#Lester Verde
heckcareoxytwit · 6 months
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Miles Morales and Starling are dating when they are interrupted by the loud noise. The loud sound came from Doctor Bong who is on his typical supervillain rampage in the city. Starling wastes no time in attacking Doctor Bong with her wing flechettes before carrying him off and dropping him to the ground. Miles Morales catches Doctor Bong just in time before he could turn into street pizza. Miles gets upset with Starling's brutal vigilante methods that he argues with her until she leaves him in a huff.
Love Unlimted Infinity Comic #67, 2023
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merrymarvelite · 3 months
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Cover of the Day: Howard the Duck #15 (August, 1977) Art by Gene Colan
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imgonzoingrightnow · 11 months
On the topic of dr bong I was telling my friend about how the journalism threat works really well now with all the access to information we have in the modern day
my friend and I came up with like the idea that dr bong would have a really popular tea channel if that took place in the modern day and he’d go “anyways make sure to bong that notification bell” and that made me laugh a lot
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deadheartsstillbeat · 3 months
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Happy late Valentine's Day from the dead hearts crew!! As is customary for Valentine's Day on Tumblr circa the old days, here's a few DHSB valentines cards you can send to your sweetheart! We still have two characters to debut, but here's our cast so far. Thanks again for joining us on this journey and we hope to get the next update out soon!
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ebookporn · 7 months
The Man Who Invented Fantasy
All those wizards, ogres, and barely-clad elf queens in the bookstore? You have Lester del Rey to thank.
by Dan Sinykin
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Lester del Rey wore 1950s-style horn-rimmed glasses, an unruly billy-goat beard, and his silver hair brushed back above a big forehead. He liberally dispensed cards that said: Lester del Rey, Expert. He sometimes said his full name was Ramón Felipe San Juan Mario Silvio Enrico Smith Heathcourt-Brace Sierra y Alvarez-del Rey y de los Verdes. He was in fact born Leonard Knapp, son of Wright Knapp, in 1915 in rural southeastern Minnesota, subject to the Minnesotan fever—Jay Gatz, Prince Rogers Nelson, Robert Zimmerman—for reinventing oneself. In 1977, del Rey, then in his 60s, turned his proclivity for fabulism to profit: He invented fantasy fiction as we know it.
I always thought fantasy had existed forever. Elves and wizards were old. Stories about them must have been, too, drawn from deep history, passed from generation to generation, just as my dad read J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings to me when I was 6. Part of the magic of these tales is the sense that they have always been this way; it’s thanks to that continuity with the past that we’re able to touch the enchanted premodern world, a place that hasn’t yet been rationalized by capitalism and science. With C.S. Lewis’s Lucy, I, too, walked through the wardrobe to Narnia. By middle school in the mid-1990s, I was ripping through the books of Piers Anthony’s Xanth series, with its basilisks and ogres, which were by then regularly landing on the New York Times bestseller list.
But it turns out that fantasy, as an enduring publishing genre, is hardly older than I am. All sorts of things had to go right—and wrong—to make it happen. 
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Okay, hear me out on this…“Howard the Duck” MCU special feature:
1) Seth Green reprises his role as Howard
2) Man-Thing/Ted returns from “Werewolf by Night” since Howard and Ted are friends in the comics. Gael Garcia Bernal could make a cameo appearance at the end.
3) Kate Micucci plays Beverly Switzler, Howard’s love interest. And the series doesn’t shy away from the awkwardness of a human being romanced by a talking duck.
4) Will Ferrell plays the main villain, Lester Verde aka Doctor Bong. And no, he doesn’t have weed powers, he wears a bell-shaped helmet that can be “bonged”.
5) The tone is a parody of the Golden Age of Hollywood. Imagine “Casablanca” and “Gone with the Wind” but instead of Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable, it’s Howard the Duck.
6) Run-time will be about 45-50 minutes.
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 10 months
Howard the duck original comics opinions i have that no one really cares about but i have feelings (strong feelings) about:
Howard the duck is autistic both as a metaphor and literally. I once wanted to write an essay on this but i lost inspiration. if it ever comes back istg I'll do it. I'll actually do it.
both Paul and Winda were done dirty by just straight up being forgotten at one point and I'll never forgive marvel for this. bring them back. especially Winda she has so much potential. i would actually die for her
on that note i would even more so die for Beverly but I think that's common knowledge at this point. i mean just look at my url. i am #1 Beverly appreciatior no one gets her like i do
i think dr bong/lester verde can very easily be classified as an incel. also i hate everything about him his name is stupid he doesn't even do actual bong he's just themed around bells and is an entitled bitch and i could treat Beverly better :/ i also hate Gerber so much for trying to imply Beverly ever enjoyed being married to him. that's pretty much the only beef i have with him tbh i respect that man so much but this little writing choice irks me so fucking much
Howard the duck is a love story at it's core Howard x Beverly deniers are cowards
justice for Fifi. i know they brought her back for she-hulk but I think that's really just a different duck dr bong genetically modified to be a french maid. i think originally Fifi did actually die. it does make me terribly sad though
the fact that Beverly's uncle is also called Beverly because his parents wanted a girl but he goes by Lee is the most transgender thing I've ever heard like i get it i get that it's meant to be a joke about how Howard can't escape reminders of Beverly after she got married to bong but like. it's pretty trans to me idc
i don't even know why i started with this but at one point i just decided Howard and Man-thing are ex boyfriends i legitimately have no explanation for this opinion it's just there
i love Bessie the hellcow so much
that's all for now
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weirdcine · 1 year
Maila 'Vampira' Nurmi: 100 anos; a sua incrível história de vida e carreira
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Há 100 anos atrás, nascia a talentosa Maila 'Vampira' Nurmi. Falarei um pouco, de forma resumida e objetiva, sua carreira dela, e contarei algumas histórias de bastidores que talvez não saibam. Maila Nurmi foi uma figura bastante subversiva e importante na cultura dos anos 1950-1960.
Repudiada e ridicularizada por alguns mais conservadores e amada por outros tantos, ela cravou sua estaca no peito aberto do cinema convencional, apelando para o grotesco, a sensualidade, e usando-se de sua imagem insolente quanto aos costumes de mulheres tradicionais de época.
Basta-se dizer isso: Ela é a nossa heroína. E vai além: qualquer um que ame não só a cultura gótica / de terror, e que pense num mundo menos desigual para as mulheres, deve algo à Nurmi.
De nome Maila Elizabeth Niemi, Maila nasceu em 1922, na Finlândia, mas foi criada na cidade de Oregon, nos Estados Unidos da América. A sua família se mudou para Ohio quando ela tinha apenas 2 anos. Ela se formou Astoria High School e posteriormente mudou-se para Los Angeles, na Califórnia, aos 18 anos, em 1940.
A mudança dela não foi por acaso - era a terra da indústria artística e cinematográfica dos EUA. Ela sonhava em ser atriz já desde jovem etinha a esperança de encontrar trabalho na grandiosa indústria de Hollywood, e ela aspirou viés de moda. A jovem Maila trabalhou como modelo para fotógrafos famosos de pin-ups e depois como estilista independente.
No primitivo ano de 1953, a ex-modelo, então com 30 anos, trabalhava como guarda-casacos, atendente e pintava gravatas numa boatezinha, ela marcou presença numa badalada festa em Hollywood com seu então marido, um pregresso ator-mirim que virou escritor e roteirista, Dean Riesner (roteirista de filmes como 'Dirty Harry - Perseguidor Implacável' e 'Perversa Paixão'- 1971).
Ela fez sua própria fantasia de vampira, inspirada em desenhos animados de um cartunista norte-americano chamado Charles Addams (da importante revista artística novaiorquina, The New Yorker) com a Mortícia Addams, e utilizou-se de alguns retalhos de tecidos e panos costurados para fazer a fantasia. Mal sabia ela: aquela festa mudaria para sempre a sua vida.
A festa, é claro, era de Dia das Bruxas, e era organizada pelo coreógrafo Lester Horton. E a fantasia dela foi tão boa que ganhou o prêmio da noite, em primeiro lugar.
Quando perguntada sobre a fantasia, ela respondeu: “...Primeiro eu fiz a fantasia. Comprei um pedaço de tecido por 3 Dólares e 67 cents, na loja The Home Silk Shop, na sessão de sobras. Eu não tinha máquina de costura, então cortei e costurei à mão e fiz eu mesma. Eu usava pó verde claro, com unhas compridas - Fiz meu peito achatado ... de modo que fiquei muito esquelética e verde pálida e lá estava eu”.
Maila deve ter causado na festa com seu perfil chamativo e um tanto quanto exótico, pois após meses, um participante daquela mesma festa ainda não conseguia tirá-la de sua cabeça. Ele era ninguém menos que Hunt Stromberg Jr., um recém-empossado diretor de produção do canal WABC-TV da grande Los Angeles. Na época (há 68 anos de hoje), os filmes exibidos na televisão eram bastante precários, sendo exibidos com pouca ou quase nenhuma frequência, era tudo muito voltado para o cinema.
Os grandes estúdios e canais não estavam muito interessados em cooperar com a telinha – e de fato, a consideravam uma ameaça mortal para o cinema – então, a maioria dos longas-metragens disponíveis eram de produções de qualidade duvidosa (Monogram Pictures , PRC), faroestes insossos e dramas meia-boca.
A ideia de Stromberg era adicionar nada menos que um apetitoso apelo sexual às exibições de filmes de terror ao seu canal em horários noturnos. Ele lembrou-se então da vampiresca Nurmi, mas não sabia sequer o nome dela ou como entrar em contato com a mesma.
Felizmente, o designer Rudi Gernreich a havia conhecido e lembrou-se de seu nome, aí Stromberg a convidou, contratando-a para criar um personagem com inspiração de uma vampira que, no entanto, não infringisse quaisquer direitos autorais ou marcas registradas existentes na data.
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Nurmi, então,começou a trabalhar imediatamente na produção de um visual autêntico para a sua mais nova personagem - mal sabendo ela que posteriormente seria nada menos que uma persona e alter ego seu, sendo batizado por ela, simplesmente, de 'Vampira' - a primeira host (apresentadora de TV) feminina da história do gênero Terror.
Ela utilizou-se de elementos que combinavam desde a Rainha Má de 'Branca de Neve', uma senhora de histórias em quadrinho a até modelos de bondage, muitovendidos sem prescrição, na época. Para exagerar sua cintura já animosa, ela prendeu um amaciante de carne em sua barriga com um tubo interno de borracha bem amarrado. Suas medidas de cintura eram nada menos que 43 centímetros e meio.
Em 30 de junho de 1954, o 'The Vampira Show' estreou e foi um sucesso.
Nurmi logo passou a vestir-se como Vampira sempre que saía de casa. Nesta mesma época, uma forte onda de ações publicitárias então foi feita como estratégia de termômetro e divulgação dela e de seu show. Em 14 de junho de 1954, ela emplacou na famosa revista Life - ainda traremos em nosso blogue na sessão de memorabília.
Em 6 de junho de 1954, a emissora chegou a alugar um conversível preto de aparência fúnebre para promover passeios da Maila pela cidade de Los Angeles - tratava-se de um modelo Packard1932; Ela sentava-se confortavelmente na parte de tras, com seu choffer à frente, onde ela carregava sombrinha e distribuía autógrafos.
Não deu outra, ela logo se tornou uma celebridade nas boates e clubes da grande L.A - principalmente de Jazz.
Eventualmente, a personagem Vampira se tornou tão popular que o canal WABC decidiu se apropriar dela e pediu para Nurmi que a transferisse para eles. Ela não quis, e o seu show de TV foi cancelado em novembro 1954, apenas 8 meses no ar.
Quando sua série foi cancelada em 1955, Nurmi reteve os direitos do personagem e levou o programa a uma estação de televisão concorrente de Los Angeles, mas logo decidiu voltar para Nova Iorque e a Broadway.ANO 1955 — O "FÃ" ENSANDECIDO:
Em 20 de junho de 1955, Nurmi foi vítima e alvo de uma violenta tentativa de homicídio enquanto estava em sua casa. Ela atendeu a porta de seu apartamento e um homem desconhecido forçou a sua entrada e a aterrorizou por duas horas (há quem diga que foram quase 4 horas de tortura).
Ela tentou escapar, mas o homem conseguiu pegá-la e trazê-la de volta para o apartamento, onde disse que a mataria até o amanhecer. Ela acabou conseguindo fugir e chamou a polícia com a ajuda de um dono de uma lojinha nas redondezas, ela a encontrou coberta de hematomas, arranhões e vestindo apenas uma calça rasgada.
Mais tarde o bandido foi identificado: tratava-se de Ellis Barber, um doido quem segundo dizem, era conhecido na região como The Vamp (O Vamp).
Maila Nurmi decidiu então que era hora de voltar para a Califórnia.
Quase na mesma época, Maila conheceu os famosíssimos James Dean e Elvis Presley.
James Dean ficou obcecado por ela e por toda a sua personalidade. O sentimento era mútuo. Eles tornaram-se companheiros íntimos. Segundo relatos, eles iam a cafeteria juntos, conversavam por horas a fio, por diversas vezes praticavam natação noturna juntos e compartilhavam histórias mórbidas. Nurmi era incomparável para James neste aspecto, é fato comum que o ator tinha um fascínio pela morte. Mas apesar de tudo, Maila nunca revelou nada a respeito disso, considerando-o publicamente apenas um "amigo".
O fato é: a mídia babaca - como não podia deixar de ser, associou e culpou Maila pela morte de James Dean num acidente de carro em setembro de 1955, por sua imagem gótica, como se ela fosse uma maldita - ainda abordaremos isso aqui no blogue com maiores detalhes.
Já sobre Elvis Presley, um pouco antes de sua explosão de fama nos anos 70, ele deu um show em Las Vegas, em maio de1956 e lá conheceu a excêntrica Maila Nurmi, aos 33 anos de idade.
Mas já falamos a respeito do encontro inusitado aqui em nosso blogue em: 'O romance oculto entre Elvis e Vampira: Teria ele um fetiche gótico?'
. Ambos foram vistos de mãos dadas em público, trocaram afagos e deram o que falar, mas apesar de tudo, Maila, segundo relatos, ainda seguia muito bem casada com o escritor Dean Riesner - certamente, só uma média.
Maila ainda fez aparições públicas e reprisou o seu papel de sucesso no filme 'Plano 9 do Espaço Sideral', um sucesso trash de 1959 - onde contracenou com Bèla Lugosi e fez uma pequena sessão de fotos com o mesmo — Maila atuou no filme com muitas ressalvas e críticas abertas e públicas, "só pelo dinheiro", mas no entanto, um fato que nem todos lembram (ou contam) é que ela relação com o diretor não era tão ruim ou impossível assim pois ela tornou a atuar para ele no interessante 'Acordei Cedo no Dia da Minha Morte' ("I Woke Up Early the Day I Died", 1998), desta vez Ed Wood como roteirista.
O personagem Vampira já havia sido transformado em folclore e já era considerado icônico na cultura e moda gótica e na 'mitologia popular' desde a época. E ela foi sumariamente copiada pela Elvira (também falaremos sobre isso no futuro).
Maila foi casada três vezes: tendo terminado seu primeiro casamento na segunda metade dos anos 1950, e iniciado seu 2º casamento em 1958 - que não durou muito, e tendo vindo a casar uma última vez no ano de 1961.
ANOS 1960-2008 — OS 30 ANOS FINAIS:
O filme citado acima, 'Acordei Cedo no Dia da Minha Morte', foi o último longa-metragem atuado por Maila. Aos 78 anos, ela desistiu de sua carreira como atriz, tendo sido creditada por 20 títulos - incluindo os shows como host. A face original de Vampira faleceu em 2008 de causas naturais, sem muito glamour ou alardes, aos 85 anos, em sua casa-garagem, em Hollywood. Ela foi enterrada no cemitério Hollywood Forever.
O certo é que hoje, após 100 ANOS de seu nascimento, Maila Nurmi agregou muito. Temos de agradecê-la por contribuir com toda a sua criatividade e por toda uma influência gerada por ela na cultura e por todo o papel corajoso que exerceu numa época de muito preconceito e conservadorismo babaca. Seu centenário não poderia passar batido.
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-'The Monster Show - A Cultural History of Horror' (1993);
- Biografia oficial de Maila Nurmi;
- Horror Obsessive;
- Livro: Entrevista sobre "Vampira: Deusa Macabra do Terror";
- Lista: 50 fotos de Maila Nurmi, a eterna Vampira;
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xprojectrpg · 4 months
This Day in X-Project - January 15
2016: Charles announces that he’ll be away until late Sunday at a conference in Washington. Monica makes a journal entry asking for help in moving rooms. Bobbi lets loose with Warren down south, with some negative consequences.
2017: X-Men Mission: Repent Harlequin, Said the Tick-Tock Man: During the opening of Lowenstein’s new building in New York, an old friend decides to stir up some trouble. With hundreds of people trapped in the building, the X-Men split up into two teams to try to gain access. They face a myriad number of traps and new enemies, but manage to fight their way through and neutralize the threat. Garrison announces to the X-Teams that Lester Verde has escaped before dropping off a special delivery to Julian’s room. Jean and Cecilia have a minor disagreement about a medication Jean wants for her post-mission migraine.
2018: Bobbi and Warren exchange emails and are cute. Sharon emails Marie-Ange and Amanda for help researching the Iraqi super-soldier who is stalking her.
2021: Doug asks Kevin a question about his powers.
2022: Kevin makes sure Darcy is ready to come back and brings her home; Darcy texts Doug to ask if he has plans; Darcy and Doug talk about what happened and cuddle; Darcy lets everyone know she’s back and apologises for her abrupt departure. Namor emails Topaz to require that she tell him about her adventures between dimensions and any possible alternative Atlantises. Arthur emails April to say hello. Hope asks for feedback on her new logo.
2023: Quentin receives an unusual message from his mother, which Clint helps him process.
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Pelis por ver...
Las uvas de la ira (1940)- John Ford
Un hombre llamado caballo (1970)- Elliot Silverstein
Vampiros: los muertos (2002)- Tommy Lee Wallace
Ana de las Tejas Verdes (1985)- Kevin Sullivan
Jane Eyre (2011)- Cary Fukunaga
El hijo (2022)- Florian Zeller
Becoming Jane (2007)- Julian Jarrold
Los bucaneros (1958)- Anthony Quinn
Rob Roy (1995)- Michael Caton-Jones
The dresser (2015)- Richard Eyre
Venus (2022)- Jaume Balagueró
Paradise Hills (2019)- Alice Waddington
Misión: Seguridad máxima (1998)- Harold Becker
Un ratón en la luna (1963)- Richard Lester
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Milano, “Parole al vento”: un piano per l’energia.
Milano, “Parole al vento”: un piano per l’energia.   Si svolgerà a Settimo Milanese la nuova edizione della rassegna “Parole al vento”, ciclo di appuntamenti - a cavallo tra i radio-show e le lezioni-concerto - nel segno della interdisciplinarità tra musica, arti visive e nuovi linguaggi. La manifestazione, il cui sottotitolo quest’anno è “Un piano per l’energia”, è in programma dal 15 marzo al 14 giugno e coinvolgerà, senza distinzione di generi, quattro apprezzati pianisti, quattro protagonisti della musica contemporanea: Umberto Petrin, Francesca Badalini, Michele Fazio e Laura Fedele. “Parole Al Vento” è organizzata da AHUM con il contributo dell’amministrazione comunale, il sostegno dello studio dentistico My Smile, la media partnership del quotidiano Il Giorno e Cheyenne Production e il supporto della Scuola civica di musica Bill Evans, che ospiterà la rassegna. I quattro eventi in agenda, uno al mese (tutti a ingresso libero con prenotazione obbligatoria), sono stati ideati dal direttore artistico Antonio Ribatti come un’occasione d’incontro e di dialogo tra il pubblico e gli artisti: le performance si trasformeranno così in veri e propri racconti-spettacolo, tra aneddoti, curiosità, retroscena e, ovviamente, musica dal vivo. Ci sarà spazio anche per prestare particolare attenzione all’emergenza climatica e alla questione energetica, tematiche da sempre care ad AHUM, che da oltre vent’anni opera nell’ambito della progettazione culturale, con esperienze creative innovative, socialmente responsabili e sostenibili dal punto di vista ambientale (un esempio per tutti: i concerti organizzati al Parco Lago Nord di Paderno Dugnano, alle porte di Milano, in una ex cava estrattiva trasformata in area verde e restituita alla pubblica utilità).   Il primo appuntamento della nuova stagione di “Parole al vento” è in programma mercoledì 15 marzo con “Jazz, soul e altre divagazioni: il jazz e la musica soul-funk anni ‘70/’80”, imperdibile incontro con Umberto Petrin, tra i maggiori pianisti a livello internazionale ma di fatto artista a tutto tondo, appassionato di poesia contemporanea e da sempre interessato a progetti di sincretismo tra musica d’improvvisazione e altre forme espressive quali videoart e, appunto, la poesia. Petrin, che nel corso della sua brillante carriera ha suonato con musicisti del calibro di Steve Lacy, Lee Konitz, Anthony Braxton, Lester Bowie, Enrico Rava, Tim Berne, Han Bennink (e moltissimi altri) e che ha collaborato in teatro con Stefano Benni, Lella Costa e David Riondino, proporrà un programma che affianca composizioni originali a brani soul-funk degli anni ’70 e ’80, alla storica etichetta Motown Records e a formazioni come The Commodores, Chic e interpreti come Diana Ross, Patrice Rushen, Ashford & Simpson e Marvin Gaye, con l’obiettivo di dimostrare che la musica black ha un’unica radice, una matrice blues inconfondibile. Mercoledì 12 aprile, per la seconda lezione-concerto della rassegna, sarà di scena Francesca Badalini, pianista e autrice (ha scritto musiche per opere teatrali e cinematografiche, musical, audiolibri ma non solo) dall’intensa attività concertistica, con il progetto intitolato “Le pianiste compositrici”, un viaggio attraverso i secoli nel mondo della composizione e dell’esecuzione musicale al femminile, spesso misconosciuta. In scaletta pagine di Maria Teresa Agnesi, Fanny Mendelssohn, Lili Boulanger, Meredith Monk e di molte altre artiste. Il terzo appuntamento è con Michele Fazio, pianista e compositore dal tocco elegante, la cui musica è immediatamente riconoscibile per il forte impatto lirico e melodico: mercoledì 10 maggio, il jazzista pugliese, nome di punta della scena italiana, sarà impegnato in un dialogo serrato con il pubblico nel corso del quale, tra aneddoti e racconti, svelerà la sua parabola artistica. Michele Fazio è un talento eclettico, un acrobata (proprio come il titolo di un suo fortunato album, uscito nel 2014) capace di spaziare dal jazz alla classica e di scrivere colonne sonore per il cinema e musiche per il teatro (ha lavorato spesso al fianco dell’amico e conterraneo Sergio Rubini). Infine, per l’ultima data di “Parole al vento”, mercoledì 14 giugno a Settimo Milanese si esibirà Laura Fedele con “Sola con un cane”, ovvero canzoni e dissertazioni tragicomiche sulla solitudine: la pianista e cantante di origine genovese, che si muove con disinvoltura tra jazz, blues, soul e canzone d’autore, dividerà il palco con l’amato Barney, il suo inseparabile compagno a quattro zampe, in uno spettacolo in cui le canzoni si alterneranno ai monologhi, in un gioco ritmico che lascerà spazio anche all’improvvisazione. Il tutto sotto l’attenta supervisione di Barney, il vero “muso ispiratore” di questa divertente e sincera performance artistica.   IL PROGRAMMA: Mercoledì 15 marzo - Umberto Petrin «JAZZ, SOUL E ALTRE DIVAGAZIONI: il jazz e la musica soul-funk anni ‘70/’80»;   Mercoledì 12 aprile - Francesca Badalini «LE PIANISTE COMPOSITRICI: da Clara Schumann a Tori Amos»;   Mercoledì 10 maggio - Michele Fazio «L’ACROBATA: una vita da pianista, dal campetto di calcio ai film di Sergio Rubini»;   Mercoledì 14 giugno - Laura Fedele «SOLA CON UN CANE: canzoni e dissertazioni tragicomiche sulla solitudine». NB: il programma è in continua evoluzione e potrebbero aggiungersi nuove date in altri Comuni del Nord-ovest milanese. Dove: Civica scuola di musica “Bill Evans”, c/o Palazzo Granaio, salone eventi, largo Papa Giovanni XXIII 1, Settimo Milanese (Mi).   Inizio spettacoli: ore 21. Ingresso libero fino a esaurimento posti con prenotazione obbligatoria inviando una mail a [email protected]... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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tabby-shieldmaiden · 2 years
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[ID: Screencap of Wikipedia article which says: Doctor Bong (Lester Verde) is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character possesses an advanced knowledge of genetic engineering, and his bell-shaped helmetcan be struck to create a number of effects. Intended as a parody of Doctor Moreau, he is an archenemy of Howard the Duck.]
Everything about this paragraph is excellent.
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Good to see Byrne kept the tradition of having Fifi be a weird duck furry fetish character... with a panthy shot and everything.
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multiversecarnavep · 3 years
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Howard's first appearance in comics is when he is abruptly abducted from his home planet by an unseen force and randomly dropped into the Florida Everglades by the demon-lord Thog the Nether-Spawn. He meets the Man-Thing, who had been attacked by Korrek of Katharta, and the three of them are confronted by warriors of the Congress of Realities.[22] He then meets Dakimh the Enchanter and Dakimh banishes the warriors and transports Howard, Man-Thing, and Korrek to his castle, where they are joined by Jennifer Kale. They then travel to the realm of Therea and destroy Thog the Nether-Spawn. Howard then accidentally falls off the inter-dimensional stepping stones that the group were traveling on[23] and materializes in Cleveland, Ohio, where he battles Garko the Man-Frog.[24] Howard is arrested at this time for disturbing the peace and is mistaken for a mutant during a strip search, but is released because the police fear he has mutant abilities. Howard also briefly encounters and kills a vampiric cow named Bessie the Hellcow.[25]
Howard makes friends with an artists' model named Beverly Switzler and a bizarre series of encounters follow. He battles Pro-Rata, the cosmic accountant, then meets Spider-Man at the end of the battle.[26][27] He battles Turnip-Man and the Kidney Lady,[28] who would become a semi-recurring character over the years,[citation needed] then learns the fictional martial art of "Quack-Fu".[29] Howard then encounters the Winky Man, who is actually the sleepwalking alter-ego of Beverly's artist friend, Paul Same,[30] who would become a series regular and later become the pair's roommate.[citation needed] Howard also briefly becomes a wrestler.[31]
Howard and Beverly hit the road, seeking shelter in a gothic mansion where they battle a girl named Patsy and her giant, animated-to-life gingerbread man.[32][33] They eventually end up in New York City, where Howard is nominated for President of the United States by the All-Night Party[33] and he later battles the Band of the Bland, alongside the Defenders.[34] A doctored-photo scandal leads him to Canada where he defeats a supervillain, the Beaver, who caused the scandal. The Beaver falls to his death in a battle with Howard.[35] Howard then suffers a nervous breakdown and flees Bev and their situation on a bus. Unfortunately, the bus' passengers are all believers in various weird cults, and try to interest Howard in them. His seatmates are Winda Wester and the Kidney Lady, a woman who believes that the soul of a person lives in their kidneys and attempts to stop anything she sees as "anti-kidney health." After the bus crashes, Howard and Winda are sent to a mental institution. There he meets Daimon Hellstrom, and is briefly possessed by Hellstrom's demonic soul, becoming the new Son of Satan.[36] Beverly and Paul manage to get them both back to Cleveland. Later, while on the S. S. Damned, a cruise ship returning from scenic Bagmom, Howard and Beverly are taken captive by Lester Verde. Verde had known Beverly in college and had a crush on her and had assumed the identity of the supervillain Doctor Bong,[37] who illegally marries Beverly against her will and transforms Howard into a human.[38][39]
After escaping back to New York and being restored to his natural form, Howard is hired as a dishwasher by Beverly's uncle, Lee Switzler. Howard is later reunited with Dakihm the Enchanter, the Man-Thing, Korrek and Jennifer Kale, and they all battle the demon Bzzk'Joh. Korrek pilots the ship the Epoch Weasel and drops Howard back off at Cleveland before he and their allies fly away.[40][41] Howard finally meets up with the cruise ship that rescued Paul and Winda from Doctor Bong, and finds that Paul and Winda have befriended socialite Iris Raritan.
Howard is later kidnapped by the Ringmaster and his Circus of Crime. Winda is abandoned by Paul and Iris and Paul is shot and left in a coma.[42][43] After defeating the Circus of Crime, Howard is plagued by pessimistic dreams and goes his way alone, just as he had at the series' beginning.[44]
Writer Bill Mantlo, beginning with issue #30, returned the series to its former status quo, bringing Beverly back into the picture and having her divorce Doctor Bong. Howard's creator Steve Gerber, who left the series after issue #27, originally intended for Beverly and Bong's marriage to be lasting and for Beverly to be written out of the series from that point on. Howard and Beverly's friend Paul, who had ended up in a coma after he had previously been shot by the Ringmaster, awakens from his coma and is released from the hospital. Beverly's uncle Lee brings everyone back to Cleveland and employs Howard as a cab driver, while Paul, back to being a somnambulist after his release from the hospital, becomes Winda's boyfriend. Howard dons a suit of "Iron Duck" armor made by Claude Starkowitz, a man who has delusions of being related to Tony Stark and dreams of being the personal armorer to Iron Man, and battles Doctor Bong in the final issue of the original 70s Howard the Duck series (issue #31).[45][46] Howard later encounters Dracula[47] and even once returns to Duckworld.[48] At the end of the nine-issue magazine series, Howard leaves Beverly (at her request) and is later offered a genetically-constructed female duck mate, whom he does not take to.[49]
On a later occasion, She-Hulk accidentally pulls Howard though a cosmic wormhole along with theoretical physicist Brent Wilcox and they are able to prevent other universes from crowding out Earth-616. During this time, Howard meets a character called the Critic, travels to a dimension known as the Baloneyverse and again battles a group called the Band of the Bland, whom he had previously battled with the Defenders.[50][51][52]
In an encounter with Peter Parker and Ben Reilly (the then-current Spider-Man), Howard gets a rematch with the Circus of Crime and the Circus is defeated. During the fight, Howard and Beverly get stuck in a warehouse full of anthropomorphic ducks, briefly meeting the Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck. Parker and Reilly leave the warehouse believing that they have the correct versions of Howard and Beverly with them. However, in the Savage Dragon/Destroyer Duck companion story that takes place simultaneously and that was written by Gerber, it is explained that the version of Howard and Beverly that left the warehouse with Parker and Reilly are simply clones taken by mistake and that the real Howard and Beverly actually left the scene with Savage Dragon and Destroyer Duck .[53]
The sorceress Jennifer Kale, in a weekly attempt to return Howard to his home world, inadvertently teleports Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy into her New York apartment. The disoriented dinosaur attempts to eat Howard, but spits him out when shot with John Blaze's hellfire gun. Devil Dinosaur and Moon-Boy then rampage through the city before being subdued by Ghost Rider (Daniel Ketch). Howard says that he relates to the pair being trapped in a world they never made before wandering off.[54][55]
Heroes RebornEdit
After a brief series of adventures with Generation X,[56] Howard gets a job as a department store Santa Claus, which gets him dragged to the North Pole where the real Santa Claus has sold out to HYDRA.[57] Howard goes through several dimensions, apparently through the power of Man-Thing, who can now talk but does not understand this new, unknown ability, and lands on a version of Duckworld where his parents are essentially Ward and June Cleaver, he has a sister named Princess, and he is regarded as a hero because his activities on Earth-616 were recognized by Duckworld's version of Reed Richards. This origin traces the source of these dimensions to be projections from Franklin's mind. Throughout the course of the adventure, Howard has a romance with Tana Nile, culminating in a kiss, after which he apologizes and tells her of his attachment to Beverly.[58][59][60] When Franklin understands that he has shaped all of these worlds, the group finds themselves back in the Man-Thing's swamp. While Man-Thing becomes a self-appointed guardian to Franklin Richards, Howard goes off on his own and is captured by the Cult of Entropy, who wrap him in swaddling clothes.[61] Although last seen in the swamp, Howard states that he was thrown into baggage and transported on a plane. The cult wants Howard because he has part of the Nexus of All Realities, which shattered during Heroes Reborn, inside of him. Man-Thing then enters Howard's mouth, and Howard vomits him back out with the fragment, but Man-Thing is left desiccated and practically dead.[62] Howard then encounters Namor, who thought he had slain Man-Thing, but Howard explains that he would not be lugging his friend's body around if that were the case. Howard sets the Man-Thing down in the water, and he revives during Howard's conversation with Namor. Once he sees that the Man-Thing is alive and well, he bids Namor farewell and says that he is returning to Cleveland.[63]
Years later, back with Beverly, he undergoes further shapeshifting experiences after an accident at a chemical facility of Doctor Bong's. Beverly is hired by Bong's Globally Branded Content Corporation, which manufactures boy bands from protein vats based on the sexual arousal of a focus group of gay men. Attempting to destroy an escapee whom Beverly has taken in, Bong inadvertently knocks Howard into a vat, which changes him, unstably, into a rat.[64] When Howard later showers, he changes his form multiple times before again permanently returning to the form of the giant rat. Verde then goes to the press and claims that his building was attacked by Osama el-Barka ("Osama the Duck" in Arabic). Howard and Beverly are sent back on the road after the junkyard office where they are living is destroyed by a S.W.A.T. team.[65] Denied admittance to every possible shelter due to lack of funds, the pair and their dog find a sign for the Boarding House of Mystery, but are taken to the police station for questioning and strip searches by Suzy Pazuzu, with whom Beverly had attended high school. One of the officers on the case is the same beat cop who mistook Howard for a mutant many years before. Suzy is the inheritor of the doucheblade, which starts to take her over when she wears an enchanted bracelet. In a skirmish, the bracelet is caught by Howard causing him to be the wielder of the doucheblade. The doucheblade causes its holder to grow enormous bare breasts and armor in a parody of Witchblade, and, possessed by this, Howard kills the male lover of a businessman who works with Verde as he and Verde break into Suzy's house.[66]
Arriving at the Boarding House of Mystery, Howard and Beverly encounter Cain and Abel, the latter with a rock stuck in his head that allows him only moments of lucidity. There, they are granted their every wish, including Howard's return to his true form, and Beverly never being poor again, and meet parodies of John Constantine, Wesley Dodds, the Endless, Spider Jerusalem, and Gerber's own Nevada (called Utah), all characters from DC Comics' Vertigo imprint. The downside to the House is that everyone staying there gets their every wish; so Che Guevara can have his revolution, but someone else can easily slaughter him.[67] One tenant, a writer named Mr. Gommorah (a parody of Spider Jerusalem), later takes Beverly and Howard to be on the Iprah show with the topic "Why Women Give It to Men Who Don't Get It", guest starring Dr. Phlip.
Upon leaving the House of Mystery, Howard is once again transformed into an anthropomorphic mouse. It is revealed that Iprah has been merged with an experiment by the Angel Gabriel called Deuteronomy, intended to replace God, because God has been spending all his time in a bar in Hell since 1938. Deuteronomy is a creature half-id and half-superego, while Iprah is an all-ego promoter of self-indulgent pop psychology. Considering her dangerous, Gabriel sends the cherub Thrasher to resurrect Sigmund Freud, whose cigar blasts out half of Thrasher's brains (being immortal, this just makes him act drunk). Iprah destroys Freud, but Howard blasts her with the cigar, separating her from Deuteronomy. Puffing on the cigar, Howard disintegrates and arrives in Hell.[68] He is eventually freed by Yah, a being who claims to be "God".[69]
Civil WarEdit
Sometime later, Howard attempts to register under the Superhero Registration Act during the superhero Civil War, but learns his socially disrupted life has created so many bureaucratic headaches that the government's official policy is that Howard does not exist. This lack of government oversight delights him: "For the rest of my life, no more parking tickets, or taxes, or jury duty. Heck, I couldn't even vote if I wanted to!" In this story, Howard says he was pressured to give up his cigars.[70]
After he defeats the supervillain M.O.D.O.T.’s (Mobile Organism Designed Only for Talking) scheme to control the public through mass media, his attorney, Jennifer Walters, successfully restores his citizenship, including all relevant responsibilities.[71]
Secret InvasionEdit
Howard the Duck is briefly seen as part of the superpowered army gathered to battle invading Skrull forces.[72] He is seen armed with a pistol and wearing a Skrull's hand around his neck.[73] He is later seen kicking a Skrull during interrogation after the invasion.[74] Brian Michael Bendis has commented when asked of Howard: "That character has shown up in six issues I've done, and I've never typed the words Howard the Duck."[75]
Marvel Zombies 5Edit
Main article: Marvel Zombies 5
In Marvel Zombies 5, Howard the Duck of Earth-616 teams up with Machine Man to travel across the multiverse fighting zombies.[76]
Fear ItselfEdit
During the Fear Itself storyline, Howard forms a team called the Fearsome Four with She-Hulk, Frankenstein's Monster and Nighthawk to stop the Man-Thing when he goes on a rampage in Manhattan, due to the fear and chaos he senses on the citizens. They later discover a plot by Psycho-Man to use the Man-Thing's volatile empathy to create a weapon.[77]
Spider-Man: Back in QuackEdit
Howard and Beverly are brainwashed and forced to work for Save Our Offspring From Indecency (S.O.O.F.I.) as Cynical Duck and Swizzle. They promote S.O.O.F.I. at a public speech held for them by J. Jonah Jameson. Spider-Man later interrupts a S.O.O.F.I. indoctrination at the New York Public Library, and Beverly and the other S.O.O.F.I.s see Spidey as a semi-demonic figure and attack him. Spidey escapes with Howard and breaks his brainwashing when Beverly is threatened. Howard quickly explains S.O.O.F.I.'s goals to Spider-Man. As Spider-Man publicly announces his long-standing support for S.O.O.F.I., Howard confronts Bev as she stands beside the Supreme S.O.O.F.I. Howard is able to break through to Beverly, reminding her of their past together. The Supreme S.O.O.F.I. orders the S.O.O.F.I.s to throw the pair into the special Blanditron at Guantanamo Bay, but Beverly keeps them at bay with a whip. Spidey attacks the S.O.O.F.I.s and unmasks the Supreme S.O.O.F.I., while the others escape through their teleporter. Howard states that he believes S.O.O.F.I. will lay low for a while after such a defeat and he also hopes that the group's Florida Everglades base might lead them to meet up with the Man-Thing.[78]
The Ducky DozenEdit
Because of his experience with zombie-infested worlds and his leadership of Machine Man, Howard is chosen as the leader of, as he dubs them, the Ducky Dozen. The team is composed of him, several Golden Age heroes, Dum-Dum Dugan, and Battlestar, who is also a veteran of a zombie incident. Upon entering Earth-12591, the Ducky Dozen fight hordes of zombie Nazis and Asgardians, but suffer grave losses as the team's members are either killed or zombified during the battle. After successfully accomplishing their mission, Howard, Dugan, Taxi Taylor and Battlestar are the only members to survive and return to Earth-616 along with the Riveter, the only survivor of Earth-12591's resistance team, the Suffragists.[79][80]
Wolverine and the X-MenEdit
Howard later teams up with his friend Doop to battle the Robo-Barbarians in Dimension ZZZ. They beat the horde back with nothing but a broken sword, a rubber chicken with nails in it and a gun that shoots bees.[81]
Original SinEdit
After the death of Uatu the Watcher and the activation of the secrets buried in his eye, Howard discovers that he has the potential to be the most intelligent being in Duckworld. After evading a squirrel while driving, he is thrown flying from his vehicle but uses his intellect to calculate a way to land safely in a nearby dumpster.[82]
Back to New YorkEdit
Howard returns to his business as a private eye, working in the same building as She-Hulk, in Brooklyn. One of his first new clients is Jonathan Richards, who hires Howard to retrieve a necklace stolen by the Black Cat. With the help of Tara Tam, his new friend and assistant, Howard manages to recover the necklace. However, on his way to give it back to Richards, he finds himself kidnapped by the Collector and allied with the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape the villain, who was attempting to add Howard to his collection of rare space objects and entities. Upon returning to Earth, Howard is robbed by May Parker, Spider-Man's aunt, and later re-encounters the Ringmaster, who is revealed to have brainwashed the elderly into committing robberies. After recovering the necklace for a third time, Howard is approached by Richards in the middle of his fight against the Ringmaster and Richards reveals himself to be Talos the Untamed, who reveals that the necklace was part of a marginally powerful item known as the Abundant Glove. With help from Doctor Strange, Howard and Tara locate the final piece of the Abundant Glove, but are unable to put it back together when Talos grabs it and proceeds to use it to wreak havoc on the city. Talos is confronted by numerous heroes while Howard and Tara take cover. Howard is able to point out that Tara, who is revealed to possess shapeshifting powers similar to that of a Skrull, could help him defeat Talos. Tara used her powers to impersonate Skrull Emperor Kl'rt (the Super-Skrull), distracting Talos long enough for Howard to snatch the Abundant Glove from his hand. Talos is later apprehended by the Fantastic Four and everything returns to normal.[83]
Afterwards, with the help of new arrival Gwenpool, Howard prevented HYDRA from infecting the world with a deadly virus.[84] He also has a crossover event with The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.[85] Howard the Duck is shown to be living in the She-Hulk's apartment building when Patsy Walker moved out.[86]
Civil War IIEdit
During the Civil War II storyline, Howard the Duck is among the building tenants that learn from Patsy Walker what happened to She-Hulk following the fight against Thanos.[87]
War of the RealmsEdit
Howards last name, Duckson, is revealed in War of the Realms: War Scrolls #1.
Young biochemist Dr. Theodore "Ted" Sallis, a native of Omaha, Nebraska,[28] is working in the Everglades as part of Dr. Wilma Calvin's Project: Gladiator team, which includes Dr. Barbara Morse and her fiancé Dr. Paul Allen, and an assistant named Jim. A Dr. Wendell is later cited as being on the staff after Dr. Calvin is shot.[29] The group is attempting to recreate the Super-Soldier Serum that had created Captain America.[30] Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) #6 revealed that Sallis at one point treated and worked alongside Dr. Curtis Connors shortly after Connors' arm was amputated, driving the research that would eventually transform Connors into the Lizard.
Though warned that the technological terrorist group Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) has been operating in the area, Sallis breaches security by bringing with him his lover, Ellen Brandt (referred to here as "Miss Brandt", but later retconned to be his wife). He destroys his notes to his formula, which he has memorized. Later, he is ambushed by two thugs and learns that Brandt has betrayed him. Fleeing with the only sample of his serum, he injects himself with it in hopes of saving himself. However, he crashes his car into the swamp where scientific and, as Man-Thing #1 later explained, magical forces combine to instantly transform him into a slow-moving plant-matter creature with large, solid red eyes.[31] Unable to speak, and with dim memories, he attacks the ambushers and Brandt, burning and scarring part of her face with an acid that he now secretes in the presence of negative emotions. The Man-Thing then wanders away into the swamp.[32]
Sallis' mind was apparently extinguished, although on rare occasions he could briefly return to consciousness within his monstrous form, as in Doctor Strange (vol. 2) #41 (June 1980), The Defenders (vol 1) #98 (August 1981), and Peter Parker: Spider-Man Annual '99, and even to his human form, as in Adventure into Fear #13 (April 1973), Marvel Two-in-One #1 (January 1974), Marvel Comics Presents #164 (October 1994), and Man-Thing (vol. 3) #5 and 7-8 (April 1998, June–July 1998).
Under writer Steve Gerber, the Man-Thing encounters the sorceress Jennifer Kale, with whom he briefly shared a psychic link and who knew his true identity, in a story arc in Fear #11-13 – the final issue of which established that the swamp had mystical properties as the Nexus of Realities. Through an interdimensional portal in Fear #19, he meets Howard the Duck, who becomes stranded in this reality. The Man-Thing became the guardian of the Nexus, and found himself facing demons, ghosts and time-traveling warriors, while continuing to encounter such non-supernatural antagonists as rapacious land developers, fascist vigilantes and common criminals. He formed a bond with young radio DJ Richard Rory and nurse Ruth Hart. Issue #12's "Song-Cry of the Living Dead Man", about an crazed writer named Brian Lazarus, spawned Gerber's posthumously published 2012 sequel, "The Screenplay of the Living Dead Man", in the three-issue miniseries The Infernal Man-Thing.
In Man-Thing (vol. 2) #1-11 (November 1979 – July 1981), writer Chris Claremont introduced himself as a character in the final issue, as Gerber had in the finale of the first series. Additionally, Claremont temporarily became the Man-Thing after being stabbed to death. His and other characters' deaths were later resolved with the intervention of the War Is Hell series lead, John Kowalski, now an aspect of Marvel Comics' manifestation of Death. In Man-Thing (vol. 3) #1-8 (December 1997 – July 1998), Ellen Brandt Sallis returns to the Citrusville area and encounters a little boy, Job Burke, who is actually the Sallises' son, who had been put up for adoption. Following this series, the story continued in Strange Tales (vol. 4) #1-2, and was projected to continue in the unpublished issues #3-4. Summaries based on DeMatteis' unillustrated scripts appear on the K'Ad-mon and Ellen Brandt pages in Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe.[21][22]
During the "Civil War" storyline, two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents unsuccessfully attempt to register the Man-Thing under the Superhuman Registration Act.[33]
The Man-Thing later appears as a member of the Legion of Monsters alongside Morbius, the Living Vampire, the Werewolf by Night, the Manphibian, and N'Kantu, the Living Mummy.[34] He later gains the ability to speak comprehensibly through the use of the "Universal Language".[35] Phil Coulson subsequently recruits the Man-Thing for his incarnation of the Howling Commandos.[36]
As part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel branding, the Man-Thing appears as a member of S.T.A.K.E.'s Howling Commandos.[37]
During the "Empyre" storyline, Man-Thing falls under the control of the Cotati led by Ventri that were operating in the Savage Land.[38] Doctor Voodoo takes control of Man-Thing to free Matthew and Black Knight. As Matthew and Black Knight fight the Cotati, a Doctor Voodoo-controlled Man-Thing fights the Cotati's control and defeats Ventri.[39] As Doctor Voodoo exits Man-Thing to assist Scarlet Witch after Ka-Zar was stabbed by a Cotati using Black Knight's Ebony Blade, Man-Thing continued the fight against the Cotati. When the Cotati were defeated, Man-Thing takes his leave after being thanked by Black Knight. Ventri claims that what they learned from Man-Thing's energy has been sent to Quoi to fuel the Cotati's invasion.[40]
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Howard the Duck MCU spin-off fancast:
(In case Howard ever gets his own live-action Disney Plus series. It’s definitely not going to be a movie, that’s for sure)
1) Seth Green as Howard the Duck
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2) Daisy Ridley as Beverly Switzler (Howard’s love interest)
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3) Will Ferrell as Lester Verde / Doctor Bong (the main villain)
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4) Pedro Pascal as Ted Sallis / Man-Thing (the tritagonist / Howard’s best friend)
NOTE: Pedro plays Ted before he’s transformed into Man-Thing. Also, if it were up to me, I’d use the R.L. Stine version of Man-Thing where Ted is still sentient and can talk.
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5) Lili Reinhart as Gwendolyn Poole / Gwenpool (one of Howard’s allies)
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imaginaenespanol · 2 years
Buenas. Quería ver con quien me shippearias así que te paso dato sobre mi:
Soy alguien que es amable y creativo.
Mi lenguaje del amor son palabras de afirmación y contacto físico, suelo dibujar mucho y soy alguien muy sensible (Hipersensible a decir verdad).
Le hago cartas a las personas que me gustan y de paso las dibujo
Tengo ojos verdes, pelo corto hasta el cuello marrón, no tengo un cuerpo muy proporcionado, nariz grande (? jaja. Soy de sexo femenino, soy de estatura mediana (ni tan baja, ni tan alta) Labios finos
Soy alguien medianamente introvertido y un poco inseguro.
¡Vaya!, Mi primera solicitud de quién te shippearia me encanta, que bonita forma de despertarme está mañana, jajaja😍, lo único que puedo pensar en tus características y personalidad es en alguien que aún no me atrevo a escribir pero es mi blog y lo haré de todos modos y ese es ¡Vincent Sinclair!:
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•El también es introvertido a si que estarían en la misma pagina, la forma en que conversarian es por tu lenguaje creativo
• La forma en que dibujas hace que mire cada detalle, cada trazo hecho por ti y se quedaría embobado mirando, dándote su aprobación
•Que hablar de las cartas, si va dirigido a él lo leera una y mil veces y poniéndose nervioso en las mismas partes que lo describes a el, nunca nadie le había hecho algo tan generoso y que alguna persona lo vea de ese modo, lo guardara por siempre
• Y si lo dibujas a él es otra cosa, se pondría nervioso y se agitaria algo en su pecho ¿En serio lo ves de ese modo? Por favor, dile que si, necesita mas autoestima 🥺❤️
• Se que es ser hipersensible, a si que el tendría mucha cautela en que su hermano Bo no te moleste, bueno dentro de lo que puede, también se asegurará de que estés a salvó mientras hay gente en el pueblo, no quiere que te rompas por su culpa 🥺❤️
•Si no puedes estar con el, estarás con Lester y Jonsey, estará más tranquilo que si estas con Bo, pero ¿Sola? No por favor, no quiere que te vayas
• A el no le importa que tipo de cuerpo tengas, te hará una estatua de cera si o si resaltando las partes más fabulosas que encuentre de ti (Quizá todo, enserio te adora 😍) eres su musa
• ¿Labios finos? Le encantan y desea que sean solo para el, aunque las primeras veces sea solo su máscara ¿Ojos verdes? Espera ¿No está viendo dos bellas esmeraldas? Es algo exótico y te lo hará saber cómo pueda
• Por Obvias razones, el tambien es inseguro, dale tiempo para que se quite su máscara, no quiere que te espantes, le romperas el corazón, como eres amable y te encanta el contacto físico, llegará un punto en el que el se lo quita y es ahí donde más necesita de tus encantos, quizás hasta lo hagas llorar de la alegría.
•Si tienes mucha curiosidad por su arte hasta te enseñara cómo usar la cera de formas creativas ¡Involucrate! Lo harás feliz 😊
Bueno eso ha Sido todo, espero haberlo hecho bien, si tienen otro solicitud no duden en enviármela ❤️
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