#Lila Rossi speculation
take-my-eeveelution · 10 months
Okay, Lila’s actions at the end of the season don’t seem to quite add up?
First she messes with the classmates’ future plans, okay fine. That gets overturned. But then she re-applies to Francis Dupont under a different name while vowing revenge on Marinette. But that doesn’t make sense. Weren’t they all making those plans because they were graduating Dupont and going into lycee? Dupont is not a lycee, that’s established back in Kwamibuster and confirmed when Soqueline graduated being one year ahead of Marinette. This should have been the class’ last year there.
What good will going back to Dupont do Lila/Cerise/Iris in terms of messing with Marinette, who by all rights should no longer even be a student there? She’s increasing her chances of being recognised as a disgraced former student who was also a well known model with her face EVERYWHERE, with her target not even present. Does Dupont suddenly somehow become a lycee so they don’t have to design a new school and new teachers? They can’t reuse Bustier or Mendeliev as class teachers anyway, so…
Yeah, something doesn’t make sense. Either Lila just plans to build a new base of admirers while biding her time with Marinette and is willing to take the risk at Dupont instead of being Cerise with an established group - or the show is just going to dump the class back in Dupont as if the whole graduation drama that led to Principal Damocles being FIRED and is a staple step in a French student’s school career is suddenly irrelevant?
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ladyofthenoodle · 11 months
i don’t know what is happening to lila in her final scene, but i do know one thing: if lila’s as smart as the writers want us to believe she is, she won’t be going to school to turn everyone against marinette. no, her new identity will be angling for the role of marinette’s best friend.
after all, being marinette’s rival turned out pretty well for marinette, didn’t it? but being chloe’s best friend didn’t turn out so well for chloe.
if she’s smart, she’ll veer away from the outlandish lies about jagged stone and prince ali. if she wants to play marinette like a fiddle, she’ll tell stories about the bullies at her old school and standing up to them. she won’t give adrien a second glance. maybe she’ll even make comments about gabriel agreste and wonder if he was really as great as they say. maybe she’ll ingratiate herself as the perfect confidant for a stressed marinette who’s tired of keeping secrets. even better if she can position herself in opposition to what alya is saying, especially if alya is saying a hard truth marinette doesn’t want to hear.
if she’s smart, marinette won’t even realize she’s the enemy.
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pisoprano · 6 months
(Please don’t discourse on this post, this poll is just for fun)
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wackus-bonkus-maximus · 5 months
In the special, why emonette couldn't make a wish? Was it because of Supreme leader?
hello october anon, i'm very sorry for the delay i've had such a time but believe me when i say toxigriffe hasn't left my brain. i'm about to give you so much more of an answer to what you asked (but dw there will be pictures)
so it looks like whatever seal plikki have on their mouths does belong to the supreme. and it appears that even in their true forms this seal still lasts.
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and it's not just a block either. it seems like resisting actually hurts plikki, like a shock collar.
and then right after marinette makes the wish, the seal appears again beneath her feet.
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whatever power the supreme has, it's more powerful than the wish. but what could have made the supreme so powerful to begin with? my theory is this: the supreme got a hold of the ladybug and black cat miraculous (maybe even the whole miracle box) and made a wish. we don't know what it was, but it seems that there's evidence enough to back up the inclusion of the clause that no one can supercede their wish. that's what makes them the supreme.
lets take a look at what the miracle box looks like in fu and then marinette's possesion:
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and then here's the supreme's (from the intro), complete with their symbol and everything:
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doesn't it look like the symbol of the order of the guardians?? just with an x superimposed over it??? and since fu had the lb & bc miraculouses at the start of the series, maybe this miracle box that the supreme acquired as the guardian also had those miraculous. that's how toxigriffe ended up getting their proper miraculous in the paris special!!
i think the intro is telling us a story of what happened, actually. first, the supreme got a hold of the miracle box. next, they made a wish. (i assume it's an image of the wish, given what the wish looked like in re-creation)
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the image splits into hexagons, with the one with the wish happening forming in the center. i'm guessing all those other hexagons are parallel worlds, and this world in the center is the one the supreme became the supreme of
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then we get an image of this person, who i assume is the supreme, given the giant x they are standing in front of - the same symbol that blocks the guardian insignia on the box and on plikki's mouths. like all the fractured worlds featured in the previous image, the supreme stands in the midst of fractured pieces of what looks like glass.
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maybe all the shards represent worlds the supreme has tried to take over before, but failed to. maybe they are all the worlds the supreme has conquered already. or maybe the broken mirrors are meant to parallel the supreme to poor emonette, whose misuse of her powers (under the supreme's threat of her life) have fractured her body and soul.
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but unlike emonette, the supreme doesn't have the miraculous of creation. the supreme isn't the girl who can fix anything.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, YOU WANNA KNOW WHO I THINK IT IS? (you know who i think it is!!)
to begin with, we get this sneak peek of the supreme's suit. those colors are unmistakeably purple and gray (and green but idk why that's there).
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who know who else would have a purple suit?
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the person with the butterfly miraculous, that's who.
maybe there's a reason the supreme wants the butterfly back so badly. the toxigriffe universe is a universe where the supreme doesn't have a complete miracle box after all. at least, it was when we left off.
but maybe s6 will change that.
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piromina · 4 months
I think we're sleeping on how much Lila found out in Revelation. And what it could mean for season 6.
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(she knows that Adrien is a sentimonster and those are his amoks???)
you could say. you could say that, oh no, it never explicitly stated that the peacock miraculous is how emelie fell into the coma. you could say that Lila doesnt know about the significance of the graham de vanily rings. you could say that.
and I am going to tell you that:
Lila is smart.
Okay so the first one was just a little thing but this is a longer explanation: Lila didn't know that Emelie was even IN a coma. she thought Emelie was DEAD like the rest of Paris. Now that she knows that she's in a coma, well, she also knows that Emelie was sick.
"oh, but how is she supposed to know that it's because of the peacock" you're forgetting the first episode of the season. Lila saw Nathalie on the train. She saw Nathalie sick on the train. She knows that Nathalie was mayura, because according to the writers, she overheard the phone conversation. She knows that Nathalie is, like, one of the only other people that is in on Gabriel's secret. It is very easy to connect the dots. and Lila knows that Nathalie got sick. she knows that emelie got sick. she can very safely assume that they both had the peacock miraculous at one point. she can do that. Lila is smart. No matter how much you all might hate her, you have to give her that much.
hoaxer asked Nathalie for Gabriel's secrets. if Nathalie took a photo of the ring and considered it a secret, then obviously there's some deeper meaning. she took the pic. right after the one with emelie. Lila knows that something is up with the rings. she also knows that Adrien now has the rings. she could steal one and take it for herself and analyze it or whatever (or break it...)
if your still skeptical about "well they never directly showed it", well I have some news for you. it NEVER directly shows it. not in miraculous. like do you know how fucking surprised I was in representation. they just showed colt. they showed the amok go into the signet ring. they showed Felix doing what he was told. like???? that is not a normal thing for miraculous to do.
The only reason she was at the Agreste Mansion that final day was so that she could catch Gabriel transforming back on camera. with the Tsurugi tablet thing. And the only reason she even knew that he would be in the basement (that there IS a basement) was because of Revelation.
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familyagrestefanblog · 11 months
The thing about Lila as new Butterfly now is that I'm not even sure if Lila would WANT to be perceived as a villain at all. That isn't exactly her style. She wants to be seen as a good person, the GREATEST person of all time so she can use people to her whim and that doesn't exactly translate into Lila doing the same thing Gabriel did before her when he hardly ever tried to not be the obvious villain as Hawkmoth.
There is also this whole thing going on in season 5 that a sub-group of people has already formed who believe that Monarque is the good guy and I hardly believe that this is not going to lead to something. Especially with the way Gabriel's story has ended and Lila having all the information on him.
It just doesn't seem right to assume that Butterfly Lila will go about her presentation the way Hawkmoth did. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Butterfly Lila shows up in 6x01 or 6x02 and proclaimes herself to be the hero who must take down Ladybug, Chat Noir and the team for the greater good.
Remember that Lila KNOWS everything. She was THERE at the final battle. She knows Ladybug lost and that Monarque made a wish. She knows EVERYTHING Marinette/Ladybug is letting the entire world believe right now is one massive lie. That's almost too easy.
I'm not saying that Butterfly Lila will right from the get go be seen as the new hero and Ladybug and Chat Noir as the villains by the public. But I AM saying that I find it much more likely that Lila will from the start proclaim herself as the new hero who wants to free Paris from Ladybug and Chat Noir because they aren't the good guys they claim to be, and that as the season continues Lila might manipulate the city/world with lies or by twisting truths she knows to her benefit to turn the tides. It not like that hasn't been more than well set-up by now.
As the ending of "Recreation" said, the entire world has been brought to awareness that no one really understands their emotions. And if that awareness is now there then that means we need a new type of villain. One who either isn't immediately noticeable at all as villain or one who can convince the people that they are NOT a villain and therefore people not only let their guard down, people won't even have a really to put their guard UP in the first place.
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heidi891 · 11 months
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
What if Lila actually isn’t a teenager but like a 30 year old like the plot from Orphan?
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nothingtherefornow · 8 months
Something I'm worried to see happen in the future of Miraculous Ladybug
So ... I've noticed something interresting in the Miraculous Special Paris, when Alya scrolled through Sabine's contacts to call Marinette after her own phone has been destroyed, Sabine's main contacts shown on her phone are Nadja Chamack, Caline Bustier, Mr. Damoclès, Agent Roger, Mr. Bourgeois, Alya Cesaire, Gina Bianshi (Marinette's paternal grandmother full name), "Chéri" (her husband Tom Dupain), Marinette, Rolan Dupain, Maître Wang (Sabine's uncle/Marinette's gran uncle) and Lila Rossi ... Lila freaking Rossi.
I don't know about you, but I personnally find it very disturbing and worrying that among the people that Sabine's knows, she included Lila among her main contacts sometimes between the end of season 4 and the epsiode Destruction of season 5.
While we only ever saw Sabine and Lila interract with each other during painting lessons for a few weeks, it seems that it was either enough for Lila to really grow closer to Sabine, or that they've been seeing each other outside of those painting lessons, and Lila made herself lovable enough for Sabine to grow fond of her, and totally ignore or forget the fact that Lila almost got Marinette expelled and still find room to criticize her ("Its such a shame that your daugther Marinette don't bother to take advantage of all your have to teach" and seriously what kind of mother stay unmoved when somoene who's not even friend with said daugther makes such condescending comment about her ? As loving as you are Sabine, you're really too passive for Marinette's own good -_-)
I'm now even more scared that during season 6, Lila may really manage to create tensions between Marinette and her parents by manipulating them, and especially Sabine. Otherwise why would have the ML writter even bother to make Lila get close enough to Sabine for the woman to accept a hug from her, while Lila was bold enough to say to Sabine "you're like a mother to me" ? But then to not have Lila exploit that friendship with Marinette's mother to further hurt the poor girl during season 5 ? To me this can only mean that they plan to make Lila use her past "friendship" with Sabine to make those worries of me come true in season 6, or later in season 7.
There's no way the ml writters won't make Lila, Cerise, Iris or wathever her true name is, make use of what she may have potentially learn from Sabine, or make use of the fact that Sabine was was fond of the girl named Lila Rossi, to find others ways to further hurt Marinette.
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lnc2 · 1 year
okay idk anything concrete about lila’s storyline or what they’re doing with her beyond what we’ve seen in trailers but has anyone heard of the french chameleon who was this dude who was an orphan and then aged out of the system but for years pretended to be younger than he was and at one point impersonated a missing child in the us for MONTHS before he was caught and he constantly lied about who he was and where he was from?
because i’m not saying that’s for sure the inspiration for lila but i will say it’s sus that her big reintroduction to the show was in an episode called chameleon
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What is Lila's wish?
 Back in season 1, when Volpina's character design was first hinted, a commotion had occurred over the exciting possibility of a new hero appearing in the series. Once it was revealed this characters civilian name was Lila, naturally, fans had assumed Lila was destined to be a new addition to the team of heroes the moment they realized her design detailed her wearing a Fox themed attire, which matched the fox miraculous we all saw in the miracle box (back then, "Origins" released first so we all saw the miracle box before "Volpina" aired).
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Of course, it was a major blow the moment it was discovered that Lila was not at all the person people in the fanbase had envisioned her to be. She was no hero, in fact, she was far from that. For the longest time, it was anticipated that maybe one day we would see new heroes added to Ladybug and Cat Noir’s team now that we knew there were other miraculous to foreshadow such an exciting possibility.
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However, aside from any potential new heroes being included into the show, there was an additional factor which had been overlooked until the end of season 1, which was that Hawkmoth could not be the main villain forever. Sooner or later, someone would come along to take the title of the primary villain. After "Volpina" aired, it became apparent that Lila would be set up as an additional antagonist to the show, but it wasn't until "Time tagger” did it become clear just how much of a threat Lila would become. When Hawkmoth assumed he was  close to victory, thanks to “his” akumatized villain of the future, Timetagger reveals Hawkmoth will not be the holder of the butterfly miraculous in the future. And so, with the episode ending with Lila having a moment with Chris, who would be akumatized into Timetagger in the future, it had now been set in stone that Lila would become the future butterfly miraculous holder and the new villain of Paris. 
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However, despite this interesting revelation, no one knew exactly what Lila’s intentions would be in the future when she sought the power of the ladybug and cat miraculous. The two miraculous are capable of granting anyone a wish if they manage to obtain them, it was because of its immense powers to grant whatever a person wanted that Gabriel sought it to cure Emelie from the effects of the broken peacock miraculous, but knowing Lila is fully capable of obtaining whatever she wants by lying and manipulating others, we have yet to know what exactly will happen in Lila’s life that will lead her to seek the wish granting powers of the miraculous.
Although Lila had been displayed throughout the series to be fully capable of obtaining whatever she wanted through her own abilities, its discovered in “Onichan” that Lila's life with her family is far from the adventurous and lavish life she would often tell others, in fact, judging by her upset expression as she leaves her home, we come to find that Lila is not happy with the life she is living with her family. 
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One of her moms works at an embassy, as a result, she is not around much and only briefly stops by the house to check on Lila and prepare her breakfast lunch and dinner for the day. She always arrives home late and often times does work through the weekends.
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Lila's other mom had been noted to work at the “Style queen magazine”, but due to Audrey being the head of the company and very demanding of her employees, it was obvious that life in the office was just as grueling of a work place, meaning neither of them could spend much time at home to properly observe Lila and realize she had been lying to them about the school being closed for months, and had even constructed an even bigger lie to convince the teacher and student body that she traveled the world working with prince Ali and his family to combat various global issues. Lila's life revolved around creating an entirely new persona only a rare few would come to realize was fake, and she made sure her moms would never know she was doing this both in and outside of the house. 
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Not much is known yet about Lila’s emotional connection to her moms, let alone if family would be her reason to pursue the miraculous. But despite them being very loving and supportive of her when they do show up on screen, Lila is not above lying to them in order to ensure she continues to maintain the fake life she had worked hard to build. From what is understood so far, given her mothers busy schedules, Lila's behavior stemmed from being devoid of attention as her mothers continued to be preoccupied with their careers, so in order to compensate for the lack of attention her two moms failed to give her, Lila had begun to lie to people outside her family to draw attention onto herself.
However, it had become clear that over time, her parents were no longer the sole reason for her being the way she is. Lila gained a taste for manipulating others to her advantage, and despite the few people(Marinette and Adrien) who were willing to explain to her that what she was doing was wrong, Lila genuinely had no interest in stopping what she was doing, not because she couldn't, but because she liked what her talents could provide her. 
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And with her now having accomplished the impossible task of being recognized by Gabriel as his new muse, and even be included as one of the avatars to the alliance rings, Lila no doubt felt a sense of pride in knowing she was no longer just pretending to be someone who is more accomplished than others, she was no longer just some ordinary person, she was better than the rest, she was valuable. No matter where she goes, people will know who she is the moment they see her as their avatar. But if someone, anyone, dared to interfere with the world she had created around herself, a world where all eyes would fall onto her, then she would not hesitate to become vindictive and spiteful towards anyone who wasn't willing to fall into the line she had set.
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If they weren't willing to fall into place and side with her to let her be the one to obtain whatever she wanted, regardless of who she might take advantage of in the process, then she would not hesitate to view them as an obstacle that needed to be removed, this obstacle was of course, primarily Marinette.
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Lila's deceit can't go on forever, however, although Adrien said long ago that everyone would quickly turn against her the moment they discovered she lied to them about who she really was, it would appear as though Collège Françoise Dupont and the entire student body, genuinely did not mean much to her. It was never Lila's intention to form an actual attachment to anyone at the school, it was only something she would need to feel involved in for as long as she wanted, and so far, she appeared to be devoted to staying now that she knew she had more to lose, those things being of course, her delusional romance with Adrien, her new modeling career with Gabriel and her vengeance against Marinette. Its possible that if all of these things were to be stripped from her, then it would become a factor in her drive to pursue the miraculous. But despite all this, there is also one big mystery to Lila that could explain her future motive to pursue the miraculous, and that is knowing what she did during her months away after the first season. 
 During the months of school Lila missed, she wasn't just sitting in her room, she was likely still walking out and about among other civilians doing other things while also managing to avoid everyone else who knew her at Francoise Dupont. We may not know what she was really doing during that time yet, but what we do know is, it was something which needed a large portion of her attention to the point of her realizing she needed to leave Françoise Dupont for a few months. 
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Something happened to Lila, and the answers to what could really be going on in her life that will lead her to pursue a wish, may be within those months she was away from school, and whatever it is that Lila wants, must of course be something that is far beyond her control to achieve, but it could be achieved through a wish from the Ladybug and Cat miraculous the moment she learns of its power, but lets just wait and see what the show has to say. (no comment of other released episode as I am waiting to see them in order).
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edgybutnotveryedgy · 1 year
My Very Unhinged Lila Theory Part 1/3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Lila isn’t a good liar. From the beginning she has told lies that a even a fifth grader would never take at face value. Let alone adults. Yet she has so many people who believe these lies to the point that she has multiple women convinced that they are all her mom. She is enrolled at multiple schools. She has a secret lair in the Paris catacombs. She has been caught in her lies multiple times even, yet it wasn’t until Confrontation that she was caught in any of these lies. 
The easy thing to do is to say that this is just lazy writing or plot convenience or something, but I don’t like that answer. It’s boring and lazy and I like to have fun. That being said, I think to begin with the real question we should be asking is: why do people blindly believe Lila? 
Knowing what we know about Lila as of season 5, I think that it is worthwhile to look back on her former appearances. Going through former episodes, I have come to the ultimate conclusion, I don’t think that Lila is just a good liar, even in universe. I believe she is using some sort of power or magic to make people believe anything she says. 
To begin with, I would like to address the following. There are canonically other forms of magic and superpowers in the Miraculous universe. Obviously we have the Kwami, but on multiple occasions Plagg mentions other kinds of magic. In Origins Part 1, Adrien, after putting on his ring, says “No way! Like the Genie in the Lamp!” followed by Plagg saying “I met him once. So he grants wishes. Big deal. I’m way more personable!” There’s also mention of Dragons a few times in the series, as well as United HeroeZ showcases many different heroes and villains who have abilities of their own. There’s also The Legend of Ladydragon with the Renlings, who are similar to Kwami, but still are not Kwami. 
Furthermore, Miraculous is a part of a shared universe. Any show that goes under the Zag Heroez brand is a part of the shared universe. This includes Zak Storm, Power Players, and Ghostforce. Obviously Ghostforce has its ghosts as its main supernatural element. Power Players has a life giving magic called minergy that brings inanimate objects like toys to life. Zak Storm has aliens, witches, ancient gods, Atlanteans, time travel shenanigans, magic wizard aliens, star people, magic guardians, and skeletons. And that’s just scratching the surface. (seriously please watch zak storm. It is so underrated and needs more eyes on it.) These are just the shows that have aired. There are more shows that have been stuck in production hell, like Fairyon, Pixiegirl, and others that all have other magical elements. Bottom line is that a character in Miraculous having powers that aren’t connected to Kwami’s is not unreasonable, and in fact would add a lot world building wise. 
To begin with, I want to note some specific quotes from episodes involving Lila that I believe suggest her having some sort of abilities. I recommend that any readers should go rewatch the episodes themselves. In this post I’ll just be covering episodes in season’s 1 and 2. So lets begin!
When Marinette first gets to school she hears everyone fawning over the new girl Lila. Here is her dialogue
[Shortly after watching Lila drag away a clearly uncomfortable Adrien.] [Marinette is panicking because she thinks Lila is going to seduce Adrien and then he'll never love her.]
Marinette: *gasp* "where are they going? Alya! We've gotta stop them."
Alya: "You need to chill out Marinette. My Ladyblog has the highest number of hits ever after that Lila interview!"
Marinette: "what's going on? I mean has this Lila girl hypnotized everyone or something?"
Tiki: "You wouldn't be a little jealous, Marinette?"
Marinette: "huh? Me? Jealous? No way!"
[Marinette proceeds to run after Adrien and Lila]
While Marinette is spying on Adrien and Lila, Adrien is looking at the book he stole from his dad. Lila comes over talking about doing history homework with Adrien.
Lila looks smitten with Adrien. 
Her eyes look down and she notices the book Adrien has, then she immediately looks shocked.
Lila: "What's that?"
She pulls the book over to herself to look at it while Adrien starts to panic.
Adrien: "uh.. Nothing! Just stories about superheroes." (Smooth save bro)
Lila puts her hand on Adrien’s hand.
Lila: "I love super heroes!" (It feels like she's specifically trying to form a character that she thinks Adrien will like)
Lila turns the page and it shows Ladybug.
Lila: "Ladybug?" (She seems genuinely excited when she sees this.)
Adrien: "She's amazing!" (He's so smitten)
Lila suddenly has a jealous look. She puts the book down and moves herself and her chair over closer to Adrien.
Lila: "A girl doesn't need to wear a costume to be amazing, you know."
Adrien panicking autistically: "uhh, i don't know? I mean i-"
Lila: "so! You've got a little soft spot for the bug huh?"
Adrien: "me? Oh no. Not at all!"
Lila: "You know, I actually happen to be very close friends with ladybug." 
Adrien: "Really?"
Lila: "We can chat about it if you want! Not here though. Why don't we meet at the park after school, and I'll tell you everything."
Adrien suddenly has to go to fencing practice, and he drops his bag. Meanwhile the book falls out, and Lila slips it away with her shoe. Before giving Adrien back his bag.
Why is she so obsessed with getting Adrien to like her?
Heroes Day Part One
Lila has apparently convinced her mom, the ambassador Ms. Rossi, that school has been closed down and isn't reopened due to akuma attacks, as well as apparently she has convinced her mom that ladybug is useless and unable to save anyone. Like... Doesn't her mom watch the news? Or go outside? She's an ambassador. There has to be more to this than just Lila being a good liar. Especially to her own "mother."
While in her room looking over the heroes day footage
Lila: "Liar! Traitor! Coward!"
Gabriel comes up on the screen to announce his contribution to the parade as well as to denounce Volpina.
Gabi: "in honor of the wonderful Ladybug who has saved my son Adrien and myself, and who relentlessly protects all of us every day. I have financed this tribute to Ladybug, because Ladybug is the only true hero unlike her mediocre imitations, such as Volpina."
As soon as Gabriel comes on screen Lila goes quiet and is suddenly very interested to know what gabe has to say. I just think this is interesting. 
After hearing what Gabriel says about Volpina, Lila gasps and looks upset. She then proceeds to throw her laptop against the wall, then dramatically yell
Next the scene cuts to Gabi doing his Hawkmoth thing. He sends an akuma out to Lila. 
Lila is just sitting in her room looking very alone and upset.when she hears the akuma wings fluttering she looks up. Suddenly she looks frightened and jumps back a bit gasping before it goes into her bracelet. 
Hawkmoth: "Volpina."
Lila: "Hawkmoth!" (She says this very happily)
Hawkmoth: "Your dreams were once a reality, until Ladybug turned them into a nightmare. Regain your power of illusion, and make this heroes day a nightmare for all Parisians!"
Lila: "With great pleasure Hawkmoth."
After Volpina does her whole thing and makes everyone in Paris worried,
Hawkmoth: "Dear Volpina, you've performed your role well for the time being. We will meet again very soon."
Volpina: "I'll be waiting, Hawkmoth."
After being detransformed, Lila looks up, and she has a very sinister smile.
About Volpina
Powers of Illusion. She uses her powers to make people believe what she wants them to believe, such as in her debut episode, where she uses these powers to convince Ladybug and Chat Noir and Adrien as well as all of Paris, that she is amazing and that she accomplishes great feats. As we know though, this is all an illusion. Much like her lies. She also uses these abilities to ruin the reputation of Ladybug in Hero’s day, as well as to attempt to trick Ladybug and Chat Noir. This mirrors her behavior in later episodes as well. 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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kisilinramblings · 11 months
I'm still confused about Lila. What IS her motivation at all now as Butterfly?
Yeah, she hates Marinette and Ladybug but WHY? What's the goal here? If she's after Marinette then there needs to be a reason for that besides meaningless pettiness. Marinette herself deserves a better villain than just her bully having bigger bully powers now with no interesting story, motivation or dynamics behind it.
Marinette already had nothing to do with the Agreste Story itself and her side of the story was mostly just dealing with the monsters of the week. She never even had much of a dynamic with Hawkmoth or Mayura either besides hero vs villain.
I hoped that they would do better with Lila but that requires more motivation for Lila than fucking with Marinette cause Muhahahaha. If there is no point of view for the villain one can at least follow to understand from their perspective why they think they are justified then half the narrative gets lost and the hero vs villain thing gets boring real fast.
Lila's true motivations are currently unknown. What is her deal with living different lives? What is her purpose joining different schools or pretending to be several women's daughter?
Heck, we don't even know Lila's real name. She is Chameleon without the need of being akumatized.
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The logo on her laptop seems to point her out as a member of some dark web, or maybe even some sort of secret agent but she appears to work alone and solely for herself.
All in all, who Lila / Cerise / Whatever-Her-Name-Is is a mystery. She twists the perception of the truth. Is she even a teenager or a more ancient being?
She lies in order to manipulate people and get what she wants. And if there are people who resists, she considers them to be an obstacle to be deal with. And she adapts.
And what we have seen of her may only the tip of the iceberg. But I think it is safe to assume she too would want to Power of Reality and change the world how she sees fit.
As for the villain vs the good guys conflict, I don't think Miraculous will give you what you want in that department because on how the power of the Butterfly works. Like Hawkmoth, she could be hidden in her lair and avoid direct confrontations. It matches Lila's nature to use people around her to get what she wants. It adds several layers before the heroes can even get a change to take back her Miraculous. And as a civilian, we don't know what Lila has in mind, but I doubt she'll repeat the same mistakes.
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minoudrien · 6 months
one of the most interesting lila scenes to me is in chameleon when she’s having the bathroom confrontation with marinette and finds out marinette knows she’s a liar. she says “you seem a little less dumb than the others” and offers her a chance at being on her side, and then of course it’s marinette who ends up being lila’s ultimate downfall in convincing the rest of the class that she’s been lying.
it just makes me think that now that lila knows the full extent of what marinette is capable of, she’s going to take the first opportunity she gets as cerise to get in well with marinette. it would be really interesting to see a situation where marinette is the one who trusts her, and it’s adrien who has to come along and expose her instead as a reversal of the first episode we meet lila
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matt0044 · 5 months
How might "Iris Verdi" operate as the new Hawk Moth?
I feel that she'd put her twisted tongue to good use in inciting moments of discord with certain students not unlike Chloe but being more subtle about it compared to Ms. Queen Bee. She'd duck somewhere out of the way and release an Akuma. She could also take a risk by detransforming and joining the crowd of bystanders to create consistent alibis, given she hasn't the Peacock to create a Sentimonster duplicate.
When not in school, she might be daring enough to jump into the fray to join her Champion. Trying to get Ladybug and Chat Noir separated so she can hone in on one or the other. It'd add to the Marinette vs. Lila friction if the theory of her knowing the former's Ladybug holds up.
Though given all other Miraculous have full time holders, she'd likely keep her distance mostly.
There's also the matter of Tomoe Tsurugi.
I can see Tomoe trying to distance herself from Gabriel lest he be found out as Monarch to keep her tech company from crumbling after Alliance goes belly-up (that's a major profit loss if there ever was one).
However, since Lila got Nathelie to give all of Gabriel's secrets to her as Hoaxer, this would include Tomoe's connections and Kagami (who has fallen into Lila's grasp as her "BFF") being a Sentimonster. Chances are that she'll use this as leverage for her own ends.
Then there's the matter of her knowing of Gabriel's secrets:
Given that Lila knows Monarch's true identity and how both Chat Blanc and Ephemeral showed Adrien becoming the most powerful Akumatized Villain, I feel like that's something the new Hawk Moth has in store for a Season Finale where she crafts one hell of a Champion out the Cat Holder.
It also feel like the most dramatic circumstances for The Reveal(TM) to take place in the prime timeline, especially if Lila knows that Marinette is Ladybug (she had observed Bug Noir's final battle and dived into the water for the Moth Brooch). What other revenge would be just as satisfying?
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piromina · 6 months
So, they paired Kagami with Felix instead of Adrien. After all that talk about looks are not whats important she gets paired with adriens identitcal cousin.
Now let's look at Kagami in the plot. We all know she was introduced as a love rival for marinette. Adrigami and Lukanette just kinda happened in season 3 there (for like 2 seconds but still).
And I'm not saying Luka's any similar to Kagami because he isnt but what if they try doing the same thing to him they did to kagami, pairing him up with ANOTHER girl with dark hair and blue eyes. Hmm, let's see, who do we know with the same looks as Marinette...
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