#Lincoln Peirce
bookfirstlinetourney · 10 months
Round 1
That fool of a fairy Lucinda did not intend to lay a curse on me. She meant to bestow a gift.
-Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine
My name is Apollo. I used to be a god.
-The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan
I'm getting really sick of Amanda Kornblatt's obsession with horses.
-Big Nate Lives It Up, Lincoln Peirce
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btw @tieetiee I had a GREAT idea for something peirce sohuld do,
pierce write that down
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Marvel Super Stories
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This is a book for the general public / middle graders published by a book publisher, not Marvel Comics. I'm THRILLED to see Namor on the cover and with a story! Besides the movies and games, this is how Namor gets introduced to the next generation who, TBH, just don't read floppy comics. It takes it's title from Spidey Super Stories, which may hint at the vibe and audience they are going for. The famous and fabulous, Namor and Doom tooting horn, comes from Spidey Super Stories.
"Marvel Comics is an institution that has inspired so many imaginations across the world, including my own. With Marvel Super Stories we get to continue that legacy, presenting the best and brightest creators coupled with the most marvelous heroes.” Creators with stories in the book include: Black Panther: Jerry Craft (New Kid) Wiccan: Mike Curato (Flamer) Miles Morales Spider-Man: C. G. Esperanza (Soul Food Sunday) Iron Man: John Gallagher (Max Meow) Shang-Chi: Gale Galligan (The Baby-Sitters Club) The Hulk: Chris Giarrusso (G-Man) Spider-Man: Nathan Hale (Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales) Captain America: Michael Lee Harris (Choco Leche) Hawkeye: Ben Hatke (Zita the Spacegirl) Ms. Marvel: Priya Huq (Piece by Piece: The Story of Nisrin’s Hijab) Daredevil: John Jennings (Kindred: The Graphic Novel Adaptation) Thor and Loki: George O’Connor (The Olympians) Namor: Lincoln Peirce (Big Nate) Squirrel Girl: Maria Scrivan (Nat Enough) Ghost Spider: Jessi Zabarsky (Witchlight) Together, this incredible roster of cartoonists delivers a new kind of Marvel story for readers young and old alike, and introduces a new audience to the Marvel Super Hero magic that can transport you to the world outside your window." Marvel Super Stories will be released on October 17, 2023
For those that don't follow middle grade comic books, Lincoln Peirce is a big name in the category. His books are very popular at my library.
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Marvel Comics and Abrams Books Announce “Marvel Super Stories”
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Abrams Books is releasing a collection of stories for middle-grade readers. Marvel Super Stories is an anthology consisting of new six-page stories from some big names in comics. John Jennings is the editor of the book.
Characters and stories in Marvel Super Stories include:
Black Panther from Jerry Craft
Wiccan rom Mike Curato
Miles Morales Spider-Man from C. G. Esperanza
Iron Man from John Gallagher 
Shang-Chi from Gale Galligan 
The Hulk from Chris Giarrusso
Spider-Man from Nathan Hale 
Captain America from Michael Lee Harris 
Hawkeye from Ben Hatke 
Ms. Marvel from Priya Huq 
Daredevil from John Jennings 
Thor and Loki from George O’Connor
Namor from Lincoln Peirce 
Squirrel Girl from Maria Scrivan 
Ghost Spider from Jessi Zabarsky 
Marvel Super Stories goes on sale on October 17, 2023.
(Image via Marvel Comics - Cover of Marvel Super Stories)
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uncrownedjules · 8 months
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On this day in 2011 Lincoln Peirce did the impossible by landing the world's first actually good 9/11 joke
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bubblyernie · 7 months
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I don't know why I had the sudden urge to wrangle this out of my subconscious memory. The real ones know Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce — also this dude, this condensed mass of raging undiagnosed ADHD in the form of an 11 year old cartoonist was my childhood hero, nobody is allowed to clown on me. Anyway, college years Nate Wright (and friends)
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tieetiee · 2 months
bro when did Lincoln Peirce get based
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leathermouthproxies · 2 months
Helloo, your fic is bonkers bananarammadingdong bootiful
I started drawing the OC I came up with to read as, rather than a self insert, and am v e r y tempted to draw the boys, thoughts??? Started making a fake spotify wrapped for her and was wondering what your headcanons for their favorite bands or songs were if you're down for some questionable fanart lol
Also here's my child, she's on a bullet train to hell but so am I
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WOW ok first of all, LOVE your art style, its such a perfect mix of realism while still having a distinct style omg. Second of all PLS DRAW THE BOYS! I simply can not get enough of art of those GUYS.
Also as for music headcanons I haven't really thought about it very much, but I can tell you what I have thought about and honestly I have no explanations. I am going completely off of vibes.
Tim we know is into like new wave post-punk. Joy Division, Devo, ect. Idk I don't listen to him when he talks. Going more into head canon realm I would also include like new wave gothic. The cure, siouxsie and the banshees, like 70-90's type alt. Huge music snob.
I feel Masky would have a different taste, same kind of era but heavier and more industrial. Rammstein, Nine inch Nails, maybe even DC punk type shit, minor threat, black flag, dead Kennedys, decendents. Suicidal tendencies idk
Brian and hoodie honestly I don't see as big music people, brian I can see being very into like synth pop, or like... I don't know how to describe what I'm thinking. I think tiktok was calling it dream core or like goblin core or something. That's what I imagine brian listening to LMFAO. Like jack stauber, vundabar, I dont know how but the found me, maybe a sprinkle of mother mother. Tbh I literally can't imagine hoodie listening to music LOL. That guy is weird idk I think he has autism! Anyways
As for toby. Honestly. I feel like he just listens to the same exact things as me. It just feels RIGHT. Lil bit of industrial (that's the only thing he and masky can agree on), a whole bunch of Midwest emo, like the real sad kind, mccaferty, Lincoln, mom jeans, sorority noise, the front bottoms (ok not that sad but whatever), pup, la dispute (ok not Midwest but WHATEVER) actually I don't know if any of those are actually ""Midwest emo"" but like you know, bands with that Midwest emo ~vibe~. But when hes not all up in his own head he'd be into the classics. My chem, peirce the veil, sleeping with sirens, you know what I mean by classics. He'd also get into the heavier stuff from time to time, motionless in white, Lorna shore probs. Like he listens to as much music as tim he's just not a damn SNOB ABOUT IT! So he's a little more diverse.
I wrote a lot more than I thought I would.
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chrisgiarrusso · 7 months
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MARVEL SUPER STORIES is now on sale! Proud to have my Hulk tale among stories by Jerry Craft, Mike Curato, C. G. Esperanza, John Gallagher, Gale Galligan, Nathan Hale, Michael Lee Harris, Ben Hatke, Priya Huq, John Jennings, George O’Connor, Lincoln Peirce, Maria Scrivan, & Jessi Zabarsky!
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imm4tur3kid · 1 year
Wassup here are some (mostly english) trans masc/boy names! I'll do trans fem/girl next:)
Vance, Vince, William, Richard, Edward, Steve, Billy, Bruce, John, Brady, Alex, Alexander, Jack, Daniel, Micheal, AJ, Connor, Evan, Raymond, Henry, Jasper, Drew, Alan, Harry, Ronald, Oliver, Spencer, Sydney (can be feminine or masculine), Liam, Noah, Elijah, Juan, James, Ben, Benjamin, Lucas, Theodore, Levi, Booker, TJ, Jackson, Matteo, Finn, Bill, Joe, Joseph, Jonathan, Luke, Cason, Kaden, Cade, Mason, Sebastian, Ethan, Logan, Owen, Ryan, Travis, Leo, Jeffrey, Bose, Miles, Samuel, Sam (Gender neutral), Jacob, Keys (Gender nuetral), Asher, Ash (Gender nuetral), Aiden, Wyatt, Albert, Dylan, Dean, Sean, David, Julian, Hudson, Grayson, Matt, Matthew, Max, Elvis, Jim, Jimmy, Gabriel, Ali, Alvin, Simon, Drex, Carter, Isaac, George, Jayden, Albert, Lucas, Anthony, Lincoln, Tom, Thomas, Charles, Caleb, Chris, Christopher, Mario, Stephen, Luis, Nathan,Adrian, Cameron, Aaron, Ein, Peirce, Zade, Cooper, Robin (Gender nuetral), Robbie, Kai, Landon, Axel, Avery (Gender neutral), Robert, James, Everett, Joey, Ross, Chandler, Channing,Marcel, Wesley, Jose, Nicholas, Parker, Austin, Carson, Xavier, Jace, Emmet, Cooper, Adam, Rowan, Roman, Dan, Arthur, Kai, and, Ralph!^^
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Big Nate strips in 2023 were so all over the place like half of it was this!
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cute and wholesome lab duo! right? but then the other stinky half was THIS
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why, Peirce? why?
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seanmcart · 2 years
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I'm leaving the Big Nate crew to join the Max and the Midknights crew as a CG Generalist! Working on Nate for over 2 years now has been an incredible experience and I love the entire team! And I'm thrilled to continue my career at Nickelodeon with Lincoln Peirce's wonderful stories. Did this little animation for fun to celebrate!
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coconuttyglittersmurf · 6 months
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theunfairfolk · 2 years
I just finished reading your post about the fae language. That is so interesting to me. Like, the idea that the fae speak in a way that specifically and unquestionably references definite concepts. The thing is that there is no way of describing something in human languages that can ever really define something entirely. There is always some ambiguity in the words we use, and even our base perception of reality itself.
It's like we are somehow cut off from seeing the world around us "definitionally" (i guess) the way fae somehow do. Our experience of life itself is fundamentally different because we are only able to interact with it using these models and concepts and definitions we form in our minds that function more like blunt tools. They are flimsy and faulty and only are able to miraculously work at all because they have to for us to function as living beings at all. But fae are easily able to peirce throigh that veil of reality we are always held back by, because they don't really have that barrier to begin with, unlike us.
We are sort of alien to fae in the way we can survive and function at all when we are so cut off from reality like that.
Have I understood it right?
I might very gone in a ramble somewhere in there that sounded like I was trying to mansplain your own concept back to you, but I'm just excited by these concepts, and trying to put them into my own words, so I'm sorr-.... wait, I mean,
I would regret it if it does seem like that, haha
ah but DOES it reference Absolute Concepts or is that just Lincoln’s understanding of it? :3 your interpretation is fascinating and please ramble away, i have adhd i love to rotate the concept and wordvomit about it! and see others doing the same!
the actual driving force behind the concept i presented is idealism; the philosophy that everything is consciousness (put verrry simplistically lmao). the fae exist as one facet of that consciousness, still tethered together in a sort of magical hive-mind lite. the “language” they use conveys things errr somewhat telepathically, i suppose. they are— to borrow another anon’s phrasing, sharing “photographs” of THEIR (collective) perception of reality. no mundane creatures can do this, so many are limited in communication. humans, instead of sticking to grunts and growls, INVENTED A WHOLE FORM OF COMMUNICATION WITH WILDLY VARYING RULES AND RESULTS. this BOGGLES THE FAE’S MINDS.
it’s like finding out dolphins and stuff actually evolved to be land animals before 360 degree nope-ing and evolving back into the sea but keeping their lungs for funsies. humans are envied for their ability to create, and language is one of their greatest creations.
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Who would you put in an American statue garden? Assume no limit for how many
all the best presidents (i won't name them all but just to list a few: washington, adams, j. q. adams, jefferson, madison, monroe, fdr, teddy roosevelt, lincoln, etc), franklin, alexander hamilton, friedrich list, henry clay, henry carey, samuel adams, ethan allen, thomas young, john jay, james wilson, gouverneur morris, christopher columbus (tbh i'm tempted to include figures like leif erikson and prince madoc because even though they were never americans, like columbus, there is a mythopoetic/cultural value), lafayette, john winthrop, cotton mather, nathanael greene, friedrich wilhem von steuben, nathan hale, johnny appleseed, emperor norton, robert e. lee, william tecumseh sherman, daniel boone, lewis and clark, sacagawea, davy crockett, emerson, thoreau, walt whitman, longfellow, hilda doolittle, emily dickinson, nikola tesla, einstein, eli whitney, abigail adams, edgar allen poe, john brown, herman melville, butch cassidy, wyatt earp, doc holliday, wild bill hickok, sundance kid, john henry, andrew carnegie, nathaniel hawthorne, washington irving, horace mann, john dewey, wernher von braun, j. robert oppenheimer, john marshall, wiliam penn, junipero sera, john d. rockefeller, clara barton, fanny wright, thomas edison, alexandar graham bell, ezra pound, kerouac, william faulkner, steinbeck, hemingway, dolley madison, john muir, annie oakley, lovecraft, eleanor roosevelt, john browning, samuel colt, elvis presley, claude shannon, henry miller, kanye west, stanley kubrick, john von neumann, thorstein veblen, edward bellamy, henry ford, cornelius vanderbilt, betsy ross, black hawk, sitting bull, tecumseh, hart crane, h. l. mencken, tennessee williams, charles sanders peirce, william james, quine, hilary putnam, richard rorty, charles hartshorne, walt disney, mark twain, etc.
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toby-armybts-7 · 1 year
"Alien" by The Funeral Portrait
Recommended for people who listen to bands/ artists like
My Chemical Romance, Shinedown, Yungblud, Paramore, Peirce the veil, Lincoln park, Motionless in white, GHOST, HIM, The used, Palaye Royale
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