chimeramoth · 1 year
love it when my phone keeps alerting me that i have a severe thunderstorm warning starting in a few minutes AND the sun is shining. love it when weather is hilarious
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
I have acquired the utterly horrifying knowledge that there are tornadoes in Germany.
Just. Tornadoes. In Germany. Apparently like 40 a year on average?
I did not know this. I wish I could have continued living without knowing this.
Apparently, so far, said tornadoes in Germany were happening in parts of Germany that are not here so I've just... never... heard about them? Somehow? Entirely unsure how, like, genuinely unsure how I have never, in the 30 years of my life on this Earth and in this country, heard a single news about a tornado in Germany if there are that many on average, I have remained blissfully unaware of this.
Today, when I checked my mails, there was weather news on the website about storms all over Germany, including tornado warnings. This is how I learned about this.
I don't like this. I don't know how I can unlearn this. And I feel like I need to unlearn this fact.
I am terrified of tornadoes. I've never experienced one in my life, I can't explain where this fear came from beyond like American TV shows and movies.
When I have nightmares, they feature tornadoes. That's my number one most recurring nightmare.
When I hear about tornadoes in the state that someone I care about lives in in the US, I get very anxious (...much more anxious than the person living there. How are Americans so calm about this shit).
I am currently not okay with the knowledge that tornadoes happen in the country I live in, even though I have the rational knowledge that they have still never happened anywhere near where I live, just... knowing they happen in Germany, after I spent my life living in a matra of "this scary thing that haunts me in my nightmares isn't real here", is... not good.
Not doing great with this new knowledge. Really not doing great with this.
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calochortus · 2 years
Tornado by Macro Merriment
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mjrtaurus · 2 years
Recently learned about Lilapsophobia and how I've had it all my life without realizing it was not just common sense to be bugging tf out when the fucKING SKY IS ANGRY.
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onhigh · 7 months
oh fun! i just got a tornado warning alert. this is it for me boys
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aniimus · 3 months
op u casually drop that u were hit by a tornado and never elaborated what was up with that 😭
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sneakyfox55 · 1 year
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nirogryphon · 6 months
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Hey! Tumblr! Don't put ads with ai generated tornadoes on my dash ever again without warning, I'm going to fucking get you.
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nokiatelava · 3 months
✿✿Swim Good✿✿
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Author’s Note - I kind of just came up with this one randomly! But I think it would be like a good concept for bringing Awpxey, Aiya, and reader closer together. It might be pretty long, so buckle up!! Please excuse any grammar mistakes! And, of course, enjoy reading!!
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Summary - It was a good day, everything was going fine. The weather was perfect, the ocean relaxing you as you swam around on your Ilu with Aiya and Awpxey. What happened? What happened when you went past the reef? Why did this storm have to come now? Trapping you in a rock cave on an island, in the middle of the ocean, only being able to hope for a miracle.
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Warnings - sneaking away in broad daylight, crying, fear of the deep sea — thalassophobia, fear of extreme storms — lilapsophobia, fear of the dark — nyctophobia, panic attack, trapped, fainting, mentions of injuries, mentions of genitalia, speaking crazy out of fear, comfort, rescuing
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“Come on!” You whisper shouted, trying to discreetly leave with Awpxey and Aiya in tow.
“We’re right behind you Y/n!” Aiya whisper shouted back. “We can’t be swimming on top of you.”
“Why are we whispering?” Awpxey questioned, in a whisper.
“Oh. Right.” You scratched the top of your head. “I don’t know? It just happened, it adds to the secrecy anyway.” You shrugged. Aiya added her two sense. “I mean I guess.. We are literally sneaking away to go beyond the reef midday, anyone can probably see us leave, that’s probably why she was whispering.” You nodded, smiling for your defense.
“See Awpxey. Aiya agrees.” You say smugly, leaning towards his face. He rolls his eyes, pecking your lips before you can back away, mumbling. “Yeah, yeah.”
Aiya giggled, taking the front so she can lead you both towards the reef.
“When we’re out there, we should like look for a small little island that we can hang out on!” You propose the idea excitedly. “Is that okay though Aiya?” You asked, leaning onto her side, making puppy eyes. She smiled, agreeing. “Yes Y/n we can do that, you don’t have to make puppy eyes.”
An accent rolled off her tongue, since technically there are no dogs on Pandora, they don’t exactly know what a puppy is. So you obviously were teaching some things, to both Aiya and Awpxey.
“Okay!” You squealed, your Ilu following along and copying your own noises.
“You know sometimes I feel like we both can just talk to each other. She understands me and I can understand her, out loud. I speak Ilu.” You said randomly. Awpxey once again rolled his eyes. “Not surprised tìyawn, you are gifted.” Aiya giggled. “You know I do believe you, when you make noises back to her, her eyes follow along. Like a conversation between two people.”
You smiled looking down to your Ilu. “See, they know we have a bond.” Leaning down and kissing the top of her head. She squeaked in response.
“Oh Y/n, what is her name? I’ve never heard you say it before.” Aiya asked. You looked down, fiddling with the fabric on your loincloth. “Oh.. I didn’t know we could name them. I thought that like anybody just used anyone’s Ilu if they were around, so I never named her.” Aiya’s face softened. “I should have explained them better to you, sorry about that Y/n. But go ahead, give her a name.”
You looked towards the sky, chewing on your lip in thought. What would be a good name for your Ilu? She was a good listener, she came up to you and bonded with you, no hassle, she’s just a gentle creature. What would fit her the best?
After a couple minutes of pondering silence you finally chose a name and said it out loud.
You smiled at the way the name sounded, it was pretty, and Toula had made a sound, a very high pitched one that sounded almost.. Grateful.
“That’s a beautiful name.” Aiya said smiling, Awpxey nodded in agreement not long after, a smile mirroring on his face.
“Yeah,” you looked down into her eyes whispering. “Toula.”
Now, about 20 minutes out riding your Ilus, you spot an idle island with a spacious rock cave, pointing to it and calling out its existence excitedly.
You tried to ignore the harsh twist in your stomach as you seen the irregularly large boulders unsteadily ‘stacked’ over the cave.
Guiding Toula towards the island, you dismount her as you carefully climbed the tricky rocks edge, successfully getting over the edge. Once you were up, you turned to tell Toula she could swim around, and pull Awpxey and Aiya onto the ledge.
The sky had turned grey, and little patters of rain started to fall from the sky, small sounds of thunder ringing through.
"Go on Toula, go swim, okay?" You say to her as you pull both Aiya and Awpxey on at the same time. You furrowed your brows in confusion as you seen only Toula looking back at you.
‘All the other Ilus left already?’ You ask yourself in your head. You took note at how Toula was looking at you strangely, a distressed look and sound coming from her.
“Toula? What’s wrong?” You turned back to look at Awpxey and Aiya. “Guys. Guys I think something’s wro- Oh?” Once you turned around, Toula was gone.
Before you could even register it, a wave came up over the rock’s ledge, swallowing you into the Sea.
You got pulled down deep under, towards the sea floor. And the current that was throwing you underwater crashed your face into some coral, making a rough scratch on the corner of your forehead.
Trying to swim up, you were only forced farther down, your ankle getting stuck into another patch of coral. Even trying to attempt pulling your foot from it was a joke, the current of the ocean rocked you back and forth, your oxygen running low.
The push and pull on your ankle against the coral caused more scratches on the skin, making it burn so uncomfortably.
Just as your vision began to get blurry, a figure was swimming down towards you. You couldn’t see it clearly yet, but it was Awpxey, a rock in hand as he approached your leg. Caressing your calf before striking the coral with the rock, breaking your foot free successfully.
Just as black spots began to cloud your vision you were being brought to the surface. Black slowly began to encompass your vision, causing you to see nothing. You were slipping.
Color enveloped you again as you took a breath. The air filling your lungs giving you relief. Feeling as if you just took your first ever breath.
The screams around you were muffled. The only things you were able to register was Awpxey’s warm skin pressing against your back, the rocks ledge in front of you, the opaque white sea foam that was everywhere due to the harshness of the waves, and the push and pull of the water.
The Sea rocking you in what felt like a harsh lullaby. But that’s what Mother Nature does right?
Relief started to build in your chest as you felt yourself being pushed, then pulled onto the edge. Though it was short lived as another wave came crashing over you, wanting to swallow you back into the ocean. But with all of the force coming over you, all it did was push your body down into the rock, splitting your lip against the rough, wet rock.
That’s when all your hearing came back.
The wind, the rain, the thunder, the water, the screaming.
You were able to hear all of it.
You felt the warm liquid trickle from your lip, seeing it splatter then mix with the rest of the angry ocean, tasting the large sum that went into your mouth.
Soon, arms were on both of your biceps, dragging you hurriedly towards that damn rock cave that was giving you the creeps just earlier.
With the adrenaline, you started to walk too, at a pace that was too close to a run. Putting all that pressure on your ankle.
Once all three of you entered, getting shielded from the rain, you breathed out calming down for a little bit.
Just before a striking pain shot up from your ankle to your leg, through your arms, up to your brain. Hell, even to your queue if you would.
Shooting your head back, your knees buckled, not being able to handle the pain traveling from your ankle.
You were laid on the floor quickly, Awpxey coming down to your side to hold your face. “Tíyawn! Tíyawn are you okay?” He asked frantically.
“My foot.” You shook your head as you sobbed. Awpxey tried his best to wipe your tears before he went to examine your ankle himself.
You caught the way he physically flinched, reeling back from your leg, eyes wide in shock.
“What?” You asked breathlessly, scared to even know what it was yourself. “What is it Awpxey what’s wrong?”
It seemed like he snapped out of it when you called for him. “N-no! Nothing! It’s nothing.” His eyes flicked between yours and your ankle.
“No. There’s obviously something wrong. You’re staring at my foot as if I have fifteen penises for toes! What’s wrong!?” You exclaimed in fear, talking irrationally since you were beginning to become nervous at his suspensive look.
Once the silence became enough for you, you began to sit up yourself, and see why your ankle made both Aiya and Awpxey silent. When you finally sat up, you gasped.
It was ghastly.
Your ankle looked disgusting. It was all shades of pinks, blues, and blacks, it was tilt at a very, very unusual angle, and your bone could be seen under your skin, trying to pierce through.
“Oh.. Oh my Ey-” you passed out before even getting to finish your sentence.
“Y/n!” Aiya exclaimed, tapping your cheek with a firm hand to bring your consciousness.
You gasped as you sat up. The pain in your ankle continuing to throb. Gripping your hair, pulling at the strands. “M-my foot is ruined. I can’t believe I was running on it. I’m never gonna feel my foot ever again.” As you rambled on, Awpxey took hold of your hands, untangling each from your hair.
“Y/n.. I need you to listen to me closely okay?” Awpxey spoke softly. You nodded, listening to his calm tone.
“I need to pop this back in place…” He whispered, not wanting to even say it to you out loud.
“What!?” You screamed, your voice echoing through the cave. Thunder striking over your echoes, causing a rumble through the empty space.
“Yes Y/n, I know it’s going to hurt but we have to, okay?” He tried to reason with you calmly. But you were out of your mind. It’s not your fault though, was it? You were scared. And you had every right to be. You heard that popping dislocations and bones and such back into place hurt more than the actual break. You didn’t want to try and see if that was true yourself!
“No, no.” You shook your head, “we really don’t have to.”
When Awpxey approached your upper body with a frown, pushing you down softly by your shoulders.
You knew he was serious.
“Do we really have to?” Your meek voice killed him, Awpxey hated to see you in pain. It’s all the worse now knowing he is the one putting you through it.
Looking to Aiya — the only healer in their right mind — for confirmation, she gave him a small solemn nod. And that’s all he needed to know he could continue.
Aiya had to get you ready though. She knew she would have to restrain you, so she took both of your hands and held them to your chest lightly, holding your other leg down with hers.
Now you were becoming frantic. The reality of what was about to happen settling into your nerves.
“No, no, no, no, no!” You cried out. “Please no, don’t do it please!” Shaking your head side-to-side roughly, hoping they will somehow change their minds and not pop your ankle back into place.
"Aiya! Please don't let him do it to me, Aiya!" You pulled your hand from under hers, grabbing onto her forearm in pain, begging for her to not let Awpxey go through with his plan.
"I'm sorry Y/n but I have to. It's going to help you, I swear." She muttered to you solemnly, tears of fear and pain were streaming from your eyes. “But why?” You tried your best at stalling enough time, enough for them to get distracted and forget, but Awpxey was aware of this.
He was unfortunately a step ahead of you.
Before Aiya could even answer your question, Awpxey had grabbed your ankle, popping your split bone into its original position.
A sickening pop. Then a scream.
A horrible one.
The scream you let out was bloodcurdling.
It just went on and on and on and on. Awpxey blinking his tears back as he seen the way you shook. Aiya trying her best to rub your head and sooth you somewhat from the pain which she has seen a lot of.
“Let me see if I can find anything to wrap it.” Aiya whispered before she stood, walking a bit deeper into the cave to see if she could find anything, anything to help you.
After a few minutes, she came back with two handfuls of a slimy, seaweed like leaf.
“This is wur rìk.” She said with a small smile. “It is a cooling leaf. This slick on the outside is like a, uh, what do you say? Gel? Yes, yes, a gel. The gel absorbs heat and produces more of the cooling slick. This will help your ankle. It is a good plant.” Aiya explained to you and Awpxey, feeling happy that she was able to provide more assistance to you.
“Thank you Aiya.” You rasped out. With a nod, she approached your foot. “Let me get this wrapped for you. I will try to be as gentle as I can.” She gave you a worried look, but you offered her a smile. “Don’t worry about it Aiya, it’s okay.” You were trying to just learn now how to accept the fact that there will be moments where you’re fine, and then randomly end up like this. You’ll be fine.
You’ll get through this.
You tell yourself as you feel Aiya pick up your ankle. You hold back the sharp inhale you were close to taking, choosing to let Aiya just do her job in peace.
Through the whole process, you held your ground. Not yelping when your ankle was pressed on, not wincing when the leaf was pulled too tight in one area.
Awpxey frowned, not liking when you entered this solemn state of silence. Choosing to only stay to yourself, choosing to be alone with your thoughts.
After a silent agonizing several minutes, Aiya straightened her back. “It is done.” She said, giving you a small smile.
“Thank you Aiya.” Awpxey said as he stood, rubbing her shoulder before coming to kneel at your upper body.
All Awpxey could do was examine you. He felt somehow the pain you are in now is his fault.
“Tìyawn..” Awpxey said as he grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers before kissing your knuckles. “I’m sorry..”
“Awpxey.” You say tiredly, “I’m not dead. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. Yes it hurt very, very bad, but you only did what you had to do. It is not your fault.” You say as you pat his chest with a small smile.
He gave one in return, though the sorrow and guilt could be seen deep in his eyes. The injuries on your face looking devastatingly close to the ones from that night.
A flash from your face of that night racing through his thoughts before disappearing.
Then he heaved a sigh.
The wind was getting increasingly worse, the harsh breeze making you shiver.
Then, suddenly, a rumbling was felt throughout the cave. What is happening? Is this an earthquake?
Before anything could be registered out loud, the rocks that were unsteadily standing around and over the cave fell.
They all fell.
Trapping you three inside.
The sudden rush of darkness that swallowed the cave came unexpectedly, making your skin crawl with goosebumps.
You sat up quickly. “Awpxey? A-Awpxey where are you?” Feeling around frantically, your breath hitched as your heart felt as if it were about to leap out of your chest. Tears bubbled on your waterline, the panic getting to you as you started to slap the ground, looking for Awpxey.
You finally relaxed once you felt his familiar grasp on your hands.
“I’m right here, baby. Right where I’ll always be, here okay?” His hands came to caress your face, trying to calm you down.
You began to feel better as you seen his tanhìs begin to glow in the dark.
But reality kicked in when you noticed Aiya was gone, moreso, she hadn’t spoke. “Aiya. Where’s Aiya?” You turned your head, squinting, trying to make your eyes get use to the dark quicker. “Aiya!” You called out to the dark crevices of the cave.
There wasn’t a response.
“Awpxey. Awpxey, Aiya’s gone!” Before Awpxey could respond, there was a sound of engulfing flames behind you. Turning quickly, you both were met with the sight of Aiya throwing skinny twigs into a small fire.
“I’m right here Y/n. Sorry for scaring you Tanhì.” She said with a frown. You shook your head, a small smile — and blush from the nickname — on your face.
You looked to Awpxey with exasperated eyes. “Can you help walk me to the fire? I don’t wanna put pressure on this again.” You pursed your lips as you thought of the stupid coral that got you in this predicament in the first place.
Awpxey stood with no hesitation, and as you began to try to, he grabbed the back of your knees. Now you were held in a bridal position, a small yelp came from you as you didn’t expect it at all, covering your face with your hands as you began to feel embarrassed.
“Awpxey! I said walk me!” You muffled into your hand. Aiya giggled as Awpxey set you down, “I think that was good enough, if not better you know tìyawn?” You rolled your eyes, trying to discreetly fan your face. “Yeah, yeah whatever.. Thank you though, I guess.” You said with a smug roll of your shoulders. “Hmm, yeah. You’re welcome.” Awpxey said as he reached towards your leg, pinching your thigh. “Ow!” How exaggerated you were. He rolled his eyes this time.
“Aiya did I even pinch her that hard?” He asked the girl sitting across the fire, and she smiled. “She’s quite injured, probably sensitive. I would be careful Awpxey.” She stated with a teasing smile.
“Wha-? Aiya!? You’re supposed to be on my side!” Awpxey exclaimed, mocking offense. You giggled, pointing in his face. “See! She actually wants to help me! And let me feel better unlike you who’s only just assaulting me!”
Awpxey kissed his teeth, rolling his eyes again.
“I hope they get stuck like that, skxawng.” You say as you lay down against the ground, trying to get comfortable.
“I’m getting tired.. ��M gonna try to take a nap, okay guys?” You yawned before talking sluggishly.
Aiya nodded from behind the fire. “Go ahead Y/n, injuries like that drain energy.”
Hours later, you awoke from the uncomfortable pull of your stomach.
Sitting up, you were met with Aiya trying to teach Awpxey a hip dance.
You laughed, “don’t even waste your breath or energy Aiya. He can’t dance.” You shake your head as you rub your eye.
“I’m trying!” Awpxey exasperated to you.
Looking towards the entrance to the cave, you frowned, the boulders still blocking the cave from any possible exit.
“Is it the next day yet?” You asked nervously. Aiya shook her head in response, “I don’t believe so, I don’t think it can actually. It’s most likely night.” Awpxey hummed as he agreed.
“Do you… Do you think they’re going to come look for us?…” You stated hesitantly, the question floated in the air, setting into stone.
“They have to.” Awpxey said looking towards the floor. “I know they are worried about us.” He lifted his head with a firm nod.
“They’ll come for us when the storm passes. As they know how dangerous it really is to go beyond the reef in the middle of one.” Aiya stated, turning around to grab more twigs she collected.
“I hope they’re all okay.” You held yourself, your hand rubbing at your shoulder. Aiya smiled, “they’re okay Y/n. As long as they stay put in their maruis, they’ll be fine.” You relaxed your body before smiling and nodding.
“They’re smart, they’ll wait until the time is right.” You reassured — yourself — out loud.
Your stomach growled, and then you remember the reason why you even got up.
“I’m hungry.” You whisper into the air quietly, embarrassed as you feel like you shouldn’t be thinking about food at a time like this.
“Me too.” Aiya said shortly after.
“Mh.” Awpxey hummed, thinning his lips into a line as his eyes unfocused in thought.
“Maybe there’s something in here we could eat? Like berries, or something?”
You nodded quickly not opposed to the idea at all.
“That’s true. Should we split and try looking for something?”
Looking towards the direction where the cave continues, you see how dark it really is.
“It looks like a bottomless pit.”
You shook your head as you spoke again, “I’m not going over there. Hell no. I’m staying by this fire. I’ll starve if I have to.”
You lowered yourself to the floor, groaning as you felt a strain in your ankle before it settled.
“It’ll be fine Y/n, we’ll go.” Aiya nodded, but you shook your head.
“How will you see? It is too dark!” You tried to protest, your fear getting the best of you.
“Maybe we should just stay here and wait?” You tried to convince not only them but yourself too.
Were they really going to come for you? They hadn’t forgotten?.. Had they?
Behind the trees, weeps were heard. Stifled sobs and choked up cries and coughs were what could be heard behind the jagged, hot rock Lo’ak was pushed up against.
“We’re gonna find you Y/n. Promise.”
Once the promise was set to the quiet air around him, he broke down once more.
Though the obvious shrill shrieking that came from the water in front of him caused him to snap out of it.
There, in the water, swam Toula — your oh so precious Toula — swimming in circles crying out in distress.
Where were you? Why is it only Toula here?
Lo’ak snapped up as the realization dawned upon him.
Standing up quick, he turned to run and tell his new discovery.
Aiya hung her head, sighing as she put her hand to her nape. She then turned with a quick ‘I’ll make use of myself’ before she slowly faded into the dark jaws of the cave.
You swallowed nervously. “G-go with her Awpxey, make sure she’s okay, please? Don’t stand here with me.” You inhaled the musk air around you deeply.
Awpxey looked at you reluctantly, but when you give him a reassuring nod, he turns to the darkness, trying to find Aiya.
No later then ten minutes, you hear light patters of footsteps and cheery voices. Turning your head from the fire you see both Awpxey and Aiya walking towards you, holding a few mauti te pays in their hands.
“Look what we found!” Awpxey said excitedly as he settled down in front of you, you smiled — happy to see him smiling since he was so down earlier.
“And they’re ripe, which I’m shocked.” Aiya said as she settled down a little ways away, you pursed your lips.
“Aiya, come closer, you look so far.” You beckoned her closer with your hand.
The girl’s face flushed, and she hoped that neither you or Awpxey were able to see, and if you did, just hope it was from the fire.
“A-Alright, if you want me to.” You gave her a reassuring nod as she came closer.
Picking up a mauti, you turned it around in your hands. “It’s not much but it’ll definitely hold us over until they find us, the storm must have stopped or something. I don’t hear anymore of that wind.” You nod, trying not to dwell on it too much.
“That should give them enough time to try and search for us, we didn’t go that far out.”
Awpxey pulled out his hunting knife, taking one of the idle mautis off the floor before cutting around the stem, stopping when a small hole was made and juice came out.
“Here tìyawn, try to get your energy up.” Awpxey said quietly as he softly handed you the fruit.
Thanking him, you began to take eager gulps of the not-too-sweet juice just as he began chopping another fruit and handing it to Aiya, a small smile on his face.
“I’ll cut a bigger hole into it when you guys are done, so you can eat the skin from the inside.
You and Aiya nodded without hesitation, not opposed to his offer.
Three mautis later, you flop your back against the ground of the cave. “I’m full.” You groan out, placing a hand on your bloating stomach.
Aiya giggled, “well at least you aren’t malnourished, huh?”
You nodded quickly, “oh yeah, that would suck. Wouldn’t it?” You turn your head to her and she gave you a exaggerated nod.
A involuntary yawn slipped from your mouth. “Hm.. I got tired again, sorry I’m sleeping so much guys, I don’t usually take naps like this.”
“Tanhì! You have no reason to apologize! With the injuries you’ve sustained, you have every right to sleep for as long as you’d like.” Aiya scolded you, tsking as she watched you blink rapidly to keep your eyes open.
“Go to bed Y/n, you need it.” Awpxey whispered behind you gently.
“No, no I’m okay…” The end of your sentence was dragged out and sluggish as you succumbed to your fatigue while you were talking.
Aiya and Awpxey smile towards each other, giggling softly. Thier night ends with them saying goodnight to each other and Awpxey cuddling up next to you.
Jake trailed behind your Ilu desperately, keeping up the exact same pace Toula was. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.” He whispered to himself, his nerves starting to run hot and cold from the pure anxiety he felt.
Where did the three of you go?
Did Quaritch find you?
He’s snapped out of his thoughts when he hears Toula screech, slapping desperately at the water near the rock ledge of a beach that had a completely covered up rock cave.
Is he here?
Are you alive?
Are any of you alive?
What the hell? Are you all in there?
Acting quickly Jake hopped off his tsurak and onto the rocks wasting no time, the other villagers who offered to help search unmounted their animals also.
Loud bangs and clangs around you woke you up. It was still completely dark in the cave, pitch black if you will.
But there was this sound, sounds of voices and harsh movement.
Getting up as slowly as you can, grunting quietly here and there as to not wake Awpxey and Aiya, you stand.
Albeit you’re a bit wobbly since you haven’t stood on your own these past — how many hours?
Cautiously, you limp your way toward the rock barricade, placing your hands against the surprisingly smooth rock. Placing your ear against it, even though you barely heard anything else, a familiar voice was screaming.
“—it the rocks as hard as you can! We —ave to —reak them up of —ere!” The voice was going in and out between the thick layer of the rock, but you knew any day who that was.
That voice belonged to your father.
Your eyes widened in an exciting realization.
“They’re here!” You turned slightly, leaning onto the rock for support. “Guys, please wake up! They found us!”
Aiya and Awpxey snapped up as all they heard was you yelling.
“What did you say?” They say in unison, shock written on their faces as they began to register the bangs against the rocks.
“Dad!” You scream towards the rock wall, hoping it would somehow travel through.
Jake’s ears snapped up, he lifted his hand against the shoulder of a man bashing the rock with his sphere, a silent plea to stop.
“Did you hear that?” He asked no one in particular, but the Na’vi next to him had nodded, “I did.”
Jake stepped closer to the rock, waving Neytiri over with his finger. Leaning his head against the barricade he spoke.
Neytiri gasped, tears of happiness rimming her eyes as she began to thank Eywa for letting Toula lead them right to you.
Jake swallowed the lump in his throat, breathing out a big breath of relief before he began to speak again.
“We’re gonna get you out babygirl, we’re all working out here, okay? Who’s in there with you? Just Awpxey and Aiya right?”
“Yes, it’s o—ly us!”
“Are any of you hurt?”
“Y/n. Are any of you hurt.”
“She’s hurt pretty severely Mr. Sully.”
A new voice echoed to Jake, and he lifted his head away from the rock.
“Break this thing down until we can retrieve them!” Jake ordered to the many awaiting Na’vi, and they all acted quickly.
Within half an hour, the work of the many Metkayian people paid off. The work also getting done quicker as the three of you hit against the rocks with your own hunting knives and stones scattered around the cave.
It almost didn’t feel real.
The sun blinded your eyes as you limped out the cave. You covered your eyes and groaned as Awpxey held onto your shoulders and walked you towards your distressed parents.
“Y/n!” The first voice to ring out was Lo’ak’s, his nimble body crashing into yours as he gave you a bone-crushing hug.
“Don’t scare me like that ever again.” His voice warbled as he only hugged you tighter. “I’m sorry Lo’ak. I’m here now, okay?” You whispered against his head.
Your parents were at your sides in seconds, your mom grabbing the sides of your face lightly.
“Oh Y/n…” She whispered with tears in her eyes as she looked the bruises and scratched littered on your face.
Jake stood to the side of you, his face contorted into a look of pain.
Your face…
All he can think of is that night. That horrid night where you took one of the most violent beatings just to protect your family.
His babygirl.
“Dad..” You whispered with your head lowered, ears tucked close to your skull in shame.
“I-I’m sorry that I snuck off. It was my fault, I convinced Aiya and Awpxey to sneak out with me, I’m so sorry.” A sob broke through you mid sentence and Jake did nothing but shake his head and grab you tightly, holding you to his chest.
“I don’t care, I don’t care babygirl. As long as you’re all here standing with me I don’t care about anything.” He said as he held all of you close to his chest.
The ride back, you felt a sense of peace as you leaned up against your father’s back, nostalgia taking over you as you think of all the moments when you were little and he would give you piggyback rides.
You didn’t notice until you were being shaken that you fell asleep.
“Hm?” You hum groggily as you peel your face off your father’s back. It was Ronal, a gentle look on her face.
“Come, I wish to tend to your ankle.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat before nodding. “O-okay.” Your father dismounted his tsurak before coming to lift you off the creature’s back and carry you out the water.
Tears bubbled on your waterline as you tucked your head deeper into your father’s neck.
“Dad..” Your voice wavered as you looked at the bruised, swelling skin of your ankle. “I’m really scared.”
Jake furrowed his eyebrows, why were you scared? “Why?”
“My ankle’s broken… The bone snapped and it had to get popped back into place and it hurts so much, dad please I’m really scared.” You rambled out.
Jake didn’t really know what to say.
Why’d you have to get hurt? You’re always put into bad situations and he never knows what to do.
Why can’t he ever protect you?
Why is he such a bad father?
Jake snapped out of his thoughts when he walked into the shade of one of the healing tents.
“Place her down on that mat right there, I will gather the supplies I need.” Ronal said as she walked to another side of the mauri.
“You’re gonna be okay babygirl, I’m right here.”
You nodded reluctantly, squeezing tightly onto his hand as Ronal approached your swollen ankle, taking off the wrapped leaves Aiya had left on you.
Within 15 minutes, Ronal was able to apply creams and re-wrap your ankle, the coolness on it making the pain feel more dull.
You did everything to try and distract yourself from the uncomfortable throb.
Once Ronal declared you were finished, a hand coming down to rub your shoulder, you looked up at her and smiled. Ronal giving a small one in return.
Jake picked you up once more to bring you back to your family mauri, and when you both arrived, everyone was sat scattered about waiting for you both to come back.
Even Aiya was there.
“Y/n!” Tuk yelled out as she ran towards you quickly, she gripped onto your arm and pulled it closer to her head. “I missed you so much!”
You giggled, “I missed you too, Tuk.” You rubbed the braids on her head around. “For your forgiveness, I’ll rebraid your hair for you.”
She nodded quickly, jumping excitedly. “That’s perfect! I’ll make you a bracelet as a thank you!” You don’t mind having more of her little messy creations being added to the already growing amount on your wrists.
“Well then it looks like you’re going to have to rebraid my hair too.” Neteyam said as he walked over to you, his arms crossed in faux disapproval.
“That makes me three.” Lo’ak said coming to stand next to Neteyam.
Lo’ak’s faced dropped. “Why not!?” They said in unison.
You pointed your finger to Lo’ak. “Because my hands are going to end up hurting more than my foot and your head too big Lo’ak! Bigger head means more hair and I’m not doing all that!”
“My head is not that big!” He retorted.
“Yeah you’re right, it’s fucking huge!” You laughed in his face.
“You head is fucking huge!” He yelled back.
“Language!” Was the only word echoed throughout the mauri.
After a bit you, Awpxey, and Aiya all ate a well-needed — and well-deserved — meal made fresh by your mother.
When night fall came, Aiya had left to return to her mauri for the night, wanting to catch some sleep. You let her go reluctantly although you wished she could stay.
After all the ‘good nights’ and ‘I love yous’ were exchanged, you rested peacefully.
Eyes shutting knowing you were now safe with your family.
Silently, Jake sat up and look around to everyone in the mauri.
That night, Jake swore to himself that he would be a better man and protect his family better than ever before.
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Hi! I am so sorry I have taken so long to update! Life has been busy but doing me pretty well! Four months! I am so sorry for that gap in updating! If any of you have requests, you could send them in and if it doesn’t work try dming me! Please this writers block is getting to me… But besides that! Please excuse any spelling mistakes or errors! And take care of yourselves, love you all so so so much 🤍!
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 5 months
hiii :3
do you have any phobia headcanons for the main 6?
Ah yes hello small child yes I do have some phobia hc’s for the sillies :3
Pyrophobia: the overwhelming fear of fire (this one’s pretty obvious as to why)
Hemophobia: the fear of blood (idk he just gives the vibe of someone that HATES the sight of blood)
Cynophobia: the fear of dogs (he seems like the type of person to have a deathly fear of dogs)
Dentophobia: fear of dentists (….I genuinely have no explanation for this one-)
Lilapsophobia: fear of hurricanes and tornadoes (no matter how much he enjoys the chaos, he also is afraid cuz it hurts and he knows that people are dying or being misplaced)
Scoptophobia: the fear of being stared at (listen he’s awake 24/7, you CANNOT tell me that he doesn’t hallucinate and that those hallucinations don’t include illusions of "people" and "creatures" staring down at him. Haunting him. He fuckin hates being stared at now cuz whenever he’s being stared at he goes back to those dark lonely nights.)
Somniphobia: fear of sleep (this one is also kinda obvious I think-)
Trypanophobia: fear of needles/injections (…he really hates needles for some reason and anytime he’s needed something done that involved needles, Gov or whoever came with him had to hold him still so that CDC could do what he needed to do.)
Nosocomephobia: fear of hospitals (he has A LOT of doctor-related fears. Ain’t it ironic that he’s one of the statehouse doctors (other one being Mass).)
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes (From Galveston to Harvey, and Waco to Saragossa to Jarrell, he’s TERRIFIED of tornadoes and hurricanes. And yet he still watches them.)
Tomophobia: fear of surgery (he hates the idea of it and it’s also the reason that he hasn’t gotten top surgery.)
Agoraphobia: fear of crowds and crowded open spaces (it gives him SO MUCH ANXIETY AND HE HAS HAD SO MANY PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS.)
New York:
Pyrohobia: fear of fire (with how many incidents that involved fire, yeah.)
Aerophobia: the fear of flying/planes (….I’m not gonna explain this one cuz of how obvious it is-)
Agoraphobia: fear of crowds and crowded open spaces (hence why he has a love-hate relationship with the city)
Astraphobia: the fear of thunder/lightning (it’s loud and bright and scares him)
Atychiphobia: the fear of failure (*looks at England*)
Achluophobia: the fear of darkness (this is when the spirits like to attack him the most)
Daemonophobia: the fear of demons (pretty obvious imo. little does he know, the demons are more afraid of him than he is of them.)
Lilapsophobia (I’m not defining this one again just look at Texas and Florida’s lists lmao /lhj)
Phasmophobia: the fear of ghosts/spirits (they hurt him and torment him.)
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Bedeviled | Chapter 4: Adumbration
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Pairing: demon!jungkook x female reader
Genre: E2L, drama, romance, angst, horror
WC: 8.2k
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, humiliation, depictions of Hell and people in it, despair, anxiety, pain, fear, possible lilapsophobia trigger, cruelty, some tEnSioN if ya know what i mean (winkity wonk)
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All sense of time and direction has long since left you. 
Fingers cramp as they stay clenched around his arm, pure desperation the only thing helping you hold on. 
Your left arm has not ceased throbbing with pain ever since he wrapped his hand around your wrist and physically bound you to him. 
You desperately want to ask how much longer this circle is going to last, but you know you will only get a nasty remark if anything at all. There's no way to know until you come to the end yourself. 
Closing your eyes again, you try to conjure up any memory you can, but the sounds of screaming and the wind are too loud to block out when one is conscious. 
Walking has not seemed like such a task for a long time, your lungs feeling like they've become shriveled like raisins, trying to get air in but then coughing it out involuntarily seconds later, which in turn makes your head start spinning with the lack of oxygen. 
And yet he keeps walking. 
Walking, walking, walking. 
"I can't," you finally whisper, hoping he'll hear you. 
He doesn't. 
Or he chooses to pretend like he didn't.
You honestly aren't sure how much longer you can walk right now; you have no clue how far you've actually been walking without a moment's rest. You're not like him, you can't just stroll through Hell without physical consequences.
This is all so wrong. 
"I can't," you say a bit louder, and this time you know he's heard you. If the feeling of him chuckling is anything to go by. 
You think you hear him mutter something, but you don't catch it. 
He doesn't stop or acknowledge your words in any fashion, just keeps the pace he's been going at for however long it has been. 
"Please, let's stop for a minute," you say weakly, internally begging for him to give you just a moment to rest.
He glances down at you before rolling his eyes. 
Is she serious right now?
It takes everything he can not to snap your measly neck right now, wasting his damn time and whining while you're at it. 
A gasp leaves you when he suddenly changes direction, going straight to the left instead of forward, dragging you somewhere that you can't see. You can't see anything, haven't for a while. The sound of the tornados still vibrates your bones, but you can't see them. All there has been for a long time is gray fog, so thick that you could only see the debris hurtling at you seconds before it hit you. Needless to say, your eyes have been closed most of the time. 
The winds suddenly pick up as he pulls you along, so strong that your free hand gets ripped from his arm and you fly backwards, screaming at the top of your lungs as the only thing keeping you from going into the nearest funnel is his grip on your left arm. 
Nothing but gray fog and terror. 
And pain. 
Pain, pain, pain. 
So much pain. 
A scream of affliction leaves your lips as it feels like you're being torn in two, the rope in a game of tug of war between the demon and the massive tornado that's undoubtedly right next to you even though you can't see it. 
You can't say or think or do anything but scream in fear and torture as your limbs reach their breaking point. 
Right before your arm rips itself from your body, you get yanked harshly towards the ground, another pained scream leaves you before you feel the demon grasp your other wrist and the same cold burning sensation shoots through your right arm, making you grit your teeth. 
Now he's got both of your wrists, bound in front of you as if you were being arrested as he yanks you close to his face, your trapped hands stuck in between you. 
"Still think you can manage, little mortal?" 
Your eyes are clenched shut, not seeing his face. 
Whole body wracked with pain and shaking from it, you nod desperately. 
The demon's face falls into a deep frown, confusion slithering into his mind as he stares at your eyes squeezed shut and teeth chattering from pain no doubt. 
You don't hear him say anything else before you start getting dragged again, only able to use your feet as you stumble after him. 
Your dress is as good as useless as it flies around without any intention of keeping you covered, part of you wonders with a sudden fear if it's still on you at all. A few more steps and your legs go out underneath you, making your arms flare up with a deep ache as they take all of your weight while he drags you carelessly. 
Then suddenly the wind is gone. 
You still can't open your eyes even though the debris is no longer abusing your soft cheeks. 
JK drags you further into the cave before throwing you to the floor, releasing your bound hands and watching without a single ounce of guilt as you crumple to the ground and cry out at the hard impact on your aching body. 
Not moving for a few minutes, you keep your eyes shut as your body shivers slightly. 
At least your arms don't hurt from being bound to him anymore. 
Everything still aches though, terribly. 
When you feel his hand grab at your dress collar, bunching it in his fist, you gasp slightly, startled at the contact. You open your eyes seconds before he shoves you into the wall, the unforgiving stone digging into your back and making you wince. 
You can't see his face in the darkness of the cave, but you can hear his heavy breathing before he speaks close to your face, "Could you be more fucking useless?" 
You gulp but say nothing. 
There's nothing to say. 
"As I know you're aware, this is only the second circle. If you think for one fucking second that I'm going to drag your ass all the way to the center of Hell, you're mistaken," he spits.
Not knowing what else to do, you nod. 
"What, you're suddenly mute? Use your words, mortal."
It seems to be a mockery but also an actual order, so you clear your throat and croak out, "I know."
"You know what?" His words are laced in a threat that you don't want to feel as he presses you more into the wall. 
You swallow your dignity, "That you won't drag me the whole way," you say quietly after a second, voice hoarse from the terrible storm outside. 
Clearly, he wanted to humiliate you. 
And it worked. 
"Remember where you are, human. Choose your actions wisely."
You can practically feel his smirk in the darkened cave before he roughly lets go of your collar and steps back, leaving you to stay sitting against the wall and watching him warily.
After a moment, you bring your hands up to cover your face. 
When you eventually take them away a while later, there's an odd glow that lights the cave, an eerie feeling washing over you instead of one of comfort that you might think would come. 
To the left, the opening sits gaping and unwelcoming, the gray fog and terrible winds not something you want to ever go back into. Looking to your right, you see the source of the light. 
A small fire burns, no wood under it, nothing that would make an actual fire stay alive. It simply sits against the stone floor of the cave. 
Gaze slowly traveling up, you see him lying on the other side, stretched out and relaxed in the orange glow. His arms are behind his head, and one of his long legs is bent while the other is stretched to its full length in front of him. His tight black jeans hug the muscles in his thighs, a few rips showcasing the skin underneath. 
Your eyes wander up to his shirt that's tucked into his pants, emphasizing his small waist. 
You’re finally letting yourself take him in. 
The billowy black shirt he's wearing looks like one that you might see a pirate wear, even the chest is laced with a thin rope, exposing some of his skin. 
Your brows furrow in confusion. 
He had on a different shirt when you first saw him, you know he did. 
In this shirt, you can only see the decorative ink peeking out from the wrists and the edges of the chest region. 
He wasn't wearing that before. 
You could see his whole arms, all of the foul images covering them.
What was he wearing?
Not that it matters, you're just confused and unsure about when his attire changed.
"Enjoying the view?"
You flinch and look at him to see his eyes half open as he stares at you, the usual sleepy smirk painting his annoyingly handsome face. 
"N-no," you stammer, looking away.
"Liar," he whispers lowly, making a shiver run down your spine. 
Focus, ____. 
Don't let him get to you.
"Come here."
You look over at him, glaring in suspicion. 
When you make no move to go to him, you see his eyes narrow slightly. 
"I said come here."
You see him tilt his head back, looking down his nose at you, but he remains in his comfortable position, lounging against the hard stone. 
"I thought we established that you are not the one in charge here."
You scoff, "I don't recall that conversation."
The amused arch of his brows falls, and you feel a darkness settle around you even as the fire glows bright. 
"Come. Here."
The tone of his voice is what makes you gulp and finally uncurl from yourself to stand and walk to him. 
You freeze, wondering why he suddenly doesn't want you to move. 
"Get on your hands and knees."
Face scrunching in displeasure, you're about to protest. 
"Now," he barks, startling you enough to begrudgingly lower to your hands and knees. 
A satisfied smile spreads on his face as he watches you from the other side of the fire. 
"So, the dimwitted human can listen...splendid."
You grind your teeth, the only thing keeping you from lunging at him is the fact that you know you could do nothing. You can't hurt him, but that doesn't go both ways. He can hurt you if he wishes, and he can leave you stranded. 
So, you keep your mouth shut and wait for him to speak. 
"Crawl," he says slowly, still smiling.
You are not about to crawl like a dog to the feet of a demon. 
Absolutely not. 
You will not lower yourself that much. 
When he sees you do nothing but glare back at him steadily, a dark chuckle passes his lips. 
"So, you will get on your hands and knees, but you won't crawl? Interesting."
He stands swiftly and walks around the fire to be in front of you, the light of the flame behind him now so that you can see only his silhouette. 
"Do you want me to hurt you?" His voice is a few octaves deeper than usual.
You don't answer.
"Is that a yes?"
You shake your head. 
"Then answer me with words,” he says slowly, as if you're incapable of understanding, “Would you like me to hurt you?" 
"No," you grit out.
"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
You gulp and look at the ground. 
"Look at me," he snaps.
You look back at him, not even trying to contain your angry glare. 
"You won't crawl to me, but you want me to be nice. I think that comes with a price, don't you?"
When you don't say anything, he bends down and grabs your face, pinching your cheeks and forcing your head to nod. Then he lets go and straightens again, cackling at the look of humiliation on your face. 
"I've played nice far too much already, don't you think?"
Once again, when you don't move, he reaches down and makes you nod, his grip rough. 
"You are in Hell, little human," He taunts as he straightens once more, "You have no protection here. This is my territory, and you will listen to me or regret it, deal or no deal. Is that understood?"
When a moment of hesitation passes, he whispers darkly, "You know what to do, don't make me do it for you."
You nod stiffly, doing everything you can not to cry. 
"Good...Now," he looks down at you as if you're no more than a stupid stone that's lying in his path, "bow."
A chill runs through you at that one word. 
You look up at him and shake your head. 
One of his brows arches high at your defiance. 
"Are you refusing?"
"Yes," you say, unwavering as you stare at him. 
When he crouches down to get level with you, you stand. 
A brief moment passes when your positions are reversed as he looks up at you, a look of rage on his face as you look down on him. 
Then he stands as well, towering over you as you look back steadily. 
"You can humiliate me all you want," you seethe, "but I will never bow to you."
The staring contest stretches on as neither of you backs down. 
"You're making a grave mistake, mortal."
"I'm well aware," you say back evenly, "Torture me all you want, demon. I will not lower myself to worship you in any way."
A flicker of amusement flashes across his eyes as he steps closer, inspecting your face closely. Small cuts and bruises litter your face and chest, and no doubt your legs. Your hair is now a tangled mess from the wind, framing your face that is still set in determination. 
"What makes you think I want to torture you?" His voice is soft now, sweet and warm like honey that drips from the comb. He gets close enough to reach a hand up and cup your cheek, "All I asked was for you to kneel, little girl."
You gulp, feeling your resolve start to crumble the longer he looks into your eyes. It's obvious he's putting a veil over your eyes, luring you into a trance you won't be able to leave once you enter. 
Already, ____?
You chide yourself; you know you can last longer than this.
He can't control you, ____.
His unnaturally cold hand touches the warm skin of your shoulder as he carefully puts his fingers under your cardigan sleeve and goes to take it off.
That snaps you out of your jumbled thoughts as you take a step back and smack at his hand, "Don't touch me."
He just watches you, which makes you squirm. 
"You humans are all the same," he whispers, a small smile on his face, his dark eyes boring into yours, "So easy."
You're about to snap back when he steps closer until he can whisper in your ear. 
"You think you're so strong, hm? Keep letting yourself believe that. I can take what I want when I want, you have no power over me."
A shiver shoots through your spine as he backs away just enough to see your face, his own mere inches away. 
"If I wanted you, little mortal, I would have you. Don't forget that."
Then he turns and walks back around to the other side of the fire, proceeding to lay back on the rocks he previously occupied, his eyes closing. 
You stand there for a minute longer, watching him warily in case he tries something. 
When it becomes apparent that he has no intention of doing anything else for now, you walk back to your spot by the wall and sit down, curling your legs in and resting your head on your knees.
"Yes, yes," JK sighs tiredly, "You will marry her."
"I won't fall in love with anyone else, I'll only love her?" The young man asks hesitantly, not wanting to annoy the demon, but also wanting to be absolutely sure.
The demon looks at him through squinted eyes, a hint of a smile on his face as he lounges on the porch railing, his long legs dangling. 
"You will only love her."
"Ok," the man whispers with a smile, "I just wanted to be sure. I'm tired of having commitment issues."
JK gives a single nod. 
Fool, summoning a demon for a reason such as this. 
Not his problem, that's just another soul under his belt. 
These humans are getting more and more desperate for instant results to their problems, no matter the consequences. 
Which means it's working. 
"So, it's a deal then?" 
The hopeless romantic nods and grabs the demon's hand, shaking it up and down gratefully, "Yes! Yes, thank you!"
JK snatches his hand back, looking at the human with disgust, "It's done then. Enjoy your married life."
The man still calls thanks after him as he rolls his eyes and walks away, waving behind him. 
Enjoy it while it lasts. 
Humans really do think they are already immortal, don't they? 
That they will never pay the consequences.
So, why are you different?
When you suddenly jerk awake, you lift your head from your knees and look over to where he was last. 
But he isn't there. 
You flinch and look around, noting that both he and the fire are gone. 
What is it this time?
A groan leaves your lips as you stretch yourself out from the curled-up position you've been in for goodness knows how long. Hands moving to your back, you hiss in pain at the ache there. You hadn't meant to fall asleep, just rest your eyes.
It's maddening not knowing how long you were asleep or how long you've been in the second circle. 
And what does he keep disappearing for? 
He's messing everything up. 
Swallowing thickly, you realize how dry your throat is. 
"Oh, geez," you cough and glance around the dark cave, wondering if perhaps there's any kind of water. 
A silly thought. 
But you haven't been in your right mind since you decided to come to this wretched place to begin with.
Logically, you know there is no water in Hell. 
Why should anyone get a drink to parch their thirst in a place that's meant to torment them for the rest of eternity?
So yes, logically you know that. 
But your mind is getting muddled and you're really freaking thirsty.
You sigh and press a hand to your forehead, feeling a heat there that's almost uncomfortable against your cooler hand. The headaches have been getting worse, due to the lack of water and sleep no doubt. 
Not going to lie, the second circle is worse than you had anticipated. 
Of course, no one truly knows Hell until they come here, and those that do, never come out. 
The many many books you poured over in the Archive could only guess at the tortures that awaited anyone that went to this God forsaken land. 
You thought you were prepared. 
Guess not. 
You gulp, a gross sticky feeling in your throat from no water. 
Of course, you won't die here, not even from lack of sleep, food, or water. 
That's the thing about this place, once you come in here, you can't die, nor can you leave. And if you do, you won't be the same. 
That reminder has you gulping again, cringing once more at the icky feeling in your mouth and throat.
Remember why you're here.
You nod with your eyes closed and sigh, "I know," you whisper. 
"Well, that's new."
You flinch violently and open your eyes to see him standing in the opening of the cave, his dark aura somehow leaking into the small shelter and sending a feeling of dread through you no matter what you tell yourself in your head. 
Ignoring his rude comment, you run your fingers through your tangled hair, wincing when it pulls and a pinch shoots across your head. 
"Ugh," you mutter to yourself as you try to untangle the knots. 
"Need some help?" He asks in mock innocence.
"And what would that cost me? My thumb?" You retort sarcastically. 
He snickers and steps further into the cave. 
"Nice comeback."
You roll your eyes and keep tugging at your hair. 
He's so darn confusing. 
One second, he's acting like he's actually going to rip your head off, the next he's joking like a high school bully. 
You just need to focus. 
Focus, focus, focus. 
JK watches silently as your expression morphs into one of irritated pain when your fingers get caught again. 
He leans against the side of the cave opening, continuing to just watch you. 
You realize this and it begins to make you twitchy. 
Which of course, was always his intention. 
"Stop staring at me-"
"The end of the second circle is close," he says, emotionless as he looks at his nails. 
You look at him suspiciously. 
What exactly is his game?
Does he forget that he literally threatened to hurt you if you didn't crawl to him and bow at his feet? What happened to that little scenario that happened not too long ago? 
He's so infuriating. 
You purse your lips and stand up, "Oh, goodie."
"What? You want to stay in the circle of Lust? I knew it, it's too obvious the way you practically threw yourself at me-"
"Oh, shut up," you snap, dusting off your dress and fixing your cardigan, "Just because you say ridiculous things with confidence doesn't make them true. If that's how you plan to manipulate me, try harder."
Your words seem to irritate him more than usual, which is slightly satisfying, you won't lie. 
He doesn't react much though, his expression quickly becoming neutral again before a single second passes. 
"You talk a lot of shit for being a mere mortal in Hell with no one to get you out but me."
Probably true. 
But you can't help it, he just knows how to get under your skin. 
"Are you done being such a strong and independent woman, or should we let you waste more time here?" He asks tiredly. 
You walk over to him not breaking eye contact as you hold your hand out and smile brightly, "Oh, I'm quite done. You can take it from here."
You see his jaw tighten slightly before he snatches your wrist and squeezes unnecessarily hard, making it more painful than it needs to be as the cold heat trickles into your arm and travels up to your shoulder, making you grit your teeth harshly. 
Refusing to react more than is inevitable, you keep your eyes trained on his and breathe through your nose slowly. 
It hurts more than before somehow. 
He's definitely doing this on purpose.
"Is there a problem, doll?" He whispers, watching your face with a sick satisfaction. 
You shake your head, "Nothing other than you taking forever."
His amused smirk flattens out in a second. 
Muttering something that you don't catch, he turns and marches out of the cave and directly into the storm, yanking you along with him. 
At first, you think it's going to be much the same as before going into the cave. 
Endless miserable walking.
Oh, how wrong you are. 
It would have been the same, if you hadn't returned his taunts with some of your own. 
After a few minutes of just walking, you see a funnel shape come into view and your heart leaps to your throat. The pounding muscle starts to try and climb its way out when you realize he's heading right for it. 
"What are you doing?" You shout over the wind, "It's too close!"
A smirk plays on his lips as he heads straight for the tunnel of wind that doesn't hesitate to rip trees from the ground and fling them across the valley along with the damned souls whose cruel fate has led them here. 
When he's a few hundred feet from it, you really start to panic and try pulling your hand away to try and get further from it on your own. 
But when your tugging proves to be futile, you start trying to dig your feet into the ground to make him stop. 
It doesn't work. 
Your feet slip and slide, never getting a good enough hold to ground you at all. 
Desperation is the only thing keeping you fighting even though you know what is bound to happen, no matter how much you struggle. 
"Stop!!" You shout in a panic, only seeing the back of him as he drags you across the muddy ground towards the roaring storm. 
Your voice gets carried away on the wind, never having a chance to reach him or change his mind anyway. 
You fucked up, and he's going to teach you a lesson. 
"Let me go!" You cry, your free hand grasping your wrist and pulling as hard as you can. 
Then you're suddenly yanked into him, flipped around so that you're facing the nearest tornado and his arms are wrapped around you from behind, harshly keeping you still. 
Terror strikes your heart when you realize that this has been his plan all along. 
To let you go. 
No, no, no. 
"If you're so capable, why don't you prove it?" He whispers in your ear as you struggle against him, "Why should some pathetic human get to waltz into Hell and demand the Flame of Immortality just because she wants it?"
You gulp, "I-"
"Shut up," he hisses, "You sure can talk, little mortal. Let's see how well your quick tongue can save you. Think you can prove your worth? Think you deserve that Flame?"
"Wait, please don't-"
His grip tightens the more you fight him, "You humans don't even want to work for what you ask for. Pathetic. From now on, you earn your way to the Flame, is that understood?"
You nod. 
"Then earn it," he whispers so close to your ear that you can feel his cold breath cover your ear and neck in an unsettling chill. 
You're about to beg him not to do it, but it's too late. 
He lets go of you and you fall forward onto the ground, fear consuming you instantly. 
Not even seconds after you fall, the wind starts to pick up, as if it can sense a new victim has arrived for it to play with.  
You turn and grab onto the dead grass, face scrunched in concentration as you clutch it for dear life while he just watches you in amusement. There's not a moment to process anything before you feel your legs get picked up, your dress flying haphazardly around and your cardigan starting to lift. 
In that moment of blind panic, you let go of the grass in order to keep your cardigan on, and the wind takes its chance. 
Your whole body gets lifted into the air as you screech, arms flailing around as you get higher and higher. 
The ground is all too soon far below you as you continue to scream bloody murder. 
He's nowhere in sight, doesn't plan on saving you this time. 
The wind seems to cackle as it yanks you around, throwing you unceremoniously towards the enormous vortex.
Your cardigan is the first thing that gets snagged, dragging the rest of you with it to get sucked into the cyclone that's hellbent on tearing you to shreds and flinging whatever is left of you into the air only to be grabbed by another, repeating that for the rest of time and more. 
You can't stop screaming. The terror never dwindles as you feel yourself being spun around and around thousands of feet in the air.
Not daring to open your eyes, you keep them clenched as you try desperately to get your bearings. 
But there are no bearings to get anymore, the only thing on your mind is the fact that you're literally in a tornado.
Then suddenly there are more shrieks floating through the air, the terrorized cries from people around you that are never going to cease. 
Focus, ____!
You can't. 
You can't do anything but scream. 
Scream, scream, scream. 
“Scream all you want; it's never going to stop.” 
The gravelly voice that suddenly forces its way into your brain fills you with a new terror. 
That's not him, that's not his voice. 
You can't focus on that though, the tunnel of ruthless wind whips you higher and higher until you're at the top, then it flings you out to fly through the air without anything to stop you from plummeting to your death. 
Your arms and legs flail as you shriek, your eyes having opened involuntarily so that you can watch the ground get closer and closer before the next surge of wind snatches you back and the whole thing starts all over again. 
As you're being yanked about violently, there's suddenly a death grip on your arm and you open your eyes to see a woman clutching your sleeve, her eyes wide with a fear so strong you almost start to cry for her even though you're in the same situation. 
"Help me!" She cries desperately. 
You grab her hand as she holds tightly to your sweater. Her hands are so cold it nearly burns your own, but still you don't let go. 
"Please, get me out of here," she sobs, tearing your heart into shreds, "Please! Please get me out!" 
"I can't," you whisper helplessly, "I'm sorry."
The two of you continue to spin and spin, holding each other tightly. 
"You've come to save me, haven't you??" She bawls frantically clawing at your cardigan, "Haven't I paid the price yet?!"
You look back into her eyes, the dread so tangible it chokes you.
"I'm sorry," you whimper before her grip loosens accidentally and she gets ripped from you as you scream, "No!" Your hands stretch towards her, to no avail. She's gone in the blink of an eye as a sob tears itself from your throat. 
The second time you're flung from the top of the funnel and start plunging towards the ground, everything goes black before you make impact. 
The swing was something your cousin made.
Yoongi was older than you, always acted like he was more mature and didn't have time for kid games. But you could always see the small smile on his face whenever you convinced him to play with you and your friends. 
He would sit off to the side and watch you play while he enjoyed the breeze. 
One day, he came to the special meeting spot with rope and a plank of wood. 
All of the kids surrounded him like a flock of birds to a crumb, loudly asking him what it was he was going to do. You hung back and watched quietly as he shushed them before walking over to your favorite apple tree and throwing the rope over a low hanging branch. He attached the wooden plank and then demonstrated what it was; sitting on the plank and pushing his legs on the ground to swing back and forth. 
All of you were very confused but delighted at the same time. 
You had never seen anything like it. 
Yoongi let you try first, much to the annoyance of all the other kids, who impatiently told you to be quick. Your cousin hushed them once again before helping you climb onto the swing and started to push you gently. 
It was exhilarating. 
It really felt like you were flying, especially when you looked up while Yoongi pushed you, watching the leaves blow in the wind above you, or when you closed your eyes and imagined yourself a hundred feet in the air and looking down at everyone waving to you. 
"Oppa! Oppa! Can you please push me?" You squeal as you run up to Yoongi, skirts gathered in your hands.
He's the only one here today.
The older boy smiles down at you and nods, unable to resist your puppy eyes and lisp. 
You climb on the plank, gripping the rope tightly in your small fists as he pulls the swing back and lets go, your laughter ringing out around the forest as your skirts blow in the wind. The sunlight shines through the treetops, warming the grass with a sweet golden kiss. 
"Apple, you cheated!"
You and Yoongi turn your heads to see your best friend running over, out of breath. 
You laugh, "I'm just faster than you! Are you mad that a girl beat you?"
Yoongi chuckles as the two of you bicker endlessly.
When your eyes open again, you're met with a rotten pear that's sitting just a few inches from your face. 
You blink slowly, just staring at the moldy fruit. 
You're not sure how long you sit there and inspect it before turning your head to the left to see tornados in the distance, the roaring still earsplitting even from this far. 
What happened?
The last thing you remember is diving headfirst towards the dead grass that just watched you as it blew in the wind, waiting for you to strike the ground and snap your neck along with a million other bones in your body, ready to be the bed your crumpled body would rot away on. 
The tiny funnels spin around and around, far less daunting than they are up close. 
Tears spring to your eyes when you suddenly think of the woman that grabbed onto you, begging for you to save her. 
"I'm so sorry," you mumble as you watch the twisters swirl about with no real destination in mind, no goal apart from dealing out torment.
"Looks like you survived."
You don't turn to him at the sound of his voice. 
You don't even flinch. 
Closing your eyes, a few tears slip down your cheek silently. 
"I won't lie, I began to wonder if I overestimated your desire for the Flame."
You gulp and finally turn your head to the right again to see him sitting on a big rock, manspreading as he leans on his elbows and grins evilly at you. 
When you say nothing, just look at him with dull eyes, he chuckles. 
"What? Did your tongue get twisted?"
He chuckles at his own joke, not caring that you don't play along. 
"You look like shit," he eventually says, looking your body up and down as you lay still sprawled on the ground; your dress hiked up to mid-thigh, dirt, scrapes, and bruises decorating your usually soft skin. One of your legs is tucked under you, bent at an awkward angle, the other straight out on the grass. 
Your cardigan remains wrapped snugly around you, a bit twisted and pinning one of your arms down. 
You sniff, continuing to stare at him blankly. 
He just looks back evenly, unfazed. 
One last tear escapes your eye as you look into his dark ones, slipping over the bridge of your nose and falling to the brown grass, the only drink the dead blades will ever get. 
He sees it fall, but he doesn't look away, continuing to stare deep into your soul. 
That pure soul that he'll do anything to get his hands on. 
So fragile, so precious. 
He craves it. 
All of this will soon be worth it. 
He can break you. 
"Where are we?" You croak out suddenly, making him snap back to the present, his eyes coming back into focus. 
JK leans down, "Where do you think we are?"
You stay silent for a moment, then you mumble weakly, "The third circle?"
Half of his mouth twitches up into a smile as he looks you over once again, "Bingo."
It feels like it's been years and you're only just getting to the third circle... 
"How long?" You whisper brokenly. 
"I've told you before, it will only take as long as you make it take-"
You shake your head, "How long h-have I been here?"
"In the second circle?"
You shake your head again, "In Hell."
"Ah," he sits back and stretches, "A week."
Has it truly only been a week?
You aren't sure if he's being truthful, so you decide not to take his answer to heart. 
He seems to sense that and chuckles lowly before standing up. 
"Get up."
You sigh deeply, the ache in your body strong enough for you to consider ignoring him and closing your eyes to sleep. 
"Were the tornados not enough to knock some sense into that useless brain of yours?" He growls. 
You glare at him, then wince when he reaches down and grabs the front of your dress and lifts you to your feet roughly.
You stumble and catch yourself. 
"At least pretend to have something rattling around in that skull," he snaps. 
You don't snap back, just scratch an itch by your right eyebrow. 
He scoffs and turns to walk past the small stone wall that you hadn't noticed before. It's almost up to your chin, an ugly gray that seems more lifeless than any stone you've ever seen before. 
You never thought of stones as full of life, but compared to this...
Keeping your eyes on his back, you watch him walk into the foggy area past the wall. When it looks like he is about to go out of sight due to the fog, you hurry to catch up. 
As you walk, the only thing you can really see is his back. The ground is covered in the smoke-like substance as well as everywhere that's more than six feet around you. 
It isn't long before you step on something and a loud crunchy squelch makes you flinch and step back, horror seeping into you at what it might have been that you crushed under your foot. 
After a moment to gain your courage, you look down, but still can't see what it is because of all the fog coating the ground heavily. 
A rotten stench suddenly invades your nostrils, and you slap a hand over your mouth and nose. 
Please, don't let it be a disembodied limb. 
You close your eyes and pray as hard as you can as you try not to gag. 
"Why did you stop?" 
His gruff voice rings out and you use your free hand to point down where the offending smell is wafting from, your eyes still shut tightly. 
"I stepped on something," you whisper from behind your hand, clearly horrified. 
You hear him walk closer, then he sighs loudly. 
You shake your head. 
"Don't be stupid, just look."
You don't trust that he won't make you look at something beyond gruesome. 
"It's just a fucking peach," he snaps, clearly irritated. 
You peek one eye open and glance down to see the fog has lessened and there's a peach that's rotting right where you stepped. 
"Yeah, oh," he scoffs and turns around, "Stupid."
He keeps walking briskly, almost out of sight by the time you run after him. 
"How was I meant to know what it was?" You ask defensively. 
He doesn't respond, just keeps walking a bit too fast for your liking. 
Your legs are really sore, it hurts to walk, let alone quick enough to keep up with him. 
"What circle is this?" You ask after a long stretch of silence. 
"I can't see anything, so I can't really guess."
"Oh well," he mumbles, still moving like he's got somewhere to be. 
You look up at him, noticing how he doesn't push his hair out of his eyes even when it obscures his view. 
You gulp and look away. 
After a while of walking through the mist in dead quiet, your thirst comes back in full force and your stomach starts to growl lowly. 
What the heck?
You look down at your tummy in confusion. 
This is not the time for this. 
You haven't been hungry in a while, why suddenly now?
He doesn't seem to notice, not reacting to your stomach insisting on you feeding it in the most annoying way possible. 
A moment later, it hits you. 
What is that smell?
For once, something actually smells...dare you think it...
Most definitely the culprit for alerting your stomach.
You turn your head, looking left and right to try and find the source of the sweet smell, but you still can't see anything. 
Again, he doesn't seem to be smelling anything, just keeps walking and staring straight ahead. 
What in the world is going on?
You cut yourself off suddenly, deciding not to ask about what you might be smelling.
Something feels off, more off than the whole being in Hell thing. 
"What?" He hisses, not bothering to look at you. 
The demon stops in his tracks, and you stumble to a stop yourself, watching him carefully. 
He glances at you, a weird flicker in his gaze for a moment. 
"What?" You ask, a bit too defensively. 
He turns so that he's fully facing you, then he walks closer until he's way too close for comfort. 
You don't step back though, just tilt your head so you can see his face. 
"Huh," he mutters, examining the look in your eyes. 
After a long minute, he glances down and you see him staring at something in the small space between you. Looking down, you see him holding an apple that's practically glowing with a vibrant blood red.
The intensely sweet smell wafting from it reaches your nose and you gulp. 
He raises his eyes to your face again, the tiniest hint of a smile on his face. 
"Want some?" He asks casually. 
Too casually. 
You shake your head. 
"Why not? Aren't you hungry?"
Your eyes narrow at him before you glance down at the beautiful fruit. 
Why is it so pretty?
Nothing here is pretty. 
Shaking your head slowly, you look back at him. 
"Surely you must be a little hungry. You haven't eaten anything for a while, and yet you say you don't even want a small bite?"
"No," you say as firmly as you can, which isn't saying much. 
"Come on," he drawls, taking a step closer. 
Suddenly, the sweet smell is overbearing, almost making your stomach twist with nausea. 
"I'm fine."
When he moves to take another step, you slip around him and start walking quickly. 
You flinch back and grab at your forehead, hissing in pain. 
What did you just run into?
When you open your eyes, there's nothing but the constant fog. 
"You can't go any further."
You turn to him, a look of confusion painted on your features as you rub your head. 
He walks to you slowly, a smirk on his face as he tosses the apple up and down, catching it effortlessly before doing it again. 
"Sure you're not hungry?"
"Why do you keep asking me that?"
"Do you want that Flame?"
You gulp, then nod. 
He reaches you, then holds his hand out with the glistening apple.
"Then eat it."
You shake your head, "No."
"Then you're stuck here."
"What are you talking about?"
"In order to go further into the third circle, you need to indulge in your cravings."
What nonsense is he saying?
He steps close enough for you to feel his breath when he speaks again, "Eat it."
"I don't want to-"
"Then you don't want that Flame. There's no other way around it."
You gulp and look down at the apple he holds between you. 
Unsure if his words are true, you hesitate. 
What will happen if he's lying, and you eat it?
When he lifts it towards your mouth, you back away until you hit the invisible wall keeping you trapped from going any further. 
The look he gives you is indecipherable, it kind of looks like he wants to kill you and laugh at you at the same time. 
He walks up on you quickly, trapping you where you are. 
You squish back against the barrier and gulp, keeping your head turned so that you aren't looking at him. 
He has no business looking the way he does. 
"Look at me."
You almost shake your head, then decide against it and slowly look at him. 
"I know you're starving," he whispers, getting closer and lowering his mouth next to your ear, "Just let go, let yourself have one little bite."
You squeeze your eyes shut, not enjoying the goosebumps that spread over your skin. 
His lips brush against your ear as he practically groans, "There's so much you want, I can feel it."
A small whimper escapes you, much to your dismay. 
"Just a small taste," his voice is so low it practically rumbles through your bones. 
"I can't," you whisper. 
"Yes, you can."
You shake your head. 
He moves back just enough to take a bite of the apple, the loud crunch echoing in your ears. You watch as he chews it, then swallows, keeping eye contact with you the whole time. Forcing yourself to look away and get your head on straight, you fight the urge to take a bite of the juicy fruit on your own.
Your stomach is killing you, both from the hunger and from the sickeningly sweet scent still filling your senses.
"Your turn."
It takes a lot of effort for you to shake your head a little, not strong enough to verbally deny it.
A small sigh leaves his mouth, and you look at him to notice he's gotten closer again. Watching in confusion, you see him take another bite of the apple, but this time, he holds the small piece between his teeth, not actually eating it. He tosses the rest of the apple over his shoulder.
You figure out what he's doing a second too late. 
He grabs your face, pinching your cheeks harshly, "It's really not that hard, doll," he mumbles around the apple between his teeth.
To fight him is useless, his grip is too strong as he forces you to open your mouth and places the small bite of apple on your tongue, dropping it directly from his teeth to your mouth. 
"Don't fight it," he whispers as you squirm, trying to lock your jaw before he can force it closed. 
Too late. 
The overwhelming sweetness coats your tongue, instantly filling your stomach as if you've just eaten an entire buffet before the piece has even been chewed. Then it feels like a bucket of water is dumped down your throat, quenching your thirst within seconds.
Don't swallow it!
The taste of rotten fruit fills your mouth, and you gag.
You spit out the slightly chewed apple, coughing up a lung as you grab at your throat and fall to your hands and knees, tears sliding down your cheeks whilst the demon standing over you chuckles darkly. 
"Good enough."
Your body quivers uncontrollably as you stay on your hands and knees, trying your best not to throw up. 
You didn't swallow it, you're fine. 
You didn't swallow it, you're fine. 
You're fine. 
You're fine. 
You're fine. 
You repeat it over and over again in your head until you start to believe it. 
When you finally open your eyes again and look to the right where the barrier used to be, you see that the fog has cleared and a few hundred feet away sits a small river of what appears to be some grayish brown sludge. 
What makes your heart stop though, is the sight of people drowning in it, covered completely by the slime as they reach around blindly. Falling from above is more of the thick slime but in the form of a vile rain, the putrid smell is a million times worse than the rotten fruit from earlier. 
A shaky hand covers your mouth as you stare at them while they cry and try to reach out for anyone near them. None of them are too far from each other, but the sludge is covering their faces, making them blind to what is around them. 
What's even worse, is the creature walking along the edge of the river and striking at the blinded people, who scream in pain and fear. 
You look away and cover your ears, pushing hard against your skull to try and block out the suffering wails of the sinners trapped in the river. 
Your heart pounds so loudly you can hear it in your head, which starts to pulse achingly, the bruises and cuts on your legs become increasingly more painful to the point where you almost cry out. 
Calm down, ____. 
"I can't!" You cry, tears falling from your eyes as you push your palms impossibly harder into your ears, the sound of the others screaming still not becoming any quieter. 
Get me out, get me out, get me out. 
You're okay. 
"No, no, no," You croak out, shaking all over, "Please, please, please."
Remember why you are here.
You cough tearfully, but finally start trying to breathe. 
You can do this. 
You're stronger than you give yourself credit for. 
Knowing that covering your ears is futile, you bring your hands to cover your face instead. Just for a moment you sit there, then you wipe your eyes and look over to see him standing there, watching the sinners howl with a look of twisted fascination on his face. 
Your bottom lip trembles and you shove your hands back over your face so you can cry. Your legs feel like they're being held down by massive weights even as you sit on the ground, your bones feel brittle; ready to crumble at any wrong movement. The skin all over you feels like it's burning, as if the cuts have suddenly become terribly infected. 
I am not going to give up. 
I will not.
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a/n: hnnnnngnngn sorry it's a day late, this app hates me :(
Tag list; @kookxin @butterymin @telepathytae @kooliv @highoffbaddecisions @meanum @smitssharon02 @kmpac @ggukkieland @jjanjankook @sugaslittlekookies @hobispriteu1306 @kimchibrat @slowlydeliciousjiminie @screamertannie  @i-dont-give-a-fok @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @ohyeahjk @babycandy111 @ttipa @ggukcanim @era-genius @katlumiiine @xmochiloverx @sopikooo @berryonasummerevening @jamlessstars @bangtannie7 @idkjustlovingbts
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haunted-headset · 8 months
i made a TDI oc with picrew
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Name: Cosabella Ann Sørensen Age: 16 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Sexuality: Heteromantic asexual Hometown: Helen, Georgia Stereotype (idk what to call it): "Southern Belle"/"Innocent Girl" Favorite color: Honeycream (istg this is a color) Favorite drink: Arnold Palmer Favorite food: Strawberries Allergies: Chamomile & shellfish/seafood Miscellaneous: -She has a pet Border Collie named Wishbone. -She lives with her four brothers & her dad on a farm. -She can't swim. -She prefers to wear dresses & skirts when she's not working on the farm, but when working, she prefers to wear shorts or overalls. -Her mother, who was from Denmark, passed away shortly after her birth. -She has a few phobias, including achluophobia, claustrophobia, aerophobia, trypanophobia, & lilapsophobia. -She has pluviophilia, selenophilia, cynophilia, anthophilia, & choreophilia. -She loves dance, specifically ballet. -She wants to become either a kindergarten teacher, a dance teacher, or a pet groomer. -She is the only person in her family who plans to attend college. -She's the only contestant (on my OC version of TDI) to ever come out to a few others as asexual. -She's the only contestant (on my OC version of TDI) to have a long-lasting, healthy relationship that lasted all season & beyond. -She's one of the few contestants to not break an alliance. -She's the only contestant to willingly skip a vote. -She's one of the few contestants who didn't attempt to overthrow the host, claiming that "it wasn't very fair" & that they should "come up with a civil & polite way of working things out." -She refuses to swear. -She has a soft voice with a Southern accent. -She's skilled at horseback riding. -She likes making flower crowns. -She's an extrovert. Quotes: -"Oh, snickerdoodle!" -"C'mon, sugar/honey/dewdrop!" (used when trying to have somebody follow or come with her) -"Don't be a rotten tomato!" -"You're such a sweet flower!" -"Do you think I can use this flower to make tea?" -"Snippersnapper!" (used as an exclamation while in pain) -"Oh dear..." -"Come dance with me, sugar!" (*continues to teach the person how to do a dance*) -"Don't get your knickers in a knot, sweetheart." -"Aw, bless your heart!" (used after receiving a compliment) -"Heavens to Betsy!" (used when she's scared, surprised, or shocked) -"Aren't you as pretty as a peach!" (used to compliment somebody) -"You're a bit too big for your britches, aren'tcha?" (used when she's annoyed with somebody) -"You've got gumption, girl/boy." (used when she's annoyed with somebody) -"It is hotter than blue blazes out here!"
@zuuriell @vopixx @vibestillaxxx @ogelizasoot @joviepog @smolsleepykitten @mochamuff1n @finleyforevermore @ax-y10
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how-very-salty · 7 months
When I feel bad (now I feel very very bad - mine mind is a total mess this days) I always reread Lilapsophobia. It's such a comfort fic for me. It warms me
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archive-of-artprompts · 10 months
Face your fears! Or rather, make a character out of it! Send in an emoji and I'll draw the embodiment of that phobia! (phobia list source)
🛁 Ablutophobia: Fear of bathing 
🗻 Acrophobia: Fear of heights
✈ Aerophobia: Fear of flying
🤕 Algophobia: Fear of pain
🌆 Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
🔪 Aichmophobia: Fear of sharp objects
😨 Anginophobia: Fear of angina or choking
😡 Angrophobia: Fear of anger
💐 Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
🚻 Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society
👉 Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
🕷 Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
🔢 Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
⚡ Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
🌌 Astrophobia: Fear of outer space
🏚 Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness
❌ Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection
💦 Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
🧍‍♂️ Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures
😶 Autophobia: Fear of being alone
🍎 Barophobia: Fear of gravity
📚 Bibliophobia: Fear of books
🍀 Botanophobia: Fear of plants
👁‍🗨 Cacophobia: Fear of ugliness
😂 Catagelophobia: Fear of being ridiculed
🌗 Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
⛄ Chionophobia: Fear of snow
🎨 Chromophobia: Fear of colors
⏰ Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks
⏳ Chronophobia: Fear of time
🍴 Cibophobia: Fear of food
🔲 Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces
🧗‍♀️ Climacophobia: Fear of climbing
🤡 Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
💻 Cyberphobia: Fear of computers
🐶 Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
👿 Daemonophobia: Fear of demons
🤷‍♂️ Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions
🌳 Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
🦷 Dentophobia: Fear of dentists
🏠 Domatophobia: Fear of houses
🐱 Elurophobia: Fear of cats
🤮 Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
💞 Erotophobia: Fear of sex
🐴 Equinophobia: Fear of horses
💍 Gamophobia: Fear of marriage
🎤 Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public
🌞 Heliophobia: Fear of the sun
🩸 Hemophobia: Fear of blood
🦎 Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles
💧 Hydrophobia: Fear of water
🤒 Hypochondria: Fear of illness
👩‍⚕️ Iatrophobia: Fear of doctors
🐜 Insectophobia: Fear of insects
🌀 Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
🦠 Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs
💀 Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things
🏥 Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
⬛ Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark
🎱 Octophobia: Fear of the figure 8
🌧 Ombrophobia: Fear of rain
🐍 Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
🐦 Ornithophobia: Fear of birds
📜 Papyrophobia: Fear of paper
💗 Philophobia: Fear of love
🔥 Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
🎃 Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween
🏫 Scolionophobia: Fear of school
👀 Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at
🌙 Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
💤 Somniphobia: Fear of sleep
🤖 Technophobia: Fear of technology
🌊 Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean
💇‍♀️ Trichophobia: Fear of hair
💉 Trypanophobia: Fear of medical needles/injections
⚫ Trypophobia: Fear of holes
🧙‍♀️ Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
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mjrtaurus · 1 year
If any of y'all in the Midwest are traveling rn, keep your radios on and your eyes peeled. Look out for downed power lines. If you have to seek shelter DO NOT SHELTER BENEATH UNDERPASSES. SHELTER IN THE DITCHES ON THE ROADSIDE WITH YOUR HEAD DOWN AND COVERED.
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lorienfae · 1 year
We all swirl, soul-matter around the voice of day, murmur-filled
and sundry, relinquished sighs over the hazy daze that calls itself summer...
...there is gray, a taunting furrow within the sky's heft, it
whispers into the mind, taps upon psyche like water to a ship's hull.
© Anna S. 2023
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