#refugees in greece
chterzidislaw · 5 months
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⚖️ 🏛️ The Administrative Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki orders the Administration to allow our client's temporary stay in Greece until the decision is issued and to refrain from any action that would result in his forced departure from Greece.
✅ In this way, he is not at risk of arrest and deportation !!!
💼 As a greek law office, we provide legal assistance to refugees and migrants in Greece. Christos M. Terzidis, a Greek migration lawyer with a PhD title from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and former legal advisor to the NGO 'ARSIS' on refugee and migrant issues, is greatly experienced and specializes in Migration Law.
⚖️ We protect the human rights of refugees, providing legal assistance to refugees and migrants,undertaking cases that deal with refugee and immigrant residence permits (issuance and renewal) , application for political asylum and support at all stages of the process , appeals , protection from deportation and protection from administrative detention, deposition applications and their presentation and support before the Administrative Courts , presentation and representation before the Appeals Authority and its competent committees , passports (issuance-renewal) , family reunifications, Golden visa cases and so on.
✍ We prepare each case methodically with the outmost care and attention.
🆘 There is a 24-hour service available for emergency cases (like arrests and so on).
📞 You can reach us on 00306977424779 , so that we help you resolve your legal issues!
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georgeter88 · 3 months
Human rights are for everyone.
We protect the human rights of refugees.
We provide legal assistance to refugees and migrants in Greece.
Looking for an experienced lawyer in Migration Law to handle your cases..?
Get in touch with us on 00306977424779 to talk about your cases...
...or have a look at our site
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thatpunnyperson · 1 year
According to NBC here in the US, the missing titanic sub has been found. As debris. Off the bow of the Titanic wreckage.
And it looks like the sub suffered what we all suspected, and what was undoubtedly the more merciful of the two options: a catastrophic implosion from the pressure.
Also, more info has come to light about the fishing trawler with the hundreds of migrants that sank cataclysmically off the coast of Greece, indicating that the greek coast guard knew about the vessel AND how much trouble the vessel was in, and were towing it at a speed that made it capsize, at which point they unhooked the tow line and watched the trawler sink without helping the passengers to safety. Despite a bunch of other ships trying to help as well throughout the whole ordeal.
So a lot of people are dead, all because of regulations (and the lack thereof) regarding sea-faring vessels and rescue protocols. People shouldnt be allowed to make a business charging a ton of money for a ride on an uncertified, unsafe, un-seaworthy ship going deep into the ocean with no distress beacon or tether to the mothership. People also shouldnt be allowed to enact laws that criminalize the ferrying of refugees, which then force the refugees to hitch rides on fishing trawlers, and which also prevent people from helping those fishing trawlers full of refugees due to fear of legal consequences.
Hopefully BOTH of these events spark changes on an international scale in terms of what is legally allowed to be sailed, who is legally allowed to be the passengers, and what the rescue protocols are in the event of disaster for any seafaring vessel, illegal or not. It shouldnt be just the global 1% who get 24/7 search parties and remote-operated submersibles helping rescue them.
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hostageofeurope · 2 years
Last Wednesday I sought to speak with some people from #RefugeeLegalSupport at their office. But it turned out they changed their address and I couldn't find their present location.
They used to be in a place called #ImpactHub which is hosting dozens of other organizations, among which #ChooseLove was also a familiar name. So, I decided to speak with them instead.
But the meeting I had with them was not fruitful at all. Because they only kept saying “We only fund other organizations and not individuals. Because that’s what we do.”
They kept repeating the same thing, despite bluntly telling them that no other organization in #Greece whether supported by them or not, is willing to help me out despite asking for support from them for so many years.
But at the end, they didn’t really offer any help either.
Watch the video and read in-depth details here: 👇
👉 🔗 https://chng.it/pZTV5xwXkV
Please spread the word, sign my online #Petition now and Donate if you can.
Thank you for your support. 🆘 🙏 💔
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pandulce135 · 1 year
It really is like the titanic!
Where the rich get all the attention and care and the poor die.
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muslimgreeksissy · 9 months
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guilty-feminist · 1 year
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pagan-mushroom · 1 year
So the sub imploded. Instant death. Even James Cameron said it most likely imploded. Yeah, five people died.
The media keeps saying how "extremely wealthy" or "billionaire" died. Just a reminder that they were rich.
The media doesn't talk about how for about 13 hours, The Greek coastguard stood and watched a ship in distress as 700 people on a ship were sinking into the water.
Yeah there is a little snippet, but that is it.
"Tributes are paid to the family of a wealthy.."
Tributes should be paid to the over 100 dead and 500 people still missing at sea. Where was their rescue mission? Where was the coast guard when they were screaming, crying, praying and drowning?
For context, 700 people is about the same number that the Carpathia rescued from the Titanic. She nearly destroyed her damn engines and raced through an ice field to get to her sister to try and save as many as they could.
Did anyone do the same for the 700 people on board the ship in Greek waters? No, they watched the ship for 13 hours as it sunk and lives were lost.
Oh, and incase you're wondering, the US coastguard still says they might try and recover the bodies. WHAT FUCKING BODIES?
They imploded, they were turned into instant fish food. Leave them down there and maybe focus on then 500 missing people stil lost at sea?
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kaliarda · 6 months
«Θα ήθελα να εξηγήσω στον πρωθυπουργό και σε όλους τους πολιτικούς που βρίσκονταν στο συνέδριο πόσο σημαντικό είναι να δημιουργηθεί επιτέλους μια δημόσια κλινική για την ταυτότητα φύλου στην Αθήνα και να υπάρχουν και παραρτήματα στα νησιά. Αυτές οι κλινικές δεν απευθύνονται μόνο στα τρανς άτομα, είναι για την περίθαλψη όλων των ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ ατόμων. Υπάρχουν μόνο δύο ενδοκρινολόγοι που ειδικεύονται στην ορμονοθεραπεία των τρανς ατόμων – είναι άδικο! Για να κλείσεις ραντεβού πρέπει να περιμένεις μήνες και, φυσικά, να πληρώσεις. Και βέβαια χρειάζεται τρομερό κουράγιο να πηγαίνεις σε ένα δημόσιο νοσοκομείο και να εισπράττεις όλα αυτά τα αδιάκριτα βλέμματα. Τα τρανς δικαιώματα είναι ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα.»
Μπανγκλαντές / Μόρια / Αθήνα: Η απίστευτη ιστορία της τρανς πρόσφυγα Ovileya Myrah
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chterzidislaw · 25 days
Our client was released!
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⚖️ 📜 My objections to our client's detention were accepted, he was released and his deportation did not take place!
Are you in trouble with Migration Law cases..?
... 📞 Call us today on  00306977424779  or   📧  us  at  [email protected]
💼 We have great experience in Migration Law.
Christos M. Terzidis, a Greek Lawyer with a PhD from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a Former Legal Advisor to the NGO 'ARSIS' on refugee and migrant legal issues, has a great expertise and specializes in Migration / Refugee Law.
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feckcops · 1 year
The migrant shipwreck near Greece is a horrible tragedy – but it wasn’t an accident
“The Greek coast guard’s conflicting account states that the vessel was first spotted by Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, at midday on Tuesday, June 13. It claims that once it achieved contact, those on board repeatedly stated that ‘the boat was not in danger, they wanted no help other than food and water, and that they wished to continue on to Italy.’ The coast guard states that at 1:40 a.m., the boat ceased moving, and at 2:04 a.m., a coast guard floating vessel reported that the trawler had capsized.
“International legal experts have noted that even if those on board the trawler said they did not want to be rescued, the coast guard had the obligation to independently evaluate if it was seaworthy and intervene if it was not. Photos of the trawler show that it was clearly overpacked, those on board did not appear to be wearing life vests, and the vessel was not flying any flag …
“These tragedies are no accident, but a product of political choices. Over the past decade, the EU has reduced access to asylum and made arriving on the continent ever more difficult — increasing policing and surveillance along its borders, erecting and expanding walls, and illegally pushing back thousands of people …
“There are years of evidence that Greece and Frontex regularly engage in and cooperate on illegal pushbacks — pushing migrants back over the border despite their right to seek asylum. In recent years, these pushbacks have been stepped up, both on the country’s northern land border and at sea. Those caught on the northern border are usually beaten, robbed of their phones and all their valuables, often stripped naked, and put in boats on the river Évros. People who arrive on Greek islands are usually gathered up, put on rubber boats, and abandoned at sea. Boats intercepted in the Aegean Sea are often damaged or have their engines removed, or else the Hellenic Coast Guard will simply tow them back to Turkish waters.”
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odinsblog · 1 year
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While EU officials express their grief over the deadliest shipwreck in recent years, Solomon's analysis exposes the EU hypocrisy: Out of 800 million euros allocated to Greece for border management, only 600,000 euros (0,07%) are for search and rescue. (source)
Authorities practically watched them drown and nothing was done until it was too late
The Greek coastguard claimed it didn’t intervene when a boat carrying asylum seekers and refugees capsized because those on board refused help, leaving as many as 750 people to drown. Activists say Greece delayed aid as those on board pleaded for help for 15+ hours.
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Refugee camp in Salonica, modern-day Thessaloniki, Greece
French vintage postcard
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blue-village · 3 months
The Greek government has long been accused of forced returns - pushing people back towards Turkey, where they have crossed from, which is illegal under international law.
But this is the first time the BBC has calculated the number of incidents which allege that fatalities occurred as a result of the Greek coastguard's actions. The 15 incidents we analysed - dated May 2020-23 - resulted in 43 deaths. The initial sources were primarily local media, NGOs and the Turkish coastguard.
In five of the incidents, migrants said they were thrown directly into the sea by the Greek authorities. In four of those cases they explained how they had landed on Greek islands but were hunted down. In several other incidents, migrants said they had been put onto inflatable rafts without motors which then deflated, or appeared to have been punctured.
One of the most chilling accounts was given by a Cameroonian man, who says he was hunted by Greek authorities after landing on the island of Samos in September 2021. Like all the people we interviewed, he said he was planning to register on Greek soil as an asylum seeker. "We had barely docked, and the police came from behind," he told us. "There were two policemen dressed in black, and three others in civilian clothes. They were masked, you could only see their eyes." He and two others - another from Cameroon and a man from Ivory Coast - were transferred to a Greek coastguard boat, he said, where events took a terrifying turn. “They started with the [other] Cameroonian. They threw him in the water. The Ivorian man said: ‘Save me, I don’t want to die… and then eventually only his hand was above water, and his body was below. "Slowly his hand slipped under, and the water engulfed him." Our interviewee says his abductors beat him. "Punches were raining down on my head. It was like they were punching an animal." And then he says they pushed him, too, into the water - without a life jacket. He was able to swim to shore, but the bodies of the other two - Sidy Keita and Didier Martial Kouamou Nana - were recovered on the Turkish coastline. The survivor’s lawyers are demanding the Greek authorities open a double murder case.
Another man, from Somalia, told the BBC how in March 2021 he had been caught by the Greek army on arrival on the island of Chios, who then handed him to the Greek coastguard. He said the coastguard had tied his hands behind his back, before dropping him into the water. "They threw me zip-tied in the middle of the sea. They wanted me to die," he said. He said he managed to survive by floating on his back, before one of his hands broke free from the ligature. But the sea was choppy, and three in his group died. Our interviewee made it to land where he was eventually spotted by the Turkish coastguard.
In the incident with the highest loss of life - in September 2022 - a boat carrying 85 migrants ran into trouble near the Greek island of Rhodes when its motor cut out. Mohamed, from Syria, told us they rang the Greek coastguard for help - who loaded them onto a boat, returned them to Turkish waters and put them in life rafts. Mohamed says the raft he and his family were given had not had its valve properly closed. "We immediately began to sink, they saw that… They heard us all screaming, and yet they still left us," he told the BBC. "The first child who died was my cousin's son… After that it was one by one. Another child, another child, then my cousin himself disappeared. By the morning seven or eight children had died. "My kids didn't die until the morning… right before the Turkish coastguard arrived."
An investigative journalist we spoke to based on the island of Samos says she began chatting with a member of the Greek special forces via the dating app Tinder. When he rang her from what he described as a "warship", Romy van Baarsen asked him more about his work - and what happened when his forces spotted a refugee boat. He replied that they "drive them back", and said such orders were "from the minister", adding they would be punished if they failed to stop a boat. Greece has always denied so-called “pushbacks” are taking place.
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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