ If you are in the Dead Boy Detectives fandom and want to access my "To-Do" list for saving our show, CLICK HERE.
➪ Follow me on Twitter for more shitposting, I'm atfsims1!
➪ My simblr is HERE (@alltimefail-sims).
➪ Every fundraiser or resource I’ve posted for Palestine can be found HERE. Please check this tag if you can help financially in any way or are willing to reblog the fundraisers to boost their visibility. FREE PALESTINE! 🍉
Navigate my fandoms and commonly used tags below ↓
➪ It shouldn't need to be said but DNI if you're racist, homophobic, transphobic/a rad fem/a TERF, ableist, and so on. You lot wouldn't like it here anyway. 👍
Dead Boy Detectives 💀🔎 (Main Tag) - Meta/Analysis - Gif Sets - Memes/Funny Text Posts - Behind the Scenes/Cast-specific posts ➪ This is my main fandom currently which is why the tag is so organized lol.
Other various fandoms I'm in but don't have super organized tags for include: #Stranger Things #Twenty One Pilots #The Goldfinch #Scott Pilgrim #ILITW "It Lives In The Woods" #ILW "It Lives Within" (ILITW Fan Project) #The Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor #Midnight Mass #The Midnight Club #Watcher (Puppet History, Ghost Files, Mystery Files, and so on) #ACNH #Julie and the Phantoms #The Quarry #Heartstopper #RWRB "Red, White, and Royal Blue"
Note: I'm constantly adding to this list, this is just the stuff off the top of my head honestly. If you like any of this stuff feel free to follow! Also some of these tags will have less than 10 posts because I've just recently started being mindful of tagging my reblogs lol.
General and random tags I use often: #Fanart (One of my most used tags probably. I don't make it, but I do reblog it! There's a shit ton of good stuff in here!!) #Art (I don't make it, but I reblog it!) #Writing Inspo (Lots of poems and text posts tbh) #Personal (Where I shitpost)
➪ If any links seem broken, please try opening them in a browser!
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 months
HELLO!!!!! I'M BACK!!!
Holy shit it's been LONG. How are you doing??? I saw you went on vacation a while ago and GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I hope you get to do it again soon, because you absolutely deserve it!!!
Also, the pics??? They were beautiful and now I've added those places on my list to visit 🥺
Aaaand, I kinda took your advice? I was dying to go to the beach for years now and never got around doing it, but now I said fuck it, and came here with just my mom. Best three days ever!!! It's so peaceful and beautiful and the weather is literally perfection (let's ignore the fact that we almost died like three times in this whole trip lol)
I have soooo many things to catch you up with and LDV???? I AM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE WITH IT!! It's so good and funny and sweet 🥺🥺, I have been reading it religiously!! But that's a different ask.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks because that post encouraged me to do this and I really needed it. Here are so pics!!
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Ps: that pic with the pride flag was a really nice and fucking cool bar where my mom and I got a drunk lmao. It's not the first time we've drank together but definitely the worst because it's the first time I've been hungover the next day😭
I saw the results of the Mexican election and the first person I thought of was you! Hope all is well over there!!
The vacation was AMAZING and much needed and yes definitely need more of that!!
I AM SO GLAD YOU WENT TO THE BEACH AND THIS BEACH LOOKS SO AMAZING???? There is a different kind of serenity in the ocean that you can't find anywhere else and I'm glad you gave yourself some of that. Please do it more often whenever you can! You deserve it too! (I almost die every time I go to the beach too, it's part of the experience hehe)
I'm glad you're enjoying LDV!
Sending love to you, your mom and the lovebirds 🩵
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As the title says, I'll be opening commissions! I'm not sure what to say in this post, so let's just get one with the show, shall we?
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Base pricing
Chibis/icons: 10 USD
Sketches: 10 USD
Lineart only: 20 USD
Full Drawing (w/o background): 35 USD
Full Drawing (w/ background): 40 USD
Character Reference sheet: 35 USD
Half Body: +5 USD
Full Body: +10 USD
Props/Melee Weapons: +10 USD
Multiple Characters: +10 USD
Armor/Extensive Detail: +5 USD
[[DISCLAIMER!!]] (and Terms of Service)
Shading and Lighting are within the Extensive Detail Add-on! It's not guaranteed in any of the Full Drawing options!!
Headshots and/or Bust drawings are the same as the base prices! no charging extra for these options.(I.E: you ask for a Sketch Headshot, no add-ons, the price will be $10 as the Sketch price is.)
Be patient with me and my drawing time, I'll be taking as much time as I need to finish your commission as well to make time for school and family, life gets in the way and I hope you understand that.
Currency conversion is negotiable!! (I.E. if an icon is 10 USD, converting it to Brazilian Real, it would still be 10 BR. As someone who suffers with my currency being lower than the dollar, I understand the struggle and will not inflict the same struggle on others whom coin is lower than the dollar.)
I'll only accept the money to be sent before I start your commission, or we split it in half, and you pay half before and the other half after I finish your commission, also, please send proof you sent the money and I will send progress screenshots back to you as I draw the commission to make sure all is within your wishes.
What I WILL draw:
Character X Character (platonic or ship)
Oc X Character (platonic or ship)
SFW stuff
Blood/Light gore(cut limbs, face trauma, etc.)
Furry/anthro characters
I can draw pretty much anything as long as its not listed in the wont draw part
What I WONT draw:
Heavy Gore
Basic shit yknow
EDIT: I just edited a few things in the Example Sheets and added more recent artwork as examples, as well as edited the TOS and Disclaimer. I'm also not really doing slots anymore as I'm not much of a big artist and don't have people flocking over lol, I still have all the right to deny a commission for any reason it may be.
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saspitite · 1 year
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plain text/screenreader friendly version will be made soon i promise
hi, i'm saspitite, but you can call me sas, saph, or cadaver!! genderqueer shrimp has breached the internet!!! i use any pronouns but she/her :) oh and i am most definitely on your dni list, btw. will sometimes blog in finnish or german.
i have been dubbed as the "shrimp blog" and "hevisaurus blog" several times on separate occasions and i take great pride in that
current icon: #062 from Drowned Shrimp
current header: a post-concert photo of Heavysaurus
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@saspitidy - art blog
@is-the-shrimp-video-cute - blog giving context to videos/general media involving shrimp and some other crustaceans
@hotelmabiya - in-character flight rising clan lore blog (hiatus)
@ebiquest - game project blog (hiatus)
all about me
➸ this mess is a place just so you know. i will be reblogging All sorts of shit. i try my best to tag so you can filter for your own curated experience but i am not perfect 👍
this is not completely a politically-based blog but i might occasionally reblog that kinda stuff. hide #shrimpolitics if you don't wanna see it.
i also love to post about gay things and the Good Ol Leftist Agenda so there's that. i don't really have a tag for it yet (and probably never will) so, uh, suffer. serious/heavy issues are tagged as #serious stuff... if i can remember to use that one
and i also love posting about shrimp/crustaceans!! my general posting tag is #shrimposting and my general reblogging tag is #shimpy shemps (note that these aren't EXCLUSIVELY just for shrimp, but for other crustaceans too sometimes). if you see a shrimp in a post and wanna know what species it is (or if there's just general context in relation to shrimp missing) you can tag my sideblog @is-the-shrimp-video-cute and i'll most likely be able to answer because i'm just that normal about them lol
(more tag info found towards the bottom)
➸ messages and asks are always open, please just don’t spam me, it makes me nervous!!
➸ MESSAGES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AGAIN! i thought my old system was a bit tiring so i just opened them back up.
➸ pretty please pleaseeee send me asks in general i love answering them!! (/nf)
➸ i do my best to add image descriptions for any images/gifs i add in my posts, but i may occasionally forget to/don't know how to describe them. do let me know if i should add/fix an id for anything in any of my posts!!
➸ mutuals are free to ask about any possible phobias/triggers i need tagged if they'd like, i just removed that information publicly for safety reasons.
➸ btw i love all trans people and aros and aces and mspec lesbians and bi lesbians and afab transfems/amab transmascs and multigender people and queer poc and disabled queers and fat queers and neurodivergent queers! i do not care what people say about you i love you forever!!!!!!!
➸ also i say faggot and dyke and tranny a lot. so uhm idk block me if you're a coward
➸ DNI if you: have a human body, breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, eat food to survive, physically exist, have cooties (AHHHHH!!!!), or have joy and whimsy in your heart!!!!!!! (^ if its not obvious, this is satire. ^)
"#giggle" - posts i think are especially funny
"#gold star sticker" - my all time faves
"#shimpy shemps" - posts about shrimp/crustaceans not made by me
"#shrimpolitics" - political bullshit
"#serious stuff" - posts touching on serious or heavy topics, may sometimes contain triggering subjects
"#identifying shrimp / identifying crustaceans" - me adding the species of a shrimp/crustacean found in a post (if its not already outright stated) !!
"#out of all the posts out there this is certainly one of them" - posts that took me like 300 rereads to mildly comprehend and i still don't fully get what's happening. yet i reblog
"#(____) wunk" - i have no clue how but this became my tag for rabbits.
"#sas says" - just a normal post i'll make, maybe a random life update or a funny joke i wanted to share
"#sas scavenging" - me showing off something i recently found/bought, which could be anything from t-shirts to rocks
"#shrimposting" - me blabbing about various crustaceans, typically fun facts and whatnot
"#shrimping" - any of my irl activities and whatnot that involves me wearing my shrimp costumes (like conventions and events!!)
"#the shrimployee" - work rants
"#venusposting" - posts of my cat venus
"#sas spiels" - writing/creative concepts that might not be fully fleshed out, just me sharing some thoughts i had in my head
"#sas stories" - my writing!!
"#sas scribbles" - my art!!
"#sas songs" - my music!!
"#a terrible thing has happened" - a terrible thing has happened
"#cosmic intertwines" - my eldritch horror universe (note that this is an umbrella name for all of my fictional worlds listed below and may be tagged in posts that focus on other worlds, but is usually reserved for the gods and outer activity of my fictional universe)
“#machina mundi” - an advanced post-apocalyptic robot world
"#hotel mabiya" - my flight rising clan
"#belet's dream" - a world of diverse anthropomorphic animals
"#the intergalactic voyagers" - the saga of a group of friends and their exploration of the cosmos! (takes place in the same world as "belet's dream")
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roxyaftermidnight · 1 year
Introduction, Rules, and Tagging
Hey hey everyone! I'm Roxy, and welcome to my blog, Roxy After Midnight!
This is not a roleplay blog! I am a fictive in a system, sourced from FNAF: Security Breach (Roxanne Wolf) and Boku no Hero Academia (Midnight/Kayama Nemuri); do not tag my posts as roleplay (though I don't mind if RP blogs follow!)
Here, you can expect to see personal and request posts, along with reblogs!!
This blog will be themed around the podcast I used to host back when I wasn't part of a system; I hope you enjoy my shenanigans lmao
press keep reading below to see my DNI, Rules, and how I will tag my posts!
anti-endos, MAPs, anti-LGBTQ+, racists, ableists, fnaf antis, bigots, if ur gonna start shit w/ me, general assholes
Follow these rules when requesting!
I will only accept FNAF related asks for now.
Please DO:
Specify what you want!! Give me all the deets :P (if you want it to be as accurate as possible; I don't mind any "surprise me" asks, but please give me a base to work on!!)
Follow my terms
Be respectful :]
Send in ONE REQUEST per ask!
Please DON'T:
Be disrespectful
Ignore boundaries
Spam asks
#[Mod Roxy]🐺💜// <3 - how I, Roxy, will tag personal posts + announcements !!
#important announcements! [R.A.M] - important announcements..lol
#REQUEST ACCEPTED !! ✅ [R.A.M] - accepted requests
#REQUEST REJECTED !! ❌ [R.A.M] - rejected requests
#ROXY'S VAULT OF MEMORIES 🔒 - memories of mine!!
#roxy's reblogs! 🔁 - anything i find cool enough to reblog will be under this tag
more to be added
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liminalkandlez · 1 year
well, hello!
wanted to make an actual personal blog since what was supposed to be my one and only blog didn't feel all that personal to me, so here we are. introduction and the like under the cut!
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(hi i'm sneaking this in here hoping no one notices erm we are a system. this is the host. a while ago we made the collective decision not to be too open about it unless we're comfortable with people but like. fuck it this is LITERALLY our personal blog. can't wait to get yelled at by my headmates 😁... uh. might make a section for system stuff eventually if i don't get yelled at LOL) (update yeah we're gonna make smthin seperate and link it here instead of this thing... we would make a carrd but!!! how the fuck do we work those. what)
hiii (this is the host still), i go by like, a ton of names, and i don't feel like listing every single one, but the most preferred ones right now are rex, kel or mack! i use he/him pronouns plus a lot of neos that i might actually list at another time.
i draw and write like, a ton, so expect some of that if i remember to post (unlikely)! i roleplay a lot too, and i'd love to find more roleplay partners!!! if you spot any fandoms that we have in common, since i primarily do fandom roleplay, you can message me!!!
also, do note that we are bodily 16.
current fixations of ours are OMORI, Incredibox, Rain World, Warrior Cats, Wii Deleted You, and Project Moon Games.
current project(s): Tragibox Retake (over 100k... CLAWING AT THE WALLS) , Evadare AU, Fungibox, Liminalbox... a lot more things. help.
oh also, these are important since these are our tags for this blog, so they're getting put here. hooray
🌟: constellations_chatter -> general posts.
🌟: moonlight_friends -> chats with moots or anons that'd came around a couple times already.
🌟: starfall_vent -> general vents. yeah. i don't think i need to say much more.
🌟: sun_love -> comfort character stuff.
🌟: bleedingmoon_trigger -> any post with general triggers. said general triggers are mentioned in the second to last section.
🌟: liminal_art -> any art...
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most of our writing and art rules are on my other blog, which will also be linked here instead of rules... we don't intend on logging back into that account for a while so uh!!!! please don't send requests over there!!! ignore the fandom list on there too it's probably like severely outdated
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(under construction...)
hosts sources;
Evelin (The Mandela Catalogue)
Bandu (Dave & Bambi)
Susie (Deltarune)
Skyblue (Skyverse)
Dante (Project Moon Games)
Angelica (Project Moon Games)
Rui (Project Sekai)
Cinderpelt/Cinderheart (Warrior Cats)
Teruko (DRDT)
Mack (Incredibox Tragibox)
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and finally, a DNI list. because we kind of need one of those.
Proship/Comship/etc, get the fuck out. as someone who had experienced abuse and all, seeing the romanticization of it is fucking disgusting to us.
Zoophiles. Out. You are not apart of the LGBTQ+ community and never will be.
If you intend to make fun of Selfshipping or fakeclaim. tbf, we don't care!!!! speak your shit i guess!!!! if you want to talk to a wall, then be my guest
anything triggering will be tagged. although we will only be tagging the general sensitive topics, like; blood/gore, yandere/obsessive, vent/vent fic, s/h, etc ; although if you want a particular thing tagged, tell us what that thing is and tell me what name you want used so we can make a tag that's like "(Your name) don't look", just to make it easier on us.
speaking of as well, if you are my mutual, i'd prefer you tag things regarding SA/r*pe, p$d*philia, and NSFW in general aside from jokes to be tagged with "Rex don't look". things may be added at a later time. (again, jokes are 100% fine!!! i find them funny, as long as they aren't like... super explicit)
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User Boxes will go here eventually because I like them and think they're neat but uh. later. don't feel like grabbing em rn LMAO (edit: it's been weeks and i still haven't done it lmfao😭) (edit 2: MONTHS.)
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