#Lewis elder
lewiselder · 1 year
dude your arm sucks!
we back!
it’s been about a year since the last post. i’m consistently averaging about 1 post a year. that’s a lot, right? 
hope this blog posts finds ya’ll well. not much is different in my life besides everything. ralph has gotten ever cuter, sweeter, and nicer. random anecdote but i actually did some 1v1 sessions w/ a dog trainer, but ended up cancelling the remainder when i started to freak out and realize i loved his personality and didn’t want it to change. moral of the story: abandon therapy and become your absolute worst. 
anywayyyyy - i’ve had 2 very arm-core things happen to me in the past few weeks. bad news for me is good news for ya’ll. i get my day ruined and ya’ll get something to read on the toilet in between actively giving yourself adhd by watching misinformation on tiktok for 90 minutes. 
*whispering* actually, i kind of like when this crazy shit happens to me bc i get to write about it and feel ~special~ :^D
today, we’re gonna cover the first story. i hope to be consistent enough to write up the other story soon. no promises. 
Dude, your arm sucks!
picture this, it’s mere weeks ago - fathers day 2023 - beautiful, scenic sunday weather. handsome clouds with chiseled jaws and just the right amount of buccal fat hang expectantly in a baby blue sky. i’m in a wifebeater with a mullet. 
as ya’ll surely know, i grew up without a dad (as did most of my friends shout tf out to ya’ll) and so i obviously don’t do anything special for father’s day. on this particular father’s day, my friend and i were going to go for a nice walk with ralph, but first we decide to stop by the starbucks next to my apartment.
my friend runs in to order the coffees. i stand outside with ralph, leaning against the side of the building. 
now i’ve heard a lot of words in my 30 years. i’ve heard them put together in all sorts of combinations to form all types of sentences. smart sentences, dumb sentences, long sentences, short sentences, sentences about crypto even. but i was about to hear a sentence i’d never heard before. 
from out of absolute fucking nowhere i hear, 
“dude! your arm suuucks!”
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i look up from watching some instagram story of someone i’ll never see in person again for the rest of my life even if we both live to be 1,000, to see a tall, skinny dude standing next to me. his mouth half open, half smiling
i’m literally standing in shock, mostly perplexed and processing, my tiny golden dog who has some of the worst dog anxiety on the planet quakes beneath my feet. 
“what?” i manage to spit out through a half laugh
“dude yeah man, your arm sucks!”
i stare at him like:
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if i recall correctly, he introduced himself as Rick at some point during this interaction, so i’ll refer to dude as Rick (have you ever said the name Rick to yourself like 5x? that can’t be a real name. it’s barely even a sound. rick. rick. rick. rick. rick. yeah get fucking real bud)
rick: “nah man see that’s just how i approach life. we gotta just be upfront with one another and then we can move forward from there. like now we’ve addressed it and so we can move on”
PLEASE NOTE: rick was not as well spoken as i am making him sound. while this is largely accurate, i’m paraphrasing from memory. pls add in 70% more incoherence to whatever i say he said  
and i gotta hand it to rick, he was hilarious. it’s awesome pseudo-intellectualism filled with ersatz empathy.
me: O_O
rick: yeah man like look, my leg used to suck 
*rick pulls up one of his pant legs, exposing the lower half of his leg*
now i can’t tell ya’ll his leg didn’t suck bc it definitely fucking sucked but it looked normal to me, albeit gross and dirty
me: bro pull your pant leg down lol
rick: *pouting* fine, but im just saying now that we got it out of the way we can be friends on a real level
me: i don’t think friendship is in the cards for us man. bro i need you to keep it moving
i should mention that, while this is a lot of text, this is maybe 20 seconds of real life interaction, and at this point it becomes clear to me that rick is at least semi-homeless and likely not totally together mentally. this colors strongly how i interacted with him going forward, because idk man what am i gonna get into a fist fight with a houseless dude who is likely high or drunk rn?
sensing my withdrawal from the conversation and my waning interest in friendship, rick resorts to an especially strange move. 
rick: nah man lemme get a real good look at it and we’ll get through this
rick bends down and puts his face maybe 6 inches from my arm, his bloodshot eyes wide as dinner plates
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me: *recoiling* alright man see now im really about to beat the shit out of you if you don’t get the fuck on 
rick (as if i just lit a firework during a fancy dinner party): woah fuck ok man, fine. trust me your legs are as big as my waist, i know you could beat my ass. but i might be able to out run you in a straight line spring *chuckles to himself* but obviously you’re a strong guy
at this point, rick starts walking away still kind of talking about how i look strong. he opens the door to starbucks and heads in. he’s their problem now. 
mind you, starbucks is packed so it’s taking forever for my friend to get the drinks. 
maybe 40 seconds later the door to starbucks flings open
rick is back, baby!
“would a cigarette make it up to ya?”
me: lol brother i don’t smoke
rick: yeah me neither *lights cigarette in his mouth* 
we stand there almost shoulder to shoulder like old lovers who’ve run out of things to talk about but just like to enjoy each others company
rick: man you know what show my kids love?
me: what show rick
rick: inspector gadget man, you ever seen it?
me: yeah man that’s pretty old, i’m surprised that’s still on
rick: yeah they love it. you know who you remind me of? Dr. Claw. he’s the villain but he’s a badass. his arm sucks too. 
me: rick...
rick: im just saying man like obviously this shit has just made you tougher in life man. you’re jacked man, i hope my kids grow up to be like you
me: rick, brother, its fathers day, shouldn’t you be with your kids
rick, speaking more to god than to me: *softly* it’s fathers day
me: i’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess their mom has custody
at this point it’s felt like rick and i have been on this island together for a fucking eternity. seasons have changed, wars have risen and subsided, babies have been born and gone to college and decided to hit the snooze button on life by then going to grad school. 
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i’ve literally had relationships shorter than this. not that i don’t enjoy talking to my old buddy rick, but man what i wouldn’t give for him to walk away, or for this starbucks to blow up, or for me to be assassinated. something, anything. 
FINALLY, my friend comes outside with the fucking coffees
she walks up to us perplexed
me: alright man i gotta go now 
*i start walking away*
rick: *smoking his cigarette that didn’t make it up to me and following us as if we’re all in the world’s worst band headed to practice together* aw yeah see now we were just talking about how his arm sucks and -
now i can’t have this fucking dude come walking with us, and i’d mostly been a good sport to him up to this point with the exception of when he tried to do a gynecological exam on my left arm
me, turning and getting into ricks face: ok i’m seriously gonna smack the fuck out of you if you don’t walk away right now
the 2nd threat seemed to do the trick. 
rick muttered some random shit under his breath before finally using his formerly sucky leg to saunter off back towards starbucks.
good night, sweet prince
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I should say that at no point was I really going to fight Rick. He was clearly unwell, but the only way to really get him to leave was to threaten him. During the entirety of the interaction I was more amused and annoyed than mad (save for when he bent down and put his face in my arm). 
It did however bring me back to a place I spent the majority of my time when I was younger. My experience growing up disabled was one fraught with the preservation of what little pride I had. When I felt someone disrespected me, the overwhelming sense of obligation to do something about it (fight them, argue back, whatever) was one of the strongest driving forces of my formative years. And to be honest, feeling as if you have to fight and claw for the sense of pride most able-bodied people get to inherently enjoy is a tremendously heavy burden to carry. 
One of the reasons I so relate to people who have some type of outward presenting marginalized identity, whether they’re Black or Brown or disabled or non-gender-conforming or whatever, is because it’s such an insanely specific experience to have people come up to you and say the absolute wildest shit possible. And they expect there to be no consequences from their actions, which is such a motherfucking frustrating dynamic to experience. It’s hard to explain to someone who’s never gone through it. 
Anyway, that’s pretty much it. I haven’t seen Rick since. I do wish him the best, as I know he had good intentions. And while him and I ultimately weren’t able to enjoy a Newport together like he wanted (but Rick doesn’t smoke), he did give me an interesting story to add to the collection. 
All in all, not my worst father’s day.
if u read this far i owe u a cigarette
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23victoria · 3 months
lol they made sure to soak him 🤧
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strathshepard · 2 months
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Lewis H. Lapham, editor of Harper’s Magazine, in 2004. 
I remember seeing, in a small East Village theater not long after I had moved to New York City, a reading by George Plimpton and Lewis Lapham of the written correspondence between F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. The two old friends sat on stage playing the part of those other old friends, Lapham reading Fitzgerald’s letters, as I remember it, and Plimpton playing the part of Hemingway. (The event was sponsored by Glemorangie or some other Scottish whisky; in the lobby reception afteward, my wife at the time accidentally spilled hers on Plimpton’s leg. He was very gracious about it. As I remember it.) 
We had been invited because in those years – the first-term Dubya years – I spent a good amount of time hanging around the offices of Harper’s Magazine with a few friends who worked there. They had the biggest O.E.D. I had ever seen, which for all I knew dated back to the magazine’s founding in 1850. The etymologies were wildly full. I would look things up while I waited for my friends to go get a beer at The Scratcher or Tom & Jerry’s or Botanica. As an outsider – I was in design school at Parsons – the scenes that played out daily in the offices and hallways of Harper’s, as well as the magazine it produced with Lapham at the helm, were absolutely riveting. It felt like a place where history and the now continuously circled each other in a ring, and this extended group of uniquely curious, sharp, thoughtful, very funny people gave it intensely critical side-eye and wrote about it. I think about that experience often and it brings me great inspiration.
Photography Neville Elder
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ltlthetrifecta · 2 years
Top 5 Favorite Bullet Train Scenes
I must enjoy pain because the scene that'll do it for me every single time, is Tangerine seeing the sticker on The Prince's back and his whole speech right after. The lighting, the music--it just does it for me. I've said this before and I'll say it again You're the Diesel by Dominic Lewis from the score is it.
The fight scene between Ladybug and Lemon is one of my favorites. The banter between the two is spot on. The way Lemon entertains Ladybug for a little bit before he decided to start fighting him is top tier. Ladybug also not questioning why Lemon is talking about Thomas the Tank Engine, but just being offended that Lemon said he was a Diesel, same Ladybug, same. They entertain each other tbh.
I've said this one before too, but Tangerine and Ladybug pretending to have the case. Ladybug with his horrible bad luck opening it? To reveal panties and dildos? The fake British accent? Sir? Sirrr??
"All these years later, the burden of your betrayal still heavy upon your heads. Let me relieve you of both." The Elder is SO BADASS. By far one of the most enjoyable characters to watch on screen. He's so wise and his fight scene was of course one of the most badass. Who do you know slices through train seats with a sword? Who?! "It would seem she pushed the wrong grandson off the roof." Fuck yeah she did, she messed with the wrong one.
"Hurt people hurt people." because why is this man still therapizing when he's about to die. Like in every single fight scene he throws around therapy jargon, but babe you're just making everyone angrier.
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Bonus: The White Death describing how he got all of them on the train. I really enjoy his character and the time he's on screen, even if it is too short. "If you do not control your fate, it will control you." He's so dramatic the entire time, I love it. That gun move is also super badass, my man is not scared of shit.
Another one because I was lying to myself only choosing five: Lemon and Ladybug fighting together at the end. Leave it up to Ladybug to point out that he was shot twice not once. Did he really think Lemon was gonna call him a bruvva that fast? Come on now.
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int0themist · 2 years
ive had the stupid fucking lewberger tiktok audio stuck in my head for DAYS this is going to kill me
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batboyblog · 2 months
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President Biden's plan for the first 100 days of his next term:
—Restore Roe v. Wade
—Sign John Lewis Voting Rights Act
—Expand Social Security and Medicare
—End all medical debt
—Raise the minimum wage
—Pass the PRO Act for workers
—Ban assault weapons
—Lead the world on clean energy
—Permanent child tax credit
—$35 insulin cap for all
—Build more housing
—Invest in child care and elder care
you want that? FIGHT! for it, check if you're registered to vote and then find a way to volunteer, everyone can make a difference everyone!
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mereinkling · 6 months
Do Lay People Think?
Attending seminary was shocking. Having grown up in Lutheran communities with a high view of the Scriptures, I anticipated entering an environment where I would grow in my knowledge and regard for God’s word. A setting consistent with our Reformation theology which confessed “Sola Scriptura,” the Scriptures alone, as the ultimate authority for doctrine and life. I was amazed at the theology…
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hamilando · 3 months
ੈ✩‧ pranking your elder brother with the wrong text (texts) ੈ✩‧
summary : it’s a lovely night, but of course you have to prank your elder brother
warning : very suggestive ; chaotic
a/n : this was requested anonymously and I hope you like it !! also the Lewis one has a typo, it is supposed to be *too, kindly ignore it 🫶🏻
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samesiesstuff · 2 years
VIvian Lewis and Margarita Light spending some quality time together
Some elders bonding over how fast time passes
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women artists that you should know about!!
-Judith Leyster (Dutch, 1609-1660)
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During her life her works were highly recognized, but she got forgotten after her death and rediscovered in the 19th century. In her paintings could be identified the acronym "JL", asually followed by a star, she was the first woman to be inserted in the Guild of St. Luke, the guild Haarlem's artists.
-Artemisia Gentileschi (Italian, 1593-1656)
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"... Si è talmente appraticata che posso osar de dire che hoggi non ci sia pare a lei, havendo fatto opere che forse i principali maestri di questa professione non arrivano al suo sapere". This is how the father Orazio talked about his nineteen year old daughter to the Medici's court in Florence.
In 1611, Artemisia got raped, and she had to Undergo a humiliating trial, just to marry so that she could "Restore one's reputation" , according to the morality of the time. Only after a few years Artemisia managed to regain her value, in Florence, in Rome, in Naples and even in England, her oldest surviving work is "Susanna and the elders".
-Elisabeth Louise Vigèe Le Brun (French, 1755-1842)
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She was a potrait artists who created herself a name during the Ancien Règime, serving as the potrait painting of the Queen of France Marie Antoinette, she painted 600 portraits and 200 landscapes in the course of her life.
-Augusta Savage (Afro-American, 1892-1962)
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Augusta started making figures when she was a child, which most of them were small animals made out of red clay of her hometown, she kept model claying, and during 1919, at the Palm Beach County Fair, she won $25 prize and ribbon for most original exhibit. After completing her studies, Savage worked in Manhattan steam laundries to support her family along with herself. After a violent stalking made by Joe Gould that lasted for two decades, the stalker died in 1957 after getting lobotomized. In 2004, a public high school, Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts, in Baltimore, opened.
-Marie Ellenrieder (German,1791-1863)
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She was known for her portraits and religious paintings. During a two years long stay in Rome, she met some Nazarenes (group of early 19th century German romantic painters who wanted to revive spirituality in art),after becoming a student of Friedrich Overbeck and after being heavily influenced by a friend, she began painting religious image, getting heavily inspired by the Italian renaissance, more specifically by the artist Raphael. In 1829, she became a court painter to Grand Duchess Sophie of Baden.
-Berthe Marie Pauline Morisot (French,1841-1893)
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Morisot studied at the Louvre, where she met Edouard Manet, which became her friend and professor. During 1874 she participated at her first Impressionist exhibition, and in 1892 sets up her own solo exhibition.
-Edmonia Lewis or also called "wildfire" (mixed African-American and Native American 1844-1907)
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Edmonia was born in Upstate New York but she worked for most of her career in Rome, Italy. She was the first ever African American and Native American sculptor to achieve national and international fame, she began to gain prominence in the USA during the Civil Ware. She was the first black woman artist who has participated and has been recognized to any extent by the American artistic mainstream. She Also in on Molefi Kete Asante's list of 100 Greatest African Americans.
-Marie Gulliemine Benoist (French, 1768-1826)
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Daughter of a civil servant, Marie was A pupil of Jaques-Louis David, whose she shared the revolutionary ideas with, painting innovative works that have caused whose revolutionary ideals he shared, painting innovative works that caused discussion. She opened a school for young girl artists, but the marriage with the banker Benoist and the political career Of the husband had slowly had effect on her artistic career, forcing her to stop painting. Her most famous work is Potrait of Madeline, which six years before slavery was abolished, so that painting became a simbol for women's emancipation and black people's rights.
-Lavinia Fontana (Italian, 1552-1614)
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She is remembered for being the first woman artist to paint an altarpiece and for painting the first female nude by a woman (Minerva in the act of dressing), commissioned by Scipione Borghese.
-Elisabetta Sirani. (Italian, 1698-1665)
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Her admirable artistic skills, that would vary from painting, drawing and engraving, permitted her, in 1660, to enter in the National Academy of S. Luca, making her work as s professor. After two years she replaced her father in his work of his Artistic workshop, turning it into an art schools for girls, becoming the first woman in Europe to have a girls' school of painting, like Artemisia Gentileschi, she represent female characters as strong and proud, mainly drawn from Greek and Roman stories. (ex. Timoclea Kills The Captain of Alexander the Great, 1659).
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archivesainz · 8 months
he's got the fire and he talks with it
📚 ˚✧ ₊˚ lh44
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. . . You end up sleeping at a schoolmate's house so you can finish work the next day, she just didn't expect to have so much fun with your friend's father. .
genre: friend's father trope, the reader is +18, age gape, penetrative sex without protection (p in v), breeding, degrading, creampie, spit kink, cockwarming.
pairing: lewis hamilton x reader
a/n: reblogs, likes and comments are always welcome, english is not my first language so if something confuse pls tell me, requests are open. Enjoy.
The girl was almost 20 minutes away standing in front of her friend's door, she had already knocked five times and nothing. She tried to call her friend, but she also didn't answer and she was at an impasse, she didn't know if she was leaving or waiting to see if someone showed up.
It was four in the afternoon and she was wearing a light pink skirt, a short white blouse and her inseparable white sneakers. She had gone to her friend's house to do a school assignment, so she was still there hoping her friend would show up and she could do the work.
He jumped scared when a thick and hoarse voice sounded too close to his ear:
- "Can I help?"
She turned forward and saw a man standing there, his well-marked jaw hidden by a well-made brown beard, in his mouth with his lips was a gentle smile on his side and in his eyes as deep as the ocean watching her with curiosity.
She sighed with the beauty of the man, he seemed to be in his 30s, 37 years old and she had never seen him before, looked away nervously with the man looking at his face so carefully and replied:
- "Hm, yes I'm looking for Lisa, we agreed to do the school work together."
- "Oh yes, that's okay, I'm her father and she went to solve some things for me, but in a little while she'll be back, you want to.." - He said opening the door of the house. - "Wait for her in here?"
She just waved, she needed to do that job today or she was going to get bad at school, her grades were no longer very good so it was better not to risk it. She entered the big house, kind of shy, not knowing how to deal with her friend's father.
Lewis smiled when he saw the girl standing still near the door, she was all shy and apparently nervous, he sat on the couch and took his cell phone out of his pants pocket, sending a message to his daughter telling him that his friend had arrived.
- "You can sit down if you want. Lisa will be back in a little while." - He said when he saw that the girl was not going to move, she came out of her daydreams with the voice of the elder and sat on the other side of the couch, putting her bag on the floor and touching the edge of her skirt as a form of distraction.
She observed the way Lewis was sitting on the couch, with his legs open while moving his cell phone, he wore black jeans and an almost transparent white shirt, she watched carefully all his tattoos.
Lewis smiled leaving his cell phone aside and looking through the girl's whole body, her white and thick thighs, on her big breasts almost jumping out of the short blouse and in her fleshy little mouth, she was very hot.
He heard the noise of the door opening and Lisa entered, with her usual sweet smile. She approached her friend sitting next to the girl, they talked for a while and after his daughter pulled her friend to the room. Lewis sighed, then going up to take a shower.
It was almost six o'clock at night and the girls had not yet left the room. Lewis was sitting on the couch in a relaxed way, dressed in black shorts and a black T-shirt, he was with his legs open while watching any newspaper on television.
He looked away at the stairs when he saw you going down. She stopped almost at the last step and looked at herself, biting her lips then Lewis arched his eyebrows and put his hands on his knees subtly raising his hips, fixing herself on the couch.
She blinked bewildered by the movement, and walked shyly to the kitchen to drink water. Feeling the look of her friend's father herself, she took a glass putting water and drinking then, when she felt the presence of Lewis behind her she smiled.
- "Are you still doing the work?" - He asked when he leaned himself on the wall and crossed his arms.
- "Yes, Mr. Hamilton." - You turned to him, putting a curl behind his ear and drinking the rest of the water. She wasn't a saint. He noticed the looks of his friend's father on his body, asked Lisa about his family and the girl said everything she wanted to hear, of course she would not miss the opportunity to provoke him.
- "Hm.." - He approached and you blinked your green eyes innocently. - "You know.. it's getting late, if you want to sleep here and finish tomorrow.." - Lewis smiled on his side, looking down and seeing his hot breasts through the neckline of his blouse.
- "I have to tell my parents Mr. Hamilton and I don't know if they would let me.." - She smiled naughty seeing the man's look burning on her body, she walked away standing on her toe to store the glass in the closet, prancing her chubby ass towards Lewis.
- "Tell them that I'll take care of you." - Lewis spoke in the malicious tone, that girl was driving him crazy.
You turned around watching the eldest look up to your eyes while having a scafajeste smile on her face, she approached him fixing her big tits in the short blouse.
- "I don't know.. do you promise to keep me safe? Very warm and comfortable Mr. Hamilton?" - She made that look of innocence almost forming a fluffy beak on her lips if it wasn't for the naughty tone in her voice.
Lewis approached putting his hand on the girl's thin waist making a caress there, he didn't know how she could look so innocent and naughty at the same time, he wanted to end her.
He sighed and said: - "I can make you feel a lot of things dear, just let me." -
Before you could answer Lisa called her in the room, the girl let go of Lewis' arms, sending a kiss in the air as she walked away shaking her ass subtly, she stopped at the kitchen door and looked at him over her shoulder, smiling innocently and finally going up the stairs.
- "Fuck." - Lewis cursed softly when his hard cock bothered him, he was not believing that after so many years, a girl was messing with him so much.
At dinner time, the three were sitting at the table, Lisa on the right side of the father and you facing the man, while eating and talking about anything, you took advantage of the moment of distraction of the friend to pass your feet through the legs of Lewis who looked at himself in a naughty way soon turning his attention to what his daughter said.
You kept sliding your bare feet down Lewis' legs, going up and when you got close to the groin, you came back, smiling every time you received a hard look from the man. You offered to wash the dishes and while his daughter went to the bathroom Lewis went after the girl.
He approached, smelling the sweet smell of the girl's perfume, he whispered softly in her ear: - "Are you an offered little whore, did you know that?" - You smiled naughty holding your teeth on her lower lip, when you slowly leaned to the man, shaking subtly on the half-hard cock.
- "I don't know what you're talking about sir.." - He said in a whisper, feeling when Lewis took a deep breath near his ear and held a moan when the man grabbed his ass with one hand, putting his hair side with the other and talking even lower and hoarse in his ear:
- "Don't provoke me, girl." -
- "Or what?" - The girl turned with wet hands casting a challenging look at the man, Lewis locked her jaw moving away quickly when her daughter entered the kitchen.
- "Come on, I'll give you a pyjama for you to sleep comfortably." - Lisa spoke while drinking water, not realising the mood between the two, you smiled nodding your head finishing washing the dishes, Lewis just left the kitchen a little irritated.
When the two were ready and dressed in pyjamas, you were wearing pink pyjamas. She was lying in bed waiting for Lisa, she was distracted by her thoughts with Lewis when he entered the room, only in sweatpants, she ran her tongue on her lips seeing his skinny and delicious body.
- "I came to say good night." - He said when Lisa entered the room soon after, he kissed the top of the girl's head, she smiled and left a kiss on her father's cheek lying on the bed afterwards.
- "Come here, I also want to say good night."—
The girl smiled getting up and going to the eldest, when he got close, he approached leaving a kiss on his forehead speaking low just for the girl to hear: - "The door to my room will be open, don't make noise."
- "Good night Mr. Hamilton." - She smiled at him looking from top to bottom and went back to bed, lying down and covering himself, Lewis smiled at both of them, turned off the light and closed the door then, going to the room with the half-hard cock.
Lewis left the door between open, lying on the large double bed, he lowered his sweatpants taking his hard and heavy cock in his hand starting to masturbate him lightly, the thick veins pulsating and the pre-cum leaving non-stop.
He sighed when he ran his finger into the sensitive slit, mirroring the pre-cum the entire length, he did not want to cum so he continued masturbating slowly waiting for the girl to appear.
You walked slowly to your friend's father's room, she had fallen asleep a few minutes ago and you took the opportunity to leave the room quickly, when you arrived at the end of the corridor seeing the door between open, you entered the room and almost screamed if it wasn't for Lewis' hot hand covering your mouth.
- "Shh quiet hm?" - He said turning her to himself, when he took his hand out of the girl's mouth she threw her arms on his shoulders and kissed her quickly.
The kiss was quick and tasty, the clicks of the mouths were heard by the silence of the house and Lewis pushed her to bed falling on top of the girl and starting to kiss her again.
You scratched the back of his neck with short nails and let out a little moan when Lewis pulled his lower lip, lowering the kisses to the skinny collarbone showing it.
- "Hm Lewis.." - She moaned when he ran his hand over her pussy, she was without panties so the contact over the shorts drove her crazy. He opened his eyes when he stopped the touches staring at his face.
- "Now it's Lewis? No.." - He said grabbing the jaw of the girl who looked at him with innocent eyes. - "Call me sir, you provocative little whore." - And he left a strong slap on the cheek of the girl who whimpered with the burning, feeling even wetter.
- "Sir please.." - She asked with her eyes full of tears, Lewis' hard cock hurt inside her pants.
- "Oh baby..." - He pushed his hair away from his pretty face, sticking his other hand inside his pyjama blouse and squeezing his hot tits.
- "What do you think about choking on my cock while I suck your hot pussy?"
- "Yes, yes, please." - She said in a hasty tone, spending all that time teasing the man made her so horny.
- "So obedient..." - Lewis said smiling, the girl got on her knees on the bed taking off her blouse leaving her showing off her big tits. Lewis helped her take her shorts out of her pyjamas and the girl looked at him in expectation watching him masturbate slowly.
Lewis lay on the bed pulling you up to himself, she sat on top of your hot cock and pulsating horny, the girl bent down kissing her lips quickly when Lewis told her to turn. On her back she put a leg on each side of Lewis' face leaving her pussy with the shiny honey well showing it, while looking almost drooling at the big cock in front of her.
- "Shit.." - You moaned loudly when you felt Lewis' hot tongue pass over your clitoris. He received a strong slap in the ass and contracted his pussy with the pain.
- "Don't be scandalous and suck me right away with that little mouth of your whore." - Lewis said right away sucking the hot pussy again, you tried to hold your moans and held the heavy cock in your hand by turning your tongue in his extension and putting it in your mouth then.
She sucked hard forming creases on her cheek, while squeezing the heavy balls with her other hand. He passed his tongue in the thick veins of the hot cock and drooled all the length leaving it wet to get into himself. He tried to hold his moans with Lewis' skilful tongue in his pussy.
- "So hot baby.. he's been teasing me all this time, I'm going to fuck this pussy." - Lewis said when he put his tongue on the wet entrance, the girl let go of his cock to moan when he stuck two fingers at once.
- A-ah! Sir like this.. - The girl moaned shaking against Lewis' fingers, he slapped on top of the red pussy which made her moan louder, seeing this Lewis stopped what he was doing and in a single movement took her off him and threw her on the bed, getting on her knees between the girl's head and sticking his cock deep in her tight throat.
- "So hopeless slut.. fucking on my fingers like a slut." - He said when he spat on the girl's face, she closed her eyes trying to breathe with her cock going so deep inside her mouth.
The bed moved with Lewis' quick movements, he was going crazy with the choking sound that the girl's throat made, along with the delicious squeeze on his cock. He stocked up two more times and walked away later, going down and sticking his cock at once in his tight pussy.
- "Ohh fuck Lewis!" - You moaned throwing your head back, Lewis moved fast inside your pussy, the noise of his balls hitting your ass and the moans of both echoing through the silent house.
- "Damn you're the hottest slut I've ever fucked Hm.." - He spoke while stocking hard feeling that he would cum soon, squeezing the girl's breasts with his hands.
- "Mr. Hamilton your cock fucks me so well.. fuck, it doesn't stop!" - She moaned contracting her pussy hard, Lewis moaned hoarsely sticking his face in the sweaty hair of the girl who scratched her back hard.
- "Oh fuck.. I'm going to fucking cum." - Lewis moaned stocking harder, she squeezed him so well, she was so wet around his cock, her moans loudly and her sweaty body with his was so good.
- "Inside me please.. cum inside me Mr. Hamilton." - She moaned softly in her ear feeling his panting breath, Lewis couldn't stand it, stocking three more times and then cumming, without stopping putting his cock still hard in her wet pussy.
- "Please.." - She asked in a sigh when Lewis stopped with the movements, she could feel the hot cum of him inside herself and it made her crazy and very close to cum, the eldest opened her mouth spitting in there, she swallowed smiling and putting their mouths together then.
- "I'm going to make you cum love, and I'm going to fill your hot pussy with cum until you can't take it anymore." - He said when he walked away, Harry let out a grumbling when the cock came out of himself, Lewis turned it aside, and the girl was quick to take the honeyed cock and stick it inside him again.
Lewis smiled at the girl's rush and began to stock his cock slowly in his honeyed pussy, it was all so warm and tight. She moaned softly, rubbing her sensitive clitoris, her sweaty back on Lewis' sweaty breastplate.
- "Do you like it like that, huh? Or prefer when I fuck you hard like that.." - He asked quietly, increasing the strength of the thrusts. Her big breasts jumped and the bed made noise.
- "You fuck me so good, I'm feeling your cum deep inside me..." - She moaned louder when he held her waist stocking up hard, she rubbed her sensitive clitoris feeling that she would soon enjoy her entrance contracting Lewis' thick cock.
- "That's it.. fuck I'm going to cum.. sir.." - She screamed arching her back on Lewis' breastplate, moaning loudly and non-stop while Lewis continued to stock up hard, moaning hoarsely in her ear.
- "Shh.. Lisa is sleeping, you don't want her to listen to the cheap little whore you are, right?" - Lewis whispered in the girl's ear and you couldn't stand cumming anymore. He kept stocking up on his sensitive pussy, feeling it contract non-stop on his cock.
- "Damn I'm going to cum inside your pussy again.. oh" - Lewis moaned when he stocked up two more times and then came, he took his cock out of the tight heat and slapped the sensitive clitoris hard, she screamed and he covered his mouth with his hand, while taking the other to the clitoris rubbing hard.
- "Cum for me again, enjoy, your whore." - He spoke softly, she moaned stuffy against the elder's hand squeezing Lewis' arm hard cumming and then squirting, feeling her whole body shake.
Lewis took his hand out of the girl's mouth turning her soft body to himself, seeing the sweaty little face, he smiled leaving a kiss on his red lips. She opened her eyes wet with tears of pleasure for herself and spoke in a thread of voice:
- "That was so tasty Mr. Hamilton .. can you.. keep me warm? I don't want your cum to come out of me."
- "Damn girl, you're so dirty.." - Lewis said smiling, he took his cock half hard and put it in the wet pussy again. The girl smiled tired towards you and laid her head on his sweaty breastplate.
- "Satisfied love?" - He asked, feeling his hot cock inside her wet pussy.
- "Yes.." - You replied falling asleep next.
It was difficult to explain to Lisa what happened the next day, when she picked them both up in bed. But Lewis was satisfied, and for sure that would happen again.
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agena87 · 1 month
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Lewis Earcuff
The first CAS non-recolour CC piece I'm releasing! Yeah!
-BGC -Male & female, teen to elder -Found in earrings -32 swatches -Polys: 545 | 381 | 266 | 186 -Nobody cares, but name is because I was listening to Lewis Capaldi (as always) when I was finishing it.
🔸 Don’t claim as yours 🔸 Don’t re-upload 🔸 Recolours are OK (even including the mesh), just credit me and and redirect to the original 🔸Obviously, if you do recolours, DO NOT PUT BEHING A PAYWALL OF ANY KIND (no EA, no adlink, no whatever). And don't post it on Curseforge under any circumstance. 🔸 Edits are also OK, but the same rules than for recolours apply! (credit me, no paywall, no Curseforge) 🔸 Eat broccoli! 🥦 🔸 Enjoy! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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emjayewrites · 19 days
fouled by fate • aurelien tchouameni (1/10)
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SYNOPSIS: Aurélien Tchouaméni, one of football’s rising stars, is used to navigating the pressures of the pitch—but nothing could prepare him for an arranged marriage. With his family’s legacy and cultural traditions at stake, Aurélien reluctantly agrees to marry a woman he barely knows. But as they’re thrust into the public eye, sparks fly in unexpected ways. The two must navigate the complexities of love, duty, and fame, all while figuring out if they’re playing on the same team—or if their hearts are destined for different paths.
PAIRINGS: Aurélien Tchouaméni x Zuri Awanto Nchang (faceclaim Samira Ahmed @/iamsamiira)
WARNINGS: cursing, football b.s., dry humor/wit, slight arguing, friends to lovers, instant attraction, eventual smut (18+/minors dni)
TAGLIST: @trenterprise @f1-football-fiend @lettersofgold @hopefulromantic1 @deonn-jaelle @vile-harlot @perfecttrashface @queenshikongo3 @2serenity0 @essaysbyciara @saturnville @trentswrld @planetmimi @muglermami @shepgurl @sucredreamer @julescpu
A/N: Please let me know if you like to be removed/added to the taglist. Also, a surprise mention in this chapter that links to another story!
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The Madrid sun blazed relentlessly as Aurélien jogged across the training pitch, his head pounding with each step. The air hummed with the rhythmic thud of cleats striking balls and the sharp whistles of Coach Ancelotti directing drills. Aurélien grimaced. Last night's tequila shots at Goya Social Club were exacting their revenge.
Whoever invented tequila deserved a special place in hell.
"Bloody hell, he's trying to kill us," Jude Bellingham panted, falling into step beside Aurélien. "You holdin' up alright, mate? You look proper rough."
Aurélien grinned weakly at his teammate's distinctive Brummie accent. "I'm starting to think I should've stayed my ass in bed."
Eduardo Camavinga joined them, looking annoyingly fresh-faced. "What's this? The great Tchouaméni can't handle a little heat and a few drinks?"
"A few?" Aurélien scoffed. "I'm pretty sure I drank half of Mexico last night. Unlike some lightweights who bailed early," he added, eyeing Camavinga pointedly.
They paused near the sidelines, grabbing water bottles from the cooler. Jude took a long swig before turning to Aurélien, his expression softening.
"How're you really doing, though? With everything coming up next month?"
Aurélien's smile faltered slightly. "It’s… whatever. Not trying to dwell on it."
Camavinga clapped a supportive hand on his shoulder. "The arranged marriage, right? Your old man still pushing ahead?"
"Yeah," Aurélien sighed, his casual facade slipping a bit. "It’s a done deal. My fiancée and her family are arriving next month."
Jude shook his head, whistling low. "That’s a lot, mate. And you don’t even know her?"
"Not a clue," Aurélien confirmed. "Dad’s got it all arranged with her family. They even got the blessing from the elders back in Cameroon, but it's mainly my dad driving this whole thing."
"No wonder you've been living it up lately," Camavinga said, his tone sympathetic. "Fuck, I'd be drowning in women too if I knew I was being forced into a random marriage."
"You would've been if you hadn't ghosted us like that," Aurélien retorted. "I'm tired of planning stuff and you back out last minute, bro."
Jude nodded, his face brightening. "Speaking of hanging out, Lila's planning to visit soon. She's keen to catch up with everyone."
Aurélien managed a genuine smile at that. "That's great; it'll be good to see her again." He shook his head in disbelief, still amazed at how Jude had managed to snag Lewis Hamilton's little sister. The young Englishman's charm seemed to know no bounds. "How'd you swing that again?" he teased. "I still can't believe you're dating her. Talk about punching above your weight."
Jude grinned, a hint of pride in his eyes. "What can I say? The Bellingham charm is irresistible."
Camavinga snorted, nudging Jude's shoulder. "Yeah, right. And I'm the King of France."
As they bantered, Aurélien's mind wandered. He thought about the countless nights he'd spent clubbing, the endless amount of pussy, and the carefree laughter shared with teammates. All soon to be replaced by... what? Family dinners and couple's game nights? Sure he loved his family, especially his young siblings, Anne-Maïsha and Yannis, but settling down at twenty-four years of age seems blasphemous. The thought of being married was almost as nauseating as his hangover.
His phone buzzed in his bag - probably another message from his father, Fernand. The reality of his situation was closing in, and Aurélien couldn't help but feel a mix of resignation and resentment. He'd always known this day might come, but the speed at which it was approaching left him reeling.
They continued their training, and Aurélien tried to focus on the present. The feel of the grass beneath his feet, the burn in his muscles as he stretched, the familiar banter with his teammates. But his thoughts kept drifting to his unknown fiancée. Would she laugh at his jokes? Would she understand the offsides rule? Would she realize she was marrying a man whose idea of cooking was not burning toast? Would they even like each other?
An hour or so later, training was over for the day, and he hit the showers. By the time he stepped out onto the parking lot, he was back in his zone. The sun was still blazing as evening slowly drifted on, but he didn't mind. Sliding into his ride—a sleek, black Porsche 911 Turbo S—he let out a long breath. The leather seats felt cool against his skin as he sank into them, and the engine roared to life with a low, satisfying growl.
Aurélien pulled out his phone, noticing the missed calls from his father. He hesitated, then tapped the number and brought the phone to his ear. The call connected almost immediately.
"Ouais, Papa? (Yeah, Dad?)"
"Aurélien, enfin! Où es-tu? (Aurélien, finally! Where are you?)"
Aurélien sucked his teeth, glancing out at the sun-soaked training grounds. "Je viens de finir l'entraînement. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? (I just finished training. What's up?)"
His father's voice took on a more urgent tone. "Va à l'aéroport. Ta femme arrive aujourd'hui. (Go to the airport. Your wife is arriving today.)"
Aurélien's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he frowned in disbelief. "Aujourd'hui? Mais pourquoi si tôt? (Today? But why so soon?)"
There was a brief pause before his father answered. "Elle a terminé ses études plus tôt que prévu, et elle commence à décrocher des contrats… tu sais, avec son Instagram. (She graduated early and she's starting to land some contracts… you know, with her Instagram.)"
Instagram? Aurélien blinked, trying to process what he'd just heard. The sarcasm practically dripped from his mind. Great. I'm marrying an IG hoe.
He sighed, running a hand over his face. "D'accord, j'y vais. (Alright, I'm on my way.)"
"Merci, fils. Sois gentil avec elle. (Thank you, son. Be nice to her.)"
Aurélien let out a dry chuckle as he hung up, shaking his head. Be nice? He didn't even know this girl, let alone how to be nice to her. As he shifted the Porsche into gear and pulled out of the lot, his thoughts drifted back to his unknown fiancée. Would she be another high-maintenance Instagram model obsessed with followers and brand deals? He smirked to himself. He'd seen enough of those in his life already.
But there was nothing to do now but go pick her up and see for himself. Maybe she'd take one look at him and decide she could do better after all. A man could dream, right?
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Zuri fidgeted nervously, her eyes darting around the crowded airport pick-up station. She had no idea who she was looking for, which only added to the anxiety bubbling in her chest. Her father had given her little to go on, vague descriptions and the promise that she would "know him when she saw him." But how was she supposed to recognize a man she’d never met?
Then, out of the sea of people, she spotted him. A tall, broad-shouldered man with an air of effortless confidence, moving through the crowd as if he owned the place. His smooth, dark brown skin and muscled frame hugged his designer tracksuit perfectly, and his piercing eyes seemed to notice everything around him. Zuri's breath caught in her throat as he approached.
His gaze settled on her with a mix of curiosity and certainty. He stopped just in front of her, towering over her, and offered a polite nod.
"You wouldn’t happen to be the daughter of Ernest Awanto Nchang, would you?" he asked, his voice rich and smooth, though there was a hint of dryness in his tone.
Zuri blinked, momentarily taken aback by his handsomeness and the way his curly taper fade complemented his angular facial features. "Yes, I am," she replied cautiously. He then began to ramble off in rapid French, and Zuri failed miserably at trying to catch up. "Um, I'm sorry, I don't speak French that well."
His eyebrows rose slightly. "Ah, my bad. I'm Aurélien."
She nodded, offering a small smile. "Zuri. Nice to meet you."
As they collected her luggage - all five suitcases of it - Aurélien couldn't help but suck his teeth. "Damn, girl, did you pack your entire house?" he muttered.
"I didn't know how long I'd be staying," Zuri bristled as she followed Aurélien to the parking lot, her eyes widening slightly when she saw the sleek, black car parked in front of them.
A Porsche? Nice.
The car was immaculate, with gleaming chrome accents and tinted windows that added an extra layer of mystery. When Aurélien unlocked it with a casual click of his key fob, she couldn’t help but admire the luxury of it all. She slid into the passenger seat, and her fingers brushed against the soft, peanut butter leather that lined the interior. The seats were plush and cool against her skin, a stark contrast to the tension radiating off Aurélien as he settled in behind the wheel after packing her luggage in the trunk. The scent of expensive cologne and leather filled the air, making the space feel even more intimate and imposing.
The drive began in uncomfortable silence, the only sound coming from the hum of the engine and the occasional click of the turn signal. After a few minutes, Aurélien finally broke the silence, his voice laced with dry humor. "You know, you weren’t supposed to arrive until next month."
Zuri didn’t miss the underlying irritation in his tone. She glanced over at him, her defenses kicking in immediately. "I’m sorry for ruining your plans," she shot back, her words dripping with sarcasm.
Aurélien’s lips twitched slightly, the hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth, surprised by her sass. "Why the sudden change?"
Zuri sighed. "I graduated early from university. My father and I weren't seeing eye to eye about my career plans. He wants me to get a 'real job'," she air-quoted, "instead of pursuing my influencer work. So he decided to ship me off to Madrid, figuring my 'husband'," another air quote, "would straighten me out."
Aurélien couldn't help but laugh. "Gotta love African parents, huh?"
"Yeah," Zuri snorted. "By the way, how do you pronounce your name again? Or-ree-lee-en?"
"Aw-reh-lee-an," he corrected. "And yours is Zoo-ree, right?"
"Close. It's more like Zu-ree. Short 'u' sound."
They pulled up to a modern, spacious house with large windows and a manicured lawn. As they entered, they were greeted by an energetic German Shepherd puppy.
"Zeus, down boy," Aurélien commanded, but the dog was too excited by the new arrival.
Zuri shrieked and jumped back as Zeus bounded towards her.
Aurélien's lips contorted into a teasing grin. "Don't tell me you're scared of a little puppy?"
"He's not little!" Zuri protested, eyeing the dog warily.
"He's only a year old," Aurélien chuckled, picking up Zeus easily, as if the dog barely weighed anything at all. "See? Harmless."
Zuri didn't look convinced, but she tentatively reached out to pet Zeus's head. The dog immediately licked her hand, causing her to giggle despite herself.
Aurélien watched the exchange, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Looks like Zeus likes you already," he remarked, setting the dog back down on the floor. Zeus trotted off, seemingly satisfied with the introduction.
"Come on," Aurélien said, gesturing for her to follow him. "I’ll show you around."
The house was as impressive on the inside as it was on the outside. Modern and spacious, with clean lines and tasteful décor that spoke of understated luxury. Aurélien led her through the open-plan living area, pointing out the key features as they went.
"This is the living room," he said, nodding toward the large sectional sofa and the wall-mounted TV that dominated one side of the space. "The kitchen’s over there, fully stocked. Dining area’s next to it if you’re into that."
Zuri trailed behind him, taking in the high ceilings and the large windows that bathed the room in natural light. Everything looked like it had been carefully curated, from the abstract art on the walls to the sleek, polished surfaces that gleamed under the light.
He led her down a hallway, past a few closed doors, and stopped in front of one. "Here’s your room," he said, pushing the door open to reveal a well-appointed guest room. It was cozy, with a queen-sized bed covered in crisp white sheets, a matching dresser, and a small seating area by the window.
"The bed’s already made up, but if you need extra sheets or towels, they’re in the closet here," Aurélien added, opening a nearby door to show her where everything was neatly stored.
Zuri nodded, still a little overwhelmed by the situation. "It’s really nice, thank you."
Aurélien shrugged as if it was no big deal. "My chef usually comes in every other day around two to fill up the fridge, so if you’re hungry, just look there."
Zuri raised an eyebrow, curious. "Do you ever cook for yourself?"
Aurélien let out a short laugh. "Nah," he replied, shaking his head. "Not really my thing. Oh, yeah, I’m usually out early and back late, so don’t wait up for me. It’s cool to eat without me."
Zuri wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so she just nodded.
"Well, I’ll let you settle in," Aurélien said, giving Zeus a quick pat before heading toward the door. "Zeus and I are gonna give you some space. If you need anything, just let me know."
With that, he left her alone in the guest room, the door clicking shut behind him. Zuri stood there for a moment, taking it all in. The reality of her situation was slowly sinking in—she was in a foreign country, in a stranger’s house, with a man she barely knew, and would soon be in a marriage she hadn’t chosen.
She tried to keep a straight face, to be strong like she always was, but the fear and uncertainty were overwhelming. Her hands trembled slightly as she sat down on the edge of the bed, the softness of the sheets offering little comfort. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay composed, but the tears came anyway, slipping down her cheeks before she could stop them.
Zuri quickly wiped them away, frustrated with herself for breaking down so easily. She’d worked so hard to build her life, her career, her brand as an influencer. She was known for her confidence, her style, her ability to navigate the fast-paced world of social media with ease. But now, all of that seemed so far away. Her home was in New York, where she knew the streets, the people, the culture. And now, here she was, starting over in Spain—a place she’d only ever visited on a few short trips to Europe.
How was she supposed to navigate this? She could barely understand her parents’ home language of French, and now she was expected to learn Spanish too? The thought was daunting, and for a moment, she felt utterly lost.
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Aurélien paused outside the guest room door, his hand hovering over the handle. He could hear Zuri's muffled sobs from the other side, and a twinge of guilt twisted in his stomach. He'd never been good with crying women - it always made him feel awkward and out of his depth. His ex-girlfriends had often complained about his tendency to shut down or retreat when emotions ran high.
He sighed, running a hand over his face. Part of him wanted to go in there, to try and comfort her somehow. But what would he even say? 'Sorry your dad shipped you off to marry a stranger'? Yeah, that would go over well.
Despite his discomfort, Aurélien couldn't help but think about how beautiful Zuri was. Her umber skin was flawless, smooth, and rich like polished mahogany. Her full lips, high cheekbones, and almond-shaped eyes gave her an almost regal appearance. And her hair - a mass of springy curls that framed her face perfectly. She was stunning, no doubt about it.
His phone buzzed, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was a text from Jules Koundé:
"Hey man, just landed in Madrid. Still good for me to crash at your place?"
Aurélien winced. Fuck. With Zuri's unexpected arrival, he'd completely forgotten about Jules' visit. He quickly typed out a reply:
"Slight change of plans. The fiancée arrived early. Mind staying at a hotel instead?"
Jules' response came moments later:
"No worries, bro. Hotel might be better anyway - more privacy for bringing back some señoritas, if you know what I mean 😉"
Aurélien chuckled, but then paused. Could he still do that? Bring back hookups? Technically, Zuri was his fiancée now, but it's not like they were going to have a loving marriage. Maybe they could come to some sort of agreement - you have your side pieces, I have mine, just keep it out of the media?
He shook his head. That sounded grim, even to him. But wasn't that the reality of their situation?
Thirty minutes later, Aurélien met up with Jules at a trendy bar in downtown Madrid. The two friends dapped each other, slipping easily into rapid French.
"Mon frère, ça fait trop longtemps! (My brother, it's been too long!)" Jules grinned.
"Je sais, je sais," (I know, I know,) Aurélien replied, signaling the bartender for two beers. "Mec, tu ne croiras jamais ce qui s'est passé aujourd'hui. (Dude, you won't believe what happened today.)"
As they settled into a corner booth, Aurélien recounted the day's events - Zuri's unexpected arrival, the awkward drive home, her fear of Zeus.
"Elle est comment? (What's she like?): Jules asked, leaning in with interest.
Aurélien took a long swig of his beer before answering. "Belle. Vraiment belle. Mais aussi... je ne sais pas. Perdue? Effrayée? Je l'ai entendue pleurer dans sa chambre. (Beautiful. Really beautiful. But also... I don't know. Lost? Scared? I heard her crying in her room.)"
Jules whistled low. "Merde, c'est dur. Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire? (Shit, that's rough. What are you going to do?)"
Aurélien shrugged, feeling helpless. "Je ne sais pas, mec. Je ne sais vraiment pas. (I don't know, man. I really don't know.)"
Aurélien and Jules continued their night, moving from the bar to a pulsing nightclub. The bass throbbed through the air as they made their way to the VIP section, immediately drawing attention from the other patrons.
Two women approached them, exuding confidence with every step. The taller one, with sleek box braids cascading down her back, sidled up to Jules, while her friend, with her hair styled in loose waves and curves that her dress hugged perfectly, set her sights on Aurélien.
"You look like you could use some company," the woman with the braids said in accented English, her dark eyes locked on Jules. "You want to dance?"
Jules smiled coolly, already angling towards the dance floor with his companion. "Sounds good to me. Aurélien?"
Aurélien watched his friend smoothly lead his dance partner away before turning his attention back to the woman before him. She was stunning, her skin a rich, deep brown that seemed to glow under the club lights.
"I'm Lia," she said, leaning in close to be heard over the music. "And you are…?"
"Aurélien," he replied, his eyes appreciatively taking in her features. He knew exactly where this was heading, and a part of him hesitated. The image of Zuri, alone and crying in his guest room, flashed through his mind.
But then Lia's hand was on his arm, her touch warm and inviting, and he found himself leaning into it. Didn't he deserve one last night of freedom before diving into this arranged marriage mess?
"So, Aurélien," Lia's voice pulled him back to the present. "What brings you out tonight? Celebrating something?"
Aurélien chuckled, a hint of irony lacing his words. "You could say that. Let's just say I'm trying to… clear my head."
Lia tilted her head, her curiosity piqued. "Oh? And how's that working out for you?"
Aurélien’s gaze lingered on her, sliding from her eyes to her full lips, then lower, drinking in every curve with deliberate intent. "I think it's starting to help," he murmured, his voice low and thick with suggestion.
Lia’s lips curled into a knowing smile, her eyes glinting with intrigue. She stepped closer, closing the distance between them until their bodies were nearly touching. "Is that so?" she teased, her tone laced with challenge.
Aurélien leaned in, his breath hot against her ear. "Why don't we find somewhere more private?" His hand brushed her waist, fingers skimming the fabric of her dress.
Lia didn’t hesitate. She got up from her seat, leading him out of the VIP section through a dimly lit hallway and into a nearby storage room. It was cramped and cluttered, but it provided the seclusion they needed.
Once inside, Aurélien wasted no time. He pressed Lia against the wall, his hands gripping her hips as he pulled her close. Their lips met in a heated kiss, all hunger and need, as their bodies moved together in a feverish rhythm. His hands roamed over her curves, exploring every inch as she eagerly responded, her fingers threading through his hair.
The kiss broke, and Lia dropped to her knees, her eyes locking with his as she unbuttoned his pants. Aurélien's breath caught as she freed him, her hand wrapping around his thick length. His cock was long and veined, the skin taut and smooth, with a slight curve that Lia seemed to appreciate. She took him into her mouth, her lips stretching around him as she began to work him over with slow, deliberate strokes of her tongue.
Aurélien groaned, one hand resting on the back of her head as she took him deeper, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock before sliding down his shaft. Lia knew exactly what she was doing, her movements expertly designed to drive him wild. Her slurping sounds filled the small room, a wet, rhythmic symphony that matched the pulse of his desire.
He hated that he was here, in some grimy storage room at a club, getting his dick sucked like this. It felt beneath him, almost disrespectful to himself, but he couldn’t deny how badly he needed this distraction. The tension, the frustration, all of it melted away with each skilled flick of Lia’s tongue, each tight, wet pull of her mouth.
But even as his body responded, his mind wandered. Thoughts of Zuri crept in, uninvited, disrupting his focus. He imagined her face, the way she looked at him earlier with a mix of uncertainty and defiance. He could almost hear her voice, questioning what the hell he was doing. The thought made him grit his teeth, annoyed at himself for letting her into his head at a moment like this.
Lia's pace quickened, her mouth moving faster, more desperate to push him over the edge. Aurélien let out a low growl, trying to banish the thoughts of Zuri from his mind as he focused on the warmth of Lia's mouth, the tight suction that was driving him closer to release. He tightened his grip on her hair, thrusting deeper into her throat, the need for release overriding everything else.
Finally, with a rough groan, Aurélien came, his body shuddering as he spilled into Lia’s mouth. She took it all, swallowing greedily as he rode out his climax, her lips still wrapped around him until he was spent.
When it was over, Lia slowly pulled back, wiping the corner of her mouth with a satisfied smirk. Aurélien leaned against the wall, catching his breath, his mind already turning back to the reality he was trying to escape.
"Needed that," he muttered, his voice rough.
Lia stood, straightening her dress as she shot him a playful look. "Anytime," she teased, giving him a light tap on the chest before standing up to her full height. "Y'know that was only a preview right?"
Aurélien adjusted his clothes, feeling the weight of everything settling back on his shoulders. "I know, but I'm fine with that preview."
"You sure?"
"100%," he said, deftly ignoring the pout on her lips. "Thank you."
Lia shrugged as she fixed her dress, "You're welcome, I guess."
This had been a temporary distraction, nothing more. As he exited the storage room, his thoughts were already drifting back to Zuri and the mess he knew was waiting for him.
Should've kept my dick in my pants.
Aurélien felt surprisingly guilty as he made his way back to the main area of the club, spotting Jules near the exit with Lia's friend. The two men approached each other, exchanging a quick dap.
"Heading out?" Aurélien asked, eyeing the woman waiting with Jules.
Jules grinned, "Yeah, man. You good?"
Aurélien nodded despite his slight uneasiness, "All good. See you tomorrow?"
"For sure. Later, bro."
With a final fist bump, they parted ways. Aurélien watched them leave before calling for his own ride home.
The house was dark when he arrived, save for the flickering light of the TV in the living room. As he approached, Zeus lifted his head from the couch, tail wagging slightly at the sight of his owner.
"Hey, boy," Aurélien whispered, moving closer. That's when he noticed Zuri, curled up on the couch next to Zeus, fast asleep.
A small smile tugged at his lips. He'd have to tease her tomorrow about cozying up to the dog she was so afraid of earlier. Quietly, he retrieved a blanket from a nearby chair and gently draped it over her sleeping form.
As he leaned in, he couldn't help but notice the dried tear tracks on her cheeks. The sight sobered him instantly, reminding him of the reality of their situation.
"We're both fucked, huh sweetheart?" he murmured, more to himself than to her or Zeus.
With a sigh, he turned off the TV and headed upstairs. In his room, he shed his clothes, the scent of the club – and Lia – still clinging to him. As he stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over him, his mind raced.
This arranged marriage... it wasn't what either of them wanted. But it was their reality now. As the water ran cold, Aurélien couldn't shake the feeling that his life had irrevocably changed. The carefree bachelor was gone, and in its place? A reluctant husband? A man trapped in a loveless marriage?
As he climbed into bed, exhaustion finally overtaking him, his last thought before drifting off was of Zuri's tear-stained face. Whatever happened next, he realized, they were in this together.
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
congrats on 500 followers!!! Could you do a blurb with like theyre staying with his family and its all just comfort and fun maybe she’s pregnant, and could you do like for dialouge:
“It feels like a dream. And I never want to wake up.” like shes happy and got everything she wanted
Omggg, my heart exploded with this one. Someone give this man a child (I'm open)
"If feels like a dream. And I never want to wake up"
The shadows of the crackling fire cast danced on the walls of the cozy and empty living room. Y/N sat curled up on the sofa, her daughter nestled in the crook of her arm as she tried to get the toddler to sleep, but the little girl, wide-eyed and alert, seemed mesmerized by the activities and noise around her grandmother’s house.
It was Christmas Eve, and Lewis’s family got everything ready for their famous Christmas lunch.
Carmen, Lewis's mother, emerged from the kitchen, a steaming mug in her hand. Spotting Y/N, she smiled warmly. "You look like you could use a cup of tea," she said, handing her the drink
Y/N accepted gratefully, wrapping her free hand around it for warmth. "Thank you" she replied, her voice low but soft.
Carmen sat down beside her, her eyes filled with a gentle warmth. "She's growing up so fast," she said, her voice revealing the wonder she always held at her granddaughter.
Y/N nodded; her gaze fixing back on her daughter. "It feels like just yesterday she was this tiny little thing."
Carmen chuckled. "Time flies when you have them."
Y/N smiled; her heart full as she studied the other kids, almost pre-teens by now, excitedly talking to each other in the kitchen and the family room.
Lewis and their daughter had spent the whole with them. Willow and Kaden carefully dotting around the toddler and making sure they told her every little detail of their Christmas traditions.
Carmen had also spent their day watching the little girl, her interactions with Lewis, with Y/n, with her ants and uncles. She had wondered if it’d ever happen to Lewis, the possibility of him settling down, finding someone who could truly make him happy. Give him the family he always dreamed of.
And then Y/N had come into his life, and everything changed.
"You're doing an amazing job, you know" Carmen said, her voice filled with admiration.
Y/N blushed. "It's not that much work" she replied modestly. "They’re really easy to love."
Carmen shook her head. "It's more than that. You've created such a beautiful home for Lewis and this little one. You've given him a family, something he wondered if he’d have."
Y/N's gave a shy and small smile to the elder. "I love him, Carmen," she said softly. "More than words can say. And this one… she's the greatest gift I could ever ask for."
Carmen reached out and took Y/N's hand, squeezing it gently. "I know," she said. "And I'm so grateful to have you both in my life."
Y/N looked down at her daughter, who was now fighting hard her sleep, her tiny head resting on Y/N's shoulder.
"It feels like a dream," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "And I never want to wake up."
Carmen smiled, her eyes glistening as she saw Lewis standing by the threshold watching the scene in front of him. "Me neither, dear," she replied to the both of them. "Me neither."
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @strqirlhrts
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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sinisterexaggerator · 2 months
Reasons to vote for Biden even though he sucks.
In his speech in Detroit last night, President Biden laid out an agenda for the first 100 days of his second term. Among other initiatives it included:
Restoring Roe v. Wade
Signing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act
Expanding Social Security and Medicare
Ending all medical debt
Raising the minimum wage to a living wage
Passing the PRO Act to enable workers to organize
Banning assault weapons
Leading the world on clean energy
Lowering childhood poverty by restoring the child tax credit
$35 insulin cap for all and lowering prescription drug costs
Building more affordable housing
Investing in child care and elder care
Don’t let Trump win. Fuck Project 2025.
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jellycrusher · 10 months
Wolves and Lambs: Part 3
Alpha Max Verstappen x Omega fem!driver
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Genre: Series, Omega verse, Enemies to Lovers, Romance, Eventual smut
Synopsis: Male Alphas are the ones who dominate motor sports all around the world, especially Formula 1. It is a well known fact. Females in general nor Female Omegas are never heard nor encouraged to join the sport since the 1950s. Well, up until now...
Word Count: 3.9k
Chapter’s Premise: "You are his mate."
Taglist: @laura-naruto-fan1998 @fanboyluvr @giffywiffy3408 @notyouraveragemochii @cmleitora @exotic-iris13 @topguncultleader @mirrorball-6 @barcelonaloverf1life @silscintilla
Parts: W&L masterlist / general masterlist
"Mom, how did you know Dad was The One?"
"I just knew. Your dad was a mighty Alpha, someone who commands attention and respect with every step. Out of everyone I've dated, his pheromones were the only one that affected me to such great extent. Turns out he felt the same way with my pheromones."
"Oh my dear y/n. My sweetheart. Someday you'll know in your heart when you meet the right person."
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The sound of the V6 engine. Crowds going wild. The feeling of starting on the front row. Red lights go one by one. It's a rush. Nothing can beat this.
Max was quick to snatch the lead from you on Turn 1. Charles also proved he was a tough act to beat. Ferrari's car was faster on the straights but Aston Martin has amazing rear grip during high speed corners.
And for this track with 4 long straights, fast straight line speed was needed. Even with DRS to assist you, you couldn't keep up with Charles. It was degrading your tire too much.
By lap 35, you descended to P12 after a horrific slow pit stop of 3.4 secs. The pressure got to you and you were about to radio-in your frustration but you were also quick to clear your mind.
Y/N: "What is the gap to the car ahead, Ben?!" Ben: "Albon ahead by 2 secs, then Gasly by 4 secs." Y/N: "All on old tires?"
Ben: "Confirm."
You quickly maneuvered your way on the first chicane going on the inside, easily overtaking Albon and Gasly. You gave everything that you can to battle it out with the Mercedes pair. Russell locked up and you took this opportunity to go for wide and overtake. You were in DRS range of Hamilton during the straight and you went for it as you both take the corner.
The remaining laps felt like an eternity. The confidence you had on your car the past few days didn't translate to today's race. Pre-season testing and Qualifying laps were different. Back then, you were getting a feel on the car without actually pushing it to the limit. But now? It's like getting an expensive exclusively tailored running shoe and using it for a marathon after only practicing with it for a few days.
Everyone had their difficulties on the first track of the season since this will be the first time these cars will be tested against each other's. These are experienced drivers. Driving in F2 compared to this is a whole different story.
And then the race ended much quicker than you've anticipated.
As much as you wanted a podium on your first race, it didn't happen. You were grateful to have gotten the pole position during qualifying but you repeat to yourself that P5 on your first race isn't bad. You could've given more but you aren't attuned to the car just yet. It'll get there.
You halt your car at parc ferme along with the other drivers. As you crawl and lift yourself up out the cockpit, the other drivers went on to congratulate you. Pierre and Alex were so quick to put their arm on your shoulders after you removed your helmet and balaclava.
"That was some amazing driving!"
"You got some moves, y/l/n!"
Both cheered at the same time and Pierre even rustled your hair. Yuki and Esteban joined them in congratulating you. Even the elder drivers such as Lewis and Fernando were amused at the camaraderie you've built with the other drivers.
Max was also able to notice your closeness with the other drivers from where he was standing. He had already celebrated with his mechanics and is just waiting at the side to wait for his turn while Carlos is being interviewed for finishing third.
He doesn't usually make a lot of effort to befriend any rookie but it left a bad taste on his tongue knowing that he's the only one you're not in good terms with. His friends are a good judge of characters and seems to be enjoying your company. Being the competitive person that he is, surely it won't be that hard to make you see him as a friend.
After the podium celebration and media commitments, you were summoned back to the hospitality and had a debriefing with the whole team. Datas upon datas are presented on the screen. The team discussed what worked and what didn't work during the whole race weekend.
Fernando praised how technically involved you are with the team for the car's development. In this line of work, you can't be too critical of yourself or else, it might even negatively affect your performance. P5 was a feat worth celebrating.
You ask Megan if you could stay for a bit inside the room to re-watch your race. Your notebook is your only company while you endlessly analyze every bit of your race.
It was enlightening and relaxing after an hour of working alone in the de-briefing room of the Aston Martin hospitality. You bid goodbye to the other mechanics and engineers that were still in the garage and walked across the paddock to your car.
You see, in the paddock, all hospitalities are arranged closest to farthest from the entrance based on your place in the championship last season. It's a given that the race leaders (Red Bull, Ferrari, and Mercedes) are the ones near the entrance. The midfield teams and back markers are at the end
A real Walk of Shame.
But with Alonso's and Lance's help last year, Aston Martin has now become part of the mid-field and a contender for being frontrunner.
You passed by the Ferrari hospitality when you heard Charles' voice calling out your name. He runs to catch up to you and matches your pace.
"Didn't expect you to stay behind as well." Charles called.
"I wasn't satisfied with my performance." You huffed.
"That was one of the best rookie performances on an opening race I've seen so far. Don't be too hard on yourself." He voiced. "Have fun! It's nerve-wracking but one of the best experiences you'll ever feel." Charles pats your head gently.
"You're right. I'm actually having fun looking at the reactions of the boys whenever I beat them." You joked.
"As harsh as it sounds, I'm glad there's a healthy rivalry between you and the grid. Anyways, how will you get back to the hotel?" Charles asked.
"I brought a car. How about you?"
Charles just grinned and chuckled without saying a word. As if waiting for a response.
You come to a realization on what he was hinting. "Do you want to hitch a ride with me?"
Charles did a poor attempt of a wink and did a thumbs-up gesture. You almost snorted in amusement because the man could not wink properly at all. Thank God, he's good-looking.
"As long as I'm driving." You suggest and Charles hitched a breath. "No arguments or else, I'm leaving you here." You looked around at an almost empty paddock.
He contemplated for a minute. "Fine. Just for the record, I am against this and I wanted to be a gentlemen. You owe me a car ride but next time, you're my passenger." Charles gave in and didn't insist.
The drive to the hotel was short but it didn't feel awkward at all. Charles was such a goofball especially when he opened the window and stuck his head out to scream. Clearly, he was on a high for bagging a podium.
There was a brief moment where you and Charles' eyes met. It was actually comforting, rather than awkward. He was comfortable being goofy around you and you were grateful that somehow this moment made you forget how you were beating yourself up because of the race result.
Charles turns up the speaker after he connects it to his phone and even invites you to sing out loud to As It Was by Harry Styles. He bobs his head so hard and screamed every lyrics out the window. You've seen the reactions of some of the people you've passed by. They're either weirded out by a strange man screaming his lungs out or amazed after they've recognized that it was the Charles Leclerc.
A crowd of people were waiting outside the hotel, screaming and cheering when you and Charles arrived at the hotel lobby. Charles waved at them and you dropped the car key to the valet. His fans were screaming his name in a deafening manner.
Charles walked towards them to sign a few merch items that the fans were holding out.
Somebody screamed out your name and it made you stop in your tracks from entering the lobby. It didn't occur to you that you would have fans this early in the season. You were just a rookie. Still a nobody.
Charles also called out your name and pointed at your fans when you turned.
Two small kids and their mom were screaming your name, beaming with joy. As you go near them, you stretched out your hand to take the shirt they're holding that visibly shows your number.
The kid was so adorable when she saw you signing her shirt. She was grinning from ear to ear, bouncing up and down while tugging her mother's shirt.
"She's a massive fan. She said she wanted to be like you when she grows up." Her mother leans slightly forward to whisper.
"Thank you so much! That's such a high honor." You replied as you knelt down and ruffled the kid's hair. "Did you watch my race?"
The kid aggressively nods. "Yes. You were great! I couldn't take my eyes off you from the screen. I promise to watch your race every time!"
"Well, then I promise that you have something worth watching for." You hand back the shirt to the kid and stood up.
Charles was done taking photos and signing stuff for the fans at the same time you were walking back to the lobby.
"Thanks for the ride! I enjoyed it." Charles turns to you after entering the lobby.
"Just rate your Uber Driver 5 stars please." You chuckle. "I enjoyed it too. You're my favorite passenger so far."
Charles was about to talk but was cut by Carlos who suddenly appeared beside him, arms crossed on his chest. You notice that he wasn't aware of your presence yet.
"Hey Charles! Why did I hear from your manager that you refused to use the car back to the hotel? You left it in the parking lot at the --"
Carlos choked at the sudden slap on his back by Charles. "Really? I wasn't aware that we had a car for me." Charles nervously muttered.
The poor man was confused at Charles' deflection but realized straight away when he noticed you watching the two of them. He stood straight up and waved at you.
"Hey Carlos! I brought back your partner in one piece. He hitched a ride with me." You cackled.
"Did he go crazy again? Turned up your speakers on max?" he asks.
"YES! He was a great passenger though." You beamed.
"Hear that? I was a 5-star passenger." Charles puffed out his chest.
"Yes, yes. Mate, you're late for dinner." Carlos said as he pats Charles' shoulder.
"Oh right!" Charles gasped. "Thank you again for the ride. If you need a driver, don't hesitate to contact me. Okay?" he adds as he slowly walk away with Carlos. You nod and gleamed in return.
It was a peaceful walk back to your room. The thrill of your first F1 race was slowly dying down. You weren't as dejected as you were a few minutes ago. Thanks to all the people who were supporting you.
Your phone buzzed as you exit the elevator. You pull it out from your pocket and saw an unexpected name.
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HE WHO MUST BE AVOIDED AT ALL TIMES: Hi Y/n! I just would like to congratulate you for a great race. I saw some of the highlights in the cooldown room.
Aston Martin Y/N: Thank you Max. You too, congratulations on P1!
HE WHO MUST BE AVOIDED AT ALL TIMES: So I guess you also have a team dinner?
Aston Martin Y/N: Just a simple one here at the hotel. Nothing too fancy.
Aston Martin Y/N: I'm sure Red Bull would celebrate your win.
HE WHO MUST BE AVOIDED AT ALL TIMES: I didn't want to but Christian insisted. They've started to open the champagnes. Checo also brought some tequila.
Aston Martin Y/N: Tequila as a post-race reward actually sounds good right now
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You assumed that was the end of your conversation but it also surprised you that it continued to go on. You were even replying to his messages during your team dinner.
Max was surprisingly easy to talk to. He could throw very hilarious jokes and even shared some memes with you that some fans have made from the Bahrain GP. The one that got you on a chokehold was a meme of George during the driver's parade. A true meme king. You almost snorted out your nose the water you were drinking while you were checking your phone.
Your constant exchange of banters with Max went on even during the two week break until the Saudi Arabia Grand Prix. You haven't yet talked to him personally outside of the phone conversations. It was easier this way. If only his scent wasn't a cause of your torment, you and Max could even be better friends.
Good thing that almost all of the drivers were so busy with media commitments come Wednesday of the Saudi Arabia GP. Even if you enjoy being text mates with Max, you still felt the need to avoid him.
In contrast with what you feel, you find yourself checking your phone almost every hour to see if you've gotten a message. It was quiet.
"How many times have I seen you checking your phone today? Are you waiting for a text?" Oscar asks as he walks with you through the paddock.
"Nah. I don't know. Kinda feels weird my phone is quiet. Must be busy." You murmured. "I heard Lando saying that you have New York Cheesecake for dessert. Can you spare some for me? Steal some from the Mclaren hospitality? Pretty please?" You hide your phone in your pocket and gestured puppy eyes at Oscar while tugging his shirt.
"Geez, you're such a sweet tooth. Fine, I'll steal some and deliver it to your garage later." Oscar replied. He effortlessly leans his arm on your head and teases you.
"Thanks Mom!" You skipped in joy.
"You have to stop calling me that. If that gets out, the people in the internet will surely start making memes of me as Mom Piastri." He jokes.
"That doesn't sound too bad, Mom." You teased the Australian Driver.
Max just got out of the Red Bull hospitality with his physio when he quickly noticed the two of you meters away from him. He takes note of how often he sees you in such a sunny disposition with the other drivers. He wanted to take out his phone and text you right then but was interrupted when his physio called him out.
It's finally race week!
The pace of your car was wonderful during FP1 and FP2 on the first day. There were no issues and the car was enjoyable to drive. You always land in P2 to P4, and it made you confident going into FP3, qualifying and the race.
However, something felt a bit odd on the second day.
Y/N: "There's a bit of a smell. A strange smell coming from the car. Is something wrong?" Ben: "Okay, we'll have a look." Y/N: "Doesn't feel different when driving but can you please double check?" Ben: "Nothing's coming up on our monitors. You can continue." Y/N: "Copy."
This started during FP3 but thankfully, you were able to finish it with no issues.
During Q1, things started to reach a decrescendo. Even the commentators were starting to get uneasy with how many reports you were giving back to your engineer.
Y/N: "My downshifts are really, really bad." Ben: "Standby." Y/N: "They're just super long. The whole downshift procedure." Ben: "Is there a specific corner?" Y/N: "The last corner is fucked up."
What happened on Q2 was the one that takes the cake. It ended your qualifying stint before you even had the chance to get everything out of the car.
Y/N: "Uhh I have a problem. Engine. Engine Problem. It's almost not accelerating." Ben: "Ok. Understood y/n. Well, we'll do what we can. We're happy for you to try and limp home, if possible."
"Traumatic twist that no one saw coming. The dominant Aston Martin car could not complete Qualifying. and y/n will have to fight through from 15th at best." Brundle commentates.
You went back to the hotel feeling dejected and almost wanted to stay cooped up in your room but the boys were so eager for you to join them for a short game night.
The boys were so chaotic playing Overcooked 2 in Lando's room. Yuki and Pierre were screaming at each other on whether they should throw the burgers their avatars were holding or place it on the counter, while Lando and Alex were bickering and laughing while they figure out how to maneuver their avatars.
"I could use some stress reliever. Thank you." You said as you nudge Oscar's side.
"We all needed it." Oscar replies.
Oscar was quick to react when a knock was heard on the door. He ran to get it and came back with Charles and Max following behind.
"Max, such a surprise to see you here!" Alex calls out Max while his eyes are still glued to the screen.
"I begged for him to come." Charles gleefully pats Max's chest and sat beside Alex.
Max sees you standing on the other side of the bed near Pierre and Yuki. You wave at him and he waves back. This was the first time you've interacted with him this weekend.
The first game ended and the boys gave the controllers to the rest of the group. Oscar sat beside you while Charles and Max sat together.
Charles suggested that they change teammates since Charles and Max's team usually wins during game night. As a handicap, Charles would be your teammate and Oscar would be with Max.
You laugh at the suggestion because when Oscar sat down beside Max, he reverted back to his introverted self. He wasn't as close with Max unlike with the others. He looked like a scared little lamb.
Charles was hilarious all throughout the game. He was even more riled up than you. You let him shout the steps to you while you concentrate on finishing the tasks.
Oscar was doing good with Max. They were bickering like kids but they were able to finish the task better than you and Charles. Max was now standing and focusing on the screen like nothing else mattered.
Everyone was basically cheering and screaming at this point. It wouldn't be a surprise if somebody reported a noise complaint.
At the end of the night, everyone bid goodbye to Lando and Oscar and walked back to the elevator together.
"I'm glad you had fun." Max whispers as he leans closer to you. Both of you were at the back of the group.
"I didn't expect for you to join us but I'm glad you did. Now we have the right amount of people to play the game." You replied.
"Oh right..." Max pauses. "Well, I'm glad I came."
Everyone got in the elevator with you being the last one to enter. The boys were still chatting with each other as you were looking at the screen at the side which says the floor. It dinged on the next floor and a group of five entered.
The other 6 drivers were now quiet while the five strangers were chatting. All of you got pushed back and you were now leaning hard against Max who was behind you.
You try your best not to be nervous at the sudden close proximity between you and the dutch driver. Your body burns at the sensation of his hands at your waist trying to steady you after you waddle out of balance when another person got inside the elevator, further pushing you against Max.
Max noticed a sweet scent within the elevator. Probably from the other people who just came in, he thought. However, when his face got close to backside of your neck, the scent got stronger. He can't help but be drawn to the succulent scent you're emitting from your nape.
Your breath hitched in your throat when you felt Max's breath brush against your skin. You could almost feel Max's chest purring against your back.
Max's scent was also starting to change and you were the only one to notice it. The scent emitting from him was sweet and musky. You could almost whimper at how ambrosial it smells. There was no sense of fear, but pure elation.
The other drivers were blissfully unaware of the tension building up between you and Max as they chat away with the others. You also see Charles joking around with Alex and Pierre.
Max felt your knees buckle slightly and his hands that were on your waist steadies you. Unaware of his surroundings, he continues to take in your delectable scent.
"Stop it, Max..." You whisper, careful not to let anyone else hear you but Max.
He was getting drunk with your scent. It was making him dizzy and he couldn't get enough of it. Like a bee being attracted to a flower's nectar.
His fingers on either side of your waist were now starting to bore into your skin. His growls were now getting slightly audible. The other drivers faintly heard it and were starting to notice a sweet scent as well but didn’t actually realize those were coming from you two. You gripped his right wrist but it didn't even faze Max.
It took him out of his trance when you nudged his stomach with your elbow after you heard the elevator ding and the strangers exited. You stride to the side beside Yuki, and Max steps away opposite to you.
No one could describe what happened between you and Max in that elevator. It left the both of you flushed and panting. Your minds lingering on each other's touch. Eyes glued to each other's gaze.
One by one, the drivers stopped at their respective floors. Leaving you and Max to be the last one left in the elevator. Max's eyes never left you. You avoid his gaze and frantically pressed the elevator button.
Max makes his way to you and slaps his hand on the wall next to you, pinning you in position by his proximity. Completely towering over you.
"Care to explain what happened?" Max grumbled, fighting through his daze.
"I don't know what you mean." You whimpered.
"I'm not stupid. Your smell..." Max slowly leans his face near the crook of your neck. He growls under his breath after one whiff of your scent. "Unlike any pheromones I've smelled."
Max was now burying his face in your neck. You notice the screen on the wall about to stop on your floor. "Max!" You push him slightly, freeing yourself away from him.
You stepped out of the elevator, fighting for your life to stay sane and not get affected by Max's scent. Max's eyes were droopy and his lips were glistening.
Max had no control over his body. He was frustrated that he wasn't able to stop you from fleeing away from him. The farther you ran away, the more his daze faded. The doors of the elevator were now closed and continued to ride up the building.
He knew exactly what had happened. He heard about this from Checo and his parents. There was no denying that you were an Omega and the reason why the both of you had felt that way earlier was because the two of you were fated to meet.
You are his mate.
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Next part: Part 4
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