#Leon x Light
My baby, my baby…
Summary: Leon is a man pushing 40 and you’re a girl in her early 20s. You confessed your feelings but things went south.
Warning: age gap. literally any older version of Leon. reader is young. female reader. haha guess what? it’s sad again.
a/n: I love mitski <3 still mad I didn’t go to her concert. Guys I love writing, I feel like I’m god waiting for shit to happen. TEEHEE.🤭 also, should I make a part two with smut?
(pt.1) (pt.2)
“You're my baby, say it to me” - Mitski, I Bet On Losing Dogs
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You hated him. Well not really. You just hated the way he made you feel when you two were in the same room. Your heart beat faster and you felt your face grow hot. You had butterflies in your stomach every time he did something. And you felt stupid because he’s a man twice your age.
You did what you always think is best, avoid him. To which you failed miserably. You both worked on the same team on the DSO, of course you were bound to be next to him. It was as if the universe was mocking you. You couldn’t help but feel guilty. This man, poor innocent man, probably doesn’t know that he has someone so much younger after him. He must be worried about missions and not dying, while you were here crushing over him.
It didn’t help the way he would talk to you, distant but polite. He didn’t hate you, he just thought you were too young to experience such a miserable life the DSO puts on its agents. He wants you to live life. To be a normal girl in her early 20s. He wanted you to have the life he wished he had. He wished you would live your 21st year way differently than when he was 21.
But those thoughts remained unspoken. Neither of you actually spoke about anything besides work and missions. You tried to find excuses to talk to him but he would just stare at you in silence as you talked. He wasn’t mad, he just stood there. (Like this lol🧍‍♂️)
Professional and polite conversations turned into jokes. One time, during a meeting, you were sitting next to Leon and the poor man looked like he didn’t get an ounce of sleep. Chris was talking about some mission in Antarctica and Leon couldn’t help but grumble a stupid joke about all the penguin shit roaming around. It was such a stupid joke but you laughed. When Leon heard you laugh, he turned his head your direction and stared at you with a raised brow. He smirked to himself and laughed a little bit. It was funny to both of you.
From that moment, he became more warm towards you. When he saw you, he would nod at him. And you being you, a delusional lover, gushed about how much he is in love with you.
You managed to break the ice exterior he had because he would look at you with soft eyes every time you got near him.
But things changed when you confessed your feelings to him. The softness in his eyes disappeared and he looked at you with the same distant look he had. “I’m too old for you, y/n…” He spoke with a quiet but firm tone. The two of you were currently alone in some room inside the DSO building. You thought this was the perfect time to let your feelings out.
He took a step towards you and stood in front of you, “You should focus on someone your age, sweetheart,” He mumbled as he brought his hand to your face and brushed some strands of hair behind your ear. He then ran his hand down your cheek with a gentle touch. You couldn’t help but lean into it. His thumb gently grazes against your bottom lip as he ran his fingers around your side of your face.
You were upset, you wanted him despite the age gap. “Please… I only want you,” you whispered and leaned into the palm of his hand.
Leon stared at you and then sighed as he brought his hand down your chin to lift it up more. He wanted to see those beautiful eyes of yours, even if they began to show how sad you were. “It’s wrong for me to have you,” he whispered gently as he examines your face.
You felt your eyes become full of emotion, “It’s not fair…” your voice came out strained and barely audible, it was a miracle Leon still understood you.
"I know." Leon sighed, unable to keep himself from looking you with a soft look. You were his soft spot after all, "Trust me; nothing would please me more than to be with you..."
“Then let me have this one chance…please?” You begged with pleading eyes. "I shouldn't," he breathed, eyes traveling down to your lips before returning to scan your face, "It wouldn't be right for me to take advantage of you..."
“I want you to take advantage of me, to use me… I just want to be yours,” you whispered as your eyes shifted down to his lips and then back to his eyes.
"You're sure about this?" His breathing quickened as his eyelids drew heavy, his gaze locked onto the soft curve of your lips. You nodded, “I wouldn’t be asking you if I wasn’t sure,” you whispered as your hand intertwined with his.
He squeezed your hand, and with a slight shrug of his shoulders, he leaned down until your faces were just mere inches apart.
He breathed slowly, eyes scanning your gaze, "Promise me one thing..."
You stared at his eyes and nodded, “yeah?”
"Promise me..." He breathed out slowly, allowing himself to lean in closer to you until his breathing was near whisper. "...That you will not regret this.”
“I won’t,” you whispered as you closed your eyes and felt Leon's lips finally make contact with yours, kissing for the very first time. It was a gentle, tender caress that made your cheeks flush with color, his broad hands gently resting on your hips while the tips of his fingers grazed the skin of your waist. You brought your hands to his broad shoulders and rested them there. You felt your knees grow weak from the gentleness of the kiss. His lips felt so soft against yours, he tasted the flavor of your chapstick and he couldn’t help but love it even more.
He sighed against your lips as the gentleness of the kiss began to build into something more passionate. His lips pressed against yours firmly, a hand cupping your chin to keep your face closer. His lips parted slowly, urging your lips to part as well. When you felt his lips part and his tongue press on your bottom lip, you gasped and he dived his tongue right into your mouth. His tongue finally danced against your tongue, inviting a response back from you. Your grip on his shoulders increased ever so slightly as you moaned in the kiss, sending the vibrations to his tongue as both your tongues danced passionately.
He moaned softly in response, his hands sliding around to your back once more holding you as close to him as he could. His tongue continued to swirl around your mouth, gently sucking at your bottom lip. His hold on you was strong and firm, a silent command to stay pressed against him. His hold on you only grew stronger as he kept you pressed up against his body. A hand ran through your hair, keeping your head held in place. His tongue and lips continued the dance of teasing and pleasing, your own lips responding in kind. The passion built within his embrace, his breath growing labored and his heart beating rapidly against his chest. It felt so surreal.
You moved your hands down to his chest and gently pulled back to catch your breath. You panted as you tried to breathe and remain focused. Your brain felt mushy from how good the kiss was. You finally got the chance to taste his lips.
His lips parted from yours, and he breathed out slowly, his breathing rapid and throat parched. His hand slid to your lower back as he kept you pressed close to him. He brushed a few stray strands of hair from your face, then gently tucked it back behind your ear. "Are you ok?" He whispered, voice still strained, but his body relaxing slightly.
You nodded and breathed out a small “yes,”
Leon let his grip on you loosen slightly, allowing a small distance to form between the two of you. He brushed the side of your face, and his hand moved to grasp yours.
"Good," He whispered slowly, his gaze falling to your lips, "So very good..." he sighed and let his hand slid back down your back before letting go, "Forgive me if I got a little carried away..." He took in a deep breath, his voice now returning to a normal tone, "I've wanted to do that for a very long time..."
You eyes nestled bulged out of their sockets after he said that, “You did?” You asked softly in disbelief.
He nodded slowly, his gaze flicking between yours, “Yes. Ever since the moment we first met, I was attracted to you, even though I knew it was wrong. I wanted you, wanted to hold you close, kiss you, and make you mine…” his eyes growing distant, "I've wanted you..." He took a deep breath, then gently caressed your chin with a hand, his lips gently grazing your forehead.
You closed your eyes and felt the softness of his lips plant a kiss on your forehead. A gesture so gentle and soft it could bring anyone to their knees.
He breathed out slowly, closing his eyes for a second before opening them to peek at you through his lids. He raised a brow and sighed, adjusting the hold on your chin to gently tip your head up.
"But as I said, I'm too old for you," he brushed his fingers across your jawline, "And I fear that our relationship would be met with judgment and ridicule..." he looked at you with saddened eyes. He wished he could kiss you anytime, to be with you in public and not have to worry about the judgment. In his eyes, you were the most beautiful woman to ever step foot on earth. It was sad, really. How much love he had for you but he hid it for your sake. He loves you so much he didn’t want you to get hurt.
You furrowed your brows together and looked at him with those sad eyes of yours. But his heart ached the most with the strain of your voice, “I don’t care what anyone says…”
"But you should," he replied softly, "You're still young... You should find someone closer to your age,” he caressed your cheek once again as he looked into your eyes "What about your family?" He sighed, "What if your parents disagree with us? They'd say that I'm taking advantage of you and manipulating you because you're young..."
“Leon, please, I’m an adult. I can make my own choices…” you whispered with a sad tone, “I don’t care if you’re 20 years older than me. I want you… dare I say I love you…”
Leon fell silent as your words sank into him. He froze in place, for a few moments, he was speechless, his facial expressions shifting through multiple emotions.
"Love me?" He whispered, leaning down towards you, "Y/n… you don’t love me. You love the idea of me you have in your head.” He whispered softly as he caressed your cheek once again. His voice so soft and tender and full of sadness.
Your throat was caught up into a knot. Did you screw things over already? Or were they already screwed up before this began?
You bit your bottom lip to contain the threatening tears that were about to spill. He saw this and gently brought his thumb over to the corner of your eyes and wiped them for you.
“I love you…” you nodded and felt your eyes get glossy, “I love you, Leon…” you whispered, “This feeling I have… it’s controlling me. I can’t breathe when I’m not with you. I need you…”
“Don’t cry, angel,” he whispered as he kissed your forehead again and gave you a sad smile. “How do you know this is not just infatuation?”
You stared into his blue eyes deeply, “Because I’ve never felt this way towards anyone before..”
His eyes were locked onto yours, a million thoughts running through his head. As much as he wanted to be with you, this was never meant to happen. You’re way too young. You needed someone else, someone better than him. He sighed and looked out the window. What was once a sunny day became a rainy one. He looked back down at you.
"Go home, y/n…" he whispered.
He let go of your face and took a step back. You watched him go with sad eyes, you wanted to chase after him so badly but you felt frozen in place. It was bittersweet. You got the kiss you wanted but at the cost of him leaving you.
You sniffled and cried silently as you walked out of the building and to the bus stop. You put on your headphones and began to listen to some music while you watched the raindrops race down the window.
Leon watched you from the second floor window. He felt a pang of guilt in his heart. He knew you’d cry but he couldn’t let you get too attached to someone like him. He was broken, never meant to be fixed again. While you were everything. In another universe, maybe the two of you could’ve been together.
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leqonsluv3r · 2 months
valentine’s day
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—leon finally starts to heal after he meets you in a grocery store, a blurb
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an: i’ve had this idea in my head since i went to the LANY concert a month ago and heard this song live. i have not been the same person since, this drabble/blurb is dedicated to this song and leon. it’s a lot longer then i intended and i apologize lol
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leon wasn’t one to heal easy.
not from his past, not from the missions when he saw more gore and blood then he wanted to. not when he had gagged every time he saw blood from that point foreword.
he was still healing when he walked into a grocery store about four months after his last mission. he was still healing when he grabbed one of those stupid baskets to carry your groceries in through the store.
he grabbed a couple bottles of alcohol, some snacks and some soap. essentials, things he needs. because sleeping without alcohol now is…it’s a lot harder then it used to be. just nightmares and images of bloodshed — he just says fuck it. he gets what he needs, what he wants and he goes up to the front of the store to pay.
what he doesn’t understand, when he sees you for the first time, is why your working in a grocery store of all places. your too beautiful for that, you should be doing something better, something worthy of your time. he doesn’t know a single thing about you yet and he’s willing to draw that conclusion.
you smile kindly at people from behind your register, your voice is kind and sweet. it draws something within him like a magnet, his heart is pounding, he’s going to explode or something. he used to be so good at talking to women but it’s declined as the years have gone by. he’s gotten tired, he just didn’t care like he used to.
he awkwardly sits his basket down on the conveyor belt of the register, you catch his eye and smile a little and it fucking does something to him. he knows he’s screwed beyond relief at that point. he smiles back, or tries to. he’s out of practice on that to, can’t remember the last time he’s smiled.
“this all for you?” you say softly, your eyes scanning over the bottles of alcohol, the snacks and the bottle of soap. he nods and chuckles a little, low and deep, just like his voice. “yeah, that’s all…” he grabs his wallet out of his back pocket of his jeans.
he wish he could say something better, something more positive and just something to grab your attention. he searches his brain as you tell him the total and he hands you the card. but he doesn’t have to say anything, you speak first.
“leon? that’s…you have a nice name.” you say and it snaps him out of his brain, he blinks those devastating blue eyes. ones that were once full of life, he nods. “my mom gave it to me.” he jokes lamely, or at least he thinks it’s lame until he hears your small little giggle.
he feels his heart beat with more confidence and energy now, like his one effort at making you smile is good enough. making you laugh is worth enough. you hand him his card back and put the receipt in the shopping bag, telling him to have a great day. not a nice day like you did with the others, but a great day. like you could tell he needed to hear that.
he walks out of the grocery store with the biggest, stupidest smile on his face. one that he has been a stranger to for months. he has you to thank for that.
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the weeks that followed he came back to the grocery store, once maybe sometimes three times a week if he wasn’t sent off on a mission. he almost can’t help himself, he likes talking to you when your there.
you make him feel something he hadn’t felt in such a long time. it’s almost ridiculous, but he can’t help himself, it’s like an addiction. but it doesn’t involve him waking up with a hangover.
he keeps coming, week after week and buying things from the grocery store just to talk to you, just to see your sweet face. just to give him some kind of ray of sunshine that casts his whole body in a warm glow. making his heart beat faster.
but today was different, he was going to ask you out today. he was going to do it, he couldn’t be scared anymore. he couldn’t let you pass by anymore like something rare and just ignore you.
you were something to him. even if you didn’t even know that yet.
he walked up, carrying the same five things he always grabbed. his heart was pounding wildly, he was so out of practice but he just had to get out there and do it. just give himself something, he would hope you would say yes.
he put the items on the conveyor belt and waited until it was his turn, you finished checking out the customer in front of him and then turned to look at him. “hi stranger, haven’t seen you in awhile.” you say with a small frown, it’s adorable, it makes his heart melt.
he chuckles and shakes his head, “didn’t know you missed me.” he muses as he watches you start scanning his stuff. slowly and methodically almost as if you wanted this interaction to last longer too.
you sigh and shake your head, “of course i did, your my favorite customer.” you say with a small smile, and if he wasn’t looking so intently at you, he wouldn’t have noticed the subtle blush on your cheeks.
“i better be. goodness knows i give you guys enough business.” he chuckles playfully and flashes you a grin, almost as bright as the sun. he didn’t know where he was willing this confidence from, maybe it’s because he needed you. he needed you to at least attempt to be with him. you were the first light he has had in his life in a long time.
you scan his last item and he realizes it’s now or never, “26.73” you say as you lay out your hand for the card so he can pay. he reaches into his wallet and gives it to you, your fingers brush against each other. he wills himself to do it, to just do it now.
“uhm, i actually…i have a question for you.” he says with a small tremble of his hands, keeping his eyes on you to gauge your reaction behind the register. you look back up at him, swiping his card. “yeah?” you say and he could swear there’s almost hopefulness in your voice.
he swallows all the nerves down and attempts to keep himself calm enough to get this out, he can’t screw this up. he cannot screw you up, he would never forgive himself if he did.
“do you want to go out with me? like on a date?” he says and it’s so weird, the words feel foreign as they slipped from his mouth. usually women used to flock to him, but they didn’t anymore. his confidence with women had slipped right along with him trying to be sober all the time.
you blinked at him, holding onto his card in your small but intricate fingers. you seem to be thinking it over, weighing your options. he feels like the rejection is going to slip out of your lips at any given moment and he’s preparing himself for it.
then eventually, you respond, “i’d love to.”
now, it’s his turn to gawk and blink at you, almost perplexed that you are actually saying yes, accepting him and accepting this date. he can’t help the smile on his face, it’s almost stupid. you hand him the card and his brain goes on autopilot. you hand him the bag of his stuff, he grabs it and goes to walk away.
until, “wait! you forgot your receipt!” you yell behind him, holding up a slip of paper and waving it. he turns around and walks back to the register, his brows furrowed. you never gave him a receipt, he grabs the slip of paper from your fingers. he reads it over with confusion until he sees your number at the bottom, your hand writing and scribbles drawn with a little heart next to it.
he smiles, another genuine one that only you could conjure onto his face. “text me, we can set up a date.” you say to him, nodding towards the receipt. you look just as giddy as he feels inside. he nods, “absolutely. will do.”
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he texts you the minute he gets home. and you respond. the texts keep going between you two until you both eventually settle on a date to go out. your both feeling like love-struck teenagers, so entranced with each other it’s almost borderline disgusting.
the week after you set the date passes and neither of you can hardly wait. you both have your reasons for being nervous, you both have that joy when you see each other but it shines in a different way. especially when he picks you up for your guy’s date.
you look stunning. stunning doesn’t even begin to cover it for him. you look like if heaven was a person, like an angel. that’s good enough reason for him to not let his blue eyes break from you all night.
and they don’t, they don’t ever break. not one second, he keeps his gaze on you at dinner, when your both talking and flirting aimlessly with each other. to leon, it feels good to have that someone; even if they don’t know it yet. that lights up their world and just makes it so much better.
he doesn’t break his gaze when you two walk by the lake, showing him all the birds and where they nest when winter comes closer. he admires the way you talk about small things, things that other people wouldn’t normally talk about or care about for that matter. but you took time, every week, to come feed the ducks and birds at this lake.
and he doesn’t break his gaze when he walks you back to your place, low intimate whispers that turn into slow kisses and touches. it doesn’t turn frantic, it just stays slow and gentle. it’s loving and it almost wants to make leon cry, because you care so much, this kiss just proves it.
because for the first time in a long time, you make him feel cared for. you make him feel wanted and it’s so much to him that he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
he wants you forever, he wants you as long as you let him have you. and he’s always going to take care of you, just like you’ve unknowingly taken care of him. taken the sadness away from him by just being in his life.
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three months later, you and leon were dating.
you guys were the happiest people, it seemed you brought leon back from the edge. he opened up and you learned all you could about him. he got to learn more about you. and you both loved the idea of having that one confidant in each other.
the one you would have when you were sad, scared, angry, frustrated, etc. everything made sense with the two of you together. and you guys found that one piece that was missing within each of you. you guys were happy, leon was smiling a lot more then he usually did.
he didn’t drink his days away anymore, he didn’t come back from missions to an empty apartment and he didn’t have nightmares. it was still there but you dulled the ache, you filled that dark hole inside of him that had been gone for so long.
you made him happier, you made him recognize the man in the mirror again with your love. your love and everything about you made him better. he was better for you.
you had each other to soothe the gaps and ridges of your guys souls that were jagged. you had that thing that he was searching for, that he’d been missing for so long.
he loved you.
and nothing was ever going to change that.
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an: i love you guys sm :,) thank you guys for reading my stuff and engaging. i was so worried when i started writing on tumblr that it wasn’t going to take. that no one would like my writing and i was wrong. you guys have given me so much support in liking my fics. it makes me so happy to have that support. it keeps me going. i love you all, i’ll be posting a one shot soon, keep up on my requests. pls reblog if you enjoyed, you guys know the drill. kisses, xx.
taglist: @elihii @heartsforvin @argreion @sqiim (to join the taglist DM me or interact with my link at the beginning)
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leonw4nter · 4 months
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Holding Our Dreams As You Lie To Rest
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Dad!RE4R!Leon x F!Reader
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“Time of birth, 2:31 AM.”
“Time of death, 2:31 AM.”
The nurse lays his newborn daughter on her mother’s still chest, the first and final time his daughter would ever get to feel her mother. Her unbroken cries drowned out the beeping of the heart monitor, a stark contrast to the state of eternal peace her mom will forever be in. They kept their daughter on her chest for a few more moments before lifting her back up, her cries growing louder as her tiny hands stretched out to try and hold on to her mom as if she knew she would never see, feel, hear or be with her again. Leon felt as if he’d been killed twice, losing a life in the same moment he gained a new one; he wanted to cry, to scream, and gently rock your body back and forth but he can’t– he has to be a father. He has to. He bends down, taking her cold hand in his trembling ones and presses kisses as he looks up at you. Eyelids curtained your eyes that once held a brightness greater than a million suns, pale lips fixed into a straight line; lips that would never smile again. He moves over to your face; you’re still beautiful, even when death stole the color and life from your features. He hugs you tight and buries his face in the nook of her neck, softly sobbing and whispering apologies as he strokes your hair one last time; you always loved it when he did that. Doctors come in and unplug her from the machines, fixing her before draping white linen over her body and taking that bed out of the hospital room. A nurse approaches Leon with a small voice, her own eyes slightly glossy as she extends her arms and gently moves the baby to Leon. He takes her in his arms, a flurry of overwhelming emotions overriding his ability to process this moment.
“I’m sorry, my dearest daughter.” he whispers. “I’m sorry for robbing you of the chance to have a mother.”
“She’s growing so fast, honey. She’s a strong girl just like her dad,” you softly say as you pat your growing belly. Leon is splayed out right on top of you, situating himself on your legs and nuzzling his cheek into the side of your belly.
“Yeah. 3 months more and I’ll have two girls in my life,” he softly says with a smile.
“Have you thought of names for her?”
“Hm… no. Not yet. I want you to be the one to name her. I mean– you’ll know her best. You’re going to be carrying her for nine months, it’s only right that you’ll get to name her.”
“Don’t you have any ideas for names?”
“I have some in mind.”
“Like what?”
“Araminta, but we can call her ‘Minty’ for short. It sounds cute, right? What about ‘Cassandra’? I was asking Hunnigan for some ideas and she offered that and I think it’s nice too. ‘Jewel’ sounds great too. Oh– what about ‘Stella’? I think it’s a very pretty name.”
A twinkling laughter escapes your lips as Leon lists out all the names he finds pretty, musing about possible combinations that sound prettiest. Another hand moves to the top of his head, gently ruffling white spun-sun strands in between your fingers, a pleased hum reverberating throughout Leon’s chest. The laughter stays short-lived when you feel a kick to your rib, causing you to jerk and yelp.
“You alright, Y/N?” Leon asks as he sits up, eyebrows creasing in concern.
“Yeah. The baby just kicked,” she says with a small smile. “Nothing too serious.”
Leon bends down as he places a kiss on the top of your bump, his hands resting on your waist as he draws small circle patterns with the rough pads of his fingers.
“My precious daughter, don’t kick your mom too much, okay? Don’t keep her up at night and give her some time to rest. Daddy’s going to be here for you, don’t worry. We can’t wait to meet you too.”
Leon would give up anything and everything if it means keeping his girls safe and sound. He’d hold the sky up if it meant providing a secure sense of safety and happiness for his wife and daughter.
“Oh? She stopped kicking.” you softly say with an amused lilt to your voice. “Guess all I needed was for you to speak for her.”
“She’s a smart girl, just like her mother. God, I’m too lucky to have you both in my life.”
“Claire, can… can you come over? She won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do…” Leon hoarse at the other end of the line as he holds his daughter with one arm and his phone in the other. His daughter has been crying endlessly, depriving them both of sleep. He’s tried everything– soft singing, rocking her back and forth, feeding, checking her diapers, burping, readjusting the swaddling of her cloth but none would calm her down.
Oh, Y/N. I don’t know what to do. She needs you. I need you too. Can you come back to us? Please?
“Have you tried laying her near some of Y/N’s sweaters?” Claire suggests. “God you’re so stupid for not considering that. She might be missing her mom,” Leon thinks to himself. Placing the phone down, he rushes to his and Y/N’s room to find her favorite sweater. He lays the pastel lime-green sweater on her crib before placing her down, gently patting her belly and pressing kisses to her puffy cheeks.
“C’mon honey. Please… please stop crying. I-I don’t know what to do, I’m sorry that mom’s not here right now- Dad’s really sorry, sweetie.” Leon quietly says as he feels some of his own tears stream down his cheek.
Eventually, she stops crying and falls asleep. Leon looms over her, her tiny hand holding on to his thumb. He feels pity for her; he broke the promise of making sure she grows up in a perfect family. He feels as if he doesn’t deserve his daughter, he couldn’t even grant Y/N the dream of becoming a mother. She had long wished for a child of her own, to be able to be a mother and he couldn’t give her that. She carried his child for nine months, enduring morning sickness, swelling ankles, and every single bodily hysteric and he didn’t even give her a chance to see your daughter.
The faint noise of the doorbell from downstairs shakes Leon from his thoughts, putting on a shirt and going downstairs to pick up the door.
“You just suddenly dropped the call after I suggested the sweater thing so I came down and went here. How’s she? Is she asleep?”
“Yeah. The sweater did just the trick.” he bitterly says. A silence lingers between the two for a bit before he speaks up. “I miss her, Claire. I miss Y/N. I don’t know what I’m doing, I don’t know if–” his voice cracks. “I don’t know if I’m up for this without her.”
Claire moves to Leon and engulfs him in a tight hug, tears of her own flowing down her freckled cheeks. Y/N’s death was not easy for everyone who gracefully waltzed into her life– Chris, Claire, Rebecca, and Jill all hurting in their own way but not as profoundly deep and scarring as Leon.
“I know you do. We all miss her, Leon.”
Leon sobs into her shoulder, his body shaking as choked sobs leave him. Truly, he felt like the worst person in the world.
“Claire, look at me. Look at her– I took Y/N away from my own daughter. I stole her own mother away and she’s never fucking coming back! I’m lost and nothing without her, I don’t even know how to stop my daughter from crying. My daughter needs Y/N and I can’t give her that. All I can provide for her are pictures and her clothes because there’s no mother to sing and hold her.”
Claire holds him tighter, her hands gently patting Leon’s back as she stays silent and lets Leon spill all of his feelings.
“She wouldn’t be fucking dead had I brought her to the hospital two hours earlier. If only I listened to her and took her there when she started bleeding instead of choosing to mow the damn lawn I wouldn’t have ruined my daughter’s life from the start. Her heart would not have failed her– I wouldn’t have failed her if I was actually a decent man, Claire.”
“Leon, you’re more than decent. You’re doing everything you can for your daughter and that’s what matters–”
“But I’ll never fill in the Y/N shaped hole in her tiny heart. No one and nothing ever could, no matter how hard I try.”
Leon’s fought all kinds of monsters and abominations, barely making it back each time but it was worth it to see his Y/N’s brilliant face beaming at him everytime he stumbled home. If he could save someone from the horrors of bioterrorism, why couldn’t he save his own wife by simply sending her to the hospital two hours earlier than he should’ve?
Claire couldn’t say anything. It’s not that she agreed with whatever self depreciating fact Leon said but whatever words she would say won’t make anything feel better. Y/N shaped Leon into who he is now– changing and transforming him into a person no one knew Leon could be capable of becoming and her death simply left Leon a shattered and broken person; a shell of his former self. Leon would go through that fateful night in Raccoon City a hundred times again if it meant having her back– even if Y/N would fall out of love with him or be destined with someone else, as long as she was happy and alive. Happiness is the last thing Leon deserves right now. Standing at the doorway of his home, Claire held the shattered pieces of the blond and offered him a shoulder to cry his broken heart on.
Later that night, Leon laid down on his side of the bed whilst he moved his daughter to Y/N’s side so that she would be around her scent. He enjoyed silent nights with you, just laying in the same bed and smiling at the fact that he married the maker of all his dreams but now the silence was a painful reminder that a half of him perished forever. He left her things as they were before the two headed to the hospital, not wanting to wash the clothes she wore just to have some form of her around for just a little longer. He left the mug she drank from untouched as well and he didn’t bother to hide the bath products Y/N left behind in the shower. Her makeup products were still neatly lined up on the counter and he often wore her hair ties on his wrist but he avoided looking at the wedding band she took off. Y/N’s fingers have started swelling and on doctor’s advice, she took it off but kept it around her neck with a chain. The funeral was especially difficult, seeing her lie so stiffly with her features looking a little different. He didn’t have time to grieve because her parting gift needed him the most. Speaking of parting gift, he finds himself thinking that she left him a tiny version of herself to keep him company. She’d absolutely berate him if he gave up now so he hanged on with what little might he had left in him, giving his all for their daughter. He goes to sleep with the prayer that he’ll see Y/N, even for just a quick moment. Even if it’s just in his distant dreams.
6 years later.
“Do you want more sandwiches or is that enough already?” Leon asks his now 6 year old daughter.
“Nuh-uh. I’m full already.” she responds. Leon moves from his place and inches towards his daughter, a wet wipe in hand to wipe some crumbs from the corner of her lips before pulling out another wipe to wipe her greasy fingers.
“Wanna know something, daddy?” she suddenly asks.
“Hm? What is it?” he responds.
“Auntie Claire told me that our loved ones in heaven send us signs sometimes. She says her own mom sends her and she says she feels a lot better when her mom does. Has mommy ever sent us a sign?”
The question takes Leon off-guard, his gaze drifting to your marble headstone before returning back to his daughter. With a pained grin, he responds to her question.
“Yeah. Mommy likes simple things that make us happy, so to me, she appears as a warm drink on a cold day. Sometimes she’s a particularly nice ray of sunlight. Sometimes, she’s the rain that waters plants. I guess those are signs she sends us.” and I hope you send some more, Y/N. I still miss you.
“So does that mean Mommy’s sign can be a good bedtime story?”
She thinks a little more, getting up and giving her mom’s headstone a small pat. With a tiny finger, she traces her name and date of birth.
“We saw a tiny kitten with blue eyes on the way here, right daddy?”
“Mhm. Why? Do you want a kitten?”
“Maybe. But Uncle Chris told me that mommy’s favorite color was blue. I found it weird at first because blue is a boy’s color but Aunt Jill said that it’s a color for anyone. She also said that blue is mommy’s favorite color because it’s the color of your eyes.”
Leon fights back tears, a surprised laugh making its way through his throat despite a lump forming. He nods, his heart fluttering at the fact.
“Yeah, it was, though a lot of her things weren’t blue. Mommy’s an interesting person that way.” he fondly remembers.
Y/N’s death anniversary doesn’t get easier any year, the unbearable pain of remembering her longer than he’s known her weighing on his tattered heart. His daughter finally comes back to him and sits beside him on the picnic blanket, a tiny hand reaching out to hold Leon’s. He can’t believe his own daughter would want to hold the same hand that gets dirty with the blood and muck of biological hellions.
“Auntie Ashley told me you also used to have a friend named Luis when you were in Spain. She said he was funny and smart and nice. Do you think Mommy and Luis are best friends in heaven? She needs someone there too because we’re both still here.”
“Yeah. I hope they’re friends.” Leon had to respond in a more hushed voice to keep his voice from cracking and his tears from spilling, his daughter’s innocence both warming and shattering his heart. “You have her eyes and her lips. Your eyes wrinkle the same way as hers when something makes her smile bright and you scrunch your nose when something makes you laugh. In your face, she is alive.”
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NOTE - First angst on this blog!! Woooo!!!! I blasted Mitski while writing this and luckily I did NAWT cry (-> cried in the shower instead). If you're feeling a little sad now that I wrote this, feel free to check out my other fics that are NOT angst (shameless self-advertisement /j). That's all and thanks for reading!!!!! :) UPDATE: Leon photocards haven't arrived yet.
The wave dividers are made by @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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bunnivievve · 20 days
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“Let’s get through this…”
“Both of us?”
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“...” “Shoot.”
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Ok pls don’t be sad <3
I saw that one Zombie Leon Au from some artist’s ask! It made me want to draw zombie Leon <3
Forgot the name of the artist, but if they saw this,(zombie Leon doodle artist)
I LUV YOUR ZOMBIE LEON A LOT!! Pls draw more! <<3
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
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Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff
Sebastian Stan Characters
Detroit Become Human
Connor (RK800)
Luther (TR400)
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limehaspassed · 1 year
(Leon Kennedy x Chubby F!Reader)
In which Leon Kennedy shows you everything he loves about you. <3
Inspired by my pookie bear, I love you and thank you for feeding into my obsession. Love you @illaxeem
CW: NSFW ,, Voyeurism ,, Cunnilingus ,, Mirror Sex ,, Hair Pulling ,, Praise Kink (briefly mentioned) ,, Light Mention of Body Dysmorphia ,, Body Praise
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It was later on in the night when you finally got the chance to sit down, your day spent cleaning and rearranging things to your liking. You had been unhappy with the state of the house for a while so you decided to change it up. Now, after twelve hours of moving things around, you were finally done. You were beyond sure that you pulled a few muscles in the process.
For a while, you sat on the couch and rested your eyes, that was until you heard a key in the door. Immediately you jumped up, excited to show your boyfriend what you had done while he was at work. When he left earlier that morning, he had noticed you cleaning, he hadn’t noticed your plans of moving everything this way and that.
“Welcome home, dear.” You greeted as Leon walked through the entryway, the door closing behind him.
He gave a sluggish smile, he was also in the same state as you, exhausted. You gave him a soft smile and helped him slip his jacket off, hanging it on the coat rack. He was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close, nestling his head in the crook of your neck. You chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.
“You alright?” You asked quietly, a slight hum to your voice.
Leon nodded against you. “Yeah. How was your day without me?” He asked in return, a slight tease to his voice. He knew that you didn’t like to be separated from him.
“Actually, it was rather pleasant, I got so much done. Do you want to see?” You replied to Leon’s surprise. You were always quick to complain about him working too much and not spending enough time with you during the day, yet now you aren’t complaining, in fact you almost seem thankful.
“Sure, show me what you did.” He let go of you, standing up straight. He wore a soft smile, his eyes warm and sleepy.
You grabbed his hand and led him to the living room. “Look.” You said, motioning to a completely rearranged living room, nothing was left untouched, even the small plants that were arranged on the coffee table.
“Do you not like it?” Your face fell a bit.
“No, no. I like it, I just wasn’t expecting that. How’d you move all of that? I know for sure that the couch is heavy, I was the one that had to bring it in here.” He was confused on how you did this all on your own. You weren’t weak, he knew that, but you certainly weren’t as strong as him, you didn’t have the same training he did.
You chuckled again and punched his shoulder lightly. “I’ve been working out.”
“What? Do you want to work out with me? I’m sure you would love to see that.” You ask teasingly.
“If you’re offering.” He replied bluntly.
You give a quick laugh and walk towards the kitchen and dining room, expecting him to follow. He did.
“Now, what would my big, strong cop like for dinner?” You asked, turning to look at him with a wink.
He chuckled at your tone and shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever you would like. I’m not in the mood for anything specific.” He explains, taking a seat at the table. He leaned back into the chair with a sigh, closing his eyes.
“Alright. How about turkey wraps?” You asked to which he hummed in response.
You started making them quietly, you didn’t want to disturb Leon. His job was oftentimes loud and all he wanted when he got home was peace and quiet. You respected this and always tried your best to remain quiet, keeping your voice soft and low. He never said anything about this but you knew he appreciated it.
It didn’t take long for dinner to be made. You plated the wraps and walked over to the table, setting one down in front of Leon and one in front of where you sat. You took your seat and waited for Leon to open his eyes before eating. When he opened them, he flashed you a gentle smile and began eating, you did the same.
“So what did you have for lunch?” He asked casually.
“Oh. I forgot to eat lunch.” You replied hesitantly.
Leon looked up at you, his eyes serious. “You have to eat lunch babe, it’s unhealthy not too.”
“I know, I was just distracted. I swear, nothing else made me not eat.” You explained to which Leon calmed down a bit.
“Just try to eat something for me tomorrow alright. I’ll be home tomorrow so I can make you up something good.” He offered.
You nodded and continued eating.
It had always been like this with the two of you, he was always watching out over you, making sure you ate. Before you met him, you would often skip meals for one reason or another, but when you got with him, he was always pushing you to eat when mealtime came around. He wouldn’t force it onto you but he would try his best to gently coerce you into eating. You appreciated the way he would look out for you but sometimes, you wished he would let it slide. Only sometimes, that was when you let your insecurities get the best of you.
Dinner came and went and soon it was time for bed. Leon had already laid down while you were in the bathroom, getting ready for bed.
You were standing in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at your stomach and thighs. You couldn’t help but think about lunch today, the lunch you didn’t eat. You felt guilty for not eating but you felt dirty for eating dinner. There was no balance. The pudge of your stomach testified to your feelings. You hated your stomach and thighs, how much bigger they were than everyone else’s, you wanted them to be smaller but you didn’t want to stop eating, you didn’t want to let Leon down.
You were trapped within a box of constant obsession, obsession with being skinny and obsession with gratifying Leon. You didn’t which to choose, you wanted both of them, you needed both of them. You felt as though without one obsession the next one wouldn’t exist. You couldn’t pick between them.
You sighed and looked away, pulling your shirt outwards a bit. You went to grab a different one, one that wasn’t as tight when you noticed Leon standing behind you, staring at you through the mirror.
“You alright?” He asks.
You nod and walk over to him, he was leaning against the doorway. “I just need to grab a different shirt.” You explain.
“Why? I like this one.” He says, placing his hands on your hips.
“Don’t say that when you don’t mean it.” You replied, removing his hands from your hips.
He smiled at you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close against him. “And how would you know what I like and don’t like?” He asks curiously.
“Because it makes my stomach look big.” You reply, looking away. You felt bad for thinking this way but it was the truth, there was no hiding it.
“Where?” He asks, tilting your head to look back up at him. He leans forward and presses his forehead agaisnt yours. “I don’t see anything wrong with you.” He whispers, his breath fanning across your face like a warm blanket.
You meet him with anxious eyes, your thoughts were getting the better of you again. “But-“
“Nope. No but’s” He interrupts you, placing a finger over your lips to silence you. He reaches down and places his hands on the sides of your stomachs. “You’re beautiful. You know that right? If I had to choose who was the most beautiful girl in the world, I would choose you. You want to know why?”
You nod slowly, not sure if you want to know or not. You were scared that he might turn this around and go the other direction with it.
He slides his hands down to you hips and pulls you even closer. “Let me show you what all I like about you. Come here.”
He pulls you over to the standing mirror in the corner of y’all’s bedroom. He places you in the center of it and has you look at yourself in the mirror. You try to look away but he grabs your chin, as gentle as he can, and holds you there. He then takes his other hand runs it over your body, his touch is featherlight, it tickles and leaves a trail of heat in its wake.
He runs his hand up your shirt, letting it rest on your stomach. He smiles lovingly at you in the mirror. “You want to know why I like your stomach so much dear?” He asks you, his voice a low whisper, it sends chills down your spine.
“Because it’s a perfect place to rest my head an it will carry our future children. You’ll be such a good mother, I hope you know that.” His voice holds a fondness you rarely hear, it causes your heart to swell and a blush to spread across your cheeks.
He chuckles at this reaction and runs his hand down to your thighs. He gently squeezes one as he speaks. “You wanna know why I like your thighs so much?” He asks, his voice takes on a more darker tone, one that’s more lustful. “It’s because they feel so nice around my head.”
“Oh.” You say breathlessly. You blush at this, wanting to look away, to hide your embarrassment, but you can’t. You can only look at him. There’s a part of you that’s enjoying this a bit too much.
He leans his head down and kisses your neck softly, using his teeth and tongue to tease the sensitive skin. You gasp at the touch and move your head as much as you can in his grip, giving him further access. His free hand slips between your thighs, reaching upward.
You squirm under his touch. He smiles at you in the mirror and moves his hand further up and rubs against you. You gasp and grab his arm. You squeeze your thighs together under his touch.
“Relax.” He whispers against your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin. He is staring at you through the mirror, his eyes are intense, focused, and filled with desire.
You swallow hard and stare back at him with timid eyes. You weren’t a stranger to this attention but something about this was different, it felt all too much. It felt so real and open, you didn’t like looking at yourself but at the same time, it turned you on in a way you couldn’t describe.
You stare at him for a minute before slowly relaxing your legs, allowing him to continue. He continues and your grip on his arm tightens.
“Let me show you how beautiful you are.” His voice is just below a whisper, barely audible.
A shiver runs down your spine at his voice and you lean against him, closing your eyes. His hand continues to run against you for a bit until he pulls it away, moving it upwards towards your neck.
“Open your eyes.” It was more of a demand than a request.
You opened them and he smiled as he looked at you. His hand delicately ran across your neck before he leaned down and placed soft kisses along the sensitive skin. She let out a breathy moan, a small, timid sound, embarrassment was flooding through her. He smiled at this and pulled away, looking up at you in the mirror.
“Do you know why I like your neck? It’s because you get so flustered when I kiss it. Like this.” He leans down and kisses your neck again, this time with more fervor than before.
Your face turns red at the mention of you being flustered, you’re embarrassed over being called out. This whole process was calling you out and you couldn’t tune him out, he was too close to you, you were enjoying far too much.
He drops his hand, keeping the one on jaw in the same position, slightly tightening his grip. He leans forward and places a kiss to the back of your jaw, just under your ear. He nibbles on the skin, causing another moan to escape your mouth.
“Oh those noises of yours are so divine, my love.” He whispers against your ear, his breath tickling your skin.
Your eyes go wide but not because he complimented you, no because of how turned on you were by his praise. It struck a chord with you, a chord you didn’t know existed until now.
Leon then readjusted his grip on your jaw, tilting your head up slightly. “You know what I like about your jaw? It’s a perfect spot to place my lips. It’s also perfect for grabbing.” He explained in a low voice, his lips so close to your ear that it almost felt like he was kissing it.
You watched him through the mirror as he trailed a hand over your hip, his eyes connecting with yours. He was smiling, always he was smiling at you. God, you wished you could marry that smile already.
He then let go of your jaw for a moment, reaching down and grabbing the hem of your shirt with both hands, he pulled it over your head, letting it fall towards the floor afterwards. He then reaches up and grabs both of your breasts.
“You know why I like your boobs?” He asks, gently massaging them. “It’s because they’re the perfect place to lay my head, plus they fit so perfectly in my hands. It's like they were made for me and only me.” A hint of possessiveness enters his voice as he says this, a glint of dominance clear in his eyes.
You lean back against him, relaxing into his touch. That is until he drops his hands, stepping away from you for a minute. He smiles at you through the mirror, a wicked and twisted smile, one sure to turn your stomach with anxiety.
“Turn to face me and lay on your back.” He demanded gently, his smile softening slightly as he noticed your anxious attitude.
You did as told, looking up at him confused as to what he had in mind. He sits on his knees at the end of your feet and leans over you. He takes his hand and tilts your head back until you could see yourself in the mirror, your view upside down now.
“Don’t look away and don’t close your eyes.” He commands, kissing your chin before moving back to an upright position.
Taking the fabric of your pants in hand, he tugs them down, pulling them all the way off and tossing them to the side. He does the same thing with your underwear, exposing the cold air to your lower regions.
You try your best not to look away as he turns to look back at you, his smile ever so present.
“You look so beautiful, my love. I hope you’ll be able to see just how beautiful you really are.” He speaks softly, his thumb caressing your inner thigh. He then spreads your thighs apart and wraps them around his neck as he leans down, pressing a warm kiss against you.
You gasp, his eyes flickering up to capture yours for a second before he runs his tongue against you, causing a low moan to escape you. He takes a moment to enjoy your moan, savoring the sound before continuing, running his tongue along your clit.
You clench your hands as he continues to run his tongue against your clit, your mouth hanging open as you moan. Your eyes stared at the top of his head, his hair falling in front of his face. You reached down and grabbed it, intertwining it between your fingers. It was soft and cool, contradicting the heat that was your body.
Leon takes his hand and presses two fingers inside of you, stroking you in tandem with his tongue. You hands tighten on his hair and you can hear him groan, something that only adds to your excitement , to your enjoyment.
Leon continues, lavashing you with his touches until it feels all too much, bringing you right to edge. Your core is burning, your heart beating out of your chest, and your throat slightly sore from moaning so much. God, you swear you could see constellations as his tongue only continued to pleasure you, that was until he stopped, pulling away from you completely.
A whine emitted from your mouth involuntarily, coming out as an impulse as you were denied your orgasm. He looked at you in the mirror and smiled.
“Next time, I’m recording that sweet voice of yours.” He says as he leans back over you, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “Now, get on your hands and knees, facing the mirror, please.”
Your face went red at his words, you were always embarrassed with this position, far more embarrassed about than any other position the two of you have tried. However, despite your embarrassment, you did as told, sitting up and facing the mirror, supporting yourself from your hands and knees.
His smile grew as he watched you, a lustful look overtaking his eyes, desire was written all over his face.
He placed his hands on your hips and positioned himself behind you. He leaned over you again, placing kisses all along your back. You watch him, your cheeks burning hot. The mirror, the position, the constant kissing, and constant praise was all too overstimulating your brain, emotions swirling left and right. It was too much, you couldn’t handle it all.
He positioned himself behind you and slowly pushed himself in, giving you time to adjust. He starts at a slow pace, a rhythmically and constantly pleasing pace. He’s watching you, his eyes staring directly into yours. You go to look away but he grabs you by the hair and pulls your head back up, you gasp at the sudden movement.
Your eyes met his again as he quickened his pace, pushing into you at a faster pace, one that causes you to moan and whine. You were already denied an orgasm once, now everything felt all so sensitive and alive, every little movement of his was driving you crazy.
He angles himself, hitting in the exact spot that sends you flying over the edge, constellations forming in front of you. You could see Cassiopeia and Orian, all handcrafted by Leon, made perfectly for you. It isn’t long until you feel that heat flood back to your core, your body twitching and convulsing as waves of pleasure wash over you.
You could hear him groaning, his hand tightening around your hair, eliciting a moan in response. You never knew that his hands in your hair would be so hot. You never knew watching yourself being railed would be so exciting.
Second after glorious second goes by and you soon feel yourself reaching your climax, you look up at Leon, he’s already watching you. His eyebrows are scrunched together in concentration, it’s almost cute.
“Fuck, Leon, I think…” Your words are interrupted by your own moan, his thrusts reaching even deeper now. Your hands curl into fists and every muscle in your body contracts as Leon quickened his pace, his thrusts more frenzied and pleasure driven.
It isn’t long until you’re pushed over that edge, your eyes closing as your orgasm hits you hard. You can feel him cum inside you shortly after, riding you through your high. Your muscles relax and you can feel your legs about to give out.
“Leon.” You breathlessly whisper his name, opening your eyes to look back up at him.
“Yes, my love?”
“We should do that again sometime.”
He chuckles and pulls out of you, running a hand along your back. You sit down on your knees as he comes to sit behind you, his arms wrapping around you warmly. He places a kiss on your temple before leaning his nose against your hair, breathing you in.
“I love you, beautiful. I love you so much.”
You smile and lean back against him. “I love you too, dear.”
“Now would you like to head to bed or watch a movie in our freshly rearranged living room?” He asks, a slight tease to his voice.
Your smile grows and you close your eyes again, enjoying being so close to him. “Whatever works best for you.”
They ended up going for the movie, however neither of them got to watch it, they both passed out on the couch a few minutes into the film.
Thank you for reading loves 🖤
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jozzyart · 8 months
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Inktober d9
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corruptedbug · 5 months
this is how bimbo gf (me) keeps a picture of the old grumpy man leon in her wallet! WITH A BOW ON HIS HEAD GRAHHHHHH i forgor the credit btw sowwie :3
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alvivaarts · 5 months
So, since Leon in your mermaid AU is able to carry babies, what was his pregnancy or pregnancies like? Was it difficult?
Considering it's the default for his little species (the whole group of his pod including Ada, Jill, Chris, and his daughters fall into it!) it was pretty normal! Though, technically, his first. Things were actually pretty stable before some less-than-expected events happened. Needless to say, some things followed them from their former territory, and safe as their new waters are (and the watch of the humans researching them), merfolk still have to be wary of predators.
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There was a brief scare with that a couple months before the due date, and Ada had to make the hard choice of actually trusting Luis -and a handful of his fellow researchers- to help. He was fine! Eventually.
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sweetpeasummers · 1 year
Everything That I Want
Summary: Leon has been avoiding you and you’re worried about the reason why.
Word Count: 3.2k
Rated: Explicit (Language, Smut, Mentions of Death)
Pairing: Leon/Fem!Reader  
Author’s Note: I originally wrote this when RE4 first came out as Leon/OC, but am not comfortable uploading that. So I took my favorite bits (more to come), edited them on my own into something I’m proud to post and here we are. I will be uploading to Ao3 later.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Resident Evil nor any of the characters.
It's been a frustrating few weeks and you're trying to do anything to not think about why your partner Leon Kennedy has been avoiding you. Which is why you find yourself at the gym hoping to bench press your way into oblivion. You grip the bar, take a deep breath in, lift the bar and lower it to your chest, exhaling you push it out away from you.
You set a steady rhythm desperately willing the simple act to clear your mind the way it typically does, but you feel it start to wander again. What in the hell is going? One day he was Leon your friend and partner and the next he was...gone. He hadn't returned any of your phone calls and every time you were in a room together he'd make some weak excuse as to why he had to leave. It was confusing and as time dragged on downright hurtful.
You'd always had a bit of a thing for him ever since you were first paired together, his good looks had drawn you in, but his snarky one liners and compassionate, friendly nature had endeared him to you in a way no other man ever had. Initially it wasn't easy being paired together. Leon was leery and jaded though warmed to you quickly. He threw himself into the work, you admired his drive and told him as such. Though on more than one occasion he joked about being forced into it. When you pushed for an explanation he told you everything; the outbreak in Raccoon City, the creatures he fought, and how he barely made it out. Then admitted he wasn't given a choice to become an agent. His vulnerability made you confess to your share of misery, the T-Virus leaked in your rural town. Killing reanimated corpses of the people you knew and loved was a nightmare you'd never forget. Subsequently you weren't given a choice either. Your relationship was different afterwards. You turned to each other, shared secrets, doubts, and even fears with one another. The innocent crush you had on him developed into something so much deeper. The job was brutal and having a partner you could rely on was more important than a boyfriend, so you buried those feelings. It was so damn hard because sometimes you thought he was flirting with you but chalked it up to you seeing what you wanted to see. So you stayed guarded, pulled away just enough to still be considered professional, but weren't always successful. Maybe Leon finally figured it out, caught on to the fact that you had feelings for him beyond what a friend or partner should and it freaked him out.
You hated not knowing, sighing heavily, you look up at the man spotting you. Daniel was such a nice man, one of the few agents to have a normal life outside of the insanity that was your job. He owned the gym you were in, had a wife and a little family. He was happy. One of the more well adjusted agents you'd met and couldn't help but wonder if it was because of his life outside of missions. You attempted to date but every relationship fizzled out.
“Could you add more weight please?” you ask Daniel. You hope the extra weight will make you focus. He reluctantly does, you grip the bar and lift up your hand slips and the weighted bar comes dangerously close to crushing your throat, but Dan catches it in time and together you put it back in place. You sit up breathing heavy, shaken from what just happened.
“What is going on Y/N, you look like shit?” he asks gruffly.
“Thanks I feel like shit.” you reply still trying to compose yourself.
“You wanna talk about it or do you wanna hit something” Dan asks you. You always appreciated his bluntness.
“I wanna hit something.” you quickly respond. Not even knowing where you'd begin to explain your situation with Leon with any sort of anonymity. It'd be embarrassingly obvious who you're talking about.
“I can help you with that.” Dan motions to you to follow him. He leads you down the hall to a large empty room with a ring. He throws you a pair of gloves and gets in the ring. You spend the next half hour sparring, Dan was right it did help.
“Thanks for helping me out,” you say and truly mean it. You feel less tense, like you could go home and not mope around your apartment.
“Yeah no problem,” Dan answers cheerfully, “You seem like you needed it. If you don't want to be alone you could come and have dinner with me and the Mrs. You know Julia always makes enough to feed a small army.”
It's tempting, you feel better than you did earlier, but also you know you'd still be miserable company.
“Maybe some other time, thank you for the offer.” you respond with a small smile.
“I'll hold you to that,”Dan replies.
Before you can leave, you hear a door open and footsteps approaching, Dan looks behind you and waves. He calls out “Hey Leon long time no see!”
You freeze, oh you're tense all over again, suddenly it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. You hear Leon chuckle and answer with “Yeah I've been busy, had a lot to think about.”
Okay, Leon hasn't been avoiding just you it seems. You turn and see him walk closer to where you and Dan were standing. Well that's different you thought, but stay quiet whatever he was going through he'd made it clear he didn't want your help. You just look away and focus on a random spot on the wall. You tune out their conversation lost in your own thoughts. Normally Leon's presence was a comfort but now it was bringing a god awful stew of emotion you felt these past few weeks to the surface. You wanted to stay and try to talk to him again, but decide you have to go before it bubbled over and you did something embarrassing like sob or scream. You try to leave quietly, but you feel a hand softly catch you by your wrist.  You're shocked to see its Leon holding on to you. You get your first good look at him. He looks exhausted, nervous and unsure of himself.
“Y/N, please don't leave. I need to talk to you.” you hear Leon say. You pull your wrist out of his grasp and stay in place. Good or bad it seems like whatever is going on can finally be over.
“Well I don't want to keep Jules waiting so I'm going to head out, unless,” Daniel trails off looking at you with a nervous smile on his face. You look away from Leon to Dan then back to Leon and take a deep breath hoping it's enough to calm yourself before speaking,
“It's okay you can go Dan. I'm actually very curious as to what he has to say to me.” Your response does absolutely nothing to alleviate the tension in the room.
Dan breathes out a shaky “Okay, you two are the last ones in the building, you know where the keys are. Could you lock up on your way out?” Dan walks away quickly looking back and gives you both a small wave on his way out the door.
“Do you think you'd want something like that?” Leon asks you.
“Like what, you mean like what Dan and Julia have?” you ask and answer your own question. You don't give Leon a chance to respond before asking him what you've wanted to ask him for weeks.
“Leon, what's going on? Why have you been avoiding me?” you ask more hurt than you wanted spills out, perhaps the feeling hadn't completely faded. You cross your arms bracing yourself for his answer.
Leon winces before continuing, “I've been a real dick haven't I?”
You nod your head not trusting yourself to speak. Leon continues, “I'm sorry. I've gone about this all wrong. I didn't want to hurt you I just needed time to get this right.”
It feels like your head is spinning, you want to ask more questions, but you press your lips together and let him continue.
“It never felt right with anyone else and it killed me every time I saw you walk away with another man. For so long I couldn't understand why, ever since Raccoon City I've shut a part of myself down. Detached, because I thought it was the safest thing to do. It's easier. It's also pretty damn isolating. I finally figured it out. I want something more outside of just being an agent. I want something that isn't death and monsters and lies. I wanna be happy, every time I think about what that looks like it's with you. I know what I just said could make you uncomfortable and I will respect and decision you make.” he finishes breathlessly. He still looks nervous but like a weight has been lifted from him.
Your mouth falls open in shock, you slowly uncross your arms and let them fall to your sides. That he wants to be with you wasn't even in the realm of possible things you thought he might say. How could the two of you have gotten it so wrong. All this time you thought you were making him uncomfortable and he thought he was going to make you uncomfortable. You were so wrapped up in hiding your feelings you missed his right in front of you. Three years worth of memories hit you like a truck; so  many conversations, stories shared, dinners that weren't dates, shouldn't be dates but in hindsight very much were. You remember the night he admitted to you he didn't know how to keep living with what he'd been through.  You stayed with him until he fell asleep. He always returned the favor, some mornings you'd wake to the smell of coffee and his smiling face. How could you have been so blind? It didn't matter though Leon wants to be with you. You want to be with him. Happiness blooms and spreads in your chest, your lips lift in a brilliant smile. You can see the moment it clicks in Leon's head that you feel the same way he does. He's just waiting for you to say it.
“I want everything and I want it with you.” You reply. You're both so giddy you almost don't know what to do with yourselves. He steps towards you until there's the barest breath of space between your bodies. Leon is staring at your lips while slowly leaning down. Unable to speak you nod your head. He reaches his hand to cup your face and your lips meet. It's the sweetest and gentlest you've ever been kissed. You lift your hands up to hold onto to his arms afraid if you don't you'll melt into a puddle on the floor. You break apart, but he keeps his hands on your face Leon rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes.
“I want you,” he whispers roughly. A different kind of tension fills the room, heat flushes through your whole body.
“Then take me.” you simply reply. “Here, now, please. You heard Dan we're the only two people in the building..” You waited years for this you don't want to wait any longer.
His eyes snap open. He pulls his head back and drops his hands to rest on your upper arms. A delicious smile spreads across his handsome face at your suggestion. You reach up to grab his hand and without a lick of shame guide him down the front of your pants to cup your warm center. You whimper, your lasciviousness sends Leon over the edge. He yanks his hand away, wraps you in his arms and kisses you. There's nothing sweet or gentle about it this time. He's desperate, like a long-lost lover coming home. You give as good as you get wrapping your arms around his neck to press yourself closer to him. You feel him half hard against your belly and gasp, Leon slips his tongue into your mouth deepening the kiss. You continue on like that for a few minutes, barely breaking apart for breath, hands roaming each other's bodies touching everything and anything you both could reach. You run a hand through his hair, down his chest, and palm his erection through his shorts.
“God yes,” he whimpers.
He pulls away from you and reaches behind  himself to yank his shirt off and throws it down on the mat. You're a bit lost at the suddenness of it but follow Leon as he pulls you down to sit on his discarded top.
Aching to touch him again, to feel his bare skin against yours, you pull your shirt up and over your head, Leon grabs it and throws it behind him. You both try and get your sports bra off but the sweat coating your body makes it difficult and your arms are sore from your punishing workout earlier. This bra ain't coming off without a fight. In your frustration you pull from the bottom up enough to free your breasts. Your spandex bottoms prove to be just as difficult, you kick a shoe off and manage to get one leg out. Leon leans back and shoves his own pants and boxers down to his knees freeing his cock. He moves to balance on one knee awkwardly struggling with his clothes. It doesn't dampen the mood as you can see his thick cock bobbing with his every movement, you're keenly aware of how empty you feel as your cunt clenches around nothing.
Once his clothes were sufficiently dealt with Leon looks down at you, eyes heavy with desire and you shiver. He pushes you gently to your back and moves to cover your body with his. Your stomach tightens as he lowers his open mouth toward your chest. He runs his teeth along a hardened nipple before taking it into his mouth and sucking. Your head tilts back and your mouth falls open in a silent gasp. Your hands find the back of his head and hold him close to you. He switches to the other breast lavishing attention there. His other hand slips down to pull your panties aside to slide two fingers through your wetness and into your cunt, fucking you open. When he crooked his fingers just right and rubbed your swollen clit with his thumb the pleasure was so intense you felt as though you were melting, but it wasn't enough. You needed him inside of you.
“Please,” you whine “I'm ready. Fuck me.”
His mouth moves away from your breasts, “Yes ma'am” he rasps against your ear.
He takes his hand away, you look down, spread your thighs farther apart plant your feet down and see him grab his cock and guide it into you. You both groan in pleasure as he smoothly sinks all the way in and finds his rhythm thrusting into you. You'll never be able to be in the room again without thinking of the delicious feeling of Leon inside you, your soft breasts pressed against his hard chest, his ragged breathing in your ear. The wet slapping sound of your bodies meeting. You kiss every part of him you can reach. Your hands run through his hair and nails score down his back. They finally land to hold on to his shoulders. Leon Kennedy is your entire universe at this moment and nothing has ever felt more right.
He moves a hand down between to where your bodies are joined and rubs his thumb against your sensitive clitoris again, its all you need. You move to wrap your thighs around his waist, the orgasm flashes bright and fast through your body. You come hard moaning his name.
You feel him stop moving and hear him say, “Shit no condom.”
He moves back slightly, removing your legs from around his waist and back down to the mat still spread wide apart. Leon pulls out of you entirely, gripping the base of his cock tightly. Through the haze of your orgasm you realize what's happening and before he can do anything you lick your own palm, bat his hand away and make a fist around his cock. You massage and stroke the jutting flesh between his thighs while encouraging him to thrust. It doesn't take more than five thrusts before you see and feel copious amounts of thick, wet come on your belly. He groans what sounds like your name, eyes tightly shut, mouth open with the mind numbing pleasure. You let go of his softening cock and wrap your arms around him, relaxing your legs to brush against his. He sags boneless against your chest uncaring of the mess now between your bodies.
Reluctantly he rolls away from you still trying to catch his breath. You sit up, push your bra back down, find your shirt and use it to wipe the come off your stomach then move to wipe the remnants of it off of his him. Luckily you have a change of clothes in your gym bag. He mumbles a thank you before pulling you down to cuddle by his side. He wraps his arms around you and presses a kiss to the top of your head.  You can't wait till the next time when you're in a place where you can both take your time to explore and luxuriate in each other's bodies. You'd never been so hot for another person that you couldn't wait till you were in a private place. The thought brings you back to reality and you tense up, remembering where you are. Leon feels your discomfort.
“You finally realize how out in the open we are, haven't you,” he chuckles a bit. Too mortified to reply you simply nod your head still holding onto him. He sits up bringing you with him. He tucks a stray bit of hair behind your ear and says, “Go home. I'll meet you there in fifteen minutes.”
“Promise?” you ask, reluctant to be away from him even for a short time.
“Promise,” he breathes his answer against your kiss swollen mouth. He kisses you quickly and gets up to get dressed. You smile and do the same.
There would be consequences to what the two of you had done. A romantic relationship between agents was deeply frowned upon. Damn the consequences, you could worry about that later, besides you can't imagine Leon cares much about them either. The smile on his face echos the one on yours. Confident about the place in each other's lives the weight of life shifted, now balanced comfortably between the two of you. The odds weren't in your favor but you'd take the bad with the good as long as you had him.
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Color Key
Blue: angst/ hurt no comfort
Pink: fluff/comfort
Green: horror/goth/unsettling
Orange: headcanon/analysis
Professor!Leon x Reader (NFSW)
- Professor, I didn’t cheat.
- Professor, I didn’t cheat pt.2
Older!Leon x Reader (NSFW)
- My baby, my baby… (angst)
- My baby, my baby… pt. 2
Yan!Leon X Reader (NSFW)
- American Psycho Killer
- American Psycho Killer: The Sequel
NSFW Leon x Reader
SFW Leon x Reader
OG series
- Insurgency index
Leon Headcanons
RE: Incorrect Quotes
- RE Meme Quotes
- RE as Bojack Quotes
My short analytical essays on RE
- Leon Psychoanalysis
- Color Theory vs. RE
- Villain Analysis
- Did Leon change or did he stay the same?
Requests: On🤭
Ask questions or send me comments! I don’t bite!
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skelletonscloset · 6 months
Ok- I have a request for a small RE fic. It’s been burning a hole in my brain: something where Leon comes back from a mission or something with some serious injuries and the reader (who maybe has some kind of medical background or smth??) has to like- convince him to let them take care of him.
Idk I’m honestly not super picky I just think it would such an interesting idea for like- angst but also comfort yk? Literally go wild
OMGGGG thank you soooo much for this Resident Evil request!! i lovedddd writing it!! i hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mild language and depiction of wounds.
1.3k words
~ ☠️
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You were called into work on your day off. of course you were. USSTRATCOM wasn’t good at respecting time off or vacation, always pulling people into a big mess that takes weeks to clear up.
It was late, roughly one in the morning when you got the call from Hunnigan, her worried voice over the phone begging you—almost commanding you to come in. Her words were so panicked, so fast you barely had time to make out the words “Leon” and “injured” but that was enough for you to realize why you needed to come in.
The drive to HQ felt longer than usual, maybe it was the fact your sleep was interrupted, or maybe it was the context, the fear. The building was almost completely empty when you got there, save for a few people finishing up reports and agents being sent out on other missions.
“There you are! come on, he’s in the infirmary,” Hunnigan instructed.
You were one of the few medics that had the skill level to treat whatever injuries he had and one of the only ones who was easily available and not out on their own missions. Hunnigan nodded towards the closed door, saying a few final words about what to expect and then walking away.
With a deep sigh you readied yourself. It was never easy dealing with injuries, and the way Hunnigan made it sound these had to be some pretty serious ones.
The light in the room was bright and harsh with multiple cabinets and drawers filled with medical equipment. Leon was on the bed, a grimace on his face and his eyes squeezed shut.
His honey blonde hair was messy and beads of sweat still hadn’t dried on his face. As you approached him you analyzed the injuries you could see. Scratches and cuts littered his face, a gash in his right arm and thick red blood seeped through his shirt.
“Leon what the hell happened!?” You urged as you got closer to him.
“The hell do you think?” His voice was dry and strained, one of his blue eyes opening to peer at your worry stricken face. “It’s alright.”
Your jaw tightened as you reached over for some cleaning supplies, “I think you pushed yourself too hard and did something stupid. and now you’re suffering the consequences. So no, It’s not alright.”
“Yeah well what am I supposed to do? Civilians needed help. I couldn't just leave them there.”
You dabbed a cloth with ointment around the slash on his arm, he hissed in pain. Sometimes you hated how righteous he was, how unwilling to give up he was. But it was something you’d always admired of him anyway. “Listen to me, I know you like to help people, Leon but you need to be more careful. The spain incident and Los Illuminados should’ve been a wake up call that you aren’t invincible.” You hoped that despite your lecturing him, he could understand it was out of concern
He only scoffed, “I know that.” And then he went back to being silent.
You gave him a look before taking out a roll of bandages. “You’re lucky this wasn’t too deep. what caused this?”
“A knife,” he said, rolling his head over to study your movements, eyes fixated on the way your hands carefully wrapped up his bicep in medical gauze.
You shook your head and gently grabbed the hem of his shirt. “I need you to try and sit up, I need this off so I can check the wound.”
He muttered a few incoherent grumbles of disapproval but ultimately subjected to your care. He heaved a deep groan as he sat up with your help. You slowly peeled off the shirt from around his frame and grimaced at the sight of a deep wound, either a stab or bullet entry on the side of his torso. Based on the diameters it looked as though a knife was pushed in and twisted before ripping out.
“Goddammit leon..” you muttered, immediately grabbing another cloth to clean around the wound. “You'll need stitches and I don't have access to anesthesia or lidocaine. so it looks like you’ll be biting down on a belt or something.” It was your attempt at a joke to help ease the tension.
He rolled his eyes, lips pulled into a thin line. He looked so exhausted, dark bags under his eyes. “do what you need to do.”
You walked towards one of the cabinets and pulled out some gloves, thread, and needles. In the corner of the room there was a fridge and freezer used to cool down medicine or preserve it. You grabbed a piece of ice and walked back over to him. “Here bite this.” you handed him a large medical bite wafer. “I'll make this quick.”
You eased the pain in the wound by rubbing the ice carefully around the cleaned edges before slipping the needle into his skin. Your eyes shot up to monitor his reaction in case it became too much. His jaw was set and his eyes shut.
You continued to stitch him shut, a few groans of pain escaped past the wafer as you finished up. After cutting the string and bandaging him up you sighed “all done.” He spit out the wafer into the trash and rubbed his jaw.
He opened his eyes and gave you a weary look. more sweat accumulated on his face and his breathing was more rugged and uneven. His face was still littered in bruises and cuts.
You grabbed a third cloth and dampened it, “Last thing, let me just clean you up then i’ll get you painkillers and give you instructions for what i need you to do following this.” You gently cupped his cheek, turning his face towards you. Tired blue eyes gazed up at you, thick brows furrowed in discomfort.
You dabbed the cloth against some of the cuts and wiped away some of the dirt. Your voice was shaky no matter how much you tried to relax it. “What happens when you get hurt you don’t make it home Leon… what happens when you don’t even realize you got hurt til it kills you. What if-“
“It's not going to happen,” He grabbed your wrist and raised a brow. His voice wasn’t angry or tired. It was gentle and smooth. “I know what I'm doing out there, I promise.”
You closed your eyes and sighed again, “Okay.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“Of course I don't, but it doesn’t change anything.” You bit, pulling your hand from his hold and continuing to clean his face.
Once again his voice was soft and quiet, “Trust me, okay? Or maybe I just need to start having you assigned to my missions too.” Towards the end his tone was more snarky.
“Maybe. If it stops you from being so damn stubborn.” you scoffed out a laugh and set the cloth down.
You gave him a once over as you cleaned up your supplies and disposed of what wasn’t necessary. “Okay you need to be on bed rest for three weeks. And no you cannot get out of this sooner.”
Leon only rolled his eyes again but nodded, knowing all too well that arguing with you clearly wasn’t worth it. “alright alright..”
You patted down your clothes and brushed off your hands. “I'll send Hunnigan in with your medicine and I'll visit you tomorrow.” And with that you turned around.
You halted in surprise when you felt his grip around you wrist, “wait.”
You looked over your shoulder, “Yes, Leon?”
“Thank you. Seriously. Probably would’ve been worse off if it weren’t for the many times you’ve had to take care of me… so.. thanks for worrying. Even if it’s stupid.”
You almost argued back on that last point but held your tongue. “Of course leon. Any time.”
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leonw4nter · 4 months
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Siren!RE4R!Leon drabbles
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(Read while listening to this! Also, this is a re-upload because the first version of this drabble had some issues and I just had to fix those, particularly in similarities with other works.)
Siren!Leon who lures in sailors with his pretty face towards the rocks or stormy seas, ripping apart humans who fall for the superficial and relish in the fresh taste of their blood.
Siren!Leon who prefers being solitary, preying on ships alone. He doesn't need anyone by his side; it’s best to survive alone, with no liability hanging around him that could possibly complicate things. He likes it simple, and prefers it this way too.
Siren!Leon who spotted you from afar, walking on the shoreline with your skirt lifted. He observed you from behind a sunning rock, a storm-hued gaze intently studying your movements. He sees you waddle over to a rock near shore, sitting on it but letting your legs stay submerged. A pleased expression is on your face, your legs swinging in the warm seawater.
Siren!Leon who saw you frequent that rock, doing the same thing each time– same time, same rock, same duration on keeping your legs soaked in the water. He began bringing small fish and shellfish to the rocks with the hopes of grabbing your attention though every time, without fail, you always toss his bait back to the sea; you’re a lot more intelligent than he thought. It’s going to be a lot harder to make a meal out of you.
Siren!Leon who finds himself in the midst of a hunt in a bad storm, the waves tossing and turning him beneath angry waves. He managed to catch and eat his fill but the water violently thrashed him, the world turning upside-down and dark. He wakes up when he feels a tugging sensation on his tail, seeing you try to drag him back to the water by tail, grunting with effort. He looks at himself and spots how pale and green he’s gotten due to being exposed to the land for a long time.
Siren!Leon who is secretly thankful for your help because had you not tugged him back to the water, he’d be good as dry and dead. He must’ve hit his head or body while he was unconscious, his joints sore and a dull pain throbbing somewhere from behind his eye. He decides to stick to a diet of small fish and crustaceans for now, humans much too formidable for his injured state. When he’s back to full health, he begins bringing you more crabs and fish– his own way of saying thank you to you.
Siren!Leon who finally gets the courage to approach you, aware that his webbed fingers and long nails may look scary along with his sharpened teeth. He explains that he’s been the one bringing the fish and shells and that he’s seen you on that sunning rock many times. He puts off the idea of eating you, his conscience not letting him do that after you’ve just saved him. You explain to him that the reason you only douse your legs are because of a certain skin ailment, your doctors prescribing the medicinal properties of seawater for your condition.
Siren!Leon who suggests wrapping seaweed and kelp for your legs. Though the idea is funny, you let him do that though you have a bit of a distrust towards him. He wraps your legs delicately, making sure that the aquatic plant is on your skin comfortably. You let him do that each time you come to the rock, seeing significant improvements on the welts in your legs– it hurts and itches less now.
Siren!Leon who finds himself frowning when it’s time for you to go, hoping that the sun rises faster than the moon can sink so it’s another day for you to come back again. Soon, the thoughts of walking on land swim into his mind– how do humans live? What do you do there? What do you eat? A fuzzy feeling washes over his chest the more he thinks about you– it’s as if there’s a storm raging in his heart but he doesn’t feel very bad about it, just the opposite in fact. Now, he spends the night looking for pearls and pretty shells to give to you. You’ve also seemed to take a liking for shrimp, so he looks for those too. There was one time where you brought back a cooked version of the shrimps he gave you, letting him have a bite and it tastes totally different. It doesn’t suit his appetite but it suits yours and that is enough to satiate his cravings.
Siren!Leon whose feelings for you grow everyday, the urge to crawl on the shore and follow you to wherever you live clawing its way to the front of his mind. Being alone out in the great ocean without you is no longer the life Leon wants to have for himself; why had he deprived himself of company? Was it because fate made him wait for you to waltz into his life? Was this solitude him subconsciously reserving himself for you? He would do whatever it takes to be able to join you in land– learn how to write, count, eat food cooked, and keep his nails trimmed.
Siren!Leon who enjoys hearing you read aloud and describe how your day went in full detail. He discovered that he enjoys books, loving it the most when you read to him. He never really cared about words or readings, his past self would think that those were simply symbols plastered on a surface– nothing deeper than that. Here he is, begging you to read him one more chapter before you leave again because whenever you read the symbols plastered on refined tree bark, your voice has given them beauty and deeper meaning.
“I wish I could see the world you live in, even for just an evening,” You gently confess to him, curious about the world of turquoise beneath foamy waves.
“You have my eyes. I’ll tell you everything there is in here.” Leon reassures with a toothy smile, sharp teeth bared but it doesn’t scare you. Your soul is a constellation of the brightest stars, his eyes dedicated to be mesmerized for you and you only like he’s your astrologer.
Siren!Leon who spends the night gathering all the treasures, pearls, shells, stones, and kelp that he can. He crawls to the shore where land and water clash, praying that the tides don’t wash away the artwork he lays out for you. Of course, he doesn’t fail to adorn your rock with other pretty things. His mind works with two different things at the same time: the art he lays out and how to put his feelings into words.
Siren!Leon who waits for you eagerly, staying in shallow waters where anyone can see the glisten of his tail. All night he looked after every single rock and shell, making sure that not a single bit of his work was misplaced or moved by the tides, even in the daytime when the sun was branding the surface with its searing touch. After what seemed like forever, he finally sees you approaching the shoreline. He can’t hold back anymore: he crawls into the shore, hands clawing at the sand to drag himself to you.
“Leon, please get in the water.” You urge him with a shaky voice, placing your trembling hands on his shoulders.
“Please, just get in the water!”
He turns around and crawls back to the sea but he avoids the intricately laid out shells and stones as he makes his way back. He looks back at you but you stay behind on the shore, not even aware that the ground you’re in is a large mosaic of a sea turtle migration that Leon made.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” He worriedly asks.
You hear sounds from behind you: the loud grunts of men with their fishing lines, nets, and harpoons storming towards the coastline. You have no time, urging Leon farther from shallower waters.
“You need to hide,” you tell him. He stays there, staring at you with a puzzled expression. “Hurry! They’re coming this way!”
You urge him farther but he isn’t budging, coming nearer to you instead with pleading eyes.
“I’ll tell them that you swam off, okay?” Your voice grows increasingly shaky, an uncomfortable lump lodging in your throat. Leon swims closer, crawling nearer to the shore where people can easily see him.
“Don’t follow me,” you plead with him as tears begin to brim on your waterline, a delicate balance between holding on and setting him free. “Go away, you idiot! You’ll die if you come with me!”
Despite all your pleas with him, it falls on deaf ears as Leon still crawls closer to you, his heart shattering at how distressed you look; you didn't even notice what he worked on all night, you didn’t even raise your skirt above your ankles. With each advance Leon makes, you move back, moving further from the sea. Your tears are finally let loose, forming rivers of pain on your cheeks. Sobs wrack your body, your figure trembling from the emotions setting itself free from the confines of your aching heart. Leon can only watch and hope that his mere presence is enough to soothe you, unable to stand and wipe those tears from your face.
“Go!” He inches closer. “Piss off! I hate you!” He inches closer again, placing a comforting hand against your foot but you move further away, a jolt of disbelief settling unpleasantly in his system. “Get your dirty hands away from me! Just leave me, you goddamn fool!”
Now you’re screaming, hoping that the wind would drown out your pained cries. You’re sobbing loudly, tears spilling like endless rain. Leon is still inching closer towards shore, desperation gnawing at him despite his silence.
“Don’t you follow me!” You shriek. He stops moving forward and just gazes up at you with a pleading gaze, his eyes heavy with the weight of tears yet to fall.
“Don’t go.” He softly begs, tenderly wrapping webbed limbs around your ankle as casts his head down. You cry even harder now, your soul unravelling like embroidery with each wail. A tear of Leon’s cascades down his cheek, saltier than his turquoise home. You move further and retreat inland, freeing yourself from his gentle hand but he crawls after you.
“Go away! I’m going away now!” You scream, picking up a pebble and throwing it towards his direction. The pebble hits his cheek, the crimson a contrast against his pale skin.
“I’m sorry! Just… don’t follow me!”
He doesn’t follow you anymore, watching you run back towards the land without sparing a single look to the poor siren who you’ve enchanted with the song of your kind heart.
Siren!Leon who risks getting caught by hunters on the shore by waiting for you, fixing the rocks and shells on the coastline so it’ll be pretty when you come back.
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NOTE - As I said earlier, this is a re-upload of the same drabble I posted last night but there's changes in terms of lines and content because one of the parts I added was a little too similar to another author's drabbles and I didn't mean to do that so ofc I took the post down to fix it and apologized to the author so there's that. The Siren!Leon concept was inspired by @bumblebeesfromvenus drabble so go check it out coz it's so good!!! Anyways, that's it and tysm for reading my drabble!!!!!! I <33333 UUUUUUU
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crimescrimson · 2 months
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Ada Wong & Leon S. Kennedy: The History [ Resident Evil 2 (2019) ]
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xshaart · 4 months
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That one Ada/Leon scene from RE2R
I See a few mistakes but its okay, also red spider lilies mean death/rebirth just putting this here jksjkssjk
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Survivor's Blood (Leon x Reader) - Chapter 1
Survivor's Blood
Pairing: Leon x Reader
Summary: After Raccoon City, Leon became the only Government agent with that kind of expertise. With relentless training, he was now a Special Agent - again, on his first day in the job. He just didn't expect to live Raccoon City all over again... Maybe Leon was fated to always have the worst first-days-at-work ever.
Age Restriction: 18+. It's horror - so expect a LOT of blood, corpses, dismemberments, very graphic descriptions of violence, dubious morals and people doing everything to survive. Nothing we haven't seen on RE, but reader discretion advised.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Ok. Long story short, Leon has PTSD. He'll be trying to deal with that while again living very violent and traumatizing experiences. The reader is also damaged by the whole situation - again, expect PTSD, anxiety attacks, doom and gloom, all that stuff. I'll leave warnings every chapter there is something very explicit and potentially triggering, though.
Author's Notes: RE4 remake is among us! Bet you guys didn't see this coming - I didn't either. I have 50+ pages of this sitting on my pc since before I started this blog. I was writing it in Portuguese just to indulge me, but with all the RE4 thing, I'm quite hyped for it - and it came in a good time, I'm in need of keeping my head distracted. Like Nemesis, I'll try to update this one weekly. The good side, it's already halfway written, so I'll only have to work on translating to post - with Nemesis, I actually have to write it.
This one is between RE2 and RE4 - I wanted to explore the innocent little rookie cop Leon becoming badass goofy special agent Leon, so this is kinda it. Almost like a character study that capcom never does &lt;3
Fret not, I do finish my works in progress ;)
Also very proud of this header as well
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Chapter 1
Leon dreamt almost every day with the horrors he had lived in Raccoon City.
To wake up before the sun painted the sky in golden tones, with his hair plastered on his face from the sweat, already grabbing a gun he got in the habit of leaving by his nightstand and aiming it at a random point in the darkness wasn’t a random occurrence anymore.
“Shit…” And he always cursed between a tired sigh, feeling the cold floor under his feet as his elbows rested on his knees, head hanging low.
He could choose the moment that appeared in his dreams, as if he was still there: the cop Leon tried to save and got cut in half right in his hands, the many heads he blew up of innocent people, his very own colleagues who dragged themselves towards him trying to eat him alive, those terrible monsters who followed Leon around as if the was the only living being in that hell…
Leon had enough memories for a whole lifetime. And, most probably, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder also enough for a lifetime.
It was to be expected that the government would find him for intense interrogation sessions and soon decided to turn him into one of its Special Agents – precisely those who do the job that no one else could. And all of that because no one had the experience he had; the Raccoon City experience.
Who would’ve known that from a rookie cop on his first day at the job, Leon would become a Special Agent of the Government.
Even though he had that experience, and it made Leon become a Special Agent, now he was just a rookie again. He had been in some field activities – simple stuff, but, in his dictionary, almost nothing compared to surviving the virus outbreak at the RPD. So, for all effects and purposes, he was still a rookie.
And he never imagined what kind of mission would be his first as a Special Agent. Leon was probably doomed by fate to have the worst first days at work ever.
New Setosa, April 29th, 2001 – 16h43
“The whole city is a mess, Chief Nakai. We managed to rescue a few people, but, truth is, everyone is scattered around and we don’t know what to do.” A police officer reported to the police Chief of New Setosa, the city that turned into hell in a few hours. “We don’t know if there are any more survivors or where they are.”
Chief Nakai kept his eyebrows together, evidently worried. Screams of mayhem could be heard all over the town outside the department, and the officers in New Setosa had been called to help in that mess they found themselves in. They said it was a virus, something that could become an epidemic, and it spread faster than a fever at a kindergarten.
“What about Washington? You spoke to them, right? Are them sending more people? Help? Rescue…?” The police officer himself was desperate. In all his years in duty, he had never been through something like that.
“The Government promised to send a team to help us, with a specialist in this kind of situation.” Nakai sighed, finally leaving his room with the officer – only to find a bunch of desolate people needing first aid and food, terrorized with what could be outside.
“How can someone be a specialist in this?!” The police officer was already far from trying to control himself. “I’ve never heard of anything like this shit! I don’t even know what those… Things out there are!”
“In Raccoon City, around two years ago, there was a similar incident. Do you remember…? They blew up the whole city ‘cause apparently a virus spread around and that was the only way to contain the epidemics…?” Nakai tried to remind his subordinate, but the man only denied with his head. They probably found a good way to cover up the story of Racoon City and only a few people remembered what had happened. “Well. Maybe this Special Agent from the Government will be able to help us with this. Maybe he led the extractions in Raccoon City. Maybe he helped the dozen poor bastards who survived to get out of there.”
As if on cue to the words of Chief Nakai, the symphony of approaching helicopters made everyone pay attention to what was happening outside. They approached and distanced right after, making the sound of coordinated steps at the top of the Police Department – the NSPD – be heard. The steps approached in a hurry – and no one knew if they would be friendly or not. One of the internal doors opened with a loud noise, giving way to men in black uniforms and heavy weapons, led by a tall man with gray hair in a military cut.
“Commander Rogers?” Nakai asked as the man immediately approached, offering his hand to start the conversation in the friendlier tone they could at that time. “It doesn’t look like a sufficient number of men to save a whole city.”
“If our suspicions are correct, there may be not that much people to save, Chief Nakai.” The Commander answered with a strong handshake, observing the despair in the eyes of the people in the NSPD. “What’s the situation?”
“There’s a lot more people to save, but we don’t have enough police force. The entire city is chaos outside, and this is the most we were able to do at the moment. We already had too many losses; many good police officers died today.”
Leon observed the entrance hall of the NSPD, in silence. He remembered when he first entered the RPD, years ago, and there was no one. The silence was deadly, and he could only hear the noises of the undead chasing him through the corridors of the police department. That was very similar to Raccoon City…  Too similar.
He hoped with all his heart his PTSD wouldn’t trigger that night. That was the closest he found himself to Raccoon City in years.
“We will try to rescue the greatest number of people we can.” Rogers walked alongside Nakai and the police officer to a nearby meeting room. The Commander signaled Leon to follow him, and he did without a word. As they entered the room, there was a map of New Setosa taped to the wall.
“The issue is that people are spread around the whole city.” Nakai pointed at the map, hopeless. “We tried to gather as much as we could, but those things are at the gates, ready to kill anyone who tries to leave the NSPD. I don’t think people left their homes, and those who did… Well. You saw how it’s like outside. It’s gonna be impossible to gather everyone, we never saw anything like this.”
“We haven’t, but I have a Special Agent who has already gone through something similar.” Rogers confirmed with his head, making Nakai and the officer look at him with hope blooming in their chests. They waited for someone strong and unrelenting to walk in, a war machine, almost like Rambo or the Terminator. “Leon Kennedy.”
As the Commander pointed at Leon, their glances were a little… Disappointed. Leon looked like everything but a war machine like they expected: not that strong, not that imposing, maybe a little too skinny, albeit fit. He looked too young, too inexperienced, too cute for… That.
“No offense, Commander…” The police officer had to say something. After more than ten years working on the streets, he only saw rookies with that face. “But he doesn’t look like the type of person who would know what to do in this situation. We had cops with fifteen years of experience and training dying like cattle today.”
“I told you, Commander…” Leon closed his eyes and took a deep sigh, not in the mood to at least try to smile. He was certain no one would respect him, precisely for looking too young, maybe even inexperienced. And, honestly, that was his first day as a Special Agent, in what could be a copy of Raccoon City. What if he had a panic attack? No one would ever respect him again.
“Kennedy is one of the few survivors of the disaster in Raccoon City.” Rogers words were harsh, ignoring completely how desolated Leon was by his side. “I never dealt with those things, nor anyone else in my team, and even lesser you. Leon, on the other hand, killed dozens of those creatures, survived the massacre, avoided worse consequences and helped other survivors to get out of there alive. Everything new we will see today, won’t be any news for him. If there’s a person here who may know the best strategies for surviving and saving people, this person is him.”
“You survived Raccoon City?” Nakai had his eyebrows furrowed. “Again, I don’t mean to be rude, but you look too young, Mr. Kennedy.”
“It was my first day at work.” Now Leon had a not so happy smile on his lips. “I have a completely different definition of ‘hellish first day in the job’.”
There was something of strange in his eyes; something different. Leon could look too young and even naïve, but something changed when they looked into his eyes. They had something of tired, too harsh and too merciless for someone so young. Those eyes carried something impossible to erase from the mind – as if they would never forget the blood and the death. They expected eyes filled with kindness and innocence, but all they got was cold and emptiness.
“So… Mr. Kennedy.” The police officer looked a little ashamed of his own antics, pointing at the map once again. “What do you think? How was it with you guys? Did you manage to rescue someone?”
“Well… We were able to find a few people. They managed to protect themselves somewhere strategic and had guns for protection.” Leon sighed, taking a look at the city map. “An emergency announcement led everyone to the RPD, but the virus also got there, and it was a massacre. They couldn’t rescue the people fast enough, no one was there for us.”
Leon fell silent for a while, still observing the map. Nakai and the police officer exchanged wary looks while Rogers remained in silence. No one was there, Leon remembered. He and Claire found each other for a whim of fate and had to make their own way between hungry creatures who literally wanted to eat them alive. In the end, the city was destroyed with a bomb. There was nothing left. If Leon and Claire hadn’t insisted so much in their survival, they would’ve had died. The same thing with Jill and Carlos, who now had to battle their own demons because of all that and almost didn’t manage to leave the city on time. They were one of the few who were lucky, very lucky.
“Leon…?” And he was brought back by the Commander’s voice. Leon shook his head slightly and pointed at the map again.
“I don’t think that many people who stayed at home survived. Unfortunately, that’s what happened in Raccoon… We can try to gather some people in big places: schools, hospitals, supermarkets; and then we rescue them little by little with police cars.”
“Most streets are blocked.” Nakai denied with his head, hands on his waist. “We had too many accidents, the streets are pure chaos. Cars, trucks, motorbikes… You choose. They’re all thrown in the streets, in pieces or in flames.”
“In pieces and in flames too.” The police officer had to point it out.
“That happened in Raccoon as well. We can ask people to gather somewhere nearby, and our team goes in for the rescue. We'll call the base and ask for enough helicopters to take everyone away from here.” Leon suggested right after, looking at Rogers for approval.
“And how are we going to gather everyone in one single place?” The Commander still thought about it, albeit knowing it was the best shot they had. “It’s not like we can go around screaming a PSA.”
“Radio and television. When things like this happen, people try to communicate and keep waiting for communication.” Leon nodded as he remembered what happened in his own city, years prior. “When they announced the bomb, it was through a special announcement in the TV, I remember Carlos told me. He woke up and it was basically an audio telling everyone who survived to leave the city ‘cause a missile was programed to blow it up. We can try at least through the radio.”
“Hmmm… Grace is here in the NSPD with her assistant, Chief.” The officer was starting to see the first glimmer of hope amidst that hell. “If there’s still someone alive in the studio, she might be able to record the announcement here and we can start an emergency broadcast in Channel 8.”
“Grace is the weather girl; she was in the middle of a transmission when one of those things almost ate her and the whole team.” The Chief explained, shaking his head right after. “They lost two assistants, but the cameraman was able to flee with his camera untouched. Grace appeared running after him completely desperate, still holding the microphone.”
“It might work. If we can guarantee there’s someone at the studio, it’s possible gather people in… The hospital, maybe?” Leon observed the map, but soon received a frantic negative answer both from the police officer and Nakai.
“That was the starting point of all this disgrace.” The Chief ran his hand over his forehead. “We’re avoiding it like the plague. I’m sure no one survived in there.”
“Ok. Let’s talk to this Grace and see if we can get some communication at the broadcast station.” Rogers fumbled with the rifle in his hands, apparently having no worries with Leon carrying just one handgun, dearly named Matilda.
Rogers didn’t mind Leon’s weirdness. The kid had survived hell. In his point of view, he could be as weird as he wanted to.
“If we can’t contact anyone there…” With that, Rogers glanced at his Special Agent. Once more, Leon’s steel blue eyes carried that quite atypical coldness.
“I’ll go there, and I’ll find someone. If there isn’t anyone, you can just guide me, and I’ll make it work.” Leon had a small smile in his lips, remembering the first end of the world he had gone through. “I already had to learn a couple things the hard way. Making a TV broadcast work mustn’t be that hard.”
“Great. Let’s redirect the survivors to the school, any objections?” Rogers finally decided and got only negative answers from both Nakai and the police officer.
He wouldn’t make it obvious, but he was proud of Leon – for an ex-rookie cop, he was behaving quite well as a Special Agent.
“Grace?” In the packed entrance hall of the police department, filled with crying and mayhem, the voice of the police Chief made a woman with dark hair and shiny green eyes turn around to him, startled. “We need your help.”
“You?!” That’s what she spat back at him as an answer, completely baffled. The red suit jacket and skirt were dirty and misaligned, the white shirt stained with blood. “We are the ones who need help! Are you doin’ somethin’ to take us out of here or just chattin’ and drinkin’ tea?!”
“Charming.” Leon murmured to Rogers, already internally sighing upon realizing they really needed her help and couldn’t just ask someone else for it. They didn’t need someone with a superstar complex at that moment. The Commander just answered with a small, almost inaudible, laugh.
“We need you to make an emergency broadcast to the city. Where’s your assistant? What is his name?”
“His name is assistant.” Grace huffed, crossing her arms and already looking impatient. “What emergency broadcast? You guys want me to go to the studio for that? I am not leavin’ here.”
“Grace, please… Be reasonable.” Nakai gently touched her arm, approaching the woman. The police Chief lowered his voice. “We want all the survivors to gather in one single place. A TV broadcast helped some people to survive in Raccoon City, it might help here too. We need you to call the studio and see if there’s someone alive in there to broadcast while you give the announcement and the assistant records it.”
“In Raccoon City…? How do you know that?” The woman now looked confused and less combative. She also lowered her voice and seemed a little more prone to help.
“I was there.” Leon almost shrugged, being noticed for the first time. “If there’s no one in the studio, I’ll go there, and you tell me how to broadcast. The goal here is to gather the most people we can in just one place so we can get you all out of the city.”
Grace remained silent for a few seconds, observing Leon. She slowly ran her eyes through each of them, confirming with her head as she thought about it, finally uncrossing her arms.
“It might work…” She murmured back. “If there’s someone alive in the station, I know who’s gonna be. Let’s hope they listen the phone ringin’.”
The group headed back to the meeting room, closing the door and putting the phone in speakers. Grace dialed as fast as she could, watching her cameraman lost outside the room and signaling him to enter and remain silent. Patience wasn’t her virtue.
The phone barely rang once until a silent voice picked it up on the other side.
“Hello…?” It was uncertain, probably hiding. They didn’t let the phone ring so it wouldn’t draw unwanted attention.
“Hello? Y/n?!” Grace rested both her hands on the table, almost covering the phone with her body. The voice on the other side sighed in delight and had to contain itself not to scream.
“Gracie?! You’re alive?!” You took a deep breath while the woman affirmed enthusiastically, your heart beating fast and tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
“Y/n, oh my, y/n…!” Grace murmured, sighing right after, trying to hold back her tears. “I knew that you would be alive…!”
“It was tough, Grace. Almost died. Where are you?”
“On the NSPD! That’s exactly why I’m callin’! They are here with…”
“Wait…! Stop talking…!” You suddenly fell silent and everyone in the meeting room heard insistent knocks on a door, alongside horrible undead moans. They exchanged quick looks, not knowing what was going on.
After a few good minutes in silence, the banging finally stopped and the dragged steps couldn’t be heard anymore. You controlled your breath and barely made any noise – they started to ask themselves if you still were on the other side of the line.
“Hey. I’m at the Director’s room, I barricaded the door but those things still try to enter here until changing their attention to fresh blood.” You finally got back to the call, speaking even lower than before. They had to make the speakers louder on their side.
“Is there anyone else alive in there…?” Grace was even scared to ask. Actually, she didn’t want to, but she knew they would ask you that eventually.
“No. Not that I know of.” You sighed on the other side, following with a humorless laugh. “But, I think this is going to comfort you: the fresh blood is from the Director. I tied him up one of the windows after he died; he bled so much that he immediately grabs the attention of those things who are feasting on him.”
“Hmmm…” And Grace laughed briefly after hearing the news, a little more content than she should’ve. “It’s a lot more than what that shitty abuser deserved.”
“Well, at least he was useful for something, right?” You shrugged, understanding Grace’s anger. Anyone would understand it.
“Y/n, my dear, I need you to do me a favor. That’s why I called.”
“When do you call me not to ask for a favor?” You tried to joke for a while, making Grace let out a genuine laugh. “Even in the apocalypse you call me for favors. What if I had died?”
“I knew you hadn’t died. Out of every person in that studio, you’re the only one who had a chance; I’m just alive now ‘cause I wasn’t there when all hell broke loose.” Grace suddenly turned serious, looking a lot more professional than before. “Chief Nakai and Commander Rogers of the Special Forces want me to record an emergency broadcast so all survivors will go to the school, and they can be escorted to the NSPD and rescued. The idea is to broadcast it on the TV and the radio, so I’m gonna need someone inside the studio to broadcast the signal of our camera to TVs across the town and my audio through the radio.”
“Hmmm, ok. I’ve no idea how to do that nor how I’m gonna get there, but we’ll worry about it when I actually get there.” You mirrored her tone, immediately understanding the seriousness of the situation.
“Excuse me, y/n?” Leon finally decided to take over the call. “Leon Kennedy, Special Agent and Raccoon City survivor. I can help. Do you have any radio in there?”
“Like a walkie talkie?” You asked back and, from the noise, it seemed like you were going around the room. “Dunno. The Director had all kinds of junk in here.”
“He had one of our police radios.” The officer added with a long sigh, receiving suspicious looks. “How do you think he knew exactly when some interesting crime happened and appeared there out of the blue, sometimes even before than us? The man was never worth a dime.”
“Well. At least now he’s worth something.” You considered in a mumble, followed by a rather loud noise and some things being fumbled around. “Locked drawer, the key is probably still with him. I don’t think I’ll be able to get rid of the half-dead people already feeding on the piece of crap at the moment.”
Grace giggled – that was the internal nickname of the Director to anyone who worked in the broadcast station; specially women.
“Hmmm, found it. How can I turn it on?”
“There’s a switch on top of it that shows the frequencies, can you see it?” Leon’s answer was in autopilot, getting a positive response from you after a few seconds. “We can find a frequency…”
“0.5 hertz. No one uses that channel, you won’t be interrupted.” The police Chief added before Leon could finish talking, throwing him a similar radio. Leon adjusted on that very same frequency.
“Great. You just have to press a button on the side to open the channel to talk to me. I’m gonna test it here and you tell me if it works, ok?” He didn’t even have to say much for you to agree. With a few words, you could hear him loud and clear.
“Ok, it works. What about you?”
“Working as well.” Leon smiled. Luckily, you seemed to be a fast learner. “Talk to me as you walk around the studio, and I can help you around those things. I was a cop in Raccoon City.”
“Yeah, I know. Claire and Jill told me about you.” Your answer came with a sigh, not at all happy with the perspective of getting out of the room you had made so secure for yourself. “Gimme a minute to get ready. I’ll call you on the radio, ok?”
“Ok, that works.”
“Y/n.” Before ending the call, Grace called you one more time. “Just… Don’t die, ok? I wanna see you again. I don’t wanna be the only one left from the studio.”
“Don’t worry, Gracie. We need a lot more than half a dozen slow zombies to kill me.” You had a cocky smile in your voice, making her laugh before finally ending the call.
The only problem was that there was a lot more than half a dozen zombies in the studio.
To be continued...
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