#Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
nintendometro · 2 days
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Infernal Dinosaur - King Dodongo 'Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time' Nintendo 64 Support us on Patreon
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srahviola · 7 months
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75% of the art that I've been working on these last two years has all been illustrations for my OoT suite, and it occurred to me that I haven't posted about half of them yet, haha! (I actually performed the whole thing last weekend with a live band as a part of another recital, so I'll hopefully have that video up soon!)
Prelude & Reel | Allemande & Sarabande | Waltz | Flamenco & Requiem Pt. 1 | Gavotte
(No, no, the Serenade of Water illustrations aren't at all inspired by MajorLink's Reflections and A Beautiful Moment animations over on YouTube. Not at all, never!)
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ocarinanotes · 7 months
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I drew Ganondorf this time!
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batrogers · 4 months
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LINK, CHILD OF THE KOKIRI Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, Hyrule Warriors
[From my Link's Meet AU, That Broken Promise]
GENDER: Male (afab) PRONOUNS: He/Him or Gerudo “She” HEIGHT: 5'3" AGE: 20 [27?] HEALTH: Throat & Stomach scars, severe PTSD with violent startle response.
WEAPONS: Sword, Mirror Shield, Bow & Arrow ITEMS: Enchanted bag, Ocarina of Time, Fierce Deity Mask, Goron’s Bracelet, Lens of Truth SPELLS: Din’s Fire, Farore’s Wind, Nayru’s Love
Kokiri grew up, from ten to seventeen, in a past before his own birth and was pulled back to a future he almost no longer believed real. Zelda returned him to that original, deciding moment when they first met after his quest was done, but Hyrule had no more use for a boy of prophecy when the Triforce had always been broken. He travelled to Termina, then stayed with the Gerudo when his return to Hyrule turned sour. Shortly after, he was snagged through a portal into a strange place, rescued a young woman and found himself with little choice but to tag along with a Hylian army against a witch, a resurrected Ganondorf, and several others like him. Once the witch and Ganondorf were both defeated for good, he was returned to his time once again, this time (he hoped) for good. Unfortunately, the peace didn’t last at home either. Shortly before everything happened, he split his time between Nabooru, Zelda, and Malon as he tried to find peace again.
Kokiri is a bitter young man, with a sharp sense of humour and a tendency to pick at things he doesn’t trust will last. He is also deeply protective of others and sympathetic to seeing someone struggle. If he can step in to ease their pain, he will. He is as quick to laugh as he is to anger, and often regrets his actions when the moment has passed. His relationship with Zelda is strained more by his actions than anything she’s done in this time. Zelda and Malon both have no idea where he is, and do not expect to know.
Kokiri does not speak, learned literacy from Nabooru when he was twelve, and sign language while in Termina. Glossed as ASL.
Kokiri is bisexual, and extremely selective about who he lets touch him. He’s open to a lot of things once his trust is earned, and to many people’s surprise he is sleeping with Zelda still.
CURRENT MEDIA: Blue Gem Earrings, rated G (for now), backstory fic There With Bells On, rated E for RACK BDSM porn Unwise, Unknown, and Forbidden, rated E for graphic violence Unforgiven, rated M for interpersonal violence The Second Broken Promise, rated M for violence & mature themes Overflow, rated M for violence and mature themes Don't Be So Gentle, M & E rated short fiction Fluff Dump, below M rated short fiction In Another Time, fanart (semi-spoilery)
Songs from the Playlist for Kokiri: Dance on the Moon, by AURORA To Be Loved (feat. AURORA), by Askjell Teeth, by Dirty Land Not Ready To Make Nice, by The Chicks
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hybinger-nova · 10 months
Found this on Youtube, props to the creator
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sleepyhead-poll · 8 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
The first time you see him he's sleeping so deeply you need to make a cucco crow right next to him to wake up Seven years later he's still just as sleepy.
Sleepy little sheep friend. Just...uh...don't wake them. Trust me.
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majorasmask-headcanons · 10 months
"Mother. Mother. Mother, I crave violence!"
- Link, to Saria
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May I request some headcanons fo Darunia? If you aren't too busy of course)
Oh you mean my dad? The Goron who raised me? The whole reason I love and appreciate the Goron people in the first place and is legit the OG Big Guy (that's not an exaggeration either, Gorons had their first appearance in Ocarina of Time - MY first Zelda game). Of course I've got headcanons for you!
His sense of duty and Goron pride is limitless. He's chief for a reason and he acts the part in every sense of the word. A Goron who is very much about taking care of his folks. From leading all of Goron City to prosperity however he's able to to even giving his own life to try and save every single one of his people from Volvagia.
Darunia owned a replica of the Megaton Hammer. Its visage and creation was a combined effort between himself and Biggoron. Darunia hatched the idea to have it made shortly after Young Link destroyed King Dodongo. Fearing that they would run into another situation where their food supply would be cut off, Darunia made sure to have a means to destroy obstacles that threatened Goron City - a myth from Goron legend that the chief saw fit to make a reality. Combined with Biggoron's master steel craftsmanship and a bit of magic that he had imbued into it, Darunia saw to it that no one would be able to wield the ‘Megaton Hammer’ save for himself and Biggoron. It isn't until he awakens as the Sage of Fire, after Link destroys Volvagia in the Fire Temple and ultimately returns the actual Megaton Hammer to the Gorons, that he is able to summon and wield the real thing.
He is a bit of a hard ass. He's not quick to accept help if he doesn't want it (as we saw in Ocarina of Time), mostly because he feels as chieftain of the Gorons, he's capable of doing whatever it is he needs to do on his own. Darunia is incredibly strong, he's aware of this, but that strength can make him stubborn, and it takes him an inane amount of time to admit his shortcomings on a personal level. Being a leader everyone looks up to makes it hard for him to show vulnerability. When he's in a good mood though, he can be a little impish. Loves to give noogies and bear hug at any given opportunity. Definitely need to watch out for those hearty head pats lest ones end up in the ground.
During his time as chief, he remained undefeated in the Goron track races. All that raw power he possesses showed when he was able to launch himself at speeds that left even the heads of other Gorons spinning. His son, Link, was very fond of watching his father race - it was an activity of interest that he shared with Darunia - and the two would roll on the track together quite often. When Darunia set off to the Fire Temple to try and save the kidnapped Goron citizens, his son curled up onto the racetrack in the city and rolled continuously (until actual Link's arrival), the action serving as a means of comfort for him knowing his father was potentially heading to his death.
Darunia can't help but dance to lively music due to the royal family! At first Darunia despised showing up for diplomatic meetings with other figureheads to yammer on about the ongoings of Hyrule, but the one year he happened to be at the castle town grounds during a festival. The blaring music with its up-tempo beats had him moving his feet in no time once he caught the rhythm. That's how people learned that Darunia was a pretty animated dancer, and how Darunia himself learned that was his favorite way to destress.
Has wrangled bulls for the farmers in Kakariko Village as well as Talon over in Lon Lon Ranch. Every once in a while they'll get loose, and seeing as how they have big horns and even bigger bodies, no Hylian in their right mind would dare try to round them up themselves. Often that becomes a task they call upon Darunia for, which he actually enjoys doing. There isn't too much on Death Mountain that challenges his strength so being able to go toe to toe with a beast that actually makes him work? He's all in. As soon as people hear the Goron chief pounding on his chest in a battle cry, they know that bull is as good as caught.
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wingshowdown · 2 years
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elijbrony · 1 year
It has been a while since I've posted any links to any of my let's play videos, but I have been going through a lot in the past month and a half I have begun using my less frequently used websites a bit more often.
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nintendometro · 3 months
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srahviola · 1 year
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I've spent basically the last month working almost non-stop on these drawings for my recital, and I'm really proud of how they all turned out! It was a challenge to do such detailed backgrounds 😱😱😱
(I did not draw the logo myself, that would've taken too long 😖)
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itsaneye · 2 years
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I FINALLY FINISHED THIS!!! This was originally a doodle for a friend but I have no self control soooo uhhh
Click for better quality! Also, posted on newgrounds, if you'd like to see it there :)
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divineprank · 2 years
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batrogers · 6 months
sick prompt: 7
#7: “You okay? You’re never this quiet.”
Ocarina of Time, post-game GanLink, technically a pre-story piece for That Broken Promise. Rated G, unless you count criminal amounts of fluff.
Link looked up from checking the fit of a gemstone in its necklace and caught his lover looking blindly at the shuttered window. There was nothing to see there; even were it open, the window looked out at the split stone that protected the fortress in Gerudo Valley from invaders.
He didn’t think Ganondorf was thinking of invasion, not here and now. Not with that kind of vacant look on his face. He clicked his tongue, and got no response.
That worried him more. He carefully put the stones away, pliers and necklace too, and unfolded from his seat on the floor to clamber up onto the bed at his side. It was only as the bed dipped next to him that Ganondorf woke from his reverie, rapidly catching and capping his bottle of ink.
“Ah, my heart. What is it?”
Link didn’t answer him immedintely. He looked his face over and turned to stack his papers neatly and set them and the lap desk aside before he knelt by his chest and reached up to cup his cheeks.
Ganondorf turned his face away, presenting his cheek – not his lips.
Strike two.
Link made a small, amused noise in his throat and tapped him pointedly on the cheek with two fingers. He touched his forehead briefly (he didn’t have the jewellery on covering it, either) and then dropped back on the bed to sign.
“You’re too quiet,” he said. “How long have you been sick?”
“I’m fine,” his lover insisted. “I can still work.”
Link raised both eyebrows and reached back to check the work he’d been doing. There was a scratch sheet nearby, graphite on parchment that could be rubbed clean on which he could see several sums done and scratched out and done again. He didn’t understand the numbers – he’d learned to read and write but not much math – and simply held it up because he could tell just from the repetition it was likely the same sums done and redone.
The same thing double and triple checked, out of presumed exhaustion.
Ganondorf glared, an expression that had zero impact on Link at this point in his life.
“Don’t even bother,” he signed. “You should go back to bed.”
“The work needs done.”
“I will take it to Nabooru. Who can likely still do math.”
“You can’t even read it.”
“How many times did you redo the same numbers here?”
Ganondorf threw his hands in the air. “Fine! I concede, you can take it to her.”
Link perked up immediately and sat up to land a kiss on his lover’s nose. “Perfect,” he signed after. “I will be back.”
Ganondorf rolled his eyes, as if exasperated, but Link knew he was looking forward to it as he settled down once the lapdesk and papers were out of his way. There was still plenty of room for him to rejoin him on the other side of the bed, after all.
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thezoraprince · 2 years
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been thinking about these kids a lot lately
(please do not repost, reblogs only)
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