#Like RELATIVELY. To the total time the show actually has. I just feel like everything gets a decent amount of focus
Me thinks I am one of the few who really likes lmk's pacing
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kanafinwe-makalaure · 29 days
I have been thinking about Maglor and Finrod again recently and how I usually characterise them kind of similarly on the surface - in their youth, they're eccentric divas who like their attention and their jewellery, whereas in later Ages, they are more mellow and have this slight, but permanent air of melancholy about them.
All of this is really heavily based on my own headcanons, but I think to me and my interpretation of them, the key difference is that for young Maglor, that loud and dramatic persona is a performance and for Finrod, it is not.
In my mind, Finrod is naturally a total sunshine, the type of person you can't help but feel comfortable and happy around. He is that type of person who you feel completely seen by and who you can't help but look at, listen to, and admire. He naturally attracts attention and he loves to just share his music and his happiness with as many people as he can; he genuinely loves talking to and meeting other people and he does deeply care about getting to know each new person he meets - everyone's lives and inner worlds, to him, are an adventure to explore! He's all smiles and flair because that is who he is at his core.
After the First Age, and especially after spending so much time alone, he is, of course, very sick in spirit, and so no longer has the energy to adopt that persona again, nor the will. It is difficult to disentangle his genuine hurt from what is simply his nature, but healing, for him, would include embracing his natural tendencies. This would be extremely vulnerable for him because that persona he embodied in his youth was his shell of protection. Maybe the awareness that he would not have the energy to perform this role anymore is even part of the reason he did not want to return to his own kind during his wanderings - the belief that no-one would want him for his true self, anyway.
It is during the First Age that Finrod first experiences loss and sadness and fear and death and discovers that half of the spectrum of emotion that he has previously never really spent too much time on - whatever grief he had was always small enough to either process or distract himself from, but those strategies no longer work for him and it fundamentally changes him and the way he interacts with the world. I also do doubt if his release from Mandos might not have been premature, so he might not have healed entirely and discovered new, healthy coping mechanisms.
He is still fundamentally a very positive person who seeks to find and spread joy, but everything that he once knew and that does bring him joy is now also tied to painful memories for him. For Finrod, healing would mean finding ways to process that grief and make more positive experiences than negative - which is difficult for him, because he is still not the type of person to dwell on sad things because maybe, it frightens him a little, and that unprocessed grief is felt in the air around him everywhere he goes.
Meanwhile Maglor (I went into my interpretation of him in more depth here) I see as someone whose nature is actually more mellow and melancholic. As a child, he is pensive and tends to spend time alone, likes to ponder the big questions of the universe and is very sensitive and quiet. Unfortunately, in a family like his, to be quiet is to be invisible, and his parents express worry about him being so prone to sadness, so he adopts a louder persona - he must be seen at all costs, he must outshine everyone at all costs. He is especially focused on pleasing Fëanor this way. Given all this, he is secretly very insecure, but hides it relatively well. Few people ever see behind his mask.
However, this means it is difficult for him to make connections that go beyond a surface level. Both with Fëanor and others, his "perfect formula" for being entirely pleasant and likeable never 100% works because the personality he shows to the world is disingenuous, and even the admiration it does get him is based on an act, so his actual self-esteem is not very great. The only thing he is truly confident about his his music, but he ties his entire sense of self-worth to it as a result, which is not great for his mental health, either.
Later, it means he lacks the confidence to stand his ground against Fëanor and Maedhros even when he disagrees, and so shrinks in the shadow of those he follows - until the very end, when they have all left him.
If he returns, it really will be difficult for his loved ones to get used to this more vulnerable version of him, but with time, they would realise he is much healthier that way. Once he builds a new sense of identity that more closely aligns with his personality, he can feel much more secure and build a more genuine connection to himself and the world around him.
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snapscube · 9 months
Anything you're especially proud to have accomplished this year before the new one rolls upon us?
TRUTHFULLY a lot of my accomplishments were relatively small compared to my ambitions but in the grand scheme of things add up to a lot of meaningful life improvements and successes i think. i dont know if there's like ONE BIG THING i'm especially proud of. a lot of the big stuff i WANTED to do got pretty delayed for one reason or another. but, as for small stuff:
i started an even SOMEWHAT regular exercise routine and have managed to hit the end of the year without dropping it completely, despite occasional slowdown
i got my name legally changed
though it was a bit of a bait-and-switch in terms of intentional production value, we DID technically put out an episode of SRTF this year. we even shadowdropped it, and it has received a ton of praise in spite of itself.
in terms of streams, i genuinely think this was the best year for stream quality and consistency i have ever had. with absolute banger playthroughs like Tears of the Kingdom, Spider-Man 2, Dragon Quest 8, Resident Evil 4, etc. i think i really raised the bar for myself.
and oh shit speaking of, i did my first marathon charity stream this year and raised over $10K for AHA
i made a lot of progress on my art!! made an honest effort to pick it back up and i genuinely think my work at the end of the year compared to where it was is a subtle but noticeable bump, though i did fall off a bit more than i intended.
and though i don't have MUCH to show for it right now tangibly, i have been working a lot in the back of my mind and in various documents on some Actual Fiction that i hope to be able to sink my teeth into more next year.
and yeah there's definitely a lot more small stuff in between! it's tough because i still feel so behind on a lot of stuff that i feel like should have been a lot higher priority for me, but if i'm giving myself credit it definitely puts into perspective just how Not Totally Washed i am when i start to list stuff out. which is nice to be able to do! everything in its time i suppose! im not starting 2024 with any "resolutions" or anything quite as high stakes per se but i do have a large list of goals im still gonna be working towards. i think the main thing i really want to nail down is prioritizing my time and energy towards the things that are gonna make the biggest impact on my own personal satisfaction so it becomes easier to feel like i wasn't just coasting for 12 months.
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knightobreath · 21 days
oliver's epic ii2 movie act 1 trailer analysis
ok so ! theres a lot. im going through it scene by scene
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steve cobs KEEPS calling mephone. what the hell is his plan here. i would say mephone should just block his ass but i have a feeling that he is unable to. I predict that he's gonna have to answer at some point.
(also, i went and checked, but the sound that played is the same as the hang up sound from ep15)
also hotel oj party yayyy everyone gets to hang out and have some fun before everything goes to Shit!
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this shot's just fucked up man. i don't think i need to explain what this parallels.
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this is either a realization or someone walking in, and i think it's the latter because there's little build up. I cannot tell who it would be based on his reaction only, but it Would be someone in the hotel.
OR. what if it's another hallucination like with 4s in the iii finale? That would explain why there's no light from a door opening.
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baseball was already upset before seeing taco & mepad
his reaction BARELY CHANGED when he did see them (the eyebag line showed up after he looked through the door)
mepad is comforting taco, who is likely worked up about you know. talking to pickle and mic
man i actually like the bullets format im going with this from now on
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mic is happy! I don't have any predictions for the context of this scene
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we're getting stuff on knife and trophy!
can't really extrapolate from this scene, hard to tell if trophy was throwing the can there on purpose or not.
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test tube, fan, and paintbrush are going to play a very active role in the episode
As pointed out here, they're in the area that Paintbrush burned down in episode 12.
This area has a direct tie to Cobs with the painting, it's possible that they're trying to stop him on their own.
The device test tube is holding is a reused asset, and was both the time machine from episode 12 and the gem detecting device from episode 13. due to this reuse of the asset, we can't know for sure what it does here.
My prediction is that the device is being used to detect something meeple-related.
I'll note here that mephone is only shown inside of the hotel for the duration of the trailer, I believe that he might be hiding in there for most of this act while the contestants go out and actually try to fix things.
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NOW THIS IS INTERESTING. Knife and suitcase are traveling in the Grand Slams balloon from Theft and Battery.
Since it's only the two finalists, this could be a part of the final challenge.
Hot air balloons in ii have only been used twice. once in theft and battery to get to mecloud, and once in the great bluish bake-off to get to the end of the desert.
I predict that because of cobs's importance to the plot of this episode that this balloon is going to mecloud, although I'm not entirely sold on the idea.
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I predict that this goes before the scene where they're outside of the hotel.
tt and pb have an idea! and they're confident in it.
Judging by paper's expression, this was brought on by something Not Good Happening.
blah blah somehow i connect this to meeple shenanigans okay moving on
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simple! suitcase and knife entering the hotel
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hi lightbulb
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Cobs is PERSISTENT. voiceover backs this up
He must call mephone a lot during the episode
Mephone is clearly running off so people don't see him constantly receiving these calls. i bet hes having a complete crisis over it. panic attack
I predict that as the justification because hotel OJ seems to be a relatively safe space. Theres a total horror to it, a looming danger only one person can really see. He's being hunted down in the middle of a party.
I predict that Cobs's presence in this episode is mostly through this looming horror.
Then there's the flashback of episode 15 with mepad being mad at mephone, voiceover is mephone asking mepad for help, and i'll take a break from dissecting visuals for a sec
MEPHONE: We can't escape him this time! MEPHONE: You have to help. MEPAD: We no longer work together. MEPHONE: Then, don't do it for me.
The voice lines may be put together from other parts of the episode
ehehe i get to talk about mepad. Okay
Mepad not working with mephone extends beyond the show. He actually just doesnt want anything to do with him anymore. oh my god
listen. i would write a whole essay about mepad and mephone rn But i have more scenes to get through.
mephone being the one guy that mepad refuses to help anymore is sending me Dude you fucked this up bad. you ruined your relationship with the one guy whos willing to help literally anyone. but it also shows how out of depth he was coming back from iii because his previous development is not helping him with his mental health this fucked
the "don't do it for me" is said over a scene showing all of the hotel oj guests implying that mepad should do it for everyone else. while this is definitely true i think mepad should also just do it for himself. please. please have mepad start doing things for himselffffffffff PLEASE
I'll touch on this more as i go through the visuals
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taco knocking on pickle's door. it's happening chat
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and i think he saw her
judging by the eye height though? I'm not actually sure. Taco isn't that tall, so either he sees Mepad or someone/thing else. Most likely has to do with taco though.
off topic but does oj seriously decorate his hotel's walls with images of cups and oranges. someone get this guy an interior decorator PLEASE
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Don't have much to say here. not much is happening and there doesn't seem to be any implications with this bit.
whys paper so mad at those hats
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off they go!
i bet these two will be running around in the background of everything a lot.
likely not using mepad's teleportation because it's flashy and noisy, which doesnt work well for stealth.
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everyone's here! except for nickel, who doesnt show up at all in this trailer. don't know what to say about that.
salt also isnt in this particular shot, but she was at the party in another shot earlier.
Oh and mephone. He's probably stepping outside to take a call hehehehehehehehehehehe
pickle also isn't here, but i expect he's either avoiding the party for some reason or preoccupied with a certain sideplot. Or both.
everyone seems to be having such a nice time enjoying themselves! it would be a shame if something horrible were to happen and several characters were to permadie
*cough*but of course that wouldnt happen. Um
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the final shot of the trailer is mepad
i love mepad
i hope he doesnt die
this means hes gonna have another big role in an episode...
it seems a lot of the plot is gonna hinge on the decisions made by mepad. specifically if he's gonna help mephone or not
okay I'm tired. i may add more later. WAIT my final thoughts,
BIG PREDICTION: Mephone will try to hide the cobs calls at the party but will get found out. When he's found out various characters (including tt pb and fan as shown earlier) will try to help in some way. This is act 1, so a lot of stuff will be set up but there wont be any big deliveries.
Mepad will play another big role.
Taco WILL talk to pickle.
Any big deaths, especially permadeaths, will either happen right at the end of this act or in a later act altogether.
more toilet. please animaitonepic Please show us toilet again. i have hope since we saw the ep12 challenge area.
this party is not ending well.
i need to rewatch season 1 i barely remember it
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AITA for making my fiancee do extra flights to pick me up and drop me off again?
For context, I'm 24M and my fiancee is 26NB. I'm disabled and can't fly alone because of it, though to be honest even if I was able-bodied I likely still wouldn't be able to due to also having AvPD.
We're in a long-distance relationship - I live in Scotland, and she lives in Indiana, USA. We've met up several times before, all of which were her flying out to visit me with me paying for all of her flights and our accommodation etc. We began to talk about moving in together and getting her a Visa to live here, but her family understandably said they wanted to meet me first (she still lives with her parents), so I agreed that before focusing on any of that I would visit her there for a few weeks as well to meet her relatives and let her show me around like I had with her.
Since I'd paid for all of her visits here, the agreement would be that she'd pay for my flight there this time. However at the time I made it pretty clear that if I couldn't find anyone to go with me (which was doubtful from the beginning as all of my family work full-time and I don't have many IRL friends who'd be able to travel with me for weeks at a time) it would be a case of "either I have to get picked up or I can't go at all". She agreed to this and said she'd be fine with doing that as long as I paid for those flights, which I was more than happy to do as they're a favour/accommodation for me.
To try and ease the pain-in-the-ass'ness of her having to do an extra trip out here and back just for me, we arranged for her to stay here with me for a week before and a week after so it's not a case of her getting off a plane, grabbing me, and getting on another plane and she can have a break. Accommodation is all sorted for that and everything already which I'm paying for as well. Everything's been booked and she seemed totally fine with this (beyond some understandably minor grumbling about how annoying and tiring it'll be to do the extra flights which like, fair, it will be).
However, after the tickets were booked, pretty much everyone she knows blew up at me over those extra flights. As far as I'm aware her parents/friends knew that's what we'd need to do, but I guess were holding out hope I'd be able to get someone to come with me, which unfortunately I wasn't (and trust I asked everyone I possibly could because I wasn't really looking forward to throwing out the extra £2k as a disabled person who can't work either), and now that it was confirmed my fiancee would have to be doing the extra trips they were really angry about her doing it.
Her parents have, for lack of a better term, gone completely berserk. Her mom has locked herself in her room, her dad came into her room while we were on call to scream that she wasn't going and that it made no sense, that if I couldn't fly by myself then they aren't going to let her move in with me either, they removed my name from their family signs and shit, it's a whole thing. They've basically completely frozen me out over these extra trips. I know at least one of her friends is also incredibly angry at me for 'making' her do it, and has told my fiancee something along the lines of "If I ever meet him I'll be sure to make him feel guilty for this" and as far as I know has actively said they hate me over it. Everyone is telling her to cancel the trip over it, which we can't do because we just spent thousands on non-refundable tickets (and which we don't want to do anyway!).
My fiancee was taking the "Why don't they understand you're disabled?" route to me but I was worried she was saying something else to them and that's why they were so angry, but I've double and triple checked with her that she's not actually secretly super against the idea, and she confirmed again that beyond her being a little annoyed about the extra time/effort it's fine and she's down to do it and that she understands why we have to do it this way. I've apologised over and over because I KNOW it's complicated and annoying and inconvenient and if there was another way I could find I would love to take it. I've tried to do everything I can to make up for it, cover everything financially, give her the extra buffers of time before and after so it's not just a pick-up drop-off trip and is just like an extra visit here, I can't think of what else to do to make it better for her and everyone else.
But her family and friends' reactions have made me second guess everything like - is this more than just an annoying inconvenience? Am I being completely unreasonable by asking her to do it at all? It seems like everyone did a complete 180 on their attitudes towards me over it and it's making me wonder if it's actually way bigger than I can see.
What are these acronyms?
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Not to rise from the dead and post on here after months, but I wanted to touch on an aspect of the show that I feel is misunderstood by the fandom, especially in season 3.
I hate to bring it up at all, but I’m talking about Luther and Allison’s relationship(?). I know it’s a part of the series that most of us ignore or joke about, but in actuality it sheds light on how the siblings were raised, especially Allison, in a sadly realistic way.
While I obviously see Allison and Luther’s relationship as troublesome and unhealthy/weird, I don’t think I have the same ‘gawk in disgust’ reaction other people in the fandom seem to have when the complexity of the relationship is brought up.
This isn’t because I think incest (what I would label the relationship, even if it was more emotional than physical!) is acceptable, but because I think it makes total sense within the show, especially within the character dynamics of Allison and Luther.
Even though it’s a hard thing to bring up, sibling incest is more common than we think. It’s not always full-out or malicious, but it does occur way more often than most of us would assume. Specifically, it’s more likely to occur amongst siblings that are not properly socialized as youths, or ones who are full on isolated.
When we think of isolation we think of olden time families living on a farm cut off from any other societies, and I feel like that makes people underestimate how much the Hargreeves siblings were isolated from their peers and just other people.
I mean, we’ve seen Reginald’s parenting! The kids make their superhero debut at age 11, and by the way it’s described who knows if the kids ever even properly went outside before then. Growing up the Hargreeves had only the seven of them (6 if we account for Viktor’s separation).
All of the personal growth, all of the curiosity about the outside world, all of the teenage melancholia and growing pains, all of it has to occur within the bounds of the seven siblings because there’s literally no one else.
So of course this is going to make for oddly bonded children! Of course they’re going to blur the lines of what siblings should act like, because they know no objective standards! We see this in their competitiveness stemming from being pitted against each other, we see it in their ‘ride or die’ mindset even when they don’t like each other, and we see it in Allison and Luther.
I see the fandom spin it into Allison and Luther being freaks, especially as the other siblings find it odd as well. While I agree it’s weird, I think it’s unfair to paint it simply as ‘grown adults have a thing for their own sibling’ because we’re then ignoring their unique upbringing.
I mean, i find it hard to even treat the siblings as adults on an emotional level, because they were never truly allowed the development needed to grow into stable, mature adults.
You have one sibling who is reared to crave attention and validation, who didn’t see much kindness or empathy due to his envy-inducing status as Number 1. And you have another sibling who is purposely left devoid of proper morals, who is used to getting everything she wants and being wanted by everyone in the way she wants them to, by charm or by force.
Is it really hard to see what those siblings would find in each other, the validation that they surely would’ve found in non-relatives had they been allowed to grow up normally?
One of my favorite parts of TUA is that it’s not afraid to give us a fucked up family, exploring how such an unorthodox childhood allows for ugliness to rear its head in the craziest places. To me, the too-intimate bond of Allison and Luther isn’t something to just be written off as an awkward writing choice, it’s another very real and sad example of how the Hargreeves’ morals and minds were doomed from the start.
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bibibbon · 2 months
I'm so done with MHA now which is so sad because at one point in time I loved it.
Just all this time, (and MONEY!) I and all of us spent on this shit of a series , and the conclusion is that all the 99% of the main villians die, (and fail to be saved by thier hero counterparts eventhough that was poorly set up - but I digress).
Izuku remains abused by Bakugou (with Bakugou growing over Izuku's character and role as MC.)
Todoroki Enji remains free and relatively well off despite being outed as an abuser (with his narrative growing over Shoto's story especially but also Rei's, Dabi's and every other Todofam members too.)
Talking of Izuku, ironically, the poor kid has become more of a literal 'Deku' controlled by the narrative the more the series has gone on. To the point where I couldn't feel connected to him anymore, despite him being my favourite at one point, because all these major things have happened, such as losing OFA he's like 😐 / softly smiling at Bkg while Bkg, his abuser, is the one who bawls about it.
I'm so dissatisfied, so angry that even my love for fic of this has faded because it's so rare to find one that offers true concequence to Bakugou, Endeavor and Aizawa - that also treats Izuku well.
Sorry for the vent, I was furious, but now I am just sad and needed someone like minded to anonymously talk this out with.
That's a totally valid feeling to have towards MHA. To be honest I have kind of gotten used to watching/interacting with shows that have a lot of wasted potential so MHA doesn't bother me as much (even if I go on long rants about it's wasted potential tbh I find it more fun to just ramble at this point)
I have never actually spent money on a lot of the media I consume so I can't actually relate but dam I do feel bad and can empathize with you over that.
Overall I do every much agree with your rant and the way the narrative simply sucks everything interesting out of izuku is so disappointing. Ironically izuku has been turned literally into a physical "deku" whether that be 1) by the narrative or 2) in his fight with shigaraki where he literally couldn't move without the help of blackwhip.
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cleabellanov · 6 months
Jet-Skiing through identity: A deep dive into Mobius M. Mobius (part 4)🛥️
"And I'm yours but you're not mine" (Say Don't Go)
That's Mobius in season 1, because from all we know, he was the one to fall first. A fall that, just like domino pieces, results in a beautiful union of...well, everything.
But now, in season 2, his love is finally reciprocated. He showed Loki something they hadn't seen in themselves. And not only he loved them, but proved to Loki why they're deserving of that love as well. And now that he is finally appreciated and seen by the last person he was expecting, he also gets the insight he never knew he was looking for. This is like always running from something right into the chasm, until someone takes your hand and makes you stop. Even if it means facing your fears.
Open first episode of season 2, when the entire Loki legion was on the verge of a heart attack waiting to see what will happen. (That's actually me, I think I'm not alone). Those were crazy times indeed. Now, to our Mobius: a relative present version of him, not the one that didn't recognize Loki. That was scary. His first line is:
<<Hey, everything you've been doing is wrong, and all your gods are dead. How are people gonna take that?>>
I interpret this as his own thoughts and feelings projected on the collective. It's true for them, but it's relatable to Mobius.
And after all, why would everyone at the TVA believe all this time? The same reason as why we do it: we want to: that's where it all starts. And for someone like Mobius, who didn't believe in himself, it was much more logical to believe in the time gods. Putting the blame on fate takes the burden off your shoulders. But no burden, no glory. Few of them had guts to admit. But even indirectly, Mobius did (and has been for a while).
Backing the argument that he cares about Loki, and that he fell first, his reaction to hearing his name from Casey is immaculate.
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He immediately tries to figure out a way to locate him. He might take a more "slow, deliberate approach", but not when he knows people he cares about are in danger. Not when he can still help.
Then, to X-5's attempt to make him feel bad about his spot on the original timeline, he responds with a neutral approach, not letting such things get to him. He even goes to explaining why jet-skis are so cool. This is something that shows how passionate Mobius can be about the things he likes. I don't think he would do this if he wouldn't be provoked in some sort of way, because the total absence of interest from others can kill a spark pretty quick. But he doesn't let it go just because no one around him sees jet-skis as important as he does. I love him for it.
His pure care for Loki and the way he comforts them the best he can is also very important in this episode. Mobius does his best to calm Loki down, trying to see the situation from an outside point of view so it can be solved efficiently. He's there, he doesn't let Loki down, and we know he would never; "Okay, you wanted time to think, so let's think." - as in let's think together, you're not alone.
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Also, when Loki rushes to find Sylvie so they can fix what is happening, Mobius slows him down. He knows Loki wouldn't take the time to take care of themselves, so he does it for him, knowing exactly how much to insist, and that the timeslipping can't be let out if control for a long while.
Another trait resulting from the episode is sort of a disapproval avoidance, from the convo with O.B. Mobius obviously had his memory wiped and doesn't remember him, but doesn't admit it: it could hurt this nice guy and make him look like a fool (it wouldn't, really. he didn't have to worry abt it).
Then, at the end of the episode, this care (LOVE!!!) he carries for Loki is once again is highlighted:
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Because, even at the risk of losing his skin (and, jokes aside, losing his life), Mobius still waits over the limit for Loki to make it back. What was I saying about believing? Even if the gods of the TVA are dead, the God of Mischief isn't. And Mobius always believed in him.
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nemoys · 1 year
a very long messy review of link click (season 2)
alright so reading through a bunch of (mostly negative) reviews of the season thus far i've come to my own conclusions over how this season felt, and i really feel like addressing them since i personally feel like it deserves recognition (and rightful criticism) within certain aspects. really interested in everyone's takes so lmk whatever you think about all these aspects i'm about to gloss over.
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NOTE ; i'm not going to be talking about the art direction or OSTs . i believe those have been nothing short of phenomenal and i feel like we can all universally agree over that
1) tonal shift : from a more emotionally driven s1, coupled with sprinkles of slice of life moments, we turn to a mostly thriller/mystery plot line. personally, i've always seen this coming. the tonal shift really didn't take me by surprise. with the lg stabbing at the end of season 1 it almost seemed inevitable that the more light hearted aspects of the first season weren't going to happen. more importantly, it was very clear that there was always a higher presence to fight. link click was always meant to be a thriller, this was always the plan, and so i suppose logically i assumed the second season would follow that path. i understand how people might've felt disappointed, or 'robbed', but i don't think the shift was all that shocking quite honestly, it was always set up. link click was never light hearted, even at s1.
the more shocking shift has to be the shift from an emotional, to suspenseful change in writing. the emotional writing in link click has always been the best part of the show and that hasn't changed, the emotionally driven plot lines of s2 (chen bin, ltc/ltx) have been written very well. the suspenseful writing also works. replaces the tear jerkers with an unsettling anxiety, and it's executed relatively well. you can clearly tell that the crew's been experimenting quite a lot with this season, and yes, that's usually what season 2 is for.
2) pacing : now i totally get the criticism in this aspect. in my opinion, the weakest part of s2's been the pacing. with overly drawn out fight scenes, and unnecessarily long recaps, i think the issue has to do with the fact that lc just has a LOT to address, and so it makes us feel less inclined to sit through longer scenes that don't directly advance the plot.
obviously i get that the fight scenes show off a lot of the animation budget #tm and they do look great but the fact that we had way too much time dedicated to a five minute long fighting cutscene in the FIRST episode just made me feel impatient.
3) red herring endings: alright this might be an unorthodox opinion but, aren't red herring cliff hangers a norm in general with these kinds of shows lol. idk i've come to expect the total opposite every time so it doesn't really bother me i guess i'm just used to the medium. not really a lc problem it's a story telling problem in general but that's just marketing i don't know what else to say.
it'd be nice if they followed through but some part of me thinks they're pulling a whole boy who cried wolf situation, eventually they'll pull the trigger when we don't really expect it.
4) shipping/ main trio reconciliations : it's a really serious ongoing situation. i kind of get why the main trio/shiguang don't get a chance to talk things over amongst themselves, it just isn't the time. keep in mind everything that's happening rn is happening continuously, there are no gaps within the days or anything, kind of makes sense that they don't really talk about it. they probably will get to once it's all over, which might be well into s3. again, this was always meant to be a thriller more than it was trio focused. also idk about you guys but i think we actually did get a lot of sweet moments within the trio, cxs and lg, even the sibling dynamic with ql and cxs were really lovely this season.
5) the women: okay i REALLY don't understand the problem here. the women are written well. ql is written FANTASTICALLY and all side characters like ltx and that one red eyed lady i'm forgetting the name of were great too. hell even chen bin's wife was great. i think for a donghua/anime where women are usually given dirt in terms of actually strong writing, lc has always been very solid. their lives do not revolve around the men in the show it just happens to be that men are a part of their lives. they have very distinct personalities and aren't treated like weird objects to gaze at (what a bar lol) but yes i do think the women are written quite dimensionally.
6) unanswered questions : when have linear shows ever answered questions (especially mc based) in season 2?? when has season 2 EVER tied loose ends? when it comes to linear television, season 2's purpose almost always build towards a greater evil/climax. there's a reason why season 2 hasn't answered questions we've had, season 2s in most shows rarely ever do. from what i can tell, with a confirmed s3, i've always expected s2 to simply do its job as a second season and further raise stakes and raise even more questions. i do get the frustration, i get the lack of any backstory, but i want to refrain from making any actual comments over that till every episode's aired ahah, however, im not too mad at it. i just think this show's ride is currently still at an increasing accelerated pace (guys i'm sorry i study physics), things will only be explained once we've once hit the climactic point or go downhill right after. time will tell i guess
overall, i think this season was actually pretty solid. s1 set a very unrealistically high bar, as s1 in my opinion is one of the best seasons in television period. but s2 and s1 shouldn't be compared in the same way, their tone is quite different, and needs to be analysed individually instead. i'll make a complete review once the season is over, but honestly i've come to enjoy the season most when i stop expecting too much out of it. i think people had way too many things they've expected from s2, that were bound to simply never happen.
that said, i do hope the crew takes the valid criticism regarding the pacing (and ig the character focus?) into consideration and implements it well into s3. it's worth noting that i believe nothing was meant to be complete with s2 in the first place.
i've really enjoyed this season, and i'm beyond ecstatic to rewatch it all once it's done airing, in order to properly take it all in. it's had its flaws, more than s1 has had (let's be real s1 had little to none). but that's bound to happen to shows when they head down their linear routes. currently sitting at a 7/10
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pippytmi · 7 months
Kacy exes era was definitely something and so was your fic
All of those angsty prompts are sooooo good. The first one where it's late but you can't sleep so you show up at their door in pajamas 😭😭
Fully imagining Kate turning into peak Season 1 mean girl cause she isn't getting enough sleep and is making it everyone else's problem too and then Lucy also can't sleep and it's effecting her performance out in the field so Jane tells her to take a long weekend and catch up on sleep but she can't cause she can't sleep without snuggling right up into Kate
thank you omg i hope I lived up to the the angsty kacy post-exes era 🫡🫡🫡
and holy shit wait i can 100% see the vision for the sleep one? like. jane notices that lucy isnt doing her best and tells her point blank “whatever you need to get well-rested” so when kate opens her front door at midnight she is understandably very, very confused. totally imagine the scene going like this:
Kate answers the door with an (appropriate) amount of apprehension due to the time of night, but it melts away into soft, plain confusion when she sees Lucy standing there. “Lucy,” she says, quietly, sounding vaguely hopeful and relieved and—Lucy absolutely cannot allow that. 
(The hope, anyway).
“Hi,” Lucy says firmly, “I need to sleep here. Tonight.” She reconsiders her words a little and amends, “Please.”
“Is there something wrong with your apartment?” Now Kate looks concerned. “Are you okay?”
“Everything's fine. Can I—can we take this inside? Your neighbors will really hate me otherwise.”
“Yeah, of course.” Kate steps back to let Lucy in, watching her with that patient, perplexed furrow of her brow, and Lucy is extremely mad that she still finds it cute.
“Jane told me to come here,” Lucy says, once they're standing together in the living room and Lucy is pointedly avoiding eye contact. “Well not here specifically, she just made me take time off to get some rest and…well, she might have mentioned that you're a little off yourself. In her usual cryptic way.”
“Off?” Kate echoes, frowning. “Off how?”
“Well you've been a little—prickly. More than usual. At least, that's what my team has been saying, I haven't noticed anything.” That's a lie, but Lucy is trying very hard to show she doesn't care what Kate Whistler is up to nowadays. 
(Showing up today is just. A brief lapse in judgment). 
Kate crosses her arms. “I've been nothing but professional. If they sent you to complain—”
“That's not why I'm here, okay?” Lucy pauses to exhale deeply. “I can't sleep. I'm driving my team crazy and Jane finally told me to take some time off and…I think I just can't sleep without you.”
“Oh.” Kate blinks, outwardly stunned, and her frown falls entirely. “Does this mean—”
Lucy doesn't let her finish. “I don't want to talk about us,” she says. “I don't want to listen to you explain, or…or anything. I just want to sleep, and obviously, it needs to happen in your bed or it won’t happen at all.” She pauses. “If you’re fine with it, anyway.”
Kate just stares, for a moment. “Is this…wise?” she finally asks. “The ramifications of getting used to being around each other could be…” 
“Don’t analyze it,” Lucy protests. “And don’t look at me like I’m crazy. I just need one night of sleep or I’ll actually kill someone. Can we just, take it one day at a time here?”
“Okay.” Kate bites her lip, looks down and doesn’t look back up. “Sure. We can just stay together tonight and figure the rest out later.”
The act of giving in is very uncharacteristic for Kate Whistler, and deep down, Lucy knows why Kate is agreeing. She knows why Kate is so willing to let Lucy back into her bed despite their issues. And she knows why Kate is currently gently clearing off Lucy’s side of the bed that is so obviously slept-on instead of Kate’s usual side.
But Lucy pushes those thoughts deep, deep down, and instead buries her face into a pillow and listens to Kate’s uneven breathing. “I can hear you thinking,” she says, feels Kate shift behind her. “Relax, okay? We’re just two people…sleeping next to each other…to get one night of rest. It doesn’t have to be weird.”
Kate gives a huff of a disbelieving laugh. “Right,” she mumbles. “Not weird at all.”  
Already, Lucy feels like this is working, all exhaustion melting out of her body as she sighs. “You can touch me, you know.”
Kate coughs. “What?!”
“It it helps you sleep,” Lucy yawns, eyes already closed as she pulls the blanket a little tighter. She has an explanation on the tip of her tongue about how she knows Kate likes the grounding ability to touch, but it fades when sleep comes.
(She swears, though, that she feels the faintest brush of Kate’s fingertips at her waist right before it does).
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blond-jerk-tourney · 10 months
Champagne Bracket: Round 3, Poll 1
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Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
He’s a bitch and a hate (love) him. I will now quote him below: "Sigh... I don't do the whole sweating thing, Neku." "Very impressive, Neku. Show those fifth graders who's boss." "Who needs other people's values? It's easier to just live by your own rules." "Oh! I can't say I'm particularly interested, but... I'll go ahead and ask, for the sake of convenience. Do you have a name?"
Smug asshole. Always playing mind games with the player character. Has many secrets but never shares them. Also did a bunch of spoilery shit.
Byakuya Togami
Very elitist, constantly calls others "commoners", talks about how he is gonna kill someone and get out of the killing game, hangs up a corpse and writes a message with their blood on the wall because he already knows the murderer but wants to see who is smart, complains the other students left him out even though he made sure to tell them every time that he wants nothing to do with them, pretty sure he screams in the 4 chapter " How can you know something I don't know?!", the only reason he doesn't qualify as a villain is cus he doesnt kill someone and in the end works with the rest of the survivors. He also constantly wants the protagonist to tell the rest what he knows
he's mean and self-centered and sees himself as above everyone else.
such a cunt 😭 doesnt eat breakfast w everyone and spends all his time in the library. (also he tampered with a crime scene but spoilers)
His title is literally, get this, "ultimate affluent progeny" Fucking look at him /hj Treats everyone as inferior in every way, even when they're trying to solve a murder he goes "how did YOUUU figure this out before MEEE???? >:0" Constantly has an "Me vs. Them" mentality about everything so he feels the need to prove himself to be superior - Messes with crime scenes because it would "make them more interesting" (purposefully incriminating someone else, who he didn't like) Actual quotes by him: "I'm only here to get breakfast. I have neither need nor desire to talk to you. Now withdraw." "You're like a child lost in the woods, you know that? A total waste of space." "You know, I still just can't believe it... That an uneducated, brain-dead, useless piece of garbage like you has survived this long." "You have only yourself to blame—you came to me with your tragic little story. I didn't ask you to. This is the real world, not some romantic fantasy fairytale."
This rich mf… He spends the entire game being a snobby, condescending, uncaring asshole. He becomes relatively nicer by the end but never stops being a dick. He also desecrated a corpse once for funsies. He’s also stupid but he doesn’t know that. I both like and hate him. It’s complicated.
He's an heir to a wealthy family corporation and he sure does act the part. He acts like he's better than everyone else and thinks they're not worth his time. He's just a huge asshole. (SPOILERS) He tampers with a murder scene just for fun and outs another student's secret alter, knowing full well it was irrelevant to the case. He also has a small breakdown about being wrong in another trial. By the end, he becomes a bit more likeable and kinda a tsundere that pretends like he doesn't care about the other survivors (but he totally does). Still very much an asshole though. He's a fucked up lil guy and something about him draws me to him. I would kick his rich bastard shins IRL given the chance, however.
He is emotionally detached from his classmates…
why you should vote byakuya "tell em naegi" thanks for watching like and subscribe
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 months
sorry for unfollowing and following, I misclicked trying to send an ask;
reverse unpopular opinion ask thing: ASOUE 2004 movie?
totally okay, i figured that was the case!!
there are! definitely a lot of little things that i also enjoy about the 2004 movie ~
-the way hurricane herman played out in the movie was AMAZING. that's always going to be the first thing i bring up from the movie and the most incredible part of it. truly threatening, really feels like a hurricane. -the aesthetic of the movie was also fun! i liked how dark and close everything felt, the clothes, those tree branches sticking out of the water on briny beach, the way all the little creatures and things looked......all the gears in the clock lemony's in.......ALL THE FOG.......it wasn't, like, perfect, but it was also creating a piece of the atmosphere from the books, too -again, the actual reptile room was SO COOL. both of them have a great sense of thrill and adventure but also. peace and comfort and a home of sorts -and both uncle monty actors are just absolute delights. (-ooo also billy connolly was a murderer on columbo.) -the animated credits??? and the credits music???? beautiful. -to this day, i still think about jane lynch as the realtor and her going "is this a bad time? :)" just. fucking hilarious -"kiwi watermelon supreeese" what a line delivery that was -olaf holding the newspaper with the picture of, i think lon chaney? and then lowering it to reveal him with the same expression. very fun -"doesn't it strike you as odd that none of our relatives are related to us?" it makes me giggle. -i really like violet having the sentiment of "there's always something", i think that's a really interesting take on how her brain works and how she sees inventions and their potential, how she sees the world around her. being able to use whatever's nearby, and like a determination, a resolution to not give up despite what's happening around her, but also really pushes how, as the eldest, she knows she has to be responsible for her siblings. there has to be something she can do so of course there's always something because she's going to make that something -oh the wide window!! i mean like the actual window in aunt josephine's house!!! with the big crank that pulls open the window shade from the middle!!!! ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. stunning. kind of scary. -i think the movie hit on some of the real fear in the books. not all the time, but there were moments where like, the spirit of it rang true to something in the books. like with the car on the train tracks, too -and like the letter the kids get at the end, i like the SPIRIT of the letter. i love the idea of the kids finding this piece of their parents they weren't expecting, because that happens in canon!!! that happens in the end!!!!! when they find the book on the island!!!!!!! so i like the thought of the letter. i like the physical look of that scene too, with all the sun. at the heart of it is something very precious. -i've said it before but i remember being, yknow, a kid in 2004 and being so HYPED for this movie, my whole class being into the series and excited about it, seeing the movie for my friend's birthday, the tie-in lunchables, i got the nickelodeon magazine at the time and they had interviews with the actors and with danhan (the photo was of him like sitting at a laundromat or something?? and the caption said 'this is danhan lemony's representative, lemony is hiding somewhere in this photo' and the TIME i spent staring at this photograph, trying to figure out where i thought a person could hide in it), it was, like with the show, exciting!!! thrilling!!! especially as a kid!!!!!
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oblivionbladetd · 7 days
Can you explain in detail why Lily Orchard is such a poor writer in general?
Now, I will begin this answer by saying one thing, I judge Lily like she is standing with the likes of produced authors. She tends to advertise her works as superior to them, so I give them that level of scrutiny. In truth, Lily is a middle of the road novice writer with an ego overinflated to comical degrees.i
That said, she suffers greatly in two simple ways, one being that she does stream of consciousness for just about everything. With that being her only draft, you tend to feel it as you read, she could stand to give a twice or thrice over.
The other thing is what is exacerbated by her simplistic worldviews. She can't hold interesting characters up. We've talked morality in a separate post, so I'll focus on a not uncommon pitfall in that when it comes to protagonists, you don't want the right tool for the right job. What's that mean? Well put simply if the only barrier to having solved conflict is the protag flipping their crocs to sports mode, tis not an interesting plot. This shows up really badly with Aliana and what we've seen of Niva. The only thing that really holds Aliana back is the hand of the author trying to keep the sequel trilogy loosely similar while having a character that is effortlessly capable of soloing the whole cast. Hell, her one instance of damage was both a cheap shot, so cheap in fact, if you squint hard enough, you can see Lily's real actual hand pinning her down. But it's fuckin' star wars, she had a long nap and was given an ace custom mechanical replacement with a slap on the back before steamrolling the rise of Skywalker.
Of course, there is a balance. A totally incompetent protag is equally insufferable, but the problem with Lily is that she has characters that exist in this state of just being perfectly able to do as they please. It's not even that you can't do anything with that, but these aren't the kinds of stories to benefit from that.
She writes power trips and wish fulfillment at a fairly novice level, and if she wasn't one to advertise her work as superior paid alternatives, I'd give her a solid C and a reassuring head pat and that would be the long and short. Not the world we live in, she fluffs them up as paid experience graciously given for free, and with that attitude... I'd still demand a refund for time wasted on a relative nothingburger.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Damian Desmond, the bully and the victim
I'm prefacing this by saying I was bullied as a kid at school. It was not the worst bullying story you'll ever hear, but that makes no difference in bully victims, cause no amount of "It could be worse!" can heal the life-long scars bullying leaves in you. I'm not saying this to evoke pity or sympathy, but to give context for my point of view in this analysis.
My two most prominent (and persisting) bullies through my school years were two boys, unrelated to each other and in different times (one was in elementary school and one in high school), who both had divorced parents and lived with their mothers. I don't know the full details of what their relationships with their fathers were, but I can easily guess that there were unfulfilled wishes in their lives, and once they found me they were like "That's who I'll burst out my frustrations on". As if I didn't have my own issues at home, but why would my problems matter from their point of view?
The thing with bullies (and abusers in general) is that, for the most part, they don't understand the pain they're causing - and if they do, they think their victim needs (tough love situation) or deserves it. Everyone is a hero in their own story - I regrettably made fun of a classmate a few times, out of my own need to feel superior for once after having been on the receiving end for so long. And I can tell you that my justification for doing so was something like "I am smart and this kid should listen to me, if he does he will become smart too!". It was only much, much later that I realized that didn't hold and the kid was actually hurt by my uncalled-for behaviour. Usually, bullies don't have the empathy, or if they do they simply don't put it to use, to see things from their victim's perspective.
And in all the praise I have to give Endo for writing Anya very realistically as a child, I also have to give it to him for how realistic the bullying is. It starts immediately, uncritically. It persists and the stupid excuse of "Just ignore them" doesn't work at all. Anya gets angry and upset at it, to the point of violent outbursts and tears (though thankfully presented in such a way that the audience doesn't blame her). Combined with his conflicting emotions about her, Damian has found the perfect victim for his bullying; Anya is an outcast (aside from having Becky, thank god), has physical attributes he can make fun of, and because of her wanting to help with Operation Strix she just constantly presents herself to him, when normally she would try her damnedest to avoid him (like Becky always advises her to).
Everything Damian does is an outburst of his own feelings of neglect. I know manga readers know more about the family dynamic, but as an anime only I've also been given enough to understand it's very, very problematic. But that's not an excuse. Having trauma on your own does not excuse thrusting trauma upon others. I mean, you think Anya, the orphan from the lab who didn't have anyone to give a damn about her happiness until she had to manipulate both her ways into getting a father and then a mother, has less trauma than Damian does???
It's not an excuse, but it's a dynamic for Damian to become better. Damian's behaviour problem doesn't only stem from him being neglected; it's also from the fact that he hasn't been taught sympathy. Which, like, makes sense. His father is an ambitious politician who genuinely believes that it's impossible for humans, even relatives, to understand each other, and had no qualms saying this right in front of his kid.
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When it comes to Damian's behaviour, it does not matter that those words hurt him terribly. He doesn't have the emotional maturity and empathy yet to understand that he's only perpetuating the same toxic behaviour with his classmates. The fact that Donovan felt so comfortable saying those words in front of both his own son and a total stranger shows that it's something he's used to; and such traits can very easily be passed on from parents to kids without even consciously trying.
Meanwhile, while Anya had a much worse time while being used as a science subject, she was taught the idea of peace; in the first episode flashback, the scientists talk about how they can use her powers for world peace, to justify cutting her play time short in favor of whatever they were doing with her. When Twilight thinks that understanding her will lead to world peace, she immediately starts complying with that. And when she hears his thoughts about how he wants to create a better world, she decides to stay with him as his daughter to help him in the mission, despite understanding the risk and knowing that whether the mission fails or succeeds, Twilight will walk away in the end. She understands the idea of kindness and good. Maybe the way she was introduced to it wasn't the most noble - after all, the scientists were using it as an excuse to practically abuse her - but she still knows and understands enough about what it means for someone else to be happy.
Damian… doesn't. For the grand majority of his presentation he doesn't do things for someone else, in fact, he's so used to others doing things for him that we always see Ewen carry his backpack for him.
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I do not doubt that Ewen himself, being the bootlicker he is, offered to carry it, but the fact that Damian never once went like "Nah it's okay man I can carry my weight today" is very telling about how not used he is to doing things for others.
However, his dynamic becomes interesting and receives redeeming qualities because of the times he does show altruism. First when he stops the ball from hitting Anya in the face during the dodgeball game, (though he instantly and openly regrets doing that). And it wasn't from conscious thought - it was an action purely out of protective instinct. Then, when he's the instigator of consoling George Glooman when the latter thinks he'll be moved out of the school. That one he also regrets doing, but it's much more understandable and it doesn't take away the sympathy he showed him.
There is something he constantly does, however, with someone else in mind; he studies hard and tries to excel at school to receive Stellas, in order to get his father's attention. His way of getting that attention has been so messed up by his upbringing that he thinks the only way of getting any positive interaction with his father is by working hard to not be a "failure". And even that hides some personal motives behind it, because the poor kid longs for some affection from his family. Donovan's character and the distance Damian has from him, his mother (when he calls home, he talks with their butler, not her), and his brother all combined do not allow the kid to understand the concept of doing something to make someone else happy, even (or especially) if there's nothing in it for him.
That's not selflessness; that's a neglected kid pushing himself to prove to his abusers that he's deserving of their affection, something he naturally craves and obviously misses from his life. Tough "love" is so prominent in the Desmond family that Damian had no hopes of growing any differently.
He has the potential to become better and has only been held back because of his family's toxic environment. But he needs to develop a conscious understanding of altruism first if his character is to grow into a morally better area.
You can't just give a character a painful backstory and expect audiences to automatically root for their happiness. You need to show your character also has grown empathy because of said painful experiences. We see it with all three mains. Anya was treated as a lab experiment; you start rooting for her when you see that she wants to help bring peace. Twilight went through a war as a kid; you root for him when he says he wants to create a world where kids won't go through the same thing. Yor lost her parents when she was very young; you root for her when you learn that she took care of her brother and gave him opportunities for education and a better future that she rejected for herself in his favour.
So yeah, I do feel sorry for Damian. But right now I only root for him to understand the meaning of making someone else happy — the meaning behind his own protective action over Anya in the dodgeball game and the sympathy he showed George. When he does that, and he realizes he has more in common with Anya than he dares to accept, it's only then that he'll grow from a layered but still toxic bully into a character audiences can root for.
It's also not the responsibility of Anya of all people to take up all the abuse from him and be the one to help him build up some character. It has to be him making the realization, and Anya can choose to be a friend to him as he does that, but in no way can his development depend on her.
(Again, anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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ruinedsam · 3 months
Feeling kinda obsessed over Ruby telling Sam that sure he’s mad now when it comes out that Ruby’s been working to free Lucifer and manipulating him, and that Lucifer’s going to be grateful and repay Sam for freeing him, and Ruby showing Sam her back when Dean comes in; it really reads like Ruby expected expected Sam to forgive her and this just was a temporary fight. IDK if there’s a fic but I almost wish to write one now, where Dean does not arrive/does not enter in time to see Sam, so Sam is under the impression Dean wants to hunt him down per the voicemail and now Ruby is legit the only person Sam has (as he’s not really friends with Castiel at this point and Bobby held a gun to him not long ago so as far as Sam can tell, Bobby is down with hunting Sam), so it’s either be totally alone or find a way to live with demons as his only real allies. Somehow even more yet simultaneously less toxic than canon Samruby where Ruby is no longer actively manipulating Sam but Sam is so broken by the events of season 4 that he’s willing to accept Ruby in his life as the only person he has besides the archangel wishing to wear his body like a dress (more toxic because this thing cannot possibly be healthy in the aftermath yet also less toxic because at least Ruby is not lying to Sam any more, yet her previous lies cannot be forgotten or ignored). Dean is trying to get through to his brother, but Sam a) doesn’t know for sure his brother is looking for him and b) thinks Dean wants him dead and while Lucifer would just bring him back, it would still be annoying and Sam thinks it would break him beyond repair to die at Dean’s hands. Also Lucifer and the demons working for him are working to keep Dean far, far away from Sam so that there’s no chance of brotherly reconciliation and that’s part of why Sam doesn’t know Dean’s looking for him. I think it should either follow canon relatively well or be wildly canon divergent where everything goes very very wrong for the world (so maybe this is all taking place in Croatoan!world & this fic claims that world occurred because Dean was too slow and Sam had nobody but Ruby, which isn’t my actual hc but I’ve never thought too deeply about how all that started so it doesn’t really matter) (and if this is taking place there, I’d have the last scene be something like Sam saying yes to Lucifer/Lucifer doing what he does to that world or something, and then a flash forward of five years, to 2014, where we see the opening of canon!Dean arriving like he does in that episode), but if it’s roughly canon, then Bobby and Dean do not find out literally anything about why Sam killed Lilith until they team up with Crowley or meet Brady.
Crowley is the one to tell them that no, baby bro has no idea Dean’s looking because Lucifer is ensuring none of them get close but I think Brady should be the one to reveal, as a possibly high-ranking demon since he works directly under the Horsemen and is sent by Azazel to get Sam hunting again, that Sam heard a wildly different voicemail. Ruby here heard the voicemail and knew it was the angels, passed this onto Lucifer, and this also made its way through the Lucifer loyalists, so Brady knows exactly what Sam heard. Dean, who’d been thinking Sam heard the real voicemail and just didn’t care, is both deeply relieved to know otherwise and utterly horrified to discover his brother thinks Dean planned to hunt him. Brady makes things even worse by turning to Castiel and asking, faux-shocked, if Castiel hadn’t told his pet hunters that Dean’s voicemail was changed; maybe Castiel knew the plan, maybe not, just know Brady is attempting to drive a wedge between him and Dean. This succeeds, especially when Brady gleefully says Castiel also let Sam out do the panic room, ironically saving his life (“now that I’m thinking on it, it’s funny in a way. The only reason Sam even lived that night was so he could free Lucifer. He would’ve died in that detox otherwise. And you’re working with the guy who let him go to break the seal, all while claiming you want to stop the apocalypse”). Crowley left for not even 10 minutes and returns to their alliance in shambles, Brady grinning bloody teeth all the while. Dean is understandably having a bad day, and it only gets worse as Brady muses that from what he’d heard, Dean gave his brother so much grief over trusting the wrong person, yet Dean did that too. “At least Ruby admitted what she did, your angel here was happy to leave you ignorant of what he did.” If Brady is going to die, he’s dying making rude comments and breaking up the dream team
Enjoy my rambling thoughts on how I would make Samruby after killing Lilith even worse and ultimately cause everyone else to be even worse off as well. Also, voicemail fix-it but also voicemail “make it worse,” where only Dean finds out of the changed message and they never get to talk about it so Sam always thinks he hears Dean’s real message that fateful day.
I would love to read this fic! 👀👀👀
This is so interesting to think about! I think Ruby 100% thought what she was doing was for Sam’s good and that he would eventually realize that. Ruby’s death scene is one of those SPN scenes that make me insane. Forever thinking about the way Sam twisted his face in pain as if he was the one getting stabbed. Would he have been able to kill Ruby if Dean hadn’t arrived? Would he have tried?
You said in a way it would be less toxic bc Ruby is no longer manipulating Sam, but tbh I don’t really see how she’d get Sam to stay with her instead of going off alone without any manipulation, even if he has no one else. Or at least she’d have to foster some intense codependency between her and Sam...
Also a thing to ponder about is how does Ruby stand to Lucifer wanting to possess Sam? She is incredibly loyal to Lucifer and the cause but I also think she genuinely loves Sam in her own (demon) way. I’m pretty sure she had no idea about the vessel stuff so what does she think about it? Are her loyalties split? Does she still think this is a reward for Sam? Would she turn against Lucifer for Sam? 
Yess I love Brady spilling the beans!!! What wouldn’t I give for a scene like this being canon, everyone knowing about Cas and Dean realizing he’s just as guilty about trusting the wrong person!! Also someone else reminding Dean that he was going to let Sam die in the detox!! I love Brady <333
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nikadd · 4 months
911 7x09 speculation based on the stills
ok im gonna do this thing for fun where i try to predict the order of events of 911 7x09 from the stills that were released bc there were MANY and im just trying to figure out how they are gonna fit everything into the episode. obviously everything is going to be under a readmore.
for clarity's sake, it is 11pm pst on 5/22, the episode airs tomorrow 5pm pst, so the sneak peek clip into the episode has not been released yet.
and i will come back to this post later to see how close i got. there are definitely going to be scenes where i got their order relatively to each other in the same storyline, but maybe the way they intersect with the other storylines could be offbase.
we are most likely missing scenes to have full context of everything, but this is the closest i think i can get to without having seen any sneak peeks or anything else. feel free to let me know what yall think!
1. 911 call
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i think we are going to begin with a cold open of a call, just like many other episodes. from the pictures released, there's only one known call, so i'm not 100% sure that it's going to be the first one.
if the call is actually in the middle of the episode, then the first scene would be:
2. the award ceremony
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it makes sense to have it happen earlier rather than later because it sets up both bobby's and hen's storylines (and also im assuming eddie's)
it's probably gonna begin with a few speeches and then a sequence of scenes happening around the same time.
3. athena and maddie
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athena and maddie celebrating their husbands' medals (with a quick emphasis on bobby's convo in the corner and maybe athena's reaction)
4. henren + surprise guest
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hen and karen and their kids also celebrating, but then this guest actress character shows up and somehow affects the whole adoption storyline (911 instagram earlier posted stills from 7x02 where the son of a councilwoman died while hen was interim captain, so im assuming it's either the councilwoman or her agent). this scene could also take place later within the sequence, maybe right before we switch to another location.
5. buck, eddie, christopher, and marisol
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a quick moment with buck, eddie, christopher, and marisol. maybe there is a line that directly addresses eddie's lie in a dramatic irony kind of way, like the audience knows what's going on but the other characters don't.
6: henren and tommy
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not sure if henren and tommy talking happens before hen's storyline or after and whether it happens before the buck/eddie scene or after. also would be interested to see if this scene is tommy apologizing for past behavior (it was implied offscreen). or maybe it's some kind of a mlm wlw conversation. or maybe even some kind of "if you hurt him we hurt you" conversation. IF this happens after the buck/eddie scene, then maybe tommy asks henren about the nature of that relationship and buck's connection to chris. basically, idk if it's gonna be a conversation about buck or not, but chances are, it is.
7. back at the grant-nash house
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this scene was in the promo. basically, bobby still has a lot of survivor guilt and doesn't like being called a hero. athena is worried. the ad break probably happens right after here.
8. eddie and kim's date
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absolutely zero idea how this is going to go. kim might do something that is very shannon-like, or maybe she does the total opposite. they might get caught, they might now. actually, i think it is too early in the episode for the secret to be fully revealed, but there is a chance that buck might run into them, and so maybe they have an awkward scene. we are promised a buck x kim scene, but it's unclear if it's gonna happen in this episode or next.
9. hen figuring out the adoption issues
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(unsure if the meeting with madney is gonna happen before the first still or not, but im assuming after.)
hen is disappointed with some kind of bureaucratic bullshit she is being put through, so she needs advice.
10. athena seeks out amir's help
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in the promo, athena is at the hospital when she says that bobby needs help. amir also has survivor guilt, so it's smart for athena to ask him.
it's cut closely with a scene with henren and madney, but it's definitely a misdirection. the way that athena says it, im assuming there is an ad break or a scene switch right after.
11. henren and madney figuring out the adoption stuff
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they are making a plan!
WILDCARD: marisol and christopher
okay so these pics were posted a while ago so i'm assuming they are for these episode, even though there is a chance it's for the finale.
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this scene could be happening closer to the end of the episode, but i feel like it might be a scene where eddie actually has marisol babysitting christopher because he's out with kim. or something like that. like i think maybe here we have marisol suspecting something? now, the second pic does look like it's in a hospital, so MAYBE it's not from this episode, but we'll see.
12. amir and athena
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they are continuing their previous conversation outside.
13. firehouse
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next day? later same day? hen is working on the documents. probably some kind of thematically important conversation with bobby. transitions into:
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a fun little sequence of the 118 crew working together to make a meal and then enjoy it together. very much a bobby focus. maybe he's considering finally retiring?
14. more henren and madney
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later that day, i'm assuming. the bottom image has somebody in the right corner, and i'm assuming it's karen, sharing an update on the situation.
15. amir, athena, and bobby at athena and bobby's place
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not sure if the images are in the correct order, but i'm assuming that the plot here is that bobby shows up in the house as athena is talking to amir, so bobby finds out they've been working together behind his back.
16. eddie and christopher
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this conversation seems very important. the bottom pic makes me feel like it's closer to the end of the episode than the beginning. i think eddie either realizes something here or at the very least decides to do something, as he's reminded that christopher is the most important person and he shouldn't hurt him.
17. buck and ...?
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same as with the previous scene, the bottom pic makes me think it's in the end of the episode. could be a scene with tommy? maybe it's them breaking it off, or maybe just having an important conversation. buck does look like he's experiencing Something.
(there IS a chance that this scene happens before the eddie and christopher one. maybe it's between buck and eddie.)
18. the fire
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okay so there IS a chance that this fire is a dream. if it is, i'm assuming it happens in the beginning of the episode, like a cold open instead of the 911 call. BUT... i think it's in the end of the episode. i think the fire is how the episode ends, and that's how bobby ends up in the hospital in the finale.
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