#Let him stay happy:(
uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Little things adults and older people can do to help younger people and children feel included, safe, and respected as an equal individual:
Ask before touching the young person - even for hugs. Ask before you take pictures of them, and let them see photographs of them before they are printed or sent to others (even family).
Apologize when you are wrong
Ask for a young persons thoughts on a subject, then engage with them after they have spoken
Demonstrate behaviour you want to see from them (see: apologizing). Say "excuse me," say "thank you," say "please" to them
Validate their feelings, even if they don't know how to express them just yet
Remember that this is the first time they've been alive, and that you've had way longer to "figure it out"
These are some things I wish other adults remembered when engaging with young folks. We so often forget what childhood felt like and how unfair it all was because we were often awarded freedoms as adults that we never had as children. These kids are equal to adults, and they deserve the same courtesy, respect, kindness, and understanding we give to other adults.
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Hot Take
Heros of Olympus would be so much better if everybody was single.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Siren's Judgment
Whenever someone died, Jason swore that he heard a song. Sometimes at the moment of death, other times during the funeral. But it was always present. He felt that it was calling him.
On one occasion, when Zatanna commented that the veil with the "dimension of the dead" was weak he heard the singing again. And he decided to follow it, perhaps on impulse.
He arrived at a cemetery, where a boy with white hair was singing softly to a grave. A small white sphere rose from the grave and the spirit of a girl formed around the sphere. She was laughing, and dancing around the boy. When the girl disappeared into thin air the boy stared his toxic green eyes at him.
"I was waiting for you Jason Todd" the boy said, not without kindness "I know you're not under my jurisdiction anymore but I'm worried, are you happy here?"
"What do you mean?" Jason muttered in confusion, he felt strangely calm but that only heightened his caution. "Who are you?"
"You can call me Danny" The halfa replied, giving up at keeping his name a secret, he knew that this particular soul was stubborn anyway "I'm the one in charge of taking the souls to the other side, but yours never wanted that, so I need to know, are you happy or no?"
"I don't know," Jason finally answered with a frown, "why do you want to know?"
"It's not important" Danny shrugged "I'll stick around until you figure it out, the veil will be weak for a couple of months anyway."
And with that said Danny stayed next to Jason, becoming visible only to him. The halfa needed to know that letting him revive was not a bad decision. And besides, he had to guide him in the path of the halfas later.
Jason just thought that the ghost of a mermaid was haunting him. He wondered if he should alert someone about that.
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controversialcoven · 24 days
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Text from image:
PONYBOY: Soda… I like someone but I’m scared you won’t like it
SODAPOP: Pony, as long as you’re happy and healthy I don’t care who you love
PONYBOY: Ok, I’m dating curly
CURLY: wassup
SODAPOP, UNDER HIS BREATH: be happy for him be happy for him be h
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hanafubukki · 7 months
Thinking about true love and book 7 again:
True Love is what allowed Malleus to be conceived by his parents and eventually hatched by Lilia.
True love is what put baby Silver to sleep by his parents and woken up by Lilia.
Sebeks parents were able to walk past the line of human and fae, of hundreds of years of animosity, and allowed them to have their children.
Love is what diasomnia is about and love is also what caused the OB to happen.
Love is as destructive and chaotic as it is healing and nourishing 🥹😭💚
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elizakai · 9 months
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An old drawing of them…
I love the amount of stories this dynamic can lead to.
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epicfirestormer · 7 days
Will never get over how Starscream and Skyfire's relationship is always doomed. There's never an iteration of them where they both stay on the same side at the end. They always end up being against each other, tearing each other apart (whether intentionally or not). They always end up losing each other, be it by a snowstorm, by the war, or by death itself. They never receive a happy ending together, one if not both of them is doomed to suffer.
Skyfire is doomed to be an Autobot, by forces out of his control. Starscream is doomed to be an Decepticon, by his own self destructive tendencies. They are both doomed, because of who they are. They always try to save the other, in their own way. But it never works. They are doomed to fail, whether they stay together or not.
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apprentice-s · 11 months
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and somewhere else lance is screaming, begging this stubborn, horrible fighter pilot to stay.
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astraystayyh · 3 months
happy birthday to my hyune. hyunjin who wrote a poem about stay’s eyes and how they shine brighter than any stars. hyunjin who paints old couples because he believes love should be eternal. hyunjin who needs to be chased off the stage by staff because he wants to greet stays longer. hyunjin who always reassures stays that they have a long time left together. hyunjin who reads poetry before bed. hyunjin who writes about love so beautifully as if he is the embodiment of it. hyunjin who says he wants to remain strong as to not hurt stays. hyunjin who says you need to practice with your 200% to show 100%. hyunjin who loves reading books. hyunjin who always tells stays to eat well. hyunjin who wears his heart on his sleeve. hyunjin who started a stay counseling center to listen to stay’s problems. hyunjin who wrote if love is everything, then there is nothing left for me. hyunjin who trained really hard because he refused to be just a pretty face. hyunjin who said that he loves easily, gets hurt easily, regrets easily then repeats the process because isn’t that what life is about. hyunjin who said that the wounds caused by humans are also healed by humans. hyunjin who remains hopeful and loving despite it all. hyunjin who eats with his eyes closed. hyunjin who loves going to art museums. hyunjin who said that there isnt a team that loves each other as much as skz does. hyunjin who said that there should always be a Stray kids before his name. hyunjin who loves so freely and who i love. you grew up so well my hyune 💓 please be happy forever.
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harboretum · 6 months
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Good morning 🍊
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choconoru · 11 months
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I wonder who my favourite character is
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vani-ash · 6 days
Damon corrupting Anawin and making him insane and a killer along with him please please please please please please please please please please plea
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biscuitboba · 6 months
I've talked about this before here, once again thinking about how zoro and luffy have so much trust in each other, that oftentimes they don't even feel the need to worry about each other.
From luffy's side:
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Or Dressrosa
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However, having complete trust in each other ≠ having zero concern for the other person. You can have complete faith in another person but still worry about them and don't want them to get hurt.
Luffy and zoro are confident in each other's abilities, but sometimes (quite often actually) they just can't help but worry... Especially when the other person is right there with them, where they can see the exact moment when they are about to get hurt/already hurt. (Because sometimes it is easier to cling to your faith when the other person's not around)
All im saying is that i love when monkey d. "he (zoro) can pull through anything!" luffy shows his worry-wart side to his first mate:)
Orange town
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Sabaody archipelago
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And of course, Wano
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Also while i'm at it, sometimes people use the moment in alabasta (when zoro's worrying about luffy) to question zoro's faith in his captain's strength. Once again reminding people that when you love/care about someone, you can both have complete utter faith but also can't help but worry about them at the same time. Sometimes one of the two is more dominant than the other one and that's OKAY. At that time it was kinda hard for zoro to suppress his worry-wart side for his captain, but that's FINE. Zoro's concern is VALID and it doesn't mean that sanji has more confidence in his captain's ability more than zoro (because believe me when i say, some people use that particular moment to shit on zoro's faith in luffy while praising sanji's faith in luffy a little too often for my own liking)
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earl-grey-teacake · 1 month
Love the new headcanons for the Baby!Loscar au!! Though the second Logan and Oscar start walking they are going to need leashes or they're going to runaway to find their best friend and get lost in the paddock
Thank you!!!
They will absolutely be leash kids. Kids are curious by nature and they want to explore the world around them with no understanding of consequences. Sure, some may frown upon it saying children aren’t dogs but they are people who have never had a child run into the direction of an oncoming vehicle.
Logan and Oscar are adventurous and bold, which is great for karting. It is not great for their parents’ blood pressure. There is a limit of how many times Oscar or Logan can book it out of hospitality before someone puts their foot down. Learning how to walk is one thing but walking and being able to open the doors of their rooms and playpens is another.
At the first the parents frowned upon it with Carlos and George saying their children were not dogs. That sentiment quickly changed when Logan booked it across the parking lot and almost gets hit by Toto’s Mercedes. Now since it was a parking lot, the car speed tends to be slower but that did not help anyone’s blood pressure that day.
So Logan and Oscar get little leash backpacks, bear and koala respectively. Logan tries to fight it like all toddlers do, kicking, yelling, rolling on the ground but his parent’s will not budge. He does give up, and relents to bring on a leash. No matter how cutely Logan begs and clings, neither James nor Toto or Jenson will free him from it.
Oscar does not kick or scream but he will lie on the floor in protest until his parent pick him up and carry him. He also gives in once he realizes no one will take pity on him. He has tried to run to Williams a couple times but was stopped by McLaren staff and Andrea Stella who carried him back like a sack of potatoes.
The other drivers vary on levels of amusement. Alonso and Max find it hilarious, especially when the kids try to book it while attached to the leash. Lewis feels bad for the kids but he was there when Logan almost got hit by Toto’s car so he doesn’t feel that bad. Charles almost frees them a couple times because they plead with him to but is quickly stopped by others.
Thank you for the ask!!! I know it took me a while to answer 😅
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itsrainingbubbles · 2 months
Back in saboady, Luffy and law went on an amusement park date idc about canon this happened because I need them to attempt to win each other plushies only to fail miserably so they stole them and spent a good half an hour running away and then they had to find somewhere else to take their date
Btw the date happened because luffy ran into law and thought he was pretty and he told him so and asked him on a date, law was stunned but figured why not? Besides he'd be lying if he said he didn't think Luffy was pretty cute himself
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bi-the-wei · 3 months
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A rough sketch of Lan Wangji as he is in my magic AU story A Stay of Execution.
I'm like a 3rd of the way done writing the first full chapter of this story, but I do have the prologue up on my Ao3 already, as well as a several years old "scene dump" with various moments that I was kinda laying out for the story that may or may not make it into the actual fic. Let me know if anyone wants to see this cleaned up and colored? And I can give you the link to my Ao3 as well if you're interested.
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