#criminally fluffy
batrogers · 6 months
sick prompt: 7
#7: “You okay? You’re never this quiet.”
Ocarina of Time, post-game GanLink, technically a pre-story piece for That Broken Promise. Rated G, unless you count criminal amounts of fluff.
Link looked up from checking the fit of a gemstone in its necklace and caught his lover looking blindly at the shuttered window. There was nothing to see there; even were it open, the window looked out at the split stone that protected the fortress in Gerudo Valley from invaders.
He didn’t think Ganondorf was thinking of invasion, not here and now. Not with that kind of vacant look on his face. He clicked his tongue, and got no response.
That worried him more. He carefully put the stones away, pliers and necklace too, and unfolded from his seat on the floor to clamber up onto the bed at his side. It was only as the bed dipped next to him that Ganondorf woke from his reverie, rapidly catching and capping his bottle of ink.
“Ah, my heart. What is it?”
Link didn’t answer him immedintely. He looked his face over and turned to stack his papers neatly and set them and the lap desk aside before he knelt by his chest and reached up to cup his cheeks.
Ganondorf turned his face away, presenting his cheek – not his lips.
Strike two.
Link made a small, amused noise in his throat and tapped him pointedly on the cheek with two fingers. He touched his forehead briefly (he didn’t have the jewellery on covering it, either) and then dropped back on the bed to sign.
“You’re too quiet,” he said. “How long have you been sick?”
“I’m fine,” his lover insisted. “I can still work.”
Link raised both eyebrows and reached back to check the work he’d been doing. There was a scratch sheet nearby, graphite on parchment that could be rubbed clean on which he could see several sums done and scratched out and done again. He didn’t understand the numbers – he’d learned to read and write but not much math – and simply held it up because he could tell just from the repetition it was likely the same sums done and redone.
The same thing double and triple checked, out of presumed exhaustion.
Ganondorf glared, an expression that had zero impact on Link at this point in his life.
“Don’t even bother,” he signed. “You should go back to bed.”
“The work needs done.”
“I will take it to Nabooru. Who can likely still do math.”
“You can’t even read it.”
“How many times did you redo the same numbers here?”
Ganondorf threw his hands in the air. “Fine! I concede, you can take it to her.”
Link perked up immediately and sat up to land a kiss on his lover’s nose. “Perfect,” he signed after. “I will be back.”
Ganondorf rolled his eyes, as if exasperated, but Link knew he was looking forward to it as he settled down once the lapdesk and papers were out of his way. There was still plenty of room for him to rejoin him on the other side of the bed, after all.
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violent138 · 4 months
The Batkids find an abandoned baby during patrol and have no idea what to do with it so they decide to keep it secretly overnight at the Manor. They play it completely cool but then realize that babies cry and they have no food or idea what to do. While Alfred runs out to get the necessary supplies, Bruce (who is highly convinced he's losing his mind) finds said baby and manages to get it to calm down.
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mwahmimi · 2 months
Comfort item🧸
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It has been a hell of a day. Early rise and a late finish, with maybe 5 minutes worth of a lunch break in between few cigarettes stops. Getting on the jet felt like finally being able to breathe. The unsub was caught, the case cracked, justice served. That’s what you signed up for. As you open your backpack in your seat, you rummage around in the depths of your bag, a deep sense of guilt and disappointment hitting the pit of your stomach.
You pale, realising you’d left your one comfort item at home.
The whole team had one, Reid had his blanket, Morgan his headphones and JJ a book to read. Yours was rather particular and could not be replaced, your stuffed animal, but he was more than that. He is an Eeyore plushie that you’ve been inseparable with since the day you received him as a birthday gift. Over the years he’d been ripped and sewn up, every time you pretended to give him anaesthetic for his surgery. He’d been with you, through all the nights you couldn’t sleep, the nights you’d cried yourself to sleep. He’d even shared the bed with your ex boyfriends, much to their dismay.
You knew this journey home without Eeyore would be a sleepless one.
Hotch slips himself into the seat next to you. He notices her sitting curled up on the seat and he can't help but notice how miserable you look, curling herself into a ball to almost hide from something.
"Are you doing okay?"
He asks, keeping his voice low to not disturb the others. You whisper in response, just muttering something about being tired.
"You look it. This was a tiring case. You should get some sleep."
He looks across to the others playing cards. Reid was almost definitely cheating again he assumed, as Morgan stared across the table with eyes like daggers, Emily’s head rested on his shoulder as she laughed at the confrontation in front of her.
"They'll probably keep going for a couple more hours if you can ignore them."
You pout, Hotch would be a safe person to share this problem with. He has a child so he’s definitely seen similar conundrums, maybe Jack wasn’t as much as of a baby as you are at the grown age of 22.
“I- I can’t sleep. Not without my Eeyore.”
You mutter under your breath, praying Aaron hears it. Admitting the fact again would be too embarrassing to endure.
He chuckles lightly at her choice of sleep companion.
"And your Eeyore toy is at home?"
He looks down at you, lifting your chin up with his thumb so you look him in the eye. You nod shyly in response, slipping into a nonverbal headspace.
Aaron looks sympathetic as she nods with a frowny face, but he still can’t resist teasing you.
"Aww, you miss your stuffed animal."
He smirks, making a little teasing remark. He matches his facial expression with yours, both modelling pouty frowns. Staring into each other’s eyes, you’re not sure how you started this game of getting the other to break the act and laugh. But you were certainly losing. Your lips curl up into a smirk and you let out a soft breathy giggle, your smile growing when he smirks back.
"Lie down then, come on."
Hotchner pats his lap, offering for her to rest her head on it. He adjusts his position so he's sat more comfortably and begins to gently run his calloused fingers through her hair, gently stroking it.
“This should help you fall asleep, hm?"
You feel the breath you’ve been accidentally holding release, your shoulders fall and for the first time all day you feel calm. You practically purr under his touch, smiling up and nodding at him.
Hotch glances down fondly as his hand continues to gently run through her hair.
He lowers his voice to a hushed whisper as to not disturb the other members of the team who are a few seats down.
"You are adorable, you know that?"
You feel your cheeks burn under your new found blush, rolling your head inwards to hide your face in his stomach. You squeal internally, realising you’re basically putty in his hands.
"Hey, what's wrong, hm?"
He questions, still keeping his voice gentle as he glances back down at her, his arms wrapped around her in a tight yet still comfortable hug.
“Nothing.. I- I miss Eeyore, but this is nice too.”
You manage to blurt out, half in nervousness and the other in honesty.
“When you get home, you can tell Eeyore all about how brave you were on your adventure without him. And you’re right, this is nice. Sweet girl, just needed to cuddle up and get a few head scratches. It’s cute you know? It’s precious. Having a comfort item, it doesn’t make you weak.”
Hotch speaks earnestly, running his fingers through your outgrown fridge and tucking the hair behind your ear.
"And I, I'll happily keep doing this as long as it keeps you sleepy. It's kind of cute how much of a baby you are and how easy it is to send you to sleep with a gentle head rub.“
Aaron’s voice sounded like silk, so soft and calming. It makes your eyelids feel heavier until they close. It can’t be that bad to take a nap on your bosses lap, can it?
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0and0its0doctor0 · 6 months
Drunk on you
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Aaron Hotchner x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, making out
Summary: Aaron has a tough time clearing his head from the horrors he sees at work. Watching you dance around the kitchen in one of his college shirts seems to help.
Word count: 370
Author note: So sorry it has taken me so long to post something. I feel bad it's so short. Please feel free to send any Criminal Minds requests my way!
Aaron let out a heavy sigh as he dropped his head to the steering wheel. His mind was full of morbid photos and case files that were stacking up on his desk. He was trying to clear his head and decompress before he walked into the house. He liked to try to leave all the trauma he had to deal with at the office but sometimes it was hard. He took a deep breath, loosened his tie, and stepped out of the car.
The minute he unlocked the door and stepped inside he set his bag down and couldn’t help but smile when he heard the music coming from the kitchen. He quietly stood in the doorway, leaning against the wall as he watched you dance around the kitchen. His mind cleared and his smile grew when he noticed you were wearing one of his old college shirts and a pair of shorts that didn’t leave much to the imagination. Your hair was in a messy bun, and he just thought you were the most beautiful girl he honestly had ever seen.
You were dancing to the music and didn’t even notice Aaron standing there till you turned and jumped a foot in the air when you saw him. “Holy fuck you are too quiet!” You said with a grin as you practically tackled him to the ground with a hug. You could always tell how hard his day had been by how hard he would hug you back and tonight he was almost breaking your ribs. “I love you. So, fucking much.” He refused to let you go as he walked the two of you to the couch. When he sat, he pulled you into his lap and started to kiss every available inch of skin he could find.
You tilted your head to the side to give him better access. Aaron barely pulled away from you, just enough to slip out of his suit coat. “Babe dinner is going to burn.” You said breathlessly between kisses. “So, we’ll order out.” He said as he started to tug the shirt off your body. “I love you too.” You whispered in his ear as you started to unbutton his shirt. 
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can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
sorry it’s so long! love your works!
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Aaron Hotchner X Young Daughter reader
Request: can i request a hotch x two-years-old-daughter!reader? i could totally see her begging her dad to let her wear her pink, poofy princess dress when hotch has to take her to work with him. but while hotch is busy, she manages to wander off. she then meets spencer (i imagine this takes place when spencer’s just starting with the bau) & immediately clings to him lol. she’s just very giggly, bubbly, cuddly, & LOVES to play with his hair. & poor spencer is just so confused but is endeared by her nevertheless. & then hotch finally finds her & is relieved. <3
I do love young Hotch daughter who is completely opposite to her dad. Around season 1, Hailey is alive and just had Jack.
Third person pov...
Hailey smiles as her Husband runs around after their hyperactive 2 year old, little Y/N Hotchner was a ball of sunshine and energy.
The 2 year old was excited she had a baby brother and loved to play with him, though she loved playing with her Daddy even more.
Currently the little ball of energy was running around the house away from her Dad who was attempting to put her in her clothes, she was going to work with him for the day.
The little girl was only half dressed as she ran before the man could put her trousers on, giggling she shouts "no daddy!" As the man almost grabs her, a smile on his face.
Still chasing the girl, surprised at how quick she was for a tot, though he wasn't running more like in slow motion, wanting the chase to last a little longer, it wasn't every day he got to do this with his daughter (besides he had time before work started)
From the living room, Hailey watches her Husband and daughter with a smile on her face as she held her sleeping baby, Jack was sound asleep as if nothing was happening.
As they make another loop around the house Aaron stops and hops into the doorway of the living room, back pressed against the wall, Hailey watches her husband as he made a shush motion.
"Daddy?" Calls Y/N as the tot ran past the room, a confused look on her face and she looked for her dad. Poking her head around the door she looked at her Mum. "Where daddy?" She asks a pout on her lips.
Hailey fails to hide her smile as her daughter was grabbed and thrown upside down, giggling madly Y/N yelled to be let down. "Daddy! Let go" giggling even more when her tummy was tickled.
"Never, now its time for naughty girls to be dressed" he tells his daughter smiling wickedly as he continues to tickle his daughter, the H/C girl only wiggled in his grasp.
"No no daddy, wanna wear princess dress" yells the tot, Aaron stops his attack and looks at his wife. Hailey only shrugs her shoudlers.
Ever since her birthday Y/N loved one gift in particular, it was a beautiful poofy princess dress her parents got specially made for her.
She loved wearing it every time they went out and was always careful to keep it clean. Hotch sighs of course she would want to wear it to his work.
Looking down at the sad puppy look hisbwas getting he gave in. Hanging his head he stood up Y/N in his arms.
"Okay, Princess dress it is" he declared, dramatically, while bouncing the little girl in his arms before walking upstairs with a happy Y/N "yayy" cheers the young girl.
Finally ready to go Hotch grabbed his brief case, his lunch and Y/N lunch. As he headed for the door he called for Y/N the little girl eagerly bouncing over to him as he helped her put on her light up shoes.
"Ready princess" he asks her, Y/N gives him a huge gumming smile. "Yes Sir Daddy!" She saluted him before hugging her Mum and baby brother before leaving. "Good luck" Hailey whispers as she kisses Aaron.
When they arrived at the FBI headquarters Hotch pulls his daughter aside. "Now N/N, I know your excited, but I need you to stay close to me today okay? The office is busy and I don't want you to get lost" he explains to the girl.
Y/N smiles and hugs his neck giggling. "Yes Daddy! I be good" she smiles, Hotch pats her head a smile on his lips. "Thank you N/N" the two Hotchners then walk into the busy building.
And what a pair they made, Hotch in his usual suit and red tie combo, his stoic expresson on his face. Y/N in her pink poffy dress with light up shoes waving and smiling at all the agents she sees.
Once they get to the bullpen, Y/N is introduced to the team who are all excited to meet the young girl. Soon Hotch is busy in his office mountains of paperwork to go through.
On the floor lays Y/N, the young girl had grown bored it staying in the office. She had drawn lots of pictures, played with her toys. Now she wanted to explore.
Getting up from the floor she walks over to the door and opens it quietly, giggling silently she squeezes through the gap and is now free from the room.
Giggling she runs around the bullpen looking at all the desk and the members of her daddy's team, one person stand out to her, that's person being Spencer Reid who had jsut recently joined the BAU.
Walking up to thr agent she grabs onto his pant leg and shakes his gaining the surprised Dr's attention, looking doen and the girl dressed in pink spencer gives her an awkward smile.
"Hi..?" He says Y/N grins up at him. "Hi! I'm Y/N" she tells him proudly. Spencer is taken aback how smiley Hotches daughter is.
"I'm Spencer, nice to meet you Y/N" he says, before Y/N holds her arms up to him, Spencer was confused before realising she wanted to be picked up.
Nervously looking over to his bosses office he picks the girl up and sets her down on his lap, Y/Ns smiles brightens as she was held by the young man.
The brown haired man was surprised again when the ball on energy on his lap twisted around so she could koala hug him, pressing tightly to him Spencer hugged her back.
" your nice" came a muffled voice pressed to his chest, Spencer let out a surprised laugh at that making Y/N erupted into giggles all over again.
After hugging spencer the H/C tot began moving around as he tried to work, afgwr wriggling a bit she finally settled behind him, half sitting on top of his chair and half holding onto his back.
Y/N happily played with the agents hair as Spencer worked, he was slowly getting used to the girl spending time with him.
As this happened a very worried Dad was panicking in his office trying to find his daughter, after going through everything in his office Hotch threw open his door and stepped down the ramp into the bullpen.
Morgan stood from his desk as he saw the worried expression on the man's face. "Woah woah, what's happened Hotch?" He asks the worried man.
Shoulders shaking Aaron explained he couldn't find his daughter anywhere, instead of helping Derek just laughed and pointed.
Following his arm Hotch breathed a sigh off relief as he saw where Y/N had got to, smiling he watched his daughter laugh and play with the young doctors hair.
He was glad she was okay and made a new friend. Quickly taking a few pictures he sends them to Haily who messaged back just a quick. "Some one made a new friend" chuckling he responded. "I think they both made a new friend"
Putting his phone away he went back to his office, happy to leave his daughter in his agents capable hands.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot sorry for the wait! Sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word Count : 1375
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bau-muffin · 6 months
“Pure Intentions”
Ship: Aaron Hotchner/Reader
Rating: E
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1,162 Words
Summary: You are an agent who is also spiritual and loves crystals. So, you decide to give your favorite boss man, SSA Aaron Hotchner, black tourmaline.
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Hotch really didn’t know why insomnia had chosen to haunt him on a Sunday night, but he felt the full extent of it when he stepped into the bullpen the next morning. He wasn’t really given to vanity, but he felt like his eyebags were eye-totes now, and even though he had downed a cup of coffee before leaving the house, he felt like if he was still for even a second, he’d fall asleep.
Of course the weekend he had off was when his mind barred him from a good night’s rest- the night before work, no less.
He had not been at his desk for more than ten minutes when you bustled into his office, your smile wide as usual despite being almost eight in the morning.
“Good morning! I was going to wait closer to lunch, but then Penelope told me a case came in, so I decided to give this-“ you stopped to actually look at him, and even though an amused smile was pulling at his lips, he looked so exhausted. “I’m so sorry, I should have asked how you were doing first.”
“I’m not sick, just tired,” Hotch said kindly, “what do you have?”
“Black tourmaline! I know you’re not much of a spiritualist, but the low down on it is that it sponges up negative energy! And I mean… I know you don’t exactly have a choice, you know, to be or not to be around negative energy but…” you shrugged before admitting, “It also reminded me of you too. Also, again I know you don’t put huge stock into it, but I also charged it for you.”
You put the shiny black chunk on his desk, almost shyly. He picked it up, studying it and turning it over in his hands. You half expected him to pull his reading glasses out to look at it, and if he had- well, you couldn’t rightly be held responsible for the noise you might have made.
“This reminds you of me?” Hotch asked skeptically, his brows knitted slightly.
“Mhm! It’s a bodyguard type crystal. And… I guess you have that sort of… vibe? To me anyways,” you added on a little less than tactfully as you were visibly becoming fidgety, your hands smoothing down your skirt.
“You see me as the bodyguard type.”
You put your hands on your hips, an eyebrow raising. “Did you or did you not become overprotective when I said that my car alarm was going off in the parking lot and you insisted on stealthily going towards the car first with your pistol? Or did I hallucinate that?”
“I’ve seen some things in my time, and I know malevolent people would target a woman who’s alone when she’s leaving her workplace,” Hotch said defensively. You only smiled.
“Whatever you say. Regardless, that’s for you. Maybe, one day, I’ll get a keychain for you.”
“Thank you, that was… actually thoughtful and sweet of you. You’re right that I don’t put a whole lot of stock into this… sort of thing,” he admitted as he turned the crystal over in his palm again, “but I think… I think the weight of intentions are real.”
“Maybe those intentions will carry you home safe from this case, then. Judging from the groaning sounds coming from Garcia’s cave, I’m thinking it’s a doozy. By the way…”
“Do you want me to make you a cup of coffee before you go in to briefing?”
“That would be wonderful of you, thank you. One sugar-“
“-and no cream. I know how you make your coffee, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner,” you teased.
Hotch shook his head. “The full government name.”
You turned to walk out when he called your name, and you turned back to him.
“Can you come to my desk for a second?”
You complied, going to his desk with a nervous giggle. You thought he was going to speak, but instead he simply rose from his seat and kissed your cheek.
You touched your flushing cheek with a slightly shaky hand. “What was that for?”
He shrugged. “Just a thank you for being as thoughtful as you are. Truly… you make working here a bit easier.”
“Aw, you’re going to make me cry, so I’ll laugh instead.” You were going to turn to flee, but boldness filled you and you leaned up to kiss his cheek, except he moved, and you kissed the corner of his stern lip.
“Uh-” you backed away from him.
“Don’t panic,” Hotch ordered calmly- almost too calmly- “it’s not your fault, it was mine for reacting too quickly.”
Your cheeks flushed hot red and despite his command to not panic, you immediately fled the scene, leaving behind a confused but slightly amused Aaron.
A few minutes later, JJ entered his office with his cup of coffee in one hand and sat it on his desk, the other arm full of file folders. She gestured with her head towards the bullpen, “Hey, um, Agent-“
“I know,” Hotch said with a minuscule smirk, sipping the coffee, and almost immediately moaned aloud. True to your word, you knew exactly how he takes his coffee. He kept glancing towards the crystal sitting on his desk, and when Garcia called for him to come to the briefing room, he carefully slid it in his pocket.
On the jet, after all the details of the case had been discussed, Hotch leaned back in the chair, his fourth cup of coffee of the day in his hand. Even though he made his coffee exactly the same as always, it didn’t taste nearly as good as the one you made for him. He took the black tourmaline out of his pocket and held it in his hand. It works on a jet, right? It’s closer to the sun, it has to be like the best charging method.
“What do you have there?” Rossi asked from across him, looking up from a book- a compilation of Garfield comic strips over the years.
“A crystal. I think it’s… black tourmaline?”
Reid, of course, overheard this and had to jump in with, “you know, within pagan and spiritual circles, black tourmaline has protective properties, banishing negative vibrations, and it’s also supposed to be grounding.” He looked at the crystal in Hotch’s hand. “Oh yeah, I’ve seen this crystal on that agent’s desk. She and Anderson talk about them all the time, and apparently she keeps some of them in her desk, as does Anderson.”
“She and Anderson are good friends,” Hotch volunteered. “She’s the one who gave this to me.”
“She’s a sweet girl,” Rossi commented, sounding too innocent for Hotch’s liking.
“She is,” Hotch agreed simply, not taking the bait.
He and “that agent” were going to have to have a conversation when he got back home- he was entirely too intrigued by you. Perhaps he could ask you what crystal was the best for asking someone on a date.
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velvetwilde · 7 months
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 4 months
a/n: literally this idea just came to me and i jumped at it like a feral animal. this is definitely an au that i would be willing to expand on!! :D
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oh nothing, just sitting here thinking about jennifer's body!reader and spencer.
you've never had a problem with devouring boys before, but there's something special about spencer when you meet him.
he's shy and timid and a bit demure; sex is barely on his mind so when you manage to get him naked and under you, you can't bring yourself to kill him.
so instead he becomes your little energy source.
anytime that violent hunger twists in your gut, you pull him aside and just go ham.
spencer swears that he's never had so much sex in his life, and when he has, it's never been anything like this.
it's wild and untamable, it lasts for hours and when it's over it feels like you've stolen his soul out of his body. and maybe you have (just a little bit).
telling him you're a succubus is a whole other situation in itself. he's afraid, confused, in denial and a bit turned on?
he has no idea how to react because, let's face it, he knows everything, and not knowing this - you - were even scientifically possible threw him for a loop.
but honestly life doesn't change much after your confession, your sex life is still amazing and he's alive; plus he loves you.
love was a strange emotion, one that you hadn't been felt before.
but you like it, you like loving spencer.
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red lips and rosy cheeks, a criminal minds imagine
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pairings: fem!reader x bau!team (platonically of course) and fem!reader x spencer reid (if you squint a little)
word count: 800ish
warnings: none i think. no use of y/n because i don’t really vibe with that. no angst, a little fluff, maybe? it’s mostly just funny i think. also not beta-read, or like we say in ao3, no beta we die like men.
author’s note: i have been binge-watching criminal minds for a couple weeks now and of course i’m obsessed with it, and this visual of spencer becoming a little flustered over seeing his crush all dressed up popped into my mind. it’s my first time writing an imagine with the reader as the main piece in the story, so idk be gentle with me? i also never wrote for criminal minds and i’m only in season 4. i just wrote this instead of sleeping or actually writing my other fics. sorry if this is terrible anyway. i’m open to feedback! thanks for reading <3
Working for the FBI could be a handful, sometimes, but the job had its benefits. You could catch criminals and help people, make a difference, you know? But something you would never expect to count as a benefit was the possibility of being called in the middle of a date.
You didn’t even want to go on that date, but your long-time friend Emma had insisted she knew a guy that would be perfect for you. Emma knew you since you both were undergraduates working on their degrees, so you had figured it wouldn’t hurt to give the guy a chance.
It wasn’t your best moment.
Not that the guy turned out to be a psychopath or something like that. But the ice of your drink had barely started to melt when it became clear that Sean wasn’t the guy for you, and by the end of your martini, you could see that Sean was too self-centered and trying too hard to be something he was not, with the fake watch and the well-pressed but clearly cheap suit and exaggerated tales of his life. An hour into the date and you were begging to the universe to offer you a way out of that bar.
Thankfully the universe seemed to listen to your plea, and you let out a relieved sigh when you saw Garcia’s name on the screen as the phone rang. Apparently, Hotch wanted everyone at the office right that moment.
That hurry was what prompted you to go into the BAU headquarters straight from your date, thinking that a stop by your apartment to change would take too much time and that you could take the clothes out of your go bag and change out of your outfit once you got there.
“Hey there.” you greeted as you walked into the bullpen. “Is everyone here yet?”
“Rossi and Prentiss are on their way.” Morgan said from his desk. “Wonder boy is getting coffee.”
“Oh, okay.” you mumbled, moving to take off your coat and wondering if you would have time to wipe off the red lipstick before the briefing.
“Damn, pretty girl.” you heard Morgan say, that suggestive tone in his voice that annoyed the life out of you. “Did we interrupt something?”
“Only the most boring date I have ever been on.” you scoffed, nervously fixing your dress. It wasn’t inappropriate or something, just very different from what you used to wear. It had been Emma’s idea, actually, to pair that black sleeveless dress with knee-high boots. “He spent the entire time talking about himself.” you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, look at you!” Garcia exclaimed as she got into the bullpen. “You look like a million bucks, darling.”
“Thank you, Pen.” you said. “What’s the case about?”
“A woman went missing in Indiana this morning in the same way three more disappeared in the last month before they were found dead.” JJ told, walking out of her office. “Oh, hot date tonight?” she asked.
“Disappointing, actually.” you laughed. “Can we not talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” you heard Spencer’s voice from behind Penelope.
“About her date.” Garcia said. Spencer joined them as they all stood near your desk, two coffee mugs in his hands. His messy hair was the first thing you noticed, looking like he had been dragged out of his bed. He handed you the second coffee mug, the one with little cartoon kittens stamped on it, then his eyes really focused on you.
“Oh, thank you.” you mumbled, taking a sip of it.
“I– yeah, I…” he stammered, eyes moving up and down, up and down.
“Are you alright, Doc?” you asked, using the nickname you had given him a few weeks into working together.
“Ooh, I think you broke pretty boy.” Morgan laughed.
“It’s probably the red lipstick.” Garcia pointed out, joining Derek in his laughs. You waited for one of Spencer’s famous info-dumps, where he would talk about how red lipstick used to be made out of crushed beetles in Ancient Egypt or something, but he was still silent, lips parted like he meant to say something but couldn’t figure out what.
“Do you need me to reset you or something?” you were now having a bit of fun with it. It wasn’t like you were trying to be mean, but both of you had been dancing around unspoken feelings for a while now.
“I… you look pretty.” Spencer finally managed to say.
You put the mug to your lips, trying to hide the blood that was rushing to your cheeks as Morgan whistled.
“Go on, wonder boy.”
“Derek? Shut up.” then, you looked at Spencer again, who was timidly smiling at you.“Thanks.” you mumbled.
Spencer looked at the mug on your hands, focusing on the stain of your lipstick on the rim of the mug.
“Uh, did you know that the first known red lipsticks were created by crushing gemstones in Mesopotamia over 5.000 years ago?”
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cumulo-stratus · 7 months
Could you do a fic of a reader with chronic pain x Spencer Reid? Please just fluff and maybe angst but obviously it's totally up to you. I've been having a few flare ups recently and it sucks ass.
Maybe Spencer like low key just makes them rest all day even though they want to help out with a case?
Love your writing btw! :)
French press coffee[s.r]
Spencer insist you take a break despite your insistence
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WARNINGS- mentions of chronic illness symptoms,
Spencer Reid x gn!reader ][ fluff/hurt comfort ][ masterlist!!
a/n- The reader is implied to have chronic fatigue, or something similar but let me know if anything is inaccurate!
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You couldn't hold back a grimace when you finally reached a standing position after much effort. The pain radiated through the rest of your body, making it hard to function, not to mention the fog blanketing your brain. 
But before you could even think about how to deal with the flare up, you dreadedly remembered you had work today. Well you had work (almost) everyday.
This meant walking to the train station with spencer. Then taking the 45 minute train ride, with Spencer. And then you and Spencer could finally get to work, only to then fly to god knows where and profile serial killers.
You internally sighed. You were in for a long day. But you couldn't let Spencer know that- or he would make you stay home from work like the wonderful boyfriend he was.
So you instead crept quietly out the door, wincing when it cracked slightly. As soon as you slipped through the door your shoulders relaxed and you padded into the kitchen to start coffee.
Or at least you tried to, but you were slowed down by the intense ache radiating in waves. Usually the pain was bearable, of course with the help of your accommodations, at home and at work- but not today. When you finally made it to the kitchen counter, you grabbed the kettle and started boiling water for the necessary caffeine.
Just because Spencer will accept any coffee, doesn't mean he isn't the eensiest bit a coffee nerd. He especially had a sweet spot for French press coffee. 
Spencer felt the first sip was just that much more satisfying when you had to work a little bit for it. 
Despite his wet noodle type physicality, he still always pushed his whole weight down on the pump. He would feel it slowly sink under his gaze and he would smile slightly. 
You smiled at this thought as you sank down into one of the chairs sitting around the kitchen table. 
But the smile faded as soon as it had placed itself on your lips when your mind came back to the pain aching through your body and fog coating your mind.
The whistling of the kettle woke Spencer, his face scrunching up at the unpleasant noise. With the hope of finding the source and stopping it. When your sleepy boyfriend broached the kitchen, he found you slightly hunched over the kitchen table in a chair.
but when you heard Spencer come in you stayed hunched until Spencer called your name and you perked up, noticing the boiling pot. 
Spencer noticed your expression flicker when you stood up, and took note of that and the fact that you didn't notice the kettle boiling at first. Spencer could read you like a book, and right then- you were saying you were in pain. Well Spencer had to read between the lines, but he was just as good at that. 
“Good morning my love,” Spencer mumbled into your shoulder, as he had now wrapped his arms around your waist while you poured the steaming water into the large canister. 
you just so conveniently turned around to greet spencer just before you got to the step of pushing down on the pump, spencer took a note of this as well. 
“good morning” but this time the smile actually reached your eyes when you spoke, Spencer always brightening your mood. you even forgot the pain for a brief moment when he pressed a soft kiss on your lips, your eyes easily drooping closed. But when he pulled away to finish the coffee, not commenting on your casual avoidance of the physical exertion portion of the process, reality came back harshly. 
You took this opportunity to sit down, closing your eyes and sighing for a moment at being off your feet. Again, Spencer noted this to himself. 
A couple minutes later, he approached you quietly, two mugs in hand. One was black with at least a couple tablespoons of sugar, and the other with just an average amount of cream and sugar. 
Spencer pressed one into your eagerly awaiting hands, and the other onto the table while he put the coffee grounds away.
You could feel your boyfriend watching you carefully ever since he entered. Not only was he a profiler, but so were you. Although both of you knew he was watching, and the other knew, neither said anything. It was like an odd competition of who would bring it up first, you or him.
He won. “How's you feeling today?” Spencer spoke with a casual tone but the question held weight. the weight of the whole morning that had come before.
you smiled weakly as a response and shrugged, saying “ not too bad, i'll just bring my cane,” you tried to sound casual but Spencer could see right through you. 
He threw a knowing look, his eyes holding empathy. You couldn't meet his gaze. “Angel-” Spencer couldn't get the rest of the sentence out before you interrupted firmly. “No- I'm going to work. We have cases, people need us.” You had a determined look on your face, you were always stubborn. 
Spencer thought this to himself as his gaze softened, a sympathetic look creeping up.   “Honey, you need to take care of yourself, it's okay to not go to work for one day. You'll be better help with the case when your not in pain and your more clear headed-”
You found it hard to argue, stuttering a bit before huffing and saying “but the team needs me…” your argument was meek, as you had essentially already accepted defeat. 
Your disagreement made Spencer furrow his eyebrows, causing the familiar worry crease between the two form.
Though it was hard for Spencer to stay mad at you, especially when you looked so sweet like that. Sat at the kitchen table, a warm mug of coffee cupped between your hands, your hair a mess from sleep. 
there was still a substantial amount of coffee left in your mug. You had forgotten it for arguing with your boyfriend.
Spencer Instead pushed himself up from his chair with a heave, making his way to you a couple steps away. 
He reached out a hand. A compromise. You took it silently in surrender to Spencer's insistence. Although you didn't say anything Spencer could tell you were slightly embarrassed at needing to take a break. 
He offered a small squeeze of your hand as reassurance, hoping to provide some comfort. 
Spencer used his hold on your hand to lead you to your shared bedroom. He left a chaste kiss on your lips and left you to get ready. 
He instead used the time to call your boss and explain the situation. You could vaguely hear Spencer speaking to someone on the phone as you pulled out some of your (Spencer's) most well worn lounge wear. 
“Hey Hotch, ya, ya- oh really- are you sure?” You could only hear Spencer's side of the conversation as you entered the living room with your cane in hand. 
Spencer threw you a smile as you walked up to him, taking his cheek in your palm and placing a soft kiss. 
Once Spencer hung up the phone, he explained that Hotch had told him that it was mostly a paperwork day. This meant Spencer could stay home with you all day(as the workaholic he was he always brought his paperwork home anyways).
Despite having woken up not more than an hour ago, you were ready to sink into the couch, resting your cane against the side.
You weren't really listening to what Spencer was saying very well as the fog was growing thick in your mind. 
Spencer almost immediately noticed, and sat down next to you on the couch, pulling you into his side.
You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his waist and nuzzling into his chest. Spencer placed one arm around your shoulder and used the other to work on some reports. 
You spent most of the day in his arms, sleeping, or talking with your boyfriend. You tried doing some mission reports but your brain felt like sludge and your muscles ached. 
But it wasn't as bad, because you had Spencer there with you.
The End
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Taglist- @spencers1wifey | @mvndfvelds | @mindfullycriminal | @luce-reid |@ferrjulie | @khxna | @il0vebeingdelulu | @lover-of-books-and-tea | @jaden-reid | @eli-chris
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spinningspencer · 7 months
Just thinking about how Spencer Reid would refuse to go to work in the morning without a goodbye from you.
If he gets his way, he gives you a long kiss, a bit too long to be just a goodbye kiss, but neither of you ever complain about it. A tight hug will do too, or some soft kisses stolen from your still sleepy lips when he gets a call from Hotch in the middle of the night.
But the worst days are when he can get nothing but a "Goodbye" or "love you" text because you weren't home when he had to leave for work. The whole team immediately knows that he didn't get his goodbye when he walks into the bureau without the usual sparkle in his eyes.
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0and0its0doctor0 · 9 months
Somewhere I belong
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Aaron Hotchner x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Alcohol and Fluff
Summary: Aaron has a little liquid courage and breaks the rules.
Word count: 598
Prompt: "I think you're bluffing." "Am I?"
This is for the CM Office Party Challange for @imagining-in-the-margins
Things have not been going well for me lately and I know it's been quite a while since I have posted something. I hope you all enjoy this and have happy holidays.
A loud laugh slipped past your painted blood red lips as you looked around the table and down at the shot glass in your hand. The whole team was present and the more time you spent together the more you felt like you belonged on the team. You had just had your year review and you passed with flying colors thankfully. “Alright. Everyone ready?” Derek asked as everyone at the table nodded. There was laughter and giggles as the shot was tossed back. You were starting to feel your head get a little fuzzy and decided maybe it was time to take a little break. “I’ll be right back. Gonna get some fresh air.”
You stood up and smoothed down your tight gold dress that left little to the imagination and hoped to God that you didn’t trip while wearing heels. You hated wearing them but none of your tactical boots went with the dress unfortunately. You let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding when you made it to the outside patio area of the ballroom where the FBI Christmas party was being held. There were less people outside because it was extremely cold and you felt a chill start to run up your spine because you didn’t bring a jacket. The cold air was kind of a relief though. It helped clear your head from the multiple shots you had just taken.
You jumped when you felt a hand on your lower back and turned around so fast you lost your footing. Two large hands wrapped around your waist to keep you upright and you looked up to see Aaron standing there holding you up. Your mouth suddenly went dry and you were pretty confident your heart skipped a beat. “You good?” He questioned as you stood up straight and nodded. There was a moment of silence where you both stared into each other’s eyes, you were still in his arms as he reached a hand up and lightly brushed a curl out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. His hand cupped your cheek and you leaned into the touch. His thumb brushed along your cheek bone and you felt like your legs were going to give out.
“I’m not quite sure when I am going to have the confidence to do this again. And it’s highly inappropriate. But sometimes you find someone worth breaking the rules for.” He was starting to ramble, and you felt your cheeks start to heat up and turn red. “I have very…strong feelings for you.” As the words left his mouth you were sure your heart stopped beating. His fingertips traced from your cheek and down the side of your neck. They lightly traced down your arm till he was able to intertwine your fingers with his. “I think you’re bluffing.” You managed to whisper out as you blinked away tears. He smiled and leaned down to capture your lips with his in a passionate kiss. When he pulled away, he grinned. “Am I?” he questioned, and you wrapped your arms tightly around him in a hug. When his arms wrapped around you it felt like all your broken pieces were starting to fit back together. “So should I assume you reciprocate those feelings?” He held you tight and you nodded. “More than you could ever know.” He chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
Emily turned to Derek with a grin. “You owe me 20 bucks!” She said as the rest of the team watched Aaron lean down to kiss you again.
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hoe4hotchner · 6 days
Backgammon | [A.H]
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Gn!reader CW: Fluff.
WC: 0.4k
@ssaaaronmontgomery Tagging you cause we talked about this fic earlier 😉
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           It was a quiet evening at home, the kind where no pain or case could end it, just for a little while. You sat cross-legged on the living room floor, the soft glow of the lamp illuminating the backgammon board between you and Aaron. The warmth of the room made everything feel peaceful, this was your little pocket of calm amidst the usual chaos of Aaron's job.
           Aaron was focused, as he always was - his brow slightly furrowed as he studied the board. He made his move with a calculated accuracy, sliding his piece across the triangles. You couldn't help but smile at how seriously he took it, even in moments like these.              “Your move,” he said, looking up at you with that soft smile of his you only got to see.
             You grabbed the dice, shaking them in your hands dramatically just to see him roll his eyes, but you caught the hint of amusement in his expression as you whispered a wish to the dice of what number you wanted them to land on.
           “You always do that,” he said, a chuckle in his voice.              “Well, I like to build suspense.” You grinned, tossing the dice onto the board. They clattered across the surface, landing on a six and a four. You moved your pieces, biting your lip as you carefully plotted your next move.              Aaron was watching you with patience, arms crossed loosely over his chest. He loved these little moments of competition between the two of you, even if it was something as simple as a quick game of Backgammon whenever your lives permitted you the chance. It gave him a chance to ground himself.              “You’re going down, Hotchner,” you teased, making your final move with a flourish.              He raised an eyebrow, his eyes glinting as he challenged you. “Oh, really? We’ll see about that.”              As the game went on, you found yourself leaning in closer, caught up in the friendly competition. Eventually, he made his final move, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “And that’s game.”              You groaned, falling back dramatically onto the floor. “I was so close!”              Aaron leaned over, hovering above you with a teasing smile. “You’ll get me next time,” he said, his voice was warm and affectionate. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, and you couldn’t help but smile, even in defeat wrapping your arms around his torso to steady you as you pulled yourself up.              “We’ll see,” you muttered, already plotting your revenge for the next game.
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dread0ut · 6 months
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me when the function has a kitty cat (i love kitty cats)
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hardlyinteresting · 7 months
“you need help.” “no, i need you.” From the prompts list please. And if you're comfortable with it would you write it about the reader being injured and kind of out of it and asking for Hotch
Just you
Warnings: injury, concussion, mentions of blood (non-graphic), stitches
Aaron has seen his fair share of injuries. He's spent time in hospital himself, and sitting vigil at the bedsides of others. His job is dangerous, and more often than not, it's gorey. He's seen blood, and burns, bruises, and contusions. But this is the first time he's ever seen someone so out of it with a concussion.
You're sitting on the back step of the ambulance when he arrives, trying to get away from the paramedics, and worming your way out of the holds Prentiss and Morgan are trying to keep on you. "I'm fine!" He hears you insist as you try to stand again. Your eyes widen when you set your sights on him walking toward you, and he can't help but wince as your head jerks away from the medic who has been trying to stitch the wound on your forehead with a butterfly bandage. "Aaron tell them I'm fine!"
He looks towards one of the medics who explains that you're definitely concussed and the cut on your forehead will need help to close. They're kind and professional as they go over your injuries though he can hear the undertone of mild frustration as you fight to get closer to him.
"You need help," Aaron tells you, letting you take his hand hoping that being next to you might help calm you enough to get you patched up.
You pout, your brows furrowing as you frown and it makes your laceration bleed again. You're holding his hand in both of yours now as if you're afraid of him disappearing. "No, I need you".
"I'm right here," he nearly smiles. Morgan slowly slips away leaving room for Hotch to sit next to you. "The sooner you get patched up, the sooner we can get home".
"We should all get Thai food," you say matter of factly. Emily laughs, now moving away as Morgan had a moment ago, "if I had known I just had to offer you food, we would've been out of here twenty minutes ago".
You know she's only teasing, but Hotch still asks her to go meet up with the rest of the team getting ready to leave. He squeezes your hand as your eyes slip shut watching as you blink yourself awake. Silently he does the math, making a mental note of what times he'll need to set alarms for tonight, very serious about following concussion protocol and making sure he's up to monitor your symptoms.
With your butterfly stitches applied, he guides you to the waiting SUV making sure you're settled before he shuts the door. He trusts JJ to keep an eye on you while he drives, incredibly glad this case was local.
You're more yourself again by the time you've collected your things from the office and made it home. Everyone accepted your rain-check for Thai food with good humour and you're more than ready to just flop the moment you get through the door.
Aaron encourages you to do just that. He helps you change into your pyjamas when moving around too much leaves your head pounding. Once he's changed himself he disappears only to return with a painkiller and a glass of water for you. He seems relieved when you reach out with fairly steady hands to take them.
"Do you need anything else?" He asks making sure you're comfortable.
"Just you".
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sophsun1 · 7 months
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The Newsreader | Tim + smiling (✿◠‿◠)
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