wombocombo4x3 · 5 months
ALL the Pals in Palworld EXPLAINED!
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arogoldpika123 · 3 months
Recently rewatched Lockstins Kaskade region videos
and godamn I love pokemo
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hodgepodgequack · 1 year
Regigigas: look, I have made regigrimm
Reginger: you fucked up a perfectly good regi is what you did. Look at it! It’s got depression!
regigrimm: *wails of the damned*
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sweatervesto · 1 year
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a few years back, lockstin on youtube made a video coming up with ideas for a physical counterpart to eevee, making a lizard thing. i decided to do my take on it!!! THIS TOOK A REALLY LONG TIME!!!!!!!! dex entires under the cut!!!
Mugini, Mutation Pokémon
The environment in which it's born sways its development. These influences become more apparent with age. Mugini living in different climates have differently colored tongues.
Mugini’s evolution is determined by the environment it hatches in:
Deserzoa, Spade Pokémon, hatch in a desert
It digs into sand with its shovel-shaped head. The tunnels it leaves are too flat for most predators to pursue. Deserzoa burrows span across 30 miles of desert.
Petrazoa, Cave Dweller Pokémon, hatch in caves or underground
It clings to cave ceilings, acting as a stalactite. When its favorite prey, bat Pokémon, wander underneath, it drops straight down to impale them with its spines.
Metalzoa, Crush Ton Pokémon, hatch in a power plant or magnetic field
The ground is flattened with every step it takes, making it popular with construction crews. Its tail is magnetic and can detach, but no known force is strong enough to remove it.
Hercuzoa, Muscle Pokémon, hatch on a mountain side
It stands up using its weighted tail as leverage, though standing is difficult because of its underdeveloped hind legs. It grapples prey with its muscular arms and slams them around, until they stop moving.
Zephyrzoa, Daredevil Pokémon, hatch on ocean waters
This rare Pokémon glides 500 miles daily over oceans. It uses its head crest to detect changes in air pressure, taking optimal flight paths. They climb up high then dive, seeing who can open their wings closest to the ground without crashing.
Toxizoa, Warning Sign Pokémon, hatch in a city
A layer of toxins rests just beneath its skin. When threatened, a hormone reaction causes these toxins to light up. The bulbs hanging from its head store corrosive acids.
Kafkazoa, True Bug Pokémon, hatch in a forest or jungle
The scales on its body have fused to form armor plating. It disguises itself among insects, waiting for the moment to strike its next meal.
Necrozoa, Spirit Pokémon, hatch in a graveyard
A layer of dead skin clings to its body, trying to drag it to the next life. Mugini's dormant third eye is exposed under this translucent skin, allowing Necrozoa to see wayward spirits to eat.
the evolution will be random if it hatches on a typical grassy route!
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into-the-mikuverse · 6 months
🔎 An in-depth analysis of every Project Voltage Miku Design 🔎
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me when lockstin and gnoggin
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howlingday · 9 months
Nora: My favorite dinosaur is the Mosasaur!
Jaune: Um, Nora, that's not a dinosaur.
Nora: Well, it's dinosaur enough for me! And for people who aren't DINO-NERDS!
Jaune: Uh... O-Okay?
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ingoinghost · 6 months
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f0xgl0v3 · 6 months
Notes on Luke Castellan,
I would like to say first,
Map is almost done!!!! I just have to finish some like very fine-tuned layout stuff when the weekend roles around.
But! This is in part mostly, on Luke’s last name,
Castellan is a governor of a castle/warden of a prison
It works with Luke’s whole thing a little, with the whole Kronos’s right hand man/puppet/vessel or whatever,
What I wanted to talk about were these, Castellanus cloud formations,
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These guys right here, specifically what Castellanus clouds are those towers of clouds that are ‘reaching’ up higher into the sky.
Reaching up to the heavens, clawing their ways up.
I just thought that it was interesting that it matched up so well that Luke Castellan clawed and reached up to Olympus, to the heavens, to tear it all down and these clouds that have similar names are the ones that reach up and appear to also be reaching up for the sky.
Probably not intentional but I thought it was cool and interesting over the correlation and this is 100% just a tide over until I do have the whole ‘As historically accurate as I’m willing to research Camp Jupiter map’
Anyway have a good night :]
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deb79ful · 8 months
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Suddenly, a non-Inktober piece! Nothing like grabbing a quick cup of coffee to refresh yourself after a long day exploring dungeons. Featuring a Tamroast from Lockstin & Gnoggin's Kaskade Region series!
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lilmelz · 3 months
Wuv watchin "Lockstin and Gnoggin" cus their stuffs are mostly abou pokemon. (i wuv pokemon) and he no swear much an explain things so good!
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luminouslumity · 5 months
Defining Challenge: Exploring EVERY Pokemon Badge
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hodgepodgequack · 1 year
Turn that frown upside down!
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Reginger and regigrimm from Lockstin’s pokemon legends neo ghetsis! Definitely check out his video on the Regis..
Anyway, I have a head cannon that reginger will do his damn best to cheer up regigrimm and it never works out..but deep down regigrimm appreciates the attempts.
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kate66s · 1 year
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This is Adrien, one of many guardsmen of Neo Kanto city. He is constantly chasing after Viha and her Goons but never seems to be able to catch the retched woman. He has a cold disposition, it's only when he gets mad that his more English accent comes through. "HEY, STOP IN THE NAME OF THE NEO K LAW" He doesn't understand why but Viha constantly seems to taunt him as he chases her down, calling him choom all the time.
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allseeingportrait · 10 months
Y’all ever get that One hill you’ll not only die on, you’ll enter a murderous frothing rage the moment someone challenges you about it?
That’s how I feel about future paradox pokemon. If I have to hear one more Clown Of The Week nominee crack jokes about how boring they are and how bad they feel for poor violet players I’m grabbing the offender and folding them into meat origami
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inprogresspokemon · 2 years
I like the ideas for Castform! Just wondering, have you seen Lockstin and Gnoggin's video on different forms for Castform?
Thanks, I'm glad you like their designs!
I hadn't seen that video (here's the link for those who want to check it out), but I scrolled through quickly. I really like the Electric form design!
The Castform forms I created were commissioned back in 2017, but it would be fun to design more someday.
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