#Law & Order: SVU Imagine
megalony · 13 days
Little Flirt
It's been a while, but this is a new Nick Amaro imagine, requested by the lovely @ilikestuffs-stuff. I hope you will all like it, please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana @shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii @bellsbomb @western-pyro @itsgigikay
Summary: Nick is about to head home when he realises he's left some stuff at the precinct. So he takes his daughter with him to retrieve them, and the team meet his little girl.
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"Alright beautiful," Nick murmured softly as he kissed the top of Sophie's head, brushing his thumb across her rosy cheek when she leaned into him.
He bounced her on his hip, grinning to himself when she cosied up further into his chest like it was the middle of winter and she was trying to keep warm. Her hand was clutching his overcoat and her face was nuzzled down against his shoulder.
When he moved his hand from her cheek to rub up and down her back, she let out a content hum and started tapping her hand against his chest, still clinging to edge of his coat.
It wasn't often that Nick finished early enough to pick Sophie up from daycare, but today had been a half day since he had done the last three days in a row and worked late into the night on each shift. Leaving earlier meant he could pick Sophie up on his way home rather than (Y/n) having to come out and collect her and it meant Nick got a bit of time with his girl, one on one.
He reached the car and sat Sophie in his right arm so he could open the door and lean in to buckle her in. He clipped her in and pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek which caused her to squeal.
She was only eighteen months old, but she was as cheeky as a ten year old and she knew just how to get Nick round her little finger. She was the apple of his eye.
"Are you ready?" He grinned when she smiled and nodded, not knowing what he was asking, only understanding his smile that radiated down at her.
Once she was in, Nick headed round and climbed in the driver's seat. He had livened up when he went in to get Sophie, but now he was starting to feel drained again. He knew once he got home he would be having something to eat and then he would spark out for a nap with Sophie. Neither of them would be doing much for the rest of the afternoon.
He turned on the ignition and glanced to the right when he got his phone from his pocket and tossed it on the passenger seat.
Where were his case files?
A deep frown set in his brow and he leaned across, moving his badge, the few takeout coffee cups and the pacifier and toys he had cluttering the seat. He stretched across to reach into the passenger footwell which seemed to tickle Sophie who giggled like he had just fallen over.
He needed those files. He had to up early in the morning to go down to court and be a witness. He had to have those files so he knew all of the relevant information and he needed the release papers for a suspect. After court Nick was meant to pick up a suspect from the cells. All those documents had to go with him so he could prepare tonight and then take them tomorrow to get the suspect, he couldn't get them released without the paperwork.
"Fuck." He tossed the empty cups and sat back in his seat, closing his eyes as he threw his head back.
Did he even pick them up from his desk? He had been in a rush to leave. The moment Liv said he could go home early, Nick packed up, grabbed his keys and shot out the squad room. He sent (Y/n) a quick message saying he would grab Sophie and would be home soon and came down here.
He didn't remember grabbing those files from his desk drawer.
Turning in his seat, Nick looked into the back where Sophie had her hand stuffed into her mouth, drooling happily as she wriggled from side to side along with the music on the radio.
"We're gonna make a detour to daddy's office, how's that sound?"
When she grinned, Nick reached out to shake her foot playfully before he spun round and put the car into gear. He didn't want to go back. He just wanted to go home, but the station was only ten minutes away and he could be in and out in two minutes. All he had to do was grab the files from his drawer and be right back out again.
He could hear Sophie giggling in the back and it made a smile light up his face. He leaned his elbow on the door and dragged his hand through his hair, brushing the forming curls back and causing them to stand on end in waves. He could feel a headache forming behind his eyes. He needed a drink and something to eat. He needed to sit down with his girls rather than work twenty hours a day on this case.
By the time he got back to the station and parked out front, Nick didn't feel like he had any energy within him to get out, let alone drive back home after he'd grabbed what he needed.
But he pushed himself out the car and ran his hands up and down his face before he opened the back door. No way was he leaving his toddler in the car, even if it would only take him a minute to grab what he needed. Someone snatching his daughter wasn't a risk he would ever take.
"Come're beautiful." He cooed, unstrapping her and cuddling her to his chest once again.
She was at the stage where she could walk now, not amazingly well, Sophie tended to keep her legs straight and kick her feet out a lot. But she could still walk, and if Nick had the time and the energy he would have put her down and let her walk for a bit. But that would take time and he didn't want to risk anyone knocking into her.
People were always rushing around, places to be and interviews they were late for. It wouldn't take much for someone to bump into her and send her flying or step back and stand on her without realising.
He loved the way Sophie looped her arm around the back of his neck and started to kick her legs that were settled around the side of his torso. When he felt her hand begin to bash on his chest as he walked into the reception, he reached up and took hold of her hand.
He swayed their hands back and forth as he headed straight down the hall towards the stairs at the back. He couldn't be bothered to wait for the lift.
"Where are we going? Daddy's work, yeah?" He murmured against the side of her head as they headed up the stairs and he bounced her in his arm just so she would giggle and wriggle against his chest.
The squadroom didn't look as empty as it did when he left. A few people were milling about, waiting for someone to take their statements and to have official interviews. There were more officers in here than usual and the phones were ringing and everyone was moving about trying to answer them.
For a dreaded moment, Nick thought walking back in here might make Liv change her mind and ask him to stay on until late. But when Sophie tapped his chest to get his attention, a wave of ease overcame him. He couldn't. He couldn't be asked to stay when he had his daughter here in his arms. She was his ticket back home.
"What, baby?" He whispered, leaning his head to one side as he tilted back to look at her properly.
His cheeks creased as a wide smile took over his features when his girl patted her hand on his cheek and leaned close. Nick obliged, leaning forward so he could kiss her. She was being sweet. Usually when she wanted a kiss, Sophie would just grab his face roughly in her hands and drag him close so she could get what she wanted.
Once he'd kissed her, twice, Nick smothered his lips against her temple and walked into the room.
He weaved around two officers stood talking to who he presumed would be a new case victim and his hand moved to rub up and down Sophie's back soothingly. He wasn't too sure if the noise in the station and the tense atmosphere might make her uneasy, but she seemed very content and eager to look around.
Once he was stood in front of his desk, Nick leaned forward and pointed towards the photo frame next to the phone.
"Who's that?"
A quiet "Mama," passed Sophie's lips as she grinned, showing off her little teeth and her tongue that poked out and made her look positively devilish.
It was one of Nick's favourite photos from his birthday two years ago, showing him with a dark pair of sunglasses, a beer raised in his hand and his arm around (Y/n). She had the brightest smile he had ever seen and Nick's chin perched on top of her head because (Y/n) always said they were 'like two pieces of a puzzle that slotted together just right.'
Keeping Sophie tilted into his chest, Nick leaned back and bent his knees so he could open his top desk drawer. He rummaged around and nodded to himself when he saw the files he thought he had picked up earlier. Those were what he needed; they could go home now.
Just as he shut the drawer, Nick leaned up straight and his eyes widened when a loud squeal passed Sophie's lips. She started to wriggle and her hand patted against her mouth, making a loud popping sound as she continued to squeal and laugh.
Nick cast his wide eyes around the station, trying to find what had caught his daughter's attention. And a soft sigh passed his lips that curved into a tepid grin when he looked and noticed Amanda heading right in their direction.
She had seen the girl in his arms and was making grabbing hands with wide eyes and an open mouth in shock.
Nick had never brought Sophie down to the station before. He never actually told the rest of the team that he had a little girl waiting at home for him. It never came up. Not everyone divulged personal information until they got to know everyone, and Nick was no different.
He didn't want to talk about Sophie. He never knew who might be listening and with the kind of people they brought in for questioning and had in custody around here, talking about his daughter didn't feel safe. It was easier not to.
She was his little girl and he liked having her as his secret, his and his alone, waiting at home for him.
He let a smile pull at his lips and he leaned Sophie back against his chest when he watched Amanda hurry over towards them.
"Who is this cutie?" Amanda's eyes danced between Nick and the little girl in his arms who she had never seen before. She held her hand out to which Sophie instantly took hold of and began swaying it back and forth in front of her like it was a toy to mess with.
"This is Sophie." He moved her a little bit higher on his hip and braced his other hip against the counter when Sophie started to move.
She began to wriggle around in his arms, swaying from side to side but she kept her left arm looped around Nick's neck like an insurance policy. Making sure he wasn't about to let her go or hand her over to someone she didn't know.
"I didn't know you had nieces."
Amanda smiled and leaned her right hand on the desk while she let Sophie sway her other hand in the air. She smoothed her thumb over the back of her hand and grinned across at her. She had no idea Nick had any kids in his family. She knew he had a little sister and that he was close to all the women in his family, but she didn't know much other than that.
"Uh, I don't. This is my baby girl." It was as if Sophie understood every word he said because she flashed her pearly whites and let go of Amanda's hand to grip the collar of his shirt instead. "Careful," He murmured, leaning his head forward towards her so she didn't strangle him with the force she yanked on his collar.
"Oh, wow." The surprise was evident in her eyes but her smile never wavered as she folded her arms over her chest and perched on the edge of his desk.
This was a new development.
Nick pressed a kiss to Sophie's cheek when she began tugging on his collar, subsequently undoing the first few buttons in the process. When she wriggled again, Nick sighed through a smile and leaned down, letting her stand on her own two feet.
There weren't many people nearby so she wasn't in danger of bumping into anyone or getting in the way. He would follow right behind her like a shadow if she tried to wander off and he would scoop her up if needed.
He could see she was excited at the prospect of being able to toddle around, her wide eyes were roaming around as if she was searching for trouble to scout out.
"How old is she?"
"Eighteen months." Nick folded his arms over the back of his chair but when he clocked his eyes on the files he had placed on his desk, he moved one hand to his pocket. He fished around for his keys and placed them on top of the file of documents, that way he wouldn't forget them for a second time.
His eyes followed Sophie as she started to bend her knees like she was doing a little dance. And when she twisted her head to look up at her dad like she was searching for approval, Nick grinned down at her and poked his tongue between his teeth.
A loud babble left her lips and she turned around, stomping her feet down on the spot before she looked in the other direction near the coffee station.
Nick looked behind him to see what had caught his daughter's attention and he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck when he realised she was looking over at Carisi.
Well, he knew bringing Sophie into the squad meant them all finding out about her, and it was too late now anyway. Amanda had already seen her and would no doubt fill in the rest of the team if he left now. He may as well let his girl wander round and see the team for a bit before they headed back home.
And it was endearing to see the way Carisi rose a brow and planted his hands on his hips when he saw the little girl staring intently at him.
She grinned, tangling her hands in front of her as she slowly trotted towards him, kicking her feet rather than properly bending her knees as she walked. Nick was rather surprised that she was so eager to go up to him, she was usually a little nervous and apprehensive around people she didn't know.
But with a wide grin that showed off her teeth and her tongue poking out, Sophie headed over to Carisi who squatted down to be level with her. He clasped his hands together between his thighs and smiled sweetly at her when she got close.
"Hi there sweetheart, where'd you come from?" When she tapped on his arm, Carisi held his hands out to see what she wanted. He let her take his hand but he was more than surprised when she shuffled forward to stand up close to him so their noses were almost touching.
A little babble left her lips and her eyes creased when she grinned which caused her nose to crinkle. She patted her hand down on his and said something else that Carisi couldn't make head nor tails of.
His eyes widened when her arms suddenly looped around his neck. She tugged and pulled until he realised she wanted to be picked up.
"Ahh…" His eyes scanned around, trying to see whose child she was so he wasn't overstepping any boundaries.
She could be the kid of a victim who had come in to make a statement. Carisi doubted she would be a suspect's child or in a suspect's custody or else the protective services would already be here to take her somewhere safe. And uniformed police wouldn't come here with their children, so he figured she was either a victim's child or one of their own detective's kid.
He narrowed his eyes when he caught Nick and Amanda both watching him and when Nick nodded, Carisi gingerly lifted the little girl up and stood back to his feet.
He walked over towards them, looking between them and the little girl who seemed to have taken a liking to him.
"What's your name?" He murmured softly, raising a brow when all he got in return was a quiet but rather chirpy 'fee'.
"Sophie." Nick corrected, emphasising the first syllable which his girl hadn't managed to master yet. He found it rather endearing the way she could only say the last syllable of her name, but they were working on pronouncing as she was finally starting to get some vocabulary.
"Don't tell me she's yours." Carisi bounced her in his arms, admiring the way she started to giggle and how it caused her to look rather devilish when she squinted her eyes and flashed her front teeth.
"My baby," He confirmed, holding his hands out to take her back into his arms. He kissed her cheek and rubbed his hand up and down her back, but he rose a brow when she kept looking over towards Carisi.
Her hands gathered against her chest like she was praying and when Carisi leaned down a little to look at her, she burst into a fit of giggles. She buried her cheek into her dad's neck, half hiding her face as she cuddled into him, clearly flustered at the attention. She had found a new friend.
"You're a little flirt, you know that?" Nick commented with a huff of indignation as he looked at his little girl.
Of course she didn't know what he was saying, but she knew enough to tilt her head up and kiss his cheek like she was buttering him up. Sophie already knew all she had to do was kiss Nick or cuddle up to him and she would have him wrapped around her finger.
"She's adorable, why didn't you tell us you had a little girl?"
"Just never came up." Nick murmured back while he smothered his lips against the top of his girl's head.
He bounced her in his arms and swayed from left to right as she cuddled into him again. He could tell that she was getting tired, she would be due a nap soon and Nick was already running on his last energy reserves. They both needed to head home for the afternoon and recover.
"Who let you two back in the building?"
Liv's voice rung out through the air and pointed across to her so Sophie would look and see who was heading their way towards the middle of the squad room.
"Hi Sophie, hi." A bright smile lit up Liv's face and she reached her hand out to brush Sophie's cheek. "How are you?" Her other hand tucked into her pocket and she leaned her head to one side as Sophie nodded. The happy expression on her face told Liv that she was okay and had been since the last time she had seen her.
"You knew, about her?"
"Of course I knew."
Nick could hardly keep this kind of information from Liv when she was his partner at work. She had seen him take a few worried calls from (Y/n), regarding their daughter. She had also seen Sophie on a few occasions. And now Liv was their Captain, she had to know who Nick's emergency contacts were and any dependants he had back home that relied on him.
She needed to know about his family in case anything happened to him on the job and she had to alert his emergency contact. Or if something happened at home and Nick would need to leave work to be with his family.
"Do you want a chocolate, sweetie?" Reaching behind her, Amanda scoured her desk until she found the bar of chocolate she hadn't opened yet. She was more than willing to share with the newest member of their team.
Nick turned to look at Amanda, a tender smile on his face but he shook his head.
He looked down at his girl, dragging his hand softly up and down her back while he murmured "What do we say?" against her temple and shook his head again.
All eyes fell onto Sophie when she lifted one hand and gently shook her index finger along with twisting her head from left to right. A quiet round of "No, no no," left her lips which caused a few soft laughs to befall the group as they watched her.
"She's allergic to milk, aren't you baby?"
They had to be cautious what they gave Sophie, she was allergic to most types of milk, even the baby formula. They had to buy a special product that didn't flare her skin up in blotches or make her throat swell or cause her to be sick. It meant no cheese, no regular drinking milk, no chocolate and they had to check all the treats and food they gave Sophie to try since she was able to eat little bits of normal food now.
When she got older they would have to buy her special varieties of chocolate that was made without milk and find biscuits and lots of snacks that she would be able to have.
"Oh, sorry. I'll find you some milk-free treats next time, honey." Amanda tossed the bar back on her desk before Sophie set her sights on it and got upset if she couldn't have it. She would get some little treats in for whenever Nick decided to bring her by the station next.
"Alright, we're gonna go home now, we only came back in for these." With his keys hooked onto his thumb, he grabbed the file he needed and eased Sophie back down to her feet so she could walk for a little bit and tire herself out. He held his hand out in front of her and traced his thumb over the back of her hand as she leaned into his leg.
"Bring her back to see us soon, won't you?" Amanda patted his shoulder and waved at Sophie who grinned, but it was clear she was starting to get tired.
"You saying bye?"
He motioned the file out towards the team, grinning softly when Sophie started to wave and babbled something akin to bye-bye.
Carisi leaned against his desk and crossed one leg over the other and when he waved, he muttered a soft "Bye cutie." And he couldn't help but laugh when she grinned and cuddled closer to Nick. She bounced up and down, bending her knees again and leaning back and forth until Nick started to walk, encouraging her to walk with him.
She kept looking back over her shoulder, grinning and babbling as she looked back at the team until she was finally in the corridor, out of sight. It was safe to say she had made some new friends back there.
A tender look crossed (Y/n)'s face when she padded into the living room. Reaching over, she softly turned the volume down on the tv that was playing an old Disney movie in the background, but her eyes were solely focused on the sight on the sofa.
Nick was in his slacks, a pair of grey joggers and a matching hoodie that looked a size too big for him. He had his feet hanging over the arm of the sofa, one arm bent behind his head which would surely make his hands and fingers go numb. And there on his chest, was Sophie.
The toddler was curled up on his chest, her head tucked into the crook of his neck with Nick's chin perched on top of her head. He had his left arm curved around her frame that looked small and petite with her knees tucked into her tummy and her frame as small as possible on his chest.
Moving over to them, (Y/n) gently squished down on the edge of the sofa, bumping into his hip as she did. She pulled the blanket from the back of the sofa and draped it across the pair of them before she slowly leaned forward and pecked his temple.
Her lips curved into a grin when Nick tilted his head back with a quiet grumble and he smiled. His eyes stayed closed, but he expertly tilted his head until he could brush his nose against hers and capture her in a kiss.
"You two look comfy." (Y/n) murmured against his lips as she moved her hand to hold his shoulder, steadying herself above him so she didn't fall down onto him and crush him or their girl.
She could see how tired he looked when he finally opened his eyes that were glazed and hazy as he looked up at her.
Nick unhooked his arm from behind his head and grazed his tingling fingertips across her cheek and down her skin so he could cup the back of her neck.
"Hm," He glanced his eyes down to Sophie who was dead to the world, breathing softly into his hoodie and creating a damp patch where she was starting to drool around her pacifier. "There's room for one more." Nick murmured.
He kept one arm looped around Sophie, making sure she didn't move or become disturbed while he inched to the left. He pressed his hip up against the back of the sofa and twisted a little so there was more room beside him for (Y/n).
He and their girl were too comfy to move at the moment. He wasn't sure what time it was, but Nick knew he would have to take Sophie upstairs and settle her to bed soon. But not yet. He had gotten showered, had tea and changed Sophie into her pyjamas before they sat down to watch a movie. He didn't intend to fall asleep but he couldn't help it. Once Sophie dozed off, Nick wasn't far behind.
He trailed his hand down (Y/n)'s neck and along her side until he tugged her back so she would take the hint and lie with them.
(Y/n) smiled and shuffled around, trying to lay on her left side without toppling backwards and falling off the sofa. She hooked her right leg over Nick's leg, pressing her knee into his, practically straddling his thigh. Her right arm looped over Sophie's back and she smiled when Nick draped the blanket over her too.
She nuzzled her head into his shoulder, smiling to herself as she cosied up into the hood of his hoodie that was scrunched up around his neck. It smelled of comfort and his aftershave and Nick was as warm as a hot water bottle.
She loved the way he started to drag his fingertips up and down her side, along her hip and over her thigh like he was drawing patterns into her skin and writing secret messages to her.
"This is nice." She whispered into his hoodie, closing her eyes that suddenly felt overwhelmed and tired. The three of them might just ending up sleeping down here if none of them had the energy to move soon.
Nick pressed a soft kiss to the top of (Y/n)'s head, keeping his lips there for a while as he breathed in the scent of her raspberry shampoo. His eyes fell closed and he could already feel himself on the verge of falling back asleep.
This was what he liked the most. After being stuck in the squad room for hours on end going through paperwork and case files and finding links and information and names. After seeing things he wished he hadn't witnessed and supporting victims who were broken, sometimes beyond repair, this is what kept him going.
This is what kept Nick going through those moments that stretched into days. He blundered on so he could have moments like this, with one of his girls in each arms. Laid out, no worries, no problems, no victims flashing before his eyes, no screams rattling around in his head. No danger, no paperwork, no stress.
Just him and his girls.
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cathrrrine · 8 months
how the svu characters would react to you pranking them by texting “i miss being single”
Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Casey Novak
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Alex Cabot
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Fin Tutuola
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Elliot Stabler
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naturesapphic · 5 months
I’d love an angst/comfort filled Olivia Benson x reader if you’re willing!
Olivia pulls reader into her office after noticing she’s been a little off, distant and disengaged with the rest of the squad. Reader reluctantly opens up on an incident from a couple of days prior, at a school reunion. (Incident being someone made unwanted advancement at reader, groping her and making her touch them.) She tells Olivia nothing more happened because she finally broke free and left. She starts crying from all the overwhelming emotions and Olivia reminds her she did nothing wrong and is there for her.
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High School Reunion
Olivia benson x fem!reader
Warnings: groping, little bit of SA, Olivia being a protective sweetheart
Olivia knows you. Too well to be exact. You are her best detective and her partner. She knows you inside and out and knows that something isn’t right. You’ve been distant and quiet from everyone, especially her. She wants to give you your space but ever since you’ve been back from your high school reunion it’s been like you’ve completely changed into a different person. “Y/n? Can you come inside my office for a second please?” She called out for you.
You slowly got up from your desk and walked over to her. She gave you a loving look and helped you inside as she shut the door. She motioned for you to sit on the couch and she followed behind, sitting close to you but not too close since she wants to give you some space. “What’s been going on? You’ve been distracted and barley been focusing. You know you can tell me anything.” She gently asked you and your eyes fill up with tears. You didn’t mean for all this to happen. You were trying to stay normal about it but of course your boss/girlfriend would know something was up.
She’s a captain and before that she was a detective! You couldn’t hide anything from her. Olivia noticed how your eyes filled up with tears and she felt her heart drop. She didn’t understand what happened but she was going to figure out soon. “You know you can tell me anything y/n/n…” she said as she gently grabs your hands in hers and gives you a reassuring look. You take a deep breath in and you start to tell her what happened.
~ flashback ~
Today you were going to your high school reunion. You let liv know about where you were going as she let you get off work since there was no new cases to worry about. You were a bit hesitant to go without her but you knew she had a bunch of paperwork to do so hopefully in the next one she could make it.
Walking into your old high school felt so weird. You couldn’t believe ten years has past by so quickly but at the same time you could. You saw some of your old classmates and friends and went over to them to mingle. After awhile you felt a presence staring at you from afar. You turned around and saw that a boy from your school was eyeing you up and down.
You knew that years ago that he had a big crush on you but he never made any attempts to do anything about it but honestly you were glad he didn’t. You always got a bad feeling from him and you still do now. Feeling uncomfortable, you tell your friends you are going to head to the bathroom right quick. You head inside the ladies room and splash some water on your face.
You hear the bathroom door open and assume it’s one of your friends checking on you but it’s the boy from earlier. You felt your whole body freeze up as he comes closer. You can see him talking but you don’t hear anything besides the beating of your own heart thumping in your ears. He comes up behind you and starts groping your everywhere and make unwanted advances and movements towards you.
You felt so disgusted but yet your body still wouldn’t let you move. You felt his hand grab yours and you look down to where he was going and your eyes widen. You snatched your hand away and turn around to slam your foot against his balls. He screams out and falls to his knees, grabbing his area while you flee out of the bathroom.
You didn’t tell your friends or teachers goodbye as you run out of there as fast as you could. What would the squad think of you? What would Olivia think? Will she leave you? You couldn’t think straight as you ran towards your car and drive home.
~ flashback over ~
“Nothing more happened before I broke free, but that’s what happened…I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner!” You say as you start crying hysterically. Olivia pulls you into her strong comforting arms and holds you close. “Hey hey shhhh…you did nothing wrong babygirl…I’m so proud of you.” Olivia whispers against your ear. “You have nothing to be ashamed about princess…” she spoke again and you nod against her as your cries turn into little sniffles.
You raise your head up and look into her eyes. She flashes you a small but reassuring smile that everything will be alright. Finn opens the door and his eyes widens at the scene of your red teary face and the look of anger in Olivia’s eyes. “Everything alright?” Finn asks as he looks between the two of you. “We’re fine. Just another case we have to do.” Olivia states as she pulls you closer to her side and gives Finn a little nod that he understands and recuperates.
Finn closes the door and Olivia puts her attention and focus back on you. “We are going to find and get this guy I promise my love. No one hurts you and gets away with it.” She says with a hint of sternness in her voice but not directed towards you. Never. You nod and snuggle in closer to her, you knew that y’all have loads of paperwork to do but those will be done later. Right now, Olivia will hold you however long you want. She will always be there for you, every step of the way.
A/n: thank you for this request anon and I hope you like it! And I hope the rest of y’all enjoy it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all!
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cabotwife · 10 months
I have an idea for a reader and Olivia Benson if you’re happy to write it. 2am Olivia gets a frantic call from reader, she’s hyperventilating and her words are coherent. Olivia manages to get out of the reader that she’s home and rushes over. As the approaches her apartment she notices the front door ajar and inside is a complete mess. She hears reader sobbing in her room, and notices she’s naked and bruised and scratched. Reader confesses her ex forced her way in and attacked her. Reader begins to space out lost in her emotions of insecurity and worthlessness, she unknowingly advances on Olivia and ends up kissing her.
thank you for your request! i hope you enjoy 💗
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Enter The Night
Olivia Benson x Fem!Reader (tho r isn't described with any pronouns)
warnings: implied assault/rape (up to interpretation), typical SVU themes, poorly written fluff, not proofread
word count: ~1314 (longest one on my page so far yippie!!)
a/n: i love writing for my svu girls! there's definitely not enough fics of any of them, and my requests are open for them all :)
Olivia is jolted away by the sound of her phone ringing. she rubs her eyes as she groans, looking at the alarm clock on her nightstand.
2:43 am.
she sighs as she grabs her phone, her eyes straining at the brightness as she turns it on. the call had already ended, but she decided to check to see if it was important or not.
she frowns when she notices you’ve called more than once. she quickly clicks the ‘call back’ button, pulling the phone up to her ear as she adjusts her position in her bed.
she has an unsettling feeling forming in her chest as the phone continues to ring. finally you pick up the phone.
“y/n?” Olivia’s voice crackles through the phone.
the glass from your shattered phone stabs through your hand as you grip it tightly, pressing it against your face. you breathe heavily, unable to form any words as you can feel yourself slipping out of consciousness.
“hello? y/n?” Olivia repeats your name, worry filling her at the sound of your labored breathing. “can you tell me where you are, honey?”
suddenly the line goes dead, a sharp ‘beep’ can be heard on both sides.
“y/n?” Olivia says panicked as she tears the phone from her ear, she quickly tries to call you again, pulling her phone away to stare at it when it goes straight to voicemail.
the brunette swiftly pulls herself from her bed, hurriedly putting shoes on and grabbing her keys as she attempts to call you again. she rushes out the door of her apartment, not even bothering to change from her sleepwear.
the entire car ride is full of dread and worry, she had a quick phone call with Fin while in the car. she needed to make sure that someone knew where she was going, in case something goes down or she needs back up.
she sloppily parks in front of your apartment building, quickly rushing out of the car and into the building. she practically runs up to your apartment.
Olivia can feel her heart drop into her stomach as she nears your door, noticing it’s open.
“y/n?” she calls, pushing the door open. “oh my god.” she stands in the doorway in a state of sudden shock, everything was destroyed. there were spilled flowers on the ground by the entrance, couch cushions thrown off the couch, picture frames and trinkets spread over the floor by the kitchen island.
she continues into your apartment, taking notice of the shattered glass and blood on the kitchen floor. she freezes again when she hears the sound of heavy breathing. the brunette walks slowly towards the sound.
“oh my god, y/n!” Olivia breathes as your barely conscious body comes into view.
you were laying on your kitchen floor, slouched over against the cabinets, your body cut and bruised, your shirt is missing and your pajama shorts are ripped.
Olivia rushes over to you, dropping onto her knees to cup your cheeks, “hey- hey open your eyes for me.” she says, her voice uncharacteristically shaky.
you open your eyes ever so slightly, attempting to focus on the brunette woman in front of you.
“’livia..” you mumble, your voice raspy and you're quickly thrown into a coughing fit, blood flying from your mouth.
Olivia takes a sharp intake of breath, “i’m going to get help, okay? you’ll be okay.” she mumbles, whipping her phone from her coat pocket, calling Fin to tell him she needs paramedics at your apartment. as she’s speaking on the phone she peels her coat off of herself, wrapping it around your body in an attempt to cover up your near bare body.
she sets her phone down as the call ends. “help is on the way.. can you tell me what happened, sweetheart?” Olivia whispers as she strokes your hair gently, glancing towards the window to see if she could see the lights of the ambulance approaching.
you look up at her with tear filled eyes, “she got me, ‘livia.. she got me.” you whisper, your voice cracking as the tears begin streaming down your cheeks.
Olivia didn’t need to ask to know who you were talking about, she knows it’s Max, your ex girlfriend. since the time she began getting close to you, she had always promised to protect you from your abusive ex girlfriend.
the brunette’s eyes search over your face, “we’ll get her.. okay? what did she do to you?” you drop your head back onto the cabinet, your eyes closing slowly, “hey- hey no, keep your eyes open, honey.”
you force your eyes open, trying, and failing, to focus on Olivia, “’m sleepy..” i mumble, my eyes drooping again.
“come on, y/n, stay awake for me..” her voice is panicked as she pats your cheek, you drift into unconsciousness.
Olivia stands up as she hears footsteps approaching, hearing the sound of the ambulance sirens outside of the building. the brunette rushes towards the ajar front door, stepping out to wave the paramedics into the apartment and showing them where you lay on the floor.
the next few hours are excruciating for Olivia, you had to get surgery in order to remove the shattered vase pieces from your back, and you’re now laying unconscious in your hospital bed.
Olivia is seated next to the head of the bed, no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t fall back asleep, she needed you to be okay.
“liv?” you mumble, your voice hoarse for a number of reasons. your head is pressed against the bed as you squint your eyes over at the older woman sitting beside you.
your sudden voice causes her to jump slightly, her eyes shooting from the book she was reading to you. “y/n.” she breathes as she stands up, leaving the book on the chair as she leans over you.
you grin up at her, “hey, ‘livia.”
“hi,” she whispers, running her fingers through your bangs as she stares down at you. “how're you feeling?”
you hum, shrugging your shoulders but the movement makes you wince, “i dunno.. did you get her?” as soon as the brunette frowns you know, she's still out there.
the room goes silent all except for the buzz of the lights and the slow beeping of the heart monitor. 
“thank you.” it comes out as a whisper, but it confuses her nonetheless.
she scrunches her eyebrows in confusion as her eyes meet yours once more. “for what?”
it's silent for a moment before you respond, “for answering my call.. i suppose.” you gaze up at her.
a smile tugs at the brunette's lips, “i'll always answer when you call me.” she says gently “no matter the time, or the day, or how i feel..”
you giggle, “even if you hate me?” 
her smile falls, but only slightly, “oh, y/n.. i could never hate you.” she whispers, her hand cupping your cheek.
you can feel your cheeks heat up slightly, “oh.” you meet her eyes again before your gaze drops to her lips. slowly you lean in before eventually you're pressing your lips to hers in a tender kiss.
once you realize what you’ve done you pull away, eyes wide. 
it’s silent.
your eyes begin filling with tears, “liv-” before you can say anything, Olivia leans in, kissing you. you quickly reciprocate the kiss. when you both pull away she is smiling at you, her eyes soft and her feelings towards you are evident in them.
“i’ve wanted to do that for a while..” she whispers, her thumb gently rubbing your cheek bone. 
“yeah?” you chuckle, the tears that were in your eyes had now run down your cheeks, being quickly rubbed away by the brunette.
“mhmm,” Olivia hums, a loving smile on her face as she holds the gentle eye contact with you.
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p3ndeja6 · 4 months
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₊ ⊹🪻 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🔮
n.amaro x reader
summary: you were younger then nick by a couple of years, and sometimes he’d come over to your apartment after late nights at the precinct, he’d come over to just enjoy peace and serenity
content: fluff, reader is in school (2nd or 3rd year of college) suggestive acts (nothing extreme), age gap!, mentions of sexual abuse due to svu cases, nothing too triggering, just a fluffy one shot overall
super short
✧ ✧
it was late at night, you were working on an essay that was due by the end of the week.. you were getting strained and decided to take a break and call it a day.
You made yourself a quick meal, spicy buldak noodles, a sandwich and your favorite drink that was saved in the fridge. You prepared your meal as you were watching your favorite show. you were almost done preparing your late-night snack when you heard the doorknob shake.
You lived a pretty safe vicinity so the chances of a burgler were slim, but you still were vigilant about your safety, you quickly grabbed your broom and held it tight.
Upon your discovery, the door opened and you saw your boyfriend… nick.
You sighed of relief, and he looked at you worried
“Jesus Nick, you scared me!” “geez sorry, i thought this neighbor was safe?”
you put the broom down, “I mean it is but you never know” “yeah.. tell me about it”
he walked to you as you went back in finishing preparing your ramen, he went behind you and grabbed you hips and nuzzled his head in between your neck, kissing you, making you giggle due to his stubble
he continued and you moved your head slightly to give him more access, he took this as a sign to continue. You tried not to get distracted but you let a soft moan escape.
he laughed,and started moving up your body; cupping your boobs. You laughed and finally pushed him away
“stop Nick” you laughed “I want to eat, I’ve been working on an assignment for the past 5 hours.” he let go and laughed “my hard working girl, okay okay I’ll let you eat but next time, you’re all mine!”
you shook your head in sarcasm, he took of his jacket and unbuttoned his white shirt a couple of buttons down, and took off his shoes. He adjusted himself on your couch, and laid there with his eyes closed taking in the aroma therapy essential oils diffuser thats going around your room.
you look at him, now realizing that he’s here strangely. Nick stops by late nights most weekends or if it’s a weekday he’ll let you know earlier in the day if he’s stopping by, but it’s currently a Tuesday at 12:36 am.
“hey Nick?”
he hummed in response, most likely getting sleepy
“not to sound rude or anything.. but why are you here? It’s late on a Tuesday night, shouldn’t you be at your place?”
He opened one eye and looked over at you
“do you not want me here?” He said a bit suspicious
“oh god, no like yeah I do, but I just realized what day it was and you know you usually let me know when you’re coming over and it’s usually weekends you spend the night with me, I just found it odd you came to visit me tonight” “I love it when you’re here really”
you finally finished your ramen and took it towards the couch where Nick was, and started eating as you waited for a response.
he was hesitant in his answer, he seemed stressed and frustrated.
“today we had a tough case.. a rape case..”
you look at him attentively, making sure you are hearing him and that he has your fullest attention.
you nod in continuous
“and well… it’s about a 8 year old girl who’s after school teacher has been acting inappropriately with her.. you know like touching her where she shouldn’t be touched”
“oh my god” was what you let out
“yeah, and her home life isn’t easy, this one was a bit tough to work on dude to how young and bright this little girl is. I hate to see anyone take it away from her”
you put your ramen down and get close to him, caressing his hand.
“and being here.. with you just brings me peace. All is perfect here, so sorry i came unexpected but i really needed to see you”
you smiled at him
“awe baby, you know you are always welcomed here, I love having you here, never goes a day where I don’t miss you”
you make him look at you and caress his cheek, looking so attentively at his eyes, leaning in and kissing him so gracefully.
he takes you in, and guides a hand on your neck. You move to his lap and continue to kiss him, sucking on each others lips, and you slightly grinding on him
he groans a bit and you continue to bit his lip. You pull away with his lip in between your teeth and stare at him and run a finger across his now plumped lips
“thank you for coming over”
“thank you for having me”
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bi-bard · 2 months
Taste Test - Rafael Barba Imagine [Law & Order: SVU]
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Title: Taste Test
Pairing: Rafael Barba X Reader
Word Count: 1,075 words
Warning(s): none that I'm aware of
Summary: The SVU detectives go to visit their favorite ADA at his office. They end up finding out more about him than they ever planned to.
Author's Note: I needed something fast and cute to give me a break from some of the longer stories that I'm working on (there is a doctor who oc story and a grimm story in the works right now). I'm also on the tail end of my master's program, so it's all a little bit hectic right now.
I rarely ever had the time to visit Rafael at his office.
Even without considering his frantic and busy work schedule, mine simply never allowed it. I owned the bakery that my dad had opened years ago. I took over after his retirement and I hadn't stopped moving at top speed since. It was always looking at the menu or staffing or some crisis that needed to be fixed right then and there.
But sometimes, just sometimes, I would have a day where I had enough people and a slow enough flow of customers that I could pack a little bag of treats and a few drinks and go see him at lunch.
Today was one of those very lucky days.
Rafael's office door was slightly open when I got there. I knocked on it lightly, pushing it just enough to peak my head through.
"Hello- (Y/n)." he stood up as soon as he saw me. "What are you doing here?"
"Slow day," I replied with a shrug. "Thought that I could tempt you into a break with some food and coffee."
"If there's a day that I say no to that, assume that someone has replaced me with a clone."
"Noted," I chuckled, placing the bag and the drink carrier on the round table in the corner. I handed him one cup. "Here, try this. It's a potential drink for the summer menu."
"Alright." he took a small sip of the drink. He nodded. "It's good. What is it?"
"It's basically a latte but made with rose milk and rose foam."
"How... How do you make rose milk?"
"Shh, don't ask questions," I said as I sat down in one of the table's chairs. Rafael chuckled as he sat next to me. "Do you really like it?"
"It's great," he promised.
"Good," I mumbled. "I was a bit worried about it."
"You have reason to be." Rafael grabbed my hand over the table. "You are a genius when it comes to making up drinks."
"I hope you feel the same way about my ability to make up food," I replied, reaching into the bag that I had brought with me. I put down a napkin and plopped a muffin on the top.
"Oh, absolutely," he let go of my hand to pick up the muffin. I chuckled as he did. He took a bite and hummed. "This is a winner."
"Glad to hear." I leaned over and swiped some crumbs off of his chin with my thumb. "But you do praise all of my food."
He hummed again as he took another bite, nodding before he was able to speak, "Because all of your food is amazing."
I grabbed my drink, taking a sip before changing the subject, "How has your day been? Anything important happening?"
"Not yet-"
We both looked to the door as a group of people walked in. There were three of them; two women and a man.
"Perfect timing," Rafael mumbled to me. I would have chuckled if I hadn't been so caught off guard.
"Hello," one of the women said.
"Hi," I replied, standing up as I did.
The woman looked at Rafael. "I didn't know that you had a meeting."
"It's... It's not a meeting," I explained quickly. I always spoke quickly when I was nervous and having three people suddenly walk into the room with no warning made me very nervous. "I was just stopping by for lunch."
"Detectives," Rafael stood up behind me, touching my back. "This is (Y/n). My partner. (Y/n), these are some of the detectives from the S.V.U. Olivia Benson, Amanda Rollins, and Sonny Carisi."
"Nice to meet you all."
"You too," Olivia nodded at me. "I hope he hasn't been hiding you from us."
I chuckled. "No, no, not at all. I- I own a little bakery and cafe place not too far from here. I tend to be pretty swamped, but I had some downtime, so I stopped by for lunch."
"I thought that I recognized you!" Sonny pointed at me. "I've been by your shop."
"Oh, good, hope you liked it."
"Oh, loved it," he said. He turned to the other detectives. "There was this awesome sandwich thing on the menu during the fall. I've been craving it for months."
"I'll make note of that, so I remember to bring it back this year," I promised. "In the meantime, I'd be happy to treat you all to some food and drinks. I'm starting to sort out the summer menu; you should all come over sometime and test out some of the ideas I have."
"You don't have to-"
"I want to," I stopped Olivia in her tracks. "You guys work with Rafael so much that we might as well be friends. Plus, I need some other guinea pigs than just him. I'm sure Rafael would be more than happy to sort out a night for you and anyone else on your team to join us."
He looked over at me, pausing before he replied, "Over the moon."
"Alright then," Olivia nodded. I glanced over to see Sonny trying to subtly celebrate the good news.
"I should get out of the way," I touched Rafael's shoulder as I spoke before going to grab my drink. "I'm sure whatever you all need to talk about is more important than my seasonal menu."
"I'll walk you out." Rafael guided me to the door.
We walked together to the point where we were just out of view of the windows in his office. I turned around and placed a quick kiss on his lips.
"I'll see you tonight," he muttered.
"Can't wait," I mumbled back. "Don't forget about the little tasting event that we're hosting."
"I won't," he promised, leaning over to kiss me again. He added a second kiss to my temple. "I love you."
"Love you too," I said before pulling away properly.
My phone started ringing as soon as I started walking out.
"I'm already on my way back," I answered before any question could be asked.
"Thank God." I heard from the other end. "Someone is promising to come back and have a stern talk to you."
"Great, sounds fun. I'll be there in a few minutes."
I let out a huff as I hung up and started jogging down the street.
Sometimes these short lunch dates were the only thing keeping me from running for the hills.
Author's Note: The drink I described is actually an actual drink at local coffee shop in my area! I am not clever enough to make it up myself.
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oneshotnewbie · 2 months
Olivia Benson and Reader break up. Two weeks after that, they're distant towards each other even though Reader is working with the SVU. Two weeks after Olivia breaks up with Olivia, she sees Reader dancing with a stranger and she is jelly. Maybe she goes to Reader, takes her by the hand without saying a word and brings her to the next room or something and then... it's up to you! Fluffy, Angst and maybe pre-smut pls?
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes pre-smut and the plot is presented. That's why I only recommend reading it if you are over 18+. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Authors note: Woah.. Lets say I got carried away. I had to cut out a whole section to keep it suitable for my younger audience, even though it hurt my heart to delete my work. There is still a bit of pre-smut like you requested. But I hope you like it anyway ♥
The hum of the neon lights on the ceiling and the roar of the air conditioning mixed with the muted clacking of computer keyboards seemed louder than usual in the busy Special Victims Unit. The air was heavy with unspoken words and broken promises. Everyone in the room felt the change, even if no one said it out loud.
The office was usually a place of hectic activity, where phone calls, keyboards, and hushed conversations formed a constant backdrop. But today was different.
You sat at your desk, eyes glued to the screen in front of you, the words of the report blurred before your eyes. Your mind was far away, on old memories of happy times before everything fell apart. On the woman who had broken your heart. Olivia Benson, Lieutenant and steadfast leader of the team, had been more than just your superior. She was your partner, your confidante, the love of your life. But now she was just your boss, and the distance between you was painfully real.
Since splitting up with Olivia, everything had changed. The dynamics in the office, the atmosphere, even the way others looked at you - everything was different. She had been your rock. Strong, determined, and unwavering. She had always held the team together, been a leader, and the one who never backed down, no matter how hard it was. But now there was something in her eyes that you had never seen before - a coldness, a distance that hurt every time your eyes happened to meet.
You only spoke to each other when necessary, and the times when you had worked as a harmonious team seemed far away. The rupture in your relationship was reflected in every aspect of your work. Cases that were once solved with ease now dragged on. Decisions that were once made instinctively and together now had to be laboriously and formally agreed upon.
Olivia sat in her office, the door only half open. She had tried to throw herself into her work to fill the emptiness in her heart, but it didn't help. Every time she looked up, she saw you - and every time you looked at her, it hurt. Your eyes met briefly through the glass before both quickly looked away again, unable to hide the feelings that still burned within you.
Detective Amanda Rollins, who was sitting at her desk next to Fin Tutuola, sighed quietly and shook her head in displeasure. She and the rest of the team had noticed the unspoken tension and cool politeness between the two of you. "Have you noticed?" she whispered quietly so only her partner could hear her. He nodded, his eyes fixed on the monitor. "Yes, it's hard to miss. It's as if a dark cloud is hanging over the office. Rain is pouring down on us."
"I thought they would stay together forever," she said sadly, more to herself, watching you with a sideways glance. "They were the perfect couple. Why did they have to split up?"
"Sometimes love alone isn't enough," Fin murmured, his voice heavy with life experience and knowledge of the complexity of human relationships. Amanda pushed her chair back and came to your desk, sitting on a corner of the wood, her arms folded under her chest. "What's wrong with you two? You're like two icebergs meeting in Antarctica." she began her conversation, giving you a questioning look.
You sighed and rubbed your eyes. "It's complicated, 'manda. It wasn't exactly a nice break-up. Just leave it, please?"
Amanda shook her head, her face showing compassion and understanding. "I know it's hard, but you both have to find a way to deal with it. It's not just a burden on you, but on the entire team."
You nodded, but you knew it wasn't that easy. The rifts that had developed between you and Olivia were deep and painful. It wasn't just a professional challenge, but a personal catastrophe that you both tried to overcome in your own way.
Meanwhile, Olivia had made her way out of her office, a stack of files in her hands. She moved through the room with her usual determination, but there was a certain rigidity in her posture. You could see her shoulders tense as she crossed the room to your desk. In the past, you would have known how to calm her down and take away her nervousness, would have known what words and gestures she would have needed. But those days were over.
"Y/n, I need you in my office," she said, not looking directly at you. She handed you a report, your fingers touching briefly before you stood up, your heart beating faster at the thought of being alone with her. The tension between you was palpable as you followed her and closed the door behind you. She sat down while you stood across from her, the desk as a barrier between you.
"We need to talk about the case, you're the lead investigator," Olivia began, her voice professional but cool. "The evidence is thin and we need a new strategy."
You nodded, trying to focus on the conversation, but her proximity made it difficult. "I agree. Maybe we should question the witnesses again and see if we missed something."
Your eyes met again, and for a moment everything else was forgotten. The attraction, the passion, the love - all of it was still there, just beneath the surface. But you both knew it wasn't that easy. Too many things stood between you, things that couldn't be overcome so easily. "We have to stay professional," Olivia said finally, her voice breaking. How she would love to hug you right now. "The team needs us to be strong."
You nodded again, your eyes heavy with unspoken feelings. "I know. But it's hard, Liv. Working with you every day and pretending everything is fine when it isn't."
"We have no choice," she whispered, visibly tense. "We have to find a way to deal with this. For the victims who are counting on us.“
The following days were torture for both of you. You worked side by side, your interactions brief and distant. Each of you tried to remain as professional as possible, but the unspoken feelings and the broken relationship between you and Olivia weighed on you.
One evening, when most of your colleagues had already gone home, you stayed late at the office. You worked on a strategy, trying to distract yourself. Olivia was still in her office, the light on, casting a lonely shadow in the large room you were sitting in.
Finally, you stood up and went to her. You knocked softly on the door and entered when she invited you in. "Olivia, we need to talk," you began, your voice quiet but firm. She looked at you, her eyes tired and sad. "I know, y/n. But I don't know what to say. It's all so... messed up."
"Just tell me it hurts you as much as it does me," you said, your voice growing more intense with each word. "Tell me you regret it."
"Of course it hurts," she replied, her voice shaking as she placed her sweaty and shaking hands on her lap, leaning back in her chair. "I still love you. That will never change. But you deserve better."
Tears glistened in your eyes as she reached out an arm to you, your hand enveloping hers before pulling you to her side. "I love you too, Liv. I don't need anything better, I need you."
Olivia hugged you, tight and desperate, as if she never wanted to let you go. In that moment, you both knew that the love between you was strong, but the reality of your situation demanded more than just feelings. She knew she had to find a way to balance your situation and your work so as not to put further strain on the team.
Two weeks had passed since Olivia Benson ended her relationship with you. Two weeks of stolen glances and feelings that remained unspoken. But life and work must go on, and so Olivia threw herself into her duties while you behaved just as professionally. The team continued to sense that not everything was settled between you, but no one spoke openly.
That evening, the team was at Club Delirium, a popular downtown nightclub, to conduct an undercover operation. The goal was to break up a human trafficking ring, and you had volunteered to act as bait. Olivia watched the scene from a secluded table, her eyes always fixed strictly on you.
The music blared and the lights flickered in different colors. You, in a tight, black, low-cut dress and perfectly styled hair, looked stunning. You were dancing with a strange woman whose hands were on your hips. Olivia felt a stabbing sensation in her chest. Jealousy mixed with the pain of separation burned inside her. A dangerous combination.
Every step you took, every movement, every smile you gave the stranger felt like a slap in the face. Olivia knew it was part of the mission, but it didn't make the situation any less painful. Her hands clenched into fists as she tried to keep her emotions under control.
The plan was simple: get the suspect, a ring leader, to give you information by gaining her trust. But Olivia couldn't focus on the details entering her brain through an earpiece while she watched the woman she loved give herself to someone else, even if only in appearance.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you gave a signal. The suspect had given up the information, and the team moved in to arrest her. The club turned into a chaos of flashing lights, loud music, and cops suddenly appearing. Amidst this chaos, Olivia kept her eyes on only one thing - you.
As soon as the mission was complete and the suspect was taken into custody, Olivia looked for you. She found you at the edge of the dance floor, away from the crowd. She walked up to you, grabbed your hand, and wordlessly pulled you into a side room of the club that served as a storage room.
You were roughly pushed inside, Olivia closed the door behind her and turned to you. Her eyes sparkled with unspoken jealousy. "What were you thinking?" she hissed, her voice lower but charged. You looked at her in surprise and confusion. "It was an undercover mission. I only did what was necessary."
"Necessary?" Olivia stepped closer to you, her presence overwhelming. "It looked like you enjoyed it."
Your eyes widened in shock and anger. "It was part of the job, Liv! You know that better than anyone." you said and she grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer, your bodies almost touching. "I know," she whispered, her voice rough. "But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt me to see you like this."
You took a deep breath, your eyes searching Olivia's. "I'm sorry," you said quietly. "I didn't know it would hurt you so much. After all, you broke up with me, remember?"
Olivia ran her fingers over your wrist, then your arms, until she reached your hands. "I don't want to lose you, y/n. I can't bear to see you with anyone else, even if it's just for a mission."
The tension between you was almost palpable as Olivia leaned even closer to you. "I need you," she whispered before pressing her lips to yours, possessive and desperate. You returned the kiss, your hands grasping Olivia's hair as the passion between you ignited.
In that moment, everything else was forgotten - the separation, the mission, the world outside that small room. There was only the two of you, your love, and the incessant longing that drove you to each other. Olivia pulled you closer to her, her kisses intense and demanding, as if to make up for lost time and broken promises.
You parted, panting, your foreheads leaning against each other. Olivia pulled back a little, her hand sliding to your neck, encircling it with a determined gesture. Her thumb gently stroked your skin while her dark, sparkling eyes searched your gaze intensely. "You're mine," she murmured, her voice deep and possessive.
You trembled under her touch, a soft gasp escaping your lips. "Yes, Liv," you whispered, the words full of desire and devotion. "Only yours."
Olivia pulled you closer again, her lips found yours once more, the kiss stronger this time, even more demanding than the one before. Her hands slid down your back, reaching for you as if she never wanted to let you go again. She pushed you against the wall, her body pressed tightly against yours.
"Tell me you want me," Olivia demanded, her voice dark and rough, gasping for air. "I want you, Liv," you answered, your pupils blown with desire. "I only want you."
Olivia's mischievous and dark giggle filled the small room and she continued to glide her hands over your body. Her lips found your neck, leaving hot kisses on your skin.
Your breathing quickened, your hands grabbed at her shoulders, holding her tight as Olivia continued to kiss and touch you. The world around you faded, there was only the two of you, your love and the burning desire that drove you to each other.
The intensity of the moment seemed to stop time, every touch, every kiss was a promise, a proof of her unbroken love for you. Olivia's hands slid down your sides, finding their way under the dress you wore, leaving a trail of passion on your skin.
"I need you," Olivia whispered, her voice hotter with pure desire. "Now." You nodded, your eyes closing as you surrendered to her. "I'm yours, Liv."
The heat between you was overwhelming, the passion you felt was all-encompassing. In that small room, shielded from the world, you and Olivia found yourselves again, your love and desire for each other stronger than ever.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 3 months
Texts from Olivia Benson
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gardens0fbabyl0n · 6 months
Good Girl
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Dominick Carisi x Reader warnings: smut, language
It’s late at night and you’ve been needy for him all week. Regrettably you both had been too busy but now he’s finally here and you’ve been making out heavily for a good while. You were growing impatient. He could sense it. Finally, you had shed your clothes and relocated to your bedroom. 
Dominick asks if you're gonna be a good girl for him but you just laugh and whisper a 'no' while he kisses down your neck. He stops and looks up at you, his brow furrowed, and you grab his jaw and kiss him again before you push him off of you. You turn around and get on your hands and knees in front of him, biting your lip, feeling so damn cheeky. He gasps, and you roll your hips forward, your wet pussy in his face now and his hot breath on you is already making your arousal drip out of you.
'No?' Dominick repeats and you feel his fingers spread your lips, dragging between your folds, playing with your juices. 'You're gonna be bad? You're gonna be a bad girl? What am I supposed to do about that?'
You swallow a moan, shaking with anticipation, knowing you got him where you wanted him - absolutely fucking feral.
'Put your big cock in me and fuck me hard, make me scream. Please, Dominick.' you rock back on his hand, desperate for more contact, just as he withdraws.
You can hear him lick his fingers, then curse under his breath before he finally grabs your hips and with one rough thrust he is inside you, filling you to the hilt. You cry out his name in pleasure, knees already threatening to buckle. He sets a hard, fast rhythm, fucking into you relentlessly, just like you wanted him to, and god, does it feel good.
'Mmmhmmm I want to fuck you until I feel that sweet little pussy clenching around my cock.' Dominick moans, his fingers finding your clit to rub circles there while he fucks into you roughly.  
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mollycabot · 3 months
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My two favourite ladies 😍
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mlmxreader · 3 months
Guard | Elliot Stabler x gn!reader
↳ ❝ "You don't need to guard me." "I do. I said nothing would hurt you again."With Elliot stabler please? ❞
: ̗̀➛ Elliot uses his holiday leave to stay with you when you get attacked by someone and no one does anything about it.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ swearing, violence, minor injury
Nobody was happy about it.
When it came out that you had been attacked in the streets by someone you had used to know and love, nobody was happy about it; they had to fight tooth and nail for something, anything, to be done to keep you safe but nothing ever came of it.
At least, until Elliot managed to find some time off and get himself to go on holiday leave; still, he wasn't happy that it had to get to that for something to be done.
When he spoke to your friends, they swore at him and cursed him, and he couldn't find it in himself to blame them; so he stood there, stiff as a soldier, and took it. His jaw clenched a bit here and there, some of the words cutting deep and long, but he couldn't blame them at all. It should never have gotten to that point. 
After all, you were one of their own... kind of. Sort of. Your nephew went to the same school as one of Elliot's kids and they became friends after sitting next to each other during a few classes, and you had met there a few times thanks to various events and parents' evenings before beginning a long and deep friendship.
It was only natural that Elliot would feel so protective over you, and would despise the very thought of someone ever even considering hurting you. 
Still, he managed to make it to your place without causing any disruption; it felt like he was home already, dumping his coat on the back of the kitchen chair and fixing himself a drink.
He came to sit beside you on the sofa, taking note of the bruises on your face and the bandages on your arms; he clenched his jaw tightly, trying to keep his temper under wraps long enough to growl out the question.
"How you feelin'?"
You sighed, shaking your head as you tilted your head back for a moment, closing your eyes and trying your best to keep your voice even and steady. An audible gulp coming from the back of your throat. "Not fucking great, El, can't lie... been fucked around the bush a lot."
He nodded slowly, daring to reach out and, with great caution, place his hand on your knee as he licked his lips and did his best to think of something better to say. "For what it's worth, you won't be anymore."
You shook your head again, although it wasn't in disbelief or disappointment, it was almost... regret? Guilt?
"It isn't your place, though - you don't need to guard me."
"I do. I said nothing would hurt you again." He pointed out, his tone even but stern. Authoritative but not quite commanding. "The first... do you remember the first time something like this happened?"
You nodded slowly. "You didn't leave me for days."
"I made a promise," Elliot pointed out. "I promised you that nothing, no one would do that again..."
"But it did," you whispered, sniffling and running a hand down your face in hopes that it would prevent the tears from falling. "It did, El, and it isn't your fault, but maybe I would've been better off if they'd have finished the job."
He moved, getting as close to you as he could so that he could gently put his arm around your shoulders, keeping you close as he frowned and let out a harsh, deep sigh. "Don't talk like that. It wasn't your fault, and it wouldn't have been better if they finished the job. I need you, your friends need you... I- we want you around."
You didn't respond, just sighing heavily and doing your best to regulate your breathing for a moment as you chewed at the inside of your lip. "Thank you..."
Elliot didn't want to say it, he couldn't. He was never good at emotions, but there had always been some part of his heart that was tied to you, and it was breaking his heart to think that you were silently blaming yourself for being... for thinking of yourself as an inconvenience. He hated that.
It cut deeper than anything else he had thought of.
"Listen," he pulled away, clearing his throat. "Why don't I get us a pizza? Half and half?"
You nodded slowly. "You sure?"
"My treat," Elliot told you with a shrug. "I know a good place that does delivery. You find something to watch - just not that thing Olivia told you about."
You smiled weakly at his little teasing comment, sniffling loudly and grumbling. "Sorry if I got snot on you..."
He shook his head, waving his hand briefly. "I've had worse... and, erm, don't worry - I'll take the sofa."
You shook your head, almost desperate as you glared at him with pleading eyes. "No, please... no..."
"Hey," without even hesitating, he dropped to his knees in front of you, taking your wrists in his hands. "It's fine. It's whatever you want, okay?"
You nodded, clearing your throat. "Can you sleep in my bed? With me?"
"Sure," he agreed. "Anything. Anything you want."
You smiled weakly again, swallowing thickly. "Thank you... really, Elliot, thank you."
He gave your wrists a small squeeze, just a little reassurance. "I said I'm always here, didn't I?"
You sniffled, your head stinging as you did your best not to start crying again. "I owe you..."
He shook his head, daring to smile a little bit. "If you wanna pay me, you can let me call your work tomorrow - I'll explain everything, don't worry."
"You'd do that?"
"Sure," he shrugged, hesitating for a split second. "We're friends."
You dared to lean forward, gently kissing his forehead. "I love you."
Fuck. He wished it meant something else. Pulling away as he cleared his throat and offered a faux smile, convincing enough to make sure that you relaxed as he made his way over to the phone. His hands were shaking. Shit.
It was going to be a long few days, he knew that much.
good evening! thanks so much for reading, but while I have your attention: Huda & Sara are two 12 y/o children from Gaza who are in urgent need of funds rn so that they can seek refuge as well as medical care. if you have anything to spare, even if it's just £1, please consider giving to them. they do genuinely, honestly, need all the help that they can get.
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megalony · 1 month
Main Masterlist
As my other masterlist is rather old and made on an old template, I decided to create an updated one with the main fandoms I'm open to writing for.
This is mainly just so it is easier for me and to keep everything neat and in order.
Evan Buckley Masterlist (911)
Eddie Diaz Masterlist (911)
Tyler Owens:
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Just Hold On
Top Gun: Maverick:
Jake Seresin (Hangman):
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Don't Worry Darlin'
You Called My Wife?
Wait And See
Charles Xavier:
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Use Your Voice
Henry Cavill:
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Everything Will Be Alright
Like father, Like son (Series masterlist)
His Queen
My Hero (Series masterlist)
That’s my son
Look at us (Series masterlist)
Painless (Series masterlist)
A man named uncle (Series)
Chris Evans:
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The Evans boys (series)
Little one
Soft Spot (Series)
Part 2
Law and Order SVU:
Nick Amaro:
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Help A Girl Out
Leave Her Out Of This
You Are Home
Bed Rest
Little Flirt
Rafael Barba:
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Courtroom Chaos
Safe in my arms
My counsellor, my lover
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Reliving the dream   (Series)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Dominic (Sonny) Carisi:
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Stay with me
Close call
An eventful night
Elliot Stabler:
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Baby boy
House of the Dragon:
Aegon II Targaryen:
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Say It Again
I Won’t Allow It
Little Dragon
Aemond Targaryen:
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Lady of the Night     Part 2
Perfectly Inadequate
That’s a promise
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cathrrrine · 9 months
based on this incorrect quote i posted
how the svu characters would react to your “would you still love me if i was a worm?” text
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Sonny Carisi
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Amanda Rollins
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Nick Amaro
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Fin Tutuola
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Rafael Barba
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Olivia Benson
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Elliot Stabler
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Part 2!
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Hi lovely 😊 Wanted to offer a story idea that popped into my head in case it inspired you. Otherwise feel free to ignore!
The reader has never had an orgasm. She’s had sex before, just has never come. It’s her first time sleeping with Sonny, and he almost effortlessly gets her to come with just his hands. Her mind is blown, Sonny’s shocked that you'd never had one before, and his ego is boosted sky high knowing that he was able to give you your first 😆
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Sonny Carisi: Pursuit Of Pleasure NSFW 
I’m so sorry this took so long to get out. I have been in such a funk and have been having a really hard time getting words down on paper. I really liked this idea so I hope I did it justice as I’m coming out of my writer's block.  
You smiled at Sonny as he laid you back onto his bed, his lips kissing and sucking at your throat and down your collarbone. You felt a heat build in your lower stomach. It was pleasant and warm. You knew it wouldn't last. If never did. 
It was his fault. It was nobody’s fault. You simply couldn’t orgasm.  
You could, however, enjoy the buildup before it inevitably faded. You sink into his hot open-mouthed kisses, enjoying the feel of his rough hands caressing your body. The delectable roll of his hips against yours, his hard cock pressing against your wet center. He had stripped you almost bare. Only your soaked panties remain. His hand snuck between your bodies rubbing you through the cotton material. You arch his mouth that is sucking at your nipple and he bites teasingly making you groan. 
Sonny moves your panties to the side pushing a finger into your wanting entrance pumping it inside of you. Another shortly follows as he picks up his pace curling his fingers deep inside you. The heat pulls tighter in your lower stomach as you unconsciously rock your hips in time with his movements. His thumb finds you clit and starts rubbing gentle but firm circles against it.  
Your nails dig into his back as you feel the pressure build and curl tighter and tighter. You wait for it to disappear. It doesn’t. “Sonny,” You feel strange and out of control as it tightens to a snapping point. You collapse against the bed as waves of white-hot pleasure echo through your body. His ministrations don’t stop and it is almost too much to take as aftershocks of pleasure shoot through you curling your toes. 
You lay there completely boneless and gasping trying to get your neurons to start firing properly again. Sonny notices your reaction and caresses your cheek comfortingly. “You still with me Doll?” You meet your boyfriend's concerned gaze. Then you scan him in disbelief. He had made you come.  
You had slept with a handful of men who had tried to get you off. The more considerate ones had spent almost an hour trying and failing. But Dominick Carisi- he could get you off in less than ten minutes, still mostly dressed using his fingers. That was insane. You could barely believe it and you had just experienced it. “You...you made come.” You were breathless and in awe. 
Sonny’s eyebrows scrunched as he chuckled, “Well yeah, that was the goal. A woman should always come first.” His words were nonchalant.
“It was first,” Sonny still looked a little confused as he nodded along with you, “No, Sonny- like my first ever.” His face went blank and then the look of disbelief took over his own features.  
“Like ever, ever?” You echoed his words in agreement. “You’re a virgin?” Your face flushed brightly with embarrassment. 
“No, I’ve had sex before. I’ve just never- you know.” You trailed off. 
“Orgasmed.” He supplied and you covered your face with your hands trying to turn into the bed. He pushed gently at your shoulder to keep you on your back. “Hey, hey, hey,” He soothed, “It’s okay, it's nothing to be embarrassed about- at least nothing you should be embarrassed about.” He brushes your hands away to press a kiss to your lips. “I’m honored to be the first.” A cocky grin takes over his face, his eyes darkening with lust. “But it won’t be your last of the night. That was just light foreplay baby. Tonight, I’m going to take you on a pursuit of pleasure that you will never forget. And I’m going to start by eating you out until your legs shake.” Your core clenches hard as the flame relights in your belly at his words.   
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squadmuse · 5 months
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
It takes a while for Rafael to open up and be truly affectionate with you. He’s slower than most, but still a gentleman and spoils you whenever he can. As your relationship progresses however and as Rafael feels more and more comfortable with you & your relationship together, then he is extremely affectionate towards you and absolutely cherishes you. Cuddles, kisses, hand holding etc. you name it, when Rafael treats you like this, you’re The One for him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You and Rafael click quickly as friends and have a great friendship together. You’re an Assistant United States Attorney while he is an Assistant District Attorney for Manhattan, and can usually be found in each other’s offices having lunch and a catch up. He loves that you’re snarky and sassy like him, and unafraid to stick up for yourself & victims and survivors. Rafael is a great friend to have, he’s always a phone call away, with the greatest advice and shoulder to cry on if needed. He loves surprising you with tickets to a Broadway show, museum tours etc.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Rafael isn’t the cuddliest at the start of the relationship but he melts easily after a while with your hugs and cuddles. He isn’t used to affection unless from his Mami or Abuelita. Rafael loves hugging you from behind, cuddling on the couch or in his home study & office after hours.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Only when Rafael knows for certain that you are The One 100% will he want to settle down fully. He didn’t have the nicest home life due to his father and has had his heart broken by people he loved & trusted. As he has been a bachelor for years, Rafael is adept at cooking & cleaning but takes his laundry to the dry cleaners. His house is pristine, but he longs for the day that you & him are married with a child playing with their toys in the living room.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Rafael is a gentleman, somewhat old fashioned yet distant at first so he would likely break up with you face to face. He thinks it rude to do it over the phone or to ghost someone especially if they’re someone like you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
You and Rafael are together for a while before he decides to propose marriage, as he wanted to be certain you were not going to break his heart or leave. You’ve moved in together after a couple of years and Rafael knows you’re not bothered by his wariness & past. Once he proposes, you marry within the year in a quiet close knit ceremony at the Catholic church nearby as a tribute to his Mami & Abuelita.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
As he was abused physically and emotionally by his own father and had his heart broken before, Rafael is gentle and kind towards you. He might be less so at the start, accidentally screwing up or putting work before you, but after a while Rafael becomes an open book to you. He’ll never ever raise a hand or fist to you, and he never curses or swears at you, but sometimes he does snap or bite when he’s stressed.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Rafael hates admitting it but he loves hugs, he’s so touch starved and loves getting to collapse into your arms after a long stressful day. He’s very gentle with his hugs, rubbing your back as you rest your head in the crook of his neck. Sometimes he hums a song at night.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
As said before, Rafael doesn’t say I Love You for a while but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t show his love for you. He struggles opening up, showing himself truly and being vulnerable with anyone, and when he gets to that point of being vulnerable & comfortable, then he says it quickly and doesn’t stop saying it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Rafael does get jealous but it is down to the insecurities he has himself and not about you, he’s been dumped for other guys before and he knows how incredible you are that Rafael always wonders — why did you choose him of all people to be with, what is so loveable about him? Rafael will busy himself with work more often when he’s feeling like that, but he also gets possessive to an extent and makes sure to let you know how much he loves you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Rafael Barba aka Makeout King. He is almost timid at first, scared that he might’ve crossed the line when he kisses you that first time. But his kisses are electrifying, intoxicating and downright sweet at the same time. When he’s fully comfortable with you, Rafael can’t stop kissing you and will kiss anywhere he can on you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Rafael doesn’t have much if any experience with kids, especially babies. But he isn’t against them, and he loves getting to teach them things, whether it is some basic Spanish, a fairy tale book or some random facts. Rafael worries about hurting children, having seen how his own father acted and behaved. After a while, Rafael does get more comfortable around younger children as you have nieces, nephews and godchildren that all end up calling him Tío Rafa.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Rafael hates mornings, and only brightens up when you suggest showering together to save time… although you sometimes end up rushing out the door after too long in the shower together. In the kitchen, Rafael makes a beeline for the professional coffee maker that you bought as a birthday present for him and makes a very strong coffee for himself and a cappuccino for yourself. Usually, Rafael has prepared his briefcase & outfit the night before. You make sure he takes some actual lunch with him also.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nighttimes are spent together either in Rafael’s study (he brings his work home now that he has you, not staying extremely late at the office) and you end up working together or talking about work, life and each other. Rafael gives you a massage while you pour him a small glass of his favourite scotch.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Rafael is very slow to open up and reveal things about himself. You met Lucia by accident, as you had dropped by his office at Hogan Place to talk/argue about a case that each of you were certain to have jurisdiction over, and there she was when you greeted him with a “Rafi amor…” - needless to say Lucia hated that Rafael had been hiding you away from her. You try so hard to make Rafael realise that his traumatic past doesn’t define him or who he is.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Rafael is usually very patient with you, and especially with you compared to others. He tries so hard to not get angry or even irritated by you, but when he’s had a bad day at work or having one, every single thing anyone does seems to annoy him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Rafael has a giant brain and incredible memory, but sometimes when he’s stressed out with case after case, he does end up with things slipping his mind and he hates it. Rafael is also able to remember things you’ve said you have liked in passing or in conversation, even months back but he remembers it and buys you whatever it was.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Rafael’s favorite moment in your relationship was when he brought you to his Mami, Lucia’s home for the first time for Sunday lunch & dinner. You and his Mami got along instantly, and he was amazed at how quickly his Mami liked you as she was usually overprotective of him. It was that day, seeing you laugh and smile with his Mami, that Rafael knew you were The One and that you fit in perfectly with his family.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Rafael is very protective of you, and would have an armed escort following you around if he could. He’s had people blackmail him in the past and death threats against him, but Rafael doesn’t worry or care about himself, his main focus is you. Rafael likes knowing how protective you are of him in return, how much you love and look out for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Rafael puts a lot of effort into dates, anniversaries and gifts, only the best will do for you in his eyes. Both of you work as attorneys and have long hours, but Rafael will spoil you with an anniversary trip to Gstaad or The Bahamas, a nice bottle of champagne or wine, a nice pair of Christian Louboutin heels etc. Every day however, he does his best to be an excellent boyfriend or fiancé or husband and enjoys just being with you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Rafael can get hyper-focused on work and ends up working himself thin and bare. At first in the relationship, he would prioritise his Mami & Abuelita over you and while it didn’t bother you, he did it a lot until he realised that you were upset. He works long hours too, and sometimes your hours don’t match up or your vacations either and Rafael is a man on a mission when it comes to his career and will at times, prioritise that.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Rafael Barba is very vain. He has his hair and beard styled & trimmed perfectly, has complimenting colours in his outfits with ties matching pocket squares etc. and he hates it when he starts going grey (but slowly comes to love it too when you let him know how hot you find it)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
When Rafael has let you into his life, his heart and soul, he feels very incomplete without you there and wonders how he became such a man — but he realises it is because how he loved you, you are & were his soulmate.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Rafael loves taking you dancing, and shows off his move to you on the dance floor. It helps his anxiety and insecurity by showing off, doing fancy little moves to impress you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Rafael doesn’t like anyone who is demanding, too high maintenance or clingy, and he doesn’t like abusers or alcoholics. Also anyone who doesn’t respect his position, his Mami & Abuelita is out the door ASAP.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Rafael can be found some nights asleep at the desk in his study, and you always wake him up as you know he needs to sleep in bed because of his back. He also loves that you have a ton of cosy blankets & quilts on the bed, it seems to help him sleep much easier.
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naturesapphic · 9 months
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Olivia benson x fem!reader
Warnings: smut and y/n drooling over Olivia
The front door slammed shut while you were in the living room reading your book. You pushed your glasses up on your nose so you can see and you see your girlfriend olivia. “Hey sweetheart.” She smiled at you, showing off her perfect smile as she was walking over to you. “Hi.” You shyly said at her and she smiled even bigger. “We’ve been dating for a while. Shouldn’t you stop being so nervous around me sweetie?” She asked with a cocky and firm tone that made you weak in the knees.
“I can’t help it liv. You always make me so flustered. Even when you just breath near me I wanna faint.” You explained to her as you got up from the couch to head to the kitchen and she started following you. She let out a hard laugh which made you smile. “I do darling?” She said smirking and looking at you intensely as she got closer to you and you were backing up until you hit the kitchen counter with your back. She smirked and got close enough to your face that you can feel her breath against your lips. “Y-yes…” you whispered out and bit your lip at how she was looking at you. Olivia’s arms went around your waist and pulled you against her so yall were touching.
You looked up at her and was met with her brown eyes staring intensely in yours. Then, olivia captured your lips in hers and you recuperated back as you wrap your arms around her neck. She suddenly picks you up in her strong arms which makes you squeal and started laughing. She smiled up at you and carried you up the stairs to y’all’s room. She kicked the door open gently with her foot and went to the edge of the bed and put you on it. You got up on your knees to where she was standing up and bite you lip as you admired her. “I fucking love how short your hair is…it makes me wet every time I see you…you give off daddy vibes.” You giggled at the end and she chuckled at you.
“I’m glad you think I look so good with my hair babygirl. I wasn’t too sure about it but now I am.” She said smirking at you as she flexes her arms as she’s pushing her hair back making you whine out. “Babyyyyyy…stop teasing me…and fuck me.” You said as you were unbuttoning her blue button up shirt. She chuckled down at you and watches you as her eyes grow with lust. “Slow down sweetheart…I’m not going anywhere.” She said with a low voice that make you more weak in the knees. You finally got her shirt undone and pulled it down her strong, muscular arms. You smiled up at her as you run your hands up and down her chest. “Your turn sweetheart.” She said as she goes to the bottom of your shirt and pulls it over your head. You reveal to her that you didn’t have anything on underneath it and her eyes immediately go to your breast.
“You are so gorgeous babygirl. All mine…” she says with a low tone which she knows drives you up the wall as she moves her hands from your stomach up to your breast. “So pretty…” she says gently as she softly massages your breast in her hands. You moan softly at the contact and you gasp when her fingers start pulling on your rosy pink nipples. “A-ahh…l-livia fuck…” you breath out and she smirks down at you, she loves seeing you so breathless and whiny and she hasn’t even fucked you yet. “Lay down for me princess.” She softly demanded you and you laid down in the middle of the bed on your back. “Such a good girl.” She praised you and you smile at her in response. Olivia took off her sports bra, along with her pants and underwear. You laid there, admiring her as she took off each piece of clothing off her strong body. You felt something wet on your mouth and you realized that was actual drool coming out of your mouth. You quickly wiped it away, embarrassed as fuck but Olivia noticed. “I saw that sweetheart. I never knew someone could literally drool over me.” She chuckled out as she gets on the bed with her hands and knees and crawls over to you.
Until she stops at your legs, she then pulls you closer to her and you both giggle at the action. She pulls down your shorts along with your pink underwear and she throws your shorts on the floor but keeps your underwear. She sees that they are wet and she smirks at you “you already this wet babygirl? Tsk tsk and I haven’t even really touched you yet…what a little slut.” She said as you bit your lip and looked at her intensely. “I’m your little slut daddy.” You said innocently and you visibly saw her eyes darken with lust. “Damn right I am.” She responded with a low voice as she leans down and smashes her lips with yours. The both of you moan into each others mouths at the feeling of y’all’s lips together. Your bodies were pushed up against the other and hands were exploring. You felt her tongue trying to push through your lips and you granted her by opening your mouth. Her tongue slipping in yours and was feeling every inch of your mouth. As her tongue was exploring your mouth, one of your hands were in her short hair, slightly pulling on it, and the other was on her back. She pulled away gently as a string of y’all’s salvia was present and she licked her lips at you.
“I need to taste that puffy pussy of yours…” she demanded and she laid down on the bed. “Sit on my face princess.” She instructed you and you crawled over her body and hovered your dripping pussy over her face. “Gosh…I love this pussy right here…I could eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner…” she rasped out and you blushed bright red. You then lowered yourself on her face and was rewarded by her tongue pushing through your folds, suckling on you. You moaned out her name loudly and reached down to grab onto her hair. Olivia’s tongue swirled around your clit and sucked hard on it which made you thrust your hips up. “F-fuck!” You gasped out as pleasure was going through your whole body. She kissed your clit softly as pulled away from it and started leaving open mouthed kisses all over your pussy. “Love. this. fucking. pussy. Mine.” She breathed each word after every kiss she made on you. Her tongue suddenly dipped into your pulsating hole and she started to tongue fuck you. “O-Olivia!” You moaned out loudly and started riding her face.
Your legs started to shake and you begged her to let you cum. “P-please livia…need to c-cum…” you pleaded and she gently tapped your thigh twice to let you know that it’s okay. You felt the orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks and soon enough you were cumming in her mouth as you were pulling her short hair. You panted as you fell on the side of the bed beside her, trying to catch your breath. “Fuck…I love your mouth.” You said breathlessly and she laughed. “I’m glad you do sweetheart. Can I try something?” She asked you. “Of course. I trust you baby.” You reassured her and she carefully got on top of you as she aligned y’all’s pussys on top of each other. Making direct contact the both of you moaned and Olivia started rubbing her clit onto yours. Olivia’s breast hovered over your mouth and with each movement, they moved back and forth and you were so tempted. You leaned up and attached your lips to her pink nipple and started suckling. Olivia moaned louder at the extra stimulation and started praising you since praising makes you even hornier. “That’s a good girl. Go on sweetheart…keep sucking on them darling…such a good girl. My perfect baby.” She praised you and you blushed red from them and from her fucking you. Soon enough, both of you were cumming on each other and moans were spread in the house. Olivia collapsed on top of you and was breathing hard. You run your fingers through your girlfriends hair and start rubbing her back soothingly.
“I love you Olivia benson..” you whispered to her and gave her a loving kiss on the top of her head. “And I love you most y/f/n (your full name).” She whispered back and leaned up to give you a soft kiss on your plump lips. You smiled in the kiss as did she and Olivia rested her head back on your chest. Y’all then went to sleep in each others arms that night and had an amazing sleep. You sure did love Olivia’s short hair and now she definitely knows it.
A/n: 1545 words damn lmao when I first started this I was on my period and I was extremely horny for Olivia’s short hair so that’s how I came up with this lmao Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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