arrowsperpetualcringe · 4 months
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So in conclusion
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ranvwoop · 2 years
also if a character gets older AND fatter... like... they are Eating Well and Are Okay and arent the Anxious SSkinny Kid they were. and i cry everytime tbh
LITERALLY... like. at it's core even without the Hey I'm Like That it's just. survival. they are out the other side. let me just lay here Forever about it actually
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annieqattheperipheral · 7 months
the whole short clip is good but 2min mark is the climax
lmao at 1min mark, re: new coach/his juniors coach: "BITCH I DONT KNOW HIS LYYYFFE. Tell all your reporter/podcast friends to stop saying i brought him on. I barely remembered he existed let alone what league he's been working in."
I woke up to a text probably like a lot of you guys did as well.
-connor mcdavid
hat AND hoodie??? and that worn voice off the top??
This man has been CRYING over guilty feelings of not being good enough resulting in the firing of his coach
1:10 mark: and ofc-- reporters being fuckin dumb enough to spur on a person clearly feeling shit about himself and his fired coach. "Like yea, we're doing badly but wtf are you insinuating with that question asshole?? That we're uncoachable??? Have u suddenly forgotten all of our recent seasons successes??? Under woody???" Love how drai starts spittin FACTS😤
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unpopularvivian · 21 days
GO! Donald: Scotland flag flying high stronger than that Sodor pride I'm pitted up against old Iron I've seen piles of snow that climb a lot higher! Three branchline coaches made you struggle in a rainstorm just like Trevor you stupid old and worn! OOOOOOOOOOOHH Dropping these fire bars spitting em really far ain't no one on this island cept me twin can beat my roar cause you all cause confusion and delay while we do our jobs you know! Pulling trains together we're the best team! And even on our own we stand better you see! A old engine like you ain't gonna spit a better verse old iron like you is gonna ride in a herse! Edward: Some bitch ass mother fuck decided to test me he is smuuggling his raps from scotland and you ain't gonna believe me! Putting myself on the line I pull the passengers through the storm putting yourself on the line you back into a signal box! Pushing through the snow amounts to nothing when a train of pipes make a devide between you two! Emily can confirm you two hit a new low! Putting you down to lie in red coated snow! Black paint jobs we're switched to blue to mimick me! I'm the goat and not just in the railway series! Donald: You wanna talk about smuggling engines to be saved? You took that old iron Trevor now that's a stowaway! Couldn't ask for maintence and so you broke a crankpin, even Thomas knows that's no way to run all day kid! Ain't no one out here who finds you arc intresting, when the scotish twins come running you hear the crowd cheering!
Edward: Final verse who kid you shoulda made it count! With this last one I'm gonna knock you out! Your paintwork looks sloppy so was your intro, in legend of lost treasure should have been gone yo! Losing a reason to see why you challenged me, ain't no one here who thinks you'll beat see? Finish you with one last line I don't mean to boast, but I'm gonna make you lost just like your missing COACH!
And the winner of this rap battle is.......
Never mess with the Scottish twins!!!!
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dawndestroyer · 2 months
speaking of "people being fucking weird about ryoko kui" wow people in the notes already still doing it
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this particular "fixation" on the cock shethe is annoying to me because 1. that is not an "anatomically correct cock sheathe" that is an "anatomically correct lizard-style pubis bone" and all of you motherfuckers are so mammal dogbrained not everything is a dog for crying out loud BUT
my second reason for being annoyed is that there is this certain. projection and pedestalization of her that wouldn't be happening if she wasn't a woman being separated by a language barrier from them. particularly when it comes to sexuality. because yes that IS a focus for her and she DOES have a powerful and complicated vision regarding it
but no one fucking knows how to conume any of that and instead project their horny worship onto her. omg ryoko kui draws men's bodies with reasonable fat she's such a #bicon. omg she draws fat people she's totally horny like gay men are. omg I mistook part of a reptilian skeletal structure for a dick she is totally horny like we are for monsters!
like do you all hear yourselves. why is your mind jumping to these things and fucking up projecting onto her? why are you going "ooooooOOOoohh" and giggling behind your hands over things that wouldn't have been given a second thought if dungeon meshi was written by a man? because flattening her to #woman makes her relatable? because the concept of a woman depicting sexuality is transgressive to you? because she is a japanese woman that does not speak english which lets you treat her like some free-for-all to make up the idealised cardboard cutout woman in your head? but I digress
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solargeist · 1 year
ghostly i preordered tears of the kingdom finally
it will be here like a week after launch BUT it’s the physical copy because i want the physical version of all the loz games i can get
i just need to avoid spoilers for a week.
ooooooooooohh i waz thinking abt buying the physical copy too, i haven't preordered it or anyhthing tho ajghkadjg i gen have no clue how imma avoid spoilers tbh im so slow with story lines like months slow lord
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ladysqueakinpip · 1 year
Hirmi: 🤥😨💤 Bodrum: 💥🍩🍃
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they’re lying?
i. do not imagine hirmi being a good liar. at all. in his culture elves are supposed to be integritous and good role models, and he's a goody two shoes, so lying would make him feel naughty. he wouldn't be able to look someone in the eye while he's lying and he would stammer. a lot. he's fluent in elvish but his common speech is weak and rusty, so if he was lying to someone in common the stammering would be much worse. stumbling over words. forgetting what words mean and blanking. it would be a mess.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into “flight” or “fight”?
hirmi is a pacifist. he would rather run LOL. there are only a few select things i can see him picking a fight over.
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
since hirmi is an elf he doesn't technically "sleep" like we do. instead he goes into a trance-like state for about 4 hours each night. this is very easy for him to do bc he's usually tuckered out by the end of his long day! he likes to Treat Himself(TM) to the finer things in life, so his bed is incredibly cozy and warm. he also takes a hot steamy bath at the end of each night right before bed to wind down, and that puts him in trance mode quickly.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
bodrum has trouble dealing with basically every emotion LOL. he is very uhhhhhh unstable. delicate. desperately in need of a moirail. one of the hardest ones for him to handle is anger, specifically when he's offended or feels like he's being belittled. which happens frequently.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
OOOOooooOOOhh bodrum LOVES sweets. his favorites would be things made from rich, dark chocolate.
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
he does! the romanticism movement was a HUGE inspiration for bodrum and a big part of the movement was getting into nature. he likes peaceful activities he can do by himself. nature walks, reading in the garden or park, feeding the birds, etc. if he's feeling like socializing i can imagine him enjoying yard games like croquet or that cornhole/bean bag game.
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luimagines · 1 year
I've got the full story for two games maybe even three already planned out pretty much fully I had my first story planned out that I'm going to make the second game because I just want to try and get people to theorize and look for things in the actual game none of the storyline at least the true storyline for the second game is going to be easy to find I don't want to give too much away but I've been super excited about this for a while trying to make it I gave up because I'm not good at trying to code things
OOooooooooohh!! Ok, no spoilers then. XD
But there's other programs to use then straight up coding, right?
I don't know what they're called unfortunately. but I saw a video with Markiplier and Jacksepcticeye, where they went head to head making video games for each other and they only had 2 hours to do it.
Instead of code they had boxes of what they wanted to have happen with the name of the asset within and they would click and drag the order in which they wanted the actions and animations to happen.
They didn't type any actual coding to make the games they were doing. I really wish I remembered the name of the program they used. but there's got to be some others like that one.
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nobodywritingao3 · 4 months
Every since I started going to sleep whenever I have my "oooOOooOoooHh you should cut everyone off and fake your death or maybe die for real and live in the woods like a lonely little troll" thoughts my life has been considerably better
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randomeeveelutions · 2 years
Incapable of Shutting Up
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Sometimes I'll do some food cooking when I have access to a stove. Like I make a meal or pancakes or cookies what have you. And sometimes I'll just think "OOoooOOOoOOhh~ I'm WIFE material" because I honestly do want to get married and have a family in spite of my craziness.
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i would give anything for a full episode of rita and buddy’s ice cream hangout
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vampsoda · 5 years
things i gotta do:
1) sign up for yoga classes
2) i need like a deep tissue massage or something im legit so tense
4) before i post hot takes from now on imma save it as a draft and wait at least an hour to see if it's still something i feel the need to post / care abt at all
5) go to sleep!!
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redorich · 3 years
Hey what if instead of ending up like Skeppy, if you put BBH in the egg he turns into Goodboyhalo and the first thing he says when he gets out is, “don’t fucking touch me bitch.” -🐍
Goodboyhalo, upon coming out of the egg, is......
A person swearing while wearing Bad’s face is a novelty. It doesn’t really wear off, but at times it’s a bit sad. There’s a bit of silence in their conversations, sometimes, where the other person waits for him to interject, “Language!”
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
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so prettttyyyyyy
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enderio · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where the the TF141 watches Titanic in a whole room together
ooooooooooohh! I feel like everyone would fall into a category of either “this movie is super underrated hey why aren’t you paying attention” and “im tryna sleep man why are you paying so close attebtion“ and whoever falls in which category would be HIGHLY subjective.
But my opinions are always right so you can’t tell me Ghost wouldn’t enjoy it and that Price wouldn’t try to sleep through it
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Moira (my tief rogue) became best friends with a goose bc said goose (he’s named Ouss) is the aarakocra bard of the campaign and they bonded over being awkward outsiders and also music.
oooooOOOOOOHH that makes sense, i was imagining like a. goose nfbdgsfs
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