#human rights of refugees
chterzidislaw · 5 months
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⚖️ 🏛️ The Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki orders the Administration to allow our client's temporary stay in Greece until the decision is issued and to refrain from any action that would result in his forced departure from Greece.
✅ In this way, he is not at risk of arrest and deportation !!!
💼 As a greek law office, we provide legal assistance to refugees and migrants in Greece. Christos M. Terzidis, a Greek migration lawyer with a PhD title from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and former legal advisor to the NGO 'ARSIS' on refugee and migrant issues, is greatly experienced and specializes in Migration Law.
⚖️ We protect the human rights of refugees, providing legal assistance to refugees and migrants,undertaking cases that deal with refugee and immigrant residence permits (issuance and renewal) , application for political asylum and support at all stages of the process , appeals , protection from deportation and protection from administrative detention, deposition applications and their presentation and support before the Administrative Courts , presentation and representation before the Appeals Authority and its competent committees , passports (issuance-renewal) , family reunifications, Golden visa cases and so on.
✍ We prepare each case methodically with the outmost care and attention.
🆘 There is a 24-hour service available for emergency cases (like arrests and so on).
📞 You can reach us on 00306977424779 , so that we help you resolve your legal issues!
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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freewatermelon0 · 3 months
Google is hiding the truth, and playing with words to change the facts, and to change the truth about what happened in Nuseirat camp, it's literally censoring the Nuseirat Massacre.
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As Palestinians in Gaza seeking to escape the Israel-Hamas war begin applying to come here through a special immigration program, immigration lawyers say Ottawa is asking for an unprecedented level of personal information from prospective migrants. "It's strikingly different than what is ordinarily required for a visitor visa application," said immigration lawyer Pantea Jafari. "[The federal government] is asking for significantly more information than any of those applications, and even more than any permanent resident's application." This week, the federal government launched a new program to permit up to 1,000 Palestinians who are extended family members of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to apply to come to Canada and stay for three years if their families can support them financially.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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"Terrifying footage captured by Aljazeera’s cameraman in Jabaliya tonight -where IOF pounded the camp with over 100 bombs as quadcopters fired at civilians taking shelter in nearby schools. Safety is an illusion. Humanitarian zones a deception." [@/gazamom on X. May 11, 2024.]
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yasyassie · 4 months
fuck your pride activism if it only includes cis, white able-bodied and neurotypical queers
fuck your pride activism if you forgot why we celebrate this month and who started it (black and trans working class ppl if you needed a reminder)
fuck your pride activism if you pretend to care about the community but then continue to buy from big companies that donate millions to anti lgbt politicians, perpetuate genocide, exploit other human beings and destroy the environment (but put a rainbow on their logo each june so it's ok)
fuck your pride activism if it continues to support israel and still falls for its pinkwashing and racist bullshit (about it being the only progressive country in the middle east etc)
fuck your pride activism if you exclude palestinian, congolese, sudanese, uyghur, armenian, (and every community suffering from genocide) lgbtq people from your cry for freedom
fuck your pride activism if it doesn't support the liberation of south and central american, caribbean, asian, romani, eastern european, sámi, middle eastern, native american, pacific islander, maori, aboriginal australian, indigenous tribes everywhere, and african people.
fuck your pride activism if you don't support religious queer people and reject their spirituality and connection to their faith as part of their identity
fuck your pride activism if you don't welcome queer inmigrants, war refugees and political refugees
fuck your pride activism if you don't uplift the voices of those who can't, those who are silenced, those who have to hide, those who fear imprisonment or death for being who they are
fuck state homophobia and opressive regimes
fuck homonationalism and the hypocrisy of the west
fuck capitalist and colonial pride
pride is for every single one of us
pride was a riot before it was a celebration and i intend to protest for an intersectional activism each and every day of this month
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syd-beads4evac · 19 days
Fundraiser for VETTED CHARITY - #13 on Operation Olive Branch Mutual Aid
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100% of sales on my beadwork go towards Al Nasser Charitable, a Palestinian-run charity on the ground in South Gaza. Vegetable prices are very high there, so they’ve started a campaign to help people in displacement camps!
EDIT: “Donate” QR code doesn’t work RN:
I swear this QR code led to a link Ibrahim, the charity’s president, sent me directly. But it seems that PayPal has deemed a charity operating under a genocide "ineligible" for donations.
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I don’t know how or when this happened, or if there's any way to appeal it, but this is vile on PayPal's part. If you still want to donate directly, Ibrahim has a PayPal you can give directly to:
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alwaysbewoke · 9 months
As we are inundated daily on social media with receipts of savagery perpetrated against Palestinian people, let us also amplify the voices of the unheard persecuted people of the #Sudan #DRC #Congo #Rwanda. Listen now to @poet_ktwo in his own words. Power to the people. #weoutchea #gullah #geechee refugees_easthorn @refugees
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
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In times of desperation, people have turned to old methods passed down through generations, ways of surviving learned from past times of hunger.
Leaves from different bushes now make up the core of almost everyone's diet in these camps.
Everyday, they are picked and then boiled with water, then eaten as a paste.
- Middle East Eye
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chterzidislaw · 25 days
Our client was released!
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⚖️ 📜 My objections to our client's detention were accepted, he was released and his deportation did not take place!
Are you in trouble with Migration Law cases..?
... 📞 Call us today on  00306977424779  or   📧  us  at  [email protected]
💼 We have great experience in Migration Law.
Christos M. Terzidis, a Greek Lawyer with a PhD from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a Former Legal Advisor to the NGO 'ARSIS' on refugee and migrant legal issues, has a great expertise and specializes in Migration / Refugee Law.
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
“America likes to tell a certain story about itself: It’s a safe haven, a place of refuge for the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. It’s a story that history shows hasn’t always been true. But thankfully, it just got easier for Americans to take matters into their own hands and turn that aspiration into a reality.
The Biden administration on January 19 launched the Welcome Corps, a new program that will allow groups of Americans to directly sponsor refugees to resettle in their communities.
Whereas recent programs have focused on bringing over people from specific places — Afghanistan, Ukraine, Venezuela — this program makes it possible for private citizens to resettle people from any place in the world, so long as they are refugees as defined by the US Refugee Act.
Under the Welcome Corps program, you and a few of your friends can pool together funds to provide an immigration pathway that allows vulnerable people who may not otherwise be able to immigrate the ability to rebuild their lives in the US. Forming a private sponsor group involves bringing together at least five adults in your area and collectively raising $2,275 for each person you want to resettle in your community. With that money, sponsors commit to helping them through the first three months there, which can include securing and furnishing housing, stocking the pantry with food, supporting job hunts, and registering kids for school.
It’s a powerful way to improve life for the newcomers, granting them protection from persecution or violence in their country of origin, plus the chance to access health care, education, and socioeconomic opportunities. It can also improve life for everyone who’ll be in the newcomers’ orbit, including you and your neighbors. Research suggests welcoming refugees will likely benefit your community as a whole, for example by opening new businesses that revitalize neighborhoods. In Canada, a similar private sponsorship program has proven immensely popular and successful over the past decade.
But you might be thinking: Why should it fall to private citizens to fork over the cash, time, and energy to resettle refugees? Shouldn’t that be the government’s job?
...It’s a fair point: This is the government’s job. That’s why the advocacy groups that pushed for the Welcome Corps program insisted that any refugees who come to the US via private sponsorship should be in addition to the number of traditional, government-assisted resettlement cases.
The State Department has signaled that it agrees. This means that by sponsoring a refugee, you can play a role in allowing the US to take in more refugees overall. It really is additive.
And unlike prior programs for Afghans or Ukrainians, which were temporary, ad hoc responses to crises, the Welcome Corps is intended to be a permanent fixture. The hope is that it’ll complement the traditional resettlement process, which has been struggling for years.”
-via Vox, 1/27/23
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kaapstadgirly · 8 months
Yesterday, here on tumblr, someone reached out to me, seeking help. And now I am here seeking yours. I don't care about your opinions and views. The matter of the fact is that everyone deserves to be treated as human beings, and they deserve the rights of human beings as we all do.
Right now, we have a violation of the LGBTQ+ community in Uganda after its government passed one of the harshest anti-gay laws, which includes punishment by death.
Here are two Al Jazeera articles on this:
1. Displaced twice: Gay Ugandans on the run face upheaval in Kenya
2. Ugandas anti lgbtq law causing wave of rights abuses activists say
Yesterday, @annoyingpaintertragedy (please take a look at their blog) reached out to me regarding this. They mentioned that many of Ugandas lgbtq civilians were forced to flee Uganda to neighboring Kenya. But situations are just as bad in Kenya. They spoke of the Kakuma refugee camps where they now live along with many other refugees.
I myself am just now learning of this. But if you have any information or links of organizations that may help regarding this situation, please send them to me or add them to the reblogs.
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sonyaheaneyauthor · 4 months
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Ukrainian refugees work as shoemakers in a displacement camp in Germany after World War II.
Millions of Ukrainians were taken by the Nazis as slaves during the war, and hundreds of thousands were left stateless as their land was absorbed into the Soviet Union.
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This family needs help fleeing Sudan. There are children, elders, and disabled people at risk in this family. Please give what you can & share!
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