#Lee evans
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enbysiriusblack · 9 months
marauder parents hcs:
mostly for my own continuity fanfic writing reasons
remus- hope and lyall; very in love, they're an adventuring turned sitting on the sofa with a cuppa couple. they both sell things at the village market, and help out neighbouring farms. hope died in early 80s and lyall spends the rest of his life mourning her and his son
james- euphemia and fleamont; literally besotted with each other, best friends turned lovers but it was fleamont crushing heavy on euphemia whilst euphemia was in a highschool romance with minerva. died in each other's arms <3
sirius & regulus- orion and walburga; arranged marriage, knew each other since they were babies (being cousins and all). didn't particularly get on, they just tolerated each other and both had numerous affairs
peter- lydia and cora (mum and dad divorced and his dad legally isn't allowed to see him); lydia was a teen mum to peter and later realised she was a lesbian, got with cora whilst peter was a teenager and cora became his unofficial mum-in-law.
dorcas- bob (mum isn't around/left when she was very young); he's bob the builder /real. is very gay. never came out to dorcas (she knew). sirius was the one who told him dorcas was dead, weeks after it happened. and after it came out in the muggle world of sirius being a huge criminal, bob blamed him for dorcas' death.
lily- jean and lee; both huge workaholics (boring office jobs) and put a lot of academic pressure on petunia and lily. *cough* lee is in love with bob *cough*. lily gets the ginger-ness from lee. they both don't know a lot about their kids life, which they regretted after lily's death.
marlene- catherine and ian; catherine is a huge bitch, we hate her. ian is just there. he's a classic sitcom dad- goes to work, reads the paper, watches tv, occasionally fixes stuff in the house and plays football with his sons. he's much closer to marlene's brothers, since catherine doesn't like marlene doing 'masculine' things. they're both middle class, wannabe perfect and traditional family people.
mary- aymee and ronnie; quite chill. ronnie works at the post office, and aymee sells homemade jewellery. they both get on more with mary than her older goth lesbian sister, sy. aymee went to hogwarts, was in hufflepuff, so is the parent to help mary out with magic related things.
emmeline- mi-sook and yeong-su; yeong-su went to hogwarts so got emmeline to live with her grandparents (in scotland) so she could go there too. as such, she's not that close to her parents. she does gets on with her mum, sending letters to each other every week and spending time together when emmeline visits. but doesn't get on with her dad, him being distant and comparing her to her younger siblings
pandora- tilly and cian; they both worked as apprentices to nicholas flamel after finishing school and met each other there. they're the lovegoods (i'm a 'xenophilius took pandora's last name' truther.) regulus' parents let him be friends with pandora in hopes her parents would get regulus a connection to the flamel's. they both dissaproved of xenophilius but agreed it was better than pandora's previous sapphic poly relationship
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sconesfortea · 1 year
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Countdown to the 60th anniversary rewatch | 4.15: Planet of the Dead
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doyouknowthisactor · 1 month
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By "roles" I mean playing a different character; someone playing one character across a franchise only counts as one thing for the purposes of this poll
Below are some of this actor's roles. Please only check after voting!
Mousehunt as Lars Smuntz
There's Something About Mary as Tucker
The Fifth Element as Fog
The Medallion as Arthur Watson
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nine-frames · 10 months
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"Mice don't mock. They don't have a sense of humor or irony. He's not sitting in his hole in a smoking jacket sipping cognac, and giggling to himself, "I left the pit!""
Mouse Hunt, 1997.
Dir. Gore Verbinski | Writ. Adam Rifkin | DOP Phedon Papamichael
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st0neymal0neyx0 · 11 months
Who's your favourite comedian?
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changing-my-username · 2 months
Rory Stewart looks like Lee Evans
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baddingtonbitch · 4 months
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Lee Evans as Lars Smuntz
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clairedelune-13 · 2 years
I miss unhinged family movies like Mouse Hunt. Like, who decided “Yes, a murder rodent trying to kill two guys who inherited a house is perfectly fine for a child to watch.”
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tiganas · 1 year
Plots with a View / Undertaking Betty (2002)
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imvges-football · 9 months
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2ndaryprotocol · 2 years
The slapstick sleeper hit ‘Mouse Hunt’ snuck into theaters this week 25 years ago. 🏚🐭🪤
“𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚠𝚎'𝚛𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎.”
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critical-chris · 2 years
Mouse Hunt (1997)
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That's right, folks. Today we're talking Mouse Hunt.
I know what you're thinking. Why? When I've spent most of my reviews discussing recently released or relevant films, why would I suddenly take the time to watch and write about a forgotten 1997 comedy vehicle driven by Nathan Lane and Lee Evans?
Dollar, dollar bills ya'll. This is my first ever commissioned review, and the sick individual willing to cough up some cheese for Critical Chris had to hear my thoughts about Mouse Hunt. What an advertisement for my services.
I had never seen Mouse Hunt as a kid and frankly had never heard of the movie until college, when a friend of mine insisted that we take time out of our busy drinking hours to watch one of his beloved childhood movies. The same friend who spent prime weekend days clicking away at League of Legends, or whatever that stupid World of Warcraft ripoff is called, on his laptop at our kitchen counter. Like smart, intoxicated adults, we declined every time. Instead, we focused on finer films like Anchorman and Katy Perry: Part of Me. You know, classics.
I would classify myself as a Nathan Lane fan, but in the sense that what I've seen of his I have enjoyed and not that I've seen all of his movies. I loved him in The Birdcage, found him to be one of the only good parts of The Producers, fondly reminisce on the life he brought to Timon in The Lion King, and liked a few of his bit parts here and there. Lee Evans, on the other hand, I truly only remember from There's Something About Mary, but enjoyed his performance quite a bit in that movie.
For context on my state of mind going into this movie, I had just watched Aftersun for my upcoming blog on Oscar nominations and predictions, and was still wiping the remainder of the tears I cried at the ending when I decided I needed a pick-me-up. If you've seen Aftersun, and you should, you can understand that mentally I was in a very depressed space once the credits rolled. That movie kicks you in the gut when you least expect it. What better way to pull an emotional 180 than chase that film with a battle of wits between a couple bumbling buffoons and a rodent.
The setup for Mouse Hunt is simple enough: Two rather distant brothers reunite when their father, the proprietor of a string manufacturing company (because that's common), dies and leaves them not only the company but an aging and decrepit mansion. Oh, and he left them a piece of string. Nathan Lane plays a stubborn, indifferent renowned chef uninterested in his father's legacy unless it comes with a payout. Lee Evans plays a simple unemployed man with more of an emotional connection to his father who has recently been dumped by his controlling wife. Lane only desires to sell his father's company, while Evans sees an opportunity to continue the family business.
Both brothers are shocked to learn their father owned a mansion that is now passed down to them, and even more astonished that it ends up being the work of a historically renowned architect. The brothers cannot believe their luck as several magnates descend upon them offering fat checks and millions of dollar, dollar bills ya'll. There's just one issue, the house is occupied by a sneaky, relentless mouse. Oh, did the title give that part away?
There were some really brutal uses of outdated CGI effects through the film that reminds you the quality of movie you are watching. The setup of Nathan Lane inadvertently serving the overweight mayor a lavish meal with a cockroach inside, which had been hiding out in Lane's father's cigar box, was decent enough, but the cockroach itself looks like something made for Jaws 3D or a clay-mation project for film school.
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However, I found Mouse Hunt to be funnier and better made than it had any business being. The opening joke of Nathan Lane criticizing his brother for not owning a black suit to wear to his father's funeral, and the subsequent gag of dropping the casket and sending their pops' corpse flying into a manhole, set the tone for the film. There were a handful of funny, well-executed gags and some good back and forth ridicule volleyed between Lane and Evans.
The joke of Lane and Evans rigging an insane number of mousetraps and accidentally trapping themselves in the same room hints at the gag to follow, and the mouse sending a cherry flying to set off every trap on the brothers is another great moment.
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The scene where Evans is firing a nail gun into the walls in an attempt to kill the mouse in his territory, and seeing the grand interior destruction and mouse dodging the seemingly massive metal spikes, was fantastic. It not only has you sympathizing with the mouse, but gives some great disaster movie-esque effects. The same can be said towards the end of the film when Lane attempts to 'flush' the mouse out during their mansion auction by stuffing a running hose into one of the mouse's holes in the wall.
I had a funny feeling that we may have a surprise cameo in this move as well, and when CHRISTOPHER WALKEN enters this thing as a crackpot exterminator with an assortment of gadgets, it sent me over the moon. Walken is cranking up his schtick to an eleven, and has a funny moment when analyzing mouse droppings as he subsequently eats one. He, of course, is outsmarted by the mouse as well, but I loved his addition to the movie.
The other side characters are fine. Evans' wife, portrayed by Vicki Lewis, plays her part okay, leaving him at his lowest only to come back into the fray once she hears of his potential payout from the mansion, only to leave again when the mansion crumbles to dust. Maury Chaykin plays an eccentric millionaire obsessed with the famed architect offering absurd checks to Lane who dismisses him in favor of an auction to drive up their earnings. Everyone else is in the movie just for moments or are forgettable.
The ending was fairly cheesy (pun intended) as well. After the mansion crumbles and the brothers are seemingly left with nothing, they enlist the help of the mouse to convert their father's string factory into a string cheese factory. I suppose they had to come up with some happy ending, but I thought it was kind of a cop out to go with a play on string cheese. However, I probably couldn't think of anything better in 5 minutes, which I assume is how long the writer spent drafting the closing scene.
I don't want to praise the movie too much because, at the end of the day, it is a goofball comedy that is far from a classic. The laughs and gags provided do make it a much better comedy than you would expect by the cover photo and title, but don't go in expecting to find your new favorite laugh riot. Fans of Nathan Lane, however, should be pleasantly surprised.
In conclusion, thank you to my first ever paying fan for sprinkling a handful of singles into my bank account so I could take 90 minutes out of my evening to sit back, turn off my brain, and indulge in this comedy. I'd also like to mention that I was correct for all those years in college and beyond, and this was not a classic movie we were dismissing in favor of watching other movies or drinking our nights away in its place.
Mouse Hunt - 6.3/10
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movie-titlecards · 2 years
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The Medallion (2003)
My rating: 4/10
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superb-fairywren · 25 days
Brennan Lee "I went to three different yogurt stores and got samples to cover my caloric intake when I was broke" Mulligan
Evan "The ice cream cone is the best option for calories on the McDonalds dollar menu" Kelmp
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hamill91 · 1 year
I think I've developed a crush on Lee Evans from There's Something About Mary (1998) and I don't know where it came from, but whew.... 🔥
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