#Lake of Death
antvnger · 1 year
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Nope. I haven’t. I’d definitely remember a title like that. What on earth is it?
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justaz · 2 months
arthur is immortal in the same way merlin is immortal, he can die but he bounces back after a while. merlin putting arthurs body on a boat and sending him out onto the lake but not burning him as he did to lancelot and freya. merlin disappearing off the face of the earth, unable to go back to camelot where every stone is carved with arthur's name, every room holds the faintest echo of his laughter, the shadows cast by the flickering flames of torches match each line and curve of arthur's body which merlin had memorized after years of dressing and undressing him, wandering and lingering hands that were just casual enough to pass off as platonic.
arthur crawling out of the lake the night after the morning merlin put him to rest, dazed, confused, and alive. arthur searches for merlin but can't find him. he's disappeared. gwen rules camelot as queen, she lifts the ban on magic, and rules fairly. arthur is content to leave his kingdom with her as he searches the land for merlin. he visits every place he and merlin every visited but he's nowhere to be found. time passes but arthur only grows more desperate. he's sure he's searched every inch of albion twice. no merlin.
enough time passes, everyone he's known has died and he looks exactly as he did when mordred drove his blade into his abdomen. arthur is forced to admit to himself that enough time has passed that merlin was bound to have died, leaving arthur all alone. immortal merlin is literally like chilling in ireland or some shit. but both immortal idiots are living in the same area and end up just missing each other. literally like end up holding the door to a coffee shop for one another but they don't meet each other's gazes bc they're busy mourning each other
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xamiipholia · 8 months
I get a surge of serotonin every time I see a creator sticking to their guns.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I was attending a funeral and to commemorate the deceased, we watched an animated Christmas film where it appeared that the animators had never once seen a child before. The film got really intensely into elf politics in the end.
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fanofspooky · 3 months
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Scream Queen - Mary Elizabeth Winstead
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zowiemortem · 11 days
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Them again :>
Death Stranding AU (yup... Veteran Porter Case Casey... you know if you know.)
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 9 months
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bettergeology · 5 months
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Taking a stroll in the ephemeral brines of Death Valley.
As a basin completely isolated from the sea, Death Valley is the ultimate sink and final destination for all of the surface and groundwater for an immense area of eastern California and central Nevada. Following an unusually wet summer and winter of 2023/2024, a lake as deep as 3 feet filled the salt pan on the flood of Death Valley and brought back a glimpse of how it must have looked when the valley contained a permanent lake in the geologic past.
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Strong winds during my last visit actually pushed the lake some two miles to the north, churning up the sediment and mud of the lake bottom and turning the water to the color and consistency of chocolate milk. As the salty water evaporates from the surrounding mud, it draws the salt into long, threadlike crystals that turn the salt flats fuzzy for a brief time.
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artbyfuji · 2 days
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Rosebird Week Day 6: First & Last Kiss 🥀
"The Lovers II" - Rene Magritte (1928)
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fictionadventurer · 27 days
The essay about the fairy tale influences on the Little House series goes into great detail about all the fairy tale elements of Little House in the Big Woods, and mentions how the series ends with Laura marrying her "Prince Charming", but I'm disappointed that it completely failed to mention:
Mr. Edwards is portrayed as almost a magical helper. His "wildcat from Tennessee" characterization draws from tall tale traditions like Davy Crockett--a distinctly American legendary figure come to help the frontier family. The fact that he's portrayed as literally meeting and collaborating with Santa Claus. The way he shows up several books later as a deus ex machina to help Pa get his homestead--almost like the fairy tale trope of the magical creature getting help from the hero early on and then coming back to help the hero.
The moment with the wolves on Silver Lake that's portrayed like a mystical encounter with some grand and tragic fairy king.
The moment in the fairy ring at the end of Silver Lake, and how these two moments create a fairy tale theme about the tension between the magical and the mundane as the prairie is settled.
Cap Garland having an almost magical sense of direction that helps him to reach the town and get help when the schoolteacher is leading the rest of the students the wrong way.
Almanzo and Cap going on a fairy tale quest to find the potentially-mythical supplies that could save the whole town.
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justaz · 2 months
oh fuck merlin following after arthur for five seasons, at his heel following him into every battle, every fight, every quest without regard for his own safety. arthur dying on the shore of that damn lake and merlin dying with him but his body remains. arthur goes to avalon and merlin is forced to stay on earth. merlin can’t follow arthur this time. this is one journey merlin and arthur can’t take together. two halves split and kept apart for over fifteen hundred years. goddamn it. these fucking assholes never fail to make me cry. i hate them i hate them i hate them i hate them
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the-great-anteater · 3 months
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Speaking of this my post.... I think, every chacracter kinda sees Laura in a different way.
All 4 arts under the cut!
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joethehoeee · 3 months
Rise of titans actually made me laugh for so stupid reasons and I wanted to share this with you.
It's insane honestly.
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Barb is like 😯
Mrs. Lake, your son is falling to a cruel and unimaginably painful death and THAT is your reaction? Even you won't be able to fix him up after that, even if you are a good doctor.
Strickler looks so desprately fearful as if it is the worst thing he could ever imagine (it may be) and Barb is like "oh, well, surprised he made it this far"
Where did the worried mother from 3 damn seasons go? Why is she not here.
And before you ask, this is not just an unconventional screenshot, it's the whole shot. (as far as I remember, tbh I refuse to rewatch it more than once)
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Like real talk, this is so funny to me.
The difference is insane...(I should stop using that word...but I don't know anything else)
Walter could be used for memes tbh.
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I BEG YOU ALL. Make memes as much as you can. Unrelated or related to trollhunters. That would be so funny !!! We need to take over the fandom!
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SUMMARY: Four people attempt to stop a gigantic crocodile, who is terrorizing residents in Black Lake, Maine.
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serickswrites · 4 months
Lake Lachrymose
Part 2
Warnings: captivity, bruises, restraints, torture, rescue, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, caretaker and whumpee, implied death
Caretaker took a moment to breathe. Whumper was in cuffs, their reign of terror over. It was a nightmare how long it took them to find and defeat Whumper. But Whumper would no longer be a problem.
Whumper's compound was on the edge of a remote lake. A place that Whumper had used to dispose of their victims and also torture them. A place that Caretaker was sure they would never return. They couldn't look at the lake's still surface without seeing the pictures of the victims.
Now they just had to check the compound for survivors of Whumper's torture. As Caretaker swept each room carefully, checking for any signs of life, they tried to stop themself from imagining the pain Whumper's victims endured. No more. There would be no more.
Just when Caretaker thought that they had cleared every room, they opened the last door to see someone chained to a wall and huddled in the corner. They were hunched low, shielding their face with their outstretched hands. "Please, no more!"
Caretaker took a step forward. "I'm here to help. I--" they reached out a hand to the person.
"PLEASE!" They shrieked as they flattened themself against the wall. "I DON'T! NO MORE! I CAN'T!"
Caretaker could see the bruises marring the person's pale skin. Clearly they had fought Whumper every step of the way. Caretaker stopped moving forward. They dropped to their knees to be on the person's eye level. "I'm Caretaker. I won't hurt you. I promise. I'm here to get you out of this place."
The person paused. "C-Caretaker?"
Caretaker smiled and nodded. "Let's get you out of these cuffs. We'll get you out of here and to the warm truck. I've got blankets. The medics will take a look at you too."
Caretaker waited for the person to give them a signal they could proceed. Caretaker watched as their breathing slowed until they finally nodded. As Caretaker worked to uncuff the person, they asked, "What's your name?"
"Whumpee," the person said, eyes following every move Caretaker made. "My name is Whumpee."
"Nice to meet you, Whumpee," Caretaker said as they freed one of Whumpee's wrists. "I've got you. You're safe now."
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ghostofashina · 4 months
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And I don't feel ready. I feel like I can't do anything.
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