#Years before he sang for Jason
nelkcats · 1 year
Siren's Judgment
Whenever someone died, Jason swore that he heard a song. Sometimes at the moment of death, other times during the funeral. But it was always present. He felt that it was calling him.
On one occasion, when Zatanna commented that the veil with the "dimension of the dead" was weak he heard the singing again. And he decided to follow it, perhaps on impulse.
He arrived at a cemetery, where a boy with white hair was singing softly to a grave. A small white sphere rose from the grave and the spirit of a girl formed around the sphere. She was laughing, and dancing around the boy. When the girl disappeared into thin air the boy stared his toxic green eyes at him.
"I was waiting for you Jason Todd" the boy said, not without kindness "I know you're not under my jurisdiction anymore but I'm worried, are you happy here?"
"What do you mean?" Jason muttered in confusion, he felt strangely calm but that only heightened his caution. "Who are you?"
"You can call me Danny" The halfa replied, giving up at keeping his name a secret, he knew that this particular soul was stubborn anyway "I'm the one in charge of taking the souls to the other side, but yours never wanted that, so I need to know, are you happy or no?"
"I don't know," Jason finally answered with a frown, "why do you want to know?"
"It's not important" Danny shrugged "I'll stick around until you figure it out, the veil will be weak for a couple of months anyway."
And with that said Danny stayed next to Jason, becoming visible only to him. The halfa needed to know that letting him revive was not a bad decision. And besides, he had to guide him in the path of the halfas later.
Jason just thought that the ghost of a mermaid was haunting him. He wondered if he should alert someone about that.
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mydearlybeloathed · 6 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you decided to create a real life frosty the snowman for estelle blofis, a regular camp visitor. it goes... unexpectedly.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jason grace x fem!boreas!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6k (wow)
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: child of boreas reader, female reader, snowmen, ethically ambiguous magic, more plot than fluff im sorry, tooth rotting fluff towards the end, daddy issues i think maybe, serious angst ngl, i will never be normal about jason grace, canon who?
𝐚/𝐧: this had no reason to be so emotionally taxing but here we are
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Being the boyfriend of a Boreas kid meant two things happened every night: one, sneaking you in from your lonely cabin to his lonely cabin, and two, sleeping with nearly a hundred different blankets. 
Normally, he fell asleep easy despite the chill, but there was a lot of work waiting for him back New Rome. Jason knew this holiday at Camp Halfblood was only making that work pile up, but he tired, so he didn't care just yet. He could let the anxiety catch him after Christmas. Plus, the longer he was away from work the longer he was with you.
Jason had been away doing Roman things for at least two months, and Iris Messages and the occasional phone call weren’t cutting in anymore; despite your cold shouldered father, you were as clingy as all get out. Not that Jason minded (he was clingy too).
The next fall of New Rome University couldn't seem to get there any slower. You were both going to be there, thank the gods.
Jason started to grin at just the thought, his eyes skimming all over your peaceful face as you breathed in and out slowly. The two of you were practically buried under all the blankets, and he would have been miserably hot if it weren’t for his amazing cooler system of a girlfriend.
“You’re staring,” you suddenly sang out softly, a mischievous smirk taking your face.
Jason’s heart sped up. “I thought you were asleep.”
“Creep,” you mumbled.
He reached over to caress your cheek, tucking some stray hairs behind your ear. You leaned into his touch and twisted in the blankets, wrapping your arms around his middle and nuzzling into his chest.
He pressed a light kiss to your hairline and rested his arm on your waist. “What’s up?”
“Just thinking.”
You blinked blearily up at him. “Christmas. I’ve been working on something.”
“Care to share?” Jason had known you long enough to know you were serious about Christmas surprises. This time of year your powers were strongest, and you always took advantage of that.
You lightly patted his chest and snuggled deeper into bed. “Mhmm. When it’s ready. Can’t let anything get out or else Mr. D will so shut it down.”
Jason was officially intrigued. “What exactly… never mind. I'd rather sleep easy.”
You leaned up to kiss his jaw. “Good choice.”
He caught your lips before you could get back to sleep, cupping you cheek in his hand and drawing you close for an everlasting moment. The thundering mosaic on the ceiling was as annoying as ever, and he swore he could feel the statue of his dad staring holes into him. 
So Jason pulled the pile of covers up to hide the two of you away, thriving off your little giggle as he pulled you in once more.
A week till Christmas, and you finally felt ready to cast the enchantment. Giddiness ran through your whole body all morning, along with some nerves, of course.
It all began when you heard Chiron reading a story to some of the littler campers. They were year rounders and were feeling homesick, whining and crying so much their counselors couldn't get anything done. So, he read to them, taking some Christmas storybook from Athena Cabin and frantically narrating the tale of Frosty the Snowman.
You’d been coming by to drop off some paperwork from your well-enough paying job in the Big House, lamenting being unable to find a suitable gift for Percy's little sister Estelle. She'd be coming to camp for the Christmas Day bonfires with her mother and father, and you had yet to find something she would like.
As you dropped off your papers you heard the older of the littles cry out that she wished it would snow in camp. Another then exclaimed he wished they had their own magic snowman.
Mr. D was in the next room over, promptly laughing and popping the kids dream bubble. You weren’t having that, not one bit. And suddenly, you had your perfect gift.
The only reasonable solution was to learn how to create a magic snowman.
(Jason would later call you crazy, which is basically a declaration of love, you think.)
You sat alone in the dim lighting of your cabin, which you shared with no one but the dust bunnies. Boreas didn’t really hoe around much, which you supposed was nice, aside from the fact that it left you no roommates. Nights used to get lonely before you and Jason started saying fuck to the rules.
Little snowflakes danced around your palms before they went spiraling into the air and exploded into dozens of flurries. Slowly, bit by bit, the snow started to pile up all around you, creating a blanket of white across the floor. You had the snow down, now, you just had to trust you had your sorcery skills down.
A knock on the cabin’s skylight startled you. 
You smiled, calling up, “What’s the password?”
“Jason has the coolest girlfriend ever.”
“Not quite.”
There was a sigh. “Shiver me timbers.”
“Access granted,” you sang in reply, an all too satisfied smirk planted on your face.
The skylight creaked open, letting in the moonlight as well as your boyfriend. He shivered instantly. No matter how high you set the thermostat, the Boreas cabin was always freezing. Not that it ever bothered you, anyway.
A snow flurry landed on his nose, sending Jason into a sneezing fit. “Still working?”
“Mhmm.” He watched as you tried and failed to hide a yawn.
A little smile sprouted on his face as he rolled his eyes. “All right. Bed time.”
You shot him a glare. “Don’t baby me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, but I’m afraid I can’t sleep without you,” he said softly, holding out a hand with such a pretty look in his eyes. If he kept on looking at you like that, you might as well fall in love with him already.
“Fine,” you sighed, plopping your hand into his and letting him haul you to your feet. “Only because you can’t function without me.”
You wrung your arms around his neck and flushed yourself against him, his arms tight around you and a cute blush in his cheeks. 
A light breeze kissed your cheek as he rose off the floor, keeping one arm around your waist while the other pushed open the skylight. 
“Air Jason, taking off,” you said, doing your best to mimic a pilot’s microphone and failing miserably. Jason loved it though, an airy laugh bubbling from his lips as the night air met the pair of you with no regret.
“You’re such a dork,” he muttered into your ear, eliciting a poke to the ribs from you. Jason dropped a few feet in the air and nearly sent you into cardiac arrest, a scream leaving you as your legs clambered to wrap around his waist. 
Jason was laughing for gods’ sake, shushing you as he picked up speed to reach Cabin One before the harpies caught you. “Sorry, sorry.”
In through the open window and down to the floor, the wind carried you all the way, a soft caress on your skin as if the air meant to comfort the two of you. You were going to ask him if he felt it too when a wave of exhaustion found you, and you started to lean into Jason, not letting him go even when your feet touched the ground.
He rubbed gently circles into your back, his chin coming to rest on your head, eyes closing. You were cold to touch, as always, but Jason would gladly get frostbite just to hold you forever. 
Eyes soft, you caught corners of glittery lights in your peripheral, turning to find a Christmas tree that had definitely not been there a few hours ago. A smile split onto your face as you rushed up to it, admiring the rainbow lights and mismatched ornaments. 
Jason must’ve gone through the Big House attic to find all these. You picked off an ornament of Olympus, a selfie of a smiling Apollo and a less than pleased Dionysus staring out from the little city of the gods. 
“It’s perfect,” you said, spinning back around to find Jason there. 
He had that look in his eyes. You know, the one that takes all the air out of you and leaves you craving nothing more than his very presence. “One more thing.”
You followed his gaze to the ceiling, lip slipping between your teeth to contain your smile. “Mistletoe?”
His hand came to cup your cheek, eyes dipping low. “Hey, I don’t make the rules.”
How could you argue with that? Without warning you lurched forward and sent Jason stumbling back, lips meeting his in a feverish moment.
Dawn was encroaching on the camp. 
There was barely a noise all across the Long Island Sound, aside from the sea meeting land, the ruffling of the harpies’ feathers, and the contented snores coming from each cabin. In the stables the pegasi huffed and dealt with the faux antlers stuck to their heads. Mr. D sat snoring in a rocking chair on the Big House deck. 
The tall and proud Christmas tree at the center of camp stood looming over Hestia’s fire. Her warm face could be spied through the flickering flames, if one looked close enough. Beneath the tree’s branches were boxed gifts, some from attentive godly parents, but most placed there by Chiron (he never bothered correcting the campers when they assumed Santa Claus came in the night).
Garlands and wreaths hung from every doorway. Mistletoe was easy to find from the awnings of the Aphrodite Cabin. Poinsettias bloomed over the rooftop of Demeter’s Cabin. The smell of cookies and candy canes wafted out from the camp kitchens, the dryads tossing bits of flour and sugar at each other as they prepared something special.
It was a Camp Halfblood Christmas if you’d ever seen one.
The only thing missing was snow. 
You stood on the hilltop overlooking the center of camp, embracing the December chill. The magical borders prevented outside weather from affecting the camp, but they did nothing to stop weather coming from the inside. 
Flexing your palms and shaking them out, you let out a breath that crystallized in the frigid air. The water in the air bended to your will, the clouds gathered at you command. You didn’t pretend to understand weather and the science of it all, you just knew that when the water in the clouds got cold enough…
Your concentration was unrelenting even as the first few snowflakes drifted down from above, following the current of air down the valley of camp. You would need a lot more than that. Glancing at the sun peeking up over the horizon, you pushed past your growing fatigue.
There would be snow that Christmas Day if you had anything to do about it.
Jason noticed right away that the familiar warmth of your freezing body was missing from his side. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he rolled over and noticed that your shoes weren’t at the foot of the bed. 
The whole cabin was freezing, but without you, it was just getting on his nerves. He was ready to get up, throw on a coat, and maybe just start yelling your name to find you wherever you’d run off to.
That was when he looked out the window. Jason’s jaw slacked, his eyes pleasantly wide and bright as a laugh tore out of him. He jumped up and didn’t bother with shoes as he flung open the cabin’s door and ran into the snow.
Everywhere a white layer of snow sat heavy on benches, picnic tables, the cabins—nothing was safe from this Christmas Day miracle.
He laughed again and raked his hands through his hair. So this is what you’d been working so secretively on. Jason really should have guessed sooner. 
The sound of boots in the snow caught his attention and he glanced over to see Piper hurling a snowball at Leo’s head. Leo sputtered when the snow hit his face, a sly grin all over his face.
Piper laughed behind her hand and noticed Jason struggling to pull on sneakers in his doorway. She dodged a melty snowball from Leo’s warm hands and jogged toward him. Her voice was tangled with a smile. “Did you know she was planning this?”
“Nope,” he said, popping the p. All around camp kids were racing outside, slipping on the icy snow and tossing on any warm clothes they could find. You were still nowhere to be seen. “Have you seen her?”
Piper shook her head and made to say something when a handful of snow was dumped down the back of her shirt. She gasped and whirled around, shivering despite the hot anger in her eyes, and took off after a cackling Leo without another word. 
Snickering, Jason took another look around, sighing when he couldn’t see you in the midst of excited campers. 
He turned around to go grab a jacket when a soft noise caught his attention. Some kind of grunting, followed by a startled yelp. Jason started to smile. He’d know that sound anywhere. He followed the noise around the side of his cabin, tilting his head at the sight.
You were red in the face, using all your might to roll a giant ball of snow, struggling to say the least. Estelle was standing by with rapt attention, excitement written all over her face. 
Jason went to stand beside Estelle, kneeling to be at her height. He leaned in to stage-whisper, “Do you think she needs some help?”
You looked up, stopping in the process of pushing your back against the snow, huffing and puffing through your glare. Estelle giggled. “Probably.”
He saw it in your face; you wanted to flip him off, only refraining given the current company. Estelle’s eyes gleamed up at him along with a bucktooth smile. “We’re building a snowman!”
“We?” you huffed, tucking your hair out of your face and behind your ears. “I didn’t know we were pronouncing my name as we now.”
Estelle rolled her eyes. “I’m supervising.”
“Honestly, I think ‘Stelle’s doing the heavy lifting,” Jason teased.
You sighed and turned to face your work. “That’s one layer. Jason, you do the middle.”
Still grinning, he was going to protest before doing exactly as you said, when a voice echoed across the lawn. One of the Stolls (Jason knew they were a few years apart but he still could never remember which was which) was approaching, a snowball in hand.
“Yo, Y/N!” he called. “It’s getting a little soggy over here!”
You smiled like this wasn’t the first time someone had had this complaint, wasting no time in cracking your neck and splaying out your hands.  A cold rush of wind enveloped you, a firm crease in your brows, before the another wave of snow rained down from the clouds.
The Stoll brother shouted his thanks, and you meant to offer a smile when suddenly the world got tipsy, everything going black for a split second as you teetered off balance. Jason’s heart dropped and he rushed to your side, steadying you against him.
“Hey, hey, you with me?” 
You blinked blankly, though you nodded despite the greenish tint in your cheeks that was quickly fading. Still, Jason wanted nothing more than to sit you down and cast lighting upon anyone who tried to use you like a snow machine again. 
“I’m fine,” you assured him, gaining your color back. “Just a bit tired keeping all of this up.”
Estelle was attempting to finish the snowman on her own, promptly falling face first into the snow and sputtering to her feet. You giggled at her expense, not realizing you were still leaning mostly on Jason.
He wasn’t done questioning. “How long did it take to cover the whole camp?”
“Oh, uhm.” Your brows drew together, lips pursed. “A few hours. No big deal.”
You broke away from Jason and went to help Estelle roll along another giant snowball, casting Jason a reassuring smile. He let out a sigh and tried to let it go, going to help with the snowman construction.
The three of you finished the three layers of the snowman’s body, and Estelle ran off to collect the decorations and came back with a box, her brother, and her brother’s girlfriend.
Percy held Estelle on his shoulders, the box of supplies in Annabeth’s arms. You wiped your brow and smiled so brightly upon spying them, that Jason nearly forgot you’d been focusing on continuing the snowfall all along, slowly draining yourself. 
Before he could call you out you sprang to your feet and went to pick the carrot out of the box. Annabeth chuckled and said, “I had to fight Blackjack for that.”
“Aww,” you hummed through a giggle. “Poor guy.”
Percy scoffed. “Please, he gets enough carrots. He could spare us at least five.”
Before you even had the chance to reply Estelle had jumped up to swipe the carrot from your hand. A response was barely on you lips when she nearly toppled the whole snowman over trying to stick the nose on its blank face.
You sighed and went to help her, scooping your hands under her arms and lifting her so she could reach its face. 
The morning went by as Piper and Leo approached the finished snowman with hot cocoa in hand. Piper sported a grin as she looked at you and said, “Mr. D is furious.”
“I hoped so,” you said. 
As Piper knelt to talk to Estelle you once again chose to ignore the weightiness in your shoulders, swallowing thickly to deal with your drying throat, and walked to the near empty box. Inside was a top hat you’d been saving for last. This was what the practice was leading up to.
“Hey, Stelle,” you called. Jason came to your shoulder, brows drawn, and you shot him a smirk. “Have Percy help you put the hat on top.”
She needed no more asking, taking her brother’s hand and dragging him to the snowman. Percy lifted her just as you had, and as Estelle rested the silk top hat on the snowman’s head, you held out a hand, worked some Boreas kid magic, and sent up a prayer to your dear old dad. A flurry of snowflakes shot out from your palm and right to the heart of the snowman.
You waited on bated breath as Estelle’s boot crunched back to the snowy ground, your gaze locked on the unmoving creature of snow. One second, then two, then three, until a minute passed. Estelle ran back to Annabeth and started ranting about something, Percy right behind her as he slung an arm around Annabeth’s shoulders. Piper and Leo engaged in another snowball fight, hot cocoa discarded on the ground.
And the snowman stood still. Your lips pursed with confusion and frustration. Jason appeared beside you again, looking from you to the snowman. “What’re we glaring at Frosty for?”
“Nothing,” you dismissed with a forced grin. You let out a sigh and intertwined your fingers with his, pressing a swift kiss to the back of his hand. “Wanna head inside? You’re shivering.”
He shook his head and slipped an arm around your waist. He was warm and soft and despite how much you loved the cold, you’d never get tired of it. But you couldn’t focus on that right now; you were too disappointed. 
That was until he tried to lead Jason back to his cabin anyway, and your boyfriend had a full stop, his eyes slightly horrified while also mystified. Brows pinched, you were on the verge of asking what was wrong when his hand gripped your chin. You flushed deep red at the action, another rush of warmth hitting you, but then Jason was turning your head to follow his line of sight.
A bright laugh escaped you. There, made of snow, two button eyes, and a carrot nose, was Estelle’s snowman. But now, he was living and breathing, the little twig eyebrows on him drawn taut as he examined himself, looking at himself tree branch arms. 
The lot around you stood in shock, looking from you to your creation. You laughed again quite like a mad scientist, and dropped Jason’s hand to slowly approach the snowman.
“Hello,” you said, and he considered you with a blank button stare, the line of chocolate chips making his mouth curved down into a frown.
“What am I?” he asked you, dropping his arms to his sides. He looked very contemplative for a snowman.
“A snowman,” you answered brightly. 
The snowman hummed. His voice was soft, reminding you of the sound of crackling fire. Ironic. “I don’t think I’m meant to be alive. I feel… odd.”
Your smile started to fade, and you glanced back at your friends for help. Estelle stood awestruck, slowly stomping through the snow to stand at your side. She took your hand and looked up at the snowman with shining eyes. 
The snowman looked back at her, going quiet. “Hello.”
Estelle started to smile. “Hi. My name’s Estelle, and this is Y/N. Those are our friends.” She jabbed a thumb back at the others. “Oh, do you have a name?”
He seemed to turn thoughtful, nodding. “I believe it was Perseus.”
Estelle let out a tiny gasp. “That’s what I called you! In my head!” She turned to you in complete and utter amazement. “How did he know that?”
You could only shake you head with a smile, squeezing her hand. “I dunno. Magic?” You couldn’t help but laugh once more, casting a glance up at the sky. The wind brushed through your hair, feeling oddly like a father’s hand ruffling a daughter’s hair.
You’d never met your father, but you doubted he was a cold as the weather.
Percy, Annabeth, Leo, and Piper came to admire the snowman, introducing themselves as he assessed them one by one. Jason hooked an arm around your waist, pulling you side against his, and you practically melted onto him. Your legs felt a tad bit weak.
He pressed a lingering kiss to your temple, whispering in your ear. “You astonish me.”
A smile split onto your face as you turned to kiss his cheek. Percy started to laugh as he looked upon the snowman. “Perseus the Snowman, huh?”
Perseus was holding Estelle’s hand as she rattled on about camp and how cool her big brother was and all about the Greek gods. Perseus listened with unabashed attention, the crease in his twig brows alluding to his curiosity. 
Annabeth sidled up to you, unsure how to phrase her question. “Do you… Well, was this smart?”
You gave her an odd look. “What do you mean?”
The wise daughter of Athena settled you with her seriousness. “He’s snow… you can’t keep him that way forever.”
Her words rattled you to your core, and for once, you felt the chill of December.
Morning passed to evening, and you stayed stuck to Jason’s side more by exhaustion than by choice. Not that you minded, but the jelly feeling in your legs was less than pleasant. It took some work to ward off the curious campers from bombarding Perseus, who proved to be a rather anxious snowman. 
Christmas Day passed by answering the endless questions of a snowman, explaining everything he could ever want to know. 
Piper and Leo had gone off to lead ornament making with their respective cabins, being head counselors and all, and Percy and Annabeth went to make an obligatory holiday call to the latter’s father. Leaving only you, Jason, Estelle, and Perseus. 
The four of you were at a picnic table close to the woods, the demigods sat atop the table and the snowman rolled up to the side. 
Your energy was slowly but surely coming back to you. With the sun crossing the sky and starting to descend, the need for snow was waning. You hadn’t had a demand for a few hours, and to be honest, you were grateful. Your eyes felt droopy and your shoulders ached. You wanted to sleep, but you had one more thing to keep focused on: Perseus the Snowman. 
Jason drew gentle shapes on your hand, letting you lay your head on his lap as Estelle told the harrowing tale of how Percy defeated Clarisse La Rue in his very first game of capture the flag.
You were having trouble looking at your snowman. From what he said when Estelle let out a yawn, he knew exactly why.
“Look at that,” he said, drawing everyone’s attention. His button eyes swept across the lawn of camp, where the snow was melting into the grass under the heat of the setting sun. His eyes turned to you, then. “You’re letting it all melt.”
You sat up and crossed your legs, resting your hands in your lap. You blinked at him, a tug on your heart. “Yes.”
He could only stare back at you. “You’re keeping me, though.”
Perseus was very perceptive for a snowman. You smiled at him. “We’re not done talking to you.”
He smiled back. “That’s true. And when we’re done talking?”
Estelle was looking between all of you, a confused purse in her lips. Jason cleared his throat and asked her to get him earmuffs from his cabin. She nodded and ran off, nearly tripping over herself. You sent him a look. “You don’t own earmuffs.”
“Oops,” he murmured through a grin. Perseus was watching the pair of you almost fondly.
You turned back to him and searched for the words to say, but it was all lost on you. Jason continued to rub soothing circles into your skin. All the words you knew suddenly boiled over. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think what would happen when… You know.”
Perseus shifted around, a gentle chocolate chip smile on his face as he took in the scenery. “Don’t be sorry. I’m happy to have lived.”
“But… you’re going to die,” you couldn’t help but say, as if he needed reminding.
He didn’t. That much was clear by his smile. “Don’t be sorry,” he echoed. “I’ll be happy to die. Snowmen aren’t meant for longevity.” 
Your throat constricted. “It’s all my fault. I wasn’t thinking.” 
“You were thinking of Estelle,” he said. “I’ve made her happy. I’m perfectly fine with melting.”
You cupped a hand over your mouth and averted your eyes just as Estelle came sprinting back, chest heaving as she lamented being unable to find any earmuffs.
“It’s cool, Stelle,” Jason said, forcing a smile. 
She plopped back down and huffed, looking to Perseus, then the sunset. Perseus glittered in the light, and it took you far too long to realize it wasn’t glitter, but dew. 
Estelle, angel she is, noticed it too. “Perseus, are you melting?” Before he could even think to answer she was turning on you, a fire in her gaze. “Make him better.”
You would—gods, all of Olympus knew you would, if only you weren’t exhausted. You gaped like a fish, squeezing Jason’s hand. Perseus the Snowman shook his head. “No, there’s no need.”
He reached out a wooden arm and she gently wrapped her little fingers around the splintered edges of his crooked hand. “I don’t fear death.”
Estelle’s jaw hung slack for an everlasting moment. “Well, I do! Y/N, do it.”
Jason tensed and snapped, “Stelle, that’s not fair.”
She didn’t seem to care in the slightest. 
“Estelle,” Perseus drew her attention back to him. “You’ll make more snowmen.”
She shook her head hopelessly, eyes going glassy. “No, I won’t. I won’t ever make another snowman.”
“How sad,” said Perseus. “Never?”
Estelle wiped her nose on her sleeve and looked at the ground. “Maybe, not never.”
The snowman started to smile again. His button eyes roamed over them all, stopping on the sky, and he sighed. “What a wonderful day to be alive.”
You turned your face so no one would see you crying. Jason's hold on your hand was the only thing sobering you up enough to remain on the picnic table, watching the sunset with your snowman.
The god Astraeus painted the sky with vibrant yellows, pinks, and oranges in a sunset to rival all others. It was too beautiful. Perseus kept his blank gaze settled on it alone, his hand still in Estelle’s. You and Jason sat rigid behind them as time ticked away. 
The moon rose expectantly to take its place as the sun started to hide under the horizon. The yellows and pinks made way for the dark blue of night creeping in. Only then did Perseus shift his gaze back to Estelle. “I’m ready now.”
A crease grew in your brow when Estelle nodded, understanding what you did not, and she stood up on the table to reach over Perseus’ head. With shaky hands she reached for his hat, glancing down at him, worrying her lip between her teeth.
All Perseus did was smile. “Merry Christmas.”
The little girl took in a wavering breath. “Merry Christmas.” And she removed the hat, lifting it off his head, and in an instant all hints of emotion left the snowman. Nothing changed at all, but each of you could see it; those buttons held life behind them no longer. 
You bit down hard on your lip. “How did you know that would work?”
She shrugged, setting the hat down on the snow. “I didn’t.”
The sound of footfalls on the snow had you turning around. Chiron approached, a sorry look in his eyes, and he stopped a few feet off. “Everyone has gathered around the tree.”
You took Estelle’s hand in yours, steeling yourself and offered her a smile that she slowly returned. Jason moved to walk at your side as you followed Chiron to the center of camp. The tree lit up most of camp, stretching high and out.
Campers were singing off key here and there. A pair of girls was caught under the mistletoe, one laughing awkwardly before the moon eyed one swooped in for a gentle peck on her lips. Gifts were being exchanged. Snow balls were thrown. A snowman was being built by some younger Hermes kids too.
“Hey!” Percy called out, cheeks flushed as he sipped on his apple cider. One arm was slung around his girlfriend who was talking in low voices with Thalia. The lot of your friends were gathered around one of the many little fires scattered around the lawn.
He offered you and Jason each a blue gingerbread man, grinning ear to ear. “Mom made ‘em.”
You looked around for Mrs. Blofis and found her at a nearby table, handing out marshmallows for roasting with Mr. Blofis at her side. Mr. Blofis wasn’t doing much handing out, instead in what seemed to be a deep conversation with Mr. D. The god of wine was gesturing wildly as he regaled some kind of story.
All was well. All was calm. You found it in yourself to actually smile. 
Guilt wasn’t very far, wondering truly what you had been thinking bringing a snowman to life, when a particularly harsh bout of wind blew all your hair into your face. You sputtered through a giggle and swiped your hair to the side, your voice faltering when you caught sight of a man standing on the outskirts of the bonfires and chatter.
It couldn’t be. You stepped away from Jason and the rest, approaching the stranger. He stood tall, with a suit that glittered like snow. Two purple wings arched from his shoulder blades. What could your father want with you on Christmas?
“Hi,” you said, not sure where to start.
He stirred like he was uncomfortable. “Yes, hello, daughter.”
You had the heart to grin. “Merry Christmas.”
Boreas nearly scoffed before he corrected himself with a nod. “You as well.”
The silence to follow was tense. You motioned with your hand vaguely. “Is there a reason you’re here?”
You weren’t sure how to feel about meeting your father. You’d imagined this moment countless times, but it all led up to this anticlimactic reveal that was more amusing than aweing. 
“There is,” he huffed. “I thought I would let you know your little magic act didn’t harm anything.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, heart dropping.
“I mean that the snowman is not dead,” Boreas informed you. “The snowman itself was never alive, I suppose. I’m impressed, I should say. You managed to catch a snow spirit and wrangle it into that snowman. Normally, snow spirits don’t get lives… You did a good thing, I suppose, giving that spirit one. He remembers it all. Perseus, as you called him, is living free and wild, as a snow spirit should be.”
You hadn’t realized your eyes were watering, relief coursing through you. “Oh, thanks gods. I’m not murderer.”
Boreas chuckled softly. “You’re not.” He averted his eyes, raising a hand and pausing, unsure, before he settled it on your shoulder and met your eyes. “I’m… proud of you. I don’t have many children. You’re certainly one I don’t regret.”
You blinked up at him, reaching to awkwardly pat his forearm. “Thanks, Dad.”
He nodded stiffly, backed away, and with a last Merry Christmas, he vanished in a flurry of snowflakes. One landed on your nose and gave you an ever rare shiver.
Jason’s arm wrapped around you, his warmth enveloping you like a nice blanket. “You good?”
Nodding, you leaned your head on his shoulder. “Very.”
Curfew was extended that night, much to the herpes disappointment. Treats and drinks were devoured by greedy children and finally, at the end of the night, Chiron gave the word and a stampede of kids ran to tear open the gifts they’d been eyeing for weeks. 
After the younger kids had grabbed theirs and the crowd died down, your group moved in to find the gifts with your names on them. Your dad gifted you a snowglobe of camp. You shook it up with a smile, not noticing your sweating boyfriend approach you from behind.
“Y/N?” You turned, smile widening. Jason only got more nervous. “Uhm… I…”
You set the snowglobe back in its box on the ground and stepped closer to him, taking his hands in your freezing ones. “Yeah?”
“I love you,” he blurted. “So much.”
Your grin grew painful with how big it was. “And I love you.”
Jason blushed and took a deep breath. “You’ve been with me through… everything. When I wasn’t sure who I was, when Hera manipulated me and Piper, through the war.” He was out of breath, only one thought on his mind: no words would ever be enough. “I’m so in love with you. I can’t explain how much. Just when I think about it I can’t breathe.” 
Your face had fallen into admiration. Jason’s thumb rubbed anxious lines on your knuckles. “I never want to spend a day without you. You deserve everything, I want to give it to you.”
“Jason…” Your voice was shaky, tapering off.
“Don’t worry,” he nearly whispered, moving to cup your cheek. “I’m not asking you to marry me. Not yet.” You giggled and he swore it was better than ambrosia. “I will though. I promise I will.”
You were too busy reaching to take his face in your hands to notice when he pulled something out of his pocket. You leaned forward to kiss the very life out of him, and he would very much have let you, but he drew you back with his hold on your jaw, chuckling when you frowned.
He held up a little velvet box between your bodies. Suddenly you weren’t so interested in kissing him, swiping the box from him with greedy hands and gleaming eyes. You popped the box open, admiring the pretty silver chain laid within. “Oh, it’s beautiful.”
“Here.” Jason turned you around and offered to clip it around your neck. He didn’t waste the opportunity, peppering kisses from the skin behind your ear down to your shoulder, relishing in the little quiver you gave in response. “Merry Christmas.”
Whirling back around, you jumped him, arms flinging around his neck as you crushed your lips to his. You pulled back for barely a second to mumble, “Merry Christmas” before your tongue pushed past his lips, your teeth catching his bottom lip.
“Woah! Woah! No PDA in my camp!” You groaned and ripped away from Jason, rolling your eyes as you cast Mr. D a glare over your shoulder. 
Jason wasn’t so cocky anymore, red from neck to nose. “Sorry!”
“I don’t get paid enough…”
You and your boyfriend locked eyes, breaking down into a round of laughter as the grumpy god stomped away. 
“Hey!” Piper jumped out of nowhere, Leo hot on her tail. Both were totally buzzed, and all you could do was laugh and wonder how on earth they’d snuck in alcohol. “Come sing carols, lovebirds!”
The pair of you followed the pair of them back to the little bonfire your friends had claimed. Fiddling with your necklace, you eyes scanned across them all to land on Jason, and a rush of adoration hit you like a freight train. You pecked his cheek and watched him stumble over a chuckle, returning a kiss to your hairline. 
Then, as you leaned your head on his shoulder, a snowflake crossed your eye. 
One by one, the sky became littered with flurries. Annabeth held up a hand as if to catch some. “Y/N, you’ve got to be tired by now. Take a rest.”
You shook you head slowly, confused. “This isn’t me.”
The winter wind kissed your cheek, and you were left at a loss. But Estelle—sweet Estelle, who sat between her brother and Annabeth—she knew. A little grin appeared on her face. “Goodbye, Perseus.”
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igotanidea · 7 months
Superstar: Jason Todd x reader
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Warning: ⚠️ suggestive but not explicit
This was it.
The moment she's been waiting for.
The moment she's been preparing to for so freaking long.
And now-
The crowd was screaming her name waiting for her to show on the stage with her pretty scenic costume and a microphone in her hand and give them a show.
She was new Beyonce. New Taylor Swift. People loved her, demanded her and she was more than ready to give it to them.
So with all the confidence in the world she stepped on the stage facing her fans who immediately went crazy. And she started the show, dancing and singing like she was born to do this.
Which she obviously was, and it was clear by the way she was swaying her hips and hitting all those high notes, owning the scene and smiling at the people, almost as if it didn't take hours of rehearsals and preparations.
She was a star.
It was her show.
Her dream since she was little.
And she was living the dream.
Until -
A pair of hands grabbed her hips from behind and she let out a surprised scream.
"Jason!" The vacuum pipe fell onto the floor and she angrily took the earphones off, being drastically torn from her fantasy. "What the hell?!"
"easy, Shakira..." She smirked "you were just moving so nicely I couldn't stop myself..."
"shut up...!" She blushed becoming embarrassed. He was not supposed to see. He was supposed to be out for another hour or two giving her time to clean the apartment and let her imagination run free. Her boyfriend seeing her lip syncing to the cleaning device and moving around with no coordination, miraculously not tripping over the furniture, was not a part of her plan. Not today and not ever.
"Is that what you do when I'm not around?" Jason chuckled, obviously not willing to let her get away with it.
"well blame my introverted nature. I only go crazy when I'm alone and --"
"I think we both know that's not the truth baby..." He took a step closer to her, tracing fingers over her cheek and neck "I'd much rather you sang something else for me..."
"I'm only telling the truth." He smirked "gotta give it to you, this is a step up from singing to the hairbrush in front of the mirror."
"what....?" She can feel the blood run away from her face. "You... You--"
"y/n, baby, we've been living together for a year now. Of course I saw you doing it."
"shit...." She muttered hiding face in her hands. Now she was self conscious.
"oh baby, you're so cute when your flustered."
"this is not fair! You're creeping on me! "
"I was not. You were listening to music so loud anyone could come in and kidnap you. You should be thankful I controlled myself for a few minutes before -"
"few minutes?!"
"I hate you!"
"and what I observed is that there are some of your moves I'd like to see in some other action..."
"how about now?" He picked her up and pressed hid lips to hers not letting her object while carrying her to the bedroom stepping over the vacuum cleaner. "Knew you would agree to dance with me princess..."
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kelcemenow · 8 months
As The Snow Falls - Chapter 8.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1551
Warnings Strong language, angsty arguments, mentions of trauma.
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"What?" You craned your neck to look at Travis, his eyes serious and sincere.
"Come to Kansas City tomorrow." He repeated, "Look, we're leaving in the morning. So the way I see it, we either go our separate ways, or we hang out for a few days more and see what happens?"
You chewed your bottom lip, the excitement building up in your chest. The possibility of spending more time with Travis filled you with an intense feeling of exhilaration that you had never felt before.
Your thoughtful expression quickly moved into a smile, "I would really love to."
Travis' eye's widened and he clenched his fists with triumph, "Alright! Yeah! Wooh!" He bellowed out to the picturesque snow-topped mountains.
You giggled, uncontrollably, "Travis, what are you doing? Cut it out!"
"No way! I want to the world to know, that this incredible girl here..." He held your hand up high into the air, "...has agreed to hang out with me!"
You covered your mouth with your free hand, laughing loudly as the birds fluttered out of the trees from being disturbed by Travis' noise. He enveloped you into a tight embrace and as he placed a small kiss on your forehead, the lift came to halt at the top of the mountain. You wriggled yourself off off the chair and onto the crisp snow, shuffling your skis towards the piste. Travis followed behind you, still grinning from ear to ear.
"Okay. Skiing 101. The most important thing when you...are you paying attention, Travis?"
As you turned around, Travis' eyes quickly moved from your ass to your face.
"Oh, I'm paying attention." He said with a smirk.
Travis' large hand gave yours a gentle squeeze as you approached the door of the cabin.
"Meet you in the hot tub?" He said, with an attractive gravelly sound in his voice.
You flashed your teeth in a grin, "I'll be there in 10."
Travis raised your hand and pressed a kiss into your knuckles, causing your stomach to flutter. You took a slow breath as you watched him stroll inside, a slight bounce in his step, before making your way through the doorway yourself. Pulling your jacket off, the dry, warm air instantly caused your numbed skin to tingle. You hung your hat and goggles by the coat stand and sauntered into the kitchen in search for a warm drink to defrost you further. As you turned the corner, you noticed Kylie by the coffee maker, stirring her sweetener into the dark black liquid.
"Hey, girl." You sang out to her.
Her head swung around to face you, her long blonde hair tied up into a ponytail, "Here she is! So, how was it?"
"It was nice. Nothing crazy." You said, grabbing a cup from the cupboard above your head. "We talked, we caught up from the last few years, we skied..." You trailed off with a laugh, "He needed a little help in that department. I assumed that because he was a professional athlete, he would be better at skiing, but he just kept falling down and no matter how much I tried to stay upright, he just dragged me down with him. Seriously, I have snow all up in my-"
You quickly stopped your rambling and turned to the coffee maker when you noticed Kylie raising her eyebrows as you rambled on. She pressed her lips together, anticipation filling her eyes, "Did he ask you?"
"Did he ask...wait, what?"
Kylie tapped the spoon on the edge of the cup, "Trav tells Jason everything and Jason tells me everything." She turned around and rested her lower back on the counter top, "So, did he ask you?"
You filled your cup with the steaming coffee, "Yes. Yes he did."
"And...I'm going to KC with Travis tomorrow."
Kylie let out a loud squeal, her knees almost buckling with excitement, "Oh my God, I love this!"
You looked at her wide eyes, "Will you calm down?"
"I can't! This is exciting!" Kylie nudged you with her elbow as she brought the coffee cup to her lips, "He really likes you, Y/N."
A soft glow appeared on your cheeks, "I really like him." You said in an almost whisper.
Kylie looked as if she was ready to burst with happiness, "Eeeeeee!" She squeaked as quietly as she could. "I think this is a really good idea. Trav is a great guy and he's going to treat you so well."
Your eyes creased from your wide smile, "I know, I feel good about this."
She carefully placed her coffee down onto the kitchen top and pulled you into her side for a hug. You rested your head on her shoulder and noticed Jasmine lingering at the doorway.
"I don't like the vibe that I get from her." Kylie said in a low voice.
You watched as she paced, occasionally checking her watch, "Jas is...complicated. She's been my friend for years." You shrugged.
You caught her eye and she seemed surprised to see you, her mouth dropping open slightly and her eyebrows raising. She hastily walked towards you, a forced smile on her face, "You're back!"
"Yep!" You said plainly.
She sighed, "Where's Travis? I was hoping to catch him." She turned her head, searching the room.
"He's gone to get changed for the hot tub."
"Oh!" She said excitedly, "Awesome. Well, I'll go and do the same. I'm sure you wouldn't mind me joining you."
You sensed that Jasmine wasn't asking you. She was telling you.
"Uhhh...n-no. It's fine." You stuttered.
As she turned away, Kylie took a small step forward, "No, wait...I'm sorry. Jasmine, is it?"
A lump formed in your throat and Jasmine rolled her eyes slightly, but enough for you to notice.
"I think maybe we should leave Y/N and Travis to it. You know, let them have some time alone?" Kylie smiled.
"Alone time?" Jasmine scoffed, "They've been together all day. Just saying, she needs to learn to share."
"I'm stood right here, Jasmine. Please don't talk about me like I'm not."
Jasmine rolled her eyes again, "Babe, seriously. It's not that deep. Maybe you just need to relax."
"And maybe you need to fucking back off?" Kylie's voice grew louder, her frustration building.
You stepped forward and held your hands out, "Okay, okay...I'm not here to start any drama. I don't want that."
"Tell your little bodyguard here to watch her mouth." Jasmine spat back to you whilst her eyes were fixed on Kylie.
"Y/N, I don't understand why you feel the need to do this again?" Jasmine said calmly.
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "Do what again?"
"This. It's like Aaron all over again."
"Aaron? What the fuck does Aaron have to do with anything?" Your throat was closing at the mention of his name, but your fought back the tears. They were tears of anger, not sadness, but you didn't want to give Jasmine the satisfaction.
"You knew I was into him. But you were so jealous of how close we were, you had to swoop in and steal him for me."
You exhaled a laugh, "Jealous? Are you...oh my fucking God! Are you kidding me?"
"You're not denying it."
Your eyes blinked wildly, "Because it's ridiculous! You know what I went through with Aaron. No, I didn't steal him from you as you seem to think. You're fucking welcome to him. What is crazy is that you're so self-centred you think any of this is about you."
Jasmine shrugged a single shoulder and rolled her eyes for the third time.
"And you can roll your eyes all you want, Jasmine, but the truth is I like Travis, and Travis likes me. Now, I'm sorry if you felt like you had a shot at him but you don't, okay? And no amount of snotty comments or pushing me around is going to change that. Because I'm done with it."
Jasmine widened her eyes, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I'm done with it. I'm done with you." Your chest was filling with rage, "I've held my fucking tongue for years now. But I'm done."
You could feel Kylie's stare burning into the side of your head but you held your gaze forward, waiting for Jasmine's response. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, arms folded across her body and her eyes unblinking. You could feel your chest getting heavy and the blood rushing to your face, adrenaline pumping furiously through your entire body.
The silence was broken by an exasperated sigh from Jasmine. She glanced towards Kylie before spinning around quickly and disappearing without a word. As soon as she was gone, you swore your legs were about to give way and clung onto Kylie's arm to stop yourself from collapsing on the floor.
"Oh my God! That was insane!" Kylie laughed as she held you upright, "Fuck Y/N, I'm so proud of you!"
"I've wanted to say something for so long, she can't treat people the way she does." Your voice trembled, "Thank you so much for standing up for me."
"Hell no, girl! That was all you!" Kylie turned you to face her, her fingers clinging onto your shoulders, "You're so brave and strong and a fucking badass! Now go and get your guy!"
Oooooooh! Not a whole lot of Travis in this one, I know! But she needed to be told! This story is coming to a close now so I'll be moving onto my request list, so plenty of more fics are coming!!! Let me know if you want to be added to my Taglist so you don't miss anything!!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @jmamas92 @bellstwd
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Sunshine follows with Sunfall
BabyDaddy!Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Jason and You have had a past relationship, resulting in your daughter. After jason goes MIA for a whole year, he finally returns to Gotham. Will the two of you rekindle your relationship, or will he end up leaving again?
Warnings: Jason is an absent father, doubts.
@keira324 Not only inspired this but also helped me fill in some plot holes.
Series Masterlist
"Jason, would you please take your kid this weekend. Jude misses you."
"You know I cant."
"Jason please."
"It's dangerous."
That was the last conversation you had with Jason before he went no contact. A phone call where you asked him to be in his daughter's life. Your daughters life.
You had made countless calls to Roy, trying to see if he had any contact with Jason. Alas, he told you no.
Jason's family had been all over when you told them, Bruce even bought you an apartment that was closer to the Manor since you wouldn't move in with them. He always tried to be helpful. They all did, but Judith isn't their child. She's yours. They shouldn't have to take care of her where Jason was lacking.
When you told him you were pregnant, he had promised to always be there. But promises are just words.
Around the time of your due date, he had been doubting if this was a good idea. He was doubting if having your daughter was a good idea. After Judith was brought home, you and Jason started having fights, fights that ultimately led him to move out. He was still present in her life after that. When she was around three, his visits became spotty. You knew about his work as Red Hood, so you understood.
When he missed her birthday party and then didn't show up on her actual birthday, was when you went ballistic. You called him up and screamed your throat raw.
Judith never once complained. Well, at first, she gave out the occasional, "Where's daddy?" "Can we see daddy?" "I miss daddy." And you would have to try and explain as to why she couldn't see him. Even though you yourself didn't understand.
But she was usually quiet about it, never once questioning his actions. She loved her father, no matter if he didn't love her.
"Momma." Judith loudly whispered, trying to wake you up.
"Mmm, yes, sweetheart?" You groaned, furrowing your head into your pillow.
"Breakfast!" She excitedly asked of you, climbing up onto you.
"What d'you want?" You croaked, rubbing at your eyes.
Judith let out a squeal as you picked her up and carried her into the kitchen, setting her down at the breakfast bar. You reached into your cabinets and pulled out the needed supplies, then grabbed for the pancake mix and began making the batter.
A knock on the door caused you to stop mixing. Both you and Judith sent a look over to where the front door was.
"Stay right there." You told her, walking over to the door and looking out of the peephole. Dick's face is what greeted you, his dark hair falling in his face, causing him to push it away.
"Dick?" You opened the door. The older man just gave you a big smile and a hug. "Hello, Y/N!"
"Can I come in?"
"Of course, I'm making breakfast."
You moved to the side so that he could walk in. Immediately, he walked into your kitchen, sneaking up behind Judith and putting his hands over her eyes.
"Guess who.." He sang out.
"Uncle Dick!" She yelled.
"Good job, Judy Jayne!" He chuckled, leaning in and pressing a kiss to the back of her head. "What are we having?"
"Pancakes!" Judith yelled, interrupting you. "Pink ones!"
"Since when did we choose pink?" You asked, going back to stirring the batter.
"They always have to be pink," Dick defended "and have glitter on them.
"Ohh, momma do we have glitter?" Judith asked.
"We should have some left over." You responded, talking about the edible glitter that she had on her birthday cake last year.
"Yay!" Dick and Judith smiled together.
"Will you be joining us Dick?" You asked, putting food dye in the batter.
Judith stared up at the man with a wide smile, begging him to say yes. He cast a sorry look down at her, "I can't, I've got to get to work."
"Aww." Judith pouted. The both of you knew that she would be over it in two seconds.
"So why stop by?" You questioned, setting down the raspberries that were in your hand and looking at Dick.
"Well...we need to talk."
Wordlessly, you walked back out of the kitchen, Dick following right behind you.
"Whats up?"
Dick sent you an anxious look before hesitantly speaking, "Um, Jason's back in Gotham..."
You stared up at him, eyes wide for a few seconds before your face returned to expressionless.
"Very well then." You spoke. "Who cares?"
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Taglist: @dakotali
I know a lot of people spell it "Mama," but I spell it "Momma," which is kind of weird cause nobody else I know does.
Updates will be slow.
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grayson1996 · 1 month
Just a little ficlet I thought up! ***
“I miss my mom.”
The admission was quiet, but Dick saw Jason’s head snap up from his phone, gaze indiscernible as he surveyed Dick. Probably trying to figure out what brought the confession on.
“Ok.” Jason said it like a statement, but Dick could hear the question in it.
“I miss how warm her body felt when she hugged me. I miss being able to bury my head into her stomach and breathe her in…. I miss breathing her in. I miss having a mom and knowing what it’s like to be loved by someone unconditionally. I miss growing and having her there to notice.” Dick got quiet a moment, a little unsure if he should continue sharing, but he felt the need to anyway. “Sometimes I miss being the youngest. My cousin was a few years older than me, all my friends at the circus were. Hell, even the Titans were. I miss being the one cared for. You know?”
Dick saw Jason set down his phone and turn to face Dick head on. After a moment Dick turned as well and matched his brother’s gaze. The confusion that was there making way to understanding.
“Yeah. I know what you mean.”
Dick felt himself relax slightly at the reassurance, closing his eyes he sunk deeper into his living room couch that the two were currently occupying.
“I miss wearing clothes that weren’t replaced as soon as they got holes. And I miss dishes made with cumin and cinnamon. And I miss my dad. God, I miss him so much. He was so calm Jay, he always smiled, he always knew that things were going to be ok, you know? He sang all the time, and no one sings here.” Dick felt his throat close at the realization, not even realizing all this was weighing on his heart until he let himself feel it. “No one sings here, and sometimes I forget about all them. It’s like my life is on auto-pilot and I just don’t think about it. But then I remember and it’s like my body is ripping itself open from the grief and I can’t... I can’t- just”.
Jason shifted in his seat, pulling Dick toward him as he started to get worked up. Breathes coming out quicker than intended. Dick let himself be manhandled into an awkward sideways hug. Unsure of where all this was coming from. For a moment it was quiet as Jason held him until his younger brother let out a heavy breath.
“Sometimes I miss my old apartment. Stupid, you know? The place was filled with water damage and mold and my Ma and I shared a shitty lumpy 20 year old mattress that should have been torched years ago…. But it still was mine, and now it’s gone.” Dick felt Jason shrug, arms still wrapped around him.  “I think what people forget is, that to be human is to find the good memories in bad. It’s how we go on. That’s why everyone says grief is a gift, it means you loved someone so much that you get to miss them.”
“That’s stupid.” Dick muttered defiantly, grinning slightly when Jason laughed. “Grief isn’t a gift, it’s the cost of getting to love.”
“Careful Dickie, your dangerously close to sounding cynical and that’s my shtick.”
“I didn’t say it was a cost I was unwilling to pay.” Dick pulled himself back, leaning onto the side of the couch to face Jason once more. “I just wish I had more time to save up before I had to cash in.”
 Jason nodded, leaning back himself, though still watching Dick with a careful eye.
“You don’t talk about this often.” Another statement, one Dick knew to be true. He never talked about his parents, not since his current family started to grow.
“Bruce never talked about his parents, for awhile I think I thought grief was locking away memories until they faded into existence. When I realized that wasn’t the case you guys were here and I didn’t want to bring them up in case you felt like… I don’t know… I didn’t love the family I had now?”
Jason stared at him dumbly for a moment.
“That’s the stupidest fucking thing you’ve ever said Goldie and that’s including the time you tried to convince Wally, B was a vampire.” Dick snorted at the memory, which Jason smiled at. “Remembering what you lost doesn’t negate what you have, and the adage that time heals all wounds is misconstruing. It doesn’t mean the injury stops hurting, hell your fucked up knee acts up every time it so much as showers. Just because something isn’t actively gushing blood doesn’t mean its fine, doesn’t mean you don’t still need to take care of it.”
Dick let out a heavy breath, he had forgotten how intuitive Jason could be.
“Yeah. You’re right.”
“Course I’m right, I’m the only one of you fuckers who consistently reads books without pictures in it.”
Dick pushed him roughly but without any heat, dodging the pillow Jason tried to lob at his face in retaliation. For a moment the two tussled, feeling younger than they had in a while. Only stopping when a wayward elbow sent Dick’s lamp thudding to the floor. Slightly out of breath Dick nudged Jason with his foot, the joviality making way for genuineness.
“Thank you. For letting me talk about them.”
Jason gave him a small smile, one without the useful veneer of snark.
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adriellej · 2 months
I'm Yours
Warnings: None really, maybe a little implied grown-up time ;P Besides that, it’s just fluffy fluff.
Pairing: Harry Wells x Reader
Word count: 1.2K+
A/N: So this is my first posting in what, 4 years? Has it really been that long? Not only that, I also decided to do it with a fandom I have not written for before. I fell into a Flash hole about a few months ago, and I have taken a particular liking to Earth 2 Harry Wells. So consider this as me hopefully coming back, and hopefully having made something cute for y’all. All mistakes are my own!
It's based on I'm Yours by Jason Mraz - was hearing it one day in my car and thought it would be cute! Also I don't own the GIF's, one I found on google and one here <3
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You were walking through the cortex, thinking about how you were going to steal the projector Cisco was hiding in STAR labs. A big smile spread on your face as you skipped down the hall. Cisco rarely let anyone borrow it, not even you, his best friend. He loved how you were both movie dorks, but he protected it with his life if he had to. Hence you were now sneaking in to steal it for the marathon weekend you were having with yourself.
You turned towards his workshop, his little lab, or not so much his own anymore. There was a certain Earth 2 scientist that had occupied it. Now wasn’t any different than usual. Harry was sitting in the lab tinkering away at some sort of tech in front of him. You weren’t the engineer or the smart one as your best friend, so you never understood what he and Harry worked on together. Or what they were always bickering about. 
You leaned yourself on the doorframe into the lab as you studied him for a bit. His long fingers worked away, tweezing some cords together as he tried applying power to it again. Harry only earned some sputtering from the tech and groaned out in frustration. 
“Goddamit how hard can it be?!” He yelled out while tossing the screwdriver across the room. You huffed out a small laugh as you shook your head as the older man in front of you acted like a child who didn’t get his way. You had always liked Harry, you were pretty sure the entire team knew, except for him. The way his outside was so hard, when in fact you knew that Harry’s heart was big and cared a lot for all of you here. He would never say it, but you knew. You two had many small moments together where you turned his frown upside down like only Jesse could. It was one of your assets for the team. Keep Harry from throwing everything around and make him a little bit more easy-going. 
“Ya know, maybe you just need a break,” You said while walking into the room, haven gotten a great idea, if you had to say so yourself. “Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked while turning towards you for a brief moment, only to return his attention to the project in front of him; “Also no, I don’t need to take a break,” he grumbled as he started to tinker away again. 
Meanwhile, you had found your phone, this was also one of the things Cisco loved about you, as you found a song to play. “To answer your question, I came to steal Cisco’s projector, but now I think I have a better idea of how to spend my time,” you mused as you closed in on Harry you put your phone down beside him, and pushed play. 
You slowly turned Harry in his chair, he looked at you like he could kill you, but all you could do was smile as you started singing. 
“Well you done, done me in; you bet I felt it, I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted,” you reached your hands down to Harry’s arms to pull him to stand. “Y/N, I’m not doing this. I’m busy, and you of all people should know I need to get this done,” His voice laced with annoyance and reluctance as you sang. “Well, I don’t care,” You answered while the music shortly played on its own. You forced him to stand, keeping both of your hands in his, as you slowly started to move the both of you. 
“Before the cool done run out, I’ll be giving it my bestest, nothing’s going to stop me, but divine intervention, I reckon it’s again my turn to win some or learn some,” You continued as you slowly got Harry to move with you. A big smile played across your lips, your eyes twinkling in the light of the lab. You were looking into Harry’s beautiful blue eyes behind the glasses, and you swore you could see a little glimpse of enjoyment. 
“See, it’s not so bad, now is it?” You joked with him earning a small groan from him, but a small smile curved at his lips. He pulled you into him, earning a small squeal from you, as you properly began to dance together. 
“Well, open up your mind and see like me. Open up your plans and damn you’re free. Look into your heart and you’ll find love, love, love, love” Your voice continued to ring out as Harry spun you around. “Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we’re just one big family, and it’s our god-forsaken right to be loved, love, love, love, loved,” 
You were having the best time as you were laughing and singing. Having Harry be invested in your idea, actually dancing with you, and not only that, he was smiling. Your heart felt so full. You knew he would be the death of you, with his gorgeous smile and handsome looks. 
“I’ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror and bending over backwards just to see it clearer,” You got caught off guard when you heard Harry’s hoarse voice singing along to the song while you were still swaying to the song together. You had heard it so many times around him, that the genius apparently had learned the lyrics. 
“I guess what I be saying is there ain’t no better reason to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons. It’s what we aim to do, our name is our virtue. But I won’t hesitate no more, no more, it cannot wait - I’m yours,” You sang together as the song came to an end you stayed close to each other. 
You looked into Harry’s mesmerizing eyes, your eyes must shimmer from all the love you felt towards him. You had your hands at his shoulders and his was around your waist. You had laughed and smiled so much during your dancing that your cheeks hurt, but you couldn’t remove the smile on your lips. Looking at Harry with a rare but equally just as big of a smile as yours, as you were breathing a little heavy after all the dancing and singing. 
You thought to yourself how perfect he looked standing there. You could feel yourself getting flustered as you felt his breath on your lips. Before you could stop yourself you leaned up toward his lips. At first, he didn’t respond to it, but it didn’t take him long before his lips moved with yours. Your fingers tangled themselves in his hair, earning a little moan from him. His tongue ran across your lip and you gladly let him enter. His hands on your hips pulled you even closer to him. 
As the kiss deepened and became more passionate, his hands moved down to cup your ass and without any words needing to be spoken, you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist. He walked over to his desk and set you down on it, while his hands came to cup your face instead. You pulled apart for both of you to catch your breath, foreheads leaning on each other. 
“Wow,” Was all you could muster to say, as you smiled while biting your lower lip. He gave a small chuckle from the depth of his throat. “Wow, yourself,” he gave you the biggest smile and a wink. “Maybe that break isn’t such a bad idea,” He said hoisting you up to him again, a squeal and laugh escaping your lips. 
Tag list:
@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites
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morgansunflower · 7 months
You Did Good
Bruce Wayne X Wife! Al Ghul! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, blood, injuries and heavy angst
Arthur's notes! Batfam age reverse. Reader is Ra's al Ghul's daughter.
After Jason is brought back to life through the Lazarus.. His older brother takes a dangerous journey, to bring him home.
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They had been on their own for 3 months traveling swiftly but stealthily. Damian started a fire, he sits down allowing himself to breathe more efficiently.
Jason was sitting with his knees up against his chest. He still barely spoke or even changed from a blank expression. Damian feared what his grandfather would do to Jason or force him to do..
Ra's used Jason to manipulate Damian into doing whatever the assassin ordered. It'd been a year now since Damian left his family.
Jason tried to ignore the menacing laugh by Joker. All he could think about was seconds before the bomb exploded. He hated sleeping..
As Jason laid on the mat and Damian saw his eyes finally closed. Damian closed his own and allowed his tears to sweep through his eyelids. His heart was broken for his brothers suffering.
He thinks of his torture from Joker. He couldn't save him and now he was scared he'd never be the little boy he remembered again. He still loved him though.
Damian was exhausted through and through drained beyond Instant recovery. Just a old memory of her rocking him to sleep as she gently sang a lullaby. His father playing baseball with him on a very rare but memorable occasion.
He bit his hand to muffle his sobs as his memory's of his family, became so vivid in his mind. His heart was breaking as he missed them. How much he must of hurt them he feared. Will they forgive him?
Damian opens his eyes as he heard movement. Jason got up from his mat and walked to Damian. He didn't say anything but laid beside him. Jason hugged Damian. The former assassin let his sobs be heard as he was given a glimmer of hope Jason would be ok.
Damian hugged him protectively. Jason allowed himself to cry with Damian as he to missed their family. He felt guilty he couldn't remember them before.
Damian's feet became swollen and redden from walking for so long. He carried Jason so his own feet would not be in pain. His body was quite thin as he had made sure Jason wouldn't be hungry nor thirsty. His throat had become dry and lips cracked.
They had to remain undetected by Ra's. As risking being seen by his assassins he had throughout the world was very possible if they weren't careful.
Gotham was cold compared to where they had come from. Jason was sleeping as a comfortable cloak is laid on him. Damian headed for the boom-tube to the Bat-cave but stops sensing a, presence.
"Damian" he hears
He turns to see his father. His breath hitched as he feared for shame to be upon him for leaving them. Bruce's heart becomes heavy to his chest, his eyes shake as his eyes sees his sons together. Jason wakes to hear a familiar voice. He lifts his head to see him. His mentor, his caregiver, his dad.
"H-how?.. How?.." Bruce was, shaking
"Ra's.." he simply answered
"the Lazarus?..." Bruce asked
Damian only nodded. Bruce could see the worry in Damian's eyes as he approached closer. Damian tried to keep from crying as his fathers hand touched the side of his face.
"you did good son" Bruce proudly said
He kept his hand steady as he touched Jason's face. The little boy didn't move away as he knew it was his dad.
"Dad" Jason said with eyes swelling on the verge of tears
Bruce took him from Damian's weak arms. He gives Damian his cloak and placed his own cape on Jason.
Bruce hugged Jason as his grief was crumbling away into a tearful relief. The dark knight was nearly crying. He could barely breathe knowing that he was holding him and that Damian was standing near him.
"forgive me baby" he begged his little boy as a tear fell down his face.
While in the Bat-cave Jason and Damian sat on their own stretchers. Bruce takes his phone to call her. He swallows hardly trying to keep from crying as his throat shakes. His boys are home. They're really here.
"Bruce, is everything OK?"
"you..." he closed his eyes tightly making his lips tremble
She knew the tone and the hesitation.. She needed to get to him. Now.
"where are you?"
"cave" he quickly answered
Y/N rushes to the Bat-cave. Her heart was beating rapidly fearing for her the state of her family.
Bruce observed them both.. Damian had a IV in his arm as Jason laid on the stretcher with a monitor on him. Jason was more hydrated and less thin. It didn't take Bruce long to realize Damian had tortured himself to keep his brother alive.
Alfred was in tears as he gently patted young Jason's back and kissed the boys head. Jason reaches to hug him.
"it is very nice to have both of you home"
The two part as they both were in tears. Alfred stepped to Damian. He placed his hand on his shoulder, motioning him to lay down. He looks seeing his shoes were quite worn and slightly damp from blood. He reaches to take them off but Damian quickly moved them away
"tt I'm fine" he insisted
"you are not fine master Damian now let me tend to you" Alfred ordered
Damian sighed moving his feet to be more accessible to Alfred. The kind older man took off his grandson's shoes as he winces in pain. Bruce gently cringed to himself seeing the swelling, the blisters and the redness on his feet.
Alfred tended to his feet bandaging the wounds. He then placed a, open palm on his forehead. Damian smiled to Alfred further convinced in his heart... Alfred is his grandfather not Ra's..
Y/N arrived.. Her body instantly becomes shaken and a scream leaves her lips.. Her knees nearly buckle beneath her. She covered her face as tears run down her face. It couldn't be, but here they were. Her little boys, her babies.. Bruce held her hand letting her squeeze it with all her strength, as she shakes her head.
Damian lips tremble with his heart sinking to relief. He nearly gasps seeing his mother. Jason recognized the kind eyes that he knew loved him.
"momma" he mumbled..
"oh my baby's.. My sweet baby's.." she began to cry as she reaches her arms to hug Jason and held him. "I'm so sorry baby" she sobs apologizing.
Jason hugged her tightly and buried his face in her neck. She began to sob gently rocking him as she holds him. All the sleepless nights she cried in her sleep, usually along with Bruce. Were now unfolding again. She reaches her hand to hold Damian's hand.
He held her hand closing his eyes to force his tears away. She looks to see he seemed quite malnourished and his feet were blistered and were bleeding as his bandaging was red
"my sweet Damian, what has he done to you?"
"I'm ok now Ummi" he promised her.
She wasn't convinced.... She squeezed his hand shacking her head.
"I'm so sorry boys" she wholeheartedly apologized knowing it was her father who had done this.
"momma" Jay said again, as he cried he had missed her so terribly.
"it's OK baby. I'm here. I'm here baby"
Bruce could see Damian was hanging onto thin ice. He leans over to his wife and son taking Jason into his arms. She walks to Damian holding his face in her hands. He clenched his face trying to keep from breaking.
"it's, ok son. You don't have to force yourself to stay strong, not with your mother" she encourages kissing his forehead
She hugs Damian just as the teenager begins to cry again. All his carried emotions were flooding out through his eyes and shaky throat... He was home.
Just then gasps from his siblings were heard as they returned from patrol. Y/N smiled still in tears leaving her son only so he can be comforted by his siblings.
Damian watched as they each ran to Jason whom was sitting in Bruce's lap. They each hugged him one by one.. Then they hugged Damian. It was no surprise to Damian his youngest brother was the most emotional. He sees a small smile on Jason's face reassuring him he's going to be OK.
Requested taglist @too-strong-to-losee @asrainterstellar
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mewnekoice-mecha · 1 year
Part 2 of Idol!Danny
Quick summary: Danny is performing in Gotham, the bat boys & girls go see it. Que Simps Damian and Tim
Here’s Danny’s outfit as always
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“Phantom ,your on in 5 ok”,said the manger for this event, “Please head to the stage, we’re ready”.
“Ok, I’m on my way,” came a light male voice with a soft undertone that didn’t seem human. The male in question was none other then teen idol and meta sensation PHANTOM or in his dimension Danny Fenton, a teen with glowing white hair that constantly shifts like it’s underwater, eyes that glow a bright neon green, small fangs that fill a faerie like face, his entire appearance screams supernatural. That’s not the only reason he’s so popular, but we’ll see why later.
At the moment he was about to do one of his biggest concerts to date in the city of crime itself Gotham City, Home of the Bat and His Birds. Doing one last check to make sure his outfit and makeup was perfect, Phantom left his room and headed to the main area in the arena that he will be singing in, in just a few minutes.
Taking a breath Danny shook himself and grabbed the headset that was handed to him, as the workers fitted around him doing last minute checks before he goes on. Eyes flashing brighter then ever, a smirk came across his face as he felt Lady Gotham’s Knights had decided to join his little concert, now he HAS to make this a performance worth remembering.
Time to knock ‘‘em dead Fenton
*Jason’s POV *
‘I can’t believe Cass and Steph, dragged us to a concert for some lame meta twink singer, I could be sleeping or shooting at assholes right now buutt nooo I gotta be here with demon brat, replacement and dickie as well’ I thought as we grabbed our seats. Steph and surprisingly Cass have been raving nonstop about some meta singer that popped up a year ago. Apparently he’s been taking the music scene by storm and he’s already won awards for his music despite his young age, I can’t help but Amit I’m a little curious about him as it’s almost unheard of for a meta to be so open about they’re powers like he is. As soon as I thought that, the announcement to welcome the kid who’s stage name is apparently Phantom came on, guess I’ll see what’s the fuss about ,when QUIETNESS and Darkness greeted me.
*Danny’s POV*
After my announcement came, i floated invisible and intangible to the center stage, then I grabbed on my core and PULLED all the light to me so there was only Darkness, that’s when the music started and I began to SING
🎶Better-Arc North, Rival🎶
I slowly became visible as I sung a bright spot in total darkness
“Like we’re underwater
Can’t hear nothing
You’ve been casting a spell
I’m all yours now
Yeah, you’ve been
Fillin the space upon my mind”
I floated slowly around the stage like I was looking or daydreaming about someone, a dazed/happy expression on my face
“And tell me everything
Both the good and bad
Cause whatever you tell me
I will still like everything that I see
Cause nothing feels better then us
I’m so high can’t get down
No nothing feels better than when I’m with you”
Moving closer to the edge of the stage I could see and hear the dazed, blushing faces of my fans screams and cries of I love you and Phantom filled the air, it was almost time to dazzle my little specters
“My future is buried in your eyes
I got so much to say and I won’t lie
Nothing feels better than you”
As soon as the bass started to drop Releasing my hold on my core, the entire arena became a NEBULA with me as its center, bright blues and purples filled the arena as shooting stars shot behind me
“Nothing feels better than this
No nothing feels better than this”
Looking at the faces of my fans I could spot some shocked faces in the front row, and low and behold it was Lady Gotham’s birds. Creeping closer I leaned close to one of them a male with shocking blue-gray eyes and smelling a bit like coffee I sang my next part
“Let me be your safe place
If the sky would open
I’m making sure that you stay dry
In the greatest of storms
I’ll be your light”
Leaving him slacked jawed with a pretty blush I moved on to the next bird closest to me which happened to be the one with pretty green eyes and gorgeous Arabic tan I’ve ever seen, he was scowling but had a light blush that was unnoticeable to untrained eyes, taking a clawed finger I lightly brushed against his face not quite touching but still noticeable
“And they can’t tell me nothing
That will make a difference
Since I got everything I need in you
I’m invincible I believe”
He was staring wide eyed at me like he couldn’t even believe I was talking er singing to him, moving back to the stage I started using my ecto-ice to make a light mist that cause the nebula around me to sparkle as I air danced
“Cause nothing feels better
Than us
I’m so high I can’t get down
No nothing feels better
Than when I’m with you
My future is buried in your eyes
I got so much to say and I won’t lie”
Bringing my hands in front of me I slammed them together creating a would be universe around me with a shadowy figure reaching a hand out toward me for me to take, reaching for the hand I grasped it and pulled it towards me as the shadows peeled away from the figure showing a gothic loli teen with a bat choker on and golden eyes
“Nothing feels better than you
Nothing feels better than this
Nothing feels better than this
My future is buried in your eyes
I got so much to say and I wont lie
Nothing feels better than you”
Ending the song on that note I hugged Gotham as a thanks for letting me use her as a stand in.
But as for her knight’s I had no way of knowing just how true my song would become for me and them
@skulld3mort-1fan @kawaiikenna @xye-chan
as always this is an open prompt so if u like the prompt you can borrow it or make a story out of it all I ask is just a mention of where it came from
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theodorecanaryhood · 3 months
Summer Days
Jason Todd x Male Reader
Warning: romance and some language
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New years was always the vibe for romance, most people liked the idea of having someone with them for the big event of midnight.
Cold and wet mostly due to it being Gotham City, however, it was worth it as the two of you strolled through the square. Hand in hand and no care in the world.
Jason was in his world when with you, he didn’t care about anything but you.
‘Gonna kiss in the square at midnight dollface?’ Jason smiled as you nodded.
Not a big fan of PDA, Jason made an exception for when the two of you were celebrating something. New year was of course the biggest one.
Midnight chimed quickly as Jason dipped you and gave you a big kiss, a small smile on his face. His lips were heaven, and yours were Jason’s favourite place to escape.
‘I love you so much’ Jason said after breaking the kiss, you smiled and held onto Jason’s face.
‘I love you too’
Before you could even register anything, time had gone so fast that all of a sudden it’s hot outside. You were stuck wearing minimal clothing, heat on your skin with small beads of sweat every so often.
You and Jason had planned to get a weekend getaway, a weekend of the two of you. No patrols, no distractions…nothing.
The long drive in Jason’s vintage car, a blessing given by Bruce for his 21st birthday. The day he met you, being friends with Tim.
A few years younger, Jason seemed smitten and captivated by you. He wanted to try and get you alone.
A family getaway was in need as Batman was taking a break, Bruce urged Tim to bring you along, his friend.
You spent some time with Dick to which Jason didn’t like much, you were friendly towards the eldest son. Jason got jealous but not too much, he held his own and played patiently.
Jason stole his moment to catch his crushes attention, the two of you had a walk by the water alone one morning, Jason taking the chance to get to know you better, steal your heart.
Successful of course, as the two of you stood here together. Jason giving you a sweet kiss as the two of you got into his car.
A drive through the city and then on the highway, skies turning pink from the sun going dim in the sky.
Jason held your hand in his, giving it a sweet kiss as he hit the speeds of the highway roads, loving the touch of his boyfriend’s skin. Jason felt like he was in heaven…again.
The Sun captured the scene complimentary, sun shining off the surfaces, bouncing off the sand. Jason’s skin glowed in the light. Jason’s eyes glowed with the rays, yours being captured by his.
Jason stood on the edge of the path as you snapped a shot of him, being so in love with his form. Every inch of it.
‘Call him Ed Sheeran, he in love with my body’ Jason rapped jokingly as you laughed, giving you a sweet kiss.
‘Ok Doja Cat’ you smiled, taking your shoes and socks off as you tossed them in the car, along with Jason’s.
The two of you took a slow walk along the sandy beach, hand in hand. Jason hummed quietly as he felt the warmth of the air.
Your casual summer wear helping ease the heat from your bodies.
Jason loved wearing shorts now as you helped him embrace his body more, loving him regardless if he had scars or not.
Jason lifted you on his back as he gave you a piggy back along the sand, you smiling as the two of you started singing at the top of your lungs.
‘Rain on me, Rain on me’ you both sang, out of key of course but you didn’t care.
The two of you were like two teenagers in love in a short escape from your parents, it was bliss. Being young at heart and the both of you being able to embrace the craziness you had.
‘Wrestle’ Jason called out as he flipped you off his back, onto the sand.
Laying on top of you as he fluttered your face with sweet kisses. You laughed as Jason teased you with his lips.
‘Shit you’re so cute’ you blushed as Jason smiled ear to ear, kissing you deep in the lips.
‘I love fucking you, I mean I fucking love you’ Jason stuttered purposely to make you laugh again.
A laugh that Jason could listen to all the time, a laugh and a smile that made Jason forget all the bad times he had before.
A perfect end to a weekend, Jason took you both to the nearby carnival.
You waited in a surprisingly short line to get into the ferris wheel. Jason holding you close the whole time.
Getting to the top and feeling the summer night air, it was a release as the days were hot and humid. Jason was still a little sweaty but he didn’t care so much.
The two of you kept greeting each others lips until it was time to go to sleep. Once you were allowed to after Jason wanted your bodies to collide in bed.
The drive home was always a shorter journey, which is always the way. For some reason.
Jason opted to be the passenger princess as you drove the two of you home, Jason falling asleep a little in the passenger seat, with a slight snore.
Once you were home, it was a nice time to relax and enjoy each other’s company, as the two of you settled on the couch.
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╭════• ೋ•✧๑♡๑✧•ೋ •═══╮
— she’s my alibi
╰════• ೋ•✧๑♡๑✧•ೋ •═══╯
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inspired by ‘please mister jailer’ from Cry-Baby (1990)
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪
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The feds finally think they can finally pin a murder on Jason before he tells them an alibi you can back up.
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The minute Jason was dragged into the precinct, he grinned. He knew what was in store for him, but he also knew that he had the most perfect alibi; fucking the lead detectives daughter in a house Bruce bought without a second thought for him to live in with you.
You hated your father; after years of neglect because of his job and anger issues you were always on the receiving end of, at first, your relationship with Jason started out purely in spite. It was a situationship based purely off of lust and resentment toward the same person, but soon enough, it developed into something more, talking about your lives that were similar in ways and your futures that would soon enough be intertwined.
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He was pushed into the chair a little too rough, a scoff falling from his lips as your father pulled out the chair, sitting in it while opening up the file. “Where were you last night, Todd?”
“Why do you need to know?” Jason concluded he’d play hard to get this time, at least until you came stomping through that door like you promised you would when they brought him in for questioning, changing out of your skimpy nightdress into something more presentable. “What happened last night, Detective L/N?”
Jason couldn’t wait to change your last name to his own, that way the two of you could cut ties with this man as quick as you could.
“You tell me, Todd,” he threw an 8x10 picture of a dead man Jason had seen a few times — a drug dealer that hung around his old apartment he had beat up a few times for trying to sell crack to some kids. “You know him, don’t you?”
“I knew him,” Jason corrects, gesturing down at the picture. “He’s obviously dead.”
“Obviously,” the detective says as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I can’t believe it.”
“I know right, I can’t either! Can I go now?”
The detective stands, glaring down at Jason. “Don’t start with me, Todd. You live in the apartment right-”
“Lived,” Jason corrects, tapping the file with his name on it. “You should update my file. I moved just recently to a house in suburbia, right on the bay.”
Detective L/N scoffs. “Oh yeah? Did you now?”
Jason starts to grin, crossing his arms. “Mhm. With my lady friend, yeah. Pros of having a billionaire as my adopted dad.”
Your father hummed, pulling out a sticky note and a pen. “Oh yeah? What’s your lady friend’s name? It is just one of them, right?”
Jason’s jaw clenched as he leaned forward, his fist tightening. Even the thought of having another woman besides you was sickening, and the thought of having more than one partner besides you made him want to punch your father more than he normally did.
“She’s my fiancée, asshole. Let me give you her number first instead,” he starts listing it out, watching as your father scrawled it down before humming. “Look familiar?”
He paused, staring before pulling out his phone and slowly typing it in.
“You don’t recognize your own daughters number? What a horrible father, I have it memorized,” Jason smiled, leaning forward as he tapped the sticky note. “Probably why she’s screaming out my name every night.”
Your father dropped the phone, quickly bending over the table to grab Jason’s collar before the door busted open. “Detective, don’t do that! Stop!”
Jason laughed as your father is dragged out, crossing his arms while leaning back in the chair. “Let me know when Y/N’s here, you can’t hold me with no charges!”
He could and he knew it, mainly because the window of 24 hours wasn’t up yet, but he know you’d be here soon with his bond. He twisted the gold band around his ring finger, humming softly to the tune you sang in the shower every once in a while before the door opened and you came stomping in, two helmets in hand.
“Jay, let’s go,” you ordered, scoffing as you glared at the reflective mirror. “They got nothing on you.”
He stood, walking forward and sending you that signature smile before cupping your face and pressing a firm kiss to your lips. “Whatever you say, mama.”
You smiled as he took his helmet, holding your side as you both slowly walked out, his body close to yours. “Your dad give you trouble, mama?”
You snorted, shaking your head. “I fucking wish he would’ve.”
Jason stayed close to you as you both walked through the police department, all eyes on the chief detective’s daughter they watched grow up and an orphaned misfit following behind her like a puppy on a leash. It was true, he would follow you around wherever you wanted him to like he was now, hand firmly on your waist to guide you to the door while holding his helmet with the other, lips pressed against your exposed shoulder as you both finally made it outside of the precinct.
“Yes, doll?” He was already straddling the seat of his bike, waiting for you to come behind him as you stood next to him. “What’s wrong, hm? Baby? They got nothing on me, remember?”
“Promise?” You whisper, inhaling as he shook his head and pulled you closer. “Y-You left last night… afterwards. Did you go there? Jason, we said no more lies, don’t lie to me-”
“Y/N, doll, can we do this somewhere else, please? Somewhere not in front of the Gotham police department?” Jason tries to suggest before you cross your arms, raising a brow.
“No, I want you to speak, right now. We promised no more lies, Jason, don’t lie to me!” Your yell makes the door of the precinct open, your father stepping out with a few more officers as Jason cursed softly.
“I went to go see Dick, alright?” He whispers, stroking your cheek as he pulled you closer. “I promise you, I’m not lying. He’s in town for a few days, so I went to go see him at the house. I promise, that’s where I was, you can call him.”
“Then why didn’t you say that?” You whisper, shaking your head. “I thought we were past you using me as a pawn to get to my dad. Didn’t think you’d use that damn excuse whenever the whole fucking precinct was watching your questioning.”
Jason looked up at your father, the detective holding up his hands, one hand with a finger raised and the other a closed fist.
1 - 0
“Fucking bastard,” Jason cursed, you quickly looking back with a scoff. “He’s trying to drive a wedge between us, baby, can’t you see that? Come on baby, come on. Look at me.”
He cupped your face, pressing a firm kiss to your lips as he stroked your cheeks. “Jason, you promised no more lies.”
“What did I lie about, baby? You scream my name out every night, just like I told him,” he laughed lightly as you shoved his chest, biting back a smile. “I was with you last night, I went to go visit Dick, and I didn’t kill him.”
“I swear, baby.” He pushed your hair back, pressing his forehead to yours. “You said no more lying, and I’m not. You’re my alibi baby, you always are.”
“I love you,” you whisper, stroking his cheek with a sigh. “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” he whispered back, pressing another soft kiss to your lips before pulling away to slip your helmet on your head and put on his own. He leaned forward as you quickly got on the bike, arms wrapping around his lower torso and hands settling near his groin and thigh as he looked at your father with a middle finger up before turning on his bike and speeding off.
When you both stopped at a red light, you pushed your hands up his thighs, already unzipping his pants as he groaned. Your hands slowly pump his cock as your helmet tucked into his neck area, your giggles making him groan.
"For fucks sake, Y/N."
You had made him cum at least twice on your ride home, thankful for the fact that Jason took the backroads back to your now shared home right on the bay. You both laughed, ignoring the cop car now stationed outside of your house, giggling Jason pushed open the gate to your backyard.
He had installed a bed outside right next to the pool, easily slipping off your helmet and his and placing them both on the ground. He smiled, laughing as you leaned back on the bed and pulled him down to lean over you, giggling along with him as his hands tug off your pants, pawing at your thighs as he giggled.
"For fucks sake, I can't wait to marry you."
You laughed, cupping his cheeks. "Well then, speed it up. Let's get married tomorrow."
He paused, tilting his head to the side. "What?"
"Let's get married tomorrow," you giggled, shrugging. "I'll buy a nice dress; you don't even have to wear a suit-"
"No," Jason dismissed the thought, shaking his head. "When I marry you, I'm going to do it right, do you understand me?"
You laugh, nodding. "Okay."
"I love you, Y/N L/N. And I'm going to make sure everyone knows it."
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© asterias-record-shop
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babyrunsforfanfic · 1 year
Cheerleader, OVER | e.m.
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summary: the scene where chrissy cunningham goes to eddie munson’s trailer and almost gets… yknow’d, until you show up and save the day
eddie munson x cheerleader fem!reader
warnings/tags: it’s the vecna scene you guys you all know it so just prepare, angst?, yeah angst, the reader and chrissy are childhood bffls / ‘platonic with a capital p’ soulmates, reader and jason get into a fight, buckingham if you squint not even very hard, fluff too i think?, allusions to chrissy’s ed — it’s over quick i swear, eddie is immediately infatuated and flirty with the reader to be honest
wc: 2265ish
“found it!” eddie thumped the small plastic bag against his free hand, grinning as he walked out of his bedroom. “peaceful bliss just moments away.”
eddie internally chuckled at his own joke as he came into his living room, but froze at the sight in front of him. if he was being honest with himself, he already couldn’t believe that the chrissy cunningham, had asked him for drugs. i mean, it was hawkins- and by all accounts, chrissy was the perfect representation of what the town stood for.
but eddie could close his eyes and remember a small grinning girl from middle school who was nothing but kind; so really, who was he to judge?
“chrissy?” eddie kept his voice soft as he watched as chrissy’s eyes fluttered. “hey! wake up!” eddie snapped his fingers in front of chrissy’s face, a frown painted on his face. “i don’t like this-”
he really didn’t fucking like it when she started to fucking levitate.
you thumped your thumbs against the steering wheel of your car, sun visor down even though it was pitch black outside. you couldn’t help but eye yourself in the little mirror on the visor, a thin cut across your lip. you tongued at it, giggling to yourself as you shook your head- before you turned into the trailer park.
you hadn’t fully believed your friend chrissy when she’d called for you at the school, and asked you to pick her up from eddie munson’s house. she’d been off lately, though you had honestly had just chalked it up to being off due to her boyfriend, jaspn carver. specifically, the jason carver you had just left detention because of- and the reason for the cut on your lip.
walking in on him making out with some girl had definitely not been a surprise- but him grabbing you by the collar of your cheerleading sweatshirt definitely had been. however, honestly, after the things you had experienced the past few years? it was something you welcomed with open fucking arms.
you’d spat in face, called him a couple of names, and he’d accepted it… until you informed dear ol’ jason you were one thousand percent telling chrissy; and you’d be right next to her when she dumped his ass. he had backhanded you then, his class ring catching your lip, and you’d spat a mouthful of blood into his face… just as the gym coach walked in.
he’d given all three of you detention immediately, though you knew he hadn’t necessarily wanted to give you it. he had let you go to the nurse’s office first for a bag of ice and some disinfectant wipes, and your “detention” had been sitting quietly while jason got his ass handed to him and had to run drills up and down the gymnasium.
you grinned to yourself as you pulled into eddie munson’s driveway, parking your car next to his van, though you made no move to actually turn it off. you pressed on the horn a couple of times, giggling as you and chrissy’s favorite song in the entire world came on your car’s radio.
“i come home in the morning light-” ♪
you sang quietly along, but paused when the lights inside of the munson’s trailer flickered. you weren’t a stranger to flickering, and while you hadn’t had anymore… experiences, the sense of dread in your stomach immediately nauseated you. the lights flickered again, and you didn’t hesitate to practically launch yourself from your car- looping to the trunk, and pulling out your cheer bag. while the lights continued to flicker, you could hear eddie munson inside screaming, pleading for chrissy to wake up.
and that just would not fucking do.
you’d given too much already, you’d seen the crazy shit in hawkins more than once; and you refused to let it take one of the last things you had. it could take as much as it wanted from you.
but it would not take chrissy cunningham.
not if you had any fucking thing to say about it.
“but girls, they want to have fun-” ♪
cyndi lauper’s voice accompanied your hurried walk up eddie’s steps, a crowbar tight in your grasp of you right hand, as your cb radio was held in your left. you didn’t bother to knock, ramming your shoulder against eddie’s door- successfully causing it to open without having to turn the knob.
you’d learned that trick from max when she had moved into the trailer park and forgotten her key.
“chris-” your friend’s name died on your lips as you met the wild eyes of eddie munson first, before your eyes darted to the back of chrissy. while facing away from you would’ve been normal, her levitating several feet off the air was really fucking not. “munson, what the fuck?”
“she just started doing that!” eddie loudly hissed, and you nodded as you tossed your cb to him- before you rounded to face chrissy.
“chrissy wake the fuck up!” you hissed, trying your hardest to ignore the way the whites of her eyes fluttered in your direction. “i swear to god christina eloise cunningham i will kill you if you fucking leave me, you hear me?”
“when the working day is done-” ♪
chrissy’s eyes fluttered rapidly as the music continued to play, and you shot a glance to eddie. chrissy had stopped floating, and while you couldn’t see the blue you knew of her eyes- her head was unmistakably inclined toward you.
“keep talking to her!” eddie lowly ordered, and you nodded- immediately tossing your crowbar toward him.
“don’t let that fucking song stop, munson.”
chrissy cunningham flinched away from the creature in front of her, swallowing back bile at the incessant smell of rotting food. flies buzzed near her as the creature chuckled lowly, his eyes almost slits as he extended a clawed hand.
“it’s time for your suffering to end-” the creature purred, and chrissy sobbed as it raked one of it’s clawed fingers almost gently against chrissy’s throat. “it won’t hurt-”
you. that was your voice, accompanied by cyndi lauper. chrissy swallowed again, looking past the creature’s shoulder as a blue tinged portal seemed to open up. she could see you, in eddie munson’s living room, looking up at her with a crowbar in your hand.
you were blurry, but it was unmistakably you.
“she can’t save you, no one can.” the creature hissed, voice distorted. “she hates you, chrissy-”
chrissy clenched her eyes shut.
memories flashed before her eyes as she listened to you call her name over and over, with cyndi lauper’s ‘girls just wanna have fun’ playing in the background.
you and chrissy as little kids, promising to always be the best of friends.
you and chrissy as tweens, you with braces and her with a perm; giggling over boys in a magazine together.
you and chrissy just last year, cackling as you darted around the starcourt mall together- both with ice cream cones in your hands.
you, just a couple months ago- cradling chrissy as she leaned over a toilet in the hawkins high girl’s bathroom, the taste of bile in her mouth.
you, a couple months ago— promising that you still loved her when she talked about how pretty a girl from band was.
you, telling her that her mom was wrong. that chrissy was enough, more than enough.
you, packing food for her for after cheer practice.
you, with scars that you couldn’t fully explain.
you, with hands that shook and a shorter fuse.
you, with a crowbar in your trunk and a cb radio you never touched— but always had on you.
you. you. you. you. you.
all things in chrissy’s life were entwined with you, you her soulmate. you, a girl who never judged her, not once (except for that crush she had on tammy thompson you would never let that go).
chrissy swallowed when she felt the creature drag a claw against the gold necklace she wore; a tiny dainty chain that had your initial on it.
you wore one that matched it; with a tiny ‘c’ that hung in the hollow of your throat.
whoever, whatever this creature was- chrissy knew one thing for certain.
he, it… it was so fucking wrong about you.
chrissy opened her eyes.
eddie watched as chrissy fell.
you caught her immediately, slamming onto your knees in a move eddie could only tie to cheer- and then you had the strawberry-blonde girl cradled to you.
you both haphazardly tipped to the side, and you stopped the both of you from cracking your skulls against the carpet. the lights stopped flickering, and it was silent as chrissy sobbed against you.
eddie couldn’t help but watch for a moment, before he stepped out- quickly walking to your car. he turned it off, grabbing the tape- and was quick to come back in, jamming it back into the radio that was propped near the television.
you were watching him with calculating eyes, chrissy still cradled against you. you’d tugged her ponytail out in the mere moments eddie had been out, and he watched as you ran your fingers through her hair in a practiced movement.
he didn’t even flinch when chrissy gagged up bile onto his carpet.
“chrissy… what happened?” your voice was soft, a coaxing thing really- and eddie watched as chrissy sat up off of you, coming to lean against the bottom of the couch so she could face you and eddie both.
chrissy’s hands trembled as she used the heel of her palm to wipe at her nose, head shaking slowly from side to side.
“you won’t believe me if i tell you.” chrissy’s voice was shot to hell, and eddie watched as chrissy swallowed sharply.
you shook your head, and eddie felt something roll in his chest at the look that flashed in your eyes as your mouth opened.
“try me, cunningham.”
you listened as chrissy spoke of the creature, and you tried to ignore the tremble that started in your hands.
you listened as chrissy spoke of how everything around chrissy changed.
the rotting food.
photos of you and her; with you burned out.
the man, the creature, the thing.
of how all of a sudden- she’d seen and heard you.
you and cyndi lauper.
how she’d bit the thing in the hand and it dropped her, and she’d just fucking bolted.
eddie had excused himself at one point, coming back with apple slices and water, as well as shirts for both you and chrissy to change into.
you weren’t fully sure what the ‘hellfire club’ was exactly, but you’d seen the party and even eddie himself wear them on several occasions.
you both took it easily.
after eating several apple slices and huddling all together, you swallowed several times before you cleared your throat.
“if i tell you both about this… i’m violating not just signed ndas but also several pink promises.” your voice was soft, and you kept your eyes on your hands. your hands were scarred, and you tried to remember back to just three years ago when they were as smooth as could be. “but if you want to know-”
“tell us.” eddie’s voice was sharp, and chrissy made a soft noise from next to you when you flinched.
“you’ve been protecting me from this for three years… haven’t you?” chrissy asked softly, and you didn’t look at her when you nodded slowly. eddie let out a noise that sounded closer to that of a wounded animal than a human, and you kept your eyes set on the palms of your hands. “the mall?”
“yeah.” you nodded, swallowing slightly.
“before that? when you were in the hospital after the byers boy was found?” chrissy questioned, and you barely dipped your chin in a nod. “more?”
you folded in on yourself, pulling your knees up to your chest- resting your chin on your knees as you wiggled your fingers toward eddie. his hand went to the crowbar first, and you let out a wet sounding giggle as you shook your head. when he touched your cb you nodded, and once it was in your hand- you let out a soft trembling sigh.
“i’ll tell you guys everything, but i have to make a call first.” you murmured, and you leaned into chrissy when the strawberry-blonde girl threw her arm around your shoulders. you sunk into her side, and pressed a couple buttons on the radio.
“make the call then, skirts.” eddie teased, and you felt your cheeks flush with heat as he tapped his foot against your white ked sneaker.
you were fucked. the radio crackled in your hand as it was turned on, and you fiddled with finding the station- before you held the button down and spoke.
“party— this is cheerleader, over.” you spoke loudly, and you watched as eddie’s brow furrowed slightly. chrissy made a noise from her spot next to you, but you didn’t look at her as you spoke again. “party this is cheerleader-”
“babysitter and birdie, go ahead.”
“bard and ranger, go ahead.”
“journalist, go ahead.”
“zoomer, go ahead.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at the overlapping voices, and especially due to the way eddie’s brow was furrowed. chrissy was giggling against your shoulder, and you licked your lips as you held the button down- before you spoke again.
“cheerleader has a code red, over.” you, chrissy, and eddie waited in silence for a few moments, and you swallowed nervously.
after a moment of silence, the radio burst to life.
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samgirl98 · 6 months
Mending a Family 35/?
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When Jason was young, there had been no Christmas tree or decorations. They had been too poor for that. As Willis used to say, would you rather be warm or have useless shit lying around? Funnily enough, he always had money for booze.
 His mom, Catherine, used to take him to midnight mass every Christmas Eve. He used to love to go, not because he believed in God, but because he could spend time with his mom in a warm building. Even though his mother had sounded off-key while she sang Christmas carols, Jason thought she had sounded like an angel. The church would always be decorated for Christmas, and, at least for a little while, he could pretend he was like every other family, spending a Merry Christmas.
Christmas days didn’t have gifts, but his mom would give him gingerbread cookies while Willis slept off his hangover.
Then Willis had been arrested, money had become tighter, and his beautiful mother had fallen hard for drugs. The last few Christmases with Catherine Todd had not been spent in a church but in a rundown apartment while Jason cared for her.
Bruce was ethnically Jewish but not a practicing one. He didn’t observe the Sabbath, go to a synagogue, or celebrate any Jewish holidays. The only thing he did was light up his mother’s menorah every year.
He also ate Chinese food on Christmas day while waiting for Alfred’s dinner.
Jason’s first Christmas with Bruce had been full of decorations, with a massive tree with mountains of presents stuffed beneath it. Jason had had fun decorating with Alfred. Even Bruce had helped. Dick hadn’t shown up to celebrate Christmas with them. That year, Jason had fallen in love with Christmas. Not because of the presents, but because he had spent it with people he loved and who loved him back.
The following year, it had been spent in front of Titans Tower. He had wanted to bring Dick back home as a present for Bruce. It hadn’t panned out. The last Christmas in Wayne Manor had been celebrated with Dick, Bruce, and Alfred. There had been tension between Bruce and Dick, but they had put their differences aside.
The following year, Jason had gotten himself blown up. He didn’t know if he had been alive for that Christmas or not.
After that, he was in Nanda Parbat or out learning how to kill. Then came his explosive return to Gotham.
The whole point was that Jason hadn’t thought about Christmas in years. It was just another day alone.
This year, it was different. He had Danny, his son. He had a younger sister and two nieces. An older brother and an older sister. He had been tentatively excited. Then Jazz had sat him down and told him how much Danny hated Christmas. There was a lot of trauma around the holiday because the Fenton parents used to fight over the existence of Santa Claus, of all things.  
So before decorating, he had asked his son if he wanted to do Christmas or not. His little boy had hummed and asked if there would be any fighting.
The question had broken Jason’s heart.
“No, chum, no fighting allowed.”
“Good, cuz ghosts have the annual truce during Christmas time.”
(Jason filed that tidbit of information for later and had asked Ghost Writer about it.)
“Okay, if there’s no fighting or turkeys coming to life to kill me, then yeah, why not?”
Jason had blinked at the turkey bit. The fuck?
So, for the first time in a long time, Jason celebrated Christmas again.
They hadn’t gone all out. Jason had bought a small tinsel tree and put some wrapped gifts under it. There wouldn’t be a big dinner (Alfred cooked a huge dinner for the family) or Christmas carols. The only decoration they put up was a wreath at the door.
They never once mentioned Santa Claus.
Neither Roy, Lian, nor Raven came over. They had other traditions and people to hang out with. Jason had understood. In a way, it had been a good thing. He didn’t want to overwhelm Danny.
On Christmas morning, the little family opened the presents in pajamas and then spent the day watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate. Instead of cooking, Jason ordered carry-out.
That night, while he tucked Danny into bed, Danny thanked him.
“For what, chum?”
“For giving me the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”
Jason kissed his little boy’s forehead and went to bed. It hadn’t been extravagant, but it had been a good Christmas.
Merry Christmas
@itsberrydreemurstuff @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @skulld3mort-1fan @theauthorandtheartist @emergentpanda-blog @jaggedheart11 @fisticuffsatapplebees @booberrylizard @fantasticbluebirdfan @thegatorsgooseoose @cyrwrites @kjoboo91 @crystallicedart @amaramizuki666 @spekulatiusmuffin @meira-3919 @kilasmess @bubblemixer @lexdamo @wonderland-daisy @mj-arts-n-stuff @amyheart19 @dolfay @the-church-grimm @undead-essence @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @purrloin77 @writer-extraodinaire @charlietheepic7 @sinfulloccultist @nootherusernameworked @coruscateselene @chaoticchange @itsberrydreemurstuff @gmkelz11 @feral-bunny31 @paroovian @thatonegaybitch68 @d4ydr34min9 @overtherose @fandomwandererer @vipower001 @thordottir45 @blackrabbitt3t @rosecinnamonbun @bianca-hooks123 @epilepticnerd @dat1angel @consouling @flamingenchiladadragon @all-mights-asscheeks @ender-reader @fuyu-bitch @ravenswife
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kelcemenow · 10 months
As The Snow Falls - Chapter 1.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1007
Warnings Nothing much in this first chapter, just setting the scene!
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You took a deep lungful of cool, fresh air as you looked up at the beautiful wooden lodge in front of you. You dropped your bag next to your feet and shielded the bright sunlight from your eyes as you took in more of the sight.
A gentle squeeze of your shoulder interrupted you, "It's gorgeous isn't it?"
You smiled to Kylie, "Oh man, yeah. You're so lucky!"
"We don't get here as much as we'd like to but hopefully that will start to change." She raised her voice and leaned her head back towards her husband.
"Yeah, sure." Jason was struggling to carry the vast amount of luggage from the trunk, "Hey, honey? You wanna help me out here?"
Kylie laughed and jogged back to the truck before stopping and waving down another vehicle of vacationers, quickly disappearing in the opposite direction to guide them into the driveway. Jason hung his head and groaned.
"Hey, I got you." You smiled as you made your way closer to him, grabbing the handle of a bag that was slowly slipping from his grasp, "She's just excited!"
You had met Jason in your classes at college and you two quickly became close, forming a solid friendship group with friends Jasmine, Marc and Amie. You were all incredibly proud of Jason's successful football career and together, you would try to catch as many of his games as you could. Conflicting dates and locations would sometimes be a problem so you had all agreed to meet at least once a year for a big weekend reunion. It was Jason's turn this year to organise the trip this year and along with Kylie, arranged an incredible stay in their ski lodge in Vail.
"Yeah well, there'll be no skiing for me when I break my back carrying all of her junk!"
You laughed and grabbed a few more bags, placing them down in the snow at the door to the house.
"Hey girl!" Jasmine sang as she ran towards you with her arms outstretched.
You pulled her in for a tight hug, "Hi! How are you? It's been forever!"
As you pulled back, she brushed some hair from her face, "Oh, I know. I'm so busy with shoots and runways and brand deals, it's insane!"
"Well, you can tell me all about it over a drink later, why don't you bring your bags in and grab a room." You called out to her as she made her way back to the car. Your eyes landed on Amie and Marc who were chatting with Jason, so you walked back towards the truck.
"Honestly guys, it'll be fine." Jason mumbled.
You furrowed your brow, "What's up?"
Amie threw her arm around you, "Oh, just Princess Jasmine driving me crazy the whole way here."
"And speaking of driving, she didn't even touch the wheel. Me and Amie had to do it all. 13 hours, Y/N...13 hours." Marc rolled his eyes.
You giggled, "Oh, come on guys, was she that bad?"
"Fashion week this, photoshoot that...I saved people's lives at work last week but do I brag about that?" Amie shook her head.
Marc laughed as Jason handed you another bag.
"Drink, anyone?"
You relaxed back into the large red leather Chesterfield armchair by the crackling fire, cradling a steaming mug of hot chocolate topped with a generous shot of rum.
"Well, I think you guys should've won, it wasn't a holding. The ref didn't make the right call at all." Marc shrugged his shoulders.
Kylie hissed through her teeth, "Oooh, don't let Trav hear you say that!"
"Yeah, it's a good job he can't make it this weekend." Jason took a sip of his drink as he pulled Kylie closer into him.
You smoothed your blanket down over your knees, "Oh, did you invite him?"
"Yeah, I thought it would be cool, but he's got some event or something tonight. It's a shame, it would have been cool." Jason said.
Amie wiggled her eyebrows, "It would have been cool for Y/N."
You sighed and took a large sip from your mug.
"Wait, what?" Kylie squealed.
You rolled your eyes, "It was one drunken kiss back in college, which can I remind everybody was, like, a century ago!"
Kylie giggled as Jason smiled at you, "Trav had a little crush back in the day."
The group laughed loudly and you could feel your cheeks burning, "Oh, stop it Jason! It wasn't a big deal, it was in a game of truth or dare and we were just kids!"
"Aww, leave Y/N alone!" Amie shouted above the clamour.
"Amie, you brought it up!" You laughed.
The sound of footsteps diverted your attention to the top of the staircase when Jasmine was adjusting her silk dressing gown.
"Is it just me or is it cold in here?"
Amie raised her eyebrows, "Maybe because you're wearing that! Go and put something on that will stop you from catching pneumonia."
Jasmine opened her gown as she descended the stairs to reveal a short silk chemise, her bottom lip protruding into a pout, "But it's cute!
You smiled and lifted your blanket, "Come on Jas, you can share my blanket."
"Thanks babe! So, what are we talking about?" She skipped over towards your chair and snuggled up next to you.
You opened your mouth before anyone else could, "Oh, just Jason's brother Travis who can't make it this weekend."
Jasmine lifted an eyebrow and looked over to Jason, "I didn't know you had a brother?"
Marc lifted his head from the back of the couch, "You really do live in your own little world, don't you?"
A gust of cold air flew into the room as the front door opened and a tall, broad man stepped in. He was wearing dark sunglasses and a black beanie hat, a smartly trimmed beard adorning his chin. Jason immediately leapt up from the couch and ran towards him as your heart skipped a beat.
"Alright now! Y'all can't have a party without me!"
Yet again, this was going to be a one-shot but my brain couldn't behave so this will most likely be a big old series! The photo just fuelled something in me! Don't forget to let me know if you would like to be on my Taglist!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18
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Sunshine follows with Sunfall PT.8
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Warnings: Talks of birth and pregnancy, alcohol(whiskey), suggestive content, lots of timeskips.
Series Masterlist
Today is Judith's birthday!!!
It's October 27th, Judith's seventh birthday.
Seven years ago, you went into labor at 1:23AM and finally delivered her at 3:07AM.
You silently made your way into her room, flicking off the projector nightlight. You turn towards her small bed, smiling to yourself as you sit on the side, leaning behind her. You smoothed your hand over her dark hair. "Judy Jayne," you sang her nickname softly. "Time to wake up, birthday girl."
She stirred, pouting since she's not a morning person, but a smile grew on her face when she opened her eyes and looked at you, excited because of her birthday.
"Good morning!" You grinned.
"Good morning, Mommy." Her voice wasn't as upbeat as yours, but that was just the morning grogginess.
You hummed a soft tune to her and smoothed down her hair one last time before helping her out of bed, not caring about tidying the orange sheets. The two of you walked into the kitchen, and you helped her up onto the elevated seats that go to the breakfast bar. You then put a plate in front of her, French toast strips with some orange slices, and sausage.
"Thank you, Mommy!" She squeals, watching you put syrup and powdered sugar on her cut-up French toast.
"You are so very welcome." You rounded the counter and kissed her head. "I have some gifts."
"Really?!" Judith asked excitedly, acting as if she didn't get gifts every year on her birthday.
"Yes." You laughed slightly, walking into the living room, only to come back with some gifts in your arms. Periwinkle scurried into the kitchen after you, almost as if he wanted to see Judith's gifts as well.
You placed a Hello Kitty stuffed animal on the bar, watching as Judith smiled widely. Then you placed a bracelet making kit down.
"Thank you, Mommy!" Judith thanked you again, reaching her arms out for a hug.
You wrapped your arms around her smaller body. "Of course, my girl!"
"Hurry up and eat! We're gonna have a big party with all of your uncles, grandpa, and all your friends, remember?"
Judith nodded and quickly went back to her breakfast, eyeing her gifts with a smile as she ate.
Your keys jiggled in door to your apartment, opening up easily. Judith sang loudly to herself as she carried a gift bag over to the couch. You yourself carried a two more.
You locked the front door behind the two of you, placing two bigger bags on the floor next to the couch. You walked over to the archway to the kitchen, going to turn on the light, but you jump as soon as your eyes land on a large body. "Oh my God!"
The person laughed, causing Judith to run in, instantly hearing the sound of her father's laughter. "Daddy!"
"Hey, Sunshine." He groaned a little as he bent to pick her up. Her little arms and legs went around him as she clung to him. "Happy Birthday!"
"Thank you, Daddy!" She smiled.
"I made the two of you dinner." He looked at you. "Hopefully, you guys aren't too full from your party."
You smiled and shook your head. "Don't worry."
Jason nodded and looked back at the girl in his arms. "It's your favorite."
"Chicken Alfred!" Both Jason and you laugh from her mispronunciation of 'Chicken Alfredo'.
Jason carried her back into the living room to set her down, and you took it upon yourself to plate the alfred he had in a tupperware container. It's still warm.
You grab three plates and three forks, one of them being a children's fork.
Just as you're pouring some drinks, Jason comes back into the kitchen. "Actually, I have a little something for you and I.... you know, to celebrate the fact that we made a life."
"Oh no." You laughed a little, wondering what Jason could have brought.
He stands next to you, reaching into the bag he brought as it sits on the counter. He looks at you and raises his eyebrows, smirking before pulling out what he had. An expensive bottle of whiskey.
"I don't know if you drink or not... but..."
You roll your eyes and smile, picking up Judith's plate and drink. "Go grab some whiskey glasses."
And with that, you walk back into the living room.
You could indulge tonight.
After Judith went to bed, Jason and you stood in the kitchen, talking about anything really.
The two of you had drinks in your hands, both of you honestly a little tipsy.
"There's a dollhouse in my car that I need help with getting out." You tell him about one of Judith's gifts and he offers to help you out with it tomorrow night, meaning he'll come back soon.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, no longer awkward for some reason. Maybe it's the alcohol?
"Remember when you outgrew your clothes and had to wear mine until we bought you some more?" Jason asks, chuckling as he holds his glass to his lips.
You laugh and nod. "Yeah, I was so big."
Jason looks at you wistfully, speaking with a newfound softness in his voice. "You were really cute with the belly."
You stare back at him and smile slightly. "Thank you. Thank you for Judith."
Jason's gaze is so intense. He was hanging on to every word you spoke, listening to you like you're guiding him to the garden of Eden. "No. Thank you for actually making and birthing her."
He was so close that you could smell the familiar scent that used to linger around your shared home, the scent you used to smell when you'd hug and cuddle up to him.
Tobacco, gunpowder, leather, something earthy, something sweet, and a spritz of a generic men's cologne.
But something was different.
He also smelled like your home. Fresh linen and lavender. Something so small, yet so big to you.
Maybe it's the familiarity. Maybe it's just him. But somehow, you ended up pressed against the counter, kissing him for the first time in years.
A part of you wanted to slap yourself for kissing the man who left you and your daughter for an entire year, yet another part of you could burst out crying from how much you've missed this. When Jason and you split, pieces of your hearts died. Now, it feels as if you are both healing each other.
He had set down his whiskey glass, now running his hands up and down your torso as the intensity grew with the passage kiss. Your arms made their way around his neck and you put your fingers in his hair, tugging on the dark strands.
Jason broke away from the kiss so that he could trail more down to your neck, getting a mixture of both of your spit onto your skin.
"Relax, we're not trying to make another kid." You pant, making Jason chuckle.
He trailed his kisses back up your neck, to your jaw, to your chin, but not to your lips.
The two of you looked into each other's eyes, sensing the yearning and desperation.
You both knew how this night would end.
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Taglist: @keira324 @dakotali @22nranjan @skepvids @harpy-space @godknows-shetried @mirrorball-6 @macncheese69420666 @parkjammys @yyxy27 @burningkidanchor @elleclairez @amecchii @chickennugghon @marvelworldlover @oakexists @p0tterhead934 @makhaia @cassini-among-the-stars @tsukishimarawr @flowestallen @attackonnat @90s-belladonna @sucker4seresin @riahpickle-blog
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yuujispinkhair · 7 months
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Marry Me
Karaoke nights with Yuuji are always fun, but tonight, he makes sure to make it even more special. -> This is part of my Blog Anniversary Event (closed). @subarusuguru requested the song "Marry Me" by Jason Derulo + a karaoke scenario.
Pairing: Yuuji x Reader (female) Genre: fluff Word Count: 700 Warnings: None. All characters are of age. Minors don't interact.
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The lights in the small karaoke booth change to a deep red, and half of your friends cheer while the others roll their eyes as the next song starts to play. It's one of your go-to songs anytime you and Yuuji join karaoke nights. You smile at the routined moves the two of you make, a wordless understanding that comes with many years spent next to each other performing your favorite songs. Years spent as friends and then as boyfriend and girlfriend.
You both smile and laugh, singing the lyrics playfully at each other and doing a little dance where Yuuji spins you around before pulling you closer to give you a quick kiss on the lips right before the next stanza begins.
It's a cute performance, fitting perfectly to the song's topic.
Yuuji even gets on one knee and takes your hand while smiling up at you. All part of your performance, perfected in your many years as karaoke partners. You remember being a bit shy at first, but Yuuji always gave it his all, and his cheeriness made you bolder, too, and soon you were singing louder, too. After that, the small choreographies joined the singing, small dance moves that you practiced and included in your performance, making it impossible for any other team to win against Yuuji and you.
The song ends with both of you singing the last part together while smiling at each other. You are standing, and Yuuji is kneeling on the floor of the karaoke bar, holding your hand, and looking deeply into your eyes, looking so gorgeous with his big smile and his broad figure and his eyes as warm as the sun.
You know it's just your typical little choreography you have adapted over the years for this particular song, and yet it somehow still makes butterflies flutter in your stomach anytime you perform this song and hear Yuuji say the words "marry me."
You can hear your friends around you clap and make the typical teasing comments about you two sappy idiots. You chuckle happily and tug on Yuuji's hand to pull him up, but his large hand tightens around yours, and he doesn't budge at all, making it impossible for you to move your strong boy a single inch.
Your eyes narrow in confusion, and you are about to ask him what he's doing when Yuuji places the mic on the floor, shoves his hand into the front pocket of his hoodie... and pulls out a small red box.
Your gasp gets swallowed by the excited cheer of your friends gathering around you. But you don't see them, you only have eyes for Yuuji.
Your Yuuji, your sweet and sexy boyfriend, your loving partner, your best friend, and your most fun karaoke partner ever. Yuuji, who is smiling up at you with his sunshine smile as big as always, but you can see the corners of his lips tremble lightly, a sign of nervousness. Yuuji, whose warm eyes look at you with so much love while he is kneeling before you and holding a red box in his large hand, which can only contain one thing.
He takes a deep breath and then says the words that send happy tears to your eyes,
"I have performed this song so many times with you, and I have always meant every word I sang. I want to be by your side forever. I still want to wake up with you in my arms when we are old and grey, and I want all these idiots here to still tease us then about how happy we are. I love you so much, cutie, and I want to give you my all and make you happy for the rest of our lives. Will you please marry me, baby?"
He looks at you with big honey eyes filled with hope and love, and you feel your lips tremble as you get on the floor, too, joining Yuuji there and wrapping your arms around him, hugging him tightly while you sob,
"Yes! Yes, I want to marry you, baby!"
Yuuji's strong arms wrap around you just as tightly, hugging you to his broad chest and murmuring in your ear with his low voice full of happiness,
"Thank you, baby. You make me the happiest guy in the whole world.
Your lips find each other in a tender kiss before your future husband adds softly,
"And the karaoke throne will always belong to us."
Making both of you laugh out loud even as happy tears stream down both your faces.
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I hope you enjoyed this cute little drabble!! Doing karaoke with Yuuji would be so much fun, I know it awww. And if you even get a marriage proposal out of it, it is literally the best thing in the world!!
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