#Lady Blaze and Lord Satanus
wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
you could make a case that Blaze and Satanus want the Rock of Eternity not because they need it for anything, but because it's the only thing left that Shazam could give them. he's denied them care, affection, guidance, and he definitely doesn't love them, so what is left to take but his power?
even if Shazam had raised them, he most likely would not have given them the Rock of Eternity. that space is reserved for his champion. but they feel that they're owed something from him, and at this point it doesn't really matter what that something is.
also if you're running with the idea that Billy was orphaned as a result of a relative cheating him out of his inheritance, it makes for a nifty parallel.
I think this is a really good way to look at it. And a great way to add nuance to their characters.
A lot of Blaze and Satanus's anger at Shazam stems from his rejection of them and the deliberate refusal to give them what they believe is their birthright as his children. It think it makes a lot of sense that those feelings are compounded by the fact that Shazam made the choice to deny them any affection, condemning them because he sees them as inherently evil because of who their mother is.
At the heart of a lot of the evil the two of them do is this need to prove themselves, to prove that they are as great if not greater than their father. Controlling the Rock of Eternity is equal parts a power grab and a middle finger to Shazam. Which is why they are doubly angry that some random human child was granted the one thing they believed Shazam could give them.
And not for nothing, by rejecting them at birth, Shazam all but guaranteed that they wouldn't have any good influences in their lives, which made his belief that they are evil a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And I absolutely love the parallel you've drawn here with Billy and Ebenezer! It's such a good way to create understanding and empathy between them! Billy may initially see them as pure evil (as Shazam had) but this may be a way for him to understand that things (and people) are so rarely black and white. Even if that empathy doesn't go both ways, Billy would know what it's like to have someone who was supposed to care for you take everything from you at a very young age and would try to make things right.
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Billy: If I had a nickel for everytime I was weirdly related to a demon—
Billy: I’d have three nickels!
Billy: which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it’s happened thrice
Context; PoS he has a part demon cousin and Whiz comics Shazam considered him a son, the Wizard also has half-demon children in PoS
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
We know that Lady Blaze and Lord Satanus made the switch from being super man villains to Captain Marvel villains in the comics, but are there any other DC villains you think could have made the switch over to being Captain Marvel's villains, too? Or the opposite, a villain of Captain Marvel going over to another superhero? I wanna know your thoughts :D
HMM. I feel like Mr. Mxyzptlk would just be a really funny villain for Captain Marvel to have to fight. His sort of trickster chaos insanity would be right up Cap's alley. I feel like after a certain point Mxyzptlk would be tracking down Cap just to see how he reacts to whatever he's cooked up this time. Same with Klarion- I think Cap deserves more trickster villains just fucking with him for funsies. As a treat.
As for Cap villains becoming other heroes' villains, I feel like Black Adam would make a great Flashfam villain. Do not ask me to explain my reasoning because I have none, but... yk... the vibes. They fit. Also, this one is probably an obvious answer, but Sivanna partnering with Lex Luthor would be cool just because Lex Luthor has tried nearly every tactic under the damn sun to take down Superman, so maybe he should branch out to a supervillain versed in Magic(tm).
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thedcdunce · 5 years
Lord Satanus
“Go to hell? My dear, I am Hell.” - Lord Satanus
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Real Name: Satanus
Collin Thornton
Gender: Male
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Race: Human/Demon Hybrid
Demonic Physiology
Universe: New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:  
Parents: Jebediah of Canaan; father
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: Adventures of Superman#493 (August, 1992)
Last Appearance: Reign in Hell #8 (April, 2009)
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Demonic Physiology
Size Alteration
Energy Projection
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Lord Satanus resembled a traditional demon, save that he wore a heavy Roman-style helmet, and either had black skin or the helmet buried his face in shadow. He and his sister Blaze fought for possession of the latter's domain, using Superman as a pawn. At the end of it, it was revealed that Satanus was disguised as Colin Thornton, the publisher of Newstime magazine, who had previously hired Clark Kent as editor.
Lord Satanus, meanwhile, had created DMN, a magical drug that transformed people into demons, which he arranged to be sent to areas of the world where people were in desperate straits. After the Fall of Metropolis, the city became one of these areas. Horrified by what had befallen his home, Satanus sent a disguised magical message to Zatanna, who used Perry White and Superman's knowledge of the city to restore it. Satanus would use the DMN addicts again, however, to distract Shazam from detecting his presence when the wizard visited Metropolis.
Following Brainiac-13's recreation of Metropolis, Satanus made an ambitious effort to capture the soul of the entire city. Superman offered his own soul in exchange, but eventually thwarted Satanus with the help of a young psychic and a mysterious shaman named Night Eagle who, it was implied, might be Blaze.
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Day of Vengeance
Satanus recently revealed to Superman that he was Colin Thornton when the Spectre arrived in Metropolis as part of his mission to destroy all evil magic during the Day of Vengeance. Whether Lord Satanus was destroyed or not was not revealed. He does appear at the magician's seance to summon the Spectre during the Infinite Crisis.
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Reign In Hell
Satanus and his sister Blaze have decided to make an attempt for the throne of Hell by causing a revolt against Neron. They preach to the damned about the hope of getting beyond being a simple realm of suffering eternally and becoming a place to atone for past sins and then to be free of torment for the debts long since paid. Satanus preaches of a hell not bound by laws handed down long ago, stating that the only ones keeping the laws in place are those who continue to toil under them without hope. He pledges to change this.
Lord Satanus led his forces against those of Neron in a battle that raged throughout the Infernal Dominion, throwing Hell into chaos the likes of which it has not known for centuries. While at first his forces were holding their own, as time went by, the overwhelming number of warriors and demons under Neron's command became too much for his forces to handle. While his sister Blaze faced off against the sorcerer Doctor Fate, Satanus set the last of his plans in motion.
Coming to his sister after the end of her duel with Fate, Satanus revealed the truth of his plans to her. Reminding her of the magical drug he had created years ago, DMN, he reminded her of its properties for turning mortals into demons, it could also work in reverse for turning demons into humans. He explained that the entire war had been a ruse, a way for his plague-carrying troops to reach throughout Hell, spreading his plague. He also simultaneously used his power to create a conjuring for Neron to witness their conversation, a direct challenge to his power.
Neron accepted, and broadcasting his intentions to the entirety of the Infernal Dominion, teleported to Satanus to bring him to task for his actions. Satanus fought Neron in a magical duel that spread across the realm of Hell. Satanus was able to barely stand against Neron, and just as his enemy prepared to end their fight, he triggered his trap, speaking aloud "Shazam". All the demons infected with DMN were transformed into humans, and each one drew power from Neron, reverting him back to the pitiful demon he had started out as.
Lord Satanus wasted no time beheading Neron. Proclaiming himself ruler of Hell, he gifted his sister with the head of their enemy, and prepared for his rule to begin.
Transporting to Neron's former citadel, Lord Satanus and his sister Lady Blaze moved in, taking over. Trading in his battle armor for robes, Satanus is waited on by numerous servants. Waiting for the Infernal Dominion to re-align itself to his will as it had for Neron, Satanus cut it off from all other planes while his power was consolidated.
He explained to Blaze that instead of placing demons over the souls of the Damned to watch and torment them, he would instead allow them to torment each other. He explained that needing to pass blame on to others, because of their curse of Pride they would keep each other in check, blaming one another for their failures in life and damning themselves even further. Entering his throne room, where thrones waited for both him and his sister, he picked up the dispatched head of Neron and forced it to say the words that would hand over control to him.
He then used his power to re-constitute one of his former demonic servants, sending him forth to find Doctor Fate so that he could be properly punished for the disfigurement of his sister. Waiting as his power grew, Satanus used a burst of strength to remodel and reshape the citadel. Sitting on his throne he began to plan, ready to bring all past debts in to call.
Black Alice later appeared in an attempt to force him into returning a part of her soul that was dragged to Hell during the war by Lilith. She attempted to absorb Satanus' power but was intercepted by Blaze who absorbed Satanus' power for herself and overthrew him as the ruler of Hell while leaving him chained to her side as a shriveled husk.
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joemerl · 7 years
Who’s Gonna Be the “Shazam” Movie’s Villain?
Let’s go over some of our suspects.
Black Adam: He was set to be the villain pretty much from the get-go, played by Dwayne Johnson, but official word says that he’s off the project; his own solo film is up in the air.
Doctor Sivana: A pretty strong possibility; he was the original Big Bad of the Big Red Cheese, and hey, if we use him then we can actually call Cap the “Big Red Cheese.” But which Sivana would it be? The Golden Age “super cliché in the best possible way” mad scientist would fit the movie’s lighthearted tone, but modern adaptations often make him more of a Lex Luthor Lite, which admittedly fits the DCEU's more grounded tone. (Then again, look at their Lex.)
If Sivana is the villain, expect Beautia to show up for awkward romantic humor with Billy and/or Cap. Maybe we can throw in his other kids too?
Mister Mind: The final member of Billy’s Big Bad trifecta. If done well, he could be legitimately silly but also terrifying in a Bill Cipher sort of way, but will execs want to go for something so weird? Personally, I think Mister Mind is better for a sequel, but the DCEU seems to like using its biggest threats going right out of the gate. The worst possibility is that he gets retooled into some sort of more generic alien menace that totally misses the aforementioned silly/scary balance.
Ibac: Sadly underused in the modern age, but he works well as an evil counterpart to our hero, which is what they were already planning with Black Adam. Also, aside from old Teth, he’s one of Cap’s most physically imposing foes, so he could be good for those big, expensive action sequences. Hopefully the writers, unlike everyone in the comics, will remember that “cunning” is supposed to be one of his powers and not just write him as a dumb brute; otherwise, he might just get relegated to somebody’s minion. 
Blaze and/or Satanus: Another pick with a lot of potential. They’re threatening, and they work well if the DCEU want to push the “Shazam is all about magic” angle to differentiate him from Superman. Blaze is also important to Black Adam’s backstory (at least post-Crisis/pre-Flashpoint), so they could use her to set up his movie if they are still planning to make it. 
Mister Atom: Ooh, giant robot; classic comic silliness, but maybe too much so for the DCEU? On the other hand, Sandberg seems to be teasing him...interesting! Would he be the main villain, though, or a secondary one? Perhaps a creation of Sivana in this continuity? 
King Kull: It would be interesting, but unlikely. He’s got the same “bruiser” bonus as Ibac, but in a sillier package. It could work if they want a “strong but also smart” villain and don’t remember the aforementioned “Ibac is supposed to be cunning” thing. He’s also rather similar to Vandal Savage, whom they may want to use later on.  
Arson Fiend: I’m gonna say probably not, because there’s nothing all that compelling about his powers or character, but there’s a possibility that they can work in a new angle to make him more interesting. 
Herkimer the Crocodile Man: He’s led the Monster Society of Evil on occasion, but he’s mostly just a minion. It’d be kind of funny, though. 
Seven Deadly Enemies of Man: Not as big bads, but they could released by somebody else.
Sabbac: Has the appeal of Ibac + Blaze/Satanus, but isn’t he more of a Freddy villain?
Captain Nazi: Oh, I hope not; I need a distraction from the real world, and there will be so much Discourse that I’ll have to leave Tumblr. 
On the creative side, though, probably only a good idea if they intend to introduce Freddy as Captain Marvel Jr. 
Chain Lightning: Freddy has a lot of his own villains, doesn’t he? Why doesn’t Mary? Anyway, she’s Billy’s own age and kind of a woobie like him, so there’s potential there, at least if they decide to go for a small-scale story---like, “girl goes Carrie at the prom” rather than “blue sky beam destroys the world again.”
Aunt Minerva: Wow, we’re getting old-school here, huh? Not likely, but hey, local old-lady mobster would be interesting, again if we’re going for a “smaller” story. 
Mister Banjo: Oh, I really want the DCEU to use freaking Mister Banjo as a villain. They’d have to retool him, though, since “Japanese spy” doesn’t make much sense these days. How about mind-control music? Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam did something like that. 
Klarion the Witch-Boy: Okay, he’s not a Shazam villain, but doesn’t he feel like he could be? And if they’re going to try to make Deathstroke the villain of The Batman...
Executives trying to make this movie into grimdark trash: Doesn’t seem to be the way that they’re going at the moment, but unfortunately we can’t count this option out. 
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superman86to99 · 3 years
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Who’s Who: Sam Foswell
(art by @donsparrow)
If you’ve been watching the CW’s Superman & Lois, you’ve heard the name “Foswell” a whole lot, usually in an exasperated tone. That’s the jackass who fires several Daily Planet employees in the early episodes, including Clark Kent and, most devastatingly, Whit, the heart and soul of the Planet. In the comics, Foswell plays a very similar role, with some slight differences that probably won’t make it to TV, like when he makes out with a satanic being masquerading as an angel and then transforms into a muscular demon (someone correct me if I’m wrong and that already happened in the show but I missed it, somehow).
And so, for anyone who might be wondering “Who’s Sam Foswell?” or “Which DC Comics does Sam Foswell appear in?” or other Google-able phrases that might lead people to this page, we present the definitive comic book history of this classic Superman supporting character (”classic” meaning “he was in the comics I read as a kid in the ‘90s”).
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Sam first showed up in Superman #51 (1991), soon after a storyline in which a satanic being/nightclub owner called Lady Blaze steals the souls of Jimmy Olsen and Perry White’s son, Jerry -- who is actually the biological son of Lex Luthor, but should NOT be confused with Lex Luthor II (for one thing, Jerry never slept with a gooey other-dimensional being shaped like Supergirl). Superman manages to save Jimmy and Jerry from Blaze’s hellish realm, but only one of them comes back to life. Unfortunately, it’s Jimmy. I mention all of this because, after the death of his son, Perry decides to quit being the Daily Planet’s editor-in-chief for a while and cedes that title to long-time staff member Sam Foswell, who must have worked in another floor, because we’d never seen this guy before.
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It’s pretty obvious right away that Perry would have been better off leaving a janitor or something in charge. In Superman #52, Foswell asks Clark for help using Perry’s computer and seems surprised to learn that those crazy Kent and Lane kids are working on a story together (they’ve been dating for so long that they’re already engaged). In Action Comics #665, he has to beg Clark to go from freelancer to full time staff member because he’s just way in over his head. Up until now, Foswell basically seems like a clueless grandpa running a major media outlet, but he’ll soon become far less adorable...
Clark’s full time salary must be pretty good, because in Superman: The Man of Steel #1, Foswell says the Planet is suddenly having money issues and fires some people. Among them is Jimmy Olsen, who literally just signed the lease on his first apartment, so excellent timing there, Sam. But hey, at least this means Jimmy’s concern that his new editor would “bust his chops” was unjustified! (Because he has no editor, because he’s unemployed.)
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(Fun fact: That other girl Foswell fires is secretly the daughter of a DC hero, as part of a storyline absolutely no one noticed, which I’ll write about another time.)
Jimmy only finds out he’s been fired in Superman #57, and he tells Foswell he’s gonna regret it. I’m not sure what Jimmy meant by that, but it probably wasn’t “I’m gonna spend several months homeless and living in my car until a drunken bar owner takes pity on me,” which is what happened. Anyway, on that same issue Foswell says he’s gonna write an editorial praising the Eradicator, who was in his “murder criminals and forcibly turn the Earth into Krypton” phase. When Clark objects, Foswell not so subtly threatens to fire him, even though he was practically kissing Clark’s ass just the other day.
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Foswell goes all “Mr. Slate from The Flintstones” on Clark again on Superman #58, this time because he thinks Clark overslept, like he does every time Superman has an early morning emergency. While at it, Foswell also gives Lois crap about some expense reports, leading to an adorable sequence where Clark kisses her at super-speed while she’s being chastised, without Foswell noticing. After going around firing and antagonizing people for several months, Foswell still seems baffled to learn that no one likes him in Adventures of Superman #481. Yeah, this guy’s not the most perceptive journalist ever.
Continuing his quest to become the most hateable Daily Planet staffer ever (not surnamed “Olsen”), Foswell writes an anti-Superman editorial in Superman #59 -- he says that if Superman really cared about Metropolis, he’d take over as CEO of LexCorp and create more jobs. Ironically, Foswell treats his own employees so poorly (the ones he hasn’t fired, I mean), that in Adventures #482 a bunch of them go on strike start heckling him... not very effectively, but it’s the thought that counts.
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Perry comes back to the Planet in in Action #670 and the first thing he does is call Foswell and the other higher ups a bunch of idiots for mistreating their employees. Foswell goes back to being a regular staffer after that, but he’s so unpopular that they finally kick him out in Action #677. Foswell tries to get a job at Newstime magazine (the DC Universe’s version of Newsweek and Time) in Superman #68, but the owner, Colin Thornton, basically tells him to go to Hell... which is a spoiler of where this story is going.
This is where things turn really dark for old Sam. The next time we see him, in Man of Steel #14, he’s at the cemetery visiting his wife and son (or someone else he affectionately called “Little Geoffrey,” anyway) and thinking about joining them. Even the Babadook is like “damn, poor guy”...
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And sure enough, in Superman #70 Foswell actually jumps off a bridge -- only for a beautiful angel to save him and promise that his fortunes will change if he “pledges himself” to her. Later that same issue, Foswell runs into Colin Thornton again and is offered a job as Newstime’s editor on the spot. Everything’s coming up Foswell! He even gets a smooch on the mouth from that hot angel!
Unfortunately, Foswell’s new “angel” girlfriend is actually the satanic Lady Blaze in disguise. This is leads to “The Blaze/Satanus War” saga (starting in Adventures #493), in which Blaze tries to invade Metropolis by teleporting demons through Foswell, since his soul belongs to her. In Action #680, she convinces Foswell that Superman wants to kill him for firing his pal Jimmy, so Sam fully gives himself to her and becomes a big, muscular demon creature (whom this blog dubbed “FosHELL”).
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In Man of Steel #15, Superman is told that the only way to prevent Metropolis from literally going to Hell is to kill Foswell. This seems like it’s setting up a big heroic sacrifice scene, which would have at least given the character a dignified end, but nah. Instead, Superman ends up teaming up with Blaze’s evil-but-less-evil-than-her brother, Lord Satanus, to defeat her.
Once Blaze is taken care of, Satanus restores Foswell to his dweeby human form in Superman #71... but only because he now owns Sam’s soul and thinks he might be useful some day. Oh yeah, and Satanus is secretly Foswell’s boss, Colin Thornton! So he owns the guy in both the earthly and the satanic realms.
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I guess his new demonic master never found a use for the guy, because this storyline was the last time we ever saw Sam Foswell... until he was brought back by a TV show in 2021. And he also got new art by our own Don Sparrow!* At last, everything really IS coming up Foswell. Until the show kills him off to bring back Perry White, anyway.
*Foswell fanatics can see Don’s full artwork without that pesky logo in our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51941393
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na-na-na-batcat · 5 years
After being flung into another dimension by a bunch of cultists, Billy finds himself on a strange and dangerous jaunt across the cosmos with none other than Superman himself as the two work together to try and find their way back home.
(or my take on how Billy met Superman which got really out of hand really fast)
Cast into a hellish realm, Billy and Superman work to find a way out, but an encounter with the powerful Lady Blaze and Lord Satanus - who claim a curious relation to the Wizard who granted Billy his powers - proves a major obstacle.
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Going through the folder of my Pinterest board I keep DC comic panels in and reminded of this gem
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Neron could split Champion from power with ease in Hell
Lady Blaze and Lord Satanus once were lords of Hell
… they could split Billy from Shazam if he ever step foot there
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wolfsbanesparks · 4 months
i just cant choose correctly, can i?
into the light?
Don't worry it's hard to keep track of what's all been asked about (and Boys Night was a surprisingly popular pick!)
So Into the Light would be the direct sequel to my first ever fic From the Shadows (my Billy gets adopted by the batfam AU)
Now I don't typically write sequels because I want my stories to feel complete without them, but I'm always open to the possibility that with the right motivation/inspiration a sequel can be fun to write.
(Also From the Shadows and Into the Light just sounds so cool as a duology)
So the plot would pick up almost immediately after From the Shadows as Billy and the batfam try to deal with the repercussions of what happened. Billy and Bruce in particular have to learn how to deal with balancing their new dynamic as both father and son as well as long term coworkers.
The JL is surprised and confused by the sudden shift in the relationship between Captain Marvel and Batman. Bruce wants Billy to tell them who he is but Billy is advantage that it remains a family secret.
Billy as the new wizard Shazam has to deal with brand new responsibilities around the Rock of Eternity and the magical community as well as establishing a new normal that includes being Captain Marvel, going to a new private school, and reconnecting with friends back in Fawcett City.
In the midst of all of this Lady Blaze and Lord Satanus are furious that Billy has taken what they consider their birthright as Shazam's children and are seeking to destroy Billy and his new family so they can reclaim their father's powers for themselves.
I think there's a lot of fun places a sequel could go in that particular au, and writing one could be a chance to address some of the things I wished I done in the first one (namely focus more on Billy’s connection to Fawcett City and the people there as it's hero)
I don't know when or even if I'd have time to write it but it was a lot of fun to consider the possibility!
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
We know that Lady Blaze and Lord Satanus made the switch from being super man villains to Captain Marvel villains in the comics, but are there any other DC villains you think could have made the switch over to being Captain Marvel's villains, too? Or the opposite, a villain of Captain Marvel going over to another superhero?
Ooh how fun!
Okay villains that could crossover to be Captain Marvel villains, in no particular order:
Klarion: as a Lord of Chaos, he's a bit more of a grey character than an outright villain, but I think they'd be good frenemies. Like Klarion causes chaos that Cap has to run around and set right but it's not necessarily hurting anyone. Also since Klarion is an eternal child, he'd be able to connect with Billy, convince him not to grow up so fast. (It's extra interesting if this is a Billy who also doesn't really age).
Mr Mxyzptlk: another Superman villain who is a 5th dimensional being that can only ve defeated by tricking into saying his own name (or some variation thereof). I can just see this rivalry playing out as an almost game, whoever says their word first loses. We'd get to see Cap flex his wisdom and implement creative solutions to the problem.
Circe: she is a character based on the mythological figure and typically fights Wonder Woman. She is a powerful witch with a grudge against the gods which can easily be transferred to the Champion of those gods. I can see her being a magical adversary who was on par with and at odds with Shazam too, so Cap would have to deal with her magical schemes.
Captain Marvel villains that could work for other heroes:
Mr Mind: fighting Green Lantern. So Mr. Mind is an alien (from Venus) who can control minds and may very well be an intergalactic criminal. The GL corps can reasonably want to take him down, sending in the GL from the same sector. I also have said before that pitting the characteristic willpower of a GL against his mind control would be really cool.
Sabbac: fighting Constantine. Obviously Sabbac has his roots in the occult, getting his powers from major demons, sometimes requiring blood sacrifice to seal the deal. It very much reads to me as a villain that Constantine may reasonably come across. I can see him trying (and failing) to stop the rise of Sabbac and being forced to use underhanded tricks to revert him to his human form and bind his powers.
Mr Atom: fighting Superman. Mr Atom is a giant near indestructible robot that wants to destroy humanity. Superman is one of the few heroes who would be strong enough to fight him, but his own compassion for humans and Earth would be a great contrast against Mr. Atom.
If you've got other suggestions I'd love to hear them!
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thedcdunce · 5 years
Lady Blaze
“I'm not one for endless and convoluted bureaucracy.” - Lady Blaze
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Real Name: Blaze
Angelica Blaze
Gender: Female
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black
Race: Human/Demon Hybrid
Demonic Physiology
Tactical Analysis
Universe: New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:  
Parents: Jebediah of Canaan; father
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: Action Comics #655 (July, 1990)
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Demonic Physiology
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability
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Tactical Analysis
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Blaze has been working behind the scenes for a long time and was involved in the creation of Superman villains Silver Banshee and Skyhook. A red-skinned demon with horns, she disguises herself as Metropolis nightclub owner Angelica Blaze to steal souls. Superman follows her to Hell to fight for the souls of Jimmy Olsen and Perry White's son Jerry. Superman manages to save Jimmy Olsen, but Blaze succeeds in taking Jerry White's soul.
Blaze later appeared in Fawcett City where she took a new mortal guise as a mob boss. Her plans for the city were foiled by Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family. It was also revealed that she and Satanus were only half-demons, their father being the wizard Shazam, and that it was Blaze who corrupted Black Adam.
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Reign in Hell
Blaze is seen to be going along with a revolution staged by her brother Satanus against the lord of hell Neron.
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