#Learning and Development
mommymadnessblog · 2 years
Scarlett’s 12-13 month updates…
She says 27 words understandably
She can show you her head, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, belly, bellybutton, and toes
She knows sign language for more, all done, eat, milk, and thank you
She can indentify a kitty, doggy, and duck, and can make the sounds for all 3
Walking full time, 5 days before 13 months old
She dances to all the Ms. Rachel songs, copies most movements along with them
She’s still obsessed with Foxy Friend
She loves the gabby cats from Gabby’s Dollhouse, she currently has Pandy, Kitty Fairy, MerCat, and Baby Box
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carruslearn · 2 years
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saipushpalearner · 14 days
Organizational Structure for Training 
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Training and Development, often referred to as Learning and Development (L&D), is a crucial function within Human Resources (HR). Traditionally, it has played a supporting role in organizations, but as businesses evolve, so too does the role of L&D. Today, it's becoming a strategic partner in driving business success.
The Evolving Role of Learning and Development
In Deloitte’s 2019 Human Capital Trends research, Learning and Development emerged as the top-rated challenge for organizations. With the rapid changes in the economy and workplace, the need for reskilling and upskilling has become more critical than ever. Additionally, there's a growing need for enhanced behavioral skills to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace. As a result, L&D is positioned to play a pivotal role in preparing organizations for the future.
Despite its importance, only 10% of respondents in Deloitte’s 2019 survey believed that the L&D function was equipped to handle these challenges. This highlights a significant gap between the current state of L&D and its potential to meet the evolving needs of businesses.
The Imperative to Revamp the Training and Development Function
To bridge this gap, the L&D function must undergo a transformation, becoming more agile and responsive to business needs. A key step in this transformation is re-evaluating and restructuring the organizational framework of the L&D department.
Be Agile: Structuring for Flexibility and Responsiveness
For L&D to be agile, its organizational structure must support agility. An agile structure is typically characterized by a flat hierarchy with fewer communication layers, enabling faster decision-making and more efficient operations. Semi-autonomous, cross-functional teams that address specific business learning needs can greatly enhance the agility of the L&D function.
By adopting such a structure, L&D can quickly adapt to changing business environments, delivering targeted learning solutions that meet immediate and future demands.
Be a Strategic Partner: Aligning Learning with Business Goals
L&D must evolve from a traditional support role to a strategic partner within the organization. This shift involves working closely with business leaders to understand the skills required to achieve organizational goals. Learning initiatives should be designed with these goals in mind, ensuring that they contribute directly to the business's success.
In essence, L&D should focus on creating learning opportunities that align with business objectives, moving beyond learning for engagement's sake to learning that drives measurable business outcomes.
Be an Innovator: Embracing New Learning Technologies
Innovation is at the heart of business growth, and L&D should be no exception. While many organizations have started integrating new learning technologies, such as eLearning and Learning Experience Platforms, there's still a long way to go. Emerging technologies like wearable devices and Artificial Intelligence (AI) hold tremendous potential for transforming learning experiences.
To foster innovation, L&D should consider establishing a dedicated innovation wing or center of excellence. This will ensure a continuous focus on exploring and integrating new learning technologies, keeping the organization at the forefront of learning and development.
Be Culture Champions: Promoting Organizational Values through Learning
The L&D function plays a critical role in shaping and promoting organizational culture. Therefore, its structure should not only align with the broader organizational culture but also actively contribute to it. For example, if an organization prioritizes diversity and inclusion, the L&D function must embody these values in its structure and operations.
By doing so, L&D can lead by example, reinforcing the desired culture through targeted learning initiatives and ensuring that the organization’s values are lived out across all levels.
Become Co-Owners of Learning with Business
For L&D to truly become a strategic partner, learning initiatives must be co-owned by both the business and the L&D function. This co-ownership ensures that learning strategies are agile, aligned with business needs, and jointly prioritized.
Senior leadership should collaborate with L&D to define the people capability agenda, which should then be executed in partnership. This collaborative approach not only ensures that learning initiatives are relevant but also increases their impact on business outcomes.
The L&D function has always been central to organizational success. However, as businesses face unprecedented challenges, the role of L&D has become even more critical. To effectively support the business, L&D must revamp its organizational structure, becoming more agile, innovative, and strategically aligned with business goals.
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shifaa589 · 17 days
How AI Development Companies Are Helping Businesses Thrive: A Focus on Immersive Technology
Immersive technology, such as augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) is rapidly becoming a powerful tool for businesses to engage with customers and enhance their experiences. AI development companies are at the forefront of integrating immersive technology into various business applications.
Key Benefits of Immersive Technology: Enhanced Customer Engagement: Immersive experiences create lasting impressions and foster deeper connections with customers. Improved Product Visualization: Customers can visualize products in real-world settings, reducing the risk of returns and increasing purchase confidence. Training and Education: Immersive technology provides interactive and engaging training experiences, improving knowledge retention and skill development. Marketing and Advertising: AR and VR can be used to create memorable advertising campaigns and interactive product demos. How AI Development Companies Leverage Immersive Technology: AI development companies are pivotal in helping businesses leverage these technologies effectively. For example, they use AI to enhance experiential marketing, where personalized immersive experiences are tailored based on individual customer preferences and behaviors. Interactive solutions powered by AI can adapt to user input, offering real-time feedback and creating a more engaging experience.
For companies exploring these opportunities, partnering with an experienced AI development company can offer valuable insights. Understanding the range of available solutions and their impact can help in effectively integrating immersive technology into your strategy. Connecting with professionals in the field can provide further guidance.
Additionally, AI development companies ensure that mobile and web integration of immersive technology is seamless, making these advanced experiences accessible to a wider audience. They also contribute to content development by utilizing AI to generate 3D models and animations, significantly reducing development time and costs. Strategic guidance from these companies helps businesses effectively utilize immersive technology to achieve their objectives.
By integrating immersive technology with AI, companies are enhancing customer engagement and driving overall business growth. As AI development companies continue to innovate in this space, businesses are discovering new ways to thrive in a competitive market.
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healthandsafety79 · 20 days
Learning Management Systems for Employee Training
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Learning Management Systems (LMS) have transformed how companies deliver training, making it easier to enhance workforce skills and productivity in today's rapidly evolving business world, where effective employee training is critical for organizational success and maintaining a competitive edge.
Take the first step in revolutionizing your employee training. Contact us today to learn how a Learning Management System can empower your workforce. Reach out at [email protected] and let’s explore this opportunity together!
This guide explores Learning Management Systems for employee training, providing insights and tips to maximize the benefits of this technology-driven solution.
Learning Management Systems for Employee Training: An Overview
A Learning Management System (LMS) is software that facilitates the administration, delivery, and tracking of organizational training programs. Through a centralized platform, employees can access learning materials, participate in courses, and monitor their progress, making it an indispensable tool for modern training initiatives.
LMS platforms offer features like content management, assessments, certifications, and reporting, streamlining the entire training process for organizations.
Key Benefits of Learning Management Systems
Implementing an LMS for employee training provides significant advantages for both employers and employees. Here are some of the most impactful benefits:
Increased Accessibility and Flexibility: LMS platforms allow employees to access training materials on their own schedule, from any device, including computers, tablets, or smartphones. This flexibility ensures employees can engage with training content without interrupting their daily workflow.
Tailored Learning Paths: Organizations can create personalized training programs based on employee needs. By analyzing performance data, individualized learning paths are developed to target specific roles and skill levels, improving engagement and retention.
Centralized Training Management: LMS systems eliminate the need for scattered training files. By storing everything in one central location, companies can efficiently upload, update, and distribute training materials. This centralization ensures consistent training across the organization and simplifies tracking employee progress.
Interactive and Engaging Learning Experiences: LMS platforms use multimedia elements like videos, quizzes, and simulations to create an interactive learning experience. This dynamic approach keeps employees engaged and helps reinforce learning.
Real-time Progress Tracking: LMS platforms enable companies to track employee progress in real-time. Detailed reports and analytics help identify skill gaps, evaluate training effectiveness, and guide decision-making to optimize employee development.
Unlock the full potential of your workforce with our state-of-the-art Learning Management Systems. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance employee skills and productivity. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start transforming your training programs.
Best Practices for LMS Implementation
To successfully implement an LMS for employee training, follow these best practices:
Define Clear Objectives: Establish your organization’s training goals and align them with overall business objectives. Identifying the key skills and knowledge your employees need will guide you in selecting the right LMS and maximizing your return on investment.
Choose the Right LMS: With many LMS options available, it’s essential to find one that fits your organization’s needs. Evaluate factors such as ease of use, scalability, customization, and customer support. Engage key stakeholders in the decision-making process to ensure you select the best system.
Design Engaging Content: To maximize engagement, develop visually appealing, interactive training content. Use multimedia elements like videos and interactive modules to create an immersive learning experience. Content should be concise, relevant, and designed with adult learning principles in mind.
Encourage Employee Participation: Incorporate collaborative elements like discussion forums or virtual classrooms to promote social learning. Involving employees in the learning process fosters a sense of community and enhances knowledge sharing.
Provide Ongoing Support: Offer continuous support during and after the LMS implementation. Ensure employees are comfortable with the system by providing training sessions, tutorials, and a helpdesk for technical support.
Ready to transform your employee training and boost productivity? Contact us today to discover how Learning Management Systems can drive your organization’s success. Let’s take your workforce to the next level together!
Conclusion: Embrace the Power of LMS for Employee Training
In today’s dynamic business environment, Learning Management Systems have become essential for organizations aiming to enhance employee skills and productivity. By offering accessibility, personalization, centralized management, and real-time tracking, LMS platforms provide a comprehensive training solution.
Successfully implementing an LMS requires clear objectives, the right system, engaging content, active participation, and continuous support. By following these best practices, companies can foster a culture of continuous learning and growth, empowering their workforce to succeed.
Ready to elevate your employee training with the latest tools and techniques? Contact us today to learn how a Learning Management System can take your workforce to the next level. Get in touch now at [email protected] or call us at 866-706-7283 Ext 2.
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lifeinspiration4all · 1 month
Untold Truths About Growth Mindset: Strategies For Personal Development
Untold Truths About Growth Mindset: Strategies For Personal Development. What if everything you’ve been told about the growth mindset is only scratching the surface? While the idea of a growth mindset has become a cornerstone of personal development, the true power of this concept remains untapped by most. If you’re ready to go beyond the basics and uncover the hidden strategies that can truly…
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ossie50 · 2 months
"He's a born leader!"
How many times have you heard that statement, or perhaps the alternative, a ‘born salesperson’. It’s a garbage statement, and is dangerous as it assumes people are incapable of learning the skillsets, and developing the mindset associated with success in leadership and sales. Let’s look at the characteristics of effective leaders and salespeople (working in a B4B environment). Apart from the…
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chrysalishrdsocial · 2 months
Building a Culture of Accountability: Ownership and Responsibility for Learning Results 
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In today’s dynamic business landscape, success demands you to have more than a talented workforce. It requires building a culture that boosts accountability, ownership, and responsibility. An accountable and engaged team is high-performing and capable of meeting all challenges. 
Consider this example. As a ship’s captain, you have the ownership. You decide the direction in which you want to steer it to navigate through obstacles. But when you encounter trouble, accountability is having a life raft, and responsibility is distributing them to prevent people from sinking and getting you back on track. 
Thus, ownership, accountability, and responsibility are core values within an organisation for building trust and collaboration. 
What is A Culture of Accountability?
In the corporate world, a culture of accountability means appreciating every employee’s contribution to the organisation’s success and, in turn, every employee doing their share. It encourages employees to take ownership of their duties and be responsible for completion. 
The Relationship Between Responsibility and Accountability
Before building a culture of accountability, organisations must understand its meaning. Many consider accountability and responsibility to be synonymous. While they belong to the same family, there is a difference. 
Accountability is results-driven and carries a sense of ownership over the results. Responsibility, on the other hand, relates to an employee’s actions focused on task completion. 
In other words, accountability is result-oriented, whereas responsibility is task-based. An employee can have ownership of a project, the responsibility to complete its tasks, and accountability for the results. But an employee can also be responsible yet not accountable, and vice versa. 
Building accountability is crucial for fostering a culture of personal development and continuous improvement. Let’s discover the importance of accountability and why you should focus on building it at every level of the organisation. 
How is Building a Culture of Accountability Beneficial?
Employees are more involved when they don’t just have ownership of completing the tasks but are also accountable for the results. Their focus on the outcome is much more, which results in improved performance. In a culture of accountability, the most common benefits include:
When everyone knows their role, no one assumes “someone else is doing it.” Thus, there is timely completion of all tasks with fewer slips.
Employees think more creatively, which enhances their problem-solving skills and boosts innovation. 
When employees are individually accountable, the chances of taking ownership of mistakes or hiccups are much higher, thereby reducing conflict. Employees also learn more in the process since they don’t shift blame elsewhere. 
The culture of accountability leads to improved performance, which helps employees learn new skills, gain confidence, and foster a growth mindset.  
Steps to Build a Culture of Accountability
Consistency, patience, and a shift in the thinking pattern of the organisation’s leadership are required to build a culture of accountability. This cannot be achieved overnight and needs time. Here are the steps you must follow to establish a culture of accountability successfully. 
Ensure every employee knows how their work contributes to the organisation’s success. Align their responsibilities directly with the organisation’s strategic imperatives. When employees know their actions are crucial to the organisation’s success, they are more likely to adopt personal accountability. 
Personal accountability can also be built by setting performance goals with employees. Make sure you also set individual learning and development goals. Giving employees appropriate learning and development opportunities instils a sense of accountability amongst employees to benefit from those opportunities. Many organisations focus on results-based learning to create measurable change individually and at the organisational level.
Inform everyone about who is responsible and accountable for every task and set clear expectations. Use a chart to lay out the responsibilities.
The fear of failure makes employees reluctant to take on responsibility and accountability. There are also chances of hiding mistakes or finger-pointing. Remember to foster a sense of stability and safety and treat failure with grace. 
Make sure employees have the resources required to achieve goals. Do not set unrealistic timelines. Employees hate it when they are held accountable for something not in their control. 
Have a robust feedback mechanism. A culture of accountability requires candid and regular employee feedback. Talk about concerns, challenges, successes, and suggestions. Feedback works both ways. When you provide feedback, ask employees for suggestions on improving organisational processes. 
Building a culture of accountability necessitates the development of lasting personal accountability throughout all levels of an organisation. You will have to spend time and effort, as well as some trial and error, to increase accountability. However, once it’s done, it will lead to improved employee performance and engagement and, eventually, the organisation’s success. 
Source Link: https://socialchrysalishrd.blogspot.com/2024/07/building-culture-of-accountability.html
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Synergizing AI and Microlearning to Maximize Training ROI
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In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate training, organizations are constantly seeking innovative approaches to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their learning programs. One of the most promising advancements in this field is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with microlearning. By combining the strengths of AI and microlearning, companies can create a powerful synergy that maximizes training return on investment (ROI). This article will explore how AI and microlearning work together to deliver superior training outcomes and measurable business impact.
Understanding Microlearning
Microlearning is a training method that delivers content in small, focused chunks, typically lasting between 3 to 7 minutes. This approach caters to the modern learner's need for quick, easily digestible information that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Key benefits of microlearning include:
Increased Engagement: Short, focused modules are more engaging and less likely to cause cognitive overload compared to longer training sessions.
Improved Retention: Information presented in small chunks is easier to remember, leading to better knowledge retention.
Flexibility: Learners can access microlearning content on-demand, fitting training into their schedules without disrupting their workflow.
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Training
AI technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics, are transforming various industries, and corporate training is no exception. AI brings several advantages to training programs, such as:
Personalization: AI can analyze learner data to provide personalized content recommendations, ensuring that each learner receives training tailored to their needs and preferences.
Automation: Routine administrative tasks, such as scheduling and tracking progress, can be automated, freeing up trainers to focus on more strategic activities.
Analytics: AI-driven analytics provide deep insights into learner behavior, engagement, and performance, enabling data-driven decision-making to optimize training programs.
The Synergy of AI and Microlearning
When AI and microlearning are integrated, they create a synergistic effect that significantly enhances the training experience and maximizes ROI. Here’s how:
1. Personalized Learning Paths
AI can analyze data from various sources, such as previous training records, job performance metrics, and learner preferences, to create personalized learning paths. These tailored paths ensure that each learner receives the most relevant content, addressing their specific needs and knowledge gaps.
Example: A sales representative struggling with objection handling can be directed to specific microlearning modules that focus on this skill, rather than generic sales training content.
2. Adaptive Learning
AI-driven adaptive learning systems can adjust the difficulty and pace of training based on real-time analysis of learner performance. This dynamic approach keeps learners engaged and challenged at the right level.
Example: If a learner excels in a particular topic, the AI system can introduce more advanced content to keep them challenged. Conversely, if a learner is struggling, the system can provide additional resources or simplify the material.
3. Enhanced Engagement through Gamification
AI can enhance microlearning modules with gamification elements, such as personalized challenges, rewards, and leaderboards. These elements make training more enjoyable and motivate learners to engage consistently.
Example: AI can track a learner’s progress and introduce gamified elements like earning badges for completing modules or achieving high scores in quizzes, fostering a competitive and rewarding learning environment.
4. Intelligent Content Curation
AI can curate and recommend content from a vast repository of learning materials, ensuring that learners receive the most up-to-date and relevant information. This prevents content from becoming stale and keeps training programs current.
Example: AI algorithms can scan industry trends, company updates, and learner feedback to identify and recommend new microlearning modules that address emerging skills or knowledge areas.
5. Real-Time Feedback and Assessment
AI enables real-time feedback and assessment, providing learners with immediate insights into their performance and areas for improvement. This timely feedback helps learners stay on track and make necessary adjustments to their learning strategies.
Example: After completing a quiz, learners receive instant feedback on their performance, including detailed explanations of incorrect answers and suggestions for further study.
6. Data-Driven Insights for Continuous Improvement
AI-powered analytics provide comprehensive insights into the effectiveness of training programs. By analyzing data on learner engagement, completion rates, and performance, organizations can identify trends and areas for improvement, ensuring continuous optimization of training initiatives.
Example: An organization can use AI analytics to identify which microlearning modules are most effective and which ones need improvement, allowing for data-driven refinements to the training program.
Maximizing Training ROI with AI and Microlearning
By leveraging the synergy of AI and microlearning, organizations can achieve significant improvements in training ROI. Here’s how:
1. Reduced Training Costs
The automation and efficiency brought by AI reduce the time and resources required for training administration. Additionally, the on-demand nature of microlearning allows for more flexible and cost-effective delivery.
Example: Automated scheduling and progress tracking reduce the need for manual intervention, lowering administrative costs and freeing up trainers to focus on content development and learner support.
2. Improved Knowledge Retention and Application
The personalized and adaptive nature of AI-enhanced microlearning ensures that learners retain more information and are better able to apply it in their roles. This leads to improved job performance and productivity.
Example: Tailored learning paths ensure that learners receive relevant content that addresses their specific needs, resulting in better retention and application of knowledge.
3. Higher Engagement and Completion Rates
The engaging and interactive nature of AI-enhanced microlearning leads to higher engagement and completion rates. Gamification elements and real-time feedback keep learners motivated and invested in their training.
Example: Learners are more likely to complete training programs that are engaging and provide immediate feedback, leading to higher overall completion rates.
4. Measurable Business Impact
AI-driven analytics enable organizations to measure the business impact of training programs more effectively. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as productivity, sales performance, and customer satisfaction, organizations can directly correlate training initiatives with business outcomes.
Example: An organization can use AI analytics to track the impact of training on sales performance, identifying a clear link between microlearning modules and increased sales.
Implementing AI-Enhanced Microlearning
To successfully implement AI-enhanced microlearning, organizations should follow these best practices:
1. Start with Clear Objectives
Define clear training objectives that align with business goals. Identify the skills and knowledge areas that need to be addressed and establish measurable outcomes.
Example: If the goal is to improve customer service, set specific objectives such as reducing response times, increasing customer satisfaction scores, and improving issue resolution rates.
2. Leverage Data for Personalization
Use AI to analyze learner data and create personalized learning paths. Continuously gather and analyze data to refine and optimize training programs.
Example: Regularly review learner performance data to identify trends and adjust learning paths accordingly, ensuring that training remains relevant and effective.
3. Incorporate Gamification and Interactivity
Enhance microlearning modules with gamification elements and interactive content to keep learners engaged and motivated.
Example: Introduce challenges, quizzes, and leaderboards to create a competitive and rewarding learning environment.
4. Provide Real-Time Feedback
Implement AI-driven real-time feedback mechanisms to help learners understand their progress and areas for improvement.
Example: Use AI to provide instant feedback on quizzes and assessments, offering detailed explanations and suggestions for further study.
5. Monitor and Evaluate Effectiveness
Regularly monitor the effectiveness of training programs using AI-powered analytics. Use data-driven insights to make continuous improvements and ensure that training initiatives deliver measurable business impact.
Example: Track KPIs such as learner engagement, completion rates, and performance metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and make data-driven refinements.
The synergy of artificial intelligence and microlearning represents a transformative approach to corporate training. By leveraging AI’s capabilities to personalize, automate, and analyze, and combining them with the engaging and flexible nature of microlearning, organizations can maximize their training ROI. This integration not only reduces costs and improves efficiency but also enhances knowledge retention, skill development, and overall business performance. As organizations continue to navigate the challenges of the modern business environment, AI-enhanced microlearning offers a powerful solution to drive continuous learning and development, ultimately leading to sustained success and growth.
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yourkompanions · 3 months
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cyber-soul-smartz · 3 months
Distinguishing Chronic Complainers from Solution Seekers: The Power of Positive Mindset and Productive Behaviors
In every social and professional setting, we encounter two distinct types of individuals: chronic complainers and solution seekers. Transformation, just like mindset, is contagious. Understanding how to distinguish between these two can significantly enhance our interactions and foster a more constructive environment. Social contagion theory says that behaviors, emotions, and ideas can spread…
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asrivastava · 3 months
Unleash Your Sales Potential with Ozemio's Comprehensive Sales Enablement Solutions
Ozemio's sales enablement offerings encompass a three-stage approach - Discovery, Determination, and Implementation - to help organizations align their sales teams with the buyer journey, engage prospects effectively, build virtual trust, measure impact, provide the right training and coaching, and boost productivity even in uncertain times. Our expertise, developed over decades of experience with global multinationals, is showcased through their Value-Selling Enablement, Sales Onboarding, and Channel Partner Enablement models. Learn more at: https://ozemio.com/sales-enablement/
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maryhilton07 · 4 months
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A Learning and Development (L&D) Certification from the Global Skill Development Council (GSDC) equips you with a comprehensive set of skills crucial for designing and delivering effective educational programs. You will master instructional design, which involves creating structured and engaging learning materials tailored to various audiences. 
Facilitation skills are honed, enabling you to lead training sessions and workshops with confidence and clarity. You will also delve into the principles of adult learning, understanding how to motivate and educate adult learners effectively. 
The  Learning and Development certification provides experience with Learning Management Systems (LMS), essential for managing and delivering online training programs. Additionally, you will develop project management skills, ensuring that learning initiatives are planned, executed, and evaluated efficiently. 
Together, these skills prepare you to excel in the dynamic field of L&D, driving both individual and organizational growth.
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hrblusky · 5 months
Learning and Development Post Covid 
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During 2020 the Fosway Group conducted rapid research on the perceived impact of Covid-19 on learning and development. Responses from 108 companies opened several critical areas for discussion. 
The key findings were: 
94% felt it necessary to change strategy around what they did and how they did it; 
Only 12% felt that learning and development would go back to what it was before the pandemic or were unsure of what the future would hold; 
The most successful support platform for learning and development during the pandemic was the virtual classroom; 
Delivery modes moved, with the most important being video, curated content, mobile and micro-learning; 
4 out of 5 organizations saw increased demand for digital learning from senior management; 
A higher demand for digital learning was felt by 71% of organizations; 
84% thought it was important to integrate corporate communication platforms such as MS Teams with digital learning provision. 
Let’s look at the potential implications of these findings on the future landscape of learning and development. 
1. Need to amend the strategy 
Limits placed on socializing meant that both internal and external live classroom training ceased almost immediately once Covid was designated a worldwide pandemic. Mirroring the move from face-to-face meetings to online meetings, training also moved from the class to virtual collaboration platforms. 
The move online explains the “what they did” part of the findings; the “how they did it” part required a significant re-think in the design and content of learning solutions. Virtual classes need a great deal of thought on ensuring participant engagement, equality of access and contribution, and ways of assessing the learning taking place. 
Not every organization had a robust digital strategy; those with a mature digital strategy could cope more effectively as base skills and policies were already in place. 
A key message to take away is the importance of learning and development teams having a core strategy flexible enough to be amended as business dynamics change. 
2. Future direction 
Some organizations have certainty around how they see the future of learning and development. Confidence exists in those who have a base strategy in place, the skills needed to pivot their approach, and a business model already encompassing longer-term hybrid or remote working. 
However, there are other organizations for whom the future was less clear. The research was completed in May 2020, and it would be interesting to see how this finding has changed over time. With the availability of vaccines and control policies, organizations are starting to reconsider readiness to move some learning and development interventions back into the classroom. 
This finding is one area where the jury is still out on a final judgement of the direction's organizations will choose. At a practical level, it’s clear that training is best done face to face in some cases, even on the job. 
3. The rise of the virtual classroom platform 
Virtual classroom platforms such as Blackboard and Webex have been around for many years. The pandemic ushered in a new era of remote working, and the use of virtual platforms has expanded exponentially. Technologies such as Zoom and MS Teams took the lead in both meetings and education. Many organizations used these platforms to deliver virtual class sessions in place of live classes, and it was seen as the most supportive platform during the pandemic. 
As trainers have become more comfortable with the technology, it’s fair to suggest that this form of delivery is likely to remain at a high level in future. One serious issue remains that could cloud the use of virtual classes, which is the question of design. Few organizations have had time to properly design effective learning solutions to suit the new delivery model, but solutions must be designed specifically for the virtual environment to be truly effective. 
4. Changes in delivery modes 
The assessment that video, curated content, mobile and micro-learning are the leading modes of delivery has supported a trend that has been in place for some time. Preference is towards learning in the flow of work, accessibility at any time, short and focused content, personalization and engagement. These modes of delivery are likely to continue to be firm favorites in future. 
5. Senior management support for digital learning 
On the one hand, most learning and development leaders will be relieved that they no longer must convince management of digital learning benefits; on the other hand, management had no choice when the pandemic hit. 
Looking at this positively, we can hope that this experience has signaled a permanent change in perception and support for digital learning from the top. If so, senior-level support will secure budgets and help create an authentic learning culture. 
6. Employee comfort with digital learning 
Employees previously reticent to embrace digital learning had no other choice during the pandemic. Although some may still prefer the face-to-face option, many will likely continue to see digital learning as a support for their development and lifelong learning goals. 
Critical to future success is adopting a strategy that focuses on learning in the flow of work. Learning professionals must broaden their role to support employee knowledge and development and introduce new areas of content. Examples of content shift during the pandemic have included the need for subjects such as working remotely, handling work/life balance, engaging in a remote environment, and managing a remote workforce. 
7. Integration of learning and development solutions with the flow of work 
As employees have become more familiar with regularly using technology for communication and learning, learning and development professionals have sometimes struggled to create a seamless experience. 
Software companies have seen the rise in digital learning and capitalised by adding learning-specific features into their systems. The coming together of circumstances supports the drive towards improving employee experience via seamless access to information and technology. Finding ways to integrate learning and development with existing collaboration platforms is a natural step. 
Further work is needed to support diversity and inclusion by looking at where learning and development can link to all employee life elements from recruitment to performance and retirement. 
In summary, the learning and development profession has pivoted into a new reality. The pandemic has created challenges but also great opportunities. Many of the changes made will ensure that learning and development have a voice and can influence and guide decisions that create an impactful learning culture and drive their organization to success. 
Contact us at HRBluSky today to explore how we can support you in managing your learning and development needs. 
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gamificationcompany · 5 months
Revolutionizing Learning: The Power of Pop-Up Learning Cafes
 The Gamification Company offers an innovative approach to learning and development through Pop-Up Learning Cafes. These are designed to break barriers in traditional learning methods by fostering an informal, high-energy environment. Here’s a summary of what they entail:
Duration: Each Espresso Learning POD Session lasts between 60-90 minutes.
Learning Approach: Utilizes the Neuroscience of Play methodology for powerful experiential learning.
Flexibility: Can be set up in various settings, including indoor, outdoor, or digital spaces.
Requirements: A good supply of coffees, teas, and water; Espresso Learning POD Session kits; A Certified Facilitator trained in Cafe Style learning.
Programs Offered: A wide range of themes and topics spread over a few hundred activities, with the option for customization based on objectives.
Key Topics: Leadership, Customer Obsession, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Coaching, Ownership, Innovation, Diversity, Sales, Accountability, Creative Thinking, Negotiations, Unconscious Bias, Communication, and Engagement.
Trainer Certification: Master Facilitators deliver initial programs, followed by training and certification for your trainers to run customized programs.
Pop-Up Learning Cafes are a unique blend of focused micro-learning sessions designed to deliver concrete results within a short timeframe, making learning engaging and effective
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fanciedfacts · 8 months
Is it true that either you're right brain or left brain dominant?
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