#Legolas mom
agathne · 1 year
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"King Thranduil of Mirkwood was known for his bountiful reign - but no one speaks of his Queen. Only those with a sharp memory can remember their love - how it almost destroyed the very realm."
Thranduil and Legolas are sent to the past where the Elvenqueen is still alive - the only problem is; she can't remember them. In which, Legolas is the very reason he exists.
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Chapter One: A River of Stars Chapter Two: Cirdan the Shipwright Chapter Three: Brightest of Mornings Chapter Four: She Left You a Son Chapter Five: A Mother's Embrace Chapter Six: Thranduil of Greenwood
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The Moon - Elrond walks in when his daughter is about to lock lips with Thranduil.
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leggy-lass · 5 months
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A little height headcanon practice!
(Left to right: Thranduil, Bâlaledir, Bremirethil, Laereilis, Legolas, Gimli)
Credits to @matrose for Legolas’ Mother and siblings!
Btw heights are in feet
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skyward-floored · 5 months
fic idea for lu where all of the Links dead bio parents are chilling up in the sacred realm or wherever and they all get together and watch all of their sons meet and goof off and are basically just the unseen cheering section
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sesamenom · 6 months
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Sketch doodle of possible-reverse-au-legolas (Doriathrim raised in Gondolin and Sirion) and Canon Legolas
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deer-with-a-stick · 1 year
The more time I spend explaining Tolkien lore to my brother the more I realize that Tolkien was just batshit insane
#yes the world is flat and a globe at the same time#and yes if you go off the edge you fall into the void with Satan 1.0 (assuming the Straight Road doesn't just railroad you)#he calls Valinor “The place under some trees where everyone smokes weed” and honestly I wish they would do that instead#bilbo and frodo bring weed to valinor quick#i tried to explain the miriel-finwe situation and he's so confused#“so they died and they were all sad even though they didn't have to stay dead?? but she couldn't come back because he remarried??”#“but then he dies and says 'yo ill stay dead instead' and she's find now??”#does the big God just keep making elf and human souls or do they just. appear#i told him about Gil-Galad Son of Plothole#he is quickly realizing that yes#the valar are a bit incompetent#its fine#elrond's dad is a star his mom is a bird and his great great grandma is an angel#my sister gave up two seconds in despite sparking this by asking me about elf lore#apparently she actually just wants to know about legolas but not legolas' father because of the hobbit movies#let me rant about feanorian politics it'll be interesting i promise#shut up about your elf backflips you wanna hear about nirnaeth arnoediad and the kinslayings#tolkien#lotr#lord of the rings#silmarillion#the silm#is this a shitpost? idk#he's batshit insane but the world is great i love it#we still don't know where hobbits come from#they appeared one day#like potatoes#i had one tidbit of legolas lore and that was#the guy showed up several years late in a homemade boat with a dwarf#incomprehensible screaming
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 months
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lendmyboyfriendahand · 6 months
While Elrond and Celebrian had their thousand year long slow-burn formal courtship, Celebrian and Thranduil got together in a whirlwind romance with less than a month from first meeting to marriage. They both use this to call themselves her "first husband", and have long arguments about who's right.
(Elrond and Thranduil refuse to admit their relationship to each other is anything closer is anything closer than "colleagues", but that's a separate issue.)
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legolasghosty · 5 months
Okay but consider: Cat Café AU
Anddd you never said no magic involved and I'm frigging sick and tired of the real world right now, so...
Julie is the proud owner of a small cat cafe in Los Feliz. Lots of great drinks, super sweet cats, plenty of comfy places to sit. To the outside viewer, it seems like a pretty standard setup, if surprisingly well funded. What is less common knowledge is that shapeshifters are also a thing and Dahlia's Sip and Purr also acts as a sort of safe house for many.
Reggie and Alex are the main two other front employees, with Flynn working there too on the business side of things. They take turns working the front counter and taking care of the cats, Julie hopping in with either job when she can. Everything on the menu has silly cat pun names, most of them courtesy of either Reggie or Carlos, Julie's little brother. (She regularly gets texts from him with no context, just a cat pun drink name. They've gotten more frequent since he moved out for college.)
About half the cats that come through the cafe are shelter cats, who are healthy and mostly adoptable but don't have proper homes. They have a board on the wall of which cats people can adopt. Julie has a great relationship with the folks at the nearby animal shelters, cause she takes great care of the kitties and often finds them good homes after a bit!
A couple of the cats are a bit older and have just been with the gang for long enough that they've gotten attached and Julie or Reggie and Alex (they live together) have officially adopted them. Julie lives in a studio over the shop, so she just kinda takes her babies up with her at the end of the day.
And then the last handful of cats... aren't full-time cats. Shapeshifters aren't super common, but they tend to find each other. Most of them have 3-5 forms, depending roughly on age. The first two forms (human and some animal) usually are based on genetics or whatever, and the shifter has no control over what the animal form is. But when they get a grip on their first nonhuman form and start learning a second one, a lot of folks will go for some kind of domestic animal. Both because they're generally small and easy to get away from bad people, but also cause no one is gonna ask weird questions about seeing a housecat in their backyard. At least not like they would if it was like a wolf or something. So most shifters have some kind of house pet form by the time they're teens/young adults.
Given both the high percentage of shifters who have a small cat form, plus the high population density of LA, plus the fact that being a shifter isn't always genetic and often comes out of nowhere... there's a fair amount of unhoused/exhausted cat shifters around Dahlia's. So when Julie and Flynn were daydreaming about running their own cafe in high school, Julie was like, "Okay but if we do the cat thing, we gotta have a way we can help out shifters somehow."
Julie learned about all this as a kid, cause her dad is a shifter (first form was a black bear, which caused some chaos... now his most commonly used ones are a big grey cat and a raven), and Carlos inherited those genes as well (first form was a badger, these days he spends his animal time mostly as an orange and white tomcat). So while Julie and her mom didn't actually change shape themselves, it's just kinda a part of life.
Alex and Reggie are both shifters and met Julie and Flynn in college. Julie sorta found out by accident when she came into their dorm room and saw zero human boys and two cats curled up together in a sunbeam. But now they're her employees/coworkers, having a good time working and also having a safe space to cat in. (Alex's first form was actually a cat, a jet black shorthair. Reggie's first was a hampster, but he much prefers being a dapper tux tomcat). They also know all the signals and stuff to let other shifters know that it's a safe space, which Julie really appreciates.
So yeah, some of the cats in the cafe are humans some of the time. These include :
Luke, who is also best friends with the main gang but absolutely hates customer service so he splits time between the cafe and writing music for a couple of indie bands in the area. Or sometimes both at the same time.
Willie, Alex's boyfriend (yes his first form was a raccoon) and another bestie of the gang. He teaches art classes for adults, but those are mostly in the evenings when people are off work, so he'll hang out as a cat and play with silly humans in the daytime (also skate around getting into trouble but that's fineee).
Bobby, who happened in one day in their first couple weeks of business and lowkey never left. He's a security guard officially for a museum or something nearby, but he mostly works the night shift, and well... the sunbeams are nicer at Julie's cafe than his tiny apartment. So he hangs out a lot and has gotten adopted into the gang. He and Alex are great nap buddies and customers like cooing over their lil yin and yang cuddle pile.
Coming along with Bobby, we have his twin sister Carrie, who is not a shifter but was kind of freaking out about her brother disappearing so much (she knew about the shifter thing) and ended up following him to the cafe about six months after he started going. Cue drama and chaos, but eventually things settled and it all got straightened out. Flynn and Carrie are dating now, so she's around a decent bit.
She also introduced Kayla, one of her dancers who was also a shifter, to the cafe. Kayla had gone for a dog form when she was younger, but started working on a cat after hanging at the cafe a bit cause it's just so cozy.
And well... the shifter community may be quiet, but it's got its rich people too. After finding out about the whole thing, Willie's adopted dad started subtly pushing business Julie's way, along with sponsorship deals and stuff. And well, when Caleb absolutely cannot get ahold of his kid, he usually knows where to go. Even if he's not actually there, Julie or Alex have usually seen him recently and can pass along a message. (Caleb is absolutely a shifter btw.)
And well frick this got WAY too long, I'm sorry!!! I shall shush now and leave you in peace!
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How Miriel and Finwe met
Finwe’s mama: here, Miriel and Thranduil are going to look after you while i go hunting.
Bby Finwe, hiding behind his mama’s leg: *shaking head* No! Don’t wanna!
Miriel, knealing down: hey, it’ll be ok! You’ll see your mama in no time!
Finwe: *peeks around his mama’s legs*
Finwe: *sees Miriel* *blushes bright red* p-pretty
Miriel: thank you!
Finwe: *blushes even more*
Miriel, getting kinda concerned now: ahh, are you ok? You aren’t sick are you? *puts hand on finwe’s forhead to check the temperature*
Finwe: *a fucking tomato at this point**passes out*
Thranduil, holding his daughter while the other -we’s are hanging off him, sees the crush finwe has on Miriel: *i’m gonna yeet the child* MIRIEL STOP SCREAMING, he’ll live.
Thranduil, mumbling: unfortunately.
Miriel: what was that?
Thranduil: please help me with these demons.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
In case y’all were wondering why I am the way I am, when my mother texted and asked how I was today and I said I actually utilized the free shift smoothie I get at work she said “FUCK YEAH LEGOLAS FUEL FOR THE BATTLE” so yeah I am genetically predisposed to be Like This
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youareunbearable · 2 years
I've been rereading Here Be Dragons by thorinoakentwig and I've been daydreaming of the concept of Maedhros (after his death and being sent to the void) begging for redemption, if not for himself then at least for his brothers and father for failing to complete the oath. Eru listens to him and grants him his wish, allowing his family to rest in Mando’s halls instead of the void. Feanor is furious, not for being upstaged or whatever, but at the idea of his son suffering for him, more than he already has
(Fingon got to see a glimpse of red hair that burned like molten lava in the Halls before Maedhros was taken again. He closed his eyes for just a moment to feel and settle his grief before moving into action once again)
As per their agreement, Maedhros must save a life for every one he and his kin have ruined, however, he is not sent back as an Elf, but instead is reborn again and again in the form of Men and Dwarves and Hobbits with their mortal lifespans and limitations. He struggles with each rebirth to remember the last one, for mortal memories are so flawed compared to those of the Elves, but he gets the sensation of deja vu often and has strange dreams, and knows he has a Purpose.
But no matter the life he lives, he always has brilliant red hair, his eyes are always light in colour if not grey, he is always tall for his race, and at some point in his life he will loose a hand. Its not always in response to the Enemy- one lifetime he was whittling a toy horse and cut his palm, which became so infected that it had to be amputated.
He goes around helping people, as a doctor, a smith, a teacher, but more often than not he feels at home with a blade in his hand and the burden of responsibility for a people on his shoulders. He has led armies, villages, bands of mercenaries, counciled lords and ladies, and on one occasion commanded a ship full of Men. He never knows why he has such a drive to help people, why helping makes him feel so guilty, why he has nightmares of dark shadows and pain and three brilliant lights, why the chill of winter makes him feel safe, why he's always wanted a large family yet never once in all his reincarnation has had any desire to marry.
That is, until one day when he is reborn as a Man by the name of Doegred, he is take to the sea side by his parents as a gift for his 6th birthday. He looks west and is filled with such a profound longing that when asked whats wrong, he points towards the setting sun and says "i used to live there. I miss my home." As the sun sets, and as his parents digest the strange statement of their son, a voice comes floating by on the wind.
Its melodic, but melancholic in such a profound way that it moves all those that hear it to tears. Young Doegred tears away from his parents and races down the sand towards the vpice, red hair snapping behind him like licks of flame. Once his parents catch up to him, they are met with a strange scene.
An Elf, for no other being is as tall or looks as beautiful even in such a neglected state, is knelt on the shore, weeping and clutching their son to him as if he is afraid he'll vanish if he lets go. Doegred, for all that is worth, is making calming soothing croons while patting the matted hair of the Elf. He looks up at his parents, and with a glint in his blue eyes that almost makes them look grey, says "this is my younger brother. I left him behind once and I dont plan on doing so again."
(When they go home, it is with a much cleaner elf named Maglor in tow and much confused acceptance as two exasperated parents of a strange child can bare.)
Maglor stays in their village for a time, helping Doegred help others, until the Man becomes 18 and is leaving home for an adventure. He takes Maglor with him to the Elven city of Eregion, where they meet with the Elven lord there and much tears are shed. Doegred slowly begins to remember his past lives, reliving moments in dreams and second hand from tales told by Maglor and Celebrimbor. They in turn start to learn the full details of his agreement with Eru, of the burden he placed on his shoulders for his kin.
He helps his former nephew with the more political side of running his city, and tries his best to ignore the reverent whispering of the Feanorian Elves. Celebrimbor, not wanting to the news of his guests to spread, shuts his city's gates to outsiders and turns away a slightly peeved Maia in the process.
Doegred ages, as all Men do and it isn't long by Elven standards that he is once again on his deathbed and soon ready to start life once again, to have another turn at penance for he and his family- even if he still does not fully remember them. When Doegred closes his eyes for the last time a city wails at loss, and scouting parties are sent out in search of a red haired babe.
A red dawn breaks with a hobbit babe opening grey eyes for the first time. Black smog forms from the mountains in the southeast. War is the horizon. And a boat sailing from the west comes with two passengers bearing ill tidings and offering support against the growing Evil.
One has hair of spun golden silk, the other with braids of thick ebony ropes. One carries a sword and a flag with a golden flower. The other has only a harp and a bow.
Within the safety of Gladden Fields, the new Hobbit mother adorns her baby's swaddle with a golden ribbon. It seems like it will bring good luck
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leggy-lass · 6 months
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A family tree for Legolas! His mama is never mentioned in canon so I like to give her a little attention. I also am a fan of the Thranduil is blind in both eyes theory so I included two versions of him.
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It's just me and my increasingly elaborate headcanons for unnamed female characters in Tolkien's works against the world.
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sesamenom · 11 months
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here's some eriador nandor as nomads in the dunland area
(somewhat inspired by cave creature thingol)
i feel like they would favor varda as Lord of Arda over manwe, since without the treelight, their only light source would be the light of her stars + her creations are basically the only ones they're guaranteed to see every day/night.
some groups of the eriador nandor (namely lenwe's group) created glowy starlight tattoos (like a wearable version of feanor's artificial gems) as a dedication to varda (and a convenient light source). and since it's mostly dark except for the starlight, they have purple/sable face paint for war/hunting to enhance the glowy starlight effect. they mostly stop doing this after the rising, though, since the sun/moonlight makes the contrast less effective than regular green/brown camo, and it becomes more of a traditional than practical thing. (maeglin got his color scheme from the sable paint)
eol is one of the former-nomadic-nandor laegrim who migrated sometime in the first age and ended up in nan elmoth (his starlight tattoos eventually faded bc he spent too much time either indoors or in a very dark magic forest and also he was evil so varda stopped recharging him or something)
the rising of the moon and sun + morgoth + men + migration of laegrim leads to an erosion of nandorin nomadic culture (since its a lot harder to wander around mostly-peacefully stargazing when the continent is suddenly full of orcs and men) and by the third age there are like three nandorin nomads left around the southern coastal region
the oldest nandor (born between cuivienen and the rising) are more cave-creature-y, with semi-translucent skin, really big dark blue eyes (like the waters of cuvienen at night), and extra good night vision but worse normal light and color vision. the ones born after the rising have normal skin and eyes, though most of them still have the white/silver teleri hair.
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meteors-lotr · 2 years
Leena, holding a mug that says "World's Best Mom": Oh Legolas, you shouldn't have!
Thranduil, holding a mug that says "a dad": Yeah Legolas, you shouldn't have
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unendingwanderlust · 1 year
Actual footage of me working on my larger gigolas WIP:
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It's going great I promise.
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