#Lim Ju-Eun
vintagewarhol · 2 months
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,8 Benim puanım : 7
Drama: Uncontrollably Fond
Hangul: 함부로 애틋하게
Director: Park Hyun-Suk
Writer: Lee Kyoung-Hee
Date: 2016
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Kim Woo-Bin, Bae Suzy, Lim Ju-Hwan, Jin Kyung, Lim Ju-Eun
 Hiç hesapta olmayan tamamen şans ederi izlemeye başladığım bir dizi. Şöyle düşünün, dizinin nasıl bir dram dozu içerdiğini daha ilk 15dksında anlıyorsunuz ama yapabileceğiniz hiçbir şey yok. Bu dizi kalbimin içinde geçecek diyorsunuz ama izlemeye devam ediyorsunuz. Diziye değil de senariste ‘neden’ diye bağırasınız geliyor. Neden insanın kalbini bu kadar kırmak için oturup yazdın kardeşim. Kore dizilerinde ne kadar kötü de olsa diziyi toparlayıp bitirme huyu var. Bu dizide ise, neresinde bakarsanız bakın sonunun kötü biteceğini biliyorsunuz. Ufaktan konusunu anlatayım.
Shin Joon-Young (Kim Woo-Bin) Kore'nin çok ünlü idollerinden biridir. Büyük bir hayran kitlesine sahiptir ama yalnızdır. Birçok reklam, dizi, film işlerinde boy göstermektedir. Bir gün baş ağrıları için gittiği doktordan tedavi edilemeyecek bir hastalığı olduğunu ve en fazla bir yıl ömrü kaldığını öğrenir. Dizinin ilk bölümü hastalığını kabul etmeyişini izliyoruz. Öyle ki, hata yapıldığına ve sağlıklı olduğuna çok emin. Sağlıklı beslenen, spor yapan kendine çok özen gösteren bir genç olduğu için bunun bir yanlış anlaşılma olduğuna bizi bile inandırıyor. Zaten dizinin o kadar dramatik olmasını istemediğimiz için inanmaya meylediyoruz. Ama sonra ya gerçekse diye düşündüğünde, pişmanlıkları ile ölmek istemediğini fark ediyor. En büyük pişmanlığı üniversiteden tanıdığı No Eul (Bae Suzy)’dir. Onu bulmak için menajerine talimat verir.
No Eul ise muhabir olarak çalışmaktadır. Hayatı boyunca yaşamak için savaş vermiştir. Tuttuğunu koparan azimli bir kızdır. Habercilikte bir türlü istediği gibi işler yapamadığı için, önemli kişilere bulduğu haberler ile şantaj yaparak para kazanmaktadır. Gurur onun için önemsiz bir detaydır. Hayatta kalmak için paraya ihtiyacı vardır, para için ne gerekirse yapabilir. Shin Joon Young'un menajeri No Eul’u bulduğunda ikili yıllar sonra bir araya gelirler. Geçmişlerindeki hesaplar, düzeltilmesi gereken pişmanlıklar ortaya dökülür.  
Kim Woo-Bin ile bu dizide tanıştık. Aslında ilk gördüğümde farklı bir yüzü olmasından dolayı sevip sevmediğime bir türlü karar veremedim. Dizi boyunca duruşu, ses tonu, tarzı ile beğenimi kazansa da sonradan ‘Our Blues’ dizisinde oyuncu olarak takdirimi kazandı. Neden bilmiyorum, belki de çok fazla üzdüğü için, bu dizide kendisini kabullenemedim. Yine sonradan öğrendim ki Kim Woo-Bin bu dizi çekimlerinden bir sene sonra gerçekten kansere yakalanmış. Ölümcül hastalığı olduğu böyle bir diziden sonra rolünü yaptığı acıları gerçek hayatta da çekmiş olması beni çok etkiledi. 2017 yılında nazofarenks (üst yutak) kanseri teşhisi konan Kim Woo Bin tedavi görmeye başladıktan sonra askerlikten muaf tutulmuş. Tedavisinden sonra ya da sırasında bilmiyorum Wiretap filminde rol almış olsa da, ekranlara Our Blues dizisi ile dönüş yaptığını söyleyebiliriz.
Kimse kusura bakmasın ama Bae Suzy ile Park Shin-Hye inanılmaz benziyorlar. Hangisi daha iyi oyuncu derseniz Shin-Hye’nin donuk oyunculuğu sağ olsun Bae Suzy bir tık önde görünüyor. Bu dizide de oyunculuk anlamında, ikili olarak da güzel bir tercih olmuştu.
Dizinin konusuna dönecek olursam, Joon-Young karakteri gerçekten kalbimizi çok dağladı. Annesi tarafından tek başına büyütülen Joon-Young, annesinin isteği üzerine üniversitede hukuk seçmiş. Büyürken fakir bir hayatları olduğu için, hep annesine avukat olup haksızların yanında yer alıp, ona güzel bir hayat yaşatacağı sözünü vermiş. Ancak bir anda fikrini değiştirip oyuncu olmaya karar verince, annesi onu kapı dışarı koymuş. Lokanta sahibi olan anne Shin Young-Ok(Jin Kyung) oğlunu, dükkanın camına oğlunun hayranlarının dahi giremeyeceğini söyleyen poster asacak kadar yok sayıyor. Joon-Young’un lokantaya gidip, annesinin elinden yemek yemek istediği ama annesinin servis yapmağı sahneler beni en çok üzen sahneler oldu. Dizi boyunca hiçbir duygu, anne – oğul arasındaki bu çok acıklı diyaloglar kadar bana geçemedi.
İkili için yorum yapacak olursam, yakışmasına yakışıyorlardı ama aralarında öyle destansı bir aşk yoktu. Kore dizilerinde çok az rastladığımız yanlış anlamalar, inadına verilen kararlar, gereksiz tripler vardı. Bu kısımlar beni biraz boğdu. Az zamanı kalan gencecik bir çocuk, bu zamanı boş planlar ve gereksiz yanlış anlaşılmalar ile geçirdi. Gerek var mıydı emin değilim.
Kısacası, senariste kızgınım. Oyuncu ile tanıştığım için mutluyum. Bu kadar acıklı bir hikaye izlediğim içinse buruğum. İşte böyle bir diziydi. İzlenir mi, izlenir. Ama insan kendine böyle niye eziyet eder bilmiyorum.
Kisum, Lim Seul ong - Finding Differences
Raven Melus
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manawari · 10 months
SL characters as movie stars AU!
Sung Jin-woo
has been acting since he was a teenager. Though, he only gets lesser roles until he grows in the acting industry, thus earning the "glow up" as well the more he takes on roles. By the time he's in his twenties, Jin-woo receives lead roles and has never left ever since due to the impact of his performance that is hard to be seen as a supporting character. His movies range from drama, adventure, and action — though, he spend most of his time in the action genre. Jin-woo does his own stunts as he does martial arts and working out as his hobbies. Whenever he gets partnered up with someone, dating rumors always spark up, so he tends to avoid having a partner for the sake of protecting his zone. He improvises some of his lines and is very professional.
Cha Hae-in
a former athlete to one of the country's biggest stars. Due to her sweetheart persona, she often gets roles in soap operas, dramas, and romance, though she wants to take on the action genre to hone her skills. Her management got her stunt doubles, much to her dismay, until they trusted her enough to do her own stunts. Hae-in's skills are very realistic that every time she cries in her scenes, several of the production cry as well, thus allowing her to earn many awards. She gets along with her co-workers and is even said to be that some of her leading men develop a crush on her. However, she has not dated at least one of them, even outside her career, as she chooses to focus on her job.
Woo Jin-chul
a star who has been featured in international movies, hence becoming a multilingual because of his passion in learning new languages before his departure from South Korea. He is usually stern, but is very friendly to his co-workers, as well as his fans. Jin-chul takes on both protagonist and antagonist roles, although he secretly likes his villain roles more than his hero ones. He does his own stunts and is skillful with holding guns.
Choi Jong-in
most of his roles are those wherein he's the son of a millionaire or just a rich person who owns a big company. He hardly gets main roles, but the impact in his performances even as a supporting character are what made him prominent in the industry. Jong-in also has roles where he's an antagonist, which his fans prefer more; it is also said that some of his castmates or co-workers feel quite intimidated by him.
Baek Yoon-ho
a prominent action star who does his own stunts. Not once he has appeared in movies that are anything but action. Despite being in his twenties, Yoon-ho receive roles where he is a single father who will do anything to protect his family, thus capturing the hearts of the young actors and actresses he works with. He also helps his castmates in training for fighting scenes, thus forming a bond with them as well. Yoon-ho has his own charity that he donates a sufficient amount of money in for helping tigers and other wild animals.
Lee Ju-hee
one of the industry's dearest sweethearts. Her movies are mostly in the slice of life genre, specifically romance. Regardless of what she believes, Ju-hee never fails to create chemistry with the ones she works with, especially to those who have partnered up with her. She receives both main and supporting roles. Lee Ju-hee may have appeared in horror and action films, but she prefers to stay in the slice of life genre despite not minding to step out of her comfort zone.
Lim Tae-gyu
a actor whose roles are primarily supporting, yet has many main roles as well. His skill ranges from drama, comedy, and action. Tae-gyu mostly does his own stunts, always allotting his time in training once he receives the script. He's charismatic, yet isn't necessarily great when it comes to romantic chemistry because of the vibe he frequently gives out. He's friends with many famous stars such as Baek Yoon-ho, Choi Jong-in, Ma Dong-wook, Min Byung-gyu, Sung Jin-woo, and Cha Hae-in, and has revealed of his wish of being able to be in the same film as them together.
Min Byung-gyu
an actor who has shown up in various genres. When it comes to slice of life, Byung-gyu mostly gets leading roles, and sometimes, he gets the "second male lead" roles, which brings more impact to the viewers. But as for other genres like action and horror, Byung-gyu takes on supporting roles; he is one of the actors who has a stunt double and still gets to do certain stunts depending on his capability. And when it comes to the historical genre, that is when Byung-gyu gets most excited and believes he does his roles better in period dramas than the rest, partly because he is a big fan of historical dramas which he views his other roles differently. Byung-gyu is great at improvising his lines that the director only has to tell him the background of the scene and Byung-gyu knows what to do next, which somehow makes some actors feel challenged as they are not sure if they can go along with Byung-gyu's improvised lines. But, Byung-gyu always does his best to help his co-stars and not make them feel pressured.
one of the country's lesser known actors who is known for getting background roles. Eun-seok hardly appears in films, yet is friends with a lot of big stars in the industry. The reason being that he got severely injured in set once, which has scarred him and chose to no longer show up in filming unless he feels like doing so.
Yoo Jin-ho
a supporting actor who is well-known for being Sung Jin-woo's "sidekick" as he had been acting alongside him for years. Yoo Jin-ho specializes in roles that are comedic relief — he doesn't mind it since that means he doesn't have a lot of lines to memorize. Despite being an actor himself, Jin-ho is not afraid to unleash his inner "fanboy" when it comes to expressing his support in actors and actresses he admires.
Park Hee-jin
an actress who is known for her background or supporting roles. Hee-jin excels from soap operas to action movies. Her roles are usually helping the main character and defending them from the antagonist(s).
Ma Dong-wook
a versatile actor in his fifties who has different roles in various genres, whether it be a father or someone the main characters seek help from. He shares his experiences to his fellow stars as his way of helping them in filming and has a lot of actors/actresses wishing to act in the same movie as him; not because of his talent, but also his kind nature that he treats everyone younger than him as his children.
Liu Zhigang
China's rising action star. A likeable and charming actor whose roles are both protagonist and antagonist. Zhigang does his own stunts and likes to go to the extreme where no editing shall be involved. He's one of the faces in the industry whose management cannot simply allow to be part of a film unless the paycheck is immense and does not tarnish Zhigang's talent. In every film he is in, it receives many awards that reach up to internationals. Zhigang has acted in international films, which makes him fluent in English after being casted alongside stars in different countries.
Thomas Andre
a powerful actor in the USA who is popular for his antagonistic roles. Thomas enjoys playing the bad guy. And what makes him likeable is that he donates half of his money to charities and has his own foundation for children with special needs and disabilities. He is funny and tends to joke around in set, along in conventions where he gets to communicate with fans and gives them the best time in their lives.
an actress who excels most in the action genre. She films her scenes effortlessly and smoothly without needing a second take. Laura learns martial arts off-screen and knows how to hold a gun; she is also sassy and has the kind of humor that makes her co-stars adore working with her despite her stern and cold demeanor.
Goto Ryuji
a versatile actor in Japan who appears in dramas and action. His roles are mostly in the villain side, which what makes him intimidating to other actors. Goto prefers to work with those who are professional and hardly messes up more than twice otherwise he thinks they are wasting his time. However, he is usually gently to those who are younger and new to the acting industry, he looks out for them and won't hesitate to scold the production if the first time actors ever get hurt in set.
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Looks like DÉJÀ-VU.
TRUE BEAUTY (2020-2021)
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k-drama-thoughts · 15 days
Oh My Ghost
Is this the best way to get to the afterlife? Na Bong Sun (Park Bo Young) is a painfully shy and timid woman who works as an assistant chef at Sun Restaurant. She has a secret crush on the star chef Kang Sun Woo (Jo Jung Suk) but doesn’t have the courage to act on it. But Bong Sun has the ability to see ghosts, in part due to her shaman grandmother. Shin Soon Ae (Kim Seul Gi) is a young woman who died without ever having experienced romance in her short life. She is determined to seduce as many men as possible and lose her virginity so that she can go happily into the afterlife. When Soon Ae meets Bong Sun, she finds the perfect vessel to carry out her mission. Sun Woo is nursing a broken heart but suddenly begins to notice the bolder, more confident Bong Sun. Can Soon Ae and Bong Sun both get what they want in the end?
The Best Things About This Drama:
The entire cast
The chemistry between Park Bo Young and Jo Jung Suk
I'll give it a 2/5. This felt like it was supposed to be a 12 episode series, and then they asked for them to stretch it into 16. The plot got lost a lot and things dragged considerably at times. However, the cast did an incredible job with the script they were given. No notes to them - they were delightful.
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stormdragon23 · 9 months
Solo Leveling Next Gen AU Headcanons
These are mostly personal headcanons to explain a few things about the AU of the next gen OC's, including some timelines for the kids and their parents (just want to give some kind of logic to it)
Open to questions/suggestions for anything not mentioned
The adopted children who are awakened (Choibaek's kids and Hoshino Taiyo) absorb some of the mana from their parents over time, so their powers tend to resemble the powers of their parents (All three of Choibaek's kids are some sort of control over fire while Hoshino Taiyo is a ranger like Lim Tae-Gyu)
Timeline of when each kid was introduced to the others (this is mostly for me since I've lost track a few times-)
- Eun-Seok and Park Hee-Jin have their first child (Guen Tae-Il) - Sung Jin-Woo and Cha Hae-In have their child (Sung Su-Ho) - Baek Yoon-Ho and Choi Jong-In adopt Baek Seok-Jin and Choi Je-ni - Hoshino Minoru and Lim Tae-Gyu adopt Hoshino Taiyo and Hoshino Kira - Baek Yoon-Ho and Choi Jong-In adopt Baek Mi-Ho - Eun-Seok and Park Hee-Jin have their second child (Guen Jae-Kyung) - Min Byung-Gyu and Lee Ju-Hee have their child (Min Beom-Ryu)
Order of when the couples started dating: Minlee, Jinhae, Choibaek, Taenoru, Heeseok
Order the couples got married in: Jinhae, Choibaek, Taenoru, Minlee, Heeseok
(The order of the couples may be changed later, but that's what I have in mind for now)
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arcanids · 5 months
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star factor media somehow created a group consisting of some of their most problematic artists … plus yebin. from jian’s inability to stfu and stay out of rumors and antonio’s unhealthy obsession with speeding, to eunchan simply not caring about having his vape out in clear sight for everyone to see (apparently only yebin cares about their reputation, #freeyebin2024). children of arcane has been winning the idgaf war in kpop since their debut. no wonder their music is so good because otherwise misfits may have left the fandom a long time ago.
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jian was born in dramatic fashion and will probably always be apart of drama some way or another. she was born two weeks early in the middle of her parents wedding on february 14th, 1998. she would be put into theater as a soon as she was old enough, and decided that she was the main character very early on. becoming an idol just added to that mindset.
BIRTH NAME — hwang ji an (황지안).
STAGE NAME — jian (지안).
DATE OF BIRTH — february 14th, 1998.
ZODIAC SIGN — aquarius.
ETHNICITY — korean.
NATIONALITY — south korean.
LANGUAGES — korean (mother tongue).
SEXUAL ORIENTATION — bisexual (fem lean).
SIGNIFICANT OTHER — undisclosed.
FACE CLAIM — park jiwon (fromis_9).
HEIGHT — 157 cm (5’2”).
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antonio yang has been a household name since he was twelve years old. born june 5th, 1998, fans of antonio would have no idea that he was born in 1998 until he would leave his group empire in 2016, shortly before he would debut in children of arcane. his parents would lie to the company and fans that antonio was born in 1995, allowing the boy to make his idol debut in empire in 2012 without controversy. while others would leave the idol industry altogether, antonio instead uses his nintendo switch and going way over the speed limit to cope.
BIRTH NAME — antonio yang.
ENGLISH NAME — yang ji yul (양지율).
STAGE NAME — antonio (안토니오).
DATE OF BIRTH — june 5th, 1998.
ZODIAC SIGN — gemini.
ETHNICITY — korean.
NATIONALITY — american.
LANGUAGES — english (mother tongue). korean (fluent).
SIGNIFICANT OTHER — undisclosed.
FACE CLAIM — lee ju yeon (tbz).
HEIGHT — 180.4 cm (5’11”).
REPRESENTATION EMOJI — basketball (🏀).
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yebin is the most unproblematic nepo baby you’ll ever meet. born to the ceo of her company do yerim on may 25th, 2000, it is often speculated that she was put into children of arcane simply due to her relation rather than her talent. however, she is actually the member who trained the longest, and unlike her members, her only scandals are her getting caught kissing girls (on multiple occasions).
BIRTH NAME — do ye bin (도예빈).
STAGE NAME — yebin (예빈).
DATE OF BIRTH — may 25th, 2000.
ZODIAC SIGN — gemini.
ETHNICITY — korean.
NATIONALITY — south korean.
LANGUAGES — korean (mother tongue).
SIGNIFICANT OTHER — undisclosed.
FACE CLAIM — lee chae young (fromis_9).
HEIGHT — 168 cm (5’6”).
REPRESENTATION EMOJI — ballet shoes (🩰).
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eunchan never has, and probably never will give a fuck about anything. this man is so unserious, all he cares about if making music, eating, and smoking, other than that he’s good. born october 31st, 2000, eunchan has always been interested in music, switching between several instruments before settling in the guitar and eventually merging into performing overall. he joined the company as a joke, he forgot he even sent the audition until he got the response back and he was like “oh yeah”.
BIRTH NAME — lim eun chan (임은찬).
STAGE NAME — eunchan (은찬).
DATE OF BIRTH — october 31st, 2000.
ZODIAC SIGN — scorpio.
ETHNICITY — korean.
NATIONALITY — south korean.
LANGUAGES — korean (mother tongue).
SIGNIFICANT OTHER — undisclosed.
FACE CLAIM — kim sun woo (tbz).
HEIGHT — 177.4 cm (5’10”).
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svt-rosalie · 11 months
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Cha Eun Woo, Park Jihye, And Hwang In Yeop Confirmed To Lead Drama Adaption Of Hit Webtoon “True Beauty”
Aug 11, 2020 by U. Kim
tvN’s upcoming drama “True Beauty” has confirmed its main cast of SEVENTEEN’s Rosalie, ASTRO’s Cha Eun Woo, and Hwang In Yeop!
“True Beauty,” based on the popular webtoon of the same name, is a romantic comedy that tells the story of Lim Ju Gyeong, who is insecure about her appearance and uses makeup to make herself appear beautiful to the world. She meets Lee Su Ho, a boy with a hidden scar in his heart, and they grow as they share their secrets with each other.
Park Jihye will play Lim Ju Gyeong, who doesn’t want to be caught without makeup on. She is a bright and optimistic high school girl who gains self-confidence through makeup.
Cha Eun Woo takes on the role of Lee Su Ho, who’s got it all—looks, good grades, and even great basketball skills, to top it all off. Everyone is head over heels for him, but he isn’t interested in others.
Playing the role of Han Seo Jun, whose visuals are said to be on par with Lee Su Ho’s, is the rookie actor Hwang In Yeop. Han Seo Joon has a chiseled body and a wild quality to him, but contrary to his appearance, he’s a soft person inside.
Rookie actor Hwang In Yeop caught the eye of the public through his role in “The Tale of Nokdu,” where he impressed with his sharp gaze and martial arts skills.
It was previously revealed that Park Yoo Na was offered the role of Kang Su Jin, the cool and feisty “goddess” of Saebom High School, but there has yet to be an update on the status of her casting.
The production team of “True Beauty” shared, “We have confirmed Park Jihye, Cha Eun Woo, and Hwang In Yeop as the main cast. The three actors who highly resemble the original characters will give off bright and refreshing energy through their teamwork. We will greet you with a lovely rom-com within the second half of the year. Please show lots of anticipation and attention for ‘True Beauty.'”
“True Beauty” will be directed by Kim Sang Hyub, who has led “The King Loves” and “Extraordinary You,” and written by Lee Si Eun of the “Rude Miss Young Ae” series.
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limjiyeon · 1 year
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Did you regret it? So much that it's absurd. What if you could go back in time? I would make the same decision.
Kim Tae Hee as Moon Ju Ran & Lim Ji Yeon as Chu Sang Eun LIES HIDDEN IN MY GARDEN 마당이 있는 집 (2023) dir. Jung Ji Hyun
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papaya2000s · 1 month
Master List:
The posts listed below are all my own, except for the fanfics, which include original links to the sources where I discovered them, giving credit to the respective creators and writers of their work.
Old Korean Movies:
Emergency Act 19 (긴급조치 19호) - (08/08/2024)
Let's Meet at Walker hill (워커힐에서 만납시다) - Coming Soon!
Crossroads of Youth (청춘의 십자로) - Coming Soon!
The History of Korean Acts - 1900s-Now:
History of Korean music over the past century.
The History of Korean Male Groups (Rewrite):
Part 1 - (13/08/2024)
Part 2 - (21/08/2024)
Part 3 - (29/08/2024)
Part 4 - (29/08/2024)
Part 5 - (15/09/2024)
Part 6 - Coming Soon!
The History of Korean Girl Groups (Rewrite):
Coming Soon!
Korean Soloists from the 20th Centaury:
Enjoy the history of some of famous Korean performers that lived in the 20th centaury that have been lost with time.
Yun Sim Deok - (29/04/2024)
Lee Ari Su - (05/03/2024)
Kim So Hee - Coming Soon!
Park Nok Ju - Coming Soon!
Lee Hwa Jung Seon - Coming Soon!
Kim In Sik - (21/09/2024)
Choi Nam Seon - Coming Soon!
Lee Eun-sang - Coming Soon!
Hyun Je Myeong - Coming Soon!
Lim Dong Hyeok - Coming Soon!
Kim Saeng Ryeo - Coming Soon!
Lee In Beom - Coming Soon!
Kim Seong Tae - Coming Soon!
Jeong Jeong Ryeol - Coming Soon!
Im Bang Ul - Coming Soon!
Han Seong Jun - Coming Soon!
Photo Collection of Kisaeng's:
All photos below have been AI enhanced for a more clear viewing (there may be some errors in the pictures).
Part 1 - (17/07/2024)
Part 2 - (17/07/2024)
Part 3 - (17/07/2024)
Part 4 - (21/07/2024)
Part 5 - (21/07/2024)
Part 6 Finale - (24/07/2024)
Women considered to be the most beautiful in Korean History:
More than a century ago, a remarkable group of women known as Kisaengs captivated the elite with their captivating performances, without ever compromising their dignity.
These extraordinary women, often referred to as the celebrities of their era, were renowned for their beauty and talent, as evidenced by historical records that ranked the most enchanting kisaengs of that time!
Part 1 Oh San-wol (오산월) - (11/07/2024)
Part 2 Jang Yeon Hong (장연홍) (1) - (14/07/2024)
Part 3 Jang Yeon Hong (장연홍) (2) - (16/07/2024)
Part 4 - Coming Soon!
The Birth of Korean Girl Groups Preview:
A preview on what girl groups I'll be posting in my series on 'The History of Korean girl groups'.
Part 1 - 1900s-1945 - (28/04/2024)
Part 2 - 1950s - 1960s - (28/04/2024)
Part 3 - 1960s - 1962 - (28/04/2024)
Part 4 - 1963 - 1965 - (28/04/2024)
Part 5 - 1965- 1966 - (28/04/2024)
Part 6 - 1967-1960s - (28/04/2024)
Part 7 - 1970-1972 - (02/05/2024)
Part 8 - 1974 - 1981 - (09/05/2024)
Part 9 - 1983 - 1987 - (09/05/2024)
Part 10 - 1989 - 1997 - (09/05/2024)
Part 11 - 1997 - (09/05/2024)
Part 12 Final - 1998 - 2000s - (09/05/2024)
Michael Jackson & Friends Korea, Seoul:
S.E.S: Part 1 and Part 2
H.O.T: Coming Soon!
H.O.T Kangta - Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001
H.O.T Kangta - Dreams and Faith - (27/07/2024)
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svtjinny · 1 year
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STAGE NAME : jinny (진니)
BIRTH NAME : jennifer choi
KOREAN NAME : choi ju-yeon (최주연)
NICKNAMES : juju, jen, yeonie, chomper, seventeen's foodie, jinabi, food expert
DATE OF BIRTH : 02 december , 2000
PLACE OF BIRTH : gyeonggi-do, south korea
ETHNICITY : korean
FAMILY : lim ju-yeon [ mother ], choi eun-woo [ father ], choi yeon-jun [ older brother ]
LANGUAGES : korean [ fluent], english [ fluent ], japanese [ conversational ], mandarin / chinese [ conversational ]
MBTI : enfp [ taken by herself ], esfp [ taken by the members ]
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FACE : ive's yujin
VOCAL : adora [ speaking / sound ], red velvet's wendy [ talent-wise ]
RAP : le sserafim's kazuha
DANCE : fromis_9's hayoung
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HEIGHT : 167 cm
WEIGHT : 49 kg
BODY MODIFICATIONS : upper lobe piercing on her left ear, 3 different tattoos on her hand, back, and shoulder
FEATURES : dimples, heart-shaped birthmarks on her wrist and under her right eye
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OCCUPATION : idol, m countdown host [est. 2021], songwriter, producer, composer, choreographer
POSITIONS : main vocalist, lead dancer, producer, visual
DEBUT : may 26, 2015 [svt], may 14, 2019 [solo]
YEARS ACTIVE : 2015 - present
AGENCY : pledis entertainment [2010 - present]
ASSOCIATIONS : seventeen, produce 101 [ contestant ]
UNIT : vocal unit
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INSTAGRAM : 01_jin (managed by managers, solely for promoting tracks or choreography she's made.) | cjy_jinny (where she posts.)
TWITTER : 01_jin
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VOCAL : 5/5
RAP : 3/5
DANCE : 5/5
ACTING : 3/5
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HABITS : nose wrinkling, sticking out tongue while thinking, rapid blinking when lying, covering mouth while chewing or laughing, grabbing / holding the closest person to her when nervous, doodling absently
HOBBIES : rollerblading, playing guitar, writing [ lyrics , poems ], baking + cooking
LIKES : pda, drawing, soft items [ blankets , jackets , etc ], fruits, hanging out / spending time with her loved ones, cuddling, music !!
DISLIKES : being taken advantage of, being disrespected, small or tight spaces, horror, manipulators, being made fun of
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— jinny was originally part of the performance unit, but was moved to the vocal unit a month before debut
— ⬑ she auditioned to be a dancer, which is why she is among seventeen's best dancers
— her nicknames "chomper, svt's foodie, and food expert" come from the boys. jinny loves to eat and knows a lot about different types of food; she's one of the designated cooks of svt
— ⬑ her nicknames " juju, jen, and yeonie" also come from the members. "jinabi" is a nickname from carats / what carats call her.
— she gets frightened quite easily by cannons / fireworks on stage, which is why she was hesitant to accept the offer to be an mc
— ⬑ she was announced as m countdown's new fixed host on february 9th, 2021. later that year, she was revealed to be the third vocal master / kpop master for girls planet 999. in april of 2023, jinny made an appearance as a star master to host the finale of boys planet 999.
— she gets flustered when embarrassed
— she has a fear of heights and said that gose 2020 ep 37-38 is her least favorite because they filmed her while she was crying out of fear.
— she has two of her own shows/series; one on seventeen's official channel named "jilog" [just her vlogging] and the other on mnet's official channel named "jinny's journal", similar to eunchae's star diary [she meets other groups & they do activities together]
— jinny would've been a professional chef, dancer, or producer if she didn't debut in svt
— jinny has composed most of seventeen's songs; she's known as seventeen's composer whereas woozi is known as their producer.
— she lives on the same floor as wonwoo & mingyu
— she's known dino since middle school; around 11 years
— jinny enjoys making friends and has befriended many idols through her job as an mc
— according to the boys, jinny is incredibly clumsy and is a deep sleeper
— jinny is THE k-pop fan of svt, her favorite group is red velvet & she owns all their albums & merch, along with the albums she's helped create and svt / txt merch
— jinny is among the members who post the most on sns
— jinny has been injured twice in the time she's been with seventeen; once during ready to love era [broke her right arm] & again during super [broke her right wrist] era.
— ⬑ she tries not to put too much pressure on her right arm because of these injuries.
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from xia ! : hi!!!11!1!!11! hope u like her (and me)
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manawari · 3 months
Solo Leveling werewolf AU!
If we have AUs such as Mafia and Vampire, why not Werewolf AU?
Other ideas are greatly appreciated!<3
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> led by Sung Il-hwan, the Alpha.
> werewolves with black fur are rare, so it's no surprise that Sung Il-hwan soon became the leader of the pack.
> the name "Shadow Bloodhounds" was originated from a family of werewolves, who had dark reddish-brown fur, and the shadow term came from how the members frequently lurked in the shadows for surprise attacks. And since Sung Il-hwan became the Alpha, plus his wolf form being a black wolf, the name became stronger and prominent.
> Sung Il-hwan's son, Sung Jin-woo, is the Beta. Like his father, his wolf form also has a black fur. This became a big shock to the entire pack, especially when they saw their Alpha's son transform for the first time.
> before becoming the Beta when he reached 20, Sung Jin-woo had to fight the former Beta — as per tradition among all wolf packs. Despite being the "weakest" due to his birth, Jin-woo managed to win by sheer determination and since he became his father's second-in-command, he became stronger overtime.
> if he's not doing any werewolf duties, Sung Il-hwan runs a fire department, which he also works as a firefighter. He also holds urgent meetings in the station once everyone else is out. Sung Jin-woo, however, has chosen to be a detective rather than a firefighter like his father.
> Jin-woo is secretly the only member in the pack who has killed a human. Although, he never tells it to anyone.
> known members: Park Kyung-hye, Sung Jin-ah, Yoo Jin-ho, Yoo Soo-hyun, Lee Ju-hee, Han Song-yi, Kang Tae-shik, and Kim Sang-shik.
> led by Choi Jong-in, the Alpha.
> unlike Sung Il-hwan, Choi Jong-in came from a heritage of Alphas and Betas. His father was an Alpha and his mother was a Beta. Thus, they led the pack together, as well as running a law firm, which soon fell into Jong-in's hands when he took his rightful place in the pack.
> for his Beta, Jong-in chose Cha Hae-in, who is his close friend since childhood. But not only that, she's also the fastest wolf in the pack and has the strongest smell, so it'll make sense of why he picked her of all strong werewolves in the pack.
> even though a werewolf's eyesight is sharp, Jong-in wears his glasses to shape himself into being a human. But when he's in his wolf cycle, his eyeglasses are taken off as they might break during his transformation.
> when there's a wolf cycle, it's also hunting season for the werewolf packs. Jong-in and Hae-in plot the strategy and divide their pack into two, sometimes three if their target is a larger herd.
> known members: Song Chi-yul, Son Ki-hoon, Gina, Seo Ji-woo, Lee Bora, and Han Se-mi.
> led by Lim Tae-gyu, the Alpha.
> usually, whenever there's a large flock of ravens, all of the Raven Howlers are gathered. Ravens also serve as the Eagle Eye of the pack, alerting the Alpha if anything dire happens.
> Ma Dong-wook used to be the Alpha, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, he stepped down and switched places with Lim Tae-gyu, who was the Beta at that time.
> during the wolf cycle, the entire pack will howl under the bright full moon whilst the ravens swirl in the air. It is a tradition for summoning more luck in the pack.
> while most wolves don't like to have birds resting on them, Tae-gyu happily lets the ravens rest on his fur however as they want, especially in winter.
> Tae-gyu also relies on Eun-seok, who serves as his "back-up" since he's quick to lunge into action or if someone is going to attack the Alpha from behind.
> known members: Eun-seok, Jung Ye-rim, Lee Min-sung, and Park Jong-soo.
> led by Baek Yoon-ho, the Alpha.
> some believed that Yoon-ho came from a lineage that bore strong connection to Rakan.
> Yoon-ho is a fierce werewolf, lethal in his heavy claws. He's one of the biggest werewolves when transformed, but even in his human form, he can crush a head with his own bare hands.
> Park Hee-jin is his chosen Beta. She's a she-wolf with an impeccable sense for danger, she reads the situation quick and carefully, and her guts are as sharp as her mind. She's able to tell when a situation is not good and informs her leader firsthand before forming her own strategy.
> Min Byung-gyu, Yoon-ho's best friend, had once been offered for the rank of the Beta. However, he rejects it as he doesn't think leadership is his forte. And even then, he's one of the strongest wolves and protects his fellow members.
> Yoon-ho has a reputation of killing his own kind, making him fearsome that even some of his members are cowering on him.
> while the rest work in teams, Yoon-ho usually hunts alone as his strength is merely for taking down large animals.
> known members: Kim Chul and Ahn Sang-min.
> led by Go Gun-hee, the Alpha.
> Woo Jin-chul is his second-in-command.
> like black-furred werewolves, white-furred werewolves are also rare. And Go Gun-hee is the oldest living white-furred wolf, as well as the oldest active Alpha when most would retire before reaching his age.
> Go Gun-hee doesn't always go for action, mainly because he's looking after his strength, so he relies on his Beta for the task.
> Go Gun-hee is the most respected Alpha besides Sung Il-hwan.
> they're the only pack who has been recognized by other packs outside the country.
> Woo Jin-chul once took down an entire group of rogues, showing his formidability after they attempted to raid the pack.
> known members: ————
Other notes:
— pack wars are a thing, though not as frequent unlike decades ago.
— it is believed that Rakan, a beast entity who can turn into a human, had started the race by cursing several humans to continue his legacy and increase population.
— there are werewolves called 'Rogues' — it's when a werewolf is banished from their pack.
— there are certain outfits/fabrics that don't get ripped apart when shifting, rather they just disappear in the process.
— during the wolf cycle, all packs run to the mountains for camping — some build their own little houses deep in the woods, far from the human civilization. It is a coincidence if they stumble upon other packs.
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youtifulkrp · 5 months
Most wanted?
Hello !
After polling our community, we were able to produce this list:
Loona... Cho Ha-seul , Wong Kahei ; Vivi , Jeong Jin-sol , Kim Jung-eun ; Kim Lip , Jeon Hee-jin , Kim Hyun-jin , Park Chae-won ; Go Won , Choi Ye-rim ; Choerry , Son Hye-ju , Im Yeo-jin
Vixx... Cha Hak Yeon ; N , Jung Taek Woon ; Leo , Lee Jae Hwan ; Ken , Han Sang Hyuk 
Dreamcatcher...  Kim Min Ji ; JiU , Kim Bo Ra ; SuA ,  Lee Si Yeon , Han Dong , Kim Yoo Hyeon ,  Lee Yu Bin ; Dami , Lee Ga Hyeon
BTS... Kim Nam Joon ; RM , Kim Seok Jin ; Jin , Min Yoon Gi ; Suga , Jung Ho Seok ; J-Hope , Park Ji Min
Mamamoo... Kim Yong Sun ; Solar , Moon Byul-Yi  ; Moonbyul , Jung Whee In ; Wheein , Ahn Hye Jin ; Hwasa
Girls’ Generation / SNSD... Kim Tae Yeon ,  Lee Soon Kyu ; Sunny , Stephanie Young Hwang  ;  Tiffany Young ,  Kim Hyo Yeon  , Kwon Yu Ri  , Choi Soo Young ,  Im Yoon-A ,  Seo Joo Hyun ; Seohyun
Soloists... Kim Hyo-jung ; Hyolyn , Lee Chae-rin ; CL , Kim Hanbin ; B.I. , Bang Yongguk , Jessica Ho ; Jessi
BTOB... Seo Eun Kwang , Lee Min Hyuk , Lee Chang Sub , Lim Hyun Sik , Peniel Dong Shin ; Peniel , Yook Sung Jae
iKon... Song Yunhyeong ; Song , Kim Donghyuk ; DK , Koo Junhoe  ; June , Jung Chanwoo
Winner... Kang Seung Yoon ; Yoon , Kim Jin Woo ; Jinu , Lee Seung Hoon  ; Hoony , Song Min Ho ; Mino
Kard...  Kim Tae Hyung ; J.Seph , Matthew Kim ; BM , Jeon So Min , Jeon Ji Woo 
GOT7... Lim Jae Beom ; Jay B , Mark Yi En Tuan ; Mark , Wang Jackson ,  Park Jin Young , Choi Young Jae , Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam ; BamBam , Kim Yu Gyeom
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⤷ ⋆⭒˚.⋆ 𝑨𝑫𝑴𝑰𝑵 𝑵𝒀𝑿𝑿 & 𝑬𝑹𝑶𝑺
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cosmosbeelover · 3 months
Photo collection of kisaeng's - Part 5
All photos below have been AI enhanced for a more clear viewing (there may be some errors in the pictures), i will be listing there names in both English and Korean below the photos.
There names go from top left to bottom right.
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English - Gisaeng List - Hong Do-hwa, unknown, Jeong Geum-hwa, Jeong Yu-wol, Jo Jin-sil, Jo Ranpa, Cha Jun-pi, Cha Jeong-sook Korean - 기생명부 - 홍도화, 미상, 정금화, 정유월, 조진실, 조란파, 차준피, 차정숙
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English - Gisaeng List - Gyu Ran-ok, Lim Yang-chun, Jang Yeon-hong, Baek Dal-hong, Shim Yu-wol, Oh Byeok-ok, Jin Yeon-hwa, Seok Sun-bok Korean - 기생명부 - 규란옥, 임양춘, 장연홍, 백달홍, 심유월, 오벽옥, 진연화, 석순복
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English - Gisaeng List - Yoo Geum-ja, Noh Jin-ju, Noh Juksim, Noh Eun-hong, Jeon Myeong-ok, Wi Geum-ok, Wang Su-bok, Jo Jeom-hwa Korean - 기생명부 - 유금자, 노진주, 노죽심, 노은홍, 전명옥, 위금옥, 왕수복, 조금화
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English - Gisaeng List - Hwang Geum-hwa, Lee Chun-sim, Moon Chae-woon, Ma Hyang-ran, Jeon Yong-ju, Byeon Il-seon, Byeon Ok-jo, Sogan 1st floor Korean - 기생명부 - 황금화, 이춘심, 문채운, 마향란, 전용주, 변일선, 변옥조, 소간일층
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wlwcatalogue · 2 years
A Gay Girl's Guide to Korean Musicals (with English subtitles!)
People often associate musicals with male gayness (both onstage and off) but there's stuff out there for female-oriented queers too! It's just harder to find, which is why I put this video together despite not knowing Korean.
This list isn't comprehensive and I deliberately chose musicals with either queer female characters or gender-free casting (i.e. female actors playing male roles), except for Bernarda Alba, which is special as it’s by far the largest-scale all-female production with 10 characters. Obviously there are many Korean musicals out there which don't meet these criteria and are still of interest to the queers, but I wanted to highlight these in particular as they are, apart from Rebecca, not as well-known. I highly recommend checking out @koreanmusicals for more information on Korean musicals generally!
Note: Again, I don’t understand Korean and relied heavily on machine translation and the original lyrics for licenced productions, so any errors in the subtitles or explanations are mine. Corrections are very welcome!
At-a-glance list:
1. Lizze (리지)
2. Midnight (미드나잇)
3. Rebecca (레베카)
4. Pirate (해적)
5. V Ever After (V 에버 애프터)
6. Frida (프리다)
7. Red Cliff (적벽)
8. Bernarda Alba (베르나르다 알바)
More details, including links to the sources, under the cut!
1. LIZZIE (리지)
Photo source: NewsCulture
A. “If You Knew” (네가 안다면)
Actor: J-Min/제이민 (Alice) Video source:  Oh! J-Min 오! 제이민
B. “Will You Stay?” (있어줄래?)
Actors: J-Min/제이민 (Alice – main vocal), Yuria/유리아 (Lizzie) Video sources:  서울문화투데이TV, OSEN TV, 톱데일리 Top Daily, 더인터 (clip 1, clip 2), PlayDB, TongTongCulture
C. “Sweet Little Sister” (소중한 내 동생)
Actors: Kim Ryeowon/김려원 (Emma – main vocal), Jeon Sung-min/전성민 (Lizzie), Lee Youngmi/이영미 (Bridget), Kim Suyeon/김수연 (Alice) Video sources:  PlayDB, TongTongCulture
2. MIDNIGHT (미드나잇)
Photo source: 666PICTURE
A. “The Future Comes A-Knocking” (그날이 찾아왔어)
Actor: Yuria/유리아 (Visitor) Video source: 정숲
B. “Everyone’s A Devil, Now and Then” (누구나 악마죠 때로는)
Actors: Jang Bo-ram/장보람 (Visitor), Ju Da-on/주다온 (Woman), Jang Yoo-sang/장유상 (Man), Park Seon-young/박선영 (Player 1), Jina Esther Baek/백지나에스더 (Player 2), Kang Daewoon/강대운 (Player 3), Hwang Ji-sung/황지성 (Player 4) Video sources: 빚, 라디우스, 탄수화물 섭취량과 행복도의 상관관계
3. REBECCA (레베카)
Photo source: EMK Musical’s official Facebook page
“Rebecca” (레베카)
Actors: Ock Joo Hyun/옥주현 (Mrs. Danvers - main vocal), Lee Ji Hye/이지혜(Protagonist) Video source: EMK MUSICAL
4. PIRATE (해적)
Photo source: comet7423_PIC
A. “I Won't Let You Go” (가만 안 둬)
Actors: Kim Ee-hoo/김이후 (Anne Bonny), Kim Ryeowon/김려원 (Mary Read) Video source: KONTENTZ PLANNING
B. “All of us and the dreams we don’t remember” (우리 모두의, 기억나지 않는 꿈)
Actors: Kim Ee-hoo/김이후 (Anne Bonny), Kim Ryeowon/김려원 (Mary Read) Video source: MN CAM
5. V EVER AFTER (V 에버 애프터)
Photo source: Amor_pic
“Hunt” (사냥)
Actors: Kim Ee-hoo/김이후 (Lehwig – main vocal), Hwang Hannah/황한나 (Frantzschez) Video source: 컷콜 찍는 먼지
6. FRIDA (프리다)
Photo source: NewsCulture
“Hummingbird” (허밍버드)
Actors: Jeon Su-mi/전수미  (Diego/Reflejar), Kim So-hyang/김소향 (Frida) Video source: PlayDB
7. RED CLIFF (적벽)
Photo source: L0VE_pearl
“Southeastern Wind” (동남풍)
Actors: Lim Ji-soo (Kong Ming, aka. Zhuge Liang), Lee Geum-mi/이금미 (Zhou Yu), Kim Su-in 김수인 (Lu Su), Choi Ha-neul/최하늘 (Xu Sheng), Lee Yongjeong/이용전 (Zhao Yun, aka. Zhao Zilong), others Video source: KBS 11’s 국악 한마당, episode 1256 (aired 27 Apr 2019)
8. BERNARDA ALBA (베르나르다 알바)
Photo source: Screencap from livestream
“Prologue” (프롤로그)
Actors: Jung Young-joo/정영주 (Bernarda Alba), Lee Youngmi/이영미 (Foncia – main vocal), Hwang Seok-jeong/황석정 (Maria Josefa), Jung In-ji/정인지 (Angustias), Kim Hwan-Hee/김국희 (Amelia), Oh So-yeon/오소연 (Adela), Baek Eun-hye/백은혜 (Magdalena), Jeong Sung-min/전성민 (Martirio), Kim Hieora/김히어라 (Young Handmaid), Kim Koo-hee/김환희 (Handmaid, Prudence) Video source: THE MUSICAL
Amadeus (아마데우스)
El crítico (비평가)
Unchain (언체인)
Jane (제인)
Orphans (오펀스)
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stormdragon23 · 5 months
Solo Leveling friendships I want to see more of
Sung Jin-Woo and Baek Yoon-Ho (made a post about this already)
Choi Jong-In and Woo Jin-Chul (I imagine them being close friends)
Cha Hae-In and Baek Yoon-Ho (they talked quite a bit before the Jeju raid. It would be nice to see more of them)
Baek Yoon-Ho and Lim Tae-Gyu (they're on good terms now, right? I hope they are. They haven't been shown to talk to each other even once in the manhwa. That time when Yoonho was yelling at Taegyu about Lee Minsung doesn't count)
Cha Hae-In and Choi Jong-In (I'm starting to get the impression they're both too socially awkward to talk to each other in a non-professional way. I want to see them try to have a casual conversation though. It's probably funny)
Baek Yoon-Ho, Min Byung-Gyu, and Eun-Seok (please?)
The Draw Swords (I see them as a found family thing, so it would be nice to see more of them)
Park Hee-Jin, Gina, and Lee Bora (it's canon now, so them interacting should happen more, right?)
Sung Jin-Woo, Lee Ju-Hee, and Song Chi-Yul (they had such a nice relationship with each other. I wish they weren't forgotten about so much)
The National Rank Hunters (they obviously know each other, so they should still be in contact considering they took a dragon down together, right? Maybe it's because of that one fic I read about them)
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