#Laura Dekker
karihighman · 2 years
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⬆️ screenshot from our podcast wishlist episode. This was one of mine under “possible guest stars” for feds.
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Y’all don’t understand my secret circle fangirl heart is very happy rn okay?! 😅🙌 (see the person in the YouTube comments gets it!) ⬇️
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PS: Here’s The Rookie Feds x The Rookie crossover part 2 promo ⬇️
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shelbbswrites · 2 years
I couldn’t pass up the chance to write about how The Rookie & The Rookie: Feds’ crossover delivers a fascinating The Secret Circle reunion.
I even wrote a bit about how Feds reunites two of my favorite actors from ABC’s Rebel —James Lesure and Kevin Zegers.
Click the link to check it out!
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Due to the high volume of your complaints, we have developed a standardized reply form. Please circle all that apply.
It is [2001/2010/2019/2024] and I am writing this comment because I am mad about a young woman on a sailboat because [Ellen MacArthur/Laura Dekker/Greta Thunberg/Cole Brauer] [cried in a video/is alone without her parents/wants to fix global warming/wore a hat that says “feminist”]. I will now go and [Soak my head/Clean my room/Apologize to my female friends/Bathe].
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lynchiangf · 1 year
um. ik wou dat ik wat vrijer was zo vrij als laura dekker was‼️
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limefrogg · 7 months
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Experiment Perilous
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Hedy Lamarr turned down LAURA and GASLIGHT (both 1944) before agreeing to let MGM loan her to RKO for Jacques Tourneur’s EXPERIMENT PERILOUS (1944, Criterion Channel, TCM), a film combining elements of both. As in the former, the leading man (George Brent here) falls in love with the leading lady (Lamarr) after seeing her portrait, and though talked about extensively, she’s kept off-screen until well into the running time. As in the latter, it’s the tale of a woman whose husband (Paul Lukas) is trying to make her appear insane. The filmmakers even changed the setting of Margaret Carpenter’s novel from the present to 1903, ostensibly feeling the passive heroine wouldn’t be believable as a modern woman (had they seen other Hollywood films?), but possibly to ride on GASLIGHT’s coattails. The film is quite beautiful to look at, with Tourneur’s careful attention to period detail, Tony Gaudio’s shadowy photography and RKO’s art department turning studio streets into New York City in the winter. Sadly, any resemblance to GASLIGHT ends there. Lukas’ motivation for manipulating the leading lady, jealousy, isn’t as focused as Charles Boyer’s or Clifton Webb’s. Critics have suggested he’s trying to control her sexuality, but since she’s presented as beautiful but innocent, that doesn’t ring true. And Brent, in a role originally intended for first Cary Grant and then Gregory Peck, is a big neutron star of acting here. There are a lot of scenes in which he’s on-screen alone, and it’s like staring at nothing, which is a pity given his strong work opposite Bette Davis and Barbara Stanwyck. It’s a relief when the film moves into an extended flashback without him. Lamarr and many critics have hailed her performance as her best. She’s very effective when we first see her as Lukas’ nervous, uncertain wife and in the flashbacks in which she convincingly plays a wide-eyed country girl. But after a while it becomes clear that she isn’t really connecting to her co-stars. She turns to face the camera a little too often to create big dramatic moments with nothing behind them. And she has a confrontation that’s supposed to be climactic but seems as committed as her ill-advised Joan of Arc in the more ill-advised THE STORY OF MANKIND. Lukas, however, is very strong, even when the character makes no sense, and you also get good support from Albert Dekker as Brent’s sculptor friend, Olive Blakeney as Lukas’ sister, Margaret Wycherly as Brent’s maid, Stephanie Bachelor as the woman he dumps for Lamarr and Julia Dean as Lamarr’s maid.
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afactaday · 1 year
#740: the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe by boat was Laura Dekker, who left Gibraltar at the age of 14 and landed at 16. Zac Sunderland was the first under-18 to circumnavigate, and his younger sister Abby attempted to beat him but had to abandon ship. the youngest circumnavigation by plane (solo) was by Mack Rutherford at the age of 17, and the youngest circumnavigation by motorcycle was Kane Avellano at 23. youre allowed to do the ocean bits by boat/plane which i think is cheating.
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alberixz · 1 year
Conozcan a Laura Dekker, la mujer màs joven en dar la vuelta al mundo en un bote.
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seabattical · 2 years
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tudorscharlot · 5 years
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Maidentrip (Jillian Schlesinger, 2013)
This is a documentary about the Dutch girl, Laura Dekker, who embarked on an around-the-world solo sailing trip when she was 14 years old. It is largely comprised of footage she herself shot while on the sea. It’s edited in a pretty straightforward way (in other words, it’s not very artsy), but it’s really good.
I feel like the important thing that this film is saying is that some people just don’t fit into the society they were born into, and we really should let them live the life they need - even if they are young and even if the world is scary. Even if it goes against things we’ve agreed are right and good for almost everybody else. Dekker dealt with a huge legal battle with the Dutch government when she first announced her plan, but she was ultimately allowed to make her trip. Obviously it would be a different situation assessing what happened if she’d died at sea - and just because it didn’t happen doesn’t mean that it couldn’t have. But it didn’t happen. She was allowed the chance to do something huge, and she succeeded. She was right that she was fully capable of sailing around the globe by herself. It would have been terrible for her to be denied this experience, and our world would have a little less magic in it if she hadn’t taken her trip when she did. 
When she speaks about how right she feels alone at sea and how anxious and unnatural it feels to be on land and around people, I don’t see anything wrong with that. While I am pretty darned introverted, I absolutely need all of my people. But some folks do not require much human contact, and I think we should leave space in the world for them.
Cheers to Laura Dekker and her friends, Neptune and Bird.
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Laura Dekker (b. 1995) is a Dutch-born sailor from New Zealand. In 2012, she became the youngest person to ever sail around the world solo, at the age of 16.
After several legal hurdles related to her very young age, her record-breaking attempt began in 2010, when she departed from Gibraltar. The full circumnavigation of the world was completed 518 days later. 
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blowingfacts365 · 7 years
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In 2011, Laura Dekker, the Dutch girl, became the youngest person to sail around the world solo. She did it in a year and celebrated her 16th birthday on the trip.  (Source)
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artfilmfan · 7 years
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Maidentrip (Jillian Schlesinger, 2013)
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mulberryrain · 7 years
As soon as I get on my boat, something inside me changes. Then I really feel what living is.
Laura Dekker
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waywardsparrownz · 6 years
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   I suppose I neglected mentioning, Finchly & I each had our own reasons for visiting. The sparrow’s former girlfriend apparently hadn’t gotten on well with the German backpacker she’d dumped Finchly for. He’d heard she was somewhere round town & had grand plans for winning her back. My openly stated opinion this was a terrible idea fell on very deaf ears. Oh well.
   I was in town on very different business: paying homage to my greatest hero. Laura Dekker is a young woman who sailed round the world at 14 years old. Solo no less. I’d met her very briefly nearly a year ago when she did a talk not far form my home town. Since the voyage, she’s settled in Whangarei, New Zealand, & continues to inspire with occasional blog posts. I’d heard she was selling her famous boat Guppy, & wanted to get a look before Guppy was gone for good. Laura Dekker was the person  who’d gotten me started dreaming about travel, so this stop was something of a must.
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  Stumbled across her mooring (quite lucky, considering Whangarei harbor is on the river & very spread out), took a couple photos & continued on towards Parahaki mountain thinking that was that. It was not to be so, New Zealand had other plans…
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  The oft mentioned Isla de Muerta from Pirates of the Caribbean ”…can only be found by those who already know where it is”, & I might say the same of the trailhead up Parahaki mountain. A friendly local had given me some very specific directions without-which I should never have stumbled across the spot. Definitely caught myself asking more than once on the way through residential neighborhoods if this was the right way.
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  That was when the Subaru drove by. The Subaru with Laura Dekker’s logo splashed across the side in giant letters. Well that’s cool, I told myself: she must live in one of these neighborhoods. Rounding the next corner I ran smack-dab into the aforementioned Subaru, parked neatly beside Parahaki’s elusive trailhead. Disembarking from the driver’s side  was a younger man with chiseled features carrying a 5 gallon water drum & good length of rope. Asked him for directions to Whangarei Falls, & wound up walking up the mountain together. Daniel was Laura Dekker’s partner as it turned out, quite an adventurous & interesting fellow. Told me a bit about his own travels, & life in Whangarei. The 5 gallon jug was for collecting water as it turned out. Daniel & Laura didn’t like how much chlorine is in NZ tap water (neither do I or anyone else for that matter), & prefer to get their drinking-water from natural springs. Best water you’ll ever find! It never hurts to carry a water purifying system, but I’ll happily testify that the water in NZ springs (esp on the south island) is better than anything you’ll ever get from a faucet.  
  The conversation wound it’s way to glowworms, with Daniel telling me about one or two rather off-the-beaten-path spots one might find them. Too bad I was leaving so soon or he’d have shown me some. Alas… an adventure for another day. You never know who you’re gonna meet in New Zealand, let alone the cool adventures they’ll take you on…
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  Parting ways I headed up to the summit, leaving Daniel to his quest for freshwater. Maybe I’d go glowworm hunting tonite… The view from Parahaki’s summit is nothing short of breathtaking. Whangarei sprawled  out across a wide river valley coastline. Jungle covered hills frame & contain the small city, rolling away in the distance to ancient volcanos at the horizon’s edge. The Hatea river greets the ocean somewhere at the edge of the opposite horizon. This landscape dissolving into a confused coastline of a thousand scattered inlets. My eyes wandered between the two, well away lost in the contours of this magical land.
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  Off & away! Whangarei falls were calling & having seen many photos I’d been wanting to see them since landing in New Zealand. Daniel had  given me some pretty solid directions, which I had (in typical fashion) totally forgotten by now. Also in typical fashion I figured there was probably a shortcut somewhere along the way (aka - unmarked trails). That assumption proved incorrect - leading to a speedy dash down an 82 degree incline, followed shortly by a resigned slough 1/2 a mile back up said 82 degree incline trail. The idea had seemed so promising…
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  Some two hours later the falls  were in sight at last! Wild, roaring & powerful, they stood in stark contrast to an otherwise peaceful river. I scrambled up as close as I could get, & ducked behind the curtain of  rushing water. What a sound! Treacherously slippery, but utterly magical. I stood beneath the cascading falls as long as I could before getting soaked, feeling absolutely ecstatic to be alive. Spent as long as I could crawling around the falls before heading back. This time, down through the valley via the highway; rather than back over Parahaki mountain via that convoluted trail system. Got a  ride back to the harbor after a few miles walking & caught up with Finchly over early dinner back at the hostel.
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  His day hadn’t gone nearly so well. Not too surprising, as few ex-girlfriends welcome the overtures of a former lover who’s just barged noisily into the middle of their peaceful (& expensive) meditation retreat. Finchly was still at a loss for where he’d gone wrong on that one. Offering to cheer him up I suggested we go glowworm hunting at one of the spots Daniel had mentioned. This then had to be  quickly followed with an explanation that: No, hunting did not mean for eating purposes! Sometimes I forget these sort of subtle distinctions when in the company of birds. Trust me: none of my slip-ups have ever gotten anyone eaten or in trouble (insert wink emoji here).
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  I brought my camera for this trip. Climbing Parahaki for the second time that day, we were nearly eaten alive by mosquitos (sparrows don’t like how the pests taste, so Finchly wasn’t very helpful warding them off), but rewarded for our efforts in the most spectacular view of Whangarei at dusk. Wandering towards the supposed glowworm sight, I started to wonder if there were  any here at all. Then Finchly spotted something glowing in a faint, flickery, teal. So faint we weren’t sure if we imagined it or not. Then I glimpsed another one, & another… Three more! Ten more! Suddenly we were surrounded. Thousands of them popping into existence as darkness fell upon us. If you’ve seen the movie  “Avatar,” that should give you a vague idea what the forest around us looked like. Except ten-thousand-times more beautiful for all it’s realness. Absolute magic! A sea of teal stars lighting up the ferns & cliff walls in ghostly beams. The photos I managed to get don’t do my memories one ounce of justice, but they’ll have to do until you’re inspired enough for your own glowworm seeking adventure.
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  Coincidently (or maybe not: I’m believing in coincidences less & less these days) we ran into Daniel a little farther down the trail. He was out showing some friends the hidden treasures of Whangarei forest at night. Wound up joining the party, hunting for giant Wetas in the nearby caves. A night to remember! Still smiling thinking about it…
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jurassicparkpodcast · 6 years
Jurassic Park 25th Anniversary Celebration at Universal Studios! - Bonus Episode
Welcome to The Jurassic Park Podcast! In this Bonus Episode, we revisit the amazing 25th Anniversary Celebration for Jurassic Park at Universal Studios! Tons of fans were able to experience incredible panels with Colin Trevorrow, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Frank Marshall among many other incredible guests. We'll bring you audio from the panels and many people in attendance. We worked side by side with Victoria's Cantina, Chris Cross Media, Sickle Claw, Jurassic Jen, Cat Dekker to bring you audio and we'll hear from other incredible listeners! Sit back, relax and ENJOY this episode of The Jurassic Park Podcast!
See What We Did Celebration Weekend!
Don't Miss Victoria Cantina's Coverage!
Don't Miss Matt's Coverage!
This Week's Guest Contributors:
Chris Cross Media
Victoria's Cantina
Matt aka Sickle Claw
Cat Dekker
Jurassic Jen
Steven Ray Morris
Don't forget to give our voicemail line a call at 732-825-7763!
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