#thranduils wife
stardayzzing · 9 months
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Warm mornings with Thranduil, his wife and lil Legolas ♡
Ft. My designs of them all sjdj (some modified)
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leggy-lass · 3 months
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A family tree for Legolas! His mama is never mentioned in canon so I like to give her a little attention. I also am a fan of the Thranduil is blind in both eyes theory so I included two versions of him.
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growingingreenwood · 3 months
Heyy, so, I don't wanna come along as if pushing you to do smth, but do you have any plans on writing something about Thranduil and his wife??
'cause this month is gonna be a very taxing one for me, and I just can't stop daydreaming about your version of her (Menereth, right?) and their relationship: how the rest of the silvans saw them; the two of them meeting in Valinor; her seeing him after the dragon burns; them dancing together in some celebration in greenwood (to the song Dandelions no less lmao); maybe even Celebrian and Elrond seeing the two of them reunited in Valinor too!! It all sounds like it would be lovely in your writing!!
Hello!! Don't worry, you don't sound pushy at all! If anything I'm extremally flattered that you like Mereneth (you got it right!!) enough to be day dreaming about her and Thranduil together. Hearing things like that is basically crack cocain to me. So thank you for telling me <3 <3 <3
I started writing this when you sent the ask but uhhh.. lifes been crazy these last two years so I only just finished the other day. Hope you love it !
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A WIP of the Elvenqueen, Thranduil’s wife, Legolas’s mother.
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maglorslostsilmaril · 2 years
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my gift for @officialtolkiensecretsanta 2022! An assortment of Lord of the Rings characters 😁
(as always, click for better quality)
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multific · 10 months
Whatever the Queen Wants
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Thranduil x Reader
Summary: On a boring day you have time to walk around, and recall different memories from your past.
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You loved taking walks in the woods and your gardens.
Seeing your kingdom bloom and glow just did something to you, it was special.
Spring was your favourite season. Seeing new life everywhere around you made you want to be a mother once again.
You could still recall when your son was born.
Legolas became the center of your world in a simple moment. As soon as the midwife-elf placed him in your arms, it was over.
Both for you and for your husband.
He was the cutest little elfling you have ever seen. Looked just like your husband but behaved just like you.
Even when he was little, you took him out to the gardens on walks, showing him the world. Every single time you looked at all the different rose bushes or hydrangeas all you could see was him as a little elf let's elfling playing amongst them, you just wished you had something to capture that moment with so you would be able to show it to your husband.
Now Legolas was a fully grown up elf, who was more interested in all the different kinds of fighting styles than nature, and also your husband did sometimes had time to spend with you right now he was too busy with his kingly duties, so you were left alone to walk the woods and your gardens.
And that is exactly what you were doing that day. You woke up and somehow amazingly sunny it was that day, so you made your way out to your favorite place in the garden. Your favorite place was where there were these huge hydrangea bushes, all different colors and shapes and sizes you loved every single one of them.
That part of the garden was a present from your husband to you as an anniversary gift. Since he knew how much you adored flowers, he added every single flower that she liked to the garden just to please you.
There were different statues as well in the garden, all of them beautiful.
You left out a long side on your way to your favorite bench. If only you could have the two men who meant so much to you there with you.
You felt so lonely at that moment, it might sound arrogant to some people that the queen was complaining but you really were rather sad that you had to spend such a nice day all alone although you did enjoy every second of it and you did make the best of it, but you still missed both of your boys.
Maybe that's why the idea of having another child was so inviting to you, then you would have finally someone who would need your attention all day long and they would give your attention all day long as well before they grow up. You missed that, you missed having someone who relied on you so much. Legolas it's already too old for him need you in such a way. Even If he did sometimes come over to you asking for your advice it wasn't the same.
When you tried to hint a new baby to your husband but he was too oblivious for your tries or he simply didn’t want to tell you that he did not want another child.
So, you didn’t bring the topic up after that. Although, it did hurt a little bit, you were happy with your life. Even if you felt lonely at times like this, you were happy.
“Naneth,” you heard someone say.
“Oh, Legolas. What are you doing here?” you asked as your son came over to you and sat down next to you.
“You looked lonely, Mother. So, I came to keep you company. Is Father still in a meeting?”
You offered him a kind smile, it warmed your heart that he thought about you.
“He is. But you don’t have to be here, I am not lonely, I have my flowers, you should practice.”
“Nonsense. No training or practice is more important than you, Naneth.”
“Thank you. How was your day?” he always loved to show or talk to you about his training. Ever since he was little he was a quick learner.
“Really good…” then he went on and on about his day. Telling you everything about swords, bows and more.
If you were honest you never truly understood everything he said or referred to but you still listened with a smile. Seeing him be so interested and happy about something warmed your heart.
You listened to everything he had to say. Every single word.
You saw so much of your husband in him. But you were there as well. You still couldn’t believe that you had the privilege to be the mother of this exceptional elf.
“Adar!” said Legolas out of nowhere which made you look the way he was looking. And you saw your husband, walking towards the two of you.
“Nin hén, Nin mel, what are you two doing out here in such an hour?” you failed to notice that the sun started to go down.
“Mother was lonely so I came over to give her some company.” replied Legolas as Thranduil joined you.
“It is getting late, it would be best if we all headed to rest.” you said and both of them agreed. Thranduil guided you towards your chambers after you said your goodbyes to your son.
“We have a wonderful child.” he said as you laid down in bed.
“Indeed, I cannot believe he is so big, I feel like I can still recall holding him as a young elfling.” you let out a long sigh at the happy memory as you felt your husband’s arms move you towards him. “I have been thinking, Nin mel.”
“Another child.” Thranduil almost jumped up as you said that.
“I have been feeling lonely with Legolas leaving us so frequently and with you being in meetings all day. I always wanted a daughter as well, you know that.”
“I do. I know it.”
“It was a silly idea.” you said after his long silence. “Forget it, Thranduil. I’ll be fine.”
“We can have another child. I’m only thinking of ways to ensure it would be a girl.” his confession nearly made you choke on air, then you smiled.
“No need. I would be happy with a boy as well.” you said as you pulled him closer and kissed him.
Thranduil knew, whatever the Queen of Mirkwood wanted, she got it.
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Naneth – Mother
Adar – Father
Nin hén – My child
Nin mel - My love
Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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Wild Flower
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Pairing: Thranduil x Wife!reader
The hour was early, well before sunrise, and the sky was still dotted with the bright constellations of the night. You pulled on your flowing cloak, knee high riding boots, and a satchel full of fruits you’d snagged from the kitchens as you ran through the halls of the Woodland Realm’s underground palace. Your steps were light, almost soundless, and you were careful not to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself as you slipped through the shadows.
“Your Majesty…” Feren bowed to you as you reached the main door that he had been standing guard of all night. “Where might you be off to at this hour?”
“Just making my rounds.” You gave him a playful smile and attempted to walk past him, only for the young guard to lay a hand on your shoulder and halt your movements.
“Does King Thranduil know? Milady, surely I must assemble you an escort team…” His eyes held a slight twinge of unease as he fidgeted with the hem of his tunic. All elves in the Greenwood were aware of their King’s ill temper, and what would surely befall his guards should something happen to his beloved wife while under their watch.
“Thank you Feren, but that will not be necessary. I won’t be long. Besides, my husband has had a tiring few days at council.” With that, you pushed the doors open and stepped out into the outer compound. With Summer just on the horizon, you relished the crisp morning breeze that hit your face and cut through the humidity. Your lashes brushed against your cheeks as you half closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Sweet honeysuckle and the poetry of songbirds flooded your senses like a love letter from the woods to your ears. These were truly the moments that grounded you, for out here in the stillness of dawn you were not beholden to your role. You could shed the heavy crown of queendom and simply exist as you were.
A soft smile spread across your features as Thranduil’s preferred pet name for you seeped into your mind. My wild flower.
Your heart swelled thinking of all the times those words have poured from his lips, his deep voice smooth and rich like honey. Where other rulers might have been cross when you’d show up to a meeting with a light dusting of dirt on your dress and one or two stray leaves in your hair from losing track of time planting trees in the garden, Thranduil merely smiled knowingly and motioned you to take your seat right next to him. “My wild flower.” He’d whisper, reaching up and gently removing the small twig from your hair. His clear blue eyes would sparkle at you no matter who was talking during the proceedings and he’d be keen on hearing about your escapades in the garden as soon as his council took leave of him. Not to say you were a lackadaisical ruler, not at all. In fact, it is quite the opposite. You were just never a fan of formality. Thranduil saw you for who you were as if you were made of glass, and adored you beyond words for it.
The mighty elk you and Thranduil had raised from a calf looked up at you from where he was laying in a straw bed that lined the floor of his stall in the stables. The back gate of the stall was always open, leaving him the freedom to come and go as he pleased, but he often came in for shelter during the night. And, of course, so he can be the first to get breakfast when the stable keepers come in in the morning. The majestic creature rubbed his antlers against the wall as he stretched, getting to his feet.
“Morning my friend.” You cooed, opening the front gate and holding out a sliced apple in offering. You fed each piece to him, the elk crunching loudly with every bite he took. You slowly walked towards him, leaning in and pressing your forehead to his. “Want to go for a ride?” You whispered, and he nuzzled his big nose into the crook of your neck in response.
No sooner did you turn around to collect his brush from the tack shelf behind you that your steed was attempting to munch on the satchel around your waist. He knew there was still some fruit in there.
“You’re too smart for your own good.” You chuckle and swat him away lightly. “There’s more where that came from if you behave.”
You hum a soft Silven melody of old, a tale of forbidden love between two elves of warring families that ends with them running away together and marrying, as you brush out the elk’s shiny coat. Satisfied with your work, you returned the brush in favor of a simple brown leather bridle with reins attached. Thranduil always used a saddle when he rode, even when it was outside the context of the battlefield, but you preferred to ride bareback so you could connect more deeply to the animal as you traveled. You effortlessly mounted the tall elk and squeezed his sides with your thighs to get him moving at a trot out of the stables.
He tossed his head impatiently as you’d made it to the fork in the road that led to the more scenic forest trails. He was eager to run and you knew it, pausing to tighten your braid before you gave him the go ahead. The ground trembled in his wake, strong hooves pounding the dirt when he took off in a full on sprint. You laughed, throwing your head back as he jumped over fallen trees, weaved through switch backs in the trail, and conquered expansive fields with ease. You felt as if you were flying. As if you were as wild as the terrain before you.
You stopped halfway through your journey through the forest to give your elk a rest, the rest of your fruit, and a drink from the river. You stripped down to your shift and climbed to the top of a nearby waterfall and drank from its current, letting down your hair and enjoying the feeling of the tiny mist drops kissing your skin. From your vantage point, you could see nothing but a sea of green being illuminated in golden beams as the sun rose before your very eyes. This was the land you ruled over, and you were proud. You leapt from the waterfall, going for a brief swim to cool you down in preparation for the ride back home in the heat, and splashed the elk a few times for good measure.
By the time you returned to the palace, the halls were bustling with activity and you managed to intercept your maid who was standing outside your chamber door prepared to take in your and the king’s breakfast. “Thank you, but I can take it from here.” You said kindly, smiling as the elleth bowed and took her leave.
You quietly opened the double oaken doors to your chambers, kicking off your boots before slipping in. The space was dark, only being lit by a few torches scattered about the walls, but it was comforting all the same. This was home because he was here waiting. Even after all your centuries of marriage, you still felt giddy as you approached the large canopy bed with leaves carved into the posts that you knew he was sleeping on. Placing the breakfast tray on the nightstand for later, you shed your cloak and climbed in beside Thranduil. Hovering over him, you smiled as you noticed how innocent his sharp blue eyes seemed, half lidded from sleep as they were. Suddenly, a strong hand shot up and hooked around your waist, pulling you to the mattress only so he could roll on top of you a moment later. The action happened so fast that you did not have time to yelp in surprise.
“Your nose is cold meleth…” Thranduil mumbled, nuzzling his cheek against yours before pressing a soft kiss to your nose. “I’ll warm you.”
You hugged him close, rubbing circles into his back and lovingly working the morning tangles out of his hair.
“Did you have a good ride, my wild flower?” He brushed over your cheekbones with his thumbs, lips slotting against yours.
“Yes, but I’m glad to be home with you.” You sank into his touch.
“I’m afraid I’ve been distant from you lately. The court has demanded it even though I am counting down the seconds.” His eyes are apologetic. “Allow me to correct my mistake. We are taking the day off to spend together.”
At that you beam. “I’d love that.”
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lamemaster · 3 months
The Curse of Bloodlines (Epilogue 😔)
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Request: For the annon who sends me this request every day. You know who you are and you have my respect fellow gremlin.
Pairing: Thranduil x Reader
AN: I never wanted to write this. But alas for those who cannot live without a happy ending go thrive. Please no more requests for this AU after this.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue |
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"Atyo!" You peel Celegorm's hands off Thranduil's throat. At once your uncles are at the task of taking him to another room as you follow them. Not daring to look back at him. Too scared that you might not be able to leave if you do.
Perhaps it was the fear of finding the same disdained look you had witnessed in Arda. The fear of being subjected to it had left your eyes anywhere but, Thranduil.
So you focus all your attention on your father, who almost escapes the grasp of 4 of his brothers, including Uncle Maedhros, who towered over the majority in Valinor.
"Ata, not now," your voice cuts through the din, surprisingly firm despite the tremor in your heart. Your father's face contorted in a snarl, but something in your voice, perhaps the raw emotion, caused him to pause.
"Let me go!" he roared, his voice thick with fury. "I won't be mocked by that… that…" he trailed off, his tongue failing him to find an insult that wouldn't ignite another confrontation.
You shake your head and lead him out. "Let's leave. Grandfather is waiting."
You clenched your jaw, the weight of the situation pressing down on you. This meeting, the one you'd dreaded since your days in the Halls of Mandos, had been a disaster. And the worst part? It was just the beginning.
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Meeting your father was something you had wished for forever. An unfulfilled yearning you grew up with. The same yearning Legolas grew up with. Absence of a bond that made the entirety of an existence.
Settling in his arms was a comfort unknown to you in life. Death had been kinder in many ways.
The agony of right and wrong seared on both you and your father. Ignorance of the bond that is most priced above any other. Blood that had cost you the love of your husband and the chance to watch your son grow.
But things that once shredded your heart into pieces now were distant worries. The sting of betrayal and the ache of lost years paled in comparison to the warmth of your father's embrace. His tearful apologies, whispered promises of redemption, were a balm to your wounded soul.
You met then, your uncles, your grandfather, your great-grandfather, An entire clan doomed in the halls of death. And so the task of stitching back together the House of Finwe began.
From uncountable days spent sharing stories by the pillar of your Grandfather, Feanor's firey pillar, to bringing along the souls of your troubled cousins Aegnor and Maeglin. Finweans started healing.
And you became the princess of Noldor. A title that came with a hefty price.
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Legolas' friendship with Finrod wasn't a surprise. Both, you realized, carried the weight of a love lost to time – a grief you could never fully understand or soothe.
Legolas, however, found solace elsewhere. Celebrimbor, with his gentle spirit, became his closest confidante. He regaled Amrod and Amras with tales of Middle-earth, earning their playful grumbles about being called "grandfathers." Feanor, a name whispered in legends, became a complex figure he learned about through stories and perhaps, even fleeting glimpses of him to and from the forge.
Your interactions with Legolas were tentative at first. You were a stranger to him, a face from stories whispered in hushed tones. He longed to know the woman who carried him.
Awkward silences hung heavy in the air, punctuated by whispered stories of his life in Greenwood. He spoke of Thranduil with respect, but a flicker of sadness lingered in his eyes. He spoke of a man named Estel, a human who had become a dear friend, a story that filled you with bittersweet joy.
Then came the inevitable – a meeting with Master Gimli. Their shared tales of their unlikely friendship brought laughter to the once desolate House of Feanor.
Finally, after much coaxing, you managed to convince Legolas to attend Oropher's feast. You knew a march to invite the entire Noldorian royal family was a tad excessive, even by his standards.
Noldor marching was almost always was a perilous idea.
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"Apply this twice a day," you mutter, handing him the small vial. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, you allowed yourself to meet his gaze. "For the bruises," you clarified, pointing to the dark marks of your father's grip on his throat.
A flicker of surprise crossed his face, then settled into a mask of stoicism. His eyes, those same eyes that once held the warmth of a thousand sunrises, seemed distant, etched with the weight of untold ages. They held an emotion you couldn't quite define - a far cry from the hatred that burned in them during your last moments together.
His hand brushed against yours as he reached for the vial, sending a jolt through you. The grief that had settled between you, heavy and suffocating, felt like a tangible presence in the air.
"I apologize for my father," you began, your voice barely a whisper. "He is…"
"Troubled," he finished the sentence, his voice surprisingly gentle. "As are we all."
A heavy silence descended upon you once more. He spoke, breaking the quietude, his voice laced with a weary resignation. "I do not know what penance I shall bear to ever right the wrongs I have committed. I have searched for ages, scouring the world, but I cannot find a path back to the past I crave."
"I do not know what repentance I shall bear to ever right the wrongs I have committed," he continued, his voice barely above a murmur. "This yearning for what we once had consumes me, yet I detest it, for I do not believe I am worthy of it." His voice cracked, and for a moment, the once proud king you knew of was now stripped bare, revealing an elf consumed by regret.
The air around you seemed to crackle with unspoken apologies and unspoken yearning. You gathered your courage, forcing the words from your lips. "I do not know much of right or wrong," you began, your voice surprisingly steady. "Neither do I understand the intricacies of penance or forgiveness. Yet, from all I have learned in this strange realm, one thing resonates."
He averted his gaze, his back turned to you, his broad shoulders slumped in defeat. All the air seemed to have been sucked from the room, leaving a hollow ache in your chest.
Your mind raced, searching for the right words. "No act is set in stone. No grievance can hold its power over the relentless march of time. My kin, they wronged many, yet even they found a measure of peace." You thought of your uncles, of your father, finally released from the burdens of their choices.
"They were able to return to the light of Aman because they allowed themselves to seek forgiveness," you continued. "Beyond mine or Legolas', it is your own that you require the most." You reached out then, your fingers brushing against his cheek.
"We have all the time in the world." You leaned in, your lips brushing against his in a whisper of a kiss. A flawed marriage, a flawed separation, and a flawed reunion, yet, nothing had managed to make it any less sweeter.
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enerisart · 9 months
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INKTOBER2023 Day 1: Dream
Yeah I can dream of the old day when they dance under the sun 😭
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Thranduil x f!reader
So many things changed after the big battle, you hope this goes for better
Warnings: pregnancy, childbirth, mention of miscarriage, fluff and happy ending and yea... a lot of cringyness
like & Comments are very much appreciated
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Autumn was late to arrive at Mirkwood realm but the early morning breeze put a smile on your face as you walked pass the garden in between quarters,
The weather was pleasent and freshening but even the gentle cold made the sensitive skin of your swollen belly to react in worst ways, you still had weeks to end the semester and the following winter was the time for the baby to be born, but this time was a bit different.
Wrapping the cloak around your body, you carefully enter the garden to find your first born training, more like playing, with the bow that was almost as tall as he was and arrows that were all over the ground, some even half deep in the grass making you question the power the little one hold.
Sun was shining through tall trees down on the golden hair prince totally unaware of your presents still, your smile soon turned into laughter when he tripped over and fell on the ground, "your ada was right about the hair, my little one, you can't see in front of you!" You hummed sitting uncomfortably on the grass, letting a shaky breath out, his head was quick to pop up "nana.."
"Soon with all the nagging?"
He shook his head taking your hand to help him stand, pouting his lips making you smile wider cleaning his dirty cheeks,
"My knee hurt..."
"Which one deary?"
He turned and dropped himself in your embrace taking your both hands and wrapped them around himself,
To you Legolas was always the golden ray of sunshine, bringing warmth and joy where ever he walked in, even when he was in your belly, the energy he radiant through you was felt by every soul you walked with
Your true blessing
Caressing his golden hair you kissed his head several times before drawing a fussy noise from him, turning around in your arms he mindlessly moved his legs around you to sit facing your frame, finally settling down, his eyes where quick to fall on your bump carefully touching it,
"Ada said, he will be here soon"
"So ada thinks he's a boy?"
He nodded looking up at your face, "what do you think?"
To your surprise he gently put his ear on your belly, "Leg-"
"Nana shhh"
Placing his small fingers on your lips you happily kissed them making him giggle in response,
"She doesn't talk to me anymore"
He admitted dropping his hand to your chest, clinging to your dress
"The baby talked to me last night, but now..."
He pouted his lips again looking for an answer in your worried eyes, you waited few seconds before placing your own hand on the side of your bump when a sudden sharp pain passed through your spine, your breath hitched in your throat trying not to scare the child in your arms,
"Let's play a game okay?" You let out a sob while smiling "let's see how fast you can get your ada for me, alright my elfling?" Patting his back you helped him stand back on his feet before running back to the chambers,
Trying your best to stand up with shaky legs another trail of pain burnt through your abdomen,
Moving your cloak aside to walk faster than the growing pain that was taking all over your body,
"Not now, no no no not now!!"
You cried walking up the stairs, "lady Y/n!" You heard someone but before taking a look around your vision wet blur.
You woke up from what it felt to be hours with a sharp pain all over your body, "my lady you must stay awake"
"It's too soon for labor" you panted looking at the healers standing next to your bed
"But it is happening and i need you to stay conscious my queen"
Dressed up in sweat and tear you were crying with every breath you took, screaming.
The quarter's doors swing open only to reveal your worried husband, "y/n.."
"Thranduil... i can't... i can't do it"
You begged and cried as you gripped his sleeve to pull him closer,
He carefully kissed your forehead while moving your hair away from your wet face, "i can't, i can't lose this one"
Your sobbing got louder as he touched the sensitive skin of your arms to help you sit accordingly, "you're not gonna lose it, you're not gonna lose anything" taking your trembling chin in his hand "look at me, meleth nìn" kissing your eyes he gave you time to calm down and catch your breath.
"If i lose this one, it will be the third" sobbing harder you squeezed his arm harder when another stroke of pain hit you, "three..."
His eyes were filled with tears watching you in this condition "The other two didn't make it this far my love, i know how you feel if i could take the pain or make it go away i would!" He sounded helpless looking in your eyes, "i would bear the pain to last bit cause i can't see you this way" bringing your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
You cried more feeling the contractions starting, "this one's stronger can't you feel it?"
He whispered holding your hand tighter,
"I can't feel anything! It was nothing like when i had our son" shaking your head you let out another painful cry fearing for your little elf to hear,
"There's a battle field, a war difference between these two,"
Holding his shoulder in your hand you placed the other hand on your bump to force a pressure on it,
"I'm not the same as i was, my body is not the same, i can't" it was healed but your body was still carrying the scars and your mind was no better, unable to process the importance of the life you were delivering.
Giving it all your energy you started pushing as the maiden rubbed your sore spine,
Screaming with pain your hand drop to the headboard of the bed as another maid reached you.
The windows were all open since you were sweating your gown wet and between all the screams and cursing you heard your son crying from behind the closed doors and you could swear you heard him calling for you,
Searching for your husband you mouthed a please before looking at the door again, "Thranduil please, he'll cry to the point of fainting"
"Lady Y/n has a strong body my lord, you can go" an elderly woman said before turning his attention back to you, "i'll be back soon" you blinked for assurance, forgetting your pain for a moment
"Almost there my lady, just one more" squeezing the mattress in your fist you gave in to just make this go away as soon as possible.
On the other side of the door Thranduil tried to comfort his first born, only to have him crying silently in his arms "can we go to nana now?"
"Soon we will dear one,"
"I don't like the baby" he stated playing with the pattern drawn on his father's collar, "may i ask why?"
"She's hurting nana, i saw her crying too it was for the baby in her" he mumbled not looking up at his father, "your nana is one of the strongest elves i've ever seen!" He said sitting on the edge of his chair putting his boy to sit on the table before him, "she fought in a battle so big! So brave. She's an excellent warrior with a talent you never seen when shooting an arrow"
Legolas was now mesmerised but his father's words, no sign of crying or tearing up
"A perfect fighter"
"Did she cried there too?" He asked curiously
"In the battlefield? No but she did cry after"
He whispered fixing the little boy's hair
"Don't tell her i said this!" He placed his index finger on his nose only for Legolas to repeat it afterward "i won't!"
He smiled in return when a knock on the door took both their attention, "my lord!"
"Y/n.." he said before standing up and running to the quarters where his wife was, he hesitated for a second before entering the room thinking about all the possible scenes he will face, not ready for any of them.
The doors flew open and the maid bow down smiling "so on time my king!" He let out the breath he was holding and walked towards the bed seeing you holding a wrap of cloth,
"Are you alright, meleth?" The whisper came out of his mouth weak but seeing your small smile was a relief, "i'm well, we both are"
Your head turned slightly to right pointing to the small creature in your arms, "it's a girl"
You cried looking back at him as he sat next to you looking at her more carefully, silver bright hair with two of the biggest blue irises ever seen, the perfect girl, your perfect girl.
"Her eyes are open!" He was surprised looking at you with a big smile
"She was so eager to be here my lord" a maiden said fixing the new gown around your shoulders
"Do you want to hold her?" You offered and he willingly accepted for his girl to be placed in his arms, "Legolas was right" you said placing your chin on his arm looking at the corner of the open door, seeing two eyes peaking inside.
You smiled leaning forward a little, "i wish Legolas was here, he knew how to treat my pains away" pressing your lips together you looked over one more time to see him still standing there, doubting.
Letting out a fake moan of pain and he was quick to run and approach you from other side of the bed, crawling to reach your frame, waisting no time he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you so tightly kissing your cheek,
"Uh my wonderful prince! You're here! Talking all my pain away" you said breathing in his sweet smell
Still holding you tightly his eyes wandered around, "is that the baby?"
"That's her," Thranduil said removing the cloth more to reveal her face.
Legolas reached his hand so carefully and touched the girl's forehead like how he did with your bump proving once more how much of an angle he is.
"What do we call her?"
You looked between them two asking,
Your husband said staring at the girl in his arms, "since she is a precious gift, her name must be of the same value."
You smiled kissing his shoulder before resting your head on it.
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meluiloth · 3 months
Let's talk about Thranduil (and the Mirkwood Elves)
The Woodland Elves are well known for being a suspicious and reclusive people, Thranduil most of all - but they are also as merry and light-hearted as the other Elven civilizations when it comes to their own people.
So I want to talk about why that is, why Thranduil is so determined to remain isolated. The reason is actually pretty simple: he lost everything in the War of the Last Alliance.
The army of Greenwood joined forces with the Elves and Men against Mordor, though their army was smallest and their people less skilled with open war, led by Oropher, Thranduil's father. Thranduil himself was there as well (and though not much is known about his wife, I headcanon her as fighting alongside her husband and her people).
The Free Peoples won that war, but with a heavy cost - and the Silvan Elves suffered greatest of all. They lost two-thirds of their army and their King, and returned to Greenwood crippled and mourning. (I headcanon that's when Thranduil lost his wife, too). The Prince of Greenwood had to take the burden of the crown while his people were suffering and while his home was rapidly falling into decay, along with struggling through the grief of losing his father (and his wife).
To my knowledge, there is nothing in the lore about the Silvan Elves receiving help from their allies, so I assume that they were left to rebuild alone, and also to contend with the Necromancer who had taken up residence in their home, and who they were not strong enough to exorcize themselves. They were even forced to take refuge underground, which hurt their woodland and tree-loving souls.
Thranduil was alone. Of course he would become bitter and reclusive, wanting to focus on helping his own people while resenting the fact that, though they had sacrificed so much, no one came to their aid. He decided that he would lend no more aid, make no more sacrifices, and suffer no more losses on account of those who would not return the favor. That was the end of that.
And really, who can blame him?
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What if oropher didn’t die in the battle of the last alliance but just used the opportunity to fake his death and escape with his wife and go on an extended honeymoon and leave all the damn paperwork and diplomacy with the noldor/sindar to his poor son.
Thranduil, when his father is finally waking up after getting many fatal injuries during battle: Ada!! Everyone thought you were gonna die!
Oropher, pausing when his son’s words registered: Everyone?
Thranduil, as he watches in disbelief as Oropher bolts away from him with a few supplies: Ada WAIT! DON’T LEAVE ME TO DEEL WITH THEM!
Oropher: don’t worry son, i’m sure you’ll do great!
Gil-galad: where is king oropher?
Thranduil, a petty lil bitch that will get back at his father: unfortunately, my my father king passed after suffering many grievous injuries during the last battle.
Oropher, coming back from his long vacation in the third age: i’m dead? Nobody told me.
Thranduil: that’s what you get for abandoning me to those elves.
Thranduil: suffer
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leggy-lass · 8 months
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The King and Queen of Mirkwood
Tolkien didn’t give any attention to Legolas’ mom so I did! I hc her as a silvan elf… what do you guys think?
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growingingreenwood · 1 month
Idk if i asked before, but when was that mereneth arrived to serve at Dol Guldur? Was she there when thranduil and ferdan got burnt by the dragon fire?
I'm not sure if you've asked this yet either, but Tumblr doesn't always like to give me my asks in a timely fashion nor give them to me in order received so we'll probably never know haha (Just so there isn't any confusion: Amon Lanc was the original name for Dol Guldur when it was still owned by the elves. After it had fallen into darkness, it was renamed ‘Dol Guldur’ which means “Hill of Sorcery”.) 
I think that Mereneth was already living in what became Oropher’s capital city of Amon Lanc before Thrandul and Oropher even got there. In my head, before Oropher and the other Sindar arrived the Silvan elves lived in a wwhhooolleee whack load of different villages of varying sizes spread throughout the entirety of the forest. The largest village was either on the hill that Amon Lanc came to be built upon or very very close to it, which is why it became the capital since it essentially already was. Mereneth had been born in the village and thus was living there when Oropher and the rest of the Sindar arrived. 
So yes, Mereneth would have been at Amon Lanc when Thranduil and Ferdan got burned by the fire but I don't think that she would have been a part of their exploration party and thus not at the campsite when it got attacked. The boys got burned quite soon after Oropher had been crowned King, so Mereneth probably knew OF Thranduil, but had not yet met him personally. 
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The Elvenking with his ElvenQueen.
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velvet4510 · 12 days
Open invitation for reblogs and replies:
Does anyone else have any headcanons about the fate of Legolas’ mother in the books that are NOT “she was tragically killed”? There are three main reasons I dislike that common assumption and hate the movies for forcing it on us:
1. The Dead Mother is such an overused trope. Period.
2. I feel like if Tolkien intended for her to have suffered a tragic fate, he probably would’ve told us so.
3. Book-Legolas just does not have the demeanor of someone who has suffered a traumatizing, horrifying loss of a loved one.
I think it’s very possible she was indeed still around during the events of The Hobbit and LOTR. If this is true, then she most likely followed her son into the West sometime in the later Fourth Age, perhaps ahead of her husband, leaving him to wrap up the affairs of Mirkwood and then eventually board the Last Ship.
If she absolutely must be absent at this time, if her lack of mention must mean she’s not around, I imagine it was no more than her succumbing to the Sea-longing and sailing West, long after Legolas had come of age. She had raised her son into adulthood and knew he was alright, and had many happy years in the forest with her husband and child. So she left with hope as well as bittersweetness, knowing they would follow her someday.
I know Sea-longing is common among all Elves, but I think it makes sense if it’s a genetic thing among particular people as well. Perhaps that kind of longing at the sound of one gull runs in her family; maybe her ancestors lived near the Sea and the sound was recognized deep in her heart one day. I think this adds weight to Galadriel’s foresight of Legolas’ Sea-longing; she knew that, like his mother, the cry of a gull is all that it would take to make him long for the West. Plus his longing would be to reunite with her, and not just to experience the Sea.
What do you all think happened to her, if she’s not dead?
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