#brigg life
clonerightsagenda · 1 year
Honestly it's pretty wild that Ed was part of the military for 2 years without learning much about the genocide. It speaks to his privilege as a member of an ethnic group that can easily be mistaken for a white Amestrian, his laser focus on his personal goals at the beginning of the story, and the fact that since he was already sacrifice material the higher ups let him do whatever he wanted. This kid was not reading dossiers or sitting through briefings. He treats the military as his own personal piggy bank and that's valid of him, but given how bizarre the whole situation is, it's reasonable that Scar saw this famous alchemical prodigy and interpreted him as a potential threat. He joined up, which means he must be willing to do the job, right? I don't support exploding children's faces but I understand why Scar would look at him and see a bomb ready to go off.
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professorsta · 2 years
Spirited was heartfelt in a way I didn't expect. I've read A Christmas Carol before and seen the many adaptions as I'm sure all of you have too, but I loved how this one tied in the Old Scrooge with the New One. Clint meeting Present who is so similar to him yet so different, for the fact that the whole time Present seems as if he's looking at a horrific fun house mirror, while Clint is meeting maybe the only person who has deeply and intrinsically connected with him. Clint learns that Present knows what its like to be a cruel controlling money hungry leach who desperately fears that when he tries to make up for it, no matter what he does, he won't ever be able to rectify the pain he caused. And yet? Present still tries, and inevitably is able to convince Clint to as well. Wasn't really a Christmas Carol beats wise but it was a realistic answer to the question; what happens after the story is over? Does the mean old Scrooge become a good man indefinitely? Or does he realize that it's not about desperately grasping at the idea of what is good, but instead about embracing and excepting his past, present, and future so he can move forward with honesty and without shame? Realizing he had to choose everyday to not say Good Afternoon, even though he knows he'll fail sometimes, and try to give grace when he does. It's the age old question; Can a bad person be a better one if they try? The movies answers, yes, everyone can do a little good.
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d4rkpluto · 6 months
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔰𝔣𝔧 𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔱𝔶𝔭𝔢
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↳ the sub-group archetype of the sentinels
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ESFJ ⟶ extroverted feeling, introverted sensing, extroverted intuition and introverted thinking.
breaking down the archetype ⬎
♇ the archetype is made up of Fe Si Ne and Ti.
E = extroversion.
S = sensing.
F = feeling.
J = judging.
♇ the first two functions that determine the ESFJ TYPE CODE ⬎
Fe Si Ne Ti
♇ the Fe and Si within the ESFJ function makes up for the two missing letters in the middle of the type code: E _ _ J because the two missing letters in the middle are the first two functions!
♇ the Fe is the _ _ F _ because it is about extroverted feeling.
♇ the Si is the _ S _ _ because it is about introverted sensing.
-but what makes up the first letter in the code?
♇ what makes up for the first letter in the code is the second letter to the strongest function for the archetype. and the strongest function for ESTJ is Fe and evidently the second letter is “E” which causes the function to now become from _ S T _ to E S T _ .
♇ but what makes up the last letter in the code?
♇ you’ll have to look back at the first extroverted archetype in the entire code. and for ESFJ it is ⟶ Fe Si Ne Ti. the first extroverted function in the type is Fe, which is extroverted feeling.
♇ Fe belongs to the judging function which displays the fact that the last letter to E S T _ will be E S T J.
explaining the archetype ⬎
ESFJ's like to help other people, they can be considered to be forward with how they think and speak, and have a feasible and efficient way of doing stuff. they are people who are for the people! they are friendly, and like to be around friends and like to connect with others.
people could think of ESFJ's to be responsible, and since they like to be around people a lot, they can find themselves doing a lot of people-pleasing stuff since they like to be in harmony and peace, so they like to keep it that way. their friendly and tranquil energy can aid them to become popular. they work hard to maintain their connections with their friends, and they like it when its reciprocated.
they're idealistic people, but can be people who have a strong distaste towards critique. they are strong people with strong opinions and know what they want.
they could be people who like to be mediators, they like to learn everything they're intrigued by, and they're the type of people who remember random but vital facts. ESFJ's can be people who when they're advising other people, they like to base things on personal experiences.
they like to have things in order, and don't like feeling left out. they are people who like to be aware of their surroundings, like to read the room and be people who follow order.
ESFJ's are people who like to feel their emotions, and like to live in a world of harmony. they are usually the type of people who use their heart more than their head. they like to feel connected to the earth, to life, them being apart of something is what makes them move.
they can be considered to be people who are are friendly, aiding and supporting. as they're people who like to support, they take an interest in uniting other people and bringing out the best in them.
on the other hand, they can also be people who are emotionally chaotic, they dont like to be alone, the fear of being forgotten and unwanted is what they dislike the most. this can also make them very dramatic.
ESFJ's when developed are keen on details, but aren't obsessive about them, they are people who value proper traditional method, but when they feel like something is supposed to be changed, they wouldnt mind going for it.
they are people who aim for ambitious goals, and they can be considered as people who benefit from routines especially when they make sure they are not controlled by them.
ESFJ's when developed are able to handle discomfort, and whenever they go through obstacles they treat it as a learning challenge.
when ESFJ's act out of character, they can be very obsessive when itcomes to earning results, they can get too dependent on it.
they can be the type of people who over manage everything, being energy-draining perfectionists, nit-picking every detail that exists, especially commodities that go against expectations that are realistic.
they can also be people who obsessively enforces proper behaviour in other people. sometimes they cannot separate delusion and reality, and they can be the type of people who put on a mask and deny the negative, they're very rose coloured glasses people.
ESFJ's can be people who risk dangerous experiences to mask up their depressive state, and ESFJ's are the type of people to make up bad excuses whenever someone notices a flaw in them.
and whenever they dont want to feel disappointed, they lower their expectations and accept the bare minimum. but on the other hand they can be people who imagine worse case scenarios to avert advice that could be deemed good for them. this can make them suspicious with other people easily.
ESFJ's are the type of people who could feel lonely and disconnected from everything, and when they're confronted about ill behaviour they could sometimes feel like they're being cornered by everyone. they could be the type of people who are always confused, and paranoid about everything that breathes.
when low, they can be critical and dismissive about other people, and whenever they portray negative behaviour they always want to excuse themselves.
can become very addicted and obsessive people, and when they think there is a problem, they can become addicted to finding how to fix it. people from this archetype are the type of people who believe they're rational when it is totally the opposite.
could feel underlying feelings, specifically negative feelings which could push them into alienating themselves.
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get a paid chart reading link before i make the prices higher!
♇ pluto
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dreamyplaylists · 9 months
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MBTI Playlists: INFP 🪷
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hihimissamericanbi · 4 months
Favorite Character Game
Aw hell yeah ty for the tag @moongays
Choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe
Everyone must do this. All the pressure tags. @r33sespieces @theresthesnitch @thisliminalspacedaydreams @maybebabyplease @ryder-the-writer @honeybcj @basiatlu @moonheavens @popyandshit @theheartofthestar @xmiuux
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albaharu · 11 months
Choose your Mission Part 2
Masterlist ; Part 1
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Benji Dunn and Ethan Hunt have accepted the mission. Grace has been kidnapped. Your mission should you choose to accept it is to rescue her safe and sound. You have the location of the building she is in, and infiltrate there knowing it is likely a trap. The computer turns on the moment you step close to it, showing you Grace, then it cuts to… Who?
BEFORE VOTING: People with * are extras. If any of them wins they will appear as a potentail ally/foe, and the main antagonist will be the 2nd option with most votes and no *Ex: if Alanna is 1st and then the Entity, both will appear in the story. If the Entity is 1st and Alanna second, just the Entity will appear and you won't have her as a potential ally/foe
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I did the pixel art with RPG Maker vx ace character creation and engine do not be fooled idk how to do pixel art. Most of it is either the default tilesets or made by this user https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads/candacis-resources.19694/
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mastersoftheair · 8 months
from max hasting's instagram story
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
can we get a headcanon on how the mortal kombat men react to learning their s/o is shang tsung's master piece/daughter from an AU?
hi, you didn't specify anyone im gonna do the characters i've written nothing for x
MK Lads Realising that S/O!Fem!Reader is Shang Tsung's Daughter/Creation
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Jax Briggs
Poor Jax doesn't know until the two of you run into your creator, who greeted you with warm familiarity. Jax is like "You know each other?", to which Tsung replies "Of course, I know her, I'm her father." with far too much mirth in his voice.
Initially, he thinks this is some kind of sick prank, there's no way you, his beautiful s/o, could've been made by someone like Shang Tsung. But the shame in your eyes tells him all he needs to know.
Jax is wrapped by betrayal, but not entirely from you. He also feels as though he has betrayed himself and his own moral code by inadvertently involving himself with Shang Tsung's work.
By choosing to not come clean to Jax about your parentage, you'd sabotage the trust he thought you both had in each other. It's likely that Jax would want to call off the relationship until you could once again prove that you could be trusted.
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Assuming your relationship with Kano began before he starts to work for Shang Tsung, then he'd probably have no idea until offhandedly mentions who he's working for.
You might say something like "Shang Tsung created me..." and Kano would respond "Fucks sake, he's your dad?" and then you have to be like "No, he created me... In a lab...".
Taking this news about as well as can be expected, Kano's only reaction is a casual nod of understanding and a little "Made in a lab, eh? Guess that's why you're so fit."
Needless to say, his next meeting with Tsung will be exceedingly awkward (multiply by a factor of 50 if you're there with him). I mean, how's Kano supposed to look Shang Tsung in the eyes knowing he's been aggressively shagging his boss's daughter?
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Geras would 100% know that you were created by Shang Tsung, and he does not care. As far as he's concerned, Kronika has manufactured the timeline to ensure your creation so that you and him could be together.
The only issue I could see Geras having is that your father doesn't necessarily want to follow Kronika, and even when he does, Tsung has betrayed her in almost every timeline. So there's probably some contention there.
But I don't think Geras would hold any of your father's actions against you. As payment for his loyalty, Kronika has guaranteed him the most ideal partner who could ever exist, you, which is a pretty hard price to beat.
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windslar · 9 months
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Shut your mouth and run me like a river
Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver
One last breath 'til the tears start to wither
Like a river, like a river
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xlxcktrx · 1 year
see the world through the eyes of an ENFJ.
hi everyone! it's been some time since the last time i posted on here [i have to say that this year has been hectic tho]. tonight i got lost on my thoughts about how the ENFJs see the world through their eyes and it was this morning when i decided to write about it.
i went yesterday afternoon to have dinner with my partner's family, and when i came back home i felt different kinds of feelings after that beautiful time. it has been stated multiple times that ENFJs are people-oriented, commited to bring and maintain harmony inside of their circle and willing to meet the needs of everyone in the group. that makes them extremely interesting to analyse and understand.
the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about the ENFJs in general is the love they develop for both difficult and simple things. it can be either a person or the birds, ENFJs develop strong bonds with their surroundings and they aspire to maintain them in the long time. as an ENFJ, i do catch myself full of love and commitment towards everything i know [and i can assure that it also creates trouble from time to time]. ENFJs also tend to make people feel welcome and accepted, and that leads them to struggle to meet everyone's needs and take full responsibility of the group. in my opinion, i often find myself desperately searching for a way to make people feel as if they were home, and i assure you we can tell if they feel that way or not.
but that's how ENFJs keep their life happy. i believe this proactivity towards others keep ENFJs happy and gives them a reason to feel useful [not because they have to be useful themselves, but because they always want to make a positive difference in the world]. the love the ENFJs have within their hearts is truly something else... and most of them use that for the best of purposes [which leads them to succesful outcomes].
it's like a cycle that repeats over time: the more i give myself to others, the fuller i feel inside.
ENFJs also have strong values that they would defend to the hilt. that also means they will strive to make everyone respect these values [and i do indeed know that this is kinda wrong, cause one cannot impose their values over another]. this view they have about the world gives them the courage and strenght they need to go the extra mile for the things they want to achieve [so it's usual to see them as leaders, since they also keep harmony and read people very well]. this goes hand in hand with the indecision of making the right choice in order to keep everyone happy and satisfied [i also know it's impossible to do that but if it can be posible, i will always try to achieve that].
with all this said, i know the approach i made may not fit with every ENFJ that could read this. every one of us is different and for that exact reason, there are millions of scenarios that can happen [can we say that i did an outline?? hahah]. i hope this post was entertaining for y'all, and my question for today is the following: do y'all often feel like you fully meet the needs of others? or, on the other hand, you feel stressed for the opposite reason? i hope you're doing well, i love y'all a lot! <3 [also, please don`t forget to drink a lot of water on this very hot and beautiful summer].
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this-should-do · 1 year
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half life oc doodle dump, mainly featuring richie (drawings 1-6, 8)
but also val who belongs to @thatforestprince (drawings 2-5)
and dr.guy who belongs to @featheredcritter (drawing 11-12)
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amber-jinx · 6 months
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I saw one of those Mbti templates and ... Yep. Filled it in with Rachel. Kinda shows her hidden traits.
"doesn't enjoy chaos" 😂 probably isn't all that wrong, her life just happens to be involved in a lot of them
"responsible desires" 😭 if only ...
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rassilon-imprimatur · 2 years
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Detective Macklay: "Listen, I need all available backup at 2240 Sycamore, 2240 Sycamore!!"
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
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Blindspot 3x17/2x22 - When last we met
This is Tom Jakeman; he's my head of security, and also my daughter's boyfriend. G'day, pleasure to meet you.
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decoloraa · 2 years
Nora, I've just found your blog and I'm loving it!!!
I'm a bit of a Royai crackhead but I love FMA universe in general, so considering East and North do joint training exercises, how do you think it'd go with your OCs in it?
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Thank you so much!!! Royai is top tier, i love them sm (Casther and Val actually have quite some similarities). Had a lot of fun doing this and originally I wanted to draw some interactions between Mustgang and my ocs. But I ended up fixating on Royai and Casther and Val. Oops.
Overall I think these joint exercises have a history of East and North competing for who has the better soldiers (which is exactly where the rivalry between Olivier and Roy comes from). So at the same time we have the Mustgang/east group that are just as much dumbasses as those at Briggs, so it would be a big mess.
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kowaipun · 2 years
How the party found out Jo was a zombie!
This clip is from our live streamed dnd game on Twitch. It takes place in the wild frontier of New Yerra, a dangerous and monster infested land. Despite the numerous new towns and cities, hunters are still a critical part of New Yerra culture, used to hunt bounties and protect settlements.
Check us out here:
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