#Le Loup Garou
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1929 Vladimir Barjansky (1892-1968), Art Deco Cover design for Programme booklet, Program presenting Le Loup Garou, Comedy Theatre Caumartin (Théâtre de la Comédie Caumartin), Paris.
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Bande annonce pour le futur jeu de Loups Garous sur Canal+ (x)
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amastelaire · 6 months
Watching through the comments on french netflix release and all the english peoples are like "why is it not in english this id so bad I don't want to only read subtile for 2 hours!!!" Like come on have you ever heard of other countries?
How do you think we feel when the all the new big release are only in english?
I swear a lot of english speakers think they are the center of the world when they aren't even the most spoken language...
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adarkrainbow · 5 months
Hey, have you heard about the Spiderwick Chronicles show?
Only like a few weeks ago X) There was like zero publicity or announcement for it that came across my screen.
It is like the Loup-garous Netflix show (Loup-garou de Thiercelieux, in English they translated it as the Werewolf Pack or something). This was a show everybody was hyped about in France and talked about, it was supposed to be one of those big Netflix France thing... And when I finally learn the whole thing is done and ready to go it is by a friggin' American trailer on an English-speaking channel on the English part Youtube...
Anyway so yes, I vaguely heard of the fact they are making a show and I hope it will be good!
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patoune-prod · 1 year
Ici Vont Les Morts déménage!
Surtout parce que je suis une abrutie et que j'ai oublié de renouveler les noms de domaine (et j'ai la flemme)
L'ancienne URL n'est donc plus accessible MAIS le webcomic existe toujours ! Vous pouvez continuer de le lire à cette adresse
L'url est donc https://valeriane.org/ivlm/
Je me demande si je reposterais pas l'histoire du début sur un planning bi hebdomadaire, quelqu'un serait partant?
Et sur ce, à bientôt et bonne lecture !
(C'est pas marrant, j'ai réussi à caser plus de blagues sur les morts vivants dans la version anglaise)
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radicalestes · 2 years
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It’s been quite a while, but hey! The second part of La Bete du Pont-Sur-Champs is now up on Webtoons! Historical horror, action, and hints at the supernatural; I’d love it if you checked it and my other werewolf stories out!
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darkmovies · 10 months
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juquidessine · 11 months
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Inktober, day 27 : beast
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frenchly-anxious · 2 years
The greatest part of learning sign language at uni was the insane games of The Werewolves of Millers Hollow we did after. The werewolves's debates during the nights were both lengthy and chaotic and grammatically uncertain; it was glorious
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elairin · 2 years
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🐺 Prêt.e.s ou pas, il arrive... 🐺
LE TOME 3 ! Ca y est, on approche du lancement du dernier volume et de la fin de cette aventure !!!
Cette fois nous passerons par une campagne Ulule pour vous permettre de précommander le livre, et pleins d'autres surprises !
La campagne Ulule commencera début avril, vous pouvez déjà vous abonner au projet pour être prévenu.e par email dès sa sortie ! ➡️ https://fr.ulule.com/promenons-nous-dans-les-bois-tome-3-integrale/coming-soon/
Vous n'imaginez pas à quel je suis excitée par tout ça ! J'espère que vous aussi !
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songedunenuitdete · 2 years
Les Cinq Meutes T1 – Rejetée par l'Alpha de Cate C. Wells
✨J'ai lu Rejetée par l'Alpha de Cate C. Wells / BMR éditions 🦋À lire si vous n’êtes pas en recherche de quelque chose de sérieux et que vous désirez juste passer un moment avec une romance sympathique sans être très recherchée.
Mon avis : Ce titre me titillait depuis un moment et… j’ai fini par craquer et je l’ai lu. Ce n’est pas de l’urban fantasy mais plutôt de la romance paranormale. Ici, l’intrigue tient sur peu. On a affaire à une romance sur fond de fantastique. L’autrice s’intéresse avant toute chose à la relation de ses héros, tout tourne autour de Killian et de Una. Les personnages secondaires servent de…
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howlingday · 3 months
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Perhaps… a new emblem would be good for you, Jaune
Jaune: But... I'm not a wolf.
Jaune: Unless...
Le Loup-Garou
Ruby: On the one hand, he's decimating the Grimm population in his nightly rampages.
Ruby: On the other hand, he's almost killed a dozen people and we had to distract him to get him to attack more Grimm.
Ruby: I tried to cut him, but he's just too fast.
Ruby: ...Part of me thinks it's because we held hands the night before Egg Day.
La Bête du Gévaudan
Weiss: Thankfully, we were able to subdue him before he could cause too much trouble.
Weiss: It costed us about 6.2 million lien in property damage, three squadrons of Atlas' finest, and about 3.4% of Remnant's supply of dust. But, on the other hand, a number of Salem's secret agents were found and killed, so silver-lining, I guess.
Weiss: ...What? What do you mean it's not Jaune? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE ATTACKS ARE STILL HAPPENING?!
Le Loup Blanc
Blake: Oh, we're getting invited to a wedding.
Yang: Really? Who's getting hitched?
Blake: Uh... It says Arc and Schnee.
Yang: Oh, so Weiss and Jaune finally got together, huh?
Blake: I don't think it's Jaune or Weiss.
Yang: Wha...
[Photo of Bride Winter beside Wolf Jaune]
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laurasimonsdaughter · 7 months
Of a Wolf and a Gift
A folktale from Mégevette, France
One day, in the village of Cez, a husband and wife were just taking their baking of bread out of the great communal oven, when an animal appeared and sat down, looking at them. It looked like a dog, bit its head was far more like wolf’s and there was hunger in its eyes. The man took pity on the starving beast and tore a piece off a freshly baked loaf to offer it to them, but his wife prevented him. She took up a stick and shouted at the creature: “Get away you stupid thing! We barely have enough to feed ourselves!” And the animal fled.
Winter came, and because there was no other work to be had in that season, the husband did as he usually did and went off as a travelling merchant. He sold a great deal of his merchandise to a family in Alsace and to his surprise they told him that they knew Mégevette and were acquainted with his wife.
“She is the kindest, most generous lady who ever lived,” said the grandmother of the family. “Please take back this gift for her, to wear on Sundays.” And she handed the man a fine vest, knitted from the softest wool.
When the husband returned to his wife he presented her with the gift at once, but to his surprise she regarded it with great suspicion. “I know no one in Alsace who would give me a gift,” she declared and before her husband could say another word she took the vest and flung it out of the window.
It caught on a branch of the cherry tree beside the house and there it remained. But the following year, that tree did not bear fruit. Little by little it wilted and withered, until it eventually died. And the same would have happened to that woman, if she had worn the vest that her husband brought back for her, because the person who sent it to her was the very werewolf she had chased away.
Translated and retold from the French given in Joisten & Chanaud’s Les loups-garous en Savoie et Dauphiné; tale 20 (told by Louis Bron in 1965), which is a variant of tale 22 “Le don au loup” (told by Gustave Chevallier in 1965).
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wolfsnape · 2 months
Moi : J'écris un roman de fantasy
Les gens : haha et c'est quoi la créature ??? Un vampire ? Un loup-garou ??? Twilight girl 🤪
Moi :
Moi :
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Moi : un wendigo
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loupgaroualejardin · 2 months
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Hello, We're the Loup Garou Á Le Jardin, a Polyfrag Traumagenic System that collectively identifies as a Nonhuman Transmasc. 
You can collectively refer to us by Farkas, Takola, Cerberus, Garden, or Dia. As well as the pronouns He/Him, It/Its, Mob/Mobs, Lore/Lores, Garden/Gardens, Plant/Plants, Rain/Bow, and Blurry/Blurrys.
We ask you don't refer to us by terms such as Alters, Personalities, Parts, You&, Etc, as we are disgusted by this language used for ourselves. We don't mind the terms, Sysmate, or Headmate instead, or just using y'all/you all.
Our Pronouns.cc is here. Feel free to look.
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Our Current Hosts are:
Warmonger/Mongrel/Terrorist - Primary Host - Any/ All Pronouns
Johnny - Primary Host - Any/All Pronouns
Ghost - Secondary Host - Any/All Pronouns
Price - Secondary Host - Any/All Pronouns
Gaz - Secondary Host - Any/All Pronouns
Sam - Teritary Host - He/They/Creep/Boom/TNT
DreamXD - Teritary Host - It/They/Eye/God/Fear/He
Sol - Co-Host - They/Them
Tootsie/Indie/Anthomia - Co-Host - He/She/They/It
Host in our case does mean they are practically always fronting, but, that doesn't mean they are the current people you are speaking to. With that in mind, don't assume who you're talking to.
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Our BYF / BYI are:
We’re collectively Anarcho-Communists, and stand heavily for the revolution, especially through the means of violence. Though, Not all of us are AnComs, all of us have left wing views we will firmly uphold.
We're collectively pretty low cognitive and emotional empathy and low sympathy for strangers.
We’re Pro all good faith identities. You’re always free to ask if you're unsure where I stand.
We’re Pro-leaning on Endos, as we aren't entirely knowledgeable on endos, but, we won't deny the existence of said systems/plurals/collectives. Though, As a traumagenic system we lack a complete understanding on the subject, even then, we're NOT your teacher when it comes to endos.
We actually ask everyone who dislikes our interests to DNI as we can and will be aggressive about it if you disagree with our views. 
We’re Anti Rightwing, Zionist, Truscum/Transmeds, TERFS/SWERFS, Proship, Radqueers, Thinspo, MAPs, NOMAPs, Sysmeds, etc. Ask if you aren't sure, I'll tell you to fuck off if we don’t want you here.
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Edited 8/4/24 - updated 09/08/24
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