#Like dang you people united
palettepainter · 9 months
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I have a suspicion that the Undertale community likes the way I draw skeleton sirens
You know what this means..........Siren Red will be coming soon~
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guttersniper · 8 months
while mutt does sometimes inspire parental feelings, usually in people who already are parents, as far as fond relationships go, he's more likely to give off the energy of a little brother, a cool young cousin, an apprentice/mentee, or simply that kid you have an intergenerational friendship and rapport with. his general attitude/bearing and fierce independence has something to do with it -- he doesn't act in a way that suggests he particularly needs or wants someone to feel that way about him.
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samandcolbyownme · 3 months
Okay, I know you have tons of requests BUT, I need a god dang FILTHY Sam smut, idk if you say the most recent react video where he said FUCKING YOU the way he did but holy shit. I don’t care what the plot is, I just need dom Sam asap 😩👏🏻🖤
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Summary: After going there separate ways for a few years, Sam and reader finally reunite, but it’s not like anyone expected.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, criminal!reader, cop!Sam, mentions of guns and maybe other weapons, mentions of smoking weed/drinking alcohol, mentions of other drugs, talk of [small] crimes, forbidden love?, angsty, slight verbal altercations, kissing, hair pulling, choking, biting, oral (m rec), semi rough actions, creampie, filth - read with care my babies 🖤
Word Count: 4.5k | unedited
This was the only Sam request that I could find in my ask box - so with that being said the video that is referenced in the request, is no longer new.
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Saturday • Night
“Is it just me..” you take a drag of the joint and hold it for a few seconds as you look around, “Or is this party actually not as fun as we thought it was going to be.”
“Yeah.” Your friend, Jaime scoffs, “You’re telling me.” They reach over, taking the burning object from in between your fingers, “There was supposed to be more people.“
You look around, raising your brows, “Theres like fifty people here, Jaim.”
“Do you want a drink?” They looks at you and you shake your head, “No, I think I’m going to start walking home soon.”
“What?” They look at you confused, “Why? Are you okay?”
You feel sick, like something is going to happen sick, and that doesn’t happen often, so when it does, you’re on edge, “Y-yeah. I just-“
“What? You have to get up early and get ready for work?” The fellow criminal laughs, “Please. Just one drink and then you can leave, okay?”
You stand up as you finish the joint that was passed back to you, “I need to pee.”
You ignore your name being called as you make your way towards the steps of the abandoned warehouse. your footsteps clunk down the old metal stairs as you make your way down.
Red and blue lights fill the empty warehouse through the broken and clear plastic covered window and you instantly panic, “Fuck fuck, fuck.”
You run towards the back, but you hear footsteps quickly making their way along side of the building with indistinguishable chatter.
You look around, already hearing and seeing people flee, “Shit.” You go into the old office, ducking down behind the filing cabinet.
If you get caught, you’re going to jail - end of story.
You mentally curse yourself, telling yourself that you should have just stayed at home.
“You check in there.”
“Got it.”
You hear the door creak open and a voice immediately follows, “If any is in here, come out with your hands raised. Now.”
You’re frozen. Unable to move.
A bright light blinds you from seeing anything else as the cop finds you, “Get up.”
You slowly move your shaking hand away from your face, and as you go to stand up and the light disappears, “Y/n?” You feel hands on your arms, pulling you back down to the floor, “Y/n, what are you doing here?”
Once your eyes adjust from the blinding light, you tense up again, “S-Sam?”
Sam was the first person you ever fell in love with, but once high school graduation happened, you parted ways, but Sam always promised to find you.
Six years later - here you are.
“Y/n.” Sam snaps you from your thoughts and you focus on him, watching as he looks around before leaning in, “Go.”
“What?” You shake your head, “N-no I-“
“I’m serious. You need to go, now.” He pulls you to your feet, “Listen to me. You need to run. They already called in more units, you need to go.” He pushes you towards the back door, “Now.”
“Where?” You manage to get out and he shrugs, “Just get the fuck out of here. I’ll find you.” He pushes you towards the door, reaching behind you to push it open, “I promise. Now go.”
And you went. Running as fast as you could, unsure of where you were headed. All you could think about was Sam and how differently your lives were, more or less on your side.
You were in line to be a nurse. Perfect attendance, perfect grades, you were labeled the nerd of your college freshman class. The sophomore year came around, you fell in with a very, wrong crowd.
That led you to fell in love with the way alcohol and weed numbed you, then it turned into you partying and opening more bottles than books.
You lost your job, your apartment, you had to drop out of school. Seeing Sam really made you realize just how off the beaten path you really were.
You come to a sudden halt when you reach road, almost eating the dirt. The flashing blue and red lights approaching, cause you to run back into the woods and duck behind some trees until they pass.
You let go of the breath you held, breathing rapidly as you try to finally catch your breath from the running.
Your head snaps over and you see Jaime, “Y/n?”
“Over here.” You wave them over and they duck down with you, “I seen you dart out the back, how did you get past those cops downstairs?”
“I was already outside when I see the lights. I just took off.” You swallow, “Who called?”
“Probably some asshole who doesn’t know what fun is.” They laugh and look around, “This is 290. If we walk that way, it’ll take us back to the motel.”
You nod, standing up as you glance back towards the building, “Okay.” You motion, “We should stay in the trees, through. They’ll probably patrol, you know?”
“They always do.”
Every day, for the last four days, you’ve been thinking about Sam. Your mind hasn’t really gone elsewhere, other than to where you’re going to be sleeping that night.
You hated yourself, hated the way Sam found you.
You couldn’t fight off the anxious feeling, no amount of weed helped calmed your nerves. You needed to see Sam, and you were going to do whatever it takes.
“What are your plans for tonight?” Jaime asks as they sit down on the bed next to yours, “I might just stay in.”
You nod, “Yeah, that’s probably what I’ll do.” You roll over, letting out a sigh and Jaime notices, “You’ve been off. You good?”
You nod, “Just tired.”
You weren’t talking about needing sleep. You were sick of how you were. Broke, always needing to be drunk or high. You haven’t stole anything in a while, mainly because the last jail you were in was rough.
You needed help, but you didn’t want just anyone’s help.
“I want to go home, but I don’t even know where home is anymore.” You sigh, sitting up, “I want to get better. No more motel rooms and random friend’s cars.”
“How do you plan on doing that? The cops have to know we were both at that warehouse last night. That’s a trespassing. At least a misdemeanor.” Jaime argues, “You walk out there and you’re bound to get picked up.”
“I didn’t even want to be there last night. You’re the one who begged and begged for me to go then got pissy with me until I finally agreed.” You stand up, turning to face them, “I really wouldn’t be where I’m at if I haven’t met that stupid fucking cousin of yours.”
“You fell into this cycle yourself, y/n. Don’t try and blame Cassidy because you’re the one who’s, too much of a fucking pussy to just stop drinking or smoking.” Jaime’s stare holds on you and you clench your jaw, “Fuck you. I’m fucking done.”
You grab your backpack, stuffing what little you have inside before slinging it over your shoulder. Jaime, at this point, is back tracking, trying to take back what they had said but it was already, too late.
“N-no please, y/n wait. You can’t- I’m so-sorry.” They plead as they walk up to you, “Y/n. I-I can’t do thi-“
“I’m not going to throw your name under the bus if that’s what you’re worried about.” You keep your stare at the floor, “I made a promise to you, and as of right now, I don’t know where you’re at.”
You look up at them and they nod, “Thank you.”
“Mm.” You raise your brows, twisting the knob before opening the door, “See you around, I guess.”
“You won’t.” Jaime laughs, “Take care of yourself, y/n.”
You turn, looking up at them, “You, too, Jaim.”
You step out, throwing up your hood before walking away. You couldn’t lie, you were paranoid as hell. You didn’t want to go back to jail, or get another misdemeanor or worse.
You needed to find Sam.
After a little bit of walking towards the city, you hear the sound of a car coming up behind you. You clench your fists, keeping your pace as you see it slow down next to you, “Y/n.”
You stop and turn to look at Sam, and before you can say anything, he motions, “Get in.” Without any hesitation, you walk around and get in.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He glances over at you as he starts driving, “Where were you?”
“At the motel back there.” You motion, “I was with a friend.” Sam nods, “Were you safe, at least? I-“ he stops talking and you take a quiet breath, “Ask.”
He shakes his head, “Those people you were with at that party, did you know they had hard drugs?”
You shake your head, “No. I didn’t. It was just supposed to be a small get together. Some beer, weed. I didn’t expect fifty some people and hard drugs to show up.”
“You need to lay low for a few days.”
“Are they looking for me?” Your heart starts to beat harder as Sam looks over at you, “As of right now, no. They’re only focused on finding out where the drugs came from, but they can turn on you at any second, y/n. I know how these people are.”
“These people, happen to be the ones that held me up at my lowest.” You argue and Sam scoffs, “What, when you were so crossfaded you couldn’t stand?”
He was right, but it still hurt coming from him.
“Sorry, that..” he shakes his head and you sigh, “No, no. You’re right.” You look out the window, “I think we’re both in a sort of shock seeing each other again.”
The tone in Sam’s voice makes your heart shatter, “You dropped off the face of the earth, y/n.”
“I know.” Your voice is quiet and your stare is on the floor. Sam takes a deep breath, “You still look good, though.” You glance over at him, smirking slightly as you shake your head, “Better than my rap sheet.”
“Petty theft.” He shrugs, “Now if you robbed a bank, then we’d have a problem.”
“Don’t we already?” You look over at him and he looks at you confused, “What do you mean, y/n?”
“isn’t it obvious? You’re a cop. I’m labeled a criminal. Those things usually aren’t things you’d see together outside the walls of a police station, right.”
“The last time you stole anything was three years ago, y/n, and the woman dropped the charges.” Sam sighs, “I understand if you don’t trust me, right now. But I’ll do whatever it takes for you to understand that I am trying to help you. I miss you, I lo-“
You look over at him, “What?”
“I would love to help you get back onto your feet. You’re still a smart, beautiful girl and I know in my heart, that you want to get better.”
“I do.”
“So let me help you, y/n. You can stop running.” Sam comes to a stop outside a fancy looking building and you lean forward, taking it in for a second, “You live here?”
You look over at Sam and he nods, “Come on.”
He gets out of the car, grabbing your backpack before you could, and he walks around to your door, opening it up for you.
He leads you inside, up to the fourth floor where his apartment resides, “Just at the end of this hall.” You nod, looking around at the fancy painted numbers on the plaque next to the doors.
“Here we are.” Sam unlocks his door and pushes it open, “Go ahead.” You look from him to the open doorway, slowly walking in as he follows behind you.
“If you want, and please stop me if I overstep, but we can live here, together.” Sam slowly walks up behind you, “I meant it when I said I’d find you.”
You turn around to look up at him. You blink as your eyes fill up with tears, “I-I..” you step back, “Sam. I can’t put you at risk for someone like me and my bad reputation.”
“Y/n.” Sam’s eyes scan over your face and he takes a deep breath, “I never stopped loving you. Even after I lost contact with you.” He slowly reaches up, his hands laying against your cheeks, “I swore that I’d use whatever I learned in the academy to find you.” His thumb strokes your cheek and as much as you want to pull away from his touch, you can’t help but lean into it.
“I’d risk it all for you.” Sam whispers, “I thought you died. I was checking death records, calling around to other cities, giving out your description to hospitals.” He sighs, shaking his head, “I needed to know where you were.”
“Sam.” You go to push him away and he steps back, “You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
“I’m not, afraid.”
“Yeah, you are.” He nods, “You’re scared of the way I make you feel because you don’t want to feel anything anymore.”
“I want to get better.” You mumble, tears spilling from your cheeks. But that wasn’t the only thing that spilled, “I convinced myself that you would hate me, that you did hate me. You were going to do great things with your life, and you clearly proven that to be correct, and I can’t fuck that up for you now because that’s what I do, Sam. I fuck up. Everything.”
You take a deep, shaky breath, “I’ve stolen. I’ve lied. I’ve ran from other cops. I’ve been to jail, I-“ you shake your head, looking up at Sam, “You don’t want me.”
“I always want you.” Sam shrugs, laughing slightly, “I don’t know if you’re trying to scare me away, but I promise you, I’ve seen worse than this, y/n.”
He walks over and you stay still, “We can get you through this. We can get you back on top. Anything it takes.”
“Everyone in my life has left me like I was nothing.”
Sam frowns at your words, “You’re everything to me.” He slides his hands up, running his fingers through your hair, “Literally, everything.”
“How long until this blows over?”
He shrugs, “Few days? I go into work tomorrow, I work first the rest of this week, but I’ll find out. Okay? We will get you through this.”
You nod, your mind racing a mile a minute, “Okay.” You let out a sigh, “Can I shower or something?” You motion to your backpack, “I’ll also nee-“
“Hey. Whatever you need. Okay?” Sam raises his brows, “And don’t apologize for anything.”
You laugh slightly, nodding your head as you look up at him, “Thank you for not giving up on me, Sam.” You walk over, wrapping your arms around him.
He kisses your head and tightens his arms, “Mm, your hair smells good.”
“That’s probably the only good thing about that motel, the soap smells amazing.” You laugh as you lean back, wiping the tears from your face before Sam leads you to the bathroom to show you how the shower works.
(A/n, please tell me I am not the only one who gets anxiety with other people’s showers and not knowing how to work them.)
You slept through Sam getting up for work, even him kissing your head. The past few days you haven’t slept well, and it finally caught up with you.
Sam let you sleep because he knew you needed it, too.
After getting up, you sit up and look around. You still can’t believe that after all these years, you and Sam have found one another.
You can’t help but smile thinking about it, him. You loved being around him because, even after all these years, he’s your safe space.
You get out of bed, making your way to the kitchen to get coffee. Sam has made it every morning for you since you agreed to stay.
As you bring your mug to your lips, you spot a box and a note on the counter.
I stopped after work yesterday and got you this. You don’t have to accept it. I just figured you’d want something to stay in touch while I’m at work.
You smile as you lay the note back down, bringing the box closer before opening it. You pull out the phone and turn it on.
Your heart skips a beat when you see an old picture of you and Sam set as the lockscreen, and you can’t help but tear up.
Sam truly does love you.
You go into contacts, and just as you suspected, Sam is the only contact. You sit down on the stool as you tap the message icon, You didn’t have to, but thank you so much, Sam.
You set the phone down, reaching over to bring your coffee closer and you get a text back from Sam, I wanted to. I figured it would help things.
You sip your coffee and take a deep breath, I never stopped loving you either.
You straighten up, clearing your throat as you start to type, but stop when you see Sam’s text come through, I’m so happy to hear that, y/n. I just don’t want you to think I’m buying your love or anything like that.
You’re not, I know that, you stand up as you walk over to the couch, plopping down to turn the tv on.
You text Sam back and forth for a little while, mainly asking him how work is and updating him about what is playing on the tv.
Silly stuff, but you both loved it.
“Hey.” Sam whispers as he tries to wake you up, “Y/n, I’m home.”
You blink a few times, stretching as you sit up, “Oh hey. Sorry, I must have passed out again.” He shakes his head as he sits down next to you, “You’re fine, sweetheart.”
Your eyes scan over his uniform, you couldn’t lie, seeing Sam in it was such a turn on for you.
“Is that okay?”
You look up at Sam, blinking as you shake your head, “S-sorry.. what’s okay?”
He chuckles, “I asked if you wanted me to order in for dinner?” You nod, “Yeah, that’s fine.”
He nods, “Okay. What were you thinking?” You tilt your head, smirking slightly, “If you want my honest answer, I’m not really thinking about dinner.”
He raises his brows and leans back. His arms stretched out on the top of the couch, “What are you thinking about then?”
Your eyes scan up his body, stopping on his name badge before you turn towards him, “How good you look in this uniform.”
He bites down on his lower lip, slowly pulling it from his teeth’s grasp as you crawl towards him. His eyes shoot down to your hand lying on top of his thigh, “You know what I’m thinking about?”
You shrug, “I could guess..”
He chuckles, reaching up to pull you onto his lap, “Just how much I miss fucking you.” He pulls you in, your lips connect with his and there’s instant fire.
You grind down onto him and his hands fly to your ass, squeezing and groaning as he bucks his hips upward, “You sure you want to do this?”
“You are the one thing I’ve always been sure about, Sam.” You smile, running your hand through his hair and he nods, “Okay.”
He pushes you back onto the couch, his hips resting between your legs, “Seeing you in my shirts.” He kisses down your neck, “In my bed.” He kisses back up your neck as his hand slips under the shirt on your body, “Been fighting the urge to even kiss you.”
You moan quietly as his fingers twist and pull at your nipples, “Sam.”
“I’m right here, baby.” He moves to kneed the mound of flesh, “M’not goin’ anywhere.”
His lips press to yours and your legs tighten around his waist. Your hands move to unbutton his uniform top, pulling it to untuck from the hold of his belt, “Need you. Been too long.”
He chuckles as he leans up to push his shirt down his shoulders, “I don’t want to rush anything, sweetheart.” He takes off his fitted white tee and throws it.
Your hands slide up his chest and you pull him back in by the neck, “I trust you.”
He smiles before kissing you, his other hand sliding up your leg and dipping down in between to pull your panties to the side. He groans against your lips as he drags his middle finger through your folds, “God, you are soaked.”
“Have you seen what you look like in your uniform, you’d be wet, too.” You giggle at the words and Sam just stares at you with a smile, “I.. will take your word for it.” He chuckles as he leans into kiss up your neck the same time his finger pushes into you.
You gasp out, hands squeezing his biceps. He kisses up to your ear, his voice low as he adds a second finger, “That feel good, baby?”
You nod, lips parted as he curls them upward, “Uh h-huh.” You turn your head, desperate for his lips on yours. You roll your hips, moaning into his mouth as he works his hand faster, thrusting in and out.
You arch your back, moaning out as his thumb brushes over your clit, “F-fuck. Sam.” You moan louder, “Almost there.”
“All you baby, whenever you want.” He presses kisses to your cheek, “You’re so fucking hot.” He groans lowly as he grinds his hips against your leg.
“f-fu-“ You let out a long and loud moan as you start to slowly come undone, whimpering and gasping out as he guides you through the high.
His hand is quickly withdrawn from between your legs and he works faster to undo his belt and get his pants off.
You sit up, reaching forward to pull him towards you by the band of his boxers. He watches down, chest rising and falling quickly with anticipation of your next move.
You pull them down, freeing his cock and instantly leaning down to swirl your tongue around the tip. Sam gasps as his knees buckle and his hand goes to the back of your head, “O-oh fuck.”
You work at taking him in, swirling your tongue and groaning as you clench around nothing. You bob your head in a slowly steady rhythm, leaning back to look up at him and it’s a sight that makes Sam absolutely weak.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He smirks and you lean back, hand still pumping his cock, “Like what, baby?”
He chuckles and pushes your head back down, “You know what.” He groans as you push your head down as far as you can, gagging around him slightly before lifting your head and repeating the process.
“That’s my girl, fuck.” Sam’s eyes close for a few seconds but reopen to watch you, “Still the best.”
You lean back, smirking up at him and he pushes you back, pushing your legs open with his knee. He dips his head down to kiss you as you feel the head of his cock rub against your clit.
Before you can plead for anything, his cock slips in past your folds and you moan out loudly as you feel his hips rest against yours.
“Feels like I’m taking you all over again.” His voice is low as he groans, “Still my pussy.”
You gasp out as you feel him pull out and slide back in, “Still yours.” You nod as you lay a hand on his cheek, moaning out loudly as his thrusts pick up speed.
Your eyes roll back and your back arches off the couch, “Fuuuck.” You whine out, “Yesyesyes.”
Sam reaches up, pulling your head down with his fingers on your chin, “Look at me, sweetheart.”
Your eyes open and your lips part as your moan breathlessly, “Feels so good.”
He smirks quickly before moaning, “Fuck, y/n.” His hand grips your waist, “Fuck. Fuck. You make me want to cum and I don’t want to just yet.”
You whimper, “M’so close again, Sam.” You wrap your arms around his neck, moaning out as your legs follow around his waist.
Sam’s grip on the back of the couch tight as he groans, “Just a little.. bit longer.. can you wait for me?”
“Y-yes.” You whimper out, clenching your walls around his cock, “F-fuck.”
“Doing so good, taking me so well.” Sam’s words fuel the fire you’re trying to hold back, “So fucking good, baby.”
You whimper, bringing his hand to your throat. Your vision slightly turns blurry from a mix of his tight grip and the orgasm that’s slowly making its way to center stage, “S-Sam.”
“Do you wa-“
“Keep going.” You manage to squeak out. Your eyes roll back and you can’t hold it anymore. Silent moans slip through your parted lips and you can feel your thighs growing wetter with each one of his thrusts.
Sam lets go of your throat as his cock twitches inside of you, pushing his cum deeper as his thrusts slow down.
He pulls out, planting a kiss to your forehead before he sits down by your feet. His eyes scan up your legs, admiring the mess that you two had made together.
You sit up, cheeks growing red as you notice what he was looking at. He smirks and shakes his head as he leans over, “Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. I think it’s hot when you make a mess like this.”
You smile and shake your head, “Whatever you say.”
“I say..” he stands up, pulling you with him, “That we go get a shower and then order some dinner.” He wraps his arms around your waist, “And I’ll have dessert while we wait.”
He attacks your neck and you can’t help but laugh, “Sounds like a good plan to me.”
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Idk why I feel like this sucks, but I’ll leave it up to you to tell me what you think! Thank you so much for reading and as always, I love you! See you in the next one!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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agendabymooner · 1 year
when emma falls in love ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member!ofc)
“emma met a boy with eyes like a man. turns out, her heart fits right in the palm of his hand.”
summary: daniel was away for work most of the time and so lorelei hester alessandro-ricciardo took it upon herself to let out the words that she would normally whisper in the empty air of their home in australia and began a pregnancy journal entry on her twitter.
content warning: pregnancy (i mean obv), lando being a good sport and godfather, talks of nesting, cravings, mentions episiotomy, use of explicit language, abba references. press to full view the tweets ❤️
note: i haven’t touched this series in a while huh? enjoy xx
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tagged danielricciardo, loricciardo, colabebe
liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, carlossainzjr
user1 rip to all the margaritas that lester never had liked by lando.jpg
user2 why do i feel like the bump photo’s the only decent photo you’ve taken of the two?
lando.jpg because it is.
oscarpiastri still mad at you for drinking my margarita
user3 did he open his legs?
user4 “baby parmesan” 😭 it was a offhanded comment made once by daniel and now that’s the baby’s nickname
lando.jpg yeah we call him “our little par” but the italian side of the family doesn’t agree with it. all except from mateoales
user5 “lori’s in her prime” like she was there since day one 🫡
loricciardo danielricciardo why don’t we have any decent maternity photos? liked by lando.jpg
danielricciardo because we’re not decent people, doll 😉
lando.jpg take Monza 2021, for example.
loricciardo i really love that you are the “goddaddy” as you called you are, to my child. but god, do i want to fight you for bringing up the champagne photo
lando.jpg i didn’t say anything about photos 🫣🤐
thomasraggi_ that margarita was soooo good
ykaaar too bad lester never got a taste of the spirit-free one 🤨
loricciardo what. there was a spirit-free margarita? and landonorris didn’t even bother telling me???
lando.jpg slipped out of my mind bc i was hosting the party 😅
loricciardo i’m mad now.
loricciardo and we’re in the same house. i hope you have your suitcase packed.
colabebe 😂
user6 happy lester is the best lester
maxverstappen1 i hope i didn’t offend you loricciardo
loricciardo you agreed when carlos said that i was growing a giant wheel of parmesan 🤨
charles_leclerc that’s what you don’t say to a pregnant woman, maxie
maxverstappen1 fuck off, like you didn’t tell aimee “rip that pussy” when you found out the twins were heavier than average
charles_leclerc i learned haven’t i?
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tagged loricciardo
liked by mateoales, maxverstappen1, landonorris
mateoales little par looks bigger now 🤨 liked by danielricciardo
danielricciardo little par’s a bit of a kicker too. he could play for man united.
mateoales or he could be a driver
loricciardo chill out, tesoro. we’re not putting little par on a car yet, alright 😒
user2 have you tried her deep fried tim tams?
daniel3.jpg no because she eats them all 🤨
loricciardo 😠😠 i offered you a dipped one
daniel3.jpg a half eaten one but thank you for the kind gesture wife ❤️
user3 “the wife” gives off lester’s “he’s fiancé” vibes
user4 not gonna lie, i’m kind of excited to see baby ric wreak havoc in the paddock
redbullracing he’d make a good addition to the red bull team 😊 liked by danielricciardo
scuderiaferrari funnily enough, we’ve already got him a ferrari suit to wear and race to 😎 nice try though 🤐 liked by loricciardo
mercedesamgf1 oh dang, you too? 😅 i’m pretty sure our lady boss designed our mercedes suit for the baby ric
redbullracing not your lady boss but okay ✋
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vampire-meta-knight · 10 months
I swear, some of these "goth is whatever you want it to be" people act like telling them they're not goth means the Federal Bureau of Goths is going to break down their door and confiscate all their black clothes.
Loves, no one is gatekeeping what you wear. No one is even gatekeeping goth events! You can still go to goth clubs as a non-goth--you just may not enjoy it as much if you don't like the music. All we ask is that you not use the label, which is shorthand for "fan of goth music," to describe yourself if you are not, in fact, a fan of goth music.
We love seeing your cool outfits and gorgeous makeup and flawlessly-dyed hair, and we love sharing aspects of our subculture! But the second you try to redefine it and take away the ONE requirement, we get protective. Darkly-inclined is a wonderful label--use it! Use alternative! Don't use goth, emo, punk, or grunge if you aren't fans of the corresponding music genres. Can you imagine if I, who's never listened to K-pop, only heard of two K-pop bands, and couldn't name a single member of BTS called myself a K-pop stan? (Punk is probably the only one here that's a little more flexible, since it's also rooted in a political movement and protesting, but it still found its birthplace in the music--music which then led to post-punk and goth rock, might I add).
Subcultures have to have a barrier of entry to be a subculture. There has to be a way to set apart the people who are in it and those who aren't. Saying someone isn't goth is not an insult! We don't look down upon you. We get annoyed with poseurs, but not someone who's just into the fashion and makeup aspect and doesn't try to redefine what a goth is. I guarantee there's probably a spooky, black-clad non-goth that I've followed a makeup or DIY tutorial from, and I think that's wonderful. I love that we have this shared interest, even if we have different taste in music.
We're not trying to be mean when we enforce the one rule to be a goth (there is a second unspoken rule, to not be a bigot, but that's a rule that goes without saying for most groups--please know that when you see a so-called "goth" spewing racist bullshit or other kinds of hatred, the rest of us are NOT in agreement with them and want them evicted from our subculture). We love welcoming new people in, and we love seeing the goth scene thriving. It's just that our subculture means a lot to us, and although fashion is a big part of it, it has always truly been about the music. The music came first (watch old videos of 80's goth clubs--hardly anyone there looks recognizable as a goth today!), and it's the backbone of goth. When you call yourself goth, you're telling fellow goths "we like the same kinds of music." I want to get music recommendations from you, dang it, and share some of mine! I've had so many people insult the music I like and tell me my taste is shit, so it's nice to find someone who likes the same sounds and connects with the same lyrics, you know? Music is the strong glue that holds us together and unites us all. It brought us together in the 80's and has kept us together up until now. So when you try to take that away, to mold the goth label into whatever it takes to fit you because you didn't fit it, that's when we've got a problem.
And if you're into the fashion but don't like goth music now, do not despair, because that doesn't mean you'll never be a goth! Give it a listen. Check out different subgenres and bands. You might like what you hear. Synth and EBM were what bridged the gap for me. I started off being super into the fashion, but would be hard-pressed to name a goth band other than Bauhaus or Siouxsie and the Banshees. I was listening to Halloween Vocaloid songs and Lady Gaga, for the most part. I tried a few goth rock songs and didn't like them. And then I found The Birthday Massacre, and suddenly, those goth rock songs didn't sound so bad anymore. They sounded beautiful, atmospheric, ethereal, melancholy in a way you can still dance to. It wasn't long before I was devouring every subgenre of goth music I could get my hands on and making an ever-growing list of bands to check out and songs I liked. I was digging goth music like a grave, and all it took was a band that fit somewhere in the middle of the upbeat, techno dance-worthy music I was used to, the spooky lyrics I liked, and a gothy sound that got me craving more. Sometimes that's all it takes. Goth music is noticeably different from other genres, and hearing the unfamiliar sometimes results in dislike. It's an acquired taste for some, kind of like coffee, but once you get into it, you'll wonder how you even hated it at all in the first place.
Goth is my home, my family, and although I welcome all who show an interest, there's a difference between someone who actually wants to get involved in the subculture and those who wear a mask so they can pretend to be because they like the sound of the label, the allure, how cool it makes them feel, and insist they must be goth and all who tell them otherwise are just elitists. We call those people "poseurs," friend--don't be like them. If goth music just isn't for you, but you love the fashion, that's cool. Just don't call yourself "goth" if you're not a fan of goth music, since that's what the word means in the first place.
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a-simply-simping-simp · 4 months
Guess who's still crying about Beast? Me! I watched the movie and read the beggining and end of the light novel because I got lazy. Not expecting the end in the movie though. Spoiler drawing ahead and comments btw
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Made me so sad. I was going to rant in another post, but I might as well do it here.
So, number one, the sugar cube scene was so adorable I literally cried. I mean it. Like I LITERALLY sobbed.
Number 3, When at the end of the movie, Fyoder was being a little rat and messed everything up, I wanted to vomit out of an array of emotions. I was confused, sad, angry, and just so dang overwhelmed. Like I was ugly crying five seconds ago cuz of Dazai and then this SEWER RAT came and made me confused. I'll get into him in anothe post.
Number 4, In the movie, when Dazai stabbed his leg to show Chuuya his commitment and how much he deserves his trust didn't make sense when I saw it, however, after I recently read the book and watched the play Julius Ceaser, I was like OOOOOOOOH. Dazai immitating Portia and Chuuya Brutus made me just sooo....wow.
Number 5, When it turned out that MORI was the new director I just- absolutley NOT. Do NOT put a pedophile in his perfect Utopia, Dazai WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! Also, I thought he killed him the whole time. Just think about it. A pedophile in an orphanage. You know how if you're being sexually assulted or something, you're supposed to tell a trusted adult like a parentor a teacher? THESE KIDS HAVE NO PARENTS.
Number 6, Chuuya being locked up in that poor governemnt facility broke my heart. Just think about how many people are going to die? Like there is no way Chuuya Nakahara is going to succumb to a bunch of itsy bitsy chains. He' breaking out and killing everyone in there and then the agency. Convince me otherwise.
Number 7, I can't. I'll make an entirely seperate post for Chuuya too, but can we just talk for a second? He went crazy because Dazai committed suicide. He went on a whole rampage and it took 3 special ability resistance units to take him down. This is what happens when there is no Dazai when he uses corruption. But the REASON he went into corruption was just...wow. I always knew they had a complicated relationship but at the same time it was just so simple. Like, they hate eachother, but they also don't. They don't like eachother, but it's not like they don't either. It's not like they complete one another, but it's like one soul in two bodies. They're so simply complicated that if you asked me what their relation was, I'd just say, they're complications. Because in reality, their relationship is just so unexplainable. You need to see it to understand it. There are lovers, enemys, frenemies, friends, siblings, etc, but they fit into literally no category but they aren't strangers either. This is getting too long, so I'll make a different post about that.
Number 8, Chuuya pleaseeee don'ttttt. There is no need to attack the agency, my guy. He wants to avenge Dazai's death, but what is there to avenge? Dazai did suicide. He wasn't killed. Chuuya was so upset that he wanted to kill all the agency. I just....can't. It's kind of sad. This is also going to be really long if I go on, so I'll make another post about this topic.
Number 9, the way Chuuya just really couldn't understand made me wanna bang my head on the wall in tears. He truly couldn't think of why Dazai did it. He was kind of alright one second and then dead the next. The entire time, you can tell how little Chuuya was incorporated into the script he wrote. The ending for each one was different as the movie had him go insane and be put under governemnt care, while the light novel just left him to do his own thing. However, in both you can see that neither of them ever knew what was going on. Dazai never gave him a reason to why he killed himself. Everyone else seems to be going on like nothing happened or at least as if they know what happened and came to terms with it, but then he knows nothing. He was his bodyguard and right hand man and yet NOTHING. I'll get back to this in another post lol. TvT
So yeah. I cried a lot.
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I am playing through fe4 and I have so far (lost my mind) reached the tail end of chapter 7, here are my thoughts!! :
- if you are not a cavalry unit... dang, that sucks, have fun spending 4 turns walking across a LARGE map, which your cav buddies already crossed in 2 turns
- child units are BUSTED, the amount of skills you could have on one person could be insane
-except Lester
-Sweetie, I don't think leveling up strength only once, and then having 10 strength on level 20 promoted is good for you, or anyone
-c a n t o
-imagine needing a skill to double, or even crit, can't be me...
- having two units fall in love with each other is like playing with dolls, like oohh what if I placed Lex and Ayra togheter
-its slow, like, very slow. You wait 5 minutes for enemy phase to end, and then spend more time on player phase planning out who should murder who
-at least save system is generous
- Damn axes are HEAVY
- *distant thunder sounds* Larcei kill all 100 people from the enemy army thank you
So far I am enjoying the game, but usually I take a frequent break from the game because of how BIG and complicated it is
Anyways thanks for reading this!! I will further lose my mind as I traverse through the game
- 🫧
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buckets-of-dirt · 5 months
Top 5 things to find on an excavation (artefacts or non-artefacts; 'find' can be interpreted however you like)?
1. Cats
Can you say "site mascot"? Nothing turns a crowd of archaeologists into a cooing mess faster than an unexpected kitty, no matter how tough and professional they try to pretend they are. They're usually very pushy site visitors, but they're so dang cute that I don't even mind when they step into my unit without permission. Though there was the one that rolled in poison ivy and then immediately demanded scritches...
2. Stories
Those once in a lifetime finds you'll still be talking about at parties when you're 80. The trowel that went missing. Assemblages that create little mysteries you'll never unravel. The time the truck got stuck. That Tim Hortons your crew is never allowed to go back to. Your first projectile point. How hard so-and-so cried on backfill day
3. Friendship
Excavation crews share a special bond that can only be forged through engaging in many hours of often-tedious manual labour together over a few weeks or months. And you'll need this bond to get through (especially with the kinds of deadlines you have to work under in CRM). You may never see some of these people again, but if you're lucky you might find a lifelong friend or several down there in the dirt. Even the short-term friendships you form are important, though, because excavations aren't always within commuting distance of your home and it's pretty miserable never socializing with anyone outside of field hours
4. Artifacts that clearly belonged to kids
Toys, learning aids, first attempts at tool making, all fantastic. Even frozen Charlottes and tiny shoes, both of which are often seen as "creepy", make me smile. I am not immune to evidence of people being people, okay? Go look at the toys found in the Indus Valley sites (particularly the MANY found in the cities' extensive drainage systems) and remember how to feel joy
5. Textiles and textile-adjacent artifacts
We all knew this one was coming, let's be real. It's no secret that I love textiles. Several of my hobbies are fibre arts and I'm always looking for new ones to try, and this love of textile technologies extends into my archaeological work. Unfortunately for me, textiles themselves rarely survive in most contexts. But happily, there are other artifacts related to textiles that do survive. Buttons, thimbles, needles, loom weights, beads, spindle whorls . . . and then there's certain pottery decoration styles that everyone who knows me is thoroughly sick of hearing about. I will put down whatever I'm working on, no matter what, to go see any find related to textiles
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tcwmatchmakingau · 1 year
The Beauty In All, Part Two
Editor's note: written by @deejadabbles Pairing: Echo x GN!reader Rating: General Audience (but minors DNI) Summary: Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice- still shame on you, don't take advantage of my kindness! After so many times of falling for people who mock and manipulate your kind nature, you thought that love, true love, was simply not in the cards for you. Thankfully, Right to Love is here to make sure you and a lucky ARC trooper get your happy ending together. A.N: For some clarity: in my take on this AU, Palps had his "unfortunate accident" pretty late into the og clone wars timeline, so Echo was still rescued from the techno union and was rolling with the bad batch for awhile. And of course, since this is an everyone lives AU too, Tup's chip never activated so that whole thing never went down, Everyone lives, everyone's rescued, happy endings all around! Also....if you guys read this chapter closely, you'll see references to more stories I have planned for this AU *wink wink* Lastly, Daria is @blueink-bluesoul 's wonderful OC, who you will find in other works of this AU! Word Count: 2,742
Warnings: Mentions and discussions of ableism
Part One
With all her appointments taken care of for the day, Maura sat at her desk and got to work with the stack of profiles under her care. With her favorite playlist starting in the background and a shawl wrapped loosely around her shoulders, she started sorting today’s new clients. She used her own little “personality-type” system to highlight and sort each of them, which made it easier to draw up a short list of possible matches for each client, which were then looked into deeper from there.
She had gotten this process down to a nice, practiced rhythm and had just begun drawing up the ‘maybe-matches’ for the first new client, when there was a knock on her door. As usual, she gave a distracted noise to whoever was on the other side, and most people at RTL would know it meant a cheerful, “come in”.
“I come bearing gifts,” came an almost light tone, and Maura didn’t have to look up from her desk unit to know it was Kix.
Still, because it was Kix, she tore herself away from her work and smiled up at him. He was holding two togo cups in his hands, both bearing the logo of the tapcaf down the street that many at the matchmaking service frequented nowadays.
Kix was giving his most charming smile as he handed the cup to her, “One hot cocoa, with extra whipped cream and caramel drizzle. And yes, hot cocoa, because I know that, even if you like it, caf this late in the day makes you stay up all night.”
His smile was very infectious, not that she needed much reason to smile, but it was easy around a man like Kix. “You are the actual sweetest,” she said as she took the cup, waiting till she removed the lid and swiped some of the cream before adding, “even if it is just a bribe.”
Kix didn’t even flinch. He was still smiling as he put a hand over his heart, “But I bring you drinks all the time without ulterior motives.”
Maura leaned back in her chair and narrowed her eyes playfully at the medic, “In the morning, yes, not in the afternoon. Come on, Kix, out with it.”
He at least had the decency to look like he was thinking his answer over, even though she knew he had whatever he wanted to say planned down to a T. Finally he sank into her chair, instantly grabbing the tooka plushy and holding it aloft. “So, I had a lovely chat with one of today’s clients in the waiting room and I was thinking that they would be perfect for…you know who,” he moved the tooka’s head as if it agreed with him. Dang it, he was bringing out all the cute charm today
Honestly, she should have expected this, especially since she knew exactly who he was talking about…and that the thought crossed her mind too. How could it not? You were charming and sweet and obviously cared deeply about people, especially clones. One of her previous clients, Tiio, had sent her a long, detailed letter of recommendation the moment you signed up for RTL. Everyone knew about the whole flower crown event now and, according to Daria, even Fox was fond of you and the way you treated his brothers.
And, as for ‘you know who’, Maura had met the stubborn brother in question a few times now, when Kix invited her along to 79s. Even when she wasn’t working, Maura couldn’t help but to read people, to think about and observe them, and that man may benefit from someone like you.
But, in the end, none of that mattered. Not until Echo came to RTL himself. 
“Kix,” it was undoubtedly a warning, though it had no real teeth since she knew he was a good enough man not to make her resort to that. “You know I can’t do anything until he comes to us. And even then, I can’t set them up on a date just because you got a feeling or a vibe.”
“I know I know,” he set the tooka plush on his lap so he could hold up both hands to her, “Obviously you know more than I do, I just had a short conversation, but,” he shrugged, “I don’t know, I just got this feeling when I talked to them. You’re the expert but, if I can finally drag him in here, will you at least give their compatibility a look over?”
Maura quirked an eyebrow, “You think you’re wearing him down?”
He ran a hand over his neatly designed hair, looking a little smug now, “You know not to underestimate my skills. We’re going out tonight, a bunch of us and a lot are bringing their partners. I bet the morning caf that Echo’s name will pop up in the appointment requests by this time tomorrow.”
All she could do was wave her hands, “I won’t promise anything, but, if he submits his profile, I’ll keep all possible matches in mind.” Oh, he was practically beaming now. “But Kix, don’t expect me to wait for him if you still haven’t convinced him,” her tone was firm, but he knew she was only saying it as a professional reminder.
“I wouldn’t expect any less,” was his pleased reply, “I won’t even say I told you so when he signs up.”
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Kix looked quite affronted, “You don’t even know what I was going to say!”
Echo’s eyebrows climbed up his forehead, “You mentioned Right to Love, I know where this conversation is going.”
As if he couldn’t be bothered with his brother’s offended look, Echo simply took another drink of his Bespin brandy as Kix recovered himself. Currently, between everyone who had shown up tonight, Echo, Kix, Tech, and Hunter were the only ones still sitting at the booth and table they’d claimed. Fives always made sure to include Echo when the old 501st gang went out, and in turn, Echo tended to drag clone force 99 along with him. It had taken…a while for the two teams to get used to each other, but they'd managed something of a relationship by now.
Kix leaned back in his chair, “All I said was that there’s been another influx of new clients recently.”
“And,” Echo said in a bored tone, “that was your attempt at shifting the conversation so you can try to convince me to sign up, again.”
“There’s something wrong with that?” Kix shrugged, unbothered by the resistance, “It’s kind of my job to pester my brothers into taking care of themselves.”
“I don’t see how getting set up on a blind date is ‘taking care of myself’.”
“You know it’s more than that.”
“Kix,” Echo’s voice was a rumble now, but made it a little less barbed at the edges when he said, “why are you so set on this?”
The other man couldn’t help but sigh. He cast a look around the table, Tech was engrossed in his datapad while Hunter leaned back with his eyes closed. Hopefully, they would use the loud music as a way to turn a blind ear.
Still, Kix leaned in and lowered his tone when he said, “Vod, I see the way you look at them.” 
Even though he certainly didn’t need to, he nodded his head toward their brothers. To Fives who was dancing with his once shy partner. To Tup who was cheering his girlfriend on at the billiards table. To Rex who, while never having been a client, still found love at the little service devoted to it.
“It’s okay to want what they have, Echo,” Kix said, and he hoped the sincerity in his tone came through.
Echo didn’t look at him, at first he seemed to stare at nothing in particular, but Kix knew his eyes were drifting between the pairs. He saw the way he watched Fives tease a blush out of his cyare, or Tup smile when his girl leaned her head on his shoulder, or Rex and his little matchmaker staring at each other with pure adoration.
Kix took a sip of his own drink before adding, “Look, I’m not saying love’s going to make life perfect or anything, but, I think they could find someone who could really make you happy.” He waited a beat, then nudged his old friend in the shoulder. “Hell, I’m sure they can even find someone who can handle how grumpy you are. And when that happens, I know you can make that person happy too.” This time he didn’t give Echo a chance to reply, instead, scooting his chair back from the table as he took their glasses, “Think about that while I get us another round.”
  Still there, at the table, Echo watched the medic go and released a long breath from the depths of his chest. Yes, Echo had thought about Right to Love many, many times. Every time one of his brothers gushed about their partners, he would feel a small, short tug in his chest. Echo never had been, nor ever would be, the type of man who needed to be in a relationship, but, there was still a longing there. A pining, almost. And he supposed he owed it to himself to finally acknowledge its existence.
“I think it’s a good idea.”
The voice startled Echo out of his thoughts and he turned to find Hunter, still sitting with his head tilted back and eyes shut.
“All you can lose is time, Echo, so why not try it?”
“There’s more to it than that,” he grumbled.
Hunter finally opened his eyes and looked at him. “So? Since when have you backed down from anything? I would have thought the ARC trooper in you would like the risk.”
Echo knew what Hunter was doing, especially since Hunter was observant enough to realize what he meant by ‘more to it’. Still, he had to admit that Hunter's challenge was working.
And, once Echo thought about it with a little more grace, he supposed Kix had a point. If there was anywhere that could help him find someone who was nothing like his previous dalliances, it was probably RTL.
Kix was making his way back to the table now, and got a thankful nod from Hunter when he handed him a fresh drink. Before the medic could even settle back in his chair, Echo knocked him off balance with his next words.
“Alright, you win.��� 
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  If Echo wasn’t so hardwired to see things through, he might have walked out the door during the time he waited in the lobby. Filling out the profile questions had made this all feel a little too real all of a sudden and a part of him still couldn’t believe he was actually doing this.
Still, seeing the look on not only Kix’s face, but the way Fives’ lit up when he heard that Echo was coming here, made it all a little easier. Kix at least had the decency not to keep harping on the matter after he ‘won’ so to speak. Fives, on the other hand, couldn't stop going on about how excited he was that Echo was ‘getting out there’ again and would finally find someone they could go on double dates with.
It was half endearing, half annoying as all kriff.
Now, Echo was being led into a cozy little office by a woman who put the casual in business casual. A part of him was glad it was Maura who took him on, at least he knew her, even if they weren’t necessarily friends. Though, he supposed if they were, that would be some kind of conflict of interest.
“So, how does this work?” he asked after settling down in the chair across from her.
“Right now? We talk so I can get to know you better, so I can understand your needs and what you’re looking for better.”
To the point, but not unkind, Echo could respect that. “What do you want to know?”
For a moment she simply looked at him, considering and he felt a little uneasy under the gaze, not that he would let it show. Then, “I want to know why you were so reluctant to come here.” Her eyes softened a little, though she didn’t take them off him, “You don’t strike me as someone who balks at love, or even what we do here. And yet, Kix has spent many a lunch break complaining about how you brushed him off every time he brought it up to you.”
Alright, diving into the deep end. At least she didn’t waste time. Still, he needed a moment to think, to collect himself and she seemed patient, settling back in her chair to relax a little.
“It’s not just Right to Love," he started after a while, "it’s not as if I have some weird prejudice against this place. It’s just, dating in general, I suppose.”
“A bad history with dating?”
Echo scoffed, “Yeah, you could say that.”
She didn’t reply, just continued to look back at him, only now she gave him a small, encouraging smile.
Again, he waited a moment, falling back on some of his strategic tendencies before he even thought about it. Old habits died hard, but, he did want to think his answer over carefully. It’s not as if he kept these things secret and, if he was going to tell someone, it should be the woman responsible for finding him someone who wouldn't repeat the mistakes of lovers past.
Echo shifted in his chair, eyes drifting down to the dark wood of her desk. “In the past, when I’ve tried to date, I either get one extreme or the other.” He lifted his prosthetic hand and waved it over the rest of him, over every cybernetic detail. “A lot of people can’t handle this. They act like they can at first, but I see the way they look at me before eventually forgetting my comm number. Or, they’re at the other end of the spectrum. They see all this and think that they need to ‘fix’ me.” The word was bitter in his mouth, and his eyes snapped up to meet hers again, “I don’t need to be fixed, just like I don't need someone who can't stand the way I look. I don't want either of those. I want someone to look at me and…”
His voice trailed off, which was a little unlike him. Echo was usually so sure in his words and actions.
“To look at you and just see you?” Maura finished for him, and the words struck home.
Echo found himself taking in a breath, then, he almost let out a huff of a laugh, “Yeah. Just me. I’m not saying that these aren’t a part of who I am, they are, but there’s so much more to me than that.” He sighed, "So yeah, that's why I'm a little reluctant on dating."
That small, encouraging smile got wider and warmer as she straightened up in her chair, “Thank you for being so honest with me, Echo. Being hesitant to put yourself in our care is understandable, given all that.” It was only then that her eyes left him, instead focusing on her datapad as she typed away. “I’m not going to belittle the trust you’ve put in me by making flowery promises. I can’t guarantee that whoever I match you with will undoubtedly see you the way you deserve to be seen. I will, however, promise that I won’t give up until we find someone who does.”
Echo chuckled at that, “So, you’ll take on my high-maintenance case?”
Maura smiled at him, “High-maintenance? Oh, dear Echo, don’t flatter yourself. If you were truly that, we probably would have sent you to Daria. I don’t think there’s ever been a challenge that woman didn’t want to tackle." She winked at him, "You’re stuck with me instead.”
“You’re at least honest with me,” Echo shrugged, “And Kix seems to have faith in you, so I’ll trust his judgment.”
“I’m so glad I have glowing recommendations,” she drawled as she finished her notes.
He actually found himself smiling and almost, almost felt like something in his chest lightened. Alright, Echo wasn’t too proud to admit when someone else was right and, somehow, he actually had a good feeling about this.
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dramioneasks · 5 months
I have been in an absolute reading slump since finishing Entanglement by blankfish. I have reread it now 5 times even though it was never finished and just can’t quite find anything that I can read that will interest me like that story. I love the “forced love” aspect of their relationship having to be married and hating each other but their tumultuous relationship just sucked me in the whole dang time and I really need a good story like this one again
Any suggestions? The “hate sex” in this story was also *chefs kiss*
The Bounty by gracediamondsfear - E, 3 chapters - The war has been raging on for years. Draco is on the run and hiding out in Monte Carlo and Hermione is an Order bounty hunter sent to retrieve him from a Wizard Strip Club. Now they’re stuck together in a hotel room for a few hours and have to do their best to keep from driving each other crazy.Just another trope filled excuse for smut.
Only You - treasurethelittlethings - E, 17 chapters - A Dramione Only Fans AUDraco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are both ‘For Your Pleasure’ content creators on a social media app for the adult entertainment industry.When Hermione loses her orgasm, she goes to Draco for help. But will he accept? And if he does, will their respective feelings get in the way of everything they’ve ever known?
I Still F*cking Hate You by Ada_P_Rix - E, one-shot - “Get in the room, Granger.” Malfoy’s voice had dropped an octave. He was clearly at war with himself just as she was, but he at least appeared to be coping with the new reality of their situation better than her. “I have no intentions of stepping foot inside your room.” Her voice trembled just a little too much for Malfoy to think that she was actually telling the truth. He shook his head, a small, smile playing on his lips. “Your mouth says one thing love, but your eyes tell me something quite different.” His thumb grazed over her knuckles in the ghost of a touch. Fuck. She sighed, looking down. “You know nothing.” She was tapping her foot again. An anxiety thing. She could not let him win. She could not let him win. “Look at me, Granger.” His voice suddenly became demanding and dear god, she listened. Her need to people please and seek praise had reared its ugly head in the most inappropriate of ways. She looked up. Wished she hadn’t. “Get in the room, Granger,” His arm swing the door open a little more, his eyes never leaving hers as he waited for her. “Now.” OR: Hermione and Draco are Head Bridesmaid and Best Man for Luna and Theo.
Both of us by Storie_lover - E, 13 chapters - A few years after the war Ministry installs the Marriage Law to unite the society and bolster the decreasing numbers of birth rate, dropping lowest in the last two hundred years. Matching pairs are approved by Ministry on the basis of surveyance and magical core compatibility. Law demands to procreate within first two years of marriage. However allows to divorce in case of vindicated infidelity....
Clever Witch by Witchy_Writer3 - M, 40 chapters - The war has been going on for 8 years, the Order and the Death Eaters are stalemated. The turning point? Malfoy returning after years of studying dark magic abroad. The Order will fail unless he can be neutralized. Many try and all of them die. Malfoy is untouchable. When Hermione Granger is caught in one of his raids, Malfoy sees it as his crowning achievement. He forgot the fact that she bested him in class every year at Hogwarts and was named ‘brightest witch of her age' for a reason. 8 years of war has made Hermione even more clever and secretive... She has many new tricks up her sleeve. Nothing can go wrong… Right? Draco and Bellatrix were not on the Malfoy estate when the golden trio were brought there by the snatchers. As a result, Bellatrix never tortured Hermione over the sword of Gryffindor, the trio never figured out the location of the two founder horcruxes and the battle of Hogwarts never took place.
Is There A Line Between Love And Hate? by snickerdoodle - E, 52 chapters - Drunken nights lead to foreign behaviors, but they have the ability to leave behind unresolved emotions. Draco and Hermione find themselves in an irreversible situation. After all, once is a mistake, twice is a decision.
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for not sealing a box correctly?
So, I started working for a shady company recently. I didn't really want to work here, but they paid us really well for some reason? Anyways. My employers told me that they have a manual and encyclopedia for the job, but it's like, 1k pages long. For both. I really couldn't be bothered to read it, so I skipped it.
Part of the job is collecting energy, and the energy is made from these big boxes/containers in the facility. I don't know what's in these boxes, but the veteran employees have STRONGLY advised not to look into them unless you have clearance LVL 3 or more. So, I've never really bothered with them.
So, earlier today I was tasked with transporting one of these boxes to the Control Unit. On the box it said something along the lines of "... Bird", and I didn't think it'd be a problem because that's what our manager ordered. I also saw that it was partially unsealed, but I thought the guys who were picking it up would be chill with it and seal it for me since I don't have my tools on me.
However, when I handed off the box to the veterans, they were like "wait a minute, we already have two of these guys" and they started panicking for some reason. I was like "well dang, can't you just return the package?" and they looked at me really funny.
They told me to go tell the manager, and I thought it was weird but I went. I told the manager that there were already two of these packages, and he was like "oh it'll be fine as long as they're sealed so they can't break out" and I was like "excuse me? what?" and then I realized that I really should've read the manual.
First of all, the "boxes" I was talking about earlier are actually containment units that contain monsters(?). Second, these monsters are very prone to killing people. Third, these three aforementioned bird-monsters are prone to escaping at the same time, and guess who didn't seal one of their boxes correctly?
So, we've got three dangerous monsters running around the facility at the same time. That wouldn't be so bad if these three monsters didn't merge into one giant monster that, to EVERYONE'S knowledge, cannot be injured or contained at all. Fuck.
Everyone is freaking out and some people are trying to run, but our manager put the whole place on lock down so we can't leave. We're all gonna die here. I'm in a room with some other poor guys and we've barricaded the doors, but I don't think that's gonna help us.
I guess my question isn't "oh shit am I a bad person for not knowing things that the veterans and manager did", it's more like "could I have prevented this with my limited knowledge and actually sealed the box before any of this happened?"
I don't think I'm gonna live long enough to see the results, but I will leave you with some takeaways before I die:
Go with your gut and nope outta there if the job seems sketchy.
Ask questions about the job and read employee reviews (If applicable.)
Read the NDA / contract thoroughly before you start working.
Read the employee handbook / manual before you start working.
Seal your boxes and containment units correctly, and always double-check them too.
For the love of God, don't work fo
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laylawatermelon · 5 months
Now that I'm thinking about it I wanna theorize/call for action outside of buddie (don't worry i WILL return with a vengeance) but now I'm on a bit of an Eddie Diaz kind of run.
I'm reading a fanfic now of Eddie's sisters which kind of spawned me to think about his relationship with them and kind of think about his family dynamics and expectations and what's coming up for his storyline.
Now they mentioned bringing his family in, specifically his sisters, and i think this storyline ties into Marisol (noname i swear this drives me crazy when i think about it?!??! PLEASE if you want me to care/be invested gimme a last name!) and his Catholic guilt/sense of responsibility/man of the house complex.
They've introduced how his upbringing brought him a lot of guilt and a sense of duty (to serve and protect amirite? Dang religion can be a perfect line to how modern society works but lemme save that for a thesis or something this is about 911 on abc🤣)
Back on topic though, there's a really nice post talking about how he's military family and how that affected his and Shannon's relationship. (x)
Reading that helped me to appreciate the writing and details.
I also want to talk about the beautiful work being done on Twitter and Tumblr about the Miami Vice costume theory and coincidences.
(heh throwback Tuesday and takeover thursday came in clutch with finding these x )
Yes i do ship buddie, but if I look at it not just as a romantic things but as they are written as kind of parallel soulmates who run along the same line of development.
One always spurs the next to grow and change and are heavily involved in some way even if that way it's just being themselves.
Buck being open with his sexuality will trigger something in Eddie. What it is can vary.
I think if we look at it with non shipper glasses, Buck's freedom will lead to Eddie's freedom. What I mean by that is since Eddie had came to the 118 Ryan mentioned how each year he was there the more he learned about himself and other people.
I think what Eddie would be at free from the image/expectations of what a family should look like/be.
He knows what a family could look like in a queer/unconventional way. Bathena's unit, Chimney and Maddie's family (let's say cause they're not currently married with a toddler church would pass out), and HenRen's family.
The could be and should be is the important part.
Eddie grew up being told what he should be and what his life should look like. Evidently his life went none of the ways it was intended to go.
He's a widower single father from a teen/young pregnancy and veteran. Sure he's a firefighter now but he has no "complete" family.
The way they're emphasizing the mother aspect throughout his story is still fascinating.
(i also thought of something hilarious as like he probably imagined/process mothers as like the Virgin Mary or something when they brought up how he can see woman as mothers but not really women at the same time)
(also Madonna whore complex was mentioned and it's also a fascinating way to look at it as he can either desire or love.)
Shannon seems to be the only exception and even that is iffy. I would also say that when she became a mother the desire kind of left? I think the mother aspect solidified for him when she left them I would say.
Yes they did have sex but that was a (very bad, horrid) form of communication between them. They both avoided stuff at some point in some (eh it's like 20/80 her and Eddie) cases.
Every other woman he has dated has kind of been a substitute, for a lack of a better word, replacement for the role of mom.
Now he knows what moms should look like in all shapes and forms. He knows what dads should look like. He's knows what his family should look like.
Granted he did get rid of some of the flaws of his father and the way he was raised which also ties into the way he is.
Eddie was parentified at an early age. (I will say as a black/poc person that there tends to be adult responsibilities placed on our communities kids from young partially because of culture but mostly because of the inherent unevenness that we have to struggle to make balance worldwide in different facets and environments.)
Once again, this is about 911 on abc, not my thesis😭.
I just imagine him standing on a stool to cook food for his sisters or some other things like laundry. Or even worse the cannon car accident with his pregnant mom. (I love to make myself cry)
Eddie had technically been a parent since he was a kid. He literally became the man of the house or the father. So i guess that entailed taking on the emotional and sometimes physical burden of the father role.
I guess when he was actually a father and not just the role he felt the weight of responsibility again and panicked. It makes sense he has a habit of running since he never had the opportunity to do so as a kid (since he never got the chance to be one).
So after Chris it was once again role of the father but now with added responsibility of bringing money to provide the household which he didn't have to do in that role.
It was hard then so it became even more difficult.
So he gave his body to the military and returned wounded in mind and body, and with a disabled son who needed insurance and stability and a wife who just needed him.
And he needed to be a man. Again and again and again.
He broke out of the loop when he got to the 118 (bless the haven that is that building) met Buck, then Carla and Bobby who offered a safe place for his kid.
He was no longer alone and had distanced himself physical from the church but mentally still shackled in his beliefs.
After this Buck and Tommy things and he's not present we're going to focus on how a family could look for him.
Last season and recently they mentioned the fact that his aunt had been divorced and he didn't know.
There was also mention of family secrets.
There was also Marisol and Chris together which I'm guessing he wasn't to happy with her but it's either or since we haven't seen them together so it's a 50/50 chance. More like 90/10 he's annoyed or feels weird about his mom being replaced). Since we touched on him repairing his relationship with his mom and subsequently girls and women/relationships he wants to be in now that may shift his image of Marisol suddenly being more present.
Slight Buddie tangent (i gotta let the beat out for a sec raaa-) but the fact that he's still hanging out with Buck pretty consistently (well we can say he's his other parent who's sadly been in his life almost longer than his mom 🥺 lemme stop I'm crying) but it might decrease due to his and Tommy's relationship. (They're two firefighters with very busy schedules ofc he's not present they got work to do chop chop!/j)
In turn this leaves Chris with one less stable parent figure and it's forced to turn to Marisol who may be overeager to please him.
This can lead Chris to probably feeling uncomfortable with the changes because he's happy his dad's happy but he's not happy because it feels like his family's changing again too fast, and what if she leaves then his dad's not happy and a whole other sleet of teenage issues and angst.
So what I predict their storyline to be going it's that Eddie tries to find his own freedom from the church and maybe even the expectations of his home community would have on him.
Buck will be radiant in himself at the wedding, so will Hen and Karen, and Marie and Chimney, and Bobby and Athena.
He'll look around and look inward.
He'll stop focusing on what his life should look like and focus on what it could.
And that life could be just as radiant as the family he's apart of now.
(and that's all i could ask for 🥹)
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dragonagitator · 11 months
Since people enjoyed this post so much, perhaps you will also enjoy this snippet from my "Modern Girl in Faerun" author self-insert isekai WIP.
For context, it's the first long rest, and we've been to the Grove but haven't encountered Karlach yet.
Scene under the cut. Criticism welcome!
The fire was warm, but the ground was hard and cold, and my scavenged bedroll was too thin to provide much cushioning.
"Gale?" I broke the silence after a couple of minutes of tossing and turning.
"Mmm?" he responded sleepily from his side of the fire.
"Why are we sleeping on these bedrolls when you can summon beds? Because I know you can summon beds, I've seen you do it in my previous, um, 'time loops.'"
"Ah, well, while I could certainly 'summon' a bed, it would only stay 'summoned' for as long as I am able to concentrate on maintaining the spell," he explained. "So, as soon as I were to slip into slumber, the bed would wink out of existence, and its occupant would tumble to the ground rather abruptly. Counterproductive to a restful night's sleep, as I'm sure you would agree."
"Oh, that makes way more sense than my theory," I said.
"Oh? And what was your theory?" Gale sounded excited over the prospect of having someone to discuss magical theory with.
'Oh, my adorable nerd,' I thought fondly.
"That the spell's somatic component was an erection," I teased.
Wyll erupted into peals of laughter while Gale sputtered indignantly.
"What? No! Why would you -- that is absolutely not how it works -- whatever in the world gave you that idea?" Gale demanded.
"Context," I replied mysteriously.
"Will you lot be quiet?" Shadowheart interjected disapprovingly. "We've all had a long day, and it sounds like we have many more long days ahead of us. We need rest, not this late-night foolishness."
"You know, for someone who doesn't remember shit, you sure do a keen impression of a Mother Superior scolding the girls' dormitory," I retorted sulkily.
"The istik priest speaks truth. We would be wise to rest while we can," Lae'zel chimed in.
'Dang, Lae'zel and Shadowheart agreeing on something already? I'm such a uniter! Look at me speedrunning their friendship!' I began giggling to myself.
"SHUT. UP!" Astarion snapped.
'I don't know what he's so pissy about. He only needs, what, like 4 hours of meditation? Oh, wait, he's probably hungry and waiting for us to fall asleep so he can sneak off to hunt. Right.'
"Goodnight, everyone," I sing-songed sweetly.
Wyll's muffled snickering gradually faded as he regained his composure, leaving nothing but the sound of the crackling fire.
'When I fall asleep here, will I wake up back in real life?' I wondered as I drifted off.
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mj-iza-writer · 8 months
Side story to Sp special containment. This has nothing to do with the story line I'm currently involved with. Except I need to introduce a new character. - MJ
If you want to catch up or you are new to my SP Special Containment story use the hashtag to see all of my stories so far, and I'm trying to get a new chapter out as well. I've been so busy lately, so I apologize. #sp special containment.
Whumpee groaned when someone who wasn't Caretaker entered their room with a guard.
"Hey I'm Cass", the person spoke with a high pitched voice.
Whumpee frowned, "where's Caretaker?"
"Uh, Caretaker got extremely sick last night, so he is going to be out for a day or two", the guard sighed, "Cass here pulled the short straw, so your stuck with 'em till Caretaker is okay."
Cass looked at the guard with a frown.
Whumpee grinned.
"I won't lie. I was a little nervous when they asked me to take care of one of the human weapons", Cass made an awkward grin and rubbed the back of their head, "I was interested in your cases, but uh, I'm still a junior here so I'm learning. I hope one day I'll be able to help fully in the Special Containment Unit."
Whumpee looked at the clock in their room, "so what exactly is going on right now? I'm not due for anything yet."
"Nothing, we just wanted to introduce you to Cass before they attempt to feed you", the guard looked around the room, "a new experience that you can prepare yourself for, as Caretaker explained to me."
Whumpee looked at Cass, "do you plan on strapping me into a chair to feed me? If you are just don't bother, I'm not getting into one of those stupid wheelchairs without Caretaker."
"No, no. I wasn't planning that at all. Caretaker has texted me exactly what to do, everything you like and don't like", Cass smiled, "I will try my best. Starting with these", Cass pulled out a pack of cookies.
You could see how shaky Cass' hand was as they tried to hand over the cookies.
"You are terrified of me", Whumpee frowned, "how are you going to do this if you are that scared?"
"Honestly I have no idea", Cass admitted, "Caretaker just said to plan extra time for you, so it can be done on your time."
Whumpee's eyes lit up as Caretaker's most comforting line was said.
"Okay", Whumpee nodded.
"Just like that?", Cass gasped, "Caretaker said to say that line. I thought it was weird."
The guard smiled at Whumpee knowing what that line was to Whumpee.
"Caretaker and Whumpee have a close bond, that line just told them that Caretaker was working in this. It's a comfort thing for them", the guard looked at Cass, "the guards will also be monitoring through the cameras, if we are needed we'll come."
"You won't be in here with me?", Cass looked at the guard quickly.
"Nope, if you want to be part of this unit, you're going to have to get over some fears", the guard turned to leave, "Whumpee is a good start, and you'll be able to shadow Caretaker and the other two caregivers."
Cass went to follow them out.
"Where are you going?", the guard stopped.
"I was following you", Cass gulped.
"You just gave Whumpee cookies you have to stay in here while they eat", the guard grinned, "I have other things to do."
"Really?", Cass's shoulders dropped as they both eyed Whumpee, who was munching on the cookies.
"No I'm just messing with you", the guard laughed, "yes, you do need to learn to do this on your own though."
Whumpee sat up when their buzzer went off and Cass came in.
"Your meal is served, Caretaker says he normally sets it here and sits off to the side. He let's you do as you please with it", Cass sat down, "um am I forgetting anything?"
The Director and Andy watched from the monitor room while Whumpee and Cass interacted.
"Cass seems to be doing pretty well", the Director smiled, "they may be a good addition to the unit, which is good because we need more people in this unit."
"Do you think this unit will be long term?", Andy watched the monitors.
"It's here to stay, though the three have improved quite well, they are too dangerous to be released", the Director sighed, "each holding facility is working to build their units, so I have to do the same."
"I heard they'll be shadowing us for a while, but what are your plans for them?", Andy smiled at Whumpee patiently listening to Cass talk.
"For right now to help out where needed, if we do have another weapon transfer in to our care they may get that one", the Director smiled, "I thought this would be a good spot to start, Whumpee is normally fine with us testing things with them so I knew Cass would be safe. Whumpee seems to like them."
"I have to agree", Andy felt their buzzer, "oh geesh, excuse me. Aramais is having an issue with..", Andy squinted, "stomach pains I think, they didn't type it right."
"Good luck", the Director grinned, then went back to watching Whumpee and Cass.
'This is good... I think', the Director thought to himself.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots
SP taglist. @written-by-jayy
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hotdrhaemon · 2 years
Daemyra mood to start you off for episode 10
Daemon be like: K, Bye
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dang HBO, don't we deserve a little bit of more romance before 2024???
but as they say, no one unites people more than having a common enemy.
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fighting for his crowned queen
but how could she walked when she just lost Visenya?
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Asks Comp 5/6
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Just like John Cusack, hoo hoo hoo is a universal constant.
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I was so excited for her conversations :( And thank you very much! This comic's a slippery one, but that's part of the fun!
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I do like the idea of pairing every Homestuck ship with a political ideology. It'd be the perfect storm of discourse, from about five directions at once!
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Thank you! I don't think I'll even be in the country for my birthday this time around, so it'll be a quiet celebration.
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I think it could still fit as a kismesissitude, even if they aren't all that unfriendly with each other. After all, Karkat's antagonism towards John is only skin-deep, and wears off fast.
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FEFERI: There's no reason to be scared! They are not as terrible as they look. FEFERI: When Derse is destroyed, I am going to go to sleep and prove it. FEFERI: I will prove it to you, and to them as well. KARKAT: THEM? FEFERI: Our new friends! [...]
Oh, that does make more sense. Dang, I really liked the idea that the Horrorterrors were scared of Players.
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Karkat made S-Tier for a reason. He's on fire this Act, and it's been great to watch!
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You don't even get to examine your surroundings!!
I'm even more glad now that I'm using Homestuck Collection. It's clear that I'd have missed a lot without it, and it's a sad state of affairs that the comic's official website seems to butcher it so badly. Definitely recommend checking out the Collection, if just to play the walkarounds yourself!
Underutilized aspects of the trolls: Feferi Edition! [...] I do have to say that, when I think about her, I don't generally remember the Horrorterror connection. But Gl'bgolyb is a Horrorterror, after all. Feferi may be legitimately bubbly and sweet, but of the two races she is meant to unite, it might just be the Horrors and Humans. She's an eldritch Disney princess. Remember that now. ~LOSS (19/5/23)
Does that make Gl'bgolyb her Fairy Elder Godmother?
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Ugh, tell me about it. It looks normal when the post is in my drafts, but breaks when I publish it.
I could go back and fix each post manually, but I don't have the time or the patience. Maybe I'll write a script to do it when I release Wertsearch: The Director's Cut.
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Thanks! I've had Cat send a transcript over, and I've been copying it for quotes. There was a risk of mild spoilers if I accidentally read ahead, but if it means I can stop quoting entire conversations manually, I'll happily take that chance.
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Damn it! There goes my Sollux Was Swapped At Birth theory.
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I like these ideas! It's fun to speculate about what our species 'thing' would be, since we don't have any alien species to compare ourselves to IRL.
The idea of NPCs as Player templates is awesome, too. That implies an absolutely wild session in Sburb's past, featuring the Sleuths, the Midnight Crew and the Exile squad as Players.
What would Sburb even look like without Carapacians? Would the chess match in Skaia still exist, just without sentient pieces? I kind of love this idea.
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Yeah, it's always nice when a story's really kicked into gear.
Beginnings and endings are difficult, and I usually enjoy the middle of a story more than either. By my count, we're about one-third of the way through Homestuck, and it's definitely found itself.
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Thanks! I have a couple of ideas about which of my ships will be supported by canon, and which won't - but we shall see what develops. The comic might surprise me!
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Canon Equius design.
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It's a big question, and I don't know if I can fully answer this one, given how much of Sburb is still shrouded in mystery.
That said, the first thing I'd change is how Players are assigned. Instead of creating people who have no choice but to participate, I'd look for volunteers in the planets I've seeded. If Players have to be born in the Veil, then those volunteers would have their timelines rewritten, retroactively turning them into meteor babies - but only after they've volunteered for the role.
Also - does a session have to destroy the planet it's seeded on? If it was me in charge, I'd redirect the Reckoning's portals somewhere else. Literally anywhere else, actually. As far as I can tell, the only reason they were pointed towards Earth in the first place was for thematic reasons. The Sallyverse has different themes.
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Yep. No special reason why - I've just been pretty busy lately, especially on the weekends. They've also been rolling over onto Mondays more often, too.
I get to 'em when I get to 'em - but I always get to them in the end.
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Ooh, that's a deep cut. Possibly coincidental, but I wouldn't be too sure - I wouldn't put anything past Hussie.
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I've heard of Higurashi, but I know very little about it. It is my tenuous understanding that it's a murder mystery starring several wealthy families - or is that its sister story, Umineko?
I don't want to look them up, because I might actually check them out at some point, and it is apparently very important to go in unspoiled. Potential future liveblog material, indeed.
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I've speculated that the Knight is a protector class - and maybe Knights also protect themselves, hiding behind a particular trait or emotion which serves as their 'shield'.
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Puréed puppet, unfortunately.
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Now that I've seen all the troll typing quirks, I'm pretty sure I've actually encountered some of these people in the wild! I've definitely seen Terezi's leetspeak, or something very similar, on an anime forum or two.
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