shinwhoohoo · 2 years
wait so did CNU actually say during his Lunch Attack appearance that he has legitimate plans for a solo comeback next year or was this one of those ‘ah yes, I’ve thought about it’ type answers because there is a big difference and I am not about to get my hopes up
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choi-yujin-folder · 1 year
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[220104] Yujin & Kep1er - Naver NOW Twitter update: g.o.d's Lunch Attack
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twelfthellies · 2 years
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「 ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ʷᵉ ʷᵒʳᵏ. ʷᵉ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵇᵘᵗ ʷᵉ ᵈᵒ 」
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tsubaki94 · 10 months
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Phantom Comic Ch.4
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qiekzart · 4 months
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day 62 drawing len until my preorder arrives
i made that stupid red freak hold the tiny freak like a weird cat anyway i hope u like it. idk how to draw fukase tho sorry
requests open ☆ 1 in inbox ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆
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respectthepetty · 7 months
Who do you think was speaking in the voiceover in the preview for next week, Petty? I’m kiiinda leaning toward it being Non or New’s voice but there’s another option I might write a clown theory about later —@babyangelsky
@babyangelsky, I always love reporting this because I feel everyone knows it at this point, but . . .
I watch my shows on mute.
Which is why I never know what background noises are happening.
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Therefore, I have no idea whose voice is in the preview because I assumed it was Top screaming since the sub was over him (even though I don't know why he would be the one to scream that statement).
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Even if I watched the preview without mute, I wouldn't recognize the voices because I have had this show on mute since episode one. Screaming, crying, and singing = instant mute, which was the major vibe of the first episode. *Notice that only the Fucked-Up Five are in the shot!
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If I had to guess though, I would say it's Tan saying that he will punish those who hurt Non because unlike Phi who lost focus and had a consensual university relationship with Jin,
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Tan understood the revenge assignment, and since he was a good enough student to win a scholarship to study abroad in English and studied hard enough to duplicate a drug to make all these kids lose their minds in the woods, I doubt he would fail now. He very much exudes that unhinged energy only a perfectionist under immense pressure has after decades of being forced to be the golden child.
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He gave up his education and dreams. His mom is dead. His dad told him he was no longer his son right before he died by suicide. His brother has been missing for three years, and his partner in crime is fucking up this group project by catching a case of feels as he eats another apple of sin!
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But, once again, my very good student and the love of my life has sacrificed too much to see it all crumble in the final stretch. He will succeed, even if it kills him.
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But first, he'll kill everyone else.
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Manipulate. Murder. Mayhem.
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lucksea · 3 months
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LAST MINUTE ATTACK earlier today on @officialspec bc i saw they joined and i really wanted to draw something for them before i left the library...!
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ainawgsd · 16 days
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I made the mistake about thinking about the staffing situation at work this morning
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pushing500 · 14 days
without fail, traders always inconveniently leave exactly when a mech threat shows up
like why just leave please just a couple minutes they'll show up I swear
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It’s probably the first time in his life that Mechi has been upset seeing a group of people leaving. This is why he doesn’t like other people!! They always leave the one time you actually need them!!
Rude-ass traders XD
How dare they have a sense of self preservation? Don’t they understand that the Jones boys are pursuing greater knowledge?? It’s for science!!
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bloodcrownedking · 1 month
School schedules come out tomorrow please for the love of god i am desperate
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OKAY. OKAY. WINTERS FAMILY TORMENT NEXUS. as i've said before this is all REALLY vague rough outlines bc i wanted to bounce it all back n forth with u. but. what i have:
>winters family (mark & ashe & fridged mom/wife) live in a location hit by the simurgh
>mark is at work when she arrives. something horrific happens at home. maybe his wife is injured or hurt, but not killed. ashe (7/8/9) triggers. whatever his powers are, they. do Not help heal his mom. in fact the opposite.
>mark tears back home asap instead of leaving as soon as he hears her song, actively choosing to stay in her effect zone for his family. finds newly triggered baby ashe & the rest of that scene.
>theyve spent too long in the affected zone to be allowed to go free, especially since ashe triggered from it. mark nukes his whole past life & ashe's to escape without undergoing all the protocols. he spends ages doing shit work to support him & ashe bc theyre both legally dead, ends up working for overlord, manages to get enough of a fake past to get through cauldron background checks & get powers? it'll pay so much better than the grunt work he's doing now & he has to support ashe (powered)(legally dead)(would probably be executed if anyone Found Out)....
anyway to me the trickster is like. the endgame of this specific simurgh rube goldberg. somehow it doesn't end horrifically, for once! but it gets. bad. the fact that they're simurgh survivors is always looming over their heads. its why mark fucking freaks out when ashe joins the wards. literally have nothing more specific than this though u gotta help me put meat on these bones!!!!! STOP "being responsible" and "doing work" and stuff START thinking incessantly abt nhw ashe!!!!! i don't even know his powers bc i have no clue how he triggered!!!! augh. god. them..... mods torture that blonde man in the most narratively satisfying and fucked up way possible!!!!
QUIT YOUR JOB JOIN MY EMO WARDS !!!!!!!!!!!!! god dude god dude I'm gonna be thinking about this all fucking DAY . who needs to be responsible and have a job. not me!!!! FUCK !!!!!!!! dude im just. thinking abt mark being at work getting the notice to evacuate and starting to hear the song and. bc it's important to me that he's a little bit of a coward. it takes him longer than he will ever admit to decide to go back to his family. he definitely hesitates and hates himself for it because. what if he had gotten there 10 minutes earlier! who fucking knows! he never will!!
god man I'm just thinking about. that scene where they're in the hospital waiting to hear back about noelle and the person (ai?) at the desk is giving them the rundown of all the containment procedures and handing them paperwork and asking them if they can pay for the medical care. how fucked up would that be to hear after you're in the midst of losing everything. mark winters the universes most hated man. I looooooove the satisfaction in thinking about that snap decision where he goes from "relatively normal if a little emotionally repressed but otherwise does his best suburban dad" to "my wife is dead and my son is fucked up and there's this fucking sound in my head that won't go away I'm about to erase everything and break several laws in order to get us out of here" and how that eventually leads into. supervillain. it's just soooooooo. sickos haha yessss the downfall of this fucking miserable blonde guy. when do you think he consciously made that choice. he heard "you're never going to get out of here and live a normal life again" do you think he just . sat with that for a while. ashe unresponsive either due to shock or fear or the trauma of triggering/whatever his powers are and mark just has to sit there. by himself. like what the fuck am I gonna do now. auaghghghghhhh I need 2 make him so miserable forever. fuck that guy i hate his ass (<< me when I lie)
I THINK . I NEED TO SIT FOR A WHILE AND FINISH THESE NEXT COUPLE CHAPTERS AND PROCESS A LITTLE MORE BEFORE I MAKE A SOLID DECISION ON ASHES POWERS. but you knowwwww it's gonna be some fucked up horror shit. it has to be. it has to be something fucked up enough that mark forbids him from using his powers and keeps him . at home isolated for his own good. but not TOO fucked that he wouldn't be able to join the wards.
actually speaking of. HOW THE FUCK DOES HE JOIN THE WARDS. I know mark basically fucking erased their whole identity and everything but. there's noooo way the prt would let this kid join them. right?????? right????. how the hell would that even be a possibility with all the precautions in place for simurgh survivors. THEY EXPLODED THAT ONE CAPE GUYS HEAD BECAUSE HE STAYED IN PROXIMITY FOR A LITTLE BIT TOO LONG. maybe it's unofficial. maybe he never Officially joins them but he sneaks out while mark is gone and meets the boys somewhere and they become friends out of costume first. and then they learn about his powers and ashe is like "I can help!" and helps them like. as a rogue or something. but hes never registered as an official cape. is this anything. im thinking about him so much what the fuuuuuck have we done. what have we done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anormalkidingotham · 7 months
poison ivy showed up at my school again today. no one saw her but we all know she was there because she turned everything even remotely plant-based in our school lunch into weird little creatures
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seredelgi · 10 months
Me if I could ever get my hands on that mf:
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No seriously I would eat him up if I only could
K I'm done
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newtness532 · 8 days
i know that graduating one semester later is not that big of a deal and i haven't made any plans about what comes next so it doesnt even make a difference. so why does it feel just so terrible
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bnesszai · 7 months
It's still Feb 14th here so xD
skk Valentine's week day 1: May I? @bsdfanweek
Chuuya won't look at him.
His eyes refuse to focus on any one point and it's obvious that Chuuya is trying to control his breathing. It's also obvious that it isn't working.
“Chibi?” Dazai tries.
“Don't,” Chuuya bites out between teeth, but it's weak. He doesn't say anything else. A gloved hand reaches up to scratch absently at his arm.
Dazai doesn't know what happened or how Chuuya even got here, but he can recognize the signs of an anxiety attack from across the globe. He just hasn't seen Chuuya have one in a very long time.
“Chuuya,” he says, voice soft. “What happened?”
“Nothing. I don't fucking…. Nothing.”
Taking a step forward, Dazai watches Chuuya's reaction, notices how his hands tremble as they scratch at random parts of his body. “Chuuya.”
Chuuya watches Dazai make a slow approach, but doesn't recoil. “It’s stupid.”
A remark burns the tip of Dazai's tongue but he swallows it down, stopping right in front of Chuuya. He hesitates, gauging Chuuya's expression as he reaches out and grabs a hand. “May I?”
He's never had to ask before. But then, he'd never left in such an explosive and final way before, either.
Chuuya nods, eyes trying to focus on Dazai's face, but flicking around the room.
“It's not stupid,” Dazai says as he peels Chuuya's glove off, one finger at a time. “Tell me what happened?”
Chuuya watches as Dazai reaches for his other hand. His eyes trace the way Dazai's fingers pull at the leather, at the gentle unveiling of his skin. Perhaps it frightens him, something akin to unleashing the beast within, but he doesn't move.
“I was walking down the street and someone said something and it just….” Chuuya watches Dazai trace patterns into his palms and tries to take a large breath, but it stutters. “I don't know what they said, but their voice…. They sounded just like N.”
Dazai feels one of his eyes twitch but otherwise remains impassive. Humming, he continues tracing absentminded patterns into his palm. He tries to keep his breathing even, knowing that Chuuya will inevitably match it.
“That's not stupid,” he finally says.
Chuuya's fingers twitch in his hands. His eyes focus on Dazai's face, clearing slightly, stilling. The uneven rise of his chest begins to match Dazai's. “It's pathetic.”
If Dazai were the same person as four years ago, maybe he would make a joke. Maybe he would tease Chuuya and push his buttons until he felt even worse than before. If Dazai were a good person, he'd reassure Chuuya that there's nothing pathetic about still being haunted by your tormenter.
But Dazai is neither the person he was, nor a good person, so he silently tugs Chuuya forward. Chuuya only resists for a moment before falling into Dazai's chest.
“It's okay, Chuuya,” he breathes into his ear. “Listen here instead.”
After a moment, one of Chuuya's hands curls into Dazai's shirt, the other still loosely intertwined with his fingers. “Surprised you have one of these,” he mutters, pressing closer to Dazai's heart and closing his eyes.
Dazai huffs out a short laugh. “See? You're okay.”
“Your voice is so annoying,” Chuuya mumbles, growing heavy against Dazai. “Shut up.”
A laugh fills Dazai's lungs but he pushes it down, moving them to his futon. He walks and sits slow, with purpose, doing his best to not jostle Chuuya. And Chuuya doesn't move away. Instead, he presses closer still, face buried in his chest, Dazai's heartbeat in his ears, eyes slipped shut and a soft smile on his lips.
Chuuya doesn't need to look at Dazai to be grounded by him.
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I'm soooo sorry for such a big ask- but could you grab all of the episode title cards that show after the theme song? If you can't that's alright, but if you can, thank you!!
I CAN! Except Tumblr mobile only allows 10 images a post, so I’m going to have to do a quite a few reblogs to attach them all to this ask. Bear with me, folks.
Also just to be polite, I’ll be attaching the images under “read more” so I don’t overwhelm people with a really long post.
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