#Lesere Saraki
I see a lot of people talking about Karolina Górka and Joshua Gillespie, and as much I love them as well I wanna see what other one-timers are popular:)
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Redemption Round 3 - Match 1
This Old House may have been pretty popular in the regular bracket, but can its 150 RR2 votes stand up to the 191 of First Aid?
MAG 196 - This Old House | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
A statement on Reality recorded by Martin K Blackwood, recorded at Hilltop Road.
MAG 012 - First Aid | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Lesere Saraki, regarding a recent night-shift at St. Thomas Hospital, London.
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thatpodcastkid · 22 days
Magnus Archives Relisten 12, MAG 12 First Aid
"American student agrees to visit UK demon hospital to beat medical bills. More at six."
Mag 12 analysis, spoilers ahead!
Facts: Statement of Lesere Saraki regarding a night shift at St. Thomas Hospital. Statement given February 11, 2012.
Statement Notes: Really great episode. There is so much built-in here that, to a new listener, doesn't make any sense, but drives a relistener listener crazy. It's an incredible balance of mystery and horror. Before you're aware of the metaplot, you can't understand this episode and are afraid like Saraki. But once you are aware of the metaplot, you understand how the events of this episode contribute to the rituals and Gertrude. Having finished the series, it's easy to view the central mysteries of the series being "What is Elias' goal?" or "What are the entities?", but fans often forget that the main question of the first two seasons is "How did Gertrude Robinson die?" This episode, though not holding many clues, reveals how Gerry did his work, contributing to that mystery. Events like this episode are likely what was important to Jon in season 2, not things that are important to him later like the Lightless Flame or Hilltop Road.
The video footage of everyone leaving the waiting room was very concerning to me. There are a lot of episodes in which the entities seem to manipulate the actions of people around their targets to insight more fear, or at least manipulate their target's perception of other people. However, this just seems like straight-up mind control. A mass manipulation of everyone in the hospital at once. As a show of power alone, this is very frightening. The lack of an explanation is also very concerning. Jon doesn't even attempt to brush off this case as mass hysteria or drug use. I can't explain what made these people behave like that, and clearly, he can't either.
Entity Alignment: This is a very strong Desolation episode. The imagery is so incredibly descriptive. Everything from the warped door handles to the exploding soda bottles to the boiling saline solution is so vivid. The image that particularly stuck with me is Saraki examining Gerry's wounds (side note, it's very sweet to me that she felt so bad about ruining his new leather jacket). She doesn't go particularly in-depth, but the thought of perfectly pristine clothing covering utterly burned skin really emphasizes the violent nature of the Desolation. It burns and destroys, but only targets things it can cause fear and pain.
There's also a ton of Eye mentions in this episode. When Gerry is "praying" over the other victim (don't even get me started on the religious associations people make with the horrors), Saraki steps aside to let him work and watch. Gerry tells her "For you, better beholding than the lightless flame.” This insinuates that, with the prayer he is using to kill the other burn victim (presumably a Lightless Flame member), he is calling on the Desolation. It's a bit surprising that someone deeply affiliated with the Eye can call on another entity. However, we have to remember that technically the entities are all a part of one larger eldritch being, that we as humans simply cannot comprehend the scope of. This means that any avatar can work with or call on any entity, though it is likely easier for someone like Gerry, who is more aware that the Entity is a nuanced being and understands it academically, than it would be for someone like Jared Hopworth or Mike Crew, who are deeply entrenched in the specific aspects of the Entity.
In this vein, Gerry's tattoos not burning demonstrates his connection to the Eye and possible avatar powers. There's evidence in the show that different entities cannot hurt each other directly, but need particular circumstances to do so. For example, Jared Hopworth can take Jon's ribs when he consents, but cannot kill Melanie while she is associated with the Slaughter, and can be captured by Helen, who cannot be killed by Melanie. There is certainly some dream-logic, rock-paper-scissor-style power ranking of avatars. But this episode seems to prove that although Gerry can be harmed by the Desolation, the Eye will still protect him to a certain extent. This also helps with my issue with MAG 4 regarding Gerry's Eye art and tattoos.
While I do believe on a practical level there are differing levels of protection and power for the avatars based on their affiliation, commitment, and abilities, I would also like to return to the single eldritch Entity. Since the entity is one thing, it makes sense that it would hurt its avatars, but not itself. This would mean that Gerry is so deeply connected to the Eye (or at least the arcana of his tattoos is) that the entity will not hurt him because it considers him a part of itself. This is further proven in season 5, as Jon can essentially kill any avatar or person he chooses, but is untouchable to others because of the Eye's protection. The Entity has the ability to make its avatars a part of itself, and refuses to hurt them because it would only cause it more harm.
More specific to the episode, Gerard attempts to associate Saraki with the Eye. This seems fair, as Saraki only watches what Gerry does and does not interfere, merely observing the horror of another. The Eye/Elias is also clearly observing her as an Eye flashes on the CCTV screen and she reports feeling watched later. But again, genre awareness is very important in this series. The goal of the entities is to make people afraid, so those who choose to move on or take practical actions are less likely to remain targets. Saraki plays the game, she goes along with Gerard, muscles through the horrors, and moves on. She never has a paranormal occurrence again.
Character Notes: Sasha is just so incredible with computers. I wish we could see her in TMAGP universe where tech skill are actually useful. I think the key difference between Archivist!Sasha and Archivist!Jon is that, while Jon has an insatiable desire to obtain knowledge he cannot always feed, Sasha has a great ability to obtain knowledge but a duller and more practical drive. This could be part of the reason Elias chooses Jon over her, because his desire would push him to go further, while his information gaps would cause him more anxiety and fear.
Also, I know Martin very well could have googled the Polish phrase or just know a little bit and this is part of his CV lies, but can you imagine a Polish-speaking Martin? Just live in that world for a second.
Still, since Martin canonically lied about speaking Latin and it is likely he speaks little-to-no Polish, the fact that he would research and/or share this phrase with Jon seems to be another lie to get people to like him. While it don't think his lies/manipulations are as malicious as Annabelle makes them seem in season 5, they are definitely present.
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wwmoxie · 2 months
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Lesere Saraki said “no thank you, I choose ignorance.” Just completely beholden-proof. Did not thirst for any information
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Oo I love that Lesere Saraki was Eye Marked!
Do you think she was already Marked by the Eye and that's why she noticed the quietness and the strangeness of the burns and didn't leave with everyone else? Or was she just Marked during this encouter?
Beholding Behaviours
I was heading out to meet the ambulance, when I noticed that the A&E waiting room was totally silent. I looked around, and there were all the people there that I expected to see, some cradling obvious injuries, but none of them made a sound. They continued to stare at their phone, read books, comfort one another, but not one of them spoke. I didn’t have much time to really consider what I was seeing as, at that moment, I heard the ambulance pull up outside and ran off to see to the patient. <- Notices the strange quiet.
She started giving some instructions to myself and the EMTs, but I was struck by how quietly she was speaking to me. She didn’t whisper but every word was quiet, as though it was a real effort to get them out. Nobody else seemed to notice, so at the time I assumed the effect was due to my own lack of sleep. <- Notices the strange quietness, no one else does presumably.
I ran towards the door leading from the A&E to the chill of the December night, not something I would ever have thought I’d look forward to. As I approached, though, I noticed that the plastic at each end of the metal handles was ever so slightly warped. <- Wow how did you notice that minor detail in your panicked state? Very Beholding of you...
I didn’t say anything then. I wanted to ask what was happening and it seemed like he was waiting for me to do just that, but something stopped me. Something told me that if there was a coherent explanation for everything that had happened since the ambulance arrived, then I would be no better off for knowing it. <- Seems to be more on the watching side of the Eye than the knowing side, together with her feeling watched since then.
He was going to kill the chanting man; I could feel it in the way he stared past me as I stood in the doorway. <- then again she could be Knowing something here. Or just knows lowercase.
He said, “Yes. For you, better beholding than the lightless flame.”
I didn’t try to stop him as he walked back into the ward. I just stood there and watched as he took out the scalpel, muttered some words I couldn’t make out, and plunged the blade into the centre of the chanting man’s throat. At that moment, there was the sound of sizzling, and a smell like rotten meat on a grill. I watched as the flesh around that wound began to blacken and crack. The bandages curled and disintegrated, and the scorched skin spread over his body like water. There was no fire, and I felt no heat, but over the course of twenty seconds I watched this man’s body cremate itself to ash. Even the scalpel was gone. <- watched watched watched right after Gerry says that, interesting.
I worry sometimes, though. Over the last few months, when I’m alone on the wards, I get the feeling I’m being watched. Not threatened or judged, just watched. I avoid that storeroom, particularly. <- Obviously Eye related lol :)
Beholding & Lightless Flame
He said, “Yes. For you, better beholding than the lightless flame.” <- I still don't entirely get what Gerry meant here. Is he saying it's better for her to be Marked by the Eye than the Desolation? Or side with it? Or that she's already somewhat Eye aligned and so it's better to lean into that rather than towards the Desolation?
When she first hears the burned man whispering: I started to feel warm, like there was a fever quickly creeping out towards my skin. It wasn’t the first time I’d had a reaction like this, though, so I took a moment to centre myself and the feeling receded. <- Hmm do you think that's related to what Gerry said? Maybe she's vaguely aligned to both the Eye and Desolation and effectively was picking a side here when she let the Eye aligned guy kill the Desolation one? And that's what he was talking about?
@a-mag-a-day :)
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st0nek · 1 year
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graveyardcat7 · 2 years
u can tell how much i like tma bc even characters i dont like or dont care abt pull on my heartstrings. ill see fucking. lesere saraki and go Oh my god… lesere…
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generalb · 2 years
This isn’t a review because I jus started it but I love the name of this new person, Lesere Saraki so much I just had to make a post about it
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MAG012, First Aid
Case #0121102, Lesere Saraki Release date: April 18, 2016 First listen: 14th October. On the walk home from work. Remember reaching the cul-de-sac as Gerard was standing.
My boy! Our Gerard! My sweet goth son! Who at this point in the proceedings I was convinced was something unholy.
- Trying to explain exactly where and in what capacity you work within the NHS, must be a freaking nightmare. I’ve never worked in healthcare, only really experienced it from the outside trying to get in, but from here, the hospital admin and bureaucracy, I mean, it’s important and necessary, but… yikes. I’ve seen it with our own doctors’ surgery at home; it’s gone rapidly down hill after it got subsumed into a Trust that runs a number of practises in the area. But throwing them all under one umbrella has really killed the efficiency and care aspects, especially since the area I grew up has an aged population and doesn’t do house calls any more.  
- God, I feel for this nurse, I really do. Every single member of ward staff in the NHS is a treasure and deserves better.
- ‘No fights or angry drunks, which was a blessing.’ I don’t think I can think of many things more terrifying than a scenario with a belligerent drunk who themselves is in pain, in an over bright room filled with ill and vulnerable people, many of whom probably can’t get out of the way fast enough. Actually, yes I can, multiple belligerent drunks. The ‘wounded, cornered animal’ behaviour takes over in that moment I’d imagine.
- You want as much prep time as you can get when it comes to treating a burns victim. Not just to get equipment ready but also to mentally prepare yourself I’d imagine. While I am a qualified First Aider at work, oh yeah the moniker of ‘Designated First Aider’ isn’t just for giggles, I have, thankfully, never needed to treat a burns victim. And actually, during the training, those were the slides that I had to strategically look off to the side for.
- Hang on, no, I have treated burns. On myself. Managed to spill hot fat over both hands. Spent a few days in miserable pain but in hindsight, I am flipping lucky I’ve still got my hand dexterity.
- Yeah the quiet in the waiting room is unnerving as all get out. It’s like animals picking up on an oncoming earthquake or tsunami.
- Why the quiet? Why the quietness in the face of The Desolation? Or is it just feeding into the unnerving nature?
- ‘They were second-degree, which is severe, but not usually such as to require hospitalisation, except that they appeared to cover his entire body.’ It’s something of a sliding scale if memory serves, when it comes to hospitalising a burn. For 2nd degree burns, I think it was something like if it covered more than 10% of the body or occurred over a major joint. Or if the victim was in ‘severe pain’, but that’s wonderfully vague.
- So the burning only damaged the mens’ flesh, didn’t touching the clothes. See, I was trying to puzzle that out, because ha! Eldritch horrors are nothing if I think hard enough at them!, yeah, but thinking about the different ways that heat can travel and I thought about radiation, burn no, radiating heat could still cause cloth to catch-… wait… radiation… nuclear radiation… and then I though about Chernobyl and then I felt a bit sick.
- The silence, why is it so quiet? I feel like I might have stumbled onto something if this act was leaning into radiation. We may be treading on The Extinction’s territory, but the boiling of liquids? I’m not well versed on that happened at Chernobyl but the explosion was triggered when a cascade of mistakes led to coolant flash boiling into steam and a positive feedback loop resulting in a steam explosion. And ‘The Ligthless Flame’? While fires at Chernobyl burned, the radiation cloud was something unseen, but burned. And the quiet, the evacuation. The movement of people away from the danger area, although possibly too slow as the burned man was already in the building.
- I’m spiralling, I need tea.
- We get something of a better description of Gerard then we did in MAG004, when Dominic Swain was too rattled to give much beyond commenting he looked a mess. He was described as smaller than the first man, who he’d presumably gone toe to toe with, and younger, mid-thirties or so. She describes him as ‘clean shaven’ and there aren’t any descriptions of a haggard appearance beyond the fact that he’s covered in burns. This is December 2011 and by winter next year, he looks a wreck.
- We get a description of the eye tattoos too, that I think Dominic Swain missed in MAG004. Why would he have them on the joints​? If they have offered him some sort of protection in this instant and could in others, why not get them all over his body? He does have one over his heart though. Odd thought, if he’d gotten one on his scalp, could that have saved him? Probably not. I wonder if he got them by choice, or if this was Mary’s doing?
- Annoyingly, there’s two Saint Mary’s churchyards quite close to St Thomas' Hospital where it sits in Westminster, pretty much across the river from the Houses of Parliament; one to the North East, beyond Waterloo and one to the South East, below Elephant and Castle. Both appear to be park land as opposed to an actual church site as I’d thought.
- The old passport Gerard has with him indicates he’s well-travelled. Has he met Gertrude yet, have they already started their globe hopping adventure of kicking The Entities in the teeth? Also, I’m not sure how many folk walk around with their passports on them, unless they are walking into situations where they may need identifying and may not be all that present themselves to help. Had he literally just stepped foot back in England? Had he picked a fight with The Desolation without even getting over the jet lag yet?
- Chanting. Chanting is never a good sign in this setting. Never good.
- ‘It wasn’t the first time I’d had a reaction like this, though, so I took a moment to centre myself and the feeling receded.’ Lesere? Hun? What exactly do you mean by that? Have you had a run in with The Desolation before? Is that why Gerard says what he says later? Are you already marked in some way?
- Finding A&E empty, yup, like animals fleeing before a disaster.
- Perhaps there’s a touch of The Lonely, as the hospital empties and those who can not simply aren’t awake for it.
- ‘I tentatively touched the back of my hand to (the door handle)’, smart lady. We were taught the same thing in fire safety training.
- She could feel the heat of Gerard Keay’s flesh through the bandages. My boy was literally still cooking and yet he was doing what he could. Immediately lets her go and apologises for grabbing her and scaring her, such a polite boy
- Lesere notes that he’s in ‘tremendous pain’ through all of this but he does his best to hide it. I’ve got a few things to unpack here. They did dose him with pain meds, Lesere states later, but he’s up and aware. Is the damage that has already been done to him intensifying with the chanting man going uninterrupted? Is more pain being heaped on? Part of me wonders what sort of hell Gerard’s body’s been through these last 30 or so years, with the life he lives. Also, how much of the hiding of the pain was ‘I’m in front of a ‘normal’, must’ve give them reason to panic’ and how much was left over behaviours from living with his mother? Mary Keay does not strike me as the type of mother to drop a kiss onto a brightly coloured plaster over a scrapped knee with reassurances that kisses make it all better. I would lay money that Mary Keay viewed any form of physical weakness with utter contempt. Look what she did to Eric.
- How far along is his brain tumour at this point also? He dies late 2014, three years after the events of this statement. How would a brain tumour affect his registering of pain? Could it dull it? Would he possibly have a base line of chronic pain?  
- ‘If there was a coherent explanation for everything ... then I would be no better off for knowing it.’ That line says to me, ‘take what the The Eye is offering and toss it across the room like the ‘It’s Always Sunning In Philadelphia’ plate throw meme.’ Reject it.
- ‘...standing and walking despite the burns covering eighty percent of his body, despite the sheer quantity of painkillers we had given him.’ See, my reaction is ‘my boy’s a trooper’, but I am becoming aware of some my own behaviours that could be seen as self neglect, so I’m working on it. Yes, our boy is strong, but he shouldn’t need to be. Or maybe he does because, y’know, need to survive the night.
- ‘...seemed to know the code to the door immediately.’ Is that an Eye thing or a Gerard ‘he most definitely learnt to pick locks, hack security systems, and learnt to read frequently entered codes by looking at the ware on a keypad’ Keay thing? He would have been such a good rogue.
- I have to say kudos to Lesere for considering the ethical question of whether to protect the burned man by risking her own life. She made the correct choice, but she considered her Hippocratic oath in her actions. But the Hippocratic oath isn’t the first of Asimov's laws of robotics.
- ‘Yes. For you, better beholding than the lightless flame.’ - Gerard, baby, what​? You offering asylum to other Entity’s refugees now?
- ‘Over the course of twenty seconds I watched this man’s body cremate itself to ash.’ There’s a good chance the body of the burned man was no longer fully human, and they way Lesere describes how it burnt, I don’t think it was. But the fact that it takes the scalpel with it... Do you know what it takes to cremate a body? What time frame is needed, the temperatures they need to reach, that fact there are still bone fragments left? It’s wild. Let Caitlin Doughty tell you about it my friends.
- He uses the bed pan to clean up after himself. So polite. Such a good boy.
- Lesere heading out into the corridor and back into reality and to work and ‘the rest of my shift was gone’. Bless ever EMT, nurse, doctor, admission staff and orderly for just straight up compartmentalising trauma as part of the job.
- Gerard was ‘discharged into the care of his mother’. So do we think this is Mary or Gertrude? I’m tempted to say Mary, given the sate we find him in in a year’s time. Even if she did die, for the first time at least, in 2008. So this is an undead Mary, after Gerard was tried for her murder.
- ‘I tried to talk to him about what happened, but he was on a lot of painkillers and never seemed to really register I was there.’ Let my boy rest.
- ‘When I’m alone on the wards, I get the feeling I’m being watched.’ Ah, there we go.
- ‘Not threatened or judged’, I’m glad. I was worried for Lesere, that she may retain some guilt over her choice to not stop Gerard from killing the burned man. But she made the correct decision.
-  ‘Asag’, a demon in Sumerian mythology associated with disease and corruption. And the Archivist is right, that doesn’t quiet vibe with The Desolation, would be more likely be found in the ranks of The Corruption. But then I think back to radiation burns...
- Martin knowing Polish is a wonderful little tidbit of trivia, but then the Archivist is so mean. We’ve been over this Jon, Latin is back news.
- ‘It has not escaped my notice that this is the second time Gerard Keay has turned up in this Archive.’ Archivist, you stand in the halls of his kingdom, he walked these halls and has long fought these battles, put some respect on Gerard’s name.
- We have a note of him having passed away in late 2014. So if, in universe we’re in 2015, that’s not too long ago at all. Probably not long before Gertrude died March 2015. That period could be as little as 3 months, but long enough for her to put him in the book. But between MAG004 and MAG012, the archival team find he has passed away.
- The nature of everybody leaving the A&E room is chilling. 28 people, standing up and calmly filing out of the doors without prompting and coming back in without an outward cue to prompt them and let them know it was safe. And they were quiet. Why were they quiet? Then I thought about the quiet of exclusion zones.
- At 03:22:52, the feed cuts and we get The Eye staring back, is that the moment that the burning man died and The Desolation was defeated in that place, or was it when Lesere made a choice and stepped aside?
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inklingofadream · 3 years
notes from a TMA relisten
obviously it’s the anglerfish’s whole bit, but graham folger also smoked. smokers confirmed for the stranger’s favorite food lol
I forgot that gerry straight up takes the guy’s bin in MAG4. Like obviously I remembered him burning the book in it but he also picks it up and takes it with him with a corny lil quip about how he doesn’t care it’s hot bc he’s “had worse” what a weird dork i love him. also i guess he did give the guy 5000 pounds he can afford a new bin. but still. what did he do with it, where do you throw away a bin potentially tainted with spooky vast vibes?
lkahsdgafhssgkl;dh Jon getting mad at Ex Altiora and acting all sus bc the Institute only has record of Leitner having copies of existing occult lit so maybe the title’s wrong/fake, sir you have no room to talk even playing the skeptic, at least Altiora is spooky and in Latin. Mr. Spider was a children’s book. With doodly illustrations!
Gerry’s also apparently like powered by the sheer strength of anti-Entity Justice, like spooky willpower green lantern, when he kills Diego Molina. Like we don’t have a reason the Eye would be helping him power thru the painkillers etc from his own burns, I think he just Sensed that someone was gonna get Entitied and woke up to prevent it. Although the idea of him having a greater than usual resistance to painkillers et al and faking being out of it so he doesn’t have to talk the whole think through with Lesere Saraki after is also very funny
I’m obsessed with the Vibes of whatever cops and child psychiatrists had to debrief poor baby Julia Montauk on all her dad’s spooky stuff. “Oh yeah there used to be little spots of blood in the hallway all the time I’m really good at cleaning them up :)“ cool cool cool, you will never be normal
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pensivetense · 4 years
Okay, but: what if Lesere 'the Beholding for you, I think' Saraki shows up as an Eye(-ish) avatar.
(also I really Really want Karolina Gorka back I know we only had her for one statement but that was all it took for me to fall in love with her 'yeah, of course I still take the Tube at night, I live in London' attitude, PLUS I think that attitude might be interesting to encounter from a story standpoint as Martin has to cope with his status. Because she was very much a 'there's nothing I can do about it so why try' person which is actually quite Buried of her, and even though that has been the antithesis of Martin's apocalypse philosophy up until now, I have a feeling that his take going to evolve.)
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Redemption Round 2 - Match 1
First we have some of our episodes knocked out only by Round Two! Threshold received 100 votes last round for a total of 285, while First Aid had 126 votes in Round One, but earned a bypass for Redemption Round One. Threshold may have made it farther in the main bracket, but can it sustain its wins in the Redemption Rounds?
MAG 146 - Threshold | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Marcus MacKenzie, regarding a series of unexplored entryways.
MAG 012 - First Aid | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Lesere Saraki, regarding a recent night-shift at St. Thomas Hospital, London.
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magnusmusings · 5 years
Mag 12- First Aid
Lesere Saraki, 11.02.2012, St Thomas hospital, Waterloo, London, England. 
The statement describes the unusual incidents experienced by Lesere - a nurse at St. Thomas Hospital - on December 23rd 2011.  She was working the night shift and everything was going as a normal night would until two strange men were admitted to the hospital.
One had second degree burns covering his entire body, the other had them all over his body except for his head. Neither of their clothes showed any signs of singeing - and whatever had caused the burns must have passed through the clothes without burning them. 
The less-burned man carried a passport naming him as Gerard Keay, and he only carried that, and a small zippo lighter with an eye carved into it. He had small eyes tattooed over every joint and his heart, and where the eyes lay the skin was unburned in a small diameter around them She heard the older, more burned man chanting (”Asag wypalać, the lightless flame”). She went into the waiting room and noticed it was completely empty, which was strange for it being 3am, and heard a noise like a beast growling. The drinks in the vending machine began to boil and explode, and the door handles warped and gave off an extreme heat when touched. 
She went back into the room and noticed Gerard awake. He doesn’t notice the pain from his burns, and starts preparing to kill the man. Lesere chooses to help him - now desperate after her strange ordeal, and he says “Yes, better for you the beholding than the lightless flame”. He stabs him in the neck with a scalpel, and his body disintegrates. 
The people returned shortly after, and the next two weeks Gerard was cared for before being released into the custody of his “mother”. Lesere now feels as if she’s being watched. 
Notes: obvious affiliations with the eye and the desolation. Jon notes that Asag in Sumerian myth is a demon of disease and corruption - but that it could boil fish alive in the water due to its ugliness. Lesere seems to be marked after this, and the footage of the night shows the people in the hospital leaving calmly, before a human eye flashes unnaturally in the footage. Sasha worked on this one.
Entities: The eye, the desolation, the corruption (loosely)
Names mentioned:
Kayleigh Grice (Lesere’s boss)
Gerard Keay
Gertrude (likely posing as Mary as Mary has died several years earlier)
Diego Molina (burned man is later revealed to be him in MAG43)
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Yes. For you, better beholding than the lightless flame
Lesere Saraki, St. Thomas Hospital, London, February 11th 2012 The Magnus Archives - 012 First Aid
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Another Relisten Note:
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Just now noticing that Lesere Saraki went through the events of First Aid while sleep-deprived. This poor person. Gerry is definitely Going Through It the Most in the situation described in this statement ofc but. Motion to nominate Lesere for runner-up in Going Through It here bc MAN.
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Happy TMA Appreciation Week! Here's my Day 1, Pre-canon and Rewrite! @tmaappreciationweek
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Characters: Gerard Keay, Diego Molina, Lesere Saraki
Additional Tags: Minor Spoilers, I call Gerard Gerry, Hurt Gerard Keay, Pre Canon, Episode: e012 First Aid (The Magnus Archives), Burns, Hospitals, The Magnus Archives Season 1, Hurt/Comfort (kind of??)
Gerry’s day had gone from bad to horrifying almost too quickly to track. He’d been looking into the Cult of the Lightless Flame, as he’d had it on good authority they had a Leitner in their possession, a nasty one that would burn you alive if you read it cover to cover. Gerry hadn’t hesitated to take the job, it was just like countless others he’d done over the years as he rebelled against his mother. Luckily the old hag wasn’t going to be able to reappear for at least three more days.
The whole thing went by in a blur. He’d set up a meeting with Diego Molina, dressing up and meeting him at a nicer club around midnight. They’d moved to Saint Mary’s churchyard, which Gerry soon realized was a trick so the bastard could burn him to a crisp and not so they could negotiate a price. Molina had grabbed him and started reading aloud from the book, apparently unaware that it’s primary function would burn him, and that burning Gerry would just be a side effect. Gerry struggled, trying to break the grip around his wrist, then everything was fire and pain and smoke.
Gerry almost gained consciousness a couple times on the ambulance ride, but it hurt and there were people buzzing around and he didn’t know where Molina or the book went and he couldn’t focus long enough to figure it out.
He didn’t come to until much later (2 hours the Eye so helpfully informed him). He took stock of his body: It fucking hurt. Second degree burns covered everything up to his neck, where his pendant had been. It was missing now. Lost or destroyed, who’s to say. His tattoos had survived, though the same could not be said for his coat. Damn, he liked that one.
He wasn’t sure exactly what had woken him until he, very painfully, flopped over and took in his room mate. Molina was starting to chant. And that did not bode well for Gerry or anyone else in the A&E. A nurse came in, obviously hearing Molina as his volume increased. She looked uneasy, and moved to do something truly foolish.
With strength he didn’t really have, he shot out of the hospital bed and grabbed her wrist with a bandaged hand. So much for not helping strays, he thought a little bitterly to himself, though in his heart he knew what he’d said to that woman in Genoa had never really been true. He was too tenderhearted for his line of work.
The nurse screamed, and Gerry immediately dropped her hand like she’d been the one to burn him. He often forgot his own strength, and the painkillers that didn’t seem to be doing their job were making his head spin.
“Sorry,” He grit out through the pain, trying for a sheepish grin but probably ended up with a grimace. “I was only trying to protect you.”
The nurse held her hand to her chest protectively, eyes narrowed. “From what?”
Gerry gestured towards Molina, who was staring at the ceiling and still chanting, though he hadn’t moved. Realizing that wasn’t exactly an answer, he glanced down at his own mummified form. “Touching him would be…a bad idea.” Now that the woman was out of danger, his body screamed at him to lie back down.
He expected questions, just like many of the others he’d tried to help over the years, but she didn’t respond. Smart lady. The silence stretched, until Gerry awkwardly cleared his throat.
“So…did the paramedics bring anything in with us? A small book, bound in red leather? Or a brass pendant?” Gerry had a hunch that the Leitner had fucked off to wreak havoc elsewhere, and as he asked he Knew that his pendant had served it’s purpose (saving his miserable ass) before disintigrating under the full wrath of the Desolation. Pity.
The nurse confirmed that neither item had been brought in. Gerry stewed for a moment, mourning briefly his pendant and his coat, as well as the opportunity to destroy that book. He had to come up with a plan, before Molina killed everyone here. Every nerve ending was on fire, and Gerry could tell he was making the nurse uneasy. To be fair, he felt like shit and probably looked worse. He shoved the pain as far down as he could. He just had to kill Molina, then he could pass out again. He could do that.
With a nod he limped past the nurse and into the corridor. There had to be a supply cupboard fairly close by, one with a scalpel or something else sharp enough to do the job. The book had probably weakened the guy so it shouldn’t be hard to get rid of him.
The lady followed him, asking what he thought he was doing. So much for being smart, Gerry internally snarked, but he could almost smell the Eye’s hooks in this woman, her curiosity outweighing her fear, at least for now. She was going to be fully Marked by at least one of the entities by the end of this encounter.
Gerry ignored her, punching the 4 digit code in without thinking as Beholding fed him the numbers. He scanned the shelves, finding a sterile scalpel wrapped in paper in plastic without too much difficulty.
In the doorway stood the nurse, blocking his exit. He really hoped he wouldn’t have to do something to her, especially when she wasn’t even involved. He took a few shaky steps forward, the pain sending jolts through his system, and was in front of her in a second. The room was small, and he could see her mind whirring behind her eyes as she tried to decide if Molina was worth it. The dry heat was all encompassing, setting the fluids in the bottles that lined the shelves to boil. He didn’t have much time before the whole building caught fire.
She stepped aside. Gerry nodded, letting out a small breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Yes. For you, better Beholding than the Lightless Flame.” Man he must be on more painkillers than he thought, if he was talking openly with her about her choices. At least she chose the Eye, it was probably the safer of the two options. Maybe he was a little biased.
Gerry limped back into the room, where Molina was almost shouting. “Shut up you waxy bastard,” he muttered, and plunger the blade into the center of his throat. A sizzling sound filled the room, accompanied by the smell of his rotten flesh barbecuing. His neck blackened and cracked, the bandages curling and disintegrating. He went up quickly, though the flames were not visible. It took maybe 20 seconds before Gerry was standing over a pile of ash where Diego Molina had been.
Almost done, Gerry thought as he grabbed the empty bedpan from under Molina’s bed. He gently swept the ashes into it and passed it to the nurse to get rid of. She did, and when she was gone Gerry dropped his facade of wellbeing. Tears welled at the corner of his green eyes, the only thing stopping him from just collapsing into his hospital bed was the Knowledge of how bad it would hurt if he did so. So he carefully tucked himself back under the sheet, and let the darkness that had been dancing at the corners of his vision for a while pull him under.
Gerry spent four more days in the hospital, doped up on painkillers and barely aware of who was around him. When his mother came to pick him up, he mourned the loss of his freedom until the next time she faded out of existence. She was in a terrible mood, and at first Gerry thought it might be because he didn’t get the book and give it to her, or that he was hunting Leitners behind her back again. But then he remembered how pissy she got whenever he got hurt on his “excursions”, especially when an avatar was the one who messed him up. For all the hurt she’d caused him and still caused him, she always was weird about other people hurting him. Maybe it was the barest hint of a motherly instinct. Gerry doubted it.
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