b1adie · 43 years
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hi i’m adriene i’m 24 and i love dragons + i make silly jokes and gifs sometimes
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melanodis · 1 month
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the better ending
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shalpilot · 2 months
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mesetacadre · 2 months
as probably your oldest mutual, it's been an honour seeing your posting blossom so beautifully
let there be a thousand blossoms bloom! but I ain't spending any time on it, because, in the meantime, every three months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in north queensland
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fantrollology · 4 months
what got you into mail and shipping stuff, cyllus?
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"It was sort of random! I never had any passion for shipping or mail in particular or anything."
"During my work in the Fleet I noticed how much empty space there was on the ships. It didn't come to me until after I had left, but I kept thinking more about this empty space on non-freight vessels, and that's what inspired the foundations of Farway."
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blu3b1rd · 5 months
I'm very curious, for my followers (newer ones specifically) are yall aware of my Storms Edge AU,
I dont share it very often because to be fair, its just political fanfiction that involves alien cat people, and I draw it with my sci-fi usual art style so all around, not very canon-accurate. In fact its so far from canon i accidentally forgot the skylanders existed, which is another reason why i dont share it very often.
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cosmoknightchaos · 2 months
I luckily saw your edit tags before I asked you anything but I also like the idea of your original misread tags so I’m going to ask you Both.
FIRST OFF. What does Sky think of Jinx? I only feel confident asking about Jinx because you are the 1. jinx lore knower (I have dubbed you that officially) AND because I want to know what sky thinks of her with more words.
Also for the funnies, picking from your OC’s list thingy from forever ago.
What does Marci (Project Scepsis OS) think of Marci (beyond the graves)? Idk if they have ever met or you’ve ever thought about this, but for the laughs I ask this. What do they / would they think of each other?
What does Sky think of Jinx?
Every time I think of Sky and Jinx interacting I am reminded of the fact that there is a timeline out there where Jinx ended up with Sky instead of King. Thank goodness we don't live in that timeline
Speaking first in WTSS canon, I think Sky would dislike Jinx, but not that much. It's a mild dislike. They just... don't get along, that's all. Jinx didn't pass the vibe check. Whereas, in RTTH canon, Sky absolutely fucking hates Jinx. With the undying passion of a thousand suns. Sky thinks she's is a horrible person and refuses to waste any of her time with Jinx. I wonder why.
What does Marci (PSOS) think of Marci (Beyond the Graves)?
To avoid confusion, I will be referring to PSOS's Marci as "RC1" and BTG's Marci as "Marc".
Wow holy shit a question about Beyond the Graves. I never expected to talk about that story on Tumb.
I'm gonna be honest, the Marcis are very similar in character. There is no possible timeline in which they can meet (Marc is dead, which makes it a bit difficult to interact with people), but if they could meet, I think they'd be friends. Ish. Both are socially awkward beings put in rather unpleasant circumstances, so I think they'd bond over niche special interests and Cool Autism Facts™. They're both a bit neurodivergent and will infodump to each other a lot.
They can also bond over trauma! Both of them have a "possession"/villain arc of sorts (Marc gets mind-controlled by the main antagonist and RC1 accidentally creates a hivemind), being The Puppeteer and Scarsi (pronounced: Sar-see) respectfully. While Marc and RC1 would bond over having traumatic villain arcs, the people they are during that villain arc would despise each other. Puppeteer is a dramatic asshole who wants to burn the world down while being the center of attention the whole time, while Scarsi is quiet, impulsive, and basically a rabid animal. The only thing Scarsi hates more than being perceived is being the antagonist, while Puppeteer is having the time of their life being a manipulative jerk. They would hate each other.
Despite all those reasons to get along, I hesitate to say they would be good friends, because at the end of the day, RC1 is an optimist. Sure, it's been through hell, but it's survived and has made friends and found reasons to keep persisting. Marc, on the other hand, becomes more and more of a nihilist as the story goes on until they eventually give in and join Majesty, the main antagonist, so that they can finally have some sense of purpose in their life. Although they may be similar in personality, it's their character arcs that drive the two Marcis apart, and for that reason they're more of good acquaintances than friends.
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duhsty1 · 9 months
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Hey, if Wilbur asked you to bury a body, would you?
What are you, a cop? 🤨 get moving
of course. It would ruin me but would it be worse than losing him? I don’t think it would be.
I was brought into this world with someone waiting for me, I don’t know how to live without him. I’d cut out my ribcage and surrender the bones if it meant he’d stay by my side and never leave me alone again.
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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*quotes bisclavret or something*
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blutpop · 11 months
im having a fnaf relapse guys
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pink-lighter · 2 years
if i’ve ever opened up to you, please know that it’s a bit. it’s a bit and i need you to laugh because i am telling you my trauma with the cadence of a joke. it’s humorous — a joking bit imbued with humour, if you will.
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I was gonna fix the perspective esp on allanas feet but then my psd became one of the great victims of my usb's death so woe. Potential chapter cover be upon ye
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aquillis-main · 2 years
you plan to share lore bout Fletcher and how he and his group fit in? XP
Ah, yes. The Space Pirates that help out Lady Carossa. Well, in truth, they follow Fletcher, a Space Bird that seems oddly like Falco Lombardi from Star Fox. And Fletcher seems to have the hots for Prince Hemmo, though Hemmo doesn't seem to realize it half the time. The other half, it seems he doesn't mind being liked by someone... even if Fletcher seems to keep himself separate from Hemmo and doesn't act on his feelings.
Fletcher's group are a notorious band of space-bird pirates, with four wings and a disposition of stealing from planets with an increased frequency. They've been wanting to get the ever elusive Dragon Mythril from Grawoul for a long time, but have been beaten constantly by the White Dragons when they try. Fletcher, on the other hand, believes in being 'free', and like Hemmo assumes the Dragon Society on Grawoul is 'restrictive' and 'rigid' in it's policies.
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spineofthenight · 2 years
saw someone on instagram say trent reznor and marilyn manson are the 90s equivalent of of gabe saporta and jeffree star. horrific. not wrong but still horrific.
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the-fourth-knower · 2 years
Sonic Mysteries
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Why does Empire City's flag have seventeen stripes, but only twelve stars?
On the current U.S. flag, there are fifty stars for fifty states. And thirteen bars for the original thirteen ones.
So, for Empire City's to have seventeen bars and twelve stars, then at some point five of the state equivalents had to have left or were absorbed or something.
(Or the Unleashed devs didn't understand the meaning of the flag parts and just made something they thought was cool. OR there is an entirely different meaning. Who knows.)
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