#Lincoln bloggers uk
bryonyashaw · 1 year
𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙩 𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙜 𝙂𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝘾𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙙! 🌟
The family and I were lucky enough to be invited to the PR Christmas Launch at @brigggardencentre - loads of people were lined up to join in and see all the festive decor!
I know it's a shock to the system having the 'C' word mentioned in September but it's a big event for Brigg (and also people love it)
The staff had put on a fantastic event with free flowing Prosecco and @belvoirfarm_uk drinks plus mince pies and Christmas cake, Mr and Mrs Claus were there too of course to open up the incredible Christmas section (Oscar was very excited to tell them what he wants for Christmas) there was a Gingerbread Bakery offering yummy treats and shelves filled with every festive style imaginable!
There was also a Wreathe making display but my kids were feral so we missed that part as they needed 15 minutes chill time.
The first photo I've used is the photo taken by the Hull Daily Mail and also featured on the online Grimsby Telegraph (and yes that's Oscar pulling the sigma face)
We were also given an awesome festive goody bag for going - featuring items like  @baylisandhardingplc @yankeecandle @carebears and Enchante.
📌 𝘉𝘪𝘨𝘣𝘺 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘙𝘥, 𝘉𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨 𝘋𝘕20 9𝘏𝘌
Brigg Garden Centre is well known for its large Christmas displays, covering over 3500 square feet - the displays showcase twelve themes and is home to the most extensive range of decorations, trees and lights.
There are also over 60 Garden Centres throughout the UK! They have a variety of departments in store from plants to furniture but you can browse online to see what they have available too.
Plus they have a 'Family Card' where you can receive regular discount vouchers and save instantly with Family Card prices.
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Why do the US and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving Day on different dates?
Rachael Martin, 12 Oct 2020
Wherever it is being celebrated this year, Thanksgiving is certainly going to look a little different in 2020.
Although Thanksgiving is a tradition most commonly associated with the USA, the national holiday is actually also celebrated in Canada, some of the Caribbean islands, and Liberia.
For people in Canada, Thanksgiving is actually today, October 12.
However, in the US, Thanksgiving falls on Thursday, November 26 this year.
If the celebrations have the same name, why the different dates?
While American Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year, in Canada, they celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October.
This is because the Canadian Thanksgiving is closely linked to the harvest festival we are more familiar with in the UK.
So it makes sense for them to celebrate Thanksgiving in autumn – or in ‘the Fall’.
The first national Thanksgiving in Canada was celebrated in the Province of Canada in 1859, although the Indigenous peoples of Canada had been celebrating the fall harvest long before that.
Whereas in the US, the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November dates back to 1863 when President Lincoln declared that all Americans should:
‘set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise.’
In the US, the tradition of Thanksgiving is linked specifically to the Pilgrims and settling in America rather than a successful harvest in general.
Plus, although today is Thanksgiving in Canada, there won’t be a public holiday in the country as there will be in the US next month.
So even though Canada may have been celebrating Thanksgiving before their American neighbours, the United States go much larger in terms of their celebrations on the day.
Source: Metro UK
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Hi Skippy. Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and your fellow Canadian bloggers/anons. 🎃
Thank you so much!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also…because we are not ONE country…we are TWO separate countries…
We also do have a public holiday for Thanksgiving….
Thanksgiving in Canada is celebrated on the second Monday of October each year and it's an official statutory holiday
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clairebeauchampfan · 4 years
Why would you care about statues of slaveholders...?
A blogger writes: “Anyone who complains that protestors are destroying “history” when toppling statues knows nothing about actual history.
The Egyptians tried to erase Akhnaten. The Chinese smashed Emperor Qin’s terracotta warriors and stole their weapons. Heaven knows how many religious statues or temples have been destroyed.
Buildings burn. Buildings get bombed. Tapestries erode. Paintings fade. Why don’t these people praise art restoration? Why aren’t they donating to their local museums and historical societies? Why aren’t they talking about the 53 World Heritage sites UNESCO considers to be in danger?
History isn’t just about building things. It’s also about their destruction. Would you say that the statues of Stalin and Hitler should have been preserved? Or the statues of Saddam Hussein? How about the Berlin Wall? No? So why would you care about statues of slaveholders or Christopher Columbus?
Stop using your “academic” concerns to hide your racism.”
Why indeed? Well, for a majority of living Americans and  Britons, most of the  statues of famous men (and women) are and were  put up to commorate people who made an important, even vital  contribution to national or international life, either as military heroes, or key contributors to the founding or maintenance of these countries, or the defence of these countries against enemies who threatened to destroy them. Names such as Ulysses.S. Grant, defeater of the Confederate armies. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, founders of the American Republic. Andrew Jackson, whose victory at New Orleans made him a national hero. Theodore Roosevelt, who founded America’s system of National Parks. Winston Spencer Churchill, who probably more than any many saved Europe, maybe the whole world, from domination by Fascism and Militarism. Mahatma Gandhi, whose peaceful protests led India to freedom. Admiral Lord Nelson, who saved Britain from invasion. William Gladstone, tireless promoter of Liberalism and the cause of Irish self-determination. Captain Cook, discoverer for the Western World of Australia, New Zealand and the isles of the South Seas. Sir Walter Raleigh, founder of Jamestown, the first English settlement  in North America. And, yes, Christopher f**king Columbus.
None of these great names from history (you know your actual history, don’t you?) was 100% pure from the stain of racism, in some form or other, a stain which now extends, I understand, to those whose fathers were involved in slavery. Barring Abraham Lincoln (wasn’t he President at the time of the Sand Creek massacre, and therefore responsible?) , every single US President owned slaves, (even U.S.Grant, to whom every Afro-American owes a debt of gratitude, you might think). Which for @deerhoofandrabbitsfoot and others like him, or her, means that their memory should be expunged, regardless of their achievements or the good they did in other spheres of life. Their statues - regardless of the wish of the majority of inhabitants of the cities they adorn - should be torn down. No vote, no reasoned debate, no balancing of the good or evil of a man’s life,  just the say so of a small but vocal mob convinced of their own moral rectitude, puffed up with a sense of the own righteousness  and convinced of their right to act independently and without reference to the wishes of the majority of the people and the rule of law. Democracy? F*ck that. ‘I’m right, you’re wrong, nah nah nan nah nah.’ 
But why stop at statues? Hell, let’s let these people do the job thoroughly. A leftist politician in Australia has just demanded that, on her say so, the States of Victoria and Queensland should have their names changed. So.... let’s change the names of the US capital city and the State of Washington. Change the names of cities like Jacksonville, Custer, Reno, Carson City. Flags? The Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes have a blood-stained history- especially as regards Native Americans: bin them both. Land?  stolen. No US citizen should own his house or farm, they should be leased and a rental paid to the nearest Native American tribe. Currency? Too many Presidents, all steeped in blood. Buildings? Every pre-1865 house in the south should be razed to the ground, every ranch in the West destroyed. Mountains? Blow up Mt. Rushmore. Rename Pike’s Peak. 
Yes, the time may well have come, it may well be a time well overdue,  for the removal of Confederate statues....but even the Germans of WWII have their war memorials, even in the countries they occupied. There might be a time and a place for a statue of Irwin Rommel, if not Adolf Hitler. A place for a statue of General Zhukov, if not of Josef Stalin. Even (OMG!) a statue of Robert E.Lee, if not of Jefferson Davis. Let the People, not the mob, decide. Have a vote. 
 If the cause is just, the majority of The People will vote to bring them down;  maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. Government of the people, for the people, by the people, as the Great Emancipist once said. He didn’t say of the righteous people, by the righteous  people, for the righteous people -even if morally they may be, and perhaps are, 100% right. Though I have to disagree on Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi and most of the 78+ names on the BLM UK statue  hit list. Even if they weren’t 100% pure when it comes to racism, the racist bastards. 
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ilovecandy97 · 5 years
Does Internet/Social Media Governance work?
Let me begin this weeks blog by explaining what social media governance is. The concept of social media extends to broader limits where it includes the notion of politics and social media where it refers to the usage of social media in an appropriate and congruous manner. 
So what is online trolling?
Trolling or being trolled is a common occurence on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, which we all as social media users in this generation have come across or has faced. Online trolling refers to the intentional act of creating or writing hateful, controversial and insulting comments targeted at another person with the intention of creating an argument or provoking a certain reaction from the person being targeted. Nowadays, there are various forms of trolling that occurs on different social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, which we all have come across or faced as prominent social media users, (Moreau 2019). One of the most common platforms where online trolling is visible is Youtube. It is a platform that has emerged and become more and more eminent especially for bloggers or influences or in other terms YouTubers. YouTube is known for reflecting scandalous comments on any popular video that is trending where people or users spread hate comments. 
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Facebook on the other hand also displays various forms of trolling especially n cases of the occurring of international or national events, making such situations more intensive. This has caused arguments to rise back and forth and endless comments to continue in threads, (Hanson 2018). There was a case of where an internet troll posting comments mocking the death of teenagers including a girl who has been hit by a train. Sean Duffy posted a youtube video following the death of a girl Natasha named ‘Tasha the Tank Engine’. He was sentenced to an anti social prohibit for a period of five years preventing him from gaining access to any social media platforms, (Morris 2011). 
It is true that internet trolling has caused major negative effects to the society we live in today. But also there are better forms of internet trolling such as reviews on certain tourist attractions, restaurants, which helps people to be more knowledgeable and aware of things and new places and get first hand information about a place before visiting there for example. 
One of the most common topics that people perform trolling is on the grounds of religion, politics, sexuality issues. Issues such as gender fluidity, bullying, depression and Islamaphobia are the most common ones which have sparked public outcry on social media platforms. Especially with the occurence of the Easter Sunday Bombing attacks in Sri Lanka, there was a widespread hate that was being promoted by anti Muslims on social media on Facebook especially which caused many Sri Lankan Muslim users to deactivate their profiles in order to avoid being targets of online abuse.
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Moreau, E, 2019, “Internet Trolling: How do you spot a Real Troll?”, Lifewire, viewed 25th October 2019, <https://www.lifewire.com/what-is-internet-trolling-3485891>
Hanson, J, 2018, “Trolls and their impact on Social Media”, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, viewed 25th October 2019, <https://unlcms.unl.edu/engineering/james-hanson/trolls-and-their-impact-social-media>
Morris, S, 2011, “Internet trolls jailed after mocking deaths of teenagers”, The Guardian, viewed 25th October 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/sep/13/internet-troll-jailed-mocking-teenagers
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biomedres · 4 years
List of open access medical journal- BJSTR Journal
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Hybrid Quantum Computing Apocalypse by Robert Skopec* in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research https://biomedres.us/fulltexts/BJSTR.MS.ID.001769.php
Chinese scientists won a major victory, by proving that the Majorana fermion-a particle we've found tantaliying hints for years-genuinely exists. This discovery has huge implications for quantum computing, and it might change the world. Don Lincoln, a senior physicist at Fermilab, does research using the Large Hadron Collider. He is the author of "The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That Will Blow Your Mind” and produces a series of science education videos. To the question: Why is there (in our Universe) something including cancer, rather than nothing? He is giving the simplest scientific answer: We shouldn't exist at all. Each universe in a multiverse contains different levels of dark energy, according to the dominant theory. A hypothetical multiverse seems less likely after modeling by researchers in Australia and the UK threw one of its key assumptions into doubt. The multiverse concept suggests that our universe is but one of many. It finds support among some of the world's most accomplished physicists, including Brian Greene, Max Tegmark, Neil deGrasse Tyson and the late Stephen Hawking. 
For more Articles on List of open access medical journal Please Click Here
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mathematicianadda · 5 years
Physics Seminar: Prof Nigel Allinson MBE and Mr Chris Waltham
Centre for Computational Physics
Date: Wednesday 22nd of January 2020, 15:00. Location: INB3305 (Isaac Newton Building, #14).
‘The Physics and Technology of Proton CT’
by Prof Nigel Allinson MBE and Mr Chris Waltham, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK.
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Proton Beam Therapy is rapidly growing as a radiotherapy modality with 100 centres in operation and similar number under construction or planned. A significant issue that limits the optimum use of this therapy in the treatment of cancers are the uncertainties associated with using x-ray tomography to plan treatments using much higher energy protons. The need is the employ the same radiation type to image and to treat. Imaging using charged particles is non-trivial. Proton imaging requires that we consider each individual proton and not like photon imaging where we are only concerned with global properties.
The presentation will introduce the principles of proton imaging systems, the associated detector technology, the necessary…
View original post 17 more words
from Maths & Physics News from Blogger https://ift.tt/2TH5pzu
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lollipoplollipopoh · 5 years
'I'm disabled and I've paid for sex' - BBC News by BBC News A charity says paying for sex is a choice for disabled people, but shouldn't be the only option. Enhance the UK has told the BBC more needs to be done to normalise sex among those living with a disability. Blogger Alex Squire has paid for sex in the past. The 29-year-old from Lincoln, who is disabled, says a long-term relationship is his preference, but that he "doesn't have the same opportunities as able bodied people". Meanwhile, Marianne, a sex worker from Portsmouth, who specialises in disabled clients, says it's about "normal and natural" physical contact. A film by Ben Moore and Emily Ford. Please subscribe HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog
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bryonyashaw · 2 years
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reb-ray · 7 years
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Some of the old buildings from Lincoln, UK
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thatsbroadway · 8 years
Thanks Pun. ydwtl #Miami #LosAngeles #Toronto #DJ #DJLife #Music #Entertainment #Art #Fashion #Blog #pr #marketing #vegas #lasvegas #europe #uk #girls #Blogger #Tumblr #HipHop #Hipster #life #love #Models #toronto #love #factsoflife (at Fit Lincoln Park)
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marjaystuff · 4 years
Elise Cooper Interviews the authors of Hush
Hush is a compilation of stories by best-selling crime authors. The premise for each story delves into what is truth and how can someone be trusted. The authors are Ruth Ware, Lisa Unger, Laura Lippman, Alison Gaylin, Jeffery Deaver, and Oyinkan Braithwaite.
These stories feature conspirators, psychics, deceptive lovers, and desperate killers. The collection of six stories ranges from political mysteries to psychological thrillers, in which deception can be a matter of life and death.
Below is a Q A with all six authors:
Elise Cooper: Do you enjoy writing short stories?
Oyinkan Braithwaite: I was excited to be a participant. The premise covered what I am interested in writing.  The theme of my story included some things I wanted to play around with.  For me, short stories are easier to write.  They allow me to be a bit more creative, and I do not have to worry about keeping up the momentum.
Jeffery Deaver: When I write a novel or a short story the emotional payoff needs to be just as high.  With a short story there is no time to develop the character.  They must jump off the page.  Every twist must be earned.  Throughout the chapters there must be “buried” clues.  In a sense a misdirection.
Laura Lippman: Most of the time the reason I write a short story is because someone will ask me.  For me, short stories are hard to write.  In the time it takes me to write a short story I can write a good chunk of a novel.  It takes me at least a month to write a short story, off and on, which is about the time it takes me to write about 1/6 of a novel.
Lisa Unger: I do enjoy writing short stories; although I express myself best with novels.  I like writing the long relationships of the characters.  Everything starts with the character’s voice and I then find my way to the story.  In this story it started with Will’s voice.
 Elise Cooper:  How did you get the idea for this story?
Ruth Ware: I thought about the nature of truth and lies.  How do we deceive ourselves and allow ourselves to be deceived?  Now people are obsessed with fake news. What would happen if the most significant people in your life lied to you?  For me a significant influence was Educated by Tara Westover.
Lisa Unger: The original name for the compilation was The End of Truth.  For me, this was basically catnip, since that is the theme that runs through all my books. What is real and what is not?  How is perception altered by addiction, sleep deprivation, or insanity.? This is what I live for. In this story, my character, Will, has a problem with anger and jealousy and has been stunted by his childhood trauma.  He has made the relationship toxic because of his problems.
Laura Lippman: I am interested in tech and spying.  What happens to people who eavesdrop?  Are they curious about what is being said behind their backs? In a bad marriage, who is to blame? People grow in different directions and sometimes grow apart.  There is power in balance and their dynamics.  In this story, the wife feels she has been left behind. 
Alison Gaylin: I wanted to write about psychic situations, a missing child, and a Hollywood couple.  I hoped I showed how a missing child is a great equalizer.  It doesn’t matter what wealth or social status someone has if the person cared about it gone.
Jeffery Deaver: In this story it was about deception.  The character manipulated the media.  I thought about a Gravedigger because it makes for a good headline.  Ever since I graduated from the University of Missouri with a journalism degree I have been fascinated about truth in journalism.  Can fake news ever be weaponized? 
Oyinkan Braithwaite: I like to explore the role of social media.  I am fascinated by it.  What are the influences that create a whole false life to get money or popularity? 
 Elise Cooper:  There were interesting tidbits in some of the stories?
Jeffery Deaver: I have been putting grammar teachings in all my books since the beginning. My main character in my novels, Lincoln Rhymes, is a grammar totalitarian. If someone messes up in front of him, he will correct them, no matter who it is.  In a book, dialogue might have grammatical errors, but the descriptive writings by the author should not or they will be called out.  This story dealt with the apostrophe plurals and the articles, “the and a.”
Alison Gaylin: I put in this quote, “Her daughter never calls; she texts.” The context is that the mother will not answer her phone.  She does not care who is calling because she knows it is not her daughter.  Her daughter never calls, but texts just like the millennials today.  
Laura Lippman: I love Greek mythology.  This story had a love triangle and how natural it is to be angry at the third person.  But is it misplaced anger?  The Greek Gods, Zeus and Hera, and their relationship have always bothered me.  He is never punished for his infidelities. Why does Hera punish the other woman?  It is because she cannot punish Zeus. Immortality of the Gods is an interesting mirror to the idea of ‘until death do us part,’ because he can never die. They cannot be parted and end their marriage.
Lisa Unger: I wanted to explore the world of social media.  I did it through this quote, “This is my point. The world. The real world is fraught with imperfections. It’s messy and complicated, often uncomfortable, awkward, painful, dull. It’s not curated and filtered for consumption. “But that’s social media.” “It’s not … true.”
Ruth Ware: I deliberately left the setting understated.  English readers will probably think it takes place in America because of the reference to guns.  I suspect American readers will think it takes place close to the UK, because of my British voice.  From a plausibility point of view, it could maybe happen in Canada.  It would be easier for someone to hide because of the territory, coast line, and fewer population. I hope readers felt slightly foreign no matter where they live.
 Elise Cooper:  Can you give a shout out about your next book?
Oyinkan Braithwaite: It is a novella titled The Baby Is Mine.  I set in during the lockdown period.  The plot has a man finding himself in a situation where he has to discover who is the mother of a particular baby.
Jeffery Deaver: There will be a short story that leads into the novel plot where Lincoln Rhyme has to figure out who is trying to kill him.  It comes out a month before the novel.
Alison Gaylin: Out late spring is The Collective.  It is about people whose children are missing, but has nothing to do with this short story.  The plot has a woman who never got over the death of her young child.  She discovers on the dark web, a group of mothers who were in a similar situation. They are killing those responsible for their children’s death.
Laura Lippman: It is titled Dream Girl about a mystery in a high rise.  I started writing it over a year before the virus.  The main character questions their sanity.  They are thinking, either I am losing my mind or someone wants me to think I am losing my mind.
Lisa Unger: It is titled Confessions on the 7:45 and comes out October 6th. It is based loosely on Strangers on A Train. There is this chance encounter where two women sitting next to each other on a commuter train start conversing after the train has stalled.  This young woman confesses her dark secrets. They end up seeing each other again.
Ruth Ware:  Out in September will be One By One. It is set in the French Alps.  During a corporate retreat one of the founders goes missing.  Soon after there is an avalanche, which traps the group from getting out.  People are getting killed one bye, hence the title.
Snowflakes by Ruth Ware delves into family trust. Her character, Leah, has spent her formative years isolated on a remote island with her family. But their quiet existence, far from the devastated mainland, is cracking. Her father, sensing a coming threat, demands that a wall be built. As the stone blockade rises, the father’s paranoia escalates and so does Leah’s dread that the violence the family left behind has found its way to their sanctuary.
 Let Her Be by Lisa Unger begins with an aspiring novelist regretting his stalker instincts. He can’t stop parsing his ex-girlfriend’s popular social media accounts for clues that her ideal new rural life with the perfect man has a dark side. After all, nobody he knows has actually seen the blissful blogger in the flesh for nearly a year. When Will draws a wary friend into his “investigation,” the real question becomes who’s truly in danger.
 Slow Burner by Laura Lippman has a woman watching her marriage implode over text messages and decides that ignorance is not bliss. Her character, Liz Kelsey promised herself she’d never again spy on her feckless husband, Phil. But then she discovers a string of suggestive texts on his secret burner phone. Even worse, he’s flirting with the woman who shook their unstable marriage once before. But knowledge is power. What’s more dangerous; what Liz knows or what Phil doesn’t know?
 The Gift by Alison Gaylin has a story that is every mother’s nightmare, the disappearance of a child. Actress Lyla McCord and her husband, Nolan received the news that their eight-year-old daughter has vanished. To find her, Nolan reaches out to a psychic gifted with uncanny visions about the lost girl. But Lyla thinks she sees right through him. Is he a con artist or the real thing? Either way, he might be telling the truth. And that’s too frightening for Lyla to bear.
 Buried by Jeffery Deaver will keep readers up at night.  Per his usual, he has many twists in the story. After a long run as a respected journalist, Edward “Fitz” Fitzhugh is on his way out when he stumbles across the story of a lifetime. The Gravedigger is a serial kidnapper who taunts the police with riddles. The other puzzle is his motive, which Fitz is determined to piece together. When an eyewitness to the latest abduction leads Fitz closer to the facts, he realizes that the last great story of his career is not at all what it appears to be.
 Treasure by Oyinkan Braithwaite delves into class divide. The main character Treasure is a wannabe Instagram influencer in Lagos, Nigeria. She shows off a luxurious life in a gated community that her almost five thousand followers can only dream of. The macho mechanic is Treasure’s number one fan, and double taps and blushing emojis are no longer enough. He needs to meet her in the flesh. If only Treasure were more prepared for destiny.
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thefaeriereview · 4 years
Blitz: Time and Tide
Book Title: Time and Tide: A Changing Tides Novel Book 2
Author and Publisher: Bryce Winters
Cover Artist: Resplendent Media
Release Date: July 31, 2020
Genre/s: Contemporary M/M Romance
Trope/s: Second Chance Romance
Themes: Wounded soldier, recovery, grief, rekindling love, forgiveness
Length: 77 000 words
Heat Rating: 4 flames 
The Changing Tides Series Book 3 will be available in late August.
Book 1 - Rising Tide 
Buy Links
Book 1 - Rising Tide - Available on Kindle Unlimited
Amazon US | Amazon UK Book 2 - Time and Tide - Available on Kindle Unlimited Amazon US | Amazon UK
  Lincoln Holt and Kent Scott, former lovers, find themselves thrust together again twelve years later after Linc comes home from the Army with an injury that Kent will be treating.
  Blurb The tides tore them apart… Lincoln Holt is a damn fine soldier - one of the best. But an ambush leaves Linc injured and many of his squad dead. Discharged and disillusioned, he heads back to the small town he’d once been desperate to leave. Then a physical therapy appointment brings him face to face with a grown-up, sexier version of the boy he had once loved, and Linc finds himself hoping against all hope for one more chance. Time kept them apart… Love doesn’t last. That’s Kent Scott’s belief after watching his mother bounce from husband to husband. His own short-lived affair with Linc is further proof – especially since Linc had left without saying goodbye. Kent had resolved to never let love dig its claws into him again. Then Linc lands in Kent’s clinic, looking taller, broader, and more gorgeous than ever, and Kent feels the pull. Time and tides renew… With every heady moment spent in Linc’s presence, Kent’s resolve weakens. But when Kent discovers a secret, all his doubts and fears come rushing back. The time and tides of life were once strong enough to keep them apart, but will love be enough to keep these forces at bay? Welcome to The Changing Tides Inn, the perfect getaway for those looking for a little romance. Time and Tide is the second 77 000 word novel documenting the inn’s (and owner’s) impact on the lives of its guests and can be read as a standalone. Follow the guests’ adventures and be assured there will always be a happily ever after. Excerpt Kent made his way to the door, laptop tucked under his arm, but before he could get far, Linc’s hand snatched his. Startled, Kent looked back at Linc, who looked confused as he stared at their hands. “Thank you, Kent,” Linc said after a long moment, dropping Kent’s hand. “This is the first time I’ve actually felt some relief since being home,” his voice trailed off, and he shrugged. “Just thank you.” “Of course,” Kent said, not knowing what else to say. “We’re going to get you better, Linc. But it isn’t going to be easy.” “You said that to me before,” Linc said, giving Kent a quick smile. “You’re probably not lying now either.” Kent blinked at Linc before remembering the talk they had in the library during their first meeting as tutor and tutee. Kent had lost his patience with Linc, who had been moaning about baseball practice and the games coming up and how he was wasting so much time studying math with Kent when he should be in the gym. Kent had told him then and there that unless he gave some effort toward his math homework, Linc wouldn’t be playing ball period. That had shut Linc up enough to listen. “It isn’t going to be easy,” Kent had said then. “But I guarantee that if you try, you’ll succeed.” Kent stiffened at the memory, even as he answered Linc’s smile with a nod. He needed to remain professional here, not take a stroll down memory lane. “You’re going to do fine,” Kent said. “Have a nice nap. If you need us, ring the bell on the cart.” With that, Kent snapped the light off and nearly ran from the room, leaving the door propped open so anybody could hear the bell. Kent heaved a sigh of relief as he made his way back out to the gym. The appointment was over. All Kent had to do was unhook Linc when he was done, type up his notes and submit them. That would hopefully be the end of his professional relationship with Linc. With the extent of his injuries, it was very likely that his boss, Nick, would take over the case. “Kent, how’d it go?” Nick asked, walking up to Kent from behind. Startled, Kent whipped around. Nick stood tall and wide, having been a college football star back before he decided physical therapy was his calling. He had his jacket on and a messenger bag slung over one shoulder. He must have just arrived. “Fine,” Kent said with a tight smile. “Linc’s been through a lot, but I think he’s stubborn enough to make a full recovery. Won’t be easy.” Kent gave him a quick rundown of his eval, emphasizing that he would write up the report for Nick’s review later. “Good work, Kent,” Nick said as they headed to the center desk. It was long, overlooking the gym, with connection hubs for each of the physical therapists’ laptops. None of them had private offices, instead choosing to work out in the middle of the action. Nick said it built a rapport with the patients and tech assistants, and it was always a good idea to have the physical therapists on hand for exercise questions that came up. Kent found he liked the busy atmosphere, finding a natural rhythm in preparing for a patient's arrival and writing up session notes while his patients completed their exercises. “I think he’ll be a great new patient for you. A challenge,” Nick continued. Kent froze in place, the words taking their sweet time to register fully in his brain. “What?” he asked, voice small. “Holt. I’m assigning him to you. Good luck.” With that, Nick turned his back to Kent and began to pull his own laptop from his bag, unaware that he had turned Kent’s world upside down.
       About the Author 
After reading no fewer than one million romance novels and earning her Master's of Arts in English and Creative Writing, Bryce finally mustered up the courage to write her own. Filled with love, laughter, and steamy scenes, Bryce's novels will welcome you deep into their pages.
​Happily married with three kitties, Bryce can most often be found reading, crocheting, or trying to master Crow Pose. Or her next batch of cookies. Could go either way.
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
11.Eight Billion International Green Transportation Initiative
We solely had a quick drive within the 2017 Acura MDX Sport Hybrid as part of the Western Automotive Journalists鈥?Media Day program, however got here away impressed with the vehicles鈥?comfort and capabilities. 10,000 by sticking with the 2017 - and you鈥檒l nonetheless get a good SUV. Aspect and rear visibility are on par for an SUV this measurement. The Lincoln Aviator is actually essentially the most conventional SUV in this group. In addition to the peace of thoughts that got here from figuring out that the Volvo had a thorough security system protecting me, here are a couple options that stood out for me in neighborhood errands lately. Shown here is the GTL tractor, which is on the market in many configurations. That 20/27 MPG number may not let the 2018 Volvo XC60 compete on gasoline economic system with automobiles just like the Toyota Corolla or Mitsubishi Mirage, but it surely represents a 35% improvement over the old V8 with no dip in performance.
Nonetheless, in our freeway-gas-economy verify, through which mass doesn鈥檛 possess the exact same unfavorable results on fuel mileage, the G80 attained 28 mpg, 3 mpg much better than its 25-mpg EPA highway rating. Within the ES, gas economic system is estimated at forty mpg city/39 mpg freeway. The Volvo XC60 is the Swedish manufacturer's latest entry. You don鈥檛 really need any of them, however they do make the XC60 a more complete package, even in the event that they do push the worth as much as 拢48.5k. It gets even higher within the speaker department, with 6.5-inch drivers in all 4 doors, plus a wonderfully thumpy 10-inch sub in the precise rear-quarter panel. All four seats feature therapeutic massage and ventilation functions within the Excellence trim. There was a backrest massage for each front seats. Again-seat house is on the tight side, and our take a look at cars鈥?integrated baby booster seats, when stowed, negatively affected seat-backside comfort for adult occupants of the outboard rear seats.
Entry from the rear is through a two-part tailgate. Swedish model Volvo and UK sports activities automotive producer Lotus look destined to be related after Chinese big Geely agreed terms to purchase a stake in Malaysian manufacturer Proton. That brings the query (unless you intend to do some monitor racing)-why would you purchase the usual 2018 BMW 530i? The 2018 nissan maxima nismo will probably be the latest model that will nissan, infiniti, worth, launch date, specs. 2018 nissan xterra will be 2018 nissan xterra release date and worth.. That engine could possibly be a model of the 176-horsepower 2.5-liter mill that powers the Toyota RAV4 upon which the NX can be based mostly. 2018 vary rover evoque redesign the 2018 range rover evoque will come utterly redesigned. With the launch of the XC90, Volvo put an emphasis on upgrading both exterior and inside design. The S90 continues that tradition鈥攊t was named Car magazine鈥檚 鈥?017 Design of the Year. As I pulled as much as the exit of the Edmunds parking storage in our long-term 2015 Volvo S60, I rolled down the window and extended my arm, parking move in hand. In evaluations of the Volvo S60, we've discovered both the T5 and T6 enjoyable to drive.
On SE and Luxury versions the Drive Mode Choose options are Normal, Eco or Sport - they act as their names suggest. Both crossovers are built on modular platforms and share their underpinnings with passengers vehicles. I guess Volvos are the automotive of selection for horse lovers. 鈥淭o obtain and assert technological management, one has to adapt a brand new mind-set by way of sharing and combining energy. In the end, each of those SUVs could justify top billing, and anyone may prove the right resolution in your particular circumstances. The T5 is offered in Premier, Platinum and Dynamic trim ranges with, in fact, every level a bit extra plush than the one under it. And due to that, I generally discover myself considering, "I kinda wish this was the six." Not because of the T6's further 50 horsepower, however as a result of it simply seems like a more polished, subtle piece.
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commonsenseo · 6 years
Best Local SEO Company in Linconshire UK
Do you use Google My Business for Local SEO or Lead generation for your business?
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mathematicianadda · 5 years
1st Annual Robert Grosseteste Lecture in Physics and Philosophy
Distinguished Maths & Physics Public Lectures
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Credit: installation “Empyrean” by Alexandra Carr
The Poetry and Music of Science
a public lecture by
Professor Tom McLeish, FRS
University of York, UK
Tuesday 4 June 2019,
6 pm – 7:20 pm
Newton Lecture Theatre  INB0114 in the Isaac Newton building, University of Lincoln
Book a place
‘I could not see any place in science for my creativity or imagination,’ was the explanation, of a bright school leaver to the author, of why she had abandoned all study of science. Yet as any scientist knows, the imagination is essential to the immense task of re-creating a shared model of nature from the scale of the cosmos, through biological complexity, to the smallest subatomic structures. Encounters like that one inspired a four year project leading to the OUP book, The Poetry and Music of Science, published this year, which takes a journey through the creative process in the arts as well as…
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from Maths & Physics News from Blogger http://bit.ly/2WfYTSc
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palmeragnes777 · 6 years
Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025
Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025 Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025 Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025 Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025 Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025 Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025 Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025 Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025 Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market by manufacturers, regions, type and application, forecast to 2025
"Automatic Pipe Welding Machines Market Overview: Summary:Excellence consistency maintains by Garner Insights in Research Report in which studies the global Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market status and forecast, categorizes and Equipment market value by manufacturers, type, application, and region. Get Access to Report Sample: https://www.garnerinsights.com/Global-Automatic-Pipe-Welding-Machines-Market-Insights-Forecast-to-2025#request-sample The Global Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market Report provides a detailed analysis of the current dynamics of the market with an extensive focus on the secondary research. It also studies current situation of the market estimate, share, demand, development patterns, and forecast in the coming years. The report on Global Automatic Pipe Welding Machines Market studies the strategy pattern adopted by prominent international players. Additionally, the report also evaluates market size in terms of revenue (USD MN) for the forecast period. All data and figures involving percentage shares, splits, and breakdowns are determined using secondary sources and verified through primary sources. Major Key Players of the Automatic Pipe Welding Machines Market are: Magnatech LLC, PWT, ARC MACHINES, Inc, COPIER B.V, CRC-Evans, Lonestar, Dyna Torque Technologies, Nissan Tanaka Corporation, Polysoude SAS, Fronius, Bonatti, Lincoln Electric, Vermaat Technics, Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market was valued at Million US$ in 2017 and is projected to reach Million US$ by 2025, at a CAGR of during the forecast period. In this study, 2017 has been considered as the base year and 2018 to 2025 as the forecast period to estimate the market size for Automatic Pipe Welding Machines. Major Types of Automatic Pipe Welding Machines covered are: Dual Head, Single Head, Others, Major Applications of Automatic Pipe Welding Machines covered are: Petrochemical and Chemical, Power Generation, Pulp and Papermills, The Food, Dairy and Beverage Industry, Others, Get Discount on this Report: https://www.garnerinsights.com/Global-Automatic-Pipe-Welding-Machines-Market-Insights-Forecast-to-2025#discount Regional Automatic Pipe Welding Machines Market (Regional Output, Demand & Forecast by Countries):- North America (United States, Canada, Mexico) South America ( Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile)Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Korea)Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy)Middle East Africa (Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran) And More. The research report studies the historical, present, and future performance of the global market. The report further evaluates the present competitive landscape, prevalent business models, and the likely advancements in offerings by significant players in the coming years. Important Features that are under offering & key highlights of the report:– Detailed overview of Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market – Changing market dynamics of the industry – In-depth market segmentation – Historical, current and projected market size in terms of volume and value – Recent industry trends and developments – Competitive landscape of Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market – Strategies of key players and product offerings – Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth – A neutral perspective towards Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market performance – Must-have information for market players to sustain and enhance their market footprint View Full Report Description with TOC: https://www.garnerinsights.com/Global-Automatic-Pipe-Welding-Machines-Market-Insights-Forecast-to-2025 Reasons to Purchase Automatic Pipe Welding Machines Market Report:1. Current and future of keyword market outlook in the developed and emerging markets. 2. Analysis of various perspectives of the market with the help of Porter’s five forces analysis. 3. The segment that is expected to dominate the keyword market. 4. Regions that are expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period. 5. Identify the latest developments, keyword market shares, and strategies employed by the major market players. Besides, the market study affirms the leading players across the globe in the Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market. Their key marketing dispositions and advertising enterprise have been highlighted to offer a clear understanding of the Automatic Pipe Welding Machines market. About Garner Insights:Garner Insights is a Market Intelligence and consulting firm with an all-inclusive experience and vast knowledge of the market research industry.Our vast storage of research reports across various categories, gives you a complete view of the ever changing and developing trends and current topics worldwide. Our constant endeavor is to keep on improving our storage information by providing rich market reports and constantly improving them. Contact Us: Mr. Kevin Thomas Direct: +1 513 549 5911 (US) +44 203 318 2846 (UK) Email:[email protected]"
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